The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 02, 1868, Image 5
11 ?, i N CHEAP . OWNS FOE THE PEOPLE.... TA. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to No . IT9 SMITHFIELD STREET, inhere foil/ always be found the swat complete cuarortment gis r Guns. Pistols, Ammunitn and Sport. unq Mat e ] j, i n cit r it i AUkte ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Belt ) stain 9 for ittuetrated Circular. Agents wanted in every town in the United States. Address, J. IL JOHN STON. 179 Smith4lekt Street. Pitt/burgh. ED JOHN N. PURYIANCE, iegister in Bankruptcy for 4id District. Office, 118 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY Ogler hours-9 A. N. to br. x OUND--A POCKET-BOOK--On St. Clair annect. s POCKET-BOOK. contain nB a certain amount of money. which the owner can have b• ea lnir .. • I "&. T. UrTHE ANNUAL Strawberry Festival for the Church Home . , Will be held at that Institution, near Lwarenee• ante. on THUSIWAY. Juno 4th—Afternoon and 1 harming. Street can will run to the elk, until 2.1 o'clock P. M. ' Je2:rlll itar'FOß ASSEMBL Y. ALEXANDER , CHAMBERS, Of Liberty townstdp, subject to the decision of the Union Republican Convention. FOR ASSEMBLY, GTJYAN M. IRWIN, Second Ward, Allegheny; sattlect to the decision of the ItepubUcanCounty Convention. , my3o:vB9 'FOII DIRECTOROF THE rooß, AUGUST AMMAN, Of Eta Birmingham, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention JUST PUBLISHED. A VALUABLE LAW, TREATISE New and Revised Edition. EEDGIVICK ON THE MEASURE OF DA3fA GE.. A New Edition, thoroug_blyrevised, with ad ditions. One Volume. Price For sale by RAT & coMPANY, Ell . . ISSOLUTION.—hratite is hereby given that the partnenshi_pheretofore exist between J. MILT LLIAMPLIA3I BURKE and DAVID J. ER,under the name and style of S. B. WILLIAMS & C O,O hal, been this day Otis' solved by mutual consent., and the books of the said- Arm have been left with (lair stree t . NDLIZSShr man House; No 16 St. Pittsburgh, for settlement. The business In future will be carried on by J. B. WILLIAMS. J. B. WILLIAMS. WILLIAa". =BURKE, 30. 311111LeT:16,/tr Pittsburgh. Ma ORPHANS' COURPSALE OF HOUSE • AND . LOT. , . By virtue of anOrder of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, dated May 30, IS6B. the under signed will - expose to Public sale, at the COURT H )USE. In the Myer Pittsburgh, on June 19th, 1865, at 10 o'clock A.. M., a cityf ground situate In the Seventh and of said lu William Ar tburs' first plan of lots, and being 38 ..feet In front on Arthurs street and extending baeltl44 feet, on which Is erected a dwelling house. For further Information' enquire of A. 31. BROWN and JOHN S. LAMBIE, Esqs., or NATHAN 31. COLES,• GIOEON HUGHES, ••--- of Margaret Kearney. REM anAkirls " PAPHZ&N LOTION," . FOR BEAHTTFYING THE SETH AND. CO3l - Removes, all Eruptions. Preckles, Pimples, Moth Itiotches. Tau,. etc.. and renders the . Nurseryn, lair , and blooming. gentlemen t itter It is Invaluable. Poi sharing, It has no equal. k•PAPHIAN LOTION" is the only reliable remedy for diseases and' blem ishes of the skin. PILfiLOWS "PAPIEULIV SOAP” • . For the Toilet. 'Nursery and Bath; will not chap the akin. , Price, 313 cents per cake. - -"PLOD DE nutto," A new Perfume for the Handkerchief. Exquisite delicate, lasting flagrance. Sold by all Druggists je.:r9 — PRAIA* ti 6014, New York. • .HoLorEs, maur. a, co., ANCHOR ,COTTON . Mannfaetw en of H&AV7., MHDHMI and LIGHT ANCHOR AND DAGNOLLS. SHEETINGS -AND BATTING. ()semi F. LAMM & CO. 0. - T. COAL 'AND COKE. (Mee, Slum!sulky Street and P.P. W. & c • B. R., Alleghettir City. SUPERIOR Youghiogheny Coal and Connelliville Coke AT LOWEST tfARSYSi.IIATES. air- Cinders promptly attended to. mrZ ("x""tevr.rprit==grEm4 68, N ontia TO CONTRACTORS. . . 13kt.U,ED i4toioBAiB YOB' TI3E . Couitruetion of the Nicolson,ravement • On Wood street, between FLt`th and Liberty streets will be received at this ollice, West - Market, in& until WEDNESDAY, Juba 10th, ltkie. Bpecidcaitbitm can be had by calling at this °Mee. II J. MOOR City Engineer. \ comes Of' Ciir Elgoiorrzis Axi) Pittsburgh, Juno Ist, Nowt% CONTILACTORS. Sealed Proposals for the - Partial 'of Forbes itreet t ' Prom Brad/ street to Madison street. and Madison street. Ste* rentuiylianla avenue to Forbes street, will be reieived this alto, West hiarket US, Until WEDNESDAY, dune 10th* 1868. 11fOORM, Jeur: City Engineer. OTFICIL CITY EIIGINTE* AND BURYNYOU, c •. rirrsaurtorr. June lit, MIL \ NOTICE TO CONTItACTOBS. Sealed Proposals fpr 6 . 4 , • ,Constnuton of two Public Sewers, • touows : cone on Fourth street, Dom Market street to Wood street; One on- Diamond alley, from the Dia:bond to Wood. street, *lll be received at Oda Mee, West :Market Building, until WED NEBDAY, June lOth, 11X6B. E Seincslicilis and. plans csa be seen by calling st this 02Ce. . B.'J. 211001 M. Clirlonslneer. Ei.r-40 balls Key liough„ , now Limns, kW: iteianer an% Thy. se 7 • "ISAIAH DICKICIra 00., , cetlOUN---400 sacks now landing from dea r " ? at. Hari y for sale tAy_ L AS DIME! a CO. TNDIA RIUMBER.IIOIIE, frOMIL 8-41 4. to 3lath catlbre AS /mils Rubber Mini. w~a... u, :~ `?ice=". . . ''l cannot say too much in its praise. As a like nessi do not think It could be better. Mr.. JULIA D. GRANT." "In the executioner the work, art seems to have achieved Its highest triumph. Tee likeness Is most perfect. Hon. /C. B. WABHBUENE.',' "It should become the standard picture of our great hillitaryChleftain. - SENATOR.WILSON." "It appears to me to alit the character of the original more perfectly than any engraving which I have seen. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYAN'r. , "The likeness is striking, and the picture like. - 0. 0. ROWABD, Maj. Gen." "It Is a rare.and iodated work. Worthy of glace in any collection. SENATOR SUMNIt ." This Engraving, s subscriptioncellent and cheap, will be sold only ny Good Agents are wanted in every town. Agents will do well to con sider this standard portrait, with whilti there IWNO COMPETITION. AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 65 *OOD STREET. MID CAULTITICILLY SELECTED STOCK AT 'WILLIAM SEDIPLE'I3, • MAINVIN 3 I3 PATENT • FRENCH CRACKERS. . • FRENCH CRACREEN. FRENCH CRACKERS. ' FRENCH - CRACKER& - FRENCH. CiIACKERR. FRENCH CRACKERS. And every variety of - SUPERIOR CRACKERS • S. S. zwrinar; • 91 Lthert74llreet, Pittsburg*. TRY THEM.. ..C. DAVIS SHEPHAIIDIS Ella!! CRACKER BAKERY, 317 Liberty Street. Our Crackers are baked upon the OVEN BOT TOM. and are superior to any bake‘by hot air or any other process. • • ier TRY THEM.-i* JOHN BAILEY & BRO • - • STOCK_ AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AffillffiriONEEHH, Are Prepared to Fell at Auction STOCKB._BONDS,. and all ltinds of SECURITIES, REAL ENZATE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ike. either on the prendses or at the DOM of Trade s. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the Salesßeal Estate at private sale. af End Estate in the countryiattended. Office. No. 13ID FOURTH STREET, oeth NOTICE. AZI persons hiving claims against and Interest ed In the BTEAKBOAT ARAIiWILIM will take notice that I have selzesivald !Steamboat at the suit Of BARER, ritARCE *CO. • SEED r O T•4 2 9EL * • , . Thirty 'Barrels Harrison.. For Web, JOYIN B. AS A. MVBDOCH, Nunn- Florisis and &wine; lliElmithield street HYDRAULIC C ApBTOEREEAT• PLAurna. OfitirNEP_ZOl . , WATiou P IPER . • maw" u. cows*. IN Wood Oriel. 11011:070 lENTAL ,- .lPlieluupx;_c apt. wwatiogrey snit ut• bY Groilag a BlickweU daXulidt4 cOm dud of meet§ aim lo am jut delvdd and tor eora d e th r ;tr n k ; iiimeenr.dtiaamorgio w reo.r: VOWCLOTHES WAHlit e:h , best in the market; another al red by & . nat re. apls - kola agents to may. • • • , • N' • • . . • TU MIN OF THE NEB. GRANT ! CRANE! GRANT A LIVING LIKENESS. Marshall's . Great Line Engraving Row Ready . Commandye rr ULY d iEtßh. Gl R p ANT it Exper i enced Agents wanted In Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ghia and West Virginia.; in every township. HEAD THE 1,01.40W1NG COMMEND/MO:NS •TAddren, for terms sod territory, - TICKNOR & FIELDS, e2:rl2 Agency, 68 FIFTH ST.; Pittsburgh, Pst 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny 600 D BARGAINS IN GROS GRAIN SILK, ALPACCAS, In beautiful shades; WOOL DELAINES; FJLICY POPLINS, LAWNS, CHINTZ; JACO:NETS, . 1 1ARSEILLES, &c. SILK paaesoLs. SILK SIIN UMBRELLAS, COTTON SUN lIMBILELLAS,`-dte BONNETS BONNET FRAMES; SILNDOWNS, HATS; RIBBONS, FLOWERS, ,ic,s A VERY LARGE AT EXTREMELY LOW-PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, 180 188 Federal St., Allegheny. Taos' A. stowunr, 97, ig6s. ff. Mi nim!. • m128:4:01 i'ITTSBURGII GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1868.- _ re WE HAVE• JUST RECiFiIrED, BY STEAMER COLORADO, Of our . own Direct Importation, • THE NEWEST AND CBOICEST PATTERNS OP THE CELEBRATED . JOHN CROSSLiEIf & SON'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY jAND BODY BRUSSELS, - FOR PARLORS ;AND NALLS, WITH STAIR CARPETS TO HATCH. 31cFARLANII & COLLINS ! 71AND 73 FIFTH ST, (Becond!Floor.) auT:rreAT 1868. 1868. 1317NISEER` STOCK of CI AL rt. 1: 1 311 90 1 SI 2 White, Red, Checked, Striped and Fancy MA Pr I. Gr IN GREAT VARIETY. 011 . COMB ) Window Shades. ke. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., rifth Street, my27:d&-wr OVER BATES & BELL'S. CHINA /NUTTING A very superior quality of White, • Fancy Striped „ • And Check • • MA.ITINGS9 JUST IMPORTED. ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, • IN BRIGHTEST COLORS. Prices the Lowest in. this Market. MeCALLIIM BROS., au= 31 FIFTH STREET. above Wood.. J. & H, PHILLIPS. 