li r (rye kap •stIBURBANi-1 • Slyer Meeting,-.FIVIti 12 Ato to atthelnettudist put 4 met, next door toßAlE._ttnettleb;" , " -1- " is To Rf9WAln#4.a9.3.*:3.A/Ved Ir .' "114 ;In maxidieefaitfifa nerrie :,*. •Aelbary acui iSiffaaeta 'and 431 aTTE , An tbu w , ,... against liaOrk• art ezsL thFo,F! In paying for any of the EtA,' thinn'to supplant the plaCe i n the zerro by an cerergusi earner q:4 snWiIiII43X7MPI,4 -nig he • p t t) 1 Te-Woret 4;sitinititbutiting rpouyand the matter,:will at once betreninttintify • Disgraceful How- le the Third Weed.; The ViiitatuiVd,flabOift notoriesupbr To woiLvt!,- :t rftml ,s i nd ; slatting Agrafs, itatrfor, sorne _time tioalse l nallp uiet and -peticeilifiWiiindi the 'author - Blew twereAlattering themsel leading spirits in, these disgraceful affairs' had eithek rea the iiilatiberlitiod-or left off: their evil ways; but they were' folly-bou-. .7-eitarkl :That Such :Wiaernqo tkie„ - raeo;natar- IBetWePri - imilvp and one o'clock a • , .crowd of ,leetibrs hinkcollected at the corner of U4;4111 1 1 Nirebiker Streos; and ;were7dis , the chances' of their fatorilotaa , - adues urthififte.tninbligrDemoaraiicOon- • yeation. kti effects of the last dose of the - , ,, spirily' 4 4V! lowed, increased, so did the discus onin '1 , 4394, AP*. Olt ”Sv4xed NyarMc kond, , ifittl tine .7r.- 4 Nitp 31*. party became so earnest in behalf of them candidates ! that •they Were ahout to resort to a ktiOck down - air e&ne,'When two po lieernfin apPAared an ordeml4he crowd to: t• - 411140thibe gig: eats liahliTtnetfilidrd'. and his brother Jack, both of whom when Ise:Zee 'are 41;1%4 pbetheabld-vaiehebhlC quite the contrary when drunk, weptotbecroWd and 'declined to' fetife wh'en requested , • - do - so by the. oftkitti,..Christy beciMioknicire r is s than ever,.a - Rd was finally ar-- the officers : Ode • ' him Lo tlie'lOCliAip. 'Mtge lithy Sitft• ro needed a short distance, with considerable , tithlile;:they , were 'prevhiledinpoutittli et Christy iike4et hi?.tmloildpk`tok o 7 4 o...:o 4 m to: thei•iock-up.peaceilfty, whicia 4 tOPPets • WrietirdyTatrielt biald-hitatoescapelesth y _.- , lytairon-theirhandsiaff_ hi*Whew hfe •••*••• Clfficer 4 L s s star Lad., warsuir -hand wool ve reca tured hid in h i short tithe I 'T ILO ITArticit bean .hindered themroWd, who threw paving stones • and •did' ell 4tpreblat4 airedfar4 in, his .AiscaPea e o cer • eotitintied 'fiat furedirdpl.Web .Latertottaigtratreet, mad was within a few feet pf the fugitive when, as he passed an • allerop, High etreeti he was 'Ail squck„_oilthe • headt*ltlx a boulder whielbbeVecl;:blra , itrAU,,tewite taken opt tmd- assisted to ' f9x qv . ue , t3 • office where his • wthinds Z. - Tr Mr 334~41 1 • 4 1.drsdilLh] wag' everelWbuttha injury Wnot a 'Gus one, drassin the . snd,a.largeitfo*d cr e yarsoncollected . vijiti the.hifice.ao4l'W front, alol.o door i al?i/ • xere,pecoplong• rather boisterous a nd • • orderly, pr•ltioliceinan etteMP,z • • tedtO disperse therti.% ,n,y.arthetti went • awhy quietly and peaceabl3y, but mailman • refused to comply With the'Mquestrideon. -sequence of which he was arrested'. and taken to the lock-up. Hoak, the- offier Who received the injury, iMtde , informat ion before acting Mayor Butler against Christ aturJack-Bradford, charging them with fe "lbtaituassalleand battery, andwirreats weber - ed: for their arrest. • , • • Death, from diet- tierck 3 chl6o6 - 43. He36lffili3Rim:Fitt4ne-OrnetlY Miffing at .:Wcitstriitm.'tliedY3atmday. nveningiat W. 311SEargan'ir Hotel art Penn street in, the 'Fifth Ward, from Oil erects of chlotoform. Mr. Fitton had beep - Suffering fora number of years • with a diseased leg, which at ticrip was extremely and inorder betelieved of the excruciating pain he used chloroform. His physician forbid thense of it, and_to preveng him frcrm using it sent him to the Homcepathic HoSpibil several days since. Saturday Idothinglhiriftthe hospital and went to the hotel- menti ed. ann having procured a quantity - of the fa , •tal article,. - begak the use of At ,agaip, and abbut Seven eclobt. in "the evening was ,-, - .rdiscaveredin his room lying on ihla , bed dead, with a sponge containing chloroform ?lean tremth• coroner Clawson was summoned yesterday morning'and held an inquest en the body, when the jury found "thit the deceased came to - his death on -the evening_ of ;June oth, 1868 from the use or Chlorolbrm adnitideterii4 ,by him self:" .The - deceased was• a single man, • , aboht twenty-four years of •fage,.'and had „ g ilepo,under,the charge, pf. Dr. ,Diltson for .. A I .M-t” nine yelini o , ns , fiqtle. pips de r)r,4l-!•mic"' of. time PMtcatalit Eplicepal eh= in the' Diocese ofYittalturgh— N. 'ed.r•eiiice s t 4;f:t • A. - while meeting of Pittsburgh Church • -Guild will tie held , at their Guild House ' , 266 PAiing tMet, at 734 P,740 4 eY Wee , detT)* Thl , members of. the ,Conventiorr • and of :the ureh gematalls ars eaniestiy . _ foriitei to attend. • -It +hc'r,- fi;viii,i6 , r-ifiliQ M e4tlinity- Churcli on Tuesday morning at 10 0' ook, .• -ibr divine service, sermon and holy, corn-. =union., The Convention will be organized for bUsiniss at the close of the sertte. ; It will meet again. at 3p. m., and at 9 a. nu and the next day '(Wei t i m niday). On. Tuesday .M 4 ) 1 + 1 1? the sermon e the Feasts Prayer , Book , Society . 1 Ilse preaChed by" Rev. Mr. Pardon4ifrvice atIN p. m, bit Weineadat'oitninght 7% o'clock a yreblielltissidnary meeting will be Wil t The iiimi;dsiot 'Of' the different -00mgrotgat Its are., earieratlx..luxited_to at tend these ineetriffs ,, Ttipre Of the Coq,- ventlan::," FAA Acaireni: r*, .... A4 ( ..ficAd,enc_occ-ikrre4.. At ,Epkvs & Cole; Vireitka r e.t.SelliilllFerrychi..ithe /donor'- . gahela river, on Saturday evening, result:l ' ing in the death Of William Detour, a coat digger, employed at the works. Detour 7 ikent,'hito) tlie rail ist: .11Q011,1 0 K. Wittr ;day, and not returning at the usual time i l atteviespigaimiupr . of his fellow workmen went in search of him. On en _ teng ;he St vbere he had been at work Ids ri body .was found lylegurqier : e tc, of horseback alieltOeirtilible , I" jalikl and' . oxaer a half feet ivid;i4l7as igi', diefiCor,....47yr sarp Ilibrtdide he"' bel ' jury e 7 ' ' "- aiil 1 4 11. -"al •= x tuAjlii o Oidlotpor a dm •The. wawa ;Fremium& - ibyeld.rth;-vras .....ritadp_Vgnlss 141..3 .—tleitii.tiipliwik ogrorthirty yews; • etuov 230149 Ap ss77llhrpriblioart ,,aet in. °wryer% 'Oa the Mditninckt#4olo/iP9 II- - .:110.4*-i : )0 1 Pct And appoint a Union !ipuhlican - .Contrty" Ti& l :Xi t teli,ricalit the tonic* ofttle : Saturday after noon. A" "ianiiitiFtr:ig tkartieet- ere= -upon and placation' tneVotaitdftes,i L L a s tinuivultabstthttigt ft) of • _thhi important _pond* auxiliary, the tip; •'.' ''pOiti)tmilietifata Ira trn . Pleted.:./Aribther ' 1 01411;b6 IttldittPeeMpleta eh* list, - , 114.4."11.4 K - 'l' • =I 6.t - r.. 5 " • United • Stites n Liftnike -On Saturday :tWl t igit • ne4Sake b 4 ed' I th = " . l th ' Conti' a mot be eon. , ."e same of e • ci ided befcke Mondslytor2ww:i f - A wßs . is, , • In the bankrupl,p7,,brs.nch7 runt ra r um of Scranton, Lnzerne connv i , peti tion for ,apjutileittiow _ . v. ; _f PetitiOns fciefinel'digel'-a4_ , *.erefiie&bP C.M. • litininierw sa W. , B nlc kn e y, ttlabltelfilYWlAS4 Pit..Lsnlimi quehaima county- WAVV I I. 1 !* 1 !. T( C4' ' l i t 47 4 l lllßen o • . On Sitpra i nx,inlhe'ss,se' of Peebles and wife vs:llenrlr Pfeil ands GeOrge - Black, application fora Ifijnhetiono,restraimde fendants Preto:tearing down a partition wall in a tenement . hOw l e on;-_)31,aMond •street, injunction refused: " '• ' g. ,• • .--, colFlrgion.mfhtoii atid.Sterritt. john C. ifosii; Of 'Emit Deer . tain313111.:7,,76-#44449ret7214y-ilijiiiic,-!1 tion-namd- the _School 101reetOkit of said township to prevent them.:AroAnilming' an additional boUnty tax On the town-. EihiP /for theAntn - of 35,000, Of /whieh sum PetlilonettaliVsetsed $BO. '" ' lifter aliguMentlthe Court granted a pro-. iu'dlnary InjUnction, and flied Thursday =ritixt as tithe of hearing. " -."-= • • / • frhejury , the case of Adolph ,lbodei iteim - vs. Wm. Bagel:min i . prey,muilY , re- Ported, returned "a verdict i n faior Of tlff for the Bum Oft4"4::. l .P, or . '"!+ l .l A non-suit was entered 'in the "Case of 'Wm. Firley vs. John Idohlahott., - : - A Is er riet--35, steasure_ -.Art Oidlnancelo" be Viifcifced. rF- ~ • - fj• Tho f loschuts and lemptinitudirawbvro' • ',4***)tliPin!i• its w•latfia° • our . market, end'; likOMMOsint itpraranceis iliffieUSCOvill . ,Ppli l li*,fiiiWeqpplied with the delicious small f r u it. 1n:a ... t3 troll through - the Pitts ibisrglisnarket On..Satiii,iiiiy wit ife, kir :fittl..-to:i 9bstili 4. - Same . dealers l retailing ...,. , ln•iho' boxes of - uncertain :capacities, 'an l d natnially . resumed that - all - of our 1 firiiii: — r EVe7tibtlAreiilliade a axe of 'ii• .os4*. 6;11d:a 27th, 1867, by ifaittightu,cgranance ;I'l l gUlrititig - the or us brbArriet. , % tAhholidetit of our readers, and especially those-who are ignoring its presence in our city code,' tr4loltile 91 1 4inffnce 141, - An ordinance relating to t e s ale of her .,rkell by measure.. Be it ordained and enact st OM bY UFA Mainig,l4loermen sad( pitigens OrPittsUM•gh'in Select atidstloniniobtroun - - cill assembled, and it is hereby en: acted by the ; ; authority , ; ,pf the slime; that from and afterthe passage of this or, diace it shall not be lawful to sell berries , liti th e -thetkel.iatherwisi -tha by Inetkikre, - ?: 'tin ri pefialttof naleas - than-onedbllar no more than five dollars, to be recovered ap,, ikeltenglties,ktpkuctw r ee ed." is ordlniae was alio passed ' by the Allegheny Councils, and the same rUle, prevaila 'on' Vag Wel Of :tlid river. We, learn that the -proper authority will take tthe, the Pittsburgh thicket, and the penalty will be vtaiteei on all, violations of this law, framed for the protection of purChasers. ~ •,- .. ,' _-, • Ferocious Dpg. , -.. • t, • 10/ittalerron Inreber Merchant residing, in C9llins,townskip, is the possessor of a fine St Bernard dog,,wl4ch he values very highly, and a fewrailisin4t4triCirliilion, having some . business with Mr. H., went' to biSleouse FhoreArwriltatlackod tr the dog'. mid- bitten -'seircielt; "'Parfet coin-. plained to Mr. H. and demanded the life ; ! of the .dog... Mr. li_didnot wjsh to kill the , dog, and so lriforined . Ptitilck.' He was ing to pay all damages, however, and gave' ' -.,Patrick afive dollar 144 which at.the.ti 'app&reft 'to be' talatniday morning lie returned I the money and de manded the life of heltlog,sweanngibat did not'"sell his blood for money." 11lr. H. refused to slay his canine friend. and Pat rick went . before Alderman Mo,ltaster and midi) information charging him with keep.. ing a ferocious dog. A warrant was issued `•fordfliferies*ainifif the dog is found to be ferocious, we premime - a dose of strychnine will be recommended. Serious Affray fin ankstown. • Fziday evening James Griffith, Patrick Toole and Patrick .sicCrine were in asaloon Frankntown and had been dtinkirig"togeth-' er, when'a quarrel arose betweenthern:.!Mo• .. . Cane and Toole attacked Griffith and•beat him in a mOseontrageons initriner, break ing two of his ribs, and it is thought In flicting internal injuries which may prove fatql.,Tlie injured man was, removed to Etiarealden.ce, Which is but ashort distance from' the -saloon, and medical assistance; EluXiXillued;“ Sattirday Aldetuian Thomas', wassent for an d M r. 'Griffith made infer: . mathm •charging i oToole and MCCtine with felatih3 - us assault and - battery; upon .Which theywerearrested'and committed , to - jail. to - await the instilt Of Mr. Griffith's injuriet.t , a son -of ~the injured-:man, also made information charging the rime "'defendants with aggravated assault and, battery, upon whialvobarglitheralnrEtilield for a hearing. :Toting America. • • `Walter Floo r , Alad about fourteen years .°E'f4eirvo4;ar.rested,by- officer W il mot, at the St.. Niche Hotel,.. about one o'clock yesterday morning. A dispatch ••,ras id; .the IS4Vor'S " •office, 7t3atrurday Floor,Rtg _from George boys father; who.ontdes at Canton, Ohio , st ating: that he had ran away from home, and, requestiNg that herbifitrltstad.Abd sent back. The boy, who, is a , brig h t intelligent ,states that heleft home - Vrids t y,t9oPatPfi, L. T. to this city on 'etrelglft 3fs his father attrunici himvand when heworked dreartilltilewake, - pig:teeing he very` ,1011031 objected to. said 4orlhat _reason he left home. He is, however, satisfied w ff h . 1311 expetlenots, and: expresses a deidre to return home..: His father:has beeli.notified of hia,arrest, and he will probably 'sent home - 9 • ' ' Rev. Alesandeilaeri4t; tin Presbyterian: Chalet'. at - , Manhattan, , gatilts*l44.s tleleOte, othe.Genergl AB *Y-61107 V. , ; 1 !. C41;,:" 31 9Art; 444 e. request of linirethrenot , tnet i.chureli ~ ja.lll deliief a series ..4 ledurns. oa:nthe "regien j beYond the Missouri; in- which 2 the pr . 1 . '• 'aim* ntation and the propagating I . •• . e ~ .tlet in that interesting fteleijvilr .. '.i .. - -a.t ili : Mr. Sterrett inal nand ran ;cal; ive;temeible man, *rid' well ihterated An: ' he prix poses to talk abOnk." kin ex' it:tn be hi_ Pittsburgh about thtf.leth •of lune. We give this nntk4 in' elvatipe , Aiftt arrangq , ments may be reads Imre and'inmeighbor ing,tewoe- to, give bid}' audiences. , - ,i - The Tabernacle.. , ..• The tent or tabernacle, Ourcnasea,ez tbe l'4iink*AL.4A****..l3ol_44 l o,p?4oigt, religions sertictrriet, was pitehsttot the,lo . "Hticum,Or Rf ‘IA • elvno 'Graneidieiii- A p il4*itilcaieiryesrei l day. It is the upper' pOrt‘riA tetatlttthont the bassfand eye Begnentlyy fim i iirraquithen , The if dedidatl - 6 genie° UMtiliterftlfo.nli amuck susiNsts witnessed As hug or - nve • dterteatiPkrimilL The ceremonies were g acid SWIM Ik jr cn izapinsr of the r lon - Baptist Church, Grant street, de iveredthe address, -riiiiiiiiwsitOreheldttaithdf6liowsdbishe 4001,, t oma ryreligiounetalitliktiari ; ;;:„ reolimakltanittlavao A i r Geary fOr Aktv lOWA 4 PlOrraflP hilt savant machinti Igen iin er arrest stNew. Vrlititittklabithwailirsittlskim.vrt - - • " • r • - 7 F • ' : La. • , • :• - - _ ! AtiQ i ebbcxY art the l lELevater. . • e I ; tan * ' ohi o painitt#P (.43£41* tieVlitnt, atelit• -on tattlidaSt - fin elififfieir - Vihnt3 o , slionstia:Ene_ had been cost "and•••arrivesi-intAis„ city „on his linY Sal's; to the znbilo4traill; ' gatardaY Isylioania r• .morning at two 'waa wai f angat the Be pot thtike the morning tfatiottiti ie • • • sitting:in the waits= recast* slum: tow a seat beside him, and struckinpra coup**r thin, and onlfarninir bin tr•Minationstated that he was going•tsithe',Akne4latse, and that - lie had• just lealled,,over to get a porter • to tarry his 'trunk to the _depot,'-istit3)se could n ottied the ktrrhar;andiwould have tg,; duty fthimself. • Ifte - aiked• the gentle;dela fth irs;:witte adidissiAthigttlisdi! short 'eddied swap,:whtchishe imßilY • agreed to do. - They siarte,ehadtt t o the nppar l ,corer q4tse_Plig . ameba dreg; *lied It4:th' a h - an o f ; • red. pepper in the , gentiesnanes•epasi. and' then relieved him of hihisoeiterbook • • attd• made oft' with it. • t ent eman was iw ableable to give any • 'very:aitifiniter-- dbseriptioh of Abe thief, and it lorlitirettieble • that he will be arrested. , • * ••• • _ •,, •;•,. • • • Delegate Elepilot* . • Democraine przmary meetings mere held , • ,Saturdny in several of the wards, horpnglis and -t4Wrisldts,; ;; in , wide* Oonservatives Mem:invite to participate, to. elect dole ;Heati fithis einintk , Vokhlekaitif, lbeFelci ai tiaakettii Hall, ArilditAti;t.lictrPth instant. gollowitig is a list of the delegates itil4-imeoeitrihqte r ascertain - 4/131;n:i• 'First waid-Pitrick Eildnienilliflth Stewart. f l " &coed Waftl4.Aleni 4 .C.:•llolljdaSmelirwm• • L :Third - ward-0, 13.±_iiStrerint , Kearanv. • . wotirth ward-W. H. Mbobling, Jae.-11. flaw. Fifth ward..iat preciaotrdsntepli: Koenig, Dr. J. Atilt 2dprecinct-O..o , Datanc.U. Caspar Fink. • Sixth ward-hit • prectoct-tiro. li. Ward; E. W. Magee; lid precinetvdohn Fox,', U. lard .., ward-F. O'Brien, Lawree Dunn. k t • Niellkward,James NeesookDr:lftwiale, Ten ill' ward - d." A. Strain, Mei: .0; • •.r. • -Vit, i tg i er• • tawrenceviite•7ll4ecoud m, Wm. Ilitarthm... • • - • Collins-Firet - Preeinci:, Moore Thomplon; David Himbeiright.' . •' • • - ' • ; • :tirat Wird-4; "Second trii'dx•B. , YBdtiiienfeni Fourth hard-r Ira Precinct: W;111.. Heel hie. W. Eyster. Second Precinct:John Gordon, sto pher Capps. 1 : Beane BS. • 7 i••=4 " 1 1Icinotirahelit-Pfitrielt gfilliWnoof South Fittiburgh-Jno. Murray, C. H. Oearing. . .., , The -tollciwing deeds Were 'filed 'of teeord beibre •H. 'l3:atre.y Esti ' Recorder, Ittne 6th, 1.167:3o• • ,•• - • • • ~, .. 7 John . 14 . .Braaboar.' to .Tames,Noble, •Jtine!T,: 3888: .twei lo t s On coal Dili ha D n lon , itivatehib - ligi'lif • Robert ... . - .. . . ..- ... ! ..-. :teitpi! . ; i;i:lZio4 'i, iisiail; c ,; ? :,:,l4l4:7;) ; same lots William , DAW6OI3, to ' , Award Davidson. _April 11.. ' 1838; a tract in Lawrenceville, being lot No: 8, in plan or lOts laid .out bypeorge -Scott's heirs, with WUnto vementa... , ,, ' 4000' . 13.71 S 4 feltvaineooEdwarti Davidson, ..Septernber f CIL 111S6S tat'teititigniitinevilito. fronting "alt - SplAmlt -,. street. r.s.roet, depth 39 feet -.........,. ' g)o3 F. L. ihration,to.AirrahanLicity; June 3, nee, tract in South -PittsbUrgh; fronting MI feet on'Carson street,depth 106cceS.44Ith buildings......,. .413.6.101 Johit DuraetriatielegaWardloilavideant=Atigust 8. 1867; lot in Lawrenceville, 21 by 150 feet ' p5O :William Dawson.. to. Edward` Davidson April 25, .1387:, lots Nos. 11 and ill. in jalan'of iota laid out by heirs ; ottieratte &cat. In Lawrenceville. with all unto gl coo A. 1..' Gallaher to James Mega 'ton. May 30.1 : ' tract in Liberty townslap..Pittaburah. contain 3g one acre and nineteen perches, .: with haildiriVl.- . . „WO .Diebard-IO Wall .to 'Patrick IlleCauley..lune 3. T 868: lot in Second ward, Allegheny, City, %Writ feet Joseph ... ...:............;:....i....t.ti.... .. .. .. ".......,.fiTio .Joseplz Keeling to Charles irtipp. 4une 4. 1869; -lot in ~,ins33tralitiatiant.'No.,,tra b John Brains's. plan of iota; fronting on - Cars° street, .24 by 12).fdet, ._, with bu il dings..., •-- ' - • • 11.1,720 Dr. junta Iteineliordt to Louis F. Multhe,. Jima '4, 1 ' -1 1 01110 t in lrilegheny • City. fronting on Main 1 , 6treeto feet, aepthcoroct, with build inp...44=1 Jamea. AI :"Herron - to , atargat ot J. II erron, wife of , '•igov..Davidnefloa. Talalioaary, January 11, 1833; i c: tam( hs Matriaton iwortiPKl° l 44 3 . n )Mi n V u n. '' drea anti - thirty mets. - , , 3000 I' ' - ' ,''''' ''.. ' ' •' iteataiiiis i .' I . ~. !`• . There were ten mortgages Bled of record on the - • Wu R 4 I laYr i - 1: I ' '''' - - Si- lq t _,.....r...:1 : , , My southern . Tour. Miss Augusta St. Clair the eloquent:young , ladf lecturess, is in thhreity,And.. to-mor row evening will deliver a lecture on 'her "Journey Through the South" }act- winter- Latterly : this lecture in Stienway New York, end in Philadelphia' was: av plauded.aalha most searching comMentary, on life in thwunretonstrueted- States. Miss St. Clair, although eminent, - as a leetnress, IS not'yet twenty, has lectured to over 1 000 audiences in every quarter of the 41.0be.' - .Being en nntry eiC (a4focnia, oyer land; she'catt rethaiti id" Pittsbfirgh but a ItrEIVO evening , , and: those, who widk t hear an nglishwoman's opinion of the States lgt t ely in 401 1 14 1 . V gd'anil hear her. It Has no Equal.--These desiring to pur: chase a cheep, substantial sewing'machine, which does its work , in such wrnanner as to win:brit the approval of all - wit', haVe'any knoioledge on the subject; should not fall to, tall and examine the Great American 044:bination Buttonhole ,oierseasing ma chin_je for which Charles C. Balaley is agent far Wesfern Pennsylvitraiii' This !sail that it advertises; and> claims to have no equal., 'gents arewanted to sell it, a business that, must: necessarily; prove' highly _ lucrative:, .0411 - and 1300 the machine in operation at ilr:anaitleyfe;l . 2appui, loine,r(o.t-ZiPt.,and , Market streeta,:over the Avivir:Osthrf• .• Me Edward Qallahei *lie &mica kitithitiUDicioUsilliiirddef Sat urday, on oath of Henry Seaton, befori Alderman McMaattirs.' Seaton . alleges that. Cie left wagon fitanding'on a veilant Tot 14' the Sixth ward, which the aced cut to Pig . " an aite.. He' Mated; that h. caught htm:chopping at the Wagon ' , ant.„ . that Gallaher. sod-he Wa s : cuttitio. it tq Pieces to, get the Item" off for of them.; lie was arre " and, ele fOr- Courti' • • "' • e ' blished in • theC d, pu GA. VI tirrici r Swims of , Saturday an account of s-transac, t 4 3, •in , which is man from the West was mirAdAo the le t ?fIQSPJ, Mating ,412 tiathe. vat - FM !aim% `1%1.110, ww4401,60b ,Rutiet; goo merchant from Taylor county, Kentucky. mikonerviltictileismivtimirgiven by the victim was arrested Saturday morning,. but as there was , novae to prosecute , him he was dlethsiged: •••• •• • ' Denniston..County Treasurer; has • Had the books oPerilat the', renettorlltate and County , texas singe 'the lat ..,irg..,.a „ .. friend but the kind la tea who tako care of 7lnjo , „ Int= 4ri v ol i tb 4 - mu com,+.., has _A nan named D. 11: Clark wrisoletadied this institutign.N.; he l ;„..heart that could'. ••, beer l se i tt o .,p a yi l li i kktllatsW i zd• Toblimgtplt milanteriln4lilingtisr.csWed .iMprisenthenttuttirsoeintiyrpritrou,lor4ne ejatty ip-otldifatirfter : ~I,glosMo)o4,l4lgl isten unmoved, to the voice of that frielid-," . *ls atild; %SU sail ,•," I ri ' Wr n i=l ' l " " ' t ..,-3zeer, for riling 4P-famdwy, , words, on die- , a -,in yhiell Clark he - Vier% rtila L bi3dren, ~'Torn„ f rom pme w 1 e. Roue o Vf Y ggif ' shuttals n.Pra.;€ 1 , 1 4 4 :4 001 ,h;:tteie arid :At O,then. •. , „ Wavetit in tliV i ll ' •with'eXa ‘ , 4,,,, e N i l l i e 4 Z t r gagin g gmiv it , to;the skied I'. reed ' !lenitive lo'll ) Yrint# girl - that- Rad, . ~..._as; r iecir,ed.,74hi .o j i it : IS . ? „v,0 . ,,7,..i,ti . # .. 2 , - 5 ,Tion Where sorrow never c mss, h pt_evet diem 'been at Cknitill - fekv - Wrms ago. , Pitrions ,e ,Ln_ ••• -„ 4 ~...„.; ~..._°, . , ” - - "a ii . ....h - - , kzixj, e Vziag , • , a ,g;, , , , , , ,Pfg , wai , —, M r --- to dtifitedeqiieft? neighbor 'can 1 -learkiiii4olloie froxiftrOzesalt nifothislease: 'Eli t a T ti t e ho e'ry• U ' b :ll:4ll l t7,4 r iro l le r h ttq P iti v e'erow' ;: r t * ;,.) ~ Ai ~,: ffr 4 ,_4„,p,,,. .. 40 , 4 _4 4 ...., 4. ~, , - - it f. , , ,:,',„ 7. . 'llia: , tis th_y_vi E ut verail k k e in . 3 , 20 . thee, , mi titra- n ",: r 6 , ll . l 4 . e. io:Orh e C i tac,.! :l!dr.J.fertse LYllollelildhill ta.3'1 111 0 04 l?iva"' oessful manner in Which th e annfvlarsary. shißtAititeato 3 „,. ,X.P.Suhl•ffrts t it Allf4 Aced: , passei off will, there is no doubt, awaken : -.He had giciee,:iftlfrNi c ? 4, ,4'erfift : i i P.f.._! 3 ?° , NO f, iditiriat gift - blit,Totif 011fefildt, his l'etill3, l7 2_g.egg,lr i ti, a 4 ry 1- .. p k v.,_. .Wghty Udeflat alid-•-ably"inanactaattstitu-- searee•was •ARA e , we l , z6 .„, i "Fl i in tion. fit:ol4'Mo' to kr. eff! . _,:.,,5.,e , of,, : , ho ar y disei g ull . r ~7ii....:'.. /i/ ,Zird 90 1,,f ! . c 511') ..n•, , i . ' -.. .--- .T7 11 17 " 7775 - Ettniii r _.., ~„ Aw, 11 ,-ITIMNR , I9 ;•• 1F • ' inYet'PAntano4Lulef.e.,..-ij- cx de sk' 31 ,, ~7.ll7;Trt' " 11l The Titusville , '..7lfiiidd . of June 4th gives: the following statistics. The following ex - 1 , A I i I 4OOOI e iNRPC I R C AR n- A 441 tioned: November 7th, 1867 Deoembee'•'' a '- January 7th, 1868 FebruarY % ." March ' April ' " 9,943 " - AvellAVOlrldaY 11 4 11:1;!./Wira.-4),,l.g . ' :., Bth to may'lst 8,650 , " Average per day from May „ ~„„, , Ist to June lst.-............ -- a.: '3, - I WOW , , ! r• Average.per day for the fi rst three'days - of June' .. "• • - -10,63' '."- i‘ ; Tile i followingshowslthe number of new ' ivells drilling on dates named; November 7th,' , 255; 'December 7th, •=): January 7thf -182; Febr,uary, ,7A ,}5O:, March ~7011 , 460 i April' 7t h , NW Ist'2l7'; June 1E4, - 157; ; =The total of petroleum in the region; • irtmrtistwas , 29o;4oo4siskirof-which-246,-_. 100 bia)(4WriltiltrlNlW. ) ,9n June Ist 'the total capacity of iron tankage was 1,064,539 larlets,ldslArtiptli Cittfkagit 818,-, 439. ' The following' were the total Shipments from then stop by railroad from May 31st to Julie' ISt, iihdeldee m "Jitritiktne a Singe • , , , bails . ' . ' 'Jan. lat. lle To Nei'rk`;bbrs 71,391 408,652 To Cleveland; Wile ' 70,964 287,459 ..To Boston, bbls.... , 7,833 39,170 ' , To 'Ph nodal Oda, bb15;;.:..i..27,3.142(- I ,i't :.116,75T. To Portland, bbls 1,355 ' To other points; bbla:: .. . ... - 9,5795 77,972 Total - 4 1 28,951' The fellint 3 1014 ShoWsiAtlPCOTlVitil from the Unite d States, from Saunas, Ist to 31slypifl yearslW4B6NllB67 and 1868; 1867. From New York, nals-16,999,255 11 225.54 'Frbtri•lltatofti grard,k!., 1 1,1180,517 , :- ,e 771,13911. Krum, 8 1 723,314 From Baltimore, gals.. 452;793 r 939,033 :From Vortland, ' . , . . . ,Total oz. &exit}, 5...2PA74 , 07 5. 4 1 . 651 4 767 Same time-11308.i.',. - .:-...:;,;.:. , ..4......7.::.18;870,476 Sarrie time 1865._ - 4,163,121 _._:,) first 'The f anniversary of the Allegßotty County Prison ltielety will be held this 'ldoiidiiy 'eviiiihW'Juliat Etth;qututtirUblifore, eight o'clock,.#l..ReT...A.le. Clark's church,. Fifth street. l i • ,; : • ORDER OF XIZACIeI .. Slap InF—Cholr. Vesper -IteV. S. V.-See il. Address—Major' , sv . Brew . (OW and Rev. A. -' - • kiclAtin, (Agent y - • - • Inn g—Char„ _ ••• .1 Addresv•-•Rev. Dr. , 1.•• Rev: W. 11. I.nere, Rev., , , • - .. Got. •J... 8.. Clark. - 1 • . . ..•_•, IlUnglastChelv,;.•'_ - •1 • • Address—Dr. J. 0. nrown,itev..43: , B. 'Dickerson.. _ non. J. - rnterriti, .flitniiitg4••• • • tYltralstli anted 'Alois= bleisligsflow:" Benediction—Rev. Alex. Clark. .. 4 1 . , The' rntijority' 'oUthe -speakers 'are inern, bens of the setmg,Gortuultim &villa those who: attend MEW rely on hearing t,hrilling uartatlonttpnd incidents of.prison likwhich -havePaSsodbetibiA theca 4 . "'W`O,.tn this neighborhood. We trust. there will be lib eral attendance, es ev - erkbody*, should ' be deeply interested, in, t ke.. 7eJfare. pi L this most praiseworttilof l';-- l'ingttutbins, - v.... ..4. v ;,, ....,,, ....r-.-" ---- '-'0 0 1 >inl*Ini r lieltYpsektthoinas . ,made iris tornalo‘L*.Om Alder 42p497,';34thy 'Mayor sonrday,o og , rivaorßrac 4n wtat igaqultold d Wry 114.14ifities MeiYqung•n* 9 1111 ' , 4ticl.`. those who are strangers, are mu y in vited to attend: • On Wednesday and Thursday e ngs , roixt,l4hl3svirtl Spring Dialidem,Hck4l3l3ona of Tempertmee, will hold a strawberry and leAt•lilfr#4lMlYsl4 ,l .tt '011040 8 ;V PfovA the moat delightful Altair otliikilasasafr. A. 'tseentifnitiltkvel et regtillatfill be awarded to the most pofrUlat'Past'GrilddliY Areolo ir—ervp rroit Surety of the eace.— illiam Klu , madeln.forrnittiOnlreforw Alderman, Butiur: *abut' Charllis SIM* yfterclut'forrotikety: of, the peva. He alleges thialltiure tlireat r • Melt/gent/his heart out with'lt` knife. br warrant wasAugit3,4ctrAKlLM*l.l A large _ineetitag arm:. friend," and Fr , jtatifilrfl that Mob n , 9Viiiiity— 17 : rclikdS;ft,:iyAß. OS O c 1471111 e on. 1 P4tag 1 V i e n-1 . 431 1 1 5,A A'' the fillNW ... 4 * kr; 4 : 1.- - :,. fm, w gi ii r.-. a ~....v.- . ~..,,‘.„ l iinoo ki., i. A Win MI vian 0., . . (L . t utus '="ir 99 4 4 4 o Ar atkiiiihiist a ~ ,-, 1.4 1 4 r. ~ ..1 .. APRIP. , . . tew,yeays'ASOC -, tAAI r.ANUMLARMn.iIkgne dallittio;: ~.. .iff,, 1 1:1- I xi* ' .1 ---.01111.-----.. • - 1 iiit e i l 0. , .-- r e u ti. ii " lAsil=rwiTAmindlext, ' e .41 i allidtgetagialikiewt xtraadelovtalon=lVid. JP?t lhe i I I'AN..I6 ku .- ' ~ c :3446 : 6„:1V - 7;1i0:c . - :fi i .42°Y*4141211 .) " AC Si g Z •liigi'Cri i • 1 Ohnialh.S " '?. ' J .** ~ 4 :' : I *Vgrfrt. ' in. . A.: ..,,!? , e,‘,i .., 6 ,•:f 1 . .,..mtd , i, ~st - 7 4..„ .. ~ ~,, „ .i., -.. , e.:•• =.. .. :. nnstawA, rq Anwray bre_bleekeded - Tw#, , ,.c ~, . ....)mus4irc... MEM] 190:6452 barrels." 11;055 7. 39,811 4 9,078 MEM !MEM t "(..1 fit( Thfr? VOlig t iVou o ~ „0 1/It AO -06 14 7143* iforzerf Vioqycit. rt , :o ,tw• I=lslogirtithotiferliv- MHO& its tir*i s • Stirdniged Nwith3liii-istyars:Strixiwitostax r Lilf ll l.ll:§ts tAstist: L w0 11 14..034ed yesterday by the Lu!. army Ofildistt tem. TThThel4 6 or is ow viv g to ti• l tite-j ats it-FotrOiff:iind 'Vetiaogti.69pri:,„,l • I:Prot Barioutiteifipaldla are , to 4_ rap,sical;rauxic.,n "t44lloeAto.Rall-oliorAy: -Th P,E lf4l l l rtanClart ei i itire 18 ranging for igiand o Concert. . . „ni6littcolsOn. IlaYeMea is about one•thild r u i a : ( Theilitidth:aLlfie ZyCiS. godd • 4 !,,, r_, _ , ' •- i.lti,Gfaittr anf,ibe Ti*Ntl---- , ; a A 3, ' 2 ' thedelifik 3fessenger; ail: inftuenti - .,, .~ ..• Irew ,-.lOurial l iif iNiawr't(iik;. , iik its keine of , :.T.One. , ,Eth, 'StiZegitai - .!filAittoi . Pr 4 0314 44- lartielitia• vii‘!- - the'-'ilriiiit: - "iitieisiiisii: 'lire:. - -"eitiacEibb ibliMitiftr Ili' . 1 r 1-rt" • - ,. - 7 •;', ' . , • - Alta xto- sensible, Jewalare. taking part' iv the:Rdeig meeting, 1 4 11 Itl• itt-St. 'Louis IOW :130Se grant. ~They'? i vould not. only be tae- to4l lB ',XdOkrang .04.1.; .. L .'- i sc l o - , ll 4ife so love Air I the , iltiion, , ,ll. 0 I seek to create a. - `.1 3 - 0 1 1 0..tirT 1 1 1, Lvi '. , l e. .7; : I : 4gLion; • antagonistic - to A t t Aue - interests of - U good citizeust i .lf. : elifew. members .of tie . u44a 11 1/11051 1 1100 sq)BAPPATtitfelpi CP: i they will gartai4i.oll 4 4 l rillitc• iidual account antl4i4mt;tor.Preeiare.: , WY willi 'not-. identify•:-thenutelves as .Jere: with .:any .partisan: movement. -Judatan . has nothing in ra ..roonuili ' ' with •Ihirfe.. , '•san' polities:•k•MacTi" '.l3tnagegue • ' he , Uei 'like each Chtnai- - iii` no means a Ittlift ti,• politics; or science or' On ' l 3o§ l Y . iil9 l -f tioris:' .14fr;iticelieffiittY.he a . on .1 limn; bud Re-or - OS * o*ra or: 414••.0*at, who like .AtAi . „44 6 4 s F9a# on 9,:f0y,43,- d, J e exeeiit,pam4eff.. & " minister oi,a,4a , , church: once-, preached-apolitical, se n.. , to the surprise and :regret .: of his --brethoh . P .., :The experiment has not been often reptlf rA ; ed. = Israelites' are too` - intelligent i and IQ. self-aSsert i inefii be driven' or ' led' - tirthir i , mintsteis,eap4cia4X - feb4teisiliiitlia7o, connection with'reftion.,7 “Attibli , laai." in; they' bet hilivieticed;Ats 'al•bodi:by._•As lutilticiaxist.WlPAPWfotAlßlFllPlPirrks 1 many votes secured, or as so much xipi made fail/kin biabbratuntroi principiss. We have personally our ownpolitica *. 1 4 3 aanitntirRica , ant , Ilia*, , ittittli Of , . 1 era-save in is vs-y(1 to itonfam them: '' I !leiaitaii:d.efiftOtlitkildA 0.-islii, Aid. l / 2 - 041*(4 - . motet in With:lBU they pleaseiyw#lll I out i r 1.:,. . eketia b ka l l'glchwlreVaitini 2 4: , iangmel; ,put regard to themsure pi:RlOleads lea ! , era; and iiiiiii*lare;A:iiiia%itini.:l4gii: no OiiftrO ta, any movement calculate' .to :InititVe!,thelleinewthas, AV. bodyvin - an velittent-is—no—Aviiieot tiiiaa r aintralifittesitftlinkt.tdiblvn' a candlOwlike,firank they ezernitteritai saffraAiM '..i. , Wrefilzais +reirdotti - Hebrews. - . _!, al • ;:g b a l ltigo t t e M resents,ftvautbutudg.ofutiltabetter clam Israelites, without distinction of party. TaktFAirtialifilX*Pl4of i ltr' ,4 1 14 0 1 telk unafflzeleKleellv.blatboWeihr ,• - • lo PittiVa g eSitikt e lgla haaap„...;, The.retlort•: . ' that the' tad. n,, bar elilden recoil/ 11361Pawt1382midnid MK in 1860, and -• tlfkkqpg.t4gl.„ol444..tootted. 4 t year., =Were: baiiiiiLothee than '3l4,ntrole, and • lailnikiloainie ..- were • boriV94 IthA United Stetes.A- AtAillikl:Ontlitt *Olt tpthree ehildren,•.L one -- an eat everyviirnitilinf . '""rOtigi ri tlie mofi I :inothinaiir, show :their •.Rteti 4 JA*lo l 4ti:,!o l3 . ti 7= lit:int:4o comas Avnical-ItlnaF , • • tallheeittiv:Oggi,'..:#V.,lhe',WidriOi s,-. I rimaii:tliatiiiB4 , .wwee , tradchilft cloth 1,.4041**0-9,#"` 2 frOilit i # l3o un ffir;ar-wooet. 'ldithbeetit eff*ArkAftvgAtzikk , ,waisvntlerbigfttOwk WlA . ilAldniue ag' °P -;. •. rlitidki.k.4 6.444ll4Tb latiq,mdblmili4staeWihroukhl ;'•• , The 4dEalge.,*(4l l B l )LMlNgew , WilWelli • .51beirekadee_ot7life,..batt been inmenet doses of Opium. 108 . 1v.Wopdtg, the rever t , B ar, that three d e were , W• h mielved,• 28 43rhil ' And 157 , actttaldi. • M. •;. cdn.l ' •' r . gigs! , a ,r., , h, wretched cOnatitutken•- • I Ol d. on thr tifthlTux. .IMWVlr l ffrp eat ingeopo) i buithl Ocean, off the -Caulk - of At& this spot largnt metnabarvibeen coast, fotthe soomusexistion of the_,llCken _ . ilea and their 1 111111**114telklif singujß,NtithkAted lummeeti 1 the ThaW l WorqfteMP.. Fees thositheiromattuttleeteenteAthesile dollerAmArippnirar ..42; ASIPA . ;4 734 ‘79' ZZ=Mf2 •"BtoeirLingli the: gletattate that BarVandthe AZ net of werttiondeivor- An taproot arl_allilit4 Ni r jhltilffelitts 32 : Pieta 44. 8 .4 1 9 '4 ,1 3a 1 4 9 4if 4 PV4f c tf l O - Ni 4keu ' faf, tem. • ILI - Aitint froth ICldlNdateilitatrAiriklean tepreantativer-thereAtad i made ,smother :offer or medifitbr, between plgiLandlipsin. ••wiiii ilebi-tnii:ri - '.. ', ...LI rir 1 i 411;;(i nto i t if t ; tin t i nil Iti•T ::::....1f.4,0 u:..z.,:rm fitoatiter.ab4BA44 7 4l l ',l::•_,. .:::,,' :17Itutatgeti:Ifstteltultetla.tualtiPlutti into tXtUli o nizt l VAliibOid99. l # l o:344n4:3 7l 49.9rd° f•teawb 4p4Eu0*A1t.41),:Va11:1790.0-499nR, iiwthP 04 5417 or r IATVIOTOUIu) iiiern. ,ris jp ellgta a olio lite' itaa r .'ollo -Pylaptinaliv. orbs'. '6.2 . uwitni(iindr,stnslibi ''eaaae. ,, Tbotudzlterilit. rtakiV4bEitrait'Stainnbh)Pairk =erg:urea Dyspeita; Heartburn, Headamba,Acitm, AirtuLtrakr,l:and. , allloo32pttepef.:44 , 4pdred tra ifaz i acet r us4 i , by - ,.--inNitu. : il,or. or. We - Great - Weakness and:: eu_tal, 1 DePF,..,e4 l tmt4P,X!!(Fq5 nisi; r) fetid 19,,!11 e „-. ~.. . .-. ~ , ..., f1f1.,.. C .A 7 . .,1t'Y 1-" ,- Bialiftstlklinitiatiie:A , diaighiraitoilet iartiel4atiperier taßicegrat,lanktatLhalf.tthe 1 Sim !. .Y.Pt..Jim :' , :clatio •Ir; 'T-i^ 1: E :.tirMiSg i i l*,y4 4 ~.,, :L A ~ g7 :76 *3 pod ~. ina j oil lit miTiTiiif ; .., ; . itatiagit , frOd'' &sh, b*o6;llbere',' . .. riihe eigi'tittoreyiVO-ver- Vetfpitrif'dittfu*eiet::.T*itintitg'-*liti. , /fave, . oneelreitit can ; - taktif Alamo Otbei;riAak tor oftrard stud etmrellPseendv.LivenCtil,” ;.. .mantaetuted" . :QuavelU; Hatar4- ff,-P0.,. 1 174117 - )rk. :13014tb3ri ARAM*** c,J:lirli .."" ' 1-,A• MEE - • 111113tIrri- 1 31ARSHALLi- 4 an VintActlky.AATlop-titb, at Aupta, iry.,TitnyAtev,, gottapitt PC:AWL ,8.,EN9Nci,..0f rlitsbEffiflo Pan and' 7,14 E .*, otlipp.,,littitllgp C... 1 , • n 'META h: i1rif.,...,:c ;:,,,,;th--:;, HEE riataßlSOlCir•On Saturdajt Jane: Stb4lSMat 9:. .glirk''' )L •e l f (l6} *. T l A : !,t?,/!W§ll249?Pr*ta, th e yet of h e age: - . *, • - - ' , lrani* liitial nki; fat 4 1 krielficik:'1 , :lii.V4011 his ' 'tateaddinht,:lcia--Iftiteitsliftkienuidia.setateny' *lefty.. i dends otatimenuaili itrn:reayeetthey in -1..1t(119,011:0.-F_Ti .b tin El.C:ke,-.lgflfll6l iet.l . DILLN.—fln Saturday afternoon. a_t. t kciock, 'D LLltlyptnyeat 9blel l tkf,Levf. and El Jr. Dll— manilliflauttlt.: •:'...,..n :IA , ,•..0 . - .s' ilanl : .Williilakei,Phicec?fprnpit U (clitegolgte of' I it* : • 1111P , ..4.91415im,Z401144:4.9,T D 4 . 4 - x lilt 2. 7 f c r i ,q4t• ntlt!,f,PifYi;!tnE,lnect iarcirYgg4iiii:__liTii'i'lTo,cloek Tias.:, • eft hilt lige. : !. -... ' .: '- -. .. r `.' + 1 , ... biJ2 W..! -. .111. . 1.:F . 4 10 4*W! g, vignm . iit.3l, , c,spicor.,from hi s . ritii . 4.witerirrt - o:vo - crkii. Btiest:j.AlleglynY. The Atelfs.ofhef4rlve tekneetftilly'luyited to itteaS; "- ,t fi i _ i i,ll 1 W91,) . , Auj er _giuntt l , A s N. 6 'MBA* STlit Pat bars a a. ' ) I. of tilltandi,