"4-. :'- ittz 2- • tPmen `•G dad . Worasot 4IXIE; thitikievhOt, sin Looked over the edge of Paradise, And saw one strivingto come in. With fear and tumult in his eyes. vllb, brother, Is it you?" he cried, Yourlsee Was it_breatit from hose. Why do you stay so long outside? Dun It/WMfir (Tito tome. • Teil me Anti 15 - OW oeti - niother fares. ''' - ''''' - 7 1 PCIVIWIIWAtle-tess =tutor me r• WilaillVkAtrthOgifisdielinekir hairs, itotitrt peril - Vette:Hl for !heel" . . • sisters gone?"' / /10 t h es e' and Man / •' ' "And"tell me , Is the baby grown ''..Alaa wikt eOOll be ei *an t• VaWnotyiniAreaktile swlliertigdatre. Am* bettke /OW of 4Delth come utrougol . Xt.? ht. .det stumble to the maze, '• • 01 . 0• lid sof itieby so few etofew jbg m g a ccoua upon the sea . • Th • t da•knois yo afind 'lto shore; - to tear the tansy' Life to sae. , Until l sunk for evermore dud Me doorway Is ,the snow. Mudays went yxua, a treacherotis teat% Each silent when he struck lac blow Until ktay among am. slats I' , ••0 brother, there was a path , so clear i" "It might tw-lhat I never eought 1". Ea! '`O brother; there wads sword so near V , "Rinfteit be--but I fieteriouoe - f " • • • - • • • • - . • ' "Itet; 'sweep this needle/4s gloom aside, ' FOr you are come to the gate at !est.' , • Then iki'dspair that soul replied, "Ths gate is Jas!! The gate-is fast f i'l eat\ \ not move the mighty weight, • I eannoWind the golden key, But hosts of heaven,aroundus.wait, And none has over said No to me. • 'Kind Faint; put by thy palm and scroll, And come unto the door for me!"' ••Neat tliee still, thou little Pair soul, It is not mine to keep thekey." . • "ininefartgel. strike these'doors apart: . That outer alr is dark and cold." NBeet thee still, thou little pure heart, • ' Ntitfor iny.word will they unfold. ". • •- :Up all the shining heights tie Praed ‘For that poor Shadow in the - c 0 15.,• • Still came the word, "sot ours to aid: • - We cannot mike the doers unfold!" ' But that poor shadow, still outside, Wang aft the sacred air with pain,' And all the souls went up and cried - -Where No never cry was heard In vain, 'No eyes beheld the pitying face, • The answer none might understand, • • . . But dimly through t 4. silent space Was seen the stret ing ofa - hand. . M. B. SkrebtAT KPRENERIS. spirit of the Press. . —There are 36,000 Scotchmen in London. misidonaries are at work in - 7 4torlacchi is the leading derisense in the Black brook at dineinnatL —Hair itairhe elects plated,* and silvered . „ locks are the latest, fashion. —There are less thanl2s competent pho , - ndgrapliic reporters in this country. Philadelithians call bar-tenders de cantists to distingaish them from decanters: —The Comiaon Council of Cincinnati ' has reduced the fare on street cars to five 13urlingturte and his specimens of choice chills, haye been photographed in New York:, —Marriage is said to be al means of grace . • , inasmuch as it breaks •doVin pride and leads to repentence. —Nearly all the animate passing through Detroit do so with the intention of ,settling in Wisconsin, .4215'negntesinNevr Orleans paid taxes • en incomes over and-above $l,OOO and ex ' captions this year. • ' . - • . , —Madame Mundt's (Louisa Muhlbach's) daughter is engaged as a, soubrette at Wel . - nails-theatre in Berlin. is rumored that the Abbe Liszt is tenting to'Europe this summer, on a deli- Cal and nota musical mission. —Fad freight cars have been transported from New Orleans to hi:iv:York-4 distance - of 1,825 miles—'m six days' running time. statue of St:Miler is tc, be erected in one of the - public squares • of Viennii and the Emperor has . headed the subscription • - W. iloyingtmtiof Chicago has exited anevi pavement;. supposedby. the patenteetO be better limn the Nich- , liachelorti dinner recently,' one • • crusty old wit gave as-u toast ,"'matrimony ,--the Maiden's- .prayer Widowls , ; • •„ " ?;-.oit ' Friday, i evening 'Fanny. 