12 41. lash* Gaitite. FIIBLIBM3D DAILY, BY PENNI/11AR, REED :,& CO, Proprietors. H. B. •TlNSracaut,r I .joimit KING, T. P. HOUSTON', N. P. nEED, Editors and 'Managers. OFFICE: GAZETTE' BUILDING. NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST. 1. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pltinburgh, Allegheny and Allegheny County. 1 Serer--Antiy. Belni-Wseitiv. weelkiy, O ne year .... Q 0 One year. 70.50 Single e0py.....51.50 One month. 75 Slz mos.. 1.50 5 copies, eac h. 1.25 iwgweek, 15 Three MOS 7p, 10 •• •• 1.15 =Tier.) , ' ' • and one to Agent. 1 MONDAY, J ! NE 15, 1868 THE .WEmit GezErn; tamed on , Wed— esesdays and Saturdays, is the beet and cheap fa family newspaper in Pennsylvania. it presents each week forty-eight co/tonna of solid reading matter. it gives the fullest as wen as the moat reliable market reports orany paper in the State. Its , files are Weil eiclu sively by the Civil Courts of Allegheny county for reference in important issues to determine the rutilig prices in the markets at the time of the business transaction in disvute. Terms: Single copy, one year, $1.50 ; in clubs of f ice, $1,25 ;;in Clubs of ten, $1,15, and one free to the gelter up of the club. Specimen copies amt free to any address. WE riuwr on the inside pages of this morning's GezETTE: Second page : Poetry, Ephemeris, and other Matters. , Th ird Page: Allegheny Cattle Market, :tfinanciat Matters in New York and other Foreign Markets, Eisler News. Birth Page : City Rnance and Trade, Produce and Petroleum Markets. Herenth Page: Farm, Garden and House hold. ,GoLiCelosed in New York yesterday a 1401. "Tana Liners" is the name of the Grant and Colfax Campaign Club recently organ ized at • Freeport, 111. It is officered by a Captain, First and Second Lieutenants and Sergeants. Their uniform consists Of oil cloth navy caps, oil-cloth capes, and torches, similar to those of the "Wide Awakes" of 1860. They mean work, and that is what all Republicans everywhere ought to pre pare for immediatilv. Tan votes.of the House yesterday indicate a decided. inclination to shelve the very elaborate which has beentor acme days under" discussion, and to replace it by a speciatmeasure, leating out the adminis trative sections of the present bill or even, perbapicotting it do to its whisky and - tobacco sections merelY and passing it in that shape.. Such Is said to be the only bill which can pass the Senate at this session. . We do'net think it is seriously intended to do more`With M. Packer than attempt to concentrate the vote of . Pennsylvania which gives serious tokens' of breaking in upon the 'unit arnutgement.—Post. What Ale matter ? Aro Pendleton and "those bonds", to be repudiated by other .conntiet'as well as Allegheny ? Or has the - Hancock party - sueceeded in drawing off the greater . number of delegates? Or is Old Greenbacks to be master of the situation ? Perhaps the Beinalie, which now appears to be the Pemocratic organ here, can shed some light upon this dark point. • • Tun English Idlnistry finds it impossible to temporise with the political situation and has detormined apon a dissolution at Par liamentin October, to be followed by a new vlection 'immediately. An earlier date was not necessary to be 'fixed upon, since the period inclose at hand for the regular close of the present session, the vacation con tinuing-to the autumn. Thus the summer will be in effect, occupied by the canvass, of which it may be anticipated that its in. tenst and- popular excitement Wili..tran scend anything known in English politics since the nit/41Rn which closed with the repeal of the Corn Laws. Tim President nominates Mr. Wm. A. Evenrs, of New York, recently one of his counsel, for the office of Attorney General. The nominee is a lawyer, of unquestitmed ability; and, apart from certain extra-pro ,- fessional zeal which he recently exhibited in behalf of hat distinguished client, a _Re publican of the most decidedly radical poli tics. , His speeches in the Canvass 'of last year in:New York were most spirited and emphatic.denuncietion&of the entire policy, of trio President. There is no doubt that his nomination will be confirmed and, as little that a few months of familiarity with the Executive head of the goverdtheht, in the discharge of the regular , duties of his office, will effectually cureMr. It vewe of his new.borr admiration for his late client. Ir Mar , CIKASE loses the Democratic nomi nation for the Presidency, be may thank his own reiteration of the doctrine of uni versal suffrage for, it. ( His letter which some indiscreet friend published , in a New York paper , re-asserting that principe.with great precision, has materially damaged his prospects. A. Washingten dispatch which we publihed yesterday, purporting to give his preseneplatfOrm, covered up that doc trine under the specious verbosity . , of "relegalion of the suffr age q ues tion to the respective States nadir the Constitution." This is all very wttl, If it' were all of The Convention-Would swallow that plat form without a gOttutnee, but, :viewed as au allart'tO put his previous utterances out of mind, it Will fail of its pmpo se - Demo. crate of 00 Old school-of prejudice and natanett•katra taken ;tbe latamt; 'they , are quite right in identifying • Mr. Clues iritt t • the extreme printiple whibli to scialnifixious' to them, end if he should receive the monies lion, they wiltdropnweyfrom hi s Etymon thicker end faster than' "autumn lines is Vallambross." i~~~7~v~t':~~•a« f it+.t '{~ POLITICAL DISINTEGRATIOII, The opinion has peen held in some quar ters that political parties in this country are soon to be disintegrated, re-chiystalizing in new forms, abandoning the exhausted issues of the past, and shaping their future alms .un- der the light which experience affords, and which the wonderful progress of events in the eight or ton past years has made so pow erfully luminous. The 'same spectllations insist thatthe cohesion, whichstill unites the great parties respectively, is only theriatur al result of, the conflict which ,the,Political aspects of the rebellion haverireSetited, and" that, with the Waningineniory of a struggle which, like all other - past, political experi ences, even the - most criticA, ifooner orlater, be forgotten by a people so mercu rial as ours, this cohesioifo is 'fast losirig its power, and the parties, which it has hereto fore united, are 'on the verge of a more or less complete resolution into their, Primary elements. These speculations have much plausibility, and some little truth at the lot ion. For ext,lmple, there can be no 'doubt that the persistent obstinacy with which one party, the Democratic, insists upon oc cuffing reactionary ground,--proposing absolute obstruction to development of political truth in the progress of events, arid bent upon reiterating the dogmas, and upon re-establishing the policy which hits' once come , so near proving fatalle the Re public, and from which only the strong common sense and the unselfish patriotism of trie great body of the people have saved us---iloes exert a powerful influence in ,main taining the solidarity of the Republic in par ty. The Union, its perpetuity as a whole, its protection 'against all assaults Whether political or armed, and the complete identi fication of the Democratic party with the principles and with that overt act of armed ii rebellion which have menaced that nion heretofore, and continue to threaten it now, in a more pacific but no less dangerous guise—here ,ia certainly, the keystone in the arch of Republican politics. And this holds Republicanism together, a solid massive pile which no load can crush, and'which all the - angry elements shall beat powerless against forever. The Republican party em bodies the simple principle of Patriotic Duty, of a single-minded and detioted fideli ty to thernion against all its enemies„ and it will continue to exist and to grow strong er, so long as the Democratic party remains aggressive, persisting hills old policy of dis loyal opposition, and still rejecting the, re sults which Liberty and - Law have aecom , plished at so much cost. The time may come—we confess we have little hope of it soon—when the Democratic party shall be wiser, and accepting the un conquerable facts of - 4. eipertence, shall forego any farther opposition to the pro greas of Personal Freedom and to the com plete vindication of Constitutional Order. Then, there would be barely a possibility that the Republican lines might be relaied: then, relieved from the Democratic antago nism, with its powerful outside pressure re moved, our party might be more free to yield to the predicted tendency to disin tegration; but this is not likely. The elemen tary Republican prinoltilec of devotion to the Union beyond and above all other con siderations, is a pritimple too simple, too obvious, too natural and in Itself too hides tnictible; it will live irresiatihle in its matured vigor, and never to be unrepre sented by a popular and powerful : organise tion. No other single idea can sustain a political party; bat this is the magnificent and only possible exception.' The party of the Union will be co-existent with the Union itself. Its organization, will, as times change, take up or abandon minor, issues, as they shall illustrate the leading convictions of patriotism, hi: connection With the requirementa of the hour, but, whatever comes, the great party will con tinue to muster its solid columns about the flag of the Republic. While there can be no Republican disor ganization so long as the -Democracy been pies its historical position of offense, there are very clear, indications that the latter party is on the eve of its dissolution. Apart ,frorn its prevailing spirit ofdisloyalty to the Union, it has no other common ground for its masses to stand upon. When it ceases to be "a party of opposition, it ceases to be a party at ail, for no other common idea remains to it. Once, united upon all , questions, facile under the hands of its lea ders, and accustomed to differ only upon personal preference's,' which, hOWever set= tied, never imperilled the party success, for getting all strifes at the first= sound or the long—roll of the battle dram, the party pre served its national character, maintained its harmonious efliciencY, and achieved its suc.: cessive victories._ The ause stands far other wise, now. It is united upon no national principle; pn Abe contrary,the party is rack ed by the sharpest doctrinal conflicts, froixi which no possible solution can redeem it and it awaits their forteal adjtidication only to renew these conflicts with a fatal resolution. The Democracy are not the' party of progress; but progress has never theless touched its organization at hist; it_ , has reached a conflict of princi ple for the first time in its history, thus illustrating the march _of. ideas: In this conflict it meets (Resolution, and this illustrates how hollow aud unsubstan tial his been the basis 'upon which ' its or. ganizatlou -was kilt. The magic of Ith; uriel's wand is emulated, in the prompti= tude with which the 'very fitat application of, a sound and practical idea dissolves that mass of the Democracy: Its mightyl4ll - 'ty La shown to be, bottheoiry and baseless fabric of a 'dream, disenehanted and van- Islitng at •the 'touch' - of a' solitary'truth. Itti mingled elements are to be separated 4 over, precipitated into nesifentis and aw it ing new and more-attractive combined() a. With the,,CanYa B o of /8 8 8, Pie history of the , . Demoe i ti ii# piny will be written.. or may it eien.earvive OM -November. tie . Signe of giligriiiidisiblotkin um rev ea l and, althongh itclait" tiiesth should, fee , ;linger until'the itatanlti,)ts beitatYindvl r are Wreak- 4eptro6oll.l.oegthed A* the mutes Who choose GIyLVIT as their leader to a glad victory for the Unless E!lEM==:l!!= ' • , - - •- _ - • - • I MIMES BtrR4E-0 . CHAUTIERIP-VALLEY BAiißOAii. '' 'lt is believed that the completiti of this road may be steered, if the pe ple most deeply interested,.those living along the line i ii in Allegheny and Washington ch6nties and in these cities, shall " succeed ihinlahng the comparatively small sum of $300,000 - ward the expenses of its final completio . It is upon that condition that - the , Penns 1- yank Central Company undertakes to - ish, the road for use. he ability g d faith of that corporati are not to be qes doped. Very pro , y, the citizens of th, 4 1• region to be traver d regard this pro est Lion as a very liberal - one,' and are ma 'lig extraordinary efforts. to meet its to s. Thus far, they- are. not successful. The country , is at this time comparatively" poor, and there bairn - been periods when a half million of dollars could be easier mad' up along the line than the sum specified ow,. We understand;linitiver,-that the`con try i l t feels confident of its ability to make 'up $200,000 of the amount. So much has not Yet been positively secured, but the frie ds of the new'. road along the line feel them 'selv-es able to guarantee that it shall be done.* For the residue, of 0100,000, they ask, the aid'-of the business men of these cities, and a delegation from Washingthn and the country this aide of it, will shortly. be rein forced by a comMittee of our own citizens,' andwill canvass these cities for the deficient amount. We bespeak for the enterprise the just, not simply the generous, support of our • people. The Pennsylvania Central Company,tin aiding the project at a very Considerable cost, lum a right to ask that it shall be recognized and • sustained by an ad ghat() exhibition of local favor, and the sum named is very low, reference being had tothe total cost of work and its importance, when completed, to the business interests of all this region. The country has done and will do all it can; failing of entire suc cess, it has aright to ask this very limited aid from these wealthy cities, which could well afford to donate the amount asked for outright, the benefits to its buiiness result ing from the road when finished repaying it amply in a twelve-month.,. m We trust, there fore, that every business an in these cities willbe prepared to rrspond to the appeal. A SENSIBLE RESOLUTION; - The Democrats of the Southern States are really in advance of. the Northern Democratic leaders in several important respects. For instance, the Alabama Dem ocratic State Convention, which met at Montgomery on Thursday, adopted the fol lowing resolution as part of its platform: "Resolved, That slavery having been prohibited in the State of jlabama by a convention of the people thereof, held in September, 1865, we hereby again proclaim our faithful adherence to that ordinance, and we assure the people of the United States that there are no laws in force in this State, enacted by our authority, which make any distinction in the protection which they give to the person and property of both races; and we hereby declare our solemn purpose, that these laws shall be faithfully and impartially administered as soon as the military are withdrawn and we are permitted to manage our own affairs." There are promises made in this resolu tion which scarcely any Northern Demo cratic Convention has yet made, or offered. THE DEATH OF tOL. SAMUEL A. On.- nun, a gallant officer of Use Ohio tea line in the late war, is announced. He was a native of ZSnesville, and died at St. Peel, Minn., on : 10th, in. his 44th year., Col: G. was employed in the United States Coast Survey at the , outbreak of the rebel lion,, but, obtaim4 a ; leave of absence,' hastened home and was commissioned as 14. Col. of the 24th Ohio , and after a few months, as Colonel of , t o 44th Ohio, with which he was arduousservice in Western Virginia, Kentucky and East Tennessee, latterly commanding seven regiments in a brigade said to be the best in the army. He will be remembered as' , the officer whose prompt fiction in dispersing a convention of Kentucky secessionists, at Frankfort, con tributed so decisively to the retention of that State in its loyalty to the Union. At Knoxville, he was Post Commander during the icelebrsted siege. 4 The recerds . of the War Department had the current history of military operations in the Southwest up to - April, 1864, when his declining health , required him to retire, bear the highest tea: timony to his fidelity, skill and efficiency as an officer, and his -retirement was univer sally regretted. The seeds of the disease, consumption, which at last proved fa= tal, were, first Sown in the exposures and sufferings which he underwent as a mem ber' of an expedition In behalf of the Co lomblan government, in '66, for the survey of , iroute for-a shlp-Canal through the ValleS of the Magdalena River. , cisnx in the Paymaster's once at Washington has been arrested, upon clear proof of his 'connection with a recent at-. tempt to, blackmail Mr. Joanson's office holders all over the. country. He Invited , pecuniary contributions to promote , the ob.. jects of the "National Union". Committee, when no such ,Committee existed. He' will be punished for the attempted swindle.. In the meantime, the Pittsburgh 'lbet ,terially asserted that the whole dodge masa "'radical schemev to elect Gen. GRANT. Its news columns'have since given this mis- statement a plain refutation, but the fabrica tion remains editorially uncontradicted, We called our neighbor"s attention to the .matter immediately, and invited the proper correction, But the Post persists in its omission to retract a statement which it now knows to have been false. ; Thst: jour-} nal, now that it Ilea Jost the, confidence ;.of its party, can afford to tie truthful, and We again urge it not to remain under tbe'linpei Intim of westing in a . misrepresentation;: , After ibr thiSehood la made clear Gnawer its "civil questione":ainonn tiettde cloud upon its reputation is removed. A Piefibvterian Rs.untoa umoitias was beld Reit. Itall'a" tibtiedi;:Y( oo :' If 91E. gRdPY4MuIkIII.: 444iFfilliketrPnir ly,ravorimig thecomeatainf farmer ditto. lone between the Old - , and New , Sehbot bobtail afete — delivhivil 'by Revs. Crosby, Adams, Shedd, Smith and others. The at- tending:le WWI Jaw. TUESDAY J-triVE 16, . 1868'. , THE IsitastrATlM AND GEN. GRANT: . The annexed .communication, -from a highly respectable And influential Jewish citizen of Pittsburgh,'clisposes most effec . tively of a Copperhead slander open the great leader of the Union armies. There can be no doubt that Mr. STiz&us states the facts, concerning the true sentiments and the political sympathies o r honorable Israelites of good standing, not only in this community, but throughout the loyal States: Prriiiierneir "Jane 15, : 1868 e Mass & EDITORS GAZETTE : There •is a great effort matte in•certahrsections of the country by some evil designed persons (bet ter known as the Democratic party) to cast a bad repute , upon' the' Jewish people In their trying to make the public believe, that I wo, as a body, ,will• or should Oppose 'the elation of General IT. Grant.. General Grant needs no defence of mine., His,aets throughout the, war,. ati well as since. its close, speak for themselves, and these acts are so grand, so noble and statesman-like, that we CAE weftafford and should overlook one fault, especially when we conaidet' the circumstances under which iit was done. • ''Let me assure you,- and through your valuable . paper all our fellow citizens, -that every h onorable, honest and loyal Israelite' will work heart and soul for the success the Republican ticket, tte we ,do not vote ' fore men bet for , principle: Further nibrei the *liter knows this to be, - a - fact, that, as •:a : 4 general thing, every honorable , Israelite -of good standing arid who is proud of his good name in this Land other cities throughout the aural*, feels -himself insulted if classed with those who were hanging around our camps during the war in anything but honorable positions and never have been recognized, and they would not now be seen , in , company of those who, call meetings and pass resolutions aiming against the success of the Republican party. We may well say, 2The mountains went to labor and brought forth a mouse," and ' to this will all the labor , amount to of our opponents in their endeavors about Grant's order. lam sure had he been their candi date we would not have heard anything about it.' Grant, Colfax and glorious suc cess is now the watchword in common with our fellow citizens. The writer offers his services from now till after the election in any way he can best serve the cause of the Republican party. , Yours respectfully,. S. S. SerliAtts, 124 Second street. The New Tariff' 8111. In the House of Representatives on Wed ney Mr. Hoerhead reported, by authority of the Committee on Ways and Means, the folkiwing bill to increase the revenue from; duties on imports, and to equalize exports an I imports: - Sec. 1. Be it enacted, etc., That from and after the passage of this act, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned,_ there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the articles herein enumerated and provided for, - hn ported from foreign countries, the folloWing specified duties; that is to, say: On all copper imports in the form of ore, 3 cents on each pound of tine copper con tained therein; on all regelus of copper and all black or coarse copper 4 cents on each pound of fine copper contained therein; "on all old copper fit only for remanufacture,"4 cents per pound; on all copper in , plates, bars, ingots, pigs, or in other forms not manufactured or herein enumerated, 5 cents per pound. on nickel, nickel oxide, and alloy of nickel on copper, 40 cents per pound; on nickel matter speiss, 30 cents per pound; . on nickel, 40 per centum ad valorem: on aluminium and all its alloys, 50 per centum ad valorem; on albata or white metal, .ar i gentine, German silver, and the like mixed 1 metals, 4 per ce.ntum ad valorem; on zinc lor, spelter t 2fr cents per pound; on zinc in sheets, Si-eems a pound. ' In addition to the rates now charged and collected on all descriptions and qualities of steel, there shall be charged and collected 11 cents per pound, and on steel scraps 1 cent per pound; on iron or steel wire rope made of wire over No. 16 wire gyuige in size, 6.cents per pound; made of wire less in size than No, 16 and not . hiss than N 0.25, 7. cents per pound; made of wire less in size than No. 25 wire guitget 8 cents pee pound; provided that. iron wire rope- galvanized shall pay i of 1 per cent per pound In addition to , the foregoing rates; and provided that all wire covered with silk. cotton or other material, shall pay 5 cents per pound in addition to : the rates of duty : herein imposed on iron wire not covered. • On all descriptions of iron rolled, hammered or made into shapes, whether In forms of T, L and H, and known as angle, iron, or barrel or baling hoops, partially or wholly manufactured, or any forms or shapes of iron not provided fox in the present tariff, excepting round, square and flat iron, and all descriptions of plate, sheet, polished and galvanized iron,, a specific duty of 2/ cents per pound in lien . of lhe)duties now imposed; and on all de scriptions of iron thinner than No. 5 wire gauge, and on - all rounds and squares less than, 11-16:, , of an inch, round or square, and on all descriptions of sheet or plate iron thinner 'than No. 10 wire &age, / cent per pound in addition to the present duties. On galvanized and polished sheet iron of 'all deseriptions, 3' cents per pound in , lieu of ,the duties now imposed: On , wrought iron in nuts, bolts or 'rivets, other thanscrew bolts, hot exceed ing 4 inches in length, wholly or partially finished, of, all descriptions, 8 1 1 cents per pound. On sal soda, crystals and all crude _carbonates of soda, 1 cent per .pound. On glass ware, plain, mould and pressed, not cut, engraved or painted, 50 per centum ad vatareer. On all unpolished, cylinder, crown and amnion Window glass, not' exceeding' 10 by 15 ItiChes square, 2 centa per round; abeve that;, and not .exeeedlng.,l6 by ' 24 inches square, 2/ ',cents Per pound; above that, and not exceeding 24 by 80 inches. square, .4 cents per pound; all above that 4 cents per pound. ' On salt in bulk, and lon , all rock salt and mineralsalt, 24 cents per 100 pounds; on salt in. bags and sacks, .30 cents per 100 Pounds; but no rennin of dirties shall be made" on account of itintage to,imikk containing salt. ()nail timber, not , other:, 'wise herein:provided for, squared or aided,' 1 cent per., cubic foot; un ,sawed:keerde, • plank, deals, and . other.: .: 4 lumber , of spruce, • hemlock,!. •whitewoOd - : and bass- wood, $l,OO - per. thousand :. feet, • board measure on all other varieties of asked', luniber4lo Per 1 1,000 feet board Measure:: .provieed that _ when :lumber of any Xcirt is, Planed or :Plialled, in addition to the katei herein provided t h ere idiall, be, IMO and for each aide planed Ar. finished $l, per; 1,000? feet;.,and ..tfolotted on one: Edda 'and: tongued and-grooy :$2 per I,ooofeet; :and e s ti if planed on two ai d and and: tongued :and groovpiiitt B so'per 1,000 feet; 'on hubs tor wheelsi"' ~ ',laid ' Vodka; ' wagon blocks; ,oar, block s tun blOckii,lo4•4lfig bloCks,'aza alli like .'bleelif'-'4efiliCke; tougkildo-...,_ of sawed, 2 0 Peri eiiii4l4 4,1,0400i1ii 412,v9z*"..; 'Woodi tOnflortftwtion: oil :otaOrsoli. :on Wm . ' elif o itscl palings, 4406 per 1,000 teet,;beardl Ineastre; on laths 50 cents3MT 1 1 000 feet, Ivial measuripiln) Pine: euitt , cedar Elttpg es, BO tenter per 1 , 000 ; on 'Spruce' I g elVVikietinia per 4004 on pli*vititi , , . " Aue ., tido too inn sigtm , / CAP- . bbirdh $1,50 per I,boo. On wines °Nig* kinds, except champagne or eparklikg wines,imported in cub or boUlef• CDR* -1 , tinning not more than 20 per cent.; Of alcohol fifty cents per gailon on champagne or sparkling w ines, imported', in cages of not less than one dozen bottles, each bottle containing not more than one quart ani: more than one pint, $O-per dozen bottles, or N per two dozen bottles, con- Mining not wore than one pint each; on brandies imported in cases of not less than one dozen bott2es, ',containing not ;more , than one quart each per dozen bettlei, $10; on all bottles a sepazate duty of three cents each shall be paid, whether containing wines, brandies or other spirituous liquors; brandies may be imported in casks of any capacity containing not less than fifteen gallons. On; all proven_ or bleanhed linens,', linen yard goods and jute yard goods of every descrip-' ticin and , by whateyer name designated, 40 per centum ad ialsiem.:On cottton unman. ; ufactured, on cettOri. webbirtga, tapes, gal loons, bunlings, - gimps, trimmings ;and ! ,braids, not exceeding one inch, in width, #` cent per yard, On, felt (nuggets, felt car pets and carpeting. printed; colored or-oth erwise, 25:cen Li, per yard square, anttin ad dition thereto, 3s per cent..-ad valorem. • Sze. 2. ;Be it enacted, (to.; 'That the pro 6. 'visions of section 2 of the 'joint resolution ppproved March 28, 1867 4 respectiiV:the importation of agrieulturaltinachinery ftee; :of duty, be, and the same is hereby extend 'ed and shall continue in force and effect for the further,perlod ;cif one year from,he 80th day of June, 1868. ' • Sze. 8. And be it further enacted That fromm and after the passage of , this :act v the importation;of the articles hereinafter men: tioned and embraced in this section. shall be exempt -from ;duty, • that is•to'say; berries' and nuts used in dyeing or coMposing dyes not otherwise herein provided for, but no such artiees shall be classed .as such that hive undergone any manufacture. c liark Peruvian, Linia; .calisaya, and ail Cinchona :barks, bleaching powders, or .chlorate of lime, firewood, guano, goat skins, raw gutta percha, crude hemlock bark, hides, cuttings, strips. tails, and like articles used .as glue stock, india-rubber, crude india-rubber,. milk of lac, crude aad stick lac, logs and unmanufactured lumber, manures, masts and spars undressed, nitrate of soda, or cubic nitre, oil, cocoanut palm oil, paper waste, or waste material of any kind intend ed only for the manufacture of paper, pot. ash; crude or native, muriate of. potassa, pearlash, crude sumac, sulphur, crude, tim ber, round and not advanced -by marifse turing, timber for ship building, wood-ashes or ley, The Electoral Vote. The following are the votes to which each of the States is entitled in the EleetoralCOl lege for President and Vice PreSident STATES REPEtESESTED California 6 Nebraska . Connecticut • 6 Nevada Delaware 3 New Hampshire Illinois 16 New 'Jersey... Indiana 13 New York lowa . 8 Ohio Kansas • ' 3 Oregon .. Kentucky • 11 Pennsylvania. Maine 7 Abode, Island. Maryland ...... ... 7 Tennessee Michigan • 8 Vermont.. .... Minnesota • 4 West Virginia Massachusetts lt Wisconsin Missouri 11 Statee now represente STATES NOT • P.FtESENTED. — Xisshislpol ;North Csrollna... South Carollua...' Texas I,Virglula.„. , . . . . .. Alabama ~. Arkansas.... Florida...., Georgia.... I States not represente Total votes - Necessary to a eboiee —Philadelphia has homicides and sal-. cides. Henry Johnson was fatally stabbed in a polltical dispute by a man named Buck, who surrendered himself to the authori ties. Two men committed suicide by shoot Mg themselves, one of them a prisoner in. the county jail. Nelson Stewart, ayoung.. man, died irom the effects of a blob inflict-, ed by some persen unknown on Sunday evening. DR; SARGENT'S BACK...ACHE PILLS, DR. SARGENT'S BACE.-ACHE TILLS DR. SARGENT'S BACIC-AbRIC PILLS .... DR,: SARGENT'S BACR:ACHE 1 0 ILLS - %. DR. SARGENT'S B CE-ACIUg ' I LLS =as DI szAsza or rims ' • - • `CURB D 113 7 ,4943 ON"THR . t '. t cimmicts Or - • '. • cuss Dlszegla or Tim COME DISZASZB OF Tll3, KIDNEYS, BLADDER, &C. AIDNETB. BL&BDER.' . &C... IM&DDER; - &-C.. KIDNEYS, - BLADDER. &O. KIDNEYS, BL tDBER;" • FOB 'BALE BY . ALL :111170 . 0113T1 SUGAR COATED. • Price, aO. Vents Per, „BO K.. CONVALESCENCE. • L, - After a disease has been Iconquered, there,is still the, weakness that It leave, behind it to be removed. ConvalescenCe Is a _tediousktffsix. Utile enfeebled ,and flaccid muscles, the shattered nerves, the thin a44:watery blood could .speak,they would cry ,for help. In XOtilllrty.cases such help as Is given them is not of tbe right klud. The fiery 'atimniatitint colomerce:do harm. They kindle'a teMPOrariffitme; whielt-ts a illachery:_ Their eithet passes, and the last elate of hitri'lvlouseslthem Is worse than the , first. -Not such is the e ffect of HOSTETTER',Et STOMACH BITTERS. , Theri,is no drairback to,IIS-, -toning properties. It has been Mend THE GREAT . MEDICINE OF THE itiEtbrinsitilnlng - end brie; ing up the enfeebled .conetittition 'no matter how much debilitated—as it not only bestows strength, but enOthes the nervous sjitent and allays all eXciti tient of the brain. While this excellent penut:titian possesses such effective 'prepertles; it Is 'perfeetif safe and is agreeable to the taste. ''A'tteitipti haie beenbeep made tistival it. - They beim tailed: • Dan ithe : necessary to saywhythey have fatted f Aidc there •.cpye'ted dyspeptics; •bUtons andnieis. idetinur of fever and ague and netvousaubjecta whOhito °die* *hoed Its eked' whit they think of it. Ask them, and he guided by what they say. As a household . .m,Odleine It avaUable at all Oases of intiV gestlont bilious and other fevers; and all diseases arising tom an Impure condition of the:stomach or • • 4U3V10..75) CO*9I:IIiIPTIVES: DIE. uys; . ":4;:in - wait air, not Aisle; yeti Want, pure "air, nobmedlosiod , air; You meat. .pldnty of natation, such as pientKor Ine4: bread will glie; physic bus .. r lO ma; ,iPagieg forair cannot cure pouf: moldrleY OsPers in gyipna 'slum cannotcure you; and stimulants canned quill' youyou. If it,ti R . B to ero gii 4, we . 11116 .:; . 1 ._ 1°r 13 / 7 l i ars further ;1/pn't put oft tne'nret symptaim:' "A little leak - test slit a great a swan ' lo = l in the throat, 'lungs or liver w , 1 4,.°°°0 i rooll'e 'whole body. 110 w often do ' 4 e a te PeriPla ytitottfor a Year or two , whatinthe beginning - could bait_been I !remedied forg taile. The poCtOr , s Olio is; and sr", has been, attend' tO:ine - ant spoptonas Do not let the constitution bectniii a wreck aorciro You be g i n tto mend l f .7611 one th e r,, *tit tsy no ressudy. ' uere is airairidy'for tray disease GM* ttute, gore thruil loci:bush may be ragiYed "with Cointoinitive y tittle trouble; but a' isigagittitloh;iitiliinglida,,brigiing to races by allowing theft littleftroubles to eucu. Isolate is not so easy; Dr i ; % llLsyser , alititle of lung gallants is unique,'lnd as %borough as itsauninae. Thep la sioaalspot cgsaass aver lbe,Wbcde airtime. or the I inglen Stinltle doesaallated 410 1 1 1,1411080. sad by x 0414411 bissitsied 1411 FINN, INS ilPatitattats readetly; ,• 'anonym,. Lurni zWinttenowlvenst i vAt„ NZNT DP WISONIO DUIZAININ, No. Nub rank MEW. htna a. is. gIiTLL iP. N. /sow 114. .b . t NOTlt2BB—"lb Lao , ... kbr saw , "Lai,' . ••XVI, nd, “Boarding,!' C e., not caging FO as, L. qatB each Wilt be inserted. is MN colunsw ontX for' TNT 1 ft -FIVE CRB7 ; ' 846% addittortia useeFIYR OSPrs. • - 7 k .-SITtTATI6-NEI. W -- ANTED3ITUATIOt—A s - vy 11 BOO•KEEPER, , by tat rng man lan 'can produce the. most satisfsetery references as char acter and capacity. Apply , to b L 1/ING.I at tbd ---, 'WANTED--ERTUA IF D lolll_ mt young Lad y , In u Trimm. ug or Store. A .'l Alas had some little expeettee. t ..' .fldreso N. CLINTON. Allegheny City. WANTED-SITUATION:In a rn y lietall Drug Store. A young ~ c w has had one year's experience in theprescri:ltlon busi ness. deAres a permaneup situatlork,tu.leara the business thoroughly: Beat of refer ence, . Address , • !B,!' Faixabeth,. ;Allegheny count.? Pa., TtTED - L - SITUATION.,-,-Aa perieneed and compatetit "Farmet and it:tn. sit% alth &email-fatally. ; wanta a posing:fa on innrie gestlestan'a estate. Xnqulre of .TirIcING, at tbe,i UAY.STIZ Orr/CIL . • ' ' . • • WAIMIN-- - 02UP A ' •r -. • - STX11:1141.1t gOOll 04 W for 'mailers! Itongeirotk;', nt lite T ayt lan ient , Apply at No. 110 LIBER BTREa: . FEM. air.; ES_ sec. more WOMEN' and: GIRLS. wood 'wises 'pet at hlOOl74lVd Basket , /factors, ffttderl.Wol—, Allegherda. • ' ATTANTED-i-A-1111111011,41111111 - 01CR,- , V Who eamcio ordinara bladletli seek as , phlet work, - itc.,„ and heavy. 'bluffing, ROME. for ;elated at-the lowest prteet'oad'eurffeleattreolritalar. ' l ooked. The tOotsto -be :Ihrslehedllto the Ifeir. A Address E. A. & Look lox..247„.X.lllstwaratt,.. • - -‘•,WANTE.O4-MOAILDEI4I,..::. AVA/lITED a- BOAnntalleiliTaate; 7 T. 'board for a small family without (*Urea.. pleasant location on Penn street,' may be liadobr l iiddresslng M. W. W., rostoftlee Box 5741:" WANTED BOARDERIL-4ikKod v v board. One front rooms with gaa, can tus secured at $5.00 per - buarding,42l.so. ) Nor single gentleman. At 40 L BMW STREET. • WANTED:- J El+ iAvir ANTED , - AGENTSI-114ir the NATIONAL HAND-BOOK or PACTS FIGURES, just Issued, price $2.50. Alao, 'for the standard LIVE OP U. b. GRANT, by T. HIGADLEY, the popular historian. Price, cloth, $2.50. Our terms are nowhere excelled: Send for circular. A: L. TALCOTT m CO., 60 Market ßt,U Pittsburgh, Pa. . • WANTED--110TJSE. IXTANTED-1101USE.- 7 - . A Haute Of 4of 6 roonis-4ti Allegtionnmferred. Boit must be moderate. Andress COLTO.R., GAL. Want OFFICE". iInyt t ANTED-13rothers' of the 0*- ', der of KNIGHTS OP' PYTHIAK,KeeIdIng. aboruh. tonal' at .Store Na. 60, FENNY ST., WEDNESDAY, June 14th-41019.r.mr ` ; *: ' I i „1" call and sie43oCertilicatelof Cure,' St the . o f, ea of the ARABIAN-PHYBICIeN I from Ladle* and OCntlemen- of Pittsbulgh sod surroundings. : No. 293 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh: - 3 Z 5 I. .. 21. 3 23 WANTED -LAND . - the line of the Pennsylvania Raliroad,rorithin_ eight' to es f the city, an ACRE OR TWO OF OROWW, suitable for a country residence . Address, statin location, S. G., Box D. GAzrrrz OPPICZ: r:! .... 10 s. .. 5 . . WANTED-7 - -Everrodyte' klionsr, ,that the ARABIAN THSILIAN,'Nci. 293 L rty street; has cured some of the most:obstl.: nate cases of Chronic disease that were in the city, and that as a guarantee of his willinictsese to do what Is fair, he will take pat:ents with thelsrovlso, —NO CURE NO PAY. yr* , •-• .10(TANTED—PARThrlirither If V silent or attire; to purchase One-folitth In-.'l terest in &UAW: DILLL.mow. Aping a smut business, altuate 50 miles from the city, on • a railroad. 800 acres of valuable timber. •The mil la welt built, machinery 'all coniplete: This la an , exbellent t worttnlity for any one desirous. or engaging In - ,pruiltable business. For particulars aptly to B. emu BERT & SONS, Beal EstateAgentar,l4o. 85 - street. ..317 ..16, FOR RENT„„ ,T°... . • LET.,--1101USE.-Ak three,story. MUCK HullSE..ltuated in a deelrablo street fin Allegheny etty. together with furniture *lll be rented on moderate terms:. Nor nartigulariaddrega 11: - It.'i Box 11, liar grrx Orttlez. • ILET--STORE•II.OOM-.NO: 1 12 . 'WY LIZ bTHE T Will be.seaily:for.tKolt • , tlon 'early next Fren c h's forty;tive feet" IX . dePt, aky-llitht attok, plate , gas' fronsitelt. PeVa- , • 4"' lxuentEandeyerythlng elejant and con veatelatt _ . I Froj LEt—itoom.- • A large - :*it • • %pleasant 'eacond stoq- kront•- itoom.! •whir boardlog; ror rent 44 no:: SLX2'II HUM= ~• • poslte Trinity. Church. Also, a limited numbs:-of , i day boarders will be aceonimodated with Etrst"ciass boarding:., _ • •-: , ; 1 dearl new; six roonis. with garleriettathed,•:, t pleasantly located within die- minutesk walk OUtne - (Station. Enquire or. s Willa'S,',deril.••liC., tdamond street. , • • O LET--.-R 00 ilifiii-Twnwf tarts PItIbNT ROII3IB, second story, In •itpleasatiVlr_ part . oft the city, 'unable for i_n_tor and Frife.f . quire at 41SMITHITELD. STREET,' . ' L.171%-.11011713E.--4- RA 410 1 / 8 1t, 9 .flee roorn_s. an , tbecorner of ust aud Mulberry!atreets, betriclaey. ' The , home , and ! preintses , balre , been-ecWly. fitted up. 'Alio—A large and excellent garden. Possession t i ttl t anye Bte.tTrtifely4."" LET-01603E. newkaitsep:': • with Iron frotU, situated , at dio..ls.ll:Beitrer - street; Allegheny. The house is a good'ddellhig or rooms,, and •• has al splendid - istere'ritOoni- SS feet 'l tatike " . l 7TEATlVlVe r d a ri r EMilfol7. in n e". ;door above; or at No. Ns mhoIsTREE ' • • :130 LET—THE STOREi 11,00114 No. 160.0hi0 agetute, with dr:OIIMR above of .. rooms, w water,' gas and bath- - Store loom tit :tad Up in the best manner, with. rated glasashow ,tvindows and iton. fr ont. Inquire at Ohm ot PRA. ElEtt ti RUS. Ohio avenue and Sedgwiek street, M- O LIET--11113115E.-,-Tiitit desira ble Dwelling House, No. T 1 ,Ltbert, Wee. containing • ten morns, kitchen and wasn.bouse. Enquire of JAS. J.: tIRAY, 2i0.'615 Sixth street. FOR SALE 1 . 19 L IF•11,(1, VS E. -42,1300 • - aIR bays good :FRAIdE HOUSE:. dr)" ,rooms 'Ozol dry cellar.' and Lot 30'by 1)5 Vet,' situated in n 01.tallant part or Allegheny; twee., door from atreet. cam Address ROUSE. I...azirlrztirrren, IR SALE—TO RAILROAD and COBIYANIES:=The subscribers:offer ' 0.24-incb CAll WHEELS, which have been la :use bat a very short Aline, and are good' as ttew.- (Am be bad Toy cheap by 'etbirteelng OZST &T- ; IgnisoN, RaltereYeluPPuee, Olnetenati. 0. . , rtillß •SALEr—HOUSE -AND LOT.—,„, Ante hassostia ;kit of tato, acres 'oCsrossd,ltt • - osbarg, Braver county, Pa. The budst tweyforr inune:. with susses rooms., The tot'haa 'islattbittr or tisk trees, and sal la mid orden.There •Isselstera os the petualsen, and stable and' other , outhaUdlngt "Will - be sold at's bargain by•ltA3l - HALL, Etat Estita Agents,-hro. 91.13 eater Street,Allegheny.. • - 0 -SA LE -, P OSTS,L;LOC" . EST' YOST& *rimy 'lse teMilied. by , JUNK DYER; rnecotAtllgu i street mg Anc itbenTALlFenue• • Allegheny, itY• - ' F°4-8 A LEr - A8005E:.....it. NICE - : - Bliiilli ,, HUMS. of eight Natalia.? on Mont-, amaer• avenue, near Itederal atreet. 'Enquire of Mr. DRUITT. cornerMentgonlery avenue and "mi nimal mreet. , Altegtiesiy.Y - . FOR! S4O6E-“lttrir.s - 'llnO, 'Wavy D&AUtiliT MULI6i: • " at the Livery &table of MOREIiAND&III"IniTtirb&GerII iiibertY eireetv Olt and, " kfter ju &fa, - - - A ,Prn-horse Aif A.U4M and BCt - perfect order. • - e .1A.B1"41.14• • FOR. , LE7=4I4.IF7Er-A LARGE . (No. 13).8Atell, .of Iturke .RSZCOa t . mann— dare, In goiid Condition. - 'lllnquite - VIAKUND aTIOSET. Pittstntrgh; Cii. ----'-- rift 31 SALE--8914,,1LL ci near 1 1 -O EWOOD.--X Email rariEl'of 2V,f fierce, Liberty District, -Pittsbargiwaudf Wooded:itit o i qt rctmestock. Camiagle. Rreblds mid Ha ut orcharditi two d-velling houses,lat reed,earngs.;)iood . , irardeal, used -sass market:. gam& a, aald two atouaquarrlca. Wltbin AO in walk , or. titunewood titattuu. rant' inOstty in gni. a., Vor ritUctilars tug ulre Or JAMBS , Wpoolitywi.e,r;,, Gal rain 'SALLE-441101/Nik-44-tiea,' . - ,tiPli lour around. haying a front se7s4;:obil ,-, • atoning back lik? t'..eti situated ota-idds litomt ateeet In rittabuegb tam orlvaltlantlidOnoo#,llklla Alp lot. having al:10 feet 'street on fr ont, mud d e. tu be sold at a . bargain co' any nate - itlidatow tAbsst I ,ox, Ik. :Con Ware *dims T..ll.lyan.,,latritsit., ~ , 411 - ' aIIAtIESIORgES44A/11101W4"f ; ', AtitlAtUategt Ali LaliiiiabUskala r bat IMP .t , _ LY. 4 119111111. , Bra .- tbose,DApr . u n t iy je t . Id o, ti oct u k s Allli v. s 0 , ... 6 111 11 1 . 1 4/ItllL u T a tt le % _ (t. ~,,. ingErssairblonoltoks, i 2. 1:,:. 2 1.2 tili a boast& and sold on ocianin • gott SALE -80.1P,200. BOXES RAWL% PETIZOi.KUkt WAY. a& 1111. LW es stria. W. W. WALLACX. I ' I ffM=IM r.: ~µ;~ gn WANTS. ~4.~-....,