CHIMP Q 14111 - VOIR Tin - # O 2OPIAL' 1,48 GREAT WESTERN Gas WORKS have beets removed to No. 149 SMITHFIELD STREET. where Mt a ttoay* to fouadthe neat couplets assortment gillmana, Pistols, Ammunition and !Won: Material,&e.,intee city. Att kW: of throe a Pistols earefuily repaired. Cash paid for ARMY RIFLER and REVOLVERS. Fens eta**, for illuetneted Circular. Agerds wasted is eveg town in the United Stater. Address, J. /1. JOH - 11TON. 149 lintahtidd tared. Pttteburgh. • IigrJOHN N. POIRVIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for 23d District. Office, no FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY. afar Office hours-4 ♦. Y. to SP. M. *"DR. JACKSON'S SPEECH, at LAFAYETTE HALL, Wood street, 9.u. RITIA.Y• ICTENING, June sth, /PM Doors w ill be open O'clooki-due on the stage at 83i. pre cisely. I will show to the .United States and its vicinity how our country stands and also what it is most in need of. All that are friendly .to the flag and can-make it convenient to come, will please do so in full regalia-the Ladies wearing their bonnets trimmed In olive and white, the emblem of Peace. ANDREW JACKSON `DOLTOLASS No. Jet • The American Star, (• ) F'OFFICE PENNA. - AND OHIO ANTHRACITE COAL - AND TRANSPORT TATIOJ COMPANY, No. 201 WEST FOURTH STREET,- • • • ' CINCINNATI, June A, lama. The necessary amount of Stock having been sub scribed, notice Is hereby given that an election of oMcers for the above Company, will be held at the UNION DEPOT HOTEL, Pittsburgh, Pa.. on THURSDAY, June 11th, 18813, at A o'clock P. M. " • J. D. MAHON, ROY STONE. W. H. BROWN. • SAML. P. FERREE, C. F. WILSTACH, THOS. B. PAXTON, •- T. G. GAYLORD, jut Commissioners. SPRING STOCK OF CA3EUPETS. We have In store the most complete assortment of CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, we have ever opened. embracing the newest stvles and designs °Utile best FOREIGN and DOMESTIC MANUFACTURERS, imported and selected with special reference to the Pittsburgh market. Many of the patterns are confined teour house exclusively for this city. With the advantages. of direct hn portation. we are now able BRUS S ELS, the new est and chalcest patterns o nom the most celebrated English looms, and at prices within the reach of almost every householder. A special but limited Importation of ENGLISH INGRAINS, of extra quality.. and In rare and beautifal designs. will be found especlally cuoice• and desirable for Chambers. Our stock of COMMON ALL-WOOL CARPETS, purchased before the Carpet Weavers' strike, will be sold at the same rates as previous to the last advance, and will furnish CARPETS to the multitude at the lowestprices since the wax. A good CARPET FOR $l5 CENTS A YARD. • N. B.—Those having Parlors or Drawing Rooms to furnish. are. specially invited to examine the un usually large number ofpatterns particularly adapt. ed to that purpose, which we -offer in WILTON and TAPEaTEtY VELVETS and BRUSSELS at low prices. OLIVER IcCLINTOCK & No. 23 Fifth Street. je4 Irß, INVITE ATTENTION. TO our well selected and com plete stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, &c. DRUGGISTS. PHYSICIANS and COmmN• TRY DEALERS who replenish their stocks in this market, will consult their interest by examining our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Having accepted the Agency for the PITTSBURGH - WHITE LEAD &COLOR WORKS, of Messrs. J. SCHOONMAKER dt SON, we offer to the trade their well known brands of White Lead and Colors at Manufacturers" Lowest Bates, and guarantee them to give perfect satis- Daction in every respect. We invite especial attention to Me. COY'S VERDITER GREEN as superior in strength. body, brilliancy and dom. bility to any Green Paint ever offered to Om public. a, EWING, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, ESTATE OF JACOB C. NOBTHVP, Of Pittsburgh. in the county of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any iproperty belonging to such bankrupt; to himor for his use, and the trans fer of any pfoperty by him are forbidden bylaW; that a meeting or the creditors of tke said bankrupt, to prove theit; debts and to choose one or more As signees - of 'his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be noiden at the office of the Regis ter, No. sal Diamond street. in the City of Pitts_ burgh, Penna.. before SAMUEL HARPER. Esq.; Registe r A : : on' the AU day of June, A. D. 18115, at 10 o'clock IN . SIIIIIER DRESS GOODS, Je 43 'M . ) 1321 W 111A . ;157,15e1rg;r• Corner, of Liberty and Wayne Streets, GOOD BARGAINS ! MI 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. GROS GRAIN BILK, ALPACCAB, 1n beautiful shades; FANCY SITADSRE POPLINS, very cheap; WOOL DELAINES, &c. AT Me..—BEAUTITIM =LAMES. AT IAKe. ES. GOOD BLEACHED =BUN. AT BIMe.-11ZAVY171fBLEACHND MUSLIN. AT L9Nrc.—BEST MASS OF PRINTS. AT ISSjic.—GOOD GINGHAM. AT SLOAN-BMW HONEY-COMB QUILTS. t:aL]; Pat,tiOL/3. EILK SUN UMBEZLLASI BONNETS, .MM:pVi7q. HATS, sumorrs, howni, &c. A VERY lA= STOOL OP GOODS, JUST 011CNETI -0 . 4:4)D lIALRUAISTS, Ir/seluck and Retail, AT WILLIAN SEE:PLEA 180 * no pederd St., Anion*. - • - p„J 400 bus Prime Yellow Lar Corn. = • 300 bus do do Shelled dO. _ 50 bus Prime Barley.' 4.04 t lbs. Dried-Apples. - lbs. Dried Peaches., - • 515 bbls. Sorghum Molasses. 10 bbis. Sweet Cider.: - - • 50 dos. Coin Elmanp, - • ' In store and for sale by - rETZEB k ABMBTROIgG. ies l6 Market street, corner First, R SALE, . 600 BBL& r. B. POTATOES; r ° PA L" Xri r E MCKIM: Agoimusomr * DZVOL, 7373 EJLTAMit ....1111Aliuzati LTINCI) . . the ; best , rir T owe" mi h te: • J iH. r =Lugo .'", - z , NENY ADVItRTISEDISNITS-., U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, - W. D. of Pennsylvania. . PlTraßunoli, June 3d.;888. inIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that n the Ist day of June. A. P. 1888, a war. rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER MILLER , Of Lawrenceville, in the county of Allegheny, anti State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for lais use, and the trans fer of any property by him . are forbidden by law; that a meeting orthe eteditors of the said bank rupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held, at - a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden et the °Mee of the Regis ter. No. 93 Diamond street. in the City of Pitts burgh, Penns., before SAMUEL HARPER. - Esq., Register, on the Statti day of June, A. D, 1888, at 10 o'clock AO!. A. , THOMAS A. ROWLEY, Je4:4B M. 8. Marshal, as Messenger. U. 8. I, June 3d, 1868. , . . , inli IR . .1r(l' GIVES ', IN0'110E" that on the 30th day of May. A. D. 1809, a War ran in Bankruptcy ; was issued against the ATE OF ;WEI.IJAM J. MARKELL, . Of Carroll township. In the county of Washington. and State of Penn& Vying', who has been adjudged a bankrupt en his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to such bankrupt to him . or for his use and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of Ida estate, will be held at a Court of. Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Re gister. No. 93 Diamond street, in the city of Pitts burgh, Pa., before SAMUEL HARPER , Esq., Re gistee. on the 04tb day of June, A. D.. 1068, at 10 o'clock A. X: - jet:r2l 8. DIABSHAL'S OFFICE. W. D. of PentisYlvanla. Pirrsurgiall, June 3d, 1868. THIS IS _TO GIVE NOTICE that. on the 30th day of May. A. D. 1868, a War runt in Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF. JACOB WEAVER, Jr,c Of Allegheny City, in theeo p a n nty of Allegheny, and State of.Pennsylvanla , w has been adludged a bankrupt on his own petit o ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of anyproperty belonging to such bankrupt, to him,or for his use. and the transfer of any propert by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bank.- runt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Aisignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Regis ter, at 17 o. 116 Federal street, Allegheny City, Al legheny county, Penna., before JOHN N. PURVI ANCE, Esq. , Register, on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1868, at A o'clock P. K. THOMAS A. BOWLEY. jel:rM tJ, 8. Marshal, as Messenger. , U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Pennsylvania. Pyrrsimuctr. June 3d, 1808. MHEI,IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT °II - the 30th day. of May. A. D. 1868, a war rant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the • 1 ESTATE OF GEORGE W. McGRAW, of Allegheny City, In the County. of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petitions that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to stick Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any- property by him are forbidden b y law: that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt. to prove their debts, and to choose one or snore aasig nees of hivestate, will be held at *Court of Bank ruptcy, to be holden at No. 118 Federal street, Al legheny City, _Allegheny County, Pennsvlvaula, be fore JOHN N. ruin - 1A.1 , 4TE. Esq., Register, on Use 14th day otJuly, A. D.lBBB, at 10 o'clock A.N. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, jN:rl9 U. S. Marshal. as Messenger. , • • U. S. .3fARSHAL'S OFFICE, • W. D. of Pennsylvania, Prrfsnurtcw, June 3d, 1868. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT on the 30th day of May, A. D. 1868, a War rant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF SAMUEL J. WHIN, Of the Borough of Sewickley, in the county of Alle gheny, State of renn'a. who bas been adjudged a bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt tohim, or for his use. and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to choose one or more As signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Federal street, Al legheny Citr. Allegheny;county. Penna.. before JOHN N. PeRVIA.NCE. Esq., Register. on the 17th day of July, A. D. 1888. at 10 o'clock A. M. TIIO3IAS A. ROWLEY, D. S. Marshal, as Messenger. MSI U. S. 3IABSHAL'S OFFICE. W. I). of Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH. June .11CI, 1868. 9IHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 30th day of May. A. D. 1868, a War- rant In Bankruptcy was Issued agalnet the EUNGEI 9 . . . 11. 8.• MARSH AL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Pennsylvan* PITTFBUEGII, Jane ,3d, tsoa) TEM IS TO GIVE IVOTICE that A_ on the 30th day of May, A. 11. ;1868, s War rant In Bankruptcy was issued against the =kIPLES, ESTATE OF CHAS. W. E 0 Of Harrison Township, In the county of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania, who has beeeadjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of suchebts and delivery of any' iprOperty belonging to bankrupt to him, or for his use, and. the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law,• that a meeting of the creditor* of the said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more As - ghecen y y -o C o i t h y e helldegnh wIN o h ll6 Fe aC r out t o ee ßa A k - Ie PURVIA , NACIEe. E enyeotmty, Pa., before JOHN sq., Register, on. the 10th day of July, A. D. 1808, at 10 o'clock A. Y. THOMAS A ROWLEY, 11. S. Marshal, as Messenger. • =SI U. S. MARSELAL'S OFFICE, - - W. D. of Pennsylvania, 1' .. , . 17 PITTSBIIOII, June 3d, MIS. ITTS, IS TO GIVE NOTICE that tlie let day - of June, A. D: 1868, a War rant In Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF 'op MURPHY, Jr OfPittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on hls own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to "him, or for his use , and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting -of debts reditors ot the said bankrupt, to prove their and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at' the office of the Register. No. 93 Diamond street., in the City of Pitt. burgh, Pa., before SAMUEL HARPER, _Esq., Register. , on the 24th day of June, A. D. 11163, at 111 o'clock in. THOMAS A. ROWIsEY, U. S. Marshal. at Messenger. = D. 8. MARBIIAL.B OFFICE, W. D. of Penneylvania. • • Prrgantluant, June 3d, nog, elit •IS TO GIVE NOTICE .that on the 1$ dtg of June, A. D. 1888, a War rant ia Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF JOSEPH M. ELLIOTT,` Of Plttaburffh,-in' the'county ofbeen Allegheny'. and State of Pennsylvania, who has adjudlgetta bankrupt on own petition; that the payment of any debts andlielivery of any propetty belonging to such bankrupt to him or [for his use, and the trans fer Of any property by- Dim are forbidden by law; that meeting of the creditors of the said bank rupt, to prove their .debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate. will be held at. a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the °ince of the Regbiter, No. 93 Diamond street, in the City of Pittsburgh, Pa.. before SAMUEL IfAUPER,_Esq.. Register, on the 30th day of June, A. D. MS, at 10 o'clock 11. . TROIKAS A. ROW LEY. jr4:r24 11. 8. Marshal. as Messenger. U. 8. MA 118HAL'8 OFFICE, • . W.. 11. of Pcsneylvaulk EITTSDUItaIf. June 34, 1869. TililS TO GIVE 1110TICE that' on the 30th day of May, A; Di 1868, a Was= rant In Bankruptcy, was bilked *Sault the ESTATE OP JOSEPH PEWEE% Of Pittsburgh. in the county of,Alleghenr, and State of Pennsylvania, who bat been adjudged a• bankrupt on his own petition; that theParnent of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such -bankrupt. to him or for bt.u end She, &rammer of any propert,y , by him are foro se, ldden law; that a meeting of the creditors 'of the sal banurupt. to prove study debts and to choose One or more assignees of his estate, will lie held at a C,Ourt, of Rankruptei t _to be holden at the omee of ' the Re gister, 1f0.111.3 Dianicind street, in the Cit y Of WWI, Pa.. before SAMUEL HARPER Fe n ., Stater, on the SAO day of Joao. A. D. 1861, at o, °74°c/ • THOMAS .I:HOWLICY • le4cry II S. Marshal, se Messenger. - • —veon Y 0 ales •• tor all ey.Ressgh to 1!„, sni.,Girty j br im,* iv. , MAU UM No.. TO Water street. 15`bblbs: ladra -1114)1111ehr. hr. ere; for • ""'" • • r .24CLET 111)M. 1. _ i",4ragfi'Qt PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY, JUNE 4,186 z. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Marshal. u Messenger. • . ~t, TRUMURN, k;ND NOTIONS I•,t _ _ 00 PCS. BULLION FRINGES, Bistori Sewing Silk Fringe IN ALL COLORS AND SMAINIS. — . PARASOLS, FRINGED, BEADED, SATIN.AND PLAIN. GLOVES, IN BILK, LISLE AND COTTON. HOSIERY, FOR GRIM% LADIES AND CIIILDREN. PAPER _ COLLARS .0 CCEFS, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. LADIES' lINDERGARBIENTS.--CHEM. ISE, DRAWERS. amnia AND WAISTS. HOOP SKIRTS, IN ALL TEE NEWEST STYLES. OUR WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. Fine assortment of DOTTED NETS, GRENADINE, TISSUE, ETC. Neu, Goods Arriving Daily. • GLYDE dr. CO., 'IS and SO Market Street. my 18; GRAND OPENING! L NEW GOODS ! A. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ,STRAW GOODS, Such as BONNETS, HATS, COEDS and TASSELS, ORNAMENTS, &c. Ribbons, of all descriptions; Artificial Flowers, Itonrtet Ind Hat Frames; Crapes, Illusions; Silks and Satins; Velvets and Laces; Parasob;, Sun Umbrellas. ALSO. a tall line of White Goods, Embroideries, Hosiery and Gloves; French Woven Corsets, SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MUMMA, STEINHART & (O'S PHILADELPHIA EMPORITIM, No. 78 M ARlrirT STREET. zny4:nSo .FolarECT EATING • . K.lll GLOVES. C."--"H. S. K." We invite attention to our Ell - GLOVE..DEPARTBIENT,- , Which is now complete with every color and shade. In addition to our own special importation of the Celebrated A. C. C.. (Joulin) KIDS, We have secured the exclusive sale the "JEL'arris Seamless 13Eldse 9 The beat Glove and most perfect fit. 11141011IINI & CARIME, spit . 19 FIFTH STREET. Mscsvar & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth - Street, New offer the most elegant line of • • HAMIIMM33 Ever opened in Pittsburgh. to which they espeeially invite the attention of their crutortiers. The de signs are nesrl new and original, and about ONE-717TH J THAN REGULAR PRICES. spU ' FRINGES, Buttons, and - Gimp Readings, -JUST oiraurb ex • F. H. EATON'S, No. 17 Filth St. MACRIUM & CARLISLE, 19 MTH STREET, Have just opened all shades of BULLION AND RISTOEI FRINGES. - BUGLE GIMPS AED FRINGES, ' At eery low prices. • 11111 W OTI CE. eI it - am • t id , interest edtgrwhwraviulivrai notice that ! hare seized Bald litetuaboat at the salt of BAKER. PEARCE & CO. 'THOS. A. ;warm] 7, U. E. Marshal. Marsh , iotllce. May ST, 1868. my2s:q73 AMILY IIatTIMORE HERRING AND SHAD In barrels and halt barrels, at WATT, 4.A.N0 A CO., tn72l 172 and 174M00d stivet. Pittabizegh. gREAM' FRIEEZEIL—Torrers four minute Arctic Freezer of different sizes, t e best in use, =dyed and for - • JOHN A. , NzifsHAW, Je4 - - Cor. Liberty and Hand streets. I r OIITON_ CRACHERS.--1_ ust ;v -eered, StIPPIY organntne Boston Butter and abiun Crackers; also..Hine and MU k Crackers, in boxes or by th e Pen% for sale, JOHN A. HENSHAW. je4 corner Mem and Hand streets. TDIA RUBBER BELTING. AM/ STEAK PAOKINH.—A full stock on hand at all meg. and of the best qualitya Parties wishing to tit up mills or shops where Belting as required, will pad our prices as UM as eau be had in the East, and freight saved. J. a iT. PHILLIPS, e : , SO and SS St. Clair street, •TRANSPARENT GREEN OIL cuyriv for Window Shades_•-atiperlor in Quialty lower in price than - the Militant menu. *tare. Another. large supply. of the different widtliciiit received from factory. • • •-• . J. a li t. ures : v ; alid SS (nor street, TORE - WINDOW_ SHADES, of soy color sad lilac 're'qulred, with' bordtir. ata d ten hi Wain- or allti.aLlao aloe; nun Bwe mr . name usTqwbon ato rest at the bit' Cloth , sad AB et. Clair isrpsk_ rOcltsc . 4 , . - lis4.oE EFLesinis..,L.,rage.,/.Rat..., ~. wr vais itaolemoollea retai, St NO MA - ea 0.10 $ lllll4. . • --/ th, 0 Liliii4l744,- • • t i f.i 1 . 1 410 . :, --":„:„ . .,- ~;,,,, ......:, ~..v, ~.. srii t . , , I e:T,7-- --- - - r - .!,'k `: ,- .... 1- 4 ..- _,.• - . ' m ' . ' . ' ~ .e . — ,, -'.`.,,, '''-If-V'-'t;,,i..,e.‘a..,-',.Piti.c-_'i t - ' :-' :,:,,.:. .3tiy''-'i'.on'4-4',.- a , ' z i_ . ,•:.ek . m.. `t *---- .'•, ,',V - ,V.:gta'' — '.'o, t-_-.c " l ' ,: ` -r '" 4 " , ' 2 '''' .., '' .' ' . :..,V_lP. „ 0..,,!.,.,-' 4l' ,': .4 .4.4.404,01.041‘•,' - 1 : - -?.."•- -,-,'', ,';'•'- ;-.',''•.-. -':---'-'•-, t'-,-'; W..,, t 1 - i N ,. - -. 5 . 4 ...i...V.,. 4 „77 4 ,) - : l , e -. - . 1.2.,,,,-,, , -,4 '4rh!„%.--..i'•.., tl,'a-.":.1-.,± ~F,' '_. , '.' ;,5 ' ,V,. ., .„• , ' 4 '- --,'-,-2-_-','_', C*-:.-:4-_ f_:l. .f, , FOR SALE.; - ' • TWO HOUSES 1U) LOT on Carroll street. Allegheny. This p perty will be sold low; as the` party is about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of the_property befoj; removing. SAW miLL,v - vir DWELLUeO HOVIECE_E4 TWO BARNS, with i oOd AILM, . and . about 800 acres timber land. Tub p perty will be (sold low. Cash sit 500—balance on ! me to suit bur. ARM OF 150 A RES. Will bee dollars per acre. Ito movements con house and good barn: 50 acres of th( FARM OF 80 ACRES, near the It to very well b elt ed fdr ' raising stock; are good and übstantial; 100 acres meadow and rain. CITY PRO ERTY.—WiII sell a go' (( 1 containing II rooms, at Sixteen Hu and would re t for the amount in six A LARGE OT OF GROUND, h front,_and ve convenient of access. TANNERI convenient to the el ' well established custom or local therewith. a God dwelling and fo 7 FOUR L Sln Sharpsburg, n . would mak a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR SALE.—That fine situated at i the Blairsville June fourteen rooms and the necessa with three acres of garden and f well located hotel will be sold low, tor wishes to retire from business. FOR KENT. Two new /trick Houses, 8 rooms . Two new Brick Houses; 11 rooms , One new Frain() House, 4 rooms. Two newltri i ck Houses, 3 rooms e h. One new rame House In Wilk nsburg, having six roo ms and a large lot, w I suited for a Kardeti A nice CO NTRY HOME for ren , for $3OO per annum. Possession given firs of June, or sooner I required. FOR LEAS OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward; 7 acres that can be di Wed into acre lots. _ _ _ 8 Lots in Oakland. FOR 11 , ENT-2 large Houses, suitable for Board ingfeet of Flagging 3 to 4 Inches . TO LOAN:--$50,000p ix sums OF 0,000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P. lIATCII'SIEAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. F Oli SALE. A RIVER BOTTOM FARM . Or 76 ACRES. miles from the clty, in Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county, Pa., on the Youghiogheny river, one half mile from Elrod's Station on the Connellsrllle railroad: near ‘hurches, schoo ls, stores, &c., in the flourishing villages of Boston and Green Oak. The Improvements are a two-story brick house of six rooms, hall and cellar, a good frame bank barn with stabling underneath, and other outbuildings: a well of good standing water at the door, and several standing _springs of water on the farm, -and an or chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, cher riea,pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. This prop erty being located near the line of the railroad, within one hour's ride of the city, makes it very de. sirable for gardening or a dairy farm; it is also a good and beautiful location for country homes near the city, lying Immediately on the river. on the op posite side from the railroad. The West Newton Accommodation and other trains op_ the railroad af ford certain and frequent opporfehities -of daily communication to and from the city. Will be sold as a whole or in lots of one acre or more, to suit pur chasers. • Also. A FARM OF 173 ACRES, aituiled in St. Clair township, Westmoreland county, Pa., near the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at, Houston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame house. with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bang barn 40 by 60 feet, and other outbuildings. There Is on the place a Young apple and peach orchard; 120 acres clearetriand, divided into nelds of conve nient alae, a large portion of which are well set In clover and timothr; the residue of said tract cov ered with good timber. It is well watered and un derlaid with coal and limestone, and Is convenient to churches, schools, stores. mills and blacksmith shops. A real good bargain is offered in this excel-. Tent farm; and with it will be sold all the personal property on the premises, conststing of horses, cowls, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears. wagon, plows, farming implements and household and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very low and ou easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. Also, a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of 158 ACRES ANI) 25 PERCHES— in Elizabeth Tp., Allegheny county, Pa., on the line of the Ilempeeld railroad, and one and one-half miles from the C'on nellsville railroad at Suter's Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, which alone is now worth one-half the price aske d the whole tract. The Improvements are a log house. frame barn, good fencing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. It Is well a atered and underlaid with limestone and nag stone of a superior quality, With stone coal for the use of the farm. Also. The best FARM in Fairfield township, Westmoreland county, Pa., of 250 ACRES, about six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The Improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns in the township; two apple or chards, in good bearing condition; corn crib, wagon shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm is under a high state of cultivation; fencing all In first rate order, and the land of the best quality of lime stone soil, about 900 acres of which Is cleared and the residue of the tract In good timber, Mich as white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and beech. This property will be sold very cheap and on ggo o terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other busi nessr. For particulars enquire of 0. - H. TOWED.. 104 Fourth Street. spume. FON SALE—To close a Partner-. ship. TWO TRACTS OPVALUADLEI LAND. No. 1. Situated In Conernaugh township. CAM BRIA Co., Pa.,having th e Pennsylvania Railroad running t h rou g h it. and within Ore miles of Johns town, contain ing 2104 acres. There is on this land two workable seams of bituminous coal, aln and 0 feet thick. Also, a vein of superior fire clay, fully equal to the Bolivar. _ - No. O. Situated Green township. BRAVER Co., Ps., containing about SOO acres, part under fence and improved, and being within a short distance of Smith's Ferry. The land extends to the Ohio river, on which it bounds over 800 feet. It contains two seams of bituminous coal, 23; and 4,% ft:, and one of cannel coal of 0 feet thick. Also, a vein of greasy, suitable to the manufacture of Ore brick. For Bather information inquire of S., M. ICIER, my 7•1389 No. 359 Mott , street. THE MN OF THE HU GRANT I BRANT! BRANT! A LIVING LIKENESS. Marshall's Great jdne pat/raving, Now Beady. neonly true and &Matta _portrait of the Great Commander, ULYSSES S. GRANT . Experienced Agents wanted In Western. Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia; In every townstdp. BEAD THE FOLLOWING COMMENDATIONS : "I cannot say too much In its praise. As a like ness I do not think tt could be better. JULIA D. GRANT." "In the execution of the work, art seems to have achieved its highest triumph. 'ho likeness is most perfect. ' - Hon. E. H. WASHBURNE." "It should become the standard picture of our great 14.111tary Chieftain. SENATOR WILSON. ,I "It appears to foe to give. the character of the original more to than any engraving which I have seen. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYA.NT. , . "The likeness is striklieg, and the picture life like. • , •O. O. HOWARD, Gen." , • "It is a rare and finished work. worthy of tkplace in any collection. SENATOR EILTAINZR." - This Engraving, so timely excellent and cheap, will be sold only by Subscription. Good Agents are wanted ha every town. Agents will do well to con sider this standard portrait, with whilh there is NO Mir Address, for forme and territory, TICKNOR 4 FIELDS' AGENCY, OS 'FIFTH ST., Pittebargb, Pa. je2:112,-rrs SUMMER DRESS GOODS, Fog, SALE AT VERY LOW PRICES, WHITE, ORR & CO., •. . :25. Fifth Street., HOLNIES, BELlfill ` ANCHOR COTTON ILLS , • p.rrirsirwwwir 4 'ltssursetut•re assu*, minntni mow •-• = ajrailtolll AND ,/gAISINO was AND. . , .1A,411; =I EMI= .AiwS ,-, .10.ft - ' , "'SALL • HE UNDERSIGNED will sell at 3111tenberaer's Station, on the Pittsburgh Connellsville Railroad, Fayette county, at Id for twenty fortable frame land clear. e of railroad; improvement* of the land In PUBLIC SALE, n Tuesday, 9th of June, 1868, d brick house, 'oared Dollars, cars. !aving a river the Following Tracts or Pieces of Land, and haring a 'hide connected acres of land. ex the railroad; :ituate in Tyrone and Perry townships, Fayette County. Pa., and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a black oak; thence by lands now or formerly of John Lee; by lands of William Espy, John Edgar and the Youghiogheny river, con taining 329 acres and allowance, and being And accurately described by regular metes and hounds in the Letters Patent from the Common 'Wealth to George Miltenberger and James Brown, .atesl_the 22d day of December, 1831, and enroll ed In the Patent Office, In Book ii, volume 30, page 515, on which Is erected a small Frame Dwelling and Stable, now occupied by Thomas Knight. Also, all that other tract of' land situate in Tyrone township, beginning at, a stone; thence by lands now or formerly' of Henry Doyle, John Stauffer. Widow Conley ,William Trumbull or G. Hughes and the Youghiogheny river, containing 221 acres and 90 perches and allowance; and particularly de. scribed In the letters patent from the Common wetdtb'of Pennsylvania to George RUltenberger and. James Brown, dated the 15th (Mr of September, - IS3II. and enrolled in the Patent Office, in book H, vol. 32. page'l74. - On which tract of land are• erected two frame dwelling houses and lire brick works, with engine and machinery nolvin working order. - Also, all the right, title, interest and claim of Geo. Miltenberger, deceased, of„ in, and to those two • tracts or pieces of land marked sad designated L and J, on old plan of the Miltenberger estate, in Fayette county. Tract Lis bounded by lands of Wm. Espy John Stouffer, Christian Rodebangh and Valentine brchurst,.contalnjng about 220,1 i acres, more or less. Hotel property, lon, containing I‘. outbuildings, 'it trees. This as the proprie- _ . . . And tract J is bounded by lands of Wm. Espy, William Gumbull and the Widow Cooley, contain ing about 48 acres, more or less. Also, a coal privilege, In Dunbar township, ad joining lands of Collins, containing about 3 acres; more or less. ' - Terms of sale to be one-bait cash, the balance In one year, with interest, to be secured by a mortgage on the property, and bonds therewith In such amounts as the vendor may determine. . Administrator cis boat: non gum testament° annexo, and Trustee at the Estate of Geo. Miltenberger, deceased. mrM:TTO COAL FOR SALE. TILL RE SOLD at the COURT ROUSE, in tne City-or Pittsburgh, on WEDNESDAY, the 10th of June, 1868, ALL THE STONE COAL In and under all that certain tract or piece of land situate in Lower fit. Clair township, Allegheny Co., bounded and described aa followe, viz: Beginning at a point on the corner of land flower formerly owned by John Commons; thence south 17 degrees east 50 perches to a post: thence by property heretofore owned by said Cummous and M II ! Miltenberger north 4134 degrees. west 4$ perches to a post;. thence north 36,5 degrees, east 34 perches to a beech -tree; thence north 69 degrees, east 1934 perches to a sugar tree; and thence north 76 de grees, east 93 perches to a post, the place of begin ning, containing about 23 acres and 17 perches, and adjoining Coal of the Pittsburgh Coal Company. Terms of Sale to be one-half cash, the balance In one year, with interest, to be secured by a mortgage on the property, and bonds therewith In such amounts as the 'vendor may determine. Administrator, de bona noncom tegamento annex°, and Trustee of the Estate of Ueo. Miltenberger, deceased. • mysB:q73-ris MARSHAOS SALE. W.M. E. Pc - rNaat vs. tio. 7213 In Bankruptcy J AMER pTANNED. By virtue of an order Issued out of the District Court of the United States and to me directed, I will expose to nubilp sale at the Shoe Warehouse of the said. JAMES P. TANNER, No. 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., a large stock of Boots,' Shoes, Hats, Shakers, store furniture, fixtures; &c.. on TUES DAY, the Oth day ofJune, 1660, at 10 o'clock Sale to continue from day to day until the whole stock Is sold. THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. my3o:qBo Hanalei's Office, May 20, 1909 GREAT SALE Of' MARBLE and ALABASTER STATUAAY. VASES,,. CARD ReCEIVERS, &c.—On THURSDAY 310 EN-um ' , June 4th, at 10 o'clock. and continuing at 2 an d o'clock P. 2f., will be sold at Commercial Sales Rooms, 106 Smithfield street. a large and magnifi cent assortment of Italian Marble and Alabaster Vases and Card Receivers, in Etruscan, Greek, Turkish. Roman and Egyptian styles; Mosaic Ta bles, and °tiler beautifu' articles or household orna ment, all of which are imported directly from Italy, by Sig. Torello Bens!. Also, Figure Groups, carv ed in marble, by some of uhe most eminent artists of Florence and Rome, comprising In subjects, -I'sul and Virginia. Dancing Girls of Conava, &c. The goods will be ou exhibition all Tuesday and Wednesday. jel. A. McILWAINE, Auctioneer. 4211PSANS' COURT SALE.-IVAL 13ABLE THU R S D AYEET (SECOND WARD.) P PERTY.—MORNING, June 4th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at the Coort House, City of Pittsburgh, by order of Orphans' Court of Alle gheny county, that valuable property situate on Water street, opposite the Connellsvitle Eailroad llepot,_and beginning 00 feet above the upper cor ner of Grant and Water streets, and preserving the same width 49 feet in depth, with an addition of 37 feet in depth and 40 feet in width, making as entire depth of 83 feet, whereod are seven small brick tenement., with alley and court forming what Is called "Holland's Court," Including the house No. 160 Water street. Terms of sale—Two-thirds cash; balance In one and two years, with Interest. . • Jet _ A. IIIeILWAINE, Auctioneer. 4OUSE AND LOT,_ ALLEN ST., A.T • LAWEENCEVILLE, AUCTION. be sold .on the premises, on FRIDAY AF TERNOON, June Eta, at 3 o'clock, that House and Lot on the west side of Allen street, four doors be /ow Butler street. The lot is 24 feet front by 110 deep. The house is a new, neat, two-story frame, containing five rooms with cellar throughout. Possession will be given on the day of sale. Those Igt want of a comfortable dwelling In a goon locality for business and residence, will and this a very good opportunity. Terms at sale. A. LEGGAIE, Auctioneer, je2 1.159 Federal Street, Allegheny. BY LIMIER k Banana PALMER & PHILLIPS, A.trenorrEEßs And Commission liferchaists, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, Na 60 Filth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS, Dry Goods and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENINO. Conoignmr nts Solicited. Prompt • . . . , . . r. , . . • SHE TWIN CITY SLATE CO., 'T . . man ufacture a superior article of ROOFING FEIX...A.TEL. tairomoe, 48 Seventh St., Plttaburgh;Pa. 1. S. NEWAIXTER.;1 3 res't. ray28:464 . . WO CONTRACTORS FORIRON WORK. . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received up'to the SU of June for the CAST AND WROIIONT IRON WORK required for the County Woes House. The worn conststa_of CAST EAVE GUTTERS, ROOF TRUSS BOLTh. BEAMS and CORRUGA TED SHEET IRON CEILINtiS,ABD ft IT EADS 44i te. _Proposal* to be le with OFul lalw Sake, Secretary of the Board of Managers. corner of Wood and Fourth streets, riStibUrgb. Pa. Draw" • andspeeldeations to be seen SO4 all ne. Won giVIIIIIICOO 2llica or BARR 3 1 int , rchiteets. Nos: and le Et, Cleft street. bids swayed, Ibr the dm; *I inntspies worr t;: ,; .. ~r rn ;;.,~,~ :,::~ . NILAUCIiL AT 12 O'CLOCK, M., S. F. TON BONNHOBST, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M S. F. TON BONNEORST, JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO., AUCTIONEERS BY A. WIIWAUIS BY A. LEGOATIL BIM lEEE EOM 1.N./.•••-mnoWNPINI. • E ANNUAL - ..• -----„i EirT: Strawbe! ry Festival far the Church Homo, eld at that burtitntion, near Lawrenee- THURSDAY, June 4th:-Afteritoott and Street cars will run to the clef, until 711 3i. ' -., - le2:iS WM be. vile, on Evening. o'clock r. .' F F ICE PENNSITLYAIITIA ..ILROAD COMPAN'T, PIIILADELPIIIA. May 13, 1869. • • NOTICE 'TO STOCKHOLDERo. - i In punt' nee of resolutions adopted by thellloard. of Directo s at a Stated 'Meeting held this day, no_ tieelshereby given to the Stockholders of this Com pany, that they will hive the ruivllean of sub oor ib. lug, elthe directly or "by substitution under such rules as m ay be prescribed therefor. for Twenty-Aye Per Cent. efaddltional Stock at Par, In proportion to the respective interests as they strandzieglstered on the Books of the CompanT. May 20. i Holders et less than four Shares will be entitled to subscribe for a full share, and those - holding more Shares t 7 a multiple of four Shares will be entitled to an addi tonal Share. Subscri tions to the new Stock will be reeefied on and after May 30, issa, and the privilege of sub scribingiill cease on the 30th day of July, 1868. The in st allments on accoubt of the new Shares shall be Id-te-eash, as follows: • _ • Ist. Twenty-five Per Cent. at the ti th e of sub scription, on or before the 30th day of July, 1888: Rid. Twenty-five Per Cent. on or before t he -lath day of December, 1869. • • . .• - ad. Twenty-five Per Cent, on or 'before 'the 15th ' day of June, 18 69. 4th. Twen-five Per Cent. on or before the:lsth day of December, 1869, or If Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up atonce, or any remaining installments maylbe pa ore p In full at the time of the payment of the second third in stallment, and each inttailment paid up- shall be en titled to a pro rata dividend that may be deelareg on full shares. Trit.I.MAS T. plummy arPENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadelphia, Mar 2,1888. ; NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The BMird of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of 'THREE PEE CENT. on the. Capital Stock of the. Company, payable In cash, clear of National and State Taxes, and a further Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable in - stock, on and after May 30th. • Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be obtained at the mace of the Company; No. 238 South Third street. _ THOMAS T. PERTH, jel:rs Treasurer. OFFICE Nowrn CLIFF .StINING CO, PITTSBURG'', May 28th, 1888, I OFTHIE: PRESIDENT AND DI-. RECTORS of the "NORTH CLIFF- MIN ING COMPANY OF MICHIGAN" have thIU day levied an assessment, of fifty cents (W.) Oer qhare on the capital stocK, as the same may be recorded at the close of business on MONDAY, the 6th of July next, payable to the Treasurer at Pittsburgh,:Pa., on FRIDAY, the 10th of Jay, next. THOS. M. HOWE, Secretary and Treastver my30:09 OFFICE OF CITY EiGINEEE AND- j Pittsburgh. June 18%, 188& NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED I'BOPOSALS FOB THE Construction of the riicolson Pavement On Wood street. between Fifth and Liberty streets, will be received at this office, West Market gulld lug, until WEDNESDAY, June 10th, 1568. Specifications can be had by calling at this Office. J. MOORE, jel:rl City Engineer. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER AND SITEFETER. • Pittsburgh. Jur:mist, 2169..'1 IgrNOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed Proposals for the , . Partial Grading of Forbes filtroxt, . From Brady street to Madison street, andinuilsou street, from Pennsylvania avenue to,Forbes street, will be received at this office, West Market Build ing, until WEDNESDAY, Jn i ne 10th. ISOS. li. J. _ MOORE, jel:r2 City Engineer. OPTICS MIT ENGINEER AND SURVEIIin, 22 PrrrsßUßGii, Jane Ist, Ws:. WNOTICE TO cpremseross. Sealed Proposals rot' the Construction of • two Public &was, As follows One on Fourth street, froM Market street to Wood street; One on Diamond alley,lkom the Diamond to Wood street, will be received at this office, West 'Market Building., until WED NESDAY, June 10th, 1868. Specifications and plans can be seen by calling at this once. H. J. MOCAM., City Engineer Fps] . . ' . ..OTFICS OF MONORGAIM.L, May R id, l e s i sC it) . ,., The President and Directors of tuts Company have this day declared a Dividend of TWO .DOl,- LASS PElt flaaltE on the Capital Stock of the Company, free of Government Tax, to be applied to the relluction.ot Stock Due Bills. m 4125 P2 64 SOICti4L-C.I.A.NET., Secretary. LACE . CURTAINS, • , 3213ELME/1181 IlOrCNC101:1.16, I A T. • SATES 33:TQT'S. zart:rrthrT ' ' " pATENT COMBINATION MUM" HOSE. Thtokosir. Is, without questlen, the strongest and most durable of any now m anufactured.: Cut in lengths to suit purchasers, with tomato and screws. JOHN M.— TATE, Phut* . 121 L bert St., wxn 69 v edorai Street. Allefithe .- ni. mysamsornr-Taks• • • INFORMATION. ! • Parties wishing itryinfbnnition or advice; in re gard to business, orlikrelation topositions orbitua swim as Mercluintsi - Boob-keepers, Clerk* Me.' domicil, Farmers or Laboron,,, in Louisv il le, Chicago, it. 'Louis, : Memphis, ; MbiluMu.rg, • .Little Bock, NetiOrleans, Clalveittin, or any that of Pena ant reteiver much valuable, pronipt an reliable information from :Mu' general cake la Louisville, by enclosi ng our fee of TWO DOLLABB to our address. Having' an eiteritive boldness iiimitanee in this part of the potuttry, we in,ll ore „ O. W. ICIA.ZIOACO 4 4.7 12 W 4 ` I ' lollo l ••• • . =I WES Ell Treasiwer 4 r