The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 08, 1868, Image 4

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    4-. n
4. _
tip 16101 itatts..-
pENNLImplar. **FA,* CO., iirti•Primipiri•
7 . 7 . 7724 * 13 "*.' 2:VlOgritt'leika; -
7. 1".• sitnni•ort,, Exign , •
;,. !Cditois,and.idutiurers..... •
GAZETTE 'fitlliblll6; 84 AND. 8 6 FIFTH..STR
. county..
renaw—miiiii . .. - f simi-treekeitt; Sing' e. c Treaty.
One yenr....M.INI! One y6s.r. r.. 50 '0py.'..:41..50
One montil. 750312 :nos.. 1.50 5 copl.eaceacb..l.2s
111 therreek, 151Threetnos 75110
and ppe,td Ali ; La ens ,
prom carrier.) . ~: • . .
, . . ..
- .
MONDAY, pliE 1668.
. . .
'ribs .WEEIci.7 Gx(trio,,aittl.l4ol Or:
nesdola and' Saturdays, i1:g44bg444#42.P1
est famiii.•netair4e,r. Pennsylvani a-,; r aitztieayi .icedca,lo*-44i,dottonni „ . of
solid rearing matter'. pines the fullest cts.
sofa 400 mopt;rflittbe market/rope/le of ail
yaptAlC a State.- - 'its• tilts . are‘:nseit.
shay by the Civ r ii_qggrts fitf4llfgheny,county
for reference in important liana do ile?ermine
the ratf4leices in gut-markets at the' time of
the business transaction in dispute.
Single copy r o . ne year, ; in clubs °Dive,
$1,2.5 ii.42l4B:eif ten, p,15, - and • one firse
to the.tetai:4 of 'tlie . crub. Specimen copies
sent tYc6 . 1 . 0 .- 474 •
Ws< rarkit on the inaide pages of, Yhie
morning's - Gettri4;:Second page : Poepyi:
Matters iress_Xoki" llfarkets
by Telegrafitr;' IMParts by 1?oilroacl, Inter
esting River Intelligence, Eieambqa;
nouneernents, RailtipitY Time Tables.- 'Sixtl4
.Prinaiii and-Trade, Home Harker*,
Petroleum - Trade and Shipment's. Seventh
page: Jateresting" and Instructive Reading
Matter, AninsioneneDiricAirg..-,'
GOLD closed in= New. • York' on Saturday
Coipittutemi, who declare that the GA
zrrii 'Mid all . the *dice', organs are .op
posed to protecting :the industry of the
country, 7now that deelaration to be false.
These ; reptiles are not usually blind mpg
August, but ,the infirmity aPpears;this Year
Tnx,Re,gistratiort Law:has been fully argu
ed-before the SuPreine Court at Philadelphia,
which hike uow adjourned to dray ist i When I
decifipu trill be promulgated. "The Cork.
stitutiontd,questiou has been thoroughly ez
smirked, and the decision will . probably_
cover this and all the other mooted Vointx,,
Wrorri:Ertstotw our proposithT:rf .Eafr
urday,'-to .- -oirset - ihe special• 'eleetioli•
Gallia.judicial Astri.ct of Ohip against the
Copperhead success in Oregon. The ma
joritY of the lattei is said to'be
hundred,—rather a contemptible result for,
the trernendouaeffOiti 'made by ilk party,
backed by the most inficiupulous`use`of the
l'resident'a patronage.; We sh.e l l4)99 l 4 lter
no such difficulties when, ender GRANT'S
administrittinn; - We elect a gOod Re'pnblicaa.
Legislature for that State in• 1870, for the
purpose - -of fTetnintng §enator, yirnzums
to Washingion•for another di. years.;
cohrintr.ollair very sentdbly suggests'
that,..if - COngtese disposes of tite'lntertud tax
question,, which. until a . day or two since,.
was exo66diojeonscuice
by disIA4SEPPAIStmedY essi,
few other articles, leaving the main meas
ure :to, the next
now find titne tolike up the tariff question.
At letat,siftio;breader meastre be - adopted,
it would be very easy, by a bill of tWentl ,
linesoto make a atraight,shorizontal addition,
of say , ten:to twenty per cent.•to the existing
customiwlnties; and let matters stand at:that
until bongieria re-easel:Otis. , • The mace
lion is worthy:okepaideption.
IT la - Officio* 'stated' 'that both of the
Presbiteriiii?liiiseinblieg• have approved,
without alteration or amendment 4 the.basis
of union ieporte4 he; pint. o m She.
and-each directed that the sent down to
thel*} . o64eS 4 for their action durink ttk
ensuing year; - ,4lthOugh the dew ;School
(justalmutto.allourn) could take no.action i
for *aid, of the recfuleite iiimhe.r of ineth
berg - Piesent;' though' the call' of 'the roll I
she wed a laiio44o l 4' . felc6ri offlit, prO,
positions yet re-itßanted,eksilme C9m
puttee, , "to - use all appropriate' means, to
promotellzuniecintelligan'ttielon upon
the Phut by, the.P.reshYte.rigs,TheProPesetd
termaof,,reimion, gi.11,4e votgd op, during
the - Tsar, by*h
. bodles, and '
- soon
thrig-fOrftiiitfthetsiydrieliCiali .6l / 2
afflisliatively for the basis, the union is ipso
facto accomplished." '
Tit! Stinday 'organ ' of the ( Derdocraci,
the' Leader, foreshadows. the ' action' of the
forthcoming p'eMocritic CoriventiOn. It
hints tat tieneial SeVitiiiiM, tile re.
presentoldier of 'that =party .in this
- county, will be shelved' ` as col aspirant 'for
Congreed;ridilti.= Bak.,
nominated; in order to 'catch the...working
_ men's , votes: l 'orhiOnove , will . avaDthe
• -poisiticnitit 'the liboring element
will riot, :Mthiflitti'diji', 'be r aibied
tered into tholthiikrit,Oirei les
interestB; W and i'4l . 4iCh" iiT l .44 4 1 .
being , ; ther,,aristooraticT:bpdp ppoiitit of the
countfy. The intelligent Isttoriffeclatses'
will P°!':-. 1 19 Ad.Pe51.,1,7 asyr.ribtlititlit formed
brat:N49:d and , tlaslzningqmliticaiaildtdt2r
;defeat tiMiag42ot
tatur'44' W 3 041-114,11.:',0edei 3 ; ,
belinge' Idinitelf to the =iirbiy g o y * or lw .
mat, ' • • 71 n
2 .o4 t arm dalirell so lit r . pem w pectiv*
t net * *CU ro slat, i*
e 4 velum sada" 0 Wit rottctiatt,
. Thalrit#o44mAti,pi' Math' deelara
smiester • 14' et' ?11.1,
lY !crilicadosttlikelittiiii
th daVhallbf ,
sgite44,4 Autoixinitio Walks
re *Am t oiiiiii**6l*4oloo
7 11 1 01 .414Ritios 6106ml:two
leadiAES In7uches ef". l 49:numirAT i ftli - I x t.
dust.V.Y.oi• Pennsylv ania.;: This injustice
Sas just been , ageed upon by..tlip, Yfaysl ,
and Meang.COmmlttee, and,which will be
come alaty,attiAetiext session. Co:ingress.
it was esp ecially : - desirable • that this': bill
should liaie been repOrted :a t an earlier day
so that it could ditfdiectiatid /midi
adopted before the adjournment , of the pre
'senUsessidit. zThlitubailiteriz.foritid I:6 1 1Se
impossible;"'tlie - Intl, •a cdpy,,t , f .18"
s - tiefore,ug,•aud which would fill.mearly . two
Pagess,of : the Ilasti.ft,liaiing engage the
close , .atteutiou: and • -Saithiul, : lab s ; of the
Committee for over Vehiliblithein fts' pre
has cbbit•loSted t at Vie:
earliest_ day . , copsiapikt Withhti,..importiukce
'of tlie plana
of its framers- _ The necessity which
pears to defer its coricßaiiiatfoii r .t64 , iiotfier
session a few months hence, is deplored by
its friends4'.*-blit(ietielViirevoiakbli: to
candid or honorable,opponent.orpre.teetion
will misrepresent this action by impeacliing„
the sincerity of its supporters• %They They
ttaderstand that we ,propose to:u4el.p L a i ure
thing of; measure at the earliest `day ,
that promises success. - Of the ' flew ' bill the.
New York Tribantsayp:, ,
.A careful exitin lifition Of its tlie'vlsretts4lfilho* a
that it alms largely . to substitute specille for adsai
orem duties,. therebyleisening the tetatitnutabd
li t re `'.:Ti'•grd'lT:t t 'hlVlA l :. t i e t ItTata t :7
ttulff en some !trades, the `continued heavy i s mpOrt-.
salon of -which, 'under 'the • ditties 'now imposed,...,
though they are articles which we have all the ngt.-.1
oral resources vtd abiltV to produce, r showittlWahh
present-M*o'l4g failed UV protect tbsitt produCtioti
by American industry and capitah With rates of I
taxation earth( wages exceeding theta to wnich the
industry of anyloountry in +Europe is subjeeted it
.cannot be expected that the products Of fon ign
labor can be allowed to throw out of our markets
the products oCoor t own labor., -Rhitt,wou v
resuirldobtalainrs filly mouths or leir-pnees Am
our crops as welt as' for-our Wientlfietered goods,
with the certainty Of breaking up 'those Industries.
On w hitch we must necessarily depend for the greater
'part of our soppily s,as yrAl as of. oug togrkpts.,
GOTTEN.,. • • .
Why Fs it that the Democracy are SQ anz
ions thritithti 43 . 1 ff
out of the rebellion shouldbe ignored thii
Year: ' They insist upon' it that these' fstues
ate ttAPNa 014IJOA'AilkTal!ti/7344.‘ that, the
people should;forger ho* . .rtittch 'lsTorthern
Copperhead synipathy, - eherisinng the reNl 7 :
lion, had the effect to embitrials and cripple
the vigor or the friends`, of tbec Union; en.-
couraging the rebels not only_ by Words but
Oftenwlth material aid more substanfial in
men and money, endangering the stetess
of the - fin/km ganse, iiiiff'2a*all.YfisrOloOg
,ing that sanguinary : straggle : • They want
us to forget that their •• last 'National Con;
vention stigmatised the 'effort- give the
Union by elms tis failure. They want, us
to foiget'idso: he 'doubt, our dead brOthers,
fathers ttletr)ives to
hold the flag, The3,7ant
the maimed veterans; whoxoretlie hlue, to
forget that they were b6rii*'•viitii - Nt•hole
/bodies, like-other nien; end %to' forget -the
'goody fields where the limbs they lostwere
thrown aside to dee*. '' They want us all
to forget that the rebels Were Democrats be
fore they rebelled ; they .
-Democrats since liteY were conclueied, and
that they have rerle*eit : "theitt t olii`alliance
with the Copperheads here, to obtain these•
same old ends by - peficeful means, or, those
failing, by threats of a second twined
Yes, it would gratifiy_N,,orthern perco
ciats to have all these things fbigotten, i tint
they won't coix-VerY iuerlybf the'-friends
'of the old flag to bury these shameful meta
ories in oblivion.- And, , never,`since : Lan
'surrendered, has it been. more needfal .to
keep these memories alive than now.-
LeadingDemocraCs - atPhilade plus have
calledl meeting 'tor fithitia.;'faitton
`selt upon The most effective 'method for the'
presentation orbit . . Own as a`candidate be
fore the New " i ts:
paper is reported es about to be established(
in Wuningtini, - editid by 0 A.-'f on , itintin;
to proinote the same obj!ct: lit tit. , 'Louis '
a strong inclinatien,.toward htm, is
'rested by the same Iparty; the ultra seces
sionists giving IdinALqxsdlionnta.traltfrz
DLEvon. 4 ,9 4 the ) :,,thyrjugl,AlpiliEr t ee , '
friends lit Washington dOn't OWE the move
ment will arnbttiliniPninehl'ilml'lltitt- their
wwn earididate have a clear majority on
the first ballot:. It l in': ortlyifthr tworairdai
pule whiph siands at l l4l thoOr, 7ax. : AeArer
itheless, the shrewdest obaer,veTsare prepared
to see .the CopPerheds-fdlleornfng- to the
support bfilie'Cidef.Tuitite, tfi rtlfielitik
line under the banner of,RiveNsf4fre;e,
I:iegro equality, and the redemption ot
twenties in giddifte7tilleriihEcti ME 21,711A5E
is conimitt l e foilowing,purports to
'lie a synops isof the platform on which he
Js to stand
I. The states Moue A i sverse-rrsitt oritaidinbtr
terms of suffrage., _
11. Congressaa no power-to keep Ibeßelellßates
put of the Union, and its doing so is usurpation.
e 111. Universal manhood
sged 1n , suffrage, AO universal,
amnesty - and Eestoratiod
ar: f lio.wAnffiSPellsable.
resumption specie payments , so t hat
greenbacks .willPecqgiValent to gold.
V. NO Painter, trials in 'time of peace. I .
VI. A proper proportion o!Jiophystrsin
VII. The Judiciary to be indep e ndent of Congress
Vitt. The yrinwent. has fn • power* -tor pardon
Rebels and Itotorrtheta pa MSS rights: • Con-
restriction of this power is usurpation.
A. leading provisioddfreporff
Ind by Mr. Belmar, contemplated an entity
change iii.'4e T tidinisastiiiiiimqlAtlni 'Octane
'bureau, PieehtguieLappowsrkeroolocials
the, hands ,pf.tbc.commissioner, and li.
effect making liinindwiliit i o o f the pit I
•Thiti provision was so interwo ven
'with the entiraiiikitfri l ifftiolit that the
'icfried of the'H l Mnii i .4,44, , s , ittithitkia ;
' l = 4 / 4 4 ;Tet lo 4 . #' re P l M 3titletli T. U T aer "
vice isleini4d44llii , Nuivi4eitt;.tii 7 i
feat of the. raiiisureb.344o4 filit4;,4 l
.suggestion has beerfiniae, arid IllaYldttdiCa
‘ Urn. U W/4 Aeivohl_ ll 4l:l i effl4.lf9qt TRU
- briefly amending the law as it now taxes
bArtaahirea r tiW of ef!iirticles,
detidedirbAtter ,, prospect of
.1301101cE bill, now.feli ,. MOM the House,
occupMad i y parFo guirnow229 wool if t ven i
to thlWawit
InesiiiitittlaOW*** ooKMlK
Oragiii,lo,l44lAittift OP
.1700-rtit4,160%3144PN 1tAt4404111
_ .
' "' •"'"'"
• • ,'Snskr,-.YZ:=4;
vioito,*iv e
Repel eans, there is work for np in- Al
jeghtia„%itiirtok. There is nt r ffee‘Wiel
`lost. The camp,aign,bas,,osihed, ;The. is
sue lemader lYcnrr--hatiettel ittufenrhave
'beenvhosen from amongst your,,r a ost,,,esd..
vent fella* citfiens;u tstifuStite .11icktirrel
headed r bi'6 4 6 ,. ' 4 l , otitk?lls6 l 44l,24W,
Aupport ; your local candidates areeiniiient'-
ry qriallfied'for there§Active' 'positionVfor .-
'sihich they havetbeefitoinfruifed;lgud now
it remainslor you your..shoulders he)
.the wheel and work. . tletitligngokgoing in
'Allegheny ,ountx.
.Tbe ,whole State looks, ;
for the , gramt .commence
'bete . , the. weSt,i , and other - ciittnires
hclding.baok to hear rhat•efforts we, who
are pledged in.advanoe fop an overwhe
ing majorityi are tat_
rlitimittriumph in O h cgives , ol4o l l l 9l4. o
oVeytess- ifibituut t She one f
in such rapfdieeeessionint4rember. The
enemy is - ineritialing'lus loraa. — EieW
exertion WiliWitifilethil.liZyg4ota frlnn
bur rankap.every. smarts, honorable 'or 'Ala/
henorable;will be employed:to disaireei
`Part.T:' ` to
obeckniaietie, movement made `to weaken,
oar strength, and turn it to'' the dieadvah.
-Awe of the fhe. Talk, will not do. We ,
r atuat'havei:yroinrit work. Organize Your .
Giant Let it eieri iraid ancrdistrict,
id the
_county boast of de,bitild of followers'
.:Of theri s it,_ . COle ft aiW l etfeai4e' set
,vice in thy,
,campaign,,re „live
'Stand by the iamelndlittewfficit
the complete overthrow on -the field of bat
tle of,tha,:wily .and ..unscrupulous enemy
which is to' Conft•ont Yeti at' nib 'POlls."As
,yeur hullets were aimed with Jelling fidel-,
ity, bringing traitors to bow in supPlitince,
at let your ballots be cast. , The, ciyilized
ivorld . wittches with interest foi the denial
of the ab . Cdpied,proy . Orb that "Republics are
,ungrateful.' . They look to see a 4rp
4anaiiiebile sustain, support - and bon-`
or with the highest'gift f lri 'their power a
faithful chieftain who asyed•bia - sonntri:and
triumphed over, its enemies t Let every ,
voter remember ibathehasia voice in kram
.4itg the verdict and act,aceordingly..,
. •
` Section XIV of this Rdll, a volume of 337
pages,hasjust,been issued by' the Quarter
ina.ster,General. , ; it einitfins the names .of
aver 12,060!thiltiii 'prisoners' Wlicipe r' tsitied
,by slow torture at Artdersonville, Libby,
. •
Salisbury and other slaughter-houses of the
rebel Southern Den:toe-racy. .Be It remem
bred that official 'authority (Gen. DANA)
iitnounees that the nearly two hundred
IthouW l4 '_ A.4 l nes w 0941.4 11, beef i?Fik Ail .
recordedi - itielttdc not much, If any,' more
than half of those who were murdered., The
remains of the Others are still without Idea
tifiaition. ,The: rolls' were in many eases ,
destroyed or seeretedlay the rebel gaolers,
so that the ltita tOefasi brit ' 1 "a small 'pOlu r
tiim of the names of.those tniried at tbe pri•
..sons in ::Tennessee, Lonigiana, Texas, Flor
t4a, and at Salisbury, N. C., and Florence,
S. (1.% and Lone at all of the names of those
buried at many other places where Union
prisoners were confined." And here come,
as we write, die Tennessee journals with a
report of the proceedings of the Doeratic
, Convention. held at Nashville on the let
inst. Its resolutions, reported . by "Haag.
bran" t‘o . , ' P., declare; arrsong . otherthiri4s,
al follows . -••-- - I- ' '
Tastir the PeconstrucUon. laws of Cowes' are
enforced. an atielectlon for President takes place
itt the tioutheyn S t lAta. it would br i a shame and a
Co e n t l e dlc . oMitiowedto to illf 4 t the rt e atimarthe 4 4 12
g WA; and thstAb opinions originated in the pram
lence of extreme and a disregard of the Wan
of demarkathin , httilreen the Federat•Conatittition
find the reserved rights . of the -ntates and people.;
mid that to re tore the arentittent to the ,uena
racy Is the II per *ay to secure a return to the ....-
, =liable ays of cheeks and balsam it. tormerly ex*.
outt, mien the Re
-;toilWO -are 'repealed and the
t4estored , to the:Deatocraci??
South; 'they agaln, by jai
l ebellien, attempt,. to rest* the
ble aystets.oft clieeks and , •bal::
whiCh •tie'• ItepubliC was re-
I he blood aad•HVEB of nearly half ,
its sans. IPe need Only, tOldok
fro[, Eferair . which xe6rd their,
wh*t these ~doctrines aad.this`
dready cost us., !Die friends 'of
att. ief. jet Inclined to forget
oid '4l4:lrairp
'nacos" fro,
iteenred by , I
a mllllls'l' Of
at the 'Boll
fate, to kuo•
I party have
I lie :Union'
110 . 1 lafliFtir t O* 5 4 16 4 i. 6 2 A - 4
A large mu:Fiber- of ,Union
,aoldiers, last
[heard of in rebel prisons ? on the battle:
Ifel.. 44 4iiioHis; 1;i174 . ;I',4l4.l l btlti'qi
ishen, leaving widows and heirs who are
as JastlY,
, ieNtl 6 4l3V.. PWilml4 l w. irtike
-proofs of death were accessible. Yet there
Ods been hitherto ' no means ' V' iv'hich theit
oeieis'PAlllA,iib4dit a legal recognit i on froq l
the Pension Bureau . ::: It was stated, : how;
, eveT,i , "nn - BatnriNy;'.,. in , tliklionse.; that '
the OilF.*,4 i i i t a ' ie4VIY ,ado pted
~ ' : .!:19 ?:t41 '
, gra n t finch -clainis. in sll , esseti ,WieinpioOf
staade-thittiite : . siddieilistii , *en; : tor two
years:Utleitrd' of, and thitj.lie!illestiiaied
undir'birennistitneei: Whielil-viciiild; 104, tO
the pr esumpti o n "of hii.:distik,,;,thli , leW:
reilUtioiiiiill'ineet , iiiii' AVIV , elithiii;or ik'
argiiiiiiiifei,ioro44'7ltvid :oigit;,.ther.4-
4f0ri,i1,6 te'generallykihitn - . - ' = "Thelrtition id
JustlOWi**.o,(gellt!ffs, though 4ax4l.
is .ultini#Wa l Y:?t: , ;..:::w : L', } : 4 . , :'':'.....g.i . 1. Th I
.._ ._ , ..... .. . - - - .
priblicaiia elsewhete p )ii_•aho i wzt:i.hyithts fol•
4.1 1
4°W4ileti)i4:#4lii:NA ,I ' . :;li?Vl3 ' .. 1 r ~
.i:: , , t? 1 1
' A
" oaye, ' i .' . 1 4wi titt--
'll.leiigioi (mock „_..90114. . ..-1
NegleytialJ been nominated TOl',Vol l Oresel'br !
Alie- 11, 014 1 lat.rthok.fVOINeikoo br4fi d
pittqwgyatittitetz . iiisfinemilimefrepolog.l ,
fion great popularity, and---pem ,nat 11l
will enable him to walk overetint
i, -•-•
distance„. : $n 1411•'''l
The . State Chard says: - (*distal antes
1 8. Negley, Republic* iiiiiiiiBittiiiiede
: • ssiiilheTWentyAiScfaid' tristeltt, is one
of MOTs= who,prontrotlyi•Jon'Oe'broolv
ing out of the war, offered his Wadi**
the Govcritßicir„genitsylninia ;941414 th e
• • dour &fence: - He 'l6Wht' isitie yet.
fig the entice stragglaow; * w owto
* ll 44ll*wormr,lo4lthe fight Wios over
and use victory for the Government
1 011 ( 10 1 Ciii."‘ThWiWili k , '
t fr o
fneiii_ 4 l6l . 714r,:litsirl,3t,Iti ~. ......
llMOVetil i nt v if i r l i th s, ' - J
_ _ -
REPRIOI I PCW- 11 •• # --
The Arkansas bill liasrePorte ' d front AS
ilionfernice:Connnittee',o2 Batufgak4o both'
louses, the Senate kiieciiig Ail''PeO.P . ort,
and action . fri ., the - House being cut , off, by
tlM t(Ottildr;adjonrnriteffi: - Ili* tui:belin ,
doubt iludttiellease-swilligree:te it to-4y,,
and the bill will ii) tot the President; whOse
signature, We hvi - the authority , of Chief,
.Justice CHASE r sayingrwili 'be given io
it promptly, ktixiiikle'ebineii *Mick. to the,
l i r
-Pnionv this iv k,: , Abe', first' of the',:reCiin-,,..
struc t e d , „Stit* _.?l „ ," , _ , ~,.. • J!, ,2 ,
. Th 4 , 14.6014 11),*'' admit thi'
. tw0; 1 044
i as, Georgia, Louisiana and Ficridai4a ,
der debate i I.liMile;;_irik - kikt hien&
anticipate its -. 'Allier' iii -*.f• *Mir discus
-1 'ErrOnibing e .4 , P -4 1 4 1 3 1 i 3 ,44 1 R4s ; - ,, iI !FM I4 .S I '
• *lffill4 a l ll th bilk - . RePOiCesinnetttrs;
41014 u a that question, and, i ttiekttte :: close.., Tha-bill:thenCgoe_S-,
back - to the, Ho se . foto US :action -upod tlie:
3 er ist,e,,anletid e nta,i-,, , t -,..r.r.i::..1 . i v. !us'.
.143 I
No elebtien - aSletTheefrOidereitlifriVir 2
gin i a:•:- 1 0P 81 014 . !;50: 6i, ;,i4
~ b n toefia in # atida , very. acu_veßamiefoo•.
{, lent einiVtiakiii gopig*ii‘tfliti::ilibeliilitfte;
all tittene.fin Oe f lnasiiiti‘ b *4) cking : '4ariti
f, all
tke: black votlecrwitlcturassidaitvi
Whic:*64lloll4osi*;thiPl', ilet.-139,A1C
-1111evri in: ` ' 's white nanla. government.; E 3'
The Texas Convention assemble& titifiel,at , ,
tust-i4d ' l4o . lidii Ae4c l l l o ll4B ' , . , os , M ' c '
months.: , lintsthere ; is no. reason - to deitbte.
that its , Constittition 'may :be'
. fratritid , an'd
ratified prior '
to the,Preadentlal , electieji , l4 .
November..: , ..1 ...
'• titE E3ll l ll.tgir.,
Mr Itunuttaaws an an 8
were formally presented to the President on .
Friday, and the uanal r itrieetihed
Mr. Buannvoami stated Asti ;"ot-,ihai.riine
ranks 'into . which • % chines's% officials .'are
•, ,••, •
classified; hi. 'Was ' himself of the' first' elasS.
ld the plandarinsvf. the second. He aim;
ade ibe following statement:
Mr.: President, the•irnperlal C h inese
"einment hnviiig within the' fasitin*C•ybars
accepted -the laws ,of- nations, as,. 140' i(are
- allowed,and,practiced bp the Western Pow 4•
ers, that Governmenthat further concluded;
if permitted t -to enter into communication
through the 'maternal diplomatic way with
the United 'Eltatesi Detuatiik;
France, Great Britain, Bawd, i ittily,,lsortti
faerniany, HuSsia, Bpain, .and 'Bgmde.44.l
This=the - Chinese GoirettllßP is
lettem addressed to,those
pinvers , respeolvelY•
Jenkins, who was present+ attYs
their Interview, Mr . .l2hullm.ixte and the'Wv#:
stecretaries were dresied in plainsuitst
without any The4wo chief Man
darins were attired intorgeoustigared . and
-highly-wrought silk • gowns. •girdled.-vritir
and jeweled'Cording, an d' wearingsash.;
TM of then. rank and'office of • peculiar
ness hid ;brilliancy On their beads;" tliey
wore peduliarly-shaped sundown Sirs* hats,.
which were covered With a.louse,, &wing,
deep red fringing. From the toplot , , , the
center of these hate was suspended: a_ glass
*ornament surrounded with jewels. — • Loose
flowing pantaloons , of 'colored Saki,' iittd
magnifieeatly ' worked silk sad velre,t 'san 4
dals with "&aineuid.claaped - Irnekleif con-
Veted the 'ccetunie of theiwn - eldefs;'"', - whili
the interpreters; 'who are all officers . of,
the eighth rank; were nearly amilidy, at
"tired, the only 'difference being various
marks of rank. - . • •
Funeral of .F,x-Freoldest • Buchanan.
Mr. Bucharum's fimerarwas very inms
ing. - The Republicans'vmd with the rri-. ,
Derma in paying honor had:us:Aria:l7 •Nevr!
York City 'sent fifty Alder Men - and pe, .
llayersk haudsoU,Pmtributione. Hex et,
Lane salter hughsuid.'wers it lhot:grave,
both weeping. -. 31r. TI ncluinfn is s t polcen•
kindly' eA' by eivetYbO•Hly:` He was u' i lrleild'
to the iviiri'andlell,.bY hie. l iipiDernuMentr,
fund'" td • bur ruel ' for the deititi*, • :L- -
.property As YOW I4 i , 40 09 •04.. ' "l
WaB .00w12 91:114.0i din ; Antidep WA U.
hod* 3ves natura' and dignified:at in.-/tfeJ
Mr. Buctuumn's last - words . wire: -•. l o„Leedd
GalAhnig,hty; as Thom Nvilt." !-Heisaiduin
ids lateiccenscions momenta; truitiva•itiCintir
4 t
coma •back Loftin it e , cohlttto`, dritikvo
sprink in the Ifiveri erVinietetlaint ''.M i te '
pendent' forfie - tieliddliklaid)iolearea "
tory;that he shouldbe fuTlS.viridicited: • Ile'
left ekollelt - directloiis 'ghoul "IdeXamh,',ind
directed theinscription:for ft.,. Thu Anterel
was.the largest, except , that• Dr... New
ever hole in Pennsylvania. , -7-, • , b . 17,7.` ff
Tone. .'correspondem con ht , ti: glimpse
to-day; of Ihat the Colo heid,ilnsiai " .
' style: .the '`Bastille. : cell" :of Woolley.: ‘- A:
Mee Brussells carpet is on the floor, and the.
apattment is impitlled -witiv 'parlor mot. bed=
'toom , •farnibire to• mhteh. l At ts ' , neatly itt: ,
ranged. , •While loth: *Rioter '.-; wilii jn, "thl
orn, a waitef from ofthe'Cipltel - res*.;.'
t r
`rants' entered with " woo rues • 4:areal:Di:
clgaro , ang - wille4'44 •_ 3l ..if - !-,* 1 4 1 4-. 4 04 - :
keon !. smnie4, hAr, mem. i;Omfei e l And, 1
'evetjtuvirloaf4i.lban:fßost of VinPitiora , of 1
our iirst-elass hotels.-. lie one,. however,ia
permitted have Recess td the prisi3n,a. ex.:
cepthis;cerisel, who were in consultation':
with= him a leng tlifieP tb-day. Washingt on ,
1 e f0...: :*4 ;,.::) $11'..1 „,lif
(..1 1 - .l' . I
tinsoved Bit kit
to tli'dt:DlF6CFPitta-lakilt'AiAlle
is almost entirely ignored by his old,fteptibi:
lleantricmds.' •Thereistmlactubti 'says thee'
corresbonlienrofthe New York ftit ''thlit'
be, IvitlinEendetkori?Ross tiridyi4tWinidd,, l 4
• have' mide i npilMlr',minifirtki" f p4tAo4ilitt`
DeMpery t y,4'aridi,o24t;
r iith9FA:tig -CgctMiktke
-0;4e141-33431i '6l , l4oML*tedtAnd
OM Meantime iheihopeiito igiusesirdbria.,
•ionin•thellimnblinsril =kiwi Whey: might
is well attempt toreplitia ;granite rock
a blade of graak ,asLlßlvtotir
lA ll ______ 4 1 ; r7-1 4 1 ZP. 1 1044 . .it t : ::
..,- After t # eree ' dayet.slebaseVit the 110 W fralt
)ata It , le evidbrit that it 1 / 2 vilkbriplitosiOlti'-
io get' tllO 'ilififigtoliinglitid it:1)14404W
eticßg4.:,.o.!ll,4 9 s.AtiiiiS44lo4l A??..Maft4bliir
', l licittlfil Ix don% Warsaw net4bwelightegL
proliibliiti: thst 4 t7fliW'c 4 ilkii l o 4
`,ivitoA l :l 4 oYOlis'it i 8 0i.Pf-f*Aeiliq.Sg
piton -tiilllikiftwititionflii mAitn, a yiptad 3
.go back to the Hobe 'geld fer icitualnenek
l :
) (W . ' "
-tidal .!11164,?`f;
P Wick r l
~ 10,
bll 0 1 1 / 1 0 A 5 .9, 1 " I ,y r ." - i l t ro,
UM leoldiA
og Ul figir iW2II - AlO.
vi " tiA t
# l44s
..,.... ._ ._,,.._ ._. ,
" thetiairia - cirlincithee:DatV's!e PiTti ?gr - 11451 ! 0--
tf whom eamnotini6 , Witii , fOU'd Cr. — - '
Drolegates:frigurthteDllottliit lit Colt:lts%
to thelikiiVl York ecinveritiotrivOre chose.
t 4- lay. , ' It-they - Should be allowed! ta ' - iroty:
, r
112 4 4-ftratf choke walk!" be.iltrhisitrii. Shmar
or ramoorattoptgiticilans mein thaTeityPrh ,
faellig forOliaatr toi the. ilevr ,- York pond ,
nee s'lam:is-to
?i gain ?fairer '• *Uhl them treiy
P.lfiay.,: ,- z •-..,--,.,!:-,-..,:..!-,:,, .1:
-'3.''. .N.; h
. tiB3tited OrYrfiliondal'of l Senatoklerfntiti
that- it's th'e likterititm'ortbatfgentletrien '
enter stltts - agitinorti the IfewtTokleairrakine
and tharianatt Gazette foe ilbelvc•Ttay Solt
against; he lA:visits. *ill- belbasindlupriroil
i - Ohaegelnthe Tribintri that he - :voted for Vie t,
1,941111 gal Iftho:Prtoadont "under4xrtruutliv:',
,Attienuegi'a4l - . tVithrthei'' , lattet ithae hE/vsetut.
guilty lir coraptiotrwtelq:chiliircidworthev,
senate , Carolitt4 ofityal Affairs during'
and s lith er thibtsuroon: L, , t; ~- r :-, • ,•.,, 1 %, „.,j,
Join irldt - a4lhay- itayirtgit rOlt: , 'Ciaso: tan% 1 1
get' thtevatr.VtlielfarviYtak delegatlan in' I
tha - Natittilitlenitairatia (TOilventitnii-and
uthinkB4t Itilitittablobltrtbaitthe-Chler:JuSia
Alta raitrbeittliMaerertk.Peetddrost,jri,i-, , 1
1 i Cletlaral~an Utatatistiungly In favor.',
of , haiitigthie_letreihrotiatiefasaastAn 'the
thilldigui Ofltoto , kirtli Pitstdelltalroadfrour
.ado Teriite ItniGatielslqSzht understii
~the wa lk ; . rilJ,,!ir; 'iiru ~,.., i <.!., .! , :::.;... - :,:1,
-ofigreall td allene,emUloriapty:;:os bite.!
dananwemilrfrtietrlsVit elebtfrijiiks ?that% thei
latter countiry Mt miliksisc•Vith , YelulaYl4
irtinia for the coastose time:
%:The House Postaltariblittaanitill report.
adversely to. -,therifomissmat % Telegrapko
`hill.- , . io+. , , , vi .1 - r_. n.,,,. 1. J , , ~, -i;
''',ThWiesiiii.:44.ttm -tue..jAh . :(lo l oog.;lol ,
lrgoblotk , jr, its 4.. Iteit". - at'vvosingspeeitol,roatq
tersow aseperalilsoriuldnot Ostritcp9i4
'bf NsOlt oll tarelo*k
,,,E4.9 , irr74 r ,, - -!t ~.40 f ,,,. ; ~,t,,
- .
v.l: • , ; , 37/
s7.l,..r.Votepfalyilkw,, •
. ,
i . ' '..!,
t '---7tporsi'jritte7t - t tiitii - :' ---, .0: c:
' ..,. 7 'll , :'.7: - ' '. • I ' '-.-..-! ,• + Y , • .. ~ :.•(-, ,'l„ . ‘f
catricLlCW. FALI6O,-,i .01-.
Foii..kasiittd 4 - 1 ,4": . - V 4 7 0.74;,
: - /;:,201iN4P',11411111/41"X'
- i r
( ' ~'.;:.., :, I , 'Ill: .:'.A..11-roiltail,, . , , ,••• !„ ,:•, .„ •
6. MADISON p(kiliTES,'Cotillacielpithia ,, ,..:: f.
TEOO.! kl: MABEFAttrol.,'4,'lttsburgh., • i. !,
1 2.
Dui r 5....; '-,-..: ;', :;. Dirkii•pr k • r .• • ; ,
_Vc,:liji gay, ,••' r 12 r; "*.SX ' OW, -
___ r _...
•^; W: PLLACIVIL: ' ' 14.. I. w Ittlorismazir„
:7: l iitrcuitsp -WitiatT.' , " l Ti. C• 74.13. 1111LLX,11, ,, .' •
.1i O. ;'litii..Y4llV•zi• ••": •• ! Ybi Gltili VrwEFD)BI4.; t ,
8. 1 W.8,180.1e . PG1L.11 . ., 17. 19'; 15TE.W4.14.,'
8, Li tr. Tran 4 vital:. 116:40.1.)intityrkslas.
7. FLOM' O. lISATOM, MIL izatr :ec l.i•, •: ; ,••„ ~4
8. 18.8.. AC AIM". ~ • , .. H. 011460/ 5 4, • •
101,DAVII)41..fitilLND, '- .•!. 1111fAxinitif, : t:il ..... • •
• 111 W. 1/7:si et, i.,-,f :,,; - Mi. , A. WHAOTO4P+ ~
,12 -. Wil . f Ar* T O U ' a F . • 2 f!' J 1'.. 13 1 1t #7 , .
"-- ' ..
'-‘ -coxifirtirmicirAr. ~ -. •
~ . tokizerse.,i :Ito mikerci.; ,- 1, , ,
. ' ..- JAMES S.. liEntrii
, cONGRESS, "al" soterra.k. .:
1 THO3IAI3' IctittlA.Ml
iisublorzt to the-declstost _ot, the7CArzeeo or, ilot
. , . , , ,Dlstriot.l ‘ - - I .
"'' ' -' -. -I ;94;XiICiAITISS Z T - •• , .',.',.' „.
''' • ,N. L. 11154,USCW.
~ : • - .;.7.:SEclsziNT lateirittetri:Vstostir
'" `i"4 . B.! AliAC.Ii!: .- - ! • ..
I ..- • :, • !.' ' I vAurs.L.' orxt... ~_. -
=.., • ...iv -.3.lfrr
!) . PS.ATS 4 1 ! NEEItt•
y : , etirszren.
ticcumal .
I.sltlB**.r'S PAC/1=4.04E
iAndt*ta ItAcit-ACinrPitf.
"aSSIMa!Y:?T (
" 7,-,74j.?*.3/o,a4tEr.B 01141131.
- Dnilal37llB ;
.1.13' #4.
t crf-I.P. ' •
'1 KitYPFP'-.1.31,4411N1M;e6-7,<:',1
c 5,,,-, 1 1r43; 0 **.TP.,4 1 . 1 #4•PPE*.01k%r.:4
i 1 6 ir 1 .1 41 /4 73 14 11 4 .1:1 Tr4r." AV,: ; )
tfie ;
.04 et
saitt Y ALT
‘ ' :I • •,-•; ± I INVENT! VIOLATION! -, !.:', ,-. ... 11
fOf the 'lami:ii?lie*tti tiOttiAlt ea
ak - ttq own
• • • -, . k , 15 , k I
4."64eii;iliatiiiiiiiis simirttd bytlie :
'llithfel ?WWI? , EPaliatlennot ;he tkellgltea..* l .. thf"
<l3l2pcaltye 0 If Its etheoeittene,werilbilklethtiCed•tee`
Preper.•Ter4edr. telmsdlately-ceperted;AbilJa. AC
amount of eufferfacieould be DreYebtoßti-and 4lol- •;'
gerope dteeeemteTectegi Wbeni the lielatilitoki
, ; the lips become parched, and the cheek le bcridng— .
•• the IFeio.sll•ix'< titeie.R:lneEtePt. - Wllebt .4144 1 .5 11 W4`
; IA the reeek,st,orebouliec ui
ot,.nsre,*4 be Amtk!ii
i trued' etkPE,aik the 4 1 44* IneWlef4th. l 4o l . o t;
1/11100..wittglit Mc4 11 P144 0 PeiratelAs lathersh!. ,'
Mike beat .fikthese taeigatikal aceAsi . ,heefullpirri, .IFL,f
, WM** bittk,ROlPtalifiaek4lYWThaeXtßWMPT.
I-1ER:B•$ ti.iCP PX 4 IFTP 3 7 Lith!kft!Preil e * setE%
M ee 4 d Y•t p those Ma(eN4Olfrl;±. the T!'ffituttetlieli O.
• teVer•!4hht illlellieh. l o l4 11tee'307:4014earel WOO.
.4' l itY iltlAetel#4l4 4 4; e l thelfil!gKt e 4± l 4 3 v
.71 11 *e14 eßeemP/Pl i trA,Aillhe an it :
viciPo , viiliontlh gl i CAP' , :4 46 . " 110I W t9 *;
'Pr Pr-xliEll ritiOsxiia. "..iiteleelge.. .• qgtAtki
Von aid imeial ner'vorii 'debi li ty; It cannot be AI ?
10 tekhefir ETtgr. , MY, zifirtitase4s4. l4 ,1X, 1 4.
Aze chiopfc,44'sarougltiskfAl o AMPl ll 44l!
[), u'LLtOsFiSICt.IIO, f*Ameo 17' 144 10 , i . .
MdeArol4".!lce,Vollt.W,liiaufttAi 01, Mit .:
5 1 01
t ipshf,qo; Fs !v i e, tit sief...o:o;!re .tßotvi. ~
9rd*4: 6 1 0 444h iliKlV. l thi ll itrPC* l t e • ri
tiliunleKA6d'ifietill/41, _?0,,,1=t: # ./iffig°-
i?urrif , i, i*sf: 'n r ~. ~,,; :> 4. , r1;;.2. • -
_.... ..
t . • ~d, ;..1, 1.,, , 4, ~ .1,, E
0 , 1 q ui ns y Emma . . •
' *l -4 4 14 : 4 ---4:44.3 v • 1 / 4 ..4 1 , , c, t:
-= • 1 R 7 411i1R-40.111 ti Imam '1
*ne t
.1 ,/ 1.1,a447-di:TWA ;14miprijiyrrOi''' ' ' ,:..''.,,.' 1 „. t ;r1(.1 9 iSkYdZootiStuint - 4 But ea? m - sans ;s - '
,R ?r"''''' ) 4 7'; 'ern r- ( 0 . - ;11,1' ,I I (NB' f , t1 1 "..11 5 ig, 4 ,./.1/.
pa; &ME& days; itgron Stutidtinitivt` - „ „ ~:".-1 «r* 1- 4
iyottlreAnt :pnre.alr4 at* likt'diods 4 ;" l37l l l4 ..,,t i ., ..2 ' ',' ~ Allbjelkibil near ,Jl.)
- Meaty of nutrition, such u plenty of tow _mid, kt 9 5 .s I 0:1-..Asifi r , I arntotAtllli •aco4:;t::
bread tent emu gblntarbo WO.Vatitutengill br ILL 14.0,141 gli t ,autLlicmte,f,j
for air Anima curer:Put to onkyr.listiett* Wok;
e r e ffirla:, e lgb di t e r:4 o , k a t g r i74 , -1 .
il us i, ci a i nfig edee loa; and 420 1 1 1 111101 1313 " 6( 1 1 an i M o d i rl mules ne em L a - Utz grdemi,9l‘.
T wrm rff stra tlsl4ll3° 41 , sibr 41 74`, 4r13 "la r o l nlllorem
• A ' tel- O r gro ; 'Z
W it
lonitmote MIL!! . 010 ,14 e. 1j" •4 1 :. ,4 '' .") 1 1 r i gtellatems fe o rl A sur s „
.. 0 . li n,
At 116 loggegardterd 11=3 Wit , effike # 11117212 "2.t 'F.-- 4- ---4 .. n ,r+t; 7.. I+ . f `.l" - ts , l /.. IP , , kf.,',Al
A.Alituaieakinsi la a grealmgtin t t!aum*l""' MtfliL SALL-GROUND. A bealia, 1 3
La tbdAbrolt, land *triirkr-win k 9021 i n" 4 "/ -4 ?!AN , jagncit of -.—
,witql,tloo7d .801.,oneavotireillitieftai r
a yearpr iltit 101014gkefi , addu l dg 4 M 41 .
.rernadtad for ilAimor Mr. ILlMMAtlidetee a,
alwaye AIM kW. , WO& 40 ilie brok9ngo4 l
litsesao,fro,ma, 44(4* OP Anew:4w 1 ,
(w -•
reck before yon begin to mend; IX yon
foie*"rill tsukant l 7._ tlhoPtU 6 1
oUrldinfW4f4N- 4101 5 0e.4 . 1 104 ,
' 9r, COPIANOW IWAIM O O4 Vt4. 1 1:# 1 0 1 1 1 4t
AroWne 4 10* PfX ll O, l O/9tr* *OAK f‘Ut
30 r4 o l. o o7:4 llo At al t OP, P 40gt:#9 1 0 1 *.:
TallWa,l l, 4%9M.Ol e logA.W XATIV4 PitllAr
IssunPAsPftio Soil** 9f it'
Mier' -
• MP. Wpsn'S,lron-Clitd Dundefftpf," told ,
to thirrzentli Vottnittleht2 some
ago for £294,100, has been almost wholly
rebuilt at ChorbOttrk,!at s=repoifedl cost of
'OO,OOO more. A French paper says:
''Although ten millions bf: frsrfb havErteen ra
••Invesaft , ;•it-41othe - Yoitinion of the
xoost competent .judgeer that sheiwill not be (
labh;),to hold the major, more,than, fouror.-;
five years, 6wing,,t,p4thet,,l)EkquAlifyzof the ,
*0(54 empli'yeAfor her-,c(mstruction,'
I „- , air , a ;3 1 1P ' s 4 1 1 727 'TB
~: it ;""ibti e:i e , r
. 1 VEpi t t V 1
1 4, ed . ' ing 1, 0 rtiz I=3,B4,l64ordiiiiuZZL;;lr 12,
tdd ju al n ; r ii.r.ri r vrct r Af " c 5112 9; ft.* ---
.', *OXIBItirtiA , TWNs: ~..
• , .0 ,
W 14
• 44, I AT'iortHln
s•lttiatt ori...„4,?i*Vit ri .... rja il to %
v ia tio vi h a t.
shed one years imp nr-t e pre
e xusituati, to learn the
dertree a Pen!"!!!!,_
Aettinrwese At,„8040.-..;;;;.
. EfilATiONA—Ami"e
WararEDi.4 . lc-
,my :,, itivnetietelit Foirsie.ranid,Mistal AI --,
i . aga: thjwip fa ly,lntants a poslsionlewake.;.., 1
Zettletarfea el - ' ncrurirtav: Namur, lbt-ther,-...e_T,
- ~
~...tille.o7l .fA2lVrix OFFICE.
~. . ,
IArAIiTED 4/ 412 11 P. " I W '' '
Who can do strdriTbinglitigi . s.veliggSW "J
Wart work. Arc., and eavi:lndlog eo r.
Walled at the lowest price .10a.'seincir work guar..
antr ll -_,T . hel,l . ogle to , a. to , . the b in de r ,, ;
V a l . u7s! ..,, A. *00.4 ,7 1.xek Iters , , Pittneht . " ;
L .,....
,- • . , •..; - ,.. , :s r.;' ,, :...V .r.TIII.L. •.4/8 ..1, y
, I ss u , -WANTArt ....Br AsDERs v :,,,,
- • -
V t Ward oe&ANUII famtlymliiiL 142114. Pi.
t ooletsatit,tocatioa osi. Penn street, t aY be " nal i pr,
adremogir,w. W., PostoMee Rot 870. , - • • •,".
zW.A.limet= no A natus.----Gin-- '
Titia n = 161017 ilV a Nli )e . reirititer47"
VlZOlittirif— , 7BOAßDE4al§.:•777P4, )01/
froli.fr9ouis, with sus. can
wined ats4.oo Or week: Day
_board knay $3.50.
For 4bilife.getkiltaion: , LIBMATTETILICEIT; ,
Tie D--A.GEINTS-rtForthet:o,7
xATIOxA HAND.BO9O3 01t nava
D - MURES, ~insf Disaeid, price 250. Also, .
torth'eetnnifdtdLlVE Or U. Id: URA NT by, J . T.
El the poridlar: ,Pricti
62.51 L .1)1:w ierms are navrbekt e.y.telled. Send for
F:A11917,!4! C O . , 40 ]Sarket 8t ,
,FE/EIALE., 4 ca. tbis'BITTS
'..prE 4 o)rilit.. LIVE 0E.C.8R197.-.Rend:;:•`..•
;for Circulars. W.M. D. DWYER N0,,50
althYo btreet. „,. '.*o3o:be-YR "
riirp r 0 roctmr-W
mast litAcidEra . t.!l. i :l4.4drris 4thu,n.ipos.w.w, 14. - •
41 - 111T - Ell--LA.NII.--On the
• of the Penosylvaola-itstiroad, within eight
•esp f the clipv,3apAckl,E , OUVlFO tryttlisopzip,
eultab'e for a *tOtintlt residence. 21doresf,
locaticri, 13. o..iatomil. ft./maws Orraoz.•: •
. itaicitaidt,6oiZ
y ifsViodaerei too rowgig,:fr;6lOFL. (
9 1.11
vrant - ' IStry`2IIIIITT'ACtES LAN))
7 WitirrPrOtt Ole ni--We
'vr thin *fifteen ~ or • ta'enty -miles of • - this Apr
ich yr!wi)l mstlmitbs.Bll:: girounyii pas have,
"no exlnnalsj Improvements Ori slat; ror oar- , -
Malan call on MeMASTER; GAZZAM &
PlELlii' , Aerorneyemat-Law,ilio ,- 11 1 8•G rant street:
A,'l i itkari4
4 - 1 r -InforMailinild wanted 'of JOITN'AIMG;
Ih - cm:bawl by birth: meta:came' &gni. Trance Abolit .7;1
'Su yew ago.c.lZlclrmippoaed to, be a pateber, and •
frlm Awe Orleans. If WI. or say of Ma family
will -adireas adiffee'td liilrbiluthera; -NICHOLAS'
and liBANK , *:4;anh :care of. Ml* .ofties, bet , will
learn.of tang; formation WAIL* advantage.
a a" cur e d "in" t h e
' th e •
b°d &N. - Sb.
to do
" am ia d tit:F4l t ba cue. Thl iug S: :: c6 a l AßlA ta t uu c ;i d t LB e: :L p " e • a oZ i ll; t ir l ZA e t ik t n e'e gi °iikn ees e c t
• • .• '71;6-
anent or naive. prechale:ene-Mrt&lo +) t
terest In a &kW, MALLoiew doing. a epee hualnem
- situate - 80 tolle d from the on a rallreaclL 80ti
acres of valuable :Mabee: . •• The W 11.15 ball4' , L •
machinery • U emnplete, . excellent
portuulq, tor. any nne_,..deeirnea , or .enimg. tug Aws
Treatable , hdeinera_." •Fbi 'partlenlord spiny 13:f
UUT,I4IIEIitT & 8038; Heal Batate•Agenraolicr,..llll •z •
greet. • r • r `, • ' •'
reil:DE,pl-7eAlt,lrlcL4*¢_k_l4-zotile;a, irlo
:o "' *tiV.l4:4
o TIP LIMON amegacw• r -
GNlCATCH:SZAliwyeltblEitgle and acietielteat.: , ;:!.
Aces. , Allberia rewerd3oll--be - pabi the .1144er rd
:lan tbe GAZIMMtICOUN'fiSiP 1 1. ' - '
; 01;wvanoittitIiiilitriiiielefeiVrt`
Jamie kraw.:ll.Y. itionilvvltlegakdifiii tatiehtar •* l ' ,4
allikaill...mcaettitithailig sninutesarlia ll etiftlats 1 ri' ?
~; tattoch. .c.zquffe r j;P.A..WllJNE. ... ,t,-. ; • r..,,
Mt - WI Lk/1 1 4;RO 0 Of 13. 11 rsvo timarkei,'
;TBON'Ir ROOM*. Okcemd story - 46s triteisans:r.o•: ,
rtg" 1 14 fA11 :1 ki
euV Y : 7 7 11.7 t; * ;
. 01 0 .1 - p.o.tagertp o.maeciftwookitbicts,, , 4
i on didogv scittobie for 7oryAp. jas IC ;
, ` . ..411W'. , lit\ GA couimsol•Kuum • - "
• . •
__„. , , ,-, nr:l - 1.
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...., ‘. r „, 1 ,-.•,.; -.- ,, , ,:., ,,- . - ". ti.f
~,1,...:,g24-;1-4*-45,-..,,,f* . ` , ,,: q. ..iv t, ' ", ,, •1 1,4 3 --,61* W47 . ?K, . , . , ,J 'f, 4 , - - V p:, -,: ,*04 1 4- . - t -cl,R, : ', 0 ,3 . -, - 4 '"•” -
~N IVANTED•; 4Ic 4ierB.M7B;qi.."- 2 7'- ' , . `'
WAIMEM-- 1 1,40Upil.
:IMEOVALO,.:i - ' - .1;-,.,-,,, , ,..):,,
„1 1. IbleT , TXtqq.NtikSelbree :o *: Oper r,.7
1- .“infalicia'roome - it 'ticii . or iiiitrilut, :eilia-,' , ,•-
•,ittlazi,ted on, ^rm . street. Address H. .14;., - ''''
'7 l •'° 37 Pier...` J ''' 7 7 , i ;••..'0.:•)
- 0; r = ,l3loOPilOil t-, . .
fzi.A. lielorT JC,', f Ave. iikanai.otilbeCornet
ilit4 12dultidtryltrbeti,rtiewlakier. ;Theo '-i
.A-0 , in'euthielinbtATe beisß)PicKly. , fltt44 . GP: ;< : f:
11, /4170 and ,oxcellelit t gardens roskenh..l l , ”,
ii .iity Litaye. , , inquire' of W. -It., Ls , .
. --titrest.liclitickleim=ll.; :m.3- -
1 Alitii r Obitst.,A **tiiiiiiii;:
..4 . ...„ jt.b• trot red,' ~.P 'Waited' tir ICO:Prileitper ''.,
7,—Allegtienr.f. Theitionseisa good dwelling -or -• ,
4e%:,41i 0 T - 21 -I, lilttirtd .w rit:sti { "' - '"' .
I ,,„.thq r or& 'lll l 4!,W.r.teAt.i - Prj_tilitgii), , ireli ,,, - -
~ =.n• 've, on itliiwzgilltlOßto ilTitxxx,ll -, :q ,
,' litittLlitt - sToittr'lloOri,' ..,R,
= , 100 Ohio avenue, wilh_dwelling nbalrg of • •''
Tin.. with water,Tas onuT th. - Store zoom i1t
,..?..1 the best nolindingnsitir, Vagina glass show
'4,,,....„..and Iron Ikons. inqatee akottlce of PEA, ,
', ,,..'',.... 4 ' , 05.; OhbVavenue and Sedgwiek ittebt,' Al- :.-,
. 4 ._..i_•_._' ..' ~/.._g I f IA 1 , 1 ISCCI •,_ , 'IT.---... ~F 1" . e.''
1rt..1314/800M1i0;•hwiligro, .1161,01ii,..,,i,
-' .•-.ll*lloo3llliifellft6 relteit;•with , ot with. M:
E_lantabla, r !MU and!wifec pr.‘ydungf 04
LIITiI , ‘,Ma: ET EN111F.1 31 #10"... , 9.;P!•;,1
.-=-1.-•-_ ,, -c.. ..••••-.--T: , + ' . ....;-,..•,-
4 , l l9 AlttAKOFArgr4._ alatdearalil.)
- . l l l rbagUrqplipliss,- .3tin....111 LVe t Seqt,l- , f
tvatiantliten , toigukt No
and : anif. --.;
11.4 4 1 thiSlIAig aVORAV No AlMBllitb ' t " .C. r:. .
iv& 4 ,..".11 rrresj WOll.
t • f