• ••• • it %,"4:11#51-1 CHARGE OF THE DRESS BRIGADE Rague, halt a /vague, half a league rear Right through the mire and dirt Ilueb rbi ItsWaliWs 'hurt, -`" I: 4ia l=lae itch !liken skirt, Baltapeek half aDe IMlf peck Pally— _Hirsute and woolly 3 - ;Right into the liquid air— !routte of hair. .herds.sumteren. • Woblyaatraddie on it. ... Endo the-brave bonnet— • - node. though It wondered. Curia to the right of it, . Curls to the left of It, Curls to the rear of it, Curls that were plundered. - What though men shout "Oh !Per . "Fortunes, you have squandered . Theles not to make reply, • ' Their's not, to reason why, ' Their's but to dress ordie— "Clutrge!" to the clerk* they ery— "Charge by the hundred." ' . EPHEMERIS. —Weston is in -New York. --det jewelry is again fashionable. —Charleston has a Brazilian circus. —Shakespeare is fashionable in Paris. —Adelaide Phillips is going to . Europe. -New York rejoices, in 8,000 coriii cart men. —Strawberry festi*als are till the rage in St. Louis. •-• . - • -;-Next week ; the tong Branch Hotels will re-open. —A Republican campaign songster has already apPdared. . --3dre. Gen. McClelland is ,"enjoying miserable health" —The Colleen 13awn is again on the boards in New York. --Spectacular Pieces are not so popular as they once were in Paris. . —Old Buck is ; 76, but the spirit of '76 is not in him, and never was. ' —Fighting grimhoppers is the favorite .amnsement of the Mormons. —New. York has La Belle Helene in En glish, French - and German. —There is no truth in the report that Car lott.a has recovered her reason. --Gilmore Simms has taken to addressing girls' 'achnols in'South Caxolina. L4Stanbery, in spite of his laziness, is to be once more Attorney General. —Philadelphia,. fearirig a second deluge,. is on the look out for the rainbow, —Snow was as high as the tops of the trees on 14ount Mansfield last week. —The Billiard Players' Association of 11 .14iols has decided against the push shot • Prentice thinks Greely is a dead letter. Prentice wants zipd"comPany, evidently: —Ping hats have been decided not to be the, proper thing for the saints in Utah to wear. —Chicago is so taken up with conventions as to be unable to perpetrate a single sensa tion. • —Delightful—the idea of not having North Avenue, in Allegheny, ruined by a street railroad: • • -Persons who are personally: interested In 'the Pope 'will be glad to know that he ahives himself. '' --A new organ in London is said to be the largest in the world. This is a galling fact to Boston. —An armless - violinist who plays with his toes is the newest attraction among the fld dlists of London. —Dr. Page is about to enter the lecturing iield. His first lectnre will be entitled "A man's a man for a' that." " —Something Nice is the'name of a new weekly.. Something nice Would improve most of the old weeklies, .—"Hood and Glove" is the name of a new English novel: "Trail and Chignon". - would'be an. excellent title. -Parisiennes are jealous of the American belles in-Paris. They are too beautiful and receive, too much attention. • • - —Dr. Doran is continually getting out 'mew - books. He is doing so now, and I,he • " /We is "Saints and Sinnerii:" • —Snoxville,-knowing the =certainty of Sfe, d that Goverxto - r Brownlow is but a man, is about to erect giu3wor4s. Flunkey Abbott is diem - spectra way is which John 8. 0. of that ilke ie of - by klue baragraPhists- _ —The WorkVa dramatic arehinologl4 'thinlas Samson - was the 'tint person on.: tord who thought down thii house. 1,....1310n. Rousaean denies having hada little difficulty with a stage driver on his way. to Wfuthingthn over land fron the west. • , . _ —The_White Fawn.has been gorgeously - • produced. at Crosby's Opera House in Ch1...4:40; ... 4 :4 0 ; with PP,UfStiti as leading clansettse. Query. How much of Mr Dicifens's • Americtln profits were received in payment ofliisletter,"pufling the Westminster lota —'±here is a member of 'Congress called Ginery TwiclAK. He 9tight to be a friend of A. J's., for A. J. is fond orgineriei. , . . '• —Borne one haa foond out glut Brignoll. Ins taken a cnitage a Long Branch, so that he can reach the C whenever lie wiihes ' , ..-•The Radicals feel 'as sure . Of Grant's electron as they are of the convietion . oflhe resident, and there are no senators ii the •!• • - • a...Etc:me men in Cincinnati,- tenacious bf 'their rights to seats In the cars, have formed . anN, G U. iAssociation, Never Get 'Uri, (in the Cars Parton says that Andrew Jackson. (1111 - riot 61ieve that the , world is round. 'He was not lhe 0 111 1 lituurint ri Pr eentsti v e Democrat; . •' Room° tunnel 'must be a very •;" Irinirtsd'enterprips.:i 8;0$10 *idles are cons iiuriad every week by the excavatori. sad ;the gam es . , • . f 4VI IO IP O PO' bestowed medalsoh h onor J ew ish .physicians who honorably ,distbi; gnj,fue4,, theffiselTel during the t,heleris 401 1 214.447. ear• • • ~..,tiTtrigald, in Sicily, bad thpiti a ii*tit; idciafittiring people and eating_ the In za.. He has ate heel! hflitsqeaptured; IA 4 scorning, iast, the old PinO ' `l 3 treet PregVelitACl to l4 '?!i4itdelPhin; . ' brat& its centenial anniversary. —"Change upon Change" is the name of se new novel by Miss Emily Faithful. It hainothing iiiioadoi wt tlie - 1346p0i.: ulaxpoit4 "1111glars akl Orgits." , ~,,, .Deikoeratikpapersarei incensed: at 1h fact of Mr. Stantonhating resigned with fie; 10 l Dinah- dignity. ~ e y thought to disgrace' him, and find thl e has only added to his laurels. . —The terms of the seven conscientious Senators- : elig.ter,7 Vigil- 4= exception, via -1.871, or sooner. TOting this into consider ation they be bhuned'fot coming to terms with the whisig ring? Lit3ir George - Cartier, ` the first Baronet cietited in the Dominion 'Of Canada, is a de lamdent of the :first. man' created in the world, also, of the first European who nav igated the St. Lawrence river., —Kit Carson is dead: He was one of the greatest of the pioneer trappers, and his name was "finniliar as household words" throughout ihe West. -He died at Fort LTOII, Colorado, on the 23d ult. '---The two children of John Leech have been left altogether destitute. If every one -who has enjoyed John Leech's pictures should send one penny to his children they would be comfortably well off. —A Russian tutor recently killed off the whole family where he was engaged. Re beat out his pupil's brains, shot the father and mother, and finished off with killing the cook, the footman and the housekeeper. —At the races in Cincinnati on Saturday, General Buford entered a horse, the history of whose success is well told by the Cinein naticommereial. "General Buford's horse brought up the rear very handsomely in deed." —A fool named Oakford is going to shoot Niagara. He is to be hermetically sealed in a boat with sides three feet thick, and then set 'adrift. If he comes up alive he will receive $30,000. His chances for the money are Slim indeed. —At the. recent State ball at Buckingham Palace, the Princess of Wales wore a blue satin diess trimmed with Irish lace, bouffons of tulle and boquets of pink roses and ail 'Ter shamrocks. Ornaments, pearls and dia monds. Princess Christian wore a dress of rich silver tulle over white glace, trimmed with wreaths and bouquets th narcissus and grass. Head-dress, a tiara of diamonds. Necklace and ornaments, opals and, dia monds. Princess Louise wore a dress of silver blond and green satin, trimmed with narcissus and silver braid. Head-dress, diamonds and narcissus. Ornament, dia 'naiads. - The Planchette. "Planchette" is a mystery, not in its make, but in its actions. A small board (heart shaped) with two pentagraph wheels affixed to the under side, and a hole 'at the point through which a pencil is run, and which does the double duty of a third leg and that of an amanuensis, this eonstitutes "Planchette." By placing your hand with that of another person upon the board, this wonderful little iistrtunent begins to move in all directions, and will, if bidden, write what you desire. - It will also answer the questions you ask it. Ladies, or one lady and a gentleman, can work it better than two gentlemen, and if the . liarties placing their hands upon itare one a blorde and the other a brunette, so much thg better. Some persons, howev er. who are strong magnetizers, can work "Planchette" alone. This little instrument is sometimes very contrary, and will insist on having its own way. For instance, we asked it to write our name, when it wrote that of a gentleman standing near, and positively refused to write any other. It, however, condescend- . .ed to answer a question in regard to the weather, and stated that it would not clear off yesterday. Planchette" is certainly afraid of skeptical persons, and will not move for them, while for others it works rapidly. This little instrument is fast becoming a pazlor friend, and with persons who are able to work it any , amount of fun and amusement can be had, and possibly much instruction can be -afforded. •A Short Petticoat Ball. We have had the short petticoat .ball, 'such an exceptional ball; all married ladles, not a maiden blush present. The skirts had pre3cribed limits. They were not to. come a thread lower behind than the top. of the heel of the back - ofthe satin shoe:,' and not a line shorter hr front than the bone of that part of the aide of the foot called an ankle. GeometriCal shone/dors have knelt and measured the prettiest feet in Paris for- that ball. _ It was given by Mme. dePourtales,. and her sumptuous -apartments were one glare of light on dazzling white. 'twits a Godsend •to i gentlemen; how they kicked about; how firmly they put their feet no where excepting in places flt t'for Mullen feet, how they applauded the Waltz a deux temps; what a; qugert`theyinade of Moe. de kourtates. But gnat how my/ flat feet came ta-viax light, and oar-ilke, peddling , feet, and`safe boat feet; and slender feet, no one.hO has 'never been to a petticoat ball can kneW.—Paris:Gor. N Y:, Herald. MatrheOtdal Novelty; The New yerk boireepondelit of the Louisville De ocrat ivritds: A-fashionable wedding, on a new plan, cameroff at Zion church, in the Fifth avenue; Ibis morning. The bride is the daughter'of a wealthy end well knewn lien founder, Who returns an inconie cir - $200,900. per, an _num; anti the; bridegroom, the son of an, -Exchange Piece:broker, wealthy aloe. The services were entirely , Bishop Southgate intoned the prayers, sand even the question, "Wilt thou take the woman" ' etc., etc., was drawled out in the same monotone. The effect;was ludicrous t raftier than solemn, .and one' or two of the rah inghride.Smaida not restrain ' front -laughing right out at it: The choir, got up. 'gorgeous "proceSsionar'and "recessional ' for the oceasiononid,- for, the delectation. of the happy pair, • iatut ,the. lookers•on, threw' in all the fancyannsic. _from liendeissohn down to Offenbach* "No, 'ram HEW rAnifreie.r`socczED, no Shore 'Wm our laztterro* did It ain't made - up. pv the :rite ; initepal. Thera% Jittire, itttSllecitlian sole hi it-.more bowels ttait Iheart___ A 4 3l ,,,erOt •Cliioe,: - Pesseraleszi utimez• Chase hez; ambi -140/4 Grimes l ate, sad Trumbull and Fes.- sande& dysptspsia r making.the Ingregencies in the - new orgisnizatibn'tsdf ambition and hater andlialf-dlspepsia: Never trust a nuin:Whos# Istopkicit is out uv order—take. 'rib stlicklii:htin bowels is ittwitmg, riotecie,rs tiptialfibeittis 019114; Unless titetts~s 'g' abilideleuhder' IhOs on twich to build. Chase hez no conshence, Trumbull and Fessenden no gastric joose. Bich men alluz conspire and alluz fail. Still, I'm glad. the thing's occurred."—Nasby. OPSIM - . MICE 2 168 c 1 , .. : 1)PMF3*:..- i '' .t r ztru.norgt.44 4 7 4 , o NO ciei meriincalETmcutgv onßD. A FULL SET FOR Mr • +, 5178 PRNN STREET,. 3D ,R ABOVE HAFD, ALL WORE WARE CALL AND lA. AMINE SPECIMENS OF c ENULNE ITE. ' • zu1 9 :01..'• • GAS FIXTURES AND - Ia ti.ell.erss, ;`FOB GAS AND OIL. Just reeelvedinthe finest sad largest assortment ever opened la thlereltv. WFXD,ON & 10ELLY, 147 WOOD STREET, CON. VI2EiGIN ALLEY. mh24:n22 • HATS AND CAPS. STRAW GOODS! , HATS AND CAPS, , IN GREAT VARIETY, 4 SELLING LOW, AT M'CORD & CO.'S, my 7 in WOOD STREET: MARTDIT LIELLER, XIATS, CAPS AND, FURS, Iso,Manufaeturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in THUNKL, VALISES, Ac.,_ No. 133 SMITH FIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders promptly Ailed and satisfaction guaranteed. GLASS, CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, F ; • SILVER PLATED WARE, PARIAN STATUETTES, 1 8 . 801110110 OUR% CC And r r t r ll: yD FANCY y: e t. 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED & CO uilir 100 WOOD STREET CHARLES REIZENSTEIN, Vla Federal Street, Allegheny. • (Fourth door above Diamond.) Glass, China Ware It Table Cutlery AT,EASTERN PRICES. Everything required la a ant elan store on band. Call and - examine our r00d... - JelOntg WALL PAPER. WALL PAPERS! - For HALLS, PARLORS, CHAMBERS and KITCHENS. In GREAT VARIETY, For sale CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, at N 0.107 Market Street,near Fifth. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. ray 4 . WALL PAPERS ' --1868.' IThedvassed it! bricrtz and akty. :-p,- WAIF A T.T,, Ditx 87 IVbed Stavet, near Fnurth. SEWING zwßuirms. i :; . 0 / 10143 1 ELASTIC Immix 11131 WINO .1111ACKINZII WITH LATE MIWnWI4II4TE. At the Nfir and Elmmt.Bales Rooms " • 51 FIFTH'. STREET. Also , NEEDLIS.LATTACRMENTSmicinint BILKS and COTTON - li, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, U., ie. The eltlzent of Plttsbiu'llb are reelmel. fully Invited to call, I • • , Applicstlons far Agencies solicited.' Circulars - or Lunges by mall on applkstUou. .oorrelipottnenct to be addrelsed to ' ; OROVER , &MAR' M. CO., astifurra slams% FlTTeritoa. THE GPEAT ADIEJEICAN COM! BINA LON; • • - • Butrolr.utotz liVEßsturmo; „ AND Sttifteirti . BEING ABSOLUTELY $ ? rum , BEST YANILy I[ACHINIC : Ile THB WORLD LtAND iNw ='_• _,A . fuNtIJOALLXTHE'OBNAYEST. 14.Agents , inwed Obeli tlds'tlacb4l?e f • • $ • CILAS.‘ , CI. ISALISIMIr.` Asentab, weitani Pentiqlvisals. . Comer YISTEIS AND, MARKET STREET& over; RichaOwn.'s 4r/IBOStAre., , . • 0 /P4:1 64 . Ftn4.oEtt IAND . • 73 ;1Jr,. , . - !•:, - j ; n-. 1 • • • We ete new Pierce. to• tarsi& gad Olt op Wif~lY' Alesurnsw ,og'A e Isiteitandaoat for Autbramtepr lUtumidpoil I u.tre_rr-•_ riety /Judi beat •Irlaufmks : ever re ' 4 . 0 .••• I * - Also, Cooing Ban of inostjlo ,;Iffyfre.lllo.fileir".l,. r tia l ittenionp. ol , pato, ityhorip..ll:Bmt-! 33. S. KOLultikilltiC7Chik ,, - / anti 147 WOOD EITREST. DLVE @RAIDING, for Store Win dows,of the different widths, for sale at Nos. sod fft. Cats Stre et. sP lo AT. D. ?WU.LU% =7 l l I.) it ADD LOCK' MTh= OP rHs COMPANY, DRY GOODS. NEW .609DS V'' . - , NEW J. IL lIIIIICHPIIILD A CO. I Have just received from New York, • at No. 52 'St. Clair Street, NEW BLACK COLORED SILKS; PINE APPLE GRENADINES;' .' SILK GRIWADINES; , . , • . ALP.A.CCAft, an colors; . WHITE & COLORED ORGANDIES; FRENCH LAWNSV ' POPLINS, IRISH AND FRENCH; :- CALICOS AND 31CSLINS Witls si fall il seort ... ~ men; of NEW fig o / 31 . • , siriieDienitieithe flue; - '' • -. No. 52 St. Clair Street. Allr RED, WRITE ./47D13T.ATE FRONT. IE3 I:km ms . '3): ' I STREET. 87. G OPENING EEO THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', (Bucceolor to J. M. Burchfield & Co.) SPRING DRY GOODS. . SPRING"DRY GOODS. 8113 PHIL G DRY GOODS. , ', HR. F. respectfully announces that the extensive alterat 4 one to bls' - •'' - • RETAIL . DRY GOODS STORE. Are completed, and his establishment' I, NOW OPEN. He offers an entirely • Nett, Stock of Dry Goods, . . _ F L o l l liZprinf tr it c ! e d s. gommer Wear, at the lowest nib A HBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., "" J " N0.'115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, 149E101.,E5A1,E DRY GOODS AND NOTIO AT LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. myT 168. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW mourn:. BLACK SOULS. HOSIERY and Gr.LOV F. SiDII:7C - ir, 16S. tr . No. \ \ 168 Wylie Street. rap34:n4o) CURE, McCANDLESS Jr. CO., (Late Wilson, Carr & C 0..) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - Foreign and Domestic Dry 94 WOOD STREET. Third door above Diamond alley. PITTt3BUROIL PA. MACHU!" & CARLISLE, _ 19 FIFTH STREET, HATO inn OPe!ned all Shadell of BULLION AND RLSTORI FRINGES. 81:natE GIMPS AED FRINGES, At very low prices. MERCHANT TAILORS. p . McARDLE, aszat So. 933 k HP lELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, Keeps eons tly on land tine astortweirt of, PITHS, ASSIMERES & VESTINGS Also. GENT, CLOTHING TURNISERNO GOODS. GENT'S • E TO ORDER, the latest et le. JUST RIVED, - RINCE IMPERIAL, 13.T.SMA.11K, T STYLE op'. BOYS' SUITS. • ' GRAY ac. LOGAN, Ero. 41ST. CLAIR STREET. THE THE LAT , METER TAILOR. 1FF4,141c1 I T I .78 SMITHFIELD STAZET, Pittstrurip, .04?tiita!417 p 4 n hado, a fall assortment of CLOTHS. - 5403:0136 = DlUFE'dr• CO. I llerchaat Tailors, No. St; , Alleghezly, • EtasOjnit ?Swivel; a Isrge:44 SsoltsOlooted stock of FINE • GOODS. ;; Iktltstilefor *nisi oho customs trade. AWN.* big* stook of GENT.It FI7 . ItNISHING tiOODS. !Wilt HUSATESS CHANGES. ) - . The ninfersigisedoliinr•iisoanted :with hint In ilwOuelies• ,detlnilVionk 1568 ,, FEED.% WALL. hisson AMA, Ql.X.Lopts LOUIS XNVILTRt. 'The - sty.l6 of %So dna to•bis jr sairazatilE co/t ?.r. , J.' oit'll:sm. ItelD :Ting to the aboye. - the undersigned e ilin#Oreirf ihir theisilll the; .• tOOK ! NG " -011ifit i: ' /N 11 .!PIVIVIlit'B11811088, • • AtlieWnocl stnie4 - 4/herti they •Itisttid to offer In- Oioslments IP•lo:Tobasereorsol so-nir.house In Ito uptio . sl patales..• - • - ' - • :Pet 4.A.Ruostlx 11127. • ' lyssotvrioar - _ -:. Eirutz, OF ATAYS tii LIM IS - INA ,rss,4lsiblrgsdlti the, s offebruiry4l.444, ivy Isamu 'eonsens... • tber Pliftner WI SP the Mae 01;! Ist Moment. J L .• • ~, .. ••• ~2. i....-. .. ra .!_•f .1 1 , .... 1: - , '.n • ' •'' •; .; • ..• , . :•/ LI i'l -41 1 •EN..*• •. • • '.' ,• . • *44:1 ' 36 / 1 11 + 11512.4 eVit a r ti tlies e sli l i til""M aietsle of LATNIZLL AIM .at t soar No. 4 13ecosid, street. A. sontanistioe, Af, 3 istroasse of their • tr4sOil *Ad tile 431014 isx4laite nirtlelta it ~, -1 stkArasB 1,47: - .. ,. .. i;it , .'; p... A., 44,.. VIM.- • •, j 4 o ll leParlivillNGlff &Cal 410 stt. V W.V A1 1 4 141 , 1 )11 1 1 87 AIVAIII I / 4 ** Nl* MO , . /OAT STEEET, .PITTEWTIEGUA ILANDIPACTOIIII9,II 0s Oi%ler . DMllled Pare Me Whlskqe ALIN & alas la YOSICION W 11023 and laar. IBM. SO. 1 , '''4 .7 7' s t"..`-',' ,,,, T1:V1.F.:4, ':•4 7. ',%•,:" .X.1.7.,:vtt,::07., . -, c;7 7- v ,,, , ^ 7.:, ,, C ,7 ;:',...tn^ - " . ..0 , 1"..7.,1.,..., . _., i ~„.„..t . . ,` ~,,,........s „. 714,-W..47:lZllMrailafeissiOie...,;ll-4a4,,-.9,44l*,'''lMicV,-,X4n .Y . 1-li7 Axar f4 Ai*:::4 : ka -5. 1:....W 1,' , ,.!.: - .- . .: -- -7,Tra" -- -- ' i - • ' --,----'- ' 44--24*- 04 0- 41 - 4*Atia4kAt4T,'",tVilirl',.' - .•:::4 • 4:nWi-tw;i7-41 , 11' "• .- 1 1 - . ' ‘4,•4‘,...pue--" ---11 . 1r - 47 -Al/....zz . 5,1 - . 3.17.V4,-tppro.xwS-k,I, Nonoft. 1100 PCSI.:,A/VI4 I 4ON. , IMINGES, 4. Ristori Fringe, Sewing Silk Fringe, - TN ALL COLORS AND SHADES. PARASOLS!' FRINGED, BEADED, SATIN AND PLAIN. GL VES, IN SILK, LISLE AND COTTON. 4 HOSIERY, FOR ' GENTS, LADIES AND CHILDREN. PAPER COLLARS & CUFFS, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. LADIES , VEDErtGAISMENTS.—ibEEM ISE, DRAWERS, GOWNS AND WAISTS.' ' if HOOP SKIRTS, IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. OUR Wank: GOODS DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. Fine assortment of DOTTED NETS, GRENADINE, TISSUE, ETC. IVeu, Goods Arriving Daily. • ILLClttriel CLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street.. ?ore: LACE CURTAINS, 3:•rtmists rgrc:oc:o3:)1€1, AT BATES jEyFIT AT 4'S. mr:TTEI&T GEARED OPENING! OF .i A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 07, . . !E l .i TR A W GOOD , S, Such as BONNETS. HATS, CORDS and TASSELS, OBITAMENT.S, &c. ,Ribbons, of all descriptions; ALSO, a faU Hite or apll sErwrs, HANDKERCHIEFS, /LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, CUP, WHOLESALE AND SETAILf AUX)STEENRART & CO'S PHILADELPHIA EYOORNM, TA.11.013,, pparzer FIICTING Kill GLOVE DEUR Which Is now complete with every color an • shade. In additkm to onr own special importation of the Celebrated VO:C. (lenda) RIDS, We have steered the exclusive sale of. he 4 /11aVidi SetaMloBB r Kldsa g , The bout Glove and moat perfect et spa. MACAW' & CARLISLE, , . 10 ,11"ifth- Street, Now oger,tbasnoaketegant, line of int adatErell3 • " - Wier iachvi4eikaitii r , invite , the attention , et heir' customers.. e algae are , nearly all- new . and original,anet about ONE'vnrili LE 88 1 11 ". z I. EGW‘" riticEB* • Butt Ons, and: -'! -44.187. OPEN/D.lli xikirgiivs; _ ~• .1; 1.11(c•C: • DYER -AND :SCOURER, -- . .• . i . *roe Cri.;krit'isTritlE r ri Aid Nos,:lnanl7lB7lThbiareetp,''', FAQ ' A: BAxantowe immure AND snip, in WrleL sad half barrels, at WATT, LANG I CO., Rya UN sod WWI Wood Meet, Plttsbargb. NEW GOODS ! Flowers, Bonnet and Hat Frames; Crapes, Illusions; Silks and Satins; Velvets - and Laces; Parasols, Sun Umb White Goods, Embroideries Hosiery and Gloves; French Woven Co 4n120 R0. 48 MARK ET STREET. I KID GLOVES. "A.A. C C.",--=:`H. K." We invite attention to our rahonins h. aisazzsul,- 19 FIFTH STEIZET. IMMO TT ,s. il ! ID DISTRICT. COL LECToit!S NOTICE • OFFICE Cotaxeron casf irranivat, Rzvewri..l Twenty-third Collection Dist. of Pa., i N o. gy Wat e r tat.. Allegheny Easy, 1 t __ i I May et , Igo& 'NOTICE IS HEREBY: ItirrEzi that the Ann ti Lists of SPECIAL TAxis, formerly termed B CESSES, and of- the , Taies . on INCOMES, CAI BIASES, WATCHES, , BOVE'S. PLATE, ae,, si now in this 'office, where pFtyraentWill be receivi th..treem by the Collector t>n and after the 20th i May, 111169,:, Thcse tales I , lfting be:Come due, mik be paid bifore the 15th di Of dune. 1865, oth4 wise ,additional expensesifwill be lucarred by ti taxpayer. 1 • E. BUFFINGTON,Esq.iDeputy Collett* r for t 01311 k, of Armettong;, and EDWIHI.TON, Est Deputy Collectorfor - tile County of Butler, win ready to receive after thtilSiOth Inst. for their tneittie coenttes, niurniq Post notices designati the tines and, places witergiaml When. they will prepared to receive the t ags colleCtable by the To -accommodati texpay4ra in the vicinity of t places in Allegheny county designated as folio 1 Deputy Collector SANDEIL' BAIRD, Esq.. w i c attend atthoae places to i eive the taxes, on t :days naMed. between illel ours of 9 o'clock a. and 3 o'clock p. N. of said; ays, viz: At Tareiatuin, on FridnY o l May 251 d, at Brown 'Shadle , s Hotel; . ' ' :I - , , z _ At Sewickley; on Tuesdati Mar 26tb, at Gast° Store.' At Bakerstown, on .Tbinaday, May 28th, White's Hotel. I I i" Ts- razes" payable only In I . 3reenbaCks or Nation' Currency. . Office hours from 0 A. M. i 0 3 P. JOHN I M. ISIULIJVAN. m79:09 I ; Collector 4 ISEer.faI3LISEILD 1849.....T1i I t AILGEST IQ 4111881C.1 NORTH AIkEILICAIi . . Lightning Rod Manufacto BRASS 11 . 4111TDRY ~;26 IRON. GALVANIZING WORIE, 30;000 FRET IS:LANTIACYTIIF.EIi DAILY , . . THE CELEBRATED SAR GALVANIZED , • ••• . . Tatar" G ROD Manufactured at these works, and sold to all pa of the continent, are admitted to be superior to a Lightning Rod in use. Grh'at inducements ore to peddlers and all persecipbrylng' at finewholesall Also, Platina Points, <Mall kinds and pattern together with Insulators, fastenings, Copper am Iron Connection Burly Brutes. rite. Samples, Paw, phletd and Circulars sent flee. REYBURN, IaMM & CO Nos. 488 and 49p St John St, pri.anmiPrnA. ar10:03-d &F N OTICE TO owpacus OF DRAYS,-HORS &c • 4 Notice is hereby given it) all owners of Drays; Carts, Carriages, Buggies, whether resident cia non-resident in the City et-Pittsburgh, to pay the/ Licenses at the Treasiire4ls Office ,of the City Pittsburgh FORTHIVITHiOn accordance with a Act of Assembly; approvedliarch 30th; 1860, an and an Ordinance of thoiCounclis of the City Pittsburgh, passed April lb, 1860. AU Licenses not paid on 4,r before MAT 15, 186 will be placed in the bawls of the Chief of Polinl for. collection; subject to nit fee of 50 cents for thl, collection thereof, and alli,Versorts who neglect cri refute to take out Llcenseslivill be subject to ape to- be' recovered before the Mayor, double t amount of the License. - • The old metal plates of preYlous year/ must be r - turned at the time Licendes are taken out, or p 35 cents therefor. ' ,HATES OF r.ICENSEr Each One Horse Vehicle, i - $ 7 50 Fach Two Horse" 1.51 00 Foch Four Horse "a ; 15 00 Each Two Horse Hack.. • ' 15 001 Omnibuses and Timber; ;Wheels drawn by Tw'a Horses,, Eighteen Dollanji each. For' each aAdfl Banal Horse' used in any cif the aboye vehicles, Otil Dollar. SAMUEL ALLINDER, I City Treasurer. Yrrrasuscia:. February ft. 1838 . 141114 DEN . GROVE. - • - - LINDEN - GROVE h a t ingbeen fitted up in thl most superb style, with Varge and elegant Platc form, beautifully shaded, large Dining Room an 4, two excellent bars. Is nab ready to rent to PIC% ' NICE PARMIES,'SIINDAY SCHOOL CELEBRAO - TIONS, &c., on the most Reasonable terms. Parties holdiug Picnic/4Am., will find it to thelA C. advantage to secure the Grove. The Grove' Is easily acdessible, being but a fei-:%. steps front the Oakland Railway - Station, whose run regularly every iliteedMinutes. ta, Sir For terms, &c., apply at-the OFFICE- OF , THE - Co ht/IDPaI OAICLANDri'ATION. , - • EOM 113 ~' ~~ MO GLASS: MANIJ: FACTURERS.4 i_ The Undersigned having secured the sole Agentl. cy for the , sale of the celebrated _. ei - • - - COPLEY P r CLAY; ' .' Are now-prapared to fUrti eh it ' in atirquantity 1 those wishing in p rocure t is superior , article. Ml*. ring fifteen years use of itlils Clan, we hare arriver.i at Poch proportions as we 3belleye makes it a bette.t. , article for pots than any _in the •markeL we having secured an moorage , standiat six, MIGHT and T , MONTHS. We will - lbrnisb recelyphe propori, tion of the mixture af thit Clay toPeon s purcmis‘ , log. ,The Clay is ground Sad mo ed .7,11 lumps for c l. • delivery. , - • . 11 DITYIRIDGE• k SON, ~. Port Pitt OIaSS Works, R ninon Street; Pittsburgh. Pa. t. T'PRIBIURGH PAPERPAPER STANIk ii q, PPAOTOBIZIG.coIipANTi ,Manufacturers of PRINTING ANDINFIA' PPING PAPERSta , -CLINTON MILL - 43TABENVILTA:,' Offio. FA BBIGLITON ki.U.Ititiv,BRIG LII WARESOI3TON, PA. mum - AND g .Bg, 'ZS_ - : • ' 'il ' .g 1 %.82 TWA streot, PitOilnugh PLO „ aruipis-AtrousT ARTJEj President. ri ,1: : 1 ~ i , J.NO. , B. LMNGSTO.N.:Treasurer. SAMUEL IDLE,. 13eCretary. ~...„1 Dtitteroni—magret 11100 e. Jc4in. Atwell, EL t , 41 . Harunan,,lohn B. ngton.. • .. . . • Cash - paid• for Paper Stock:— '. ' ' jialicogg ri ,_ Waal ~. AtAlitiltOOD:,,U I W LOSTiI 110Wi; E i ,RESTORED!_J aatpubbithecttn /sated enterk, ,, ops. Pricy; ex centa. -- ;' , A 'LECTURE. ON TH % NATURAL 'TREATMENT - and , Ratileal Cure et .tvermatorrhant, 'ar,SomilliteWeakuess; involuntarn Emissions, Sexual Debility and Impedimenta to litar, rine generalln_Neryousneas, Consuniption, Epl-&',„ lepsy and •Fiter erentararie Physilial Incapacity, rel sultinn from Beir.A.buse. 44... try; liont. J. Culvert , Veil. M. Di i _author. ottha 4 'Green Boot" &o. "A k ? • BOON ToonnwsArwrilptr-SUFFEHERS," senl/47: Ender seal, inn plaineureiopeiln any address. post..„. ;.. f er Ata.Vll,J.,_. ° lcL l MP' B .l'S.l,7°Artganal NEW YORK‘..runTOPillOW.v.. 4586. Also Dr. tz„ . . -, Colvernell's.t.ldarriav)Raide," price WI Cent , * - IllySeD&Wr :. _ . lEmtg . % __ ... kl Olllll-19 P C__,K •-' I . , , , eistal Hair ? -,' :THAI* WesclD MUMMER. No. 133 ' - ' i,l_3 irdrtreit. near Bmlt Md., klUaburgb. -4 Always on bandl, a • rat amortmenj• of Ladles , ~,.,* WIGS. Maim*. CU L 8 Gantlemeate•WlGS, To. if•l4 .1.14. A, WI CHAINS., ORACELETS. P k ,* Linib it good rr ea crab w 11; be given tor ell' add eartlimabilt; Hair CMltlng done I . ''/ i R I then!itest manner. :; • il .. • ~, , mh2 :o l •A MEN -+1 IEO FlSilleitlMEN—Lk-, BErsts EiStiSEISEIW-Ilnive jost're...l cc ved th. g Selna-si alleOrnpleto, with bobs. .14 goats amt./duke si, 115 /110, t 0 and 507 ds days t", 4 4t. length:ond' ineh mesti, and. will receive In a new days r 150 and 70 yard 13cInts., Pasties ivishlng Seines had Zr better cailion,, so as roaceure any, they may need, forte is dimwit - to icor For made , unless ordered early tidetviater. r Porlaala by , - JAM7153'150W5,7135*00d street • syderupl 1,1 - . 7. , ~A :ICEk ...„ 1 - .9C0 , 1') ilqt:Ct -, ' ' 1%('!: p. / .106! ICE - - .. FWE hltEll§l,,lce ',ester, kiS a,..,,. ' ' - ,-„..,....., . .... NII6,IIS•DIANI•SajiiiILIATi Illitiebeergle.-iA t.,...,r 11 6iffitYll,itr rOjdititehM i l:4 3 iVl d StregtEvidge will re. IN tiieVe 7l4,l leirbetryi ,, ki - 1'.4171,r,1",-7-,,,-4g1,410, A , It U 9.1 aril attleeptlitrayil ng _stock La: " ' /Walk 'II net. J eas, Baske r - f-i„ ,8111 A'4o7. lowers °Li* Vi.sercittlsitooetuld.ete assort- 4la , ~. .01mliveris nausorin i Anti 7 u: r t. The la r i: t ,,, # I -1 - 4N, : 11 , 1 1 1 : t .5 ... 11,7tTl=ificgri,S,F4 '1,(4 'lec:F. go t r iTh • .T.l- ••!,-0:4;1 - 7. - tia ; --- 4, nt f - ro :40/4 "re" ' W. ~; .•, I +---- - .. 4 - 1 - , . ... . . ...44 . POLES.. 6,Lt , $ - -Mire jest ,recelved direct from tr.0.„1 . , the cane rakes in the South.- 7,000 goperlor Cane t..., Poles, which 1 rrlll sell acill vary law figure. These ..0.,„ , poles are et green. out =ls winter and In first rate ‘. - . order.. call and examl,t once. 'For sale bY - IMO BO ari7:2vr 0 1110 W t. 00d stree • MS. MM!S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers