32 SEE 2 )S.,g MEE ttilifts ! htt: . 'aiii#t,. GAIIDEIN ASD ROVSEHOLD. Wrote the Germantown Telegraph.) —Wheirthe fruit of your strawberry beds swelling &ley should be patiently watered in the absence of rain. It has a marked ef feet upon the ' perfectness and size of the —Rub off all the sprouts upon the stocks which you have set with grafts this spring. It will help to push along the growth of the scion. Not unfrequently grafts, after they have started, die for want of • sap . from the • ~ parent stern to sustain them. —Tbe trees transplanted this spring should be mulched as soon as the ground becomea dry. For this purpose grass is as good as anything. .Don't put aroubd the tree too much at a time; and repeat the mulch when it gets dry and thin. Remove it once or twice during the summer, and stir up the ground well, then replace it. It will save many a tree, if the season should be hot and dry, which we think this s eason will be. Yobr raspberry and blackberry beds should also be well mulched. Any quanti ty of dry stuff about a place; especially leaves, scrapings, itc., will dd. An appli cation of the contents of a hot bed is very beneficial. —A few radish seed planted around your canteloupe hills will ordinarily protect the vine against the striped bug. This danger ouse enemy of the ream prefers the radish to the melon leaves, and thus, while feeding - on the radish, the other gets the start of it, and pushes on out of reach of danger, as the leaf of the Melon is attacked only when very. young and tender. —When your flower plants get from an inch and a half to two inches high, they can be„thinned out and transplanted- It should be done after a rain, or the. ground from which they are taken , and whither they are put should be thoroughly moistened. —Radishes always do better when planted - in new ground, or at least ground where they have not heretofore been. Old gar dens are the worst-places in the world for radishes. Yon will rarely obtain any sound ones; Clay mixed 'kith the old soil vitaliz es it greatly and will produce good radishes. —Tomatoes, egg and cabbage plants, after being set out, generally become somewhat . wilted in their leaves, andlose some of them from the effects of the sun before they be come established. This can be prevented by setting over the plant, say from eight or nine to fonr or five o'clock in the day, boxes in the shape of cones about fourteen inches in height, open at the top. They also pro tect the plants against frost. By the use of • these boxes a week is gained in time, and sometimes the plants saved from severe or fatal injury. The boxes will last twelve or fifteen years. If 3 on find any of your evergreens to be come lighter in color than is natural for . them, or rather if you wish the deepest green attainable, give them a thorough &easing of good barn-yard manure, extend. ing as far out as the extrsmity of the branch es, and you will accomplish your wish. —lf shrubbery or fruit trees transplanted this season look sickly or backward in growing prune them sharply. It is the only way to . save them ' their setting out and other thingsheing duly attended to. —All raspberry and blackberry canes set out this spring should be cut down to with in six inches of the ground, if not done when setnut. It will insure the. growth - of the new wood, and they mill come into fine bearingerder next year; whereas,' Should ,the canes be, allowed to remain only partial; ly prtined, atiotherbearing Weed, there may be a small crop of poor fruit, and only about half a crop next year. Some people are so eager to get fruit at once that they totally , neglect this advice. —Those who have not set out "cuttings" • ,of , grapes, shrubbery, - ikc., can lay the branches down, say two inches under ground, letting the end of the branch ap pear. Sometimes it will require a forked stick to hold them in their placea. A grape , vine can be laid down its whole length, and "if 'carefully done , will throw out a sprout from each joint, making a beautiful arrange 'merit for the POLES, OR HORIZONTAL EITRINGS FOR Hors —A hop grower asserts in the Coun try Gentleman that the horizontal string mode of training the hop is, inferior to the old long pole system. The cost of training on poles is far less and the 'cost-'of picking the hops from the poles is less. Rtiwlstrolasr,Mvil FOR. CILIGEMia.—A recent writer says he found oat more than fifty years ago that raw Indian meal will kill chicks. He feeds wheat, or wheat screenings,:: wiled with - - a very little cracked corn, with bread soaked in milk' or water, and scalded meal. WEIGHT OF MILL—In answer to an in quiry, Mr.-X. A. '_Willard saysti Probably Sipounds of milk would be about right for a 'gallon :able' if:et/it/is:4 l . The usual rule adopted b y ; our factories is to estimate ten pounds milk to the gallon, the gallon be. mg beer tneasrire.. We know no,:.reason for this measure being adopted for milk further -than that it is easier to , estimattsu-ten pOunda - of milk ' beilig "cotildere . it' lit 'average ; ficient to make one pound of cheese. '' LIMA BEAN CI7LTIXE.—Set poles four feet apart way, in 'deep, rich, mellow soil, or that made so by working An a fine compost. Prepare .your hillB aroundthe poles, and with the thumb and fifiger'_priats 113,41Thwds, with the eye „down . Pilaff as - scan frOnt:• - frcik-Itaa paised:',Coy•4 er one inch deep; keep clean;"fork the soil' over between the liirla. If the-Vries do not' cling to the poles, tie theifi' - tiP; they will sooit take to them. To 'hasten maturity, after the poles are ' covered and the pods set, pinch of the elide' of 4 0 ; 11 400a, and, keep, them back, *Nob' • throws the strength ofithe'mizie towartieffielV fecting early fruit, though at the expense quant4, • • siolor erSere, Just 'bofuru Jtti9 pod begins to turnllo*, when the. bean,- haSattailtOttittlltifi3 ye 1 - 9 1 ' for ter use, after they are fully ripe! r Tur ,, fturyituoNa..GßAPF 4 —A ReleVll) N. C., correspondent of the Countri/tfand' • Wiles : " I The manufacture of Scrip. ;Ark°. it z raiddlY baoftting one of the 1, ng interests of Eastern NortliCiiiO, line - The range of-this vine—its habitati ! l is the same, as that of the long-leaf , plue* 7 ; - 61 1 Piliiit.barrens," on „oatmea l , Nod extending nearly 100 miles :. ' I tides' not thrive west of this belt in the State, There are thousands of agitate Vet of these pine bhrrensfor sale pivot'''. 714tifitetelboliah'per vidda,herdtefore oN as turpentine turned hitc'tireyardai'• liteddicing . one Obt4tii#oltinif oh' wine to 1,11.5 acre MAW :who , his ;-- *heel :horsearakemthich makestracks 'stints: feet apart; fastenett.tip' the teeth het , Yeari* thidhttitelied:ll heiwring or table eha'tp thi",*ftree,', Ilritggink - tUt*O - ' places, 04 - -POW t wo' l l h ety tioa;,vitii'the - : 1 00041 4 1-46 !" 'thus alcritnef):` of any length may be fitted to erich wheels; and many chains attached as is desired, thui a man can mark his corn and ride the while, 11F,Hrer, of the French Academy of '244•' • - • ~~„ .~.-^~--e .:r¢_,t .,- - ..: m:c~~fis~..~: +,c : ~~ -~zs~rw.NJ+i .~ ~...r~ra.e ,-, sYansxT~`.~ ' ~4i'Ar " Fk",r:.~'4 „ ', r£~a:ez ^ ye ~. :.~.-.~; Scienrecently ces h has studied the composi tion of t e gas which causes the swelling of cattle, and frequently ends in death. In the case of a cow, which, while feeding on clover, began to swell and died.in less than two hours, in spite of every remedy, he found that the , gas (due - probably to the fir ,mentation of vegetable, matters in the intes tines) consisted of three-fourths of carbonic acid, the remainder'of.pretocarburetted hy drogen, with about two per cent. nitrogen. Neither oxygen nor sulphuretted hydrogen was present, A sheep furnished a still larger per centage of carbonic acid. The remedy suggested is Pacified magnesia or sucrate of lime, which may save life, by the rapid con densation -of the' carbonic acid gas. He found also, that when calves were fed on grass, they exhaled with the products of res.. piration proper, protocarburetted hydrogen in large - volume, with some nitrogen; but with a - milk or , animal diet, the hydrogen disappeared entirety. Coin MEAL Csirms.—Excellent breakfast cakes can be made in the following manner: Mix two quarts of corn meal, at n ight,with water, and a little yeast and salt, just thin enough to stir easy. In the morning , stir in three or four eggs, a little saleratus and a cup of sour milk, so as to leave it thin enough to pour out of a pan; bake three quarters of an hour, and you 'will have large, rich, honey-comb cakes; and with a good cup of coffee and sweet butter at breakfast, one finds with Hamlet "increase of appetite to grow with what it.feeds on." Some of your correspondents take great delight in casting slurs upon these, the most harmless and easily kept of all hogs. I have raised them in great abundance for the last ten years, and meanwhile have tried all oth er kinds. I unheaitatingly give it as my opinion that they will furnish the most pork for the least money and with the least trou ble of any other kinds of hogs. They run in the same pasture with my cattle and sheep and my young geese, ducks, turkeys and chickeqs play around them with impunity. If a rash wants a quarrel with his neighbor about hog damages, wants his pasture root ed all over; wants his young lambs or poul try killed, or wants the largest possible. amount of pork from a single hog, cost what it will, I recommend him to try some 'other kind.. There is one other advantage with the Suffolks; theysire always ready for the butcher, keeping themselves continually fat and clean, never wallowing in the watering places, even in the hottest of weather to the annoyance of cattle. Making pens for my breeding sows near my potato patch, last year, i I made my young pigs of great ser vice n helping my turkeys destroy the po tato bugs, and yet doing no mischief They certainly make the least offal of any other kind, an important consideration when hogs are kept near the house. J. WENTWORTH. CHICAGO, April 25, 1860.—Frorn the Prairie Farmer. Bow to Cure Sick Poultry. MARTI:REM LLB, Clinton Co., April 23. To the Editor of the Cincinnati Gazette : I have seen and read in your valuable paper a treatment for chickens and other fowls, for "poultry- diseases." We lost a great many chickens from the above, and I inspected several,. found diseased liver . and enlargement of the heart. I then put them upon the following : Calomel, 30 grains; pulverized resin, 60 grains; add 1 gallon of corn meal, and mix well; give twice per week. Since I commenced the above we have not lost one. Farmers will do well to try It. lain, your old friend, kc., S B luntaxe M. D. :WHITE LEAD AND COLORS. CHIIO3IILE YELLOW, FOR HAM PACKIIIILS, sND McCOY'S VERDITEB GREEN, 808 SALE BY HARRIS EWING, WHoiEsALi DRUGGISTS Corner of Libe rty and Wayne Stpicts, .errzinitritari; -~ RO~BIT+IT~3UN No. 20 FIFTH STREET, 1140:1UMMIVO =1 • . . "7,•4•;•-; mawritistruArraly). WA RD srl 'S et 0 I I/ MED rAPER CO t, LARS uFFS. " To P. /14 k FRY WI/fife• Trideribilipliatilitia — Tl - ViVaGireirErtfart MrCincootie W9ea r seeME D . IThrraßtlNK Fri a 'filt street:" A lakinaON /r e 0 Wodestteell.. r n_qacturr" e. 11. WARD, UT lima. war. New Yrmylispf: 1~. ~,~ 1 . sesitte , tsgebtr , iroosts _ • r .' Nortl;w44o oriser 100S4 ,1 04sioN AriPs , •' r. - =KWIC ATY ATM& & • • J o, ra °Dilator illopet mattes _outh , eta ist i e, % ft , r - ium walki, Avortry, vagits. *e. Held a dTontebtosim444. _ Ch4burspr— *IT execute& Palau namable. rottpUs LIMN; 2 ,- ; tleal I „ er-nr-Weights'and drnanareso.:,•:= , , 2 . •,-, tegan: .01tlett ) {,Lit 2 1-; - .) 1 1 10 1Aki 1-,o- • s ti f , a 9-. tltelwite*LitaritY aid TM,' itiestiar • Orders promptly sttenaea to. &pita VNIVEIISAL IMOTHII23 t the saanatketararsi wholesale sad retell prices. at So and At Bt. Ojai, street J. i EL PHILLIP% Bole meats far this easaty. CZ] Suffolk Hogs. xxvir T7- - 00 rg i c , - 1 M PITISBUROt- 6AZETTE: TUESDAY. JUNE 2.- 1888 ORDINANCM. AN ORDINANCE Bedoeatiag Second Street, Eighth Ward from the Birmitighaat Bridge to Setae• ea treet. areTrox 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of pittsburgh, In Select and Common Councils as sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same; That the City Engineer be And is hereby authorized and directed to make a survey and get up plan for changing the present lo cation of Second street, Eighth ward, from Bir mingham bridge, eastwardly toward Seneca street, so that It shall run parallel with and adjoining the south line of the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Rail road eci , s property ; and to appraise the damages from and asses the benefit arising therefrom, Jones. William Stark, Jas. McGinnis are hereby ap pointed In accordance with an Act of Assembly, ap proved January 6th, 1864. • S. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordidance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this 25th day of May, A. D. 1868 JAMES MoAIILEY, Attest : E. $. lion ow, President of Select Council . . Clerk of Select Council. W. A. ToMLINSOI.7. ddeut of Common ,511.1 H. Common Council AN ORDINANCE Pre Attest : Hyatt Meld Clerk o To Prevent the Erection of Wooden Buildings within Certain Parts of the City of Pittsburgh. SECTION 3. Be It enacted by the City of Pitts burgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to erect, or cause to be erected, any building. or addition to or restoration of any part of any building, unless the outer walls thereof be made of brick, stone; mortar, iron, or other incombusti blaterial, within that part of the City of Pitts bu Included within the boundaries of the ten wards of the city as it existed prior to the passage of the act approved April Bth, 1567. SEC. 2. Any building which may be erected In vio lation of the provisions of this ordinance shall be and Is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and may be abated as such. SEC. 3. Any person who shall violate the provis ions of this ordinance by erecting, or causing to be - erected, any building. or addition to a restoration of any building, contrary to the said provisions, In ad dition to the penalties prescribed by law for main taining a public nuisance, shall be liable to a fine- of one hundred dollars, to' be collected as other lines are by law collected. Sag:4. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this.ord in ance t.t the present time. be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this Allah day of May,. A. D. DIOS. JAMES MeAULEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerk of Select Council: . W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Council. Attest: HUGH MeltAsTEn, Clerk of COmmon Council. my3o - AN ORDINANCE . For Locating and Opening Hill Street, from Kirkpatrick St. to Addison St. SECTION'I. Be It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, In Select anti Common Councils WI. sembled, and it is hereby ordained and etfacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and is hereby authorized and directed to survey and open 11111 street to the full width of forty (40; feet, from Kirkpatrick street to Addison street, In accordance with the plan In the City Engineer's Of fice, approved this day. 5EC..... That any ordinance or part of ordinance condicting with tke passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as the lame affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, this "AtSth day of May, A, 11. 1865. JAMES MCAULEY.. President of Select Connell. Attest: E. S. Monnour, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Connell. Attest: HUGH WILASTER, Clerk of Coniston Council. my3o AN ORDINANCE Opening Washington St., Lawrenceville. SECTION I. Dait ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. in Select and Common Councils as sembled, and It is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the sante. That the City Engineer be and he Is hereby winterized and directed to sur vey and opea Washingten - street, Lawrenceville, from Bellefontaine strect,eastwardly to old Borough Line, to a width of 50 feet: and to appraise the damages caused thereby and assess the some on property benefited, JAS. 3IcCLURE. JAS. SCOTT and WIT. iistlTHLare hereby appointed. • Sic. Y. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time. be and Ihe same Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils. this )15th day of May, A. 1). 1569. JA3LES McAULEY, _ President of select Council. Attest: E. S. Nonnow. , Clerk of ?select COunctl. TOMLIN SON„ Presidentof Common Connell.' Attest: Huott iffc3.laSTER,l Clerk of Common Council. • mr.)Zi AN ORDINANCE - For Conetrnelinit a Public Newer' on Diamond Alley from the Diamond to Wood Street. SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. In Select and Common Councils as sembled, and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. The City Engineer be, and 1.4 hereby authorised and directed to advertise for ptpposals for the construction of a public Sewer on.Dlamond Alley from the _Diamond to the Wood street Sewer, aud to let the same in accordance with ordinances of Councils relating thereto. SEC: 2. And to assess the cost thereof on property benefited thereby. SEc. 3 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the gr e as se tU rme' e t rffrect i s t gi sa s ordinance. s a h n e eZ by repealed b° Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils, this Allth day of May, A. 1). , 1888. • JAMES MeAULEY. . . • .