II 1 II 11 A S. V.lralnat. Prei`t pITTSRURGH FORGE --AND IRON CO. Bar Iron; ' Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; LOolnattre FraM es; Loeoniotive Frame Shapes; etdaßoils; . , Take, Straps; Pition 'Steady, litssinlboat Shafts; lifteaNtglOoat cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Intmatt Saw* Collars. ate. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITIISBURGH, P • G RAFF, IIVE814:&' -004. "MANUFACTURERS OF' Bar, 'Hoop . 191 d Sheet Iron; - WROUCIIT IPON, r • Iron Welded Tubes for:Gas, Steam, Water, &e. OIL WELL TUBING. 011ie, Eta Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa et2o:e2l KENSINGTON IRON. WORE.S LLOYD iSr BLACK, MANUFACTITIMPS OP Best Conntion, Refined, Charcoal JIJNIATA BLOOM IRON. . MERCHANT RAIL ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOW, BAND ,T and ANGLE DI ON. BOILER PLATE and - SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS,SIO and 18 lbe. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. PLAT RAILS. Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. MALLS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and Office at the Woes, GREEN -4:IIISH STREET, (a continuation of. First street,) adjoining the CRT Gas Works, Pittsburgh. E VREISON, A9RESTON &CO., Tommy . Ivama — Iron Works, Warehouse, N 00.166 slid IS7 FIRST STREET 'opposite Monongahela Hoagie,aD24id6 MITTSMTIRSIAT. STEEL WORKS. FIELD STEEL WOBILS. SINWA MEK & PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of every description of • CAST - AND CERMAN STEEL, - RAILWAY SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, Lc., ac. Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 i'fraSh3. sple:as7 priTSBURGII: STEEL wOrths ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS AMES, BOYD a c 0.,) MasaMichael's. of the BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, TARE, FLAT and OCTAGON„ of all sizes; IIAW TM. HOE, PORK and SWEET CAST STEEL; z STEEL for • • assidaicand &VII Machines, •-• AxlesA i ttulars, Ice, die. Cast and Common Plow & Spring Steal. r Office—Corner FIRST AND R OI3 BEtTREZTI3, two blocks above the Monongahela House. ocall:d2 WILLER', BMW &PARKE'. GZ-TIRAL PARTNXIIS: WM. METCALF,f REUBEN MILLER, GEO.• W. BARR, I caes. PARKIN. BP2CIAL Payne - J=7B. M. BIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, •• vs :9 BARR daPULTLIFor, Otrlze, Na 339 Liberty St, f 6118 prrnasuoin, PA. • BLACii DMKOND STEEL WORKS. • PARK BROTHER & CO ., 9 Manufacturers of all descriptions of EFT ll4- . " Office sad Warehouse, 14_ „CI Isis, 124 aigtoND end 119 and 121 siLitfa MEETS. prrrssraes. HARpWARP. _Mr .111,41 . BM/WIZ "I.OIUSE. UNMET, STERRIT 8c EUWER, .11(itnliaotttreis imsd Iftoyrters of liG A. 1143 WA. MO; NM ettri.lllY o *c. , 037 LIBERTV otPoft** - Wklitz, one stigiire fl4 fW Iffidt • 41* pot px7cr.ei3tlroixtzt, 4rirtAloiti tar Mali AglttO SCAM- miugszoiN, Onnsiiiiiid hiltaidiiiriti - • if / l i4ehof _oo#l. of all devert,t iircr el Ad end old at Ito 141 Wait prices. Belpairtnj done A n" "MP, t A neurrnoTs, Tr M7ll l IitakAMMATION $ out OtoadvailiNC i b isolunessl46, r lAWft, %mouton - 0w 4il 410140441"4""'"' Alvouutram w roue vuogiell. • II I- -- • , • f, . , .1)2 . :L 4, ' = `6' , - - • , • t , ' - • f , • fir a. Avz-mi .• • - - - - • - 1 - -.- - • • • ,‘ . ' • • ' ' . ; • • Ail • , - ME W. P. PORTZE s Supt, MANUFACTIMEREI OF ALSO, MI 113 ME INI 4.4 gent tow the oalo Of Vorepoll Douibotoot• Jo. iftpbtoei loikbelfst, DpneontiOn, ftanbope, ond. Other- broods of Aught's° to, Youghloi way vok'eaud C:9. Chatooal =MEI= JKE illitittOit - fr 6orpiitiraviieltfELTlNG WOLIS, ; 1. - i 1 ' iill.:rkdittite4, i tte „ .-, --- .. , 7.1 - ...1:,..:. 1 , PARK; 'iOdvatrit . & coli ,' , T Wand 4 ~,-..:, , , ...;., ,'.., ' , , *Wen • 1 re, :41 ' . r : k mr 4 t4i. tic Os 4 4 , .. speg .: , 4 sl* al ~., .. r t• ._ • -.. :-.-,.,;, , 4 •, 41- jt .... 1 " I 4 ... i. L'® ATLAS MORAVIA _MORTON STREET, -Ninth Ward, via"r9l3l7ift9-Et. THOMAS N. MILLEN, President. These Works are among the largest anc most complete establishments itt the West, and are now prepared to furnish Engines, of every deiteription: • .13ollers, Oil Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. . Baiirosit,Cal4nes. • '' _ . Castings. ramble • Machine Castings. ger!ersq Castings. • n09m(19 ORDERS SOLICITED lopinotit.rousnny • AND PIPE WORKS. Cornar , Vairzon and, Anna Unman Strada. (NINTH WARD, ) SirratGast, PA... WM. _ Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER woks& in Pits, in 141,12irtalitlfeeelkel.fralt lnvariaDtyy assor t ment • • General Castings br Gas and Water Works.' would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. fele:tic TUE KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY . CO, cHAR.L.E. SNAP, President. J. M. KNAP, Yee President. • • 0. METCALF, See'y and Treanor. J. H. WADE, Engineer. 'J. G. 'MAP, General Manager. DIMUTOBB: JAMES B. MURRAY. of Lyon. !Thoth & CO. A. E. W. PAINTER ofJ. reinter &SOILS. C. B. EIERRON,_of i tipeng, Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, o Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF, of Itiller,l3arr & Parkin. MANUFACTURERS or Belliw Milland Blast . 111aehhtery. RETORTS lied CASTINGS, of every deeeeptlon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES:. feel L. O. LIVINGSTON.W. U. B URT , W. A. ROBINSON. Alt. LIVINGSWN & CO., IRON FOUNDERS, MANUFACTURERS OP • FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions, for Pfirmbers and Gas Titters: Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen MA ch.lisnit7AOrk promptly attended to. . - Office and Works—WASHINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa..: ROIIINSON, BEA do CO, - • Sucre/non to ROBISeON, MEM it MILL 28 :13, • r WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDEBSAND MACHINISTS,.PITTS3URGH Mantacturers of Bost and Stationary Steam En gines, tEngines, Mill Machinery. -Gearing, Shafting,Castings of all deserAptlonst Oa Tanks and ' Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 151. corner First and Smithfield Streets. feeding)E Boilers. . Jail:ls2 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mills PITTSBURGH. Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, HACHLNERY .0(13 CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBKRT & IIACKLIND. Lt 3 ' BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & Wtice and Warehouse, 2 Wood Strad. Manufactnie and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, HOG nzoNs. SUGAR. NIDTTLES, HOLLOW WARY, • And Cistlngs generally..._ • • THOMAS CARLIN & CO., • Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, SANDUSKY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., 'Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Oil Presses, Pul lers, 'Shafting, Grfat and Saw Siill 'Work Rolling lain and Machine Castlags, Grate Bars, 'Weights, ,Wagon Boxesild to order and have on hand Engines of all 'sizes. . mvl4:qs CENTRAL FOVNDIZIE AND ROLL' WORKS = . 880 Penn Street. BOLLIAN,' 'BOYD &. BAVALET. /ChM Bella, J MIII Castings. te. • ErLTON MACHINE WORKS. J ~, .....ESTAIGLIEUM IN 1838::.:; ' ."2" `. titulary of STEAM ENGINES, , all sit and of the mostmored.paperns t. for stations rOTTf is t s' A B ; l 'aliety S A I3 3 , 12ninl litikeirsil3oBlfer ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices. P. P. GEISSE. VVellsvll l / 1 1. 0. llifty miles below Pittsburgh. on the Ohio rites, and Une of C. . & P. R. • nothht , JOUN N. COOP= 4084 KAYS SUET BIZ/1. jalEti M. cocoanut & CO., 131Likai FOMFDERS, 5 , , ? • - GAS. AND . STEAM FITTERS, Nooodieturers of PUMPS AND sitras WORK, d r , c t P AS 'FIXII Tiria RXB Caner of Pike and Walnut Streets, T i rIISBURQU. rciilbix2o IRON BRORERST'' ;wicitignstam; IRON BROKER, 124 tits reef, a. PIG 111,0111 A. Im==m!!mm oonliaZ Pinsiwit,G4. F °llll PM"- BOW STILL AU TAM WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, 71A,N • xmAcruiums OP - TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, mix- BOX ANJ CYLINDER STEAM ROLLERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON . DENSERS; • , STEAM a PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL sEnrrEs Ocoee NlFitrehotteti: eorner Second• Third, Short ised Liberty Street's, PITTSBURGH, Pa. air She pranintly attended to. mia:lo9 •S. W. stowtow.....flo. B. BARNHILL... a.A43. BLit* O' KULA BOMERIVO!IKAi MORROW, RARNBILL & IcAlir/FACTITRIMEI OP Steam boilers Wallis Agitate* TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOHETERS. WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORE, :ie. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts„ . PITTSBMI " GH,. pA . . REPAIRING promptly done. • att.ioarint,L • BOILER ; 'MAKERS AND SHEETIRON WORKERS, NOS. 29, 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. • Raving secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are _prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS' in the best manner, and warranted .equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Oc:adensers, Salt Pans, Tanks' ou Stilly, Agitators , Settling Tans, oller Iron,'Bridges , Sugar Pins, and hole 'mann faciurers of Barnhill's Patent. Butlers. - Repairing done on the shortest notice. laks2l J AMES M . urrE f t, Noe. 85 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., MAN trrACTIIIIKE OP • IRON OIL TANKS s SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING ' :MILL STACE 4 • And SHEET IRON WORE, For Steamboats. JAUZDM. MUM " = annul asasa. JARED M. lERUSIII.S4 SON, 114 .1 1 17FACTWIER8 OF Steanr•Boilers, Oil Stills; 'faith SHEET IRON WORE, &O. - 61 Pmn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. Coos STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL az CO.'S TRIIIMPFI, FOR - COAL: Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well asany other Save In the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Also on band and for gale, - "I"SITP VFs ING VSTOCZB, GRAeIjoIrRONGIUVair.,- EdPEST PLAC in the city • To strir TrrE TRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, Ii at No. /46 OR.&NT STREET. • Jot P. 01' DITYPI". OILS. • - ' • WESLEY WILSON & CO., . NATURAL LUBRICATING . col:E4 - W 2 ANtrilect73rgai72l4ifiqElP' igrett e rtetraneittato tikrosac air Proposals for quantities solicited. N 0.167 Wood,Street, • "BANK. OF COMMERCE spUitaii 'WARING AND KING, Commission Mercbants And Brokers In Petroleum and ltsl'roduets, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, BI'I