The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 02, 1868, Image 6
,~ AS. Tirxincia, Preirt pITTSHIIIIGII FORGE AND IRON CO., Bar Iron; Railroad Fish Bare mid 'Rani; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; ItaStrom! Car AxletllanamereS; Locomntliarranies; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side RCds; , • Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat 'Drank*: Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, Sc. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, GRAPE, BYERS & CO., Bar, Hoop and ~Sheet Iron, WROUCHT IPON, Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, = - Water, 454. e. • • OIL WELL TUBING. Office, 98 Water and 182 First Streit& PITTSBURGH; Pa K ENSINGTON IRON .WORRIk LLOYD & B.LAOK, HAMAI'AOrIJEERS OP Best CoMmon, Relined, Charcoal JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BATti•ROI7ND and SQUARE m 0 1 4.7 HOOP, BAND, T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGEF. 'tow. . SMALL TRAILS-1110 and 16 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for can e. PLAT RAILS, Punched and Cguntersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES. - • Warehouse and Office at the Wottcs, GREEN OUGH STREET, (a continuation of First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works, Yittsbargh. E VERSON, PRESTON & Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Noe. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET oppositep hiducmgahela Rouse, • ap24:de PITTSBI7RGIL, STEEL WORKS. I SHEMELEo STEEL WORKS: SINUMC NIMIOK& po i •I'SI3I7RGS, PA., Manntacturers of every description of .~. CASTtND GERMAN STEEL, RATYLAirI3.IPCRIVIIIPLATRORBt SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &p., &e. L ' • _ 4 :l Wareho l 88 Water and 100 First Sts. . 1J 1916:4:67 ° pITTSJOIMKGrit STEEL WORKS. ANDEROtt• COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JSNES, BOYD a C 0.,) 'innlcturera of the BEST - 11 tA. P Di I CAST STEEL, . , SQUARE, PLAT a. d OCTAOOR of all alsec SAW rLATES,__ROE, F and Sn...ET CAST STEEL: • 4 CAST ST ALE for 'Reaping and dcn g Machines, steel PlozALim tuimia„ dye., c. Cast and Common Plow & Spring Stead. Office—Corner FTBST AND ROSS STREETS, two .';'• .4 blocks above the Monongahela House. 0e23:d9 MILE=" BAI114 • & PARKIN • , • ''•••• itairkir.sieragns: . WM. IfETCALF,I BEITEEN MILLER , 680. w. BARR, CILtS. PARKIN: Srzciat. PaiiTNsa-13. M. KIER. • 4 CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, IkEELLWar, 13A.1111 ac PAILS) Office, No. 332 Liberty St, relt:d4B Flrrsts traurr, BLA STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., • Manufactn.rers ofall deseriptiou of sr' Office and Warehouse, 1.2%122 12 4 9iCOND and 119 and 1 1 %1 /LUST STREET,' PiTTSBDBOH. • HARDWARE. NEW RUIDWARE' HOUSE. , -- • LINDSEY, SI'ERRIT & BOER, Manufactureri and Importeis of . if ,. i ,- .1E1.A.11 , 13.WA..rt.., ... , 4 1 4 • ' .CUTL C Rif ic &C.' • :f 4 ",- 837 LIBERTY STI3!-EET t , A ' . :. : .:4 CORMS' OP 'WAYNE:- •7•;:c :iviS One Square Below Bwlon Depot, , 4 , . t, .. ~, , h; . __, ... . ' .A .0 sir Agents 11)g oaxmpricsi, SC 9, 4 PITTSE4J - V mussprAlWN, . ;, 4 of ,:,: - ~, ~..' .• ell FIFTH e bit Tonne) & Chatisia fIN 119 1 3/fili n4Dester In' ifaiii'' - 0 a a %rim; 2 _ V 0 i ithlAidatOdi ;: of alt - descriPtions ninny/ on 4 ` "" i? d lithoritlllee."'-. •"" 1 ":1 4 "8 . . it Y 0 .L'ARCEITECTIL ARK & Masi* -41.11ACIMETSIVI19i i"- ~•=z , xturr nouarAssocwriaN strimOcie, nd 4 det'Clili Eitt i eet; +salon /keen, to. the:dell/pi* anel ilurort:T4Aii4 1'17111.10 #IIIUOSNAOI k S •• • ' • . • . ' : •. . _ W. P. POET'S, 849 j. MANZT4CTURAIRS'Or 1=11=11! mANvrAanniEipi\ ALSO, =I ___..........._____ , . L - 45 , F..F1TF4n0n - Oppiainv.minizmnict inordß, - ... . , . - F - .lTlVin3triielm. . ' PARKI - iIOCURpY : 4I CO., kantiltacturerin L Aßniii BIW A and Sit I, gartpeirrilginur. itrku.r.iut l'agi. il tai llV oi r atf r i te n . ne tt Uta iat 11 ~e , . con . - g a l ko r e ra 14e - ..., , . ... a a d ,1511 9 " • ;• , 11petstalprdarsJearinitibratitteatred pat `,`1.114 ' ''',,', '•:' • ..1,.'