littolntrit, *pits Douirrißta; will not ask to press that ekeek.“ Without a guarantee• nit. Nature spread the' Mid and red Indett tilers U ps ays will ' • These lustrbus I will not touch. Unless you promptly sa_y That their bright hue is fast and true: And will not wash sway. Thotebrilliont, eyeamay owe their charts - • - - To belladonna , * use, • • Complexion Oat*, I've heard dark hints. • A . ,, Allthangeitfronnut Juice; • nd I ask the dearest girl, ,•)-• alone I - • sfor one long tress to kiss - and pleas. It mastytt7t, be tart to give. • The pisieUled briny, the'raven lash, • Are open to s doubt:, .!, , Atittiotne mistrust, hot they're unjust, . The shape I rave shoat; 84th fhb 'labiate' state of things, - • Andes the weathers warm, . • •If will not seek to press that cheek, ' • Or askto clasp that form. .; EPHEMERIS: —Philadelphia lam a Tobacco Board of . --Green corn is a drug in the New Orleans —La Bagel:6km made her debut ui Bos ton on Monday. , • . • • are inn by tread-mill power in Ilonstoii, Term& —The wheat crop is doing very' finely in . Ilkuttliweatern Georgia. ' Searchingfo ... gold is at present a Ches ter conuty'aminiement. Wendell Phillips is called "Smirleyow" by the Chicago •Tribuns. 7 --The most 'Completely ruined man in bland leLordituthige. - 7 -Mrs. ,B. .Stowe is about to establish a iictoollor inielette children at" Alken, - Ge. —Havana tobacco for cigars is being ex tensivelYtintivated in Mississippi this year. —Grace Greenwood has moved to Wash ington where. she will reside for a year or • . —A new 250 barrel well was struck on the Woods 'tuna last . Friday, says the Titus ville Herald., • , • . . ,—New Haven is' the only city of la portance in the Nortn that did not keep Dec oration • day. " • The Elgin,lll., Watch Company are going to atart a uge branch manufactory in California. -- -Cigarettes for ladies after desert in Par is are as common' as oysters before soup at New York table. • *. • —The tax of one cent per box on matches netted. the Government a million and a half dollars last year. Bun- light is so rare an article in London gust PhatograPhers find It cheaper to use the • . 111 ectriclight3n their htleinem —One of the most elegant mansions on Beacon street, Boston, is to be fitted up as a ladies' club l house and restaurant. .L.-General Joe Hooker and 3irs. Hooker are at.the BrevoortHouseNew Yorlc. They are both suffenng front want of health. Chickerings ,sre about to put up an elegant music-hall in New York, which will • . Steinway Hall quite into the shade. . .• . -Ferne.spie is a new ' try word coined ,an 6 ' critic to assist him in describing ..niFern's new book, "Polly as it film." • .;, f‘ The .Philadelphhl Age has , Ass Packer .fr President. The chances.of the Hon., ••..,.ktiare not brilliant--oertainly not rose.eut. Fifty tons of rhubarb are sold daily in Boston, ' and it retails at two cents per pound, which amounts to, over $2,000 per —Bouquets are worn immensely large in New York., •Pointed nosegays afoot in di muter and a foot in height are very fash , ionable. —"The finest poem of the current eade" is -what most of , the entice say of George Eliot's new poem, "The Spanish GyPsy" • —The Mayor of Timsyme fined a party five dollars the other darfor indulging in a free fight, and then lent him the money to pay the fine with. —A young couple were dittormiphi- . sago: last week, who had been marriedfive years and yet rare only twenty-one and twenty years old respictively.„ —Et., Leger Grenfel, the man who es capednot very long alp from the Dry Tor -tugasiin a small boat, Is now ;enjoying the, ideaszuis of Haiani - and freedom—, —Gough , Ins promise& to retire forever from the lecturing 'Acid this mom: What then are we to an for bad grammar, but •' foonery and'sdPerlative elogneucen —The CrAfeago. Times hopes that Kr: Chase's vote and influence will be used to aid Kr:PendletOn. Timis'ist*fine l ex ample of hopefulness under , diticidnes; —Plain white French china with a laud scoPle mo nogram _ the' centre of each Piepe is considered the acme of agony in ultra_ fashionable New York, dinner mice& -The 'freight thirges on petrolenm in bulk - have been ' reduced ninety cents per . barrel by the Empire line from, ell peints 011 Oa Creek to New 'rorkor Philadelphia —York, Maine, was Urn , first city zu Armee& It ivaa foninied tir'Penlitt, Gorges, who rose• and holl twenty years be. fore Boston wits the home of:white Men; ",1 I'he coast isherlei ourliciiirtheri, neighbors hive been unusually reductive this`fear; 1111 of in sane „localities five as many have been. Caught this as last year, —Host of those Southernorg who went Off to live In STttlk• Alligr* • Nfie b4k: poorer thanterfr, and are profoundly con;; **l3ll'9t7 *X ° P llll l ir :t4 l e-P l tU;,ker , ' ;., —TheNc *mar ArgillAisneer d400v..'. eyed thatitke'peOPle Artru for . Mr.Chigi;fpi .Prosideut: - Mr: am. 0100 yearns theigme ways 'l l 4l l cloning+, Omit audio* retie of tbe Poilfe:" - . • --Robert -tekee the benefit 131 0q00 law,r, $ airs receipts rare D i rge buttltu,'Sfru, tab*l4li4 ttunbi 4 ' ' col f uletiA *PP • , ..1110.8t;,4atais HoNI in 8o tea L:'"esid to be ibeAPA elegantly swine:et riennty;,‘:_ `'A tong' °ter novelz., ties a bode - Pim& 01000011.-Sweet during , thedirerherow , " = *O ll 4 'l+ l6 `Pielya:ai,, ralitefilii-Nr4:Ti;ik is Oneof tit!rtennainfu robbers. He= *eh - warkit i r ilt 11111 day wages, and looks like an honed man, yet, the detectives'spotted. —The grasshoppers bait almart, entirely disappeared from TOW a iniddenlY as they came, and. the cora and cotton crops are doing finely; hut the wheattnoittmt lasuip thing but flattering: —A collection of all of %stave Dori's best pictures will be on exhibition in New York in September. Of course these 'orig inal drawing a are: infirdtelyinoteintemit. ing thari copies or engravings. Y Ezcursion tickets , are sold. for 4ve dol. Wain Cincinnati _ for the round trip tO Chi cal! and retain. Fora sired trip one way ,theOlie is $41150; but OnMitiPitsboire its infidence in tha'excursioWform. —O4 of themembers 9f the Celestial em bassy is . writing a book of travels. It is hinted that an paten:wising New York pub liahe.r is already looking out for competent person, ro translate it into English. -r-Some, complaints have been. , urged .aksiast Messrs. Ticknor and Fields, and Mr. Scribner because they had no,represen tatives ,present to kiss Timothy Titcomb good bye when he went to Europe. —Mr. Pendleton has engaged a very effi cient body' i claquers - for the Me* York Convention, where we may look ' for even more free fights and rough-and-tumbles than are usual , in Democratic Conventions. —Five thousand one hundred and twenty dozen pigeons were shipped from Olean eta. . tion. to New York 'city last week. It is hardirneoessaty to'state that' pigeons were plenty in that nei,ghborhood about that tune i The wheat crop at present seems to be so promialpg all over the world, that if it can be 'kept out of the hands of speculators and "corner" makers, we may look with some • certainty towards having bread .at plant/titer prices mon. —The Bishop of London, -whose diocese includes all of the Engll,,hC l lmpels on the continent, has ord.ered that in all of those chapels, the President and Congress of the United Bastes shall be - prayed for just as the Queen and parliament are. generous-tnan in Hartford, COnn., has sent $l - 00 to Washington to help pay off thciblational _debt.' It won'tgo very far to wards the desired end, but if every man should do as Much, 'taxes and prices might be very pleasantly reduced. —The promised Fenian raid may , be a mere canard, lighter thin air, but there is no doubt about the reality of , the scare in the Dominion.. A Fenian, if caught there now, would have but little life left in his corprie by the time it reached the gaol. —The French government looks with longing eyes on Australia. the annual Wool_ product of which is valued at $250,000,000 per annum. Algeria is said to,be ai good a. country for sheep as any other, and the French are about to try to introduce a few merinos there. —Aneliominable story has been going the rounds, Which asserts that _Boston ladies consume hauneruie quantities , of absinthe, and of course the milliner story washitched on, Statistice howeverehow that but: ten gallons of absinthe were - consumed in Mas sachusetts last year. —Young girls are attempting, and some times sncceeding, to commit suicide all over the country, often for the most trivial rea sons. They read of Similar instances in the newspePers, find it heroic in the girl, and something like fame to be so mention . ed in the ' newspapers, imagine themselves unhappy, and forget that • they will not be alive here after, they are dead.. It is prop er that the local papers should mention cases of this kind, but it-is not necessary to make sensi.tion items out of them. If the simple facts were :related, many a foolish girl would not have - her morbid imagination heated up, and many of- these fearful crimes might remain uncommitted. AR interesting incident took place at Springfield, Illinole, last week, when a party of emigrants from Indiana arrived in the city. _They were on their way to Mis souri. but on reaching Springfield ' they paused and turned aside , to visit the tomb of - Abraham Lincoln, the Martyr President.- Over one bandied _men, women and chd. dren passed by the last resting place of the great man who had won their love and ad miration' in solenui silence and with heads uncovered. The emigrants • thus paying - tribute to the memory' of Mr. Lincoln were of the most intelinfent class of artisans and farmers front the Ho - osier State, and to those who met'than on the way, they stated that they could not -- pass through - Springfield without istopping to visit and pay homage to the memo y of the min who had preserved our free institutions, and proclaimed lib; erty to all thronghout the land. Thus. it is that the "bone and sinew!' ...the .rellable men of.the Republic—do honor to the mem ory of the nation's second Washington': . - , . Schutzeii-fest is receiving ;prizes to 'be"contended for; from all parts of this coun try and from Europe. Congress has been petitioned' to allow ..the "cannibutions from Germany. to pass through the Customhouse ,free ,The festival will last , from June 27th to July 9th 4 'and .s-gland exhibit ' tion -of the: customs 'of - sharNhooters =of rimy nation' and tribe and k and pedple. and tongue; from the, most remote , antkplitt NMI to the present time, may be exwcie& Every kind'of wespahi from the Or'th e bow And arrow to the chatig e (Ituiwhiph' sweeps away armies,' *II be 80 i 4 . 1 n . the. Pm:al:810n. :ON .SATURDAY -- SiternoolV, leiti work was' I , suspended indeflititelt-- - • hi the '!'liettiiiellaitt: :Iron•Worke t 'ihe . . Albany 'lli:e:Werke 134. thei3Stdeit Works,- In the '" Enitk - Perti, ofihtFLoity,!_in thede';',htlhe i 't ..• • *es" - , for,*' increase of Ivige l 44 l tia! , *' meet With the: 44 40 40, 4 *.* The 'llniet4t l 4:•••: loaklS is • • i'.oi-iiieng3llll ~r aggisdi4. l 4lo344);ll/IVllliietti.lll2l'. laxly . tivi.•the, poster: elms, Tot eperstiSse..:.„ • Troy . Wh ig , . A. T. &rawasei the dry 'good* kinm, -owns the Idefropontau Hotel and Illble?s Theatre, trwhich logetlairrene for nearly ..100,000 pet tuittektv thoNewYark Theatre Tibtixerl72,Drll ttil_gwoire• UniterlikelnirchY 4ltii aplethite direllinfot i fietlielear;',;sat edby te pee :FAA Re Als9;pothadec j the' 13 treit ., ;$ 11 0hlt:C/11441, *deli bitter `ito; ' , Mkt , A 11) tor' ideetable..- 4 111i also awl!' DePos lion; on Shocker street, where be anon UVIC , 4 . , ttut -1 Tyr Reedlnriteltioed.icern ..a ___Ott* its msleti.lneptinhkeit the Week' theasad illtetttnitiett tat ruit,th*tens , PITTSBURGH GAZETTE :,WEDNESDAY, J imrmimut TakiIt•WITILILIUTED': - NirrilE101:711"- Pi xo azirS • istanos sass saint' Airman =MTN AZZ ORDERED. A TOLL SZE EMIR, •- - AT DR.- BOOM. aTi raNN examm. 3D DOOR ABOVZ HAND ALL WORE WARRANTZD: - MALL AND RE AInNZ BPECILIIREE OE GENT INN 'MOAN G.AS GAS IMILITITII,ES C, 3a a 33..C1 F o os corii AND, on. -" Just received, tinilleieet'sidleneet seeortannt ores opened In this eltv. INELDOK * KELLY 147 WOOD Montt COIL VIEOi* ALLY. SEWING! MACHINES • 61ROVIM & BAlLarli ramiiio slam W!II Loos smcin samara mucnisras WITH LATEST IMrTiOVEHENTS; At theiNew sad HeOat Sales Rooms or Tim coil 'ITT, . -151•71 .FTHSt 1 REET. • BrA6IIINE 131PAirgidanit, TR A READVCIIINE OIL, Sc., Sc. The citizens of Pittsburgh ars . respect,- fully invited to call:. Applicaßonefor Agencies • solicited. Circulars or lantples by *nail on application. Correspondence to be addressed to _ . .; GROVER & BAKER S. IL CO., ' 81 IrEPTII STREET. /RTTSEITEGIL uthto:nir rrillE GREAT AMERICAN 1. BINATION. I ' BUTTON-HOLE OVERSEAWN' , AND SEWING Nam IT HMI NO aqvAL, • • BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD' AND IN . TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. airAgenta wanted to sell this Machine: • , CHAS. C. 13A.T.1131 4 M1r. Agent tbr Western •Pennalwanla. Corner FIFTH AND MARKET. STREETS., over Richardson's Jewelry store. . WRITE LEAD AND COLORS. "Anneeeeeee igprE INVITE ATTENTION TO V t our well selected and com plete stock of Drugs, Paints, 011 s, Varnishes, Dye. @WIN Patent Medicines, Perfumery, &c. DRUGGISTS.PIITIMMASS and COUR. TRY DEATJERS who . replenish their .stoeks In , this . market. will consult their Interest b,y examining our goods before Purchaetwe elsewhere* , • • Having accepted the Ay for the PITTSBURGH WHITE LEAD - * COLOR WORKS, of Memo J. SCHOONILIRER * SON, we oWer,to the trade their well known brands of White Lead and Colors at Illantorseturers• Lowest Rates,' and =ntee them to give perfect sat's. in 1a erez7 respect. We Invite *epeeist attention to Mo , COY'S VERDITER GREEN as superior In strength, body, brilliancy and dura bility to any Green Paint ever offered to the pablto..; imutm 41 Eivi:No, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS/ Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, GLASS, cWNA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREL - T !, • QUEENSWARE, PLATED Wmtail - PARIANSTATIJETTRs, .: 4 And EnheiSTAPldg AIM VANChr 6100D8, groat variety. . . 100 WOOD Marali. • , It/CHARD $4, 1 13REE.11k CO: 'lOO WOOD' /STREET. Caint, , . : 3 ' InrEtiga 1 ilea _ / , ato • Pr 4 S rideailtll,44, 4 .militbatist - •- - • rr ActOrstssyslnsisimd.) Glag h . ..China I* . .' Table _Cutler/ AT RN ria , rerztitlfistsoqfitrsOls s first elm store on . a. Vail muoitateln. isu froods.l , . '..!..401.0fi1e , COMIBOVOM=i6. GEO. 8 ClELEitii` PanelyCake Baker 8; Oneeetkpßer, ?army* bonateric iamb a atria, No, *At ine Tom* saihuotinscra strew& Alle ftriitaraYYsWtffdiAosi:o4Ax.4l RCN? MOHIB4O/4,' .i.:. 1114,1 1 3/14 Y404 414110 " await' 48 9 Ml= Lwow' matted. ' GE.OBOROSEAMOSs .; ' Candr Nitimfacturbit t And thiamin NOltitlON me4DLiffiClli ranra t OXLS I 4.NUTiIf Ow. « ; F "Ff.% A#44.400.14 fens" iila moor Om tlui Ant National nsay , ..Aoao.' dhow 0187.- Aptiksoo • 'ma I LANCIE6 MEN OYER Afit'D 'BCOU.RIM )14 41111 " .1.4" 1 711111110 0 14 1(' ' .14 Ogg PING 4.:454241:1; 'WNW • " AT w[uL,Dg SERIPIL.E9B, A LARGE FRESH STOCK, AT WILM;AIR NEW Dill GOODS I J. EL . iiIIIIOII7ICLO S. CO. No. 52 :•St: Olttir Street, • BAIT JUST OPENED THZIE TWITLID €4II7P'P'XiIE" OP NEW AND ELEGANT DRESS GOODS: DUUBLE frorzrAiisa'ocumw rtb 73 cents. for O nts. FIGURED M• RS G EI ce LLES foredo, wv. $L SHEETING CALICOS. , „ WIDE CHINTZES. * ' • BLACK KELE AN ?iL. I Blitly&AlNzEtrwLatED . • . • A LAMS 'ASSORTMENT OF Dress Goode and Traveling 800da.1 BIAIRII4IT ems. 87 . 87 SPRING OP/Ma:IFG AT _ THEODORE II 1411'S 'T. X. is 00.) SP G nnir SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS, mein:need tut the extensive alterations to his • • RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE tieziera ~ g. offer, an entirely is . t ROW. • ,New Stook of Dry Goode, !or irinß and Bnmmer Wear, st thalweg T A st. at 4: 87....1tAltHre BTREXT....ST; E= A MIENV; dSHANNON CO., . lUM No. Xl6 Wood St., Plttabuzgli, Pa., ;ANY GOODS AND NOTIONSi , AT , Lo*lift Run= IE3M3 Nihsr, Gems. . ; prEW'AtaiActas: ; inAcit HOSIERY and GLOVES. :i5p37647.:Tv-; arN..,l4B,Wilk,4ltieot..iet (.41 . ^ i . 1.1013111, • .01ira • & 00 4 . .4 iNl r arlea% 811 ittci) -!! Rifelgul . .untibmiteitlearylkod4 -,tairiio4loooVirjampro .1 - , t ~,E1 11 :171 r- A tit i tt 3t ,Ph ' • - • , „ toritiekoltsetivekikiliainivatri be 4 ' sil 2 ol ll l Pau . 41(442uVrAtupbUor generatiztio • ak ,41, 1444 ; endalvoi"4ll tik , obati max Act 'the apme,llol_ •Iber ltrywatitliarsiwteom Tio'W] P1•114441'034 P 4 j... 43411=1*-4----'"lsvilliVAiilsits.,- iin',..:! ,y . __l,l aii. ilocited, : . nitilit" s' •ii:301107:131244. • ''_ MVO) ~ , • * 1.9 - 41".t+1 .. • f!411 . • • ACWl2l44l l (ll.l'i .%. .•• • . 1,. 1 : - r * Malt . g Vaiii# i•:I ' r ... . . ttle I 1 it x. U "•;•.,4 ~!'~' ~ I;~r.; iii;,o :. - A A 1• 4 ND p - 04,431 1 zr.1 ....„ 1.„2 t ' ill d• ~, I li , : ~1 .„ • Wr, , , ' 4.' .„"irCUS-t. i--,4„. • ~..., , •FI, ,,..; ail 'l , •,11 mailmis' aftw ' . tiffilali4 , iyaiiiik 0131 ti • DRY tXXgI:, 180 & 182 Federal St.; Allegkeny.'-, AVEllgi=64 BINIP-DIEWRINt, Mialtltild AT` coonto eiribtiza. ; Sie4,)f- ONEiniOOIEB Q 1111,1%, OOL DEELM:WV Mal OAR, la beasUfdl sbildes. MI SIINKIIat POMNB. 08081 GRAIN sax, -he. 4t141k1L73., *beim. N',no)omns, ES2I BONS, PLOWIMa r:(f = 470L0VZ13, 719 G • ORSA4l,Niti,' ibe. AT VERY LOW PRICES, Wholesale and 180 & 182 Moral St, AlWhen. NE 10, 1868. TRIMMINUS AND NOTIONS PCB. BULLION FRINGES, Sewthg Irringey ALL'eevitteitlintAers. r•-. PARASOLS, =I PEINGIID, BEADED, SATIN AND PLAIN. GLOVES, P u aL.K.-/. 12 ".4xP ccErW. HOSIERY, Pon GENTS, LADIES AND oramusx. PAPER COLLARS & COIFS, POE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN' MEM -lADLEPI UNDERUARMENTB.-OSEM• DE ims; GOWNS AND lirAins • IN ALL THE NEWEST sTyrga. 'OOOPS DrPARTBIENT Moe anortment of DOTTED NETS, catzrtADlNE; nagira l Tc. New Goods 4i.riving Daily. MACRUM CLYDE & CO., • 78. and 88 Market Street: AT JOSEPH imam & co.,s, MEW (140013 S ! • • HAMIInG RDUINOS AND in,qtrsciplos; HAMBURG INSERTIN6B: SWISS EDGINGS AND INSEIVITNGS;_ LACE CAPES, COIFFEURS AND FA.RASOL COI7ERS; LINEN COLLARS AND cum. • sums STOUT AND SUPER TINE COTTON AND MERINO 1-2 HOSE; LADIES , AND ]PISSES ' HOSE, In Laze, Lisle, • Silk suIV Cotton, of best English end Ger man /mikes; DOMESTIC HOSIERY, at vetlaw ALEXANDRE'S DUCHESS , GLOVES, a new Hee just received. • A MI amisment of BULLION AND SILK FEINy t ESL TASSEL FRINuES. GIMP HEADINGS _ BEAD FEMURS AND Tußmmuidfl; A TRIMMING RIBB O NS AND SATINS: • PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS. GOODS. New style NATB—Lidles , Riese". CRAPES NALINES, DOTTED NETTS; RIBBONiI ia rLOWERS, NILLINE Y LACEIA BONNET SILKS,' "'HAMM BIINDOWNB AND SHAKER HOODS, • Who a/ and Retail. CALL AND EXAMINE. 71 , and 79 Market Street. PERFECT FITTING . „ KID GLOVES . "A.. .C. C.7-77`!.1-1.., S. X." - We invite attention to our KIII GLOVE . AR, Which is now complete with frreri . oul or and iittade. In addition to our own special trupartemon of the Celebrated A. C. C. Giffin' in) KIDS, We have Secured the exclusive sale of the _ ag narrlit Seasnlese irldes, 9 • - Thebest tlloveand post perfect At. *AganntA cuutuficul, Coll • 19 FIFTH STREET. MACIEWM a CARLISLE; . 19 Fifth Street, New offer the most elegant line 'of ELLEI3I7IXed3 . . Invitebar to which theyrikeohdly the - attention of their customers. The de signs axe nearly_all new and original,_ and about ONE-FIETH LEM T4lk.E• REGULAit PRICES. - spit. MACRIThr A. CARLISLE, 1P FIPTIr STRZET, Have opened all glutei of 1 1 17LLION: . AND EIBTO rnr.Enners. BUGLE Gna t ! . Azi.) numaxs; yeiy low prices. • •• ' • • MERCHANT TAILORS BIeARDLIE, zio. tia)i skrrunnwrautzTt /m1113 1;1614 Z.aisDa caastaatly an baud a Sae as eortseatat CLOTHS, CASSIMERES & ',ASTMS • c 4 • 7 1 t.: GOO , t 4 • MTHIRG zumvro duo= the 'Uteri tine. !Jr st :491111YED, -A THE 'P 1111 RIA • • A 1 * BISMARCK ; T RICIATIOri OP sinstaprztu 3 , tom_ -k . : ooa~yl►tgt au isaiid, • Mt ant et' Oterait t :." • . apiioBl INT.& CO". Merchant Ts] ... 84 Federal I . :Ito Illeghlny, , . .4 . 4 •,4 1,144 mail!ved *14,6 , i l kia rr 3 1/44t11001480441040* • . ~OR,110:6145/;'9ICKSINalii • e}l !N l P** nit a k oi r • t .4 4 : 4 .H... lOC 42NT'S t •G. v nun ig trA, ML I Th Ira 41N t)fanvaionsto4*. 7.virrnoti” tam? the getil t is l rl64 , sue *1 6 1 .* lia4 , 44.lP‘laper cmganud the euteent w ents atta oast *hat, kheeth leirtit44l4;etelho: ma tiOth,(l.Blit fiketeleate4eo;fie Moral , ileitepiatt *Mufti SLrtopl €tlne, HOOP SKIRTS IS COMPLETE. DAILY ARRIVAL or iaommir. At greatly reduced rates. TA UAB,, --~-.: CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHE. &rocs. or CA3EtrigenCS. We hare la .sere the most wasplike assortment et -CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS , we have ever opened. esulmthirg the newest styles and rieragns of the best FOREIGN and DOM:BM MANUPACTOREIIB. Importer:thud selected with special reference to the Pittsbirgh. market—Many of the patterns are confined to our house exclusively for` OW city. With the advantages:Of direct . • portatfidtWeare now" able to offer e i tbe new. .est aad:lebetaert_patterna of 881188 - Mous the mod. celebrated English login,. and at p s within the reach:43E almost every householder. ,- ,k_spedm. but limited Importstlot of KNOLISII LNIPEmpg, of egos qualify end it rare and beentlfotdesigns, will, be"tound rapeeiallY cores' and Wettable foe Chambers. Our stock of OOMMUN ALL-WOOL VERRET% tmrchased before toe Carpet Weavers• strike, will be sold at the same rates a *revtous. to Ole last advance. and will tarnish TS to the maltitude at the lowest -writes " - Once tar war. A good. CARPET FOR *5 CENTS A YARD: Thom haviugParlors , Mrswltißcarna parrirgb Aro obeeNdirtoollted to eXantitor he usually large numberolwrierns particulartf adapt ed to thatpurpose, wblchwe offer In WILTON and TAPEeTW VELVETS and 8E1531,4 10_ lo w • ' r• • 4 . ;:. OMR `IIoCUNTME No. 923 Fifth Street; ' Jeri • -- L .: 1868 • - 1868 ' .1. • fantiEMpt 13TOM; • C 2, .4L I:" la 111-1 B White, Red, Checked, Atriped and Palley DIE A. "1" al I Zil" Gi S, no,* GREAT VARIETY. 011 Cloths, Window Shades. &e. BOYAR)); ROS E , & co., 21 Pifth, &recto , • oYaR WMI34 BELL'S. arr3sdawir CHINA MATTING cubilxkwris veiy .opener qual4ty White, Fancy Striped. MAMNGS, ALL-WOOL: INGRAINS, RRIGHTSIST COLORS. Prices the, Lowest in this' Market. ilicenunt 61 lIIPTIII3TRIEBT. .sboss Wood. sp27 NEW CARPETS. MoFABLAND & COLLINS #AVIE Jos e RECKMID TIME FED um Alin t irrn as OF WWI VELVET MITT, 4/VAIIMMS WWE; Tamd;q and Body Brnsseli4 WHICH THAT AT. The -Lowest Pikes Reached' its Season. CM SUPERFINE INGRAIN{ CAPRPETS DOWN TO SI.IO,MID $1.15 Mt TADD. McFAJ:aIM) 00IhNS, - , , • • ' • •': Nos. 71 and. 73:Fj.,4:::84.00, , , Aikooms siuopis: ==l Snmq ... -O AIMET - BEA.TING-, ::, -. , .... F: ._ ~: ~. ,- ;.!!.71":14 '''.• .......,. . ~ . ' , .,1 , ,". • I . ; ',.--, i• - lefivi , as "Paul' ~ , i : , ..-zY ,t . ' " • . CaingLlSHlnglill . • Which Tittt irlaßlii TRW; in: Ittnina °the. sr Lantern 'isles has yrnvet n . . , annoten. , f., .:i ~,,,,/ =-• - z i 'l 0, ',,`, ,•:: • Jj ~,;:f•i ) ,:rrill,AlkirAlrbolol''' = i 7, ,iatAraismig•iimriarskiite*opinipiiitiviifflous. ,iiu • • t: - .1 ::',-, - ':-i ~f - lid—liiiippini sr.neneisarY.: ', _, ... - . :•• .141=eu used ironcdosk et .t tbeyi inn . . iithe ellWokl nearly as lined as nufiri , sart ;the - . 4 11 1 4 aa a tro d :VE.4lr.; ..• L.% : -, - ,- ,-,i•i !ions , Soh% a Rtesinigil el igitettri 11/ 4= -‘: ' , ..'rz 2 .7 z • .. , " -- .7 If..`;` 1 :' • '-•••• - '""..'' h _, .., ~ '.:, ~.• : •.:-..!`.:4 • ,:„ - ', i .' 1 -:•--;1401.1'9 .:10,tietty setra.a..e— -.• ~-..,. .„..,,h,,., :,,, ....c,,‘. ,cialiattn•setso4•o, ykkil'imrsolintraitwioi c ifi ve fy, . on-,I lt,., i,• G: -" —', ss .sp,! ~,r,.iai. ~ tic.! r.Il V f " i4 li9:il :;li 41q.,c10x t7_,d.. ;, s a )Yktn,l tiil <,; * .. , ' l .llSl3;(tiii - ::' -..Z- b -,3 ' , ctu - A , 5 - 1 . 0.t1.% A 0 ' ~.• ..-. . 1 d ' il VA ' •:: ''''' ' ,- - ' - - _ ilikatoll. ' '.:-: • J ' .• - 11 11 111414 Om w q rssidedat l e t• • - Sanaa wit cellist WUXI avidinallag Ilinizpfek • ape .Uid Check TOM IMPONT&D. M OBE = ~~.~E ~.~