A _NEW ADVIBRTISE:IMITS. CHEAP ISMS FOE' THE PEAPLE.;••• The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET, where wilt always be found the mod cm/gets a g s o rt m e nt W Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport. Lau Material, dec., in tee city. Alt kinds prOuske and Pistols eattio/11/ re2alred• Cash " "l airn or Azzr RIFLES and REVOLTERS. Sena st p. for iittotrated Cirontor.. Agents , wanted in seem town in the United States. Address, J. H. JOHN. 5T0N.179 Smithteld Steed. Pittsburg/4. JOHN 111:PURVIANCE, Register in Bankniptcy for :43d District. Office; 116 FEDERAL STREET. ALLEGHENY. ()Ince hotirs-9 A. Y. to 5 P. Y. IFOR ASSEMBLY. . ALEXANDER :CN.AMBERSI. _ sinship folded,. to the deeiston of the can Convention. • saylo:o9, Of Liberty tritionßepa larro misr.mmY, GUYAN • M: IRWIN, SecomtWurd, Allegheny. subject to the decietbn of the Republican County Convention. ...my213:119 . , H EA D QUARTERS UNION REPUBLICA2S _COUNTY EXECUT IVE , COMMITTEE. • , _Pisrrestinatt. May 306;1869. The election for, delagates to the COUNTY CON. VENTION in - the LOWERPRECINCT OF THE SIXTH WARD. City of Plttebiargb,' haiinkresnit ed in it tie vote, ii is hereby ordered that 'anew elec tion for two (A) 'delegates be -field lAtirein the hours of three and seven o'clock P. X., on MONDAY, JllltL l lst, • • to represerit said p r ec i n ct In the County Canvey'. tion. N. P: REED; .14„„,,...;,.. C. C:,TaYLOtt..t''''":r.“'.' J. H. MILLER, Chaliman IarPEPINSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. mitmisstiant's DsPAIITMIC-VV, Philadelphia, May Rh. Milt " NOTICE TO STOCKIIOLDEBS.—Tbp Board of Directors flare this day ; declared a semi-annum Dividend of THREE PER CENT. on. the Capital Stock- of the Company, payable in club, cleat of ..liationat and §tate Taxes, and a further Dlyidend of .FIDE PER CENT.. payable - in .stock, : on and after May. aOth, . Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividends can be obtained at the *nice of the company, No. ARS South Thirti street. THOMAS T. FIRTH, • Treasurer. yror ilms;_BELL & co., MOM ANCHOR. COTTON MILLS, 3'll - rs:BVRGH. 311inefseiw en of HEAP.'. .MEDIUM and LIGHT ANCHOR AND 3IAGNOLLIL SIIEBTINGS AND BATTING. NOTICE. THE FIRM OF .0.. F. LAMM • & CO. has this day been dissolved by 'mutual con scut,"JAS: P. SPEER having sold Out his entire in• terest to 0. F. LAMM. The bupiness will be car ried on as usual. at the same piece, by the remain ing partners, who will settle all outstanding claims. D. F. LAMM - , C. DAVIS, J. P. !WEER. my:p;f3 M AR F s LARUE& CO. May 23, 1888 . COAL AND COKE. - Sandusky* Street and P. F. W. Ca _C Allegheny City. SUPERIOR - Youghiogheny. Coal and Counelliville Coke, AT LOWEST SAM= BATES. sir °Mira promptly attended to: W. C. & FELD CO F. - DEdIaM3 GLUE, CI:TILLED EULIR, Tanners' Seraph Ceroons, Cattle TA% BONES NEAPS FOOT OM '4t6C Office and. Warehouse, No. 338 LIB&RTY ST 3d door from Wayne, TerCOI7.TRACTORS. PUOPOSZLS will be recei ved at the °glee of the Commissioners for the Erestion of a City Hall, No. 00 bmithdeld street, Pittsburgh, until • • . k Jima 1016 S st E *Weltielk. P. ILI For tearing down the old buildings and cleaning off the ground for the new City Mall., corner of Smith field- street and Virgin alley; and, for excavating about four thousand yards of earth,, the work to be done by the enhle yard; and the contractor to take all old materials.. • , '2130111/AS STEIEL, . Seerdtary of the Board of CoMinissioners for the Erection of s City Hall. - my23:4166 • ItirAJOINIS PATENT FRENCH CRACKERS. FRENCH CRACKERS. FRENCH CRACKERS. FEENCIfSRACMMB. MUMCII CRACK its. FRENCH: CRACEZREL Azel every TsrietT SUPERIOR-CRACKERS S. S. •I`ldberty street tifit)i— „its, = LITTIRE DISTRICT COURT ' OF HE UNITED BTA.TEI4,FOR THE WEST.. N ZOBTBICT oF i rrsyLVAITLt. 4 • • - JACOB 'ABBAHA a Bankrupt under the ,Act of Cowes, of March i s applied for a discharge !roes MUM& debts. and other clams provable cruder said *Why. order of the court, no. lice is hereby given to all creditors 'who have proved _ their debts, and other persons interested. to appear• on the Stb dsLot Juitar ko si . lo o'clock A. X., before SAMUEL. U Begister,ot -his office; can e, 1 nd street, ittsbnrgh. rai show if any they have; why. a disetarge shonidtrot be graded, to the said bankrupt. 8. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk of U. 8. DistrietCourt for said . District. tnyilits ' . TIVESTERN lIIBTILICT of PENN y g_„ STINADI. ES. .. At Pittsburg*. , the' Ilth'dar of - April, A:D. In. To :Waox IT KAY. cowman . : The . undersigned. berebygires notice of his any ointment ss Assignee of H. 4 .-asusaasitti..intrittentitna. in the couo• ty of and State of.Pennsylvanni;-witnin' said district, who has bean *WI . - A bankrupt upon,his own petitton,l 7 l4tior D Court or said diet at. Sintig ." iLDUAEIt, a l. ,_:;r: , . r ~, , 1 - 111 St. Clair street. ~• NVESTERN DISTIIICT of PENN SYLVANIA,B9, ~.' , '••• i. r . ,: , • 7 , t. rittsbargatttus llStb Wet Narr.b..Am.l 9 o 9 . The undersigned beteby_givectiotice of his appoint.' =est as Assignee of JACOB r.-DITIPIONBACHER, oft/ hl° rnstilp,he toasty:4o Allegheny Mid' State of Pennsylvaala, within ai d dl who has beerjudindged A binkrspt Von his incur itiOn by the sr:strict COtirtdf Gaul district. , L. • _ , JOHN ..111. DAlLlCT.L:Aatiftlee , :. , iih3o:ll Attornep4t-layr.- 89 Grant street. - - -- -- ItirAVUVB I Is V ' = ' _ , _.-• +La- j :14 leg *Tit imittrat. ; a f , ...t.. BriePlitello2l4 rallisdesoll , , -, , IttlLLifiiiikiftl.laSTOßikt' iitaCitB. BUGLE GIXRP A aPAP FiTt 4 W4 , i At Yet, loTtprieti. ~ ,_ sail parr . ,C , 1 1W • xorketiAllt A hrg Te cbt : co LI ...,,24 , 1 - t••••••• • 6.IIIIIrAPILILTIIIMIBEIL Ute. qualltypilittatat Matra . J• • spig SO sad Of tn, oar rusts. . if :44:4;f::;:.... Sif 17.4 11,:0 y 3LBIENTS. BOWENPOTTER & EBBS' , • WCOCIT. " Commission Merchants , • lot chestnut St., Philadelphia. CON m ersmikri soLienicti.