1868 • SPREN 6 G 901119 .186& We ere not reeeloka ova own .aziA other ulanufactorles a NEXT: of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE, TABLE AND WD DOW SHADE OTh mftnA OF EVERY DENCRIPTION. Alm a full line of Transparent *laden Shades, Nollands, Shade Finttpres, • Tassels, Cords, &e., - dte. WOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS win end onr ce. AS LOWIF NOT LOWER, Z THA N BE VTRCHASED and styles second to none. f 4"4"7 J. & H. PHILLIPS, arikaAS Ad AND 99 ST. CLAIR ST. STEAM CARPET BEATING \ ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern titles has proved a complete success. ITS ADVAIITALOI3k • -• e kst—Fading and Shrinkage are eompietalyevelii. When ildi—No ripping part necessary n freed il hom 'dna , 'As ortheir I the W rp b et looks nearly as g i coed as new , save the a' OS fading from wear. - - 4 When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter as a mere _point of •OCOO toy, to say nothing of looks. • ALL ORDERS LEFT AT THE OFFICE, No. 179 Liberty Street * Or addressed to P. O. Box 473, will receive prompt attention. GEO. L. XeCLINTOCIE, • PROPRIETOR. rpo FARMERS. TO mh10: Tll.l BAY RAKE ' "WELCOILV! ' PATENTED 1806 AND 1861. • Is the best Rake made. It will rake heavier hay, earry it farther, load and unload itself easier than any other rake. It Is self-operating: a chile II years old can do the work of a: felV hand: • Hundreds ,of certificates could be giVen, one of which is belowy "Mama% Erie Co., Ps., Jalytly 1867. "I hadeitsed the WilCOMd Hay Rake, manufac tured by W. W. Wallace, - Pittsburgh'Pa., and'rec. ommeud it totem:ere. It Is good in light and heave bay: Is easy on man and horse; is a complete Olean era gran and stubel ; is simple in construction and easily kept in order. JOSEPH ARBUCKLE " All orders directed to 319 Liberty street, Fitts burgh, Pa.. or at the works In Columbiana, Ohio, promptly attended to.- Sold , wholesale and retail by' W. W. WALLACE. Send orders In early, es supply , Is short. Iny2S:d&T SUMMER DRESS GOODS,": ; FOR SALE AT ,VERY LOW PRICES, - - BY ORR & CO-, PirI°RMATIOR . Parties wisiiinginiintoimation oiinlvicni in re^ lard to badness, or In relation to positions or situ*. :lons as Merchants, : .Boak-keepent, T - Clerki; .111*- chanics, Tanners or Laborers, in Louisville, Chicago; ill,. Loals„ . , Vi9hebnig, Mock, New Orleans, hinbile, Ogiveltoh, or any Pere' of 'Texas, can receive mach valuable, prompt and reliable lnibrmatton, from out, general oMce In' bynncloilng oar feeof TWO MOLL4BB to our "Adze*. Having an extensive business se. • eleeintenei4a ibis inrt of ' give` Pa M 414474" " J 'Cl. W.' /Wage' - 4 1 06.; '‘ m loz . No. in. 4th St.:Louisville, S K. prIA RUBBER. BELTING AND i I TZ I AIt PACKING. wholesale and retell. at the Ma Rubber point, ACI and XS Bt. Clair rest. elele & N. P ' . - ESTATEJ OF JOHN M. - APPEL, .: - -- Of Allegheny Cit in the County of Allegheny. State of Pennsylvania , who has been itijudged a bankrupt, on his own petit! n; that the payment of any debts and delivery of a y property belonging to such bank rupt to him or fu 'Ms use. and the transfer of any property by him e forbidden bylaw; that &meeting of the creditors o the sald'hankrupt. to prove theft debts, and to chose one or more assignees of his es tate, will be held t a. Court of aukruptcy, to be holden at No. 2/ Federal stree . Allegheny City, I'a., before JOHN N. PURVIA CR, v sq Regis ter, on the 11th day of July, A D. 1568, at 10 o'clock A. It.. . , . THO3fAS A. nowirr, iil._t: . 3l a r s b a , a .. _ _ _ 1_,_,t,58,.. 31 . AltSllol,l PITW.I ID. GHMny3oan 565. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 29th day of Mav, A. D. 1565, a 'War rant in BankruptCy was Issued against the ESTATE OF CHARLES H. LOBEVZ, Of Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania who has been adjudged a bankrupt ou his owu petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery ot any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and - the transfer of any property by him are torbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees ofhls estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptey,to be hoiden at the office of the Re gister, before 3 Diamond HA R PERhe City of Pitts. burgh, SAMUEL. Esq. Register. on the 19th day of June, A. D. 1666. at 12 o'clock m. THOMAS A. NOWLEY, • jil:q99 U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. U. 8, MARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Pennsylvania., Przr , ausolf, May 30th, 166 g. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT ou the 30th day of May, A. I). 1665, a War rant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF LILIES BAXTER, . • Of Allegheny Oily , in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsviiania, who 'has been adjudged a bankrupt, on Ills own petition: that the payments of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that & meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Federal street, Allegheny City, Allegheny county,-Penna., before JOHN X. - PURVIANCE, ken.. Register, on the 9th day of July, A. D.1)165. at 2 o'CIOCk P. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, . my 31:0(6 ' U. S. Marshal, as Messenger, MARSHALS SALE. Wm. E. PUT t, VS. )) ))\o, 726111 Bankruptcy. _ JAUES P. TANN - ER, By virtue of an order Issued out of the District Court of the United States and to me directed, Iwill, expose to eublic sale at the Shoe Warehouse of the said JAMES P. TANNER, No. 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., a large stock of Boots. Shoes, Hats, Shakers, store furniture, fixtures, &c., on TUES DAY, the 9th day ofJune, nom at 10 o.oo a A.M. Sale to continue from day to day until the whole stock Is sold. THOS. A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal. it-Irak:4oo Marshals (Mice, 31ny 29. 1808 U. S. 3IA Its A I.'S OFFICF. • W. L. of Pennsylvania, PITTSBURGH. 313 y ilDth. 18814.' rIS TO CITE NOTICE THAT a i n the 3lilth day of May. A. 11. 1868, a War rant In Bankruptcy 'was Issued against the 'ESTA'TEOF WILLIAM L HAZLETT, Of AllerchenY City: In the county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsyivrinia, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on his own petition: that the payment of any debts and cleilvery of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him. or for his use. and the trans fer °fatty property by him are forbidden by law: that a in, etingof the creditors of the ' , aid tainkrupt, to prove their debts, *tut to. ehooae. at or mere Ae blenees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy, to be holden at No. 110 Federal street, Al legheny eity,Allesheay county. Penna. before JOHN N. PIMVIANCE, Esq., Register, on the Ist day of July, A. D. 11968, at 3 o'clock THOMAS A. ROWLEY% Ity"JetpS3 , S. Marshal, as 3lessenger. 8. _ D. of Pennsylvania. Pirrtnnuoit, May SiOth, 1868. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT , on the'llith day Of May. A. 'IS: 1968, a war rant to Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF CHARLES 11. SUPER . 'of Allegheny City, In the County of Allegheny and !Rate of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of such any debts and delivery of any property belonging ter Bankrupt Urinal or for blouse. and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more apsig nees of his estate, will toe held At a Court of batik ruptcy, to be holden at No. - 118 Federal street; leglienv City. Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, be fore JOHN N. PHBVIANCE, Esq.. Register, on the Btli day of July, A. D. 1068, at 10 o'clock A. 11. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, niyathqBs S. Marshal. lid MeSftriger. U. S.MAIISIIAL I B OFFICE, W. D. or . Peunsylvanta. T, PlTTSnuncor. 68. I ins IS TO GIVE N O TICEthat on the Seth day of May, A. D. 11388. a !War rant In Bankruptcy was Issued agalust tho .. _ . ESTATE OF CHARLES A. HARDY. "Of Madison Township, In the county of Armstrong, and State of Pennaylvani, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment df any debts and delivery of any property, belonging to such bankrupt to him, or for his nse, and the trans feror any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one o; t riore As signees of his estate„wit I beheld at a Cou of Rank nitneY. to be holden at the odlco of Golden & Neale, Eaqs.. Kittanning, Armstrong county. Penna., be fore JOIIN N. PURVIANG__,E Esq., Wester, ou the Stith day ofAatr:4.,Uilliell, at 3 oroloc r. at. THonAtt A, BOW EY.' - 'IT. S. Marshal, as Mes enger. A BOW -.strobe', as Mes e u. S. WiftIONAL'S 01+1.'10 ,:-, • W. I/. or Penneylvan a Pirrentosou,May 20th. -1868.} mars is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 28th day of May. - .A. D. 1808, a War rant In Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF FIMASPEL .01113ENIVALD, Of AllegbenY City, In the county,of Allegheny', and. of Pennsylvania, who tuts. been - aoPadged a bankrupt on Us own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt; to him, or founts nse.Aad the transfer of any, property. by Min, ' , are furbidalen by law; that-a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose,one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held et a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hoiden et No. .116 Federal street, Allegheny eltv, Alleylteny county,.pa., be fore PIIIIFfANcE, hoe., Register, on the 10th day ofJuly, A. I). 1868, at 10 o'clock A. 2. THOMAS A. BOW EY, 1g6,8 • U_B . Marshal, as /1 nger. A i 1 1 18, ta 1 myllo:ql37 =I EMI MY3O U. 8. MAMtflii), . _., . •W.U. of Penrisylv ' . PirlantatGli. May 119th. rringi IS TO GIVE NOTICE A. on the-99th day of May. A. D. 11M18,1 rant In Bankruptcy ; was twined against, the - EBTAI'E OF ELIJIAII F, PAR. by McelbreVp.. in tho county of Allegheny. and State of Pirysylvania, Who has been. adjudged a bankrupt oft d el ln petition; property Parment of shy debts an ery of any belonging to such bomb:lit, to him or for 1115 1550, and Lim Moe& ,f e r of any p party byfilas are forbidden by law; that a meetlnga utebrftitors of the said -bankrupt, to prove their ts and to choose one or more._As signet,. or. S estate, will be held at a Court of Bankntptcy be pollen at No. 110 Federal street. AI lethally- , Allegheny` county Penna., befo re JOHN N. .P VIANCE, Eg„Ne stere.tektkeetlE t b cl7.lJtliN . A. D.M.3.B!_ttLatosomAoicAo.cickoAli..l..Ey, aym.l74. u. to. nuitsbal. 54 Messenger. ------_----_ , N. B.oll4,4,timiti OFlfitie r ~ 1 D. of tme_ylvan th. . Pirrsnottmi. lifit Swat, /VOL THIN IS To 'GIFU '. san-that, on e A 7th day of May. A. D. 1116 C a War° rant In Bankruptey was otimeit strethit the • ESTATE OP . EELCIIIOII /MAXIMS', &Allegheny City, in the limy of AllegO'iiidl State ot.Tetineylvanta , w has been adludged a bankrupt on his men poi t that the payment to my <habit! and dative of anyfitoperty belonging to later DaltkruPi. to . : h .--or tabt‘use. ~a nd. she . transfer of amr by ~a ri mrsidden ev, u r c th at, ame nit of the creditors of the said hank. row prove thelr debts and to &was One or Woke A eaCigUittigantitigillfUNteltg B OM A ter. at No. 116 1rederal street, All City Al. teghegy county . Penna., before. JOHN N. ruktVI ANOE,Dmi.j. /rimester, on the let day of July, A. D. 1118 s, St xi o'clock r Ir. THOMAS A. ROWLEY. m3'3 0 :482 V. O. Marshal, as Atemenger. - - U. S. 3 1ABSHALVIH — EPICE. " 1" _ . W. D. of Peon.sylyanta. • PiTysnuithrt, June tit. MS. Mips IS TO. GIVE . NOTICE. that _L-on the 30th day of May.-A. D. 1868, &Wart" rautin Bankruptcy was issued against the ESTATE OF SILAS J. McGINNIS, Of Allegheny City, in the county of Allegheny, and State of Penney!, ma, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on hiso petition; that the payment of any debts any dell cry of any property belonging to such bankrupt to 1 im or for his use, and the trans fer of any prone y by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of ie creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their deb 8, and to choose one or more as signees of Ills est te. will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to b holden at No. 116 Federal St.. Allegheny City Ilegheny county, Penna., before JOHN N. PURE' CE , E 11th dayq.. Register, on the " of Jul July, .D. MS. at A o'clock P: N. je2:rll - • THOMAS A. ItowLEY, ' U. S. Marsha', as Messenger, U S. 1 t 0 S. /lA - kg - HALT OFFICE W. D. of Pennsylvania. 2 trrsunnan, June Ist. 1868.1 THIS4'O C Tha on the 36th day G af M IV ay. E A NOT . D. 1 1 96 E 8, a Wt ar rant In Bankruptcy* was Issued against the Je2.:rlo 0 F g' PERlNgiatilia -`" RAILKOAD COMPANY,.. . 1 ... - Plimablintre, ay 13, rms. ... . NOTICE TO STOCKII LDERS. • oft) prut.erstours:acet :ft;rtaets.„oldut3lotenestaindtopbtoiddbythisthdeayß,otird no tice is hereby - given to the Stock ol ers of this Com pony, that they will have the privil ge of subscrle. lug, either directly . or by substitut on under such rules as may be prescribed therefor, or Twenty-fire Per Cent. of additional Stock at 11, in proportion to the respective interests as they Land registered on the Books of the Compan y, May 0. 18(18. Holders of less than four Shares w II be entitled to i subscribe for a full share. and tho e bolding more I Shares than a multiple of four Share will be entitled 11 1. to an additional Share. Subscriptions to the new Stock 101 be received on and after Hay 30, 1888, and the rlvilege of sub . scribing will cease on the 30th day f July, 1808. The installments on account of he new Shares shall be paid in cash, as follows: Ist. Twenty-five Per Cent. at the time of sub scription, on or before the3oo: day of July, 1688. 2d. Twenty five Per Cent, on or before the 15th day of December, 1868, . 3d. Twenty-five Per Cent. on or before the 15th day ofJune, 1869. 4t Twenty-five Per Cent. on or before the 15th day of December, 1869, or if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at once, or at* remaining Installments may be paid third full at the time of the payment of the second or tn. stallment, and each Installment paid up shall be en titled to a pro rata dlvideud that may be declared on full shares. r r114(3.11X.A.S T. prxtrrx, Jel:i4 Treasurer .ggrPENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD . COMPANY. TtIEASUREIt's ThttA_IITMENT. tt Philadelphia Oda, X. MB. f NOTICE TO sTocialoLDEßl.—The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable in cash, clear of_ National and State Taxes, and a further Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable in stock, on and after May 30th, Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends Can be obtained at the °nice of the Company, No. 838 South Third street. THOMAS. T. FIRTH, jel:rs -•Treasurer. OFFICE NORTH 'CLIFF Co.; I • Pirrunotion, May 98th, 1888. rgr'THE PRESIDENT AND DI! , RECTORS of the "NORTH CLIFF MIN ING :COMPANY OF MICHIGAN" have this day levied an assessment of fifty cents 0 50 c.iPer share On the-Capital stock, as the same may be recorded at, the close of business on MONDAY, the gm of July next, payable to the Treasurer at Pittsburgh, Pa., on FRIDAY, the 10th of July next. - • my3o:q79 'DIVIDEND. • orrics OF MOkONGALIELA iNgIIHANCE CO., May ABU, ISOS. The President and Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend of TWO DOL LARS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock of the Company, free of Government Taxi - to be applied to the reduction of Stock Doe BIUs. toni`-'5:01 JOHN H. CLARET. Secretary. FOR SALE. TWO HOUSES AND •LOT on Carroll. t, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, a s st the party is about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose of the property before removing, SAW - MILL, TWO DWELLING HOCSES, TWO BARNS, with good FARM, and about SOO acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash CFA 800— balaon time to suit buyer. RM OF U 0 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good baru: 50 acres thehe land clear. FARM or 180 ACRES near line of railroad; very well located for rai sing stock; improvements are good and - substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.WiII sell a g ood brick house, containing live rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent for the }ROUND,ix years. LARGE LOT OF having a river front, and very convenient of access. TANNERI, convenient to the city, and.having a well established custom or local trade connected therewith: a good dwelling iusd forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharps burg, near the railroad; _would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR. SALE.—That tine Hotel property, situated at the Jilalreville Junction, containing Iburteen' rooms And the .necessary ontbulidlngs, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This welllocated hotel will be sold low, as the proprie. ,torwlsbes to retire from business. • Two new Brick H rooms each. • Two new Erick H ouses,ll rooms each. • One new Frame House, 4 rooms. • . Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. • One new Frame House In Wllkinaburg, having six rooms and a largelot, well salted for a • r . garden. • A nice COUNTRY HOME for rent, for $3OO per • annum. Possession given first of. June, or sooner If required. FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Moiton street, Ninth Ward; 1 acres that can be divided into acre lots. . . 5 Lots In Oakland. FOR RENT—SI large Rouses, suitable for Board ing Rouses. WANTED--3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 incites thick. • . TO LOAN-$50,000, IN sums or $5,000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D. P. HATCH'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE No. .91 Grant St., Pittob!wgh. arqhpie IR SALE. • --- A RIVER BOTTOM FARM OF 76 ACRES. 19 miles from the city, In Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county, Pa.. on the Youghiogheny river, one bolt mile from Elrod , B Station, on the Connellsville railroad; near , hurches. schools, atores,ete., In the 'flourishing villages of Boston and Green Oak. L The improvements are a two-rtory brick house of six room, und e rneath ar, agood frame bank bins with stabUng, and other outdulldlngs; a well of good standing water at the door. and several standing springs of water on the firm. and an or (hard of 70, 0 treys of selected fruits of apNes, cher. ,Me t e s ,. /earl, peaches. quinces and grapes,; Thls prop. er being located near the line ma k ese railroad, within one hour's ride of the City, it very de sirable for gardening or a dairy farm; It is also a rood iand l bagutmme oa te on on rc hoeu n i ryhomehnoap- POsite y, d y from the railroad. ,The West Newton Accommodation and other trains on the railroad af ford certain and frequent opporcanities of daily eomumnicatlon to and from Our city. Will be sold as a whole or In lots of one acre or more, to stilt per. chasers. - Also, A FARM OF 173 ACRES, situated in St. Clair township, Westmoreland County, Pa.: near the line of the Pennsylvania BaUroad at Houston Station: The improvements are a two-Story, frame house, with six rooms and good collar. a framobant barn 4 0 by 001 bet, and other outbuildings. There is on the place - a young apple and peach orchard:. 190 acres cleared land, divided into fields of conve nient else. a large portion of which are tract t in clover anti timothy; the. residue of said ov ered with good timber. It is well watered and un- - derlaid with coal and limestone, and is convenient to churches, schools_, stores, mills and blacksmith ,hops. A real gbodPlZglatt In - offered In this excel lent farm; and with ft will be sold all the personal property on the premises, consisting of horses, cows, stock - cattle. hogs d poy harness, wagon, plows, fanning im ple men t s and te3us g e e lni and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. AlleAlso a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of ghenyS AND 26 PCHES. In Elisabeth Tp., county, Pa., onthe Rue of the Hemptleld railroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con neUsyjile railroad at Suter*. - Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, which alone le now worth one-half the price asked forthe whole tract. The improvements are a log - house, frame barn, good fencing, and an apple orchard of good fruit: -Ills well watered and , underlaid with limestone and flag stone of 4. superior quality, with stone coal for the use of the farm.- • • . Also,The best FARM in Fairfield township. Westmoreland countV i - Pa,' of sae ADREB, about stx miles south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns In the townshlp:Awo apple' - ory chards, In good b earingcondinottleorn crib, wagon.' abed - and other, outbuildings. , The whole flarm Is udd order, h state of cultivation; fencing all in drat .rate and the land of the best mistily of lime. stone soil, about 5100 ac;es of which Is ereared and the residue of the tract In good timber, such as ,white oak, rock oak, hickory, Walnut and beech. This property will be sold very Cheap and on geed :terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other bed-. near For partleUlara enquire of "ia , .. # that • War- 14:441. TOWER. ;84 Fourth 11.treetb • - FOR SALE—To clolse a Partner- TWO TRACTS OF TALOAELE LAND. Ito. I. Situated in ()onetime'. „to*4ll%Ciat" SHIA Co., Pa. having the Pennsylvania nroad running throul It, and within Ave miles of Johns town, contain ing 50* acres: There Is on this land two workable seams of•bltuntltious coal, 3' and° feet thick. Also, a vela= or ttiperlor Are clay, fally equal to the Bolivar. •No. X. Situated tnereea township, BEAVER 80.. Par contaJning about 500 sores, part under fence andlpsbrovtd. and,beinit within a short distance of Sznit3is Petri. The land extendslo theOhloviver, on which it;bounds over 000 feet. It contains two seams of bituminous cosi, 13,1 i and 4t ft., and nneof Cannel coat of 0 feet thick. Also, a vein of Are niab suitable to the Mantillicture of fire brick: For farther InfOrmation Inquire of • • -•• • Air.s.(3 . l , mr.lo ' 339 Liberty street. TANNED LEATHER BELT (4IO'k quality warranted rood at the lowest Ti J a ii."llilLurs. spa 96 and 1.6 171162 street MI NOTICES. \ THOS. Bf. HOWE, Secretary and Treaanner FOR SALE. POR RENT. &tic SALES. BY ammrseoN, SUBURBAN REOBENCE, LAUCHLINir STATION. Theaday, June 211, at 31-2 o'clock P. M., On the premises. will be that desirable and well located two-story (nuw) Brick House or nine rooms, with 3 acres of ground attached. within Laughlin Station, Connelsville Railroad. three minutes' walk of the., station, foot of Squirrel' Hfll road. Fruit trees, shrubbery, &c: splendid spring of water at the den'. This property, for locatlim, convenience andleomfort cannot be sur passed. Parties desiring fa attend , sate take the 3 cars Connelsville, Rallroad..or Oakland street . and go down •by the run road. • Terms—One-third cash, balance In 1 and X years, SMITHSON, VANHOOH. & McCLELLAND. M SUPERB - li RESIDENCE AN D GROUNDS HOMEWOOD IiTATION, li . AL t Ak. U. At" t 1 co ia. ii WILL BE SOLD ItY AUCTION. ` • : On • 1 1 • - :. - n Wednesday, June 3,1 at 4 o ' clock P. M, • Al Homewood Statio% on the Pennsylvania Rail- mad, a Lur oF onou No, i about two acres, fineiy improved, on which is efected a NEW AND HANDSOME DWELLING HOUSE, contain ing eight rooms and large ;attic. with all modern House and appliances, Stable and Carriage House and Shrubbery. TPe grounds are orna mented and enclosed with paling fence. It is beau tifully situated on the Greensburg plke, near the - fine'residences of Messrs. Pahnestocic, Griffith and desirableposite_te toll-ga;, and combines every feature of a count • residence near to the city. The special attention ; of those in quest of a first-class home 1., invited li. thin highly attractive sale. Take train at three ofelock 'front Union De pot, Liberty street. SMITHSON, VANHOoK* HcCLELLAND, m HcCLELLAND, y 29 - - ( Auctioneers. 0.41111.141.GE5, BAROUCHES AND HORSES • AT AUCT•IO.N. 3 : Third Important and Extensive Pubila Sale at Shsifer% Carriage Bazaar . Dist • mond Alley, near Libierty Street. On Wednesday, June 3,td10 o'clock A.. 11 The third popular sale will ta j e place at SHAF,ER'S CARRIAGE BAZAAR, of al :large assortment of Carriages, Barouches, Bugglet., 'gagger Wagons, to gether with a - number of other styles of light veld. cies; also, • TWO FINE reck.o) .rr.oatsms One fine Mahogany' Bay Trotting Stallion, 15. K hands high, 7 years old. witinint a blemish, known as "Little George." lias beatbu and can beat 2:45 to harness, and has no superior as a pole horse, fbr • his speed; very quiet and kindl - And that fine, stylish Bay Mate, raised by George: • W. Smith, Esq., of Wheeling,W. Va. Sired byhis Glencoe horse; dam, a very fiat Tuckeyhoemare; 7 years old; sound and kind; inlyi hands high; has trotted In three minutes - to a road wagon, and is a. most excellent saddle mare. Znown as the "Mack. ey Mare." The owner wished to dispose of these horses, as he intends to be abstnit from the city the greater,part of the coming summer. -These horses can be seen prior to the day of side at No. 204 Pennstreet. In addition, a large and well assorted stock of fine Harness, &c., will be sold at some time and place. All interested should know y.het these horses, harness, !Lc., will be sold without reserve and those wishing anything to the several lines will find it to their benefit to attend/ SMITHSON, VANHOOK & MC'.3LELIAND, zny2.5:q59 . II • Auctioneer& '" BT-A. WILWh NE. GREAT -- SALE OE MARBLE and ALABASTER STATUA4Y,. VASES. CARD REGEIVERS, &c.—On THURSDAY MORNING, June 4th, at 10 o'clock. and cimtinulng at R aod 7.56 o'clock P. x., will be sold at 'Commercial Sales Rooms. /08 Smithfield street, ai large and magnifi cent assortment of Italian, Risible and Alabaster Vases and Card Receivers Elruscan, Greek; Turkish, Roman and Egyitia* styles• Mosaic Ta-. bles, and other beautiful articles Of ho usehold orna merit, all of which are importedgirectly from Hari, by Sig. Torello Beast. Also, 'Figure Groups, carv ed In marble, by some of he most eminent artists of Florence an d. Rome. comprising , lo subjects, Pa l a ! and Virginia, Dancing Girls or climare; ke. ' The goods will be on exhibitiOn all Tuesday and, Wednesday. Jet - • A. Mall* E. Aitetinifeer. -r• PO --- RPEANEP COURT IIiALEVAIL. TtABLE WATER STREET (SEcosti WARD,) PERTY. — THEIRi3DAY 310 R House, Jane 4th „ at 10 o'clock, will be sold, at the 'Court City of Pittsburgh, by order of Orplipna , Court of Alle gheny county, that valuable nroperty situate on Water street, opposite the Connellsvllle Railroad Depot, and beenningoo streetstiove the uppertOr ner of Grant and Witter ond preierving the same width 48 feet In depth, With an addition of 37 feet In depth and 40 feet In:Width, making an entire depth of 83 feet, wherecin are seven small brick tenements, with alley and court forming what le called "Holland's Co urt, including the house No. 180 Water street. ••- • , -,1 • . ' ;.,-- Terms of sale--Two-thirds caaht .balance -in one' and two years; with interest. i • - jet . A. MeILWAiNE, Auctioneer. IfWE INSURANCE - POLICIES.- On TUESDAY EVENINGI June oth, at 8 crc ock, will be sold , on second floor of Commercial Sales Rooms, No. 100 Smithfield-street, by order of John M. Kenne.d_y, assignee of Robert B. Norris. in bankruptcy, a Llfe Insurance Policy for 0,000 In the New York .Globe Mutual Cu.. and for 83:000 •• In the Aetna Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, Ct. myM ' A. M'ILW AINE, Auctioneer. VALUABL.F. STOCKS & BONDS. lIESDAYMPENING. Juno id, at 8 o'clock, will- be told, on second floor unCommercial Sales Rooms, 100 'Smithfield street: i • 10 shares Bank of Pittsburgb.. 50 shares Boatmen's Insurance Co. 25 shares Central Transportation Co. )Sleep lug Car Stock. 60 shares Pittsburgh Grain Elevator Co.. , $2,000 Pittsburgh' & Connellstille It. R. Bends. • tor3o . . A. McILWALBE, Auctioneer. BY L • ll H OUSE AND LOT , i4LLEN ST., LAWRENCEVILLE, AT AUCTION. be sold on the premises, bn IeRIDAY AF TERNOON, June sth, at 3 o'clocl, that Rouse and Lot on the west side as Allen street, four doors be low Butler street. ,The lot la .71'44er t front by 110 deep. The house is a new, neatlwo-story frame, containing live rooms, with cella r throughout. Possesslon will be given on thelday of sale. Those in want of a comfortablewelling, In a good locality for business and residen ce, will find this a very good opportunlty. Terms at sale. • A. LEGGAIE Auctloneer, k 2138 Federal street, Allegheny. .. ~... , ITALUABLEVROPERTY on the _, ALLEGHENY ' T AUCTION:— There will be sold on the premise ' 'on TUESDAY,- June 2d, at 8I o'clock, that lot . ground 85 Met on the northwes t 'comer' Of the Mmond, and 85 feet on the sontheside of Stray/OY. t i The special alt tntion of Mashies men and le invited to his important, e, which - will be „without reserve. The property on the Allegheny tilantond Is being rapidly appropriated to .basiness purposes, ao that, this property Is prospectively exceedingly valuable.' Partleubars an application to ii -A. LEUGATl;7Atictloneer, 159 Federal .tract, Allegheny. _Tara) -BT LUXES & PffiMNl." p.immmt AUCTICINEtitS And Commission larehants, it OPERA HOUSE AUCTION BOO M S, No. 60 Fifth Street, Pitts*rgly Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, CiRPETS, '1 Dry Goods and No4ons, ' AT : PRIVATE BALE DAY ARDIRVENING. , eenisigninenist Soiteiteit. mpt Be. : turns. - . . ...-.,.. . _ ...... . : .. . I, . •• ~ . i - T ....,.. . ?TIRE TWIN CITY inc!ITE ruailunieSiire a superior article' of itoosTffirca.-isir.A i x - m. tarolBce, 48 Seven* 84 ritt!b l lll#4-Pa. d. s. NEwasElr*R, , Ppeglit. lare:qt34 T • 07 .11 TER N DISTRICT ill /PENN. :.. ~ syLvAN/AOl 2 . ... :,. t rittsborsak. toe_Fach oft. or owe. D. 11158: . i 1 The underanted wool eves notice t. Dar eestm ,, leweet, of ark lc second_geuerat eatin g er .aredltorsottiglibl, PASTREOktiafrdlß i bi be e( . x a l /..., ~. oil iersilierlin:Den:thalinamealrae:As°Pini.:3"F2:tterljE"loly:and::trtaci-Yrwereic: wujiblireth:ll-3;.sec'sumla:titro.:lt."-ot tr ieit eit hrapt Act of arch s t ise7.±i, n ' JOHN H . BAILEYL ' Id ,!j _ ESE 11 la Auciloneere MEI