'Keiable lead in Philadelphia; instead, - however, of : readiniShilkeit4ere,"asitsuali she read her .owntauudatism and, adaptatiOn of fichillers "Mario Stua rt." -4 Writer in one 'of the ' 'Weekly inns-, listed.papers published in Studtgart, Wur tenth*, says that nntiders comititted iq ordoneelis at . tirashington; axe - loy - -no,meinieuncomitton; „ --George Francis Train he made' ,fferald miya , that that di,tingulahed•ixtettyr "is generally restlethi " .. ilider the slight6treitraintlikn his ing apparatus.',.. St. tu-Brute . ?- ' -;=-A.lifitboittiittiid:it'llittcht Beige the n ° boida a n Y id d a heat . swif e e' dt tini'inticroinTen . tiiii6, Pit., ItOa They` were thirteen weeks under ay, - • is mem mutating Lint inat, rifle. nun; and conclndfp by saying: is a faithful arid' atiie repr644l47e,'), ' '. l ' ••••Tiiti - Jiidd - 'dft4treti'eititi . is Atti#:?d- 10' Dr. Judd retsiturthO custody of 6 3ehilti . .. ' fin: ' : 1 005,Pet , 1640 1 the test thing . that - eind'iiit4dbieit i dtritgAit "iii , gt*case • the hai;Chuta poor • Cisaice"oi being -, w e l l !Tight RPI , -, , c ', ' '.'''. '' -.: f• 140filfo; ` ;'<it'llalii'ooo44: says l imis • • hat ' hg I:that-are . continually - I)ring " rt i`:thioir "' - istice: l- r Eleit' f liiiMOEC`ohoot . 4.- , 1-thro .the'esrUos-atiziOsPholttlfferitvr ..e-n..! -folohp.,,Host„.of:these a ifeirsaall , _ Lipari (;411.4n r i,a . .. t , •• , .. Z‘ .-,..., );A Z . 'A . 1., .777: A ... A—l...iv:ll'Y- dv.f.ri-J- a:1 Jl4l , , •-j _ ,11,1 —Theophile Gautier was agaittAdadited 1 ' i• faith; rraelt s A T eadititiho'i• 'ilTaz. As onA,O 01kim,t04.04 1 1 . 1 4 1 11 4 #0 11 "Pait . - TereatibkerAKAMONlDA , artists he 'es*, 1 4110714iiierfretrthe :ht lhor - kot wig fhtehse. u lYntOitifiialifeiiiliedi3fifig, :7 1 ""'g . , ~ ,. -A, n enzingfrie Itaiiroi,6746iiwi t * 0 . placed; in the itliv,es of I,l , llhviitidersl thousand ht to lgal ~..1,1,1.tty. •. , s tfietzer, And Trigag--280: :, enf B O ltndf " th " lll o , i lli # , r 77,. , Ihoiliga.l4l , 3 l Admtvi 1t 14 I -Ur i t t I r Hugo says that his ziolfl49vel, )ues of which are laid in the time of i / , 'I • 1 •I' - , • ........-p.,-.t...-4r-zg- , -.2:'; , - ,--, --* , : - -t - `7 7-, -t. l <7. , ,-, -.',--:-' , .' fn - 4"•-•' - =- 3`-';-:',. , ': ,, , - ' 7 `.':' :',,,', .:.4+-ti - ......',..-%-,'" - ...:").^,..4,21,,,';',AtV,'..,,,'",,,7 •-*V.,..:, - -ct, ' , ...:, , ,C.V . Z1.. ,-, 1 Y.-Z -,r ..52.0,-"At-515::...t,::,,i4.4,V;Z.4.•?:1-,Wi1rV,,,..r•-.....--;r,,,, . 1 -,. ..., , ,, , ,,..7:kaLf r. c,,.... ,a ,,0g j:'7:'lt'-'r"O''':'T&:;l";''''':---'''2',4'"''"K':";=c';;':2'..-''j.-''At:tl'':'2,';-'t?',l:'''''-=:':'ilf;V:''.=-''''''''\':-V-I.Z:''z:'-:':''k'tt:R4''"'Lt4-.VI-g''-'''-4-',`A.ga,V-':if:Wi'3'-';'=;c::?iz!-7-.;2.gi.As.ol%Asll:i*"o.fr'sF.'Qi:'::;W..-s','A. 'iv;i4V=COZWW: 4 -'•: , ..:iA44:* 7 4 :, q ; '-'S.V.f . k-V..-10il i a.';:f4;2WAR• 1 1-V- o, ':: . '";' - gi,,,,.4.' ? :.-t-% 1 `. 1 1i: , 1.: , 0.4W4 , Y.4P..,r a .. - d.!iz.4 , -qitov=t&..4,-. , . ?z ,- 4'.V!, , z•e2:yzl , L-,giWk-,,-,t,ii . :,-.4.!F*.* kk *V-tkiP7. , 4, 5 ,4 , 1W - 4, 4 tgOaat :i—JaNIAP. ,,, l'h -=- r 4 - -vt.: vir&t4.INAPT ' '' - ' l ' l'''' + 4 ', " 3 %- 1 :0.:-V : T L; 4 ..-N - . - ' :V - '' 4t - ' i 44 4:: I ' ll „ -4' ''' ' ' ' ' ' 44 - 6- at 4 ' 4°l*-4 e r';ko6 .*''' ' &f 4l W l4 4 : • :'' '' 3- 4 -4.'" 7.4 i .'4' ' '''s?-°44 * L " . '-' "- " -i ' ' 72 ' - ' .--- -- '''''''''' t z* ` ' '''''''''f . "'s - -s : VL 2 " . "-"V 4l '''' "'"l'a•r's -. 1 '" 4 "..q . - t - . 4 tr:br''.ll•:"" ' 4) , "-. 4 "W - - - ''''-"z ' , `V'''' ' '',.. tw 4, :7'2 0' , q , ,a - - ~. s , -N. tw.-1 . -. -''' • 4 -, .i. , -V , '," 4C!, -, ', , - - ,, , , ~, , ,, ,,• , - - ? ,4 :•, A • ,24, Zt %.- 1.--- - . '''' , 4.• _e * .V.B ,t * ' Nr4o. ..i'i. , ,'- 1 e- a ~.,.. A-\,, ,, ,-,p e „-, -- I. the great French relialdtton of 1793, will bei the great work pf his fife. :te aid the sateri, ;,, ,g, pxp - sery, about ;Ps I)lserabl. ' .which pniverOY a*fitteo,;. greatest;.. - 11temry Work' okZthe,',illll_, century. =The eastern paper , hangeiii and paper makers are very much excited just now over the news of the invention of gutta percha hangingfor nvallsi_ which - for dura-_ bility and impeniqusness surpasses all other hangings ss.a (IESLp-resisting medium : The •neW artiele vlll soon be In t Merket[ —OrtITIM 'llireringo and Warren . sad Iltikinqle Refiners', Associa tionswere consolidated under the name of the Oil Creek Refiners.' Association. W. M. Iritlh Was elected President. and A. R. Wil liams was elected Treasurer. Hereafter the Association will Meet at , Petroleum' Centre., ' - —When the body •of Col. Dychman 'was `examined; by br. Plowe; NeWlork;lat week, a bullet was found embedded -in. the left lung,:where 4 was lodged twenty-two years ago - during a tattle in Mexico. This lathe only instance on record where a for eign substance has: held it's place in the hu man lung for so long a time. —Only seven of the wounded by the late horrible accident on the Erie railroad now remain at Port Jervis. The list of killed has risen to twenty-eight;; although it 113 still thought that a large ,number of the killed are unaccounted for, , and their re, mains undi,,cevered. Three thousand steel rails have been laid doWn since the ad-'1 cident. -An Austrian, ; condemned, hard labor, hail made a curious , time-piece, mostly from refuse of his ,rations of rye breed; The clock indicatek the hours, minutes, seconds, and the days and months of the year. The hands are of wood, and the figures and fflal-plate,of straw; the rest, even to the key,ls-made from the crumbs ' of bread."' The' 'only 'instrnment employed by the convict was a 'sttudi pocketknife. HATS AND CAPS. STRAW GOODS! , • HATS' AND CAPS ) IN GREAT VARIETY, SELLING LOW AT ' • • NrCOILD & CO: S, lIIV7 131 WOOD STREET. MARTIN LIELLER, DIAL= IN .CAPS 3074113, in 4inf i refflaile a r t brole a ssle m n o nd l ß 3 erll M Dette . ! FIELD OTRIST, Plttsburgls,'Pa. . Orderspromptly tilled and satisfaction guaranteed. PTliz) 0 1 , ire): te) &TICE The undersigned, Us associated _with him in bnsiness, dating from April Ist, 1 1 388. AL. FRED WALL,this 'son ASA'S. GILLISPIE and LOUIS ENGLlciff. The style of the 'Erni to be J. 3. GILLESPIE &CO.. J. J. GILLESPIE. . . , . Referring , to the' above.' the unde.rsigned take Pleasure in stating that they will tositincke she LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE BUSINESS, At 88 Wood.' street, where they intend to .offer docements to purchasers second to no house in the United States. S. J. GILLESPIE & CO; .mv:p93 . D ISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, 'under the style of - KEBEMATRICY, BRO. &,C0. 9 Was dissolved on the eighteenth day , of April, 186.8, by mintier sentient. The business of the late ann will be settled by 'JOSEPH martariTiacx, at, °Mee corner Stith and Wo*l streets, to whom all payments will bet:sada and all clabaapresented fir payment. , WILLIAM JILEEPATHICE, JOSEPH . • , JAMES` Z. PEBSON. ' -• ,•Pithbnrgh, pc. miy:is. Isis: • DI 143:qa poISSOLUTION,THE ;FIRM. OF ATWELL, LEE & CO. -waa dissolved on the t f February, 111458, by mutual cont.' Either, partnerteay sign th e twine orthe tirm i n settlement.' , • . 4 • JOHN ••ATWELL. , • :CHARL.ES A.TWELL. _ The undersigned will continue the WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS, under the name and stlie ot. ATWELL &LEN., at,the old place,-No„.L3.l•Seeoad street. 'A' continuance of the_patrottage of, Hielr friendsainotthenutelcis ressectrullisolielted„ , • • , . GLASS E CHOLA. CUTLERY.: 100-WOOD STREET. Ca:p! • , 4 44k5! 4 , •• • QUEENSWARE, • •,. summit PLATED' WAN% PARIAH "StALTI I FrPCS, • *POW GRASSI ' •,And otiber STAZLi AND RANGY OGODS, a AreAt 'n trlety. , ' 160*(00D'ElTNERT.. • RiCiiARD •BREED do. CO. 1047 , -a , • . : • • tvlolll W00D;1375113174 : •„. •-• .;$ }1421111 “3:1,,, I ; • t:152 (fourth door AbovelHamohd. Glase,___Chbut4Vare & Table Ceti 'AT EASTAM2ll , llWES.olftenrsidas required tl hafla• .ClaiNkii-fx4naine kiitif*Priri . .16 VIYAIT011it illitliAVELlka COAIMIINITY;t.,II" I 4E4 MiIsiIinTIFIBEJACKET97 ,-:y• -,,q ; ';7%! J i . r". + HirT !. . ', ft: • ' , : , * l: 1:. , y lug e i r 1 anirsoiste: , „,. „,,...;;.,„, 4. , 1 t c.,,.L.,....— , ,-„,-., ..i.; lior MORI AND to M on /LIMB. dispenrins, with the use or 8 IV ref or Vans thi . Yammer os , ars, with the attschmear•ta' : EV : Lsto the _ant. nrsp i ati j akm=7, be Imo 1 o I sue ear or reiV;Whker '.:l/1 • ;I. • ebtlibbeli a l so ' N ttlftswritt ! *LIU= w ise 4,4 ,= 4., ,Oa poidiketr lad ' • lort stbialb . Akita , B ed i‘ ,itls a l ure prole Iron sodden ity.iirk, • noting troukdeteetlye fines t or whertrnmplpe ~ mad aa conesewrappimare or hest. It is a d .;;; • ObleetruetkE e k (1114.1.* IllteretOwniuillaticipWi ; /1 IV. ghT.ll7- 4 litiVirczn i gt v-i .- 4 ar-• pipes as eoadetriorearre mole esarwous bi: s lag .• : : 4 :"1”' ..'r t . i,,tngwtl:eirje„°a P ei v - , r tad tic• ( et( ell Y Mph : • 1041/WRIII/ 49/191911 tat s ',1644.91 guThirlOili: It o !: litkiimi i iitu ? bthcsolj fit tog „teinianxiv, ••!PT* WOMB." corner of Illorrhippelkaßkthe islie hos %Iran • VillrosilleaWith WPM rusilDurin• An . • . . . • ..,,, • hl clat . 1 *1 - Dies or; I mi .j. , ic . itle h t ust recelfr ' ' and for 1". "4 1 RN A. RZNIIN AWr - ' IAYM CON Liberty sad Rind Mee% PITTRIVAGH GAZETTE; MONDAY, TUNE 1:: 1868. - 4 rwernspity VIEETIBt " s'. Iftntit,CXED - - I : : :.•s*(l.l*AliGi2ltilfAVUOt "Alf - te: seurrs • .78 p." ernaim 3iiiooB-ABOTZ-ibiND , ALL iIrORX WilaCidrlCEDl ImALTY.Ainipzi- ME: • - arra aT GAB.EOMMDS GAS &:TITItES 0 1 3.0 4 43:4e11.erm5, frog 018 ' • • 4 • • 4ns received, the finest largest assortmentever opened in this cltv. , • • . , WELDO . I4 41e:. KELLY, '147 W601:142.17*ET; Cent. IRGnq ALLEY: FOR SALE REAL 'ESTATE, 2,000'000 '"R" . . CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, EISEEZI Union Pacific , Jkah•frmu'l CoMpany, EASTERN DIVISION, 1,41/2g "lons the line of their road, et 81,00 T 0165001141 Aqll3, Ana on a CREDIT OP Mt YRABS. For farther parttenlars, maps, itc., 'address smral P. ‘MMUtErZ9 Land coma4zeloner, T aj Or ortas. B. mummy, 111 M RAP FRAME DWELLINGS. TWO TOITO BOOS bWELIIN HOVSEEL . SITUATE, OR. ' . Washington Street. - Allegheny - City, Will be sold separately if.desired on the most ressonsble.terms. LOTS AO by 130 each. APPLY TO STEEL • 11r. WlLiat, Brokers and Real 'Estate Agents,4lco. GO Smithfield. Street. • • FR SALE & TO LlET...lionses F R Lots Par sale in altpartil of the city and se rba. Also,' 'several FARMS In _good locations: Also, a mall WOOLEN..FACTORY, with SO acres of hand and good improvements 4 which I will sell cheap and on reasonable _ terms . _Business Mouses to letnn good streets. Private Dwelling.lionses rent In both cities. For further particulars Inquire WILLIAM WARD, ja.V 110 Grant street. opposite Cathedral. , vir_ I UNTRY utticocm - FOR BALE OR RENT..-A arge texkitory double once, conhdning 10 tunas Including , double par lor, with marble mantles. and all the modern im .provements; 1 sore bf ground, filled with fruit, .grapes, berries, .&e. Situated near Blinersville, a. the termination of the Wylie street Passenger cars. Thhria one of the handsomest locationb in Allegheny county, , and In a good neighborhood. - Apply at W.A. - HERRON'S Real Estate Office., 87 Grant street. TEAMBINSC)N,' No. 20 FIFTH STREET, BAB RECEIVE) ANOTlifl LOT; PURE MAXIM: SYRUP. . . WARD'S CLOTH LINED . PAPER COLLARg q'vo cuFFs, h, To El - h`AD EVERY WHERE: Trade sapp_Win RlttsbaretirpTar._MdilitiE BRO, Rea* wood streett - TATT )MBON & LOCK. 77 Wood street,' RUCRUM & CAItI.IBLB.I 19 Rath ; street ; MoCADLEBB, ZOLLSON & CO. 103 Wood street... Mentatactirred by Si W.WARD, 397 Brett:. won New York . , 5q53 , 09 , . BreE., DYER AHD SeOußiß. 1 0 160: 3 ST.: pi:4AM And NesclitiAn .— d 137 , : Third Street, PreTBBMIGH47P BMA `FURNACES 7. SEM • ';l' RANGES. , I. ,, COOIKING ''''''' till , _ ,'.., . . ' . I ,i..ii , l , .4 +i :r ~t , O . •-lr , ..:7 .- - , , ' ' '' ,l , W sand t . .tititdeli A pet. " W `1)1. Tr:C=7AT° 1 &telt. and In DP. pa pte n ii a ejlete.. for An thraolte or II itumino as Coal tz s tno , ltreittist !Iv. Met) , and best Furnaces ever offered In the eirf." Also..,Cophies liengesnt the inostintproveffrstyles. specri!il attention Ts alto paid to Venthatins Build ings.- .. I', 4 .'.:l:i I.i`! .- ` ;1 ! ,rl*•/1 , . I • tr; ' 1 :i,* ' , , - ''-' ', , )1 1 .:FOr - /44:444 1 .4rf IPO. , .-.4 ' A tiiii9 :' '. - ; ---14, wobicirrnitcr. IA , tijilit ,: -: " piOntatoctAz rtittittOr4 , - 1.,:i v ~.;„(LllM:lttlri(A% W.: . .h.:o•Xollwar.t 0.!; ; •i" Office No. TO FEDEBAL STREET,. &et ► alb. Jr up ;talk, P. O. : ...NNW, ALII.EGIIKNY taTI. .7. il filliMAMadrariklltnifirnliikt: ING s . p4. l2itl lirgeoLar .attenSlots r ,pahli PI do- . Aping CO . Y WCONLIgIVMS: entente pow. • effetlVlAlllLloil `-' , 4111r All Ii'VENINGY-DRAW. ' l. o , TrAllirjhati l 4 l4 lo l 7 , i WAMONVIDAY , „ , ~. , / • 11.1146 HlNGTON.atniaji7.(lN•ri 7 l` In ,••• • 4 't - •' 1 I.- -r.m.• ;ti , xtr.. , e.:',11. ...I." Jr,... • ... fiat • t0.... " i. h ,...,......A. L.A. , ,,,i ,„ . . tll4l'_.:'ll6 t '''' - -1. •”... rt1N1,,fir1..,... 4 K-qt. i - • W. W. -110(XlIkartipprr gig -: hti - 1 I Aihnii CORM9jllit 'MU PLOI7/1 /ail IR, 4 11Ithiler **tit Oro Or ' teol,lod, 4.1 ELIOP: WI • =I r ..."' M . . 4 ` eiglallllllol4llllMiltr f.' l,. s ion' o,7'AT,IIOL 1 4 , u h -, ae l s l i l A m il t t it y 9 trz, YW s rA rat . o sa,, t; .lis M Tt s a4lleieiY4 V 1 .4 JAB* G A Wit. CRAMS mynsoo w3c,sEffir - .T.180.:'&. - 10..rciletp,14 - * l Altogli . e - liyY,' -ATI23Of—BEST MAIM OP ritual; -- - - . - ii. isuic„—tAit.6 iiirTDE i11:4E41612D NOBLIti. ist .. "' it tei 4E - elvrtrs,strseiniton -i - - it ir,s' . c. - 41.6dr• siNeisms. ; " , ':- ~,,' ___. __,..• s.i. is c:1-994 , 00 JEANB. -• , ,'. ' -c . ... AT 7 .—EID GLOVES, (COLORXDN ..: - ~.:.. ... .... l' ~^-: :. .ii, i•.• ~,,..r.: DRESS MOODS, mwdetg. rewcy koraEt?3, ~:111,11311, P OPLINS, )3 CfNnTS, 817NDOWNIII,. HATS; 7 RIBBONS; PLOW - EBB, ic„ ES :tit. Louis. Mtasotirt. =I NEW GOODS 1 - ;:. J. IL - MI/ICM= CEL' ' Havc J ust receivedfrom - New , s ' : No. ; 52 St Clair Street, NEW BLAOR'COLORED'SILKS; - • PINE APPLE IiRENADINES: • . . . - SILK GRENAD.INE S; • : • . , WHITE .t COLORED ORGANDIES; .- • , isExcu LAWNS:: - • POPLINS, IRISH AND Tranicß; • • • CALBDos . meat of NEW GOOD: -•' • ~ • street„, .qrRED, WHITE AND BLitt FRONT. num: 87. MARKET STREET. .Qr 7 %Jo • •... _ SPRING OPENING ! 111E0DOW PIOUS' teee . eialior to J. M. Bard;oo Cq .i DRY utiOm r' • "snutO PRY 000D$. spiaNefliagt mops: MII. PitIELIPB iispectrarannounces that the' extenslye alterations to bla - - - - RETAIL - DRY -43100D8 STORE. Are OPEN. - ott2z.a:: New Stock of Dr.!, Grocds'' 'Foe Sven/ and Bummer Wear,. at tbe lowest But ? • . . . . ABBUTII.I4I(Yry.SHANIItON ar c CO., :1!•,..r. : : ...- r.' .t -.:: .0 Y ; 0 r , i,-; -..: ..- t: N 0 415 W. 0 04 St•l' poiforgbi. Pa., . , • , . Nvitorzr.euxila . , - - - .•, : .'-". 2 h * - i. ..-.-. . .., !“ ...i . ...: , ,...., , , -.:;;". DRY GOODS AO NO110141S;' r f. ; ...,-,-:., .•.t.i,,,, ;.,. : ,- i: FY. '''' .-ii. lOVNit',#44I*2I4I,BICM 1, , , r • z elf 16:5,7 ' .. Bag* scooDS, . ' ',BrEtir . AtiwAteu." •" ' .•i., - • h iraio , Ktirm . 14 ,, • .7 ..711171/ ; ,1 - 7 10;51,t1IT*qt, cfl.lQVEa r ,i ~ ,11341.1 ,wilocuriznkr,, • 4' 16 6 r.__ t, JMQ." raW C P 3 !PfIi. I I,OPIAWItAIa /6S• - - • • •• . ulej „„ ia . 1100 AaaLiaNA6V0. 9 i„ ! ,WainISSIOI;OII4.Cf9I4.” Vt.! 11 AIR P, VIIIHFLL IC'/!f kicatit • efiligr,meoftp • rnalll Ma. 111 4111130DAIVBEIMunz., 2'hietiddokitortztamoill itiptirffio fit „it , iv) ev - 1,1 `ln noiP.-1611;1511,84Marei&V = • -F " ArMv," •." ' NI: ' 1i .; !eip ogt lig 61' 1 ) 4 , a 1 :.!4 3 / 4 4 .. r /VINO _::DAY ,1300.141 k; EOM BILK PA . R.AIKtII3. SILX•SI7 COTTON MTN 11M8RE14.10,-4e.„ ALPACCAB, WOOL DMMN'ES; -'6foBv.llAm Erliar,'&e. mrt.arirruilks. A LAJIGVIMIPI Or AT LOW' PRICES, Wholeatzle ItetaU, SEMXYLE'L 180 182 Fedfrpl St., Allegkeny. • t a d www i ta. 'ow Attorney, . 4 r,IMMUNGS AND NOTIONS. 100 EPP, $ O LIQN 5:4 "-. G TO, • ••=' 6- 1 .- itistori IN ALL COLONS AND MAIMS. t, - EMI PARASOLS, FRINGED, BEADED, EATEN AND PI4IN. GLOVES, f - all7_ , Zrz=V74" LISLE ANTECOTTON.I Ton aims LAhres . :kim cirirmskisit PAPER - VOLLABS i@ CUFFS, iiraniEs :Am; 'G . / 141134g* LADIEB' .i:riviratitAßaniarrei.Lcznaz. 1 1 34,j:0.4wE5P - ,, 1 f0M 4 Agin WAIATS. HOOP i - SICIRTS, IN ALL Tar - sr..Nitsviimrs. ' • , vktrrO,' NOLeIMPAmtINT 1211/1 ' '133'663;111;iT.E:i-i Flite aiiiiiigtent of DOTTED "NETS, ••• '' : , GRENADINE, T7l3BtrE, ETC: „New . GOOCIB Arriving • alAcutrzt Gm= at:Co. so Nariet stkeet, CIALAND OPENING! , " NEW GOODS! A StLENDM AI*IOB2'3IEIM or S T Ob . D'S, Ruch as .BONNETS,-33ATS. CORDS and TAESELS. ORNAMENTS, ac. Rita/ORS of an diSCTiptiOnS' ArtiA 6l 4l ll 9 l2 FeiS; Etimnet: and: Hat Friketes: - Crapei;lthilifoits;- SIUm and Satins; Velvets and 3aces;l' Parasols; Sun Umbrella* tte 'Gq5.4l, , , kigatriluld GlaVe:s; • MIMS, trAzmdeciays, LINEN AND PAPER COLLASS,CIFFFI3,. tc. ZWIIO/MS:P•LEAAVI arT4 l /;, ROSENBAUII/0 T3iIiENTWI 46 CO* PHELADELPPIA. EXPOIPAT, 170. 1611kiR051! STREET. p'EniAter • '" KID GLOVES. C: 4l- - 4 ` l lt:t l -Nii - e'llivitelattetitiolt bitry: 7 KEIVOLOUDEFILTITIIIENT -- Which 15 flow complete with efeticcdorandlistiade. ; In addition to our own' special importation of the: telebrated. We have aCeitred the ezcl na ire sal e of t he "Harris '4446;" fi The beef Glove and mutt'perfect ;U. , r.. r.. ALtantni2 & .41404134 E, ": . . .4011 • 19 FILTH EMMET. MACtiViti 84 , VAJILVELX 19 . Fifth: Street ; . - . , . Now offer th e moil elegant Ilde of.!' - ELUINITiteS Ever opened' in rittitnitgb,th *bleb tliey eitneclally invite:the; attention s of their customers. s: The de sign' are. nearl . all new and orlenaland about ObLE.PIITH r 'Matt 120 1.1 LAR PRICES. 1:s• • -... „.,• , . , REIGII4B,I' ".; EATON P S 8 ttt two:: i t‘ti I.7.rtjtt't • „tte 11 *MCI : , MACH I NE S; = ~ivu • ~~F ir• ~. ~.tr:; ZU - ;•. ,- .• - •':.1.,.: t ;-.;;;‘ - -,.). .':',..': ' ' s :' -01 40111114 1 1iAll:13011;'''.' ,7•79;-rc , p , . ...,c,p7,-I,H ....'; rcia1611110491114011o? ..-,,.-.• . . 1 . M,c -W.:Jtc,......:-: 1,.... n r. !.,?!..-..;•.; ..,',.. -.-... c :::-.-. , : 7 :',..2,.... ?.=.;ci,. cc.-. : .; , :. I , Aggiwirgritcat . .;_•!• : ; '!' : 1. , fc: i'•14 , 1 , ,- .,•1 , '...Lv L sj..l,;-.:7, - .. , . •'.; .-; b. c . Afolifcm4aPumaimit -,-.1- MEI ', ,, 1,-,1,..!;I: , ? ' ln r•-• 1 f , .. , ~,' .... - :' t‘ ' , ' , l ... -.. ~ 'wrrislpaewrielpethlrartnne, l, i ~. . ~1,, „: , ~.,1 , ' ll Lit the ihnti ind (,Elegant Seleelteeleit ~.,,,, ,-.1... :,7.-„ , ,.,- , i,:-„, 1-rts; 1 ~..15.'4".! if ' Al,' P 'Ili! briIIre"COMPANX‘ i .t 1:): II ,e.., , r,t , .' 1E1 , 31.'31 .);;' , "%t , ) ,. p..(1t, e , 1:0t1 : .1, 51 PIPPII STREET. ....., N , Also NEAI ' M I MES ]IA 'if fi , BILLS anitDOTTO - T HREAD HIKE Mar k ' di5. , 41e,z11114. tool Ur Pataburs .are respect. 4 filiii larlte.d 1 1,1, ApcstiotelbrAieriefidialleitea; 'biiiitairis or , r a p esP e ttentliPßUCAttipg s;larzeiquidence ur , , i• ,t.,, , . -, 1, ~., : l}'' ttret f31).1 P .1::: , ..1.3 IfIIIIL. ...:1101.1.1.l S. , i !.•,,,,., ty.l4 =GROVER4hBAKER•SPALCO,, ~,,t, oitz u l ot i (iki i iii,Airlo fal - ..,IthA4 . 1 - ' . .., , 4P III ARIOSS9ar'‘ ~,,tfr,ut ,r gTfir.o wil lo lotilDr. ilat..l _71•;.,, mrim4ROUFIM 1 ~-,, .i (1 Pretwit , no., e kvM II I I M ,junp MUMRIZIM -irr amaze : 1191: 1MMil i x.. , , • I NI vAsz i, BEING Afienstifizipir ton*, BUT PAMILIe, V til .* tttv,i.Aft.qp..,ti: q 0 .401 ,, k g .i i ii: dia hl i p_t t, , , 14) ,11.,itrtp •c. au. VhsfetriT7l. .71. ,f 1 ' L'''. l rirtudnonalkWolllol.o.ll3lLiajamarrij 51,7.4: allm w uti iiß:ti .91triltiklIrediara hattis:ll' . it.. ; 1 ; ,.... ..: _p e _N arhoc - # u . OOI" (MIL o.tistinoquit r,114 riot _ triottio i tialioit .11d/oil Irv} eltx timit lwo catilitizurdwiLlvsnirlp ottira trtititlforsi gtam - .-1 kortlll,l jOUATAM I PaktiIf * *Ng OFICIE II 4.SV I:C} - I ant 1111 n Wood street, Pittsburg.% •••••••Mi.. :114iich .oi"rOn,ccirsets, lEEE lIM ••t.~ _..~.~ ... sirs, I " , NEW' I I 1 MR tf . : 1 1! ,,. ... , ~ i if `il - : ;la . oinyziltug' 4 ti, ~ i 4 # xxc simEm 4rD ma SIMS of • - ()'1? I'l I 0 ENBLISH I,IIVET C.ARPET, . i t gric.fgEkETElt9 WIDE; Tapestry Od'Eody ihtsg.e l 4 :, WHICH TH ZARE : BEL.i.INH AT:; ; The Lowest Prices Reached this Season. , _ f - • SUPERFINEJINGRAIN CAPRPFfiS. ;.- I 1•, -. • • • • ten TO $l.lO AND $1.15 Mi . YARD.' -, • • McFAIILAND r . 41. COLLINS, NO. 71 - atid '73 ' - Fiftl,l Streel. yl4. I El EFEADOkiriV FLOOR. •, - 'rnS27:NONWIT 1868. !.: :,,,.. ~,, • ,-..••, :: - .3-•:, ~[:,,:...• ..;•,..:: •,•:..; . .......,-. ; „,,-..i,,.,..„-;.•_•. til or 1 .. ;:: ; ; ...:,. .. <l'496' R . , E,,1M1 , 1 3Ca Ei. I White Bed 1 .0 eked Striped and Fancy 1 Q moths, ~ltdbW Shad e s. &e. BOVA-R 1:-ROSE:ti,,CO; At° *eh; Street, • rl 1.1 - • r Pli*B4 , Tigi 4 44 10 8.. 1 4 : INS' A.vei~;lnpeiior gnpllt7 of ~' O,4II.I=OPMILVEE • , • 11: • : " - 161 ,incY Btri 4 i .... ~ M . - ...-. 4 ,aver IMPORTED. ; .- • :.. - 1 t... , .1: '."....1 ';'..-:::1`1.,',.4-.:31,..f....•:.f.;ii ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .l‘llB4 l 7o L d' s INGRAINS, . ' • i" . '• ' ' '33' Itigt4l44tl44tAk* ::: ft . .• ' r ..,.: .- 4 ' 44 4 .141 ::- .440 4t1i . 0 1. , M i * * W . t r:,;'k , i if Ipidepritgii4iii:iiiaiti*rooa• y nav o ff,::,- 1 .:1 !,:. i...E6 . ..,g r t_._,_. GOO_ ,-,L-sl" , ~t. ,iie . 8 a . .... 1. , "Virti we icix , reoel4 front mar oink and-other ,m lll w4 s "PleimanT• WeilL of ,i, 3 '.. .;1. FLOOR.. OIL .ffPrOTTIS • tILASIMALGZi I', g : u 1 • E r TABLE, ..*111) lintagiri? ' * ll ' ' • /E. Allt • MOH% O r i r i ciorlOr, :, i • r illqq D . • i alip,, a sui line id+l 1 . • '::f • g.- , • - ',•' .: •! , r , • ti.-- ;1 , ...f...:1,.......,...; - • '3 7 TnamPairti ai ,.... lo4 , .. :: '• . n i ~ . = uouidethiAltdriirizitaTis;-' t oli fraillikes: FerdSt Itersilikes , i...5-,i , .!! ;".1 ..'‘'...` 9 .. ' inTiCe L Wthr 244 4" mt ial AtAl u i BZ.etrigunAßED ' and Of • 544 stylesmialulltgWfill!i:/ 7- 1 . -P) ,:, ._ tf,'.. ;Ls ms s , ~ill .., t , , t ~- i i ,4, ~.,..... I. • ,, ft,r3 11. At t likuitos oorosiyi:ctainiErr. rit .. . _ . QTEAllir 7is • ,t l 'l‘77 BA. Net ; .17111th tin Itewiroklatil Mb. 144 / 4 "tenkOttelkivaltoltlil lk-ton4444Recess. -Ty/. 10`, sne l l z I tlt 3)ttee ek rel.q izA 4 iskdridopletiOSTOld. dukt gl v ilr -L OMW=Wieptifii ditiefr ipa r • Mem ttok_pstati i rea igsmd.scilerri mvl 44 4iiiiliilar - reWhe perfe c t ! _tan. a long sirain,-*--dee matter so • mars point of APAPIPYtft. - ,41441144.E1 • qtrir - 4 ALINIMDZBEIt 'I2IIC - 01110:1; 7311,1 :44 '44K UNO/KalrOi.* 1 Jibeitfr , keitreer • it t . ‘l)i, ~ja: T r Al rl ue-nr4 \ rY - " - =" i n u o b r Jl l -A el; _ Ali - ,A“A•tdt Alt eIAnJ - 1!) fll LA:Crit It . IVOin 1 - 6e l d ,11)11.1010fit „VAS 11 1 0 1 1 11 4tbT AIZA I !la": if:A7CA'a 431 Mil '+7 14:•.fu1t...1A7.4" % `44- -- ' - ^I L 4011Eltezisitilio , '-'-/ 40 jr 1' ,34 - 1 Y 1" 'Ain' o xir,l:4o -lel ' , Ala - irlialenallo elbtBlN'Beelhineno rt” ::-• .•: z , - i.144.7):141e.r...4 ) I(d ,- .1.; Sit,-..r.1 ~z , !. Eizza arourlllimigiTEMCGDOTßlXer• app roifit*Stati3oo l lo•44K) , ' ;;.. . Greeshquil 44 1 0MililittdIMININVoll s Okrel" ;- .... IMOIMMI it I ) , : Y S I dows. of "' aplsaa 31 4 9 Bt. Clals ~, , 01:1 4 CLOTHS. dco; MI I ,r"" liE3 •• ti4kIMF'T 'de COLLINS EMS ENE , , =MI Aud.Check ; ~ wl*- ' J! a 11' "11"/1115. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers