NEW.'MMRTISMEM3, ammo. 6 M your THE IptOPLE.. - She AREA? WESTERN GUN WORKS hays , tera removed to No. U 9 SMITHFIELD STREET, where sail always be found the most complete assortment Susan, Mauls, Ammunition and Sport. dpc., in tee city. All kinds' orGuus manfully repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLES and /TS VOLVERS. Send. stabtp for inuarated Ciresactr. Arras wanted daMtn" town itsehe Crafted. States. Address, J. H. JOatn; ITEM 179 tintithdeid Street. Pittsburgh. JOHNfigr N. PURVIANCE, kgistei in Dankraptei for. Ind District. intim., 116 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. /Er Oleo Goan-0 A. N. to SP. Y. REMOVAL., • J. lA..M.A.ItSUALIA HAB'REMOVED TO Nci. 191LMERTY STREET, A few dOOll above Bt. Clair. , Je11:050:44F FOR SENT: Two New Three-Story Brick Warehouses, . 1 Adjoining Patterson'a row Liberty - street, 'near the Union Depot, will be ready for occupancy by Aho . 15th instant. Inquire at joiltrsl 'l4l WOOD STREET. NoTics. APPLICATION TO KEEP A TAPIR% IN tHS tOROUGH OF. B. BIUMENGINAII., Richard D!etrlctk,ftvenk, IN)pi. E,;lfriOtiibint, The License Board will 'dit for begrime the shove application- on WEDNESDAY:: the 11th day Of June, 16168, at 9 o'clock Y. - - JOIE o.,BBAYillir l Clerk. jell: r 53 S2O,OOOT°. ON BOND ANDmowtamam, WELIAXPROVIED REAL ItiTATt. APPLY TO STEEL ''.& WILSON, Broken and Beg Estate Agents, No. 66 , SmItblield Street. . ' MARSHAL'S OFFICE - W. D. of Pennsylvania. - PITTSBURGII. JUSe 10, MS. MSI*VE4 SALE., , , . ? ARCE & CO. 'ye. STEAMBOAT ARMADILLO. - No. .1, October. Term; 1868. In -- • By virtue of a eludiffonf exponas issued out of the . District Court of the United States, 'Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I will ex pose to _public sale on the SIStuaDAY OF JUNE. A. D: 1868,- at •10 o'clock A. m., at the CUSTOM HOUSE; to the City of Pittsburgh, the Steamboat . Axmadilla, together. with • her boats, machinery, tactic,Pare • de 7- ' THOS. A.. nowr.trY.'' jell:rs4 8. Marshal, Western District, Pa. LICE .GOODS, • . - • 41113 T RECEIVED AT F. N. EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth St. ettOlee aiseroittneni of Real Potat ',see collars, Baiaes; Col Sewn, Handkereblefs; Parasol . 'Covers and Edgings. jell: • •- OFFICE OF CORTROLLPIt OF AT.LEGITZNY CO.; t , Prnaitunort, June 10th, 1868. 6. - NOTICE TO PLUMCFAS. - SEALED PROP.OSAL3 will be received at this. °Mee until 90111 INST. inclusive, ror - putting in and.dtting up In the County Yrison, with first class work, the following WATER PIPES, CLAMPS, • &0., &0 ., As directed by the Zuglnter: . , . 385 feet 13g inch Galvanized Iron Pipe. Eight IX inch 'Globe - Valves, brass. - • Pour 1 Inch Unions, - galvanized. , - - . Eight Inch 's, „ do. . . • , ika L's, Forty 1 inch lE"c • 'do. Forty34ch Globe Valves, brass. ell Clatops,Gaskets and Bolts ,on Bteept.Plpes; with an tpcessaTy hooks, fastenings. de. . . Bids must.stase how much will be 'allowed for old material removed. • , . ,-, -, , Inspectors • By order of 'Board of of Allegheny County Prison. • ' • • __.' • jell:rs2 - ;„ ' /HENRY LAMBERT, controller. • , • , . ~. . CONCORD WINE, .. ". - - --••-- , - , • - • • CATAWBA. WISE, ANGELICA WINE, CCU, ABT - AtlNFft BLACIEBEBITT WINE, PORT WASTLANTIth E. Dar native *Wei axe bigblv recommeadee for Saerimental inupolt* • - ' " HAREM3LrEUrtNG; viHOLEsititpRuGGISTA,.:- Corner of I l ibertir .44c Wayne Streets, IPIMIPBtItOg, iesoat2 PATENT COMBINATION HYDRANT HOSE. This, nOilit .wlthont eneation ' t the strongest and most durable of any. now manufatured. • • , . Cut in lengths to snit purehasers; , wltb nozzle and JOHN 'M. TATE, Phunber 227 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, • , 1 4 1 1 ) ,7; 59 lockLipria Street: Anattike#7 you r*BO:TU-Tuas- sc, =NiPa . uLtflPv,, Silk Stite.*dia fi , • , • , nf, f ! lnfit Pointe,, Jciit reoesiiid'and-io vriarrE ORR & PO.' ' 25 Street, O .OAL t COAL: 0:1,•„„: • ••. . , , SZATAD rnorosim ' Nnt iintLunipteal • To be deiliered is the, yard of ' :ther , #OI7BZ OF ItSFUGE: , OOil 'to 'Object to weight, sad pot ' into the bliiduring Jelyand Ati*et."'" • Proposalg -it the Ogee bf the Itistitatton, .•11(4., 07 Poiniti . Stir:Dots-. On or hetet. iEAttrit,' at noon. • :By,,Ordero! the — I ' • .' SUPPLY OOVitrrTine.' jceir . 4l R LIMN, BELL Ali OD (-, " ANCKOELCOTTON MILLS, kirrrrebter*Gtzt... 1011VACY125 V41401V0)/PWA/di;042. " I =•Zvioni litaxixeras k t -94,:yekavv.4.104,-..KAANO4-t- . - NEW ADVERTISEDEBNTIV-; 11.4 - 31 1 C - gEi Dried.. Beef and seef.Torigg, , z, A LARGE STOOK OF BEST BRANDS Amp . Fi10p1ic, , 437, 93, A large stock of strictly SUGAR-CURED HAMS AND BEEF TONGUES The largest Stock in' the 'market, of STRICTLY SUGAR-CURED. - Tar. OLD AItLIAIIiLE = • EAGLE L , ;! BRAITI:0 , _,IFIAJOARtaIiTRED . 00611 PVCIMY /MIN, calffrasseCar — lain,' to follierribvin4dadlar"ear: stoc k e of i SHOULDE e RS, non, in - tierces, kegs and b uckets, tt wh i ch ere we are rrz=.7ax tnaava 1142Ntaamo :FicttEILLSREI jell:roc N E"' STOCK.- TELE ALLEGHEErt Grocery and Provision .Co. - .Hate opened a fine assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, AS THEIR:NiW S TOKE, .• _ - . . . No. 980: PENN STREET, . . . Which will be sold at VERY LOW RATES.- - AlEir Give ns a call and be convinced. REMRPPIER.,TIreNUMBER: I:**3o 1:b3!,4%7N air There are a very few shares of STOCK FOR BALE, at the old price of 1010. CHEAP FOR CASH. • PRESSES, • COPYING, SEAL AND CANCELING. , :NV R I.T N G FLUID, ARNOLIPB, LAUGHLIN & BUSIIITELD'S,MOL DEN'S and MAYNARD k NOYES'. ' "RIM DA% French and American. • Pnivcrtitio, BLACK LEAD, BED AND BLUE. GOLD, STEEL AND AMALGAM PENS. iturnimit GOODS. Gold Mounted Pencils. Pen Holders and Rulers, FOR BALE'BY - W. S. HAVEN. Printer and Stationer, Corner Wood and Third Streets. je11:61 ELEDITCED PRICES! BATES 'Bl, BELL'S, FOR DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, • LACE MANTLES, ' 'LAWNS - , . • • i 91133. I:Liaellil NEW 00,0ips2 NEW GOODS EXTEA GOOD BLEAODEDMUBLIN AT IA3 e. HTAVY lINBLEADIOM MUSLIM AT moo. BEST DZL.A.l77ll;neli it7I,I;AT Ifliic. ,001131111 D ',II.LPAIXIAbi AT SSC siToioicrkdooksAmunhATAlissiiii, otot mum mat, , SiThrififit : POPLlNp. • • • -` ALL WOOL.DIZAIM';;; 1::. ,•••- , 1 , 3 f AXRAClpta,P,SAbeistifOstmdee. - ••• 4746-81111iED,J#1.6bNirr. 816RO ‘.ittiioll44ll" EEO ME MESH 1.11§110241;: =I . , mix PAitiLSOpt, arlacircrat.tlicidusmis , ,: .- • :1,;441.0X1VN.1134:13M2'Wt " A Large and Carefully Selected Stoll EMI Ati-YERy..:3ovt)lll.o#,'"..i: - ..c. . "' IMWOCite liegaitO . . - . . =a ti,j; . • :.; . • ;; "41 ; .il.lld l 11 E 111;: ./. , 111,. - 1 - Pdiral litootligiberh 1 4. 4EI .z‘,lo Lilt %' PITTSBURGH" 'GrAZILITE 4 41 14111TRSDATI MIM Mia =ME ~.:.., ,f..,. NE:=3 BEE dal BIME =ll MU ' , IS TZ O- IMTEESVTMgiaiii O.&RPEInAAtN3YOUJ `CLOTHS. S!'SCINP r,!51L:!,!0i We by/din etrirethe tfiost cbiiiplete assortment of CARP gift AND OIL CLOTHS we havOever opened.•enthraciat the newest styles and oestgna of the best FOREIGN and 'DOMESTIC MANUFACTURERS, imported and selected with epeeist reference to the Pittsburgh xnarket:, - Moni of the patterni are confined Wear house exclusively for this city. With the advantages of direct inpi portation. we are now able to offer early the new- est and choicest patterns of BRUSSELS. from the most celebrated English looter, and at prices within the reach of almost every housebolder. A special but limited importation of ENGLISH INGRAINS, of extra quality, and in rare and beautiful designii, will be found especially °twice and desirable fbr Chambers. Our stock of, COMMON ALL-WOOL CARPETS, purchased bettors the Carpet Weavers' strike, will be sold at the same rates as previous' to the last advance, and will furnish CARPETS to the multitude at the lowest prices since the war. A good CARPET. havi n gs CENTS A YARD. • N. 8.-Those Parlors or Drawing Roo* to furnish are specially invitedto examine the un usually large numberofpatterns particularly adapt ed to that purmse, which we offer in WILTON and TAPESTRY VELVETS - Sind BRUSSELS at low prices. OLINTra McCLINTOCK Br, •No. 23 Fifth Street. ST RECETitilk ! • • ,• • • • : NFIJ SWISS LACE CURTAINS. Brass and Wood lOornices, TIM TEM= AL ID BEST . PAT,T14,31 ihiaarot which canaiot be bad eliwithire, AT - THE LOWEST PRICES. iIIeFMAND & COLLINS, 71. and 73 Inftia-6;4•oot. idIaTBST IEO3 1868 SUTMR STOCK OF " 3e!, - 45; 'x' a ! Whitt, Bet Cheeked,%triped and Papey 31 A al IC' I ' S, IN aanksir veittr.or-sr. Oil Cloths, Window Shades. &e. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., Fifth Street; zet727:ditwlr OVER BATES it MILL'S. (`MINA INATIVIG CIALPLIP37/ If r i gel Avery superforqtuility of • • • Fancy Sfrlped • • And Check DIATTINGR . • JUST rEPORTZD. 4 47W994:W G, W 41 • O r' IN BRIGHTEST T COLORS. Prieelifie thy' kin* NeCAIALITIt 'BROS., PITTS STEM% sleivri Weed .1 ay97 . - • STEAM.. . CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT. WkletilNlA 'TUBS' TRIAL In Nortiork and otlk• or Eastern cities has proved a complete mem& • rrs AIIVAINTAGM • ;wand Skiritkageyre Idea is; Old ed. Ad—No ripping apart necessary. 3d—When freed IWm dart, moths or their larvae the Carpet looks nearly segued ,aa new, save the natural lading from wear. 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again. a dealrahle matter, as a mere point of economy, tu say nothing of looks. ALL ORDERS LEFT AT TUN oPTICE, • - 179 Liberty 'Street"- - 0i addressed to P. O. Box sra, will receive prompt • attention. • . , . • GEO. L.. 3113CLINTM4 , paorirsiosi lIK U1i.:.,0.,T111f:13.1111'. MEIN rr•v; IlibM'!,ol=! BWM! MIME A; UYVG • 314iila ~, ~...,;;; ;.711areWps`Geeat: Zirw'Enyrrtving Ban Beady. . . The onl y true and falthibLportralk of the Great Commander, 111LY_SOE8 H. GRANT. E,xperLenced 'ilents wanted tn Western Pennsylvania, Eastern 0 lo and West. Virginia, in rear/ township. , =AD TEE .1014.0 WING COnlaunAnoie S cannot. say too much in I 1, 'its praise. :a alike. gess Ido not y 11304.11 could be better. • . "In the execution of the-work; Mt Seems to hare achieved 0,4 highest ttinntpti.' rho likeness is most perfect. ! Hon. I. IL become the standard picture`ofour. great ItUlltary Chieftain. 13EN40/I.W4B.oNe "f t,k ' II "it impairs' to Ste glee - the character.* f ire original - wore perfectly than any enaravincwhleh I have seen. WILI I IAIit 011141.11/1 ORYANT. I "The likeness is stakiar and the nlcture HirWAlll). gaj. Gen.” "It Is* reve.and sashed work: • wort_o_tilphSeet , '1 1 1:1 .04 1 4 1 4 '0 4 ai . *itt. , =: Thu •tirrirring, so timel eXeellent'a ~ ndehiap; will be sold only ny wa rt lition, jiniklAkentsitref rated in". ots ww ita vroit 14 Coo , der this standard • . 1 00 1 .1! ~14001.A13 . (XiMPETITION. FOR SALE. TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Carroll street, Allegheny. bo This property will be sold low, as the party is aut leafing the city, and wishes to dispose of the . property before removing. SAW HILL, TWO DWELLING HDUSES, TWO BARNS, with good FARM, and about 800 acres timber land. This . party will be sold low. Cash s9,soo—balance on time to snit buyer. FARM OF 190 A RES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. provementa comfbrtable frame house and gOod bar.: 50 acres of the land-clear. FARM OF 180 A RES, near the line of railroad; very well located Ur raising stock; improvements aregood and sub tial; /00 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPER ' .—Will sell a good brick house, containing Ave roc. e, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent. for e amount in six years. A LARGE LOT OF :GROUND, having a river front and very co • venient of accesd. • TANNERI, con enient to the city, and having a well established stom or local: trade connected therewith; s Good . welling .tnd forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharpsburg, near the railroad; would make a g coal yard. HOTEL FOR S LE.—That fine Hotel property, situated at the : lairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms nd the .nemsgry 'outbuildings, with three acres .f (soden and • ruts trees. T:bis well located hote will, be sold lo , as the proprie tor wishes to ret e from busing:: - :B =NY. , Power and ala e Room and yard for rent, in e ' good location. 11l be rented for short or long time. Two new Brick oases, 8 room: each. Two new Brick oases, 11 room ' s each. One new Frame • cne, * roo m: - • Two new Brick ousea , Braomsetteb. - ' One new Frame House In Wllkinsburg, having six rooms a• d a large 1014 weU Stilted for a rden. Ante COUNTR HOME for rent, for $3OO per annum. Possession given !rat of June, or sooner if required. FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Hortott street, 'Ninth Ward; acres that can be divided Into acre lots. 5 Lots in Oakland. FOR RENT-51 large Houses, suitable for Board ing Houses. WANTED-3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to *lnches TO LOAN--$50,000, D. MIATOIS REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. ap27:pla • , FOR SALE. ~ • A RIVER BOTTOM FARM OF 76 ACRES. 19 miles from She city, In Elizabeth , township, Alle gheny county, Pa. on the Youghiogheny river, one half mile from Eirial's Station, on the Connellsville railroad; near...herdic!, schools, stores, &e., in the flourishing villages of Boston and Green Oak. The improvements area two-story brick house of six rooms, hall and cellar, a good frame bank barn with. stabling underneath, audother outbuildings; a well of good standing water at the . door and several standing springs of water ox the far m; and - an or chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. This prop erty being located Isar trio' line of the railroad, within one hour's ride of the city, makes it very de sirable for gardening or a dairy farm; it is also a good and beautifallocattba - lbr country - homes near the city, lying immediately on the river, on the op posite side from the railroad. The West Newton Accommodation and other trains on the railroad af ford certain- and • frequent oppOrtunities: of ,ciallr communication to and fromths city. Will be add as a whole or In lota of one acre or more, to snit purr chimers. Also, A FARM OF 172 'ACRES, situated in St.- , 1 Clair township,' Westmoreland county, Pa., near the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame tiouse. with six rooms and gOodeelLar, a frame bank DIM 40 by 60 feet; and other outbuildings. There Is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared laud, divided into fields of conve nient size a large portion of which are weiLset in clover an d, timothy ; the: residue of said tract-cov ered with good timber. It is well watered and un--. derialti with coal and limestone, and is convenient• to churches, schools, stores, mills and blacksmith shops., A real good bargain Is offered in this excel-' lent farm; and with it will be sold all the personal property on the- premises, consisting of horses, cows. stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears, Wagon, plows, farming implements and householdl and kitchen ferniture. Together will be, sold very low and on easy terms, ton responsible purchaser. Also,a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of 158 ACRES AND 28 PERCHES, in ElizahettiTp., Allegheny county, Pa., on the line of the Hetapfield railroad, and one and one-half miles from the Con nellssille railroad at Suter's Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, which alone is now worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The-improvements are a log house, - frame barn, good tearing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. it is well y atered and underlaid with limestone add flag stone of a superior quality, with stone coal for the use of the faun. Also, The beet FARM .in Fairfield township, Westmoreland county, Pa ;, of 250 ACRES. about six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The impr vements are two Large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and beat frame barns In the „townshix two apple or chards, In good bearing condition;porn crib, wagon shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm is under a high state of cultivation; ricin L yill in drat rate order. and the land of the beg goal of lime stone soil, about 200 acres of wh ch is e eared and the residue of the tract in good timber, such as white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and beech. This property will be imild,rfery cheap and oagood terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other bust nessr For particulars enquire of (SECONRYLOOILI apl4:OC 0 BRICK /WELL` NG 110 1 USES von BALE, with lot of ground, fronting on Cherry alley, near Third street; one has Ave rooms !and cellar: the otherfoar rooms god cellar. WM he sold low for cash. Large - SC[I.DM° LOT on Cen tre avenue for sale. CUTIthEET & SORB, el° BB Smithfield street. iseterit.teuito 11149.....nte 1411028 T IS AMCRICA. .. . . . NOI4,TEI .A.51ER,1C.4,11 Lif„htning 'Rot Man '''ittactory . . BRASS FOUNDRY IRON • GALVANIZING — WORKS. 30,000 FEET MANIIPACITIBED DAILY. THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZER r; 'i LIGHTNING' RODS, . . . . . . ........... , ... . . Manufactured at these works, a d sold to all parts l i of the continent, are admitted t be superior to any Lightning Uod In use. Great I ducements offered Also eddle Pi et i esll persons bu yi ng andholesale. , fine Points, of all Indspatterns, to - gather with Insulators, Fastenln, Copper and Iron Conneetion Burs, Beams, etc. bamples, Pam phlets and Circulars sent free. .. BiEll3My . HUNTER 4 00., - - - Nos. 488 - 0 d 490 St: John St., , .'• ' ''s '-. ' ' " - imitiiiiittriiiti 1 arta:M.4KP THE HAY ,RAKE "WELCOME." riwrTED 3.943p..4.2cp • " .;f . _ Is the best Rake made. It will rake heavier hay. carry it fartherv,l_mi4 anlioad ' il l** eAsierktbali Ally other rake. Iris same elating; a obi 8 years Ala can do the work Or a hand.. Rfisiretis.of cer sienies essitt be/liven, one- of' whi'm ..4.435w.g0,..rieC0.,__Pa., . 1 188'k e ~"have used the Tritcomit.Har Rake, mini toted by W. W."-Willlace, Pittsburgh Pa.. and sec imam it to farmers . ' is gpod 'Alight and heavy • bays •is easy oh man and horse. is it complete - 11/611w -sr sue "now rout attsbati. ht . lu tonstruciloh and easily kept In' orderi- , • • -••.• • • -• . • • JOSEPH ARRITCHLILR'" an orders directed to 319 Liberty .atreeta_itts, burgh, Pa.. or at the worits•itp-ColumbianswOhlo4 promptly attended to. Sold wholesale and retalleg, W. W. WALLACE. Send orders (hearty, as supply is short. • i.", myillidAT- • MI Mil byrtnatils mANurAbirvitEEs. MANUFACTURERS.:: The nudendtaint hailing seguredUal soia 'Aron. r the sale of toe celebrated CO LEY POT CLAY, ta furnish'. lt".10 any analltltfia Vow wishing to proeure this superior article. • cicgritteen years me of this Clan, we have ant at such proporuons as Wp;belleye; whop At a pew + article nor pots than any is the market . having I secured an 'name !tend of siX, „wan, and TIN Xcnrrne. We will furnlatimeelpss f tite l ' a p a p E U Eon of the mixture this Clay to Deraoas pp m e t The • sjiro+ l3l /9_ tialktroo l oA 4 Sit I 1150 f d ow. \ • DITFIEMM• & SON. . Port Pltt Glass 'Worm, 4 ' R-,, Wileilalitilik ettelltaittibunth, I.a. PERCEYA t 'fails4rr; orifSztn i Vavitoneeteittriaw. VAL irrTßAMplindlitVaer?tatist i t to ten de " 434—runabbbralty "fclC-0- MCrfNawiri _.GoLL toictEllara 1: 1 /ZA•4 , ff, ••"- n, 'iattsi.l•[ FOR SALZ IN SUMS OF $5,000 AND UPWADD. APPLY AT G. H. TOWER. 164 Fourth Street. nrxmo AND • • nolo.w.lotantAd: PAM vit•ft is MU W i1f101.4 4,Alkimal Silt. I ,L, - AtlO'llOg SALES. BY SMITHSON, V " aHOON- &W u i . HANDSOME Private Residene,e and Gavin ON WESTERN AVENUE, ALLEGHENY CITY, AT AUCTION. "a• THURSO/11 , June 18th. at 51% o'clock r. precisely, on the premises; will be sold, that e e gant and valuable residence and grounds, loeat • d on the -corner of Western avenue and .. (lately owned and occupied by J. I'. Lyons, Es..) The lot fronts on the avenue (100) one hundred feet,. extending back on lildw4ll street (wn) L i ly° hundred and twenty-seven feet, covered with or a mental trees, shrubbery e., and is neatly d with iron fence; outbuildings and stables comple e. This Is indeed a . rare opportunity to secure a n st class property. SMITHSON, VANHOOk & MeCLELEANO, . Jell Auctioneer plANos, PIER MIRRORS, Brassels and Ingrain Carpets. THURSDAY, June,ntrit o'clock P. M. at the Masonic Hall Auction Rooms, 53 aid 37 Fl th street, will be Sold, a large assortment of grilse Is and Rag, Cottage, Hemp, St ale. and log In Cart ts. A..., .1 3 o'clock, will be aoldorithout reser three splendid seven octave Pianos, rosewood cases. In excellent condition. Also, two Pler Piste Mirrors, together with an assortment Of Househbld Fuenititre. = SMITHSON t VANHOOK 41, Mcf,',/,I;LLAND, , . Jelo Auctioneers. FURNITURE, 'CARPETS, Pianos, Mirrors, Pictures, &e., AT .AUCTION.( On THURSDAY MORNING, June 11th. at. 10 at Masonic Hall Auction Booms, Nos. 33 and 57 Fifth street; an assortment of furniture. compris ingltureans, Rxtetusion.Tables,Wastistands, Bed. steads. Sideboards:-Hat Racks; parlor. Kitchen and Dining Tabit s. Book Cases and tkreretaries, Ward robes. Sofa. Cane and Wood Seat Chairs,-Lounges, Sofas, Marble. Top Table, , Wood. Freezers, Slow Cases. Refrigerators. Window Shades, Husk SRI Hair Mattresses, Feather Beds, -Matting, Queens ware, Cutlery, Soaps,' Began, Teas, and TEltchen . At 2 P. M., will be sold, an assortment of Brus sels, Ingrain. Rag Hemp and Stair Carpets. Also, several very due Pianos and Pier Mirrors. SMITHSON, VANHOOH & McCILELLAND. ' jell - . ' Auctioneers. BY L MOATS WIOOSE AND- Lo'l 4- 'lllr GHENT' CITY AT. AUCTION. - • i be sold by auction, on the premises, on FRI DAY AFTERNOON, dune 16th ,- at A o ' clock; the property on the southeast corner. elf Robinson and liorgan streets, Fourth ward. Allegheny City. The lot fronts 34 feet on Morgan-and SA.feet on Robinson Street.. The house II a two-story-Gothic Brick Dwelling, built in a superior and substantial manner, with all modern conveniences. The are on the drat floor a large double parlor, drawing-room,. diping-room, kitchen slid' wash house: on second floor, five spacious chambers and bath room. Also, a finished attic and a good dry cellar: gas and wateribroughout. _ There are several pantries, clothes pressss, range" in kitchen, boiler in wash house, itnd every comfort necessary. A neat Iran fence and 'gates; with stone steps and shade trees in front of the house. These premises are exceedingly desirable for those wishing a pleasant residence in the city, near 'to business. The street cars are within a few squares. The house is In perfect order, and all In guest of property are invited to Inspect prior to day of sale. Possession given next month. Terms—One-third cash; balance in three yearly payments A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer, 159 Federal street, Allegheny BY A. WILWLIBE. 'UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE. —015,000 BOOT AND SHOE. SV3CIi. —NO. 56 WOOD STREET.—FRIDAY MORNING. Jane 12th, U at o'clock, _by order of THOS. A. ROWLEY, nited States Marshal. will be sold In full cases, the entire large stack of P. TANN'ER'S Wholesale Shoe Warehouse, No. 50 Wood street, coniptisiugsl6, 000 worth of Beett, Shoes, Hats. Bonnets. &c.. In every variety. Also, the Store Furniture, Fixtures; &c. The sale will be continued from day to day, until all Is sold. ell A. DieILWALNE, Auctioneer. BY PALMER & PHILLIPS. Pa ils= &PHILLIPS, . • ) -AucnornEEßs And Coningssion Igerehants, OPERA : 1101J8E . : AUCTION ROOMS; Na 60 BM Street".://0 6 01F01../1 1 * SOOTS, Eqki OES, -.CAR , TETS, . P/7 A ll4 °o°Tta . "4Oti! )l . ll9 ,-, - AT PRIVATE BALE DAY AND EVENING., Consigumente, Solicited. Prompt Be., MBE TWIN _VITT SLATE CO., tiatialacturt * ***War article of 11.00VINGI. BLAME. ( grOMof l / 2 48 &Tenth St.; Pibargb,Pa. .1. S. NEWMEYE R, Presl„ niy26:q64 . , INFORBLITION. - • Psitles Wisbiniaiyinfoimation or advice, in re gard to business , or in relation to position, or sitar, Mons- as - Merthants, BooMkeepers, .Clerks, chantey, 'Farmers or. Laborers, .in Louisville, Chicago, Si., Louis, Memphis;Vicksburg, Little Bock, Mew Orleana, Mobile; tfalireston,, or anypart; 'of Truss, can .receive much valuable, prompt and reliable information, from our general' °dice In Louirillte, by enclosing onr fee of TWO - DCLLAICIS to our address. Baying ektenslTB ,hludricaa ere qusintance in this part of, the country, we will give -eatisfiationi ' • '''' 1 1 6 1-4.0- 1 4.1 my111:467 . . m, - uric A, w t Act of InconrOritteh: hooka fbr eublerlpttdtt to tee Capital block of the Company to erect • Bridge over the Ohio Blverarent, tiep.f the tuouttof haw JHUI Hun.`,Cfelilpetincelei , ).toAllegboOf,:7lo .pened as fbltuvre j :vlS: • juityt 41 , t r e , ghe,Y . , A , 114%11E43 •HOTELt - Tittsbfargh, ItayHth end ; At , offeeot,D.V.PATTHBBON T %Allegheny : flats ifenchelter.) July 10th.% %.• • ..% , - , And at office of JOHN HALL . As 00. Baton& Of ;;Zetnrrancevllle, July 11th. Hiol i t e i r k ‘ l4 9 : order of the Commissioners. lesst3s HENDAWIti ClAVltl,*ecretanr. SPY.takil ) 14 belikr , ak aa. Orders left here or at Rand Street_ Bridge wrn ret• calve prompt eteelttlane. - Winne rensdag In Pitts burgh and nuegbany. - • -1417:o3 :4 11 1 Lr z BALTIMORE HERRING AND BRAD, = WATT, /4 2 i0 it C 0. , ;, mysi 17% iktre!to.yittsburgb. "..6 6131.8. \ Piis:WATolt6; , • - so() PAIRS'LWE CBi 203; - - By 310.tusanOweb'DINVOL I - • 2611trir C•., 1 ".t 1161 73. Water striev "t §ToRE winnow, SHADE% of &to color 81114 4ise required with border And e ;ere in ptilitor ot• Awe theailidn Blue tor. same MOON, front 3 101 Ant wi e. tAe Cloth -1 1 41" -14 . 5 - 51 °1. !trim ' u; ' r:a4 i piOAreat i leake.- r -Kall1". patiosilit"Rsttell:47, alie d; 6llll P.Pll.o 64 . VISO " IL 4.‘ , 1 ,- .C .'.' 112 1 4, -- ri r, MI [42llllllllMloolt.nan%fttlaeatuma. i As 1?4,t0s or oY, t, ..----' streets. .. I • ' :ti I '' , ". l opamit '4 ". 151 Wr 44 Pal . T 71 : 1 4• 4 '• ‘ 1 itrOTWES, 2 : OFFIC E l PEND. SYLVAN'IA RAILROAD COMPA Y. - • Priiiibiz.plak, 31'1413, 11368. NOTICE TO . STOCNIIOLDM In pursuance of resolutions'adopted by the Board of Dit - ectors at a Stated Meeting; hold this day, no— tice is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Corn pany, that they Will have the - ,prlvilege of anbscrih rules as may be preScrlbed the ing, either directly or. by substitution under, such rer°r' ssa foir n:7e e :l t s 'r t - ere ll" Per Cent. of additional Stock al. Par, in p ro portion to the respective interests as..ttiey on the Books of the!Companis, ay 20.. IS6B. Holders of less_than four Shares will be entitled to subscribe for a full share. and those holding more Shares than a multiple of four Shares will be entitled to an additional Share. Subscriptions to the neW Stock will be received on - M and after May 30, 1868, and the privilege of sub scribing will cease on the 30th day of July, Hieg e l The installments on account of the new Shares shall be paid In cash as • ' • ••- Ist. Twenty-five Per Cent. at the awe of sub scription, on or before the 30th day. Of July, 1868, Rid. Twenty-five Per Cent; Off Or before the 15th day of December, 1868. . , h 3d. Twenty-five Per Cent, on or before the 15th day of June, .1869. - - • •- ' 4th. Twenty-five Per Cent. on or before_the 15th day of DeceMber, 1869, or , If Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at once, or any remaining Installments may be paid up In full at the time of the payment of the second or third in stallment, and each - Installment paid up shall be en titled to a pro rata dividend that may be declared on full shares. THOMAS T. FIRTH, jel :r4 Treasurer PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY-I; TEMA strinen , s DEPairrisENT, ' 22 Philadelphia, May 2, NOTICE TO STOCRTIOLDERS.—The Board of Directors have Ode 'day declared a-semi-mutual Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, .1 1 4 Y, le in cash, clear Of NatiOniti and State Vexes, an a fuither Dividend of FIVE PER CENT,, paya le in stock, on and • after May 30th, Blank powers of attomey fo collecting dividen can be obtained at the office f the Company, N . 2313 South Third Street. TH BIAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. FISM ONION. NORTH CL FF MINING CO., L'ITTSBHRGIE; • yldeth; JOBB. j lar THE PIIESIDE.NT AND D RECTOB23 of theI"SORTTI CLIFF . I - MG COMPANY OF kr/144434k-* have this d y levied an assessment of fifty cents (boc.) per share on the capital stocs, as the sam l e may be recordedat. the close of MMinees Y next, payable to the Treasurer at . Pithiburgli, P , on "FRIDAY, the loth of Jnly~nezt. THOS. .H. HOWE, my3o:q79, - Secretary and Treasurer. I. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINDED AND SUBVICTOI PlttebuTTD.,lJune pit, 1868. Itgr'NOTIGIE , TO C I ONTRACTO : SEALED FEOPOS4S;FOR TEM Constraetton'Of:the 'Nieolson Pavement On Wood street, between Fifth and Liberty streets, will be received at this OilicO, West Markot lug, until WEDNESDAY, Juikelmst,Aisise Specifications can be had by calling at .this eine.' H, J. 3100IVJES, jelal ITT EN6IN - I'mi 'AYID PlTHY=jilt. Pittsburgh. June-tat. 1868. S . CE 'TO .CONTRACTORS. °mos or fix I , ' Sealed Proposals for, the rartia4lradlng of Forbes Street, i . From Brady street to Efadison street. sad Blatßson street, from Pennsylvania avenue to'Fbrliss street, will be recelvad at I lti th is U _Uei'Weat Market Build ing, until WiDNESDA , Jane 10th 1.868. it.i.i7: Sir 0011 E, . I esta OFFICE.CITY ENGINEER AND SIDIVETOII, PITTBBUEGU. JUDO ISt, 1868. .farROTICE TO. CONTRA.CTORIEH.' Sealed iii;poiali for the Construction' Of two Public' Sewers,. As follows r - One ,on Fourth street,. from Market . jstreet to Wad street; Onb on Memel:id sillei,lrate the Diamond to Wood street, will be received at this Atm, • 'Mit Jdstket Euildlng;:unt.ff WED 4 NEBDAY, June 19th, .1.868. Specifications - and plane can be seep Id:calling at this ogiCUi L., el:r3 Or DM:DENIM • pmes or,moNeekvantra isatritax6E Co 4 May 23d; 113118. The .Prealdent. and Directors. of tald .Company haveAhle dal declared Alnvidend of TWO ROL- LARS PER slum on. the 'Capital Steck of the- Company, free of Government lax, to be' applied' to the reduction of Stock . Dpe _Bills. m4.25:04 `7OIIE "B R ,otlArtra.,l3etretarv:, EATS AND: 'CAPS. HATS. AND CAPS , IN GREAT : VARIETY, SELLING: L 0W.,:. . - ik , :stoori STREET. A/nllll, LI.EISGERy., ,DEALEE MUMS. CAINE! AND FURS ; /l Also, ManuracturerAlioleaalt _and Retell Dealer to TRUNKL, VALIS NO. • 1132' `: . :SIELD STR EET ♦ . Plttabur :11, Ps. iticEgOF THE I' it VARIOUS RINDS.OF GUNPOWDER , 3L%.III3VACTDIMD BY TDB' 41A Z ARA POWDER COTIPA.Ni r ;•=';'•-f - • °face, 1121 and 174 FEurah.r.. STREET, - ) CANISTER Electric Noe. 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 grain, in Square • • Canisters, _St ils:eatat Y - • American.. ?spotting, in Of at Cattlaterwotile. -, Doak Doak .Bhooting, - Nos; 1,°2, 3 and 4 gpaing Oval Canisters of 1 lb. each I ndian Rtne%ln OW - Canisters of I lb: each •••• - Kentucky Rine, in Oval(anisters of 1 , /b..eson Kentuckylt lille t inOvalCanisters of Si 12 . elan pi one lb. Oval Canisters In a case.) (50 L b.a4M r -.40. r> , r"..) KBG POWDER. Kentucky BIEN Imre. X. 119. ,and !'l3e* Shoot ing's ra, in kesi, los Bonillety BLEB, tiro, rya, and "Bea Shoot the, ro in kegs. 12M lbs ice n i uc kyliugempra, arra:. and ,t`Ses 23h00t,..;1:, ' ingi , Fa. In kegs, WIWI Deer Powder tn - test, 25 lbs Mining and Bblppinit -P0r:41554 Mining-y, yr, old rrr grain net et 5241,15 kegs, itilbe,,„„ Safety ruse lbr Blasting, of superior quality. in packages of GO feet and over tenured. r..trett.atexpanta Boat or • Bauroad, .ta rittatturgb or,Bilegbepy. - \ /nbti ME 'Wgwr COMMON F laeh r Bgene l NorthweatOortxrWost c.r 6114 ""• niatigAIVATICIt OA and a*" Orksepasee. on sbort- notice ,Esariis "I,BtOutssi li*orr sidewalks, ;*sewery • Head b Mopes, as. - - ' Ordersintsir Sows resson... rn aAmsrwitziOT- GREEN Olt' _ii.J • OLOTIf, for. Tr*, t? Vir e ittillarlit quality anti lower In A E n i tt " rti maim.. lielltihrtjuat the - s" .' •4ite t i el t , l.mi - le nt li iind ai ll t r l l , 44 r ij a . ' ,e i^ e e lr y uo:w I fil lollol4l. lii‘ giAlA lethi lli " :ll.o eltns lLET ibill a Illir,w-'lle-1511:—. MI A City Engineer City Engineer. MOORS, •"'City Enigneer