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' -._--,, ~..-7, - -r__ _ ~- --._ --........- --, -- .._ .• - . . •,!, - . ... 4 • __ ___. .. _ . . . • [..\ i • _ • 1 •'''.• .- 11 . 71 2 , ,'.o• - •, - 1!: -1 . !!,!.! , :.•i -. ...... -. ..if ';il.; -- 7 -` , "l ' . • • • • •.-- '....: --: - . - ,;,- ..--. • ,. ..;...'....i I ~ 1 .:, 7 ,, . - 4 1.,•,, : • •. . . . . . . _ . ... . . 3 VOINJINIE "MUM, FIRS' Ellllllol.' nrist44l:V 4 E. o , crx.locir. M. 741t i rIE F TI ColintSS• _ . • _ taps:, Of sortx - efirolingt; 'eolith Caro lina, ; Georgia ' andr bania— The Government - Buildings at Pitt iota irOM cal bisabilltlea - Mails iof Eu tope—Casent Woolly-,The Tat .:By Teleiristi:l3 WASHINGTIN, Junel,Or SEN ATE. maraud; Aulffli!tteiti s cs"Fir-It!ulituitict! ircilirthe-i§idetliiy.a 'VW litierfar, - eneloa ing.the opinion of General Sherman, as one •-)f the Indiam flotntaiminfirs; that imme- diatb action should be taken in the matter of the dioux it t nd Nevada Indians. Refer eed. , , , fi The bill amending the act fin carrying • mails betWeeh 'OW tinned' States and for t' •eign ports, which rescinds thepreparnaut . ; of letter postage on newspapers ,betii o * the States: anirTerritories west of IA SI except when sent from ithe pubilcalldn -office, was pained after some debate. '•• •Ifr. WILSON introduced a bill-for tie organization, governinent and"Paymen the army, referred to tlie - Ccirn- E nittee oriMilltary Affairs., . 9 „•• Mr. - MORRILL, of Maine; froth - the Ceti mittee of ,Conference, on the Navy appro tpriation bill made a report recommending ebncuitenoe in-the prevision that civil en- Vincent and, etorek .several of the everal navy yards be appointed bythe President; • a trend with the advice , and consent pf..the li .ftnatti,-inad that master mechanics' be--ap ;t. pointed by heads of the Navy. The Com mittet•P commend other •• unimportant • amendments. The report was concurred tn. • `l. At the exyiratioq - of the morning hour, the speolalorifer,..thii4lll Watbmeforth .Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Ala bama to representation in Congress, was - taken up. The question was on the amend ment of Mr. SHERMAN to strike out the additional fundamental conditions imposed - on Georgia, of striking from her Canstitu tjon the Rgo,ylsionEf.prev.apting the enforce rdentArt contiriCts made priOrlo atiae,Mari, Mr. WILLIAMS spoke in favor of the -amendment, and Messrs. HOWARD and CONELING followed, arguing that the -clause of the Georgia Constitution is uncon lititutional andryoid.. Mr. HOWE supported the provision, and Mr. MORTON opposed it, and after further discussion a vote was taken on the amend • meat, and it was rejected-8 against 34. Mr. WILT TAMS moved to strike out the piovia , iOn Jost unde tc d h e oeh an de v l e n n se ten b hwords 10 Tt scm istiwtion of the fifth article of the Ccinstitu- Lion of Georgia as suspends the collection of ' A debts contracted before June Ist, 1865, shall Ibe mid as 'against - all persons - who were' 1 loyal during the lateorebelThin. and ',who during that time supported the Union." • After some opposition try Messrs; MOB t "TON and CONR1;11411, the amendment as rejected without div On. _.. -" Mr • WILLIAMS looked to amend the third section by inserting the following. f!and thereupon officers of each State duly elected • and qualified under the 'Constitu tion, shaltibe biaugursteliwithout delay, but no person prohibited from holding .4:Meet:Ender the'imder the United Match or 4 bY..any • State,;by section third of the pro ; 'wised- ariendmeat lo•the Constitution of 1 the United States,-known as artielerl4th, 4rhall.,•;*.xl•eemeCeligible to spy ; office ; in ,• either of said States ,• r:.; 2,. .- •-• • •-:°1 1 ....-Air— r aed•PNASsaed;otberel.•AliPOSe — d,the latter clause of the: arnendment!on, the '4, ground it forestalls 1 the .fourteeuth, • amend -Iment. Congresscannot 'dictate who i shall ;; be its officers.. .4fter_ Amnsiderable debate i 3rlr.f . Edmands asked' for . a' ‘division•of• the 1 question'onlheMneridineWita the qttes tioxitithen on thdfiretragtpect ts4 . 3rpth ; ltlit;: • • . -• ••- r. -: ; ;-•:Tile,Pcso,ntrXo l ;,ioi'*iikiiinioix gOctifSear ay the same vo te-26 to 15. •,•-, )k: . M". DIi,A.K.F moved , to amend bistrik licg out thelprOtrialmiforblading any;fhttire abridsceinent of the • election franchise and inserting the -Corresponding ' ro , tisions of the. Atitaasert, ,bilL,,,,ge, pap . , 4 that a Cdrifereneti `Co itt• ha "already t 4f. uettled n n the latter, it was des rable that all tutiofiel Mill /161121eAtittnfiX 7111) amendment ' , WM/agreed'"to ' , without tlivf,- 1 Irl4SCiistilikWa,itioriugiar9 k iiiiiiiiig r lee was toexttaleptedas.amended ,and the [ •qtesttioniteing on the bill es atnended t litr. 1 Trumbrill moved to strike out the word .114.er_- • the detc, Mr. CONituNfifinpved to JaddAliefallciirime tuAndithei Stit&of Alabama shall he, admitted to represents,. Om,- Otily , tinhu, this , fuither,ftindaritchit'al 'condition, that scction:26tU of-article lst of the Constitution .of -mud •Stutel -etEcePtrOo much thereof as maketr , thei navigation-kJ pnblid highway, shall be mull andvold;and that the General AnrentblytotOaldOtatVg solemn act ehall declare the consent of nie -State to the Isregoingfithidethental condi- After filnhar.4*4micm, Mr f -Troosbnll's motloni was rejmted- -yeas lb, nais'24. NW. Cohlalogistanlmdtneut,was7floctsd, •ZlP..ajl&lPst-=:. : -L, 1,w,-;.. , , ~ mr. w LaitAlktEi moved toad& at 'the end of thisamendment in r , einnii. to the loan ' sruration of d® to 'laved fro .. . . .. br d i a id a. d rue • . widoh wan 7 . ig.. 