• • • President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. MOttwow, Clerk of Select Connell:. • W. A. TOMLINSON' . • . President of Common Council. Attestt BCOIIMONASTER, • . • . myao eterk of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE . litg the 'Weetent Vniaa Telegraph co. the Privilege of PreenOt Pam Bxernisrl: Be It ordained and eriacted by the Clty Of rittiburgh. In gmlect•and Counnoll COUndie self Rambled, and It Ir hereby enacted,_uy the authority' of the same That the Western - Union Telegraph Company be allowed the privilege' of erecting four (4).pidesOn Beilafontaine street, (Lawrsticeville,) above Butler street, the Councila reserving the right to remove them on sixty days' notice,,'They 'azure/erre the right of attaching Fire Alann 'Tel egraph, Wires thereto. the poles to be of inch , a size an d description as may be satisfactory to the City Engineer. • Sze. 2. That. any ordinance or part of-ordinance conflicting with .the passage of this ordinance at the present time, he - and - the same is hereby repealed, so far ait the same affects this crniinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Cowie/ph this .3111th day of Kay, A.D. igen. JAUES . 3lcAlltinc • • Prealdeqt of Select Council. • Attest: E. S ifonnow„, , Clerk of Se lect Coghill. W. AiToxraNsoli, %resident Common Cott:IOU: . • Altfeatt 'BOOB • -• *".-; : • .• Clerk of Common Connell. , m IC AN 'ORDINANCE ' " ' -• ' %%tine A,iiiii,til'ofCempensittiiii otXeat Inspfe,ter, spur placliig blin on the Mist beta's:l.d °Alters. • by the City SyClieel.. Bell ordained sn oo d enacted is S iche t t l e r bi rt e ttle m li e . ted nunon.CouncliS im ,oettalultetas I:: vo urif t h it in by the authority of the' same/ That, the - as shall be, and is heroiy alielitinit Ul th e Meat. lurector It s ii m ndie w d .whii Doli t a g r h s ‘ pe ra r e a si nn i tin4 -- pa i ia - b e le cU m M o o n t r hir! el ! list Or ishiried °Sect% abrec—r'be placed on the" Instructedlo certify A: AA - m g:ZVl:trotter is hereby paynsent a the time: ' ,, •er... . -1 4 9:!f5 . 0. 2 for the '-Mn . lit hat 44W' Ordhliureeb ' :nre r ng s at i ktt e l i tn ia lt e m . ith ee k si t em b an e d:th: sua b eTa ts .... 115 6f.- . A it h illi er P e r e i reP rdic ett e i al e la d lith s c o se ordsitiedln4 etereg i n ti t i llanm • g m day a May , l aw la Councils this . A. • A . 4 • '.l.st all All Y e LE , - Atteurt: E. 13. 32 resident of detect Council. I it ,' 1; . . . Cler%%r/reffiat i' l 'l I ; W. I OMLINISON. '' / . . .. „........,_1„..,.. ._ ~ s ., ~ /. ,. .0 - :,_r k. ..:r el itio ine lto n : e t:0 0 :7: 1 7 Cbu m uc ro ll ... ,A ge s *,,,,vit4 Amv 'LASTS* . 11••ORDINANE .: :•i • ir00r.414 4 14.41.04.,54 41444.451, okveaste; East Liberty. „,, 4,, -4, . , ~finridi....Zt2 Z i f r4sitted nad i enaeted by the yrs orctenurs.: - ele cyan a Vennnok Cpanelle Si• liar} led. Ina It& berebrenaneambrene autaenity , -of seise. Tbatibe , Cityfirmsineeft4K. * 134 ,. 0 t i . • trU i tltgrtitAll2o:l4o:4 l :3lß A ri r egi Ni4l /le ' in3ll —•••#f i i ol,ove Mott, and ulio. tLEY, ow.. 1 and .GEO. 81111.. ER to and sr bare 'appointed irleivart 10. .1 , 4 ap raise deniers and assess benedts In aocertian_ pa 44 MSzok4fi 1 eldbllAPPrdweig n/a7..PRPTI • 4 :11 , That 0!) 4 0 inlniceot pot ,ai tit ordibiltiOb itOgrehablii TOM U•Pliatage Of fbis ordinaries *SAW Ekrt ti rt ,"l"l44 lfflAt af ber9 t tlre Pt *l Cl l P - 1 ' tas id alienist o intact.- • ' • rdained And onactial Mita is Unlit Councilor : twit; ailth 4 14 7 c'f/t l l7'' - 44 P1M16 4 Est , 1, y c. k e.ttr Z .. President of Wept Council. A* X . MORSOW, diked —. ° cunt of Went Council. W.A. TOMLINSON, President otConnuon Connell. Attend nerd IleaLterns, . - Clerk n of Common Couneik 111780 '^F ..•.h AN OUDILNANCir, r. a Sewer on Chestnut Street (Law reneeviile) from Davidson Street to the Allekheny River. SECTION I,lte it ordained Commoned by the City of Pittsburgh, In Select and Councils as sembled, and! it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the anthority'of the saute, That the City Engineer be and be is hereby authorized to advertise for pro posals for the construction of a public Sewer on Chest nut Street (Lawrenoeville) fix=avidson Street to the Allegheny river, and to let tl same in accord ance with au sot of assembly app. ed January Bth, 1864. SEc. 2. That for the payment andenses of said Sewer, It is hereby ordained and eulted that the property benentted by the construction of said Sew er, shall be assessed equitably and fairly. and the Councils do hereby appoint REISITEN 31ILLER, Jr., WILLIADIJAUNCY, ROBT. W H ITE3I AN to make said levy and assessment, and return the same in ac cordance with the act of Assembly of January Oth,, /864. • t any ordinance or part of ordinance th the passage et this ordinance at the bound the same is hereby repealed so 0 affects this ordinance. d enacted into a law In Councils, this Say, A. D. 1868. JAMES .MCATILEY __ President of Select Council 3iORROW, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council I.llc3fA • TER, Clerk of Common Council `N OR 1480. 2. Th conflicting w present time. far as the Ordained a idiSth day of Attest: E IM Attest: HU lure =Kg AUTHORIZING THE Grading, Paving and Curbing of Gum Street, from V. ebster Street to Cliff St. SECTION 1. Be it ordained and encuted by the Cily of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils as sembled. and ff the ereby Engineerby the authority her the same, That City be and he Ls here. by authorized and directed toadvertise for nropo sale for the grading, paving and curbing of Gum street, from Webster street to Cliff street, and to let the same In the manner directed by an ordinance concerning streets, passel August 31st 1857; also J an Act concerning streets, approved anuarreth, 1884. SW. 2. That any ordinance orpart of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as Olomouc affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 25 th day of . May, A. D. 1868. JAMES McAULEY, President of Select Council. AttCl3l...E. S. Monnow. Clerk of Select Council. • • W. A. TOMLINSON, _ President of COMM/011 Council. Attest: MCMASTER, Clerk of Common Council. my3o AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Gremlins, Paving and Curbing of Lon Alley, Lawrenceville. from Lewis A l. ley to the Allegheny Valley B. IL SEC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by .the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils assem bled, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals for the grading, paving and curbing of Long alley. (Lawrenceville, , from Lewis alley to the Allegheny Valley Railroad, and to let the same In the manner directed by an ordinance concerning streets, passed August 315t,11.1357; also, an Act concerning streets, approved January Oth. 11463. SEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the Rresent time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so mar as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this 25th day of Day, A. D, 1868. _ JAMES WATLEY, President of Select Council Attest: E. S. Monnow, ,Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council Attest: HVGII MOLAstEitc. Clerk oi Common Connell. m7:10 AN ORDINANCE [__ Opening Rose Street, Seventh Ward, front Overbill to Dinsviddie Street. . Hkertcrs 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. In Select and Common Councils as sembled. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That Rose street, Seventh ward, from Overbill street to Dinwiddle .street, be declared open, as laid down in the City District Plan, and that ROBERT KING, MINAts TINDLE and JAS. 1121318 LE be and they are hereby appointed to ap nralse the damages and assess the sante on property benelitted thereby. in accordance with an Act of Assembly approved January 6th, 1864. Sec... That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so tar as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this 28th day of May, A. D. 1868. JAMES McAULEY. President of Select -Council. Attest: E. S. IlOnnow, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TONIL,INSON, President of Common Council. • Attest: bait Mr.3IASTEn, . Cleric of Common Council. my3o AN ORDEVANCE AUTHORIZING THE Grading. Paving and Curbing of St. Ma.' ry'a Avenue. Lawrenceville. frohnt. ler Street to Allegheny Valley H.R. Slte. I. Be il •oritained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common i assem bled, and t to hereby enacted by the authority of Me same, That the City Engineer be and he in hereby authorized and directed to advertise tor proposals for the grading. paying and curbing of St. Mary's avenue, (Lawrenceville.) from Antler street to the Allegheny Valley It/inroad, and to let the same In the manner directed by an ordinance concerning streets, passed August 31st, 1557; also, an Act concerning streets, approved January 6th, 1564. Sze. 2. that any ordinance orpart of ordinance conflicting thepassage of this ordinance at the pres ent time. be and the same Is hereby repealed so far ordain me affects this ordinance. ed and enacted into a tar. ln Councils, this 95th day of May, A. D. 1568. _ JAMES MCAULEY. • • Attest: E. S. Monnow President of Select Council. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, • • President of Common Council. Attest: Hoon McMASTEn. . Clerk of common Council. rny9o AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE . Gradfair of Garden Alley from St. lfary , e Avenue its Chestnut St., Lawrenceville. ' ' Svc: t. Be tt ordained and enacted by the City qt . Pittsburgh; its &lad and Common Chimed/a assem.. bird; and it is berth', enacted .by the out/writ!, of Me tame, That the City 'Engineer be and he is hereby authorised and dirretedlo advertise for proposals fur thwgradtrg of Garden. alloy, frontt. Nary's' avenue to Chestnut street. (LawrenceviLleiand to let tae Fund In the manner directed by an or !nonce etmceniltig streets, passed August 31,1,155 lobo," , alkiet Concerning streets, approved January Oth, etc. f; l'hit `ant- hrdininee or part of ordinance tonal -with t e.pastago of this ordinance at the .prese to te. be Wad 4ba same is hereby repealed so fit Int as Eke affectit this ordinance. Ord - d and enacted into a law •. In Councils, this Myth *ref May...A.D. 1889. • . - I,- . , - JAMES BIeAVLEY. 's' ' ' - President of Select Council: • Attegtt 13. 8 . . Morino_ Select s, . , Clerk of Select Council. .'' W. A. TOMLINSON, • - .•. Attes..,'" ~, .. .'_4 --- __. ' President of Common Council. . t;H c hLwraen, vatlillit , hlchLwrien, , • '. - Clerk of Common Council. ' ' mylO -. ~... A ORDINANCE . • - - 2 . AUTHORIZING THE . tiestOphie lig tailirwiteW Alley, Lateren'ete• Mlle Itit r f. Ss a ordained and enacted by the City of ; pll, in&lect nd Common. thrum:di, as-. sembiag, ao4 ii hereby e nacted by authority of the tante. 'That t h e City Eegincer be and lie is hereby tsc antho d and directed - to advertise for proposals for th . gmding of Fairview alley, Lawrenceville , and to et thensine in the manner directed by an or• dinanew concerning streets, passed August 31st. Ilittililidso-ais Act concerning streets, app r ove ted ,Jinn oth. 180*. - . , • - . can.. Stmt. any ordlnanee or part of ordinance - , - contli ng with the pssage of this ordinance at the p ti me; lay and' be same it hereby repealed so, 1 far as snow affects this ordinance., Ord and enacted into nitwin Conhcils, this Slath ollday, A. 1t..111011... ..- . ....... :, i - •!.. -• ; kkuin ow • dAllisztareAULEY. Atte Vt It , . . President of Select Council: `: '.' ig. , •-- .j; .4 , ,, ...,, ... ~, , g4- ,,, _1.110ric of Select Council. - '' ..1, - ;' , •- -- • ~, .. -4'l-...j, ._el Y i..r TCalt °l'''Stentf tianorCepani .:,i` Aft 4 t.RFOR MCMASTER, ~. ~ Ciatk.of Conunon Council. - ,--;-~ • , ,7 ---- .1 thr,, INAiNCE .1: ',', , :-`...: , ~,,.,,., 4.1 , :: Alb , A 4137HORIZING,THE ..-;. '' - i iii4ol.' , p.. - obi _i!tt• with itriesison. tolf:griiinralitil SS r fe tll4 : l46 o 46° V 1 . ' nab . Ai 'At ft . aWiatatill and stwiciesi 30 the -Caw Or, 0 Wkdas sideket. and CammesoPe qt strid la gitt , slatt sanded_ bp Pia akornii °ran one 'City artalueer buskin' ke is *tusk,'" s utharik tad . dlnietta to lidirertisa•lbr - proposals, for tha YlzioOd street with iitcolsoapnea-, ,nziklP -I , : i - e n street to 4 kaerty str_eet, amain iet thb, itt • I! , t l l ll ll7llet diPteted ti „ in ordinance ,s ti. posseflAugust 3 t,;1333; also,. IgtorTiefaluglitmis„.napsare January 60, l'll ts rt . Icy That iits , ) , Orilltustieci:or of ordinaries l i e, ~ n a o skisOrdinance st the %maw. With; t 41'.?r, sameric ereby repealed Imo mime this ordinance': - • , . .1•;; , aud i . 4 tivielli Atoll Min. in CannCUS, 1,6141 Pi ' l St °T AU/. A. . nes. , .. • . • JAMES MeAtTLP.Y, •:; - ',,•,_ President of select Council. _ . mcesti.a. si. anima_ , Clerk of select Council_ - , W. A. TOJKLINSON, . • President of Common Council. Attest: UPGlihremAgrsz. •Clerk of Common Cannon. mean ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE • ' • For Opening-Locust Street Sit - yrtost 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh in Select and Common Councils ac tmbl same Thai hereby enacted by the authority the he City Engineer be directed and ordered to snn - ey and open Locust street, Eighth ward, from Cooper street to Gist street, inclusive, in accordance with tke City District Plan. and in accordance with an Act ot Assembly passed January oth, 1861 , and a special Act approved March—,. 1808. SEC. L That J. M. FAAS, ANDREW MILLER and JAMES TRIMBLE be appointed viewers to as sess damrges and benefits for opening the above named Locust Street. Ste. 3. That W.M. GRIFFIN, JAS. D. KELLY and MINAS TINGLE be sad are hereby appointed Commissioners to rembve, or cause to be removed. the bodies interred in, any graveyard on line of said Locust street, and to assess costs thereof. Sec. 4. That Locust street - be only fifty (50) feet in width between Pride street and Stevenson street, and auy portion of said street being vacated shall be on the south, side of said -Locust street, between Pride and Stevenson streets. SEC. 5. That any ordinance or part of ordinanee conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 25th day of May, A. D. 1868. JAMES MckULEP., - President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerk of Select Council.' W. A. TC3ILINSON, • President of Common Council. Attest: Hum' 31e3lAsTkil. Clerk of Common Council. my3o AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Grading, of Colwell Street, from the Eastern side of Dinwiddie Street to Gumbert's Line. SEC. I. Bea t orelatned and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. in Select and Common COuncile assem bled, and it fa hereby enacted by the authority qf the same, That the City Enginedr be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals for the grading of Colwell street, from the eastern :side of Dhawiddie street' to Oumbert , s line, and to let the same In-the manner directed by an ordi nance concerning streets, passed August 31st. 1857; also, an Act concerning streets, approved January 6th, 1864. SEC. 2. That any ordinance orpart of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so Tarsus the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 25th day of May, A.D. 1868. JAMES McAIILEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. 8. 3fORnOW, • Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON', _ 'President of Common Council. Attest: neon sfeMsferzu, Clerk of Common Council. my2o AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PARTIAL Grading of Madison Street front Penn sylvania Avenue to Forbes Street (Oak land Township), SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. in Select and Common Councils as sembled, and IL is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and is hereby authorized and 'directed to adver tise for proposals for the partial grading of Madison street (Oakland township) from Pennsylvania ave nue to Forbes street, to let the same in accordance with ordinances of Councils, and assess the cost of the same on property fronting thereon. SEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Orduinedand enacted into a law in Councils, this 28th day of May, A. D. 1868. JAMES MeAtTLEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. Mototaw, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. ,TOMLINSON. President of Common Council. Attest: lipati MelissrEß.„ Clerk of Common Council. my3o AN ORDINANCE • • For Locating and Opening Wainwright Street (Lawrenceville) from Lafayette Alley to the Allegheny _Myer. SECTION 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common*Counchs as sembled. and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the City Engineer be and Is hereby directed to survey and open Wain wright street (Lawrenceville) to the full width of fifty 00) feet, from Lafayette alley across Wain svnbght"s Island,to the, Allegheny Elver, In accord ancewith the "plan" lu the City Engineer's office,' -approved this day. SEC. 2.. And to appraLso damages caused thereby, and assess the same on property benetltted, William Jancey; It. Miller, Jr., and Robert Whitman are hel'eby,appointed In accordance with an act of As sembly approved January 6th, 1864. time. 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting With the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed as Ordainedhame affects this ordinance. and enacted Into a law in Councils, this 25th day of May, A. D. 1868. • JAMES 3IcAULEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. MOnnotv, Clerk of Select Council. • W. 'A.. TOMLINSON, President or Common Council. Attest:llu6n MeMasTEtt. Clerk of Common Connell. VIVO AN ORDINANCE FOR THE PARTIAL • 'Grading 'of Forbes Street. from Brady Street to 31adimon Street, Oakland Township. • SECTION I. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh In Select and Common Councils as sembled, audit is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer he and is hereby authorized and directed to adver tise for proposals for the partial grading of Forbes street, (Oakland township,) from Brady street to. Madison street, so as to put the street in passable condition, to let the same In accordance with ordi nance of Counclib., and assess they same on property fronting thereon. Sic.... That any ordinance or Dart of ordinance condicting with the passage of Mit:ordinance at the present date, be and the same is hereby repealed so far aa the same enactedis ordinunce. Ordained andinto a law In Councils, this 25th day of May, A. D.IUSBP. JAMES 3IcAMLEY, • President of belect Council. Attest: E. S. MonnoW, Clerk of Select Council. W. TOMLINSON'. - President q Common. Council. Meet: HUGH IifeMASTEN,. . • • Clerk of Common Connell.' my3o ' AN.ORDINANCE For the Location and Opining of Liberty - .11. - Ventte trona Winton Street to Centre agent:4l.l3 in Ordained and enacte Coun cil star of Pittsburgh, Select and Commonas sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the saroo,'That the City Engineer andnd Is hereby authoribEd • and directed to survey ' open Liberty avenue to the fall width - of eighty (601 feet from -Wilson • street to -Centre avenue, In accordance with the '..plan , ,rin the City Engineer's office, approved this , ay. - • . - Sec. 2. Audio appraise damages caused thereby, and assess the same on property benetltted. • Sac. 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance Conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present tLme, be sad the same is hereby repealed so far as - the same affects this ordinence. -Ordained and enacted Into a law ,in n Councils, this 25th day of May; A. D. 1808. • . 1 , • JAMES IIeAULET; President of detect Connell. Attest: E. 8. lionnoW, , • clerk of Select Council. • W. A. Tostrawsox, President - of Common Council. U,xit McattsTun. Clerk of Common Connell PIANOS, ORGANS, &C BlUlf THE BEST. AND CHEAP.. EST PIANO AND ORGAN. • • fthontacker's- Gold Medal Pianoi AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE-ORGAN; The SORONAORER: PIANO combines all the haat valuable improvements knonnin, the • con atructirdi of a tint Mass instrument,' and has alvinys been myarded-Um-lilichest premium wherever ex. nlbifedlf tone sonorous and:sweet.: The .workruanship, ter durability' end beeuty, surpass all Men: , Prices from PRO to $l5O, (according to *y4 mid , y ehesper than aU other soefl :n=inutPlano, •,;*ESTEY'S OOTTAfIR ORGAN etthe Mend of all= reed instruments, to pre diming the most pertemk pipe quallky at tone oany lustruniept in the Unit,W. states— It Is sim ple' and camped in 'construction.: and . mot liable to set out rd orders: OARMNTRIDS- PATENT ..'`ITOX,:,-lIMEANA TREI4O/.0" - fir only tcr be foetid in this Organ. from 14 1 1 , ;to 11 6 .30.‘ AU ituamteed for are AU" SNP ` & INDITTLER I =ldo.lli ST. (MAUI:STREET. Ein 71 140111XINSAND ORGAN, • uperamg order. tromsu tau= • , • clunLorrit tas' rtfth in., ad door Om W 0 9 40 ~ OR #l.-741111E .9, • ---, .‘,. * NO. ga• 01114 alraMirrs; Angibiliii • • ThalkfUl fbr the former very liberal patronage, be stowe upon me, I assure my !hands and the isublie generally that, in She future as la the past, than endeavor diligently to merit a continuance of Os same, and will be always at the shop from If to 9 and from 1 to 3 P. Y. myll:ql4 =1 Mil my3lo ME I= ~~~~;~ MOWTS. /RGIL THEATRE. AG= 1 lrst reoretentallbn of FRED.: e bnrle4que from the play or DlNl.—the beat'iburiesque. •er produced, In Pittxborgh. 'groat TOURSUATE. .W Miss PRANK DREW. ted and nlll soon appear. WPITTSIEW FRED AIMS. THIS EVENING, 3 THAW'S laughata Undlne, entitled InN without exception. 0 He-appearance or the Triumphant.. success 14) Nevi' Stars are engait, IarNEW OP RA HOUSE. • TWO WEEK'S. Comateneing 1 110nday,.June - .15t . , 1508, .THISFA3IOIB J ORIGINA.L AND ONLY LA MOWS 09dNIVAL VERRSTREILS, A mammoth orgattliatidn: 101.00 In 'Greenbacks . given away nightly. Admission, 50 and 25 cents. Matinee on Saturday,l'when $5O lu Greenbacks will be given away. Adudssion to Matinee, 25c.; Chil dren 15c. ; • tny29:q7ll - D. C. LA RCM, Manager.. arBURNEL S . . , NIUSEUMI EXHIBITION, . Comprising WORK/LIMP ART and GREAT NAT. URAL LIVINj CURIOSITIES, AT FRANKLIN HALL, Flfth street, oplkmlte Pittsburgh Theatre. Cards otAdmlsslon,fliati cents. Doors open front S o'clock A. It. to 10 r apBmlB SPECI4 NOTICES. 6 agr ItHIA E AND CELIBACY. —An EssaLtiii Young Men on the Crime of Solitude, and the. DISEASES and ABUSES which create Impediments y.O MARRIAGE, with soremeans of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes. free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGH TON, Howard Associltion, Philadelphia, Pewee.] in:3o Ice7F liar"GUl MARRIAGE.- Young llcrefie Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal 1. °hefty.' The humane views of benev olent Physicians, on the Errors and Abases incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of ch.. ge. Address HOWARD AS. ROCIA'PION. Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. . myl8:03 /grBATCHELOWS HALM DYE. i This splendid flalr c lye is the best In the world; the only, true and pe eat, Dye; harmless, reliable, Instantaneous; no di appointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the ill effects of bad dyes; invigo rates and leaves the Nair soh and beautiful. black or brown. Bold by all i c . Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at atehelor's Wig I:actory, No. 10 Bond street. New i ork. - ~, apM,;pls n • ~_~ A l BEN FRA M i IN INSURAN E COMPANY, OF RENY, PA. . ... Office in Franklin vings Bank-Baffinge, . 11 No. 43 Ohio; St., Allegheny.' • Y A HOME CONPAA, managed by Directors well known to the communi y, who trust by fair, dealing to merit a share of yodi• patronage. HENRY ERWIN 4 Piesident. 9.E0. De - RIDDLA , Spciretary. , DIRECTORS: •• ' . Henry Irwin, ;D. L. Oatterson, HentyHerwig, Geo. R. Riddle, 1 Jaco yranz, • Gottleib Faas, Simon Drum, J. B. mitb, Jacob Rush I W. H. Stewart, 'Ch. P.lWhiston, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zinkand, deremlah Hohen. ap10:05 II NATIONAL ItSURANCE CO., 01' THE cir 4 OF ALLEGHENY. Office. In ALLEGHENY TRUST COXITANY'S BUILDING. tt FIRE 1.1(813 1 BANCE • •vki W. 3AHTIN; President. JAS. E. STEVENSON, Secretary. -Plralllll „„_,_0.,........ry. GATT. GEORGE NffiELD, General Agent. Office, '9l Water sttieet, pang 1. Co.'s Ware. , house, up stairs, PittsbUrgh. Will inzure against al kinds of Fire •and Marine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors who are well known to Mecommunity, and who are determined by promptness and liberality, to main• tain the character which they 'Mime , assumed, as of fering the best protection to thou? who iißsire to be insured. Alexander Nimick, 1 uonn 9. McCune, It. Miller, Jr„ .1 . Chas. J.Dlarke, James McAuley, i Williams. Evans Alexander Speer, Joseph Itirkpatrirl, Andrew Ackleu,t . Phillip Reymer, David M. Long, II ' Wm. Morrison, D. Ihmsen. pENNSYLVAII9L4I - : . INSURANCE COMP /ie SIF PITTTSBURGH . OFFICE, 21 FIFTH TREET, BANK BLOCK.. This is a Home Compiny, and insures against lose, by Fire exclusively. ,t. LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK; Treasurer. HUGH MeELHENNT; Secretary. I Leonard Walter, DiIaCTORS: -.)- l 1 George Wilson, C. C. Boyle. • Geo. - W'. Evans, I Robert Patrick, i J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, . 1 J. C. .Fielner, Josiah Ring. I John Voegtley, Jas. 11. Hopkins, 1 A. Ammon. , Henry Sproul,' • • INDEMITITY AGAINST LOSS - BY. FIRE. FRANKLININSURANCE C0..0F PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE, 435 & 437 C623TNITT BT., lir.An • Dn4CTORB. • Charles N. Banker, i Mordecai. It Lords, Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant, issacLea, Jacob B. Smith, ._ Edward C. Dale, Feorg_e W. Richards. • George Pales.' CRABLES•G, BA.NZllER, 7 Fresident. EDW. I:I_,__DA.L A CZIce President. _ • W. SW.EL ftaretarr.pro '• • • J. EB COFFIN: MIXT, Notth.Weltt o=4' 'Th ird and Woodßtreets. inina:wls. ) •- • , r • ALLEGMENYtNSUILLNCIE CORP. PANT OP PITTEGIIiGH. , • ' OFFICE, No. WI EIFTH STREET, Barra Bums. Insures against all kindt'id Fire sad Marine Risks. JOHN IRWIN, ail; President.: : JOHN D. MeCORD, Vice President: ' ' C. G. DONNELL,!deoretary. r . :- ---,.: CAPT. WM DEAN, General Agent. • John Irwin, Jr. DIB i I Crpt. • Wi t . Dean, John D. McCora, : i t H. • l , - Fahnestocki C. G. Hussey, '' 1 t W. IL Eversan,l - Harvey Chtldii, . - 4 i - 'Robert H. Davis, , 1 , T. J. Hoakinson, 1 Frauds Beller'. • Charles H.q., . Capt. J. T. Stookdale. DEOPF.IP INS URANCE • t CORI. I. PAN Y. • 1 • OFFICE, H. E. CORN WOOD Finn STS. A Home Company, Wang Vire Ind ?Wine Mika. Dyeltpronai' • . • - Wra• Phlllape, ii Capt..Joto&L:Rhoada, ' John Watt, • • 'tp , Samuel P. Waiver. John Parka_ L • Charles Arbuckle; Capt. Judea I ' .Jardd Brash, Wm. Van Kirk, - ' Wm. F. Linn James D. Verner ,•_.- - F Samuel.Nceflckazt Whi. 'PHlLLl,M,.Prealdent. , . JOHN' WATT,_ Vide President. • W. P: 11....RDNEW , Beeratary. • • CAPT. JAa. GORNON, Gaup...l4oot. TOBACCO .AZIP CIGARS. - jUJI.WI DiLfifiatFlf'at L M?T39F„ •;' LEAF Toatecto:A3D SW/118, g SIXTH STIMICT;',!tNoAIoaoI tank of Corn. mere° Bondlost) all PITT9BrA: Branch of 111 Water areet; czne:` ,l fri ul spoor , ;,. as DANIEL F. DINAN: lEl4: . ,*ide w. xxixeoN. 341214.0 0 1 .0etiDilierti ll • tObi.CSCO, • & o */ . ., _''''"xii,slptictimViiir4447.lsetitstrrik ISTSOC 1+: i : ixiiiinisiaiur.47i,:a. : :: - ;„.rm.tr mu& QINGEIUM '4eliff;.gigessors P.l to:G.* y= &'clx.s. - vigiten. . ~N . .40002.**).E5. ilia oil, SteakaltrirgPlje kaimatiinient Wed of the ountalnai -- nth* Cards: 'Letter Heads* BoadstLaneAllintalrMi abOrlds4plomma r Ponmtik,Vlaws,Vestell. or posi Indio.. than: Cards* 80 '! - ITS 'lnt 1r attest. POTATO bushels Peach bush els ows, Prime Alberta, Flukes, Sant "lie and Early Bkaw Potatoes c Just received sad ror sal* by JOHN..cANFIELAtBON, - m)bt 3p 141 first street • i r. ~I ) El !ME not
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers