CITY AND >BUBUBBAN. Daily PraYer licetla g — a l l'Otas32 X. to IWO o'clock at;theMest ;ray Fifth Erect; next dPor to GAZirTionice. EPMXiPAIi COMNTION. The . AdagidoA of Au. Sainte Church - tthoothOL- '•*•oetpcuied—Trostees to the Gen eral'lteal Semintry—Vialt to 4 .1111toon.- 111004 e of OttleereaAdjourn 313ent tt ll3 thle 9y-.1509. -...., ..• -- -..-, THIRD DAY--ROZNING SESSION. Oonviiintion met at nine o'clock A. it., ) •:1 2 11ahop .11(sribot in the chair. An hour was spent indevationaleaercises, alter which the Convention was called to , Order. The minutes of thesessionsof the. ~ p receding day were read, corrected , and ap - proved. . The Secretary was instructed to call the names of clergy and lay deputies, ivhd had failed to answer at any of the previous ses .• Mons of the Convention. . ' The Chair announced that under the rules theunfinished election, which' was post lioni . from yester day afternoon, would be a i d taken up. - , - ''" '• n. Howe Suggested that the Chair should ,change its _ruling, on the matter in ,regard to the election. He thought that the ! question of the admission of All Saints eh` oh had been made the special order, at thus had priority;over the unfinished elaction._ - ' - ..The.Pbair declined, td.change the rating, *noti-Ahlch P. M. Hutohinson,-Esq., moved that tip unfinished election be further post poned,: and that' the subject under discus •-.- Glom a l the time -of adjournment yesterday • t - `afternoon,; the 'admission. of All' Saints • ,chitgch, be resumed. , . • ' `. 7 rilt - ..t .- *O-fhfirttesiote being necessary, a di . vision VMS called, when forty-eight voted for the motion and`fourteen in opposition there. .•-.. So the motion preVailed. . The chair then announced that the (Ines _ tion now before the Convention was the ad.' „"niattion of All Saints church. , , Rev. Mr. Pardon, frOm Titusville, tho ught; '' , the question was a grave matter, and tine demanded earnest consideration on the .., kart of every member of - the. Convection.: , - "He was in favor of postponing the vote on the question of admitting the Parish until . ~ the neat meeting of the Convention., By ' 2 '2.! thaV.timirevery ' member,:laitY as well as , ~„ ...clergy, ?squid have an • opportunity to ex mine into the -matter. -';- - ;;,„I :Rev: joseph Wilson, of East Liberty, was 4 .144 4 ,- .4elipsed to Vie Postponement of the vote:: :He thought that the matter should be de. ` ;tiided at once. He was educated in the same • - *school of which All, Saints Parish is the exponentornd he -boldly asserted that the • , technicalities by which the practices in that - , chnreh were reconciled 'to the Book of 2 - 1 -Cothrnon Prayer were false. He thanked Gild that_ e had emerged front that School, and he was endeavoring ,to labor for the - - ' welfare of the Church.. It would not do to • • Admit, the parish. on .the plea that they • used the Praa? • Book : with their own inter . . , pretation. ~.., Under ; the same' plea Boman afttholle prishes - pr parishes' of any other ~ 1 denomination ' Could demand admission. The question is one of selt-preaervition and should be zwit'promptly. 1 • , Judge Barrett, of Cletudeld, said he would e " / '' favor the PcistpOneinent - of the He regretted that =the - proposition torefer the - *hole matter to.a Committee, had ,not been adopted. As the next best thing he should ,-. , :vote fo,rthe postionement, and if that'failed he should feel compelled to vote , directly !garnet the ..athr*donl' et that Parish. If the praoticee alleged in regard to the Chuxch btitruehstoint effect, his ditty ass Church_ min, hinduWa as member of the Protest ant Episcopal Church would be plain. He should vote'io exclude them. - Bev. Mr. Rarcher, of Rochester, said he ' loved the Epiisional * Church as - he loved his God. He considered the Episcopal Church • the Holy Catholic Church, and he recog ,- abed the Roman Church, though erring, and the. Oriental Church as branches of the Church: . He hoped to'see ir union of the branches. We could not:expect. to see the Homan Church or the' Oriental ' Church to come all the way to the Protestant Episco pal Church of America. - ' The gentleman was . proceeding with his remarks when a member called for the or - der'of the day. Mr. E. S. Golden moved that the gentle. ~„ man be - allowed five minutes to conclude his remarks; but, the Convention declined • .to'grant the request. ~ , The Bishop stated that the order for the day welt the yote 'on the anestfull of Post poning the vote On the on of All Saints Parish until the neat mee of the Convention. . The votewas taken- by orders, and resul ted as follows:. Clencal—ayes, 21; nays, . .1.7. Xoy. 7 -yeas, 19; nays, 7. ' ---' The question was' accordingly determin • 4• the affirmative by. a majority of both ordeea - - -" The - Chair announced that, the next bad.- ' nets lc order was the election of officers for • the; Convention - • - Geheiallteie stated that he had been ... Am:dusted on the Pinance Committee. Ho asked leave Withamal-his Wane and sng gated that.the name of Malcolm Hay; Thq., he placid in nomination. The request was •The Chair appointed the following' tellers to-„tonduct : the. eleotipn: ... Ciericat—Rer. 'Messrs. Novena and Slatteriy..tay=Mesars. ,Ge0. , 1t.. White and. T. K. Megniglit. While the counting of the ballots was in Progress, the *Pedal committee , to which was referred the topics in: the Imittanntial address of. the Bishops submitted a report '... which ams received and attested.. The Committee &Kathie* , on the , Fund for the , Relief of , Cle „Submitted a : - rePert. -•.:The: report -Was .4 1 ,0 d th e Committee relleved from any •fertlter con eldmitiOikeflhallublecl- The annual remrt. of the ShiridEeoorn rnittee of the Convention was submitted ' '4ll(ligel 'iteh' ill ' Stete4f4 Oh The Cohuni on 6 e arch resprecentedi and on motion the rules" were suspended to einffile thaCommitteele - hand in Mdr.tinel raltitertheA :sFu zhent ofielonVentlen, .. ,••• ~, Bev. sax, Scarborough, OM th e C om mitt" tee appointed to nominate Trustees to the -- -oetwe ThbologiceilSondtuarija New yerh, reported the ibliowirntr,Lnity--.J. H. Sheen ,berger, Galeria-G. W. cam, 31 1 11.37neent. cflerpg....lteve., Joe. D: Wilson, B. H. Lor e. - iii;;A.Volman,'Joe.PcTityler.. - ' - Thirepert adopted the nornini , tionitcp ,-,,. ~ _.. :. . . , 3aidsh King,. Enc,‘, onered the m ow ing' lu which was' adopted: ~-, .. •• , A That .„ partied 'of the : fund al m a ee t od for therelief ef of alsrliiirmen and the wideirallati' Orilhauli clearrraell as the terneetive:centrlbuters Mays:let t before the next."'OttesestiOnt Pik to' ,be remeded, shill be invested by the linenee 'Commit- Isar as ••11 , nucleus fora fund': for tile:-eyr loos "aforesaid, to be hereafter 'enlmWi, and that it be the duty' of • the, Stanffitig •ComMittee to'Corresporiiitritlithe contrib. .'.' ttlorawithaview,to secure their Sanction. .."-' Bev. Mr. Wilson, of : East-laberty, lA., tw ifIWIT/P. reliPititlOßßllthOrillOrthiMPlD.' ist of a counatiteo ot utiiii'W ' 0 into ; . ..consideration the krroprietyLof smiclut il residence ihrthe • DISImp (41 l - -Tile Ilk was adopted. and theHee, M r . Iv! r i Mains. E. S. Golden andT. M. Howelvere iSl o ettetti'n :- .k. -7; . - &folding Committee on 'the adtthl- , il ea of parieheti submitted a supplemental , le , w ee, Ar. hieh was agoigei _.. . '' fFrciiii ddooli the-Convtat briii,4 ,, (%nied, to meet at seven o'clock this evenlng.l , . : f ma„ . menthent ;Or As_ . o ecrrition IMO' t-pw,mftt - thit 'timrwon. ' A; ap,k,hg' train' will be.provided br General 'Con f . President of the InValtn, Portle'syhe ;end Chicasciaitilws.743oll3llo7•'l4 '_- • ' - imuntarcr.ailikalnil • 1 : a Occuaintkmmactemblid at /*float seven last evening and was called to order .: Mir Golden offered a Tots of thasts IQ • ~ , the rector vestry, warden' srui 'leaden of Trinity C hurch. - Adopted. -, Rev. Mr. Killikelly offered a resolution thanking the Bishop and people of Pitts burgh for their kind and l iberal entertain ment of the members of the Convention, which was adopted. • . Mr. Rowell Offered it resol ution. which wasadopted; thanking the authorities of the Dixmont Hospital and House of _Ref. uga for kindness shown them during, their 'visit this' afternoon. . _ Rev. Mi. Scarborough moved that Revs. Ten Broeck, Byllesby and Parker should be aPPcdnted'te mishit the Bishop in endeaYor ing to render the services of future Con ventionsmoreinteresting. This was adopt ed with. the -`addition of 'Rev. John Scar borough to the committee. - Gen. Howe offered the following addition al rule of order, which was unanimously "That in the, elections jig ballot where there_ shall be "a 'failure 'o - Don the first trial to elect—the balloting shall, upon the seo ond trial, be' confined to the three candi dates having received' the largest number of votes, and upon a failure to elect upon the second trial, the balloting shall, upon ' the third trial, be confined to the two -can didates having received the largest number of votes upon such second trial. A motion to reconsider this was made and lost. Rev. J. D. Wilson, of Calvary Church, rose to make a personal explanation. In his remarks made during the morning, he had been understood to reflect on the Gen eral Theological Seminary. Nothing was farther from his thoughts; he referred to the, school of thought, in which he had been ed. nested. - • .. The report of the tellers of the election was then read.• The whole ticket not being: elected, a second ballot was taken to fill the ticket. A third ballot p roved neces sa , ' The result was as follows: ' Standing Committee:—Revs. Thos. Crump ton, John Searborough,V. D. Wilson,john IL Shoenberger,Esq, Gen. George W. Class and Hill Bu rgwin, EN. Finance Committee.—Malcohn Hay, Esq., Thomas J. Brereton, Esq., Josiah King, Esq., E. S. Golden, Esq., and W. H. By ram, Esq. Deputiee to General Convention—Revs. John Scarborough, Morrison Byllesby, William White, john F. Spaulding, John -H. Shoenberger, Esq., Glens. Geo. W. Cass, Th6s. M. Howe, B. B. Vincent,'Esq. Supplemental Deputies--Revs. - Wm. P. Ten Broeck, Marcus A. Tolman, R. D. Ne vins, IL H. Loring; Hon. Gaylord Church, Alfred Howell, . Esq., Benj. Grant, EN., Josiah Ring, Esq. ' • Treasurer of Episcopal F'und—Malcolm Ha&Et isu ß. rer of Cltriatnittentigt.'loseph H. ill. Trtaaurer of Convention Fund—Geo. T. Van Dorn. Mr. Felix R. Brmiot proposed a resolution to be referred to the Committee on Canons, that in'conaideration of difficulties likely to arise from misunderstandings on the sttbject, the limits of parishes shall be con fined to the church property and houses occupied by members of the church in each pariah. It way laid on the table. • Rev. Ten Broeck, of St. John's, Law renceville, moved that when the Conven , tom adjourns, it adjourn to meet in Trinity 'Church, Pittsburgh, on June 9th, 1869. Mr.. Scarborough, rector of Trinity Church, aeoonded the motion; which was earried unanimeusly. -- ' 1 Mr. Golden moved that the report of the Finance.onn i i i iittee made. to the Conven tion of 1867 be Yen to the Finance. Com mittee for rev on and correction. Rev. Wm. White offered preambles and resolution as follows: Wagamks, The support of dhe Episoo pate is drawn from two sources, meatsest of the endowment fund and assesson all the Parishes of the . Dioceses. And Whereas, All those Parishes were rated p l according totheir several abilities for this fund by a Co mm ittee of this house from a schedule given by the Bishop of Petinsyl vim's, and bat a portion of the `Parishe s have as yet co eup to what was reasona bly to be ex tad, and the rest overlook or neglect the 'tatter; Andinervais It is fa , manifestly un to assess those who have contributed to I e fund Por.the support of the Episco and *those who have not' contributed to be 'assessed alike; therefore Resolval, That the • interest on the sum; at which; the non-contributing' Parishes' were rated at for the endowment fund be assailed on thele Parishes until said sums be raised and made available, and that the deficiency still needed be assessed on all Abe: Parialurs.:__ - In order to WI a vacancy in the Standing _Committee seven ballots were necessary, bat- finally the ticket given above:was de cided upon. - - •It was resolved-that four hundred copies of the proceedings 'of • the Convention be. printed and distributed among the ment berg. UM The Rev. R. S. Smith, of, Uniontown, was unanimously elected Registrar of tho diocese. The Bishop then closed the exercises by a short, eloquent and feeling address, after which the Convention adjourned Until June 9112,-1869. Accidental Shooting of a Worthy Lady. • , Yesterday a very estimable lady, name.' _Mrs. Ellen Hook, reaiding at No. 148 Grarit street, was accidentally, shot by a boy named William Welsh. Three lads were indUlging in target practlife with a small pistol, in a vacant lot in the rear of Mrs. • Hook's residence. The target was h pinned to. the. .fence.. The unfortunate lady re embed the , bullet itr, her light ince which was fixed by Welsh and • passed thr ough the board fence. Afaditance was iMmodlately rendered and the wounded woman was conveyed into her residence. Dr. Mckleal, - whoso office is'adjoining; was called in and rendered every aladstanoe in his power, but expresses little holm of the recovery of the patient. The slug penetrated the lower portion, of:the right lung and cannot be extracted. The internal bleeding teems to be very profuse, and the unfortunate we-, `maw *Wet* kdalmody. The ;three, boys were arrested by Chief Careen and officer ,lifcCready, and are now in the lockzup... Mrs. Hook'is a Widow, and ha& four young sons: She Is qtdki anxious that the boys should not be punished, attributing the ao cident.yo.4mo,oArelsestiess and ignaranoe. Fatal A4glatent. An accident occurred on the Pennsylvit niA Railroad, near George's' Station, West moreland county, Wednesdnyidght, result - , -lug inlhe 4100110 f aeon ofidr:Geo:Portune, of,, this The deceased was brake , nianon a freight train on the road, and some time after the train passed the plaCe thentlone4l,le:efaititound lyi g beside the track qpitel dead: - 'At ',first it was stated _that he hid been tbmtin from the train by striking a bilde, hnt It ba t s; AnCe ,been,as certained IWO the bridle, fersornb distance - west, ag thip .spotlekkik ,was Ibund, so that It'lifiredbiblethd lie 'llipped and Dill from the trahu. He was about t‘rft_ty-one years Of 'agei, , lind his family emlik‘frieridb hitre - the'srnPsildie of itiLnhoiemains imp brought to this plast oveming, and the fnithial will Mike ocvslitnie.the reel denoe'Of thepstints, 203-Seconifstreet, kotaarra!rtutartman at three o'clock. • Tb. concert of Prof. J. R. l3uk:Cwits at LedWettelfall, last evening, war largely atf,er&& and the scholars gave evidenoe 0f, r , 11 4 - wu add abiwy,'lffording a 1 4 111 Y cregioNtoolpOrtiallaellt. 4 Wet _congratu late Prow*at Sal:wit tr sOn i Np fiiro la llien e y o f bi g, p fad ust "In the t . to be tayererwith *similar diturneral enteruart., meet =dim his istiapiees. District - Court Argument List.-rrbe ar gument list of the District Court will be taken up on Monday next, and jury tried" will not 'be resumed until all the cues on the list are disposed Of. =I • . . _ . • „ ~_,_ ~.,7;,-. . .5 . -,,:,,,-,•••,....,,...-÷,..,,, „ ~ ~ _ ... _ . . , . ; - •:. . ..:,. .:,... - '., :• • . • .v.w.g.,. , ••,ni , ...:••,,n4.. , t.r.L., - . -,-. ''....",;,, 7 .1•_- i.., , ,, t,,.."_"...7,11:•.!..:,..n?.. - .e4'.;;.4,•,1iP-1. - 4 , 1•A.147 , ::::,,, ; lir. •,, 44 . #,K, 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,i, _ ~..t . ;,;,...,,,,,,..6 . ...,,i,„...",..,,.. ~.. _,.. ~ _, • . ~ vivi,,,.4.-.• -' •-, -. 2 ).aip. , .i:,4-- -, -44:6:43- 1 -1:46,56.a.54,c , 4,4 - 4-44 -1g;,:.,.. „,,---,_. ,• ... , -&--, 0,94., , r 4 t.1)..N'1'2=:::;n::47,w , . - ;;; - m-.-“,, ..- .... .- . • . . EM=AI Your Committee had beibre them a peti tion kir - the widening. of Jackson 'street, from Pasture Lane to Monterey street. After a careful consideration of the sub ject, they would report the, accompanying resolution to widen the street from Pasture lane to Shields alloy. The resolution for the opening of Fulton street, from Western avenue to Bridge street having been referred back to them, they again considered the question oforen- Ing the street, mid now report adversely thereto. They would also report adversely to the petition for the opening, grading and paving of Fayette s treet . A remonstrance numerously signed was submitted to them. TheY also have before them the resolution for iron culverts on North avenue, towhich they would report aciversely, as they be. lieve the same to be unnecessary. In compliance with petitions for the' , same, ordinances are submitted herewith for the grading. and paving of Peach and Spring alleys and Beech and Shields streets and the grading of Buena Vista street. -Re monstrances to the paving of Shields street and Soling alley, were before the Commit tee, but they were constrained to disregard them, as they believe it„ that said street and alley should be pave An ordinance is submitted empowering the Committee to contract.' with Messrs. Smith & Orr for the grading and paving of certain streets in the Eighth ward, and also:to contract with Mr. F. P. Howley for the grading and paving of Bank Lane, in said-ward. Before, the annexation of Du quesne Borough (now the Eighth.ward) to the city, contracts were entered into with these gentlemen by theboreUgh _authorities for the work mentioned. After annexation the borough law became inoperative and the contract could not be carried out, and this ordinance is now reported to carry out in good faith under the city law their con tracts. In Ilber matter of the petition for a foot walk 016 the - Butler Plank Road. pear Coin mittee have to report that they,. Wm - tn. strucied the Street Conmissioner to that portion of said sidewalk In front= water basin property, and to notify all property owners on the line thereof to re. pair the same in, front of their respective pieties of property. and in case of the neg lect to do so, that he do the work and charge it to them. • They duly considered the iesolollin rela flee to the - widening of McFadden street and report back a resolution to widen the same. They report'an ordinance to grant the Drayer of the petitioners for the grading of FWrionotini street of a width of nifty feet instead of sixty feet, as originally in tended. Theyreport adverielytii thopetition for lowir eon Walker street than that re- - ported by the Glty Engineer, and would recommend the a doption of the grade re ported. Mr. N. B. Row, of the Fourth ward, having been, assessed for the cost of con structing the canal sewer on a larger lot of ground than he actually owned t and on a piece of property that is now claimed by the West Penna. R. It., we submit an ordi nonce to authorize the payment to the con tractors the amount he is over-charged out of the City Treasury, that being the only method by which the money can be obtain ed, as the Penna. R. R. Company was re. leased.from the payment of an assessment by thepayment of a axed sum, nuns iris now impracticable to assess the iunotintpro rata, on the other property assessed tbr cost " of oonstrtictioti. . • The report was recedted and the resolu tions adopted. • The ordinances referred to in the report , were then taken up and - passed, under a sus rienalon of the rates fbr that purpose; with the exception of the ordinance providing. for the paving of Fairmount street; which was referred back.,to the ,Committee, and , the ordinanne relative to the grading and paving of Beech street which was laid over. ;Ur. Gang moved that the vote • adopting the ordinance to grade and PliVe'SPFing al ley be reeoluddered. • Adopted.' 009ITEOLLICB 8 REPORT., Mr. A.D. Smith;from the Finance Com mittee, presented the report of the City . Controllera'of which the following la an ex hibit of the outstanding;bills "and debt of the city, and the total amount at tax levied! o. s Engines .. . .... .. . • 'at: a o. 11. Streets 1,1181 NI • _ ot, 9. Contingent Y 999 IS N ~ • No. 11. Water Worb r ON 67 ! = No. 12. 1.9911 40 •- Total • . JAWS 39 Paid, Pollee force tonal:sack war .; , • 1 4. stall is Firemen 470 " City caws • • :ON 12 Total - - ' , - - Ott** Previously paid - i. ..... . .• 101 4= 1 ,.4,. Claims due r " , . illfen la Warrant/ Cilltstandlng . _ Tl $07,8Z7 BO Total tax ota levied 4021,624 Pi The report was received and the pontrel ler ordnred to draw his warrants on the Treasurer for bills Warred to the same.. Imposer 07 THE WATXII 00WXITTA. , > Mr. Brown, from the Comtnittec on Wa ter, presented the following report : , GICZtTIMEN :—poYourrt Committee on Wis t ter desir L e to re last thy bait befbre them petitions for water on Park gild Stur geon etrOele, risne Alley, Beeith and Bel m streets, to all of which after due cci l shieration they would report sulttersely.k" - They nissolual before them : petitions /Or water on PilV street and Allegheny avenue from Rawiltan 'treat to Routh avenue, ra ibis fire Almon the corner of Perry etr and Red Omit ' alley, :They would" re mt Is ci t "mar VO I".3iea=lnitati' the Fitth‘ w hich .was nine 4rif 'the' objects of said pe tion, they would-mom mend the Lying of the water pipe on Pub ton street. They would reoonimend also that water pipes be laid on Allegheny ave. nue bat on/r from lebeou to Jalappe - ' ; PI dal EMI El PMSBtritG. AMMFN, MIINCII& Regular idemi-mouthlY Meetipe—Petltions and Cosimunicationstepo of coin. mittees. A. regular serni4norithly meetin go f . 11 0 : gheny Councils was held .Thu rs d ay even. 112 8, June 11th. Select Connell: Members Present: Messrs. Black, Brown; , Ca'tory, English, Ching, •Owinner, Jahn; Krebbs, Motheral, Myler, S. C. Patterson. Pittaiiiti,'Phillips, Riddle, Reitair, Wm; Smith, A. D. Smith, Weise, Wettach, and President Mcßrier, On motion of Mr. Gang the reading of the minutes was dispensed_with. Mr. Riddle pnisented a petition frOm the citizens of that portion of MeClurettown ship, annexed to Allegheny city, asking the appointment of a Committee to confer with the directors of the Perrysville Plank Road Company, relative to having the toll gates removed from .the city Unfits. Re ferred to the Committee on Streets. Mr. English presented a petition for a gas lamp at Hazleps,alley and Locust street, Referred to the Cominittee on Gas. On motion of Mr. Riddle, Mr. Brownwas allowed to present certificates of the elec tion of new members to Councils from the Bth ward. Mr. Motheral = objected to the re ading, of the certificates. A motion to read them was voted doWn. REPORT. OP THE OOMINITTEE ON STREETS. Mr. Myler, from the Street Committee, presented the following rert: GsrerrAziwat. -Your Com mittee on Streets would report that by the pio vision of An ordinance passed in 1867, the salaries of assistants in the engineer's office are to be paid by the Committee on Streets, suldeat, to the - apprtival of Councils. tiav lig, pursuant to the proviiions • of said or dinance, fixed the salaries of said assistants for this *ear At V 75; RD and $llO per month, we would offer the following resolution to obtain your approval: Resolved, That the action of the Commit tee on Streets In fixing the salary of the first assistant of the engineer at $llO per nkinth, that of the first min at $BO per month, and that of the - d rodman at $75 per month, be and it is hereby approv ed. G;A:ZETTE FR •;fl 12, -1868. === streets, also .the erection of the fire plug, and to • eary out these recommendations , would offer 't he following resolutions : Resolved. That the Superintendent of the Water Works be and he is hereby directed • _to lay a --.-... inch: Ale of:4'oll°n street, from Fayette street to the sitof the School house to be erected 'oh , said street, and a --inch pipe on ,Allegheny avenue, from Rebecca to Jalappa street, and also to erect a lire plug .oh the corner of Perry, street and Red Oak allelr; -. . The report was received. —• ,-, The resolution was amended extending . the waterr pe theifalL length . of Patton street, andi ncluding several other stre e ts.' The ame nd ments 'were voted down, - and_ the resolut on, rut Submitted by the Com mittee ad pted. - ' "2 - . - . Mr. ' A. Smith submitted the report of the Con D. relative to the Bth ward,' (late Du qu esne borough,) the report was received. Mr., Sm it h submitted an ordinance rela tive o t e measuring _of timber in the.Bth ward.. Read three and paw:- h id ed finally: - -- - 'R, • . . Also an ordinance providing for a Wharf Master in the Eastern portion of the eity. Adopted. r ' ..1 Mr. A. Patterson presented a pe tition' providing for the extension of the Assist ant Wharf• Master's jurisdiction to Alle gheny Avenue. Referred to the Committee on Wharfs and Landings. Mr. Phillips, a resolutio n relating to the gas light in the Conn 1 Chambers. Re- ' ferrect to Committee on ly Property. i t Mr. Miler , a petition om Mr. Swan ask= ing the privilege to lay temporary track petition .41 across Western avenn , on which to haul dirt to grade the Com mu , Referred to Committee on Streets. Mr. Myler submitted the, profile of the grade on Henderson et' t; as prepared by the Regulator, and mov d its adoption. The yeas and, nays ere called for, and resulted in the adoption of the grade by a vote of 14 to 6 - '.. i Tr hir., Myter also AubrfOitted the pro fi le of 'grade oratilappaetreet, - which was adopted. Mr. Brown- moved th t the report of the Committee on Sewera ge, l aid over at the last ragular Meeting, , taken 'up: The motion woo-adopted. , Mr. Brown.moved.that the report of the Committee be Adopted, and, called for the previous question:which prevailed: • The question recurred on the adoption of the report, *hen the yeas and na ys called for, and a vote being taken the re port was adopted by a vote of 13 to 7. Mr. A. 1). Smith offered a' resolution pro viding for the, election of a. Board Measurer in the Eighth ward. • • Mr. Callery moved to amend the resolu tion by recommending the election of those parties now holding the position. The amendment was accepted and the resolution adopted as amended. On motion, adjourned.. • - - -• Members present: - Messrs. Brown Cut ler, Comley, Clark, Eyster, Flethfng, Groet zinger, Hanna; Hochttly, Kennedy, Ley, Megraw, Mayer. McDonald, McNeill, Ober, Recd Tate Seldle, Voegtfr. White, Warner tied ‘Presidnt. • - • =, Reading the minutes was, •on motion, dis pensed with. Mr. liochuly presented a remonstrsnee against the paving of the alley between Third and O'Hara streets, Referred to Com mittee on Streets. Mr. Ober presented a petition for water in the Seventh ward, along the new Troy road. Referred to Committee en Water. Mr. Voesttly presented a petition formater on Concord street. Referred to Water Com mittee, in conjunction with Street Commit. Mr. Warner presented an ordinance rela tive to assessments for grading ofaidewalke on Franklin street. Retorted to Street Committee. - Mr. Kennedy presented a petition for a change of grade nn Hamlin street. that ex isting being much too steep. Referred to Street Committee with - power to act. -Mr. Mayer presented a resolution pro posing measures to procure a fire engine and apparatus In the Sixth ward. Referred to Committee on Fire Engines. Mr. Warner presented—a -remonstrance against the opening of Sedg. ewick street or assessment for the same. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. 'McNeill presented a resolution in instructing the Street Committee to take penes:don of that portion of the Allegheny and Perrysville Plank lying within the city limits and have` it Adop• Mr. Megraw presented the report of the Committee Ms Engines, in regard to the horse. harness and hose carriage of the Hope Company, It stated the °atilt com plete and presented a resolution instruct in its purchase at a cost not exceeding = The resolution was adopted muinimonsly. S. C. concurred. • Mr. McDonald Presented. the report of the Gas Committee, which recommended gas Impala the folloyingloTitions: Corner of WebstOr street Davis alley, itabella Court and Davis• allewlsaNtla Court and Robinion street, Itobinisittlittitet and White Oak alley, and five •on- Spring Garden avenue, in such places as may be deter mined. Resolutionslnstructlng their ered. Lion watt adopted.- Mr. Hanna presented the report of the Committee on Markets, which was As fol lows: - Recelpts for . the month of Msy: Duncan Dallas, c.letk of market.4ll,l4s Eb George McNulty, Dhun'd Seam. 212 74 To. .4 411 ' 1111 3 68 p Frae,report was received and filed. Council adjourned.- Earnings of the Pittsburgh, pc: Wayne and Chicago Railway Company. P. - Parley, Esq., the I Auditor `of the Pithiburgh, Fort Wayne and Chit:age Rail way Company, furnishes us withihe follow ing atiltiumeat of the lipitibms of thit 't e.,inonth, wyi-and-cif4ltte 'fbr thtifirtd , Atityirtimthis th'e .tiertal year, dionAareg\ 44 . period of the . Year - - • ,• iteromo -k: .4. ? ever um . veva no. i i •:•" 12VI :. /W. 17 , aam 41.hicellanete • .I,l= .2483 f . 0 .. , 41...fitonsii : i s, itio — m - January Ist up May alit 1514011 M Z AP" frill ammo, ut .- • ' .to iti___,!tsli iitseiaiiiii i I I ! cot 6 ison a 1,18:441. a , . 31147 MUOLldgerlalade th0 1 113 4# 012.- intone oe was ab ly and efflaierq u oon. by ducted _ Alderman Joseph A. Bu tler during Ms Honos'a atenee. Mi lEEE ComnOn COuncil. imponTs cox3trnints. Eal MIT /IMIMzEla_ -71 1:3 n! , r, ri o gi 14 MINK us T • 7 . ... ME John Myser's beer saloon, Third street, 1, Allegheny, was 'entered by' , burglars on Tuesday night. They obtained two or three dollars in change. The ialorm of Mike Rook; at, the corner of Long allet and Chestnut street, was next entered, bat the thieves failed - td realize even ah much as at the previous house. From Hook's saloon they seem to 'have proceeded to.a beer sa loon on O'Hara street, betweSn Eas t 'Lane and Chestnut .street, kept by Jo Stitz. An entrance was effected, and :some .flay dollars in , money , and a valuable . silver watch, which had been left in the money drawer,were. carried away. The robbers also entered the sleeping apartmerits Occu- pied by 'Mr. Satz, and - secured his pasts, which were found on the street next morn ifig. There , IS no clue to the perpetrators. The members of the Beater Street 2,L E. Congregation, Allegheny, Rev. J. W. 13a ker, pastor, propose to make extensive im provements on tbp ~church building. The work will bo commenced in the course of a few weeks. The.entiri) interior of the main auditoriuni will be tepainti3d, the walls and ceiling: frescoed, ,new carpets laid dpwny and such other ittiProvements will be made as are necessary to make the edifice pre sent a handsome and comfortable- tpear ance. Alestival will be held &min next, week in the church, the proceeds of hick are to be given to the improvement kind. Till Itobbery.--Thurst y morning the . money drawer in James e hrridan's estalr lishtnent; on Diainond Alley Wasl'obbed of 1;60 in greenbacks and script, and- Connil Nally, who hid been - hinging around - the place, was suspicioned, and' information was made at the Marir's office. The ac cused disappeared, and yesterday morning it was ascertained that he had - gone to Con nellsville. An officer was . dispatched to bring.him back. -- - • Ininest.—Coroner Clawlion yesAerdaiheld an inquest on tho body of B. Muzzy, whose death by accident at the' Federal• Street crossing of the P. Ft. 3V;'& road we recorded . yesterday,whith resulted in a vordiet of accidental death; The de, ceased was about thirty years of age and unmarried. The body was remoyed to the house. of Mrs. Craig, on Sedgwick street, Allegheny, where deceased formerly board; Progresidne-7 4 he work of laying ' the track for, fire — Pleasant' Valley Passenger Railway, In Allegheny, is progressing fine ly. The workmenlave already reached the middle of the Commons on Federal street. The- track will be double from the • City Hall to North avenue and Monterey street, and from that point to the Pleaiant Valley terminus a single track will be laid, ,with the necessary sidings and witches: , The Select Excursion party on Wednes day evening aboard the steambbat Bennett, Capt. Cox, was a delightful affair, the elite of the young society of the city par ticipating. The boatproceeded to Mcßee a . port and turning, laid up at Port Perry till morning,; affording all ample time to trip the light fantastic We. Cleaned . and Repaired.--The upper basin has been under repairs during the past few days and is now completed. It was thor oughly cleaned out and quite a difference is noticeable in the water supplied our up town people. We learn that workmen will at once commence work in the ;lower basin and preparelt foi the coming summer. Perioual.—Dr. John Wilson, formerly of this city, but at present U.. 8. Consul at . Antwerp, sails 9n the Inman Uteamer. City of Antwerp, Saturday, 29th inst. He has 'been at homefor some months on a visit to his friends. ' Mr. George Gregg and Mr. John Cockle also sail at the same time. The telegraph pole on the corner of Fifth and Smithfield streets fir - just so 'situated that its great dark shadow at night time completely hides the crossing. About the only good the lamp at' that corner sttbseraes 18 to - light the side of the pole. Insane.—An insane butcher was fit the lock up yesterday for wandering through the streets, carrying withhim an enormous bouquet andehoutiog akonlY orazY Cain ft. '<'►,t'he tutibrtunateMim will be ilea: Assault and Battery.--Itildget Tobin made information before Alderman Tay lor yesterday, eharging.Ellen Gragan with assault and battery. - The parties reside in the Ninth ward. A warrant was issued. The alleged wife poisoner in the jail takes his oonSnement very philosophic. ally, and confidently hopes for; acquittal.' notwith3tandhig the " strong character. of the evideneeregainst him, - nertKerperi;:the gentleman that sporta the eigV, foot ..ia , r4, , efteraP;s absence of two week% renewa Ws engagement t Bar, .: nein; Bittecitun to-dey, arniMliremain tilt', after the fourth of July. Committed.—Alderman Strain lodged Commitimint against 'John Handlin, corn.' mitted by-the Mayor yesterday,' .on oath of his wife, Mary liancUln, charging him with alloindonment.. • . ilitabhed.--a, negro boy in the employ •of Felix' Lafferty, on Eintithdeld street, was stabbed by a rowdy on Wednesday night. Though painful yuird wp.l not, prove VWvireiseat quarters of;the Pittsburgh CeatraliEldidt School are vastly superlorp, the old one which:should luive been , abau dolled tenjears earlier. - , Or/snal.Dianeond Frost is Monrideqe Wore 8 Grocery, No. 164 Federal street, 'The Water loan benda are meeting with good aide. 1 4 12terwonld all be ivadlly and raP IdlY dlanwed of If they could be sold at ten!) ttektiVllloA4..b. cr 14. x..;+ Vtalted Staten Coart.—On Monday next the Jude term of the'rtran:eliviteB Court for the Western, Diatilet.of. lvanja, selli_coininenge at Willie • Delayed—Blr. 3. Zia; - the k great fruit Culturist. ova that hid annual •trberiiy` ehow. •ta -_ttpotted , on moonlit of . the late - amen , Netiitth of-inner— arena from 18137. 31950 Ori ieidereshoul fhb Ifitatti Georg. aariporly. i tiitgre t streeVittlegbenlv,../t DEMI '33.123 IT itkia,fall !Dim hes rocently received Wane AlaXabli.AllgriblltiOnito AI _shelves and ita projectors tisk‘for more:e • • I, °new Iftgadel'lrriint Is 2doßrlde % 4 4311rvirs Greeery t tro ! 164 Federal street, Th e go d s .water dealers keep hp their, • nStten cents per, lees, ,just five toi . s bue/ toes . ' tm.e; 1. - 31a;471-7 -14 I k Inoue euttersareerwealn tireihoinfrathe‘ stone ier the Pond* .54,0 c nett !.o:Fetitivalat Wilkins• • loght l oth ' to., have 11313dy Logiur ait" , aPpearllloo Itl' se "ont , t t ig tO W i jkkirnabt the prise unalts. - wi trAF TI NMY I 47D Mg* the =lc' 4giftratfnitrill'attena=rs' ville,yeeterdv aotatnated Hon. Z. S. Deta; of Fayette • county; tor , Cowen. " Resela. , time endorsing the State ticket and phi brat. eta teoomniencllng Peadietots Pnillidatt'WlPre adoptode Burglarivi. • remember ZitatTbb 64 reddial . . ftliiieriellemiandSt: Mir Streets. Aata r , re watat-lutt, SPRING D. , DP 171 .6 1 1MIS, 4`J, 1 •. • ; :LP , tl4 - , 4 , lErni ~ .;1..! - 11.101LITIPS. _ Mal t 11AlaijagwoliiiEim atliscaatt___tatse"a;Zt- ses i u n o r ' d eal ft: 1112 Z & inawawanivr. Mal aid la. Immo 41044 iimmeirnms, Abusing &Horse. Inibrmation was made before Alderman Alchlasters yesterday,;ttyA.Moblillan, pro. prietor of a livery stable, charging George Roderick and B.P. Doren. with Ab!isillir a horse and breaking -a : buggy : which they had hired from him. It is alleged that they hired 'the horse and buggy,, - which were both in , _good condition, and went • with ru theto Troy R 111;; There; it is, claimed, the defendants. became 4 hdoxlcated, and .drove fnrionaly and ; recklen2lY in.vari o us directions. One of them said he, had won the torso at a raffle and;was &ins to kill him. When they returned to the, stable the buggy was badly damaged and the horse, it is said, is utterly rained. War rants were leaned. • ' If the public - ;woitid have . good . artiejles they have only to call at No. 112 Federal , str ee t , Allegheny city. Where seletions can be iri44o; coMprising the followkig,articles, that Wilive entire satisfaction: Beaut ifu l Cream Ron-Bons, fine Almonds,, :Gum Drops, Cream Chocolates, various kinds of pure LozengesiMarsh•Mallows, extra fine Calabria and &icily Liqorice, Colts-Foot, .Rock, fine and common Assorted Ca3dies, new Dates, Garden Figs, Muscatel and Lay er Resins, Turkey , Prunes, Fruit Syrups and Extracts, Oliva 0118, Foreign and. Do mestic Sauces, Cateups, :Pickles, Jellies, Preserves, Jams, French and 'English Mus tards, Orange Marmalade, Fresh and Spiced Oysters, Canton Ginger, - Prepared East IndlA Cocoa Nut, Canned Peaches; Plums, Raspberries, , : Cherries, Quinces, Pears, Pine A. , pples,'dte.,. . GEORGE ZEA:VER. • •. • a . Original , Diamond Front u 3 Mcßride 41t George's Grocery, No. 164 Federal . street, Alie hen . . ' • • mOnwentilrixbt Int 6 , Lhe eix valley of :,Death ; Ito h j , Htuidted. ,, But larger, - bv'innidreds multi Plied into millions, than the doomed band who rode to swift deistrudlon, , in 'Tennyson's poem, is the great cavalcade of unhappy men who are rushing to untimely graves, fbllowed by the gaunt spectre. Dyispensia. s This is all wrong r and should , cease. • Plantation Bit ters, the great Stomach Pain' Killer. cures Dyspepsia, Heartburn,,Headaehe, Vertigo, DulMess,- and all symptoms of kindred character, as If by magic. For Languor. Laisitude, Great Weakness and kliantal Depression, they have a' most wonderful lifeononza, WATEE.-A delighting toilet article—Eniperior, to. Cologne, and at half the price. . , nwirder All the members of theyWoinen's Chris tian Association who are willing to assist in getting up a Strawberry Festival, for the benefit of the Home for Destitute Women, ate requested to, meet at the Home, No. 45 Chatham street, on Saturday, June lath, at three o'clock. By ordez of. he Board. Go to Wilkins , ig. ht.: The Festi val IS still in' operation., . Chiglnd Diainond Front Is Moßilde dt George's Grocery, No. 164 Federal street, Allegheny. MARRIED: . KNORR.-MbKIINE.--On ITneaday eening, Jane thiresidenee of the bride, by 110. Z. B. Stirlen Mr. H. L. KNORR, of Bloomsburg, Pa., and Mia. LYDIA ideRIINE," Of Allegheny. DIED: 7/011TIINE.—On Weariest' eveninf, tune 10th. EDWARD .1. POBTIJI.N son o George and Jane G .:Fortune, In the 01at Tear of his age. The Animal will take piece from' the residence of kali-parents, No. 003 Second 'street, on ainUtDAT ArrilaNOON, at '3 _o'clock. The trio:rade:end ac quaintances of the family 'are resPeetre#l:llmiled toattend. -. RAMSEY.—Thuriday morning, atategAltli l Mrs. SARAH, wife of dallies Ramsey. The funeral will take place Tuts EPlriairocer, at A o'clock, from the residence of her tither, Mr. William Hare, No. it Ledlie street,Allegbeni City. The friends of the family are =spectrally Invited to attend. UNDERTAitERS: ... .......... 4,LEIK. AIRE nttabursh, Pa. N s &llie FOURTH __ d vs, orau kinds; GRAPHS, "4? devieir thin o - Punerat- tams g and 4sy 776 .rageJaco buih • omAl l"43l l:7 7 lni t ": C its q.M ',.. 1 1 141 140:b H. Sao.. r777.T: ii 311. • AA: A)•: A:0 •- • DUSK STREET' AND eircrics- N U U& egtunty City, where their COFFIN . BO OMS nstanitranpplied tont real and Imitation t • ood, Nal° .cany and 'Walnut real`, prima • g from a* to .100 . lkniles prepared for inter •• ent. llearset and Carriages tun ehed also. • de of litourdlne required. Once ope at all hours, day and nista. ItiorEMIT _T. RODNEY VllDElitm .TASEB. AND EMBALMEM,ao. Itet OIDO ,ItT Allegheny, and No.' ^ DIAMOND 13QUAME,AyJohn Wilson A : 8r05... theme always on hinds beat _Metal, Itasewo, WAlnut and hattatlon'ltoseWood Catie. Walnut CoMmt from 1104/5 upwards: • !Maywood Contra IMO . 1 0,pwords, all effil;;:dmil lr Pr giZ ° C 4 .4Fe scr atigle au lliiit a rli E nitsT,lng ibndoltad mils. • tee op'en,day and ate t. , A l'Elv 'fitp:.E . cv : 4;o - t - *• - .:. We have just reeelte4 from the taneveettirer, A TULL ABBORTNIM' OP PIERESCOPIC CLASSES, . , • • YREICIES It&DX,YEOX' PiTitsnrcuGszt They are:iKir! ye:iVrezieg to mir trade. DUNSEATHt de HASLIITT • • intiltuaui*Nb firilowirs; ss niiiiitto.o43lToo,4oloPlimi, .:) ~. SPILIOra GQOl)$,: . . • . Adretetii I M IST OLAINS4II34.7II4ISPt TILEGOR. 0PEN*09.441. '!..:HENRY GvHALIPS ~.:._..,r...K.,,, iiiiEig OE BM