'fattt *-.l 'ivagt il garis t4 a P rege r tC. s P ea kiltAbßisulteetpasil :Inoved;ta ad -40titill•40100.0—• • ',Ili:10k'; ' : --' '''.'. •" ' " '' ..11tr. ATEB Abslisir. hi: iieili: tO:aght likfeeeotadesirer fOr - que- immediate , ' vote: Ati' endeavor- was: Mad& 'to' de/60'10"mi Mebinhat tostekethatrobsi tinhDrirowibpt mgorf ro snittessl4 , - ,,, - , :-,-.:,,, .. 741 , :, ~,,.., , *F. V lOOktini itoOr shortly , be ioo nine dock.leiacilintlintioiriuieuseribt, ri f evlbi('of fill schi4cerk rMilltirdpiltt eitothistit: ' '' " "' "' ' ' -.7 ' , ' A 'Mr.' , BUCK& ‘ ll/W made ' Wall; 41 0 ;ii'll -speech against the bill. -... -' - ' ' ' "'!''' " P i ! At 1010 the Senate procneted is 71.0: 44 f i t the bill psweo,- 3 eas 3_l_, :lays 5, viz.: .51 -1311 0 11 11104 fatimr, P . IJlWriery.;- fittOissim, (Tenn.,) and Vickers. Mr. Saulsbury was paired with Wi11:,:314i: Daol ,3 lthfi •Mr. Idottoo,, audt lift. ecler nith Mr. Van Winkle. ' Mr. No tt was aisent from ill- Adjoiinea: . . . it Ft ti 4113.38 . ... _ . cci . HoutametimmunarAfflivEs: . r..- - CKVANAPPlit , grttet , b.)?:.** 110 417 mes , . ‘a--- - - 47 .114 Ittilt e " ITSTPI,4 . jig 4 )l ? i # I s' ' '- i' . 341 At s . 14 r j lif ii i ii/ 4 iR Ili s • ' ' W S II IS4SPi t ..V k e ..( 11 " 46da . re te 3 ..- - to the - Committe l 'nf; .W.41:0*1 Means. He also offered a resolution, calling on the Secretary or thd fbr - Infoikdation as.y!, the. canditiqz‘ of -the,Goyarruintnik at Pittiburgli .ithed' for Customs House and PostOillge n Adolited- • Mr. PAINE, from the COmmitted on Re cOnstructkohj rbrii*tbd. Shill relieve from political disabilities Wm. W. Harrison and JamesTt. BoYer' of Arkansas; the former Justice eleet.,l4 thepSuprrne.„Court, and the latter 'Auditor Of "State. 'Various ques tions were pat to Mt. Paine by Messrs. Mil -44/..tthitiens .Maynard and others, as to the pasta -politic al-:status. of -these. men. Paine replied that the men in question had been implicated in the rebellion, but were now true and loyal, and were so endorsed by the delegation to Congress from Ar kansas. Mr..GABFIELD'in geply,to, objections to the bill, quoted General Scott's prediction that when the war-was over it would be aloqokt in3possible_to7stralu,thu.faryof the non-Comlaatants. • After a pretty lively discussion the bill was passed byurtlirathlrdsvcitel z. • Mr. STORM asked leave to introduce a bill to•foroatkraeacldfrtion#Stato.s out ,of Texas. Mr. BROOKS odjected. Mr. COBB, from the Committee on Con ference on the bill for the relief of John M. Palmer, -made a reportwhichwasagreedlo. ylie Rabat Mourned linsiness., The billait thoriaing the Postmaster General to con tract with an American- steamship compa ny to carry mails to Europe considered. :/Sfv. WASHBURNEO , illinoiso moved to amend the first - wilt:on by providing it should tiot ;be conatitted into allowing the Poistmaster General to retain and accumu late mail in order to send by shiiis of this line. _ • _ Mr. DELANO proposed' a • proviso that when thereceipts from sea postages, under this act, shall exceed or equal , 5400,000 per annum then the rights of the Coinpatiy to receive ifilatid postages shall cease. Mr; SHELLABARGER moved a proviso that' the government, shall have the right within the twenty years for which the con tract ie to run to terminate or abandon'the contract. • Pending the amendment, blr. CLARKE, of Kansas, moved to table, the bill; which was negatived. The amendment was agreed to, and the bill passed. The morning lion! having eipired, the SPEAKER stated that the first business in order was the bill reported from the Com mittee •Fin ..Commerce, on the '27tif of May, and postponed until to-daY, being a bill for the protection of Amerman com merce. Mr. WASIIBuRNE, Illinois, froM the Conference,Cominittee on _ : the , Naval Ap propriationmade a rport, , which was agrond to.- Mr. FARNSWORTH, 'from The `Postof flee Committec,,Tepartel :a bill ,to provide for the erection oftibuildlng'forPostoillte and United States . Courts in New York. This was ordered-t 6 be Printed and-recom mitted. Mr. ELDRIDGE asked-Mr.-Eliot to yield to him that he might offer a resolution in structing the Committee of Impeachment Managerstti exalt - tint: the witness•Woolley immediately, so that if he answers the question, for refusal to answer which he was adjudged in contempt, he, may not be longer deprived of liberty WA Citizen Mr. BUTLER—I desire to say for the in ft:natation of the gentlemen on the other side, that the meeting of the Committee of Managers is called for to-morrow morning, at which .time Mr. Woolley shall be exam hied. Mr. ELDRIDGE—The conduct of the Committee is all wrong and unjust to the witness. They ought to oxindne 'Mil at once; they have no right to keep him in prison for twenty-four hours or three days when he is ready to answer before the Com mittee... I protest against it as an outrage on the liberty of the citizen. My. BUTLERwas about to reply but Mr. Elliot declined to yield further. Mr. ELIOT remarked there had been a notice given-or -his intention to make a motion in relation to the pending tax bill, but that he did not desire to interfere with any action of the House, and- if his' bill could have to-morrow .the same position that it no - viliad,:he-wadd Odd the floor. That proposition being assented to, Mr. SCHENCK Moved that the rules be sus pended, and the House resolved ltielf into Committee of the Whole on the tax bilk Mr. BUTLER inquired whether it' was possible fqtAbe House to dealnytth' theta bill otherwise than by voting down the ITII)- tion to go into Cotnautteti. The SPEAKER replied, it ,a motion ,was voted down a motion to postpone , the tax bill wohld be in order. ' ' Mr. WAISIIIIIURNE; of Illinois—lf this is tq ,be a test vote, and I understand the gen tl‘nivat.fritutOMtuttduumttia,.;:a.oposes fer a resplutioninstruatingAbe-Colu!nittee ll of Waht s indettbs=-' "' ' Mr. SCHENCK, intenuptlag r .% objeatt to any debate."• Mr. )1 7 AEIHBEENE—The House . lapder standitlikAttektiOn, defnatidAlie yeas and nays. The vote was then taken and result ed.wyesi,eighty-two, -nays, tifty-seven. The House thereupon went into Commit tee, and resumed the , consideration of the tact b 111; commencing 'oh page 109, the para graph imposing a special tax on cattle bro. teVViTrin ritg 2 3k-" g . ll t i o ti;Fr 4 or int was amended by . making,the tax $25 instead ofglo Tikevitapiitihreliting td jewelers we. 'amended by in' the description liperson‘iybo l lturactityv goods or wares ot gad - o r add the paragraph relating tirkthe manufacture of _Ol4 ript 7MlPtrgelc Sok 7,The paffgrater elatfng Warehouses was amended to read (st i roprietor of United Stites bonded, ,warel ottaea for storage of articles in boh&V f Mr. LOGAN argued against bonded warehonses in suld i warlted. to : bay° ,tlande. soription simply use the ' words `""United States Custom Warehouses." MtitgUIXENCHNiPliad that the bugbear which Mr. Logan saw in the ,paragraph had n64nrliterice-Whitfever. Mr. LOGAN moved tpm the description “UnftoWa—aw= Mist* Warehogneglarghor Malllge3Orgaerchan disth" •AItrAICHENCIr iiiiPlainefttlitt en f all OW 10W:4'4 1 09n ,fg,w4bOur Ire= th!e‘COlia ry were stopped there would still be Waded warehouses reiltilred fer titistdAis Atiochit's i d e #ROTlVlr!in e ltril 111 0 00 0 P Was *let r the proprl rs o al idled war eh9SlV*44l% l . a 31, . OPAilst l o3 - ,taxed. Whisky_liari as nnich merchini se iscloth. 1" Mr+ F&lJLDlNGrmoved.to'-amend 'the ParegrePb relati to t dletillerciot 01l atehttitt the that. ng eatite by neeresibt ofnil whoehallmanufttoture.nomore than Keee,barreleer.year. nhaldyiellrifileribme wh ilritZVicr °4la g i ar sn ifin el ,„, 1, ,burrs and all who manufetve-eser OWL barrels annually shall Pair 175. )1 -- Mr. SCHOFIELD suggested that 4 t t I lm ,_, l ialit4Wed... Ur felt "'""tesiab - jbli Wrould be remov ed. e amendment was reserved. After t r rdLeddiklbatt IfikErgesLegad o Aid and &heaps, in favor of tbe amomd me t offj22l.a.Mr.'Legantit was ected the: Y to dealers In petroleum L . ' ' th 4P I 4IFUVer a r of an oil 11 oroper. anikkitigoe EMI 1: ; „ pill's - tibii,'"'fiftitsp4;Y:: : oiNE:::; or operator of a productivo oil well." Agreed to. Mr. . WOODWA moved.to rstrike out the parawsph.,L,Rejelted,"":l . ' Mt: ALT TSON moved to amend'-the par agraph by making an_ additional 'tax for every ten thousand in excess:Of ten' thoua and of instead of $l. The amendment was reserved. Mr. •SCIIENCK' moved "to amend the patagraph relating to distillers ,by adding the •fi:filotvitig ptroviser “Provided, - That no tax shall be imposed for ; any still or other apparatus uspd by , druggistsorchem hits for the, recovery of alc - Ohol for phar maceutical, chemical -or scientific pur poses, which has been used inAhat pro- Mr. LOGAN argued against the amend ment as opening a door for frauds. Mr. SCHENCK replied to the argument, andetated that the proviso °obtained ih the'eXisting ldtv. The imendirient `Was agreed to. Mr. SCHENCK 'proposed to amend the paragraph by making a- speciatjax on dis tillers $l,OOO intead of 1200, and five dol lars instead of one dollar for every barrel produced in excess of 200 barrel _, _so that if the direct tax: otilwldaity should be reduced, the special tax might be increased. Ho proposed that .the amendment , and pate graph be reserved until after the question' on the.direct tax be , disposed of. •Mr; MAYNAItb - suggested that thezfchri preceding paragraphs relating to rectifiers, compounders,retail liquor , dealer's and, wholesale de alers in liquer be reserved. The paragraphsmere reserved. - The paragraph relating to rna'nufactu rers of stills was amended by striking out the words "for sale." The paragraph relating to . malsters or malt dealers vas struck out. Mr. SPA IN( 'mewed to - tune - rid thdpar agmph relating to brewers, by reducing the tax from $lOO to 850. Rejected. Mr. VAN AUKEN moved to make the first sentence pf the,paragraph read: Brew ers WhOse saleS'embunt to $lO,OOO Shall . pay $l5; above $lO,OOO shall pay $lOO. Rejected. A recess was here taken. HOUSE— UT. SESSiorr.—The Tax bill was resumed. No amendment was made to the paragraph relating to brewers. Sev eral verbal amendments were made to the ph-TOutitnr, 4alers • #l3, leaf 420= • ) • • On motion of Mr. WASHBURNE, Mas sachusetts, the first sentence of that para graph was amended to read: 11 1:Peelers in leaf sobacco;- - .wtiow annual' 'Baled do. not exceed $l,OOO shall each pay VA and if their annual sales exceed 84000, for every additiodal 810,000 in excess of $lO,OOO they, Shall pay $2. • 1. Mr. TRIMBI 4 EiKy4mOVed to strike out the paragraph, and argued' in its support. Mr. SCHBNCIC fluids en. tarkument on the other side. The motionwai fejected;i Mr. LOGAN moved to strike out of the paragraph the zproVisien 'lieibilring those who shall sell less than fi ft y ; pounds of leaf thbaccoat any one time to make a monthly return of_ the aggregate of such sales, and pay a tax thereon of sixteen cents per pound. The paragraph relating to, dealers in to. bacco was amended to read, "dealers in tobacco whose annual sales do not exceed I'l,ooo shall each pay five dollars, and if their annual sales exceed 8000, shall pay in addition two dollars for eabh additional $l,OOO in asneasor #1,000." Mr. STEWART moved istrike out of the paragraph that part which requires hotel keepers who sell tobacco, snuff or cigars to pay a special tax of tobacco deal ers. Rejected with an understanding that it may be rerieired in the House. Several other • ameddments ware offered and re jected. No amendment excepting verbal were made to the paragraph relating to manufactures of cigars. , Several amend ments to the paragraph relating to cigar makers were rejected, and finally a substi tute was agreed to,-Imposing a penalty on the manufacturer who .employs' unregis tered cigar maker. , Tlid first sentence of the last paragraph In the section relating to manufacturers, not otherwise changed, was amended to read: 44 Manufacturets whose annual sales don't exceed $5,000 • shall each • pay ten dollars, and if no specific or stamp tax is imposed •on their pro ducts they , Shall . pay. , In addition two dollars for:each one. thousand dollars in excess, - previded, no - persen shall be re garde4 , as , a; manufacturer who simply makes butter and cheese or either for their own cohatimptiOn or far 'market. • Mr. FERRYlfloyed Acv erupt 'lumber and 'breitdituffs. , X. - debate ensued and without disposing-of the question. - The Committee thenlose aYldlife 5 Reuse adjourned,_, ' • . 41 Loutzyplo pck,rd, of , TrOp, (By Telegraph to tie Pittsburgh Gazette.] 10.-41esars.-GeorgeN Siesta:trot Idobile, St. LonliOnkitetnibil Itu) nneinbifrii: of the Board of Trade and citizens qt Loulayille to-day upon the subject of opeidng'ilkytn blanehae.: the corielusion of their ad dines* sitidiikyv i ere attentively 8J4913014, the following preamble and resolutions WIKEREAS,, WO • deem it a duty, to the commercial ,Interests : of our city and State to secure all outlets and inlets to commerce otitt trade, isiWolltia,ffiald , With White** means we have to establishing facilities of eotntnunidaticnisvith all section*, eithek to the"- OoWin or"the Suit And Wheriac The prcdeet,Aatiemborifiewat Mancha° with the lower *INT has been advocated tatifoitireanfob, , St, Lcusia,giAgiglost i t 'an bra t I , I II I A tbeieltoPmelt tiv 4 Itc:Li:those cities, who .are-now In Our mid* therefOre be it. ,-' :, , • , , ' t - itivoto4 That 'the toofeville ' Boar&• of Trade beastly, endorse alt efforts mtuie to apen - ‘lln4Antend the 'trade of the Slouth; , wed to'unite the eammercialzandmaterial interestil the West with those of the South if, sittiougawd. , -Ileaolve4; That the”tiumics of thelloard n u tAg ei Viri l itit Mr,,tetti4 r rt7: ..utid •Idiniciline Imthilri efforts lit behalf the'.Axnttnmeel presented' In , the feasihility: of „the, - tlopeng of Manchae I M' ou 'l ; - t1 i ' , ' i - - - ;.".. Fi - - - -r'. -I. 0 !--- 1 , - '"“' ', ,', ....,'.. i nirlifllt r , 4 , l 4tite;lMo o ,cra* ~,- . 1 coy Fshapaph to the Plttsbotgbastette.?. • ' ,••-• 1 2 540. 0 t4 lUtIe10:-There Was a Urge atttndriceigthe Sifte DenneratioNiven• i/ 01 4 1. 4 ..1gfrh MO VT Ot, MIP . PPO9t. *mitt one . ere *mown expieislig - detio. Oen I to the Coutehibtei.ltrilliiitUltSlll4lol - of the powers of the Federal Gaiith rstefiliiiiryltiniitheiadfrfig4fittkiitlitiftelollip to the ptai • opp aniVrou tllaltin PY stem - ~ Int• UPI hi•l'or v iii r. :ifk d ri!. . amigo e publioanparty Oh; stb4florthiitigttiogr_States wisag.i tivia, ;tit ,1, , . Mid ethe' meet - suigtrailt ell MilneelifT'asV c irrst ottr in debtoolgote; 413 °moss. gratitude to the ioldiers and sallo_nimplettarisPßO 1 1 0 0.41 nominees of the Nations' vonvenuon, ' k w would fedstiunietadVbrtyvkainination of i 'I" farcfr, 'at att , 1 - a , "'t 01, Fir ,r` 1868. s ~ .--..-vp ft , , , . I'4" 7 , 3' 1 ::, : t i Iti THE. C EMI Salaries of Cu- 011113 Groesbeck on. .gut, / Treasury Secrbtaitaiip -L- HOssean and Hancock Alabaina. ' (BgTelegrspl the Pitt Vergh Giiiette.3 strthrinoN, Junelo, 1888. THE DEFICIENCY DILL-BADARIES OF CITE- TOMS OFFICIALS. Thi; deficiency bill, in Which was aided the deficiency for Custom House officials, haVing passedboth Houses and re 7 ceived the signature of thd President, the Treasury Department to-day mailed drafts to the differefihCollecbars o of Customs to satisfy their demdnif far Baia - ilea of officials belonging tEI ttie bustairbAiniiit ' of service. GROESBECK AND THE . TREASURY. SECRETA ., • RYSHIY. It is understood tha the President has written a loger toHoui W. B. Oroesbccito . of Ohio, tendering him the office of Secretary of the Treasury, rand thit the matter is be ing held by. him...9ndor , advisement al though Wig- belayed , certain Weil-in formed quarters that the appointment will beaccepted. • , " rsaso~wn: General Rosa.= has, been, granted per mission from the War Department to delay , six weeks in joining his command of the Department:of Columbia. • • Gen. - Hancbck ` and staff 'called ,on the Chinese Embassy this morning. , ALABAMA Genexal Meade 'canna here •to urge :.that Alabama be left out of the omnibus recon struetion' bill. The SenateJudidlitry Com mittee has instructed its_ Chairman, Mr. Trumbull, that in case Alabama • is, omit ted from the bill to r_ e po rt the bill, which passed the House in March, providing that the Constitution be admitted far ratifica tion and shall be an organic law for a pro visional Government of the State ,and shall again be submitted to the people for ratification: _ LEGISLATIVE AND APPROPRIATION DILL. _The Senate Finance Committee has au thorized their Chairman tcrreport the legis lative god appropriation bill, amended 'by restoring salaries for clerks. struck out - by the House, and by increasing the amount appropriated also at half a million. FROM EUROPE. Proposed International Treaty- 7 Sale of Austrian State Domain —FinancialandCommerciaW (111,Telezraph to the XltUbsi..rgh gazepe.l . GERDIANT BERLIN, June 10.—The -Worth German Confederation propose to the Great Powers of. Europe and America, oaths adoption of an international treaty, to guarantee abso lute security from. seizure of private prop erty upon the high seas iritime of war. The Prussian Government is about to commence -works for the extension and strengthening of the fOrtiticatiens; of Co- logne. AUSTRIA. VIENNA, June 10.—The Reichsrath has adopted a bill proyidiug for the sale of the Stato domain. .. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL LONDON, Jane 10—Everting..—Consols, 05@944; for account, 95%; five-twenty bonds, 72g. Erie, Illinois Central, ILULYORT, June. le. Five-twenty bondsp' 77 X. - . • - LTVEAPOOt., - J rine 10.=uotton unit -mid dling uplands, lly s cl.; Orleans, 11%d.; sales 8,000 bales. Cjarn, 345. Peas, Ms., Pro visions quiet. • •Coirtmort 'Dada; Petro leum quiet. Sugar, 275. and tends down ward. Calcuttirllnweci, Weira , • AtiTwEhir,:lnite 10: - -Patioreum, 47f.. *tie 0tti.41,13.- , Municipal Trou ble'-.buyer Heath Dis placed, I CilyTelegraTqLto,t_tielPityqw344Qasetto.] NEW ORLANB, Jane 10.—Mayor Heath ref used. to. surrender his office to-day. to Con way, the newly. elected Mayor, citdm ing that his appolutment was confirmed by Congress, and declining to recognize Oen. Bueltansn's authority to remove him. , He was Comiequently placed • in - the hands of_the police by Capt. D. Russel', ofthe Gen eral's staff, and Conwayptit' in charge of the office, !titc.ilitelMamiler-letsgeOv .a writ of quo warranto u .n Conway, btit Capt. D. Russey said its. • . .Watwas-littatilled it wrist take it. proper - course and could not interfere with theidischage of his 'kith* Coon the tdelivery,of the' keys and-books HBath wits released on phrole.' 'Considers. hinexcitemant. mut ;4.l4=g:body of police ace . 1.9P4'4941Y-rhqw Platter,.4 the Comm ,ittmkpemecracy. lii' Teleirrslifi iturPlititshihiAbithaj .I*.AO XAlw•intlfs'4 l k÷nelo l 94uo9ll l l.l the Democratic State Committee of Con necticut maintain :that the. States are sovereign in all powers . not, diffracted to the general kinierntnentvandregaN the re construction acts as military despotism end Freedmen litinesmetisimvantw victlati9 f the right: 00 States; the State Iteptib party ..lusvittg g9ppoilstfit i ; cox) s tn tion cattifOt lib trdstad silky of its present or future ` - PrOMIIIOBP , regarding libilvery: as. dead.and declaring the asser tion that the . Democratic party design or desire to Teittire'it as a wicked 'invomtiOn; denounce impeachmentri sutt, commend the conscientious - scruples of the Republi can Benatarn:whow :voted 'Against it; so. knowledge the services of soldiers and tailors and 'honeys While: he- would'be proud of recognifloneCthe Aseryice of one of 4helr own oulsenit.43' the, 14tIgnal,,Con ventlim, that all personal and local:lamed& erations should be yielded to achieve Rua ooze and entAilW tom op ewe t.l l /11v and misrule. - .7 _h . 4 t ri I I 41 11 Pna Mriraa ritiker• ET TAlecapb to the ?at:vet Gazette. OfitakiWVlD. i iM iiinGlo.—The trial of Mn. Vlotoratz the murder of Wm. garnet, her blltuttiaviga4nre one dbnos eximinerdel tiZ pasteosami nation 4 . 09,, boy 1, 1 4, wv pa, eleven month' alloy., .4 , 4 0 4 , _ijuantity of 41 -44P lir e4* ' MOO 8r gar mated,4 , 3:104 —Hon. John B. Henderson is in St. Lbnis. —The sale of Barntim's lituairim realized V 423,000. • 71 . —The Nevada papers repart several mur ders and robberies in that State by Indians during the past few weeks, -- , Robert Gross, a miner from Montane, was robbed of 83,000 night before last, at a Green street den, in St. Louis. —A single firm in New York navel sold at auction three million dollars worth of real estate since the first of the year. --John S. Warder, a veteran of the war of 1812, and well known as a silversmith of Philadelphia, died yesterday, aged 71: —Major Charles Upham, Paymaster of the United States Navy, was found dead in bed, at Montpelier, .Vt., aged 50 years. —Gen. Samuel B. Cushing, former At torney General of New York; State/ died suddenly Tuesday • evening at Belleview Hospital. —Fifty-six barrels of liquor, valued at a 7,000 to 58,000, property of Patrick Gillon, was 'seized at Milford, Mass., for evasion of the revenue, laws. . —Dol. S. W. Ingel, former member of Congress from Alabama, and_United States District Attorney in Callibrnia, died in San Pranchico yesterday. • • —The match gamillif base -ball between the Athleticitof Philadelphia, and Actives, of Indianapolis, yesterday, Sims won by the Former.. Store:s3 to 21. • —The Sandield Guards of -New Haven, Conn., have accepted the challenge of the Montgomery Guards of Boston to drill for the champiotuthip of the United States. —The Sportsmen's Convention assem bled at Buffalo . on. Monday ,evening, land selected F. E. Carroll, of Syracuse, Presi dent. Two hundred delegates are present. . —lsaac Haze'burst was nominated • for District Attorney by bolters from the -Re publican C onvention . ,The Republicans nominated General Rester Tyndall for Mayor. —Suit has been-commenced against the city of San Francisco for fifty thousand dol lars damages for the destruction of the Echo Du Paeifique, newspaper, by a mob the day after Lincoln's assassination. —The Synod of the Reformed Church at Hudson, N. Y., adopted resolutions eulo gizing colonization -and - urging increased activity on the part of the Society toward tithe sot ernent of freedmen in Liberia. —There was a small whisky riot yester day on Front street, Brooklyn, New York. United States Marshal Dillon - and posse were beaten off. Dillon Dillon was badly injured, and seized a still rescued from officers. No arrests. --Oreat exertions are being put forth to complete the Central Pacific Railroad to Salt Like, in advance of the Union Pacific. The iron is being transported by the Isth mus, and arrivals, via Cape Horn, are noted every week. —Mike Keef, formerly mate of the steam er Starlight, was arrested in St. Louis yes terday, on a requisition from the Governoi of Louisiana, charged with burning that boat near New Orleans in. April, He will be takes South to-morrow. . ' —Preparations are on fbot liatiton to tender the compliment of a public dinner to Senator Fessenden for the. purpose of endorsing hiaintegdy, indepewience and purity as a statesman. Gov Sit~toclt'ii3ll preside, and-a. "bully" time is anticipated: —The Democrats of New Hampshire held a convention yesterday and elected district delegates to the National Conven tion. No preference for candidates was expressed, but the general feeling seemed for Chase or Hancock and decidedly against Pendleton. • —The Republican Congressional Conven tion of the Fifth Indiana District, yester day, at Martinsville, nominated Hon. Juo. Coburn, of Indianapolis , . present member of Congress, for re-elect ion.. In the Eighth District, the Republican Convention at Ko moko,lt Hon. David E. Pratt, of Logansport, was nominated. —The delegates- to the -Sangerfest from Germany, are to be given in New York on Friday evening, a summer night Festival by the Lieder Kranz Society, and on Sptur day night are to'be received by all the Ger man Singing Societies in the city, 'and en tertained with a•doncert. On Sunday they leave for Chicago. --Copper Institute, New York, has been secured tbr the place of .` assembling for the National Sailors' and Soldiers' Convention, which'oonvenes on the 4th 'of SttiY. - Among the distinguished gentlemen-to be present are Major Generals Frank Blair; Gran ger,Hwlng, Hancock. General - Franklin, 1114 expected will Presidek ' • ' , Republican Convention held Tor nominating city officers and candidates for Congress met in Philadelphia yesterday. Charles O'Neill was renominated for • Con gress in the. Second District.: Benjamin •L. Berry was,nominated for.Congresa by ; the Republicans of the First District; Third District, L. Myers; Fourth District, Kelly; as ve•notninated. -; •ville , • =The Nash and. North :Western Rail road imbroglip , culminated in afight at Nashville yesterday , a ft ernoon .on Cherry street; in front of the Maxwell Itotel,:, be tweet' Michael Q,uinn and Mr. Rhea;•an en gineer, Whom the strikers had` ordered to leave. Rhea shot Quinn with' a':small pis tol, inflicting a slight' *Vend,' and Subse quently presented &navy involver. Quinn suddenly reeled, and Rhea withheld.: his fire. The affair caused mueheacitement.; —Fdrther advices from ,. thel Upper" Mts . smut intuition Indian hostilitleir eking the river. •Steamboats 'have ' , been lired into. stock run off-and several-whites - killed. Oen. Terry was at , Fort Rice , Jundad,: - "and Father. Dumont had - gone out ;to indnee, , if possible, the Indians to come ip mid make peace.. The y : are rep orted to say they,don'A want peace,. for then they starve:. but when at War they get' what they:require from the Whites, but they do Want ore ammu nition. The MissaohriSethi State Temperance COMmlttel hive leaned., an add urging the 'filends''of temperimee •to commence bpreparations fora contest,. Wit out delay, y the formation .of probibitorl e citibi all over the 'State; that meetings held in every city and town to vote on t e question of licensing the Sale of liquor , to be' drunk on the premises. 'The Committee say they do tot ask the friends of prohibition to term a new political party, but to place.the ,Re. publican party, at the next State Conven tion on that platibrm which commends neck to UPI Judgment af a majarikr uf Members: White Alva Chbrch, a broke cash k i bout asp Tuesday over lice Was entered by Edward U. young Men` hailing 'froth. Vowt clnieettlianditirldle Mr. Church " ing against theta:inciter figurint struck higi heed with a sti ing him senseless and indict' wound...- A ixdosallboy-witnesse and cried .!Imurder I ",; Yam* tgiadiianr eft Without ;Oh *Kot Tbe Ylnuttpalthtril:k l. Ati, 1 9 y. 1,41 4 ),,ral :AMOS= aaalUng; Deeded in amigos BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. NITMEER 139. Chanters Railroad kileethig—Reports of the Comnuttarecto Take Sabseriptroris_- 4170,4MYD Subseribed—the Effort to be Continued.. In '• • '. • In accordance, with previous notice an, adjourned meeting in the intorest of the Chartiers Railroad omterprEse, was' held in Canonsburg, on Saturday.afternoon of last - week. The interest attaeliing to the pro ject drew together a goodly number of the people, who manifested no little anxiety to learn with what success the c o mmittees to solicit subscription had met with, and what prospect there was for the completion or the road. At the hotir appointed the peo ple assembled in the Prayer Hall at the: College, Col. Hopkins,' President of the former meeting, taking the chair. The meeting being organized and 'ready" for business, Mr. Ewing remarked thatthe purpose for which they had assembled was well understood. Committees had been appointed at the former meeting, to wait on the people and see what could be done to- - wards raising the amount to complete , the road. This meeting was held mainly' for the purpose of hearing from those commit tees, and be suggested thatthey,. be called upon to repot.-- The chair requested the committees, "or such of them as were present, to lead _in their reports; Whereupon subscriptions were. announced as follows: •-• • Canoli3burtund vliqnityjer no G n zer.) .. * on.) . . ... Chart r. d u l2otO North ers, (Mane , l t 'Connell.) -, m Strabane, Mr. Luttm.) Cecil , • 2 ,E0 Washington, 30,680. South Strabane, 31 (Mr. Mtmce.) 2,200 Franklin, tW. B. , Kennan.) Upper Chanters and Canton,; (W. B. Cun- • dall.) 7 ace Franklin and Amwell. (Mr. M'Elroy.) r,=o Bridgeville and vicinity, (Mr.- Murraya.... 24,300 , Flttsbarghers owning property on the line, - (Mr. Neal.) 33.700 • *Akar The above reports having beenfootodup `and the aggregate announced to the meet.* ins, the gentlemen composing the com mittee were asked what probability there was of obtaining additional subscriptions in their respective localities. . After some discussion of the matter an opportunity to increase their subseriptions was afforded all who wished to do so, when several persons, authorized theirs to be doubled, others added fifty per cent., and still others twenty-five per cent., thus carrying up the aggregate toaboutsl7o,ooo. On motion, B. T.. Morgan, Joshua- Wright, Craig Ritchie and Mr. Igeel, Were appointed a committee to solicit subscrip tions in Pittsburgh. On motion, Messrs. John Mcßride and Vaneman Johnson were added.to the com mittee to solicit subscriptions in North Strabane. On motion the meeting then. adjourned. " to meet at the same place on Friday, the' 19th inst. Real tstate Triasfeni; The following deeds were filed of record before H. Einively, Esq. Recorder' June Daniel Negl s abtereentirs to Daniel Negley Seeley., Awn io. um; lot in Collins. township, on Broad. Street, in Nast Liberty, 24 by 100 feet Nominal M. B. Brown to Mrs. E. Watson. February 20, 1808; lot in Robinson township. No. 9 in Brown's plan of the Tudor Farm. containing three, acres and one and one-half perches... 4. ' 115 Leonard Erhard to Ernest Kammlada, October 1, - 1866; lot In the Fourth ward, Allegheny ciq, being ,part oflot No. 458 - in Warner, Painter .Lorenz's plan, on the corner of Leonard street mad Saw Mill Alley, 'W. by Srp feet, .with buildings," &c., • ' 1197 N Ernest Banatelada • Fra t eXelon, October_ • ifertkeeboirefisweribed Robert Watson toMarrß. Watson, 'June T. nett Me lots in the Liberty dietriet. (formerly Liberty township,) No. 15. and 10, In Ames W. Ewing's plan, together having a frontof and a depth of 140 het to Woolalayers alley Nominal Robert Rapp to - Joseph F.. Mooney, July IS,' MC; a lot in the Sixth ward, Allegheny, on the south side of Franklin street,439 feet from Manbattaa street, by lee feet ,to an alley, with buildings -91,450 William Shinit's execkttors to J. J. Gillesple.• June 2, 1884; tette Rose township,,,ou the easterly side of the Girty Run -Phmk Road, containing acre and 43 perches. with buildings: &3 William and Thomas Blark to'lliram Fulton, 'March 31, 155; lot on the south side of the Youghiogheny river; in Elizabeth township, 'containing 2 acres strict measure, with buildings, &c - Jametfefitips to Jeminia Ritchie, September 12,1807; lot in the. Sixth ward, Allegheny, on the south Side of Mosinee street, tn feet from Sedgwiek street 24 by 133 feet to an alley 91,4(0 Daniel Negley to Divid Mob'. s, June 10, 1850; lots No. 8 and 9 in , Negiers plan in the. East Liberty -• district, on the corner of Bread and Negley streets, 80 by 150 feet, with buildings, ac - 1301 C. if; Love to John Shaffer, August 10. 1867; lots No. 145 ands 148 in Love`a plan, at the corner ; et' 4lnitn 6 and Fairview avenue, 50 by 100 feet Sheriff Sameel,43.,Cleley to J.'sl. MurtLand.WaY , 188,8; interest of Mary Ann Daly in a lot at the cor ner of Sixth and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, being lot No. 1 In Ormsby's .plan, on Smithlreld street; 31 by 60 feet to Carpenter's alley,' with buildings. (te 1118009 John Zwehilagerto Shaeklett, June 2, IM3; lot on the southwest corner of Third and Rosa streets, Second ward; :Pittsburgh; on' Ross. street, 21 by 51 feet, with buildings 814,6:0 Jonathan Gallagher to John and James Baker, March 12, 1888;_lot in the Sixth ward, Allegheny, - on the 'east side O. Chortler' street, at the corner of ,Locust street,, thence on Uhartiers street to wards Ohio avenue, 38 by 100 feet to an alley, with buildings, Ac: .111.199 Edward Hribensteitt to Jacbb Fisher, April 33, 1884 three lots in Pitt township, No, 80, 81 and Via, McClintock, Heineman and Uuram's plan, on the, north side of Braddock' al street. together' BD-feet front by 111 feet deeN with buildings, &a 91.100 Quitclaim deed of - Edward!Raberistein to :Sophia Leiser. May 1819; the above described property . , MORTGAGES. .; • i Same day there were left in the bffici foireceni six mortgages: : • senatorial corrnptlon. A *eshingtoi'spi;chil 111 e, relart of the Impeachment Investigatitin Commit- tee will be made by the - middle, of the com, ing_wecle , It will cover the .whole ground of the investigation, andlOclide • alLmate rial testimony 'taken. attract more general attention than the'llist 'reptirt. The managers' have: rit'their Possession. a card written,on both sides, ,and sent; from Colonel Cooperr to the President, iti.whicl. the following °emus:. "Heriderson Je "se- Cured. Craig and Lacey brie -satin' 'idni." The pertionireferred to as Craig ->>s-Bt. Joseph, XisOmPie He is here and will-be , called aaawitnesa A former, clerk to the 'Senate committee of yrilich,Pliiineroy„.7was chairman and wso franked theibittkeil doc uments, testitleoVratarday *ale hid been. urged twice bya special agent of the:Post office Pepartment to write a /otter similar to the One' Cooper swore ' bad • - ahowa him purporting to be from Poineroy.' The second tinte;thugerlr issys be: Was >offeredt one thomaand,4ollem to write. ouch a letter, but huP9eitlYelYiefailUd-f offer'haa been Beet Pr- ( • , Newpricans•:lll.2o4l; l i ts , o n l ag o..„ June 10.--ijotterils qtdet and weak , at 240 280 for in iddtinni.*. ~.! Alen 1300 bales; receipts 12 bales. 'Stem* 'it irmals , l3i. New Toile . sight - ..E.telinge p r o t ium, Gold 13113 t - Stic, end-310- asses dull fbr good., to sugar at 1330; ' LOUlStania rem le rabbis *. lit 55a900. 1 Flour Abair, atir6,2603,80' fbr iiiipeyfqn,,ej_tV l l/21,0,0411 los cibotoe; 00 1 11 Lim g ta g l i v r ."!l,4l7 l l:4,a i t j s i S 9 2 . Irhiez i rm.. rs firmevat AWN." elearebleistinei: 3 PP le t t Y 3 4 . o/ B XoF•titiMi end 00 keg , of MIMI at !lit ;Willa:* was lean- Filbrecik , ne; knock a asters r, i:n# Cattle Msrltd4.• ratheir `tow 4 1 010 Ireamindruftware down_ :I y ooox, end of 4000.headThoeived• heall ttolitmir stlyitked Wifely Yo rk on first haw* gOaditig. Wit._ , mikke,,,adysaohf aminpilaTitft, Plea of 25® 115• 60 4 7 0 0, - tIP goodit - ttitithit 1101"iitriugps".1596 r 3 161 0* 4000.-::•,.) at: he affair, 1 r it , viten • ray 1 . BUG. - Ea Fil EIII , - sa (ti