Ell tte Ogistift. AN kx...initerr." wntea the following Grant eamplign song for the Atlanta (GO Era: • us—Bonnte Blue Flag. o;ll h 2t e t. , alne to California sends • i ft e7 gl7 3m l w And NothWrdlngothe South. ilheawellingory is heard, then Of every age and rice ' Hate earight Ale glorious shout. - . - Harrah- hurrah. for General Grant: - And ding his banner out. • , - ;iti nrr ao -:* f 6eneral l n e nlrrlh Td rrah fort&fTniiag . ; 7:: 'W ith every Southern Star. •,•!Tbcogyeef Reconstruction:rolls : • • • • ' From Old Virginia's hills,. , .; _ • Aereu the South to Texas plains - . eve bosom thrills, • r • Whet, ry this is delne,:well join the fighf,' I ' • fait • And make him President. - •; • . • Hurrpl-Hurrxh, &c. We swear upon the sword of. Lee, Beside our Jacitson'S grave, ' • To t A3at . tg n o for the the man ; • • By all the blood'ale war has shed. • , - By all we - hope We'll rally to the standard now . _ • . That keeps the , people free. • ' • • •• - 'Hutrahl Hurrah, At. Tkey'rerallYingHarth, and.ast, and West, ••- - - rally in the Sonth; ' • • • . With shouts for General Grart,..: - Upowerieti patriot ,_ • Hyrrah for Grant: the shouts must roll' every . I:intently. :•: • And ever y•man mast rally now . • To, man the Union ship. , • , , „ Hnrtahl Hurrah, &e: EP. —Zoe !S. agtiPi T!tilsville• • .Nashville is to have a park. - - -John §ase is in Washington ; Tom {rhumb is, a mason of high degree. , Grarshopbeir - are 'eating un Central • , ;lowa =-Yhf; State debt of Virginia is $47,- , —Hugo and Dumas axe the richest French, --The young Emperor of plan& has just; been , married. - • 13onielme has called the chair the seat. ' of Civiliiatioll :«!-Wylie, the tenor of Riching's Opera - I,Troupe; is 'dead. San Franciscan headleai claicken ;, is in New:Jersey. • —TiniPruice,cof Virales is 'going back to 'ireiandin ingast. —Beet sugar is bound to become one of California's staples . • 86 of the 600 students at Oberlin -Only - College are colored. --The Phicaffii Peat says we all have our trislalfeicept Jeff 'Davis, New. York swells think it he e- - , cessaiy to drive tandem now. , 1 • 2, =Capital punishuient has been abolished by act of Parliament in Saxony. • , - - :.;-Normandy lace - caps are again spoken' Of eau summer substitute pirbonneta . : ,The P.reneli Government pays .Madanka Minunim' a pension of 6,000 franca a year. -.There are more houses being ,built ibis Year thin ever before in the United §tates. Statue of 'Geo. Peabody' is to be ; put up in ..T.ondon hear the Royal Exchange. - • --yhttious Weed is indignantly accusing Greely of haying been systematically bribed. —Nearly two million pounds of Ameri can cheese were Sent to England in May • I last. --The Duke of Argyle is about to give a banquet to Cyrus W. Yield on the first of • July. —Beauregard is in New York, where he is not so much of al lion as he might have —The Mexican tragedy was an expensive one. ; Its production oast napoleon $40,. 000 000. 1 --Andrew Portei is said to be the author, of article signed D. D. P. in the Galaxy for Jtily. • s -L-Franklin pie'rce,ii'the only living man who . was ever elected President of the United States. ' —Five poor 'little children, all under fif-. teen and guite'Peniiileis, are the legacy left by, poor fit Carson.l --Adah Isaac Henken Heenan, etc.,' etc., `as once mote married, and her final name at present Islifnitland. l • • •• —The Colt artesian well at Hartford is :44 4 ;1 feet deep:, allti the: dilll atuCli` and , they: cafl i t get it ont;..• • —Why is the letter tT of more vette than cream to a.dairy imd4 1' Because it makes better, initter.7;Tudy. , J, • .- 4ndlititasquirrels'feed on. locusts, and then ingianisos feed.on sgtilriela . and die, • for the locmde potion them. ...PennsYlvania, New York and Ala: bails are of the same size, that is the area, of each is 46,009 sqiutre miles. • , —OxyethelendhmloPtumic acid is a new one which is used for annealing by those . who can pronounce it, properly, —One hundred and ten editions of I:Ce ble's Christian year have - been published in . England aid the'demand Is still great. -rrDonhia are• alr.P., 4 YlAPfzerit as to the • • _Emperor of Abyssinia being dead: ••liome 'l' one ;404 be !n"Ber4,aolne' ai.fi -.Short drtases , are aometimes nailed ifeiternirlsbeca*tii 1 0n4A 03 Ofq4e4/ 101 / (hayfug pretipteet) advocates their intro , ;4 6 4 - 1 3 __,54 18 '4al3 - 341ade . Plunder enlnigh • .cby tratelfibg his-'reputation,: and says • Vitt",, after ileici,l'faibmilfrr residing "desk tOreier. . , , —Vallandigbam - " - says he is proud of his . war record: A - Certain, fox who lost his tail 4 . ,*.rePO;t:ed have sa i d was g lad o f it,- because it wea l s° muou,ware stylish.. --, - 1 -£3pider Veloelpi:ides are TOY_ P i olnikkr hoe, too, , •when - ,the Amegherti .*.:Commons. 'become , Iplessant_, Orroo:odel by smooth ` oads. ' i - 400 Pro*Ni,a; 6611,4iii4 for 004 that, 00 s h e has :ptoduaed ...lrangudigh a u k , Wpolley and Pendietoo, fwi.pg. has given birW td So many excellent! niesy...tiunt,. otherwise din might become ' •:;-i Vi t .aafijiamPt4Ri# the , pt • . • •;T.l 4,stßuce4OtAMPlaw4l/.4uuniger:attt, =so 11 da .uttataTigittr. 4 ' l lltatf, I `thiiii l 44 l o44AAA iW ~ k*e94o;e/On;e ilallizeinet tee.What4li tQ E.; I ,- 13141:.1.11, . inttila ::Syl:11,1:1 r a is to be laid la Erie on the 4th of July. The • members of the Stata. Legislature are to toe . . , Invited to tarticpatejnthetereiumy. 'At...: torney General Brikster :3iill'elelive? Ib is , oration. , . e , . .., . • , • - —judir gives bout as severe tent to' the: Princeof Waifs as a ` licate sarcasm is car pable of; it say "the best air to the throne we know of is d save the Queen." We think that ii the oat. delicious morceatt that has vet appeared n Judy. -"Stuped aim le peasants and workmen" is t.lit - fty in --- A# — J . the - - -- / woe - siziff ,- •,,, a - GerthaaDem ' tic sheet pUblished'in this `citi e s sierdiii of t niaages - ;orlieriivhdyoied ~ . ~ • „ , . ;for ,Lincoln ,. ye; at. the-, spzia4, Arne, lamed , withtileht. nail . for thr ei :dailY :bread- ' .--.A 'German ijaper of this.: city has quite a lengthy articia In.-which it endeavors to 'prove thatthe Icktrnals• uf. Germany da not - favor Grant.: Itsally ti.(*prove that either the Chinn:in' Pap -or , thie particular" Ger is , man paper are.e ited by fOolisli people. • —The Cincinnati ''Colored Citizen of this week eays :" ,Kgentlemen of this city, noted for his elegance and exquisiteness of his iv• pare; is to be united in the holy bonds of . wedlock, during the .coming fall, to Miss Heloise de Lacroix, the fifty thousand dol-' tar b quadroon belle of ambridgeport, tiassa . , chusetts.;• , ', , . . , • —A young man, Aveenty-two yeirra of. age, residing in Wilbrahihn, Iff.assachuts; boasts that. he.never drank ,a ;cup of tea or coffee in'idslire, l uever smoked or clietyed, never tasteda OrOp of liquor used a -pre fane word, andlaya if he ever told a.' lie he never get canght in one. .; We should ad vise that-young m a n's father to look out for his cherry trees, and his apoons. _ —We . have heap' of 'Math' men,. atul we thought We had inard of such very mean Men that we could-never aOiri be astonish. ed at their, meanlkess, lukiruscerawas,Ohio, has provided "n•ndracle inthatwo,y kder tfiln in& and . 4k `certain' man, renowned for his seeming Piety, was re questedtd come arid pray with her, and he came; but While im his knees by the death bed, be reached hie •band .under the pillow 'and Stole Ea little package of gold; after which he 'finished his prayers and departed. Ifany meaner ae nonth an , this ever oc curred we &snit believe we'care about hear. The Cholera. Dr. j. C. Peters Writes to the New York - Medical Gazate: "The recent conquest of Bokhara by the Russians has considerable interest for the medical world. _Bokhara is the largest city in the centre of Asia, and is the centre of a great caravan trade from India in the South, Persia in the, west, Russia in the North, • and Cbinain the east.. Almost every epideklic of cholera has - been brought to Bokhara way of Cabal and Balk, and thence distria iated in all direct:l64,- especially, to Russia by way of }al* to • Astracan and Oren burg. The epidemic of 1827 came up from India, by Way of LahOre, to Cabul, passed through Balk, llokbara in 1848, broke out 'mint early in 1828, and reached Orenburg, in Russia, in August, 1820,- and was thence distributed to. the:est of ..Europe., • - "The cholera of 1844 twain passed from the north-western provinces of India by way of Lahore,' reached Cabal in- June, Balk in August., Bokhara in September Kniva, in October and Orenburg and Mtn:- can early in 1845. . • "The epidemic of 1850 reached Europe by the same route as 1852, and caused a greater devastation during the following four years than any former visitation. The cholera of 1885 followed the same route. "It remains to be seen whether the Rus sians will be able to establish such sanitary regalatiops as will prevent the approach of cholera from this threction. , "There are three great routes from India to Europe 1. The route just alluded to. 2. Up 'the Persian Gulf to Persia, Syria, Asia Minor, Turkey, Turkey in Asia, to and between the Caspian and Black 'Seas, and thus to the rest of Europe. 3. Up the Red Sea td Mecca' Cairo; Suez and Alexan. dria, to the Mediterianean, and thus over the whble south of ,Europe. Much would be gained in stopping the - disease from Pro: gressuig.alone, either one of these lilies." The :Cainptkok o(Vhina. Up a branch of the river Tani-soy lies the town of bibang4ta, navigable by largej which carry down from theime the valua ble produce of thecamphor tree (n Leug eainphora). ' This , important 'breach of trade is enjoYedlts a 'monop oly by the cam. phOimanclarin,,whe pays the Chinese Gov ernment $40,000 for the sole right of expori tation. liaving obtained: the camphor at the rate - Tqf about $5 per picul of 183 f lbs., this favored speculator can then retail it for $27. , Upward of ten per Cent, ,of the dfug 'is lost • by • eliaporkion during the transit; owing to the dogged conservatism or ' 'ity oldie dealers in continuing to ptipk it in wood instead of tin cases In Labutui' the writerpubsequently met with kiant•datitphor trees of a different class, (Dryobal anopt eamphora)o.zanging .to• a height of from 150 to 200 feet, their iron hardroota winding through the = soil for forty 'yards. from the trunk, and. eveniat that• distance as thick as a man's thigh.'" %le etunPhor, hciwever; liffettind in the form of solid con cietiens In the, crevices and.,tlssureS:,Of 'the wood,4llll'can' out be obtained', by edging down the, Jrce.,, Together With. the ; herd crystalline - Masses thus foUnd.there is else an essential oil,- believed: to' be camphor in an: Imperfectly • formed condition; ',which, though artificially - crystallized; does not pro duce camphq of so good a quality as that, which Iwifaturallfeolidified in the'cavities of the wood. The,cortuneitial ,einiphOr of Fornitiii le aril mire volatilp L i nd, 'AO Of; • tained,by dry Meditation the weed,- the branches, and. the. leaves Of -tho plank idhe. ; , This vegetable eeeretien,tenot, how-, ever, confined to the true camphor., laurel,. being also &told in other lauraceous plants, especially cinnamon;;' ..