• iii,h.,,-41/IWCHIdIa =1 ,f 1 _ ME ATLAS WOllllO, MORTON STREET, 15,1td.,k Ward, PITT9BiTIIGH %110111 AS N. MILLER, President. These Works arc!, among the largest sine moot 'prepared establishments In the West, and are gosr prepared to tarnish Engines, of every description. Bollers, 011 Tanks. sheet Iron Work. • s , • insUroad Casting l c Ro lling * lll Castings. - Engine Castings. , - • ' Ilaebine Castings. ' GeneraitastlngS. no3N ORDERS FIOLIOITED 30 NATIONAL FOUNDRY • " AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Sznal;man Streets, (NINTH WARD,) .PITTS.I3I:7It6TEE, Pd.' • • . SMITH Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAB AND WATER WORKS. sa3t4,PaSslfitZTleenaPhien.vtlelob,lidllarX., ireinC7r General Castings for Gas and Water Works. of rarzu would t ett , gli y / o tipai,.oll3.‘tar . lritervAe n t A .fe18:t10 TIIE KNAP . FORT PITT FOUNDRY GO CHARLES EENAP, President. J. M. KNAP. Vice President. O. METCALE;DeeIf and Irreas!r. J. IL, WADE, Engineer. J. G.; KNAP, 'General. Manager. • ono:cross: JAMES B. MURRAY, ,of Lyon, Shoi b & Co. - A. E. W. PATNTER, of J. Painter & Sons. C. B. lIERRON, of Spang, Chalfant & Co. THQS. EL•BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WK. METCALF', °thither:Barr, a Parkin. • 111 ANIITACTU 11E12 8 or Balling Mill and Blast Machinex7. RETORTS and CASTINGS. of every desealption. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fe24 L. O. LIVINGSTON.W. R. BCRT.W. A. ROBINSON, JR, L nlN‘ 'STON 416 CO., . • IRON POUNDERS, DIANDFACTIIRERS OF FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions; for Plumbers and Gas Fittersi Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen MIL Ma chi,nlr7olrir.promPtly attended to. Office and Works—WASGIN"GTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, BEA. 86 CO., Successors to ROniNAO:e, MINIS & MitaatitS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSiURGH, Manufacturers of Bost and Stationary Steam En gines, • Cast ing, ines Mill' Machinery, Gearing, uhafllPg. iof all descriptions; VII Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. DI. corner First and tlinitheeld trets. Agents for IiIFGARD'SFETENT INJEC mg for feeding Boilers. IVIONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Mika Iron HI113,) PITTSBURGH. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orden prompty and carerialy executed. Charges reasonable , EßEKT & 31AOILIIND. ocD:L93 B ERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Office and Warehouse', 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and kelp constantly on hand Thimble, Skein . _ and Pipe Bows,, WAGON BOERS. DOG IRONS, ' SUGAR KETTLES, nuLLow WARE, And Castings general! Taionus csumnr & Fourth Ward , Fonadry and Machine Warta, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, Manufacturers of Steam rnglnes, Oil Prests, ieys, Shafting. Grist and Saw • Mill Work, Rolling Mill and 31acialne Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &e. Build to order and have on hand.Englues of all sixes. CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS. 880 Perin Street. BOLLItAN, BOYD & DAGALET. Chill Rolls, 1111 Castings, Roll Lathes, ilto. ITLTON MACHINE WORK& ' ESTABLISHED IN IS3O. - t - .i l annfactem of STEAM ENGINES, MI sises and of the most Approved patterns, for stationail purposes; STEA.Ith.OATS and STEAK PE R RY BOATS.' A variety of 10, 111 and 10 horse power ENGINES, whiztr will be sold at very reduced prices. ___ • • 13 ..0..0E155E. Wellsville. 0. Piftrmiles below Pittsburgh, on th e Ohio liver, and Hue of C. & P. R. norkhi GAS AND STEAM. FITTING. .10117( 2t. CoOPILII. . 4013. LISNET Du B, JOHN DI . C O OPER, 64 co., inuss.roma:mu, , • • -GAS AND STEAM FITTERS Manufacturers of PUMPS AND BRASS WORK o eysa,,Atic_npy,oni, dealers GAS rix:Fpuzu •Nzqu T U B ING , 01 l a kinds : Corner - of Pike and Walnut Streets, * PITTSBURGH*, IRONBROKERS SADIVEL 111.'W1C8134411A111, IRON BROKER, . . . - 14:4 First Sireet,•PittstrargHte Pa. .... . . Agent tor the sale or Cornwall, Dot:ghat:lore, Zo• rep ne, Isabena, B Duncanudn, Stanhope, Glendont an ; 11 iS r e l i a . u C l lutgotti litilawile ' Thl i biu gligla At 1 . /0 31:FICIATE3: ' ' • - . f Consign sent* guld.qrdetil rev's:MAU)," holleitad:_ . 74 COPPER , •'.5%1":4111 lEEE RZn== PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY. JUNE 2. 1868. FORT P.ILT, STILL all-TAIkK WORKS.' cARRoLL SNYDER, DOUBLE-PLUED TLTBIIL A g 808 ANJ CYLINDER STEP BOILERs, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS,: BREECHING AND ASH PANS, , SETTLING._PANS, SALT BANS AND CON. DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHIITES Mike and Warehouse 'corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, - ai- Orders sent to, theabove addrest will be, promntli attended to.- - • ,mh7:lB9' Z. W. .11012110W.....1/18. B. zwurniza,..•.JAS. BLAIR. OMAHA BOILER WORKS. = MORROW, BARNHILL & CO., NANTrAoTtrozio3 01 _ Steam Boilers, Oil. Stills,-41tators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOS E4ERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, MEET IRON WORK, /ko. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts., PITT,SI3I7ROH, PA. REPAIRING promptly done. WM. BARNHILL /4 CO.; .O'A BOILER MAKERS , . AND sHtEr IRON 'WORKERS, NOS. AO, 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Having secured a largeyard and furnished it.with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every descriptio equ a I ;OILERS made' he best manner, and vrarranted to any in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire : Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Agita t orsondensers Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Settling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnhill's Patent Bors. Repairing done on the shortest notice, 1a5:c21 JAMES M. BITER, . Nos. 35 and SO Water street, • piTTsatriacts, PA.. lANUFACTITItiIiOI. ,IRON OIL TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM ME, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORE. - For Steamboats JARED M. MUSD EDMUND D. BECSU, JARED M. BRUSH & SON, XLNU7.II.CTUREIII3 or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE. &C. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, C.ASTINGS, &O. CET THE BEST. BISSELL 44 CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB BIT umnvours Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast's well as nay other Stove In the Union. BISSELL & CO No. 285 Liberty Street. Also on band and for sale. PARLOR STOVE/3, HEATING STO ORATE FROM TENDERS, COOKING 'ORA. At. CHEASPEST PLACE In the en, To BUY THE TRIUMPH COOKINC*TOVE; L at No. 140 . GRANT STREET, MEM OLLS. SLEV WILSON ; & CO., NATURAL LUBRICATING OIL, isttliTs!nainTiVidc= 4lPZltriarglc4.' QII4ITT 0174wrEED 1175TVItit. App. Froposils for quantities solicited: No. 167 Wood Street, "BANE OF COMMERCE BUILDING." ap2B:pl9 W• AILING AND . KING, Comm!salon Merckants tad Broken In Petrolenm and its Products; DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTABVfIQ t, PA. • ADbJtESd, "- . • "'• IiVAR/NG, KING & CO., 1;47 Wainnt Street. TACK ..BROTIIEItS, -.COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh OfiIce—DALZELL, BUILDING}, cor ned* of Duquasna Way sad Invliitreeta. • PhiladelphlAPlace-137 WAldNir/ ST. --,..--.• _TACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO., J • Oil Cainiiiiiakis'iTobb'ers, ,____. . . .- ~ No.. 3 DlnguiselNE • WAY, will bay sad sell C rude and Itedned Oils. Imbricating, Tar. Benzine and gooperage.- Our long_experienee liftbe Petroleum trams enables us to oder unusual dualities and in ducements tobiseraters. ' As heretotbre, we are de* termlned to maz call.e In tyrant of . buyers and sei lers to give us aParties turrinitolla fad Wale are cordially llivlted to bring their samples., , . - Ir. Vii. ILONGr & CO,, • : attiMPAOTURAMB OP , .1)1111E WHITE BIIIINING 014 Brcinit::forpFerziwit, i , k . Mee, No. 2 Dagnesne Way, Pittsburgh. C. zurrue.f.e.'t: tcliiintsiamh 0110110. 0/L WORM!. • P "''X tais ' eture and fisis Air Bali au Mitts °, • LUBRICATING • Milisw, 00. Mil =I Fin NEA.ntrr.t.cronaniO P PITTSBURGH, Pa. P. C. DITHIT EIN rOillifirßlNKli c i COMPANY No.-169 Wood. Street CAPITA 4 : : : $200,000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GOVERNMENT' SECURItES, AND COLD. INTEREST-ALLOW D ON -TINE ,DEPOSITS. ColleetiMis made o all accessible points In the Thalted States and Can as.. . - D D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wallace, E. Fawcett, BAWL. 3= r EyST No. 293 PIITSB ANTAL, 44041 DIU 11. J. Lynch, =-• 'John Murdoch, Jr.t William Espy Samuel Barckley, A GENERA BANICING:.:BUSINESS. jy4:b2 Ooneitions made on all accesidble points In the United States and Canada. Interest Mowed on Thus Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, ..Yzeiddent. . . . GEO. T. VAN DOREN. Cashier. , f14jj211:14 ' OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MCNDAY, June 1, 1868. s Gold was firm early in the day, on the in. formation oft reactio n of American seciir . itieiin London, and an increased demand for cash cold to pay for imported goods; but, at the close, the market-was dull and a fraction off: Government securities took a fresh start . . to-day, and advanced- from- X .to X per; dent. The Five Twenties of 1 ,887 were the strongest, being in demand for the ex change for Seven Thirties, and on specula tion to be used for export. It is doubtful, however, whether European capitalists are as sanguine as New York speculators. Eu ropeans have persistently stuck to the Five Twenties of 1862, and it will be difßcrilt to change their opinions, especially when they are to pay as much for 1867 s as for 18625. Prices of Governments are decid -1 1 edly beyond the notioni \ of the mass of the people for investment, and, althgh quo tations may be still more advanc ed, it must prove a non-paying - investment to, buy at present quotations. Railroad shares a e on the rise, but transactions are limit d. = f Money is easy, an long prime invest mentsl are made atfrom 8 to 9 per cent. Business very quiet. \ Closing quotations , received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as followsi Gold, 139 X; 1881 bori t cLs, 1163,• 1862 5-20 s, 112 X; 1464 do, 110%; 180 do, 110;4; Consob3, E 11354; 10.405, 106; 7 - 3 0% ', 109 X,.. Railroads—Cleveland ' P; Fort Wayne,ll6XiNorth W 68X; North Western—pre York Central, 13-1'; Erie, ern, 0 3 .'• Ohio do Mimi: chants Union Express,2BX; Telegraph,3BX,. ,Miulng S 30; Quartz Hill, 105; Qu Smith ..t Parmalee, 3,10; , 0: —The Philadelthia Preys, in ...,_ of the advance in t e price of goverUme 4 nt bonds, says:• The demand which occasions this rise in price is for the supply both of the home and the foreign market. Many millions of the bonds, especially. of the '64s,and old 'Os, have. been purchased With .the :last , month by the foreign banking houses here. The best informed merlin these houses, noting the recent temper and tone of the English and continental markets, enter tain the view- .tiititiai bends will benne ted at London as high as , par by this time twelvemonth. The great controlling fact in the government bond market, to-wit: that the Government will in sixty, days cease to be a seller and have no more bonds to issue. was foreseen and acted upon by the great bankers of Europe at a•datewhcn it was hardly mentioned in .print on this side the water. After the first of July , the United States, under the law, will become a purchaser instead of a aellerqf its own securities, and thus the market will be no longer fed by Government !salmi. The de :nand thenceforth operating on a supply no longer elastic , and enandltur, but rigid end fixed, must, on ordinary principles of Commerce, enhance the price so `sdon as it leaden that the demand itself is almost limitless, taking Into eturnection thesteady appreciatioh of our bonds abroad, as well as the fact that more and more capital on this side, of savings lianke,,:traet coin -.wades, orphan estates, " ate. is tending, month byanonth, to investm tional securities. No slight increment of 1 of the demand will come from the earnings iof the bonds themselves. Theee, Vlll amount to one hundred and twenty mil lions In gold .„ennually--say one , hundred. and slxty4lght Willem', currency - eV the PrcSeht 'figures of preirillMi= disbursed ' mainly in July and January, and Ma a nd NOTember. This fund will maturak i tn.- clfne for investment 'l6 the 'tithirbe m which It was earned, and thus furnish a new demand annually for Government bonds, in volume equal to. one -seventeenth of• their amount. To this • might be added a good proportion of the dividends end in terest of esrporations of 'all' sorts, many Millions of dollarpAnnually and guArzellYt, apart of which 'will , recur to Governtifent` bomb as the best and safest medium for brin glng",*adlly'reciintieretivei tetplrriVi,* P —Closing quobitloniereeeiVedlyJimMT. Brady a co Gold, 130 y.: ; T. $• W.. s, 1: . .:1'5, : 11 0% t s i e 2 0.1 1 1862 1 1124 t b20'5,•'1864. 11X;‘&20 1 0805.110X; 1040's; 10(1 ; 5-2 , ' ..,Termarr ' And, July, '65, 113; . 5.20!5, January an July, j otrt,llll,a June/40's 110 X; July 7-!10's, 110X;cMay Comp. ‘ ,1865,,119,- , 40, New York Cattle Market. i (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l •' ~.11 Nzw -Yonii,t 'June ~. 1..,--Reoeipts--4,3813 head btolVo 2 ,,pilopt headliheen and-lambs;: 23,001 head -1, 17 ,:iiifin..A.00„.40.14P4.1 and Xo higher fairAntlroo "AP% P r li n ef ''. stele; fair to'g d; at ' ITeltti r : 'Or nary, at lexal7; infertOr. •at 1 5 ,X4153'•.. Sheep; lambs, at 2e lower, with free `arrivals; de mand for extra sheared, at .801 :Prigilb*lX.. The Allegheny . Fertihzer 'Go,a7A, common to good. 111/76,&,l'insal.'t at eXag. Hogs depresseu , u_osrii. goner ly 1 , t ,e , , ~.ingeoncl prices lower: iicoo to ]c, /X Sal", aut , ? , F , :4lz, (2,_ CAMP eo re rn qutt c t a co t i nvi s.; d n. ti t l iy , ..,,,atop:d sams,B_hKetivi, .: .i— ~ , - ught, to common, at $l /U5.... -pricwritErroats, , . . • , .;) i-, • - , ~ , • Philadelphia Market., w i f 856 • kit .st rea; ri tta b inh , p as flirTetegraphitethtifilijharth thisettla ~. k .., • , oat " Puit,ermiPiirA, Sime_ l .--Petroleum' quiet ,pbil e 4 ejpol a catuiV a t. ke - 1 ; ad bee b and rtothingodoing.A; ruellriallSiTtlail for WM. brwttevrilvt........, . the aud. northwestern extra facility. Wheat dun JBYT•leirrap4l4"Wr-inabp-roLAVltte•il le r isisfat lart e iroWor W b eatt 'are °ali o end droopipg;Te#2'66aB6. Rye declined -Pathlaill JI:ille 1.-- Be l ef C 4ttie nn : Fr1ia4.44641tw0ub55ic"14:47:14414;51111a-lsrisiketwoingHilirdihrinti St",ooteute7ti t e s e i n e ;! prov t ° ' a t - ellist'44llo "14000 ,, . / r 4 A pi ldl ie s 4, ' ..01 ; ' A . , . ce m , ll - tia ,litogii ‘ 11;12 ecii4a4•7llltfff4bqdaittitri"..i lois • !‘l• I , . t ,, - ~,, ,I i - 1.1 , Pilx ~, .• - : 4 ' l" ' -111-- : 4 p r , '''.7''''' I . uflitterSAl 7101 ). - I " - rF 1 , 1 ' 41 , , A .w.Eiscaati ictzip_tr47. itowl GNI!). , ' , , , ~riite - rlrl :‹lll`ftt 11 'ifTtit r i .01 t , Y:1. 1 ':“; - --- ,,3 r f "l' - ''' ~ ,t , 3/11 ~ r 4. tr -% fl ' . 11, &--, +‘'. l i; 1:' 1 ,, ~ . I * 11. .' 1,,. ,,. : ' , l 4t.! .11 4,-,So iriull 1-001* li - itl l ,l ill ii•• is 1 -,,,..) ~ --;., ~ ,,,s•a: ~,:- . ~ ,..i ~ ~ .0 . . ,„. f 11 ,,. , , .,, • ,- -i , . ' 1 ,,,. ~• t.. J 4-4., .i. „ -1. (• '- • - NATIONAL. DANK __OFOIIIIEIIC.E I Cor. of atiffijEtik A. PATTERSON JOS. H. HILL ' Cashier. CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: ;Georgoirveu t „ James 31caandatiss v . Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson,!: Wm. IL Drown; Chae. Lockhart, Allen Klrkpatrlck, W.B. Raven DISCOUNTS DAIL HART, CAUGHEY, Si CO., • BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, csuccEsso(ts To HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DEALERS IN Exchange, 'Coin; Coupons, And particular attention paid to tl a purchase' and tale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts all Miol34on: my 13212 N .- motives& mirk 57 Market Street,l ~ ' ITTTSBVItdH, Collecttons made on all the principal polsita of the United St&tell and Canadas. . Stocks, Bonds and other Seenritlesi Bpi:MUT AND SOLD ON 00301DI8ION. Particular attention pald to the Purchase arid tale of f ; United Btatee'secniiticie. WESTE:N SAVINGS BANK, ' No. 9 Fourth Street. • .I : tt cHA I'EltrlS ieiiii2 Interest p tdonltlmoDeposits ANY 8 M Rg,CICMILE!..)!ROX, ONE DOLLAR UPWARD; DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK,' WITHOUT INTIMEET. • Dycounts Daily at IA o'clock. • President...THOMPSON BELL. President-4. 11. MARSHALL. , . • DIFIECTORS: TROBITEON HELL. -A D[. Jkli. 801,R311 . Jag. JOH. I)IT.WORTHLAREE. J.J. outzsrix, _ . Stockholders to whom we make reference: Wm. Forsythe,.... hl . Joseph Hllworth i , Wm. Cawelt- - ' , Res. Dail& Betr: Willis Dalsell. Henry Lambort, D. W. C. Bidwell, A. H. Brown, B. )t. Fulton. Thomas Ewing. FAXIANICS9 SAYING BAl~g~ Pro; .14 issinthnididet*oet; . , RBII4OrEiraIVEESDTFRPOAMMONOEND:LrARITBI7PW. A.AlrillBll- posits received subject to check, without Interest. JAMES BLACKNORit. President. GEO. D. TINGLE_, Secretary and Tracuroi.• JAIdES 110rEINS. Solicitor. PITT.§BIiRGH, PA!: .. . .. , TBUBTBE8: 1 Junes Black Moro, ' ' innleXll. Dopktos, Alex. Tlnale; • - ram...mown, ' • WAllam 'Deane, W.' W. 'Bradaham. A. D. Cabbage,, RabertWray. ' John va .1. ' .i 1.1.1 , 4 i ' - .FER..7744ZIERS TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUREILi iIitiONLiTED BONA SUPEIL-PIIOSPILiTE OF LIME, fiIdNUP'ACTIIBED BY FINANCIAL DEALERS IN Jan. C. Risher. Robt. H. Rang, Andrew Miller, . , ;James .111..sauer. CLliptILAN t Pres't. 'Lagar, Cashier, E BANAK., ' : TY STRUT, 11323 ed,) : : : : $200,000:. OTORS. 11 --HamUtoa l ,Ifenry Bookatoea. , • Geo. T. Van Doren. TRANSACTED President. Y, AT 11 A. N. a. E 3 i ..1 '•. REMOVAL. :•7 ; • 'II AYE REMOVED MY • 'BANKING ANkRUILISGE OFFICE THE . ••• : earner of Filth and Wood Sheets, • C ikilifeaCell2fl : !s4 by t4ii P H . R. MERTZ. Jas. Ts ' Bill D ' Y Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., , • BA N"iaCEirt.ll3, BUT AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT. SECURITIES, 1 J GOLD, SILVER AND COIIPONs, , . • ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 746'5. CQNVERTFeD INTO THE .. . ~ xamw 5-20 -COUPON BOND. ' rilr'lnkTest Allowed on Deposits. la- HONED LOANED ON , GOVERNMENT BONDS, and other app roved collateral, at lowest • market rates. • - - 'Orders exeruted tor the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. 'BRADYIc . CO. nit Vittointr e gY tetkrtte. FINANCE AND - TRADE. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. ..----i OFIFCE OF THE PITTSTioRGH GAZETTE, i MONDAY 4! June 1, 1868. The-generalemarketeh are•YerY4l3llal4., .neglected, with but littlO prospect at pres ent Of any imtnediate linproVenient, The imfications for an unusitally large crop of grain are sb highly favor,able that the grain markets,both East and West,are beginning 4 to ahake, and the same is true of Flour. :1 ihnuld not be surprilied to see a heavy decline in the articles re&rred to before the new crop is harvested, *holders will want to realize, and to do so they will be obliged to make concessions. ~ BUTTER—Is not com ing in so freely,and while the market Is dullkind • weak, prices are unchanged, ranging from 18 to 20c, for prime Roll Most of the large western shippers ar e . shipping east. EGGS—Continue to nitiet with a steady demand, and priceaare atill. ,letuiing,,. up. ; „ 4 ward; we now quote at to 23e. • - DRIED-FRUlT—Continues very dull, with a supply considerably in excess of the Idemand—sales of Peaches at 12 to,l3c,;antl I Apples at 64 to 714 c. . ~1' - ' ; , FLOUR—The Flour, ;Parket is dull and Weak, and within the Past ; few days there has been a decline of fron t 25 to 50c per bbl. Wehave sales of Spring Wheat reported - at , 810,50 to 810,75; Winter Wbb , eatat $1 to 12,25; "City Mills Springfield' ,012,25;,,_ "Mad - ; - River," $12,25; “White Stn ~"' 11;75 iguiarkel" ' and "Sear's" at $10,75. RYe Flour, $lO to $10,25. = :-.- 1 - -7; ~,.. e ..... FLlY—Baled Hay, Und the ,. influence of increased receipts, is dull and tending downward. Wagon Hay play be guoted al $2O to $25. POTATOES Continue dull 'buttin - - : changed; we quote at $, ,M to $1,40 for small lots of Prince Albert's and Peach Blows, in store. HOMINY--Steady at 86,L to $6,50. PROVISIONS --Bacon % quiet and un changed at 14 for 'Shoulders; 16c to 18c rf: for Ribbed and Clear Sidesi 19% to 2014 c for Plain and Canvassed Sup 4 r Cured Hams. Lard. 19 to 1934 c. Mess #rk, $29. LARD OIL—Is still gutted at _.51,25 for No. 2, and $1,50 for 'No. 1. 1 • GRAlN—Wheat is dull and drooping, notwithstanding the aril_vals • continue light; prime Red Winter cannot be quoted above $2,50. Oats dull but firm; sates of some 300 bush on wharfit 83c, , Corgis dull; may be quoted at $ 1, 0 5 for mixed,and White, and $l,OB to $l,lO fO, prime Yellow. Rye is nominal at 8 1 ,90 to 81, 9 5. No move ment in Barley; and none in,rnar et. ; . : "4 1 1 1 PITTSBURGH PETROLBGM . (I, 1 - • -= • ^ro., `?. l l' , - 1 .- OFFroir or Tani 1 5 x , rtinitrhshr, , • (limits, 1 - • i MONDAY. Jane 1, 1888. i CRUDE --There 7. was ..- an increased de mend for crude to-day, and! while a firmer feeling seemed to exist, no , advance as yet, has been established. Three sales Nin lots of seven thousand onehundsed..ba4.els re portedm. in different - lots, all arlOg wea, and all for imediate deli e e ry,; holders re un able to spring a fraction, and while no dif ficulty was realized in olitii3ning - 1034c; it''' •• - .. was found impossible. to• g4t any more. il One thing that tended to"st n the market somewhat was the circulatid of re its to the effect that the production is decreasing, and that some of .the largest '! w ells, among , others tho "Fee Well,'P had led. It has been learned, however, thatUthe rep ort so far as the Fee Well is cmicerned, is not wholly correct; the sucker rad, it said, had been lost, but at last accounts a e was still producing - two hundred barrels per clay. It is also alleged that the prod ction • has increased fourteen hrindrhd bar i s per day within a short time by the strik ng of new wells. We give these ;reports as we get them, not for the Purpose of infinenc ing the market one way or the other, but merely as items ofnews. LI REFINED—The market for bonded oil is steady but prices are unahanged. ,We can report sales of , 1,000 blds for the last half of July, at 29c; 2,000 for JOne. at 28yo; 384 prime light straw white, same de livery at 275.0. We also ho reports of 10,006 bbls having been sold on spot in 1 1 Philadelphia at 30e; and 7,000 do at 28Z'' t ' It seems a little strange that two sales of • - such magnittideahould,be Intide , forlllatne, - delivery, with - a differenea of and "- three-quarters in the price.. il _. ,-- . • have S -:ince the above was putin ty, we ' I a sale of 2,500 bbls, 500'elieh from pe An- ' - - gust to December, at 30c for :August, and an advance of half '9, cent for liac-subse quent Month. I ARRIVALS--The arrivals 4 of oil re, , ported to-day Were - rui follows '- • - ~ .2,.., ..-...-.. ; ! Lockhart& Frew 400 Clark &. i umner. 400 , I Mawhinney & 8.2900 Entrap] . Kehew 160 : .: 'Leech-& Woods.sooo Fi5her413r0......4000 ,i - %..." Total 12.860 1 OIL 611IYAIIINTS PER A. 'V. R. xi. . I,_. ris7at. Ref. 4&,5t. Co., 650-hbla ter. to F..A. Dilworth & Co., PhlladelPhia. P, Livingston & Bro., 300 do ,doito _Warden, . Frew & hiladelphia: •`.." li s '" " " '.* ' "‘. = 1 , ~C lark & Co., gumner, 560 do do to P. Wright -x- - ~1 -& soh, Philadelphia., - ~:z.j. •-. ,== ,•'' ,' '• ' ' Lockbart.' :- Fre*•'`& 'CO.; zsil big 410-16 ' '''''' .4 Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelp la. Braun & Wagnez,:3oo • do dolatoiWaring, King & Co., Philadelphia, il B. W. Morgan & Co„ 200 do ao to War den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia:;) - '- Fawcett, Logan & Stockdale, 250 do do to W. P. Logan &.M.04 Philadelphia.:; , „, .: : Montzheimer, Koekler & Co. `I IOO do do to Waring, King. & po.,,PNLytektphi a ., .. . , .. OILBI3:IPITEN'Ii FROM,rilicltra3iii. -ISEP4ST. H. Long & Co., &Vbbls ritff:4 -- Virating; =. ~. King it co., Philadelphia. -- .: G. W. Holdahip, 187 dd del". King & hilqd§lphi.:) ,--; ,' Brooks, Co ., i3allentine & co:,* Warden,. Co.;Thiladelpt Duncan it Williams, ,1141 do., e Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. FOR SALE 7-011 ., class 011'Refinery, situated on Ilde of A. V.' R. R.; river front, containing hbout, six aeres a , with stills, tankS, four stealn pumps, settling tanks, all new. and . In eoMplete or- - der. '"Capacity. of works six to Oven hun dred barrels refined oil per week is Storage copse*. 9 ,000-41;welsi,kswitah „-tpinitirpo; 4 - new dwelling, warehouse, dm. The above works ,are new siiidAri complet6 running - order. Title indisputable.,- Poll portion jaralnquire of D.' W. o':Carroll,. u5tee,.0.1777 Carroll dr. Snyder, Short street. ii 'St; Louis' Market. 1 1' ( cui f Telegraph to the Ptttabargh Gazeittf.. 1 Si, 'toms; June 1.-. Tobacco act ive at full 1110e-ee: common I )gl.- fair reAuest. l l Hemp ionoyant; sales at 61,6%1,66; drdsaisd f2,53a 3,60. Flour dull, weak and unsett ed; sales , , e k 3, superfine : at $ 7 , 2 47,75, for extra, 00 88,50 for double extra, 16,00 fortrable, tra and 87fliiig !lili:itriirieeoTnebloldetdlsl°2p tif 9 ill l ' ' r r 32, 8 46 1 :2 1 ,m; so ft lowtrandqflinaws ap.rlneg 1.81178a1,85. Cor,n,extremely du p. aftdeasier. i sales at &USN' far mixed add yellekv;°B9a92 for white. Oatadulland unsettled; siiles at7Ba • • - 81)a. +reye Iowa; at 41,70a1,75. Pi ovisions veikdull itOd .euler. ' PorkV2B ; so,J " Bacon - .. 4 thouldtulinu'Clffleiraldes ITalife; :Sugar cured hams Wallin. - bird dull atlEtallkifor- steam and kei t tle . in. tierces . Iktre;lStock— common to atilt Cattle rangd at $4,50a7,50, gross, with liberatreoeipts. Bheett in fair 1 - local 12a7 Per. head,.. - Recelpts-- flour, 16.000 bbls; wheat, 11,600. b ; corn ur m ollicilkb bush; oattiusbui: 0 ) l'i; '', Ill' 1 ''.9 - • 4_4 , , *•••• . 1 . I ' Cincinnati Cattle_ Matteti'! •,:er Telestaleiyvtile rittill ) grgh GaXatto4 , C/21,01141tAT1, -.71111ii 'l. 4 Bede Ca l la dull •") >- -% and prices droo ping ; aummon4 o e libt o v 5, 115p..1 lloga4ull- at. , 8 7 .2 ,1 309,25.. , jibiwp dull; and th go o do supply. a1f , 11345,50. pe*centai t . • ' . ~ - 1 Waring, ..'; ",), "', - t ^'• do - do' to' to . W P i 1 , • MI lEEE 26f1 L.-