The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 13, 1868, Image 1

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firso222l' ckibtoon.
ti National blulreiaey Discusse d-
The'9!l#ll6l4't d
..; misstarriarg,eeoistieufted States
tide Tai. Hi /
Resumed, &c.
Telwitulk to Uu, Zittaburch. gitzette l 1
- , M WaT 4 3Fpz.z, e 1 g7 :7 1868.
11rAtoivrom: frof the'ZiOratiiittoti'on
— Poreignlttrairif-reported ajointresolution
requestingthi'Vteliditititelittettide with
, ' the Queen of Great Britain, aware a
4 speedy discharge of therati. s'otilivitteta
-1 hon,Pativictect of treason and fslony, and
• Mr.IIABL4N, from the Committee on
F. the Distilid 7 cif 'Cabin:data,- reported, with
I• amendment, the bill to regulate the con
--Aested Washington. He _urged
-. immediate consideration. • • •
Mr. HENBRICKS objected. and the bill
went, over:- 1., >' 4; .,. • -., . ,
Mr. EDWARDS intr oduced a bill fn ad
dition to tberaet-tOregnlata the time and
manner _of Wilding -elections for Senators
1 in Congress. i. -, .-- • , ....', ', ~
:-.' • Mr. HENDRICKS, •froin thO•Onininittee
onrablic Lands, reported a bill to aid the
.-.,2ustructitin of a ship_ennal between:the
aussissippi and• Lake Miehigan.,•
:-- Mr. CONNESSuaIIed up th e Milli -rola
-4 c lititilo thia , Westera'Pacific Railroad Corn
, ny, it allows the company to occupy for a
, ~ runs
i r . '.•;depot'i storehouse s cto.V.inieh po o of
if Yerba Bala or Goat Island,in the Bay of
) San Frarailsbo, as be necessary. After •
~discussion ,it was laid aside.
; Akthil; 'expiration of the morning bout,
and on motion, Mr. ShermantB bill, 8111300-
mentary to an act to provide a national cur
i „-: Jodi soured by a pledge of United States
li bands arid' to provide for the circulation
itbeTrf.PlPProreM ene , 18% . was taken,
F. , The.questioh-was on the amendment,
by the Committee of Finance,the fi rst
amendment was adopted, makin the limi
tationrrestricting the liabilities of individ
nal.comPailiett,4lo., for money borrowed of
the National Banking Association applicable
to deposits made by such associations with
, private bankers, brokers or banking asso...
• - 141 ciations, not included under the National
4 • Currency act. The second amendinent
provides that within ninety days after the
llnotice of a vote to liquidate by
'. l s • `era of a National Banking. Asstkiation, it
ll shall pay the amounts of its outstanding
notes into the United States Treasury, and
; take up its bonds which otherwise are; to be
' sold by public auction in New York; the
-!. surplus to be paid to the officers of the As
sociation already in liquidation under such
.. act, and are to pay it over in thirty days
under the same penalty. The notes are In
- 11 be then redeemed at the United States
Treastir•e,",atid litlizksiticiatimkje to be &
.- a
rr olio --- - , • • -
11 It- was amended on motion Mr /
HOWARD by mating auction at stock ex.
change and adopted. The third amend
, me a t- provides for the compensation
;1.! 40thenreivere of National Banking•-_
, " aittiiind ofthreci per tent - on the first "bun
, mdred thousand dollars, one per cent upon
4: I
large - mime' not :.yielding ', $400;000,' and,
11 , one half of bne per cent meatus ovbrlsoo,.'
1 : 000. Collections to be paid out of,the• re
, -bible from the assets, and one' half of the
i.-Commissions to be withheld on the Comp-
' trollers „discretion, until the affairs of, , the
' bank. are-closed. -.Stich a receiver is to be
;couSideredlwa gtiviarinnent agent, with the
right to bring sults in United States Courts,
' , the 'District Judge to fix the fees for each
Mr-CAME..RON - Moved tdreduce the per
centage named from three per cent. on-one
..;I. l 4 l lftlre4 thousand APitars, >to • tove;:•from
• one per cent. on surnaurider Aye hundred
'. , I tlwriparat to,odnbalr "of one;
on sums upwardsof fivehundredthousand
. urytonneiniatter f r Atrivali t ti=rted , by =Mr.
• CONKLING.and --a . by - Messrs,
1 -
;MORTON, and adapted by 2a to la.. . ,
ai ,
: r: itiortitrtitg Of-Vermnin - ;; Opposed it
• and Ynamt totaddlit - mildew thaVthe Secre
' ta7`Of 100' s g.tOlitaity"Viall be atitherized•to
~ :withdrew - aa.equid Oniunt bf Illtdieci States" -
notes. Along diecuslion follsfnied;
• Mr. FERRY moved to amend liiinsert
, ng. After"the.proViiden'inithininng ihe , re
., .mTvenktobring Anita; the Words ' "atid may
, invest theesseta of , the bank intheir hands
' .tit torpor • the UelPfdtgates, while the af
' • *ins thtr hank ere tot 'in'' liquidation,
which bonds shall .be deposited ' with time
i dVelikurSlCOfthe.lJnited, to
1, the order of the • Comptroller .or• lbw' ctir
.-roPM•44,OIS_INP*YeTII, itbklkolooake a
Priapus to. ai vompireue'. or all t make
and innOtiedinP,.._. and the Comptroller
•i shall be . . authorized to - sell ' SU* * bonds
from me to time in 'order to'' Make' the
dividends sindipsymentir 'provided in the,
, tifilYegi eeetlerkt4tbe act' i i ti e tt i f h thl4 kt to
i . brolnroinentary amen . _ ,
and e section as , amended was ai*R.
rigroadta. 'i
x of
On 'lbw Asia , : amendme nt to incretwe
' 41314-41944 PuTennY . circulation , by the
sumo twenty.millionsa,. to be. isOrignad i . Olt
Wow anit-Territaries having 'a elrenistioli
WllBO move rt 44ol tfortAncil;lPMilits l 4 Mr '
dto amend by i rting,
after thhirordsibdo sues of the following •
r 1, 11011,(100;000, "and iti leaning the said wept.
latiortinotoapreference shall be given' to,
banking associations in Etiital Mel sections .
~, ofotilll -*Santry not adequately; .stmolleci •
.',..' - 101..00titr 1 4'inelliline4 but 'whenivii the_
amount Of - United : , Was totes and alien-
Wing -notes of national- banks combined
snail be Int'ldininte'nttialdi s tiMM the
gen= w-tuni;reallary isnatborlisd and,
i req tetietkeentmeacirtfnited Stites
.I*-411 % 12t Ata j fIth e r lin
' cniffil t )018 t - ~ ' es ren t el '
-outstanding ;skein*, mobtesy,,oo%
: • .-4nitterat infilailnt, offaciliteting the
!;scemiiiitinit of, 'tainsasitra';' The • in
. reesinsday each Annakikurassomation .
0 itptin bonds owngd end thqkdited with the
,i. nierlisematriatf3lolPMPiltitAlntenllbX ebeb.
baskinglassoelatice ansii,be held an at se
sea, fund' MO 'Oil& bankinu association
''- • .lan ki tr e deeinvianelat thSVOnCy issued -
-ly it, 'and . ** Mid Spec* reserve fend shall
- "be tdod itit93ootherlntmone:thn, for lee
, ~, midientruniust Said . cy.!, , ,' o. . -
•o ' r - lotraiffEfthiAN .• . • rho alimdreentr.
opening tw the w 4
4 " which the mounit . ;eri -ho 0 4,14 e.
brava boats , rige.
ril l
munt Penne& The rAmstnittee ad offered
this amendment 4 . ol tdbftltralight,relier on
~,eog9m,,i or , the.Arcateinequality in elreale
that eemplignea of to the Western
leadeAme en'
cult ba. l oruhistrltror tree
Ir l ldit Milan Witirenremeed a *Mt ,
' , AoB•Antortaj,,to si tu k ti al p l4 ,i n g4
LE.47 • -10 sc" lath lc' 1 91 04 1W;
4.Vl‘.s't kr—l.,: 1 I r
..:trirr or B r • 4:roil ir... , ...../r „..
_ ,
Congress was not reanonsible , tor- thees
ent anomilousistatatanifaarekviz„the _pr Trees
lug issuing bonds bearing 6 per cent. 'Mar
a. in payable equivalent - to• 8 per
cent. with an easy money 'Market. It was
too clear in.his opinion . ; to, be questioned,
that the efOtthiklaws make the Secretary
of the Treashry,alisolite &dater the situ
etion. • • . ,
SHEAMAN believed, that though the
Secretary doubtless had power under, the ,
existing inws; to issue any class of bonds,
theywOrftresponsible until. they come to
the Secretary's relief. •'• ,
After further debate, Mr. WILSON asked
4,-division on, his, simndinent, and the
ritoistion being en the•hrst part thereof; It
was lost without a „division. ' At the sug
gelation ''4sf "Mr. 8111'31'4mm; Mr: WILSON
withdrew the latter part.
Mr. MORRILLi 1. of Nerinonti mdved-Z o .
amend by adding at the end - of t he 'section
the words. "and do the issue of any in
crease litnationstzirculation piovidnd for
in'thla iectiofirthe Secretary of the Trea
sury is hereby, authorized, and requested,
to permanently withdraw an equal amdunt
of United States notes." r•
Mr. TRUMI3IJLL thought 'this' s imply
another propasitiorLie. borrow money and
put • off the time - for the deenable resump
tion of specie,payments.
Mr. SRAK.F.I-protested against the attempt
of the New England States, already gorged
with circulation, toAen,y,an.increase to the
west. He atitievt , edthatitlietais now in the
country but $l2 per copied, while in 1860
therd:wan Sib, and that less money was re
quired then than now.
Mr I,(","TomrolvedF.tberat is now
.1i650,000,000 tlievetintryr sibitii is fi.larg
er proportion than before the war, and he
insisted that the banking capital of New
England has not increased but has dimin
ished sine° the beginningof the 'war. 'lfhe
thought capital was'not in circulation and
wa, needed thd , viebt he weight vote for
the $20,000,000 increase.
At half-past foal., without further action,
the Senate went into Exeolitive session.
The SPEAKER said he had been request
ed topresenttothe Kongo, andasthematter
-appeared to' be national iti-Itichakacter, he
did present an invitation from the EXOCU
nye Rominittee,of the National American
Sharpshooters, to attend a puldici, demon
stration and festival which was to take
place at Jones Wood, New York, from June
:Mk to4nly sth. -r
-JUDD movedAbst tha invitation Are
accepted, and that the Rouse be represent
ed sit the.opening ceremonies by four mem
Mr. STEVENS, of Pennsylvania, hoped
not. wasn't:try bad practice to teach
people to shoot sharp. The motion was
agreed to. •
ThafiliZAKEßAppeinted the following
members to represent the Rouse: Messrs.
Judd, Garfield, Paine, Chortler and Orth.
•,.:ArrYtiggP introduceil a bin to relieve
.f.r...a.l.Maol,offinutikcarolina v from bis po
liticaldisabilities. Referred to Committee
on Reconstruction.
Me.'BINGRA.M; from thb Committee on
Reconstruction, reported back the Senate'
aniendinerits to the act to admit - certain
States to representation in. Congress, with
the recommendation that the-amendments
be concurred in.—
Mr. SPAULDlNG,movedtoctxmcur in thci
amenduliatii of twain:wise; witlitho amend
ment striking out Alabama.
reautawo;mg moved Id:strike
vinced that Florida ought not to be admit
ted with its present Constitution. • •
I'ALICkI alscritomed anklet : th e ad-
Imbision or Florida under this bill: -
Mr. BUTLER replied to the arguments
Idessra,Fariansocth,an Pane.
ed that he would remand Florida to the
Territorial conditions.
• Mr. BUTLIIR4-ret die iiikclkhefiffer Flor
ida has not as many inhabitants as Color
„ado, for which_the gentleman poled?:
” WASHBURNF.-4 beg y6h pardon.
I voted against it.
Mr BROMWELL asked the
from Nevilitirk 'whether - he thoty - tbtitiwas
very safe to trust all thi3local Orkabitlition
of the State in tIM hands of one man, ad if
he should 'prove - recreant to principles or
_and be succeeded by a Lieutenant
Goveknor, the entire organization - of the
State might not tse committed into rebel
Mr. HUBBARD replied that Florida bad
nbt tnadti the treniendOug mistake which
was made at Baltimore in selecting a man
as secorul,_who could :not. be trusted-In case
the prinCil died '. l
Mr. BROMWELLinquired then , whether
:the Whole Ting did' not depend , tipqn cite
man, and whether if he died his succestor
would be as good asiblentelf.
Mr. HUBBARD replied that the Idgnten
ant GoVernor was si loyal, true Man.. Ai
be believed. he added, the whole of this obi
Patton arose because a , citizen , ; of Mltnins•
1 bad gone down to•Plorids, and bad - flotilla ,
- mededes he' expected. in obtaluingema
joritY for the tiovibsoiskip., , That 'was', the
trouble. It was because that Illinois. num
hid not succ e eded in getting the control' of
the, organization of ; the State. If he bad
• succeeded Vierewould be do objection ttW
dsy to the admission of Florida. „,
Mr. BROMWELL protested, so far *who
was ganwm4d, beneitber_ knew nor cared
what , 'Uri. ißbablird'iti perforntanoes werii c
there, and, be never bad the least idea that.
1 the gentitileao ,W,,c,lfitre- bad euXtldeS to, 4 0,
with the matter., -- .„ ... .. ,,- • ,
me: FARNSWORTH - asked Mr. Htib.:
bard whether the - Reconstruction Comititt ,
1 tee approVeni imtkttd: ity,the , UOnstft,fition•
° ill - Florida: „ ... '. , - ' -A 1 - '
,-, Mr. auanihp tigilidA4,lb34 9 :rigaaed
:that he had "Ondetston4the gttletotin, kom
lOW:de' (Mr: - ritinswokb)lo saY thbi Mere-.
inn in ttie Committee room heTegard.'
edthe,ephstittiVini,„Fin,rids as. the ,very
;best Oimstitution th atany of the Southern
i ' Mr, 1 1. 03NRIRMITTha , gention4 le
entirety ,mistaken.. 1,,, never made-sucb's
remark; I RilTafte/00 12 17444 1 S PS AP, enthe'
subject. t i ; t , ,
i 7, - mr ; Htlawidtp.4.Wiltibt gentleman tell,
me what his remark did apply tot 1
.loAtiNtlivgAtlfgaiuy kiivtook
4 - bait Alain:alit= - thit'entiro -netruo.
tton Ooninsitteititastitisnimously &slafrcd.
against tbiPeonitthitiditet Florida.. ( .; i ~t 1
Mr., „pAnt. - algolailr-And it' 'doee in
now, but' tire nitiftklittnrolOthey had beto; •
admit the elictethetwitgge, Er
Mr. 11U" - T - diMv Hi_ eleitsi anS,
right to_saythettlitrt PARtCPR rents ed
lhelletistiftit invOlvid>l.o l l 6l6oll
i l k
bilw;Seit 'PelleYi'latutlietft , elp : f 1-
abort time in ' widdh:tn r,
quite to the stiti,Ai&-. We*
rfea selei-remarksa ikins '
aar• BiriTHAbliftlesgyed action ofi ,
• ineettliv on thel3lll,,,anCateuld
therefore mil ;; thte - -projelltll l , o 4.
but first asked his `Zollnue Mr " "LP,
DlFOrwlietleiF bek• desired to 0 er g RIP ,
amendment new.
Mn; SPAVLI4r244I7-Yeriikiitoisti*
out Alabama from the bit . - • " ., ' '
r naci fallowing is tbettlittnltiiff ' ' ''
4,s 4,16 tii .adesit the &cites cir2foki tiara
Unis,&l4;~iii4A Agailsing* Oa,
atm 'lemma to repreanucutsut in - Mi.
'i v iff li glthtracith ect Altgatl3 l
.4 1 tamstiAlidialati o illiOate#HRhatft4
- -1,44.:,,f4.:1 4 , ; ...04, ~ .41 •,-,-
a s , , , atalat!ta , it
.4.‘4.4.4.....v4 • -
- .
- •
of the proyhdfmsof, - airact.entitied "An act
for the more ,effi.cierit" government of the
rebel States," passed ;March '2, 1867, and
the act supplemental therkci, framed Con
stitutional:de State Government, which are
republican, and have. adopted said Consti
tutions by large majorities of votes cast at
the:elections heiclfor the';ratification` hi' - pealing of the same; therefore
• 'Be it enacted, That each of the States of
North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana,
Georgia, Alabama and Florida shall be en
titled and admitted to 'representation in
Congress as. a State of the Union, when
the Legislatures of Such States shall have
diily ratified the amendment to the Consti
tution of the United States proposed by the
Thirtg-nisith Congress. erld'known,mArti-•
ele XIV', upon the following fundamefital
conditions :
SECTION I. That the Constitution of nei
ther of said States shall over be so amend
ed-nithansed as to deprive anYeitiseh,' or
class of citizens of the United States, of the
right to vote in said State who are entitled
to vote by the constitution thereof herein
recognized'except as panishtdent of such
crinfes as are now felonies at common law,l
and whereof they shall have been duly con
victed under the laws equally applicable to
theinhabltantsxof saidrStatei provhied
'that -anYalterationinf Ctialdi'vonstittititins
prospective in its effect, may be made with
regard to the time and • place of residence
of the voters and the State of Georgia shall
only he chtltied_ find: admitted ttcf represen
tation upon this further fundamental con
dition, that the first and third snb.divis:
; cans of section 17 o f, the sth, article of. the
constitution of said State, except thepreVi.
so to the Ist antk.division *tall be null and
void, and that the /General Assembly of
said State by aeiemtr pubho; set shall de
clare the assent of the State to the forego
ing fundamental ,-
Sscrios 2. That if the day fixed for the
first meeting ..Orthe Legliklatnre of either
of said States by the Constitution or ordi
:mance thereof, atialkhave passed or scrifear
ly arrived before the passage of the act that
there.shall:not be;titnit for the . hegislatore
to assemble at the period fixed by such
Legislature, shall. convene at the end of 20
dealt Shim the time %bisect shall take effect,
finless the Governor elect shall soonbr' con
vene the same.
Sactiox V. , That_ the first section of this
act shall take effect us to each State except
Georgia, when such State shall by its Leg
islature- duly .ratify article fourteenth, of
the amendment to the Constitution of the
United States, prepared by. the Thirty
ninth Congress, and as to the State of
.Georgia, when it shall in addition give the
assent of said State VS the fuudaMbntal
condition, hereinbefore imposed upon.the
- same, and thereupon, officers of each State
duly elected sued qualified under the Con
stitution thereof, - shall be ' , inaugurated
without delay, but no person is prohibited
from holding office under thetTnito States,,
or under any State bv the - Section of the
proposed amendment, to the. Constitution,
of the 'United States, known as 'article 14
shall be_ deemed eligible toJany office in'
either of said States unless relieved from
disability - as provided ineaid amendment,
.and it is hereby nude thedutv of the Pres
ident, within ten days after receiving off -
elal'inforniation' of the ratification of said.
amendment by the Legislature of either of
said States to issue a proclamation an--
notuicing that fact: t •. • ' • -
Mr. SII E L.LA BERGER asked Mr. Bin
harnWhether - thsCommittee found Flori.
luid_conformedtp the recinitankettWoof
ads 'orCkongresst,%intl'it heslria
to leave the detail,' of the matternotrtffeett
ing,theloyalty and safety of the Govern
mentiotfici neciple, and welcome her back
as spixtrkily as possible to the Union.
_Mr. BINGHAM . replied that Florida had
complied.with. all the regairements of the
reconstruction acts, and proceeded with his
Mr,SPAULDING, ingew of the fact that
both Drenches of Congress had voted in fa:,
vor of admitting Alabama, withdrew his-
amendment. •
After further , debate the motion to ex. ,
elude Florida frotn.:,the omnibus bill we"'
defeated. Yeas 45, nays 09; and the Sep:*
ate amendments concurred -In. The bill
now goes to, the President .for his'signs .•
turf:. •
The voto on the passage of the .Ornnibrut
bill was—yeas ill, nays 28. • , , - ,
By the 'unanimous consent of the those
and at the suggestion of the Speaker, the
Committee to represent the House at the
National Sharp•snooters festlval In" New .
York, was increased from live to seven arid
the Speaker appointed as the two odditidn
al membere, William H. Robertson of New
York and, mr. K nott of Reotocky.' -
Mr. SCIIENCK at the,suggestlen - Of Mr.
Robertson,' 'reported froth 4 the Committee.
on Ways and ,Means, a joint resolution to
remit the duties on certain ertiebie,con
tributed to the NationalAesociation lof
Atiencan Sharp-shooters ',to, , the ammmt
not exceeding IRO,OOO in currency., PaSsed
unantimoludy., - . . t ,
. Mr. BUTLtIrt, from the Appropriations , Amin: ll 4oe on
. . Committee on
reported back " adversely
'the Senate bill to provide for the dentbency
-in expenses incurred in the survey •of the:
Olierokeasnd :Osage Indian reservations.
Alter haunt brAdiscussion the billiqvas re-,
_committed. ,
Mr. BUTLE*Ao re,port i ed,a 01 if thipicnirl4
ating sls9,,COOppid the Indian Peace,Com4
Nillsdoner,ophichireeiordered to be printed,
and the Reuse, at half past three otiock,'
p r oceeded to the business of ..tbe morning
hour—the -reception of the: reports of pri
vete nature, (Ann the Committee mrinvalid
Penskuts.,",A.l4ge number of-bills Poked.
before the morning hour elred.
„ • Mr. WOODWARD introduced .a • bill .to
eniend the act relative ttihatill corpse and
regulatiug theintlicial pite.eedinget in eer
tern cages. 'He - fold it related to common
carriers in the Southern States. 'Re ferre d
to Judiciary Committee. ' ',
Jar. SCHENCK propotied thakthe House
devote all day to-morrow. from 111 o'clock
to b o'clock, to the tax
,bill, -bit objection
'was made t t.
, . ' • _ TR° SESSION. '
In' Committee the 'Souse itesumed ,tbe,
oonoldelatien ot tha tax bill,,' : 0 1 , 4 ism ,
g ra r ,h,_requirin g a two cent stam on, Le
c,elp,tti was struck out.' - TheAltnit .of Isix
months for 'affixing proper stargpe,eal in.
ittrumenta t waireztenftntsawelve months.
An adtlitictsksecOon,,Te, fittenduoed, ro•
H ering ' frinniltarnP tox IllicOMPound4
piedichwak,or opetileinis ,, comPounded• It&
cording 'to littlintliSfates or rotifer notional
Phartnaotra, of which the fulland proper.
'lernltali ,P 11 14 , 115/04:1E.lio receipts given
by Pawn- rokers for -g o ods reeeived;when
lino money IN - IltioaAadikaw'irowed lone
dollar, *aro' exempted •Ilom =nip. crbe
tax, ,-. 'salon , 118 g vbleh.. tam Rants
o F
DenlOtifirMlMft. Oration. "4 i
y ,14,. /' onnki.W' - iltiwkwthict r ak to
lan ivria72E o iitiotiirbm blue.
itigt4 et 0 0 - l''' :, 1 `month one:
Ili V ib i *r l3l iltt *lda loos
-1 Aden .4•441' . • 'uMiop larto tbe , pronta-
Af= l '.' • • , Banki, „During', the
~ ,d i -, t qf „.. :.1 13 artmedlhat, a tax.
is lool'onnum-odayinge
* deposits Woli !,,pidilinie t hree.Minkov dt
lira, itAttillif' / Wk. , Prn ..19. !,on t e
'4310050,*004, (0. ,liDOlll.,"tytly ton
the colia 115n.....,_- . .e.-il3', ,
•ilir flhilltdac4l.l6lll his &Mend
, bin! MO one per ceef en With::
iiilia - dellisloh limn; . . , ~ , 4 ,
.. ~ tn.
miltee rose and laid' ' ' — . 0 4 . sit
Matnitiagett"hll. ~
i h r"
„L .,: •
,: - .. ;m11 4 ,1 ma ar4ll iibl ,, ,a :1511 , m ril r
,- • .
, 111'014A1;), .rte ..i
4.1.t4 , 4(' fir. 44 .4* Aar/ 'ads k4.:`.4. •
fitnt ENBII.
;AAA: 'oeisc.4lA:-
- -
01 1 11LOAELTAL,
Reverdy soliitiosiNOthiliated and
, C , ontlentedMinister to England',
--The Resignation of Coinmis..:
sioner : ilriblitivis:•triiiini Aracide
•IlaillroadooPublie. Lands rd. i
4By.Te/egrAptiAo, MmaittAblugh_Gaz!Ate.) ...f...
•C:7. • .= 1
'T GWAslfiXoTtisr, Tune 12, 186Bt) ;
_ I
REVEUDY mmotl39NiNpNf FATED , miNißrlium
The,. preeiden tci.-day i. nerhititited to the
Senate, I ;
43. . veidY Jiainson, Minister
to EtAlaudi Jas. cop-, Collector of Internal
Revenue First hitrlct' 'California; Alex.
-W.-31.:0444 Aillitost fitates_Aitorney, for
m°nt4 AVliff :4011?Misi.9'?4.1399‘alit° ins'
ticeSupreme Court, Washington territory,
L. Newton Robinson, Superintendent\ of
Iftolan-affairs, Southern Saperintendeloy.
:. { 9 _
0 , " t 1 't .1 1 IMIIMEDI, :,:t "-,:• r
The Sengta,t i odaylcondruled the nomi
nation of Reverdy Johnson, Minister to
England, without'tge formality of a refer
ence to a coiriniltieel ir ''..c
commas:too= MomDINI4 ausforrimoni.
The letter of the Commissioner of Inter
rial Revenue, 'Rollins; to the Secretary of
Treasury, sad giving his reasons therefor,
was,htst evetdair ?et :armee& to. Mr. Rolli ns; with . thelehoWritig endorsement : '
"The WithIWCOMMIUMCatiOn of July Ist,
banded to me, though bearing date of the
Stliyirisf., is.. r oonsidercid ipartiat stir: incor
rect in its statement, and unjust and dis
respectful to the President: , Deis therefore
returned to Mr. Rollins .:.''; - ,
Signed ' finciii lifcCut.Lonou.
Thursday evening4nne 18th 1867. ,
CiimmissiOUer Relthis has again sent his
resignation to Secretary McCulloch, with
the flowing eihdotaemerit: ' "ilnleSs'the
Tlonorable Secietaryehall Point o ut 'wherein
the enolosed communication is -eitherpar
tial or incorrect in its statements, or unjust
sand Itlisresv)ectful tu the President,-Imust
consider its return• to me; as unjustifiable,
and the reasons therefor other than those
assigned:" - e,; :' ~ ;' , :i 1 : ; -
....,, -, Ijkl;DN PACIE/g 11 . 41 WAP• •;,---
' the Preildeii has iuteeoied - ttie'refS:ort - of
the Comninistaners of 1541 Skition of Union.
• Padlle 'Railroad I between ~ , tho tbsOth and
000th mile Delfts: and ordered the issue of
bonds an patents for the''lands duo on
account therecit: ' ' u"
ngetintidsfirdskfrusoS AaAlStrr I'LORIDA . ~
- The - follorririft ASpublicans voted for ex-,
eluding Floridian the House to-days2Aosirs.'
llifornwell;rohtc'Etfot, Farnsworth;lntian,
• Ilatuard. Paine,l-Pite; Rxici3, .1310 - Yer,'Taf-
Pe and Washburn. - ,- , . ..
0 41 404. .rif 4 .
144111 1 1 1i li ettte 4 r - i t: it 1 11A6/ 14is
litthhol and'Tope ai . was. - 24 •—•
:.: ~1,,.21. I •:i 0'''..}:t.....4 . , '
P,riaithie"ficetitaellie Seine ettaiiirmaicat
newal of War with Spain Expected—The`
.ReVOleticni Utltilut",Ground. In law Do.
2 . .. =Mg, t • , t 4 t_
tnv Telegraph4o UM' iithtunalkdaie4e4;
Itew Itimic f .ineitiZs—A -Lima , letter
Ole Hen:o:A aid e n t
Prttdo will betteldled noonAa t resume the
sates of, lovarunient.
The troubles with Chili were increasing,
. tierlv renewal 'of war with Spain.
was expected. Military impremmentswere
very harsh. and unpopular. The yellow
feveris abating.
Chilian - advices state the frontier is being
fortified. Twenty-five Chili= soldiers had
beet% massacred by Indians.
fit.'Domingcttfatel hi May 30th state that,
the' revolution is steadily gaining ground,
and Solnave found himself cooped in his
.capital and - atamdoned by Minister De
lurme, who escaped to England. Incen
diary fires are frequent. Foreigners at
tribute them tithe Presideithilvindictive
nesse as he had repeatedly, thresh:mad to
burn-the town sooner than allow the rebels
.to gf3t posselailoh. Ex-Prisident CaUfal had
reached Jacmet, and was actively suppert
ing the rebel cantle ! , . .
0 4 1 .qa.449
Fenl l an Ral,4,Peared—Rumored CoAcen
u 3t Peagn Forces.
ly Telegraph to the Pittsburgb Gazette.
TORONTO, Juno 12.=-Thei Globe professes
• have inibrmation on autherityi beyari4
100ve pat' uPon
illepute,,-that the' Fenl6ll(
Canada has actually commen d.? Forces
are. eing gradually .
c oncmatrat at Bulb.-
10 and other poinie: 'ltOrty :Pel ans went ,
from Port Hudson toliodido, vi ttie Grand;
Trunk Railroad on Tuesday. he rani is
pose .after , ,the, gosh inst. The Globs
•" Hs on' ths' GoVernor to order into the
'field at once, the whole voluntee add ies-i
oho force of the oonntty l
MANTRILtu, dunellf—Jksidstpa :of unis"
at Bt. Albans yestereay, by the ‘United
Stb* Government IslTepMielt. Guards
rftptil the Grand Trio*Brigade well aim:
iidi ire - stationed *truth andbi the Viutoris I
hrldge. The 68d regimenttadWen order..;
ed'to have London °tribe 16th fir 4aftebee.c
00 - '1 libistmri n Das.'
. _ _ _
41/111° . arriug the Overbuilt
. ..i. - t. 111;P
..:, 7.4 ~......)
(Br Tll4Filsh to Ll Ar t ft bu igL e r t 9k) .;
Maw'roitic,Junein.-- aroma suites
,that 0. X.Ctitiers , '*. i tol f !PlfrYll49?l,f l " 3 ' l° ''
oesaor ta . Cottim!stioliar Sollins,..!as stili:l
sent at theinteivleivaiSeniiiii treedenian
the Missouri delegation: when I,lelr.{-
ctremeehAkettei b illing-eirapl3ll6
del on :-- ,, iienuemen i 11 t_. a
A la i be lgrairtifti t t it rtY
drat 1 ted, d a
new Cislohistlit iqpiallitiuletseisamakeutiAPT,
1P of ilsillails,auCUst Senator Henderson,
have the octalMl,qt r the federal patronage
in 'lliiesnnwi•Trests`'pmorieltionlainterstr i
s o ihkgatimiuslolumillisti;
was im liable. Senator Etiehdersor
WPM .:rajobleSaltruiltaneatiely
filq..titist.ll l squid be *Dal t This+stgorvlAS
Dv seVetar personw s : t Me; iie iWO
f6rqUalet9witglipt,trosizipo ntmeqt. of,
Jemsp34 g . ~. ~ 2 , ~ 1.---p.- -: ~
The maws; thus tor:',otirrylo the
overland midis rem - ojmned Yggi t , bY
which it upPeantlha Wei*, ... cc!••
g i liV e k -- encoatriegeraihe ,—.- tuti to We -
Sams Catift4Wbtm- .6de kid&
. ' - '' ,lliaut ami. the. ricts, '4eyi mutattronern . mused aud asew_tTbared,,,
• 1 114 001010 Pt
t ow
..,„'! nt-31 liktfigaleli 1, 1 , 1 , .•.'1 ,- •,- ••t :41 4,'" .'i. ,- .:-.7f , lit l'-:::: , 7 4
. , 1 .1.....) ,i 1 •• _-1 - • • _ , ~... ' :-, '. :- ',A. -, '
" 41.,-1 , 7 , -;4;• il• - •( ! . 1-, -4 ' ;;;,'4.1 ls,s - j1.1,'. , ~.ff
..11...%i3,..1t... N.,. , ..•,; , 10 I . . .
.I..L.I.Ii,VAiA. :,•.::. :,,,i , iiii . . .; -F.1„,, r
TelegtaPki tiap Pittebitrgh Ehmette.3
LONDON, June .12.—'itte directors of the
Atlantic-,Telegraph Company deClared a
'dtridend payable on the Ist of July of aim
'per erint.'on praferrOci; stock and three per
- cent' on original Stock.
''''PAitts Jima 12.—1 t is not proposed by
Czar to do away with the use of all kinds
of * explosive projectiles, but only with rifle
and musket ..bullets„ which bury them
:fry:dyes in the and then explode. It is
eh° disuse of this . murderous invention
which reeelvell the unqualified approval of
the Einpemr,2opoleon. 1 '
QUEFXSTOWN, 'June .12.— TIM steamer
.Flnusylvania, from' New York, has. ar-
BotrrwAltrrox; Shoe 10.—the steamer
aammoftia, from New York, has arrived. ,
GLASGOW, June' 12.—The eteamerlilber
nia, from New - York;haa arrived.
LONDON, `_ June- , 12.:rEvening--Consols:
money, 9534; discount, 95(4)9 ;, United
Statea.Bond4,7334; • Illinois Cent al, 100 X;
Erie,,* , . , . . e .
LivEnPont, Suns I2.—Cotinii ii" shy; Up.
lands, , 10gall; Orleans, 144811 ..- Corn;
84. ;Refined Petroleum quiet. Op , , quiet.
Calcutta Linseed Oil, 60s. fid.
- —Robt. Ewing, formerly She
adelphia, died yesterday.
—Mr. Razelhurst has accepted
nation of the Bolters' Conventio
trice Attorney'of Philadelphia.
—The impeachment trial of C,
missiOner DOm, at Albany, N. Y
in hig actilittal on all the ch:
—A man with three children
over the falls yeiterday, at Alm .1
ada, in consequence of an amide
'oars of Rio •boat. The man was r:,
the children were drowned. .
' --During an altercation in Phil
at the cornettef • Price and Fifth
Thursday night, Timothy Heenan,)
of. John C.lHnentnt received twel
in his abdomen.; and will probe'
Jerry Ratnn,la ,netorious pickpoci
of the supridradns, has 81:UTI
to the aut era
—ThiState Medical Association o Penn
sylvania,. at Harrisburg selected officers
for the ensuing year, appointed delegates
to-the American ISiediml Associati , and
to the New Jerse y, New York , Ohl , Mas
sachusetts and tninecticut Medi Con
vention and then adjourned to eet at
Erie itiJune, next 7ear.•
—The contracts for the new jail in Louis
ville, which is. to cost 8160,000, . ere let
yesterday. There was muctccom tition,
especially for the iron work, which
amounted to 874,750, there being bidders
from. St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati and
ether.w4tern„citiet. After a sharp con
'teat the centract . was awarded to r. W.
Verse, btLouisVille.. - • - •
, ' "4lliiii-Iteftititaittlitireti INSilibd - 40igii ft s -
'session nal:Wain:l;ll'Bw York, - yesterday.
Revs. T. C. Strong, W. bnrysi and E. S.,
Porter were`appointed a committee to visit
Holland. The whole subject 'of the Arcot.
mission was indefinitely postponed. Com
inittees were appointed for the Union Con
ference and Congress and other subjects
at the next annual session to be held in
T i
—A •very destructive fire ccurred in
Marquette, Michigan, on Thu day night.
Over one hundred buildings in t e business
portion of the town, includingfo rty stores,
,the United States Land Office a d Custom
House, with the County - rer'a office
`All the records were destroyed. The rail
road and the Jackson and Lake Superior
iron ore docks were also burned. The loss
is estimated at $1,000,000. Theinsurance is
very small.
I .
United' States District Court.
Before Ibin. Wilson M'Candless.
In the bankruptcy branch
~of the Court
this Maiming final discharges were grapted
and certificates awarded to Samuel Down
ing. or-Venatigo county; James Homer, of
Meadville: 'Nathan Stimmerman, of Greene
county, and Nicholas! B. Snyder, of Somer
set, ; rr
In the paigrof the United . States vs. .-two
liundked barrels of oil, et al., owned by'
4p h n'Smith, Wm. B. Foster was decreed
the infoirmer, and the clerk was directed to
'ascertain and tiky to him his pipportion
tht''proodeds of ttie sale of the property.
"i DA` , 'Dila' rice Co:At—Judge Hampton.
'Whejury in the. two ,of . Thaw vs. Whit
more,, Wolf, Dufrito).,previousiy reported
oßttrial in the:Their Coiirt,, have, not yet
,sigrePd upon a verdict., ,Tha, ease involves
,the right of use ofan-eight- het alley run
ning par allel witb. Wood 'street, immedi
ately the rear of the establishmentof the
.defeadtmta The defendants claim to have
had peaceable possession of the alley for
IWenty-oriiiVears pest. The ease was sub-:
MitWd to thelury Thursday morning, but
"they have •not bwn able to agree. The
Court was =tin session yesterday.,
illttuifiesidetut Court-44ge
.Court met at ten otelook'yesterday morn
ing, Judge - Stowe onlhe bench.
liirthtkage of William Downey, indicted
lciriammulting a boy, the jury found ,a ver-
Idiot - 14120t guilty, ant directed the deforid-
Ant,Vp,paythe omits. . _ ~
~, ph Aberhardt Plead mita eon, to an
lit menftor Remelt and battery, and wan
kori pain* pay a fine °TATO :dollars and
the'" of provocation.
' ; * 6 Ilisokeisy was indicted for lam&
nyi'!lThe defeUdant is a °bill pcister, , - , and it
was ilabiled that be had atirlecl away_ a "hill
board„'':, belonging -to TricnbleN - Yariety.
Thejury Antra a verdict of net guilty:
, !llketztext,. caw taken up weethat of John
I:nekticet, indicted :for committiegan as.
~tviult eud battery upon James 4aW:.Tary
,i.i tur
,-; t ,
- l Campbell wee arraigned on t w o in
dictments Air selling liquor onsfinuday t apd
for selling - without license. - The detbrid
,abt kept a grocery, on „Tunnel street. On
*'''* ll . l . l6l ll 6 Bteknit•
J. h
s l mtowanduktistors.ropzietL9oo
the Stu 7 valliwittm4wn, - and Ag niti f t " k
111210/314qUitaW - 44114-Prebe
Tht 11254141,91.1 . tikei n 11x4
Un tan Co. MI. --.+Suges
;IS; . to i v i aver
ion as -- OP .
tabs doe
, of Phil-
for Dis-
al Com
1 s carried
nte, Cau
1, t to the
i . ed, but
• e shots
•ly die.
is et, one
: ndered
Jamei Bachantures WM
The will of the late ex-President Buchan
an was filed in the Registers' Office of Lan.
1 -
caster county on Wednesday.• The follow
ing are the bequests: •
Two thousand dollarato the poor of-Lan
caster city, in addition to four thousand
e i
d liars previously donated.- One thousand
d liars to , the Presbytorian Church, Lan
ster, of which deceased was a member.
ve thousand dollars to Esther Parker,
h Usekeeper of the-deceased—being in ad
dition to two thousand dollars heretofore
, given to her. Two thousand dollars to
Martha J. Lane, widow of James B. Lane,
deceased. Peter Hiller, Mary Smithgall,
and Lizzie Stoner, servants, one hundred
dollars each. . , , , !
The books, plate,land Airniture to Mrs.
"Harriet L. Johnson, Rey; E. Y. Buthanan,
a d J. Budhanan Henry, to be - divided
eq ally among - there, allowing Esther-Par
ke two hundred dollars oat oftbe amount.
T 1 halance'of the eetafe, real and peisimid,
is irected io be -divided among hill hefts es
! 3
ws :, One
h.i& fourth , to Mrs. Harriet L.
Jo nson, one fourjh to Rev. E. Y. liticlitinz
an, neither of wIS to be - charged With
considerable advancements. which have
been made to them, and the balance to J.
Buclanan Henry", eon'of his slater,Rairiet
B. Larke,and to tbe three sons of iiia nephew,
Jetties B. Latie, deceased: Mary E. Dur
hani, dantothisSister MaryYetes, de,
ceased; to atla B. Weaver, Jessie Maga*,
(ftemerlyl le Weaver,) James 31; Weaver
and ,rohn'B,' Weaver. ' • ,'.. '
The estate is estimated at three hundred
thousand:dollars. The • Wheatland 'prop
erty UP given - to ' Harriet Lane Johnsos •
niece-otthe lestater, for .which. she pays
twelve thousand dollars out of hex. rp
siduary share of the estate..
The will is dated St Wheatland, januat7
27,1866, and a codldil ottlie'Qth of Axigust,
1867, provides that Williani B. Reed - is to
have one thousand dollars; to pay the ex
penses and secure' the publication of
biographical work of:deceased; and to Mrs.
Mary L. Reed; wife 'of William-B. Reed,
the deceaSed 'gives five thousand. dollars, a
legacy for her separate use and benefit, as
a compensation for the Work Mr. William
B. Reed has undertaken to perform. All
the sue
deceased's, pri f vate papers, correspond
ence, etc, e directed to be given to Mr.
Reed for this purpos e` e. '
Real - .rotate' Itswafers.
The following deeds were filed on recor
heft . R. Snrye,y,, Recorder; June
l2tb. 1888.
W. W. and J. N. O'Neil et al. to Wm. Penn and
• ilargh Davis, December VC; 1667; lot In Jefferrfon
township, containing ten acres and. one hundred
and thirty-nine perches; with buildings $1.696
O'Nell4. Co. to Enoch Davis, January 1, 1868;•lot In
•Terezzon townshlP, containing six acres and one
hundred and thirteen perches, with the reserva
tion'of the coal underlying ; said lot and the'privt
lege of mining -the same - 04320
Co. to John Horn, . I January 1, INA; lot in
West Elizabeth borough, ;containing two acres,
- with the reservation of the river front: and privi
lege for a harbor forthelr own use ,'. with buildings-
The Guardians of Charles Percival to O'Neil .Ik:Go.,
August 160E64 the one-third part of the,collowlng
- 'described property ' adjoining and In ;Orb -borough
• of West Elizabeth.' four. lots. in the Ulan •of addi--
- tional lots of said borough.'.each 'haring front on
Water street of sixty feet and a depth ofone bun
' dred andiwenty feet; also; six other lots in said
lam each sixty feet front on Water street by one
- hundred and twenty feet deep; •also. a tract in.the
same borough containing, eleven . acres and eighty
Oper hc 4/ es • 14550
'Neil Co/ t o *X. Lloy'd, January 1, lot
- in Jefferson !client-him. containing 4. acres: and in
perches, whit:the reservation of the coal underly
ing said trolcUi-and the nrivilege of mining: the
- mune,bulltlings;i ae 44U5
Jane Porter. etruirilttee Of Eliribetii`L: Porter', to
W.twada, , EleptientbeelklßM two lots in
-;- rut, town_p..roir the. e a st side of ..Kirkpatrick
• .' street, 40 U ?Wan,' Ititichltes.- Bs-in
.Ctil. Wm.. ortelettplan; With - bulldings,
Samuel Walke - r to i. m. A. Pennlinan et al., - June
11, 18681 tract ofland in - Etinbeth tow usblp;;Con
taln I ng acres and 46 perches ' t4,e40
Mrs. Dora.A. Peterson to John C. Mark, June 11,
• 1£63: lot in the Seventh yenta, Allegheny, on Low
' rte street, in by 100 feet, with buildings. • c...531:0
C. lianason,Love to Amanda V. Foster, April 1867
lots de.tgnaied as' ••14 and CO' and lots NO. 11. 12
and 13, in Love's plan In Duquesne borough, at the
mouth of Cllrty's dun - 11,250
Joseph Laurent , trustee; to Wm.' Euler, Ap 16,
.186 a; four lots in Collins township, Nos: 31, 83, 84
and 83, tn ,the plan of the East Liberty hauverein
on Orphana Avenue, 83 by 122 feet 4040
Wm. Euler to Simon Schoch; June 11. 1868; lots Nos.
b 3, 84 and 85, mentioned In.the above transfer..s33s•
It. Barelay o Margaret' Lowry, June 9. 1868; lot in
Geyert liarrett'a plan lir Allegheny City, on the
east side Of Veto street, 1K be 18j4 fret 41,000
I Jatob Orb .to Joseph Bostrier, "February 18, 1867; lot
In theborough of,East. Birmingham, on an alley 81>
feet west from Meadow street,rl9 by 60 feet..... 5100
The German Roman Catholic tit. Joseph's Orphan
Asylum of Allegheny County, to Joseoh, Stepper,
April 15, 18M; lot' in Reserve' township, on ,fier
man street, b 8 feetcrom Ann street,-= by 100 feet.
P. Jones - to Lewis V. Duncan and R. Waughter63so
1867; two lots. in Pitt township, NON. , 4 and
•- 10 hi &ones Glossnees plan on Centre • avenue,
feepfrom the corner ot.Ctiatincey avenue, 40 p z
100 feet
E. P. Jones to Duncan- J. - Waughter, February 14,
1101, lots Nos. - 4 =dein Jones,2, Glasser's plan. In
Pitt toWnship, on (Centre avenue, 2 0 6 feat Ram
Reed street:4o by 100 feet r SAW
The First Baptist Church and Congregation ofFitts
burgh toJ. W. Craig 'December 4, 1547; two lots In
- the eeventh - ward; - P ittsburgh, on Colwell street,
60 by-900-feet,'and being 6tl feet eastvrardly from
Vineltreet, wi th bulicilug a t, ac.
soar ue Same iday eight_ mortgages and thirty-two sirdl
- • • by City Councils were tiled of record.
" • • y MedaPP—Wesindnyter College.
The e is a' beantifill gold medal now on
exhibi on in the window of John Steven
son & Solis , jewelry, store, Market - street,
which • • ill be awarded to the succetaful
competitor iirthe senior class of Westmin
ster College, in the department of Hiatory,
Philology and English Literature.. at the
annual ;commencement on the 25th.instant.
It . the folloying inscription: ~...West:
,minste ' College, New Wilndnitten,' Pa. i
Comma cement, 1868. ' gictoiXe Philology
bearli i
, and English' Literatlire." . -, c ,
It is called' the " nlay Medati" and is
the gift of Col: J. B. nlay,-LL:D., of Mt
; ,Armstrong county, ti" gentleman
eminent or his : c ounty ,,
age of literature, as se his liberality to
instiWtienti of leargi . .; :We- understand
th r ttiel, Finley , 4n,tgu , " giving sin.:anmaal
m AO i tthe encostapil, contestant 'ici the
bran es' mentioned iiikrie.' Westminster
College, now utidet`the.Presideney of Sen
ator H. A. Browne ! is In successful • opera
tion, ands Inds fel? , to take a high" Vitae
among the collftlate institutes of the coun
try. It is expedthat thirty young men
and women will graduate at the approach
, f .
• City Mortality. •
A.r.'lkloCaildlifii,Physiolae. to the
:Bowd HealthOrke thikalowipu
torments ht the' Pittsburgh; : front
May ttlgt hi lune ' igelat
Mamwe-adttittit'Pgignibt. It Unknown,
fit.' Goitre Itntrentia, comets/spidery 1-.4.
Children—Feebleness, It`Teetking, , Cay..
nois i*,rl ; .,j oan i t h an , I; Pneumonll4.2; Con
gumption, I; Heart Disease, 1;
Bart I;. Convulsions,: ZdanWein, 1;
Of, the bore 'there were* Under 1 - year
p• front klp -2 ,' 1 ; sto 44 20 t 0504.5;
ab, I; 60.t0 70 1 ' '
Malee~ieznalfgriej V i atollP; Coloied•oi
tow, Asb - • ,
dizo !times show thw hialtti of the AV
to beremarkably gegdythere being but Ave
Fiallquilotterten yems or age.
1 •1 311 .4 2 v Con,' ma form be-
fore too Cow
Yestek•daY;_chargil(g t qes
Ivin with' 11111111111 t. and: mitery. is
kW*. 93r Clinghey & and - lilt% a I
retake& the_corner of Llbeity and - .Plecry
Is alleged 'that etiiry , ''eanght
son stealing metal ,from_ thelmetal
ZaMillndlhat: he caught bold otand'hee:
died` him roughly, Ilmwhioh IntinAhdoek.e
edittali doWn,:in omonequebee4d* the
111tormatIon em Itmt..
a made.;
..-,..P1q#911 wer e .
filitletad sad held *okaldriv
migi . •
4:01 4 ,
tt , t',
~., . -: , -'- , ...:1....,; . , 4 ::-:::,,.- 4 .,.:',
t "
t r `Hilir*O . -&