II f. ALLEGHENY CATTLE. MARKET. „---- PEE/OE OF THE EITTSBUEGH GAZETTE, MONDAY. June 1, 1865. i K CATTLE. - t. There *ASTgiiiii a" . 4l'y'fati'iiiipPlY ' 'a' 1 ttle on sale this - week, but with a good ;al demand and some inquiry for ship f, y nt, the market ruled steady and prices ;Ire fully maintained. The nuinber of t icago cattle was smaller , than last week, "1,1 to make up for this there Wigan in . . F?ased number %from Ohio, Indiana and "pansylvania. The number taken for p,;.'•pment was larger than last week, and it robable that had it not been for the fact - t there•were eastern, buyers in • 'attend e,' prices would have ruled a shade gver. As it was, however, about all the I,tle offered were . taken, and „that, too, at , fit prices, and a larger- number of stock •s could have been sold. 'Prime to extra '.., butcher's cattleaold at from 9 to 935 c, meditim do at Bto 835 c: - Stackers, of ' filch the'supply was light, may bequo , il at sto 635 c, as to.qualityand condition. "•lesh cows, #3O to $BO per head. Dolan & Co. wholesaled 17 head of good rinois cattle to Moses & Co., weighing - 1"..200, at 9. iArner wholesaled 18 head of fairis h Co nbian Co., Ohio, stock to• Greenwald ":&. fl tin at 8 1 /.. aazlewood & Blackstoak wholesaled 16 !Ad of prime Chicago steers at 9's, and re ;led 18 head at 9 to-934'. -.• • ',, u - ? ;.= ', Gibson sold 29 head of fairish Indiana ,!,ck steers at an average of sg. Vas. McAllister retailed 6 heat:T-0700d' • l r. .tle at 83‘. - ' ''' - '.. - - '' ' '” ' :."" 'edges & Taylor sold 18 head of good. 'o,o steers at 8,30 to'9. `- ' ' •- • - F4'esley Greer wholesaled 42 head of fair- Washington Co., Penna. steers to Moses • o. at 635,-.this bunch ofcattle was 'eon+ lered remarkably cheap. ''i:)hn Kerwin retailed Z 2 head of Beaver P. stock for Bayne at 7 to 7%. 1I ti t takely & Bro. sold 9 head 'of - mixed i i ,ck at 535 to 734.. Haas dciilCrates; -- stild 15 head of prime Ible-fed , cattle, averaging 1,360 lbs, to _ith & Hoag, at 935; these cattl_e,were fat pod by guckenheimer .t...l3m.,(Freeport, ona.) and *ere veryiiiii. H. &K. also r: ti 19 head of Ohio cattle at 735 to 9; and plead of Cbicago,steers at Bto 9 1 35. s.: -, - dyers ,¢ - Needy sold 18 head of cows to - see & • Co. at 7%; 16 head tat oattle'to • tdrews at 9;,95 head retailed at 7 - '% to 9%; , rit 19 heialatookersil 6.t. - " 4 ' • ' " t.. Rothchilds retailed 30 head Chicago ':tie at 73i to 0,3( 4 , .• „ 1 flartmau-St.- Sheinberg retailed 82 head, licago steers at .73( to 33 4 ',.. .; . ; ilreenwald & Kahn - retailed _ 56 head of lip and Chicago' cattle•at 'B3f tcom. : s, i • ' fi:merick & Co., 8 head •mixed stock at ,:i ; to 7‘,„ 4 .• z.obnarn it Zeigler, 19 bead Penna. and onois cattle at sy, to 9y. tlarks it,Traurman,74 head fat ;S cattle at l, to 9 35=-stockers held at 6. loltnes, Lafferty% & Co. sold in- all 57 '.. itd at-8 to 9,40, for fat cattle, and 6i for kers. - .• 1 4 4".,.. Carr sold a few cows; we , were sur •:!o.sid to find a man of Mr. Carr's pr0t0n •..,,,r-is engaged in selling this kind of stock-- .'l'.'•!had better lookout for the-inspector.- :.•; 1 1 , . SHEEVAND LAMA. _ . •- , :.the supply of Sheep on sale today was . T;,F ch larger 'than' during any preceeding ' 1 •....{) since last fall, and, as a consequence, ie; market was exceedingly dull, and, "„:•,; pared with last week, prices have de ': , ed frem one to'one and &half tents per "..! •And. Every pen about the yards was • •'•'led, and at, ten o'clock, there ust have ~.., n over flue hundred head uns ol d. Early .; the day some few ,prime fat mutton ..„,: ep sold at 635 to 7, but towards neon, ers experienced no difficultyn getting [ .., • they wanted at 5%, to 6. , Co m mon and i ' • prior went off very slowly, a the de ,• •., e in these grades, was eve \ greater • ' p,ti in ' good Sheep. Lambs were also ' . 'fnty and dull and lower, ranging from . *., po to $3,50 per head—s.r?me few extra living $4. The reported sales were as ows. • .itakely & Bro. report 135 head Sheep • :', t Lambs at 5 to 6c for the former, and :•.: , to $3 per head for the latter. 1 • dam Eckert s reports having sold 52head 1 Y.... 'sibs at 82 t. 1%. • , ti'. M. Fow l er reports 57 head at $2 to :,4er head for Sheep, and $1,50 to $3,25 for ' -.times Shaw reports 100 head at.B3. to per head for' Sheep, Mid - 11,23 to $3 for' . .1. Smith reports - 84 Butler Co. Lambs at 0 to $4 per head. • , farwin & Co. report 170 head at 3 to 6c -•-,•:- pound for Sheep, and $1,50 to 13 for ‘ der Sheitementel.-38-head.of-mixed ep at $2,50 to $6,20 per heady., r : ', G. Neely 87 head of Washington , Co. i ep; 24-to Richardson,- averaging 100 Abs, levis sold for Slitter 106 Penna. Sheep at ~ 0. - - • - , • ' • imerick& C 9,150 head at 5Mt07.,, ..,, Shen we le ft the yards, the followin,g ties had not sold any worth speaking i Auli & Myers,.lB7; - McMillen & Kerr; y r L. Beeler, 60, and some other lota. • 7 I ''''"4—'''''''''/ZOGar- Li e Hog market, °elk:oared -with' last k, has ruldergone ,110,le or no, ehange., :11 sates lira r6ta csrliyat' 6to tic for' to strictly prime averages: . .- :- Cincinnati , Marketi , - t . elegiaph to the .I"lttsbenili Gaeette.l ' . NCINNATI,, JUDO ./. — Flottr Very' dull prices nomititil; • family Can' be - bought 10a10,95. Wheat' 'dull and unsettled; winter, $2,20a2,25. Corn dull and prices final; closing at 880 for ear;and &belied.. dull and prices lower; closing with a .R market at 780 for No I. Bye scarce ' . firm at $2 3 2,05. There is no barley in :: market:' 'Cotton dull; Middling at 29c. aeco unchanged and hi fair demand at ions. prices. Mess pork was offered .le freely and sold at $27,50a27,75 to the nt of 800 bbls; closing at the inside rate: 0 k meats nominally,unchangecii ..held,,st. '., , 5e and .141,.(c' - for , shotildems and - side& . 'ion dull for shoulders at 13xa14/c; there • ;i 4 "; a moderate demand'for clear rib sides ,tb sales of 60 hogsheads at 163 c; ' e *..p.r sold very firm .at • I.7gc; that h hae been packed some tizaN could - fie, been bought . 1 /0 below these ' rates.: tar cured hams 19a20c. : Lard declined I Vc, at which rate one hundred tierces Cheese steady at • Bal4e. Butter .dy with the supply about equal to tile, ncir4t 26a28e for fresh- in' 'rime • or- O.- Eggs steady,at 18c, With a, fair aup -1 1;‘ Sugar firm at 13318 a for raw, and ; i:17%c, , , tar. refined . ; C offee : steady ;at • prices., Linseed Oil dell at .$1,11a1,18.' eleum dull at 38a38c for' refined free. 'id I.3l:lllbuying. f . t „ i ,e t el ; I N, t ..:, Loniarllle 'Market. • elegmfirto tike_Plttsbiltgb GizetteP uisiTLLE, June' 'l, 7 robaaco. , sales dahiligs to fair at)3gattlX,lorir:. artlne at $8:0501i13,t5;' ttfiloy 75:a1.% eat at 12,40a2;45.. Coin shelled r y ther at- 492395. Oats at -hail% per . 11111‘. akp-aome ,attr-la-tho„..=ArAett-liettif, • of 309 bbls , new popper, in ~ b ond, at also 1,000 bbls, two' years OliWatsl,9o at -42 !,1!),, , , / Lard -at k -18,. porlCat 428, .K" ,, n;;abolildereat" 14. r Brp. e sides at 17y,; clear ribs at 166,t. xMilivattltee Mar ...• .• Teleit/10 to the Pitt/lin:rah , Gillette.] • •I te ' tole egritjtB.,lw,A...eiunW.... dO4lB6qa ;June 1.-Flour dull city : • extra Tori•,18„M„ tadivd. er at - 11488 for No..l,•aisit No . 2. dull at 650:- tor N0.:2:- Corn dull and er at 860 t0r,N0.•2.- -Gratufrtilkilta.equtet. : uffalo at 534,4 t o oimic, Receipts ,400 ,bbla ftotw.4loo9ilittior,l4lQll446oo. oats; 5,000.bua,00m, .fildfuneas.6, ,1 bu 000 s ihriblcorm 4° .. • 0390 340,Y11/13.41POli#i4:11t,i' ik 33..3 • , • • ".• " • ••• , - - Financial Natters in New York. Gold Closed at 139%@139%. , (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.? lami,l e lifie" MONEY AND GOLD. Money is very easy at 3(4)4 per cent. on call, with exceptions at 5 per cent. Prime paper is wanted at 6@63y per cent. =Ster ling is steady at 110@110/. Gold is a shade firmer, closing at 1393;@139X,. GOVEENMENTS. ' Governments are M@X per cent. higher,' and closed very firm. Orders were re ceived from Paris for Ten-Forties, while foreign bankers are still buyers of '62s arid '67s. The demand for Emile investment is atso larFe, and speculation exteru3ive and increasing. The conversions of Seven-. .Thirties on Saturday Were 1313,500,000, and the total conversions' and :- purohases for May amounted to .$71,000,000. Henry Clews I& Co. furnish the, annexed 4:30 quo_ tatiobs: Couports, '76,itg76g; do. '62; 72%@7234; do. '64,2105 ®105%; do. 65 , - 110%@110%; do. K; do. new, 113@113 'O7, 113,6®113,(1; 1040's„106©1063,1. s , nows. Railway Market active and higher; Clos - . ing strong. Border State bonds in demand and better fot miscellaneous and express. Tholeßowing are the 5:30 prices : Canton, 5135@52; Cumberlattd, 35; Wells Ex., 25@ 254,; American, 52®53; ' 'Adams, 564'n@57; Uwted.States, 5634@)56; Merchants Union, 27 3608; Quicksilver, 29@2 1 4i; Mariposa; 5 ®OrPacific Mail, 95p;@95y,; Atlantic, 30@ 44-Western Union, 38@3133; N.Y. Central, 138%®135;;; Erie, 69,./,@69%; preferred, 7635®76; Hudson, 142yA14%; Reading, 95%@)95X; Ohio and Mississippi, 30 1 @30m; Wabash, 51y,@52; St. Paul, 66 7 4@67 %; Pre ferred, 78®78m; Michigan Central, 119; Michigan Southern, 51 -1 4@5134; Central, 148©150; Pittsburgh, 88%®&Sy s ; Toledo, 1094 ©10931; Rock Island, 97,6® 9734; Northwestern, 69 5 /a69%; .preferred, 81;6®81%; Fort Wayne, 116X,0116; Hart ford tit Erie, 1501534; Chicago tic Alton pre. ferredi 130; Terre Haute, 47; preferred, 69. Missonris, 92X; Tennessees, 71; North Caro linas, 68. MINING SHARES Alining shares are active and higher. Gregory, 440; Quartz Hill, 110: Smith .Par lnalee, 5; ;Corydon, 35; ' Edge 11111, 450@ SUB-TREASURY. The ,receipts at the. Sub-Treasury were $1,757,427; payments; $760,059; balance, 06,675,355. New York Produce Market. :By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l Nsw "roux, Jtine I.—Cotton Steady and middling sales of 850 bales. at 31c for upland& Flour; receipts '13,540 bbls; market dull and 10a20c. lower;„ sales of 4,900 bbls, at ' 57,75a8,25 for superfine and State; $8,70a9,26 for extra State; . sB,7oalo,oo for extra western; $11,25a13,00 for white wheat extra; $9,35a12,90 for R. H. O.; $10,50 a 12,00 for extra St. Louis; $12a16,50 for good to choice do, closing heavy; California heavy and lower; sales of 900 sacks at slla 12,90. Rye flour quiet; .sales of 150 bbls• at sBalo. Corn Meal steady; sales of - 1, 1 050 bbls, at $6 for Brooklyn. Whisky nominal. Wheat; receipts, 133,905 bush; market 2a3c lower and heavy; sales of 48,600 bush, at $2,15 for No. 2 spring; $2,22a2,28 for No. 1 do; ! $2,02 for No. 2 and 3 spring mixed; $ 2,7734 for white Kentucky. Rye .a shade firmer; sales2,ooo bu western at $2,06. Barley and barley malt nominal. Corn— receipts 48,922 bu and la2c lowerand more active; sales 28,000 Int at $1,04,4a1,06 for new mixed western afloat. Oats—receipts 101,980 bu and lc lower; sales 61,000 bu at 84a84gc for western in store;. 85c afloat. Rice quiet and unchanged. Coffee very firm on prime grades, and in better demand; sales 3,500 sacks Rio at private terms. Sugar quiet and very firm; sales 280 hhds at llga 12c for Cuba, 12'.c for Porto Rico; 170 boxes Havana at private terms. Molasses quiet and unchanged. Hops quiet at 10a40c for American. Petroleum-1234'1113c crude; 28;4 a29c for refined bonded. Provisions—Pork lower and in moderate demand, with sales of 2,250 barrels, at 327,90a28,12 for new mess, closing at $2B regular; $27,50a27,75 for old mess, closing at $27,50 cash; - Ma 23,25 for prime, and $24,25a24,50 for prime mess. Beetis steady with sales of 200 barrels at $15a20,50 for new plain mess, and $20,50a 21,75 for new extra mess; also 76 tierces at $30a33 for prime mess, and $34a36 for . India do. Beef hams dull; sales 50 bbls at $28a32. Cut-Meats dull and heavy, with sales of 160 pkgs at 12,3! ‘ a133ic for. Shoulders, 16ga1734c for Hams; Middles riciiiiinaL — Lard dull' and lower, with sales of 650 bbls at INa 18%c for steam and 181019 c for kettle ran. clitred;' also, 500 bbls, seller, July, at 183ic. • Butter steady at 25a32c for Ohio, and 30a33c for State. Cheese quiet at 'Talk.. Freights to LiVerpool quiet and Unchanged. LAYEsx.—Flour closed very dull at 10a 15c lower. Wheat dull and heavy at $2,15a 2,16 fig No 2, and $2,23a2,26 for No laving. Bye quiet and firm at $2,05a2,06 for No 1 western. Oats dull and heavy at 833.;a84c for western in store. Corn steady with a fait speculative demand at $1,05a1,06 for new mixed western afloat; old mixed was. tem entirely nominal. Pork very heavy at $27,87, cash and regular for mess; sales, 500 bbls mess at $27.87, regular. Beef quiet and steady. Cut meats very dull. Bacon' nominal. Lard heavy at 1810 for prime steam. Eggs quiet and unchanged: Cleveland Market. tspectal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] / - CLEVELAND, Juno 'l.---Flour market dull and heavy: demand light; XX spring city made,, $11,00a11,75; 'do. country made, sloa 11;" XX city amber, 814,00: XXX city made white, .15,001115,50; XX red country made, 1,11,00a12,00. Wheat - dull and, iower; light 'sales reported at $2,47,5,2,48 .for No. I red winter; No. 2 red nominal at 132,50a2,42; No. 1 spring, $2,18a2,20. Corn quiet and mod erately firm at 99041 for No. I shelled on spots 950 June, and ,95c for shelled July. Oahrquiet, nominal and unchanged; held at 760 for No. 1 Stale. Rye dull and nomi nal at (11,80 for No. 1. Barley; no demand. Petroleum market quiet and unchanged; ~ r efined in bond; , 24a'7.4 4c; do.'free, 34a35c ;in trade lots. . • • • Toledo Market. ' . „ (Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gesette.l TOLEDO, • Jinn I.—Flour quiels ,reeelpts 1,488 bbls. Wheat declined 8c ;, receipts 'of 1.842 bush, at 52,30 for amber, and 52 for Laporte spring._ Corn lower at 89a90c for No. 1, closing at outside figure; seller last half June 90,iii9le• buyers all June 93c. Oats dull and_ declining. ' ake freights dull, *or; corn to Buffalo. , Iblthriore Atarket. • !'rBTT, slegriub to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l Bivrimon,. June I.—Flour nominally unchanged. Wheat nominal. .Corn firm ptitue white firm at $1,14a1,16. Oats steady; Western 88e. Ryesteady. at 62,05. Mess Pork dull at 1)29,00,. Baeon.quiet; rib 16Kei clear sides 17Me. shoulders 14N0, hurls 21a4m... liardqinfet at,l9alBX. . hirempliis Market. , :By Telegraph to the Plttaburgh , Gazette.) M.Atittlng i 1. June , .. 1 . -Cotton in quiet but .firrt4.redelp brof 88tales tor export at 11 , Flour quiet, superfine at , 8810; Pork at $29,80: bacon quiet;' shoulders atlB%; clear Adel at 18c. Lard at 19a20%e.,qn at. 95a. .970.1 Oats'at 85e... IlayStslB42- Brano. 80c. r hew York Dry. Goods Nortek:, • lailloiegtooh to oho Pittsburgh Giaratea ..Nsw Your, June 14-L.The weather finally has become inord'eettlad;_ trithbuthowever stimulating the demand to the least, and. trade relnainedull *Vera. Prima in the Meantime ate . Witlituit tltiotable alteration. • Riverand Weather. - :hi/ieleiriapi to;the Inttsbutail Gazette .1 Lcihtavn.t.s, Junel:--11,1rer with ;tAF feetlitriatnizhes the mark. WeSthei qdi• - tai: Lows, 7 - unel.-:..Weather warm,with' k Tarr 4eavr raingdo anorkwon• =I - , PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: TUESDAY. JUNE 2. 1868 Both rivers continue to recede steadily at this point wit!): , eight feee ten inches in the Manongahlaiand. „about - iiine-atid-a half feet inthe Allegheny. The , weather continuos clear and pleasant, and all that could possibly be desired for the transac tion of ont-docr business. The Julia No. 2, from Zanesville; and St. Marys, from Cincinnati, arrived last tdght, both 'with very good trips. The former left again for Cincinnati last even ing. The S. N. McCullough, from Cincinnati, is due here -, to-morrow, and will return as mina, on Thursday. Th. Glendale and Rate Robinson, from St. Louis, were due here last night, and will doubtless be found in - .port this morn ing. Captain Hugh Campbell is hard at work loading the Mary Dauage barges for St. Louis. Captain Campbell is an old'horse in the harness, and what he don't know about steamboating is, scarcely worth knowing. , I The towbelts •Resolute; from Cairo, and the Dick Fallon, from Natchez, arrived at Louisville, on Friday last, en route for Pittsburgh with tows of empty barges. The Boaz and Grand Lake, from New Or leans, were due there on Saturday. Edward Sturges, watchman of the tow boat Sam Brown, on Thursday night fell from a barge in tow of tbe boat, above Cape Girardeau, and was drowned. Sturges was lately from England, and is not known to have any relatives in this country. • If his body is found Ca pt. Gordon, of the Brown, will have it buried. The Armenia was to have left St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Saturday morning. The following is her cargo; 200 tons ore for Spaulding, Woodward Co., Steubenville; 400 bbls sand for Jas. B. Lyon, Pittsburgh; 600 bbls flour for Clarke dr. Co., Pittsbtirgh; 100 tons pig iron for Nimick tk, Co., Pitts 'burgh, and has 15 passengers. Albert Williamson and Scott pilots. Capt. Varble, the well-known fall pilot, brought towboat Resolute from the foot of the - canal over the falls, through the Indian chute, to the Louisville wharf in thirty-two, minutes, which is the best time ever made by any boat through the chute. John Maloy, a well-known river clerk, fell and broke his leg, at Camdem, Arkan sas, rendering amputation necessary, from the effects of which he died. , IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, Fr. WAYNE AND 011/OAOO RA C o; cars metal, Nim- Ick it Co; 1 do do, Bryan &: Caughey; 4 do do,'Graff, Byers & Co; Ido do, Brown & Cu; 200. bbla flour, Watt, Lang & Co; 100 do do, J S Dilworth & Co; 100 do do, Culp & Shepard; 100 do do, Thomas tiro; 100 do do, McClure & McKee; 100 do do, Watt & Wilson; 100 do do, owner; 100 do do, S Lindsay Jr; 27 sks rags, Godfrey & Clark; 32 bbla flour, J Shepard; 232 lots window glass, Ihtusen & Son; 75 pkgs rags, Pitts Paper Co; 212 galls stoneware, McCarter & Musgrave; 19 bags barley, Hitchcock, Mc- Creery & Co; 121 pkgs washbowls, R Slocum; 105 bx cheese, W W Walcottl 1 car scrap iron, W J Hammond; 100 bbls finer, Stewart & Langenheinn 50 bbls vine gar, EA Kitzmiller. CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAIL ROAD, June 1.-3 cars iron ore, Dilworth, Porter & Co; 13 do do, McKnight, Porter it Co; Ido lumber, Jas McMasters; 2do do, E Allen; 3$ bbls copper, .H M Howe; 1 keg butter, 2 bhls eggs, 3 do kry apples, Voigt, Mahood di Co; 6 cases nidse, L McGraw .t. Co; 240 oil bbls, Chas Lukeds; 57 bbls tar oil,,Hartman di Lane; 402 sks mlllfeed, J Dorring,ton; 76 oats, Robt C Henderson; 126 bdls chairs, 18 do rockers. Bedford Chair Co; 54 aka rye, 161 do oats, Jas Graham Co; 15 do rags, McElroy; Harrison & Co; 25 bxs cheese, 'Watt, Lang & Co; 7 sky oats, F G Craighead; 18 bdls chairs, Hammer & Dauler; 92 sks oats, Jas Glenn; 7 sks oats, Gratrit Reiter; 1 lit bbl. butter, 1 bbl eggs, W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 1 bx bacon, 1 bbl dry peaches, 2 bail cheese, TO Jenkins; 7 bdls paper, ilakewell & Worthen. • F/TTBDIIEGIIMINCINNATI AND. Sr. Loris RAILROAD, June 1.-1 car potatoes, J A Price; 30 pkgs fish. Watt, Lang & Co; 10 do do, J D Dravo; 38 ska oats, Robb dr. Her ron; 12 pkgs fish, E Hearleton; 1 bbl eggs, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 5 do do, J .McDonald; 18 pkgs sundries, Head & 3fetzgar; 10 bbls eggs, 31 sks rye, W H Graff & Co; 250 bash corn, Herron & Co; 38 slis oats, F Schield; 3 hhd tobacco, P Maul; 15 sks corn, Meanor t Harper; 12 tons middlings, Kell & Hitch art. • ALLEGHENY' VALLEY RAILROAD. June 1. 2 cars metal, H Woodsides; 400 bbls oil, Clark dr. Sumner; 400 dodo, Lockhart,Frear dc Co; 160 do do,Fisher & liro; 16 bgs rye, W H Kirkpatrick di Co; 310 bars iron, Mar tin, Briokell di Co; 6 cars limestone, Shoen berger dr Blair; 12 pkgs potatoes, C Malone;. 123 eke oats, Scott At, Gisal; 10 aks rags, Mc- Cullough, Smith tt Co; 5 bbls eggs, Wll Carnahan; 1 do do 1 bx butter, W B Rosa & Co; 8 cars railroad iron, North Missouri R R Co. ALLEGHENY STATION, June 1. —1 car lumber, Taggart & Wilson; 100 bbils dour, R & A Carson; 1 hhd tobacco? Little, Baird & Patton; 1 car barley, J Rhodes & C;o• 10 doz brooms; Geo Myers; sdo do, F Corn ley:' 3,N dodo, J A Scott; 9 bgs rye, J B McKee; 12 green bides, A & J Groetzinger; 24 bags rye, 98 do oats, Rose & Ewing; 5 bbls eggs, McLaughlin & Posey. . Prrumunoit . AND Cm.s;NE.LarivlLLE RAttnoan, May 39.-2 ears metal, 'Yough iogheny Iron & Coal Co; 30 bbls cement, W W Wallace; car lumber, Hill & Patter son; 150 bdla ,paper, A W Holthouse; 31- do do, Markle & Co; rear' tan bark, J C Lappe. • LEGAL. : . OE TIP ERS ' TIESTEMENTARY I upon the estate of THOMAS 31c.COli, tile's!, are Leen grant6d • to Patitritte.3lceor. 'Ail per- SOPS having claims against, the estate or .414 dece dent will present the saute, and all persons indebt ed will wake payment to _ CATHARINE Mccoy. Administrator o( Thomas McCoy deed, • • or to E. A. MONTOOH, • Attorney-at-Law, 117.1)Mmond St:, l'ltteburgh. • tnys:p74-Ttl AA.DMINISTRATRIXPS NOTICE.—'— Letters - of Administration ors, the Estate of CE APPLEBY, deceased. haring been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons being indebted to said estate will lease make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will please make known their demands IMMO. dlately. 'CATifABINE APPLEBY, • ' ap_2B:pVlF A. DNA AVhereae,_ Lettersof Administration tot the' .r..state al WILJAA3I L. MAPPER, late of Atie, gheny" City, deceased, have been 'granted' to the subscriber, all persons • Indebted to said estate are. requested to make• Immediate paymeht,"and . thuse having Maims, against the same Will present . there, duly authenticated for settlethent, to : JOSSPHILOVE, , stall;p3l-vu 459 LibertY Btl - , Pittsburgh. A. having been appointed.execator ankexecutrlx uuder the last will and testament of lIENJAIIIIN F. PETIT. iire'd. would '.hereby; give notize to Ml per- sons indebted to the/laid' estate to make payment of of, the same to the undersigned, and all persona have. lug clalins unit/tit said estate' will present the same forpaymentht the Oleo of SPitibiGEItIiAItBAUDEE 4 CO., No. 318 Liberty street. H A IIH AUCIFII,'Egeonter,'• apilrefo-Tti hittittiAitET, (1, PE TTlT,:Etteputrlx.. . JoHN.s. sc i 4. • Nurserymen, Florists and -Seedsmen. SMITApIELD i3TREE'r, .olte / Poot Who, Pattommgh, ; , U6enhoblee=eC Oaklasid.'..lnmeties Oa Slhirmil mho 00E9gP F 4 t17. 117 5.,. 1048rtp4 :GAZZAII Ay? IiTTEMELD i -:,-LATTORNEYSA DCWNSE,; ~,; And , Solicitors in isudrruPtch - orr!reEtruc t r 4 .1 , . SSW* ,felinty: 1 7:.f4) ;11 ' '•"; REIM • t RIVER NEWS. SEEM i MEI VreAs" F OR CINCINNATI. jia ge t . . : . TH - BUSD,AY PA CRZY—AT lis #G• - • '.: • .The new nnit sFlendl4 Shle.wheeLatasmer,-;.,... ~ J. N. M I CULLOUCH I ' ' G. D. MOORE Commander. D. MOORE Clerk. The above elegant side-wheel steamer will leave reg. ularly as announced, connecting at,Cincinnati with Packets and Railroads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, New 0 leans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight or passe gen recelpted through either by rail or river. Especial atten i lon j g A i s v . e_ e n o t L o m O N r s d , ers j a ig n e d nt W s lar Business. For freight or passage apply on board or to . arell . i CHAS. BARNES, i t , pITTSBUSIGH, wHEELiNe, . . Marietta nd Parkersburg'. Line. Leave Company's Wharfboat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, at 12 M. ' MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS, J. N. McCULLOUGH GEO. D. Moons., Master. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. BAYARD A. S. BM:FOETID, Master. WEDNE DAYS AND SATURDAYS. : GREY EAGLE. . C. L. Sangrias', Master, Freight will be received at all hours by . . ape JAMES COLLINS, Agent, - 'p"ORCA4IIO. ST. LOUIS, DUBUQUE AND ST. PAUL.— le line steamer - -. . •- i , ~ - AMERICA • Capt. A. Pot, Wlll leave as above, In connection' with the North ern Line Packet Company,•on THURSDAY, ,June 4th-4 P. u. For For freight or passage apply on board or to • . JOHN FLACK. Or, J. D. COLLINGWOOD. Agents AAEGULAR' WEDNE-z i dGo DAY PACKET FOR OLNCIN I.—The tine steamer ARGOSY . . .. '. .. VAWDEBAIRTPI'. N. H. Sc ot t , C " lerk. leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin nati every WEDNESDAY at noon. C. riARNES, _ JAB.' COLLINS, Agents. JOHN FLACK. IM COAL AND COKE. COIL! COALS: COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their Office to NO, 667 LIBERTY &WILMOT, (Lately City Flour 31111)i3ECOND ELOOR. Are now prepared to furnish good YOCORIOGRE NY LUMP, NUT COAL Olt SLACK, at the lowest morket price. , . AU orders left at their office, or addreised to them through the malt, will be attended to promptly. tnyM:trn. _ _ CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, DZALEII IN YOUGMOGLENY AND OONDELLBI7IILE COAL, COAL, SLACK AND DESITLPHLTRIZED CONE. Mice and Yard—CORNER OF SUTLER. AND atowrox STREETS. First yard on Liberty!and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and eni Second street, near Lock No. 1. Pittsburgh. Va. Families and Manufacturers supplied with' the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of their offices will reoelve prompt at tentlon. .L-x.A IIIIISTRONG"& 1111UTCHINSON, Successors tO ittIILADELPITIA AND YOUGUICHHIENT COAL CO., MINERS. SHIPPERS AND DEALERS, BY RAIL ROAD AND RIVER, of superior Youghiogheny CAS AND FAMILY COAL. °nice and Yard—Pi-KIT OF TRY STREET, ; near the Gas Works. SUPERIOR COAL. • , C. criV.l7.ll"Y" 64 Miners and Shl opera i)f PITTS B URG GAS, TOME and FAMILY COAL, !CUT COAL and SLACK. Coal delivered promptly to all parts of the cities at the lowest market rates. ()Mee and Yard—CORNER FOURTH AND WAT SON (formerly canal) STREETS, Plttaburgh. I'. 0. BOX 11492. ocM: THE STEPHENSON HOUSE; St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, IVIII be opened for the reception of visitors on IICVNEPAY. 18 th • This FIRST CLASS HOUSE has been thoroughly repaired, refurnished and a gplendld BILLIARD ROOK AND BOWLING ALLEY Ims been added to the banding. - The great curative properties of the bu ild ingate. and the extremely healthy site of th will well repay the ln-• valid for his visit, and the amusement and comfort afforded to the tourist will be certain to make his stay both agreeable and interesting. 5up9:437-SOY 4:2EIW SUjintit LAKE HOUSE, Stotteboro, Pa.; (On the line of Jamestown .I.•Franklln Railroad, . large,ur ride from Itranklin4 furnished e Is new and commodious, well- has billiard rooms, ten-pin alleys and Covered prome nades. It to on the banks of the most charming Fairy Lake In America, abounding in ash, and ad mirableler Balling purposes, surrounded with phut springs, romantic scenery, Jim. It is the best summer resort In the State. Address. - • ILENNELIII% Proprietor. SECURITY ANTI COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. J. B. HARRIS' SAFETY FIRE JACKET, Car Heater ag 1 Modenttor, • For SMOKE AND ROT AIR FLUE.S.• dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires In or about the Passenger or Baggage Cam with. the attachment to graduate the heat to any temperature that mat be desired without the possibility:of firing•the car or ears to which the Jacket may be attacked. Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist themsom Intense heat that may be atiplie& to it in the position and purpose for which It is Intended. It is a sure protection .from accidents by fire, origi nating from defective flues, or where iron pipes are used as conductors for smoke or beat.. It. is sprit. pileable to all piping that m. • bo s a tisfactioneate and Is warranted to give per ectwhere wood or other ecinbuatibie material may be placed In utose proximity thereto, I atm stow ready to up-' ship,,,yy Invention to stores, dwellings, &merles,. steambotas; - railroad cars, • &e.; wherever , pipes as conductors "tire made dangerous by being overheated and security deshed. will sell,Lon-ap plication, rights to manufacture or to use the above invention; also, territorial rights, to such as may wish to engage inaelllifig priveges either by State or county. • ' . . • J. B. .111.41111R119. ilwotace at the '"riE, ULTRA: PAINT WORKS, corner of Morris street and the'Alleghe. ny Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa. _____ WEBSTER ANA, ROBERTS AU pereoii inierested Oati 'hereby:notifie3 that the Report of Viewara,•As modified, by the,Court of. Quarter liesolorm, Oa Noe.l2andl,3 ora'rine Ten*, 1566,-batobeeri eontirmed r aiod timt: the as. . segments are , ,,le my bands for ,eolleetion. .17alefie payment to mAde . on orbefore Juno 10th, eialonir will flied as ltene and epllec ` ted by proceai' of Pittsburgh, 41 liiiiiiir - fx J. V. , ISLAGLE, City. Alteiniey. • 1n...1L/mai W Y 'AU - 4ND PUNC - 44 r. r mrphreonkinterested IWO herQtlyillOtlACl pef. Ade Itport. o!VleTrers, ee ;11pillfted by, the c?o4Ft,ol . Quarter' Bee/4one, ,nt aqd beeeinher ;Tem, Assp, Iota : tren contlrtood,'ind that the.neeeeetnente hoyr")¢ iRy tr:r`eolleV-, tloe., llnthes'Pnyinent, te maile 'on he' ih"foiri June' 10th, 1800; Ole 'olainni'ivliCbb tiled aj : liens; and; r . r; 11 00 ied try Prothel'of to:6. its • • - 44 r 4 sums" ottyAttorpey ct Sth. /SOS. - , mia:p9s 11ttsbers.. ' MICIIMUCIALI ENGINES% • 4 r Mate ot.P.•R‘mr. Mace,' So_ TO FEDERAL STRE,ET, Itonim Ai, I!3 i B l l BlNLll, B a x .linfv , rxig NE ,,, RLASTTUR ACE an RO.... , lN‘a7Pdfl a . Dll.NF lNtlB,flirnashed.J•artiatilar alte_ntion. mad to fee. signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES.— Patents con. , ddentially_eollctie4q *Ff avxpriNG Duatw. v i aRLA S B T or puichentee every. wEDNEBDAy , X11VKL1D. 011( .47 0 4 1 4" gel Viil L uE e t 3 F'.l •p rosa i r ac 1411 1.. qu.e g eat received sedan' este& the cite ig oral It, by A. D DisjiA w „lay* INTO IdUllrar SIM MUM MICR: , . MEN i 13:e ...1 ...i~ . ~i ~.L' EMI " STEMABOA.TS And Manufacturers of HOTELS uy9:pl, • • 't. 7 v:: .if. .- ,) 4..1 I 1 1 t , !' 3:7! MEI FOR S4LE-4LEAL ESTATE. F --- A --- R ---- S FOR SALE. at 3111ten1 er4er's Station, do-the Pittibtmils an Connellsyllie Railroad, Fayette county, at• PUBLIC SALE, On Tu sday, 9th of June, 1868, AT 12 O'CLOCK, 31., All the ollowing Tracts or Pieces • • of Land, Situate in Tyrone and Perry townships, Fayette county. Pa., and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning ate black oak; thence by lands now" r formeily of John Lee; by - lands of William Espy, John Edgar and the Youghiogheny river, con taining-320 acres and allowance; and being fully and accurately described by regular metes and bounds In the 'Letters Patent from Jamesommnwealth to George Miltenberger and Brown, dated the 92d day of December, 1531; and enr011.... ed In the Patent entice, In Book h, volume 30, page 515. on whlchTs erected a small Frame Dwelling and Stable, now occupied by Thomas Knight. Also, all that other tract of land situate in Tyrone township, begintalitie.at a atone ; thence by lands now or formerly of Henry Doyle, John Stauffer. Widow Conley. William Trumbull or G. Hughes and the Youghloglieny. river, containing 221 acres and 90 'pertihes and allowance, and particularly de scribed In the letters patent from the Common wealth of Pennsylvania to George bilitenberger and James Brown, -dated the 15th day of September, 1832, - and enrolled in the Patent Mice, in book H, vol. 32. page 124. - ' • On •which tract of land are erected two frame dwelling houses and-fire. brick works, with engine and machinery now In working order." ' Also, all the right:title, interest and claim of Geo. Miltenberger, deceased, of, in and tei those two tracts or pieces of land marked; and - designated. L and J, on, old plan of the Miltenberger estate, in Fayette county. Tract: Lis bounded by. lands of Win. Espy., John Stouffer, Christian liodebaugh and Valentine.Orehurst, containing 'tebout 221 Mi acres, more or less. • And tract J is bounded by lands otwtn. Espy' William Dumbull and the 11 ldow Cooley, contain log about 48 acres, more or less. .Also, a coal privllege, lu Dunbar township, acres, morelauds of Collins, containing atiouV3 acres, more or less. - . . Terms of sale to be one - half cash, the balance In one year, with Interest, to be secured by a mortgage on the property, and bonds therewith In such amounts as the vendor may determine. - S TON BONNHORST,' Administrator ds bonto 7/07i cum teBtamenlo annezo and Trustee of the .Estate ofGeo. Miltenberger: deceased. inrl3:l TS • COAL FOR SALE. • WILL BE SOLD at the ,COURT HOUSE, in tee City of Pittiburgh, oh WEDNESDAY, the 10th of June, 1868, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.. • ALL THE STONE COAL In and under all that certain tractor piece of land situate In Lower St. Clair township,. Allegheny Co., bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a point on the corner of hind now or formerly owned by John Cummons ; thence south IT degrees east 50 perches to a post:. thence hy_property heretofore owned by said Commons and 51. B. Miltenberger north 44% degrees d eg ree s, 8' perches to e s a C os a pt thence north 36S east 34 perch o beech tree; thence north 69 degrees, east 19% perches to a sugar tree; and thence north 70 de grees, east 23 perches to a post, the place of sand a containing about 23 acres and 17 perches, and adjoining Coal of the Pittsburgh Coal Company. Terms of Sale to be °tie-half - cash, the balance In One year. with Interest, to be secured by &mortgage on the pronerty, and bonds therewith in such 4111011110 as the vendor may determine. S. F. YON BONNHORS'F • Administrator, de bents non cum testament° annern, and Trustee of the Estate of Geo. Milteuberger, deceai.ed. • JOAN 'D. BAILEY & 888, niysB:q73.--rrs AUCTIONEERS. 2,000 000 A CRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE _ • Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTEEN DIVISION, Lying along the line of their road, at • 81;00 TO SS,OOPER.ACRE t . - And on a CILEDII 4 OF FIVE iE.i+ll9. For further particulars, niaps, Ztc., address JOHN P. DZIF I REVX, - Land Commissioner, Topeka., Kann& • Or CHAS. IL .14.11.11M0RN 4See'Ti i , • 7 !WIC St. Loniii, Hissonri. - C,HEAP rft4DIE TWO FOUR ROOM DWELLINEI HOUSES. SITUATE ON Washington Street, Allegheny City, Will be , sold Separately If desired on the most reasonable terms. LOTS 20 by 130 each. - • APPLY TO , STEM!. & WILSON, Brokers and Real Estate Ag ents , No. dB Smithfield street. ' ' ' Mr/ • . . • eitIEAPEST . WILDING LOTS in vv MARKET .are - those offered for-sale in the thriving vllia.ge of Allentown, adjoining the Birm ingham line,. and only difteen =Dilutes' walk' from the end of the Monongahela bridge. This town Is. growing rapidly. Over 00:000 wus realized for lots bold last @CHOW, and over My neat dwellings were erected during the season. -As a special Inducement to mechanics, we are willing to close the balance of the lots at the low price offroth i2OO to $350 each, and on terms easier titan paying rent. We are oh the premises ot: f z e aftentoon o pt . : F twa to 7-o'clocti ;fe r i a e:gels! " cor4u3. B. talklikdtn. 275 ACREEI-60 acres in cunt remainder elent, titaber,',4t nate nine miles from Freeport and , within one-half mile of the: route' V. Railroad, eXpectod to begin operation next fall.. Will be sold or exchling ed for approvelteity property. Apply to .. • S. GUTSBI KT & SONO. bib Smithfield street.. my2O FOR SALE & TO LETomlifonses and Lots for sale In all,_parts of the city and sn.! Also,s, Also; WOOLEN AUNS In 'good locations. small FACTORY. with AO acres of land, and good improvemdnte, which I will dell cheap and.en reasonable terms. • Business, Houses , ro let on good streets. Private Dwelling Houses fbr rant In both cities. For further particulars inquire WILLIAM wain), `AM 110 . Grant .street. opposite CathedraL„ . , poUNTRY" • RESICDENCV- FOR BALE Mit..itENT.—A large two.story doable Ouse containing 10 rooms , Including 'double par + lor, with marble mehtles and .all the moder n provementr; 1 acre •of g round , ' tilled with fruit, grapes, Petrie', .4te; intuated. the termination of the Wylie street Passengercart. '' ope of the handsomest locatkine AllegbettY. 'comity, and lq a Rood nelghborlhiod. Apply at W.' A: IlTatiloN'fi Real Zstltte .01nee, 87 Oran):.. street. ' - • mb2s pAtENT COMBINATION HYDRANT - HOSE. ThILTIOISE' la;"Selitidnt question t the" strongest and most durable of Any now manufactured. • •• , t ent In lengths to stilt purchasers, wi th , nosslo and . serews. JOHN. , M. TATE,Plum ber, Ulf Liberty Bt., JOBtptiO.Fgli; 59k:Federal Streets Allegheny. L ns72l:wBo:Tu-Tirdli • z $10•1)00 TI) LOAN, - • . -airiiimxts "---""-- ,- ~. . Ji. - - QuEENs•rlm: , -,, Iv .: ~ Wire Unita*, 'Bane. STEAMIIMPS).. - l't l , *-- . 1..D..1,...; ''.:,.,.iff;;;_;,:c-• 24. berin g - Tteei 1 1 , 443 /14.11 k 1,44 la go!!fl , !k"i,,, - :-- - - wereeleerate - , ~ , MY Or rims,— orrir or Avar"-,:- .rioalr Or /1 OSTONi_ OITNICZ.BA . .....,,,, saulAir ifilif is 2C rYriikir."oo). tee . . Elver, New yet! ArorpelielfetirATPFAF &RIP7RIP ,t. - .%.:;., .I, 81 77:71; P 1 7:0 inauxintileaturarill:::: %!•-lielfirrieterir.. 1. ;.(94,!b1i,8en dilsprO,'''-=--aL - N - - iiiik.1.:1#401(2144 *iitiiii::.!;(ll,.tro-a• A a ; ~, • '4l ia.t ! i 11l ;7731i. '- .i r.,,,,,• . _ i , 1%1 ...At 1, Irr.. - d .,?..;*1 %la . = $ .l. -, . i ~ .il.:;ar.l f , ',;;;':- - . :V;" i . 1 (4 fi f f! Illal:• 1 •ft Li iiirlf, ( ,) ;;,,7 ...:wii7..i".' , ~ , , . •, . . ..:,•L17 . 9% ...Nina 14,1 .11 ~..1.1..:4W...tfry tfi . "4%!: 8111 I) :1',71!,tr) . `.)ilik•hj: 1,4%r1:1 ~;",i41 li:,:,Mr)1 i:,:,Mr) r.:i• , ..; 21 .;' ,, '-'=`• ' , ,I• il NI , SIN lIOND 'AND $4017`1 3,0 ** 43X/0. AEriarrar t iry 'Real &hat itteitt attukil. l o 4 lueet"' ILSE I r f ...F 'a~3._, =SE • . -7 ... s: l3_ . rrrsnunGli lnd , coNNELLsv.ILLEO{. It. On and after TimßS,trAT,Ltow March Sth, 186. .traizuswill arrive at and enart the.Pfrhtcor,,::: nerof Grant and Wateratteets, 'at tolleni.- • Mali ,;1 Depart, Arritle. „ , to int) from Ifniontn, 7:00 A. N. 6:00r. X.,' McKeespon Aceommodt•ti.ll:oo A. M. Ex. to and from Uniolit'zii 3:00 P. at. 10:00 .4.414'. West Newton Accommod it' 4:30 P. M. 8:35 BraddOek's Accommodatin SAS P. 3t. 7:50 P. Y. Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. lifi - 0:401.. Sunday Church Train toand from West Newton..... 1: 00 P. at. 10:00A.: x For tickets apply • • •, • .y: , J. Et: KM°, Agent. W. B. STOUT. Superin ndent. • m.hs _LIEGHENY Mums VALLEY RAILROAD. ODiLY DIRECT ROUTE MO THE REGION.. Running through to. Veßango City without change of cora-Connecting with trains East slid 'West Weston the Warne -.t Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic & Great Western Rallways4 .borteati quickest route to °Betty and'Frauklizi, . 02 paint§ In the 011 Regions. • ?I On audlafter" APrif 2.1111' 31.16111' Pitiehge7Trafee will leave from and arrive: at tho Plttsbtirgh Depot. corner Canal and Pike Stil: as p follows: • Deart. Arrive. hail. o Mid Pm Ven. City.l7:oo A. X.. 6:15 pose.- Express .• 10:40 P. X.113:53t3 A. 34 Brady's Bend Accommod'e' 3:00P. 2. 10:20 A. 44 Sods Works Accown .. . . ;15:30 P. M. 1:53 A. 14 First Hutton Accomod`n.. ....... A. 31. 11:40 A. X.- Second Hutton AccotomPn 32:00 X. 3:55 P. Y. Sunday Church Train Imwes Soda Works at 19:016 A. at., arriving In Plttsbuigh at 0:00 4,2. Re- turnlog, leaves Pittsburgh 41:10 p. it arriving et Soda works at 2:55 P. at. lI.fiLACKSTONE, Sup't. W. P. HOPE, Ticket Agent. - slat '.•• 11CT TSBURG u,aulgu it toii e ts i t i Va A AN ' k1.11) PAN HAND iZE ROUTE. CHANGE Or TIME.—OIi and after SUNDAY MaylOth, 1867, trains will, leave and arriv e at the Union Depot, as follows. Plttsburgb Gine: ' i .l)e s: sa. tn. 4:33 p. m. Mail Expresit • Fast Line • 4 9:40 a. id. 7:15 p. m .- Express 1:30 p. m. 11:20 a. m. Mixed Way 610 a. in. 705 p. in. McDonald's Acc`n, No. 1.. 11:40 a. tn. 3:05 p. in. Steubenville Aeconimod'n./13:50 p. in. 0 : 30 a. in. Idullonaldls Acc'n, '2 , 10. 2..15:25 p. m. 8:20 a. m. . . . SPECL&L NOTlCE.Sunditi Express leaves at 1:50 p. in. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. in. the next morning' - '', The 9:40 a. tn. Train leuves all connectionsnd Mondays excepted, and makes close at Newark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, Mansfield & Newark K. R. i• - -...-- _, .."-v..-- S. F. SCULL, Generalel Ticket Agent. .W. W. CARD, Suplt.,.Stchnenville.. ~ -•- ani l'flBl.l UGH,. FORT - I W. AND CLEV ELAND .1 From Ifay lltb, 1868; and arrive at the Union time, as follows: - Leave. l' Chicago Ex .... 2:13 am; Cleveland Ex.. II:13 a in; Erle MI 7:28 am' AWIVg.II`I 6:13 am; Chicago Mall.. 6:58 am! Chicago Ex.... 9:43 a mi Cl. Wh_'_g Ex. 1:43 p m Chicago Ex.... 1:58p m \V h. A Erie Ex. 4:48 pn. "Depart from Allegheny. N. Brlgt'n Ac. 8:58 am Leetsdale " 10:13 a 1 m, 1:583 Rochester " ' 2:23 pin Wellsve Ace.. .3:43 p m ' Leetsdale Ac , c. "4:13 pm N. Brigt'n -5:33 pm N. Brlgt'n " . 6:2Bpm Leetsdale " • 1 0:43pml 1:58 p. m. Chicago Ex press leaves daily.' • • . poll F. R. MYERS. .E NN Sir LVANIA NK CENTRAL ! RAILROAD? and after .11a.y 10th, 1507, Trains will ar rive at and depart from the 'lion Depot , corner of .Washington and Liberty sire to. as follows: Arrive. Il' . Depart. • Mail Train.... 1:20 a mDai Express.. ' 2:20 am. Fast Line.... . . 1:50 a m'W 's No. 1.. 6:30 am Walt's. No. 1.. 6:20 a nt!Bia t Train .. . . 7:50 ara Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a ncinnati ex 11:40 a M Wali's N 0.... 8:50 a iniW:6l's No. 2.. 11:51 a m Cincinnati Ex. ' 0:10 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Johnstown Ac.10:33 a m I hrlidtlocks No 14:00 . pin Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p nt,Philn. Express. 4:50 pm Phila. Express 1:20 pm:Wa)l's No. 3.: 5:00 pm Wall's No. 3... 2:05 pm Wail's No. 4.. 0:05 pat Braddocks NolL 5:50 pin Fast Line.— . 7:30 pm Wull's No. 4. 7:05 pm Latrobe Acc'n 8:50 p m Altoona Acc'n. - Swapale-Aoin10:50 pin and Emigrant Train ... ..... . 10:30 pm . '• . . . -. The Churc h Train leaves : all's Station even" l Sunday at 0:15 a. m., reachin Pittsburgh at 10:016. , a. tn. 'Returning, leaves Pitt, argil at 12:50 p , m . iv and arms :a at Hall's Station at 2:00 . p..m. * Cincinnati Exress leaves ditily. All other trains daily except Sun d ay. ' .. • ... For further information &FPI to . ... W .. H. it CHWITH, Agent. The P ennsylvania Railroad !Company will not as sume any risk ibr Baggage, except for wearing my pare], and limit their responaldilt . to One Hundred Dollars in value." All Bag 'sge exceeding that. amount in value mill be at the isk of the owner, un less taken by special contract... EDWARO H. WILLIAMS, ...• Genclira. EMI _ . WESTERN PENN SYLVANIA RAIL. .--On and after May 10th, 1867, the Fag.. senger Trains on the Westera Pennsylvania 'Rall.. road will arrive at and depart from the Federal. Street Depot, Allegheny City, is follows: ". . •-. . . • Arrive. i i Depart. Sprlngd"e Not 6:35 ain 1 ,Mai L- • • 6:15 a m Freeport No . -1 8:15 a mfFre4 No.l 910 a m, Express - ' • 10:15 ain Sbargb'g sort No.l 11:519am -Sharpb'g No.l 1:95 p m Express .. 1:50 in Freeport No. .2 4:10 pm Sprlogd'e No 1 3:50 pm Mall 5:50 p m Freeport N 0.2 6:05p et Springd'e No2' 7:10 p m Stnirtgd'e No 2 7:30 pm Aboye trains nin daily excepUunday. 1 , . - The Church Trail:Cleaves Atlbgheny Janet. every' Sunday at 7:40 a. t 0... reachltsir Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leave Allegheny ' City at 1:210 p. m. and arrive . at Attest , ehg junct, at 9 - . 46- COMiIITATION TICIELTS—Iro . sale in .Packges of Twenty, between, Allegheny Pity, Chestnut 'street. Herr e s.Bennett, Pine Creek. Bina and Sharpsburg.. and go od only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets. •- - ',' it ' ' •• • • The trains leaving AlleehenyjCitY at 6:0 a. m. and 1:50 P. as. - make - direct ; connection at Freeport with - Walker's line ofS tages forAlutler and HIM natm town. Through tickets may be. purchased, of the , 0111ce r No. 3 St. Clair street.ittear the. Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at ttel DepotvAllegheny. Forfurther information spin "to . . JAMES Z 1 Ire ERTL Agoet, - .. ..f. ~ • • Fed r aj Street Depot. • The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as- Kluge any risk foraggage, excbpt for wearing ap parel. and limit Di 1. respond Witty to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding, this amount in value wl be at the risk of the owner, - nn-' teas taken by special contract. 4 •,. tEDWARDiR:I WILLIAMS, - - li . myll Gen.-al Renerintandent. Altoona, Fa. SMORY JIIILLEsima . 11.0IITE: .. \ . '• . UNION , PACIFIC , SWAY,i . . . . . _Eastern Dilsioa. - TIM i&EIORTEST AND MOST MILL:MLR; not air from the East to a points in • Colorado, , „Nevada, ..: • - --, - . il California, vtati , ~e . . , . •ArPQ ll 7 , .;' .• ••••• 10:1-4hingt?nr :r, . • ti •o New .- exlco, ~I dah,• • - ' Oregon. i. • - • Two Trains leayyae State Ltne and Leavenworth PeZeTaildso3:ldfx ro e nt! ' lO l tie, e ii i h r g v ltagitgi 4s an ° l Bt. Jo Railroad -from- quineyjconnecting at Law.. rence, Topeka and Wamego i with stages 'fur all points in Kansas. At end ofltrack west of Ella worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS cola PANY'S DAILY - .LINE OF .076RLAND ? MALIa ~AND.EXPRESS COACHES FOR ~ =5 ' ' XIIMIII VEIII .5.A.1411" -7.1\W1T4 dad all Poinite•ln And with SANDERSON'S Tlll..,WEEItlir LINE . • ' COACHES for Fort, Union, Be nt's Fort, Pass, Albs-. q_uerene, Santa re, and all I,dints.in:Arisons and New Mexico. , With the recast. iddittons ..itif.rolling,"stock - andJ equipment, and the arrangements made with re. sponstble,Orerhshd, Transpornition frets its , western termkins, this road noir offers unequalled facilities for the transmission df freight t o & e Far , Tickets for sate at all theittrncitialiiiffices /a the United States and Oanadas. - - - Be sure •and -ask for - tfeket ItOrNd. UNION , VAVLECCI - ‘,- - !":"• -- '17`, EASTERN tot VISION: , . ifirDEMSON • eguena fAxperintendpat - - - , . • - Genera. Preljsht E . ii Ticket Agent ~. BEM .. -, Ll , i'....`;:s7ii::,',Yl' „ i.;. : ti,:,. RAIatOADS. „,:' angaglil TaTNE & CHIOAOOII.' PITTSBURGH It. R. • ,' talus "will leave fon t DOpot, north., aide., city 'l' . Arrle. ' • . Mileage EX ... ` , 2413 a zit clnveland Ex. 2:63 ara ' Chicago Ex.— 11:93 a at rlleeling Ex. . 1 3 33 a ni. !St: ,Louis Ex.. 3:33 pm icil & Wirg Ex 4:3E1 pu t . 1 Erie & l'a , n Ex 6:13 pna Chicago Ex.— 4:33 p na CII & WIVE- Ex-7:06 p at riloe f dtteghen_y. N.Briitt'n Ac. :1:93a at N.lßilat'n ” 6:38 aat 1 'N el s Ca ll e 1053 a aLeasdale ' • • 9:13a at •" 108 p at. N. irlat'n " 2:43 pna 1 Lee sdisle "' 4:53 pat l" -.• ", 7:5113pi& 11:23 a. in: Chicago ' Exi,ress arrives dally. .; . GePeral Ticket, Agent. .- ~. El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers