II F El Plitrim 3 tmi'an_swil‘i=3. El Orr oFfilistinssuuort Glazgrrs, MO*DAY, June 8,7868. There is no improvement to note in the tone of the ganeral markets; the de mand for almost everything is very light, being restricted almost entirely to supply ing the immediate wants of the local trade. So tar as values are concerned there are no material changes, though the tendency is still downward. RlMER—There is but .very little Butter in the hands or commission ••men, but , far ; mers and-peddlera are bringing enough to supply'Me Wants - of :the Weal trade, and c there is no inquiry for shipn2ent. Prime to ':.choice Roll may be quoted , at 18 to 22 eta. • EqQl3-..Centinne to meet with a steady • demand, and prices are well sustained, ranging from 25 to 24. • DRIED FRUPPDriII' but - unchanged; • we continue to quote Peaches (prime halves) at 12 to • 13, and Apples at 6)i to Wheat continues dull, Votwith nding the arrivals' lire light and stock pretty-well reduced;- prime Red may be quoted it $2,38 10'12,40; and', sto 8 cents, higher for White. Oats dull and drooping; we now quote at 78 to 80c, on wharf, and the usioaredvapee for ; smalldota irtistore i Corn, alsois dull; sale of 200 Shelled at' $1,03;1 prime Ear• Corn *mid is command el, to $l,OB, as it is very scarce. :! Rye is dull an :nominal pt $1,60 to /1,65. POTATO_ _ ntinue verzi l ltWend sales n store, Rif a . •1 Prince Alberta ntlel,3slbr owl. New crop Po . are bei n g ?Md. at $9 per barrel. ' • ' • ONlONS—Sales'of • new crop - (Bermuda) Onions at et per bushel. HOALINY-4iidelt 6 i 2 ¢„itt Piis4.- •• - PROVISIONS-;4litcHon is dull and a little • weak but unchanged; 140 for Shoulders; .;.; 160 tol.Bo fo_r_R.loed and Clear Sides; 19 t 6 20c for Me.W Wl:Sussed Sugar Cured. Hams: :.Prime kettle rendezed Lard, 18' to 19e. Mess Pork ,128 to $28,50 •CEIMIME.aue Hamburg at 14e; and - Factory at 150.' • - - • ,•• LARD OIL-44 dull but unchanged; we centime to quote at $1,50 for Eatia - No. e 1, and $1,23 for No. 2. Y FLOUR—Is dull and somewhat gleeted; but Withotit quotable change. We , continua to quote $10,50 to $ll farpiing !. Wheat; 811,75 to e 12,25 fur Winter Wheat; ' anditettrelffor - fanov-brands.—Winter. : Wheat, 0 4fai19050 , .. -R3114.945.4. 1 0.' I lietrifoik PioduktONlartist ^ ' ißy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 'gazette.) Nriw Yoriii, June B.—Cotton dull and a shade at' 31ki „ , 30% for middling uplandsCesies chiefly at outside ligurea.. t FlourAull and, lower; market 10a15,3 lower; sales of. 400 bbla at $7,60a8,20 for superfinit,'State and western; 6 8,604,30 for extra State; /8,40a10 for extra western; 111,3001 ihr s white ivlieat extra; $6,15a18.f0r; common ft. H. O.; 610a10,50 ibr extra St . Louis; sllal6 for 'good to chirice; California: steady, with sales of 1,500 sacks at 511a13,50. Rye flour quiet, with sales of 350 bbls at 68,50a10,25. Corn meal quiet; sales of 100 bbla,Aty made, 2 o 15,50. Whisky nomi nal'. Wheat dull arid 2a342( loWer' with `re. ceipts - of 1,567 bush; 'sales-23,000 bush at /2,16 for No. 1 spring; 62,26 for No. •2 do. Rye scarce. Barley and . Barley Malt nominal. Receipts of Corn are 77414 bus; Corn is less active and without decided- change; "87000 bush at 51,09a1,11 for new mixed western afloat, closing free; sellers, prithe at 51,10; old do afloat at 61,15a1,20; new white southern and western at 61,20. Receipts of Oats 21500 bush, and firmer; 72,000 bus, at 85c western in store and 8816 c do afloat. Stock in warehouse ispa follows: wheat' 676797 bus; corn, 122.6171 bus; -oats; 527564 bus; rye, 57460 bast m 44. - -11565 bus; barley, 575 bus; 43300 bits. Rice quiet at lOtialit(e. for Caeotlna..Sugar itomi daily unchanged, 100 hinis of Cuba at lltiallyol Molasses dull and declinieg. Hops quiet at ' 10a1030 for American. Petroleum and in fair demand at14a1434c for crude; 20cifoc.refined, bonded, Perk is firmer and in homirial'deiheald," moderatd eilearlsoQ bbls at.628,26a28,62 for new. mess, closing at' regu1ar,•627,25a27 50 thr old; closing at 627;60, for regular;XLibr 'priMe; 624,00324,45 for Prime aim 250 bbls, New Mess. Wier July at 528.50. Beef steady;Salerrrif6so - pettnds•aolo . sa2o;so for new plain Mew - /20;501424,75 far new extra mess; 63346 for :India mess. Beef hams dull; Aides ~of ; 70 _ pogndo, at i,ac ‘ ;; Clat Meats Anil" h - eatyrl6o' ' 1234213 c; Shoulders 16a17%. Heins ddl - heavy and dull lard 'eteady; sales of 600 popisda A 6 X 1 1 1 7.1 1 1. 1 9 7 (0 01 ,g4 and6.4 7 %. 8 18)413 for kettle :en erecT, also" 1,000. erces at 17%c buyer of June, 17,30117,‘ buye,rof :T Bitter steadyat 25012,* for Ohio, and s= for: 8I o. Cheese 401 -at, 74144, Freights to Liverpool • heavy, with 80,000_ buishels of corn per steamer at 2Ms3d. Lax/amr„,.-11pur closed dull _with holders, of ..WiltriaCkt f 'gradel - d - to - realize. Wheat nominal at 1i2,L0a16 fok No .2, and 52,24a2,26 for. No •1 spring.. Rye quiet, and very,firrri 'at 52,07 for western. "Oats quiet at 85c in store, and 88a863i afloat, for west erm Opp cl osed and beavy At 51,0911 1,10 - fdr 'new mixed wetter:l afloat. ‘Pdik: quiet and Erin at 628,50428,62 for mess i casle and regular, 626,75 sellers for July. Beef moderately active and firm. Cut- meats quiet and steady. Blom nominal. ''Lard CAZ at 17allt‘c for fair.t? i prime steam. zw• ... Ctikitip Market. (By Telegraphth the Pittsburgh. Gazette' .1 - CNICAi3O, June B.—Flour; the demand b light ;and the e ras at apring eons as .59,755t0,0u..,• fiw nest firmer and (inlet at ;talc higher; with salei of No.l at $1,95, and No. 2 ac 51,38301.99 ,1 closing with buyers of :..No. 2at $1,8930. Cditi'lsUse eetive and iiiiktiirwith saieenfi No.l at it&ss934e,'No: 2 - at 86;088c; and 're.? jected at 85a86,4e, closing •. - with -buyers, at • 88 ,5elbr NovilitatoTei,thle is firm at 90ca.cingt*: ~Qe7.7let and firmer, closi n g. steady at 6934a640. -There wikeetiiingdonelftlll6lll64ll: Pork hi 'firmer; tinge fictive and 25o . higher with 'gales being 'made 'it 1 27 ; 50328 m . .;%Lar is 3ie higher, and sales were - made at 183ia 16,5et.1Dri salted stleaklere alto's:LC*l and nominal; at 11.3al1Xcibuyer fbr.the Month.. The:receipts for the past • forty-eight ; bogie!, were 4,723 barrels tioum. 39,596 . bushels . . so,Bls4msbels earn; 18,97$ Jm 3 44 19 o ttltri anil 473 head of hogs.. The. ildrontaitt! for the lameAinie were: 6,266 • barrels - Soar; 16 . 83 21iPACIS whesk . l4s,692.busbals corn; 53,390 'bushels oats,•and 2,227 head'Of . b 01116 :, _ ••• ; dueinriatE Markei; Thestaph to the Pitittiiith nsiitte . ' Vtrentatilid, Ituielik4Flour4nlL4nslfinf4 changed.: IV, heat nominallyilowen , . No. 2,"A winter at / 4 */.l23o.;C2rti'advaneed' to no, Lid we market !Inn, but the supply 11gM."0sts . at 1 .7606 c. 'Cotton dull: . Thadibil e gpite; i i rOtitsions • held meted/in= I .Vi' bid , re was. no *.demand„ worthy of note.. Mess pork held -at. $2B, under 'the' reporeof stu - adyeueltisrNew. A r .Prit• A 74 was held at , l7,sallic r but -theremas •no in: i;1 1 4 1 Bulk meats quiet; nominal and un- ; i'nhcailderel 2 c;sides:Aeligb;•l o % . con irshouldersitio;-plear rib swear 18 pt~d clear '165016y 4 d. • Sugar cured Bu#Okiiiehangbd end 4filkirt al2424qrecnipte 'Eggs '.declinedts 19c4, '11=0044 sold-al ufaleffied. - Lard oil 144081,45.. •Fetrolento• dull at 32.34 c Air rafined.froe;, ',Coffee firm • ttm6p.*tulttlyviaiev ,bl4:l6 seuthern übL' 3ll .lly ,dull:atillialb per .L ton on - arrivif for iwittri*(4.o9lllll4Virlittlkitiet market easy at Balo per cen . oca ziitz- lie7r LI/ V.; osiusiczw.! I • e leatuter, tlag i lititititib tritetie& Vtarlf fOt 'WheiV`tituttiiiettol lightorith buyers at 12,62 for No. I White," tur d p,85 for No. 2 d 0... iiimEimal Natters In New irigt, Tebigraph to the Pittsburgh flezette.l ...) 41'sw YozuF, June 8, IBM • - Money quite easY,, with large supply, nt S@6 'per Dent.' for call, lama: ster lin g steady at 110@110X. 'Gold catAte_ stead, throughout the day, eleding•at the - Board at 139% ; later, on street, the price fen to 18911 c ig139%. • . • - • GOVIE • RidaligTl3. Government stocks a shade Amer, doe. fug steady. -4:30 prices:, Coupons 0f,',31, 116%@116 3 / 4 ; do. '62, 112 X®112,A" do. '64, 110 1 4@ilOyi; do. !GO, 11.0„kgall0x; new, un lisig; do. '67,113xiu9y.; -Ten-Fortles, 1,06@100; Seven-Thirties, X 09,051.09%. The Market is' Without anyspint, - but closed steady, Border State bonds steady. Iliscellanenusaltaiedi dull.- The following are "the &SO - inkiest Canton,' Soxi3soy.r Carnbetisilif 3N@SS; Wells Express, 26l 57 ,4 4 @573 l Aniericatti 53® 43 7‘1 1 1714ted States, 55 3 / 4 ®56; Merchants 2tlyi '@2B3i; Quickailver, ®27X; Mariposa 5®6; Pacific Mail, 95%®95%; Atlantic Mail; 31® Western Urtion; 3834®33%; 'York Central, 134 1 /„®137; , Erie, 70y(,®705,(; do p_teferted, 7515®73; Hudson, • 1 41 (}l42;' Harlem, 127; Rftding, 94340043 i; Ohio and Mississippi Cartiftcates,. 30t/.®303‘; Hart- Joyd - and - Erie, 15®15,14; Wabash; 505i® 501 X; do. preferred, .69)(4 St.. Paul, Go' 66 M; do. preferred • 79 ,079 M; Michigim Centilal,. 14;3;0124 Michigan Southern,. 90%®90y 4 ; Illinois Central; 155®165m; Ilttsbutgb, 88Mogi8N; 'Toledo, 109®109m; Rock' Island; 103®103%,• liorthwastern,, 69%®693i; do. pretbrmi, 8114®81%; Wayne,. 119:04110Kr St...Tosepkpreferred; 89; Indianapolis 'and Cineinnati, '53; Kis 'ones, 933‘; new 72%; ginia, 54.. • . 3112 inici , --Better; Gregory - 45545470; Edge Hill, 450; Quartz Hill, 1156120; Smith 4t, Partalee, TREASURY MATTERS. Receipts at Sub-Treasury' V 2,866,590; pay ments r.,139,5 20 ; I ?alabee $9,441•568, (By Telegraph to the pLttaburgh Gazette.l Sr.- Louts,-June &--Tobacco quiet and unchanged., Cotton—Nothing doing. Hemp unchanged at 'lsl,soal,6o for undressed ,;'lour very dull, unsettled and nothing do ing worthy, of note.; !:Wheat quiet and un changed at 62,40a2,55 for All,: and $1,75a 7,80 for spring. Corn dull, lower, and tin.' settled; mixed and yellow sold., at 88a86e: ,white, 87c. Oats dull and drooping at '7sa ,77c. Rye lower .at 4470a1;7541PProvildons very quiet and dull, but holders are un willing:to. make concessions, Pork sold at 627,25 Bulk 1014 c; shoulders, 13c; clear sides, 16i;e. Lard-dull and - nothing-doing. 'Cattle in good local: demand and receipts flair, common to fair range at $4450; -good to choice, 66a7,50 gross, Sheep market glutted, prices dritopurg and - unsettled at $4a6,50 per head; lambs, $1,50a3 per head. Recelpts—Plour 1,400 bbls; wheat, 4,300 ;bush; corn, 44,060 do; bats, 23 1 000 do. TOledolllarket. (Ey Telegraph 'to the 'Pittsburgh Gazette.) TOLEDO, JUDO EL—Flour is dull; receipts 920 bbls. Wheat - chill and 3a4c lower; 250 - bush at s2,s3:ibr white Michigan; 52.32433 for =tier; $2,10 for No. 2 red. 'Corn is a shade lower at 930 for No. 1. Michigan,_and 9534 c for No. Iyellow. No.-Lbuyer June at 93c; receipts 13,237 bu sh. Oats are a shade firmer; 4,300 bush at 150 for No. 1. Rye; 480 bush at $1,60 for No. 1. Lake freights dull; 3c on corn to Buffalo, and 6c to-Os wego. • ' Louisville Market. ItEy Telegtatth to the Plttsbuezh Gazette.l ' ' LOUISVILLE, 'June ti.—Tobacco—sales of 49 hhds at S9al6 for lags to medium leaf. Flour—superfine, $8,25a8,75. Wheat, $2,25 a2,30.' Corn easier lit 90c. Oats, 89a83c: Bye, $2,05a2,10. Mem 'pork, 127,50. Lard, 17%c. Bacon—ahouldem, lkfi clear sid9s, 17a17y,e;P u l k WhiskYl . - free; rain, #2;20.. : ' '4 , 4 My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] liln.watlKEE, June B.—Flour Is quiet and Unchanged. ' Wheat is dull and lower at 12,03% for No. 1, 801441,92 for No. 2. Oats irregular at 66%c for No. 2. Corn steady at 88c for No. 2. Receipts—Sour 200 bbls; wheat 36,000; oats 3,000; corn 3,000 bush. Shipments—flour 6,000 bbls; oats 22,000; corn 2,000 bush. ' ' - IMPORTS By!' RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND PrrTsnutuhr RAIL soAD, June 6.-1 car iron ore, McKnight porter & Co; MO feet lumber, It A Clarke ,& Co; 10 pkgs ink, McClarren & McKenna; 1 wheel,l9, J. Gilmore; 1 box,-' J= Donald son it Co; 1 do, Echlin & Foote; 5 kegs washers, Lewis, Oliver & Phillips; 1 box =dee, E Dersey; 1 hhd tobocco, Ilex do, Wormser; sks corn,. 20 do rye, tdo cats, Mcßane it Anger; 2 dor chairs, Myers Dowing & Co; I box axes Joseph. Graff & Co; 3 cases tobacco, H B McKenna; 2 boXes mdse, '!J Henderson 4 box &teens. ware, Bakewell, Pears & CO; 21 aka - flint, C Cherry; 9 do rye; Craighead; 2 cars stone, , Hastings .4, CAW.); g colia, rope, Godfrey 4 Clarkel4s ski oats, IfeHenry & Hood; 10 brie Patatioeli,AGraff & Phlter, 25 bxs cheese, , Watt, La img &Co; 27 skis rye, 30 sly rye flour; J 4 W Fairlm- 7 do do, - Atwell 4 Lee; • 6 eke atcbtlllougli, Smith dr , Co; 1 do do r 1 bbl- eggs, W.H. Kirkpatrick de, Co; 256 iron pulleys, John ,Knex ( sr Co; 14 bras• cheeae, - W J Braden; t brt mess,Armstronl4lhu it Go; 1 box cheese, Vangorder &Shepherd. . , Primo/10u, Fr. 'Want AND CmoAclo Beiratbaw Juno 11 Mrs him ore, Slioenberper & Dialifloo bibs /four, 'Dan I car 'oath, r car hay;'l4 bbla eggs, H Itee3r; 12 tibia ` dry' : apples, 'Woodworth dr Davison; 3 f.idia'alteep skins; 0 Andes son; 10 ikerags, Godfiey & Clark; .8' 8 his ..cheese,'J B- Canfield & SOU; 10 bxs do, E Hearleton; 22'do .1 'l3raden; 27 bdla bran* ' 31 6 1 * 4 ' °°tl h 4 Itga rye' fir' J MeOk;: l 3';strelthi4t; Coy , Igo le it Co; o' pkgs sundries, •lir Steet 4' Bro, 6 kge AD* pplo utter TdialtiNallood de Go;/ car feed, Schne/haeh;, 2. care: bulk . meat, W I Hays*Sop 100 bbla flour, Culp Shop *rd.; ZOO p 0 do, Wili , t4 L 64,4 PnytinilltegittEroMfilrz 'AND Si. 'UMW RAILROaD,:June. dry Peaches; kg apple butteri'l sack rye, 14 do oats, .F G Crtllghead; bbis eggs, Morrison dc Devol; 20 hf bbl berrhtly, 4-CitAtbairrrlgiicio do. Watt, 'Lang az vo; , Rakes, Jinxes Latitnen I(LbbisYegge,, 1,0 *Sfkine trutter; 2 apDla butter,./. x meat, W H.Graff & Coi 10q.bbis tionti - T'OlJenkins; lear staves,Albright, t car corn, a 'Steel 4 &a putts tobacco, i l do do. B, , 139044 /.0.!4r, Wt4iPilifot • • • - - B • • • • -589 bbla Wilkins:, 8 oaratnetalf Woodsides; 12 bgs rye, KirkpatriCk &Co; , 1 bbl ,, efiga, , Paul dr, •Olbsonk 2 cars Noindam, Andrews, 4..llttohoookiil eaCri BlSekenv 9 .aks rye j aan: bbbi e W Hr Carnahan; /1 .bbl! eggar L r. 7 • ,1 do. do, 43 tßurgeman;•4 elm:John Schwalm; Saks syth.B do oatas.l.of , S eraricer ;June green upplesrSl do flour:Koltun* Brat /44‘ eke eats, hiSteel Son; 4 ears•iimeatone.•l Superior Iron Cop 1: dck, limber; Speer; ao dmtbroomap, Jeutehmsont oar : lcimberiTaggart it Wilson; 1 bbl dry Manor. Ido tobac co , W' Seddon; .r, trztist*"' :9t .utt et" Hitt*, AT JtMe ' bbl egka, Xtoboir r WI A t AIY4I 9) &s,P,kIP, PAP!! 4 ereon 1.7* . ':.. 36 e iaj 4 1 74 r em : Son; 816 bOX 2 A... & Co; 193 straw boards, Ny 1 - Z i e,q car beach blocks, P Raskin. ININ • ~7t7 I ' cold• paned . at -1399 .MONEY AND GOLD. Fn.:Lail'''. Market. Dlllwankea Market. INE EMI s 19 ew.lfericeatlie• Market:: . ' Cri ' l 'obans* to tie intosugn cissesta4 '.l 4 ltw Yoni, June B.—Caitle market • re-. celpftftr the Week,'6,Bs7 beevesr 18,008 sheet.: aid:lambs; 12,787 hogs. Beef de; pease& ti r ithe libmal l offerings to-day. of °; 037 - and NaMe lower the demand 4J not bris *and Some lots remain unsold; Sir antra 814 primesl7al7•Bo; fair togood - 1116,251 4 7; ordinary Male; inferior $15a15,50. Sheip and lambs fairly active and higher; sales of stoat 2,600 heed at . 115a830 for infe rbr to extra. 'flogs in moderate demand with tree offerings; prices Mit%cc „ lower; On sale 2,883' head at • • Communlpaw; and 21 cars at 40th street; sales moderate and 'with in range of 73Sa8Nc for light to heavy corn fed. 'Mural* Markel. 'tl37 'reifying% tope iritteteuTh Eiszetteo „ BUFFALO, June B.—Recefptil of wheat, 40000 bus; eorn, 20000 bus; flour, 7500 bbls. Shipmentfbrwheat;'MMo bfiircorn, 88000 bus; oats, 31000busi Int sibrer. wheat,..lBs. 000 bus; corn, 202000 busEoates 218000 bus; rye, 5800 bus. Flour is declining,.no trans. notions. Wheat nominal, buyers awaiting a- decline.' Corn titattled; ,40Q00 bus of western at 97c; and 'BOOO 'bus do to arrive early, at 98c. Oats dull;2500 bus at '773ic. 'Rye and Barley unchanged. Mesa Pork at 028, and•heavy. Lard at 183 o. Cleveland Dtsurket. • (By Telegraoi to th' Pittsburgh Gizetbe.3 CLEVELAND, _June B—Flour • quiet but steadyandlranderately firm at $12a13 for XX city red; 814,50a15 for white; $11a11,50 for XX spring; 'standard count 7 brands XX redrnnge from 511a12, and XX spring at etk 5 a 10; 50. Wheat ;inlet at $2,36 for clot. I. red' Winter; 112,15a2,18 for No 1 .npring. Corn'at 95a980 I' Oats; dull at 72a73c. Rye held at $1,90. .Barley - Uciminal.. Pe: trolenm very firm and better "at 26Ma27c for refined in bond;' and 86303730 far free. Baltimore Market: [By Telegraph tote Pittilbugh Gazette.) BALTIMORE, June 8.•••:Florrr dull; North western superfine .18a8,50; extras $9,25a 10,50. • Wheat dull; red $2,55a2,80. Corn dull:white $1,12. Oats firm; western 904 M. Rye dull at $1,80a1,85. Mess Pork quiet at, P 450829,00. Bacon. quiet; rib tddes 16W634c; clear do 173‘a17%e. Shoul dere 14a14,14c. Hams •21a223 5 e. Lard quiet at 1830190. Philadelphia Cattle Market. (By Telegraph to the Plttabargh eatette.l • PHILADBLPIIIA. June B.—Beeves in fair demand; sales 1,000, head at llallMo for extra steers 12e for "elsoice;• 2a10340! for fair to good, and 6aBo per pound grosa for oom moni.: eiseep in fair demand; sales 6,000 at 53ia734c. Hogs. in fair demand;. sales 2,400 at 114,00a14,50 net. 'Philadelphia BlGUrket. •:, (By Telegraph to Pittsburgh 6agette.l PHILADELPHIA, lune B.—Flour dull; Northweitern fam4, 19,76a10,50., Wheat ; ;-good scarce; others dull. spring, 12,18. ••Ryedull. Corn very quiet; mixed Western,, 11,16. Oats dull; Neaten), 88c. Provisions unchanged. RIVER NEWS. The Allegheny rose steadily all Sunday night, and np until last evening when it appeared to be at a stand with a little over ten feet in the channel. As yet, there has been no rise worthy of the name the . Mcmongahela; the marks showed about eight feet two inches—mainly back water from the Allegheny. At Oil City the Al legheny was 'reported receding with six feet in the.channel. The weather yester day was , clear and pleasant, and seemingly settled. - - The arrivals since our last include the Argosy ,an St. Marys, from Cincinnati; the Kate Pu d tnam, from St. Louis, and the Julia,,lkom Zanesville. The St. Marys, for Cincinnati, was the only departure. • Capti.-J. T. Stockdale received a telegram from. Omaha to•day, announcing the ine rival of the Sallie at that place from Fort Benton. '• • • • The Maggie Rays, Capt. B. C. Martin, is filling up taeadilv_ for ISt. /outs, and is an nounced to take her departure *day. The Baylid: Capt. Shepard, la the regu lar packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving at noon. The Julia No. 2, Capt. Wm. Coul son, la the regular packet Rot Zanesville,, leaving at 4 p. m. • • - ' The "rise in the Alleghenyiellllet out sev erallowa of ooal for lower ports now ready to leave. Therun of coal on this:water will be a light ,one, as , the rise. I* wholly from the Allegheoy,river r aa4 the break atk -thtm No. prevents,the locking through ;of bar ges at this time. The following 1111 get away. to day Ind to-morrow :- r9B C/NCIIZINATL . . , Coal HUI, 9 bargee :... 90,000 Whale, 6 Images ' 53,000 Lion, 6 barges ..-- 66,000 Hercules, 5 barges andTUoat 76,006 ___,_ Effl iroa. LOU tearl bigs, 2 coal li9ata,l pi;a40.120,080 Dhipt?nd; -- 100,000 Ann,l2 barges 120,000 N. 'Ji . litglev,,6 :bargee 60,000' Total . , • ' 400.000 The Cincinnati Commercial , of Sunday says: Among the passengers by the Mo- Cullotigh, :yesterday, we were pleaded te find the veteran Captain Moore s lather of the commanding °dicer of this tine steamer. He Is a veteran boatman, end although in 'illS eighty-fi ft h year, it enjoying exoellent health, Be resides at W,ellsville, 'Ohio. ' Captain W.' Deviant& died a short' time since at Pekin, 111., in thififty eighth year age.. He. had been a resident of Pekin 'thr eighteen veers. In 1848 he commanded the steamer Exact, in 1845 the Santa Fee,and in 1850 the Bridgeport; all--Illinois"river The , statement that the Robert E.:Lee 'cam from New Orleans in three days and. `sixhmire is quite a mistake. .Ellut'left NOW, - Orlefold Satorday at 5 p. m., and - arrivedat CairwThtirsdiky ) at 1 rpin. "We'think 'that' leOkis, Very , ' likelcnir d ays anti eight htsitisi. The 'aternwheel ' steamer ; , Enterprise , was sold aV New Orleani hist••Monday,by the I United States idarshal to Captain H. L. Lee for $2,800. ..-..• ~ ..„-___. _ About nine o'clock Tbnrsdaynight, there w" a D erfeojhurruumlr„hen the Canada , and,Aintiiilla met Ilea, =shell*, upper, ai btleibenii j I.' ;Ttie, - *Lnd 44k.iko Strong that fats fear it IvrOY steamboat would ' ourfehop Or le` their d pet lNorks:4 Itut•they#idiet as'. WO elluith . e ibliewingiliunthe Louisville (hurter, of seterdevir .ti ;/ : :;,,r0 I:, • The towboats-146 bewail:tr.-coal arrived littr oatl4l. fromPittabagh yester4iay..,• • 0 bargee Logisvilleekmpson Iforner„B, .d 2 luil beater ePlitaligni % rat e e l ls. l4l ' Nor' . Orkeir4 , Hare ei;,'," er !via and rbargac..4oaB34lievarepoiO4i 7 bargee, Cairo.' -.1.-ei Ajit.s, fro et - l)r- . , -letihir; with litAitifitiUiapkt'helve 'Orl i ved itt.the feet o fthe'Witittyeay. 'Slur , will come up te-day. ll •The: toWboato:Girind: Laker with a• - tow>efoempty-barges will cetnempover;thelitilt tO-da,* Illifite Sate tecevliest)oteritenlelfilnar,tvtriv,o Thum., daYrkj:lo4M:'.43o42,Wali *Me* : A rsd wati ._°)%l 4%21 18 . Piler:iblui liCss e k"' rlifed t9l. dar. e*ebingi. i rbo:dtti nt Utia nt er i art jet rt . 1 :ill , ort`litirepitj' end,HWlS 2 itutsised_ eistrfliallinsftea(dnedf rbilitat th 'rko:Pied 'Wiliam arrived OW - Weclifitlieriblkavinglfrcurk the 8t : ;Imo§ • : , •-• OLEbiturilayao , 4 .,-1 7 • ).I , Nit• !ii 4 l t in a Z 41105, InkAbkIOULSVCPIWA ' .eM41.1.....i.!tnK1M gil ~,,,d i , firan . ....,.." •.) '. .i tt ”41." 4 ) '," - -for '-* 'F 4 - '' '.- t - „.1,14 . 'these hosts is o ~ •,. „ i "for good" abandoned the r , —us policy • ';; • ' • ASETTSt-a-tailimAll JUNE, A), 186&,_ _ of allowing a discrimination in rates in favor of the barges a"move that we have alwayir a and'invarlably - advocated, -.The first step in this action was made by eaPt- Donaldson, of the Great Rep I) ublic,. on Fri day, and I_ tis but Justice` to . Captain .to state' that he'llaS a dvoeirted this step ever since the organization of the "Compromise line." , :iit. simple , statement of Diets con nected with the ue t State of affairs is this, that on Fr ida y oning it was fully evident' to. Captain naidson that if, he continued in alkiwln the' barges a dis;. i i criminationeffive cents per barrel on flour, other articles in proportion, it would be a matter, of utter impossibility for him to lbad - the Great Republic this week; and he, therefore - eamerto theoonclusion that even if he had make the fight by himself E that he would do IL._ A consultation, however, with Mr. 'resident Lewis,' of - the A. & M. S. S,;-showed:him, 'that he would have as sistance, so heat once announced the Great Republic as taking freight to New Orleans at "barge ' rites." ' Step by step the rates . were reduced until yesterday morning, he completed, his cargo at 20c per barrel.with the Barge Company, Satisfied that he was in earnest and meant to follow them, and they "quit," not wanting , any more of it. As an evidence that shippers prefer steam boats "at the same rate " we ' would nien tion that the Great Republic received more freight on Tuesday than in all of the three days previous, and yesterday evening she took her departare, drawing all the water is in the river. The.vontest Is now in earn est and ;we are distinctly and emphatically infbrmed by Capt. Carroll, the General Relight 'Agent of the A. & M. S. S. Co. and CorripromW line, that hereafter the rates of freight to New Orleans by his boats will be the same as charged by the Barge Com pany, let that figure be what It may. Rivera and _Weather. By Telexr eh to the rlttabergh Gazette. LOUISVILLE, June 8.--River falling, with 6 feet and 7. inches in the canal. Weather clear and warm. ST. Lovis,..Tune B.—Weather clear and - - CUINCIRMATI • l' o gr o t PACKET LINE. FOR , Wheellaig, Marietta, MairMoirnirmirlie Potimigeng, „Gallipoli's, Big 8.4413 . 9 graistw*i, and an/Animal. • ' BT. MARYS T. C.. Swzgrry,-Master. • • .210NDALTS, ST. CHARLES ' 0. A. Ditsvo„ Muter. FILIDAYM, a PAIL The above elegant side-wheel steamers Will leave. regularly as announced, connecting. at Cincinnati - with reacts and'itatiroads to Louisville, Nashville: Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Miulsoppl and Missouri rivers.; Freight or passengers receipted through either by rail or river. Especial attention given to. Orders and Way Busk. Hess. - BARNES & COLLIN S an= GtittlKST & BASLETT. Agents.. F OR CINCINNATI. A igat THURSDAY PACKET-AT 12 K.-- The riewand splendid ilde-wbeel 'steamer 431. D. D. MOORE The above elegant sie-wheel steamer win leave regularly sa announced, connecting at Cincinnati with Pickets and Ballroads to Louisville, Nashville, Nemph__ ,Is New Orleans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper illsaluiptil and Missouri rivers.. . Freight or passengers recelpted through either by rail or river. - - Especial attention, given to Orders and Way Business. Tor freight or pastille apply U on I board or to AB. CO,tilk s. nts. CHAS. BARN !Age an 23 NORTHERN LINE i s i dir si g • • • • • - •• PACKET cortNunr. . [NBTABLINNED•IBBB.3 - • The Only 'Thrtragh Lila* Raining (Be- Swoon $Io Lents and flay Paul. . Shippers desiring , thairltalesi tole *nub with tail;egailtilnirtratTtioitlitiiiwthritase consign Throtigh rata. even over Pittsburgh Boats, and guaranteed by , • YLAON COLLINGWOOD, Aients. And . - R.. 0. GRAY. 165 No. 94 liner direct... prrrsougfai, mat Marietta and Buicersinug Line. Leave Companyil itrlna4str o! Wood street, MONDAYS AND . TNIIRSDAYS, J. N. MbOULLOUGH-.... Ova. D. Mooms, Mute? DAyAnn TITIOIDAYS AN A D E T . StLDAYk tom uter Brtsre WZDNICSDATS, AND IIATURDAiS. GREY Lynx - C. L. HasoorAm, Mitstei. ?relight *Min recoWeil st all hours by • 114 • • - JAMES COLLINS. Arita. 'POW CINCINNATI AND.Adat LOUISTILLK.— . TheIIne 'teenier .R. C. GRAY 'Cant. Wir.D.'Aßrarelatri Will leave la shore. taking' freight for lielerlfla an 4 New Orleans. on ' SATURDAY, lath Par freight or parrage amity on boarg Or to JutlN FLACK. • • jet .J. D. coLusewooD. Annelle 475 000 TOR ST. I.OIIIIS 'AND ST:Adee _a: PAL7L.!-The Sao, steamer. , MAGGIE HAYS • ' Capt: E. c..lffairztr, Will leave u above; in connectlon with ttoi North ern Lino Packet Company, on ' THIS DAY, at Cr._ at. For freight oripasespe appty on Marti or to I. D. COL LINDWOOD, ) • ' ' '• IRS. COLLINS, • Jett • J.:M./LACK. REGIVILILIt • , WEDNEfik- m a d=" DAY PACKET FOB, anicreq-i. natrotaimer • • • ' ' ARCOSY VAltinnontirr. W. H. lkotV titerk,_leaves Pittsburgh:oX %sant nag every WEDNKSDAY at noon. • • 41 , SADNES. • • , JAB. COLLINS, ,Agpots. • OHN' FLACK. • mkt.: dra,:imltvrTlttrit TßEAT izaeo.a zap o . 7 4 l lT fi f i T tA N. It ot, I .l!G l ir it a: 7 40 10 B r it nett, p z. 61 li .yaor 7 " . 1111, 10cl E t i 1 5Ca111 .9 144 • • . . '• 5. 000' t 0 n i 7 1: . "d,•••••••,!..”,!•: ' 1.. - 2 '., ng . 300 f•-" "• • " 4 - --".` - - - .. 25 1500 i _ og u To w , iitekuu ' . . c Hoff* . , outv e rz no? *Mt 1: 130 , ilmr sem - ne Mai o nlttea..:4: . .....effrai6o to__ Alb 1 1 0V - Fl lmi ne k tfold er ° "Thri i t t b eh at es. • - • ~ .- ' ;12 5 i t t o:.) I gO tW o •754)F A I, F e Arlitt' W .) Framed ' - Lamaism - -Silver Lieu ‘,..' p lum - Kap - tk albuua, and a lar g es s 7....lo .7 tni,en T ' atu t cr ed r . n u e s_l 43l l2 at ro d• td;r Jewelrv a .., In , a11 b,r.. ..... .ilkatiait° d" ..arlirat gr i gr 26 aeutr,"riat:L -sueLleiuudui 'sea-- , *Ake iti 'Envelopes and tbor- . - 4 4 1‘ m h.rrit . , otreeeliii or. be Ct11._,....* tatted mad wi su rr be d - rirailvithent 'di n t o o le an e ;od a ,' d d esvere ren„ il t a u t prii tu ze r: • teliee,:. or seat- Ay : upon it in be deliveted to the ticket bolder !mum'. d on ta i te b tr ":" seatAct . aa — yl7ll . )!T y as ieq . ,aatel, tr! express ° 711=1 4 .1,, aliai ii o^ -Piiii' If kfoktioa joe. It:, .. Al , . berm is be ea:Otaityps:so r anov or ge NO D AN Kf t . v " tliSt r tTnittenil eandepend on 64.rr - dealing. %,, ~! Ricrialiartcza. -We select the tow following nam es ' i re am 4he -zany who have :lately drawn; sayable proms aad .1 40 1 7XM 3 4. 1 4 , 1111 us to Walsh eat, , &T. swilklnsi , smiso L. Y 4 Vm.IIIOV-bi u - linale: luxe. tibmge. 141,0, valued at 110(1 . 50; Labatt j $O , 4 D u bp ve i l?: .. tio l Ua t rf !put - Sb i i n n II p Mc g a rir t hi u rreeti'" fort: Bedtbed4lll=l4llvili :Ifpfitra„Lisciptel „ volYtreoh,Vtiar,4",, esiroigu'itilliiiliiiiiyitifiiiiit fiimitiitim.:' .... . - 1 ImPlinolini midi IMMO lIIIIMIIIte-Wrber Ai? voialla,,witt.baelnespawrp ts imllabi o vnz ,_..d °I. " ealu ""' V , fttbtsac, - y• ~ l M wi tink4 t....... '4 iziotueaittietiiiiitmu ... 4. ill, kn za _citiroo) ittarqtr,r7 7,7; 4 i 171 1: 4r rnL"!•...i, 77",311J,1J 441111 WrrA g grniae 1 1 41- ra gatt In gl :Egit ) s tfaitiqtritilifi''' ii eairiiioiaitifitritiediisigl. tlimsn tri%'' - trie r =: ;iisents ._ .: , i=nri el a P. .1 oM s t laildal shop I; '-' i•'l 3 . It a . ~ alio S 1 lAlif:Elo.itTl3. J. 'N. M'CULLOUCH, coaimmigt , xmawTTs. Y. wriceza A. STZILZ. M STEEL E & SON, Commission Me?Charlie* V.1..0178; 0.11,&129', No. 98 OHIO BTREICI.' near - East 002111IIOR s ALLktiuzzry CITY, PA.. MEANOJAY= B. MILILNOS. nrAnp - ' JOl6 , a 4.10753 1. R 042 FLOM. GRAIN AND rnotrucz CONEMaSsION ACE.II4DITAViTs 399 LIBERTY STREZT,PITTBBIIIIGH. Consignments • • R I FIRZNCIO3-4. G. Manila, enabler Mechanics' National Bank; J. S. Intwert& & Co., B. T. Ken nedy &Bro. . lati:l2l asrss ma 1 I awnsivr, COMMISSION . M E RCHANTS, - • Alvb iiritiese " 31,0178, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, le., &c., S4l)/Liberty Vt., ifittabiargh, iny2,42tX • • L.J. BLANC/3611RD, Wholesale and !tetell Grocers, N0.,31m ,PENN !STREET. J. AAJIII. MC/4NX & * Ural j COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers eaAiN and P RO DUCE GEN ERALLY: No. 141 WATER ,EET, above Smlthdeld, , Pittaburgh.„- - ; lab, • FETNER & ARMSTRONG, PoßWaltatirGliiiD Winn 114104 For tke'sileofroir, eisin; Eric Sutter ' Seeds; Dried_Fraik.and Plrodtice generally,- N0../R MARKET MEET, corner of First, PittaTitirtp." fe22sus QUOINAHER & LANG,. Whotea sale dealers In drocerles, Flour, Grain, Pro duce, Provlslons. Plah,rCheese, Salt; -Carbon lac _Nos. 17* and .174.W00L,1 E . i'X'WST, near Liberty street: Pittsburgh, PA; neentss JOHN I. HOUSZ. tr. /1017 8 / I .' 40/1111 /6 ' HOUSE B11014_ 9 _• SUC" insert; to JOHN I. MUSK& Ca.; Wholesale racers mid Commlaalom,Jklerehauta. -Conte.r Smithfield arid Water Streets:Pittsburgh; Pa. c1Yoi:1138" LIBERTY • STREET,Vittsburgb4 Pa,„ CoMmhislon Mer ani and Wholesale Dealer In. Country Produce, Grooming and Plttsburgh Manufactures:: Cub ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for,Produce gait itrOBT. KNOX I ;4 • , •'` • KNOX & SON, . COMMISSION aIfERCHANTS and denied iii FLOUR, GRAN L FEED and PRODUCE GENERA L Y, No ,79 DIAMOND, opposite City Ball, Allegheny City, VEAVCRAWFORD, CO2IIIIIIISSION .MERCHANT IN PIG. META____I3LOOMik ,WROUGHT SCRAP MON,' .rmE BRICK AND CLAY,__ _&e. Warehouse and °Mee, Nos. 388 and 386 -PENN STREET.: Storage Atrashed.. • ,- Consignments solicited- - - .oca . . BAI &.. PAT.TON, Wholesale Grocers, 'Ccornutasionifercbantil And ..)ealera An Produce, Mout, Bacon, Cheese , Mob, Carbon and Lard 014" Iro_ Mum. Cotton Yarns and all , PittaArgrab ManufactOres generadi . 11 and 11* BECOnW STREET, Pittsburgh. JB. CAI I / I FIELDa: MISSION la - FORWARDING atzu.oHANTSi and Wholesale Dealers In WesternteserveSheese ‘ Butte?, tatod, •-Pork; Bacon,. Floor. -Fisk Pot; and Pearl, Ashes. and 011 s, Dried. Fruit and Produce generally. Nos. 144 and 146- Front. street,. Pitta JOHN SIMPSON. WALLACH. pOHIP'rOIIikWALLALCA WHOLE. SALER ROCERS AND PEDRO = DEALERS, . 0 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburth: • - 1&12:r58 r PROFESSKINAL. Commander. ... . . JOS. A.'BUTLER, ALDERMAN LID POLICE KAM:MATE • Once, nct WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITD3BPROH..PA. • Deeds . Bonds, 'Mortgages, Acknowlerts,- Depositions, Collections, arid all other le t mate Imaluess executed promptly. . :u9 SAMUEL MeNIASTE..RS, ' As.mmalsie.Ar, Ex-011icito Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Once. GRANT STRZET, opposite, the' Cs. thedral, PIWBBURGH. PA. Deed., Bonds. , Mortftgea. ' Acknewiediebteuta, -Depositions, and all Leval Business executed with promptuels and dlapatcb.- . mine. EIUSTACE S. MORROW, • .A.T.a*Eitar.A.*„ • Ex.oFncio .rawricr MC PUCE AND POLIOIC.MAGIMULTIL • t• OFFIg. NO; 7:8 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGS,,PA. _Deeds. Bonds, Maprau AcknoWledguients. Depositions and AM Le new executed with • romPtness and dlepat . - min) . , , A Amiga% justice of the Peace, • , _ CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE ie INSUNANCE ACM' CARSON AITREEt ..EASTIIIII.III2IOIIA.M. • Collection of naafi ikicited and otoimilY *WWI- WILLIAM atFUILIES, JUST#OF tHEttIictrONVEvANCER; &c., oinoe - . cralsow, num, neiris opposul tie 'Path's; Deimri, 80111311 ITPISBUIVOL awaited tit 1411 cuctAncomPtl7.sttendn ed to. A ncentazip iftwur4Elt s A.MtittPrialit-AiMRX.AW• . No; 98 11:IFTIr . spe:2lo:dii DANIEL, D.S. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN' 07FICE A ND 'mtemritcr., No. Gis t spaxxii V• S. FERGUSON, eJ • 1 Asenti. ATTPRN.XY7AT:W s szecint rt.ooi,Pitiirr ' _TOH?i . • „ ArrOitlint-ALT-I.AVIT. OflieeeUilffiinieled Street, (OPtodtis the g;ourt Boxtm6 t~i~Sii~ <~ r .: . .**cgpip4-4il-4164 Street` • No. 09 ' Dlamond • . . uktAndl. PA.- Hi : !:' ELiCIULEX4I4 " • ATtbRNEY; COUNSELOR; At LAW, ,No . ,6lo, Ciiantgl,treet s . . DiY24;b2S ,T01172----8111t411%i r• • . • . , 1:1•• •••• Foracir ! mmuipsitTz. t - - - bioellfi imn mitt opoik tfi• - disits, instittesh 4 . pa. -1 mew sox Atitnowletiginenta. Deposition,* sod Le tad+ , nova executed promptness and diva • 4 011 EL : C•MVIDOBIB4i 15 ATTORNEY AND CO.UNSPIOR AT LAW , . ' • • I Nc:4 l 7'44:llt.higtioaet. , • • •.; • Donittte*inii Arrears of Pa 7 oolleetodi ;_ Ro - -tummy, ---- ----- . , ArEwinintoung *omit!. -;:5;1::-/ . . ,1 01 ii i . fitfia ,Rgatairil Ps4'-101 ff; r. . iter r at eigit__.....,,... a BWP. At Tll ai Strio . ArroglaraaMtc - ' • 1 , . , 1 e.i. °••-t . - s.t ' . ) . .. 4 ' . 1 r../'44 MIS . • . PITTSBURGH. PA. N0:,87 Fifth etreeth PiTiSIOUEUE Jprrnmrsalr, r&.-. = RATLRoans COliliEl GltW.Mm!al Oil and alter THURSDAY. Nara .11t1i, /868 Prams will arrive at and depart from the Depot. cor 14er,of Grant and Water streets, as follows: • • - - Depart. A. tO aad from rniont`n. 7:00 .X. 0:00 P. Arrive, If• "McKeesport Aon namodt , n.ll:oo A A X. 2:00 P. X. EX.: to and from Uniont,n. 3:00 P. M. /0:00 A. it. Welt Newton Arrotamod'it, 4:30 P. X. 8:36 A. X. BAadclock's Accommodat'n• 6:15 P. X. 7:50 P. 7/4 Night Ace. to to a me n d A. nd o:3o P. X. 6:40 X. iiitinflay Church Train to a frent,Weirt NewtOn 1:00 P. X. 10:00 A. X T or Licilets apply t 3 W.B. 870u7. Superintendea R . EM . G, A nibs LLEIREUMN 'VALLEY RAILROAD.R I AMMEI Y DIRECT ROUTE. TO THE OIL REGIONS. :igeowingthrongh to Venango City 'without change of cars—Oersecting with trains' 'East and Reston the Warne. : £ Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic & Great .Western.Rallways. Shortest and quickest rou ll te to Oil City and Franklin, and all points in the Oa an er April 26th, 1888,_Passenger Trains will leave from and arrive at the Pittaburgh Depot, corner Canal and Pike Sta. as follows: Nail to and f'm Van. City. 7:00 A. M. 6:13 P. X. Express _ 10 : 40r. m.12:23 A. Me 13radrs Bend Accommod , n 3:00 p. M. 10:20A. It. Soda Works Acta:ova , 3:301...m. First Hutton Accomo:Pn... 8:50 A. M. 11:40 A. M. Second. Hutton Accomod% 12:001 M. > 3:85 P. Sunday Church. Train leaves Soda Works at 8:00 A. M.,- arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. at.. Re. turnips, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 p. m., arriving Id Soda Works at 2:85 P. M. ' • BLACILSTONE Sup't. W. A P. ROPE Ticket Agent , • atom ... . ........... PITTtIBU • Si. AND • 0124 1 E1W- t i • • From. June 7th, 1.868 Ind arrive at the Union time, as follows: ,• • . Chicago Ex t . kste ... 303 a m Cleveland/ix.. 3:03 am Eille&Egnsl.l 7518 am Cl., 4,Whislll , l 15:13 a in Chicago :6:58 a m ,Cb LeaxoEx_... . 9143 a m CI. WA1gEx...1:43 p CtitctO 11:58pm Wh. Erie Ex. 4:48 pn. Depart from Allegheny. N.Brig, VaAe. 8:58 am It t ia am • Rocheite.r. 51:23 p m Wellirv'eAce.: B:43pm Leetydale4f:3•l - . All/a m N. Bligt:n . 533 pin N. Bri 6:2lipm Leetsdale' " A10:40.P111 1.58t4 Chi r,41:33 a. in. C hi • • • o • jet -• • F. It. MYERS MS' PAR itaxdo nun. . CHARDS OP ITME.T-On -and, after, SUNDAY May 10th; MIST; trains will leave and arriv e at the Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: Mall'Exprea .Irsiet Line a. in: 7 iig tn. last — tipresa 2:50 p. m. 11:20 a. m. Mixed Way 6:10 a. m. 7:05 p. m. kleDanaldlAcc. , a, No. I-11:40 a. in. 3:05 p. m. Stenneaville.AccommoWn. 3:50 p. M.. 0:30 a.' in. McDonald , ' .Acc , n, No. 2.. 5:25p. m. • 5:20 a. m. pBrr(3274No77cs.—Sunday Expresaleaves at 1:30 DmaG4 - arriVing in Cincinnati at 0:00 a. tn. the next o rng. , The in 9tlge' a in.' Ti4ln leavei daily; Sundays and 31ouda7saaaepted, and makes closeconnectlona at Newark for - Zanesville - and points on Sandusky, Maaedeld£ Newark .11. S.F. SCULL, General:Ticket' Agent. Steubenville._,, • 'kENNSYLVAN CENTRAL RAILRO. and after June 7th. riveittand depart from th Washington and Liberty s Mall Train—. 1:15 a m 'Past Line. .. . . 1:40 ain Wall'a No. ... 8:20 a m Latrobe Acen . 7:50 a mi ,ft 0.2.. 8:50 a m •Cincinnati E 2. 0:10 a m Johnstown Ac.15:35 a m Baltimore Ex: 1:011 p m Philos-Express 1:20 pm Wall's No. 3, - 2:15 pm - Bmddficks,NO / 5:50 p m WWI% No. 4. 7:15 pm Altoona AOO.ll. mid Emigrant • 930 Jim. • . 'The Church Train - leaves Wall's Station every Sunday at 915 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at-10:05 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. and aryls - eat . W a ll ' s Station at 2:00 p. m. *Cluelimati Express leases dolly. All other trains daily except Sunday. For fanner information apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will .not s'ameany risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. panel, andllmit their responsibility to One Hundred. DOll.Oll. - All - Baggage exceeding that anionntla value will be at the risk of the owner, nn- leas taken by special contract._ - • .2 . ismeral ED p W eri AD d H e T n W A TG It L oo IA naP a. cm ul v v , " 4 : z ri ENAri ~,m j illossogif_ , aliD.--fit if rhosul,aftor Stay . 3.6114.1067, the-Pas. _sen ..Trains on, the Western Pennsylvania Rail ros6.. farrive at anerdepart :from .the Federal, Street Repot,tlegheny City, as follows: 6priugd'e Neel 035 a M Nail . 6:15 ant "earli IPA-I . ;S:l5 a m Freenort No.l .9:10 ata fra„ .10:15s. m Sharpb , g No. I 11:20 ant NM!: %MIS pm Express ' • - - I:sopm 'ire e . W. .: Net 2, .I:ig pm Wilma 'e No 1.3:50 jpm Nan. ...... -....', ' : p m eeportNct. 2 • 6:05p at' "spring4Paille . 2 7:10p SuringtPe Not EMS pm , , _ *boys trains run daily except sunday. • ': The Church Tnati leaves , Allegheny Junct. Oval - L Sunday:at TAII a. in., .reaehing Allegheny City at . 9:512 a. vac , Beturning v leaves , Allegheny, City at- . Min V. nu and arrive at Allegheny Jenct. at. 914.5 ~ CONMSFAmmr Txmcgre— For sale in of 'Ewe e it e r - Ihnu lmit..., , Allegheny. City, Chestnuts t, Nerrise tt, Fine Creek , Etna, and Sharpaburg, and enly on the trains Mopping at Stations spe. The , ll.ol4.beeffling Allegheny Clti,it 6:15 2.; in. and 11000 P. IL make direct. connection et Freeport with Wa4M i lne ordtages for Butler and Hannah*. towtu li tickets may ' be - purchased .at the : Wheel NO:. a • ;Clafr Street, near the Mispension Reid/ft, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. nit itilther lafortnationayr r to ~ , . t: i ' :-... ,"::. .: 1 ) ' the Western Pennsylvania Railroad .will not is. nine any risk for Baggage, ceicept , for - wearing sp.; Mre lli r* * 4ll.lr+ relAlr b1ig11.2&451 ce ledbErri h e s his osolt immdue will be at the r ase isk°Attie owner, tux. ' L a eisum Iniapewd contract.. • • - ..,.. 7 ~• EDWARD 11. 'molt ' - WILLI A M S.'-vrenehal Superintendent, -AlUxltits.- .' Q - 11110 la %Moms I,ji amUTIEIi I_ - .1 UNION PACIPIC,RAILWAY, Tbe. EIBORTZEIT MOST RELLLBLE 801722 from tbn Zast to all palms In 9 0 1 0 ;1 11 /0, ' rittth,. Arixona, Wariiiimitou t New mextea, . . Oregon:' - ' " Two. Tratai leßie state Leavenworth obia4lll (Ennagajta excepted, state _ tine of todne of nairsA2 front St. Louie, and Hanntintl and j from, (miner, te . iaco rn:m eting , at 'Law t= LAY'it co dl fIkToRMwJA.g tar 11fttna f Sor trick west RLTV PAO - 31241111#33114 '113.111XIZ , OISE; And liiD946 ; . t he Territories, 4. 4 44iktimmiiiiiimi:tar-wszia;y- inn %mamma tot Fort Uelon,BeeMirort, "eh Alen ieftlases- re, and all Obtain .egoesk and - adettloelliareellieteiteek end =Wawa e v r ar r„W z rutiZ rues VII ra. iatuu.vg= o l3:74o. Su..lextailect w sae zee Artntartforirtket. via THE IIMO C EAdTIMS VI DOro.I4:',VNION' PiLOW.:O #ALLw A y VL 94 9 N. • - • • H. 134 . *hiit erlidtielittipaid,"Skket Age= ; EsoAtTilaatatEatps rawTo , tellelairtPoov As in k Waii4. - . . ••, t t ..riZe;-• •"--, ' o, Wift ' ONUl RWlErlitiat:ArrE ll l, . irt ilitallir allitibis ;21"4"111' 'lrM alaa ' " l - thitna , VI . . i . cih IA• ' . rat 11.•111217.A. .' - ' 1 4 111 ft r , . •1ii,,..; ,45..N,„tii, ;"Alat• lliti4friag'.. l,— *. -. 17 : 71 - . r, inf°llll "... - - , : : 1 -49411010 4.101, ctili4l4-,1% .:. si l isi•i lt .r.,,,,j,, ai ivroorviL *, Vlei a l A , , ~. ~..t , .; r , r krria, 1 ~.fioi 4 9r,91 111 .4. 1 49 1 ). !..,. ` '` ''' 'histOft*Ptttebeiliv. Neartionoolte a .0. Wattaigggi • AYN & CHICAGO.R. PITTSBURGH R. R. trains will leave from Depot, Port% side, City Chicago . Ei set f eleverand'Ex. 2:011 am .Wheeling a In Wheeling Ex. 11:08 a ma St. Lonls -Ex:. 3:33 pm Cl. & Wh`g Ex 4:3Bpm Erie le Yg"n Ex. 0:13 pin Chicago Ex.. . 4:23 pm Ct.& 7:04 pal Arrive in Atiepheny. N. Brigt`rt Ac. 7 03a N. Brixt'n " 828 ant "" 53 krit New Castle " 10 13 aaz Leetsdale " 913 win , •'t 1 43pm ts 08 pat 17, Brigva , i• Leetsdale 2 ale .7 . 1 4 03 pm 38 Z.xliress leaves daily. p • . xpress arrives daily. ;, General Ticket. Agent. , • .Depaet.:" Arrive. - 3:15 a. la:. 4:35 p lA WOKM§N 1667. Trains will sr e 'Union Depot, corner of .treets. as follows: . • Deptirt. Day Express.. 2:25 a m Wall's No. 1:. •6:30A m Mall 'Train . . . 7:50 a irk rCincinnati:E . :ll:4o a in Wall's No. 2.. 11. 51 aES Johnstown Ac. 305 pin Braddooks Nol 4 00 pm Phila. Ex"res. - 4 50 pin , Wall's a. 510 p . m Wall's No. 4.. • 6 05 pin Fast • 7 3O p m Latrobe Ace'n 6 50 p BwissraleAc'nlo 50 pia Ai:AN =MON c6t 3 . ll4 F*BuMll4endine.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers