The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 01, 1868, Image 3

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Gold Closed at 13934@f39%.
(By Telegraph to the Plttsbarah Gazette.l
NEW YORE, May. 30,1868.
Money nloiedlifinYeintyf Etegt
at- piiriceriti
for call loans the highest , however , at close
was 4ier ant.' ai log to 4,
closing nominal at 10%. Gold firm at
139 %@139%. , Shipments to-day $234,-
745. -,The ; heavy , -shipments_for. ;the
vreek,*. f4 ) 211,000, and Washington advi
cos tended to keep paces very steady and
active-- demand /is coinaMd,
it was scarcer3hapZfor .sorpe•timp past;
loans were made at 10 Rer. cept. for carry
ing, ina•7 - fkirto 1 1 1%1:32 Per bent. - per; diem ,
for krorrowing.
Steady at an adiance,.
with good demand
for alt issues: Indications favor
highiii 'rites Week. ; Coiiversionti
of Seven-Thirty rates'very heavy, and Will
Probably reach thirteen millions.. There
are more in transit and the total at New
York at tkesiiike will Iderailiggreipitiffsix
ty-five millions, and the total for thef
try willyrobably reduce , the' amount - .4mit
& Co. furnish: thC"tanneired.:AM."'xiluiiii
tions: Coupons of 'Bl, 115M®116; '62, 11 -
®lll-ya 1093i0§110 5 ; '65, 110@ll104
clew, 112%®112y.; '67, 112,4®11234.-' ;
Potties, 105Ng105%. 801130 4 211 0 ,1 .e5s 109%
RAILWAY sfamitirt
opened firm, but subseqaently brcficem
the lull in - Erie, - and nder
).atW 'banana, 'alive.
and strong, with quite a general 'tecoverif
in advance in.prices. _Tea. Wayne rose to
116%,. old Souithen?,to, IV, and Illinois c oo _
tral Qnotatinna te littleoft'
at cloii enndeiiealiititionis, but Closed firm.
Border State liondatiegdy„. Mis cellaneous
and ta'press•dnl.l.' " • • •
. ~ .
• - The foltowing are the' Pive-Thirty ri:
Canton,; :0 2 X,@)621.4 ::••7 Vtuubettaidi p V ces
Wails Express, 251®26X; American, 52)4
i 4@)5314; Merchants, 28(4)28y; ,Adams, 4563‘
,i .57; Luited..States, 65;4Z083‘; Quicksilver.,
4 29 @ 2 3:; Mariposa,. 9%; Pacific-Mail,. 953‘
(g035.)4; Atlantic, .31@gly,;* Western Union
. : Tele graph, - ,88%@88„4;; - New Yor!:Dentral,
183N0L33%; Erie, : 69J4 9i Huasiin,;
141 X®142: • Harlem, 325; Reading, 94%
ig)0.5%; Ohio and, Mississippi, 30g@30x;
• ~. Wabash, 5 1 5@,5654 ; St. Paul, 647,x@
430;4; preferred, 773‘®78; Michigan Gen
' i tral,'ll9@ll9X: Michigan - Southern, 883 M
. ; 88 30. Illinois Centa'al,, 1483;®149; • Pim.'
burgh, 88 ®883;; Toledo, 1 09@)1093;; Rhode
Island,' 97®97M; Northwesterti, 68X@MX;
••• do preferred, 7 9%@80; Ft, Wayne, 116%
-:', - li; ' Hatfo ,et Erie, 16; Chicago
.•,. At Alton,
_preferred, • 128)4; Burlington
. 160; Terre Haute r 4B @XS*. Marietta prefer
. t. red, (2d,) 10; liduasouri, 9p. new Tennessee,
i 70.
. . .
i BANK STATEDEF,ST._.. •-•_•, . - +
.I.4!Ms, 1 308 , 17 7,490; increase, t2,615;809.'
• •••• . •Circulation ;34145,60e decrease, ti 37,342-
. t Deposits, 8i14,74f3,962; 'increase, $ 2,239,412
Legal Tenders, $65,6&3,553;.increa5e, $3,400,;.
• • .; 75 . L. - • •r:ii'. '
Lower:-Engelaill,Al2s®4ss; New :York, 75
the Grwe ek egory, 450; Quart; 110. Imports
•! •of—dry g00d5;51,185,203; general
--t ninerchandiztr $5 63.5 567 '' - , - ' -- •
..3 Receipts to-day, $194,659.296; payments,-
$26,365,390; balanm; 194,677,986; receipts of
i x : the,7 week, $42,162,803; payments, $5O,-
170 22.
• •.- 'ew York Produce Market.
i (By Telegraph to the Pittabtu•gh Gazette.l
, NEW YORK, May 30. Cotton without de
••', 1 •cided. change; • 950 bales including 200 in
• i transit at 32c for middling uplands. Flour
' . 4, 'dull and 10al..0) o lower; receipts 0f:2,850 bbls
3 ' .1 and" 8,7.19 bags; tittles 580 bbls at 87,90a8,35
1 for superfine State and western; $8,80a9,30
• •-• for choice extra State; 0 8 80010,15 for extra
p western; 11,25a15 for white wheat extra;
; 49,40a13 for extra t3t. Louisr 812ab3
i good_ to choice do eldsinst.-California lower;
' ,Iv 800 aks at ,Lbll3; Rye flour quiet; 150 bbls
; 4 *Sal o . Corn Mealquiet. Whisky nominal.
' 1 Wheat dull and nominalky2a3c lower; 7,500
•• '4 bushels of No. 2 spring at $2,18 an
i: extfeir ; soo 'whifeChnaU - fred at $2;37R:
- .t• Rye quiet; sales 2 , o oo.Cahadwat 82,04. Bar.
• f' ley and barley malt nominal. Receipts of
corn:dull - and la2d lower; saleS6Aooo built!
; at 81,06a1,07 for new mixed western afloat; '
$1,16 for old white western in store; /81,13
for new western yellow'afloat. ' Receipts of
oats; none, a theart: *bit :declining; _ - siltis
• - .14 48,000 bush at.84i4a850 for western in store, i
11 and 85a85m for do afloat, Rice quiet' t 11,st I
l 1130 for Carolina. Coffee quiet and firm.
• ' t Sugar firm; sales 900 bags' at 1 1,,Na_12,,,Ve.
MolliSseirl i tifer.— Hops - qtlfertit'ioaloy 4c :" l
American petrolecultsfikm at 4 3it1334e for I
. , crude, and 30e for refined in ~1?0nd.., Coat,
1 unchanged. ' I 'leatliek=tleirdock able; 26a
i i 27c for Buenos Ayrett. 'Wool a shade firmer;
;in low medium grades rather more doisg;
sales,- 495,000 pounds, at , 48457 fer_cluntestie-•
i fleece. Pork a shade firmer and quiet;
• sales 1,050 bbls at #28,25a28,35 for new mess,
, closing- at 128,30 far regtidartind.M7.l32a27,7s,•'
, for old; prime mesa ; 4 24,40. • Beef steady;
• sales 220 bbls. at f 15a20,50 for new pl l ain
-.., me55„120,50a24,75 for nevi:extra meant._ .aso ,
50 demos at ;30a8 , 4 for pritneniess add - 8344 -
; . 37 for India mess, Beef Hams heavy;
sales 90 barrels at 828,50a30,25 Cut
mental Were .st .shafle -lower„ saleS .of ." 160 I
Etekases at 12 5.fa1534; Shoulders 18Ma17x.
firm s,
m sales
s nominal. Lard a shade
- ; of 80 pounds at 17%a18%;
for steam and 1 8Nal9X - for kettle remlered,
' also Sales of 250 pounds of seller last part of
,'. Zane r at- 18V: Butter -qiflet i itti 25'40 -foil'
OW, 80a33 for Sta Cheese firm at 7c.
, Freight tci Liverpool without decided
• cluale, 32,000 bushels of corn per steamer
A7 4 i X -ri9ur alit44d dial:arid 10p lower„,
Wheat ?tontine): and la2c, lo*er; ShiPiPepil,'
refuse to buy at present in consequence of
• the unfavorable private reports received by
cable to-day. Rye dull et 111,92a1,94; Oats
very, dull and heavy at 84a84 %c for west'.
ern in More. ,Corn <lull arid hefty_ at 431,45. 1 4,
5i,08% for new Mixed 'Western afloat. Pork
nominal at $28,20a28,30 for
,mess cash and
-: regular. Mel quiet mid unchactrfed. (14'
tneatk small Secrets at Previous! iii cee. I Bit;
lcon nominal: .Lard 18,0 for falr to prime
Eata tur p, and 1 83‘al9c For ?cettleendere'd.
n,...i „±„,„1... , at 20 a 2k.,, ,•,. , - ~. ~.4 ,
4 - . 557
, .., . .
_ St. .14ttla illeritet , • -
11 tßy Telegraph to the Ptt ithergh . Elieetie.j '-
Sr: Louis; May 30.-.Tobtteco 'steady a n d
-' f1run,1ug5,47,00119,25:-/ketcit Usti
• Nook wrapperx,lll2,oo2looo; inedittni
-1 4 good - briglat leaf, "1115, ,00; Cfao334.
440,00a75,00. Cotton; nothing rog v H e w,'
verratiffruned,'llo 2 :soale, , dra me d.
,42 6522,00. Flour !dx*aullinglir dull; sale:,
00 1 5.
. A fall superfine at 17.25a7 50; double extra
11 0 , 50 i 11 ; 00 ;, 1 Antyr:/1.3,00‘bit,25.- - 4 . 4 ( ha
And - heay.• for-fall, small'Wets; ho et for sprinst., Poru slow; .4Ml.,ud; re'irel
. .1 low, -880 0 . 0; cho telikfW,',92e, • t' • le 1 tit'
77a79c. . Barlikr . pnial 'sales ap
,4g,ati2,50 .•
i r drilliuld lower, at, sl,Bpa ...4. , .p r o is . .
clull.'.' Pork 828228,50. • : 4 • Heater
.shodldere,l2allei rib tildes /.1 2 A ' ,01, 0 4., in,:
~ Iwo; AlearaShqs • ake4l;ool° irx,4
iklear - sidias ;17,34e. • - Choic e : can e , ii.hanla
p 20,4- • lard: . dull At - 1.0a20e4. , ve , :gtookf
--sales only,roado-11Y0Ouwastoria,•therimice
fi being s4,sWl6oflalmSe.e.Dilttntoderate
Irequest at 12a6 per
_headfir e oleo. Hogs
In clextuind , At IViv,7lo vls. Reociipta.o
flour,4B3i•bblin wheat: b ush; co rn
17 Onat
bah* fitttg, /6,20'i b 115 11'0, /342bu5.,
• :
..: • ' 4
• . Louisville Mar et. ' ' ,'• 1. .• • 1; .: •'
6441 e plifivarrottszesko ; 4. li4l ,
l'er "164111141-'MiViiii. - 4 3408 : 168 Ude*
Lovwxr-Lffit.,_‘-7---,...5ie suit, Z. Ciao* '
i two o lugs tot au .... - ,t ~. "'"!'
:i'•.• , wait i - Nirheati • 0 - 4 5 4542,,.. ,
,StiPliiiine' w o o' so. - ,bills;',' 84 185 e, :',,t•-•:'•
,1 Corn firm at -.----42...., k . , 2 241 _
f?' Fall-*EPtit6treft V ; :t1 6 esti - * ricr7iP
''''l Fa
i tut w ar -7Q6t olesi iiidell4. .-atito3.4llk•J'ilit..°l44lePr
1 4414Taabi t 01
1So; 04 igi t i td M 14644 1 .6151 " 1117 '. - . -
..,..„ J L,t;
- 4 ...
... ..4 .
• •-• •
Cleveland - Market,
CSpetlal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
1 CLEvsbarrn,'liiiiy 3O.—The-flour market
continues; kull andnnchanedi double ex
tra spring, city made, at $ 11,25a11,75; do,
&entry made, at $10,25a11,26a11,75; double
`extra amber, eity - made,'at 514; `do white,
city made, at $ 1 0,60a11,00; double extrared,
country made, at siAal2,so. , Wheat is dull
and heavy, withlf 't demand; No 1 red
winter held at $2,5 ; No 2do at $2,43; No 1 12,20. Corn dull and inactive, and
spot parcels held
at 51; round lots for. une
and July in good request at 95a9t3 ,respect ;
ively, at seller's option. Oats; '. demand
light and market tinch,anged; 'No lis held
at 76. Rye lower; light sales No Zat $1,80..
Barley, no sales: Petroleum quiet and un.
changed; refined, in bond, held at 24a243t;
do free, at 3445.
Milwaukee Market.
.. ,
C 139 Tele¢rayh to the Plttsburph casette.] . .
MILWAUKEE, May,.34l.—Flour dull, and
Rower; sales choice Wisconsin and lowa at
$ 8 ,75a9,00; , medium , $8,50118,75; common
$B,OO-a8,50. Wheat panicky' and lower; sales
at $1,96a1,97 for No. 1 and R,87 or No m .
Oats dull
.and lower at. 64a65 rfor No. 2:
Corn , dull arid lower, at 87, for new. Re.
ceipts-1,400 . barrels Flour; 50,000 .bushels •
Wheat, -11,60 Q bushels Oats, and 5,000 bush
,els Corn. Shipments---2,500 barrels Flour,
8,000 bushels Wheat, 2,000 bushels Oats and
1,000 busheL9 Corn.
-, Bufralo.Market.
(By Telegraph to the Plttebargh Gazette.] •
BUFFALO, May 30 . -- Receipb3--whe a t 42,-
, 000 buih; corn, 20,000 bush; oats, 24,000
bush; flour, 4,300 bbls. Shipments-:-*heat,
15,000 bush; -corn, 8,000 bush. The flonl
'market is dull and unchanged. Wheat un-•
changed. Corn; buyers and sellers wide
apart; all held by one party, and is entire
ly nominal. Oatsdoll and drooping; 30,000
bush.western to•arrive at 75; 27,000 do; 'on
spot, at 77%. Other articles Unchanged. j
'• Toledo Market.
Mr Telegraph to the Plttebargh Gazette.l' ,
TOLEDO, Ma' 36,—Flour; receipts, 2,132
bbls; market dull. Wheat;. receipts., 4,929
-bush; white3fichigan held at $2,88, with..
out ,buyers; amber. declined 15a17c, with.
sales at 5 2 ,38a2,40,.and 'to arrive next week
at 82,35: Corm:receipts 20;061' bush; • price
a shade lower; sales of No. I,at 92c; b uyers
fbr June at £l4a9M''/Dats; 'receipts 1,700
bush; saleaW No: -1 .at ft*. 'Lake freights
dull at 3c on corn to Buffalo.
I . Markets.
IBy Telegraph te the Pittsburgh Gasette.l
' - .MEMPint May 3 0.--Cotton dull andmeni
inal; receipts 30 bales; exports 210 bales
Flour quiet and Unchanged: :Pork, $29,50.
Bacon--Shoulders, 14c; clear sides, 18c.
Lard, 1 9 30203ic. Corn, 95c. Rat - , 818,00.
Oats, 85a90c. Bran, 830. • Eggs, 18a20e,
Butter, 30c. -
Philadelphia Market.
tsr Telegraph to the rlttsburgh Gazette.)
..,PHILADELPTLIA, May 30. Petroleum
iluiet; crude 17%e; refined 280. :Flour dull
-and drooping. Wheat dull at /2,60a2,80.
• Corn very dull; mixed.western $1,15. Oats
laddy; western 91.95 e. Provisions unchan
, •
Detroit Market. -.;
'r Telegraph to the eittsbersh GarettO,l
[;,.'DETROIT, May 30:--F1our 25a50c, lower,
~_very choice superior offered it513;00a18,25.
,:Wheat, white western 12a15c lo ex- sales
i ,
No. 1 at $2.74 on , the stet; No. 2, iferesl, : at
$2,35a2,40;* ainbor hoininid at $2;45:
Both rivers are. again- vreeeding - steadily
a this potnt.rth.tenAnda half feig .in ; the
kvfonongahels, Snd'eleven feet' in the; :412,-,
. ,
gheny, - The weather was clear and p
.ant yesterday and apparently . settled.
The, St. Marys, Ca t.. T.. C. Sweeny, is the
regglArligoket for Cincinnati-to -day, leav
lng promptlyat spge . M. She 18 a and
opmnmdlous side , wheeler, and- be des be
ing a good carrier, offers , superior aceom
inodations to passengers. . - „
..:.A telegram from St.- 4 .l.lsuie yesterday,
brought the sad inte l l i gen c e et :the death
Of Capt.. Alexander .51oGowan. w loh oe
inured at, that „ Place on. Saturday , Capt.
IdeGoWall was,one of our oldest ste boat
Pent and had command • of., the Ar men ia at
she ,tLme of his ; death. Elie -,re in s, we-
Pietllnei . will be- brotight, here fo inter-
.The Alice ,V. left .Cincinnati . ,for, Mtge-,
finrgh on , Friday.. The Glendaleadd Kate
go b
baso ts n,
due from St. Louis , are, ;amosg the
tint boa t s ,- • ,•- - •
tr,Quite a number of:towboats have ;either
eady gone or•will- - go out on the vresent
e with coal. , Among,‘ ethers,. we. note
le Coal City, Lion , • H.:; J. raglan -Tom.
eeea3engel••• Tiger.. `Stella, Grey H?und,
erotiles, Whale and Horner. • -•
The Horner, onAlur last, rise, - -tnade •the 1
trip to Vicksburg• 'and/ return, in eleven.
ltys, - said to ; have been the quickest trip' ,
e er made. She made, '-the run from:
,ylcksburgh to Louisville, 11 diagram: :of
rt °tittPheltleikie,titregadrPLldt way
t. ce ours;, notwl it 4 elf •le ft.Naq
deepirlidenon leavidg"thefertner port.
, .The .Aietiroloarea for' Cincinnati on :
Satuiday with ' ii,`goOd freight. Mt; 0d.,,,k
h P i rri§erStrasen g eti. , ' ' ".
ife-ri.-*.€17W0414 deTlited fez
. There le quite , ' 1 a .!lively, 4OiePeti ti 'ex':
letieget`PrOttent,Ntareen theLe64l :ad
7 /hinge foctStl . 4 iule , freights.•• The
ruler, we ttuderatowipas 'takin;g f 4 the,
freillitt.ahe 'eltre'•get' it a s coati while -
: timmAvegeolt le.sekti,hasah o . est'erport
e time the-ZIA-rage gete.oti •16i'Li.iii: e
alt:', rill be 'b er ritgh"./thr ~Wirelkiek,
.:e he e r ve • ::::1414otttrbte-:Letti:o; el ; ;;11417 4 : b 8; t ti b . l' u : tr ' " "D 676 4:
, n 'et - Gotd' On it 06.; Per
'' .llll burit t has i asen: - imcated - "river of
, ,„ :for, thszporeof •Parkletilbell4 the
414, extetidlezitit liarlettit, Olao to
• tt!eetts,burti ' tkik'Y. ma ; ran.
ne 7144-574', gt * etr ctlyillrePert a; Pe rko:
EBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CINCIXNATI, gay 30 .---Flourdtill, family
$10,00a10,50. Wheat dull at $2,30a2,85 for
No. 2 and - No. 1 winter. Corn very dull,
closing at 89a900 for ear or shelled. Oats
dull at 80c fur No. 1. Rye scarce and firm'
-at $2,00a2,05. Cotton dull at • 29c -for
thing. Tobacco quiet and not much done;
„sales confined to 160 hhde. receipts light
'unchanged. Provisions 'dull; no demand.'
for any article, but there issome demand
• for mess perk from lifobile; $27,60,
:was the best offer made, r-bat 'hal - dere' are
'nut wining to take leo: than 1128; - 13nIk
'meats and Bacon neglectedl fate -aaMe, 'pay,
be said of Lard. Butter in light Supply
good demand: at 26a296- frnsli; receipts'
-light. Eggs 18, - .1 . and in goodden:Land. ißay•
in large supply and exceedingly dull at all for hard pressed on arrival. Potatoes:
plentY and 'dull at $3,60a3,76 per-bbt s 'lan- -
seed oil dull ate s l ; l7 al;l9.•Lard , oil un
changed. petroleurnuletst 26a3Eic for re
fined 'free. Groceries' iinchangeth Gold
. • •
' •
Teiei• Chicag
.—o •Mai
ranii Gazette.] •- •
weak dull;r
spring: extraar * 9 .4 0 a 1 9945- ' Wheat moder
a ely - active and 3ya3Mc lower; Stiles No
1 t $ 1 ,92a1,98, and No 2 at
ing at $1,87M for Ncrit-efirrtve and 2a
EiNe lower;-sales of No I. at i15a86-X0; No 2at
85 u 252 4e; rejected at 33 3fa5491 closing with
sellers of NO 1 at 84%c; buvers at &13i. Oats
ModeratelY active and lower; clOsinquit at . 644a653;c.) Rye dull; salesat ;1,86
for No,L , Barley entirely
,nominal. Pro-,
visions - inaCtive arid nominal. 'Mem' Pork;
$2 7 ,87a28.) Lard, :17Xallitc.'•-Preights -dull
and easier; 4c on corn and' - 3c. on oats.: to- .
Buffalo. Receipts--5,529 barrels flour, 69,566
bush Wheat, 89,220 bush- c0rri,"66,1372 - bush
oats. Shipments-11,629 bblEirflour, 38,344
bush wheat, 89,811.-bush-- 86 , 9 441 bash
oats. h>vortr „
RIVED DrEws:-1
fore, upon change of ownets - or papers; -
'Capt. Charles , Holloway was presented
by the officers of the Fleetwood, with a'
Splendid diamond pin valued at $2OO. The
presentation took place while the boat was
lying Parkersburg.. of the Carrie Willianis,whe
Was so - badly injured .bY, the bursting of ,
her steam-pie, died' at Florence, Indiana,
.on Wednesday.
We clip the following. items from the
Cincinnati Gazette, of Friday: The' little
Stern-wheel Natrona, formerly an Alle
gheny river packet, arrived from above on
Wednesday, and landed on.the Kentucky
side of the river. We understand that a
couple of.official gentlemen were in walt.
ing for her to land on this side of the river,
but the Captain not being - desirous of
making - new acquairitances, passed on
down the river. • , . • ; .. I
;The Emma No, 3,Pittsburgh to,St.Louls, ,I
was momentarily expeeted last nigh.
The' St. Marys 'left for Pittsburgh las
;evening withabout..l3o tuns, and, had 100
tuns engaged above. She will be,drawink
.all the water there IS in the river' 'between
-here and-Pittabtirgh..l :-",' ''' " ,
~ 'A NEw Bait IN STEAM NAviciArinfr.-,-,A
company has just, been . formed ,in -New
York'city, and the - nereadarY' capital paid
.in, for the Immediate constriction ofa netv..
steamboat, 216 feet long,., specially ,de-.
signed to -run forty miles _an .hour. The
boat is to' be operated on the' plan patented
by Stephen E . Gold, a man ofecience, .the
'inventor of many valuable inaprovectunits,.
among , which are Go ld's - steam-heating de=
Vices,:' now' very extensively" mied. His
Present invention consiSta in a new, mode
of applying steam power in the paddle
,Wheels, by which 'Nils' enabled to make
use of 'machinery having` great 'effective
force, with but little weight. . This results
in a reduction of the inirnersed, cross,elec7
tion of .the vesiel,<" and - a consequent in
crease of speed over ordinary boats. 'The
new vessel,be provided:-with 25. horse
power for each square foot of immersed
cross Seetion. If his.etiortione force can
be successfully applied. ,to ..the ' paddle
wheels, the vessel , must - move at thin-.iended velocity,er something*lll break. - '
It has been ascertained that about I-horse
power per, square foot'of cross section will
move a boat at the rate of 10 miles an hour;
4-horde, 29 miles; 'l6-herse, 49-iiiiles; 61-
horse, 80 miles, and so on. But "up to the
present time no ~e ngineeriug skill, has
been able to devise a method of augment
ing the driving ' power without' also in
creasing, proportionately, the area of the
Immersed cross section. Although we
have many large d - Powerful beats, zhey,
do not 'travel muchfasterr - than the smaller
craft., ,', i .• : ,' -- ' ' - •
The Belley,ernon left Carondelet for
Pittsburgh on ' Thiinsday, and the Kate
Putnam was annbunced to leave the same
- day. The Kate Robinson left Cincinnati,
for Pittsburgh on
,Thurscisy. . ,
We copy the following frem the Saint
Louis' Thspisich:The, restaurant system
on western Steambeafs has-beim thorough
ly testedon the Belle of Alton, and pro
nounced an entire success and a great sav
ing to the boat., Capt. Bruner states that
it is a saving of fully a, thcmsand dollars a
Month, besides the satisfaction it gives to
travelers. The boat rents the saioon and
pays. $25 a month ~ board Par officers, and
$2O a month for thci deck crew. Passengers
procure their meals as in en eating house
on shore, calling for what they want, and
paying only for what they get. The Mem
phis Packet Company, we understand; will
test the new system on one or two of their
boats, and we doubt not . that it will prove
a saving of several thousand dollars a
month, The cooking house and pantry are
the most expensive departments of a boat,
which boatmen have long complained of.
GREAT Bdar RacE.--Last night thegreat
boat race of the season came oir between
the Harry Johnson, Jasper and Belle of
Alton. The Johnson was the first to leave
St. Louis; then the Jasper, and lastly the
Belle started out about five hundred yards
behind i the Johnson. For' the first six
miles the. Belle gained 'but :little, owing to
some defect in her machinery, This being
remedied, she rapidly 'overhauled- the
Johnion and passed her under way, and
then - Annie& at Madison. Having dis
•chargedher . Edwardsville freight, she
again started out, passed the Johnson' the,
second time, and landed at this levee two
hung Yards ahead: ' The' Jasper ' 'Made
rio shoo ,in the , race et all, having only
reached the Point when the Belie /end.
A large rowd was on the whartto witness
the race, and the triumph of the Belle was
receive with,
.prolonged . shouts ; of ap
plause.--;41/ton Telegraph, 27th. .
' -
-Elver and W eathbr.-
CBy Telerraph to tharitts, buriti3Onzettej
LouniolLra, Id arr47 - 4 1 Yer faking, Frith
7 feet in Mccarial by mark.
Sr. tams,. May .30.-`fir.eittlrer P leasant .
CLEVELAND AND Prirtatrltorr -Him-
ROAD, May ;30.-1 , car pig ,iron, 2 do ore, -
LloYd &BlaCk; Ido pig iron, Zug. de Co; I
do do; Wm Smith: - 2 do 'orro',llfilork ' Iron'
Mi11e4,2 do do, Hutchinsdn, .Glas4 & Co;: 4'
do dO,,Shoenberger & Blair; 2 dq lumber.,
E Allen; I' do do, 'WA Clark'dc CO; 11 do do
J momasterariSm ,bloOms iron,' , Niinick de
Co; 81 aka hair, F W C Feld;2o- bbla Um%
L H Carlisle; 12 s.ks, jx•rates, 101cAttenik
lfusgrave; . 9 bbls broken glass, MeKee it
Bro; 1 car stone,' A .1 Harbaugh; 500 boxes
pipes,E McGraw; .4 kge oatmeal, E• do bar
ley, L jßlanchard; 163 sks oats, Owynne &
Stoneman; ' 6C : biz's rye,' W J Meek; 2 kegti
apple :, butter, ,Graff & Reiter; 2 sks rye,
Meanqr &Harper; 3 eke r ags ? - McCullo ugh,
Smith dt Co: ,
IPitTsauximi, *Pr: WAYNE ' AND -CHICAGO '.
RAILROAD,; May -30.--79 ears fnetid, isilm
ick & Co; 6do dq./jas Wood, Son & Co; d
do do . ; Bryant Caughey; 1 do millfeed, fit
B Floyd & Co; 200 bbls flour, Watt &
Lang; 40(1 do do, , owner 2,5 - do do t ilikS Mar
vini 407 aerie tis ; Ihrif en,&Sorir
829 gas stware; . - Berger; 2V,bxs
cheese, H Riddlef3o do.' do, lc .1" - Brifden; 6'
eke rags, McCullough, Smith .2- Co; 20
cheese, NV: if Kirkpatrick Jt Co; 3 bra to
bocce, A. Scha „tar 30 bra cheeseaß. green
5 bbisolue, - FW C Paid; dohs Woo d
B Canifeldlcr Son; 8 bbhl , AppldS,
worth, :& , Davison; 9. 'kegs. Apple, hatter,
'Volgt, Mahood it Cci; 1 qar . bey, Il biro,
eggs Pt Rea . :Tr; 228 lige eine, 'Drifter At Co; '
.8 bas e A kg, butter,. 4l3
LlanChardf 5
sks rags,
. 4 -garrisiop. ,' • ) --
ALLEcingmr VAL tamli , A4no4.l4 ; May,3o.
—46 bks rye,- SD McKee.° 9 ' ears railroad
iron,.Sorth Missouri 'Railroad .0o; 14 bags
rye, Dan ,Wsllaeo; 2 rolls , leather , Seibert
& Bro;, 2 carp metal, Lewis, Oliver - & Phil.
11* - sbbliire g gs, 5' bra' bittter,..l o'§tewarti
3 bgs rye, 1 do seed, John Renendale; loaf
Ilme„kt ..Regrk Jr... 04 . 1, . cart . i ron, Mardi, ,
triekell •it. pp:A nareisindem Andrewalz,
Efuteliiiisopi,g cars tnetsl, John Mcwheted;,
60 bbls Inalt,-Jas Coiniorpl49 Om oats, Scott s
, (Baal; 400 , bblioll,l It Belk 480 do, do,
Clark &Sandier; - 40 d do 'do, Lockhart 4t`
new; Milo -40,-Jas ”Wilkitui ; 460 do-iy, ,,
!:!..ri s h rqdc../3r94' d
.. 7- --,-, , •- .. ' %
ip.,,,' Prgrfal y, BE TPr ar 9vfx42 , pf Pr 1, 0,1414
~.....Lune , ' a
ott.-.1 ca;'staves, ....NaiJg
darcip*CO; 63 ifkd fit, Iffehnor .& ' Etaier;;
rT;Trli5 do-cloisleobield; klibitOgglc:2CW:'l,
kin;:2s a s.,wheat,l7, do, ,uo, ;;4 10 ,91tatt,
ogi lJet:geres :) , 3k l B 3:itToyiPsYgi
I' car ets, tßedenutdr,Bro ; „IL , sacks ,
rit a
;r 4 R 9 Pirt t ...,.._. fin 1 7 ial,Rggel W-ReGratrit,
Co; , 19 do yoK Reiter; 4.410 do g , Voig4i r
748h6°d A9i; , (41 1 ?Atchqr.ogilco,..
f.:A.Luyttroicr 1:4 4 ,1701t, way, N.,11-1.. 'R.I..
;lituke: 3 "llloPoldbat i et ; ' 10 bblif flour, Be&
&en At ThorilieiromtrUid es -toter Troerwielt
D e .41W. , e se:,
100 iii m'et '," 4i, 10q. alzellv kdo
limeitonii, SitOehof rrOti 05, 1 'else !limb * * ,
?mat& Wilsbhi-dt ear. bran, T t arhithr r ii
bare 518,1:88,4Iigyit*Bober.O/R/1 4/511-qa,..ts„
odo ryo; Rose, sb..E‘Y.inil;, - `TIM '.l"??.4:,‘fnui
:.1(01000.0.7;' '• • ''' , • - • !r. ,
Pr:imam= s , . 'Asrp- 0 cinrinizziOnhtiti
.ntaltsai-00-may; 29.:-.24orsztietnailie.
dogheny Ironitfle42* **wan& ,
riones..„ a- 41*
.4iPMOVIIni 141144004014 t..
,icddbi; 874 bes p a P er iAi r giftlfo.9...-, u ~-• :, •
7- . 4 . - . 7 .7. - . - .7. , :rvr., -, 44, 7.. '.1.. ~:: • ..TSI -. .. - ...:—....- ----, •
... ._.. . __ . .
Foul curnenvATE i: - - t
. .• .
11117.11.9i)A.f i i .x.exEr-Al 4 Is 2.1.- -
. .. ....,
1 ' The new and splendid. aide-wheel steamier ..
: . G. D. ' Mooss I - • - Conimander.
D. 3 :WORE:. I
. . ,
The a_bove. elegant side, eel steamer win /eave
l e 4ri l ra ke a t i annVZ, o t ir eet l l 7,4ll: s e i litgi
\ Met/phis, .New Orleans a d St. Louis. _Also .to MI
U fP e fillssig 4 tOPl endli int titers.' .- . '
railri.rgrly;.l!g9glld• i lg edt/ F°Pg4 either llr
Business eci-A _ilt,,llon
L gl en to
. ..Orders. and Wax
. For freight.or passage mix o 9 board
an 23 .. ' " A O' "'LIAM I.Agerai.
. , .
' .
, .
For Mi erlingi 3 Ssi , Stta, Parkersburg',
Psius*sr,' glallibapons, ; Mfg; gain
, Irgustuis*POsioulittUth, MaiArgils uIIMA
C PRePzifiati• , • •
ST. M..&grs.
o ..,sraAlfy,,maak r .
• AEON DA:MS,: 5 /P.:.
ST. CHARLES. .... C. A:. DIiAVO; Mute:4'
• 7 ntivAlts,
the above elegalit iteamers Pacice leave
Itg° R l dlgh:Ttgliflit,Vflieg,lll, l
emptily New Orleans and :SU Lo. .is. Al:to the
I . l pperidisslasippi and Missouri rivers.
rail or river. ,
ne Especial attention Alvenio Orders and Way Baal- •
ss.- .• • EARNEtiIt•COLLINS,
".ADMI GHRIEST & - HAS/sETT., Anent&
111nrietta - and l'aikeisbnrg TAW: .
4ave . Company's Wl44l;rpst. foot of ; Wood at et,
DAILY, at Igi '
N. M ceI 7 LLOUGH..... Ow. 'l.y., Moons,. ter'..'
. T 11 ............. . BATARD
ZEI A.. 4 YS 4.
irrefght will bb recelied at all Ours by ' •
{DS "" • • •51A3t.ES OOLLINEL -Aka*
Ina' PACKET FOR CL.NCIN-erialb.-
‘ A/1.7-Th° tinF Wainer
.......ap ANDERGRIFT
nit(NV. 11: - Scott, !wives Pittab9,rgli,forCl/4.1E;
every WEDNSDAYat 110011.'
mint -,; JOHN /LACK.
_ .
• ' LAKE HOUSE, Stoneboro,.
Pa f.
'(On the line of Jamestown & Franklin 'Railroad,
one hour's ride. from Franklin.) This . house is
large. new an cOmmodlons, well 'furnished, has
billiard rooms, ten - pin..alleys - and covered. Prome
nades. It' is on the batiks of the 'most 'charming
Fairy'v Lake in A z nerica,.abopriding .in Ash; and ad- -
mirable for salting purposes, surrounded with Sul
phur springs, romantic scenery, &O. :It is the best
summer resort In the State. Addrges. ,
, Si T. KENNEDY ^Proprietor.
%,._/ AN - PLAN. • .
Nos. 4 0 3 and 447 L i berty st..2
Opposite Union Depot, PITTSBURGH.
JAMES K. LANAI-lAN, Proprietor,
eT haindcoonven newly
o built
h a ßa s l p r l oa nd icdoliyfrgn In
the city. Strangers visiting the city wilt dud this a
very convenient and economical plan: You secure
your room and pay for your meals. as you get them.
The Restaurant connected with this hotel Is open at
ail hours of tbe darand night.- Balls rties
supplied with Suppers at the Shortestnotice and
reasonable rates. . • iielSigiSit
. .
. ,
Keeps constantly on hands due issortxoent of
CLOTHING, MADE TO ORDER.,the latest style.
N 4 on.
HENRY #lollr£ll4' • • , •
rit. 7$ B..IirriIittELD:OTREET,. Pittsburgh...l*
Conntayqly on 14n111, in,fnUavionmnntorgiqrtts,,
,I.TEir &Co., Merchant Tailors No ,
. . . •
.341000 'St: Allegheny,
Rare jaatToccl , ocl slargo,aod wall solaptodAtock
VINE 191 3 .11,1Pi11a 41 1:310011R!
Sultabla fortatratplass oastook.tcade.. Also. a l ,
stock of: oppp§. spa
.IrgE courtly INr contotoN.
i= PtEAl3'oi" a. At
pra.. -- -, - ffune•Ter tn , 1111614 , In thernatter of the ap
,plicatio for, Charter .of .Intorporattou of 440
German Cathollest, FraneisTip Beneilelat Society .
(Hospttatjofl'ittetinrgh:"''- •
' And- tkow,tewit, Map 93,1888, thepetition of the...!
opors, , orsa(d.,Hospitel, the Artleire Association,'
and dibitinifient Of Writing, under
belticorperateil,lreing-**ented to the
.Court,aao o . g) obJecta, qiicies.agil conditions there
le pet forth appearing to bpopluotiou
of JOHN BARTON, Attorney'tOF 'PetitinnetS,
itis ordensi that lahl Bustin:Hotta: of 'writing be Hied'
-in theattlen!ot . the Pintlionetatir reiSald:Cdurt: add '
,jhat notice of said application' be inserted 113' the
Pittsburgh Gozcfratoeat IleAtik,threp 't!eciFs ) setting
ititth that . eold4l4•llcation has' fieep Male to said
Purr liiiciixpfkaid Ch arter,' snd that tthe. _
e t
ne,grantea/ at the next ftertntef atild-Courtj:unlesii;
'exceptions are tiled Its ep.Pq
~C erritedYtom the Record:
, .alysiaaot- rird'ACORIL *ALTER: , Proth,f,
hSieby ititiltted tint'
I ,the rtiPorCof ylewert aei isindtdeti: bkrtrelonii it(
, •
AnartetElesidohs, ititios..ignhdl3iSC Atilt> teem;
i 066, pali.gbeee Ataao , bonnetzted; Add ;that th e es4_
ie im baPY:Wi to laY.444dP ec)losion unless
iilYra;4!,33lldn Wore,Tunq 4Rovv#3B. 01,
Ilalitms will be filed as Items and collngted toy MN:leis,
Pltt4b TAk •
; , *llinrsanshgetiated ifeiterebidotthdd that)
Abe pporsipeintorems±,Po4lnedittr.theelattitot
AitartmAeosPnfitAt 11,midoi*EPegoRdn*r.
rreSit,itrtiS.4'”.#rPllll44T ARavAINlk
;:ve !!!f Mn, 4.4, 0 ft
14 ' 4 1'
;il• fo!
2100-410 iYPkm 1 171°P ~
iOti;tos'. . ), ~ 54!.offpi14° f
EaLlVeFigll oatiriei
'Pli tibilueil6rlitkr.lol6ll: i srr
_, narkpco
0%,7,111+1; 9alu
9,I A I4 PMAA I rEIi .*? 11 4 11 4 1 4 - #.: t1 , ,f,"
Avg ; 4 am aolovidoso acaumoza art)ic;!
, ,
GRAY? & LOGAAT; i " 1
w • Yin:oes
N 0.82 Third Street;,Pittobiu#k PO.
-6Frici“lB-AUdi6ilikiiLTi iteld t • .
, ,• , ' JNO:,B. LlVlNOSRlON;!Trveristtree. ' 1
flo 843417 , 1 q17 41 PPAt E. . 8,114147!: - ':
•• DritzerOns-Augrst Hartle, John Atw ell t 3„ at
Hariatigkli; John B. Livingtout 4,- . " .' • , l''
, ash paid Mr Paper Stock. ' Ja2MOSEI ~
...roatoofr. now LOST.!. HOW
RESTORED! Turf pubc&thrad in lolled enveN"
' 0 • -Prick lift flit , - ,A ' , LISOZURE AIN . THE(
ATURAL TRRAT.,M/M,and Radical Cure 'Of I
ftermatorrhats, or •wmput.ll, - eaknes. Involuntary
Emissions, Bexualiambillty and Impedimrants to Dar- ~
' Mtge ,genaMlyt riersrottstiesra, UonslimptlOtri , Epl6 .
level' end Fits; Dental and Phirelml Ineapactrx, ru, 1
suiting_ from Self Abuse, ao ~ irobt, 41 , Benet-,
well. 2.1. Li n author of the "lireenA4c,, ac. “A
• under teal, in a lame p nvelope, to tgljaddreas, poff-
paid • traVreceliii-of etir cents orew stage eddulPA
1.,/0.11 i. C. gJ A INE 42 Co"; 1 7., if ma gr,,
A F., YO R K, POrarerFPIUE BOX Clud: 'Alio Dr. '
Duiverwell'a ”Acarrlagetiutde, , , , price 2 1 140euts. t .'")
inytimftwT ' • ' -' -' -
l r eilli Pkelii; - ; ''' iiiiii3littiCH ' `" 1
• v rum IWORKNICAND Pzartnumzo:m.
1 IVlPPalhitrams'ltriLflgtgrfitrtadt4ii
WIGf3; DAND_Se. OURLSi.Gantlemzies itiMM, _TOT:
ik APT A 'g ° °4 Prkqe ,I 8 icaill lr KFI T elk 0 /1
t WI AIR. •- . . - ..• 1.. .
tolLadles! ma Tfiq gmßipg, dine I.
neatest ma ner. • '- - ' ement7' '
' d.tiLye, 7, t:; l' . • ..,. .Ni . leapc .
Ar .“ ~ a
tC ~lirm.. S I , mosi...._; ~,
1„oo- .
No. MS r DIANOND 4.l4lllllVlThiarlihrhs'
. .
ceirorecleisprottpet.ifeilailMwdate' flitnaPelt.4.muuniriiitozj,lt,
bum. and Aoeitoeny. '''' ' " 1 4,1._
V ni
:CIPPer Dietwed—Row
taxidtiuvronittair WigAti 4atiLAUit
• • - .G . • • •Th.?
L ill
, .I.
• •,, ::
.r..: . ..,,, ". .‘ ' A
:ft e 7.” .... ~ • !., .. t A e ; :'..., .--,,,,,,, zrzi. „ . c,:,,,,,,,......„.„..„
fir- . .ILailpaapilikac cs ,--,
, r .„.... w-,- --- , ------- - ..-- --;;;-..;,;;;•;,....-.......
S. oraiiiCal: lirtErtuz pirrsnirliGnandlirdowlig-
U • 24D-Disraier.
COLLECTOR'S NOTICE• - He and , fter T II I7IISDAT. litarch &Jr" !tele '
_1..11 a rrive at and de x'lBBB
nor of Grant and Water streeta, Ild TOO ? T1: 7 4 3 ,
_Twety-thlrd Collectlen Dist. °ll's.. • .
_HAD to and from Unloiabli - 'IV ar, -4%0 p.. 14 . .....
No. 6 ! Water St, Alleobent.Plty. lifelleesportiileornmadvtillioo -1 ,4", , t siosr: tr. ~'• ' ,
—• • .
_±. ...• . : nay otn, 1 1 110 n. . } -.Bs. to and from
,Hniont'n. .0.00 P . rf• 10:00 A. X.
NOTICE IS HEREBY prvElt... that the Annual • West Newton Ateommod'n SC:3O P. R... 8:35 r A. M.,
: ;raddock,s Accommodat'n . 6:15 p. Ir.' 7:50 P....
Lista of sPEcrAti•TAiES, Telmer!) , fern:led LI
cENsEs, and of the Tager on. INCOMES; CAB-. Brifut.iitaighlrlialietatrcrnCilfLZ"t;''"4"
T.ow ln this office, where payment will be receiraered •
Ir° .lror in tific e els t ti:app4"lly n t; - ' .s •' 4l.- - . 1 ` 1 .., 21 " 111;131 '! ,
thsreon by: the:Oollector un mid alter the AOth• of ' W. B. STOI7T, Sulleffintelldelitlri4l: IN?•3,,,l:gemnbti'
kii.Y. /SOS. These taxes having become due, must
be paid before the llith yof June. MIS, other
wise additional expense will be ifictirrell by the
cennty of Armstrong, al
Deputy Collector for 'the
"reldy_to rarely(' after chi
apeettre counties. and wll
the times'and placei lihet
prepared tazicelve the t o 4
TO geponenodate taxpai
talices In Alleghetiy.ionnt
peputi Collector 'Waft I
attend at these ,places; to
'days named. between . the.
tipp P. it. Or said
At tarentum,* On 'friday
Shadle'a HoteL , - • •
At Sevriefiley,;*
store.; ;. 1 -r: "
At Bakerstown, oo:
WI/lure Hotel.
' ;'
Taw 7
Currency. •
Office boon LCOM 0,A.. 34'..
- -
g -Rod
30, 000 FEET 114:ZirFACTIIREp Nair.
'Manufactured at these*eaca, indiaila" to all parts
of the continent, are admitted to bo superiorle any
Lightning Rod Id use. Great inducements offered
to peddlers and: all. persona baylug at wholeiale..
Also, fine Matins Points, of all Linde and patterns,'
together with. Instilators,' Sop:zings, - Copper and t
Iron Connection Burs Braces, etc. Samples', Pam
phlete and Circulars Bent free.
Nos `4BB and 496 gt - 104];;.
NOTIC. . ,
. -
. .
.. ,
Notice is hereby Wien, to ail owners of Drays,
Carts, Carriages, Buggles,isc.; whether.resident,or
'non-resident in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their
Licenses at the Treaserees-OMce of the City. of
Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, In accordance with an
Act of Assembly, approved March 3,4860i1ind.
and an Ordinance of ! the Councils orthe. City of .
Pittsburgh, passed April 16, 4660. _I '' - - • •
All Licenses not talti on or before MAY.IS, 1665.
will be - placed In he hands of the Chief of Po
for collection. sub/ .ct to bin fee of 50 cents for the.
collection thereof, and all persoas'whoiMeglect or
refuse to take out Licenses will be 'subject to a pen—
alty, to be recovered *before the Mayor, double the
amount of the License. ' - •.• .•.
The old metal plates of Preylotis years must be re
turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or tso
A 8 cents therefor.-
RATES OF LIOENISE: . ' • ''f ' '
Each One Horse Vehicle 4 7 50 '
EEach Two Horse -" • ' • 121 00 ' •
Eoch Four Horse "
ach Two Horse Hack . . ."..' .. .. ...'...' Two
Horses, • Omnibuses and • Timbe_r . Wheels drawn . . b h
Horses; 'Eighteen Dollars each. For - each 'tedi•••
Hone/ Homo, used In any of the•aboye vehicles. One .1
City Treasurer,._:,
iII7BIWRGII. Februm7lB. 1868.
LINDEN GROVE ha . vlng been fitted upja tic
most Superb* style,- with' a large • and 'elegant Plat
form, beautitully shaded,,large. AinLug Aoont and
two ekeellent bars, ls now ready , to • rent to 'PIC-
TIONS, iro., on the most reasonable terms. W'T
Parties holding VP; tbsttii, ts:o
advantage to secure the Grove. -
The (Stove is easilycessikle, being
,but a. few
ateps from the Oakland tiallivay Station, whose cars
run regularly every fifteen suinntes.,,
Air For terms, &c., apply at the ,
• :
- o GLASS . micirwwuniurag„,,
The undersigned halting secu leredthe-So
cy otihe eale - of the celebrafed
su°llstrart"32pAiggettsk Itpeinitorrig2l:le.4
ring e nßeen yeatti- 11.90 re. this Clauktwe hate. etrivaa'
ati uel* proportlons,as we belle,* maXealt a bettor
arttclatbr pets - than any In the learket:. we ;having ,
rseeured an auerage stand at_ sta, ZIG UT and •TAN
I MONTM.: 4 Wolw1111 furnish reedlpes e y the' prfpl
- or,the mixture arthiegiwto. pa, Ael e spu
lug. The Clayle ground and Ineuld - inin for
, -s
ort Pitt GasWorios.,
Washington F Street Pltliarmrtsh:Pal
_ . . "
' rZREAT BALE: '`'' looking °hises.
.Prepatatod to Moving, 'offer niterigant,stoett
fine GILT, PIER and MANTLE pple
. tylea of BEDROOM_ G.LARSP34-,tll.o,Vitilk
meetbe'sotd by the let ofJtute, -
leottos .
ose who are to wantpiette rarlor.Glasso s and a.
first-clan article of title gilt `woril;''will 'do welt to"
give tue a call..f6.4,ifojcitit;
. •-.4 .
Wood street.);:i
liourrsnunGu, PAPER • DIANU•
.F#l37U q ,LNG . oo 4 l PANY.*aaitifpctver a
ALLEGREaIy -,-,..,ggligingis.
of inining through to VenangoCityl,withoat, :change
cars—Cortnecthig with trains, and Weston.
the Warta.. & Franklin Railroad 'iadd Atlantia ,&-
Great Western -Railways" Sherttand quickest' ,
route to Oil City and Franklin, an d; points in the
Oil Regionei.
andiarter April Rath, 1888, engerTrains
will. leave froth and arriveiat the Pittsburgh DePot. -
-corner Canal and Pike. Sta.• astolltitsi.‘-
eparti t, Arrive. .
nail to and Eta Van. City. 7:00 Ai*. 8:15 P. M.
Expresa •
... ', . , 4040 r';14151:88x N.
Rend AcconunoWn 3:00 i..12.' 10:20 A. N.
Sods works Accown: ... - .... „- 8:3x.11.1.. 7:65 A.,
N . FirstßultOn Accortiod`n... 8:50A: Sr. 11:40 A. N.
Second Rultou Accomod4kla:oo , ill. , 3:55 P. N.
Sunday Church Train leaves &ids Works arti:os;
A. id, arriving lu Pittsburgh. at tilft A. Ifi'l Bei.: •
tarrilLig, leaves Pittsburgh af 1-10 P 4 X , arriving at.
Soda Works at t1:85 P.
• • ; • - '''
H. BLACkBrol.ll2,.l3up7t. •
W. P. HOPE Ticket Agent. • .:,-. '.
. _
Deputy Collector for the
j 1 d EDWIN - LYON, Esq.,
ammer of Butler, wIII be
Ibr their, re
post notices desienating
and where tberitill be
!es 'collectable by them.. -
truth the ;vicinity of the,
,designited is follows:.
El :DATED, Esq., will
I- ivelbe, taaes, on the:
ours, of it o:C4ock a. X..
aye* vii:" . ' '
tit TUBA; at Brown £
May 26tb, at Gastows
Iv% •
ITTSB URGENaigigg isi
.11T/11 RAILWAY. '
May 10th, 1867, trains will landeav at r SITN - GAY e and arrive at the
Union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: • , • : • .. -
, •
Mail Express ..... .. . ..... . 21.: is a. 4:35 p. M. •
.Fast Luu:, .. . ... . ... . .".. .... 9:40 a. M.:' 7:15 p. M. . ' '
Past Express ....... „. ....... 1:50 p, nil 1120 a. nu,
;Mixed Way ...... ........ .. 4 3010 a. int 7:05 p. nt. - •
McDonald 's Acc'n, No.-1.. X1:40 a.m. • 3:05 p. m.
Steubenville Accommodln. 3:50 p. M, 930 a. m. • •
MCDoriabl's Ace 'n, No./...-" -5:25 p. nti• stpo a, a u • ••
BrEOrAt. Norre.x.z.-SondayEapiess Teaves at 1:W '
moaningy in g. ii i • Chudatlittl ittlt:PP 44 ell the next, •
The 9:40 a. m. ,Trala leases dally,lBuadaYil and
hondays excepted, and makes close cOnnections at
Newark for Zanesville ' and '.llAints
Mtet Agent. •
W. Ott• Sandtue7. •' -•-
Mansfield & Newark R. R, t
S. P. SCULL, General.T. '`• • -
W.CARD, Sup't. Steubenville. I
tIO.1; - 4 1:. •-•.'" .7.:f • • • ..,,,... • ' :.:
W. AND CLEvELAN-D4 gPITTSBIT/tolllt. From May licit, Nes, trahts,wlll g ileare; thylix --' '
and arrive at "the inudn Depot, north, side, city - •
time, nit follovrs: ft ••• .1 •, t , 11. • : •1' •., .r .
..._ Leave: .' ' I .
' ArTtie. " '
'Chicago Ex.... gta:s.mjChlcag'oqU'.4 111:23 aat
Clevelancs'.l.. 2i13 aml Cleveland Ext.t 2:*3 ana
Erie & Y M. 31, 7:28 ain rade-ago Ex-4;11123 nt
Cl. & Wb , BPI 6:13 am • Wheeling Exi l 11:08 aln
Chicago all.: _6:58 am EitLotils.ExAi 3:33 put •• •
Chicago XX,... 9:43 a m Ct. & Wit'g E 4 4:38 pet ,
:ChicLl.& 7E.. r l :l.3pta Erie& Fru 1 6:13 pm • . •
ago x.... 1:58p in Chicago Ex..., 4:23p la
h; & I ff-ft- 4 •:43 PM 01 :4Wh•g• E.t ' 7:08 pm
Depart (emu Alkeump. • ettrrive in .A f ehen_p..
N. Brig: ti Ac 8:0S am N Brigvil'Ae, 7:04 aat
LeeMdale. ';' 10:13 ami N. Brigyri• 'II 3 : 311 1141X
Rochester •.. ' - ‘-‘-, ' /1:215 rrni l Wellsville "0 8:53 a
", , 2:23pm New Castle •'t /0:13 ant:
,yfellsv'e Aec.; • '3:43 p m Lel:ll44ler ' 'tj 0:13 a
Leetsdale .Ace., 4:13 pm • ..; • 'll. 1:08,pal:
N., Brigt'n " . ' 533 pra N.: Brlirt'n ' " 3;43 pat'
N; Brigt'n ".- 628 p ta Leetaale. 4 1 ; 4:53 pm .....;.;
Lietsdale ' l . . " - "1 7:28 bist
1:58 p. m. ChltagoAx- 'IA:23a.: re . 01 3tatata. ' -'
-Prete leaves daliff. Express arrive* daily. .
myll.' - . P., 2:IIIYE2S. Generab"Pickelt Agent. .'
n and after• May'DON-1867, Trait* will ar
rive at and depart from the Union Depot ,t I
Washington and Liberty ` streets. as followa con;er of
Arrive. • Zieparts • _
Mall Train.— 1:20 ain t Day Express..l 20 a 111
Fast Line .. . .. 1:50 am Wail's .No. 1.. 130 *IL i ;
Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a m Mall Train . , .1, 50 aro. ' I
Latrobe Ac 7:20
7:50 ain ,Cincinnatrii, 40 ale- '
Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's
2.. 1/.la at ,
Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a- m' Johnstown Ac., f. 3 05 pia , .' !•
Johnstown Ac. 10:33 a m Braddocks No 714 00 Pm
Baltimore : x. 1:00p m Ph ila:Expres.••ll- 50 put •
Phila. Express /:20 pm Wail's No. 3.. ,11 00p na ..,
Wall's No. 3.:.',2:05.prn Wallis Nu
4.; t 6 08 pnx
Braddocks No 1 5:50p ni East,Line... 7 311 p ia
Wall's No. 7:05 p m Latrobe ' mac'n , B SA p za.. • '
Altoona "ti . . ..1. dwissrale Acrii 0:50 pla
and Enlig ist
. Train.. . ....•. 10:30'p tr. ,-- - , J'' ' . 'AI • • • v 1 '
.Thef, Ch . n li Train leaves Wall's Staltra eve t,,, i
Sunday at.9.,16 a. so., reaelilmrPittsbur rit - 10:02 ' •
a. ra. !Returning, leaves Pittabiargdat :Op p. nt.; ,gi •
and =iv :s at, wairs Station at 9:00_ p. m.. • • ' • '
_ 'Cincinnati Express *caves daily All ottoir tialnsi
daily except Sunday. • I
For rer information appl_yto___ ~• . ' f'• .", V • ,
W. H. BECX-WITH, Ag ent .
The enpsylvanla Ita llroad•COmpanywilll not as.
same any risk fo i ßaggage, extent for wearing ap.
parel, and !trait,' air responsibillt, to One PLlMArett
Dollars in Val° , All _ Baggage exceeding that •
amount In.vaine will be at the risk of the owher,-,aa-
less taken by Special contract.
..._ fL it
, ! EDWARD:N.; w LIA,II, 7- ' •
Peeneral Superintendent, Altoonh, Pa. . I
dar,:letarp A9th, --at
reeaUacScs' N'ationa
•-PlTLlt i rAar e'
• collector
. ,
~ 1 ITEST PEllNLAkivAis___
- , ~t - 8 ITARIA -RL
R ~ - 0_ nnd after Ray, 19th, .1,1367, t t pis.-
Bearer .Train on:the - Western Pena
aylvattla liall-:
road will a lye at , and depart from , the , Iledural. ~
Street Delions Allegheny ,City, as ibllows: -ii
1 t
.., A
..._ , - .oe,po rt. , l'.' i
' llirokisitle No r 'Riau iin'lltall:: - . 1 ' Silt, a Er'
Freeport o. ! - 8:15 a mix;eepaii'llii;: i viaarsmi. •.,
zxwess: „...-410:15 gin onarpb'g No.111:20 a tn. •
, Sharpb'g '''''' 1:115 pm Express. .. ..`.., 1:40 paw .1
- Freeport No. 4:10 pm Springd'e No I 3;50 pin
. Mall .... ..
~,,.., -.-5:50 pin FreliportNo: 8:05 p tut -
Springd,e-No 7:19p m linrlngcl'e No 2 7:130P M
Aboye train run aWy extent Sunday: •,. , • - • :
; t
The Church Tralh leaves Allegheny Junctt!every .
- Sunday at•TriNP. al m:r.reaching: Allegheny- city sr., • !
9:50 a. ra: - Returning, leaves Allegheny .olty at.
~. ,
JIRO P. rtt, 1114arrlve: at AMegheuy .Tutict: all 9:.19. • '
,P. 41 *
• COMMPANta6.' T/CiK2l%--7for sale Ili riacktoritiii
• X'wenty,between,Allegheny Clty„Chestimt reed, -• 1
Berricitentiett, rine Creek, Ztna and Sharpsiburg„, -
and good only on the tralras stopping et . §tetoinit t . O. ••,. E
'Clfied 0124 4dkeiii. , •'t,- ' ' , i" • .
. The trains leaving - Allegheny.Olty- hi, 6;14P,A.' M. ' ...:
'and 1:50 P. NW mare direct' conneellotar greepert "
:with Walker's lira ofStassurforituthnsandllaranalur
town,. Through ckets mra). be. purchased this-,
°ace; No. ..3 St ; Clair itreetoteur-the‘StaspensiMn . ,''
Bridge pittsbui and ,at the- Diapnt. Allegheny. .. - l
for husnerinfo Won er°
' • • iutaktEs ERTI3I, Age t.- , •:- , - ,,..1
i n
,-.r•' : '' ' ' B ra t Stye t Robot. '' ,
The Western-Be us yl v arilik4ittowl. ; not in-:- .... . ii;
linme any rlsrfor Baggage; except for wearing ap-'
pareloand Walt the'. responil billi-10 One Flu&dsell-l/ -
Dollard 'ln' value.' All baggage exceeding i thin. .1
amount in value wW he at the rbk otitis protnet,' tut.' * •-' , :'--1
teas taken by'sper,W contract.
,',,,!.. . z -EywAnD EL ., wILL . ..,... ,_- . • Sonerlatendent. Altoona.. ti... - '
i lottcY ; fli!:giiiliiiifts,
INION Pit , C 111iliglitAt i
• Eimitern ivisigni. Ail ,
from the East to all points In r = iI, ).• ,
I)) :)) . -, 1 ~ ,11_ . ..I:
C,1 PP449,: • N evada,- '..: i ,1- .
1 ct,
111 ",
; California,' Utah , ,'• 1 .., I ,'
, . , c- 1- • ~„ ;,, - • • -,,.. i ,it';,-: .--
' 41 eizoldiao• „ -. WO* l 4!frion,-, -, ,
i t ii' - . ..-. • ' : l -,.
. • New eatico, , Idaho, i -, - a -'' •
Oregon."- ..- --1.41,
%'' ' ' ' '';"''.l l --
1, Two: Tiriliti leal•litit.i' iiiie and ti r at 4 aOills ll
lt,ilarlie(falatit trbmlc P t e i 4 Votil h , e tlie Ettg f ruke .i
flYBt. Jo Railrad troinOulney, toi s n eatinit n at a lein.., • .
ncti'iTilea and
At cu 80 -.
b a i ir _ti - c sla w g re st s L i f ,:i: ii . e . ../
wrworth with the UNITEDIIISTATES ExEle e EsB b - '--
' ' '
ts DILY I,llxlcur OVERLIANDI , llr ..:'
EaRESS coselias. FOB . -- I i
: . , •• -, .4: 0 ; ~, F ~. ..-,,, , ,_ :
33) .. .:. ...----- ' _ i
ENV•mn i sadki f i l x„
tiiii - th' I , '''
"AndialllPolit e errit ri
Autr:D i p
And with sANDERSON,B TRusimicktr LINE 'at
' ' -,'-
Vi47OA.CTIES tor Fort Onion, Bent , . Fort, PaB3,llVal •,. i'
e C w i lri:egr. " re ' ' a " all 'points ill AP / 16 I
,• , ;',with. the ' ream': adiUttolu - Oerikthii , gawk at ' *-.
'efitiipmerrt, and the arrangements made
,wlth s ilk._, ~,,, L
sponsible Overland Transpoftation•Ltnes rr_om,ilia , „ ,
wasterkterminns, this road o4 l--_,:. f I 1
Taellities for the tranandssion of f reight to .the
'West. • '" a iiifi l ig:PJJ
~. .rievetittor lide It ' allihis irhielpsl old 8
tinitedtitates and E,anadas, ~ ' 1 '•,,G ,I. (..1.:1'
Ate sere anftait 'for ticket& via rit.wsfox i - ,
HlLL_Rorn.c. uNiorr xww 4o ..a..4LwAririf. di
i'll.llSTEmi LlainElarft ~,, 't, , f ~, ;j*I.P,,
I.' •• ~ ~, j 4„,,,..... ,, ...,,, k
1 r i.... if. , • A. Am arm0a."....•
•,_ ~ , ~,,. •',,, ~ ;Ir. Lo. Pr, ~_
~. ,ki .tf_f ..u.
GP i i i.T / ! 44 iT!NiClldePtillt ; ; 3l
• ' •
I— Generairreightiad Zell/et Agent , 1 . ,'
td :I ' ...„.
* rilo .7.41 - litAllll
_4'4l' ,;(41)Ii3 Egg r i l OWI'V' f. , li '
-.• • ...,,,,,.;,.-f , a ,i7, ,, i .)1,,
_ _.,......„...„.,., •,—. iiiiiol-I,ltibuiturps6.l,
Infjp UVIIIIIMF WA- ~, J -,- -1 4 =
, 1 ~,-,,v , f it.1:,...$ , :?,4 , ;•.-, l• " . ~,,,,,,
NUMbeftlf Ottteen ltrillll44 t 7
-441.4441 8.111111111 i '"
' -
Vie eelenrated'.'•'*` op ANTIIitP.PP.,t' it
I'V e trr l.L Bl l ; igl%br ' u‘)
t.fligTShirß, 411:1", • , 10 164 t !I T ,-
' , orzrfro=,..„, if e l, 4 5 .„„..... ,
MilittifitNihn• 13AV UP" ' .sarthritasrleir=„..'
HoTrxeleYokt., gar
6t4) Iticitilitartiolulif .Ih, - sti) I-
-,14 ,__
...,_,,,.. i f fig z lgt,Ni m... tiZtriit f It.:
I lltPkiti a rAlrT s -41 / 1 3 91.1.: l'ire;, P-14/1.4,,,t0t.i1i..::!,'
4 (•:11jdOeC 1 1 IMCSIAMPIE4W4I
~.., 2 .,...!..'5P ' '.' •'. ''',
... 1 14.:4
. .