• ;" , Getting sdi the Milk Into,Butter. I note that a new. fashioned 'Churn' that converts the enlist mlik into butter, is said to : be a 'gigot thing. 7 tOseit I suppose. I have known the Prooeutlor several vears which is:. Three phitsistif milk, fresh from, the cow, or any milk; if• fresh; put it ins stone churn —it is' best to' use the , old .ipatint dasher— 'add three pounds of butter; ;alined thin; and , three yellows of eggs, get the' ninifk in a 'hot *star yOtt get Wes luke warm or at blood ligat, and t ur *Unit Alp be nitfort• `II:34vMS f Appl*Mare WA& ,nnslut i.eve otw. , Jl , mu s t tioroagliir.chtumed.‘kfterit:lnur, comer.lo butteriLorlt , will Incline bt) go back tainilk. Timm np LThetTElDOlbter, :Mid do tot -4oir isvhaedigteanflietiVin bestol whiter a letter tour yearspines about this, an "did. not send it _ , WkalifirddleiCin dbe detri7 4PA:inmanmere. iis,l4tin 404 orabutter'on.,their g a i t d s. pr o per y madeaubeilinniLiti good toing.—por. American Intlitutt Far. mar's ,_4_,_ „...,,,....__„„,„„.,,,,,,,,,,,,,jiL0m.,,,,Tv.,-....-,47:7,-,,-.7x.:,,,-.7.17:,-'5,7.5,i7,riu;,77K.-..i.:,Trii,"7-',-:7-*.n,--',,,,,--7,,-,-,,,---,--,-.... ~.,,--,.,,,. ~ ,,, , , , , ,,,, ,,, ,, - 4.-, , ..-i,m-,...-77.v.tT5.,-,,,,,..,,,..-...,.. ~.3,,,3vr,1r,...,i,,,,,,,.„-g. ~„. ...., , ,...v. . ..1 .--c.i, . , . ., ,. .t., ,, :,..-_, ,,* --,1,4,-4,-.5., , .) . ...- t-...,.,,.:........,. : ::-..,,,,,-..--, ~,, ~,.. - --..., ..., -:- „ ~--. ... ,-..-: ,-.,,,--.-,-,..,,-_,,,,.; :-.20 - 4 , xf.., , ,, , e..-- , ..a...„,,, ,,,, , ,, ,, ,, ---.-... 7 --,,...,,,-,5-...„--,, , ,,,,,::- ~. .., ,. .:4., ,-. , ,z ...5r,..., ,,,,,,,,- ,, , , , ,,,, . ._=.44 , ,,,,,,,-, -4., vc.kr.,,,, , ,--e. , , ,, -,---,,,, u0 4.1.:4. -,,-....., ~-,-at,..,f,,-,,„,,,,„,,,,,,,a:.,,,z...,,,,,,..,—,,,„..,,t:„:„:-,,,,,-,„,,,,..,„-,::,,..-.g,,,-.-:..,,---- . ---,,, w ,-, mk „,,,, a - ii,....6,-_... , -.4.4...,, , ,3„.}, ,, ,z4a„..‹,...4,--A,, k g.,- szlt ,-..,,,,,, A . , ,, i ,„- x. „-,-. 1 ,:„.,-,,, .- --fr.., - - , . 44,0 % ., = , 5,' ,, ,Y.,.. '; ' , .- 45 -W31,--'-v-"4-`,-flAr--PA:',l49-,:',,,,e,1rt.t... ~,, 1 4 .A...5.4,, ,. .-,.. , v , -:-..,..4.,,, , i , ' . . 1 • '---''''''''''''' '" . " .1 .-ti•JP - - $4 - &-- , i. - ' , 14.--P* - - - ir • , - • _-- - -- - - t - -- ,4 f.,•:90-w---v&;azkft:,,z4_ c .. . PMMJIIGH GAZgM 111 ImENtill.mrst . GOVT Pbiiits 43!1"4111MAIDItTEETH-ABIARTI . A FULL err PON. Se, AT M. _ SCOTT'S. 278 lipaz DpoRABOVIE Icatip t Mra ra Mead&NTSac ANDige mann IC OF VLELO - ITE- _ ; - 11179:d taTzt 4.:4( zi 341 AND aaixa Oilers, tog gAs Arab oft. Just sad largest assortment ever opened 's/ MUst fits. , WELDON & KELLY, - , • • 147 WbOD ITAINCT _ COR. , _I3OIW STD Ate. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. 1 ' ' * 'so/LP. STONE. • CHIMNEY TOPS WATER Pixie. MIES =I ' Y C°1 4' 11 1" , . 25 Wooer street. '. ' 'SEWING' MACEEENIE. ,_ _ . GROVES & BAHER'S HIASTIC ATTICS( TAM . STITCH. =I wrru LsnFr nonovEmzin, At the itiiiiandllegant Sales "mu OF THE COMPANY, 51 FIFTH iiiTREET. Also, 1471.1fDLM _ATTACIMENTIACreIIn BILES and COTTOWTHREAD, M ACHINE OIL, Ac.. dc. The cilLuxut- of Pittsburgh are respect fully invited.tO Applications for Agencies siAlchea-zelrettlars or Jemmies by mall on application. Vorrespoudence to be addressed to = . • GROVER.