- - CASH ADVANCES MADE. -.. SALES GUARANTIED. _ :jel:42n T _ (*licit or crro r garkze . J l , l l Luzeiry . os, NOTICE' TO COSIMACIIIIIB.,. SEALED 11t0P08 . A1 ,1 8 FOE THE - Constrictithi it tiie Nitolsin On Wood street, between Fifth and Liberty streets, willbe}ieceiveditthls office, West Market Build '/n& un4IiWEDNESDAY, June 10th, 1868. Specilicatittndeiti be bad by eallixiir at' thls °Zee ki a• 310011. V..., City Engineer. OFTies:or CITY ENGDiZZA. AND SURVEY - Lit. t Pittsburgh t Junc Ist, MS& I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: • 0, '64ied ProPoetlsfortiie • Partial.Gradlug of Forbes:Street , " Froth Brady street to. ; Madison strent. and Madison-- street, from Psunsylvanla avenue to 'Forbes street, will be received at this office, West Market Build- Ins, intE WEDNESDAY, Jane 10th. Am?: „ IL. J. 31.410104:41E,. City Engineer. CM °}7--19',C17 . N OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. AesiedProposili for the ' Construction of two Public Sewurs, As rollovis Orie on 'Fourth street, iroin street to Wood street; One on Diamond alley, from the Dianiond to Wood street, will tie received at tbis office, West 3tlrltet Building, until WED NESDAY, June 10th; IS6S. 'Specifications and plane can.be seen by calling at this office. 31.413011 E, Jel:r3 ' City Engineer. QFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPA:NY, ,Phlladelphin, May /2- In pursuance of resolutions adopted by •the• Board of Directors at a Stated Meeting held ads day, no tke Is hereby given i llthe Stockh olders of this Com ' ffg n , Y ei t t i ll a e tr y ecly or l t; h s e utw such rules as may be prescribed therefor, for Twenty-five Per Cent. of Stock at Par, In proportion to the respective interests as they stand registered on the Books of the Company, May 30. 1868.- .. Holders of less than four Shares will be entitled to ittbseribe'for a NU share, and those holding more Shams than a multiple of four Shares will he entitled to an additional Share. . . . Subscriptions to the new Stock will be received on and afteralay 30, 1868, and the privilege of sub scribing will cease on the 30th day of July. 1868. The installments on account .of the new Shares shall be pald in cash, as follows: - Ist. Twenty - live Per Cent. at tile time of sub scription on or before the 30th day of duly, 1868. 5111. Tw enty-Ave Per Cent, on or before the 15th day of December, 1868. 3d. Twenty five Per Cent. on or before-the 15th 'day of .June.lLB6o. 4th. Twenty-rive Per Cent: on or before the 15th day of December, 1860, or if Stockholders should prefer. the whole amount may be paid np at once. or any remaining installments may be paid up In full at the time a n de payment of the second or third in 4 stailment, ach Installment paid up shall be en titled to a pro rata dividend that may be declared on full shares. EEMZI Ekr29 PITTSBIPAGIII t Pd. OW 'tot. re• Yr'?• , !f NOTICE TO STOCHBOLDFM. orritxtrAs T. raivrri, EMI ai.gEaß IST OF uncalled for uric lit, IS6Sz 'Jones Mary [Jones Jonail_ .Jones Jane , Jones Anna I Johnston it 'James J K ohn ['Renter Pat [Kirk Ed I Kennedy Joa [Kennedy Jas [ ,Reeler Anna W ' [Kelly John Morgan El John , Morgan James I morgan 'David [Mercer Martin VI Meyram Munn Rebecca I Miller Jos Miller Sam Miller Wm •• ularky Cath Murphy Pat • Magowan A Me Mclntosh M E McKeeß W Maguire D McKeever Thos ' McCoy Sade McKennon I. Anderson Jos Jildrldire dos Barrett Thos I Beck -Harry C~ artiaban-Mary Carter Bros Caseldwa - Craban Jas Caldwell Robot.* Clar Cam k pbell Con . Dasls John Davis Oeo £ Davis Eli= Dunn Diary Donnely John Donnell Mark Evans non Ebbed G Evans Geoff Edwards Chu Farm John Fallon Wm Goldthoep J P Geary Ann E Gowan John D Hamilton W B . Hughes Wm Hughes Trios E Harrow ',Lulu , Heany - Jolus ' Howe Wm Pierce P H Poth Chas Poch ( Jacob IPowell Theo Potts Margaret !Robson Laura Megan John ERNEST O. H ilndebrAnd 27 Hinter Andrew AT JOSEPH HORSE & DAILY ARRIVAL OF NI . EW G-OODS ! HAMBURG EDGINGS AND FLOUNCIIIGS; HAMB EDGI N GS RTINGS SWISS AND INSERTINGS; LACEDAPES. COIFFEURS AND PARASOL COVERS; LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. HOSIERY. SURICE_STOUT AND SUPER FINE COTTON AND MERINO 1.14 GonK, LADIES' AND MISSES' ROSE; In Lace, Lisle, Silk and Cotton, or.best English and - Ger. man makes; DOMESTIC tnrsrExy, int-, low rates; ALEXANDER'S • DUORESS KID GLOVES; a • new Une jut received.: . A.. f9ll antrtmett of SELLION. /MD SIVE TRINsIESL ' • • TASSEL FRINGES. • BEA.DYRINGES AI2P . t2I3ESIDIFt2; GIMP iiEADIN__ A IN3' - TRLSLNING ItISSoNS , AND SATINS: , FANAWLS AND .SUN UND/AELLAS. STRAW GOODIEF. . r • • . At greatly reduced rates. . . . • New style FlATS—Ladte an Mitsee. • CRAPES, MALINES _DOTT ED NETTS; RIBBONS ,FLOWERS, - . • MILLINERY - LACES, ' ' BONNET SILKS FRAMES SUNDOWNB ANb sithazit Hoene, Wh'f,iwgae cm/ ikgclu. CA.I.IL:AND EXAMINE. 1' and 19 Mai et EllitlAerThe Last choixektelttain thitveryoffecttial and never, . ruing cure. P !MASON , ItAiNBOW will be at • the AV CLAM HOTEL on TUESDAY. the Ad day et.inne next. on his return to ,Igew.Xork City. where it has surprised doctors and wearers by 'wondW fel success in cure, what they thought •was beyond remedy. • :TestLmonials from thelilghest source =ay be had by callingop the above mentioned. day before* o'clock P. " • • ney3o . NOTICE. . • • „ • . • All *riot's baying dolma against and interest ed in the STEAMBOAT ARMADILLO will take notice that I have seized said ,ISteamb9si suit of BAKER, PEARCE & CO. T}S9S. Aq ..40 1 M4T 9 = • . • tEr..S.idiallitial. • Re, 5T,11611. mi29:n73 . . bate 0 . . Jqe mile b 7 JOHN 1i.41Y..111110*4 yontiei.cl roststaAsiiiiigamudiliamitbilitiLatiset Qit 1E ppriade ieseausi—cao , indsorndtprinovio br WILIVAI9I:I=Mis mit WV. " zo i so O mer Li►aq and HIM me m.' • M - 4,..7•r 1 % - t r t^ - *mv--mrhdtisit&EigTs. foc•itatt !JUIN PAZIFIC:RAIIROAD A , • Are now fini shedh and In operation. Sixty miles of track bate been laid this spring; and the work along the whole, line between the Atlantic and, Pacific States is tieing pushed Inrward Snore , ratridlY_thin ever before. More than "twenty thousand men arc employed, and it is not ImPoitsible"thitt the entire 4 tiliek. from Omaha to Sacramento, will be finished in. 1889 Instead of VITO. The means provided are ample, and all that energy, men and money can 40 to secure the completion of this WIEAT NATIONAL WORK, At the earliest possible day, will be done Thi3 UNION PAMIC RAILROAD COMPANY. ricelce: • ' • fif.frEiNMENTIkT ofthe 'leant way, and all , ueoesisary timber awl other= materials found along the Hne of its operations. .•. lI.—A - 6111TER GRANT Pel3ll,Boo'iscreg of land to the mile, taken in alternate sections on each side Of Hi road:. This is on ibitilutscdo nation, and will be a source of large revenue - in .the future. . - • .7 : • •-• • eovmatExT fillANT•\of tufted Status, Thlrty-yeafßotids, amounting to Hom 816,000 to $48,000 per mile, according to the difficul ties to be surmounted on the various sections to' b e built.' The tiovernment takes a second mort gage as security, and It is expected that not only the. Interest, but the principal amount may be paid, in serviaes (rentlered - by the Company In tramipottinst troope, malts, &C. The Interest is now much more than paid. in this way, besides securing a great saving In time litid money to the TV.—A GOVERNMENT GRANT of the right to Issue its oWtt 'FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, to •• aid in Sliding the road, to the„ same amount as the B.'S. 'Bonds, Issued' thr ihe Hoe •purPose; and no more. The Government ..perralts,tbe Trustees for the First Mortgage Bondholairs deliver the Bonds to the, Company only ma the road is completed, and after it has been examin ed by 'United States Commissioners and pro nounced to be in all respects a Orst-class Astir road, bad 'with a hear" T rail,. and completely supplied with depots, stations, turnouts, car shops, locomotives, cars, Ac. . • , . . V.—A CAPITAL STOCK SUBSCRIPTION from the atockholders, of which OVER EIGHT DOLLARS have been paid in upon the work 'siretidy done, and which will be increased ss thcoirantsatf the Company require.. VI.—NET CASH EARNINGS on its Way Business, that already amount to MORE - THAN TIIE IN TEREST on the First Mortgage Bonds. These earnings are no Indication of the vast through business that must follow the opening of the line • to the Pacific, but they, certainly prove that FIRST MORTCACE BONDS upon such a Pfeperty, costing neatly tPreetintes their amount, - ARE SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTINGENCY. The Company bare aoundant means in their treasury, and make no appeal to the nubile to pur chase their Bonds, as the daily subseriptiOn.t are en tirely satisfactory; but they submit that, for entire security and liberal returns, there is certainly no better incestrnent In the market. ' - The Union Pacific Bouds arc for $l.OOO each, and have coupons attached. They have thirty years to run, and bear annual interest; payable on the first days of January And July, at the Company's Office in the City of Nevi' York, at .the rate pt six per cent. In gold. • The Principal is payable in gold at matt rity. At the present rate of gold, these bonds pay an annual income on their cost of • . NEARLY NINE PER CENT., Treasurer AND IT IS BELIEVED THAT THEY WILL MA INLNG POSTOFFICE, Rees DD _ Robson Hannan Robson John Richard W E ' Reck Abram The Company reservi 'the right to advance' the price of their bonds to a rate above par at any tlmet Mid will not till MU orders or. receive any subscriP lions on which tbe tamer Aaszot been actually petit at the Company's office before the time of such advance. S Schafer Kate Shepard H. • , Simpson Sault 'Scott JohnYE Slocum Geo E ;Swet Geo Parties subscribing will remit the par !mine of the bonds and the accrued interest In currency at the rate of six per cent. per annum, from the date on which thelait coupon was paid.'" Sitbscriptions will be received in Pittsburgh by ,Snyder. John ihaddler - Annie 'Snider Mary ,Stramberg John :Snyder Anna' 31 - ;Snyder John !Snyder Geo if ISzolth Emma Smith A W JAMES T. BRADY & Co., corner of Wood, and Fourth Streets; CAUGHET & Co, corner of Wood S. 111cCLEAN * CO., 73 Fourth Street; PH. R. MARTS, corner sth and Wood 8(14 ROBINSONHHOS.,7 B Fourth street; Smith James , Smith John I" Smith JJ riser Wn IP 'Tlsomu D D Thomas John J (Thompson Jos Teal Rosanna Vale Jane AtChe Company's Office, No. SO Naskan Street, and by - JOHN J. CISCO £ SON, Bankers, No. 59, Wall Street, and by the Company's advertised agents throrgbotit the United States: - . Yore, U Vaughn Isabel Verner Wm J Wareham Sauey Williams Wm iWatson Este Ward Martin Remittances should be made In drafts or other funds par In New York. and the Ronda will be sent free of charge by return express. Parties sub scribing through local agents.Wlll:Jook to Orin for their safe delivery. 1.. r=erm A rAIifPIITZT AND ..IUP FOB Mi hits thst been published brothe Company, giving Adler in formation than is possible In an advertisement, re specting the ilidgresi of theklVork, , the Resents:Me of the Country traversed by the Bond, the Means for Construction. and the Take of the Bonds, which will be sent free on application at the Company's offices, or to any of the advertised agents. TO FIRS. THE HAY RAKE "WELCOME." Is the best Rake made. It will take _heavier hay, carry it farther, load and unload Itself easier than any other rake. It is self-operating; a child 8 years old can do the , work ot iv fall. hand.- certiecateti Could'be given, one df whilh to betow: "GIRAIID. Erie Ce.,_Pa., July D. 1887. . I " have used the Weems Hay Rake, paenufac tared by W. W.. Wallace. 'Pitteburgli:rPa.,l and fee; ommend it to farmers. It Is good In light and heavy hay: is easy on man and horse; is a complete glean er of gram and stut,bl-; in :simple in construction and easily kept in order. is JOBEPH ARBUCKL." AU orders directed to 349 _Liberty street,, Pitts burgh. Pa.. or at tbe works In Columbiana, Ohio, promptly attended to. 'Sold wholesale and retell by • - ,W. WALLACE. Send orders in early, as supply is short. m ..Endilt"P summEß DRESS'GOODS, FOE SALE „AT lEEE LOW PRICES, ' • WHITE; ORR & ,-004 2il tittiiSh4el. " ' :arm IXFOXIMATIONi' y• r . Parties wishing any information or advice, tn re gard to business ' or in relation topositions or situa tions as Merch ants, Boot-keepers, Clerks, Me etumics, Farmers or Laborers, . Lou isville, Chicago,: ht.„Lnels,...Hourphds,. Vicksburg; ;Little Rock, IC&Orlskns llfostle, OftltsstoiP,'or:wig gait of Texas, can receive much satiable, iirompt and reliable Information, froni our, Waco: in Ourlenor TiiirOHOLLAIta to our address: Having an extensive business ac quaintance In tkligort etftlot.c94 l # 4 7S - 1 1 .1 1 1d1 1 give • ;satisfaction e. w. 'ouzo *co. iO7 ,i:FArdi , 2l.: 111101t4.1;911ifinteay.T • ie A . . wp A 4,. - , ,',..K.t lii tyn, , pt c,,, ,, .,, , .:,., -,. ~ 'td.zi , Ar, I lrfto ' 4.• ' ' '7.', ' :1.1{.3i . ..V ., -.: t; ' ... ~, , t i.rl,sot, ,- i A , 4. , ,r , --! , :•, r,. r' ^ ;'; :'l"Atlittitt it, 444124111,'' . A i 0 1 .. 4144 ' " l ' . ' . * Wood nrilei* . ' t OF THE 9005 DE AT A PREMIUM 'AND IN'NEW YORK JOHN J. CISCO • •STEW YORE PAT : Ea:ft:l) 1865 AND 1867. iuNinimpt B. MARSH AL'S•OFFICE; t • W. D. of Pennsylvania.'rirr§.4Gnali, May 30th, 11168. MHO TO.*IVE, NOTICE that °tree Beth clay of May, A. - D. 1868;a - War' rant in Bankruptcy !ma issnedsigainst the . . ESTATE OF 'CHARLESH: g LORENZ, _ • Of Pittsburgh, la; the county 'of ;Allegheny, 'anal State of Pennsylvania who has been adjudged st• bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property inionging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are torbidden by law; that. a . meeting of the treditors of the said bnnkrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy. tube holden at the office of the He-- ester. No. 93 Diamond street. in the City of Pitts+ o burgh, before SAMUEL HARPER. Esq., Register. the 19th day of June. A. D. at 19 o'clock N. • THOMAS A. ROWLEY, jel:q99 U. S. Marshal. as Messenger. • U. 8, MARSHAL'S OFFICE W. D. of Pennsylvania, i 1 Prrrssugatl, May aoth. , lig lsB - -:1 IS TO GIVE NOTICE TEAT , T on he 30th day of May, A. D. 1868, & War rant ankruptcy was issued against the - ESTATE OJANES ~ BAXTF;f4 Of Allegheny City. In he county of Allegheny, and State of Pentisylvani who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on Ms own etition; that the payments of any debts and dello of - any: property, belonging to such bankrdpt - to IM or for Ili use, and the transfer of any prope y by him,,are forbldjleit by law: that. &meetin f the , creditors of , theAakl bankrupt to prove t he e r debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at &Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at No. 116 Federal street, Allegheny City, Allegheny county, Kenna., - before ./01141.N. - PURVIANOE.- Esq.. 'Register, on' the 9th day of July, A. 1). 1868, atMo"crock P. M. V: S. A. ROWLEY, V. 0. Marshal, as Messenger. MAItSIIAIPS SALE. my 31:q100 Wx. E. PL;TNJLE vs. No. 7EB Id Bankruptcy J.iNrs P• TANNER, By virtue of an order issued out of the District Court of the United States and to rue directed, .I will expose to eublic sliest the Shoe Warehouse of 'the said JAMES P. TANNER, No. 56 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa.', is large - stock of Boots, phoes, Hats, Stinkers, store furniture, fixtures, on .TI.IEt DAY, the 9th day ofJune, 1868, - at 10 o'clOelc - A.m. Sale to continue from day to day until the whole stock is sold. , THOS. A. ROWI.EY, D. S. Marshal: my30:00 Marshals-Offlce. May 29.1888 U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE W. D. of Pennsylvania, • _ prnsausion, May 29th. 1868. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT on the 28th day 'of May, A. D. 1868, a War. rantia Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATEOF WILLIAM L. HAZLETT; Of Allegheny City, in the cOnnly"of Allegheny, and . State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, on hts own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to -such bankrupt tohlm, or for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by taw: that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to cbooae one or more- signees::Of Ms estate, will be held at a Court ofßank ruptcy. tobe holden at No, 116 Federal street, Al legheny City}. Allegheny county. Penna., before JOHN N. PeRVIAN OE, Esq.. Register, on the Ist day of July, A. IJ. 1668. at 3 o'clock r. a. • THOMAS-A. ROWLEY. my 80ip83 U. S. Marshal. as Messenger. IT. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. D. of Penns}•lvania. PITTSBURGH, May 29t1h, 1868. rjmslS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT on the 27th day of May: A. , D. 1868, - * war rant In Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE; OF CHARLES IL SUPER, of Allegheny elty. ln - tha County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment. of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt to him or for his use; and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt. to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assig nees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bank. ruptcy, totm holden at No. 116 Federal street, Al legheny City, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, be fore JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Esq.. Register, on theSth day of July, A. ILISGS, at 10 o'clock A.M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, ix_lppmSs U. S. Marshal, as Mcssenger,_ 11. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, ' W. -D. of Pennsylvania. PITTAH'IMII. May 29th. MS. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE That on the 28th day of May. A. D. 1868, a War rant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF JOSEPH R. FRICKE t i Of Pittsburgh. In the County of Allegheny and State i t of Pennsylvania, who has been adj dged a bankrupt, on his own petition: that the pay ent of ans , debts and delivers of any property bele ging to such bank rupt to him or for his use. strut , t e transfer of any property by him arc forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his es tate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, No. 93 Diamond street, Pittsburgh, Penna., before SAMUEL HAR PER. Esq.. Register, on the 18th day of June, A. D, 1868, at 10 o'clock A. Si • - THOMAS A. ROWLEY. ras3o:qte U. S. Marshal. as Messenger. U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, W. I). of Pennailtania. • PtrranuitCHl, May 291 h. 1869. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on - the 28th day of May, A. D. 1888. a War rant In pankrnntey was Wiled against the ESTATE OF CHARLES A. HARDY. Of Madison Township, In the rountrof AftaHrelVit' and State of-Pettnayttanta, who' has been adjudged' a bankrupt on his ova petition; that the payment of any debts and delivecy of any property belonging to such bankrupt to him, or for his use, and the trans fer ofitny propolty by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of. ttleureditors of she said bankrupt to prove their debts, and to choose one or more As signees of his estate, will beheld at is Court of Bank= ruptcy, to be holden at the office of Golden & Rags.. Kfttannlng, Armstrong counly. Pen. be fore JOHN . N. PURVIANCEJEsq.Retrister o n the 569th day of June, A. H. 1898. at '3 o elocke. ii . THOMAS A ROWLEY, E.'S:Marshal, as Messenger.' my3o:qlr . . . . .. 11. S. 11A2811AL'S OFFICE, 1 . W. D. ot rennsvlvania, Pirrsnunon, May. 20th. 1868. THIS IS TO GIVE 'NOTICE that the 98th day of Msy. A.D. 1868, aNru.. sant in Dankruptey, was issued agatnat the ESTATE .OF EIANTIEL GREENWALD, Of Allegheny City, to the county of Allegheny, and state of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own pelltiOnt that-the payment of my debts and delivery of any property belonging to. such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by law; that a meeting or the creditors of the said ;bankrupt to prove their debts. and to choose one or more Ass ignees Ida estate:Will be held at secant of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Mo. 116 Federal street Allegheny eitv,Alleitheny, county, Pa.. be fore fore JOHN PURVIANCE. Esq.._ Register. on the 10th day of July,A. D. 1668, at 10 o'clock ar A.m. , • , THOMAII A. itowLEi" my6.1:q16 • • • U. S. Marshal; as Messenger. U.. 8. ' l 4l-Iftri•pl,TlV,Pfait: il ~ '.. PITTEMINIGII. - Iday 5t1th. 1 1969. 'TIMIS IS TO GIVE' NOTICE that .j.. on the 89th day of May. A. p. 1909, a War? rant In Bankruptcy was Issued against the ESTATE OF riumr F. PARKER, Oa M t cO of v Pe T nsy i Vn h ia e , who, a o s f b A een e g a h A e l y dg ed d as, bankrupt on his own petition;' , that the -payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the trans fer of any property brhim are,forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the ereditOrs of the said. bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more As signees of his estate, will he held at a Court of Bankruptcy, tobe nolden at No. 118 Federal street. 4 14, Allegheay City,Alle benr county, 'Penna.. before JOHN 16 Nifty SA it, Esq., Register, on the,i)th day of`duly f lAi. D. 18 . at.lo o'clock A.Au.___ - -, . BOMAS A. ROWLEY. ..i milo:q74 U. S. Marshal. as Messenger. , - , .•' -, tr. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE - "1 W. D. of rennaylrania. --- Pirratatou; Maaoth, 1805. THIS IS TO: GIVE N ICE.lthati on the 27th day of May. A. D. ILSIDI, a War !ant In Dankpiptcy Is:aa tamed against the_ _ , • -k EST/Mk OF 111EI:CIII0li SlAilLE*, • , • , , Of Allegheny City, In the county of Allegh e ny, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adiudged a. batterupt on; his own petition; that the payment of any debts abd deliver', of any property belonging s 9 such bankrupt,,'o him, or for Ads use . and, the' animater. of tarproperty by . him are forbidden bY. law; that a meeting of the creditors ot the said bank runt. to, pnave their debts and to dome one or mote Assignees of his estate, will be once CoUrt of Bank ru_ptcy, to be' hoiden at theof theMegis-' ter. at N o. 118 Federal street, sUeznert Cita Al. le county, reneen before , 5 11 . 111, Y 1 - OE, Esq., Reister, on mie Ist y uly, 18811, at A o' clock P. X. -THOMAS .11.:111(YWLEY. 11. B. Marshal, as Messenger. i I 0 rirrEits i ISTRlC i reitrEiti Ar'' SYLVilliLk u tg., . t Pittsburim rm., out davotataitt , AAD.:lAsll. The underslgnea ereby gives notice Inst. untanaut too " CrlatEtitatkultrktenttNittli ere Wilt • bel at Um °Map BAllUttL stAItPER, RJR.. Be - tat tinitati Vtald 41W.:ottthe .111tbd . -. r nue, A. D. SG at ID Areoek A..114.5t0q go unit mei named in t Vanttlativentir ftetion 0 fine panl9l4ltAnt tg li W 9 StIV :„..,11 . . .., 1 . . 18 tar, e; tili i iii,, '. .. r . ; .10m72 .. , • rn , , . WI n , u : . • T lar • PAULIN w • • ididtretatk a• l'fiorsAtatdmistritraire. :~ill-`S;t"C+r.~.~~~~+Yis,7.'9'Crecc-;.r:.,: _;.,+,*~~~-.,K: OPTIC& NORTII May 31-11CLITII PIIII3BMIGII, May 5118th, 1888. I 'THE' PELESIDENT ARID DI. RECTORS of the ,"SORTS CLIFF, MIN ING COMPANY OF MICRIGAN ,, have tills day levied an usessment Of fifty cents (50e. )`per share , on the capital stock as the same may be recorded at the close of business on 3fONDA7 , the oth of July next, payable to the Treasurer at Pittsburgh, Pa, on'FRIDAY, the 10th of July next. • tay3o:q79 IDI'VIDEND. OFFICE or MONONOMIELA,INSITI4IPCZ CO. ♦ t May A3d. 1868. The President and Directors of this Company have this day declared a Dividend of TWO DOL LARS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock of the Company'. ftee of Government Tax, to be applied to the reduction of stock Due Bills. • • m125:04 JOHN H. CLANCY', Secretary. OFFICE OF UNION PACIFIC:RAIL - WAY CO.; Eastern Division. PHILADELPHIA. 24117 igrirnE INTEREST, IN GO__Elk, • on the FIRST MORTGAGE. 'BONDS or THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, - EASTERN DIVISION, due June 1at,115613, will be paid on presentation of the; Coupons therefor, at the Banking House of DABNEY, MORGAN & CO., 83. Exchange Place, New Iferk cut and after t hat date. • -.T.' PALMER, - zny27:o9-WF3I Treasurer. FOR SALE: TWO HOUSES ANI3 4,DT'On•earroll street, Allegheny. This property and sold low,as the party Is about leaving the city wishes to dispose of the prop_erty before i removins ii 41 SAWMILL, O- TW DWELL ROUSH% TWO BARNS, Vith,griod /MEW: - d about 80000 acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash $2_,500-balance on time to suit buyer: • • • ' FARM OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements. comfortable frame house andg_ood barn; 50 acres of the land clear. „. .FARM O 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well located for raising stocktimprovements are good and substantial; .1.00 acres •of the land in ''ClTand grain. YPROPEBTY.-Will sell a good brick house, containing dye rooms, at Sixteen HoadredDollars, and would rent for the amount in six years. A LARGE LOT OF GROUND, having river front. and very convenient ofacoess.. , , • TANNEIII „eopvenitMt to the city, and having a well established custom or local trade connected therewith,' a good dwelling said forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS In Sharpsaug, near.-the railroad; would make a good coal b ard. HOTEL FOR SALE .-T hat due -Hotel property, situated at the Bialravllie Junction,, containing fourteen rooms and the neeessary outbuildings, with three acret - of garden and fruit trees. • This well located hotel will be sold low, as tbe proprie tor wishes to retire from business. FOR RENT. -• Two new Brick Houses, 8 rooms each. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. . One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. _ One new Frame House , In Wilkinsburg, having six rooms and a large lot, well stilted for a garden. A nice COUNTRY HOME for rent, for 0300 per annum. Possession given first of June, or sooner if required. • ,- • FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward; -'1 acres that can be divided into acre lots., • . - 5 Lots in Oakland. FOR RENT-Al large Houses, suitable for Board ing Houses. WAN TEI,/••-.3,000 feet of Flagging 3 to 4lnehes thick. TO LOAN-450,000, ' IN SUMS OF 0, 000 - AND . UPWARD. . D, P. HATCH'S HAL ESTATE OFFICE No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. ar pia rzE FOR SALE. A RIVER BOTTOM FARM OF 76 ACRES. 19 miles from the city, in Elizabeth township, Alle gheny county, Pa., on the Youghiogheny river, one half mile from Elrod's Station, on the Connellsville railroad; gill urch. schools, stores, icc., in - the flourishing ages of Boston and Green Oak. The improvements are a two-story brick house of six rooms, hell and cellar, a good frame Mukha= with stabile's underneath, and other outbuildings; a well of good standing water at the door, and several standing springs of water on She farm, and an or chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. This prop erty being located near the line of the railroad, within One hour's ride of the city, makes it very de sirable for gardening or a dairy firm; it is also a good and beautiful location for country homes near the city, lying immediately on the river, on the op posite' side from the railroad, The West Newton Accommodation and other train; on the railroad af— ford certain and frequent opportunities of dally communication to and from the city. Will be sold as a whole or in lots of one acre or more, to suit Pnr chasers. Also, A FARM OF 173 ACRES, situated in St. Clair township, Westmoreland county, isa., ne ar the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame house, with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bang barn 40 by 60 feet. and l other.outhaildings. There is on the place a young apple and peach orchard; 180 acres cleared land, divided into fields of conve- Went size, a large portion of which .are well set in clover and timothy; the residue of Wild tract Cov ered with good timber. It is well watered and un derlaid with coal and limestone, and is convenient to churches, schools ' , stores, - Wills and blacksmith shops. A real good bargain is offered in this excel lent farm; and with It will be sold all thersonal' properryson the' premises, • consisting of horses,- cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears, wagon, plows, farming implements and. household and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very low and on easy terms, to a responsible.purchaser. _ a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land o f 1.58 ACRES AND 85 PERCHES. in Elizabeth Tp., Allegheny county, Pa., on the line of the Hetaptield railroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con- Reno - 111e railroad at Suter's Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, which alone is now worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The improvements. are a log house,' frame barn, good fencing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. 7t is well w atoned and underlaid with; .limestone awl flag stone of a superior quality, with stone coal for the useof the farm. _ • - Also, • The best FARM in 'Fairfield township.. Westmoreland counts-, Pa.. of 250 ACRES, about six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns In the township; two apple or chards, in good bearing condition; corn erib, Wagon shed 'and other outbuildings. The whole firm is under a high state of cultivation; fencing all in first rate order, and the land of the best quality of lime stone soil , about 200 swes . of which is Cleared and the residue, of the tract In good timber, such as white oak, Swot oak, ,hickorr, walnut and beech. This property will be sold very cheap and on good terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other busi nessr For particulars erminire of O. H. TOWER. 104 roprth Stivet. F OR SALE—To close a Partner.* TWO TRACTS OF VALUABLE LAND. • Situate having naugh tOWnshir&CA74- 8R1A.,C0.. Pa. the Pennrylvatila Brood running throu gh it, and within five miles of Johns town, contain ing 604 aced. - There is on this land, two workable seams of bituminous cosiolli and 6 feet think. Also, .a vein of, superior fire clay, fumy equal to the Bolivar: • - , • SI. Situate aboutreen towship, BEAVER Pa., containing 1100 acres, part. ander fence and improved,. and ^being within o.sbort distance of Smith's Ferry. . The landrtotendato the Ohio river, on which it bounds over-60U ken. at dittoing twli , seams of bituminous coal, 66 and ti. , and one of cannel coal of 6 feet thick. Allah , * vein Oi gre clay, suitable to the manufactoroof tins , brisks For further inforreauon" idetittoof ":" CHEAPEST BUILDING LOTS in MAIO= •:itritrthokit aired - for,' itdb oin the thriving 'Villtge ad]olnin6 theßlrm 'lngham Ilne, andfronly fifteen minutes' walk from the end of , tliellfontnigsbels - bridge:l This town,is growing ranidlyi Over g 70.000 was realitedibr Lots sold last season, and over tifty_nest dwellings,'were erected during the season. As s special inducement to mach - attics, we are willing to, close.the balance Of, the lots at tb.s low price of from 014130 so $350 etch, And on terms miler than payini l re rent . We are on the premises every afternoon ma to:f o'clock; or apply at our oflice; corner oartit attd Smith field streets. , , B. MeLAIN & Cp. LE, - - VAL lAD Water,Street Properq for Sale, , Large three-story. }MICR DWELLING DOUSE, with store and two office rooms, all well befit sadist good order, atuei!:R excelloat. location. s.B; /680Nfla 1ay16:03 - TIE9IIFLIBLE CITY ...itIptfjUDENCE, FOICEIALE.—k geed' Three story Brick Dwelling Rouse, Psessialt brig% rivet, slate root,' le tile hill; large par= 1" ten' - rooms in' all. - calmly ete.V aU finis - bed In -the belt style.- with modern tioavenleffees Mid le • emirate order; In good locatlonf lot- AT feet trout oa 1r" " ' red ' APP ,!"- s th cvntavarn&Boss, ‘tollfhor Real Estate Agents, 85 Smithfield St. WITH OR Wriflcknrlit* 1%1 PEBTY; dR rent fora term of *es. , Attiutte spiO-Inir No. 40,ra10 Alto r i b &CR 371 ' 7 aiitTliii clan.. x i TatteN renaP% ticOillit timber, dirt . • e mfles nom - free rt OM - within one-h t • - of. th e, route of t Ballrosd,,expeeled to, ra t Mt DIM io Itbe gold of e.*epitug- . 7, Id f _PPLVOIVIX alkein VD-- 1102fik • A • , . .., 4-, .% .1 .1,... . & vv .,. ID a , 0 .7,4. *, 14[ .r. 4,1 W I *mod greetv:, - „ °i~o~i~i~s: THOS. M. HOWE, Seerethry slid Treasurer. FOR SALE. APPLY AT S. M. KIER, • "i"::7170. - 359 LsWifstieet; my7•pB9 it') - - • a . ft M a r i ? H. I= lEEE AUCTIONS;,' szrraceiliirolia mammon). SUBURBAN RESIDENCE, LAUCHLIN STATION. II - Tuesday, .inne 3d, at 3 2 o'clock P. on o n premises, will ( new) d', that desirable end well located two-story Itrick noose of nine - rooms, with 8 aeres:nt ground attnehed.locited LC 4. Laughlin Station, Connellsville Railroad:. withikt three , minutes , walk of the stet - ion, foot of Squirrel l at lre th illh e eloo lihm r.r e Ti rl ds . propert for hPieunliel H op i ri ll ms nad of . w. F t r e td r location, convenience and comfort cannot be sur passed. Parties desiring to attend, sate tak e t h e a o'clock train! Connellsvum Railroad, or Oakland street cars, and go down by the run road. • , Terms—one-third cash, baldsidelnl - and As yearn. SMITHSON, VAN - HOOK MddELTAANTi. - • Anottoneorn..4- MEI OPEBB . ; 1 ) , . . , -...: ,-..-- RESIDENCE. ANDiI GROUNDS ' HOMEWOOD STATIOA ' c'" 1.1 A.t .A. 7.1 c ? 1 C;O,3:L • WILL BE SOLD Bil AUOTION„ On Weilnenaay%lnne3 9 l t4io"ol_boltiiill4l:l...'a - At Homewood Station, on the Pennsylvania Rail road, a LOT OF GRO UND. 24 about. two 11M - IM; improved, on which' Is • erected •: la , HANDSOME DWELLING!: HOUSE, contain ing eight rooms and large Attic, with all modern . _ conveniences and applianeffil • Stable. and Canine • House. entr Shrubbery.' ' • The'grotuids• are onis-z_- mented and enclosed withpaling fence. It is beau- - Maly situated on the.GreekiSburg pike, near the fine residences of Messrs. Fehnestocit, Orlmth and others, opposite the toll - gat{, and combines every desirable feature of a count t 7 residence near to the city., The special attention Of those in quest of a first-class home is invited 'this highly attractive sale.' Take train at three otelock , from UuloaDtk- ..pot, Liberty street. SMITHSON, VANHOo/dkaIcCLELLA.ND, ' il Auctioneers. CIARRIALGES; OVcitEs. AND HO I RSES • AT AUCTION Third Important and*ctensivefiinblia Sale at abater's. Carriage Bataan,Die . - mend Alley, near Liberty Street. On Wednesday, ans. 'at 10 o'clookli. N. The third popular sale trill t a ke place at SHATER'S. CARRIAGE BAZAAR, of , it large assortment or Carriages, Barouches, Busks, Jagger Wagons, to gether with a number of o styles of light vehi cles; also, , , TWO 1192&_11 HORSES One tine Mahogany. Bayrotting Stallion, IU, hands high, 7 years old,' wi thout a blemish, known. as "Little George. Has beaten and can beat 2:415 taharness, and haeno supeilor as a pole horse, 'for jib speed; very quiet:mill:Bid. And that fine, stylish'llaylMare, raised by George VT. Smith; Esq., of Wheelifig, W. Va.. Sired.by his Glencoe horse; ,dam, a veryJffne Tuckeyhoe mare; 7 . ' years old; sound and kind; 15 bands bight - has trotted in :three minutes. td a road wagon, and most excellent saddle marl! Know es th e "11fack ey The owner wi hea,to dispose, of these horsed, as he intends to be absent from the city the greater part of the cominglonmmer. ' These , horses can be seen prior to the day biotite stNo. add-Penn street. 1•1 Iss addition,'* large and _w ell alerted stoat °titre Harness, &c., will be sold St some time and place. All interested should knew that tnese vehicles. horses, harness.' Le; will fie sold without reserve, and those Witibingstiythingo the several lines will And It to their benefit to attend. .631ITHSON, VANHOOK ItIe3LELLANB. mr23:09 - j Auctioneers. *ALtrAISLE- I - 4 , _ WOOD STREET . PROPERTY -Au6TioN. MONDAY, 'JUNE Zst, 186th, i i ON 'TEE IPREMSES. at o'clock P. M. 4ffi Ibe sold by_ahctiottthoso very, .estrabiogl'llitF...B- , BTORY BRICK WAREHOUSES, 11 • - Nos. 11 and 13 Wood Street, Occupied by 'Messrs. Micbacl k Itocblings and the Richards & , Hadley Glass Manufacturing ; Company. Annual rent of tacit; 11,590. • r -.• BARB -CJlA.llibr. YOU kilq.sll,llClfr. : SMITHSON. VANHOO mcpLEL:Auct LA NDio , znyz . - . • neers. • , BY:A. N'IGWAIBB.: • PILANS S COURT SALE.—VAL . EARLE WATER STREET (SECOND WAnn,) P OPERTY. . -THURSD"Ii MORNING Jape 4th,. '; .., . -st.lo o'clock,-will be sold et the Churl,-House, Citr• - . • , of Pittsburgh, by order o , Orphans , ,,Court of Alle gheay coOnty, tbat vale 'ble nropertyllaituate on. Water street, opposite , llo-Counellavffle :Railroad ,- , • De pot,and beginning 90 ~ .feet above the tipper cor- . -, • ner of Grant and Water streets, and preserving the • same width 411 feet:MAGlAN:with an addition ot . " 37 feet In depth and 40 feet In width, making air entire ',depth 01%55 feet, :whereon are seven small brick tenements, with alley and court forming what is celled ' ilollaniPs (Court,t ,, lncluding the house No. 100 Water street. 1r • - - . -• Terms of sale—Two-thirds cash; balance In one and two years, with Interest.__. - •- . -.. . , - jel A. McILWAINE, Auctioneer. . . .' lIIFE INSURANCE 'POLICIES.— . On TUESDAY riftI7I)IG: .Jatie 9t14. 'At 8 '. o'c ock, will be sold, on tecond floor of Commercial - , Sales Rooms, No. 100 Sunthdeld street, hy Norris. Jain H. Kennedy, assignee of Robert B. .in bankruptcy, a Life Insurlinee Polity for 15,000 In the New - York Globe llntual Co.. and for 5,000, in the Aetna Lith Insurance Co., of Hartfor d . Ct. . mrAl A.: .MTILIV AIRE, Auctioneer: `- VALUABLES 'FOCES Sr.,, BONDS. EVENLEG,! , June ad,- at- 8. Velock; will be sold, on second :door of Commercial Sale! Booms,lo66mithtleld stteet:, 10 shares Bank of r'ittsbitrgh.' ' t - 50 shares Boatmen's Insurance Co. 25 shares Central 'Eransportation-CO.'lEleep lng Car Stock. ; • 60 shares Pittsburgt Grain Elevator Co. • 62.000 Pittsburgh & CDnneßssllle It. li. Bonds. my3o - A. BicILVAINE. Auctioneer. VALuAttrx.rAlivEirtv on the ALLEGHENY D OND ATATICTION.— 'There will be sold on thel premiaes. on June Ad, at S o'clock , that lot Of. ground 6 they • on thee northwes t corner of the' Dth.mend,:'. and 66:- feet on the sontheside of Strawberry alley. .The special att station of ,thibiness men and capital ists is Invited to his Important sale, which be .without reserve. = . • . The property an the.=Aliiiheny.Diainonil Ss being rapidly appropriated to bus iness purposes, so that this property is prospectirely. exceedingly valuable. Particulars on applleation to._ . • , A. LEGGATE. Auctioneer, •; t ' ilb9F deral street. Allegheny. --- ST Pitirrti.&llll=3: psiamiest ti , jitit a riiirgkitS' 4411.4 Arerchalges_ . , OPERA: HOUSE 11AUCTION 100 E, 80 Fifth Stit, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' 430 9-XB. 6 -- SHORPir PARi"ETS,:i Dry Goods 4nd Notions, - AT PRTVAT&SALE Vonstipunents Minolta'. Prompt Rem earns: r r:FJ' , . . • ,•':' -' t ( • " !I - ' • , .. . rrEIE TWIN' CITY', SLATE. CO., 1.. manufacture a- *evertor article of - _" 1100 V 1- $.13 1. SLA'',VIO. • - -11sroffice•.43;seirelitsiSt.s. putounsk PS J..S. v.kvirrattExEß, Pms% , . ,_.:.,, STEANClialik.s,,„ I - 1 , ---........,'.-_,..7,.- . -- 4 811 Li Eirtr - ~-, i .. A' •i '4 “:1 7 ILl—:” . ` ':" -r" n 4- N1 fv. ~,I L , •,•- rak e -4, 401 N r iiil Wave Oet ko t begot Jar se .xuvoi r .. * erii• r •. a ',.. VOX,. pri .. ....011 0 9 1 3 4 Pi° 41184 . , ...,, f , , u , . :.•:•,`''.'' ' -101, 0 q'Preffroff'. il , rRI '. l - ;'.. '' • • - -.; , t; , ..X.: 1, ? ' 4'' ' 1 ' - 110/ilti tilliiKANt '.' • , : •- f l , _' =!11 5.._ BY L BEIMATE. Au - _ - : ",4 _;~-'' =0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers