tin Plittiburgt vitt. THE UNTLIWARLE SHREW. „-. ~_, ..... Arnefig ‘ the - ftliititr - $l6l ol( , _past ttn._ ivideleariest at*tion In the nstriowlitufr.7 and lattice e ettfets ot - ViennS, is an Ili' seitption i ttl 11 .leiaide ben ' eath e trs l4- P'!... ll ' t : . - .1 int which adores thelacade of tit old” ga ble-ended 1 liouse, in ancient days numbered 811, but now numbers, in the 13ognergasse. --The-painting represents - a '""."lon wrestling", „ ... *tbithe.devAl w al l __ _.‘cribed beneath it am ••the'folloiving: lines: - ""°"*" • "rs'''''''"" : " 7 ' -lr ''..l lieln e 'llebel Ist - --- -- -- . p es t-Ganz and .. oa_ In r Zelt‘ °strain, ' , • "''' . - fit c M g ni g er als des Teu fel tluck and Ltst„ . • s Gott beaus ion, latch Gesea {}sib. ' . :fT (w i rk skagi rs tica le a lLrla indee:.4,, ' .Iliereddign war. disease, or need, ; ' ; ' ti God rudp us; tau W.omait'a,tre.l , ' • i . . - . the ` ..,.. • In the beginning of lBth century it ' . 4 T% "that thia same B '"' B o w , appears ognergasse, or , . •,, , street, was . the' exclusive: domain;-•not : lot' 1.• beaks and bobbiele=l , but of boW :and arrow -,•_, nnuaufactllierh tliot eveiatirtuici* - . 1 4tC1 - tb•Plilven4i l "It 0 11 4 - P9*- 11 4, i_ l 4elt Mire.. ll' , floniiihing trade. The house No: 811, was at thiit time oCcupled by an 'honest; peatea. -, .:blo burgher; a native of filisbenhurgef,' one • , :XlisPeetergatier by na m e, Via had se ttled •• there , with his newly married wife, Frau irr ruin, Of whose Stately, figure , and comely face - the fond.: husband was not, a ; little • prcu_dil $ moreover .she had .'brsog , him handsome dowry, and the you couple may„ •. . ' bOsaiii, . to have started in = -tinder the ' most promising; conditions,,, and .were, itc: , ,• , cordingly , the cavY, of many - of their, neigh- Haspar carried on the business of bow kid , arrow, maker, and being' a man ' of, arderlY habits, regular life„ and indistrious t P_rOpenf. . . shies, he prospered accordingly., ; Unlaim-. - pily he was not blessed with offspring; and as Daniej„irstda lied no taste _for cats, Adge,. • , . parrots, : .or: may other components of . the' -menagerie which are usually the subt4tnt,e ~ . for a childless menage, she gradually , be _ Caine Self-eentred,a . nd her teinper lean to afford- external 'evidence' that alfivkas' not ,right Within. - .lt ;Oer occurred ,to her to bestor her unoccupied 'energies': on 'those . , • 'she might have helped, nor to scielt - ,fOr any useful employment of her tiineil the • ontie , quence was, that, 'ditisatistlekwitli heiself, .... she linew hot wh,y, her', ill humor' Vented itself antler unlicky husband, whew it had, calexhausteditself on her stivantii.', ,do • - sour did ' her .':disposition grow, aggra - 'rated by the dissatisfaction she crested In , . those around her, that it ..at length became impossible to keep either domestics or ap . , prentiees in', the house, and then her nn videdWnith fell with &wily erect. uon the . h . f the. unhappy Raskin% , W ith ser vant/I'Bnd apprentices, disappeared - also ac ' 4mb:den* and neighbors, and Kromer, whose home had ,once been so bright, trait: - qifil andlittppy, felt as if a blight had fallen upon all'hia prospects. His louse, becaiee di n gy and neglected, bli little garden; ' ail ' , th weeds ,, - and,. hat overgroWn wt ;_ ;it ...was worse, ' 'big 'briainesS,tiegan to 44, and he foresaw 'that a' change, in bis",PoOtion was imreinent.• Kama began to eirdr. under the - • . weight of hie misery, inwhichhe Oauldonly see one consolation,, viz: that 'matters could scarcely be worse. Reduced': to his own " *- - company, for he' dreaded that °flits wife, be woultisneak.out-ofhts house unobserve4 • , . and steal to the bank of the river, there to, . ' • muss on:his ..wretched- fate ! and sometimes, , • • to try to:muster coinage to plininto .the •._ - current, as the only way of Setting!rid of • - the than he could not break. - - , One day be laid wandered as fa r as Peters-,. .friedhof, sauntering' listlessly ' along. with 'his hands swinging, behind himmuttering to 'hinuiPlf the complaints he could 'no longer, confide to otheni: go - All is in vain v " be said, "Heaven is deaf to my cry,' and all my en treaties 'are spiuned; as I can obtain no mercy from aboye, am I not justified in , try - -big what - I can get from beloW?" But it'' was the first time the thought_ had crossed „ him, and the sound of his own words star, tied- him, . as le pronounced Ahem: ' He' pausedfaehast at the desperation which • had wrung rom bun so formidable an idea. • "What am 1 saying?" exclaimed he ; and can it be indeed - I—l, Kasper - Pergauer, who would—" -• ' - • He was inttritmted by a hollOw and. un natural laugh beside him, and an - unearthly voice replied' to his half-uttered"question. "Ali, "my dear fello w ." it said, "do!nt be so , .articular; if you are . • very pin a was, get out of it the best way , you can. Here , I. em _ _the moment you ,callme—Luolferin perion, 1 at your service, and ready to do what ,you ' want -I-that is, if I can." - , . -, . Kaspar ?had not expected so ready a re '. 1 - sponse to his appeal,and he stood_ pale and , 77 ~t knowi trembling nong whether to regard the;atian,ge dark figure that stood before him z . ~ ial a friend or foe; .nt,,these.last words, how-: -,. ..- : • ever,. be recoverd some Of his'oeurage c arld, repeatingothem itraccents oriuttionlsent; t. • - . 1 " •be seemed Who calling isilletitillhe iden-, • - I ; tity'of the stranger, •• .. .: ' ' "Virelil'" - Aid Luciferk - for ',Utter reall:y. • ' ,', ,-, Wins nti. *OAS sii to tvlio be Vrittqjf'hUt the; :-. - Job:YoP Wao;t9:o`itf,ille *Oot*POutt'9 l o! _. . acme Wider thq-categori of 91tiliwaY works s . I you, see ,ileaver; will have nothing Aida with,ite...and although, no. doubt,itis more ~ •• in my,way,t yet k don't prontisAlo ff ilia4o to, "Then I wonder why you offered, yipiii. self," sald'lCasrikr,' somewhat teY4l, fo •g itit vas gristionsly 4.isaPpthitted.".' , ' ,_ _ ~. ;• , "Now donltipu,kyottrself Inn P i t i Manter d , laspatir 'repli ed `b}sittir,i, "pil, I think J - - I: i'' vs- , wife' hits sOitteriense' ibih - eitemner; att'44*.eitt...il4l444l6•l4s:ltTie.lind; Your :$/ft , ;/; l k , U p a l lhi uoi[tt -* •; 1 # . .1 4)0 11 eie?" , , 7 ' and f or.tor,”" 1 e ll imenSY..aMeilti •,i „ . " 414. 40 resum 1, w do mf boats, zelieve au %glow:burden. ~..If - temeeeed,,, . y.,-.2sapeettalibu-ketnintieratod ~ and I, -- • g shall ISOM 3 , horicatir - eirnedi'lay `fitward, l ll •, • r•I" singes p lad ed, liisTbandltin.. bit 'IN% aids, : ..:-.•:.,...t v 'vault, itiAllittegotoicsyytito; I k '- didit i efio cer - ii. -- "If r ilon - st.,ntlia ' "try some_ixtsLcleverer ; I ithal TITS . You lutfssiniteff , thau I found you.' t . . '!'rzto s i!,- said. the, : henpecked yitufbatit4, • " -' 1 .1 4114::11449-w what.7 o ,tt consider s care, • ~:snotw axstbe termayoniespootr' , ~.. ...G.Tndtmt=aid litir.3l r•ipsw,". Said, f ,tho ' doll," /patting ,liiii-liew taint 'on the, ; ...back; and /cleverly -concealing' Ida *RA:- '-' • "- "I , 'llitii; dialing' -*Ali' ,i 1 ^Mist - It bingiptaa Yon' ValliSiib*lii* et i ll4ittoil , ,i'r l ;4' 3 = If you' relib , kaatiadO.With ni,Y,lco#4. We NIA ~.. , ...t4, POP- lit .r. and liblite iriYOP lulliAi.l. mresay."' 'Wed' he, withjawinis,c "what, description otwriting-fluld we shall employ , for the tiertbf deed-(''. l' , '-! ' wilt , r " I "Auloverbalr.tuldertakingiw - ' , do,' " • 11 [ . • .:. Kaaketrwitbsomethingiveryilkeit'sbndasi. •;, ..f.. , . A 6136 salon; itstoinplish' the: ,:„„. I ••-$: •.• -•„:1%' _,..tai kr - - l-n•it wa , n t no t itittt nada ,,, ; , , i ! k, 45.'fit..4 .i t d , I de r til4 'hren." ~ . ~•t hiiie li*itika - - -A --tif iL. , ~0 1, - i i t ,i „„,,,1,R04,06 14 , 0 ,...“,ct0, DignA:',„ a peckant 04,:044-w,boi glad: the welcome ' ;1 u ' s ' .---... . `" e rt*r lll. 4 6 o : 01 1 idelibgt , b iiit *lrked; tAlit:Witst , to relieve him from: • legi her azd ' reilarelitlei dapi lb - tiu,r4, ~ APUble 4 ll 41, 7 4ruk WA , tura to: -cheat ithb Purrane_____ L lalt the , ustit) of ithic.h time, y - --‘ avii; PrAh9WwUcr ,l oo o a a rc lun d 4kls lied ( i' ikTp, i /;,, immr•""..rtmrstPooPletetr owed( ine e fit ar t 14$41 1 fokthaYtheY1 414 w - hier whit ascend / il I'l ' , II/ 810 4 0 W VOW and , emhi . thatai , 440111-449AWOW;le , /WM I .I. OVer Uriu= • .- ' you ItOr fan)t, one ehol,srtati cog k e hir#ta, . !Vs stAimput,fritt. thi -i chrtulluler Owed* the'. : -Yew. Aura enjoy, ly,intioriyot A44,hintar" th oolizauch, nuinrjestyrOr ... 05 ta,minipoppllittireixtrtethet when I M in her, Ullihel ,We ?t,f ; ; ; u i Ilia . wined this hfe,scgtutpoic l hisi-r& .- " tang — l i ni , l i°l6 ' ; Y i . ' tietv, lises Y my -venge, auduthak notood =Lel fa, -ILO interl o OM 'L.* . utis_sbsotute prossit v .- mu_ ; ..u..... t chi s diai, to her Nu, ariT , . --, t ~.•••••• mkaarras '1".1r."..11.Y"411 I 't ' ~ dln , j ji; no i ~vti 10'1 .'I 1 ff . ' frc t-, , - .., tic v,. I ,:. f,ll .1. , ,' ) , i , ~, ~ -. i T u; I ~ 517 P K('ii,.. , f it . , , - 400 .- • . f . , - ,-„,,,,,,,,,, 4 -,,,,,, , ...-,. ,, ,;_ ,, ,,, if t reimg0, , _1.7-6-7. -,,,, - -- 1-- . -T-F ,, ,z/T.74igipir5 , :; • :,,,, , ,.....-,.. • ,, y,-- ~,,,,-..„,,,1 , --.-„,„,, , ,,, - ...--1 , ,,, , ,,, , q3 : , : •-rA•?,-, , ,.., ,, ,, ,,,,1 11,..5..5rmr,„"., . ..r -..?.-...,---, z , r , , -, : •. ••••••.c-w,--7.--....7.--,...7,7, , 7717. ,, ,: , ..-71.7,-f , ..7,--.: , -! ,, 4, ,, -,,,---7 , ...,- ,,, --- , ::: , -.-- , ,,,..- --------, _. ..._. - -,..- 1,.... - --- -• .. -- ~ , , 5iz. 0 i1t,;„ . 1,, , i,, , ..,,,,:ti,,,, , ..3,;01,.. .! , ,,m . 4 ,...,„ . „ . , ~ ..,., ..,,...,.. ~ . • - 1 , ••• ~, .v5,, ,, ,,w,„ 0 , 4 ,, 24 .--,. , .. t a - ,,..,, „ - 1,,,,'`V,,„ L iV,„.... , .*: „3• , ..l44''''''''''• 4l . , -,.. 44 /..,.. - •• : • • • :. 'i' .,t ';•g - 4- .4-1 e. , -- -k.-4 . -,, 10-= J ' 46 ' h ."'-'' # ''. *- ''g• ''' .t'••'‘ o -kr''t''' A • '- ''''' l ' l "' , v ,l:* '_ - L''-t'• 4 ' . '.--'-' 'C,'L •' ,4 '.• 4''4l -'"••• 4 )''•,f. , .r -- t i •' ' ii•:•••,' , .. '- -v : .- g ' ' ,' : '''..e;.• ' :•-f,el,,.,,_''' '' ~ v 5 . ' ' ' ..' 7 , 4: ., 4 j5,k ,k' -zt t j' 'l t , ' r ,i 'et'- ' %' ,, ' ' ' 'T,' 4, . , P-,,• •;tl:, , ,, ' ' t 3 r .i,c' :'' t : .i- A' l,- :',, ,_f'„-,;'• A'cl - .'' - , ,;' ' '' i ,',-,, . 4; i '.t'' 'c i" „ , • t -t ' ''- t'l ''':' , A ,lH; 'S l- 4' '•; ' '. 4-: - '7 4,-,t4 - 17 - •:+ 4 T V -/ '' 's i' '"l r' '' r.' - '' ' ' •,-, •rw,r4g,A,,„,_ _eht.:,,1, 6 tc, , ,-,-...T.3,...- •-T. , 0--.P.?.1P- , 2•-•-•,'1 ,,,-,,, 44.,. - --i-W. , -- r , , • - r . -'• • , ' , -erskr.-4.ie -,-- K-..t§ , ss•s•:.- • - • , , , r ,-, .., ,, i- , 4 ,,, i ,, ,......., - ,1,-.'. ..-- .. ti...,.,•_ , i in this, I abandon her to you, and yon •to your ridiculous and most contemptible pod.. tion; leaving you, however, as &consolation, for Iltf ili, the permission to make game of me for th rest of your life, and the certainty thii _ shall never shOw o . face to yon 1 , Now I call thalf - 1 41.cune 7 iLit w h a t'as s tynn bait " ,:!. 1 v:- O V-,consent,n, , - ' Rita= o:iiihni su olnv entice - !prepicish4:l,llekif. ing gaits tti:Arei ,li /.-:,- , ''-::= 1 :-.::' • ‘,.---', , Ciw ,ilkentt-i`- *wiled letatt;' 4 4,110ir -m "IllrectlOns„. ; take is holiday , anti- ain't' turn up tbr three Iltyerlitm this time4- - -go, and enjoy your liberty.' —_, On the following morning, with the first hearaafthe-of Luelfer r in -the-form and - garb - orKlipar, stood"b ttie bedside of Dame Ursula; he contemplated the sleeping "lint p e had formed fain's. - s first at tempt at taming - the threw before him, was to be by means 'of gentkn,esi and affection: so he bent derail over the reclining tom, and impressed a passionate , kiss upon the 'rosy lips. .lUrsift-dhiterlied thus suddenly•from her dowrip slumber"-opened her eyes, f , End before the tender :culprit 'had time to with draiv, ort event foresee what Was coming, applied a well-directed '!fox on his ear, mak ing itring again; Stunned by the unsym - patbizing 1 `reception, lie retreated with speed,' apprehensive of what might follow; • and seating himsel In Kaspar'schair, appar 'ently busy - with his unfinished• work,. he :began to consider .what :hie neitt mote should be in his critical game; for it 'was clear he had not as - ' et hit Veit the right method. At may be Supposed, a day . thus .untowardly begun,'*as notlikely to 'pro ceed very favorablyt'and -It :is - needless to recount the various scenes which sacetaded each other between the strange couple as it wrprovn. • 13ufficelt to say that by the time night tame; thi supposed hilsband's back' • Was covered-with' stripes, and his face"bore tokens of having 'come . Into close contact i Witirthe nails of ,Mrs, Pergatier. , , "Finding - the spitera 'of :cajolery with -whichllie had begun, Uras fruitless in its qvapilts r the: shrew-tamer proposed to him , self to :tri next day' what effect a little ra tional argument ' would' produce. Having aticordhigly prepared his attack, he addressed ,her. atone of great:. thrbearance, placing her •lOnduet 'before: lieri in 'io true ,and startling ii. , fight ' that; taken. comPletell aback by the force of 'his words, the scold for once lost her tongue,: k and sat mutely by,. unable to find any ' retply -to these jrapt and temperateobservationt but the storm Was all the time 'brevrinrwithiti, and the more She felt herself in the wrong, the more difficult = did she find it to contain' herself. Her only. resource lay in the , hope of si lencing her admonisher by noise and in vectives; she accordingly thundered forth a volley of abuse, and the dinner having now been put , upon the table, on turning round. to look for some weapon with which she could,icastigate him, her eye fell 'upon the tureen of scalding soup;•this she seized, and is another -moment the seething contents bad bathed his head and. shoulders and were running, down his face and arms, placing him in a most pitiable plight. Blinded by the hot liquid, and breathless from the . suddenness of the unwelcome shower-bath, Lucifer only recovered him self to - hear the street, door slammed to with violence, and to perceive that his temporary ivillibsd lung herselfout of the house. "Hell Sad pitch!" he - excialined, "what the (Ince dot* this mean l' ,is Ali. virago of a woman going to defeat me :with my own arms t ;Am I to stand by and see myself her, sport T . .f t .nd yet it is begraning to look uncommonly atilt ,I ,tie_re going to get the worst of it. Idire'thitn half the time I had , , given. thyself to *Nue her yffisinons tem per Vas eipiredoind I 'don't seem to be any nearer my aim than I was at Ana I have, hOweVer, one ' more expedient in reserve, and I Irin a': , rump, to finish. her off with that:" • No sooner had Ursula - returned home than the supposed Kasper met her. and looking at her sternly, badeher follow him into the sitting-room, WI he had something important to communicate to-her. Arrived there, he locked the d"or and put the key in his pocket. - '"filt dOwn," be said, "and listen in silence, if you can, to what -I have to say:" Ursula stared and obeyed : mechani -“lly, fondle was completely mys tified by all these unusual manoeuvres. "Ny_patisno3," began he, "is at in -end. - I have made up my mind to endure your Vile temper nolonger. I have tried every prop er, and rational means of taming you, and I find that You have not the feelings of a wo man, and cannot be treated as a reasonable being. I have now to tell you, once forali, that unless, front this hOur, you renounce your violent ways,' and behave decently and qatetly as a respectable woman should. I mean to . get myself fp:m ally separated from yon, and 'to turn, yoti out of doors." He paused, and for n'reonient, as he look ed into the woman's astonished fac, he be lieved he had at last succeeded. in impress higher; butit was only for , a monient. Her 'reply was only a loud scornful laugh, in the midst Of ,widcli: f ohe began In , her old way.: `;,roti absurd creature!" she said, ~( W hit nett freak li this ?, Has your mind got atwist,•for fork Items as cro oked al one ,ofYcini own bovis, finit you think to intimi- AffPue b.ri.in!ch language , 45 .'tl'M I Go mq . _ _Hui ygyir ,wixik.:shop, and, - try to earn . mcse.who are in every way stipe. . lief tO;Ynnise/f;and - for.. yOur pains, , take ,tfiitt 1..; Aind Atha reithdler,liir d fora, pyivid eattrainselt,hutlainifer was ,too quick for her thli'licite.. A' a soiled her.. strum. she re. MAW and thenbegazi,si Alarm struggle for victory, in Widen lt„seented , Aotibtful—so well matched were, the .combataits—wbich would get the,bmter of the other , 'At loot Baum found the ,day, w 4 ,going itgainst;hlM, and infuriated ekthe',lnuillis - tdiig thought that he *alto he Ivatiluished ,by6,vroman t he . reared Rat," "stay,': bad *Omni', Ilectinlie ma and, be 'annibils- XV? ',lVitit - these words, Ile threw bit his dgulteand 'Mind before her lrillis real 'iiii*Joutlis" had 'lnitetlehhited Atke mortil ciao , _a' la, .adiefpuy, ." Vrsul• -evert then, dfd;incross , her' salaiosseision, bit' f iteirintbohlthiliCrns lithe:: virrous grasp she:dragged* to: the gvpim, and there ' heldlbsi 004 Ull 'he cgeit r . quarter! .Thlils theMmerfelosen,4 the artist for tli, ts, PlPTPlWuthiiini4e-BoßincisPr which. exe 4 F4 Ouriiiiiiosfty r ,. • .. .„ ~ , . , VdeVikhad.how V6 . .404114 to Pon fesaldnatelf ;fp; once , ' ciut:doxiii; :he fled away with A -.n between iliqega p ,'uttering it tlendlshe34l.lrapetentrage t aMI leaT 7 ,Ing Dina Urania **the of : tha 'sltuation. ..-_, Keeper returned home on the , appointed daii, - Ailly Flood for-the Arent; he found Va eonee , sprafect..Pandemoniurn; but' he ad_ learned.: that henceforward , resistance *mild)* useless. : .iand that he mist resign himself to; eridure-wltatit, was; evident he eep.lololtitglre,, , He,iocept4 bis trial fn a oPirit,of true-Christian! submission- to the Will of rxoridencei and made; it his daily habit ton*: 141) la..anfferings in expiation ° X theliniqfikilf9..reletlifc:) He became _ • <.: ! ,7`l eill •J; :; 1 , 14 22, '; "j; ;• 1, t_..~ .., N DENTISTRY. TIIitACTED ' ' rigrit'S -F r liaTilatrr ), o frint - ', ogifflat • a l6.l74fiterD. A i r DR. SCOTT'S Pass Skim= *OOOIQ.A.I3OVR , as ALL WORK WAtinANTED___O_ ALL ANDES AMUZIF . IiP,XCLY . INS eRNUINN VULCAN. , /TR" lay9:dAT GAS. GAS 1471.11EIVILIIIES1 I tf,,,,c-1•; , • MR OASAND OIL?' MEE .2 , •- th . Seat reeeived, e li eneat'and easortmeric ever opened iii Ibis city..., 7 . .? WELDON •Ik,' KELLY, 141 WOOD STREET. COB. VIRGIN ALLEY. mb211n22 • • - ,SEWING MACHINES MOVER dt =ome STITCH • west 'sTmna SEWING MACHINES WITH LATEST '6II'I3,OIRMENT'S, the New and I:tepid Nales Rooms • or THE COMPANY, 51 FIFTH , STREET: Also NEEDLES, _i . TTACITMENTB, MACHINE. Ittat BILd COTTON THREAD, MACHINE OIL, do , c. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect fully Invited to call • • • Appllcations for Agencies soildited. Circulars or t r a ns . : i lea!: on opplication. Correspondence to GROVER & BAKER'S. M. CO. 51 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH. nado:ni2 HE GREAT 'AMERICAN CO RII-' T BINA.TION. • . BUTTOMOLE ONTESEMILING AND SEWING MACHINE. IT HAS EQVAIL, BEING ABSOLITTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AND IN THE CHEAPEST. MrAgenta wanted to sell this Machine. CMI6. C. 13A1.4131...EX, _ Agent (by Western Pennsylvania. Corner. PTFTR AND MARKET STREETS. over Richardson's JegelliStgre. ; my :q64 PIANOS. ORGANS, &O. TILT' THE HEST - AND CHEAP EST PIANO AND ORGAN. " Sehomacker s Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN, The SCHONAOHIta PIANO combines all the latest valuable Improvements known in the con structloa of artist close Instrument, and bas always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited..lts tone ts MI.. sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for ddrubliity and beauty, sisrpasi all others. Prices from SSG ie 11150, (according to style and. Unlah, ) cheaper thou all ether so-cured ant class lino. EY•I3 COTTAriE ORGAN Stand* at the bead of all reed Instruments, In pro ducing the most perfect pips quality Of tone of any Wailer Instrument. In the United Mates. It Is sim ple and compact In conotrnetlon, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT '• VOX HUMANA TREMOLO' , Is only to be found In this Organ. Price from $lOO to 4580. AU guaranteed for nee BAIR, ESAU. SkiItrCTLER, nine No. I>i ST. CLAIR. STREET. SECOND HAND - - MELODEONS AND ORDAIN, In portettorder, trton PA to nl3O. CHARLOTTE BLITHE. naltrt ER Fifth door snore Wood. 7 V I :I ,100 WOOD lITREET CM:NA, GLASS AND ' QUEENSWARE, t .; METER PLATED WARE, PARIAN STATWETTES, 8 8 , 801D341.0 WAS, Z 4 O , And rAteir ri tr ., %s l A.l . D PJL.WCY . 100 WOOD STREET. - • RICHARD E. BREED& CO. mh27 100 7700 D . BTRE KT. Lso4 REIZENSIMEIN, ti "loony, Fourtti door above Dlausond.) hits;____Chbiit' Ware & Table Cutlery itveritlitnig t►tng -regntred In a G lgt Zol""PlEUg oas gtoroPßODWlliti. Cau an ., exiV i c o l our CONFECTIONERIES. Fancy` Ce Baker &` Confectioner, vonticinT s DOMESTIC FILUITti i NUTS; No. 40, corner fakirs! end Noblnean streets,Alla , 'holly.. air Ocrtinsutly . ICE , clizAx..or W. HORHACH~ - RENA! • CorifeetiOneiy ait • No SOomarEnProm Em sart.-: , . ':= • • lliiirram &ITO* a mt IMAM. Arai) , 'OYSTrit iiiteeiesturebed.:, GEOMIE IIEAVEN, • . candY MinntaCturert . _ freAHU hr2 9 B' TRul.."' ; 710.1151•Fiderall Second 'doorm! Oka' Afit titiosal BAIL , ithenT COY, CARPENUM • '/)E=. WELIAIIIK4. DICK; CARPENTER AND Buxi.tdEß, , ' . . No;as VerrrtvArriA:Avzsinc, 110 'Met, ittalitirgh, Pa. ,Reaidence, 0,1 3 Grant street. • - Jobbing. done !withueittiese, and ~iipatch. orders promptly attended to, and satisfaction ranted.aannettiartu' H -L 'wicEJ N 0... . *ET , ”;"41 10 ,Tptineet• I • 1 41111100 -AA 1,4 7,- 4 0W tr. . 41- * ..- i • :...•:141 • ;.; ..1 galy MARKET STREET. eQP7 ‘4 7 ,; is',-,.. iv • • ' • ..... eiff ,"' - - ~., ~ - elf , _ S.' , —iourf aV , ... =, 1 0 1 10ffills! ‘......... .. • - . 1...1-`,.2_ f'-'.,--L - .: ;,•-:. . ) TlllOllOlll - - If I'M (844isten9; to 3 M thirclillibia to mint Dint ciOoDs. ,-, -. _ .._ .SPRING-DRYIIOO - DS. - ' • SPRING DB_Y GOODS. ' Mit..-THILtIPti rispezititilli, "flounces that the extensive alteratiOns to bia -a.z , ---z. • , ..,,,,,,,Ver.:Z , lteistl2. , :ro,'" ~..r.v- t -a-le- .. n...1.47.-r. :to IMAIId Diki GOODS STORE ~... , .r,..-,. ", t ' ‘, ' i --: . I„Are tleelibbiteit, and i tisiedsiblishment ; Is NOTT. 'AVM. ,NO olihrs an; titelX ~..1 ~,, ~ • , • Yew Stock 'of Dry Goods, For Priiil aid • eloninet Wed,' lithe loweet East ern ass rrices. z a ''. jBi:.I.3IXBEZT tilliatEl'....BT. _ RBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No 116 WootSL, Pittaburaii, Pa., Avilotamf#4.. - X-av-; DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS; AT LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. 168. 1684 ' NEW GOODS. ' NEW ALPACCAS. NEW monlarn. BLACK. SILVIS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. "E". SOUCW , ur No. 168 Wylie Street. 16S. • • 168. Cap3o:n4o) GARB, McCANDLESS & CO.; ILJ (Late Wilson, Carr & Co., ) WHOLESALE DEALEss Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 911 WOOD STREET, Third door above Dlivaoud alley. PITTSBITELGH. PA COAL AND COKE. • - - OSCAR F. LADltill Et. CO. , 0. P. LAME C DAVIS. COAL AND COKE. 0111ce, Settadtte&y Street end P. F. W. & C Allegheny City. SUPERIOR ,Tonghlogheny Coal and Connellayille Coke AT LOWEST NARK= RATES. • Ordere protoptii attended to. mr/12 COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! • • DICK.SON,'STEVILBT & CO. • • navies removed tbilr °Mee to NO. 567 LIZEIEIIITIC tifTIEUMIFIT, (Litel3; City ElOur nun) SECOND 1,14,00 R. • ._ • • Are 7.71111NV1 to l lin i li c il2T, U alla i ngr i et morket price. Alt orders left at their °Mee. or addressed to them through the mail; will be attended to promptly. my22l:= ('ARLES IL ARMSTRONG, TOIIOBIOGLEBY AID 00 COAL, SLACK A.3,'D DESULPHUBLZED CORM Office and Yard—CORNER OP BUTLER AND . MORTON. STREETS First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock No. 1, Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and Manuracturers supplied with the beet article otCoal orNoke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their °Mices will reoelve prompt attention. . • ARMSTRONG & HUTCHINSON, Sneeessora to" _ ILADZLPIILLAI , O:SYOUGHIOGICRXT COAL CO., MINERS, mtrpTkis AND DRALERS,RT RAIL ROAD AND RIVER; of supetior TtolgOlogbeny CAB; AND FAMILY • COAL. itiCenitsslnark/rrk-FOOT OF FRY STREET, new, SUPERIOR COAL. ....: C. CI33OItRIZ &: CO.. Miners and Shippers of PITTSBURGH GAS. TORGE 'arid FAMILY - COAL, NUT COAL and SLACK. Coal delivered. promptly to All parte of the cities at the lowest market rates.. L. Offlee and Yatd--CORNER FOURTH AND WAT SON itortnerly Canal) sTa.Errs, -Pittsburgh. p. ijor..itcr*Asies. • , oda: VAL.T.I"_ PAPER. WALL PAPElifil . •-• *or TiKiO•Ol.lA4B, ,CHAMBILE.B and VAltiltn*. For sale CHAP A 8 TUNREIMAPEST, at NO. I* Market street;rietiir.triiiko 'OS R. *timprs A' W , IrAIPERs- ''''' P No. 87" WooitAlreiet, ttoktte `Fourth. oildinzat . • r , t T;.FIBME11111. - - . •.:4.- ~, , } .i, , • '. .. ,:, ..,,,, 1 -,t. ,),.i. ,:.: i ~; THE , !ELY. BCE - . 4 WELCONE;!? ... ,;,,.. .... .. ..,-,•,....;., ~, „ ..,t,„ ... ~,,,,,. PATENTEDi 1865 AND 186?. , 1 ; Is the totitaikwm_wie,lt,will rake heavier:MY: Te. . ... , - f anrritvio, -' -: carry It rennin, 10114^ analinload Itself easter thaw, +1 rir.t.:l -, incit,': , :lifl.- c" + "I" , '“E u.; +: • soy , other raillut.t.lt 1 aelreorthigt *child Site's's- ,-,..„ p, , ) ,I,Rdi Ilk, a moNliatei g ., ,i , 1 OK , i r e ty, we wor its I puia. tiViii4etlal 9, J .. et . 7 11 r" li ni ''.‘ InSIL ',3 1 • 'eleyt, • eouill, u; Ike of *hi b Ikbelowt , a 7`> . .• I sl. t , !0.1 .11:10 , p'•!!.71.1. , , .1 I _. , ,1, t, ) ti dde i.til l ii s t l ittrl"it i rlf)7` 1841 A: Will e tAlSP 9 Virx4 N- prii Igo . , , „. , 4 vpitiii JA ,* e rrll li ''ON • elit a ntr bra la •'• OE9 lc cotartssrAP+ civil:wit ii b !Alp bean . The w ork condo Ot is l Awr a. t ErtosalloWma g al,htireet tattleetatlitte *bow. ROOF TRUSS4iI„. lidatti and PO flit ortlf?, 01, 1;.: ei,alfmilt o tft,opßiitZettou Tliplfiltpx_ ud,air,usT ' emu, I di • 10999111rtb ' e 9301109 AL 00 45. .4 ...::+•;+„,.• :.:11,1 ;I.,:•:: .49111191149311193 3," Zet a . : 0410.0tb- MISS ~ , AU ardets din to 319 Liberty street. E 394 9 •:: Eflroortll lag MISIP9P I" 4 '' .‘ , tu b ig . iir:vted yiggri ,ppi t i o t o ,k rat o i t i 4 , lim' , tope , d bit'bil • N" e'ne itort Iv r , - 19* giVert hi , rir , AWila . , W...W.A.LL , tr! 4: , „ , v a ll *pa Sw/C,Wr IlfrMLI 1 ' Send tlidAl:iiioiiii; ' .iii WO y fi rll4V - ' + r +: t ,••i , k . . .r . r . r. It) fig ql r y# fir iliVair. iTO I. 11147 ( - M, ”ix •--0, , ...,11/ • ' Ku /e(.• 12411er toriat , , „ ii , co r ot , + ~, t , ) l ir , a Iti . “§' 1 . ... .1, 'Ili: 111 :'' Xt .'ll , li . Airri . ‘fl i 'Kt, rii(ril n ' ir , lit ;?:...,( it t % 411yliii 4 qa.. . nill7 . lV ~.1 4: .., 11;f:0k ~. ,1,0{.0 ' ', 1.: 1 , ri 4 ,17 , 4111:: i IY- 0 1.1 :qi'l; i.: 1 , ... , 01)1 02. ^ 'll • li 1• ~ ''''i ., li i. rlN ) , ‘: , te . - I , , 4 ''Liq , l : ',al 19 ~ 1+.+1:, • ,, :.1) , ,,.i+,::.;0: , ~ , '. • '- 1.4 + 14, .. I, .. ~, : : c + •-• • MI ' DRY GOODS. And Marturacturene of . viii::"!f c; }!i~ MMMMOS AND NOTIONS. 100 PCS. BULLION FRINGES, Rietciri Fringe, Sewing Sillgiiringe, ft4a (9Y 3 B0 241111 " za:- r • pjkitASOILAi , 1 1 1 N AN. • PRINGEEi t - DrpV);2BA D PLAIN • IN SILK, LISLE AND COTTON. HOSIERY, FOR GENTS, LADIES AND CHILDREN..: PP$ ••• . • FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. F.ADIEEP VISTIMMGAMMERTS,--CHEM, isE,,DRAWENS, oowNs AND NPAIsTS. .'HOOP SKIRTS, IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. 'WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT ' L - IS COMPLETE. - Fine assortment of DOTTED GRF,NADINR TISSUE, ETc: New , Goods ArriViaff , , , zukcirffill GLYDrisr. 4$ and fibAltarket Street! • .. • , , AT JOSEIPItiIIOIRNE &COOK,. • . DAILY ARRIY,AL : „ NEW 41400013 S . HAMBURG. EDGINGS AND FLOUN3INGS; • HAMBURG INSERTING'S; • •• SWISS EDGINGS AND INSER'rtgo • ...LACE CAPES,' COIFFEURS AN PARASOL COVERS:I LINEN COLLARS AND pun's. ' - 1 SUPER STOUT AND. SUPER FINE ;OTTON LADIES'. AND 3i MISSES' I 1 1 1811, ; Laile, Medic Silk and Gollob, of best English and Oer roan makes ET HOSIERY, g ra lTßMEaia Gt%B, a new line just received. A.' hall assn. tmCll t of Maalox „,qt• SILK FRINGES: ' * TASSEL FRINGES. BEAD FRINGES AND. TRIMMINGS, • 4 41tUgli f I l ieRIIIVIINS AND SATI PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLA , STRAW gaiOPOIMEL. Al; greatly' reduced rates. New style HATS—Ladles' and knows. CRAPES,MALINES, _DOTTED NETS; RIBBONS ,FLOWERS,' . - MILLINERY LACES, BONNET SILKS, FRAMES, SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS Wholesale and Retail. CALL 17 and 79 Market Streit. jemori. PERFECT FITTING IEID:GLOITES. " l A. C.• S. Ii" We invite attentioirto oar ; . . KID GLOVE DEPATITELIIT Which is noir eemplete with 'ev*vinolar #nittade. In addition to our own special linpOitatiOn e the Celebrated A. C. C. (amok) B:DS, We have secured the exclusive eaie of the 44 31Erarrls Seamless The best Wove and most - oerfect tit. • assonant & cuituni .lIPII • 19 FIFTH = 1 T. OOLL, MAXIM= & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, Now offer the most'elegant line of HA31331711GS FLeiralittltVggr u a r i t h 4 eg whi gll2: ,"e g i er. ..r . i ., araf t sjUs3l 7l lez r aril i zta z al lt iEl ci rtt spit _ MACII.IIM & CARLISLE, ,19, WETS !STREET, 'Baia just opened art shldea of BULLION AND PASTOR' )'SINGES. BUGLE GIMPS ALIA FRINGES, . At yery low pncea: ' " apt 3W)MOIT, TAILORS. 10, • IticARDI.E,.= IL : txtrat to. ba.ki STILY47f PrrrSBURGH; Keep constantly on band t 'fine uswtWeßt of 'CLOTHS;:,CASSIMERES& vEguips. CLOTHING•MADE r , mtDza plepitest style. jusT.LAßßwr i p,.F .:1; I ; :;-v Tela - PRINCIVIMPERIALi , k'n't CTIMITATES*BritZ LOT - 130 T S, SUITS: • 41L4r.‘ WOO, HENRY . MEYER. • '' - ' ' - ''' ' ~ .p,:,i •,st .-; '-': INULIMMANVAILIAII4 . . ! I ... •I R. . Airl'altaliro ailt4Ti , Pit%aburgh Pa. , Coustaatlron handoltitktuinit ot Or.concs; :45 . 4 . 4 . 1 4- 48, -, ii, , , , zei iii iiii ;: a . 0 :: , ~.,. ..., : : . • ,: t ,s t p lo. ;ion : . , UFF * * Coll . 2 ' r • .tt t • • '••j -..10, UN** 40111egheny, Harela.t'rerettodiilatti it/ Witt iiallsded stook of ' 7 . 6501111ENG'" 420901:021, • suitable to - r otha cdilaibilioifi x traiti. • A 150 .4 six* snick 6(43lllirtnntSil • 4 - 60Dee.' , wOse. Peer*leeee . • USO .II Ic TERIVAL REVENV • 23D DISTBICT. COLLEC,TOR'S NOTICE.{ ofriczed Twenty ouVR bl Collshation Dist. trAt.Brent.74 . of a., later Sty AllegbenClty, NOTICE IS EEEEBY..OIVEN that the Aux Lista of orscpu, TAXES, tbrtnerly termed 1 LENSES, and Orilla Taxes on INCOMES, CI moms, div.a.rond E SILVIRI PLATE, Se., t now In thte.'oisce, wlttore: payment wilt tas reeq ttuireon bp" the COneet4On and after the SOti May, 1868. 'These taxeliantvlnst become due, e be paid before the 15440 of June. 1868, of'l xlse.addltlonet expenses wilLbe-Intursed by taxpayer. 1 nUFFINr E. BUFFINGTObh Zscii, liobtreollector fa county of Armstreng, and 4 EDWIN LYON, ' LiatlergiNkiiitot for tbir ettuutrottsinkr, , feYiy,trkrecet e, after , the 20th inst. for th hi , i4ivw tO r tlfi fili:and ill fitsiiit nptls design le i Oil notes 4 to ., laces witetcadiV lib they will Fite_liartd elitti tha)attesisilliet le by thel ;,- Tcr aebouun kis taxpatartilii the ;ilcinity ofi *laces in Allegheny county, designated as toile,. WittlOolteabi 43/1111NO 41.kAtitD, E sq ., attend at those places to receive the taxes, oal *yet muted. - petleetl ttich9nrs i pf . iihrtiOCk Al »d 3 o'clock i... st.bisafd days, viz: -• 1 ; At Tarentmu,'on - Friday, May 22d, atßrowi 01010. 1 Hotelo ie S 5: ! 1•:. - . • ~' , .' ' 7 i At Sewickley, on Tuesday, May 2(4, at Gut.) 4- BakerOffut - .(11.•P1ur8447, May 28th Vhite.s Hotel. • I n4e s ..iparible:only ;la Airgenbag i ldsi or Natil otrency. „ deice hoursfrogi9A. 11.46 3r. IV.- .'''.l ' JOBIV ig. SIILLIVAN4 Collects nr:p99 ItSUBLIBI!ZMVI49 THY LAIGXBT nr•xical • . N0T4.113 AINWC4LN J; laghimin4.- Rod Manufstotoi ' 7 • AND rata OAT:PAWING WOld 000 FISET.IkL4STTINLOTIIR'ED . D 'THE CELEBRATED . STAR GALVANIZED 3I LIGHTNING AO* nnl Manteltetured at -these woritcand sold to all TO of the continent, are admitted to be superior tol Llicbtling Rodin use. Great Inducements off to peedlers and 111 persons buying at. Wholeu Also, line Platten rob2M, of all kinds: and pattet together with Insulators, Yasteninis, Copper; Iron Oninection Bari, Braces, eta, samples, phlets and Mottles sent' free. • , REYBURN, HUNTER & Nos. 488 ana. 490 St 3obn S 033-d&F reitiorN . s . c) ., No. 20 FIFTH STREE PURE DIMPLE SYR IMCF , TO owNius N DRAYS HACKS Notice Is hereby given to all owners of DS Carts, Carriage.„_ Buggiesi ike:, whether reside non-resident, in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay Licenses at the Treasurer's Office of the CI Pittatnirgh FORTHWITH, 3h accordance wit Act of Assembly, approved March 30th, 1860 and 'an Ordinance of , the Councils of the Ci Pittsburgh, pulsed Aprlll6, 1860. • - All Licensee got pad odor before MAY 15, 1 will be placed Alls the hands of the Chief of P e t for collection, Sublet to his fee of 50 cents fo collection thereof, and all persons who lies! rafting to take out Licenses will be subject to a alty, to be recovered before the Major, doub amount of the License, - • • • The old metal plates of preyious yearautust b turned at the, time. Licensee; motet= out, o 45' cents therfor. • ' :BATES OP LICENSE: " Each One Hansa Vehicle $ 7 Each Two Norse , ... .. . . . EochTour florae_ , 15 "-'Each Two Horse Hack' 15 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn by Horses, Eighteen Dollars each. For each ; D onal Dente used I n &et of the &hope vehicles Dollar. • SAMU7I, ALLINDE City Tressnr trrfentnitig, rebruary 18. 1888. • L INDEN GROVE. - - • _ having been kited up most superb 'style, - with a large and elegant - form; beantlitaly shaded, large Dining Boom ; two excellent bars, is now ready to- rent 'NI _CFPAItTIES,.BI,I2WAY SCiagOL•CEL 1t4r., , on the most reasonable terms. ; Parties holding _Pitmicah Lei, And it to I -,advantageto were the Vrove.. • - 'The Grove sis'easlly accessible; being, but steps hops the Oakland •Rallwity Htistion, wh run rekularly every fifteen minutes.,, • Atir yet . terms, sc., apply st.the • • - ' OtFIeII'','OrTRIVILPD "MAYA! t `co :‘,;: ejact , Irpj4jorc. - . c% • .1 TAILAM, • 1 -f• k :Z.. -r..1 • I . ..771771 , The ntidersitned halting _secured the sole .y. • the sale cline celebrated •• - - ... ; ,AIOPI.IFIT,POT CLAY:: nowp _MVO_ to tarnish it In any quanti hose•wlehin to tare this superior article. • L I LA lag fitteeay ;me of this Clan,: we have Ruch proport as we belleye makes it a e de for pots any In a the market, we ha i n mue lirt &t i ll 4 ce xi i Alpar std: ;., A . We h lees fee the - • • -,or themittardarahis.Claylo! Demons poi • th e eiNA l kgrTind!lnAA 4 M4, 4 kiono• •i ...q , i: -. 1., ::, " , rDITIIRr1301) illk - SOk, i '1 . , . ....) W VoTtrittAilaeßWoz _. .. i - • • • • n Street. rittebute • I ITTSIBIUItOII PAPEI6I , PIAMMLNA ClOMPANYi..3ffinitletnearp . P MrTOW , Iti ftr el irigsrlha r ai lla oiTIOZAND FPA~B y E~O t' ; tit 93**77.40% HARTnate • t - J74'o '..l,Tviliullyrudf, a • • ••• SAM IttpDli/l; • ttiikiej`/6*(** • Hannan. jobn B. blvingtos: , Itaraarketecitit , .". k `. WistuNoToacimanUsw,-,- ;:, w-,;:wAtrawcoroit t liast P4uoipinak emir , , .:01141•10304, alaiintitrutrar ot VNNM V gerriVlCK* fOrjlet!7Ml elirci l atigikViitte • • ' ilp ',:,M , " it .' fc rlA, tilW ---- - ~,,, ' 00 13 1a1)8, tire g imMe: , MI ko E ffiaritfatift• A' illta ta Hli, ri4UVi,l444. 440101 .....L, 'Ea . ? i1777- - . '. ' ' . - .JJ Iteel:XIMW:1411"16 - • • N+llol ina t ilvOin k i lyourf' mop MA! ...Writ: • rityza _ . .. 11,= .., . .... 4.40 a. , - e isnk ----- s -- stikettillarist , 44. . WOW*. I ..szt4 A .- , -.-. al; ; 0 . -1,-,q1,0. !, ,, ;i. oi;i4,'lL,l:', l - I .' •A 7 , ,?1,' . .14 , i ,f,.;11;41V ,t dz.l:.W.H r i, , lu i'..t;:',i; .. . , ; ,:,. :.;',' ,V 1 ' - ‘l,ili inZ.,' ill 4i I ",./.1‘1 . 4i , t 4 11,' 'S I ,_ , W..1`..,:.,,e , r 44.0. 4 , . • ; MIS ll] MI I,' HAS RECEIVED :~:. _ ~ f~, i. excvrizroxt, Low i tTI