The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 12, 1868, Image 4

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VittAturgij Gayttt.
Mat BY - - •
SEED 4 CO,. Propristers.
7. B. 2121nTIYAN, , I
- 2". HOUSTON . R. aILICD,
Editors and klanaers.
- OMCE: ,
otiviarAL PAPER •
f Pittsburgit, Alleghiny and Allssiteur
rirow—Datly Ng/nil-Week/v. W witty . .
Om yesr." - .ia.60 One Single copy-4LN)
One istoatb. -75 Six laos.. 1.50 5 copleth eaeh • Irs
"# . 2 the week, 15 Three mos 75 , 10 .• .., L
wom canter.) • . ' A nd ' The 63 Atm"'
FRIDAY, JUNE , 12,1568 .
Tux WErnT auuntit, Wiled on Wed
seedays and Saturdays, is the bed and Cheap
mg family newspaper in Pennsylvania. It
presents each week fmtreight columns _of
solid reading matter. It gims the finest as
moll as the most reliable marketrvports of any
gaper in State. Its files are used exclu
*idly by the Civil Claire* of .Allegheng county
for reference in , important issues to determine
She ruling prim in the markets at'the time of
Sae busittesstransagtim in disvute.
Sintde copy, toto year, $1.50; in dubs office;
$1;251,,5n clubs often, $1,15, and one free
So the getter up of the club. Specimen espies
sent free to any address. ,
TRTIvr on U lB snide Mei of . air.
mnt: Second page : Poetry,
Ephoneris, Clippings. Third page Mar
a Ctrame And Abroad, Ananciai Mat
ters 'in Mew' Tork, Importa, River Nem,
Lottiook 'ninth., Mountain,. Sixth page :
Aflame. and Trade, Cemtral Live Stock
Market, Petroleum Market. Seventh page
Valktndighatn on Rhase, A Grant Anecdote,
-ICsecellemeous Reading 3fatter.
001.1) closed in New York yesterday at
Tim Union Pacific Railway trick is laid
for 645 miles west of Omaha: The grading
is finished for 100 miles further, and the
grading party Will reach Salt Lake by July
Fourth: •
Tau 're-election of Senator SIBAGITS, for
another term of id.* years by the Rhode
island Legislature on Tuesday, was pre
ceded by the most satisfactory assurances
from his friends, that• he would earnestly
support GRANT and CoLsax against all
licritezd the Democratic Convention on
— Wednesday gave PEurnarrow the cold
shOulder and surrendered themselves to the•
bond , holdere,it was very 'unkind toward.
the Pittsburgh Post which has been Con
_ lending for Young Greenbacks for months
pat. The'silence of the repudiated organ,
in the next • morning's 'issuee is not to be
- Wandered at.
Mir failure of, the bond-liblding clique,
who manipulated the - Democratic County
Convention, to come out squarely for their
favorite; Mr. eitter t , 'and his doctrine of
.Equal Suffrage, bas probably clapped the
final extinguisher upon the political aspira
tions of the Chief Justice. - Such a half
way backing up of one's friends is same-
tixitea a fatal ciperiment in politics. • How
much.lfr. Caen must grieve over the tim
idity of the Allegheny County Democracy I
Tan Pittsburgh Post has ceased to be in
qufaiti•re, but it is not yet honorable enough
to correct its misrepresentation of the office
holderi black -twang dodge. We forbear
any commentary; however, until our "man
ly and outspoken" neighbor recovers a httle
theta the stinging blow
,giien• to it by the
County bemoczatie Convention. Thel re
nsibilities of the Democratic o arpo manbay
ing devolved upon its rival, the .ftepiatio, the
.Post can soon afford to make the;proper cor-
Tar. Onmilmi Restoration bill, hicluding
Alabaria, pissed the Senate on - Wednesday
might by the dechdve vote of 81 to it Kr.
Tntnennt's3llotloll to strike out AlabanM
vasl6Bl, 18 to 24, and he tingly voted for
the plumage of -the bill, as it, stand. The
Bonne is'to Vote on the Senate amendments
and probably. a Conference Committee will
be necessary. The Arkansas bill being ac
cepted in both Houses as a precedent, the
meat difference will hinge on the Ala:
bins lineation, and'its exact solution kinot
easy to anticipate.
TEE two. Democratic organs of the Me
Vierty county Demoeraey publish meagre
reports of the proceedings of the Conven
tion of their party on 'Wednesday. The
Republic, preferring measures to men, 'ap
proves'of the "erife,discreet and patriotic
action of the donvention, in unanimously
Meeting the effort to commit the Democra
cy of this county to the supportof,l4r. PEN
inzrort, or any other person, as its repro.
aentative in the corning great contest."
The other Democratic organ, the Post, has
not a word of editorial reference to the Con-
venison 'Evidently, it is , grieved by the
triuns* of the Johnson wing. In no other
way is its coarpleie silence to be aced:Mated
grief was tOo .deep tbr utterence.
We,conunetokite Opered, ip P 38 4 12 , 1 4g t4 (3
leadOf Oil:illy to` its rival; the .geptAkie,.
Tan telegraph-informs us 0; the cold
blooded asiosidludion4d. Prince NreSisstr,
of Berrie. Berrie Is one of the Danubian
innuipalltlea trihtitati to' Turkey; boun ded
the Ilgrth by' the Austrian AMU*"
.Treader. Belgrade, where the - aline waa
committed, la the "
nominal capital. . BerviS i s
, resent position of senitindependence was
oeiiknered for it hi , mw o osw ORRENONTIVIT I
lather of the assassinated . MICHAEL, who
was elected h9 l 9odar in 1817. 24TELOICEI
- was'eomPenedhis_ son Krutivi who.:dying,
was suunetidegf,bi'ifieluix;*: The latter
was deposed in 480 by:.liCarta j s manos ,
vrri:s4'llut a revolntion. in 1888 restored
Num to power and oit his death in /860,
- reigned the "positiim. Th e
emuurarrren family have held& elnineely
dignity in their Wiles country during Um
lest hall centuryand'wereflikninbli origin..
'l6* was born in fieVtendiecoil 2 iit and.;
itig We was an reatftli and s'addiarr one
' • • .
THE prospects of Judge Crum, as a can
didate for the Democratic nomination are
seriously ImPainni by the meeting w
purported to be held in-his interest at PM:
adelpr.da, on Wednesday evening. The
`resolutions adopted, coniraertdlnghis
fictitious and urging -the •prepricir
nomination upon the New_York Conven
tion, are well enough in terinolves, but
the . personnerof the Philadelphhs meeting
was precisely - of that, kind which will be
most prejudicial to the`aspirations of asi
candidate. An meeting, which such
decayed or disrePutable politicians as Sena.'
tors Door.rma and Dixon, Surraint, of
Massachusetts, im,the President'slate
appointee for Register of the Treasury,
3111.418 .4:ribirla,T, of New Nark, /lc.;
take part can accomplish nothing brit dam;
age -to the candidate.who may be their un
fortunate protege. This useniblage of po
litical buzzards la 'the first decided indica
tion we have seen that,tha Cluise movement
is dwindling into insignificance. The
strongest opposftion to him has come from
tfte border State Democracy, who have res
olutely protested that they will support no
man who is known to favor colored suf
frage. If their vigorous protests have real
ly checked the movement, this gathering of
Doourrix Dixon & Co., at Philadelphia,
will completely wipe it out. Under the cir
cumstances, perhaps the Allegheny county.
<Democracy might have strained a point,
and enunciated a frw principles, instead of
being frightened at their own shadows and
giving PINDLETON the go-by. •
Form State Dethecratic Conventioniwere
held on the 10th. /Tennessee instructed for
JoinisoN, and sends FORREST, the Fort Pil
low butcher, as one of the delegates. Fail
ing JOHNSON, they are to vote for PENDLE.
TON and greenbacks. New , Jersey, Con
nectibut 'and New Hampshire do not instruct
their delegates, but their resolutions aro
anti-repudiation, and squint toward Cit&se
and I& State-rights-negro-suffrage doctrine.
The New York Tribune of the 10th thus
comments upon the Democratic sitttationt
. _
"The nomination of the Chief Justice is pressed
with perfect good faith by a large portion of those
who se Sea dodge
it. With others, the support of
Chase dodge to Secure anyhow the defeat of
Pendleton, who has to-day more delegates pledged
to his support than can he counted up for any two
of his rivals. But the Initial e ff ort, fur Chase will
prevent Pendleton's nomination on the first or sec
ond ballot; meantime, arrangements may be made
to concentrate on Hancock or Hendricks, or one of
them as President and the other as Vice; and then
both Chase and Pendleton will be nowhere. For
the present, we simply advise all concerned that a
part of the strength developed for Chase is fact!-'
tlous—meaning only that Pendleton must toe defeated
at all hazards—and will be ready to break fur Han
cock or Hendricks on the first prospect of success."
Tux retirement of Commissioner Rol.-
wis, from the Internal Revenue service,
will fix upon the President still more clear.
ly the responsibility, for the retention in the
service' of thenotoriously corrupt men to
whom,in debate the other day, a Repre
sentative referred as follows
"I know that In NeWTork corruption In revenue
matters is without limit, and as ray friend from Il
linois Dir. Ingersoll) suggests withelt - precalent
In the history of this country. and I do know
with one or two exec pons no of In that city has
been removed by the President of the United States.
I know that in another city of the Union, Richmond,-
Va.:, the fraudulent practices have gone to such an
extent that even the pio drialermtnehau been stained
by them; and yet no removals are made.
"I know further, that Mr. Rollins, the Commis
sioner of Internal Revenne as late as December last
called the attention of the Secretary of the Tresurg
to other great frandsupon the revenue and nam.ed,,
to him some thirty or forty °Meer, ago should be
removed because of their complicity In these frauds;
yet I have not heard or a single removal under tbat
recommendation of tile , Commissioner of Internal
Tnz naughty bondholders' combination
with the Johnson wing of the party, in the
Democratic Convention of this comity, on .
Wednesday, apweeded in "laying out" the
Pendletorilans'as cold ea a - Wedge. In vain
were the eloquent appeals. that the delegates
to New York'be Instructed for .Pzzinurron
and greenbacks. Bltier were th 6 taunts
against "the few who came here with bonds
in their pockets and attempt to control our
actions."• The bond holders carried 'the
day and the Convention evaporated, leaving
rio sign except the intense' disgust which
filled the heart's of honest country delegates.
The Philadelphia - Press refers in , terms of
decided commendation to the present Rep
resente from this district, 'and to the gal
cant s oldier ' who will succeed him. We
00 1 3 Y - • - _ -
The nomination of Gen. ' Sas: S. Negley
as the 'Republican candidate for • Congress
in the Twent-second district, composed of
the city of P ittsburgh and part of Alleghe
ny county, is warmly applauded by the
Republican party -throughout the State.
He was a'gallant soldier during the war,
and possesses qualifications, in addition to
this great deserving, which will make him
the efficient Representative of a great con
stituency. • , -
The sitting member from the same district,
Hon. James Kennedy Moorhead, declined a
re-election after having served his people
with rare fidelity.: On the 4th s of Ilfareh
next his last term of five Congresses will
expire, making ten years of consecutive de
votion to the principles of his party and to
the interests of his district. It is very inter
esting to note the rise of such-men. Their
record is an example unknown in the expe
rience of other countries. General . Moor
head was indeed the architect of his own
fortunes. The head of a family of great in
fluence all over the State, the eldest of three
brothers—two of whom,X. Barlow Moor
head and W. G. Moorhad; ere men ofgrest
wealth and conspicuous public spirit, and
like him the buil d ers' of honorable reputa
tions and the centres of extensive connee
tions=it is worth reniemltering.that-Gitner
al Moorhead began his career at the begin
ning.of the century: with,a ihrdted educa
tion and as a tanner's 'apprentice: ' He rose
by undaunted„ perseverance and unchalleng
ed integrity; and he loaves Congress loved
by his own people and respected by men of
all parties in Congrets, having at all times
been fearless in'the exwession of his senti
ments and consistent in his votes as a thor.
ough Republican. General Moorhead is
only sixty-two,-And his fine heiltb, ripe ex
perience, and complete personal in&•pen.
deuce will not be forgotten when the people
look about them for trustworthy leaders in
other high positions.
We notice that thoitiotithL X../sPealts of Vieorte
w. cast, of Pittsburgh. Jul possible DentoeraUe
nominee for the Vice Presidency.~ and, also states
that he is a son of Lewis Calm Al a rule the Sun is
very atuarate. but it errs in US statement of the re
lationship existing between these men. Ur. Cass is
a browse( Lewis Vitas —not a son.. He bin very es
thump man.; and si good railroad manager, but the
Democracy will not nominate as good sumo for The
President and 110 will Wirer fill that *Moe unless he
change' ids polities. & President of one of tne
raeastrapereqt polities.,:
ln eine n he has earned
• • 1 11• 1 2inalltmh_but es • Pttie, he ls not six*.
eels. —asadettie ,anipht Was.
2fl c , C it fAilPilevtrliot a aratker—rif
the late`Lima
-rDoa ntonio /T
AWA sui ea/
tentiary at
Oi Guatemala anti ,
die 4 fit kbddenW# !3rOw"-"14
i.‘ l ':•`` . .r
• ,
.t.ILEXTER4I/10110C01 DERER• ..-
patio ,_
ThelA . Natlital'A‘Aireidiiill7..
-. Ninnlnation of. Mir. Chase tor President--
4 nm Intrigue to that End—Ata Piematrue
' Exposure and IPresent-4. l ondltion.
I ,Cearteniondenee of tbe Pittsburgh Quetta.]
NEW Yonx; June 10, 1868.
The Democratic National ' Convention
will assemble in thin, city a month heice.
It will meet here because Mr. Belmont and
other leading members of the Party. who
are deeply, interested in governinent securi
ties, were tesolved, it possible, to prevent
it from forinally espousing Repudiation in
any shape whatever. That Section of the
party , is not only strong i rumbas in
this vicinity, but is also powerful in in-
Science, and can control the action of the
Convention, assembled here more certainly,
than at any other pointe
• For some months past these DemOcratic
leaders have been in -negotiation with Mr.
Chase and ?IS cotene, with a view to bring
ing 'him on; as the Democratic nominee for
the Presidency. - If this 'could be accom
plished, the Democratic bondholders would
feel a comfortable degtee of assurance that
their pecuniary interests Would• not be im
perilled by the success of their party. But,
Mr. Chase, while ardently desiring to be
President, has a consciousness that he has
already become a historic character, and,
though he is 'Milli* to concede a good'
deal to gratify his ambition, he is not ready
to contradict utterly the best passages of his
past career. , He stipulates for Democratic
recognition of universal suffrage in ex
change for universal amnesty. So far,
then, as the essential doctrine of political
equality is concerned, the Democrats might
as well accept Horace Greeley or. Wendell
,Phillips for their leader as Mr. Chase.
That the Chief Justice has a formidable file
don in the Democratic party favorable to
his promotion, may well be taken as indi
cating the progress of ideas, notwithstand
ing the Maledictions of the Subterraneans.
This intrigue of which Mr. 'Olsen is the
central character, is the key by which his
course durum the Impeachment trial and
the proceedings against Mr. JEFFERSON
DAVIS, can' be explained t, ' -
While it is manifest that a majority of the
wealthy Deinocrats, both here and In
New England, are for Mr. CHASE as the
Presidential candidate, the rank and file are
of a different mind. They do not compre
hend what transformation democracy has
undergone by, which Mr. Ouse is made
its best exponent and representative; especi
ally since he refuses to abate his demand for
the permanence of negro suffrage in the
Southern States. But the leaders profess
unbounded confidence in their ability to
control the masses if therein only accom
plish the desired nemination. They point
to what has been done in that way • hetet°.
fore, and in a way to suggest that they only
profess Democracy because by means there-
of a few are practically enabled to cast the I
votes of the many.
But there is another aspect under which
the chances of the intrigue do not look so
bright. It was confidently believed that
like of them; would be able to detach a
large body of conservative Republicans from
the support of the Chicago nominees and
platform, and transfer them to Mr. Cumin.
That expectation is already blasted. The
Post. the Commercial, and the Times, of
this city, the Commercial, of Buffalo, the
Republican, of Springfield, Massachusetts,
and all the other,conservative organs, with
out a single exception, have not simply
men in.their adhesion to Cin.s.wr and Cow•
FAX, but are working efildently for their
election. ' Even risSzstorsr and TRUMBULL,
notwithstanding--their; original intention,
have felt constrained to avow their purpose
to be to remain in the Republican organiza
tion. It is certain that the Conservatives
are not going with the Demociats.
Meanwhile, it is perfectly obvious that all
the Democrats cannot be induced to support
Mr. Crust This is true here and in New
England, no matter what may be said to
the contrary This is stili'mOre .
billy true in the West and Southwest.
From those sections there are indiaitiorts of
open revolt, and the nomination of a third
candidate in case the July Convention shall
execute Mr. Biutowr's purposes. Ordina
rily it would be safe to predict that these
dernonbtrations of dissatisfaction would sub-.
side as soon as the nominations should be
actually made. It will not do, - thia year,
to presume as much upon the tractability oS
the multitude. •
Whatlf Mr. PENDLETON Shan obtain the
nomination ? He certainly represents the
spirit and. purposes of the party. Nat
will Mr. BEtworyr and his set do in that
event? By Some it is claimed that they
will bolt, and endomvor to guard their per
sonal and baldness' interests by consigning
the Democratic party to a new term of re
tirement from the cares of governmental
wimlntstration,* By others It is affirmed
that these capitalists have slyer) , deep stake
in perpetuating Bernocride ascendancy in
this commercial capital, and in bringittg the
gtativ under the same control.
However many of thew points may be,
determined, it is we that the- Cratiii in
trigue cannot him the Xerptiblican party.
'That organization Was never re hannonlons
as at the present moment aid the Deniocralu
have rarely. Occupieda position of so great
difficulty as that they now hold. For theld
to take Mr. Oman, with his present procla-
mation of opinions, Is, simply to sell out,
with a certainty of defeat, and of such a de
feat as will defy recuperation afterwardB;
while to accept Mr. humiirroN would coil.
port with their avaived ;winch:del and "their
action hitherto, and if conducting to over
throw,.would leave the ranks nalirokentuid
in nutdhleas for another onset upon the first
It is inferable fr om what • handreidy been that the Republlena of , t4a . Stato .
New York stand on ninety wow, vantage
g r01 0,3 41 . 4 4 ' 3"..1 1.1 4 ki4-liar• At peak'
among tit antiasto, at least so far u relates
to all directly the
bee7o9th/ 1 n they I *,/uri and 1 0
Reptilian vita wig help to siva the
:Democratic; count. This unanimity fur
nishis a reasonable basis for <hope ttuitthe
l 'etectoral Viitelsf'the btr-Cast -for
GRANT and CoLvax. The Demcgiraticma
jcirity, in this city wM assuredly be reduced
to a very material extent in the fall s while
the Republican majorities in the central and
western counties are most likely to be en.
Trade is dull. The merchants complain
of light sales and large stocks to be carried
over, still the feeling generally 'prevails that
r i tst
worst has . been endured, and that a
re, val of activity `; will soon be experienced.
year, with the - crops of this country
h yup to the average, there was an 'un
p cedented Buropean demand , in conse
qu nee of the failure of crops in several
tries on that cpntinent. This year, the
c ops throughout the United States are
hi hly promishig. There never were such
breadths of grain upon the ground, and it
ne erlooked better. The Southent States
so ed enough fully to supply the local de:.',
mad Already the first new wheat has
be put ripen the market, coming from
lin WIPP!.
' !All accounts from Europe concur ln re
presenting that the crops there are unifor
maly favorable, so that there will be little
or no demand for bread-stuffs to be exported
thither. True, there are rumors of a
gigantic war as likely to burst out in the
autumn,involving a number of nations; but if
these sombre predictions shall be reallied
the condition of the present crops will not
be affected thereby.
It is safe, therefore, t 6 Fonclude that the
crops about to be harvested in the United
States will be abundant; that prices will rule
low in comparison to what they have been
for some years past; that -much less money
Will be required to move and market the
crops than was required last, year, thus tend
ing to create an easy state of monetary af
fairs, and affording an excellent solution of
the question of wages in many departments
of manufacturing and mechanical industry.
It' is specially gratifying to know that the
new harvests will put a new and better as
pect upon affairs all over the Southern States;
not only delivering the inhabitantr from the
pressure of actual want, but placing means
in their hands wherewith to commence re
pairing the wastes of the great war.
Tyndall. Published by D. App eton ck
Co., New York. For sale by Henry Mi
nor, Pittsburgh.
The wonderful achievements of Faraday
in Science, hiis given him a worle-wide
celebrity. His brilliant career was
achieved by dint of close study, and 'per
sistent effort. Entering upon life un
der rather unfavorable circumstances, he
gradually surmounted every obstacle, and
finally reached the highest- place in the
scientific world. And his 'fame rents upon
higher ground than the ordinary walks, in
scientific life, namely, as a d6coverer. Here
he obtained the mastery, and here his name
will be forever linked with futurity. Fara
day's researches on Electro-Chemistry, Fric
tional Electricity, Induction, Conduction,
etc.; his discoveries of the "Magnetzation
of light, and the Illumination of the Lines
of Magnetic Force;" "Magneto-Electrici
ty," "Diamagnetism„' are familiar to scien
title scholars, and, indeed, he is quite well
known by, the better informed of the
masses.` The work embodies the various
researches and discqveries of paraday,
two discourses, delivered by Prof, John
Tyndall, Professor of National Philosophy,
in the Royal Institution of Great Britain.
DAISY. Continued from "Melbourne
Itouse.” By the author of "Wide, Wide
World," 4, Queeehy," etc. Published by
J. B.' Lippincott eft.
The author of "Wide, Wide World," ac:
qulrcd a reputation that few writers have
attained in literary circles in so brief a
period. There was such a charm about her
former writings, freshness, vigor of thought,
and life-like pictures scattered throughout
her works, that they were much sought after.
Time has not changed the good impression
upon the public mind, and "Wide, Wide
World," and "Queechy," are still read by
multitudes. "Daisy" seems to have the same
element/of word-power, in discaption, and
in the dellniation of character. Throtigh
out the book there is also a high toned mo
rality and purity of style, which renders it
worthy of the family circle. There is a
personality about the work, too, that strong
ly smacks of a semi-autiblography of:the
HOLIDAYS AT ROSEDALE: withsome atter
scenes in Elsie's life; being a sequel to
Elsie Dinsmore. By Martha Farquarson.
Published by M. W. Dodd, 506 Broadway,
New York.
Dodd has established his character as the
pUblisher of works of substantial merit,
such as the Sclumburg•Cotta series. "Elsie
Dinsmore" did not diminish his reputation,
and new. we have "Holidays at Rosedale,"
as a the latter named work. Both
books are j worthy of commendation for
their elevated: tone, and Moral character.
:Those who have read •"Elsie Dinsmore,"
will Sid 'in this work inculcated, the
same beautifill lessons of obedience and right
doing. The example of Elsie is worthy of
emulation by young people, especially 'the
respect she had for her parents. Works of
such amoral, healthy tone, cannot fait to do
WHAT rSBALL WE. EAT? A: Manual for
- Housekeepers. Published by G. P. Put.
nem &Son, Bel Broadway, New York.
This little`work comprises a bill of fare
for breakfast, dinner andtea, for every day
in the year. .:With an Appendix, conbrin.
i ns receipts for pickles and sauces. Here
we have a preietkai work, the design of
which's to save the trouble of thinking and
providing;variety for the, table. Halos like
this volume, are calcidated to relieve ladies
of much anxious - thought, of ' , what shall
we eat ? ",aecach da.9 II catalogued to hand,
by consulting it. - It is an excellent band
tiook for litonlica, and of convenient
; T. B. Teterson-tt Co's. cheap edition of
Scott's "St. Bona's ;Well,". is placed DIX*
Oar table by W A. GikkadenaYs !Mb
street, Price 00 cents, - •
A meeting of poEticians from all parts of
. the -co.uutry, , wes,,...tuad at :the.: ContinOtak,
Hotel, Philadelphia, on Wednesday night,
to nombiateldr. Chase for the:'Prelidency:
Et. Governor F. P. Stanton, of Virginia, ,
presided temporarily. A .committee of three appointed to select permanent officers,
who reported for President, Hon. William
S. Price of Pennsylvania. =Vice Presidents
—JohnJ. Cisco, New York; Chas. D. Free
man, Pennsylvania; Enoch T. Carson,
Ohio; Win. P. Smith, Maryland; Hon.
Frederick P. Stanton, Virginia; John Paul,
M. ID.,
Illinois; Amasa Sprague, Rhode
Island,. VH. Sweitzer, Massachusetts; Hon.
J. R. Doolittle, Wisconsin; Gen. A. L. Jef
fries, District of Columbia; E. T. Lathain,
New York; ,Hon. Jas. Dixon, Connecticut;
Gen. S. W. Crawford, Kentucky. Secrete.
riesr-john W. Frazier, 'Philadeiphia. Wm.
Howard, Philadelphia; Jdlny J. O'Brien,
New Ybrk; Wm. J. Hawley, New 'York;
John Oberly, Illinois. 1, A committee of nine
was appointedori resolutions, Consisting of
Charles ID. Freeman, David 7. Sellers,
Alexander Long, Fred. 4, Stanton, Win.
Howard; J. P.-Tucker Eqoard_i T. Latham,
Fred. Schley ' and WtaiS. HaileY, who
ported th following, v .hich . were adopted
unanimo sly:
Wells AS, We, as citizens of the sev
eral Ste s, 1 irrespective of our political
affiliations, believe that the learning, experi
ence, ability and purity , of Chief Justice
Chase are an assurance of an adminishra
tion conformable to the Constitution if he
should bed chosen President, and that we
believe if presented to the- people of our
country for their sutTmge, they would cor
dially unite upon him as one in Whom they
might hope for a hippy reconciliation of the
i i ,
people of all the States under the just and
benign p visions of our Federal Constitu
tion; the fore
Resolved, That we desire Chief Justice
Chase for the next President of the Union,
as the man best entitled to our confidence
and support, and that a- committee of one
'hundred be appointed to promote his nomi
nation by the Democratic Convention,
,which meets In New York on the Fourth
of July next. •
: After which, a committee of one hundred,
with Charles G. Halpine as chairman, was
appointed 'to convey the proceedings to the
Democratic Convention in New York. The
meeting then adjourned. .
- -
The Union Republican Conventions of
PhiladelPhia, which met on Wednesday,
were chracterised by strict harmony and
good fee ing, with the • 'single exception of
that of t e . District Attorney Convention.
"In this body the menibers of a political
"ring" of wire-pulling politicians 'secured .
the organization and .nominated William a
Mann fort District AttOmeyship. As
much, dis Satisfaction grew out of the result
of the ballot, what are known in Philadel
phia as th 6 "Union Leaguers" baited from
the Conveition and nominated Isaac Maxie
hurst in opposition to Mann. The other
nominations were made unanimously.
Herewith ,We present the ticket: For Mayor, Hee
torTyndall. District Attorney W. B. Mann• City'
Selicitor, T J. Worrell; President Judge District
i .
Court. J. C Hare; Associate Judge, M. Russell
Thayer; Controller, d. , P. Hancock: Congress, First
District, 8..1... Berry; Second District, lion. Chas.
O'Neill,* Third District. Hon. Leonard Meyers; '
Fourth District. W. D. Kelley: State Senator, Sec
ond District , A: Wilson Henixey; Fourth District,
George Connell. Representatives, First District.
David-FoyASecond District, It. C. Tit termary: Third
District. Win P. Hamm. Fourth District. Adlourn
ed until to-morrow; Fifth District, Joseph T. Thom
as; Sixth District, Charles Kleckner; Seventh Dis
trict, James SuberspEighth District, J. V. Stokes;
Ninth District ----- 1 .------ Tenth District, E.
W. Davis; Eleventh _District, William Bunn,*
Twelfth District, Alexander Adaire; Thirteenth
District. -- --.... Fourteenth District, John.
Cloud; Fifteenth District,. James Hol gate ; Sixteenth
District, IL C. liong,• . Seventeenth Dlstrtct, Col.
John Clark: Eighteenth District, Robert Hervey.
—At the annual stockholders' meeting of
the Lake Shore Railroad held in Cleveland,".
yesterday, the old board of directors were
re-elected, with the exception of J. H.
Wade, of Cleveland, vice Gilbert, deceased.
The officers elected were A. Stone, Jr. Pres
ident; J. H. Devereaux, Vice President;
George B. Ely, Secretary and Treasurer, H.
Nottingham, Superintendent. A semi
annual- dividend of three and a half per
cent. was declared.
Pelee BO Cents Per . Box.
As goon is an article purporting to be of utility
has been tested, and-Its merits endorsed by public
opinion, unprincipled parties endeavor to rePlenish
their depleted purses by counterfeiting. width - bsti--
taring a spurious for the
..genuine article. Some
time since, mercury. in the .diagnise cif pins Pow
ders, do, was given for all diseases of the stun:tacit
and liver, while quinine was freely administered fbr
the chili's. At length HOSTETTERIi STOMACH
BITTERS made Its advent, and an entire new eta
tem of healing was inaugurated. The beneficial et.
fetus of this valuable preparation were at mice ac
knowledged, and mineral poisons suffered to rink
Into that.obscurity thwhich an enlightened age bag
consithed them. There. nave been many stutest'
Bitters palmed upon the community, whieh, after
trial, have been !band perfectly - worthless,' while
HOSTETTER'S has proved. blessing to thousands,
who owe to It their restoration to health and
strength. For many years ..te have watched the
steady _progress of HOETTER'S STOMACH BIT
TERS to vublic estimation, and Its beneficient ef
fects as a cure lbr all' complaints arising' from the
stomach. of a morbid nature, and. weare free-touy
that it can be relied Open as a relief and
remedy. Its proorletors have Made the above
preparation after team s careful stately wed sitting,
and are now reaping , the reward Maimed by this
valuable. specific, suet which they - th richly merit.
It is the only prepartion of the kind - that Is reliable
in all cases, and it therefbre demand, the attention
of the afflicted. - •
KIICYBSX says: ”You" want air, no/ Phfiliel
you want pure Mx% .not medicated air; you want
plenty. of :nutrition. such" as plenty of meat and,
bread will Wet physic has 120 nottimentt,ssiPing
for air cannot cure you; "monkery capers in a gimp:r
atan cannot mire you; and stimulants cannot cure
you. If you want to get well, go ibr /Mx, AND ,
aux-molt ma. l l—itepubtio. .
He says farther : Don't put off the first fiymptoms.
"A little leak may sink a great altlinm .
swum poi
lathe th roat , lungs or liver w • oninvolve the
whole body. 'Row often do.we see pelige tint or tkir
a year or, two what in,the beginning could have been
remedied for a trifle.. The33oolWe adviee Is, lid
always has been, attend to the'ArstSlifilipt9dl.o
disease. Do, not let the constitution becOuti_
wrec k wore you begin' to mend; it von ;d4„:.teh t o
one there will be no remedy, ' , .'There L a'remedy tor
every disease if taken iitime.Z A ailed saie throat
or cough may be removed. with thltipsratirelY•little
eelicbtet, but • constitution:kinking . mid breaking
to pieces by . '
allowing ttielin ooOtt.
Initiate is not so resK,Dr, ItiViewo oilioipt lung
sounding is unique, and itkAhorongliha ttlanikine.
There Is not a spot er :AO : over viewlote; intake
of the lungs 14thi,,d9eiblig**thit I * 4l ***o4_, _
and oyfp elYib?" 41 t 1 ):1407 Oa a broknFi
ixiinititusro or.
' Lag ' l4{l4 wilrxmOUntemostoliachafr,*
MEET of crateintatnnpuns, mpg
slum, frinio k. t*.Y.
Jai 11/4 1 8611. -- •
:.i+.':l '~+: f~:7: }
A Chase Movement.
Pnliadelpbia Nominations.
, C 022 DTS2AB2I3 OF TIM
Cllll2 DIaWILS Olf TltZ
, .
air- xorross—"To Let, ,9 ••.Fbr Sate," "Lad s .,
"Want., "Fs und, " “Boarding, &c., not ea.
ceedtng FO:UR LLWES each will be inserted in theft
votuinatt n a rlardliESSTl. , PLVECEJF,Tareant 7
additionai Fly)?
wANTE.D....srrtrA. ONS.
ATTANTIP.II-411 I TVA T I u - 'ir—lty a
v v young Lady. In a Trimming or Drg Goods;
Store. Has had some little e,xperlen • Addrega
M. CLINION, Allegheny City. -
"WANTED -Ls I TV AT I —la a
Retell Drug Store. A young m n Who has. "
had one,year's experience In the press ptlon bust.,
nees, - desires' a permanent situation; °learn. the
businesa thoroughly. Best of refere .ces even,.
Address "8," Elizabeth, Allegheny, c .unty, PL.
pertenced and competent 'Farmer and Manw
ages, with a small Cabelly, wants a position on some
gentleman's estate. altimulre of J. SING- at th
VIA2ETTE orficz.
11 • )1 g/Xll/ Gulp
for general btea4 employ.
went given. - Ap .ly at No. 50 LIBERTY STREET.
, , more WOMEN and GIRLS. Good wages.
paid. at MOONEY'S Basket Factory, Snyder's Hob
low, 'Alleghenr. • - • •
TANTEE - p-BoAnD.—Desirabl e
board for a small tinnily 'without children, ha
ipleasant location on .Penn street, ma z be had bp
ddresslng W.W.; Postomce Box" 570.
WANTED—B 0 A 11.11Eles1=}
tlemen boarders can be accommodated what,
goo board and °dieing at No. 515 FERRY '
- „
board, line front rooms,. with gas. eau be
secured at .5.00 per week. isay boarding,
For single gentleman. At 66 LIBERTY AT , •
FIGURES, us issued, prire ik1.50„ Also.
for the standard LIME OF U. tr. GRANT, by' J. T.
Hirai:Purr • the popular ' histcnian. Price, cloth,
$51.150a O ur 9 terms are nowhere excelled.__, Bend for
circular. A. L. wALCuTT A CO., 80 Market Bt.a
Pittsburgh, Pa,' , -
4 or 6 IVEMlS — lti'Alleghenr i Med. He,
ma be moderate. Address CO TOR,. EFA.
WANTED—LAND.—pn•the line
of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Within_eight.
miles of the city, an ACRE OR TWO OF GROUND.,
suitable for a country residence., Address, stating
location, R.- G., Box D, GAZETTE OFFICE.
Information le wanted of JOHN ABEL, sh. -
Frenchman by birth, who came from Francs about
ill years ago. He is supposed to ,be a butcher, and
Hying In New Orleans. If-he or any of his family --
will address -is letter to hls brother'', NICHOLAS
and FRANK ABEL, care of this order, he Willi
learn of some Information tb his advantage.
WANTED--Everrod* to know
that the ARABIAN YEINILLAN, No. gias
Liberty street. has cured some of the -most obsti
nate cases of Chronic disease that were in the city..
and that as 'a guarantee of his willingnese to do
what is fair; he will take patients - with Rie proviso
• •
y silent or active, purchase one-fourth in
terest In a SAW MILL. now doing a stood business,
situate 50 miles from. the city, on a railroad. 8001
acres of valuable timber. The mill is well built,`
machinery all complete. This is an excellent op
portuulty for any one' desirous or engaging in IV
profitable business. For particulars apply-, to S.
CUTHBERT SONS, Huai Estate Agents, Age
Smithfield street.
AEMOVA.L.-Dr.H.; W.AD.1111111;
DENTIST, has r.tnoved officetoNo. 711.
ott.TH DIAMOND, Allegheny.
•__ _ _
WATCH SEAL, with Eagle and Carnelian
aces. A liberal reward will be: paid the tinder go
MO LET--HOIUSE-4ii Bewickleryiv.-
A. nearly new. six rooms, with garden ettaehed4
pleasantly located witblu five minutes, walk of the- ,
Station. Enquire of D. N. - WHITE, or
BA.LDWII:ii No. 118 Diamond street. 4
LET—R 0 0 8 .- Two Large
1 1° FRoIiTT ROOMS, second story, Inapleasant
part of the city, suitable for man and wife.
LET-,41001118.--The • •Fointh
o RY or %/am= thrice; front and- book
building. Splendid rookny suitable ins work shops lf
desired. Call at GAZETTE COUNTINt-ROOM.
T° LET—BOOMS Threeorfotar
fUrtdshed zooms ~ w board or-wlthot
bly situated Ou Peaustreet: Addresl!' H. •
ZETTE 0171= - . - •
'Rama Cilllle, of Else zooms, Co the. cornea/
o Locust and Mulberry streets, Sewickley.,_ Tbso
bonze and premises have been newly ' iltted' up.
Also, a large and excellent- garden.. Possesstom(
giv oa4 street. en at say o
. Sewickley. time. Inquire fW. -
- "-•
TO LET;-4101111E.--A new house, •
with iron front, situated at No: Bearer
street, Allegheny._ Thelma° is &good dwelling Or
7 rooms, and has splendid Store Edon- 55 MD
deep. 'ls well attested tor .aoy_ kind
_of business:
inquire of NEAHOUSE -RESPENHEID: neat
door *bine.' or at No. IRS OHIO STREET. ' •' ' •
y0.01,..,.0ir0b10 avenue. wititdweit'ul •l
*bore Oz
rooms, with water, gae and bath.' Store room It'
ted up in the best manner with plated glass shave
windows and
leen front.' inquire at office of BSA.
ZIER ARM.. Ohio avenue and Sedirrick street. Al"
_ . .
TO LIET•m-ROOlllll.--INv4): Large
~a„ FRONT ROOMB„,welt laralsbesl, adtb or mitts.
out board, suitable for mom: and 'or young
gentlemen. For further particulars apply- at. No, - .
129 SECOND ‘STREET..-,. , '
WO' L.E'r—lfolllBEr-,Tbiit deg/liar
Ja n ' Die' Dwellbg - House. NO , . Irt Liberty street
containing len rooms; _kitchen . and wash-honse.
Enquire of JAIL J. GRA . Y, 1 , 19: 95 Sixth etreet.
.... _ 0
. .
IQ - 1 OR S A LE-41 II14:E. -$2,1800,
wlll'buy;a gociir FRAME HOUSE, dr 5 rooms
and dry cellar, and lAtBO Dy.9steeti slinated,ln
AtiardrLostnAolulegaerauum,,threezdommtroni street.
SALE-HO !SE AND - lurr.--
One horse and lot of two acres of grouad In
Illipshurg. Beaver county, FM. The house Is a
.two story name, with seven rooms.. The lot has •
number of trult trees, and all In good order.. :There
Is a cistern on theprelnises„ aud stable and' other
outbuildings, - *NVIIF Del sold at a bargain bY. RA.
BET t HALL. Beat rotate A
gents, 10. 91Beaver
street, AIM heny. , • -
keg TIL--Let
0 It - SA L E- EST
yi pans, ofany Wee required, by.JOHN MEE,
r., corner of Ridge , etreet anog Allegheny avenue,
Allegheny city. • .
ral street.. Enquire of
Romero ery
?re_ rooms : - on Fm.plakelleootuesrE 711111:11Pay+-Ar
era! 11 1 ?"eip avenue and End. •
. .
.., . . , ,
VOR SAME ,- ..11111LE5.---A pair 44,
4: Sae. heavy DRAVESEIT MULES. can be reern
at the Livery Stable of 31 01iELAIID & MITCHELL.'
Liberty. forret wand after June Ilth. ..kloy, a_
rfe ho ct orserd WA,lO2* sad
,144410ttt,111 pAa.*Ess.. in
peer. :• , , , ,
, -
_ ,
rm. SALF4-41AFE.--A 1.11440 E;
• (No. 13) SAYS, of Burke it sarae
- in good, condition. Ittiqulre - nt, No. 88.
DIAMONTEnTRZET.•PIttsburgh. Pa. ' • •
Perm of 5174 acre':
n Liberty- Mstrict. 'Pittsburgh. and bounded bp
land or Fahnestuuk. Camels. Peebles and Home—
wood. with two dwelling , bouses..two gd bearing
°retards, good 'garden, used 'as a'mar ke t garden...
and tin, it6te mantes.- Within SO ininutee walk.
of Homewood station. Perm mostly in . For
particulars enquire of JAMES WOOD Br., ott
the premises. .. .
IN - Vit , SALES—GROVNII6-,A 'toast
i s :ono /9t9ttriottl,, havlas a front of 15 - 4 1 4:
ilk rat %lei a_aa Teet. itttuotett on , the_tinest area '
haying -t L a ooraa.
beAold.ot a bargain to 0, 114 evtiti l it: to attroa
IL For . partici:airs addrels la' ,TBIB - .
Xiit. W..-410 411W*
vi Livilm:y A my Krug . - , , ~,,*
T Home , llELay m . t - firi e - .. DAppa 6
so lu ar
HORS • otia • LALHOH - TORAID T • Bakittrw
MAIO: two; OstaT ' TM
BT ; 800 juijosi t i i - , elk trai .,, , , , _
Horses Boni/laud lOW — olmi l da", .:
volt R „„
0 itig - Maiertrbene and ,
41%lititiminfitMg%liT b an , UV
BairSOß.ot iittilAr=usriViiiiii •
All7152TII8IF: • . - •
- ,
- arilt-matiwur rl 'ije
lit to -
• , "1rk..419 Aapi.
u cip. , -