El VittAturgij Gayttt. Mat BY - - • • SEED 4 CO,. Propristers. 7. B. 2121nTIYAN, , I JOSIAH Kum,. - 2". HOUSTON . R. aILICD, Editors and klanaers. - OMCE: , 4IAZE . T, TE BUILDING. NM 84 AND 86 FIFTH BT. otiviarAL PAPER • f Pittsburgit, Alleghiny and Allssiteur County. rirow—Datly Ng/nil-Week/v. W witty . . Om yesr." - .ia.60 One year.s2.so Single copy-4LN) One istoatb. -75 Six laos.. 1.50 5 copleth eaeh • Irs i "# . 2 the week, 15 Three mos 75 , 10 .• .., L wom canter.) • . ' A nd ' The 63 Atm"' FRIDAY, JUNE , 12,1568 . Tux WErnT auuntit, Wiled on Wed seedays and Saturdays, is the bed and Cheap mg family newspaper in Pennsylvania. It presents each week fmtreight columns _of solid reading matter. It gims the finest as moll as the most reliable marketrvports of any gaper in State. Its files are used exclu *idly by the Civil Claire* of .Allegheng county for reference in , important issues to determine She ruling prim in the markets at'the time of Sae busittesstransagtim in disvute. Sintde copy, toto year, $1.50; in dubs office; $1;251,,5n clubs often, $1,15, and one free So the getter up of the club. Specimen espies sent free to any address. , TRTIvr on U lB snide Mei of . air. mnt: Second page : Poetry, Ephoneris, Clippings. Third page Mar a Ctrame And Abroad, Ananciai Mat ters 'in Mew' Tork, Importa, River Nem, Lottiook 'ninth., Mountain,. Sixth page : Aflame. and Trade, Cemtral Live Stock Market, Petroleum Market. Seventh page Valktndighatn on Rhase, A Grant Anecdote, -ICsecellemeous Reading 3fatter. 001.1) closed in New York yesterday at Tim Union Pacific Railway trick is laid for 645 miles west of Omaha: The grading is finished for 100 miles further, and the grading party Will reach Salt Lake by July Fourth: • Tau 're-election of Senator SIBAGITS, for another term of id.* years by the Rhode island Legislature on Tuesday, was pre ceded by the most satisfactory assurances from his friends, that• he would earnestly support GRANT and CoLsax against all competitors. , licritezd the Democratic Convention on — Wednesday gave PEurnarrow the cold shOulder and surrendered themselves to the• bond , holdere,it was very 'unkind toward. the Pittsburgh Post which has been Con _ lending for Young Greenbacks for months pat. The'silence of the repudiated organ, in the next • morning's 'issuee is not to be - Wandered at. Mir failure of, the bond-liblding clique, who manipulated the - Democratic County Convention, to come out squarely for their favorite; Mr. eitter t , 'and his doctrine of .Equal Suffrage, bas probably clapped the final extinguisher upon the political aspira tions of the Chief Justice. - Such a half way backing up of one's friends is same- tixitea a fatal ciperiment in politics. • How much.lfr. Caen must grieve over the tim idity of the Allegheny County Democracy I Tan Pittsburgh Post has ceased to be in qufaiti•re, but it is not yet honorable enough to correct its misrepresentation of the office holderi black -twang dodge. We forbear any commentary; however, until our "man . ly and outspoken" neighbor recovers a httle theta the stinging blow ,giien• to it by the County bemoczatie Convention. Thel re nsibilities of the Democratic o arpo manbay ing devolved upon its rival, the .ftepiatio, the .Post can soon afford to make the;proper cor- Tar. Onmilmi Restoration bill, hicluding Alabaria, pissed the Senate on - Wednesday might by the dechdve vote of 81 to it Kr. Tntnennt's3llotloll to strike out AlabanM vasl6Bl, 18 to 24, and he tingly voted for the plumage of -the bill, as it, stand. The Bonne is'to Vote on the Senate amendments and probably. a Conference Committee will be necessary. The Arkansas bill being ac cepted in both Houses as a precedent, the meat difference will hinge on the Ala: bins lineation, and'its exact solution kinot easy to anticipate. TEE two. Democratic organs of the Me , Vierty county Demoeraey publish meagre reports of the proceedings of the Conven tion of their party on 'Wednesday. The Republic, preferring measures to men, 'ap proves'of the "erife,discreet and patriotic action of the donvention, in unanimously Meeting the effort to commit the Democra cy of this county to the supportof,l4r. PEN inzrort, or any other person, as its repro. aentative in the corning great contest." The other Democratic organ, the Post, has not a word of editorial reference to the Con- venison 'Evidently, it is , grieved by the triuns* of the Johnson wing. In no other way is its coarpleie silence to be aced:Mated grief was tOo .deep tbr utterence. We,conunetokite Opered, ip P 38 4 12 , 1 4g t4 (3 leadOf Oil:illy to` its rival; the .geptAkie,. Tan telegraph-informs us 0; the cold blooded asiosidludion4d. Prince NreSisstr, of Berrie. Berrie Is one of the Danubian innuipalltlea trihtitati to' Turkey; boun ded the Ilgrth by' the Austrian AMU*" .Treader. Belgrade, where the - aline waa committed, la the " nominal capital. . BerviS i s , resent position of senitindependence was oeiiknered for it hi , mw o osw ORRENONTIVIT I lather of the assassinated . MICHAEL, who was elected h9 l 9odar in 1817. 24TELOICEI - was'eomPenedhis_ son Krutivi who.:dying, was suunetidegf,bi'ifieluix;*: The latter was deposed in 480 by:.liCarta j s manos , vrri:s4'llut a revolntion. in 1888 restored Num to power and oit his death in /860, - reigned the "positiim. Th e emuurarrren family have held& elnineely dignity in their Wiles country during Um lest hall centuryand'wereflikninbli origin.. 'l6* was born in fieVtendiecoil 2 iit and.; itig We was an reatftli and s'addiarr one la== ' • • . THE prospects of Judge Crum, as a can didate for the Democratic nomination are seriously ImPainni by the meeting w purported to be held in-his interest at PM: adelpr.da, on Wednesday evening. The `resolutions adopted, coniraertdlnghis fictitious and urging -the •prepricir nomination upon the New_York Conven tion, are well enough in terinolves, but the . personnerof the Philadelphhs meeting was precisely - of that, kind which will be most prejudicial to the`aspirations of asi candidate. An meeting, which such decayed or disrePutable politicians as Sena.' tors Door.rma and Dixon, Surraint, of Massachusetts, im,the President'slate appointee for Register of the Treasury, 3111.418 .4:ribirla,T, of New Nark, /lc.; take part can accomplish nothing brit dam; age -to the candidate.who may be their un fortunate protege. This useniblage of po litical buzzards la 'the first decided indica tion we have seen that,tha Cluise movement is dwindling into insignificance. The strongest opposftion to him has come from tfte border State Democracy, who have res olutely protested that they will support no man who is known to favor colored suf frage. If their vigorous protests have real ly checked the movement, this gathering of Doourrix Dixon & Co., at Philadelphia, will completely wipe it out. Under the cir cumstances, perhaps the Allegheny county.