El II LI El -- - - Financial Matters in •Now York. Cold Closed at 140;: ,t . EET.Telegraph-W the Plttebiirgh Gaiette.,l NEW Y9B.F.._June 13, 1868. % MONEY "AND GOLD. * t Money steady, with a large supply seek- 'zing investment' at 3(§5 per cent. on call. .Sterling (inlet, at -10@10g for first class } bills. Gold steady, opening at 140, declin ing l ing and closing at 140. Exports ito-da • 51,256,540. P: GOVERNMENTS. Go ernment stocks more , active and %@ f. 3.1 per cenii. higher. Goupons of 'Bl, 1163,1 '; - .(1107(,; • • do. '62, 112®%112%; do. '64. .1.110A . ®110; do. '65, 11036 ®110%; do. new, ;113A®114; do. '67, 11336®113y; Ten ;Forties, 106@)106g; Seven-Thirties, 109 1 / 1 :& . ®loo3‘. - There is considerable short inter -The Treasury is largely behind in its q,deliveries of these bonds. The time for f iconvOrti.ug the :second series of ..7-30's has e, beep extended to July Ist., The gold obli ; gations of the GoVemmetit falling - .lue July lst are 538986,016, of_which it is estimated, however, $1,567,500 are due Europe, which iimaterlally reduces the amount of gold to Iconie,on this market.- It is estimated that ;six .. ons iH to be sent to Europe to be 'ap pile. to the interest of shares and bonds. BANN. STATEMENT • -8275;142,024; increaSe; $1 I • 349 657. I ViPe le, $11,193,631; decrease, $314,900; cireu t lati.n, 04,166,846; decrease, $21,313; depos fits, $210,670,765; increase, ($158,110; legal ten , ers, 09.202,840; increase, $380,812. ~„ • „ ti The Stock marketis'atesidp but - 411=4 • tiThe following • are , the < 5-30 quotations:- ;Canton, 493;€00 ;.Cuiriberland„ 33@333;; • = Walla Ex„ 253; .American, 53; Adams, .563;; United States, 543;; Merchants Union, 1-_,28;-Qutckailver, 25%@)26; Mariposa, 4@)5; • Pacific Mail, 96%696;4; Atlantic, 31@31, 4 3. Western Union Telegraph, 37%(4)37 1 ,L; N: Y. C., 134%©135; Erie, 70V,; Hudson, 140 y, Q 14114 ; Reading; 07; Wabash, 47 1 ,:Q48%; Michigan Southern, 89%®89%; Michigan Central, 1210LD..; Illinois Central, 154%© g 155; Pittabitrgh, 88@8Ety.„• Toledo, 106%@ 106%; Rock-Island, 103y,@164; Northwest .,ern, 130%1570; _preferred 82%@)82.i; Fort. Wayne ,t Chicago, 1111%,®111K. ;St - Paul, 65; do. preferred, 773;; Columbus, 92; Ash tabula, 102 1 ,4;• St. Joseph preferred, 91; de mand quiet. Border State bonds active and market generally stronger; , Missouris, F ,4 93g; Tennessees, 734!5 . 733; for old,•and 72,/1572% "foe new; Virginias, 55%15 55%, and new, 55V,,; North Carolinas; 68% ,6 '9 for old, and 69%®691 for new. The IR ilwrey;iiiortiiiige.s are all' strong, in good de and' and upward tendency; large de , 4 4 m nd for first mortgages of Chicago and ; GreatE r taiiilirbiid, with salpiiit 82x. ' ' MINING SMARM! minin g shares are higher but quiet; Greg ' 4 ory, 480®4851 Smith and Parmelee, 330; !. I Quartz =Hill, 120. • - „ '-' • ' ' EXPORTS /ND IMPORTS!. • Exports of Specie for the week, $2,967,321; imports of Dry doeds tirnmint to $1,206,76 6 i General" Merchandise, $3,896,319. , t, • TREASURY MATTERS; ,2 The receipts at the Sub-Treasury to-day rl was $1,191,038; for the ' week, $14,397,045; t payments to-day, $796,318; for the weak, p 412,505,289; balance, E 6,060,267. ' • New York Produce Market. i illy Telegraph *a the Pittsburgh Gazette.l ;', NEW-YORK, Jnne • 18.—Cotton. a shade t 1 , I lower; sales 1,500 bales at 2834a.c. Flour; zi receipts 6,299 bbls.; dull, heavy and 10a15c t lower; Sales 4,800 bbls at $7,25a7,90 for su perfine State and western, $8,15a9,00 for extra State, $8,10a10,00 for extra western, t $11,20a13,00 for white wheat - extra, $9,15 for t round hoop Ohio, sloall for extra St. Louis, and $12a15 for good to choice do, closing ,t dull. California dull and declining; sales 600 sacks at $10.50a13,00. Rye Flour quiet; ' sales 200 - bbls at 18,50a10,50. Corn Meal iquiet; city $5,50. Whisky nominal. Wheat •{ - very dull and - la2c lower; sales 21,- ;.1 , 400 bush. at $2,10a2,13 lor •No 2 spring, , d, V2,22a2,23 for 1 do, and $2,70 for white 4 Canada... Rye .dull, and heavy; 'Baled 500 ,f,,i bush State •at $2. Barley nominal. Malt 1 -quietand steady. Receipts of corn 15,950 busholull. and le. lower; sales 97,000 bush 4 at $1,118441,09 for mixed, western afloat, dos ing at $1,013a1,05% - fbr old mixed western; 41,15 btatorch and • $,101.7 ..fo; i do. c delivereil, ~. Recerpts if . oats. 24,879...bnab, dull and d-e -9.. editing; :sales • 41,000-bnah - At 85a85%c for wasternadoat: 'Rice quietat 11a1.1 1 Xe. for 1 , ,, Carolina. Coffee quiet. Sugar steady; ~., sales SOO bhdff-entia A 115 , 019e2 - Molasses t'l quiet:. 'Hope quiet; sales ,040 lbs.' Amer; 1.4 lean patroleum firm at 15 o for crude, and .3,3 a .32c for. refine:l:bonded.- 1 unchanged.. -ii Leather—Hemlock sole active and firm' at` 27a28e ? 40C i .tenor Ayres BOA 'SweiglitS. Wool.quie# sales 20,000 lbs at 45a540 fir do- mestic, fleece. ...Pork firmer; sales 1,500 bbls tit $2.8,/2a23,87 for.new mess, closing at 128,85 regular. $27,25a27,59 „ old do., .clositirltS27__ Leff regular, =PA, ,75a23,25 for Primer 124,250 24 , 50, foi'Prime mess; ' aleo 2,050 bb s mess, buyerinne, at $28,50. - Beef steady,;,salesl7s..bbla, also : 35 tierces... - Beef hams ' - d311.1; alites 20' b 1314 at '26a34c: ' Cut meats _firmer and more - active; sales 750 packages at 12lial3c ' shoulders 16gal.7y,'c. Hama, uiet and heldfirmly; sales.so boxes Stratford at 15,c. Lard quiet and steady; sales 550 flerces,,at 1634a17 1 / 4 c , for steam“ 17%a18l C fw. kettle rendered; also' 500 tierces steaM. buyer, June, at 17%c, and 750 tierceS do., buyer. Au gust s = at 17yc. Buttersteady, at Wane for Ohio, and 30a 35c for State. Cheese dull at7alsc. Freights , to Liverpeol nominal and unchanged.( Latifsr.=E:lour closed very ' 'doll an d "5a 10c lower on common grades. Wheat is nominal at $2;1102.12 for No. 2,'. and $2,18a 2,20 for No, 1 spring. Rye is lower and dull at $1,98a2. Oats dull and heavy at 85c for western afloat.. • Corn is dull and heavy at $1,041,044 tor new mixed Western afl o at, and e 51,1451,15 for old do. in store. Pork is= drill 'and boayy, and sales were . griade - dr2solibliinesslat $28,15 cash, w, and 500 bbls do. at $28;25, -, seller- for July; the market lit-$28,12,a24 20 ,1 4ear a n d regain: peer filltillmed tui change ~ Cut Meats are 11144;141d. and-insettled.. Bacon is nominal. , 'Lard is quietltt lnial7ge for fair to prime Waal. , F4'o. lire !inlet and steady-at27828e; 'IF.) ',' , ',"11- 1 :/- . -tl ? '.; II IREI : 0 2,1 , 1 ;" Ele _Market: . ter Tete/trails tAiteVPittsburgh elliettea • ' Via& 13.L—Plouri:VerY4111 1 ;• -orices-nondluilly • and • 25c, lower; flintily', 89,75510 X Wheat neglected and''prlces nomitilViet-4~.iatr ARY,andi for No; Tandit , iCorn4firmbut quiet at 498 y and 9601Yritrituf shone& Ostsdpl_litn4; are held at 76a77 e. but-buyers want below theselikir. illye.dalltiMlovicac NO: Olif; 41,804 ' lOOttan, dull .and , prices e nothing'. at 27c, tOditcOeushad. 7 ,..3lass Perk .quiet but! Arm at 421. Bulk :meats held at 12a14g• art 4, heavy, oh* t li for Nc. • BacioP ink alt7debiand at 130 1634 a efor cleavrib and clear sideii laird in demand at; figy, ,e , but held at Butter firmer and 2aild'higher, 'Ohlo2la24e, W.estOßD , Reserve g5a26. - Eggs .1117 n at 22n., Liruieoit 0111iiiii at 111-4.4. Petrorelm at ?As 34e f°44: 14.3411 W flee: - :i3ritceries, steady and no change in pricel:- Bogs and Cattle dull, antes tendingdovtriwtrd, Gold 1393. • Italthiorit Market. (By Tocirrooll BAyIIKOR ,13 • Jpne-! IL—Flour nOrninalf holdup(' willink to concealing: Wheat dull v..onv Oats firm at We 93? Bye .nominal.:: Provisions Alm • and' activeif sliesa"Foratat $28,11229,09.1 Ma. Rib fildee 10301% , g . uar Sides Shoulz dere 143 , 3 Z ia : Lard 183 f • ri•Me* cs• • e_ 14 : 51.JaSikretA,, I " • - • 136 taaa, (131:4, bal d, eig; . ,7/U y t t? . 044 0 " . shoulders 12g44....q r,•r ,fitoir,' Yr. - s2oc. --Vornor.'--2 •••• • • ° MI:110110W 1061 „, rairifffilettottairtt • • 46 4,50. -ow , i!•l•..t •,..; f ft , St. Louis Market. . Telegman to the Pittsburgh Gezette.i • : Sr. Lours, Jtine 13—Market •active_ but. unchanged. Cotton; nothing doing. Hem ; nominal and lower. , with small sales of n. dressed at $1,45. Flour; exceedingly dull . sales at $6,50a7,25 for extra, and XX.. at 159., Wheat; saloc lovier; sales of Prime to 'fair red fall at $2,45; and fancy white at $2,55; spring quiet at, $1,85 for choice soft lowa.. Corn; holders firm but buyers are standing for lower prices; mixed yellow sold at 88 1 a 83%, and white at 85a87. .Oat e#• firm but lower; sales at 75a78. Rye; steady, at $1,72 a 1,73. Provisions; exceedingly dull. Perk; generally held at $28a28,50, but a good lot was offered at $27,75 without a- buyer. , Ba con; very little doing; shoulders quiet, at 16wi17c per lb; clear ribbed sides,l6%al7c.' Lard; no' demand.' Cattle; steady at at 4Ma 4,,1c per lb. Shee range at $1,25a6,00 per head. Receipts; w heat, 5,000 bush.. Corn, 32,800 bu. • Oatsi 3,000. Chicago Market. [By TelegTaph to.tUe PlttBburgh Gazette.] Cuteikoo, June 13,,—Flour more active and 12Ma250 limier; sales spring extras at $8,50a10,50. Wheat moderately active arid gale. lower; sales No. I at $1,92; No. 2 at $1.85a1,86, closing with buyers at $1,86 for No. 2; since 'Change No. 2 quiet at $1,86. Corn more active; sales No. 1 at 85a8514c; No. 2 at.8.382334c, and rejected at 80a801.6c;. this afternoon No. 1 quiet at 85a&53,c. Oats lalVo lower, closing at 65a65 1 A.c. Barley and Rye neglected and nominal. Nothing done in Provisions. Mess Poik nominal at $29,75. lard, 16Xal7c. Freights firm and lc higher; 4j4asc on coin to Buffalo, and 10c -on wheat to Oswego. .Receipt S-4,020 bbls flour, ,18,965 bus Wheat, 19,228 bus corn, 42,024 bus oats, 1,70.5 hogs. Shipments—. ;1,151 . bbls flour, 11;242 bus wheat, 154,693 bus'torn, 450 bus oats, 6,291 hogs. ' Buffulo Markel. CBy Telegrarth,to.the Pittsburgh gazette.] BUFE'ALO, June 13.—Receipts—Wheat, 40,000 bash; c0r.n,:216,000 bush; - oats, 170,- 000 bush; sour, 2,250 bbls. Shipments— 'Sheat, 21,000 bush; corn, 40,000 bush; oats, 60,000 bush.- Freights unchanged. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat nominal, at $1,98 for No., 2 spring. Corn lower and very dull; sales early of 16,000 bush No. 1 western at 99e; 8,000 bush do at , 96c, and Inter 29,000 bush No. 2 western at 95c.- Oats lower, and quiet; sales of 27,000 bush of western at 75c. Mess Pori . : lower, at $28,25. Lard 17Ma1834c. Toledo Market [By Telegaph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] „TOLEDO, June 13—Flour, receipts amount tO 740 bbls; quiet. Wheat, receipts amount to 2810 bush; and 434 c lower; sales amber at ?2,3214 to 12;34, closing at the inside fig ure. Corn, receipts amount to 20160 bus; a shade lower; sales No. 1 and Michi .gan at 913tc©92c ; yellow at 94c; seller, - June, 92c; buyers, July, 96c. Oats, receipts df 1800 bus ; dull; buyers offer"6sc 'and holders ask, 70e. Lake freights dull at 3c on coin by steam to Buffalo. Novr Orleans Market. fir Telegnapb to the Pittsburgh Gasette:l NEW ORLEANS ). June 13--Cotton is quiet and nominally t i c; sales .341; receipts 15; exports- 1;357 bales. Sterling 15214a154. New York Siglat , gr, premium. Gold 140.• Sugar and. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Flour dull at $8,25a8,50 for superfine. Corn easy at 97ca51.02. Oats at 77c. Bay at $lB a2O. Mess Pork firm at $,25a29,50. Ba con firm; shoulders at 1334 c; clear sides at 1734 c. - Lard quiet at 18%c for tierce, and 203 for &ea. Louisville Market. By Telegraph to thel'lttaburgh Gazette.] LoutsvlLLE, June 13.—Sales 143 hhds. tobacco lugs at 8310 and leaf at 11atV.) 1 (. Flour; sales superfine at $B,OO. Wheat; sales prime red at 82,15a2,20. Corn; sales at 90a98. Oats 76a80. Rye 1)1,90. Bagging heavy at. 23. Cotton , 27%. Rio Coffee 20a 25. Sugar, refined standard, 17%. Mess Pork 28. au3on Shoulders 13%03%. Clear Sides 17 1 / 4 a17% for packed. Lard 18, in kegs 19%. Whisky raw and free $2,10a2,15. • , Cleveland : ll3aitet. tßy Telegratiltto the Pitiabuigh Gazette.] CLEVELAND; June 13. Flour. dull and lower, double extra spring, city made, slla 11,50; (10, conntryme, P,50a10„50; double extra, city made, amber $l3; triple extra; city made, white 1114,150515,00fd0nb1e extra, country nude, red :Wheat dull and nominal at $2,30 for No 1 red; No 2 do $2,20; No 1 spring $2,1582,16. Corn held at 91c. Oats; sales one car at 71c, and one car at 70c. Rye held at $1,80.' Barley' nominal. Milwaukee Market. tlfy Telegraph to tha Pittsburgh Gazette.) _IMILWAIIKEE, June 13. —Flour dull; choice Minn. $9a9,25; choice Wisconsin, $8,50a8,75; medium, 88a8,50. Wheat dull and lower 1441,9414 for No. 1; $1,82 lbr No. 2. Oats ' aeclined to 65c for No. 2. Corn weak at 84 aBsc for No. 2. Receipts-700 bbis flour; 39,000 bu wheat; 2,000 but oats; 0,000 bu corn. flj:dpments— 2,500 bbis flour ; 80,000 bu wheat. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AA/ PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, June 13—.2 cars iron ore. Dilworth, Porter & Co; 2 do do, Everson, Prtston & Co; 11 do pig iron, Nimick A Co; 1 dodo, 2 do iron ore, Park, Bro. dr Co; 2 masses coo per, T M Howe; 2 cars lumber, R A Clark dr, Co; 1 do do, W F Richardson; 4 bundles steel, 4 bars do, Anderson, Cook & Co; 4 bxs hardware, 1 bbl do, .1 kg do, D B Rod gers; 1 bx bolts, Hublhy A Co; 6 bbls po tatoes, J Knox; 2 bundles handles, Logan, Gregg & Co; 10 , , bxs ; cheese, -H Riddle; 20 bbls plaster, S Davison; 6 bbls hardware, J C Buffam & Co; 1 bbl copper, C G 'Hussey - 4 Co; I bit mdse, 1 bbl do, Jas Wagner; 245 aka oats, McHenry & Hood; 81 do do, Mc- Bane dr. Anjer; 10 01l bbhi, C A Womicastle; 2 bbls eggs J J Pettit; 1 car lumber, Ex celsior Collin CO;. 55 sks bran;- J Henkel; a cks potash, B A Fahnestock •sr. Co; ;1 car stone, r woife; Ido :water pipe, B R Col- Ras; 50 ;bbls ,oil, Wm McCateheon; 25 do• vinegar,•Orayben & Shannon ; A bbis eggs, . W 3 - Steel &Sro;ll,litatobacco,J Murpliy; 140 bbls oil, .1 Speer; 45 bail cheese, Graff & 'Wter; , l42 Ida oats Brown 31 Williams; , 1 ..* oats and Ors. des Graham. - 1 - ,-. , "•PriTeig*7l4 Pr. ;;WeArat,Arni Ggicitgui itktratak* , :june - 18, —4- oars mutely Briari i r catisher RI Al(); do;,Nintlelt f & Gc; - 'AQ bins *girl owner;.loo do: do: / Blooe 'l6O do , do, , Wetti Lang A Coin r 10 pkgs fish, J , 18init*Ot',bble“.'911• A L FehpeatoCk, A ;• 10 - ears Ironoreo ShOenberger , A Blain, 41 bblefionr; Thine* . &IBM; 24 do 404 Jai:, „Ze i gi;.44 a 4 f4 l , WOleeoeititti /40., do do, brayer & V oskamp ; 1 car lumber, Max- , Nye 1.16Ma1ihN.25-ibra-cheiste,,,Jtl3,C,entteldi A Son; 25 do do,'Gralr ../ Reiter; 10 dodo, S Cooper,'" 25 do : ' do, t'iffeeiletcit; 12 ' bxs; cheese,' N I ; Biadett;,, sq Elks scraps , Win' 'Second A SoMIS de rags, i ,_Plt_te'PePer Paper,' 4 pkgs niciplebatter, 11,14:04•1. 2 loge Stblebut ter,l. do lard,`"l 7 (Mt, 4 1 fe ' lieod & Lo 2 bles bacco J .4.7Marttr 'ef 20' bxs cheese, Vta' - rkPairick*&`Coi 4 "klitlier,4;9Y a lT! tr Re 1 ,... , tr ; 5 bP sc'aPt 8 ElY, a ,r,' d C l , ), '!. - • - 'l/1713ALTair,,ObriArngS.0*iqD ST . „Louts , 'lllitatos,ro. June .14.1,144. sks rye, 40 :49- r Er o Ort W.Jlisieeki -1, car rye, M Steel &,Sou; 'mesas tobacco,2l . 0 Tullege;,2,pkge /Iqtler,l ' rat I la ce Y; 50 Pig& leadeß.Mlioe; . IZQ .buttc tobacco, W „L,Jones;,,24,,bOxes. starob,4 S Telworth.&o6., 2 bbls egtotHEGGraigh ee tb i.. 14, boxes starch,. J M- Croatian; 7. bblenfie , - Graff a Reiter; -41- sks .rye, qtdelrienry . &. ~11coda2Siolies nob, watt. j _ I/ans.& Co o .216' rOTS corn,2*.no:oateigredSchleta; l oar s n , 11 Graffsk C0.; , 1 Alibis . thump owluire. . cars staves; ii:P.Adamat"•-1114:4 ti , ,5 10 ....K°r” utsh; , .l do do, ,Chtutv,4ll3 temp & Rentz. , 2 , e . ~ - ' ditralrest 'TAM= 1 —2CaritinettaVH -IN ' Ito** a 09; 4 450-V4w bn rre, itre l att§rei T t Mir ; lajkifigir , 211iltsWat bidsi F fitoetdhi - av , A l iglrsAfftCßlP 9151-74r ItioNIPMG, 14) WM - A iaeft _ )3 _ wol. Bradleir& Sop,;- 3 care talhbad lion; North lithilourl It It Co;' 2 bbleggii,*Bnor& Orr.'' , Arzzomnair.B.rwriost, June 13. 1 car iron ore, Spang, Chalfant & Co; sdo lime stone, Superior Iron Co; 72 bags malt, - .Ta Rhodea; 500 pigs, Beyrrter, Bauman: & Co; 180 bgs oats, 20 do rye, 25 dof r i t lxseed, Stewart, & Langenheim; 304 gallo stone ware, Malley. ' PITTSBURGH AND I , CONIVELLSVILLE RAILROAD, June 13.-1 car tan bark, A Holsteine; 313 sks oats, Hitchcock, Mc- Creery & Co; 3 bbls, 1 box crackers, NV P Hunker ,Sz, Co; 3 bbls, 1 bx do, Smith, Johnson : & ; Colvin; 108 bundles paper, C P Markle; 115 kgs nails, ,W F Armstrong. Fitom CINOINNATI.—Per St. Marys.-16 caddies. tobacco, T J Blackmore; 1 bbl wine; B Auth;. 1 kegdo. 5 bdls and 120 caddies tobacco, Knox &Orr; stierces beef, Jos B C Parkes; 2 .boxes castings, White more. Wolff & D; 3 bbls oil,' Patterson, N & Cori box mdsl, Weldon & Kelly; 6 bags hemp seed, Clark & t_To; 1,728 nail' kegs, Chess; Sinyth & Co; 3 grindstones. Woods & Linton; 9 grindstones, Hubbard, Bro & Co; 15 pkgs tobacco, S'T Shriver & Co; 10 bbls vinegar, Graff& Reiter; 10 bbls marble dust, John Seiferth; 100 bdls willows, Isaiah Dickey; 2 tierces dried beef, Edward Hazle ton; 4 kihds tobacco, Mclnnis & Co; 6 pkgs furniture, Lemon & Weise; 100 empty oil bbls, J Reamer 40 bales hay, Adams & Thursley; 4 boxes tobacco, ,Joseph M Sher- Both rivers continue to recede steadily at . this point; with' scant four, and a half feet in the MonOrigahela, and five feet two or three inches in the Allegheny. The weath er yesterday, was oppressively hot in the sun, and=it is probable we shall have rain within the nest say or two. The Kenton from St. Louis has arrived, and the St. Mary's from Cincinnati was due last night, and will doubtless be found inport this morning. Tne Grey Eagle, 'considerably behind time, arrived and departed for Parkers burg on Saturday. The steamer St. Marys arrived at six o'clock last evening, and' will depart for 1 Cincinnati prompily at three o'clock this afternoon. As thd river is getting up, she will start early. Passengers and shippers can be early at that hour. The Wauanita, Capt. Thomas Shuman, is announced to leave for St. Louis to-day, as isalso, the S.;C. Gray, .Capt. Isaac Whitt* taker. These are both good boats. The Julia No. 2, from Zanesvile, is due here to-day, and. will return as usual to morrow. The Mary Davage and America arrived at St. Lodis from Pittsburgh Eriday. The Success "arrived there the same day frOm Fort Benton. - _ The Emma No. 3, was advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh Saturday. She has on board the following items. of freight for this port: Ltimsen & Son 25 bxs bottles, 2 osks brO ken gla.st; T. Giffin 70 brls clay; Clerk it Co., 200 brls flour; Robinsone & Best, 7 lass glassware; Bingham & Lang, 3 bales hides; Bevmer, Batman & Co., 10 bbls barytes; Niinick (Sr. Co., 50 tons pig iron; D. Wallace, 750 sks corn. We have the following St. Louis items, under date of Thursday: The . ( up stream business of our St. Louis and New Orleans packets never was better than this season, every boat having as much freight as could be desired to come up stream with. Ship ments from this -port to Vicksburg and New Orle:ans continue_ heavier than many previous year. • The Princess, sunk in the Missouri. is .abandoned. The river is rising here, but falling at' Dubuque and Keokuk. The Missouri is rising at St. Joseph, but falling at Omaha. The pilots of the steamer • St. Paul, at Dubuque, who were getting.slso per month, struck. for SWO. Good river business Is anticipated through the year. The stockholders - of the Barge Company are becoming warmly interested in the contest with the steamers, and will light .vigorously. ,Rates are unchanged. Barge line officers assert that they are get ting twine as much freight as the steamers at the same rates. - _ The Sallie made the trip from. Benton to this port in 11 days and 20 hours; passed the Saccess and Deer Lodge under way. Round trip, 61 days and 20 hours. David, Berlin, who fills, the important office of harbok master here, was sentenced, this morning tort three hundred dollar( fine and thirty, s'' imprisonment , on a charge of open an notorious adultery, pro ferredby his Wife. So e ten Years ago the parties separated a er they had lived together ;thirty. years. Berlin meantime lived with another',. wo an, who died re cently. His wife, who h d become old and poor. applied to hint for , an annuity suffi cient to support her. but's.failing to get it, she entered prosecution just noticed. Two more cargoes of whSat, aggregating 40,000 bushelithave been sent to Now Yorke in bulk via New Orleans, freight and hand ling clear through 27c per bushel. Helena (Montanli)• advises" of the same• date says: The Huntsville arrived from .Benton on the lat inst,and the Antelope on the 2d. The Henry Adkihs stared down on the 2d. The Peninah, Mountaineer and Antelope left Renton , for 'St. Louis on the 4th. - ( A late Memphis paper says : The United ' States Marshal sold yesterday, at auction, 1 the dilapidated Milbrey. She was started at WO, and after a fierce contest of bidding i between some creditors 1 she was finally knocked down to , Capt. Robert Wood, of Paducah, for $2,050—a ood price. She will be taken to Paducah and put in repair, and will ply in the Cairo and Paducah; trade. The Eau Claire was also ptit no( and knocked down to Messrs. McCauley k Covington,, of 'Paducah, for 51,810: 'She will be taken to Paducah to be ased - as a tow boat..: of.very little account. . , 'ililke Reef, formerly mate of the steamer Starlight, was arrested at St. Louis - Wed-'1 ttesday,.on , a , requisition from the Governor of .Loulaianat,9baTiied with. burning that. boat tidal New Orleans in" April' last., . , a w).11 be taken South. ' •. ' 11 , 4a4..u . " •• ”• . , tatito s ..g.