&. B :. M. CO., • . 13. .51 FIFTH STREET PlTlSBllfteff. natdDriti2 • , THE GREAT AMERICAN COM BINATION. , • • BUTION-110.4, OirEIiSEAMIN - • AND SEWLNCIfDLiCIIINE.,. --- irRAO'NOXIITAU'': SEINE ABSOLUTELY - TRW • BEST:. TAMIL* MACHINE IN THE' 3V9HLD, L ,AND IN 1: • • ~ T RINt3ICALLY THE onsaparr. av-Agerits wintaitto iell>>Lli Malvin& lEL4a4wrzr.lC. ' - 4 Aleni r ilay Itestarn 'Pennsylvania. I Corner PR= litAtk.lST 'BTEEETS. OTer, • Rtchardson's Jewelry Store. • ilky'Slot6ll., WHITE LEAD AND COLORS o,l Nowr , eeoreewed ,,, ,, , ,nowegeoNl WE IitVITE: ATTENTION- • Pleteldoc ur ro l :L ele g e to "d c gr Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Paten s i Medicines, Perfumery, &c. DREOGISTS. PHTSICIAIIII and COEN _TRY DEALERS who replenish , their *Seeks in this market, will Consult .their interest by examining our goods .before purebasisp elsewhere. ' _ • 1111111111111. fteeepavd tberfaft Agency for the Pfltfattfr WHITE LEAD d: . COLOR wonaisi - or Mesare. - 3; SCHOONNLLIFIffiI NOffose offeor,to the trade their well knows brands of White' Lead and Colors at ffanufaetiarerso, Lowest Rates. and m oo tee &Item to give perfect sails. a la eVery respeet. .We: - Invite 'especial attentjon to Mc- COY'S VERDITERIABLEN as superior In strength. bodyi brilliancy and dues. Wally to any etlien Paint ever offered to!theptiblle.- ' ; ' - , • , - • WHOLESALE DRUGGI STS, Corneret Libert'y4iild Wayne Stke,e3ta, I lickflCTzp&O : 31 IA 100 • b CTILINA, GLASS AND . i./t• • , .put.ENAINAREI - ...iiimvsil'imatrzn WARE, , PARIAN - A'rATTIETTES s to BOREMIAIi WAS% : • VMsaTAPa t aD FA.493Y :••• ••• t • 4Qawbor;.4,rimzi. RICHARD' R::/*E/CD & CO; 0.11:40:1:4:ki 1213 ofiAl4 lo oo- 1110111 / 14 6 362 71Ped Strtiell; Alledglileart • ; • ' 'S' ;fitikrth door above WAYO' T Clittery a- .8 Sverliatag recintrein • gm cuss store 'bask, „Om an examine: oar goods. ,jelo:a9 • CONr TIO . - . • 1 4 IWO :0140 4 3300 ; ,COnfeCtiottiori I ; poi:wail; a DOIdXSTIO Ylllllll3 011:1111; ilToellll,oorner rederatialt Roilnoon intv4.4,..&lle isheny. Conouintly on liod. 10 6 Cow/11, of • • anu ••-' i 411 ryi namery " ou 011 . " • eup ‘'''! ''• ••; imptLiani •otztrzasesticm . . GE16111014 AllejAititiV 3 1, ' ir: 1 i ' . ' '''' -' - '-' •• ' r Imlrt-1,1 --. , !J,..,- . 1. ,,, .: . ~ ... -, ... _ . sf r 3 i l" l : 4s ; i Kt eie .; 1 18, i leili eri ll um it'un 4 : 49 ' 111111 "Gtrii. i:IiIXIW::Lii . -11.'1111'4 " 1:1.: : :.:.1 1 - , siethiegtetriV l - zt 114 7,2' 1 ': gun, cm , 50 , 0 . u .-4-. i, 14., 1 0P• • - !•- 41211 !P 416-4... f ignal _. , - r 1,1 .. 1 Cat 14E: - :' .. 1 , 1. .r . ~ .:1 -. 4, I,- aultra=nirrre• " 4 ." W. , 1 1, 11 11 :'-'• ' ' -Jolson lo ft bus or it amid etreeutv Ida • re ' _ utpru untanoutba. wagon be Nur bum sad aupthuir. •"----• aorta TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1868. pwiMlVtifEt NEW' GOOD& ...-I.ANGICST AND BEST STOCK IN _THE CITY. mom rot Bum; GAIIIITLETA With 7111 Wary Cults,, Dish. Buff and Tan HOSIERY-,_ • #4l =A fall line at 1 f'r•enelt, - Oessnyr. and litaglish. .= • = .•••••a.7= 3_1114 Ulm and ralin Lear. ,!! thll Sloe ar,Whtte 19,S*Vii0 BILE iriil o WWI* ' In all colors and shades. UM - ' - 'il'AitASOLlit''' - NPINGNIA. NittaIED,IINICII.A.ND PLAIN. FULL LINZ- OF HOOP SKIRTS 7tlsci; some styles DItOP 131111tT9. ba2igETl'9r4,CcoMpitete tariei7,'En:4litte and co • d, for Ladles and Minns., Nainsook, 4 yelyetßibbons _ Paper Conan, Watt Linen,. • Kid Gicores, Paper (tuffs, Lawn, f Bilk Gloves. griped Skirts, Swiss,: • - . - -. 'Lisle Gioves; f w ,, Noolderiell, . qaFtbric, . r . . Qatari Gloves, Ribbons, eto. - 80,•' 'IIIE , ' , NEW SARATOGA COLLAR. alale . smOsiodi are i 4; be'l:iid;af_ typ . ! r44:Jwzsitir , - ,,, e va . • liiiftirrii -GrArDE i s S Mid SO MailFet Streei. le.U: • . , •. • ~ t • pgrarz _cT , FITTLIIO '' • • • . . . Kin GLOVES. ' • • • "A. • - We Invite ettentlen to onr . KID: I}I4II4IOIPAIMM Walsh new'uneplete - wlthleiesreolds In addition to 'onr cnnespeelil Importitlon of the Celebrate 4 A. C. -C KIDS . We have secured the (molest's° sale Of the ' • I g HISZTIII ` Seamless : Kids,' The beet Stove end meet perfect et. • NAM* & Qom , splt 19 FIFTH STRAW. ACRVIII & CARLISLE * M 19 Street, New offer the moat elegant Mae of . HAJNIIItTILGIS . tier opened In Pittsburgh, to which they eeßeclaily Invite the attention of their custonrere , de signs are nearly THANand. original, and about QNE-PIPTH LEM REGULAR PRIORS. loon MACRIUM & CARLISLE, 19 FIFTH STREET; I Bare Jnai opened all eludes of BULLION AND BLSTOILI PBEROBB. BUGLE °MPS AZD .1111INOY8, • At 7er7low pnoes. WALL PAPER. . I.. r . NYWYOVVIN/NOWANWeirthlihr WALL PAPERS Z• . For HALLS, PARLOIIB, CIIAMBHEIsad MITCIIHNI3, '-! lii'GREAI VARIETY/ P sale mixer AS THE CHEAPEST. at N 0.107 Market Street, near Fifth. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. CM kticlplattlks' CRUM BAKERY Liberty Street. , 4811grearerigt4arkteLTtit(),,Y,Ehl SOT iv thi;m . • 14 or m S C ' ApiER. I 1 . 1.,i 2 Li El cv-1.7n7,-0.; O%IS )il'int)lq .111.1 ARE v SUPERIORII'X'O , ANY' 4 . 6)TR01 • • zoryrzuED GUM! " WATS__ HBuTTE__ . IO:IOA:n and' SODA CRACK-. EnB; sCOTOR and MILK BIEWU/T:‘ Sale byrEvery-Groeerk the. City *4.lo:,Liberty. .Att For intkpv -THEAREsvAIviv; ,•: 1, 1 , - gelumutikeesiJelotd,liedal AND .ESTEY'S - COTTAGE- ORGAN Th e ,BCTIODIACKEit . PIANO ' , ecilellOyes all the Weis valuabie Inrprovemeuts known in -the "eon- Unction orailret elm Inetnoneet s 'end his always , V t 4 ,llVlVLiiirlosi Phoolum•mbereYee cx. l one .......,.l.dagattriZtigdAwaPt• -.The 4114t11- eeltronr*Oeyeessift a tai o g i t ln e , Oa a n l Cheap/ than , Oa l a y ko • n ,- - - -1-CALI - FOtW:seZeiS crt f•w' til fiErricr43 tiOrfAillitinialr ' ''''"''''r ktnnollosikikt Jnena,wr,l4,frendlnetrunienti.la_NO. linear me most perlko pipe Quality of tin* or any limner instrument In the Milled Mites "Ills lOW. pie and compact in ' coutruOttOn, And n ot' liableto getoutolarr 4 „,, , 1- i t • , ,.isso:,', • VARP % VANt • is . A TBKM,W)OnIy 10 4 be aun t y in ifi l a t Af ri ti . .s,klW- 1 41101 1 Pnn 'AU . funanlnatinellvi f 4.1 RiptiVriparlion.;lt- : 14.,1111 r • STIO .f- 4".-OPICOSWIBUINIVP. nftt 'L.: i •>I 1, Pa - on: el NM ,fr,lunaql, v ..' tnir. intiM Wi t DE 61 0 a ,AMMIGANSidj ia wit , * ordei V , 644:14 1 N,W, 140 ktri OMILBLOTTZ BL 013113 wa lila 44., sa door uman wrii, `.- DRY GOODS. • • . .. 1917111. SENITZIE, • : • • On Malicia* , jume 16th, Made Large Addiiions to his Stock oi • 8017SESEEIPING Goons, Ins 1 BROWN AND BLEACHED SHERTINGS, ..,, ,s3T I/ 1 1 , 9- 4xn 4 , 9,Y 4- SN.,. iItraKABA 9 II rWiCL B a, "WE I4 /# OB, ' . • NAPEIRB,IABLE DIAPER,' - ' IaBILVLAc.. Am., i I . e an i s= At .mt;:e!iileli laPular prides ' , ' '- ' i rirlibi . ;sate Relate • AT - INWAX , o , . 13, _ 1 180 * 182 YedeTal ni, Allegheny. WIL , SEMPLE,. --• ,On.,7ltonarsib June 15th,: , Made L'itl4: `to Stock of („! •r. • •••• • 1 , BONNETS; EftINVOWNO, - r F Kati.% RIBBONS,- FLONSiiIII3. &e.. At Lo* ,Prices, IPtiolesaie and ileird4! at WM. SEMPLE'S 180 and 182 Federal Street 'AlleighglY• piraronaay; June . *ado Lam) Ailditions to his ,Stook; of LACE MANTLES DRESS FELE% •RAREGEE, CHAMI3REEE;GRENADrNES,!: CHINTZ, LAWN, ", summit POPLINS. aLraccas, ac., At Popular Prices; Wholesale and natan t , AT .INM. SEMPILE'S, 180 x, 182 Federal 81". Allegheny. NET DRIT-iGOODS - STORE;•i . Street,. . RED, WHITE , AND ,BLIFE FRONT., 1:111. lIIIRCIEFELII .4. CO. , Rave just opened a• fresh stock Of now and elegant DRESS :GOODS • GRENADINES, - for 2b cents; wrorth 40c. W - D A LA N NES 2 fo s r IScnts, worth woo. CALICOS. for 12 cents. worth 150. MtjaL f0r.124 cents. worth • FIGUBBD .S.IIIPAGCAS,. for 25 cents, worth Black Silks, for Dresses and Sticks; '" • Colore*Sliltsißlack Nernannlew , ••- , ' White Marseilles. Table and Irlsh Linens; - Towrlsy Warsellles Quilts, ' • Nottlngh en Laces. with a large • , • • assortment of DRY GUODS, .c)cr anuocrottii Inentsoa. ' • , . . CHEAPEST gousx'xx TAF.c4TY, Sir All goods:WaltllAriThlSAl represented • Remember the place-52 ,ST. CLAIII.IITBBET. -. . . , • EM 87 . ► BRET STREET. :. 87. . • SPRING OPENING P 11[01101MPHILLIPS'i • Aeltooessor tcrJ. Buie/Meld* Ca) • SPRING DRY . _ SPRING . DRY GOODS.' ~SPRigeDRY 'GOODS. int 'reswetfully announces that the extelialM t g . tations totter • • • ' RETAIL 'I)RY - GOODS''. STORE lor ,or ter ie offin atill- e lit l a. estabLlshinent , Is • Ltrelp Gootts "' roe I . * ins end: Barmier Weal. it the 'tared East-:. - • : sot: A auurnNoT, smorwiptacii,:cp.; - No: Ilb Wo Pittsborgh t `rfu t ' ; wirox i ms.ix,an MY GOODS, AND NOIM • „:••• IraB • AS LOWEST POMO T'Eldit: 4 MEM 13111 " • ' CiN'EllnriGHlSiDs .4 l.lll“.:o - ; AAai li a.co4llll. ; :11 • ... .1131./ILCAL 81111114:1' i • I4OSIERY , and GLOVES._ 70: P4CPU or 9 rNo.. 168 1Vi11e: 1 104,43 1 16 3 ..-. 1 ;Of; V ms ' lauSgotpirr E4s co. 4 1 Foreigii and Domestie , ! ~Goods, so.-DimmosTactit; , - , Taira door OEMs Diamond NIMES a----.. . . . Attel - it ,eititiiif MI ' -- 4 -- 1, , i LIA i• w. , ...t,,11,1 - ... , i , , ,, t fur %,.,,1 ;..,-, ~ , ,1 .,, ~.., .. . ici , ,, ."'.O Ir';' , .:•tg ? ed.; cl• - ‘;4't."...Ni , ii , r4. - • Naliittlato in'ot 131 4.57.144vi1ipmassue • 'i ,Axeraroalo" .14 , , I cru vzihritaigarigisaiive camispiaband oraryrotireaua.mi____z_viiimiper 006 /04 , 14 suoutecuo ralsortilas readsa l kisiblitr; Brew "' mammy eziglited. rata. ruspaigt. =I WWI =I ~c . ~,~ ~:., - i•),! .1r =I 3r.7 ‘, 1.: ~::. - rt~Htf~6~:P~ 11313M81A4.m4113017E3 zerapus i ew 1 _ aua Lashafirr Alum NORVI.A.BIZR,MUF Rod jag ming R pan - uatote BRASSFOIIIIIIDRIE . , • • r j inravviwria ly • - 10.0,09.....1941ta1gtr 5t uat MIR CELMIATED STAiI GAIN 26b ,• • t V 1. 7 41 b. 14 . lIMEXEir O S4 . - Mtn Manntiatured at these worts ' and *Old WV Of theitottrinent: P 11 . 42 i1et." ,, 44,4 to .Llghtdin*ltod /aqua. 2 , 131 I,lndneansanwetn to peddlers and all persotte bnylng at whole* Also, fine Platltut Potitts, - et all kinds and paw . etiner whit Insulators,,,nstenina r Amami aren:Cdnitettott Stip, -Brae* ete.- . .."Apreli,Pa Vale n ta andCltrdarslent fee. • "Malta o£l. 488 and 490 St. .I:9bn 4.loiollbottr ' ' ' • • sEttlins AND CONVoIAYro, THE TRAVELiN9 - 6iitimity: JI B. nu, - in) SAFEITIME J#El Car Heater and Moderato. Ftii BROKE IND •RoT Altt with the use of Stoves and Fires in tout t: EmEger or Baggage Care. w ith thcattaakaent the heat to Ala y tetaperatnre thatitay ' TANI, without, the Dossiolity,ot !trier i tee ' care to Whichtiatiztanket may berattnehdV;"'r ,takagd of the United fitatesliatiatTa ant tora minty :tacker whiehls •Wittrante4 to rest tbstiaoattniansetettJhatliiiiyan sdpile. ni the maw!' lOd pattose iby 4c tab. it is olendo anis - a:atm protatrOat tabby to • orie aidialt from den ti n f Adria . 'maid as tkinductois K. am t M e lt pit all 7:ti n y be and hitwartanted to giver eft( t a whet wood or,Fter•oadtbus tgiterial :Plate in Stoat theretW„,.. am now ;plate ply -oy ttrmani.to stomp, 'threlltam, Wm tistattOokta, railroad itiars.l pima AI .m 0114144" ara.nuide.dsagerontaliielnl overheated and stanity dtelsed. horer AV I A. 00 at idleatibn; slithttiO.mintaniatairelst to ono inventionio l torritorial.lithar, toftrin at with to en gage in seHllbl pnw - Jagas.oAkt,FPM or ..county : • 7.8:: mum. ittriOe at the "NE KAM WaFR ElEc" corner of Morris street and ny Vallx Rtilroad, Ninth Ward. Pittiptidt;' • la' 4013 MEI No 00 -FIFTH STR`ZET "i;' _-, Md HAS RECEIVED ofiailYrirelt „ . I OP PIIRE - •3IAPLE - 83T3171 0 . . • cirunPAZDEGErlet-• ii T.szasonows 071fICE, June ___ l ALLYArkariNi r 'TAXES*: • : - Notre is bereirt e n ' that She Amiens have now placed 1u: the Treasurer's OMee theeplic.etes from steamers! worts A A "A' ; '-- ; • ;;;; .•• - • filth Pibr; City Business, Sell 1 Behtot Building and InlOin•Park And of WATER •I ibr ftle._lo4 363. and that said Taxes will new be received ta mance of the Arts of Assembti. - of `February 1: 1880. =dot Neritileeth; 1883;subjee i to' the:amyl/be, /TiPif#o l4 11 z4 1 4 0 rifx.e4: • 1- Five li a r tit. if paid on or hewn 'tan : lint y'e Jolty. - Tour tier leent-f If paid-on or !Haig the: ~.firsidnjroF Atignot. • ," „ Twr .4o Per tient,. ltpalti on MO ibdote the' tint day of September. At Palaniter:the first day erSsielber. and on heforethe first•'tha,fietb• her, ito,Oethsetton telll be paittintter the *first day, et tether., 'and, on or ihefore the first day (No., *ember.. an additionsUhr44.?ernntl. I shall be 4fidetite and annteilf :c 1 (7, - • . • I -- • AFTER; - d olr,NOVElfiElt.Witt rants *fit be noted to ad an taxes teldshtbigenpatili'togetliet:Wittebe Mod ate ecere,,d detteee. tokt file not& a'll lmitt,y.lAtt 431,11 y WX. TNFOII.BLiTION4 JL • i'a.l ~, rtltOrlillitnittitilkarnitt4etidTlie re giuri-to bosiikesek or IA rellipiiit4pl#ooi(oligoo ttons Ass :ililßrakiinti., ItciAleati +,C4elki )ile emir* ? rogmerg or LibogOl4: MPPltne* Chia" B t. 'Louis, atemPlas.M Pun' A ttie Rock, Neir Orteins, Mobtif4 Raiiti' oi, iiipart. peril or Viztia,e* reoel*e tipotiaiiiiiiii ? ' prpu,s, and reliable fitiovaiattai, , fra*-pete geievil .Wit In L otitavlltb, 67 erierciang,o,tir 01 of T!l9i pOLUtS tooor adarisa.• H iving lit e*tifirq bO5 l in pis Par! , 'of. l o4 , ~0 PT74, , * Ve gatbfaCtilli.' 14,12:07 No, 3,16, 4 11ttiNt:, totiartiti,j. .P mignt - 1!.&97 PRINT PAPS OG. Lta: Ong f t t abb iTcatoP.A umucklirm 014 1 192 c o t r ip, I - Y0.f,12 rd, . • , 67klealiSH; - AllGtrWritArerM Tiesideifith' • , 4411,1_13.rIATINGfinoli.ITreiuni O.XLISL'EIDDLEA. Becpnat7.., Entactt—iu Ei'st , Marthh , John 44trilli, Eartmagii , Jobs lAcjilegon. Cash mid tbr Piper 'T./a= weartuancili'siti#4' • ,-" • • •zfesi Plitpbutik zieTit ANtoV.D.SON, - ch Manufacturer of .(klitE-MEAL, RYE. notrud I)HOPPED -PEED.. Orders- ileElttna vertid bithery nee of chime, Galata pf ati .h.oppet.a Corn shelled. on "snort notice:" , Wir ~11..•1414141.704003', • - - x a sis couip imer;pri.M.l!iigtien*. ih a nkni for the former very liberal lattrdnairet pUtrint arkul tee, allenre..tar, collude, and the isn • 'generally that. tu the future as rst Vie past s r ci ustorevor'4ll4fiently loserit aiinonttntutite6 - g_tf t; . 1 " 49 ' an tl l 4 l '1 1) 49 rr. !L •" 11491) "' nirZ f t. It., an m • . TEAM WORKER A$D. ItlFV,l4kliklgo••l., hirdetreett 'bear Stritthaanti,f titteuritu• sirrwayis Ahangiii.risttirttruta —6 0x214 , 611A - 0-tHA T aksv cic L e. ,mod Priop i. In !pi? fichml 'a • itane&tiiieiiiensi'iiiiii the neatest manner. to 1 )1 :: .• MOON'S 'Via Iteasti o N P, a.) Alfa, is , s! , . 4) Attal4 o .4 l *o PP 13 4^ 41 Wi 7h 14/1T Ed fs Ws M JOHN ILI& A. NuNDoca. — mu l e. * 114 1 14.- sad 81441 alas amuhado „ 11