The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 02, 1868, Image 1
\o# --1 • • 1 1 1.0 ' • • . \X' \ I . 1 • % f r•t -P 4 , . e a'. • • • • rpreji ) , I 4 - • - . • v• • . r.- \ , 40011 t „ rt - • : • . • . 3? ) • • __„. EMEZZ BE TOLUIViE LXXXIII. FIRST NIL I. W.'S 04 Iriva otollaht OC•14.1 t M. FORTIETH CONGRESS.. Senate Passes a Resolution ,of Thanks to Secretary Stantotk-- Arkansas nin Passed--Tax Bill Considered in the House. QBq Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] WAsErrictiToN, June 1, 1863. SENATE. Mr. SHERMAN presented a resolution .of the Leicsiature of Ohio, denunciatory of the efforts alleged to have been made to in . , finence or intimidate memberanf the l im- Teachment .court. As the resolution came from a Democratic Legislature, which evi dently desired himself and colleague to - vote against' Otmviction, he supposed they were the only Senators intent/ode' He moved its reference, to •a select committee to ascertain whetherieither had been tam ,l„pered•with_ _„,,,, - - -,, _,•• ... • -- iIfriEDMERW&S'-tesolhtion-of thanks to , ex-Secretary Stanton was called up and op ' posed b Mr. Hendricks as. being, in its present_ahape;anerely:partizan. _ After a long discussion on an amendment nffered by Mr. Henderson, voting thanksto Cider Sastieechase for his conduct during the impeachment trial, it was rejected-11 against 30;=Messrs. Ross, Henderson, and - 43 ht Democrats, voting in the affirmative. essrs. Sherman, Minton and !Williams then condemned the amendmiCit as being `in /bad taste and dragging in the name .of the Chief Justice without relevance to *the matter ender discussion. Mr. FOWLER said be would vote against. . tthe-' resolution because , one ..I)ortn".it ••ixiideuttied.hitiown action,: -: ••• "The resolution was agreed to-37 against • The, billfor the admission of Arkansas ,*ras taken up and discussed by Messrs. Drakeand Johnson. modified his amendment so alto • provide simtly that Arkansas shall be admitted on condition that no denial or • abridgement of the right of suffrage or any .other right Shall be' enacted:by • said State , on account of cape orcolor, except Indians not taxed. Mr. DRAKE supported his amendment. - . -Mr. JOHNSON spoke in opposition to all unconstitutional and degrading conditions upon the admission of States. Mr. MORTON opposed the iunendment. 'The theory of the •Senator from Missouri, if carried into effect, would iiestroy the _government itself.. It was st dangerous in. novation, and he should vote against it. Mr. FOWLER opposed the imposition of any condition. Mr. HOWE, after some remarks, moved to recommit the but with instructions to • provide for a provisional organization of State Government and the immediate ad.: zdealon bf Senators and Representativeato -Congress on the footing of delegates, sucli` State affairs to continue until after the ado tion of the fourteenth article by the . .YA b stcp - porl ed pe House Some colloquy occurred between Messrs. Doolittle, Trumbull and Pomero:v, the lot:ital... endeavoring to show • that the speeches ofthe two latter were inconsist ent with and opposed to several provisioqs -of; the new Constitution relating to the 'eQuality of the two races. Mr. HOWE'S amendment was rejected without a division. • _ Mr. FREYLINGHTTYSEN offered an amendment to Mr. Drake's, which the lat ter accepted, that no person except Indians not taxed shall ever be denied the elec tive franchise or any other right on account -of race or color. Mr. HENDERSON offered an amend. meat, providing that no distinction can be' made merely on account of race or.color, but that a State may prescribe an educa tional qualification and provide separate :schools for the two _races. Rejected-5 to 30. Mr. DRAKE'S amendment, as modified : by Mr. Frelinghuysen, was then agreed to. Mr: lIENDRIOKB offered an simendige4 -as a substitute for the bill, in the form :of -declaration that Arkansas having complhaj with the reconstruction laws, is entitledi4o readmission. Rejected—ls to 26. Mr. FERRY renewed his amendment to strike out all conditions, which was - also irjected--18 to 22. ..-The bill then passed-34 to; Nays— :Messrs. Bayd, Backalow t 'Doolittle, Von - dricks. M'C reery, Patterson, (Tekin.)Satils bury and Vickers. At 7.05 adjourned.- HOUSE OF RKPRESENTA , A , large number 4: ol `'Petittolor ;111!inted; including iseveral'frem - Pliffitrurg , representing the depressed - crouditiosi of- 'trade. Referred. ••.• Bills and resolutions were introduced for reference, as f0110w5::4,.4/1 - ,T cer: For the protection of °Moore a$ stiOnta •of the ' Government end for the better de.: • tense 'of the Treasury egainst Unlawful 'Claimants.' ' Authorizingthe construct nor a railxviiit -and telegraph from Vireshinzin ve :Isuidbjrlll6 - iteresk MAW n . • , Instructhig the Secretary War to pin oure the services of Mesons. Bingham and Butler to conduct the •prineoution against Resolutions of the Ohio • Legislature pro -toting against the efforts to tamper with ineMbers of the Impeachment Court. For 'the construction of a railroad to the "Natiomd Cemetery in West:Tennessee. • TO provide for specific duties on imported copper ore and- regulate the making 'or „granta-of lands-lbr the extension PO IsekeinidLeke.Sfarticir Ship °Mal. Authorizlig the f nt proprietors on the Meruxunee Ver to have surveyed and en tered the waste lands of that river. • To relieve sonie,twenty-five citizens of - Mississippi from political disabilities. • To establish, under the 'direction of the .Secretary of State, agencies in Great S ifieruunty,,wetieni and Norway, • the •promotion of emigration' to the Vatt SW,.• Gratitirig lands in aid of the Construction • of .a railroad and telegraph line from Kim ' foal° Albuquerke end SantaFe: .- To amend the isteamsnip passenger act ? ; 4 . To repeal the act abolishing the °nide 'or Commissioner of Public Buildings. Additional to aqt of 4804 Air 4lie punish ment of certain (mulles isgalfust Vie United MORO offered s reeolution rela ors 'ot tiVe ittt the moo= bathe isispilsal,xecently oe4V sailed by Miss Plunks Ream now ordered Iki betiocupiod' as * timed .rocitn",' and roit- Ing Si letter front thathlz declaring titiEte. 4 4 141ther1ngilei of pop In would = , 4 • atm ts o Islit'irfrork, and -theimbilvdireeting ,the imspeullon of /AC, saaviklivof the resolution of the 29th of oninnunttiessitjecti 1 COBB 'the resolution .; tY' Dif ? ,,ticed a remain -11. . t. I f fi~fJ. -- ': '. ~. .~Y .71 tion instructing the Military' Conunittee to enter into negotiations with the ladiei of Mount 'Vernon' Association for th e purchase of the Key of the French ,Bastilii, for use in the new prison now being fitted up in the capital— „ Mr. , STIIVt6NS;a Pennsylvania, object ed and the resolution was not received. Mr. WILSON, of Ohio, offered a resolu tion:to allow •nevrapspers to', be. re mailed within twenty days after publication. Re ferred. ' • Mr.. ItECK.nffere d sresolutionnskingthe 'Secretaryr isf War for inforination relative to this arrest and imprisonment of Wm. D. :and• other citizens of Columbus, Ociorgia;bj , the military authorities. Mr. KELLY objected and the resolution Went over. , Mr.:.'ARNELL offered a resolution in quiring into the facts connected with' the recent:murder of two ex-Federal soldier* Henry. Fitzpatrick and Mr... Lincoln, in Maury county, Tennessee. Adopted. Mr. KIRR offered a resolution instruct ing the Judiciary COmmitteetoinivire into the expediency of prohibiting - by law mem bers and Senators from appearing as coun sel before any Committee of wither House, or anytoart irk.tnte. District of Columbia in matters in which they may haire to act as. legislators. Referred.. - Mr. JULIAN offered • a • resolution calling on the President for infOrmation alto the lands of the Osage Indians: l. Adopted. Mr. HOLMAN offered a resolution de claring that in the judgment of the House the bonds and. other securities of the Uni ted States ought to be taxed for national purposes, in an amount substantially equal to the average tax imposed on property, iu the several States for local purpose*. in such manner as may substantially equal taxation, the tax to be deducted from cou pons as thoz : becotneclue,and directing the Conamitteectice:ye and Meaes•to report a bill for that purpose. Mr. STEVENS, Pa., asked Mr. Holman to modify his resolution so as to instruct thlitonarattectlif Ways and Means to in 'gulf& into . the propriety of doing this. Mr. HOLMAN declined this. r The previous question was not seconded, and the morning hour having expired the resolution went over until next Monday. A resolution - offered by Mr. Eldridge last Monday, insisting on the right of citizens to be protected from unreasonable search and seizure of their private papers, and on which he had. moved to suspend the rules, . came up. The House refused to suspend the rules -29 to 95, and the resolution was not re ceived. . Mr. SCHENCK moved that after to-day the House take a recess each day from 4:30 to 7:30. Agreed to. The House went into Committee of the Whole and took up the Tax bill: Mr. SCHENCK made a speech in expla nation thmeof, dutiug width be intimated the Committee of Ways and-Means was willing the tax on whiskey should be re duced-t 0•76 cents per gallon. .1.1. t. SCHENCK gave the following as the total anticipated revenue for the next fiscal year: CustbMs, $165,000,000; internal rev enue, $210,560,000; publio $1,000,000; miscellaneous, $30,000,000. Total, $406,- 560,000., Supposing no increase of receipts from distilled spirits and tobab' co over the receipts for the fiscal • 'year (hiding June 30th, 18t37, the above est .. ate would * be red - The estimate:at axpeti • e • fiscal year, before submitiod, •..• ; Balance to 'ltecount bVir&plOisi nue, $28,239,871. Schinckx went lop` tiistgy that ineludifig the - boratttes, including si p r ~ propriations yet to be made, or likely to be' made, including all probable expendi tures of the, government,' be .had ar rived at the conclusion that if this' bill becomes a law, and if the revenue derived under it from whiskey , should amount to A 570,000,000, the receipts of 'the government for the year would exceed by 043,000,000 all 'needed expenditures. - The government would be able tp pay bounties, to pay interest on the priblie debt, and to _pay all other expenses, and come out with that surplus at the end of the year. . . Mr. KELLEY spoke in favor of a reduc tion of the tax on whisky to fifty or • even forty cents. ~ The Committee rose and Mt. POLAND, from Special Cotrimittee on the subject, re forted that Mr. Washburn had withdrawn, aft - charges ligalrist Mr. Do hnelly. DOELLY. called „the attention of 't N7S he House to this fact, 6, Whenhfr; POLATtro t interrupted him, saying he bad not expect ed'eriyi • depato, and (after, stilhe disonssion Objected to' hie - proceeding 'further. The report was_then- ordered to beprinted and recommitted, and the House adjourned. ME [Bl,Tele;raph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.: ' :16.11i71 1 / 4 - 4 i•ltilitlCAS—GeOrge Judkin, of Philadelphia,. ,moved the P.tesbyteries ,re atylo fti recite the l sh es orita r te t c i trism ini of !L y e dbitiftkittid tbiit stich be a on pre- equialte for ki ilitcomi , mpitinaries._ T abled l for ; fiz., .Aetw .., ~ ~... .....-, affiel — were , reported fOi aelegates to corresponding ecclesiastical • lxidles. The election occurs to _ , ~ ,:, - Tinotion to _postpone until another year vedftri 4 .., 0 . , _,t grojesnor, to the _ vacant chair o'Behtinary Wait twit® rejected by 10:401.0f toBs and 90 to 93. , - The appeal of Rev. Al e x , ,Cewan, of Ken-. iticky;frthiel-rhi'aebisithi-or the Ohio Pres. byta.ry c is bclug,beard by,the .Assembly•as a court of last resort. The appellant had llama No ilkitlitthelissertions made in the deolarappri and testimony signed by him. lie claims , the right to be first tried by the infeticl.. of .. , 114 /kW tblialls that the Assembly had no right to takl,the action it did in 'Nil and VW, in, rpference to the rek• ibellionros ift 'ikitititati. ;blast to which the declaration, &e., was issued. , 1. , ,, .. ME Death' of-Exi•Presidetti Biabanan. (By Tclemplk.4449 pteinren Gazette.) T"Mien*Lirtitti , june BUcleinap,, who died this morning pnemrio.' nia, at Wheatland, had Uwe ill for 'Softie months, but was getting until the recent 'damp spe dUelitts 'a , relapse.. Even yesterday his - Oral had - hopes of his recuperationft debit fill* he began to sink rapi dly o and exhibit thelloymptoms of early lution. ..ench of his relatives and friella efOtoeWd summoned„ were with him in his last moments. He prayed ancLtoolt>tbethutrunidt at Mx o'clock this morning , . "God bless my country," .were the words , last expressed by him, Ind they, were repeated several times in a whiaPer. One of WO)te* regutniewas that ex•Presi drilitii VreloP Pi s 1;". re ind President John son be invited to attend his funeral. ' fuueral t will ,take place at Wheatland on Thessdriy.' . r.aatliquake Riot C My Telegraph tsVaiei • SAN FRANcisco, June L— filmi c ! UM)I an Mulkiwtte felt atiiiimies-. beat It wits • not felt at all at San Francisoo, 0r9 , 0112(t!W coast, but very severe in the State rove& ahqtrbeteilthedinli to - ZOO:heat - Go prinol-.' a pe seat of disturbance. Four heavzsliediM were felt at Fort Churchill and virdblia,l City,:but tiOtaamOlwasAlobstat the LOW" place except some large buildings madikea• . I verYlP4Y:!Miffed to get• out of doom The PleVelblifililtiage gdatt.xrete AO*: mo pod. and-t howerkrneVhtligitrve h aned. 4 ` • " e' :7 7,1 U =EI - w iktn enefali Z 6: EU) Ansieta/. MEI t I I.:, e,..1 SEE •PITTSTII(xI; TIT ESD44(TN*r2,. 1868. SECOND EIIITIOL POrral 43 9 CIACJEC A. • M. BEAVER COUNTY. Republitan County Conveutism—Nomlna- , Ron for Congress—County Popular Vote System Adopted—Ghat, Colfax and the Chicago Platform, ac„ r9pecial Dispetdt to the PlttstreOgri Gatetie.3 BEAVER, via ROCHESTER, PA ! , JRIIO 1. The Republican County Cenvintion met here tolday, and, was presided over by Sames Patterson, Es q ., of. Beaver M. Weyand was unanimously nominated for Congress. Dr. T..l3lralienbergerand Messrs. S. M. Morgaii and H. Hice were appointed conferees and instructed to nse every honorable means to , securer norni =Mani. ; ! Thomas Nicholson was re-nominated for Assembly; District Attorney, J.R. Harrah; Canittrissioner, Mr.:Scott; Poor House Director, f Tebn Shp*. Auditor,. Wm. Thom a; cOroner, Ny'rn. Barnes; Trustees of the AcadeniY, R. Taken and S. McGaw. The Convention decided by a largo ma jority in favor of the popular vote system of nominating candidates. 11013: M. D. Qaay, Chakinatiotthe Com mittee on Resolutions, reported resolutions endorsing Grant, Colfax and the Chicago platform, , regretting Curtin's deSeet, en- . dorsing impeachment, General - Cameron's course thereon, Gen. Geary, our member of Congress, Senator and Representative in the Legislature, and directing them to• en dorse Senator Lowry's,. -projeot to enlarge tho Erie Canal. The utmost harmony prevailed; and the Republicans of Beaver county will give the lanrest majority ever given in this county for Grant and dolfax. THE CAPITAL. General Schofield Sworn as Sec retary of War —Gen. Stoneman. . His District Com , mender.— ImPeitchment Cor ruption, &c. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. . WASHINGTON, June 1. 1868. THE WAR DEPARTMENT - - --GEN. SCHOFIELD TAKES CH.IIIOE. The oath of office was this morning ad ministered. to General Schofield as Secre tary of War 63 ,- Cider Itunice Chase at the residence of the: latter, atter which Gen. Schofield proCeeded to the Executive Man aloft; com pany with Col. Campbell, of:his stall, and after a short stay, during which his * OD inthlssio% ma handed him by the President, was acoeuipanied by President Johnson end At: Gen. Thomas to the War , darter; taking charge, atitil it • !li_Kot . tidaMal changes lfl oe • nit any of the officers now ondWitl4ll_ War Department. ' Najaf Bath: lioue and.;Capta itinds,,ol RlM• i tttogelirl: staff, will-probably be, gned to t r ty lli Vi the War Department as Aids. /4 x-Geneta),Alrant called t ~O7 after the 'fteiv Secretary, inadf" appeare and paid his relit ipanlso did MAW others; including tifirbeade of the Dureitus of the War Department t General anildthor Member* Of the etaff.ef the 'Gen- j eral-in-Chief, auk other promlnent - army I officers. General Thomas will be absent from Washington for a few days and on his re turn will, it is. understood, resume his offi cial duties as Adjt. Gen. of the army. bosaurzunt, The Inapeacbtrent Slimmers had General Adams before them; and it is said• they - will inquire ,into Collector i Smythe's affairs. A TAMP,'" BILL. IThb Stib.Caruniliteti Of Whys and Means will report a tariff bill to to that Commit tee. to-morrow. It reuse,the entire subject. There Will - We'll° 'reduction, but rather an increase of duties, owing to_the, large reductions in theta: bill. P'/SST DISTRICT CommAnnan. The following ~xeceived by General Scoffeld,frotti the dent: .Executive Aftrnsion.:. ,WasMagion, a'nMC.', Tune let, 1868.-hiskihr Omani John Scofield having:beart.Appolgtid with the adakie.alidatideadifef Secretary for the Departtnentof War, Is ,ixerWr,fll2,4lArttono4 - 01` - tiiir First Military Dbilatd,lifillittid - by, the act of Congreis pawed Meteh 2d, 1101, Major General George Sussman ispereby ztcOdr his Brevet. raiik — of Major General, to thii mainland of the First District, and of the Milt Depaitment of Virginia: -The lrar will please give the necessary Instruelions tcraarry Order, into effect. [Signed.] ANDREW JO HN. In accordance with the above, it general order willpeskrquadgate4. the head.; quarters brthe army tbr the v.,; tsar of ll Corifternelletilidecritissig 1 . General , Stopeman to My in acoordance I erewith.'• • nis aurklrryits. Carpenters are. at work ,puttiq Met a new floor and 'otherwise prepari one of the basement rooms of the t o the .axnutationef.Mr: Moollilyt A - rims. topes. k.J. - 7 '• The bilLititrodueed in the House . by. Mr. Butler to-day allows officers and agent tv of the Government 'to • pietiVite:biir of any. 'action that thee:4l*as adhe - dr 'omitted.; to bedone in the administritiOn Of arc:l4 or Congress, suchplaa thbehcomplete bar to • " • tillQ r PEtILADE --- WIF4. • ' Grand Batilicithm, tdresi,., "--. Alie 4' tla go - 1?" -.$ • Nbmtaationslll One of the' largest ilieethigs tit* wins smith held at Cancert,,,thephijadigtada, gash ed there on - Saturday trt, tp attacilliU, ratification ofthe nor& Cite made by the a/ Itaa Nat West 'Union Urblicen party at Chica- go: Aim , VatrOWded with 4 , 1 ' 'living see la of humanitY, and heittleeda were' . turned away, peabla:avanictiobtain an en.' trance inside the dowse The Fire' Zonave Baal .watt.:ll; *Wendish& and 'disoortrret. setteittreatetie Ms. ~ ~ ' ' it ' " I Cial*ltio Pi* , tide, it Tr - .-. infin-' :ontial 7 illttieititAsere r i f. ' as Vice presidents•midigeeteteries 1 Oh taking the Ast i Ate putsnic Rhatzr oa lrelddenr made a bile!' add part.' 'otic i- a -in ,whioh he Iptilpglied.l the I he , E l re t tt gahrVAallgoll4 raliffirmed the4rin . 1 . 95". Impolud, ijilitice v 4; *wit tis. Ito a 4. 11 4 1 di. 2 Bkoniimo tar tiveliiiititulatte, pirineh 4 t Ittmivaidtttur r, 1B: ''.. n'i '"alle - !hot the sag* • V W' /00 '' : • . 111171144 -Wilt-, ft r mir g - - v. -, le •itTil :tv 6- 1';71, 'ulai .• - FEZ • f i • • fd3{ - • TO. • •-• 4 "lgt , • ..;“! • - • . - • . .. • .- ~ 1 4.' i , lEEE IME ME OE •,; ; . . =shall, tinder god, have anewbirth of,Vre.e dom, and that the' government of the peo pie, by the people, mid for the people, shall net perishl -. '. - the earth I". ~ • - tiorrs - ' . . .-in-Mingbartrrof -Ohiti; was introduCed:,• .reculyedovitt; great enthu siasm, the a . Fence teeming .so ;excited Alutithey . -to their.feet and gare three attiring eh - ' .;‘urrlitintrthe heuse tremble. When quie was finally • restored M. Bingham sal r . Fkalr.crt• 4 Tramp:: 41. inward t o -Api a: d e you here Ibruf: • . .en wthbri Speak toyou on the spot ••hero the Constitution • had its origin; not. .r - the 'Democratic party, not .for the Re'.. blican party, but for the COll- , Whitton 0f,.. ; Ifni= and the 'Union of the r { t Constitutio ' . - The time his uorne when the .Coostitattio Made by the gauntry, and for the exult ; will bir rind .. " hued by,men of every part - in the count . against all corn ere. That . t" nre has been since the morning when-the first gen oft n-- was -fired aiiisdrist the_'Walis of Fort pter, and sent 1 its eciiiouro nd the globe+ Men of ev ry political ; Gelation of the country kn w then, and now frern that time to this that the institutions a the country in t be maint •' . ed; that men must. throw ide-the prejudices of party, and mute for the salvation a the country. Wherever I go, and tipou all occasions; men of all political parties breath from their, lips. words-,that come from their• hearts, in perfect ermscionsness . that-there must be a great grand party of the country.. TIM utternnees of yew chairman are affir nriatiornOf the truth; of what li say.. These words are the words of Washington, of Jackson, and of Lincoln—the men-that made me what we are r and all that we can expect to be hereafter. These are the words of the Union RepubliCan party; of a repub .ftut government by the 'Union of States ) and by which every State and Territory is to be one country from. ocean to ocean.. . The payty of the Union,. of the- Republic 01 Amersca, is the language of that great organization of men, made up of every party in the country, Whig and Republs cunt from the lips of Baptists, Presbytert ans,:Episcopalhuss, ape Methodists, from every religious sect in the land, including• the purest, and the best of the Catholi.m ) all ranying tiostlici—all;:to save a common country, a common Constitution, from ben] • overthrown; a country- that was saved by such sacrifices as nations never saw befo on earth—by the death of 500,000 of the n don's best and noblest that the nation mlg live. As I went to-day over the green hills sur rounding your city, I env thousands with flowers in their hands to strew cower the graves of those who west forth and died, to save the country, and thousands to-day are engaged in this work, thankful that the harvest of death has teased and the nation perpetuated hereafter by that great instru ment in the hands of freemen—the ballot. Your veterans, covered all over with scars,. have - done this, work, and done it well, and they have now restecTirom their labors, It; now remains With yortand me', and all in this land, to go to the ballot-box and see that ne elect a man tried in the fire and not found wanting—a man who led our armies to victory through fbur years "of conflict; and in response to thk nomination confer ed upon him, the great hero, Grant,' Will -not-betray the trust, conferred to hint, will not betray thexcoole,, but carry out ,these , rinoiples. ky n Tin ": ate r tt INF IVI IIt lea ot .or alit_ *- ___ ' and Justice, 'and -. of conatittitkinal yllteirt - - yr and the party of State secersiciii,'. 4 pr, andlresann...l.ltle true, in the of 18101, as in that of 1861, that there siViiityl • of - milted .in ;the land. • tApPlittele4:4) utter these words , distinctly,. The.gosim hifoily of the Men who are birsivd le 'Grunt r et i z ro= to the war an its victiiiip. au .: The' tilde adhay Sir -ft parallel. You ask for 'mot. I will, give it. term When the Mutations oftrik. surrendered- 1 toqtliii ,7 " : . labile when - lha .. emoke.of _conflict and he din` of arms had, =lf ,AMP_:I I I, 4 •' ' ' AO the lllO e, the Net was dr. . • -rphittweiver =were totally disargan zed, vdthOut Om of gnvernment known, to man;- etilLin the Union; \ bat without a vepubli-1. can , ..tbrin - of glifrprinnerii; dillOganitek paintaittittles,lrodk which capital had tied,. pand MAW not-rn until person and; retro, Iphieelluzder the protectisei, roxt 'of e • vle. ~:.," " _, -r, They: .. can pee* said thatamen,- et - .. . .he per had.„„eelhay hattru - their ry, . •:. -r , • 1,i2 i.., , - 'Abe - viler' that , . . - . .f -', - Irighte '' sUi" ,. ibr''' eigit `Odd Irocir .• . '. 1,1, 1 -.. .0. er, and lea fed thae no ::- -.- -or Te - , nor the; United "Matt iiitli ti d o daltersarli bta = ia lY fi ei r:! l : l' " lill4%riattr step ftutheri and declare..., .at . , .13 • t .g q ;•ed in deliiiiceirtherurt o - -, an •t. • t (sue to a._ t e.a#,,,, .tl,4,grii. . ; .)rilel.foreN , ,lrbe • invioltto l _Sbey ir - eitTaltßur . ,r,,sai ti ciiiin tharlrliOditehlititrokentiitisaitth elther to FederilibrlibihratiMidti never again hold any onicapt trait ortiona or Audi t the greatteop3e.thra lic le i thir zeik. Tesentatives, sho l nid givet ..sf l ;4. Ili They d.that,._ tbkediele kncierr o taathe - fourteenth shouidimi_Nrt and parLetof she. ,Constitution of the :United tlitateiolia . - sent to the people for ratificatiort.4**Jk Was ratified ". you - knoiv - i4ll, begs ;with,H.►A i leistsiiidlng tif with distant ton; rat Med by twenty- hree States, tePrei*, seillifiragalb,6o6 of A aria= pebple-by t the great people who stamped the rebellion I lbutw ' fi re and 'the sword" 'and erre& the fruition. , •at waft donebytwenty-threii Miter in twelie months, in 1866 and Ifififtlrethi 180 4 AV zwalkilresiirh l 444 Melt Dentainatier party (atilt calls itself) in Ohio, against the Want the people,Jto go to work mid repeal. the act; declaring it to be unconstitutional to pay thedoWOotrlopiect lit defenegAgtlio nation's life, and that it was constitutional to pay that contracted by robelliOn itself. Imo is Deknocrapy: ' ' '- ' • .:, , ~,, , • Abraham ' 'Llneolni was :. the : frienee.or Ulyssest'S. Grant. 'He lifted him front his . titirablelndtktnhililitiols and Pitt him. at the hainof-the army.. He trusted him un- Itil.thejal4lololof in s Atillgilih•Alojihadheien - -hiii.awkmd ingine feet , great , have) man hove: , ril of Jject relA,re i tara -4'16% .-._ , .. ...------ —.oroilea.,..4.with thoeoloadirogoosomok.litirrtrpted lkt times ,T1174%4 . with .. ..-- OlgivJ ' ti Yor k, W. It ; 'Rrid4/4ild kit . Wi t , and . . triezt -1 .... .15' 7 , r , : 7 1 ~ ~,t p kittl lbran retitled the - tamitaatlaa r 0 :17. ' ind tre r Calla* isoitidolloned all tomes of 1 ,. . . MI- - siOn' - .looking to the til Cot a 7 4111 W 1 /4 0 4441b1 0 0 1 4 7•41 1411 ab anftde . fottreaFina • lkEt re. w er 10110011 ! 'ne 17, 'dad • . Ott hish at.. , . . • ?',i :' ' 'i11144. 1 t 1 4#1 4 11# ''" kW* , 4 7,iltri,,:ii " ' ,4 . r ''S 04:,•••' . 1: , .' ' “r•tla ' 'Wti,4•ei .k.l APE -..r 4 . 0 .* .1 , 4 , ... , . i ..‘,.:' , :14.-..iv , „" ii .. . . • 644'1- Their Letters Accepting Their Nomination and Endorsing the Platform of the Chicago Con- • 'vexation. my Teti/papa to the Pittsburgh 6azetto.l WARM:C(IION, June L—The following is General Grant's reply to the nomination of the Chicago Convention. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 29, 1868. Gem. Joseph It. Hawley. President National Union Republican Conveniion. ' In formally accepting the nomination of the National Union Republican Convention of the 21st of •May, inst., it seems proper that some statement of •mir viewa, beyond the mere - acceptance of the. nomma ion, should be expressed- The pro ceedings of the Convention were marked with wisdoms moderation and patriotism, and , I believe exprem the feelings of the great mass of these who smtained the country through itetriaL I endorse their resolutions. If eieeted to the office of Pres ident of the 'United States, ft. will be my endeavor to administer all the laws in good faith, with economy and with the view of giving peace, quiet and protection everywhere. In trines, tike the present it in. impossible,. or at least eminently improper, to lay down a policy_ to be adhered to right or - wrong through orir administration of four years. New political issues, not foreseen,.are con stantly arising. The _views of tho public on bid ones are constantly changing, and a purely administrative ofllcershould always be left free to execute the will of the-people. I always have respected ,that will, and always shall. Peace andmaiversal prosperity, Ito sequence, with economy of administration, will lighten the burden of taxation, while it constantly reduces the public debt. ' Let ue have peace. With great respect, your obedient servant. U. S. GISANT. REPLY OF MR. COLFAX. Following is the reply of Speaker Col fax to the Committee announcing-his nom ination by the Chicago Convention:. Wasumerros, D. C., May 30, 1868. Hon. J. 1?, Hawley, President of NatiOnai Union Repubheen Convention: DEAR Sin.: The platform adopted by the patriotic Convention over which, you pre sided, and the resolutions which so happily supplement it, so entirely agree with my views as to a just national policy that my thanks are duc to the delegates as much for this clear and auspicious declaration of principles for the nomination with which I have Imo honored, and which I_grate fully accept. When a great reheilion which imperilled the national existence was at last overthrown; the duty of all others de volving on those entursted with the respon sibilitieaof legislation, evidently was tore quire that the revolted States should be ye. admitted in the participation of the Govern ment against which tMy had erred only on such a basis as to, increase and fortify, of maker 141 'ender , — thr strength ,i „,_. --,- - , _,,- your . ,g i: . ~ coidiellx..l;,en cfersed.' Barn :'' ', ThaibullVel4P 6 altkut and by t•enthriefit reedialtbitoceptenyplen of ' reeonafrtictlMV Piontil*a 63 "1.t.,._ ljniabuienit pdblie safety -at last • cow n totted& us that atilybyuri -enbiliretriein "Of Jutffrage in 'those:States - could the desired end be attained, and that it was even more PAtek to g4ve the bellot to those who. loved the Union than tn tbcee who hadeolght'in offecirutlly to destroy ,IL ',The assured suc cess of this legialajlnals 'beln written on the ada*ant,of Mattel , and w ill r be our tri-,. • tuniniane vinclicatroa. More 'clearly, too;' than ever' bane -does -the nation now recognize - that' the •. greatest`,,glory otra , - republic • is ' that lit throws - the , shield, of, its protection over,.: tie) hum blest and weakest of its people and vindi catestherighta of.the poor and the power-, aok.faithfully as those , of the rich and the, .poWerfill: I jukjince, too, in thliconneation, to find in:your platfbrm the and fear less avowal that naturalized citizens_ must beiprotected -abroad at every hazard - es theughthey were native born. Our whole people: :are ; foreigners,or descendanta or foreigners, Our (atkerj_ eatublished_by. arms their ~ right to be - called a nation. It `" remains . for _di to ea: .leblistt..-thg.z,-risti4 . _, 'tufa welcome to our 1 shores all, .who . are willing by, oaths 'Of , allegiance to become. American citizens. . Prpetual 'allegiance, as clabied abroad, Is i enlyunother name for perpetual bondage, sad would ',Make,' all slaves' to the soil where . first' they law tbiLlielt i Spr nt. i tioted cemeterie s ',proie hew faithfully beseoaths of fidelity to the adopted land • rt• : Ig4SiiUdeitin. the life-M ood of thou. t%sittids ' upon ' ,- thonsaidiC- - Mould we net-then ' , .b° , l fhithleas 'to the • dead if we did . 'notl protect - their Ilvlng • brethren: - , ~ the MI enjoymertt -of- Atikk nitelaruktitylin: which side by stile Irltti th e native • loorf, our , soldiers - of 'far down their Byes. , It . was ~ ~, Chid; that On'tiopresentatives of a ; ,•• . 41 'which bad lueVid - so tree to natiotict • .."' , Itrtitfie l &t; ehintle aoolearly , eitt fbr t W ft,Weinum,..un. terrnalini,'of tbefftdi ' , honer; national 'credit and good' 'mod - I:s its 'debt,. • .fti e -0•01--of - mar -natiousl• existence. de .: not ceadoite.:{extend this reply i bi.,..14#401; ..runiutunit , on Ta platform Which has (Malted ,such:. bearty approval; throughout tioniiik-orhe debt of grata de it-) acknowledges t43 4 lhe brave men who' streed,,the,:thodlit - i:Atork. ;destruction 'the frank aPPalati Of slassitV- hosed :A re , pentane° *elf lo • ,the dm for VIP most rittliteeoriem ..*ldlhonisty in the goV eMMOnt; the • .. ~ by of the ptrty -*nib." arty with 'all 'th .',. nit the world who long for the llberti we, here enjoy, and the recognition of the sublime principles of the' Declaration of Independence are worthy of :that orgsminetinik4dn . whose banners they~ are to be written blithe coming contest. Its' peat record connotrbe blotted out or forgot ;tett., .., If i there hid .been Ito ; Republi=l panparty,eleveri would to-day cast its ban°, tot shadow, over the Republic:. ; If 'there' hall. been no Republlhin party, a free andlree speech would be as unknown from the Potomac to ' the Rio Grand as ten years two. If: the Republhiattliarty -eduld. • hese been stricken from existence when the ban ner of Rebelliop was nnfuled, and when the mmtpooafto i tiepoosrcion' was heard rit the .North,,we wonldhavehad no nation to-day. But 4)r the Aepoblicaa party, darhigito risk the cmlltun . of lax end; draft laws, our.beg obeld'UoVheire beenhept fi l y n iziii the field . etiairthe: long loped for,vic tory -eetniti Without . ia k' Republican ; the Civil Itights l bill,'"the' guarantee:- of Equably, tender 'the -- , law, to . the , ' hrutibler"Und ` the'. defenceless...;as ' - well ' ~ .as-, to tt:lh. I atecatig Atouldmot be today upon Uttrd w . Ako *mu stittutockeek.'PWith: such insprra. and !allowing the ex am at OA* RePolltsiiilid. w 4o ! At , enl F4e reyeln,l, `Win Will i dt_ t , . 10/04-41ttritiPlittli, Idld- 01 .1' r • , ME 1 on • , IMIEM GRANT AND COLFAX: 1~. ~ ~?i'-; ';?'s ;iii , 44 r .. had saved froM its eirlernies, I cannot doubt that our labors will he crowned with suc cess, and ',twill be spumous that shall bring restored hope, confidence, prosperity and progrese, South MI 31011 as North ' w es t as , well as East, , and above all, the blessings under Phovidence et,mitionsdi concord and peace. il - ' Very truly, yours,. IWouvrait COLFAX. Wastibigton Tildes and Gossip. , The anneguseement el the;postponement: zfr the trial! of Jefferson Davis - reausea but little Brut ries, as it' Pais been' known for same days that Chief justice Chaos has de sired such pestponernent. The only reason foe - objecting trir prckeeding witiothe trial at the present time is supposed tobe his deairre" to see what *ill be done atrthe rn Na. , tional DeoceatieConvention at Yew York on the 4th of July. !It isrstated here that presiding at tietiili of TtetDavierimme diately Pr"edngtdis: veufion might prordetrimental tivbateverehicesthe ehiejnstieeu asobningtgeDemo_ cratianominathirfoi the Presidency, and hence the advoeatedfurtherpostponement. President Johneriel;. for the first:time in man' months, vierited the War_ Depart ment, on Monday- GeneratSchothild called. at the:Whits Monsen and nt eleven orclock Johnson advanced 'upon the War Office, flanked on one side' by act interiniThomas le full uniform, and ein- the-!other by Scho field in citizen's threAs, follower:lbn a corps of staff.officers. 'l2hey . did net atop in the Execntiver Officei. *hereGeneral Pelona° and General Howartiovere sitting,:bot pro ceedslat once to. the inners office„vacant since the withdrawal of Mr-Stanton. It is understoodthat the: President's action is in pursuance of his,th'iory that Thomas has been the legal Secretary of War, „and that therefore he must Shun over. the - office to Schott lid. Mr. Johnson looked-in wonder fullYgeod sphitsmiii if he had. achieved a victory. 1 1 , All the publishedreports of - Gen. Grant's answer to Gen. HaW/ey, when. apprised of his nomination ofiEriday night, are incor rect imthe last ,egid most important sen tence. The General said: "I shall have no polibcf, of my offes, to enforce against the will of the, people.? The reoorters made it reed, "Interfere against," which is by no means an improverhent. - Another caucus. 41tradical.Senaters was held yesterday to ilecide ueon the succes sor to Colonel Horsey as Secretary of the Senate. The nbmcist harmony prevailed, and after some eliscinision it.was, decided to go into an election on Thursday next for an entirely new sat of officensfor the Senate, excepting that of the President_pro tem.. It is the intention to', elect a new . Secretary, Sergeant-at-Alms and an_Executive Clerk. A number of efforts have.been , made at va rious times to ousO,George T. Brown, pres ent Sergeant-at-A ms, hut through the in tinence of Senator t hsussbnll helias always been sustained. blew,however, the Rad ical majority have dietennined 'to make this change, and Mr. Trumbull's en treaties prow unetralliug, Mr: Brown, it is stated, hasinidelarge sums of money out of his position duringthe • six or'seven years l that an Is to be. irivately at th .for ~fd o r that seas made nit° caucus ,ißeidi,,,.. ------ _ lay, it was decided to elect" John'i. Cremwell to the Secretaryship of the Senate, .britthat gen ' tieman, after considering, the _matter ' has `declined to"ficeopt :;the position, preferring to remain in more `cot e' life, tilt thank.- • lag his late colleagues 'for their united support intendering him the position. The particuliu• purpose in calling a caucus of the Republican Members of the House, is to testrthe question whe,ther l , tlnipassage of the general . revenue bill shall be under taken this session.: comparison of notes telid to thsbeliet at a inshaityrare oppo sed to taking it upst all, but Gen. Schenck will urge action ntiom it with all' the force 'tin hie power; And :hrs. influence, which is considerable, ipaylAarn.the madetf. Most of - those Who favor arpostponempeot u however, believe - that a'weak or twe'Spent upon the * bill will only sho# thOluipensibility of pas sing, it without sitting All !Ammer, and that it will; therefore, eventuall be laid Aside. The question mayarisnin t he caucus in tha shape of 'a , subordinate proposition to take outllte,wilisky, tobacco and stamp sections and pass upon than:, which willhe the al ternative when itft decided that the whole„„ - - -bill cannot be 'sashed. , . • . ._ The a4Dogre or n general,bill which will pioilAittheithe or River Shall not be bridged 'with leseithan a feetirpan have Waineths signal triumph.. ,Captain A. Q.. Ross, wbuswas ellietelLbi,the .merclumbi, manufacturers Aver men " tikeinchnutti. telay - thbiinatterl ere Cringreeland urge the passage of such &bill, at the request of tirnorgesZemnikeeroti — Phit - 0118W and., [ Post Roads, was tkresent at a spesial twee ifig'of the Corrirdittee and made "an able or ganist in Stipp:Olt of hie ti sot' about two hours' duration. :Luis lISUIs first - 4 , ;prition was to' prove, that A ibTtdge ,of -lemur than 600'" 1501 span igasiCsellettli enotrnctibn to navi gation; and, moonclArlb bridges were an pbstruction, there wile Act u rstency in ainhorlsing artificial oft ons while they' arr wptindinkniillintai of ni ey in re al:Kiting naturatonest. .=Captain Ross then **Sued , Thatl 4a.litau. . in • intnallnee on coniniwe * by hhilegAnort s span bridges and losses by lealsion` and'iletention. amounted -to ;M09,009 , -;aplura4 tr which *As raorii"than enough to pay t erenee 'in thS cost of a*strwition' be • eon long and abort , span. bridgego;Catt:z4Ross Also- Proved to the matilsfacqoa.ofitha Committee that bridges of 550 feet span could be built. At the leenclublon - Of-: ,, .'hitosilrgment the • Comniittee'exPreseed themselves high* pleasedwi th the bate which have been . laid beibra ein; and lbilketiect Capt.. Rosa. hat they wbrild , unanimously mem- wend, to the Houk° that a . generalr bill pro viding a nifilbrMeystein of bildim fore Ohio river with Jibe hundred feet spans the be . passed. and - auth orizingi their chairman, Gen. Farnsworth, to report snob a bill to the House on the, first calling of their Com rhittee.- The Committee 'are ttbanimows in the opinion that the , brtdile_gontracted. and authorized to he huilt between Cincin -mil an d Newport r ill prime a serious obstroction to navvtm.' :Ira ilils A. letter ,was,.,*elye,k_skt thnTreasury Department - Say .ti ti ty ozedrist., two ones thousand dollar stjyan•• ifor N i e v It was, Poetimirlte d newiT- 00 4 Blayoth, but con tabled no evidenokwhatmur thet,could lesii to the Alsoovery ilf, the' untider: 'The nrun bers of, tbetwudneledthlistes teunef carefully cut out, and the isddrese e nompfr “Treas ury Diapentmork ti Mustitu t r bad been taken fr om A i n ' eand pasted on the envelope.c Theft - ' Lloontilned the. I,,ltardar cut fro4.3 ! llorraCq nggPshir Para pit, le `a - preVionitlY snub ced con science case, othhi inn:MeV belm t: t o ..l _,lit/ertlidted; Stitssr'!'t '-aotell will Sito:tbe credit of .thp, Tarnry De trierit.'''''' '" i ... n ' x' ,. j r ;I lir... 15 - in:+i r --- r."-': ""-- -- ' ' L- Ex-Gov. Seymour , deigns that he is in favor of the, nehtbilittetir Wage_ by the Ddlabeigha l tzifer#o# lll l ,oo6 ffila Arid and 'Pendleton, ailt_ nelstilifsioirsenew aud_ R O Pi M Jaa ar ,"s. l i ll4 W C , 4 41b. kek e t 04 q . .-- c _ ....-, n.,,,,..,, , . / ~,,, rat ,-- ,ii. If • .1 • , s. ! • s MBE eq . -. A4N'' ' “ • " yo-,;‘,rft.g:,4, • - u3O,E a 131.