-I.*l • . - 4. IMPORTS BY •R'IVER. RIVER NEWS. , ' Bll er a* ITfatb , Efty , Telegraph to, tbo rattsburFlUstette• 1. • • utitavit.us,sime 13.-- - glytna falling with live l feet' two .ineheet in .banaLlw. Weather PieerPl24:f/arLikaral.l; • • • • IST. Lotrrsdn3le dather eienoly ann t i ; rul .--- '76l7il 9 ll. 9f sP°ll7n qtt l4l3. sa ' ' .. Prertni t N.,(VAIICE • )11 •` Oa , • BEALEVPItOPOAL i i Sirtli be rticei+bd odieeuattl,Sterrt.lN6T-.'inehielvei ,for potting /14, and rifting tilt firth° ouhty Frieotr, with pet Uthee wittrk, tlierPtiow.,,Ang . _ •!. :•,•:;, 2, WATifiti . PIPES,; , CLAMPS, dc.3., t dtk, ~„ • A. directed by :the Engineer: '665 feet likin'ehpalvhnized Irott Pipe. , • .-• Four 1130%Pa:done, galvanized., Night' Ineu .rho, .•:. "Forty 1 Inch T's. do. 1 r ytt g r a ' On-SteogarriPeet , Witti nu neceirearYbotike, fastening., 4 be alioaed fed old' inat yt dAtlrlln" ek B , order of oa napgctor of eg I t°llt7S6l9l4'4lE Bo a r d :115 ,g oo p.*ET4l4_ fI*CALT4T,,, , ' atseramiammicaNam,,,,o STEAUktinATS. , CUNlCringilA PACKET LINE. . . For Wheeling, Marietta, ackerabnrg, ' PomerOi, Ganipoits, Big Sandi, IConlon, Portemonth, ayaville .and Cincinnati. . ST, MAR T. C. ws.r.ltr, Master. MONDAYS, 5 P. M. DRANO, Master. Yr. citAnEs FiMIATS, 5 . The aboye elegant side wheel regulartyras announced, conne with raccets and liallroads to L Memphis, New Orleans sad St. Upper DI ssissippi and Missouri prelgh,..or passengers receipt: c. rail or r i TOM - - • . Espe I attention given to 0 ness. HAHNES-It'CO an2e. GHRIEST fr. H F OR CINCINNATI. THURSDAY PACKET The tier and aplendld•eide-w J. N. M'CUL.L I Q. D. 3TOORE D. MOOSE The above elegant . sidejwheel steamer will leave r Cincinnati w e lfh l Yi l iAte gi ts l a s t irgillgi totobievilie, ti Memphis New Orleans and lit. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. relght,or passengers recelpted through either by rail or river.• Especial attention given to Orders and Way . Business. For might or puisase A tp . VLimMird or to CHAS. BAldigS. lAgents' alai NORTHERN LINE ~za a k=hr a: • • ' PACKET COMPANY. (ESTABLISHBD MS.) The Only Tigeough Line Running Be tween SW. Loud' and St. Paul. . . Shippers desiring their freight to go through trith out re-shlpplng above St. Louis. will please consign their freight—VlA NORTHERN. LINE. Through rates given over Pittsburgh Boats, and guaranteed by FLACK &COLLINGWOOD, Agents, R. C. GRAY, No. 94 Water Street. And les . zia tZ6 WHEELING . ' Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Com:many , / Wharfboat, foot of Wood street, DAILY. at 151 M. • • MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. J. N. McCULLOUGH GEO. D. Moos.. Master. TUESDAYS AND rittimrs, BAYARD A: S. 1511111.PIIERD_,Master. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. GREY EAGLE C. L. Buirarras, Master. Freight will be received at all hears by Ina JAMES COLLINS. Agent. • 'AUL.—The flue acarucr WAUANTrA • Capt. T. SHUMAN'. Will leave to above, in connection with the North ern racket Line, on SATURDAY, Jnne 13th-4 P. x. For freight or passage apply on baartlar to 101 l FLACK 41. CM.1..12.i1iWQ911, Agents VOR •CINCINNATI AND Au LOUIS VlLL:E.—Thenne steamer R. C. ("RAY ...... . . . W. B. A:MEMOS, '. Will leave ea above.' taking freight for dlemplds and Net' Orleans, on SATUBDAY, 13th inst.-4 P. N. freigbt or plzmettilp i c v board or to e 9 J. D. - COLLO:I:MOOD. Agents AItt4t)EGULAR WEDNES-jagEg DAY PACKET FOE. CINCIN A $.--or One stcamer A SY Capt. VANDEXIVP' W. H. Scott, Clerk. leaves Pittaborgb for riat/ even' WEDNESDAY at noon. C. 'BARNES, JOHNLLItsiS, AM FLACK, NC F I T GI . VS• ISOM =woman COAL AND COKE. INIIIiwi OSCAR F. LAMM & CO. - • 0. T. LJYY I C. DAVIS• . COAL AND COKE. 0121ce, Sasidstskr Steeet and P. P. W . & O. _ R. R.. , Allegbieny City. - SUPERIOR Youghiogheny- Coal and connellaville 'Coke, AT LiAVEST MARKET RATES. air Orders promptly attended to. I mil!) COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! ' ' .' . DICRSON;,STEWART,& ..; . .- . . Having removed their litceit *O, 567 I,l:ErjartT i le' errn - ma., (Late.lj Clty FlOtir Milli SEpONp ELOI I .)R. Are riow.prepared,to Dingell good TOIRiIIiOGITE NT LIMP. NUT COAL` OR BLACK. at the lowest u l r lt e Prda left at their °aloe, or addresied itC them through Iberial. willtre attended to promptly. rfiIIAHLES ARRISTRON4, ns~t nn IL/ , nt ILOUGNIOCIL.E, NY AND OONNNLLEI pNAL, And puloracturors of - COAL, GLACE, AND .DESULPHURIZED 004 E. Mice and Yard--CORNER:OF BUTLE AND MORTON STItEB'rS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets , Ninth ard, and on Second street, W near Lock NO. t Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and- Manufactuters supplied with the bert article , of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their *faces will receive prompt attention. , . .A RWISTRONO & succeosoro to AZID YOI7OIIIOGOZNY COAL WO.. Itt , INEM SNIPPER 4 AND DEALER& BY ROAD AND WYE% of superior Xoughioglieur CAS AND , FAMILY . • Olttce and 'YardirOOT OF JrRT T, 'near the Das Works. • SITXRI•9B C9AL* , ~ C .,OII2ICORRIZ: dr cO.l, Littnatelar. tyrareWitrart Coat delivers:l tie the =Me , ? 1 1 , 44 e c h e o ln e ir Y u sTAMll 7O = l,ll Men wxr, Verol l isfitin ert!'fblo.22,. =NE • • ~ t •nt ,tj v,IFORAIROINI.,WORK.; - .:; . 6 , BEADED PRDOOSALI34III birretieli%ed fi,qd .julaq for thet At3.3,AND_WROUOH Opf 'wOßMotecred'for . the Daunt Watt' House., _,The w_pr cousistsAf of, DA,VIf, GUTTEI32, it EitittHOLTo..liEA anti-IdORRUU , A6 Iff) 5131. fr ,Litt)bfC*ll.llls,DEus.rzum rotten ite' be 'le& With 'oE,olictr, 4 'AZISILED, Esq Seergtam of the Nohrti L of-Monagers, corncr of Wood and . Tourtil'etreete; rattsburgb, , Ps. ....Drawings and specincations to be seen. and all isamtularmation given at the 011ie& of BARR & , InosK6,• Architects. , 1.108. 14 and tit Cia.tV street. N. B: , -Separite bldg will be received for the dif (theta bra:tabs of work, jeazro. .INTOTICE.; •„ , petienahaitag cialniamalost and inieteet.; IMA .ed in!tbe STIOXT. A.naIADILLO will take nottee that Itave vetted asid !Steamboat at the suit 1 of BA*F`l t t - • ERIE ',lmarihri , • bmie. is Otnat ores's" , , . ritt, wAiiklramm. road is now renl, oromPunt it,wptpotienturpod to -Iteouoti. , :rift ‘ 4 I,ITEg - 1 I itvaarachitriteclittose rWorks, , , r);;:i . - 4 47444.1VansfrphtUgivt,e0,.... , . *, S Wit-Aka Attchreirtfi 1.0.. • itollagolfflOgdi t‘ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. X. STEBJ,E WILMA. SIC,EEILE •& SON,: GritllllZN, PEED, ay. No. 95 owl STRE.EI near East Commini, • ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. JAMES B. NEMIIIIt. AFEILNOR & HARPER, PLOUR,!GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION BIERCIIA.N'TS( Consignments 3olieltetl. • ItarEnENcEs—J. o Martin, Cashier-Mechanics' National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., B. T. Ken nedy & Bro. ja21:124 ER! r.teamers will leave flog at Cincinnati nisville, Nashville. Louis. Also to the Were.- d through either by PETER KEIL KEW & lIICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, he., he., Ite i r t led Way . Bust ! LENT, Agents. yzi: B l 9 Liberty Pittsburgh, alaMt J. *ILAN' pHARD , !SEEM 'eel steamer aplB:xB9 ALEX. AIIBANE ' ' • J. B. ANJEE. McBANE & &MIER, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN, and- PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. , 141. WATER. STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. • • . lea Comitiander. Cleik. FETZER &I ARMSTRONG, FORWARDINGAHD OCREMB3I3ION MOHAIITEI i For the Elate of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter; Seeds, I)rled Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. SHODIAKER LANG, Whole sale dealers in Groceries, Flour, Grain, Pro duce, Picrvisions.'.Fish, Cheese, Salt. Carbon Oil, /to., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. - nollinss JOHN I. 110U5E...../41)W: HOUSE WM. 11. MOUSE. 7? - 01IN L HOUSE. & Suc cessors to JOHN 1. HOUSE Jr. CO., Wholesale . recurs and Commission Merchants, Corner. of . Smithfield and Water Streets, Pliitsburgh. Pa. 11RIDDLE, N 6. 183 LIBERTY . STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa., Commission Mer chant and Wholesale Dealer in Country . Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gan. erally. att2l _. . BORT. KNOX ANDREW ANUS 114 KNOX & SON, COMMISSIOD .MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR. GRAII 4 . b FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No 79 DIAMOND, oppoalte City Hall, Allegheny My. Jall:c37 A. 7. _ _ PAT. ens* FORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG METAL, BLOOMS, , WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY &c. Warehouse and Office, Nos. 306 and 368 PENN STREET. Storage tarnished. Consignments solicited. oc3 - . . . TITTLE, 'BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and illersln Produces' Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fiala, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns an 114 Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and SECOND STREET, 'Pittsburgh. J. D. CANFIELD & gON . , ' COMP. missioN - A FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and e Wholessle Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Pork Bacon, Flour, Fish, Pot and Pearl Ashes. and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce .tenerally, Nos. 144 and 146 Front street, Pitts -- JOHN gEtPTO!t..., ..A WALLACE. HIPTON&WALLAC4WHOLE sAtEG ROCEits AVD PRODUuE DEALERS, , o. 6 SIXTH.sTREET, l'lttaburab. 1a12:r33 - OS. A. 'IIUTLER; - ALDERMAN LNG POLICE MAGISTRATE. , •• • • • 11. B. DiarshalA $ll, 19139 J : • -nitets:q72 linuntaxtravireprog. 1. 1 '! r • h,Juno loon. • `tOi the litititid .Froofgionl,tht , fgulrrel y nal:dna dn. and will ntit June.letn44llBK: when e (Ivy Tramnorgit.l4ia Orp,oe for e;11.,,E:M0 . . . Otty ungnieed% Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN • 329 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH WhOlesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET. MD PROFESSIONAL Office, 128 WYLY*: STREET, near Washtngton, PITTSBERGII. PA. Deeds, Bonds, 3tortgages Acknowledgments,' Deposltions, Collections. and' all other legitimate buslnese executed promptly. inh2Ung SAMUEL MqI:ASTEILS, ALEVEII3I.A.2OT, Ex-Officio Justice of the Pence and Police Magis trate. °Bice, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PiTTSBUROII,• PA. • Deeds Bonds,. Mortgages, Acknowledgments,; Depositions, and all Legal Business executed, with promptness and dispatch. •, =hie EIISTACE'S-r -..1t1011.1t0W, A:14.13E11.31.A.N4 EX-OFFICIO JUSTICP TRE ' PEACE AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgm ents, Depositions and all Legalliusiness executed wit h promptness and didpatcb. • tnyM -Ammo*; A j'astice Of the Peace, • CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE it INSURANCE AGT CARSON' STREET .EASTBIRMINGHAM. Collection of Renta solicited and promptly attend ed to. - my3:y6o W1L1.1.41311 BARIRLER • ' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCERi.&C., 011iee, CARSON STREET, fleetly opposite the Railway Depot, souTli riTTSBUROII. , Business entrusted to his care promptly attend e'd to. :• • myDyel Aucmatta.BLAKELEY, .O%."I"rOinNEV--.A.T-I,AAV, No. 98 FIFTH STREET, DANIEL MCMEAL, N. IL, PRACTICING 131-liSICIAN, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, No. 59 Grant et., near Ildgi T S. FERGUSON, t) ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; No. VW Fifth Street, apinv73 scoxi, rioore, FRONT itOOR JOHN W. BID I ELL, ; N 170411 .!....Y7AT-L4W-4- lie Dittnitolid - Stakiet, (qppoittb the Court Bouse,) PITISBUR4H, felsttM W • ATTORNtY.•.•AT-LAW . No .• 9t) / mhb -• ATTORNEY ANO"COIINSELOR AT LAW, No. SAlarant; 64:ree, PITTf3I3IThiGH, TA. .132724:ti1t5 , soy.. A. STRAIN,- ,* • , • • • • • ' Amironliankrir;- , ! •:. • EX-OPP 010 VOSTIOE OP T BADE AND f , • T , .:VOLI,cIC•MAOISTRATIL • -- Odli,;_;ll,Avirrtx Tx.r. „oposite the (lathe. drat, •rittsbutgh, - /UOl3lll, • Honda,' Vases , Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Li Duel hese executed with promptnaseAnd Minato - JOICOINBS,.% ATTORNEY, ANO,COONSELLOR AT I,AWI Street. ..Penidons ? Bountiestind lrrean of Pay promptly. collected., HOTELS. A PkwfitniXNEEßßEsonir. MEElZOtraStongtioro;. 0 0311, tilt/411W defisaisiiselnilW Tra21021 1 11661114 i r agliZardrtfrAt i N 4 g l efil i l l _..titmorramettic. nmarourrgAimartasg : 111 , 4151zi .11104.,.. ~„ ; , . rtimmilhoi prrrstivirtGutuidammit CONNELLSVILLE R. R.. On and after THURSDAY, March Sth, 18611 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cor ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows:. - De art, ...D•rtue. Mall to and from Untonrn. 7:00 A. at. 0:00 P. Xi! McKeesport Accommodt'n%ll:oo A. at. 2:05 P. X. Ex. to and from Unlont'n. 3:00 r. is. 10:00 A.. 114 West Newton Accomnual'n 4:30 P. at. 813.5 Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:15 r. al. 7150 P. 34' Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. at. 640 A. 14 Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. 31. 10.100 A. X For tickets apply t . ! • J. X. KING ,4 Agent. W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. .mhb IXIM=I LLEGHENT VALLEY. RAILROAD.EgOggiII . Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS. Running through to Venango City-without change of cars—Connecting - with trains East and West on the Warre. & Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic & Great Western Railways: Shortest an quickest route to 011 CRY and Franklin, and all points in the 011 Regions. • :1 On andlafter April 28th, 11308,_Passenger Trahla wilt leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. .corner Canal and Pike Sta. as follows: . 1 Depart.rrtve— Mall to and Pm Ven. City. 7:00A. M. :15 P.Y. Express ' " 10:40 P. 2.12:25 A. X. - Brady's Bend Accummod`n 3:00 P. M. 10 - :20 A. X. Soda Works Accom'n 5:30 P. M. 7:55 A. X. First Hutton Accomod`n... 8:50 a, M. 132:40 A. Y." Second Hutton Accomod'n 12:00 M. 3:55 P. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda' Works at 8:03 A. 2., arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 a. N. Re*. turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. arriving St. I Soda Works at 2:55 P. X.' H. BLACKSTONH., W. F. HOPE, Ticket Agent. a JAS. F. nicuem, it TSBIIOH TORT. W. AND CLEVELAND. From June 7th, 1868 and andve at the - Dawn time, as follows: Leave. Chicago Ex.:;. 2:03 a mi Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m, ErletYgiM'l' 7:28 a 'Ea Cl. Wh'gßl'l 6:13 a mi Chicago Mall., 6:58 a m; Chicago Ex .... 9:43 a ml Cl. - 41.Wh".gEx. 1:43 pan Chicago 1:58 p m! Wh. &Elie Ex. 4:48 prc _Depart froM dtteprieny. . Brlgt.'n Ac. 8:58 a m Leqadale " 10:13 a m .11:58 a m "Rochester •• 2:23 p m Wellsr"e Ace.. 3:43p m Leetsdale Alm. 4:13 pm N. Brlgt'n " . 5:33pm Brlgt'n " • 6:28 pm Leetsdale " 10:43pm war 1:58 p. m. Chicago /14" 11:23 a. m. Mica* ies F. IL MYERS clll Mr ! , ;AI,I. LOUIS RAILWAY. • CHANGE OF TIME.—On and after I'HUNDAY May 10th, 1867, trains will leave and ii - rive at the Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Depart. Arrive. 2:15 a. m. 4:35 p. m. 9:40 a. m. m. Mall Express Fast Line.... . . —... Fast Express , 1:50 p. m. 11:20 a. m. Mixed Way 6:10 a. m. " 7:05 p. m. McDonald "s Acc'n, No. 1.. 11:40 a. m. 3:05 p. m. Steubenville Aecommod'n. 3:511p.m. •i 9:30 a. m. McDonald's Acc`n, No. 2.. 5:25 p. m." 8:20 a. m. SPECIAL No:rim—Sunday Express leaves at I:SG r. m. arriving In Cincinnati at 0:00 the next morning. The 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sundays and Mondays excepted, and makes close comedians Er. Newark for Zanesville and points oil Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark H. it f ; S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. E IV - Pi ST LVAI, CENTRAL ItAILIIO n and after June 7th, rive at and depart from thi Washington and Liberty s' Arrive. Mail Train.... 1:15 a m Fast Line 1:40 a m Wall's No. L. 6:20 am Latrobe Ace'n 7:50 a m Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Cincinnati Ex. 0:10 a m Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Baltimore Ex. 1:00p m Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's No. 3... 2:15 pm }haddocks No 1 5:50 p m 'Wall's No. 4. 7:1.5 pm Altoona Ace'n . and Emigrant Train 0:30 pin i • . The Church Train leaves Wall's Station' evert Sunday at 0:15 a. in., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:014 a. m. ReturninF, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. and arri :s at q all's Station at 2:01) p. in. • . 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. For fanner information apply to .1 . • W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Compady will not as sume any risk. for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to:One 'Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, un less taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAI4S_, Geheraliktperintendent, Altoona, Pa.- ESTERN PENN .:4I,IOIMENIff.L.- r - SYLVANIA. RAIL- S YD . .—On and after May 10th, 1507, - the Pea eenger Trains on the Wettern Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at and depart Cron) the Federal ' Street Delo., Allegheny City,_ai foll P ows: • , • •• • eRa ' • Spring:Pe No 1 0:34 a =Mail ' 6415 stn Freeport No. 1 13:15 aln Freeport No. 1 9,-.10 AEL ivo Express.:„. .... 10:15 am Sharpb4 N0.i11.1120 anx.- Sharpbrg Ho. I 1:25 p m Express... : .1:50 pm Freeport No. 2 4:10 p m t 1 lingdte N0.1:-•3:50 pm • Mall .. .. .. ...'... 5:50 p m reeportNe. 2 6:05 pus Springd'e No 2 7:1Ilp m Drlngd , e, No 2 7:30 p 111 - Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. . - The Church Tralh leaves -.Allegheny Janet: every" Sunday at 7:40 a. m,. reaching Allegheny! City st 9:50 a. m: IReturning; 'leaves Alf hear , City gat ' ' 1010 p, m. and arrive at Ailegheny :' ruict: at 9:419 , p.m. I CCITMETA.TIOSI TICKETS For saliin packages' Or Twenty,' between, Allegheny' Cfty, Chestnut street., Horns, Bennett; Pine Creek, Abut and Sharpsbnrg,: . andoood only On the trains stopping at Stations ape. cid on tickets. .• • ! • .• . - - • -. ~ .- . T 0 trains leaving Allegheny Chi ,.. at CAW s., M. and 1:50 P. In make direct.bonnectiOnnt Freeport with Walker, , E this of Stages, for Butler And Hannahs town. Through tickets ma) be virchased -at - the • °Mee, No. 3-St. Clair street, near the Suspension, , Bridge• 'Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For farther Information app ky to , - 1 JAE:FSLEFFERTS, Agent. .Federallftreet Depot. • The Western Pennsylvania Railroad. will not as: - ' same any.rtak for Baggage, except Dr wearing ays., parel, and limit thel. responsibility:to One Hundred Dollars In , value. ~ All baggage .. careening thls. amount in value will bent the risk or trke owner, tub tess taken by special contract. ,___• l • i • EDWARD H. 'WLLIAMS, fienn•al Sunerintendent, 'Altoona. Pa. PITTSBIIRGH. PA myll S 172 v p a y . Laiggsgai UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, t _Eastern Division. The SHORTEST AND MOST ItELTABLZ BOUT! from the Emit to all points Colorado, Nevada; • • • ( California, Vtah,; ,• Arizona, , WaShliagton, •••• New Mexico, Idaho, - • - • Oregon. Tito ilathe • leapi State Line and Letitenitoet2t . • dal% Mainly' exceptel,l Louthkarrival ttairui anted St. Railroad hem St. , sad Barthian and St. JO, 4•l4coad•ftata Quinn.y conataglisi at • ranee. T o pek a and Wathego wi th 'sages nor points. Kaaaa. ,At ereL 'worth with the UELTVb STATES %PAES.33 VOX PANDA DAILY ••.LLNE. OF OriBLAITD AND IMPRESS COAC . II2* pp. . zo3ANYamits fi#A-tzilrazlg : ; •Andilltrolikits*thiireferitiii444 PlTTssvai~H; 'Pd And wit nt h SANDERSIOVII BILLY. LINZ of 1 %, WACRES'fbrPort union; Bents Fort, ram -. 8441 441141 ‘ sae - 1, With ta t e Mini, 'Additions of rolling, iitcock equipment, anu tne arrangement* made with re. - eponstblertiterismd . Transpomation" Lines, from itst, western te rminue, this , road now offers, unoan idled! • facUlties for the L transmission otfreight ?to' the sac:, ' West. _ , Tickets for Imre at .air the , 1A4114010 oIEo in thot t ' United States and Canadas. 6 .1 Be sure and ask for tickets via THE MOH* ROMA, UNIOISI- - :PAVII4O- . EASTERN ..,01.V1510.1q., _ ,„ STEAMSHIPS. • Q I 3. , ENSTOWN:, 1f fir h ob`tIMPIWIENIUMUIIo ` 2ll3lll bitgirlirlVeiti or -A P e ' "" 4br" iktttic i vf: tirPA3ie' t (01(114M, ,9rfwavokuowok.-.., ritsirtwommaktiewil iatatiki , • r, rorpuitsgliOrflirlhir i lligritaf#43iiittip44Mr i r i, 1111; ti fitlO , I 10 1 IVAMIWPArttig4OII443I44 ,. 13 RAILROADS. 'AYNB & CHICAGO R. PITTSBURGH R. 8.. trains will _leave riont Depot, north isidei city r. Arrive. Chicago Ex...,! 2:08 a II Cleveland Ex. 2:08 am !Chicago Ex.... E 11:93 it m Sthe Mg Ex.'llB a tee ;. Lamis Ex..!: 3:33 pm &Wh'g Et! 4:38 pm lErie Yren EX 0:13 pm Chicago Ex 4:23 p m ICI. lc Wh'g Ex 7:08 p M Arrive In Allegheny. N. Brigt'n Ac. 7:03 a tit • N. lirigt'n '4l 8:28 am '',l-18193 ant New Castle ' 10:13 am Leetsdale ' 4 ! 9:13 am " 4 ! 1:08 pLa N. Brigt'n ' 4 .: 2:43 pm Leetsdale " 4:83 PM 7:2S Express leavei daily. pia • c Express arrites atlp. General Ticket Agent., PAN HANDLE ROtTE: •Ittal;iNMß • /867, Traloa will at-. e Ltoton Depot, corner of -treets, as follows: Depprt. Day Express... 51:25 a m 6:30 am Train. :L. 7:50 am. •Cinetnnati Ea 11:40 a rtt Wall's Nb. 11:51 am, Johnstownfie . . 3:05 pm `- itraddocks of 4:ooirns Phila. Retires.- 4:50 pm Wall's No. it.. 5:10 pm Wall's 30. 6:ospm Fast Line..... 7:30 p m - Latrobe Acts;n 8:50 pm Swissvale Arrnllo:so pm ANWSBOODi a . , cir , ll4-1 ' 11 II El El EIREEME