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'.: ' 7'`:: f - ', 1...`'. 14T r iT O l..F.);•' : :: \ \;•'\ 71 iff 1/1/4"."icl-Tsi-.7'.-.::, __ „,.: _...,,, . . . .. , .. .fall .*.. .i .'• Vl' 5' i-r- ..i , ..".1 - :s; , ,f 1:.; , 5. =-lippij llti •''''. l '' ', :. t. , -i, ` ` ,: i .;,-.' • ..,„ - ...ti,!.r:t.- - -- , z.,.'..-_,.. , ,,,,,..,. ... i':,:::..-"•-•^Ctai 1,1" ,.. i '''' , ~ ~ • 1 ,7 11 ,MP . .. 5 '. 1. --_ - 7. _7l - IAIIIIIIIIII : : "Ar - , : * -7 21117 7 1 _, A,, -...:.. .z' ? - , .. , - . 1 illit . 1 . b.'3" 4 :. f i : 7,. - . -.:..,.; . L '- .:: 11\ A: : 1- !; _7 lll4llk i iestoi___L _.._: l :-.. : 7 : : illiff..."•ll',::----aggl:-.1.- ) ,, :5 . ' , k .--. I . ' '''. lk . \. --, ... 7:77j i r t ih : , ; ‘,; . . . . • - - . . : =EMI M El id -R YOLITAIE'IaXXIII. T.IIIITIOX. tvirmilcirrE,,crawas. M. ti:)RTIETH CONGRESS. isenadon on the Bill to Admit **contracted litotes—The Tax Bill-Dlr.. Woolley~ i the Con teMPtuons, *fitness, Expresses '`fliia Willingness 10 Ping" e Him self= Bill for the Admission of I:AnaillaiSPasseditnell Sent to the E : y Telegraph to the Pinal:envie gazette., WAsturtorox, June 8, 1868. The joint resolution to restore Captain Juries F. Armstrong to the active list in the navs 7 pistud. - • • Mr. VAN WINKLE, from the Commit-, tee.on Pensions, reported adversely the till declaring marriage shall not work forfeit ure of .widowe'... pension s. A ii.sOintleip of inquiry was adopted, whether tiny fiirthei legislation was neces sary ttr.:secure greatei facilities at local stations for poet officailn/argeeities. • Mr. DAVIS introduced`a bill to facilitate the decision.of questions of conilictingja-, risdiction betwee n the Cuited:States and ‘, States by , thei3upreme Court. _Referred to the Judiciary,Couraittee.....„ Mr. ; CORBETT• introduced : u thorize the establishment of custom ports of delivery on the Pacific coast of the United States. Referred to CoMinitee on Com - - • - merce. Mr., HENDRICKS . called up the, bill for the relief of certain .navid. contractors. It gives additional'remuneration to a number of firma engaged, in -the construction of iron clads. Considerable 'discussion en , At theexPiratiewof the morning hour, • the President 'pro 'fent, announced the special-order, the bill to admit North Caro lina, South Carolina, Georgia, Lohisiana and Florida and thepending bill laid aside. " • Mr. : CONKLING, -by permissiOn,,called up ; the joint resolution to provide for the, removal of the 'suit" iketibig Inthe Circuit ' Court of Jefferson - county, West Virginia, to the Circuit Court:of the United States. It relates to a portion of the Harper's Ferry property, the sale of which was recently autrized by Con!gess. Mr. HENDRICKS opposed the • resolu tion,'and moved to refer it to the Commit tee on Judiciary. The motion was rejected, ' 4 . 1 - %, the resolution adopted, and the considers- tion of the special order resumed. .. -The question was on the amendment of Mr. Wilson, to include Alabama in the pro-, ....visions of the bill. ITICKEia&- and, -BAUIISSURY' !poke against the bill, denying • that Con • gress had any power ta impose conditions : - upon the admission of States. Mr. MORTON warned the two last speak- ers not to commit thernselVes in'this mat = ter, of negro suffrage, as on the 4th - of July next the prospect is that they will be re placed on the platform of universal suffrage' and universal amnesty. (Laughter). Mr. NYE suggested- erhaps they would Keep off the platform while the cars were, in motion., , Mr. MORTOY,'after some remarks; gaVe; notice that when in order he would move 'insert v"additietiel:-?;,Pravisions; first, making it the duty of the officers com manding the district to allow all officers elected under the new. Constitutions and not disqualified to be installed within 120 days after the election, and to protect them in the discharge of their duties, said offi- cers to be deemed provisional only and subject 'to United State* authority until 1 the provisions of this act - are 'coMplied 'with; second, providing-that - incase any person - shall be'elected to offic who would be disqnalifiedunder the Constitution when adopted, the person receiving' the ; next ,highest number of votes,shall be' entitled to discharge the duties util anew election is held under the - provisions 'of the Consti tution of the:Statit. Ile explained that the first provision IS intended to meet `the case of Gen. Buehatain'S action iri regard to the . Chairman of the Louisiana:Board 'of Regis tration; the second to render ineligible new officers elected who would become ble as aeon as the 14th article becomes part, of the Constitution. _ - Mr. ;DOOLITTLE asked leave to' have iettira, memorial, liigtfed 'Harry, R.'Austin,. on brhalf A,IFEto nt citizens ot [Notc.„—Mr. Austin is the editor of A Dem °crate weekly jbiitdai in Washington - de yoted to the litterßefs of ,wOrkiiignien.] Objections Were made, by. Messrs. CON.; "NESS and WILLIAMS, and the Senate re fused to, receive the papg—twenty-nine, to twenty-one.- t • t. : f 1 I •.ti i ..,: A s iouion Mr. WILSOMS atnendmcmit was urged. : ; Mr.- TRUMBULL Awe to may to some points made in the debate. He called , at tenticialtOthirtakt theatigjat vas different at the time of the vote on the Alabama con atitution,and its terms were not. complied VW c T, f T eig tW er rattoit votes in favor of the constitution than did Alabataa,,witich, gtitte,,lta,ying 170,000 votes regtkitarsdivb-hist i Kai 18;000 ln favor? of it, 100,000 staling< away from the ,1 polls, as authorized bit ' 2 l o trr of Congress. He said :'wour.dri:St :raffatok leB l 44l l fon over again to R&M. her under - those circurtistann ees• - and Jegleietket:rWhiat .Pe°Pi e' would never approve. He gnotea • offlcist Agae. of4(linterak,Elrant's report of - May 12th, 1868, "to show that in all the States but Georgia . more than a Insjority of trillehiteiregrvaial spire Atiltita ta lavor of tfie - Conatitiftloil; litid — iti'lGedreht 'the mote., fellAhOrt era majority, but 748; while in • Alabama'..' , -''lthett .18,009 - -. He, agidti tirged the hazard of hieing As present bill ] =e i g Alittsuusitt it, aturthe propriety_ nit action:..liC the, matter: af • bane until ',owe bill was 'brought forward. He would be ready - to eotimiritte in Any leg islationnecessary to meet the oonditiezt.of. \•) _ tet3east4rdad com the , *flirt T vote an the nventlon in Alabama with the vote on the Constltti *WO caber Statist. Mr Truzusinurm read the report ain, - whiehenitalltoe stated to be, the vo t e On the Constitution. 11 II Ativ tl eilEithir4ertert, that tho:Yg - on Tmistists Lionlr nva Staes hut South Carolina was smaller in: pro poltlbn t han In.Atiehame, arttinrocoeded ,to -read the %three of votes foi the CorwoUtiono udd the' registered votes. He then read the antes on the; ratification" of; th°,COnatitntion of .Georgia end Alaban* and oalltn g attention to the fact that in four cennties of Alabama therit tbittniso pleeticina, and allowing thi9P: the. proportion of reg. istration belonging so those mint&'be elalmed his assertion that the vote of vas larger in p7OPW .tion to the reglitered votes than that of EINE the - other five win; correct. r He again urged the necesssty.ofadmltyng Alabama, claim= ing she stands as itrongirif not stronger, in favor of reconstruction-than .the others, save South Carolina. • 'Mr. STEWART took; the Settle' view, claiming she is fairly entitled to admission. That thereia no reason for diSeritninating agai_ l 4'`her, , and that loyalty in South canons reqiiires and should have en countOment. • - During the discussiOn the signing, of the -billte , adsreit Arliansas was announced by the chair. It goes to the President. - Mr. HENDRICKS moved to adjourn. The CHAIR laid before the .Senate a communication from the 'President traneW witting a communication from the Poit. master General in reply to, a resolution of inquiry for a copy of correspondence in reference to thq new postaltreaty. Referred to the Committee on Postoffices. AdjoUrned: • : - - • _ H9USE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 13iih3 and resoliitil3ns 7ere` ISresened for reference aefolleyF Ref lthig, the` Judielary -Coi--mAttc iquesting iudiciary _Jrquitttee to' inquire the cause of delay in the tiial of deffersion Davis, and whether any lagials= tion is necessary to insure speedy trial. To iaterthe laWs of Old os to the man ner of electing Representatives is Con greys. Making appropriations for the payment of the reward•for the capture of Jefferson Davis. • • • • • L. . Authorizing the Secretary of the Treas ury ttisell. at 'public auction certain prop. arty of the United States at Mackinaw. • To regulate trade on the Northern frontier, ••• • ; • ro extend homestatid laws to minor children of deceased soldiers. Aiathorizing the construction of a rail road bridge over the Missouri river,. To provide for the inaugurution of State officers in Arkansas, North Carolina, South, Carolina, I;ordslans, Georgia and Alabama., . To carry into effect certain stipulations with the Choctaw Indhms. Arai:ming• pensions and' hcimesteads to the orphan children of Brigadier General Chris. Carson. • ) *Tr. authorize 1 4 . - of tlie•Treasu- Ai authorize the Secretary %. _ ry to sell the Onstout House and grounds at Toledo, and famish anew site for &Cu* tom House and Post Office there. To control bounty claim awnts.! ' , The call of States for billseingcoinplet ed, the next business in order was the con sideration of the resolution offered last Mon day by Mr.ltobinson,and which Mr. Stevens, of Pqaneylvania, then moved to lay on the tableoislollows: ' ' • .Resolved ? That in the judgment of the irons° the bonds and other securities issued by the United States, and ,which are ex empt by late- lkotn- State 'Mid' Municipal taxation, ought to be taxed for National purposesiarammdrk stibstqr!tisdly equal to the average tax imposed in the manner 1 41 States,for,l urpqacs, in such a manner as may sid hilly equalize taxation, the tax to be de acted from coupons as they become _due; • and' that the Cordniitteei:br Ways and Means tie instructed to report a , bill for the purpose above specified. The vote resulted—yeas 16, nays 100. Mr; BLAlNE:moved.fo. refer the resoln tiOrt tothoOrdninittee of Ways - and Means. Mr. HOLMAN sale that would defeat the' object of the resolution. He called for the yeas and nays. • - The vote resulted—yeas 88, nays 34. ' " So the resolution .was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Mr. WASHEMNE, Indiana, offered a joint resolution allowing twenty per cent. increase of salaries to employes in the civil service at Washington. A, - ;_rnetison by Mr. , BELEYE to table it was rejected-46'egaliiit 71. `Pendingthe vote on seconding:the pre vious .crestion ,the morning boar expired, andthie resoltitiori *exit over till neXt Mon-, day. The . SPEAKER • •presented correspon dence relative to the - visit i of the. Chinese Embassy to the House, and on motion ap pointed Messrs. Schenek,./3anks and Wood , a committee to receive the EmbaSsy. t • On:motion, of, hir;'BROOK 8,, the Senate watt invited to titterie the'reception. The Conference-report ma the Arkansas bill came np and the House refused to table it--37 to 102—apd it was adopt ed without a dkiision. The SPEAKER said. behad,been request ed tolieSent sectinuininidation from C. W. Woolley:.- • - : ! ,--.- Mr. BUTLER objected, but , subsequent ly offered a'retolution that any communi cation from Mr. Woolley or his counsel be placed in the hands of the Speaker to be sent to the Conimittee on' Investigation for examination. • .3fx. - RROOKRinade"the:point of order 'that the'Connitittee had not been in session for some days. There wits no quomm of it in the city, thersibie,llieqYcimmittes could not have authorized the resolutibrr.' , 1.4 . TheeIII ) 7 , AKED OVerczded Ate point of order and the House—SO to 36—voted to re ;dye the resolution. Mr.'HOLISIAS made the peint of order that as the resolution referred to a °omen. nicationithelattershould be.read. , The SPEAKER over - ruled this. and after some debste,, under,the operation of the prevlotHe questleti:therssolittion'vhatadopt ed—t34 to 51. , Mr. ELDRIDOE moved to suspend the rules for the purpose Of introducing a parggr from Mr. Woo4,4l v tich f should U read, and that ha - -hhtiselt of con tempt he be disc arge . %....‘ , rchie,Lba o „Wused-rll4 t 039. , •.. mi. 'Elt fhtsdinted a resat intion tbat i. Ti'oolley be ordered ito the bar of the House and allowed to :pm•ge htmselfiofrconkanp; Which was agreed to. Mr. SCHENCK moved the House g into Committee Of the Whole on the tax b ill. 'Slii.'Hildit. appealed :4to-11h 1 Schenck to allow him to ask the House to make the Alister anitiltOor -appropriation bill the special order ibr Friday next. • . -,Mr., NWSllTM,dectined to consent, to an ything be; , • " ~ 2 : (44 , , oil: until after the tax 'I. wma ' ' ' 43 ad sag gagw„ „kir y ,44,lom , that !, made thb ital order Ana* , f t time. I , Mr..l4l4Wasid . 4 -Wilt de no t h i n g ,flUelk and ve the gentleman not ce that we will sand MS tax' bill to' thii Committee be. fore a week. ,- ‘..• --, .• 7 - • : - , -'l , ---/ ... • - . ~ •.: ~.litr. INGEISS011;--yniphigg n norder .4 . iitiel I .o ... ' . '..P."'Rtiitsiikinted murti... cation,ham the, Seoretam ot , , with s 'repuifromeeneral Heneaff, i In rebranpe, to government aid for the, .1114,041 Poise" 141(13.F04tvtuo• on Pa d hb a ti. c - ' , Me•NAN volts; of tivifailefrom th e- Committeeeri 71 Ship Ship Canal; TaPortot -1. .. 13 4i ci tri t et ( thp CM Of 'a • oziSr farsit, IMP aroun bi, fagifo ferret/ to the Committee of the' hole, on the. State ofthe Unio n ,. ~ . , . , ~ ogrigil6 rniei")di3lraf°MtibrtWlitht:n4aLli-Pbitl'ireed'rit:-edl'-t°t:':-'°t"m: ...yiwis nuartar of an : bons .- afterward s - afterwards /k NLDRIDGE moved the Committee rbert ' ad the Witaellaildr.Mool.yowas at the bar of the Hottee. -' 1 -, • " ' __ .-:1 , ..- -11 1 herAbblitilttea seeeraingl 1' rose and OK gergeallt•FnsTusw ent witness, t tlawl . 1 .• R ks i 3 8 r-• ' '-,'•,',.. • .., VMS liddrellangliritttkoth t leatl to ,latt thit;'"WolutiOn -adopted :ib y „ the: Uguie Wit, days tam(' him tf 'e- - I ,, tus ready to mar e sue statement' us would lIITTSBITROH, TUESDAY . ,purge him of contempt of the , authority of the House?' • Witness:"l,am, sir; (presenting a paper from his pocket,) thisis my answer." After considerable debate 'as to questions. of order, Mr. SHELLA.BARGER offered , a resolution requiring Mr. Wooley to state whether he '.was now willing to go before the Committee: of Managers of the House and make answer to We questions for re .fusal to answer which he had , been ordered into custody, had if so, he shall have such priyilege as soon as the Committee can be convened; and.that he in the meantime re main in custody, and in case witness de-'. clinedx,.he shall be recommitted for contin, :mum of 'contempt, and' tio • remain; until ready to make such answti. - Mr. BROOKS made the point of order tliat fonr members of the' iftmmittee were absent from the city, and the adoption o; the resolution would detain the witness in ftLrther imprisonment in a dungeon. ' • The SPEAKER overruled 'the ',point, as "thellouile 'had anthdrized - the' Ofirnmittee to investigate by a Sub-Committee. The resolution was adopted-93 to 32. The SPEAKER then, addressing the wit. ness, said—Mr. Woolley, lam instructed by the House of Representatives to _pro znind.to youflubstion,sAre yon now ready to testify before - the said Committee , and make answer to questions for the refu -43a1 to answer which you are now in custody? Mr. Woolley, the witness . —Aa lily client has testified in reference to those questions, end as Itake it to be the order of the'llouse that I shall answer them, I will d 0136. The SPEAKER—The order of the House then will be executed, that the witness ap pear beforellui Committee as Wirt as it will be convened, and that in the meantime the witnessAllall remain in.the custody of the Sergeant-it-Arms: The proceedings:in regard toMr. Woolley having thus terminated, the House again went into Cominittee on; the Tax . Bill, and immediately thereafter took a recess till 7:30. . XvlLfi - liio.Bltsslatt.—The fifty:third sec tion, in reference .to appeals from assess ment and taxation, being before the Com mittee, several amendments of detail wore offered and discussed. •. In the discussion of an amendment offer ed by Mr. JENUKES -to %the fifty-seventh section, proposing to give to the District Attorneykthe power to discontinue sults in qui tam actions or enter a voile proecqui in criminal cases, Mr. SCHENCK argued against the striandreent, and stated that the "whisk t eY ring" had Its - aiders and abettors Its often in the District Attorneys as in all other officers of the law.: He , had- -in his mind •one proof ihrnished to : the keotnntittee of Ways and Means—the case of a judge in one, of the federal courts, ,and of a district attorney, who had divided "black mail" between thern, 'which was the consideration for their letting off some sixty culprits arraigned before the court. He trusted that it would result vet in an impeachment of that judge. The Committee ought not to throw, ovary, thing into the power of district attorneys. He should hold a veto over all these cases. He was perfectly willing that in a proper case a district attorney should have his remedy against any passibility of fthe de. feat of the ends -of justice, by continuing his case If witnesses are spirited out of the way .g,.114024111.1t, Minot kpuble be frequently with gran juries, or ofileerei, by whom they were selected. He knew =that was the case in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, and ho presumed it was so `everywhere. The amendment was modified by strik ing out the power tUenter a uolle proswei and agreed to. Mr. PRICE offered an amendment to the fifty-seventh section, providing that in cases of compromises no less sum than twice the amount of the tax shall be re, ceived. Agreed to. Amendments as 'to matters of 'detail, - prinelptdly legal technlealltieS, 'Were offer ed to that and subsequent sections, and discussed under the five minute rule. Some were agreed to and some rejected. -After disousalon of, the tall as, far as the seventy-fifth section, the, Crommittee rose and the House adjourned until 11 o'clock to-morrow. : ;New York Clty blotters. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., NEW Youx. June B.—There is a strong .and growing feeling here in favor of nom , 'nating -: Cliase . for the : Pretidency'in the Fourth of July Convention. The Albany Argue, Brooklyn Eagle, and ether staunch Democratie sheets, are working for the Chief Justice. Indeed, he will carry in the Convention the bond party of the Demo °rats solid, with Belmont the •: leader. Got. Seymour la - now said 'to favor Chase and Cass; The hotels are preparing to reap a rich harvest from the vast crowd of poli ticians that will swarm the city next month, and orders for rooms are ,already arriving • , Mr. GoUldlng; who - wOn the . rice of one thousand miles In as many hours, on Satur day, has been paid his two thousand dol lars,. MC has,notheen,aroused from sleep -yeti as bislatlgue Is so - gteat ;as ' , be, mak.e him sleep very heavily.7 - Surgeons exam ine the pulse every hour] The flesh is worn off his feet Ala - they are very much in flamed. - There were only : three liundred.and sixty iltitiviiost:Ye*, Pixt9Pg!'.3"..o44nt4e week previous. A woman named Hoenig, residing:, it', Yottenburg, N. Y., was charged, on ',M. deuce of aphysician nettled Leclerc), with beiinireaused the death of her husigandby. giving morphine to him. , .. A large increase was noticeable yester day in the number of arrests for violation of: :the ,excise, , law, . lbs., persons were brought before Justice . tranarield and eight bhfore Justice Hogran. •••They were allowed/ to give bail In 0100 each. .T, l lleprifOrcedient of the law has of late been Verybpr ; _ The piano makers' strike is M ad, the' ,employos. of: - Abeionly -faotory % which held. hat till - Priday" night luiving - rehumed work' en T a hor O ul lot ir eibtrite s &are . '" in a fair way of li g e tting.lll ai. the, i ir Tg agog , ..m .s le h meeld ha b v v . hig_agreed to prAV it; ' . 1* Threlkikera &Atka No; 1, and part also of ,1i0 j .,,2 and 3 are_ on a strike for. three do n&l'diere p er week; and the lednetion of a dars *boy to .twelve t hours's: If more 'ttintitmVorttttOU.the -- bakere in the city 34111 not tigretn_ kyteMidityi Julie 20th, the journeymen Mikes intend te - q up work in abody. The It4alliiir .. 'iMiiiiiiiigten't dispatch silks 'itifotheo bigairdifirt eland, Job t has come to Aight. On Wissday the Osage within* wan; fridneed." tradinione latalnfindd*, , tkm orkpartof, e Ocumthsion„ which 'll headed bitlielridiiiii' Connotations; Tay -. hkraessa eight million sores of land; on thUit reSsi4.lZen„Jor,firisity cents an acre, payable in fifteen years to a,,private wV, whine finmerous better bids were Made for -4111 # 40144 .:Pr 04,004,0',4 - 7 -- . -- *- - All Al Te te fil, pri.lo Og erY ti i -' My Teiegisrftr c Ina ti Wal t .1 ,'.l - .lz 12.1341,13X0Mr5i JuneerozwAlter RodC rs was_ arrested to.day, and cow' to v irik obtalhedtWethehilsWaita il dolt , „ (V I , within tWotitiontiSt 'Von" out :Al 1 . ,, che cks in the name ef -Broolarodr:litodgirs, whole sale shoe dealers, frohigibtrytstern BS 11orida Bank of this city. -J411 . E 4), 1,-1568... fiuITIOL ECM ~o~s` e~ ~.„ c Public Debt fitatiment C i ty 6treer7 Pre posed-trarill Regulations with' !Maputo -Resignation of •mY9sfnner toThns r Woolley • the Contumacious Witness, Submltsyand• w ill Purger Hinz- self of Contempt. By TelciiiisiWitie 4 'Pittetiuidli datette.) "` 4 1"VgAiiittitialiiiii, June 8, 1888. • :DEBT STATEMENT. • Debt bearipscobriniernat V,Crli, 827.841 80 Debt bearlimecnirefier interest 203,1170160 00 Matured 4.lia-1114 presented for . pay wont' .Debt Debt bearing no interest, la=3 Coln In Treasury Currency 111. Treasury Debt leu cub' td.Trea.sur7 The ijokt 'bearing debt has increased dar ing - May , 457 4 4W‘90: The seven-thirties *ere redueecisKOOPMeompbttild Interest notes reduced 519,701,710. The debt bear ing gold and currency interest, and the matured debt-not presented for payment, increased ;3,120,079. of which 51,920,000 consists of bonds issued to the Pacific Rail The coin Increased _518,681,098.64; road. currency decreased $11,104,983.51... Tbe en tire debt' is increased• $49,717,059.18, owing chiefly to heavy payment} of interest. - NEW CITY GOVERNMENT. • There mum, much excitement •: to-dap on he occasion of the formhig of the now eity government. : Certificates of election hav ing been given to Republican, and ,the re; tiring Mayor having cOrtificates to Conservatives, ,tho , ;two„ equally divided . bodies metinthe.AldermanicChamber, and each having elected ' a presid in g officer much confusion ensued:- The presence of a strong police force alone prevented vio lence.,A. Republican„ mpmber appointed to canvass the votet ihnidifeed the election of Sayles J. Bowen by eighty-three votes. This was persistently denied by the opposi tion.'-Bowen appeared Marv= sworn in by a Justiceof the Peace. When Mr. Bow en went to the - Mayor's 'office ho found the place locked, and acting under legal ad vice he sent "a farce of locksmiths who opened the doCis and - now has fall poe- . The-COMiervailve members of the Board of Aldertnewhave entered on the journal a protest against what they characterize as an illegal probeeding ou the part of the mi nority of the joint Convention in declaring Sayles J. Bowen, Mayor elect. They-fur tber protest against the two colored men as members from the First ward, as none but White male citizens, they say, are-entitled lb vest* In-the - Council. -Tho-liepubli atibettgli riot united in a protest, are equal. ly erapbatic In asserting the correctneas of their own course. It is not yet known hovi the troubles will be adjusted. PROPOSED TREATY' TARIFF Mr. Beaman's bill, introduced- in the . House, alloww admission into the United States, at a- . ditty of five - per .eent...cul vale - rein, of grain, flour and breadstuff's of all kinds, fish smoked and salted, green and dried 'fruit, fish of all kinds, poultry, but ter, cheese, maple sugar, Lard; tallOW, lumber of all kinds, round, hewed or sawed, but not otherwise manufactured, Bah , 013 4:*al t firewood, ; grindstones, rough and unfinished, the growth and produce of the Province of British' North America, provided similar, articles, the growth and produce of the United States, be admitted to the British Provin ces at a similar rate; and that all export duties}therein shall bo abolished. The nill also provides for the , free navigation of Lake 'Michigan by citizens of Canada, pro vided that a similar privilege be given cit izens of the United States as to the St.:Law rence and its water, and without distino -lion of tolls on canals; also for free transit of ' goods in bond from Portland to ' the Canadian' if similar privilege is extended to the United States from- Windsor or Port Sands, or other western points to Buffalo or other points eastward, and that free ports In Canada be abolished;' also' that the right of fishing near the shore, existing under the treaty of 1804, shalljgrgranted by the United States to said Provinces on the extension of the same privilege to the United States on the 'Gilt of, St. lawrence and the Great Lakes. No . part of the act to' go Into effect until the atlpulaticinaare mutually agreed to by the government of the Provinces and thelinited States. ME; ivooLLEr, THEISTr'NEEit3. The petition of C. •W, Woolley recites the facts ofble interrogation and imprisonment, ainl states that being relieved frims,lds ob-• ligation secreo bylhe - testimony of• his Sheridan Shook, on Saturday last? ' 'before the, Ocn mlo* he respectfully sub-, mils _the following answer to the , 'first, - question. That he did send the -dispatch , of • - t%elittrofilfayin'tudetviestionreferred tor designing thereb,Yisii'eqribet the said Shook , to place to his credit , with Messrs. Gillis,. i n a tvese4 co.,:thriAqmc - of tkip,ooo for your petitioner to obtain a reduction in whlaky, Tniregard toPoll9h ealdilitkePkeVlAVltereet ed, and ,which - had::_ - the subject:. :Of ,coaveraation - between Shook,and your peti tioner,without having arrived at any. nu ` derStiding astiopirodeedimptiherein; brit your petitioner belleired„he would be twilo. ling to aid te.i.P.Reesur Jarir k .V i n t im.' est, talidditiortnebee' Of 40 ; nape op d, absence of specific cap ons isadd- ( 4lsl46llloi.yriiir f.etitionersoya, such precautiops-, are ,eleleb 3 e r Ta xi - ' wry, in ,'OcirdiMdisadeif: l3 ''ter ph ig' order to avoid dbiclosure of private a=irS• to those who areliselthig,thierY , lie be li eves; tke -,ikteti k erliA.referred were snflidentiy'weir und jkitwee himself enditalittilstok, ha 'esisigs4 him be understood and apply .ma. commUnitiatioWitol-101 ,ePPrelerkttlidiP;' sect; but, that Shook - . your' petitioner Informed . act ; ,- ;sPOrt • said ' televimui, r 'Cr 'eitherqr them,' by -making ths-idapoitit..,,,or,furniabingl the! -treeleY Abe§ plet , t 41.4 your 'Pett"' lionee e 'that d telegrams .: had referenoe,.to , amy of !Palled !Palled' than as bereinbeibreletvoth °rent* to the trial of the Praia rmLart , i o e s of impeachment matured by .tbe, r lLbiise4VAPnitiettitifebiggrud. hint, riot: any allusion therein whatever. - Air. Woolley also acoon ts tar thodhqii-; AIRCO SIM .124090,..V0 1 Lhe,, gays' was spent on the private business• of his client, and part was handed to Ransom Van:liral irtlroriz,r;Kto..o44 tee-. y, tnese . Ming at the time be,!was ; giving it to Mr. Shook. lie denlek-sny disresPea troths lifetuienh Val and files an affidavit from Itantiom.'-vah kenberg, Robert Strong, Cornelius'-en dell and Mts.' IL' Shelley, fully setting forth the disposal of the money., • . . COMMISSIONER noLmNis RESIGNED. , . COMMISSIORer of Internal Revenue Rollins has written' a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury resigning the position, the resig nation to take effect on the , confirmation of his successor.„ A. 'BE: ITAL. Vonunander and Reglitra- Suit Decided. tßjtelegitiih tolheigitsburgiidizotte.) NEW OBESULESII,Juse B.—lnconsequence ,of the arrest of Mr...'Packardi on Saturday, , the-balance of thq : members of the Conven . tien, aod of the Board of .Re g sued yeaterday another Proclamation de; flouncing Gen: Buchanan arid' endorsing - Pahkard, and =consequently were arrested, this morning, but all released bypen. Bu chanan in obedience to telegram. In re leasing, them Gen. - Buelienan informed -them that should COnpliss..thil - to:legislate in the matter of the admission of Louisiana, they will be rearrested and brought to trial -before a military commission. :'The suit brought by Governor Wells and. 'Mayor Heath to test the legality of the last election of directors of the New Orleans, Jackstin and Greet Northern Railroad -in which both State and city were excluded, was decided bfthe Supreme Courtlo-day. 'The deeision of the lower *Alit was revers ed and the Supreme Court decided the Gov ernor had a right to vote the stock of State and the Mayor the stock of the city. MEE Kit= 4134 rAUz .$ 90,128,650,31 43,179.1Z1 33 ti 0.24.3,40 84 'NEW ORLEANS, June B.—The Republican of tomorrow will contain the proclamation by the Convention. and Registration Board asserting that its authority is paramount to • that of the Commanding General; and charging that the latter has transcended his prerogatives in promulgating au elec tion for State, parish and municipal officers, and naming the' time for. said officers to ..qualify , and . take possession of their offices,. assuming to cow.' vene the General Assembly,- in aimun ing the power of appointing persons,to fill offices, when the persons elected cannot quality, claiming the right of persOns hav ing the higheit number , of votes who can qualify to fill said offices, and by 'refusing to send. election, returns ; o the Board, and concludes by notifying all persons whom. General Buohanah's order . declared elected that, the Constitution of ,li3uislana, meaning the Constitution adopted by the late Convention, requires them to enter upon their offices at once, as set forth in a former proclamation from this Board, and that any Orders front any source directing to the contrary are illegal and not binding, and the parties so attempting to take, office will lay themselves liable to action at law -by the parties elected, as well as the risk of certain removal from office. More Outrageit—The War Between the • 'Cheyennitrand Kaws. CBT Telegrapti to the Plttsburgb Gazette.] ST., L0U,10,, ,7.11110 B.—Omaha :dispatches say the; othodist Bishops and, Ministers returned from their excursion, to the moun-' . . tit/Patti/4i A „ nOrning• &Tend- Preach in the different Chtirefies tO-nifit. The farmers in Wind River Valley were, alarmed by the appearance of- Indians. A number have gone to North Pass for safety. Helena and Montana papers report the Indians stealing`stock in the Miisouri Val- ley. They have already 'driven away two hundred head of stock. The , farmers are pursuing them.. The Indians are troublesome the Up-. ,per. Missouri, driving off, stock.., On May 21st they. tired.on the. pilot on the was' np. On May 2dth they kfiled two soldierx at Camp Reeves, in sight, of their tents. On. May 29th they, fired onthe steamer IMAM Wood; above Berthold. - Three' Shiite en tered the pilot-houSe, but no person'tvas in jured. On'June 3d Gen. Terry and Father De Smet were= at Fort Mee nrging peace upon the whole Sioux Nation,ibut the In dians say they disn't care about, peace, and want more, ammunition. . ioUISIANA: THE INDIANS.: The Leavenworth Conservative, of Satnr-: day, st ates that Governor Crawford has gone to Caned! Glove to look after there-ported difficultlea between the Cheyennes and Haw Indians; and hag dispatched to_lds Secretary from Fort -; Leavenworth , for_ twenty thousand rounds carbine cartilde r , and to ship them-by the; drat train. ther particulars were anxiously; ooked for. ST:Looze, June B.—The TPpeka (Kansas) : Record of _Saturday sayn -a dispatch' fitim JunetiOn City, to Gov. Crawford states the Cheyenne : lndians tegl, left- the Kew, re serve, and were in Lyun.Crook;dri.ing off settlers No dentroypm eirerythlug as they went. , ' Advietik*ire AliorreoeivA from Cotton wood Pails that sortie 'live hundred wild' TAdiang-Were iii.Diaftiond Creek, 4iiriVizift, off steak and" , cominitting t 'other depreda tions. About tionetW five &dillies had come into. Cottonwood Falls fbr; protection. • TENNESSEE: - -- 41 The and North-Western:R4lread,Trettbll., My 'Telegraph loct Atte Pittaikargb ' .41.1.unrcat.mi, dune 8.... The , Detnociatid State Clonventionlognorirow-riromisee to be thelargest' heldliere4W*arii`. l !Delegates; hive arrived InAniddeirable fttexc all laves of the State: The - idea of 'running 'Chum hrtiniveredlyignored. s Jpinfiton'has many :friends; and: penilleton-f,aa - Mimy)erl more. , The onlyeabjeetorcentrovetly will be:as to thq - zpoli*.of ' atprandnget Pmfery once fbr. anther, The friandeaJobtiaphdti dare Pendleton ,the4.oeool4 Atete.. s 4hk nther, names are 'aerialist ',..menthitieilaini conneethm t with the held; tion. A p.rft melting I.Flut tbbet& Dare views: ' • r ""Pliq • hville and itiirttiivOttin road Imbroglhitotithittete*ltlishotirtmert - of atirleedy adtleindiaL')ln thBtheintlinetuf trains •ranlandothe =Owe Idle.. E 2 tra' Amount dna theemployeelail"- ,000.faz., - .`l ti;tx 1 ME Boa yk 1)177i/TradelPo , °l3isii* , . ' " '"'",k`' h „ I .' ttuburst,Vuette.J ~ el , 0371VegrAiktV-ic .:.The: e*curalonisth of 4:EADIArq. JUTIP Orval* efirht3r.-friVfre he Thillotad h e re amp moi ng , br, ik From`lnthiber4,42l4*(l., hern,iber Went over the; 'l' ll ' 2 , r ,3 44, too Harrisburg WM" : Va l ley iiternooninent uPthir and, returnim_, tht li ass carbon, Njunekts Ileadhlgi.inm4norM, tl,„„,athelr,,lifinti zerEuV-viaa 80:1117/14110M,on; Do,' visit a 444,- milk visa th,e..f...,- ~,,,1 Ift44t wa T..ts l6 4lll) /lake* ' ' ', ‘ L i 1 ' Vex anil;-,..,_,,, ' • ' , ..- _. virginia , . ,iir,iim lora '.*- Rebel :::7. 1 4 6 4 1 1 'Tritium .. ; 41.1", i tiiTilliernitito thrP,B...LemerSi --,; ) l l !" .thit 2 '' linnindyd, 101/11 tbelliningthe, I li at &lir' a t bonds; draftlii ntitet,ort 4 11 /1". 1 / " 49 * mai; in rebel 5tatenh,,,,„,,,,., bo - nboovated atslow.. invots „ ilditer , ~ awe sulk Audi " r- a voulit Pit 1 4= - owleb3g ' t the Pl i tt.-- -.- I n 11 41 :fresuour", ~,to. Pa -- ' - State bolds.` NUMBE FROM total'. By Telegraph to the PM/trunk Gazette.) GREAT ERTIC.Aggi LONDON, June ii--. Chief /*Woe Cockburn states that the charge delivered by, Judge Blackburn to the Grand Seq . , which recent ly refused to bring a _bir - of indictment against Ex-Gov. Eyre, of Jamaica, is con trary to the opinion of a majority- of the Court of Queen's Bench. FRANCE; PAlnts, June B.—The Eiendir.rd in an ar ticle on the action of the Austrian souse ilePuties ISonierning the - National debt ad vises the 'Reichsrath not to adopt the pro posed heavy tax on coupons. MARINE NEWS. Q,CEENSTISWN; Tune B.—The steamer Malta, from New Yorlc on the 28th- Mt., arrived to-day. • FINANCIAL AND•V:I3I3IF3ICIAL TA:u.rpox, ,June B—Evening.--Consols for 'money, 95y,a9.5%; account, 95%; Illinois, 100" 8 ; Erie, •46_14; - - • : . .Lavrateoor.,,• 'June B.—Cottonv sales of 7,001 bales; uplands, - 113‘a11391.• Orleans, 11y,a1.1 1 ,0. Eosin'6s. Tallow, 445. -Petro. learn; refined . advancing at Is. 4d.;- .spirits f AIfTWER r, .tune 8.--Petmleum firmer. Terriide Wind and. Baia Sto fni. By telegisph to the „Pittsburgh Gazette. 3- Caws.. N. Y., June B.—A terrible storm of; wind and rain passed over this region on ..claturday afternoon. The brick chimney, eighty feet high, attached to the Eagle Cot ton factory of George W. Chadwick; at New Hartford, -six miles from this - city was thrown. upon the roof of the Machine shop, crushinjr the structure to the ground. - Eightmen were at work in the shop: One named Harry Knaft was instantly killed 'and font- others severely injureid; one of whom it is.thought cannot recover. Knaf was horribly mutilated. Loss about $ lO,OOO. _. 'Priest •Comniltted tti'Jaill: EByTelcgraPb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE, June B.—Rev: Lainbert Young, a Catholic priest of ,Frankfeit, was yesterday committed to the county jail by 'order of Judge Ballard, of the United States District Court, for declining to give testi mony in the case of the mobbing andhang ing "of a negro in Frankfort last January for the alleged ravishing and attempting to murder an Irish girl of that place. . _ The Oregon Election. (By TeleSOlvb to the Pittsburgh Gazette 4 SAN FRANCISCO, June B.—The steamer Continental from Oregon brings fuller re turns of the late electlim in that State. The election of Smith, Democrat, to 'Congress liy seven hundred and fifty majority. is conceded., also a Democratic majority in the!`tegislature. - Washington, Hamhill aed.Ciettsop counties elected..local Znion tickets. ' South Carolbui F.JectiOns. Teletn:NA to the-PltuAurrh 6azette.3 CHARLESTON, June 8.---Returns,frPm the county elections. hoick last week shoty that thn Widicalis.linve again carried:most of the counties, but by reduced majoritie& - Many counties in the interior which gave I;tadical majorities in April have elected Democratic coluity..tickett. In some of these -registra tion showed large negro majorities. Rhode Island Legislature—Spragne to be ~.'Ve-eleeted United States Senator. CBy Telegraph to the Pittstargh Gartte.3f 1 4 11 . 0 . 1711:07CE, R. I, Tune s.—The general Assembly " meets`to-tnorrow at Newport, arkwill elect a United States Senator. At. thea l egisintive Fawns this evening, Senator Sprague was nominated for re-election "without opposition: • • - - •,, Trial for Fraud Postponed. • (By Telegraph totha Pittsburgh Gazette.] Toil., Ain't B.z—The trial lifllartwell, Ideliqn,and Ward; implicated in the State struet frauds, has been postponed tiutll Oc beher; the parties giving bail for 120000 each.: , . : • • • ) Memphis Market., ' [By Telegraph tothe Pittsburgh Gazette.] Mgatrats; June B.—Cotton ;dull and ,rmanaitud; receipts 43 balcs; oxportsA bales. FlOne declining and irregular. inwerfine 38,00. Pork 529,00. Bacon, wea k ehbulders 1334,-cletir sides 165 , : 5 a17c. - Lard 1940 C. C0rn i 31,95a1.97. Oats 87c. Hay filli,ooal9,oo. - Bran 30. '.'Eggs .186. Illltter 30 aid dull. . • .. ',O rr Ton SECOND Bernal , Cniniew,f New? pint,lithotie Island; notwithstanding the re: 3a cept•pesolution pf ; the -Abode Island post Pigvention that miulatora and, chnr es ad- MAMIE - 'persons - 16'CoMmunion - o had not been immersed could not- be-reggnized ag*aPtiPla, Oil adherekto. , the practice of giving.il/CnOral invitation t o all Christians ,to their communion table, and of;receiving Inenibein -of other denominattims; Episco palians, Moravian, Metlift- ' and othate Wiebreerrect' cordlidity. ;;-ThWilidinday after thammolution of e ibeConyeation the same invitation was g4en, without any.rptic,e of thg - proclamation. ' The - Reir. Charles Mal , Cohn son of Dr, Howard' ' Malcolm; is the 1 Pditr;i. , . .1: - t 7:..; ~. .g. , : , c- HE M t3aleni (Mum) *Ads; in ;slaking two' eral prtmeedmis un fait, co .rising women.as *Tiles mear.ssys: • ' is an indication of a return to the olddhsbioned nstonii of showing respeot..3o , the memory of thii dead; without the 'necessityof Pro.. 'ridingsttirisgen for the' female: portion of theproeessieri. .IVisoseriotis ter upon the MO9roixently.lEogrerbkg.euough inshe loss rues ,of the head-, ,and ir dt rly of e „th u e bflly, to hire aZat a ofeoTiriends and ia tstiees; tio We WI theirs imitances as p. • .f 34 Pesera.4ox,seeoroivw, 0 ,_""rol,e 8114 / 13 W son, might be swami - m slide year .4n.gh,egi Rriedn,by perfect mamma or Ise letheut Tidsassertkitisisnpporteit by the NOW. Tort.- Cbairantine 701111-71040 sho w that the moi l from egfriblelilheinnisfcommon form of emulleat elokoese; imsi bees greatly di wooed- In teapot ,••The average eilr/7 0 01411111 r °41 emaakttex to Aev York, for the years prelBB6 ; were . '4ol:Vtlei"alletbere 83i1885 - and Mit were 28 arid 19 1 gc; ~1...:1' -., f r ,, •-- " =the Oliiiiiiii;on paid vanaDs OSTAGE.— anada was•redtte. on letttera 1;0 an(l.,vitcm,QhcC fr om -, tei: - cents to six .1"-centriktr.4440"HAPTair'—.00` TitsetraittbaNtoattrthge. 14941ipitthigs0 -14Pitll .preptad`vith ten Ajt un t per of kttfffs A4Fietterli'' 61Y are 1 atatckt 4 ; - ', - ,s,einidlittivage in clieludetli?otelif3o3rouninsous, and 7 a r a _ r t • zriin ararr_ ef 7 l E cki d. nial' !eland ,r,;4ll4ttifput asxge ra ' It ten es MEI I 137.