.; ,1 j ' •• • • =I IZMII n .attil Ie..I)'SOVOAN. El 3 IMEMI • 111allfl7 jiwer Ineeting—Froin .12 m: tO l2:30 O'clock at dui ilethodlst Church, '...lltteet,idit door to GAZETTEODICC ) . REPUBLICAN; 'c Ns. ..' ' T he Tit ent mi eeen rm d-Co .-. n 7r gres sioria , l o D ist . ric • t -• ''.7... , , .•:..71W.C.T.,01 1 . 49 :111-44webatienist..10 Del: . _ ... egatett-,•‘Mr.. Howard's Letter • of With : , •••-•• .-"•!• filssWitl,--Eleise.ral Negley Nembixted ,by - T ..,-. i-: •_• - #4 l 4 l *littemL I- •• - ' . ....• .. Thedelogatesohosen Saturday to' repro . - Went the several townships, WprdS•and bor - mughs in the Twenty-second . Consretsional . raitZWaiiiislige.d hi ektii / Visilidoii Tuesday, • JAMB ,2,43„at,,tent; o'clock,. in the Common .. . Coupfil Ouiptibur; 'City' 'tinilding,..fbr the . purpose_ of placina in nomination a condi - . ' date to represent the District in the Nation - --- "tilintilcifbl_NeXlnigellalria" --- "" . - - The Convention ivas--called to • order by„ . - • • - • J. S. Dilworth, - Esq., on whose pablibri Miij.' .7. F. Slagle, Was elected ehairrila `; -t, . • . On motion of F. C. Negley; t , E. A. „„Nrootoc4h. ;JAS. lamb its,rti er and 4 , t i j t agyi A. Iliftler,lNqs.','wfire; Chosen Seo-; _ Otftakili lie chairldaj: Slagle addressed." „the Convention in a brief and. appropriate ,-,.• ! t lan ennui; - and • thanked the "delegate/Mr the honor they had conferred on him in. se ' • --;: leetinghlut-tepresideMi theledelibera tions,, considering it, a special:honor . : 'Vibe called upon to" preside ove -a-Convon - - '!toil ' of, :the . .:.Repiibliein. party ' , -•a=, party • whose past career has ,been . victory, and "': ,•:iniiitse future is deithied'•' - to be,. onward, 7 , COntinerth g - ,. and to Conquer. After some Anther 'remarks, in which he •t • • xelbrredto • the - great 'work accomplished, =-"the speaker closed by ;briefly:, nOticing..the stem:Wagon of Grant and Colfax.! . • ." The roll of delegates was then called, -•- ` - andthe following districts reported: " ..ti.? 33 i ! - .:COlisiotio...iiet-iii. : : ..- rtrekward7Jai n es Rees. Geo., Wilson. : •-• • Second ward-tEdwarctllduse, John ANlison. ....I -- Third ward-Jos. Hastings, J. M. Fans. • ' : i : .".Yenrth warCP,•Geo: Earle. Thos. A. Cain. Fifth ward-First Precinct: - David , vuompson, "Malan Brown . Second: Wm. J. Friday, Davi ts • ."-• -31xth ..ittf-Lyirst- Preelnet: Saninel .. 'Kilgore, Joseph Moore. Second: Charles Jeremy, JosephA, * Seventh ward-Martin • 'Frederick, William' 13. Hays. Jr. .c.... •: • • Eighth ward- , JohanElchardson, Rich a rdson Eve r-, ~ ~ . . Ninth ward-T. W. Welih.•Bobert Herrosi.. . ~••• ~- . Tenth wird-Jacob F. mule. E. A. Monlooth. Lawrenceville-First Precinct: Geor e Garrison,' _Lewis Winter., Secepd: Boliiert,Bell, , White-' A T .. rr,(7llllatj..V 1 . 4. A. LCt "` #.., .i.• - .. ' - t ' 4 Llberty-Joseph Dilworth, Win,.B.-N lip... Peel:nest-Geo. H. Ani,derson, it: H. Palmer. • .• Oakland-James G. Gray,. wzn..Ham r t inti , . ,-Pitt-:Robert Inder,,John S. Lamblei ~- ' ...•. , ~,, Temperanceville-T: W. Jones, J. S. 'Hollings , . ~stoaonsaliels-llOwsici Little, Gco. W. Jope. • - ' -Datil : ,ist.:Wasioncton 7 c. - B. M. Smith, Jacob Stein. . • -'•:'' ' - • South pltobilralt;-Henry' kloorhead,;•:dA. .Jones. ' ' . z , ,_ . East Birudngnam=-Beo. Risher, John W. 'Neel:. West Pittsburgh-,- Edward Sprung, Philip Vier beller. - • - . McKeesport • J., Melt. Snodgrass, W. D.-Woods. . 'Birmingham-lst precinct-D. Jenkins, C. 110ge11... ~""ffd_precinet-Wm. Graham Jr.,. M. M. Felker. ,!" - m • ' rsosoctir--iisac Milts, Jr., Alex. lloAtiley. Elizabeth -W. H. Robinson, H. O. Wylie. .' West Plizabetti-Wm. Yondan,' J. P. Vance . - - rproves, ,„.,„ •, - - • 4.- .. , LowcrSt. Clalr-tArtAILAeOId;J: A.,"1.4 . 1 , 11. .- Chartlars- Moses Cheas..,Renben..Rees o . , • • • ,, Roblusen-Istlac Walker, Alex. Spear.- •• .1 1 , , T4r ik t n - 1 "l j . ?.ktial i c7,-- J. B. N end; ~, .., , , vy,' Bobt. Finney. 1 -_ :tipper lit.,Ciair, -I).•fabaffer. John Cannot'. • „. .. IffiMin-J. C. Risher. Alex..D. McClure. c -- v Penn-David Collins.M. Balaton- • , . [ Versailles 74.43. Stewart, J. M.- Love.. • 1 • South Fayette-Levt Gregg, J. M. Born.; -. . , Plum-G. B. Armstrong, H. B. Reiter. - 1 " • • Elizabeth - F. .1. Gardner, Frank Patton.• .• - Moon-W. H.' Gray, S. P. Neely. , ~... Baldwin-1f: B. Whitman, Robt. Wilson.: • - 'North FaYettet-S. Dickson. Jas. Kelso°. ; . . Nevllie-Arch. Hampton, Wm. Braydon., . Soatt-J. M. Babb, _Rota. Crouse. ' Patton-Thos. McMasters, W. N . Hai-maker. 1 - . Jefferson-John O'Neal , Hugh Donaldson. • , mactiev- Jeremiah Guy, W. J. Hood.- Snowden-Joseph Miller,' Eballilltilekditar. • Pine-Jas. Ralston, David Collins. 1 - ~, -vissionirshcosiunuioa, iv. H. Bailey. 1 - Vending the preientaticici Of the ereden ; ;ostoolifrwnLembierntirsci that a Committee . on Credentials be appointed: _I - 1 `:- • -- - '-The• - Chain:nen- 'suggested that it '.be • de ferred for the present. I . - After the-credentials of alt the . delegatei" • had beeia' received, the Chair. announced that the dbitticts were all fully represented, and - suggested that the organization be coin pleted, hy; the:election of Vide Presidents. . The loll Owing named , gentlemen were -- theis gomitilted:: and elected Vice, Presi dents: 'Jcihn 'Wilson, Win. B. Hays, Jr., : ,c-F, ......K O s..MOMIStftrAf F Jim ;Reeser Levi , Gregg, Col: S.' rf.Rtiiwart, - Sairll. Rilgore t .Hobert : ..,,...11ainey and Charles Jeremy, , .. • -ti----- . .:. ... 7 • CoL Stewart, .tnoied that the motion of ]Sr. Lambie. to p oint : a ; Committee on Credentials be, a do pted, and. the following gentlemen : const ute • ... the . committee , Messrs.. Charles:-Jeremy, John= Bell and John Richardson. ... adopted, •I, The 'motion, was ad and the Coin - mitts , retired" to City•lssa•gineer's•tifilce to pre_ paretheir report. - .; . • - • • . ,-.- Mr: , Dilworth moved that a Committee of ." ' - 11$a ppointed . by the Chair to -prepare -1 1 crassoifid be pissed'. liiibrilbythh Con ventiOn. Adopted, and the Chair tipPointod. .. i Xesfirs...Dilworth, Hobert Fbiney,. DI. Kir , k, - . ."Trabk: Pattersorfandt. B."l4l."Banth: .` - --• • • :Kr:Fi C. Negiy moved that -a• Committee of three be appointed to confer with the , 'CocOy,,EXecutive. , Committee, relative . to , the•appointment of a Joint Executive Coin- - I#lWesCio Conduct the campaign. •• . ."- •: • On -!motion the Cobveribion proc eeded to aserisinatiOnsfOr,Coqgress., ...,": •-_." ' r - -.., _l . .' - -•- Col. John . .lß. JStewart 'itombnaed Major " Gen. Jatneff Sag n ey.; ,:. ~ . -.=, - , , Mr. Frank " et, of laiiildie___,,._th nomi-: nita'Theittas w - 1 - -- r -- —, On -Skillets iii noinbiaiiiiiis closed. ~ ... .,.......... ~._.,.,. ..—• ..„..... .., MR. *MS:4 II 9E4MP ,IW,"' T Mr. C. B. M. Smith withdrew the. name of Mr. Howard, front the Convention, eta ling that 'he was authorized to say that Mr. . Howard, bowed' with) submission to the . - decision,of. the district against him, and as • • a - 'good Republican would give a hearty support to the-entire ticket.-He then asked and obtained permission to read- the in g letter from Mr. Howard: • .• '' ti i":.i. - 707 ther.Delegates lot flie:MiCin:Ftspilbhcan Convention o r f the Twenty-Second emigres sional District; GENTLxissx--When I con . ="..,' tented Übe a candidate fob Congress, I had. . such assurances as led rue_,.• to an ... -ii,X".. should.ropelyes.cordi#LintlihoP a- ..1. - sok port; lad' Ibe„ lien*" flfatbilhebn , ""-ptitill-, • ean to participate in the • rimary . meet looked to them solely tor their:, voter.-. m information that I consider. re liii;•- the -Denioncitis have materially; ' ,sut-,••mty.lit - tlilf. lection of delegates. • If l e nSsi h . t C° : ". ( s e ue li ti ! . I . 1 1r '4ll_ , , thiii i . n : c l o t it ilr y wni ) w . primary p ii r l o hg ve : A fii)4 oda . the :i , pub .-• . party. .The,, , . lures hetio t ble ..• .• • . •, =, inded Demo-, . 'crag dcWn r . en!: : - i . '.' '..business, but . • „ .. ,„..,,,, ..... Ofilyo. , .- .• • ' •, " , .. ==,... • • s t y- unworthy • 1 . -.. ~'""4 .1-7 ."• ..-- ~i ~ '... .440 resu lt (it • . . 4 4,ir,•;, ...- •. ~ .i•: - ,.,,.., '.'... ~ •. -: me that; is decided majority'r - ; i" - . eli3gateis to Your,: .. Convention axe opposed ... - Thirefbie I VII net 'titan& 'the harmony:, lUMfriggrtnhil l eM Y t ie ;' 1 . " .i 6 Ta. IRS ideashmthoilusinitan JINX thP iT; ' .-in= I. return my most sinoeressid he ' at .aliiiitiethil CI filtitrOriltitriffillillandea F vo-41 - -ifill - -beissi truly cherished -as.- t lifer. ; had been aucceeedie.inil *lila true that I idenOthelong toth a t oho w - - ' sohartiktitikitstriNtigafei poptilaritYe lif ,, 1 In lay • A.....oopitmdf i _ogr !l am did •Ma a . • JaillitleMi Utah WWI • or a Amor g h a t , i ..-..--o Tisionlict;•=notretartti Antercia iflif far , ,„... •.„,-.6,,,,,,,,L,,,,,1a vice . . - -, f -/• .... 7 i , • " - i.il h ioi n nt r i a o, a - : " e -ti r ettn 4 iOe i i o i iot a el t l t however n c i a t P t n h O i c tethw 1-Ar-R, h m n e i s i t ( aapit,Vxeddaes., , nervieifleffunks, - I - ihall - tf i- w °Md .Mehlfi*WilidlegrdirhVdeface du rins.semknva s litterlY al,il v - .ftof tfif lreY of !this: . Aeoeutiye.afeaddy_etutoeiftnilit - eicti og iv ith them,-pubfiety and privateiy, - zdaltVaetaw• • &lir county and State, and. Sincerely and „isaniestly advocating their principles, and . . •,. .---,..---7--_- ---yrt,-,.--. , - •••:•• ,- .., ,, =•• , ...' ,--- ;: 4;•••:17z=7 • '• ,- - - ?" T'L.":•" ) ;:.,. - ,••- -..--.'.,,,, t•-•= - .-:. ---, • - . , • - . , . 7. .%...••• - •: - . 1---•,••••-,,., ~,.,-.- , ,---,•-•-,:. •:, • i,--'., ...-, --.•-•=:-. -•_, ...-. : --••.,..-•:_ -• •:- -z , ~ -.- - , - ,:v „-, ~,, .2,- -:--, r Y . -- -,-• ~.", '., . ~.-.. ..-.....,V: . 1 ~ .....,,,-...,,,, .1/4_,,,•,.,...,..0...,,,...:%,.,/,-....•.-.LI. , `,."4 - - 'i-----,.4 "P* --,4 . ,,,,,, : , ..., ,,---- >1. , ,..,:r74%,',.-'i- , •, -. ..... , f,- , -.- , - - . .,...; , , , , , ,V., , ,, ,43_,,,,,,„1, ...,4,,,f;,_,`,.....e..:,:,,. ,-_,,, T',.'.=4,1,,,,,;,....,,..,-,','.4.24,,:rr,,,,,iit:',A, ~,.....:r.,-er. r . 1 - *;:i. : P': , :•;=%A :are ''':Z-',,Tl,:?''''"7-'?j•'::,7:''-.:;V: ''...F.-',7.:72,7':::,4k-I,7iii-x;.e1,,Xt..",*ij'1',,Z.:ii`,1:".4;a:;.:,,,kg,,ift,t401ctim,‘"4,15,,,5",V01i,i44.r,3,,,e1k','74.,c'..*1.".42K" S'g,,kr;s',..trji,'?lrr:so3lte,•*,';_'ll,W:i'Vetin:t6:%;':i;`i'ks'ff''''C'l:6*:i'''.r'''''';'-'''':f'i';vf-' ":;',l's; ' ' •? -", 'rti:t: -..:.3 '''''.;•-i-,...:-'2l.l`V.:.'N',:.V`'' .'T , t,",ti n?,;T:i‘:;ZSAraT'r,AlftV:."SLI';-65:;I"'''.44X'''C:Z41..''':•al.:;".4:.V;i4.ii:5'.'ft;A:44."Vg';'*".4;-4*.:70,.f.."-%'4.°4:4;0:114*"-lA.V.,°'''''' i..... 1 ... ,..4 4,, ,.. ,„;,...70-i!),34.44,'.c...k., ~'-.-.,•%'..'rit'''''44.P47,444,444:A3...e.'44,4,e-V.4". ,-,., . ' - '' , W , ,i'-. 4 4, L ". ne,"4:.7''''"Zt-',-/----N4:4511-14k441:".:‘-*e.."*.o-4\2a;'3-Xii.X7,M4.'4:','S'7N. =:g':i",-,liL'.-S('3WVAq r11iiii4:',:"="4,,,,,,-1:471;,":‘4:-•• ="4-yo",..,PittigiF4:stlo e=- 1 .*: % -•"4- '' ' '''' ' et i '''W.t" ; "*"`";Itrz * ie' l k - i.t'S't -2,-,,,'''' P= 1"7: 4' 1 ,1 - 41V,4 1, .M;"• 12- - -..- . '`.- ' ' . '''..<4'''''*:.'4'ESlV:,P-.'-,-X,FiitilTp.'W.",ikt, ~ i r.A, . .q. " 45, Z A?,,, , tL•:.4,-;'-gi,r,-,; , ,E.:", - , -;;;,;,,:it„.;,, ,E..,,;,- -, t4:-., , , (.11,....., i,4454 • '''' C ' tt '' ' 'V' ' '4-. ' ' ' ',,,4!4'"4;;°:4 €- t S ' A'' ' ' ' Z ' '''''' E l'''-'4K4;- - 1 . .:' , :`, , :,1ft-S,',F,•_-,-0.-1,4rV4"-&-,' "*3•41-' lO , l - gi.4:falr•F'"''' -- -' - , -- 1 '',-, -'. --, r.e.q.".!",•:- `,•--t?..,,•:19:-'l4la-:ti-A,4'7'"•':•....•4, ;A • -' , ,::;<.`" , 4;,. 7 . --• % ,, a,`= 4' - : - :"-4 , •:*"'e IT-N.4R '`-'•,"• .. ',I,LYSI'V':-V''.4---•`"-',5;::.-4'::`-i'l-0`.:4%,'P'..-•;',&--:"Xt,t-',--•'",-. -4- ' ''''` # -'1,91,? " -- i: •7, * - ner ,- -,,'' ,- ,e•:,•:;4 - -,4-if4s,:WiTK-=° ` '- - '4 ';' •- 't,"3 ,-V4 i: ,,, rA , .1 , 1: . :•'-•=4,`-'' " ''''' .- 44. 5 4';' , "" . • -''''''''''`'.• - - "-- . : =- P'142,` , -=. , --' 4.-----',,,- - ... ,. .• 0,- .!.z• - •:_., -,- ,„---, - z,1"" t ".4- • = ' 1 ' ". ' ' ' , 'l - 1 , < • . - 7'"! - ., - i,,,•*--: ,' ' . . . ~ , l i', - 01. .: ,- 'f.;` ,. :, - , r - ".-- , ii .- , - -k-7-- :."'" • '''':",•-- ' '' 1 - `, s•--...„7,- ~ *;,-. ....., : . -Y -' - -P-': , . • .IV-,',-"'-'' 1 , , , voting that ticket,' culd'ne othef, I have been, represented as voting and actingleith the Democratic party ...the past year.'? Biitit;t Trailed - and educated a Protestant;t-I have' been represented as a Roman Catholic, and flarbleel extracts of a latter written and pub hed Pittsburgh Pest, twenty years ' ago, against “Nativeism," and denouncing the idea of bringing religion into party politics, was 'published in Republican paperswithoutdate. to make the uppression,l .that it wag recenfty, - Written, - That was in 1848, and then I was a Demeecrat, and then , the Democratic party was anti-slavery, and opposed to the extension ,Of that institu tion,into the Territories. When, in 1845, that party'abandoned that principle, I left the party, and followed the principle into the Republican party. I claim to have been„eonsistent, and yet I have been re presented as a "political chameleon." "Extracts" of that letter were publishede with comments Most'unfairandlunwarrant— able. In 1848, the people of Catholic and Protestant Europe., bys„decided move ment, rose against theirAtteritaddffieciared for a republican government. Louis Phil lipe was driven from France, and Louis Na ,poledn, entered , as a repiblidan i While the great German Orator, Carl Schurz, and the distinguished Glen. Siegel, led the Republi-. cans of Gertriany. In 1848 the Pope of. Rorrie seemed to be inspired with the prevailing spirit of the age,,and he declared for a more liberal Gov ernment for Italy, and under his authority a liberal assembly was convened In Rome, of which Garibaldi was a member, and he promised his people constitutional govern ment, and he was then . ..hailed as the liber-, ator of Europe;" then Kossuth was in arms In Hungary, and the patriotism 'of Blurt and Dembinsky became immortal; while the name of Georgel became infamous for his treachery, When these great events: were taking place in Europe, that letter was written in opposition to "Nativeism," and to bringing religion into'party politics. The revolution of 1848 in Europe is well known, and the fatt.iP,tlfs”POpelst first took a decided stand for more liberal prin ciples; that he afterwards receded to his "fttrmert positlOniis also true„and c it was gen , erally believed that ho was turned , from his position in favor Of conatitntional:govern ment by Austrian bayonet's. The Republi can papers, who circulated those garbled extracts, that did not give a fair and full view of the matter, owe it to me to make a proper correction. In' the manner of, its publication and use it' was n fraud, amt in many districts defeated my delegateii: I shall support Republican principles, and to the extent of my ability 'labor for the success of Grant , and Colfax, and other Republican candidates as 'heretofore. I am, very respectfully, Your obedientsertant, . • Tit Os. HowAan. Mr. Smith, at the conclusion of the read ing, moved that General Negley be nomi nated by acclamation. It was suggested, however, that action'be deferred until the Committee on Resolutions had reported. The Chairman of the Committee on Cre dentials reported' that" inasinuch' as. Mr. Howard's name had been withdrawn from the Convention, the Committee had decid ad tO admit both sots of delegatti3 from the contested districts. ,t., It was moved that the report of the Com mittee be accepted, and after some discus sion, the motion prevailed. Mr. Stuith withdrew his 'Lotion, and an nounced that, as the delegates contesting the seats of himself and colleague for Mt. Washington were admitted, he withdrew from the Convention. Col. J. A. Stewart then moved that Gen. Kegley be nominated by acclamation. Car ried Unanimously. , • . On:motion, a committee, consisting of C. B. M. Smith, John O'Neil, and . W. H. Guy, was appointed to , notify Gen. Ziegler of his nomination. RutiOLUTIONS. Joseph Dilworth, from the Committee oni Resolutions, presented the following re port, which was unanimously adopted Re:so/tied, That the Union Republican, party of Alleghettv PetrOttzever . Etrue'fo' liberty and loyalty, heart y endorse the declaration of princ iples adopted by the .National Convention in the, city,of Chicago on the 20th of May.lB6B. • , I?esolved, That in ,General Ulysses S. Grant, the great soldier, and Schuyler Col fax, the great and popular statesman, we have men able and worthy to govern the country they so earnestly labored to save; their stainless records, tried patriotism and devotion to justice and libertk,.are a suffi cient guarantee that, under their adminia tration,•our beloved country twill be fully restored to peace and prosperity. I?esolved, That weedse to our cand pl k ; dates, local, State and national, our earnest and energetic suppert. . Reaolved, That Gent J. K. Moorhead has: our full andrhearty thanks for his longand faithful service as our • Representative ln Congreis. The' Chairinan then anneunced the fol lowing as the Committee to confer with the 'Executive Committee: W. B. Neglev, .T. H.. Stewart and . Geolgp dixsietsop. GEN. NEGLEY'S ADDEESS.,I , • llendial-Ffogley Was now'. nonditated into .the =robin and -introduted by Mr.; Smith to the Oinventicoli , cllei received with greatapplause, and three cheers were called for And given with a will:. • 'The Chairman presente the' nominee to the Convention 'and Gen. Negley:spokeiaa Mr. Chairnian and . Gentlemen 0/.the To be the recipient of your per, sonal respect and the chhice of the Conven tion as the imaXuisor of our Worthy, Repre ' sentative, Hon:J..ll. Moorhead, is an honor Wcirthy.4he 'proudest imibition, and of years of political. political toil—it is one which com mands my sincere gratitude and high Ap preciation of• the responsibility ltivlnvolved in the &eminence Hof the nomination.: I am pleased -to: issylhat I owe this enviable. MAlnction to no sacrifice of party interests or the bartering away of ,the dignity of the position by pledges or unmanly acts. - • I receive!' rather -as the unmistakable evidence of the patriatie impulses of the peck ple and their willingness to repose con& dance in those:WIRE weht *lib; to - battle for the Union—human _ rights and uhlversal libert: • ,rE Standing upon the inununt of imanhocids, • .4 ....expsetatiowl feel orpableof -realizing the full breadth of the clutlealinposad .upon a member from this populous district, Om bluing- within • its -limits wodderful nients of prosperity, skill, enterprise and , Be assured; gentlemen; thatll' elected it bell be. the mostlef,ermined purpose of mielife, to execute-::the, lraat",.with fidelity, unbiased.by party prejudice • or individual • Having submitted patiently; to, greater tnisrepteSentations than Commonly lls to the lokof A candidate fir' PriblicV favciy, I can corentietudy say that feel-en mity totylir none bat• will cheerfully offer the 'hand of file:l6ldg .toovery man who ex-.: Arciped.bliflegitimate right of _opposing me :bi theinterhst'vf another. My chief 10-., Bret lies in my inability to repay the coiirq' !..twinf'.thepress, the warm Interest eX hibited in inyrixijutlii,Viti liferipan,Welsh , and Irish citizens, the will "elpressed , :by many who Attlee - tans, sin political r - iontittenfauld 4 flnXilylo - 4ther matlal aid extended to me by the leadikritiefabers of Atlr part l y. • < "if mylixilitladvievniariaummtd.4 ';the theeliglons paillield,ilf!tith Mileage ` , Nrention,lt korai 'aft/6*o ~Atelbaja add that I , Wiii'flsil intnlthei Tank" snit-.116W -1144 *flr,td'Odadted a ndthe;. hcholarly Colfax,.Adeteryf.:fEkpplah".7 4 .7, I.ogPlooll)Jo,,T.4lfek.' .!;',Yft TIM lixtitilt :co vitainti . -,The(' artlY Avtilottiitr -.lithow ia•ninolitste Oirstidf4e l Aillr qt.?, Leicid,„ l l 3 ' 3 , and forroonntr offLOOkiltet In - the (tomtit -, i • j Ottae Court How, at. o'clock l . and leave - tile delegates as fras possible :from aunortmos, the roll Of dlitsicts was ..O:AeUTTE c.I.,WEDNESDAY I) NE 3 1868 - . . , 1 ealied. and. those admitted who presented . . . .. 1.. 641 ? 1- 5 ) .° 4 11 . fl7+ of t. h 9 - r:c9-1/14YrPOP*. .. tWo. j mmittee officiating in•cardin out ' the' arrangements: • ' -• • • . ' - i".l' Ater t. 4 ° 'l c4 Jih? At bf-gln"Pe lied; and all the, ' delegatei adiiiittiiia'wiihin tile bar, jt&iir'' l'R. Miller, Eeel,4 ' 'n l ;iairitian eff,the:Comity Executive Committee, called the ' Conven i . .. tion to order and the following announced ... . ... , as the li st of delegates: ~ , . .. , . • , PrtrStinnent. Flrst•ward-Julicts'Francke, W. B. Hunt e r,. Second ward-ThomturEwing, T. Darti.l Third ward--George Glass, A. W. Smith. j . Fourth ward-James Verner, R. M. Leonar d! • ' Fifth ward,ist precinct-Jas. MeC rull , Darld Beek. Secondprecinct-James Scott, a ßalaJ. Rich-' .arisen. sloth, ward, Ist preelnet-, , Jared M. Brush (con-- ,tested-) Second, precinct-Harry Wils on , Woo= 91 ire n v n eri . trw°artintetillted;_Ml.,l4 ocirhead, itesirt , Didier!. Eighthivird-. Do ston, C. Ko lie. -Iffinth ward-J. B. Nebbs,__Mark SicQuevrtinl Tentleward-David Sims, William Slms n '''First ward, Lawreneeville-S. j.waiiiiiight, ,wriuttimosack".i- ~... Iti ,;• • - - 'Second ward, Lawrencertile-Samuel Reynolds, Baroner..momanon. . . Collins, Ist pmelnet-Sataitel Crawford, Edvviird liegley.' 211 preelnet-Jime s Cuddy. David Jones. Pitt-Robert A.rthurs, Joseph T. Dickson. (Con tested.) - ' • • • ' Oakland-Thoinas .7: Craig, .Matthew Idawhinney. Liberty- 'David Baum.- • • '' ' Peetdes-James R. Palmer. James McKibben.' ' ALL'iniliMlY. . • ' First ward--R.: A. Yottogi V. D. Boyce: • Second ward , ,Tohn McDonald, Wm. Tate, Jr. Third ward, Ist preelnet-Samnel'Hastings, Thos. Brown. • 2d precinet-Casper Gang. Frederick Ley. ` Fourth. word; lot precinct-Hugh McNeil, W. 13." Rodgers.• 2d precinct-D. M. Mullen, Leven Moul. Fifth ward-A. Patterson,' Geo. Parkins. . Sixth ward-4.1.: A: /Yarns, J. H. Gernat. Seventh ward--Aindrew Arent, John horn. , '.- Eighth ward-George mom, Gotletb Fisher. •'. ' Yr -i. " . ! 4 "-' . '' - ,-,' k Schnivoits.. " ,", z ;_'' 7 ' • . - SevelekleY-B. C. Christy. Cothran Fleming. • Braddocks--E. J. Alb ti, George Fritz. killivale-Edward Coates, E. A. Reed. ,- , Bellvue Johu linodg. rasa. J.5. ,- oergasten. ' , •Sharpsburg-)Y.' A: Taylor, Jacob Bell. Tarentum-Joseph C. Dunn, James Lace • ' '• Temperanceville-N.. C. Tay l or , Phil. W eave r - : ..(contested.) , , . Neat. Plttsburgli-Johri B. Auth. Lewis Oiren. - - .0 - 7 ouongahels.lllehard Perry, Nathan Brookaw. ' South Pittsburgh-W:0. Barker, J. H. Roberts. Birmingham-First Precinct: Wm. Doyle; Henry Melaterfelt. Second _Precinct: T. B. M c L ain , E. ,11. - Krehan. .. . East Birmingham-August Ammon..l. P. Brown:- McKeesport-e.J. IL Berry, William Harrison. Elizabeth--Jobn E. Shafer, J..E. Veinkirk. ' West Elizabettr 7 W. K. Hobion, John Bradley. Mt. Washington-D.13, Ferguson,, J. H. Shaffer. , • ' ~ .. • - ' TOWNSHIPS. • ' Phim-R. F. Logan,- James Gray.. ' :Penn-Emanuel Stonier, Abraham Lane. • •." ' Elizabette-Samuel Ste tt; Wm. Devore. :.M11111)t-W. J: Sneulatass. Abdiel McClure , . ::xtobituion-.4. - ,M. Esimunda!?n,John... l .inderson. , atorno-Huh - m.Beott,:B.-b. Reed. ' Franklin Andrew Rosenstein: Isaac Neely. Baldwin-Daniel Bennett, David Cowan. Ross-C. C. Smith, William Peters. MeCandlesa-j: 0: Arbuthnot,- Arctir Alston. East Deer-Jathei Kearns, Leander Wise. Upper St. Clan-William Andrews, Jesse Eapy. North Fayette-G. Y. McKee. Wm. Clark. Neville-Geor g e Green, /sane Whittaker. Shafer-Wilson Shaw, George Ken. _ Fawn-John McDowel, John B. flumes. ' • Union-Christian Steele, W. T. Cowan. Scott -H. Lee. Dr. Wilson. Marshall-fleorge Neely, Thomas Simonds. Harrison-R. J. Taggart;•Tnomas Jones. • Wilkins-W. A. Shaw, .1. B. McFarland, (con- Cited.) : 1 . Patton-Thos. J. Chalfant., Robert Cingston. • Vertu:Lilies-K. S.-Browns David Mackey. . • Jefferson-Wllltam•Reed, Joseph Pierce: Chartlers , •Robert Hodgson, Joseph B. Lawson. Findley-k. H. Burns, A. D. Byers. - - Ohlo-Jacob W. Robison; Henry Thompson. .• . Reserve-Wm. Shorthalnr, Jacob Heckert. Snowden-_,W. S. McClure, Henry Murray. ' ' ' Pine-J. G. klarshall, J. iv. Conner. . - • West Beer-rolla Moi:inng . Alt; II: ltisaiii. Indlana-rW, W. Shaw. Benjamin Douthett. Lower St. Clair-D. J. Thomas, Fred. Klein. South Fayette.-J. McConnell. B. Morgan. &wick:el-7x: vi, -- sovio, ktracil spo. 3 Crelleetit—Jamea 'Davis, McClure-Charles Hart:titan, Thomas M. Bore. Illeldand-4. Glasgow, T. B. Austen.. • • liataptou-flugh Anderson. Samuel G. Brown. , -' The selectiOn of permanent chairman now being in order, Thomas Ewing, Esq., of Second ward, city, and Col. E.; J. Allen, of Braddocks were placed in. nomination. The Convent ion by a viva voce vote selected. 1 Mr.. Ewing, , who - ,received 109 votes, COI. Allen ,59: , :••• ....11.... 'Mr. -EM was ;conducted. to th e chair 'and deliver eda brief address, thanking the Convention , Ibr the honor conferred, and 1 referring,tOthe political situation. : 011nrotiPtxtegkiri Tbtentre Wi Davis, See and-ward, city, Messrs. J. T. 'Dickson, Pitt,.. George Y. McKee,' North - 'Fayette, and idamper- Browo, East Birmingham,. were ChOseri'Vice'Prerlidents. " '-' i Mr. J. M. Brush, Sixth ward, citymoveo I the selection - of--D. B. Ferguson, M t . Wash- , ington, David Aiken, jr, Liberty, Ralph J. Richardson, Fifth ward, city; and, Thomas W. Davis, Second ward, city, as Seeretaries. Mr. S. W. Reynolds, i Lawrenceville, moved the selectfon of Messrs. J. S. Fergu-. I son; 13ellvue, W. B. Hunter, Second ward, city, William Tate, Jr., Second ward, Alle. 1. ghenY, - an d.Di. J. Van kirk, of ;Elizabeth, as &vretaries. On motion,. the eight delegates named were designated as the Secretarie4 of the Convention.. ,. , . . lilt It:".lloilieirtf, . Esq., - SeYentb. :, ward, eitt',7itioved the appointment of a COnimit. tee on Contested Seats, from : the Strife entrd;rrity, Pitt and Wilkins townships and Temperanceville borough. Carried., The Chairman announced as the 'Com mittee- Messrs. M.. K. Moorhead, S. J. I'Valnwri_ ght,-- - lawrenceville, Abdiel Mc- Clare, Mifflin, Dr. J.. IL:Roberts, South Pittsburgh, and David Beck, Fifth ward,. city. Sir. John MCDonald,. of -Allegheny city, moved the appointment of a Committee on ' Resoltititnis, and - then:airman appointed as the Committee Messrs. John McDonald, R. P. Nevin, Sewickley, W. J. Snedgrasig Mifflin Dr.' John : B. -Sha f f er, Elixir - bent, :-.' ','Col: B. J.' Allen, Braddocks. 'l' lii!-;444 - It altesi rusit prted aecnprpunien. 'fiarCfroui the ' State -Executive Committee, relative to the appointment of Cou ntyCo in mitteca to : conduct Oar:outing campaign, Urging the importance Of the selection of active, men, and •the.:. selection -of one Member of the -Committee from - each district, the 'delegates in the; Corirention now assembled to make. selection for their - districts: ' ' ',• - ' • • • The Chairman .read a .. co mmunication -from the .County Committee on the - subject, recommending the selection of a 'Commit tee etforty, without poiser to add to: their number. - ' ' '• .- ' • - ' and ." ' - ; • .--. :After o variety of motions , consider abledisoussion, a Committee of three, con testing-pi_ Messrs. T. J.,Craig, of Oakland, /2C - Lee, Of *At, .andlifugh..DidNeliliof Al legheny, were appointed to confer on the sultject.'with . tilmlUeCoMMitteee from the Cringiessional . -Ccirientior a 'of .the 22d and •2W districts:. The papers preeented - were referred to. this Committee '' :- -..: ----' ' ' --, On motion the Convention ' "proceeded. to: • Ptiret' Pereons - for ' " nomination . to • the vs OuSornires,' inthe'.follOwin,g order: . . l'orDietriet , Attorney—W. C. Moreland, • 43/erieratA.J.s. Pearson_, - II: B. Pirikirison t , The. name of . Colonel. la, R. . Duff was' pre-' vented, - but Withdrawn.' - -- -- •. - r.- - - . rtestatintij:Ustric4 A lteraey,"=="l.'" - B. - Flack; John W. Riddell. ' , • ---• ; •';, ,;. I. State gen 44.41 1. :op; i TipopsiA: 3 ,11. run.' Nor other ntithilfatiort tieing' hi-We, r• ciltiti hain was declared the i nuanimene, hbic of the. onvention...- , -; • Antemb/y--GeOrgir • Wilson,' Colonel Peei F. fflergern, W. R. Ford, Josiah W. Ells; John Mi-Rillin, MR: Coon, -J:' J.' Covert, Alexander - 'Chambers ' , James . Taylor, . , . . . t._ .. . . .T:'D:"}Pernsey, A. SAW: Morgan,' and Thos. M. `Howe, Pittsburgh; ''George B. NI die, David L. Sinith, ''Ca_ptiln• Thos. - S.'' S can, 'Orrin:Sir J. It'Oxley,' , OtiyatiM:Triiidi ~ WillieriV - M - '' Clituiry;' lltriflien:ll ,- 'al • ( Wlifte: Sevribkley; Hans A IL Herron -Hemp fon; W'M. Peters, C. C. Smith, Ross; ytu„. oont mo - -tooth • Fayette;~: fillet t a.' :1 11110 9 1 trePRIOPItilijarfrePY, soott; Alexander' ... mtuari imciF,Oriport; Sinnuel"RetritElliabeth..: - - • --, --o'i '-;-_,_ I ',, `CMitteli•Ctennktatinifirimlitlilni.!,'NeelYi 1 ; in M t a t:4 k W t ill a i tddisgtorttiJa t m n e : s ft k e f j e l G ee u e r pk g boha ' - out oaW'Aiiutil e iv.-mo .1 iiikuitle4VLV,DugOlAtipssf r.S /, CcLm4 enakien ..lissabert.i No 1 V dilM a 1 1;141 84 ' ' ' ' ' I ob tehd oozkvozojm„, l thi, , ,:-.„, e 1. I '1 4y......2q 1 1 18 A f ri11 i • i t 'ifkfil Oilif l i g i S” ;err . ... . •',,, , CV ',/ :•:"..*—';'''!'-,". -, : ! talo , „ I :, afit OM r ilie. 2- evilliilliliiiilOn e L'Eggit ildrikilOgilditif 04_10;liftirreyitIppqr Si. , Aa k is; % c if, ,Qpfatior4Sidiath'PAYstfer Moses Chili* eluntieta; , ;Dr.44ll. kW.rtrir, Jacob Keil, Elbarpsburg. - . . . Printed slips ot thenomixistions were di . rented to lniiiiihedfOr the •;eotreiaiiienee of delegate& - It being i3llggested 'that Hon. `Galusha A.- Grow. was in the Convention, calls were Tritade on hint for an address, but it was eobelncle.d Co take a 1 4 w..ss, and if desirable . IlfeGrini - Virottld addrttAt - the Conlention at the afternoon Session. I The Convention then took a recess till lailf-padt one o'clock._ , . AFTERNOON SESSION The Convention re-assembled and was xa11Od• to orderat two o'clock: - "Mon. t Galusha A. Grow was introduced and delivered a short, stirring speech, urg ing as a-requisite 'for success at the fall elec tions thorough organization in every school iristrict. M. R. Moorhead, E Committee on contest ME report, of follor;,J wird, 'first' piettnet, Siitth ward, pecondp and William Glenn, kiwi township, W. McFarland; entitled vi le, Wm.. , Taylo ,entitledlopeate; Pitt there arid Thomas Erni The report was re..ived and on a motion to adopt, Mr. S. ' of.LawFence ville moved to lune ad, by alloWing, Mr. Brush, from the Sixt . ward, but one vote. Mr. R 4 saidi althoug. B r ush ad been fairly and` squarely c ecteci a deleOte, his colleague tied with the opposition. He could see no fairness n allowing . Brush tWo.yotes: . . . Mr. Moorhead, eh• rman of th Comniit tee, thought the Sixt , ward cer tled to full represen ation, and it was in AWE view that the mittee h, . decided recommend' that Mr. Brush have two votes. • There being a tie vote b: ween Mr. .B's colleague and the candida : for dele gate running againSt trim, the 4 rnmittee could not recommend the ad > salon of either, and hence had report d against both. Unless- Mr.-Brush was - Bowed to cast two vates; , the Sixth 'ward>, ould not be fully represented. Mr. Brush strongly urged his r ght to cast two votes, and did not do so, he 'd, fiom individual motive, but in ins ce to the Sixth 'ward, the only ward in the ity which "could hold the Bull Rin dist et level." He had attended County Conve Bons as a Republican until he had grown grey, and this was the first time he had heard the claim set up that a delegate had not a right to cast two votes in representing his dis trict. Mr. Reynolds said he had attended the , eleetiori in the Sisit Vrard,',and had never worked harder at an election in his life. He opposed Mr. Brush for 'delegate, but he (Mr. B.) was successful: Mr. Hunnicutt, Mr. Brush's colleague, however ' had been tied. Now, to . allow Mr. Brush to cast two vett*, and thus= deprive the opposition of the advantage of having tied Mr. Hunni cutt, would be manifestly - unjust. After some; further xemarks, , Mr. Rey nold's amendment was agreed to, and the report as amended adopted. 3irß d that the , eipllengtteas orobSent%de - &gateabe al lowed to cast two votes. Mr. Brown, of Esstltiiviiiikhani, inoVed to amend, by requiring delegates,lefore lig allowed to eastetwo votesr, to_ show au thority for casting a vote of their col- . leagues. The amendment was rejected, and Mr. Nevin's motion adopted. The Convention was about to proceed to mark for candidites when the following withdrawahiwsraarmounced, • .For Assem big, 4:Jen.-Tbornaall‘ Howe ! bf D.- Aiken, Jr., who said he was authorized; for County Commissioner, W. . 11. Irwin, Libertpi L. Duff, Chartiers tbwuship; for County Surveyor, Sigtsmurid Leow; for, Director of County dome, ,Jacob Keil. .. R. L. ;lifcCulljsgoeingthekonly one tiggest ed. fbreetinti littrveyot, , afterthe livithdraw al of Mr. Leow, he was nominated by as clamation. I • The convention then • proceeded to mark for the remaining candidates. The first ballot resulted as follows : DIRTIttC7 ATTOinrET. 411. U. Parkinson E=IM=I -1. C.-3torolaud,... AP•CIe•TANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY John W. Riddell.. 72...1. fl. Flack Col. G. F. Morgan... 45 David George %Ikon. cr.l 11/04 N. ,38 Wm. 11, Ford 33 ;Wm. M. Clam* 1 Jost Elljauf B; Herron LB David R. Coon 51 ; m. fete sll 41..1. Covert L C. G. 'Alex. Chiudhers 13 :Vincent Miller fOr -James/K. Taylor...-. 44 ;AL b. Humphreys. .. 89. David L. etnith 64 +Wm; ERpy 43 George R. Riddle-- 80 I Alex. „Minor- ' 31 Thomas S. Sloan Vi ;Samuel Kerr ...... II )A,S. M.Moriran - ,ttitr.vrT coUmt-sstroxtrt. Jonathan Neely.. Hoerr , 44' ionic* Mothroatille.,= Andmir Mortoni Samuel Milliken - 21 Murri,;• °" 7.' il V i t ; ) . I . t l E . c ir. p li t leGrew... 40 'G. 7 Off Ikagust Ammon 13 - Following the announcement of'thevota ven for Mears.-*Peirson•and Moreland, IllietrintArnrney, -- great - excitement privelled,.3litilpacollvlini' Or:teach, in the lobby, indulging in groans and cheers alternately, being leildently 'endei;the im pression that General Pearson 4ss the ;nominee.- -The". eXcitelperik,sulieilling elmictriaat tahltt lift4brkin son had received five votes, and that there was no choiceeighty-six vo t es being neas sary,to notninete. pert sans then dis covered-there-was no occasion for their ex citing demonstration. 7. J. B. Flackwas announced .as the nomi nee for Assistant Distklizt Attorney. For Assembly, George Wilson,'city. Vin cent Millm :l ifoutb Fayette, and Miles d. HumPhreys, Routh" Pittabnrs 4 l: je irere de clared nodal - naked; •to nominate. For Oortrity” Pommissioner Jonathan Neely was declared the choice of the Con vention.' ' • ;• 7 For County Home ,pl,recst or there wtT no choice. • • A'srscoND nirtor. ; There beings:old:Wee for Distric t Attor ney, and only - three Assemblymen having been nominated ; a Second ballot was op. dared. Previous to the calling of the roll a mai tion prevailed to strike from the list pf .candidates the namps of,sllw,hos, vote was I , leasthatitbirty%five.. -••-.; Col. E. 3. Allen obtained the floor , and statpultrtai been anthorized by Mr. Par stirs bdriw -Ms name from be fere thSrepv.entlopm seandidlite for Dis -ttlet'Al ottiOrtuta itiortOver hoped his '..friends would work zealouslyr.to secure the litiMlitattOtirerifltgll'enZir This friends.wills rapettenihesiasto fribett fit NO" iMlidlikkis one or the warmest we have ever noticed, the fight being between Messrs. Moreland and Pearson, rathm s tlian for any of the Assem blyaspirants, At times it was found im possible for the Chair to preserve orders and a committee had to be appointed-to ejeotamtts- Eholuskmietured with*, tharbfb~„rftehr ditsm^l , e delegates. The second ballot resulted as follows : .. ~..... • 1iff91197 ATTORNDY. %en. A. L. Pearson.:'. Aei w, C. M0re1and.,:,..33 ~ ABM/IDLY. ai l : I N F. Mpp...yv*ll. H. Ill_hkjkillty . ,4 . . 31 , . rs.'wlllre - • 33 -. 11. L. Om lb 13 :C apt. Sam. Kerr...,..91* COUNIT YOUR DIRDCTOP• 'GI' J. O. Murray. ~ . 4.,...e1%Dr. J. B. McGrew . :. ... lab G. Y. Conitee. - ..,,....10' ,August Ammon. ..... ..i4_,• The announcement of Cien. Pearson'if nomination ww•greeted with the wildirst . 7 a ~„ sad litstiritries, qutiatatiV -''' .n prisosi‘mzuwristailaand fairly carried into the Convention ;.and placed on a chair for a speech and greeted! with cheer after cheer. li e modestly 1 thitykedit tivllit litill honor con fetti3d' lin — lffill in' tatettethfiuttion, and re fused to indulge i %speech. Mr. Motei , : 'irtt:t itiMr ;taiLlrgi Walt( miss hearty, and • ous support to the etitpif• .( 12 1/11 1 1 Me1..4 11 921.11 - ,14 .1:"1-7 4, 32 ! " - i i THIRD BALLOT. • . i , w There being still soother cendidate to be chosen for Assembly r variotus Motions were Chairman ~ of the e • Seati, presented a ed M.. Brush, Sixth niftled to !ti-b - rvotes; ecinct. Henry Wilton flatted to seats; Wil l. Shaw . and- ,Tohn B. lo seats; Vemperance and Philip - Weaver, township, RObert Ar- Dickson, entitled to MOM madeivithdreivn, ruled out and otherwise disposed Of ,which hnd.in view the nomina tion of one of the unsuccessful candidates. By order of the Chair a. third ballot was taken, the Convention ruling out all but the five