The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 01, 1868, Image 1

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A znithiber. petktiEducvere presented -
Sind referred.
A debate arose on the proposition by the
COmmittee to - print7/o,ooo.Adsteadef 15;000
copies of the IRosi Braft'report, winch
was finally adopted and a resolution; for
that purpbie passed.
Mr MORRILL introduced a bill to amend
the act concerning the registry of records`
r. nd te:no ! eidendilaewerehow3ing'systetn by
establishing bonded ivaiehouses, Which
was referred to Committee on Commerce.
Thejoint resolution to extend the time
for the completion of the Northern Pacific
. 1 ,-*atbnad was amenpdancLpassed.,
IThe - Eleuate i held-itaitirtleXadative sea
? Anon, after which the Arkansas bill was
—taken up.
Mr. WIISON spoke in its favor, oppos
s;;•;r !Mangy aroendutanterto the llotu3e,bill.
• Ml. - TIMING 'RUMEN • called' atten
tion to the fact that the House bill requires
•of Arkansas Waver place a rest ri ction •
upon suffrage, thus forbidding her even
• tablishing an educational qualification or
-•..l9llingivEthe lawairrnsard - to , *male suf
tr•A Amp. diskenttid tor.a. not. htlentE, and
also opponed Mr. Drake's amendment, ar
g tang that States which have • ratified the
14th amendment cannot recede therefrom,
and- ih t • said. amfaidment • Far already
• all'apted . .. • --•- •
The question being on Mr. Edmunds'
amendment to recommit the bill to the Ju
diciary Committee with instructions re
•quireiatitankeitailistadopt the fourteenth
._._ Mr. WILLIAMS apposed this as an ad
aulaiOtt.that . the. fourteenth .amendment
fiotadopted. •-•-•
Mr. BUCKATEB•Vir was opposed to the
1311Land.partienhnizAtte elEkwie exempting
•anartain anionntittprapertrdrout execu
tion and disfranchising certain persons.
• Mr. TRUMBULL replied briefly to the
~.....argt s tmenta,pf Mems.Backalew Doolit
oe 40Youse
bill, in case Mr. terry's amendmert, .for
'which he would first vote, should be not re.
' Mr; amendment was 'rejected
without a division, and also, Mr. Ferry's
. amendment-Ale" 40r nays 20.. P
. 1 1'he questibn reisurred upan3l.u. Drake's
- amendment already printed.
-Mr.. HENDERSON gave notice of an
.100'fid.ifehr ditierimination
vaunt race or color, or denial to a class Of
, pating,:in benefits of funds . raised
e`•::. l .l4."educatiotiat PitiPoses. - • • • -
BUCKALEW closed by saying he
believed such frau& had been committed
rtthat•ac~ibtarn *odd hovrtlie pear
-1 ' - 'll/ 2. COrr hadzrejected the `Constitu-
Meserri:EAßt/Li'tt;TPtAYER and POM
EROY defended Mr. Bowen, charged by
4 "lllJialitibkithfW*ltli havh?glaitit:MlMinsdi
Mr. Tat
-Without a hearing, andhad beenro•hisietted'
t attNinti-Aey f ibe,r Departk
defniittelinto Brilipt7
dier Generalship. -
Mr.' 10512.1TrLE: , deiii6d that the -Jeiti
- -sons of New Jersey, Ohio and .44chigan,
-&c., could take the test oath - p bed in
- rdto the deniM of suffrage he
.argued that' self-goverieing
orekublican in form, if they could not
2-1 - siot •Makequaliflcations for their own vo
HOtOE•-or . E
After an animated discussion, dresolu
.o lion arturcdopted to place Mr. Woolley in
1 the custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms, there
ilittleteVltfic Hitt ll_04: Xer;.from duty in , the
C . h6 drder of --UP, House,
.and that his counsel, fornly and physicians
have free access to him. - "
, - , Durcw,-,the, proceedings,. a telegram, re
* ' ' - tcelyed yesterday, was read, it having been
.subsevently forwarded by Mr. Wooley to
lie Oilier, evbien4.„ paid )fri3utler, for
the purpose of inst, and - provision was
„made that no communications shall be sent
to tice"witness, eicipt through his counsel.
—• - The fc e d.t:4 , :kg,is tlu l gpatch:
Jr itf N . r; „ May 29th, 1868.
—To: e 7 :-..w.06 .--(lltizbn and sover
r,flrOlt9ll9 nedtOa, order .cif tyrants
.r. t: d>dowar s; In the Capitprof.Aerica,
stand firm! Every true man in the land
1-1";:lrith - blood In his valtspwill stand by you.
It is the last 'feather which"" ras •U the 1
('t* . ‘l 4 - 1111 72= i- I IC ) GiOgo f i&ioiizs.
-The B oos] wetitintcr Coning-MS on the
I ._
Indian appropriaticsa bill and after; l discus.
. , ISibill the siatlosiattharizintiliMaidd of 0
portant., bonds to the amount of $1,84560
-for the ChckStaw !alias, Was struck out.
The .Committee role . and ,the House
passed thebli_l_as amended.
Mr: " 8 v I , ''il MIE aye ilatkalie triCuld on
2 4 11 daa4 0 14t , A:WOW/Wirt move ,tae'
into Co mm e on the tax bill, an
.., rmalca atexplasitiort of Its features.
The SPEAKER resented resented a message f
V; the Vic*ldent,iti latic*cog Naval Tame at
x L ' irttlVA 'tofforiditil'ool3odttee.
9 Loose ti. went • Into' 'Ocrsimittee,
v of Obi*, introduced a
neon amendment
..t. 39 , es , cilnittitZu7rtbe 11nit44,, States,
—_ providing President shall not be elldble•
for re-election, abolishing tbaSfillifOvioe
President, -and for a thorough revision of
Ithe modsof olow. Lt=tent.
1 Mr.IIBMEY . I'l "
r in r iupport of ,
his p tion and in I gy positicm to the;
• preseis Mytott o k eiecrters.
Mr. *Aeon general political
..,/,., anatterardeolarlipilthe ikpubliean part,"
.cretpossible for au the evils thatourse the
land.,TharitilL4l, f9.9o;ka,a co ll oquy ;ebb':
sued betWeeitr. Morgan and K r . L a w...
-s,;„ aenceof Ohloots , to :what, the-Democratic
party proposed to do. if it got ITO sidiffor 1 ,
~ ; A skthe conoitistiOnd lilrailtalatilai l '
;lei ahe Committee , rose , and , -thew Ho '
iii e - tolibridie., . vadtailvitzetibm .
a lf it ZBAV y --Th e Aiwa
.::: a( unce.thei Gam
v - AisP; qucks4 c,pc,fon,
~ .-443ungeuuo, u --slid ow. leampts
thst It has been so deelsred by the '014.3
tilgtiiitWAditian Aliditioillt_ . the °Wm
bee, moreover , been 1110Yed - rtoTiCitil ortgi.
Midillodatkin to cover the New ideviGab*,
dh th e
ground of oulcludivez MOTIOP.
..-- 4aly- b -tbe-New Company. is met
ay ciadditglithetlibtes are
lun y u tt leite ver, and. it 11_ 4 estl,
• berjzt op&
se w n c we present year
r c, - ,‘,.•,-./...,_<-,
ts=llollii. -`,---• .
-- tvlsafrlleteaMbitathe aiWatte. f“.t , .
---.‘!-''' Blongos_m. 3 0 Aso Taeneral___,..l34Aild.
14 , . ‘,-- • tt' • ' 4. '
7 111"31"W
et% i *Lig { il .11 1 .10
.0 ; Iv ,
R -
Dect4o ll- ,CMlna!kl , at. VeAte's
air the
i3o}- 1 / 1 0sfeT01 31 2 0 ies
of decorating the.gra es of the soldiers and
sailors enrieii' in';
C own • dill Cemetery,
nearAtias 'city • - ikok! - place 'fiftirnoon
mider"the sneplces 'of the' Grand Army of
the RilitiWei MaisineQeta:almost suspen- -
ded and tlje citizens generally joined in the
. , .
PZerelSett. precession,. consisting_ of the
nietabere OV , the Grata Army • theßepub
lic, Masonic and Odd. Fellows organizations,
executive and judicial State officers, Mayor
and City Council and citlieris generally,
was formed at one-o'clock and proceeded to
the. Cemetery.. The exercises consisted of
die , reading of Generalo•Lotinfli(order `by
the Adjutant General of the Department,
address by Gofer's& Conrad Baker,. recite
, tips of a poem-writterfr-ther.eyou and
flortiVdecoration - of the graves- *
orphan _children ,of deceased sok iers, as
sisted-by eighty' Young ladles - . •-•
LoVisVILLE, May 30.—At tan o'clock a
procession, Composedcif abldiets mid Siarge
number of citizens, proceeded to Cate Hill
Cemetery and there engaged in the solemn
work ofbosetifalyidecoraing the graves
of the ‘l;:fideti Zags were dis
played at half mast on the Custom House,
Court House, 'City - Hall and newspaper offi
ces.. • Daring the marsh- of the. procession
the bells of the Fire Department were toll
) 4 1 9 OPmetiery , •seVe l ff ;eloquent
orations were 'delivered: "
May; 30:-=At rile at
the National Cemetery •It its estimated
5,000..,, persons were present, the. Grand
Army of Lite Republic; 'Union TArigue and
various colored. societies participating.
Flowers werestrewn thegraves. Much
disappointment -was felt at the-absence of
Gov. Fletoher and Gen. Hurlbut, who were
expected to be present. Several epeeche'U
were made, and a poem read, the exercises
being inerspersed with music. Nothing
occurred, to mar the harmony or decorum
of the o
CINCINNATI, May 30.—The ceremonies
of decorating the -graves of Soldiers buried
at Spring Grove were concluded
in the most imposing Manner ' to -day.
Flags were displayed at half mast in tfie
city and along - the routes - leading to the
Cemetery. Over 2600 people went , out by
special trains oif the Hamilton and Dayton , :
Railroad, and equal number by private
eonveyiumes from all directions. The day
was the most beautiful and pleasant of the
season. Geri. H. L. Burnett, orator of the
day , delivered an oratien; eulogizing the pa
triotism -of the soldiers wbe..died for their
country. The graves' Were then strewn with
towers of all kinds and.colors, f)rmed into
almoetrevay iinaginable figure or device
that affection could dictate to the mind as a
suitable emlffenl to thei departed heroes.
Ariang the greet 'it:Libber ' most noticeable
were those of Gen. W. U. Lytle, General
Robert McCook:, A:' Cant. Relntantz, ofthe 10th
Ohio, and CoLI, '
Jones, of the Ohio
regiments: -
WAsnINGToN, May 30.—The graves of
the Union"- - Ifead at Arlington, Va., were
decoisted with flags and Bowers this after
intthe presence of a large number of
spectators: -- Among those present were
Generals-- Grant, , Hancock; Howard and
Granger with General Lo n,
r Ate 11414411_010./. -_%,1"4 1 11.4 I`./Pl ubtlet Hon.
OSfi strata:', The .
meat impressive..festure irkthe - ceremonier
wfida procession of children' et the Soldiers.
and Sailors" Orphan'Asyldni. •
Pwr..troiLyrna, May /30,—The.ceremony
Ofi.diki rAtting the•gravee of fallen heroes of
the war of the rebellion, by the Grand Army
of the Republic, took place to=day in the
loreseXtfeottbotimiarde of spectatprs.
AUGUSTA, Me., 'May 30.—The graves of
alll d
the soldiers - were appropriately decora-
Rtc - irmoWn; May 30. - Seven thousand
graves of :Union soldiers in the 7 National
Cemetery,„ in, this. city,. were, decorated.
About four thotisaninersolie weiepresent.
morial ceremonies of, the Union dead took
plat's to day.
Woncesren, Mass., May 30.—The sol
diers grirves,in. all the .cemeteries :of this
city were decked with Sowers this morn
Nastrni.t.s,‘Mity 30.c=tlie excursion to.
the National Cemetery -to-day to: decorate
the graves of- the_ national deed was-
nently. staccesaftil, At leatik-3,oooPersons
attended, together 'with the military. The
exercises were deeply entertaining.
ors were paid to all graves.
Nnw Onbxens, May 30.—Goverribient
and city employes, „were granted leave of
absence to:day' to participate in the cere
monies of decorating the graves of lJniort
soldiers: • Stettinbeits vitire furnished for
conveying participants to Challemete Cem
eteu free.'
WILMINGTON, Del., Ma 30.—The care
mony.;4of:.decarytting the "idlers' graves
was duly orsiervedThis afternoon. ;
Darrow, 0., May 31.—The memorial
eeremanierin,bonor of deceased soldiers
yesterday were very impressive: Thci at
imuzerworteiyiarg „-rlirar.734irThos•
an , 'CiatiOn4t the Ns
.tionalßoldiers' Home and Chaplain Barn
shaw, of the Soldiers' Home, at Woodland
cemetery. About one hundred _Radiate
rare buried here:
ST. Lou's, May 31.—Over eleteh-tbou
sand gt*v.ll.9LocAto.o9oldiers at Jefferson
Barracks Cemetery, twelve miles _below
here. side dtelettited - *ftli flowers yester
day afternoon. large number of ,people,
including the litdies and gentlemen.of,tW
old Unionairi Society) end organisations
growins ontsfilts war, participated - in;the
cerembniee. l2- The gshrrWefind officers of
'the barrackk and men and - officers of ;the
Grand Army ' of the Republicwere also
Progeot..-„!ReY.'_!s)r•-:EUetii General Carl
itiehurs, and others, made addresses suits.
t j*lta‘thit fieueignimiito o A Aix frillndred
graves of rebel - Soldiers were Simi strewn,
with flowers - and received the same atted- ,
tion as those of the federal trooßs.
a ';...• t.
- 1 Alialdrado teeperalligarcle
litylaiegraphOgittaberithoo44o:ti i
~://AVA/ql4 Mar IKii4"Genttral as
issued a pamphlet manifes sdtiri to_
r*fitititeit.s3l4 4046nUe
He sta r t :47W IfitMret'Odhle.',°. l *.rers
the author- of the Taeu - Is.
er0414 1 1 1 11 IRA elYllll,lowar Pn*-
auperlor oraers. Jae cone noes y4).: c;
" *-*-4 1*" . - 2fl
ThledisseuAdetftliremelialexi inunt-- „ -cii,
414 -' ll ° . JviMeel t:p
" thought lobe Irdimsidbut h ... t vont
ern Atatiort. House & ►
- o ' le
4 11114114 9 1 " 18 01 13 / 4 1t a
turned loamy notudtp - e r ,
40000 Ibilirlell$00%; j fi rAor mar I;
llPP3PikilMAllyrtnitured' An
DTI ' , -.lltftt • " •
- Tl-01
g - M=ll
voca L , ( 3
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' 'PITTSBURG-114 t -MONDAY: . JUNEg L 1868, ~ - ' -
i'COtrai O'CLOCK A. M.
TUE . : Ali.
Teligraph to fife tittibuigh Gazette.)
WASHINGTON, May 30, 1868.
r. r - -TE,ItIvn x ;F.W 2 _ rh
Thb term ' of oL Goober; 4stristant Sedro.
tary of the Treasury exptfild te-day. No
successor is yet fixed,on byllua. President.
Judge Carttei, Of the Supracte Court, to•
day dismissed the petition azurimdanius
to have stricken from the -re&stration ro ll s
the names of a ll soldiers except those who
have resided here-for a certain time and
have families with them. The Judge said:
there was no evidence of fraud or corrup
tion on the-par" t (Atha Board:
The fonypirogeominatioxis were sent 'to
the. Senitte — te.darttit ` l net,`-acted upon: ,
Harry Beckwith, Superintendent of the'
Branch Mint at San Francisco; C. C. Oita,
Molter, and Refiner, Braneh Mint. Denver.
Edward Di:4d, Marshal . ..of thei•Dlatrict of
New York; John P. Forson; Assessor of In
ternal Revenue Fifth District California;
Colby Knapp, Collector Internakßeveniie,
Eighth Dietriet L. Rowatd,
of Alabarial, • Rtmeivtr of Public Moneys
for landi subject to sale at Mobile.
Tile entire Slumber Of Soldiers Miele d
in this city 18279. The parties who applied
for a writ of mandamus on the judges of
elections to show cause why their nettles ,
should npt be stricken from the list of reg.:
atitiffeit ortwr-...wiy;:i.lighlVlCa
tiork was to-day refused by a urt, in
general term, have sent a copy of the de.
cision to Gen. Grant, with an application,
for the issuing of an order by him to ;re
strairridl Soldiers,tn'thlkelii9 nT leaving
their barracks on Monday w e the eteo
tion is in progress. •
Business in the departments waegener
ally suspandeday.
'2. 1, 4 7 -.2 l Ficreirlf sT-7 , ,-
- General Taiiinstrattis istillin °barge of the
War Department. „ -
WAsurstoToic, May 31, 1868. _
" cowithran riacrftk3 emit; '
"The 'novae will takb up tie Ohio cot
tested election case this;week: - The matit , '
icy of the Committee give the seat to
Delano, contestant, staling his majority to
be eighty-one. The minority of the Com
mittee, Messrs. Kerr and Chandler, claim
that Mr. Morgan, sitting member,
elected by seven hundred arid fbrty-two
majority. .2. i; 4 2
The Impeachment Managers intend to
examine to-morrow General Adam% whose
name appears in connection with the testi
mony heretofore taken.
Impeitsitit:Tief sii'Vliftli-lhesisage Tribe—
Alleged Murderers„ Surrendered to atm-,
cny'resertraphtellsePittsts •
Conittit6Fitbrstrs,Firrr Muss
RENCE, Ks., May 30.—An important treaty
peOfekli; the VnitedlEitistOs Gbvernment,
re resented by Mon. - G. • TaYlor, Cons - . 4
missioner of Indian Affairs, Colonel Thos.
Mvsrphy, ns .Snperintenderst Ks' usz In
dla, ;Colonel A, - -(1. Boon:and C.
Shaw; and the Chiefs, ootineellors, " flora
and head men. of the Gsage Nation, was
to`-day - concluded and signed, 'by which
the Osesips Nation cede :lathe Government,
and tb"Letivistiwbitli; - Lissitence and Gal
vestork„ltailroad,:purchaset the remaining
lands ovened bY this Oiagea in Kansas,
eluding theintrusti lance, amounting in all
to about 8,000;000 acres .' By , this ces
sion. the.,..annnities of .-the , Indians are
largely increased and abundantiprevisions
made for their settlement in their new
110010 Lre.thojlndian.‘,oerritia*;thA - *stab,
lishment of schools, churches, a semi and
grist mill; blacksMith shop, - , Grave
difficulties have recently occurred hetiveen
the ,set tlers. and. these „Indians', and their,
early"removal to Indian Terittory is re; ,
garded as a most desirable.oonsummation,
The sale of., the lands ;to the Galveston"
Railmd, upon the terms - proposed, it is
believed will insure te' 'epee d y construe..
%Joh Of 'othli bilbertint line of ibil*atr, eon,
netting the Lakes and the Gulf r atid add"
largely to the wealth of the settlements!:
and commerce of the Western States.
Mho. day before the, arrival. of the Consii
iiiissionebs at the' &Anion "grthindd a party.'
of three hundred and forty-six Osage war. .
- Hors started out on the war path to fight
the Arrapahoes,-to get .Fevenge for a young
man killed in one of-their towns a few
days previous by the Arrapahoes. After
being out about six days, the war party,re
.lr. apd .renrted.t.hey Juid
_taken two.
nes. ; '
Atte i the k 4ilialcirel4,
ttne l eilininii i g :the
treaty, a young man by the name of Dunn,
living on Walnut creek, Butler county,
=,arylved et-the asupep-of the Com
erg', stud ''reoortsiel Wei on , Sundasq
the 16th, his brother said a partner,_hy name
James Anderson, were killed
this • ' war • • partf ic 'scalped; "
heads seve r g. pi..l,lunr bollitls. The
CommissieicelS' nimbffildely called the
Chiekintq conncii,atA,perempterily !de
manded the' introddef Or the perpetrators
of this 4eed -next .pmorning they
brought' two'yb .v, 'sing 'Dien; 'and' after about
two hour; pitgleyhm,- s andcli the crying of
squaws intrthil utmost excitement among
Vae li t ri C i lr gr i N f tii i fi a tti t gas i f i l sWlTho
brought MOP-IPPtiM, Knape, ea tiiew-,
edli derterVniTed • Stites - Marshal ,
Whiting. be fiat ,for .She OrblitSi
Wagea - twhaslieb4 wto tniEte i.
Brown, the itliaribendere_.. Hooded—
e x 4 4,
04 4, , ,p iate•Yj
VARA a' etilliiebiVt. ivas
executes& 3rlf t Wle
i, written - state-
went covering: thementooislatobisiffir, but
=skins: norl,oonfendon of the crime,. noei.i
. . . . ~ .. tidy
17t'"I;n1 -tirew icae l" r " the eath r °11 1 111) the e
e 7
,"A Horrible Deed..; ; 7"if r •
'9VM-las rlififh4}lllVisibi
=Pes . . ll l9 l .o# ll AV e r. „ 7 -
tht a ibs girl . =men
riW :4l Pl= l =!l i tlikl ' 4 . A 4 "
,Antita7 •
- :4 4.41144
ircrin,mttt-wesit, ; r
represent thelaWNW 400411'. t •
;:liiitiVrl oUIVIII/AWlliane •
-*tesionq Pliisoll,4Pn
-1:4;) Cgt):ThiA ' •
aa:, - 1,..'Ea,T. , .
qeue,rtaCP)l t.. i,:t. ' of Vie Methodist Epic
A;' . «t L... 10 ' Nr"i l t 'dag 20 .'
[By Telegraph to the plttsburgh Gazette.) i• ''
fil i rt
Cnicacto mk • to.— tventy-fif th Day—::. i
As" TEtitmi.; -gr ant 4--T 1 2 r) . ~..
-WI eonTertole, if - ifelVm 4 o
Committco., on, ~ issions,,that the second'
Assistant 'l3 : - : fed the Missionary B°'''
ciety should reed . e as far west , as the alias's
'aittpt riVerf arid'. ei*ehle, Pile to frqutt 6 r
conferences. • . ''
It twos, letiolv,-.dit,thatrithe-Cgseral Cen-,
fertfidettl3l6llrn .n - Tdetdartext, June 2d.
._ At the close o the I mi:truing .119sflion the
order• of the (lay was taken .arid con.
evince- proceeded tnbaliot .forwith
_the following-resulti--.13ev.4.W V. -
D.; was electatl'edftb - r_of theLattfee Ages
itril; -Itei. as 'Mg *pa t 1?. 4 31,, , w e e, e l ec ted
A itor or the filinstion ? 44..avael#4-:i s lev-
S. H. Nesbit, editor Pittsburgh Cetristtati
Advocate; Rev. B. F. Crony D,D., editor
St.. Vistas .A'sFoodedii;Tgeir.,l):llTeveeditor.
Atihnrni;N: Y. Advocate;' Rev: Thos. Bbok,
agent at San Francisco; Rev. H. C. Benson,
editor California Advocate; Rev. Isaac DU+ .
lon,.editor Pacific. Advocate; Rev. Dr. Nast,
editor German Apolofirist; Rev; I). Wise, D.
Dijeditoeftoldnlfiftool Adeoect.W. ktor4 J.
11. 'Vincent, editor. Sunday School Journal;
Rev. J.`P. Durbin, D. D., Corr,espondbig
Secretary': of;Miatitonaryßociety; Rev. W.
S. Harris, first Assistant Secretary. ' 1 -`
Presbyterian General (O. S.) - Assemfily,. •
EDT Telegraph to the 'Pittsburgh Gazette., ~
ItiltiLitito:ll4ll6t4lslitigtittlOug werii.
made for Board of Domestic Missions and
for the vacant Profesforships, and the time
of eleetliiit frited lit' ten A. 3f. on - Tuesday.
The_ssierai articles of basis of the union
~ T veYsTliddrVidi'l Re*Oral amendments of
fered weje i taitled. . .. . !.
•Thes'Attittdrf to accept the `report of th;
Joint.COMmitizie)tar stdopU the zbasbs:of a
Union and send the record down to presby
ters fot final &lion was adopted—ayes liD;
'im,111010: - ., i , 74-11. ,;•,..i
Dr. Montfort, in behalf of the majority,
intech exprassing,an ..opinion
in , -calveir* of ettiklng 'out- tiie explanatory
part of the Confession of Faith, as stated in
the first article of the basis, and to tele
graph the fact to. the New School, Assambly
for its approval. Adopted. ,
The first, branch "has adopted' It ,ttnani-
Dr. Humphrey, for himself and others,
factitededligehist.thalehole action and gave
notice of * meeting for consultation this af
ternoon. .
, t nit. l l3o4lloittet Mi : ilparohes in; the
:Southeitil-States . reported that those
which , have voluntarily withdrawn ancqor
gholzeAseparately; be recognized , as .hale-'
ipendent ehurches and not main - the core
of this Assembly, but that they be invited
to, return. ' - -
New *ha d
GlyTiloarith toilia!itisburgh'estte:3
• RABBISIMBG, May 31.—1 n the General
Conference NeveSehoel Prephyterial Church
yesterday, afterndon, it was agreed to hold.
the next meeting at , Church Covenant,
New York'clty, within a short distance of
the"old brick Church where the Old School
will meet.
New York City Matters.
Clliiielli is Lie inislituihGiviatte.3
NEW Yong, May 30.—Six thousand dm
liars worth of tobacco, es torts . Dun Blob:
mord - for Boston, was seised - W:4W 11y Rev,
enue 'lnspectors,• having counterfeit stamps.
on the packages.
Alonzo McCormick, living on Sixth ave
nue, Brooklyn, shot his wife dead and then
-taint himself dead this morning. .'' ' -
Judge Brady
. refused to grant the motion
to dissolve the injunction against Kelley's
Gift Enterprise.
Early this morning a tire was discovered
on the ground floor is.ltinrray street, mien.'
pied by H. E. Bible°, dealers in silk goods.
The fire spread rapidly through to 21 Park
Place, the entire floor occupied by this
firm. By the exertions of the firemen the
fire was , confined. mainly' to the floor on
which it orginated, although at one time
it seemed probable the whole building
would be destroyed. The loss will reach
from $75,000 to $lOO,OOO.
The German Catholics here celebrated
<WhitSprittde. to,•dtVby a ldflgAotipllo pro
ciiision which passed thronie. Xi rinci
oall'st;eeits of the city `e , ~ from
PittsbUrlgh, Eri e foiCtie • On ,
v r
cage ataothe ;cit. 'fbolt*rthi th e Pro•
atuailon, alitt - ill: - 40111tatt companies
add& •
*largo) - s ilattiber-.of CietMen;Catholic .
organbutticar-:0ff4 , 145 eit --and :vicinity:
Thiteblitbrego*tervinated.;with religious,
vrviept.: at ihe'ehltreltolf the Redeemer.
The :il umber 9aAtin . : , I , - to 30,-•
000.' lite restiva vdgets l ttino , l ''' estaY
otoirednelidlaviteskwhen., . - t.: , I g :80.
ClatOt t *the: 1 0, 4(7 4
A Man Chopped to Pleees-;-.lElie Murderer
Commits .Suicide . ..
:i '
cur Telegnilph to the Pittsberelk tlasette, 1' : t t .
WITASEEMTON, .May 30.--At. ClUnloildge,i
Dorcester connty,,Maryland, on Monday, a
man named Shadraek 8k11..--quprreleik With - ,
a hired man , named-John ßeok - atthestable:/
about victuals. A scuffle ensued, when.
Reck iipi*4 Reirkaxe,,tmderplly chop:,
pad 4.Biditsi.lifeciell. , 'Roo* ' himself; up;
and was imprisoned, and w Ile the Corotiee
was holding an inquest committed suielde
tri hls ohlt , br „batwing hrtaselt withArips
l of bed clothes.
,--".", 1 : 4 5 1 D ittaitiliailet in :Maii4i).' L
(By T e l e graph to tha Pittibilrigh Gazetteo , _
BANoott,'file..' Mai 31.--A. large meeting .
wag held tr here last evening for the
of ratiitripg was ' 9 1 P... ind
Colfax, which was aaa lF rmsea by John
H. Peters, Hon. Hannibal Hamlin and oth.-
ers. Mr. Hamlin' after speaking in verge
KIIMILte,r_M ability rsitt testified M the in.,
tee city ' of bf Mri oftlfsl, declaring
he is a true, man, one whose purity of pr i= 4
*te r 16 1 40 1 1/ 4 4 ,0 that'lo,l l r,AV: 4o '. Iffi , i
';l!sustelorei l!efitiblleas ' 1 4t1 Pgiientlm• )
":2 4 Tetisrapi toPi Pittibi4l dikieite.l , :d 1 ~,
~' ieWvtith:lttiy itr...-ime State Contrai,
mmitteo: • f 7 the Refiblicau r ty of ,t,
'Tenneexesjumotthce irk ;tumid Ma
to.morsbitrihe V . . on MAIN the siState
cohrWicon fcoscti, these*,
tineWeatittadlif ThMittibir - lhe Cowie*
tlon4s- called ?•tOrf inaninate ;an fect*pali
.Aneicen, :I ,i '1 : , ..t . L.V.:11%,' QV .11 I , rir4, il ~
m , r . 4 ,, ~ ! t 0, , ,,-. ~,. .1 ! - ..a 'l.
;V ' } `l 'lt., s L.ti:MAlttit,SW44 l l/0 1 4 1, ti i I l r, ,
0010141 1 141 10 ;ftrgitOplA, 1 4 1 1 "1 / 1 1 '
, i Niskinaraitpliiiin'arlintlitt
dist' Sabbath Sehoelsotompritring lb* We
Nitaltv4lk: 2L4ld i -Franklin i ßreitttrOod,,
plao lipar.r 11,71914,pt -Col= se,i` j
1 4
.0.,..„,. , were pr
IfAtrittliiiMOSl etitiait and ante '
81110100h06.00100. • 4 0 . " .7, i a. l
stU4tA 4 C.I 7 , vateastquailbeirilielk!? oo4 t '''
34,0 1 iiiiiiii4i6 1 0661iAll,410 4 , I . :it .
- 11"""Lrili , th el!sli tOf
the Pennalltmeri ', ,
the'Ametip_ 6 c ontati c
ARO , 41 AS ,9 6 . d.#44othe
- cir 40 . ' 4csi, ' nitalgr
'' crigr.rms a
: ;I{l,
'4113 3,11-4.1. P.)
l +t..,~.Y.".b ~al~',
fly 701egraph t.c;the Pi thbuigh Gaz . ette.]
‘" t- ' ' )FRANCE':
• •Paittsi-May 30.-=Tlie French Senate has;
imam_ a inv. :fcre the.'regulation of ;public.
• -
• TAinarMay 3L-.Tbe Emperor liapollion'
Mid :Empress Eugenie viiiited 'llouen to
lingo Where they were received with-great
ceremony and • rejoicing by the authorities
and Citizens. 'The'Emparor madeltspe‘ch,
in Witioh he publicly returned his . thanks
and ; the thaflits, of •the • Empress to the
Mayor of:Bops:m.0)r
d energetic and effi
cient: Theastirea of 'relief which had been
.provideittirthe-municipal government for
the•wor of .tbueity during.the past severe
• whiter, and - axptessEid the hope that their
sufferings were , now ended:. In his reply
:to imitddeess from the,Cardival of Roue n, .the Emperor declared, f' , o .will not sever
our iove:of God fro" our loVe Of country."
In the evening the EMPeitri land Empress
„returned to Paris.
Lcixnox,lgak tO.lXParlistrtient . bist night
adjourned ov,er Whitann-bolidayavor until
the. 4th olivine. lArliiteundix 'kill ob
served on Sendori -Stock Exchange and
Liverpool cotton market.
30::Lailregithefirery fine and
favorable growing crow,: •
iiFitray79,74l44MaY•3o-1-1301%da a fraction
80. Petroleum tierivy
:sriOrninatand„,nuts aged." • • -1
litvx.nrooL,May'3o.--Petioleum quiet at
tietiona prices: 2 -- • •
„ . , • .
Trial of Jeff. Davis.
CBI ' , Telntspb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
,VAltimistett , -. 151ay 31. - -Itis now proba
liliiTffirfrila orfftiffaseff DeVitiwill be-post
ponekffntil) OexPier. )1 1 1'detMsel on both
sides have agreed to that time. Witnesses
had been subpoetted - Itir ,nelt'Wkidtiesday.
Mr. Davis has not ,arrived here in view of
the pr:?bability-of pco,strsiumnent.
. .
New Orleans.
illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. j -
NEW Ontiews, May 30.—Cotton firm and
in demand hayingadwured; sales 700 balsa
inidolling receipts ofi3o - 4. bales.
Sugar dull and retailing at 15'51,31534c for
fair-Cuba . _Molientes.-‘o4oc. Flour dull,
superfine at-58,50475,• Coin easier at 131,05
81,10. Oats at SQe. Bran at 61,15. Hay at
slBa2o. • Pork:at $29,50 for bacon; shoulders:
at 13%a13 3 / 4 ;olear alders at 17k4 al7r i . :Lard_
dull. •^''
, .
The State Sunday School Ccuivention will i
assemble to-morrow; nt : 2% o'clock, in the
Second Presbyterian Church .„(Dr. Bow
ard's), at which time Bei,: 1. P. M organ
Will deliver an addreas of welooine. The
sessions will continue. thtntigh Wednesday ,
and Thursday following, and promiie to be
of the most interesting and profitable chez:
actor. . We understand arrangements have
been made by Which Mr. Theodore B.
Perkins, of New York, the cemPoser and ,
iPublfiiher of 5 much of; oar 01 4 Polk, kiefidaY
School muEdO, will be present anirtake
_of the musicrof the• Convention and ,
'tfireldditutThiCitieetings L' .. 1 '
' • -:; IteTiA-tAe."Ottgioi ia'aihj'eivit
give some black r lessons for infant
schools. ,: .., ~ . , •
Rev. A. S. Osboil4 - LL. -- 11 1. .,4111"41ii - er a
lecture upon Sacred Geography, illustrated
by the best maps of Pal tine. yet. publish
eAniiiini A. Siiiith;ree.ttAkiklin, New
• York, Rev. T. A. Pierson, of Waterford,,
New York, and .lamas H.Relicktg;ef Troy,
New York, all in the front. - rautc as Sunday"
School" workers ' and • talleers; have..given
assurance'of their presence at the Conven ,
Prof.'Wicherizfilam; State Superintendent
of Common Schools, hopes to be with us.
Rev. S. B. Beret*, of Wheeling, and other
live Sunday, SChool men from the "Keit,
hirvelient void that the will Present.' -, •
1 . The Committee pn ertairiment -11 be
present at the:tchurctitO .receive ' delegatei
on Monday afternoon at half past two
o'elock;• !and on Tuesday morning at ten
o'clock.• i
• .
More Mystety.—A idteleton was found on
last Friday by a Inan,. Who, in - company
with a number of others, were engaged in,
atiOrolt Aalllter9llo,vaeantlptin Manches;
ter. r it:was evident tlud:the-reinniiii had
been bitted a Intrulie ‘istyearst end that
they had never been enolosed in a coffin, as
the knees were drawn , up towards the chin:,
'and onsi 'Aria 'thrown body. As
usual, there are any number of "sensational
storiessilaatilloptgm Ac4iktkpla of the mys
Body Fgdulliillattirthiv Coroner Claw
son was called upon to hold an inquest on the
body,of.ratrlck.Csook,, , whp fsll from the
steamer St: Margit; wing - Alta) hiononga
' beta wharf, and was drowned one:day last'
week, an writmt,oflivolhicip was .publlshedl
in the ClA:zErrs. The bdoly was foeind
• der the wheel of the steamer •Leonadas; a
short:dlStadtte.holitovr'whop.•the accident`
ioconrred. • The juiyittuineVa verdict of
death by r accideqtalAretydng. ' • ,
Serious Aecidenty—On Saturday murrain'
iieiddent in
coal yar_d._ Ile was climbing ! - on
wa when he missed lie'
hol. 1 A01104414 ng i..vstn t at, totter rk,
Knie' .f t ' t, e *bleb pelibtrhte hips:
ohiseki - -just bekoWthes..yes, Anfik g
The uuratik.oC roues Whom isn'd turraake,
it;memorable a.reduition , of 25'1)er Vent:
lin this day been made, in .Embrolditriesi"
00 4 1 3 "a l fri t i
°Wok 14041*.....*SIVaiTc01 18 1 28 .
street. Call and, see.
State Sunday School Convention.
.. iviiiiitliiiiiimaii
r .„ ,farg.titillmith a,
police made a raid on Mile Ferry: L BlNi •
11; Utag air .‘
' tEttftir"em .
ri Is.. J. tt . ty, They,
,Zem ir • . o(e.„W''..Rll ), a l l " W.
i .-ai s. 1 ... _'• ~ , .„,;., ".:„.:= 1 1..., 1
~ . fii
to , , .: ~-i:... I,'AI r - ''''''• 111 , 11 01...:4:*;,, , 47,0 ' .- , 4c , c ,,.
VL i I • i i e# i .. ii ori ii a iinm. . : .
, df ~,a h iulg p ,
','Will ~ t 44. .7fA ,
.ii . 77.urab g ' -- iierk 47iTzii
.. --,...Fit0
-3411:00-.,,i ' II "?..2
4 .,
.. . , i , 1 , ...t , 1 , 11.1. ;$ ri.i.. , ,11,,iit T..t:, N; ~' a :.
}... ,- i t) .t.i? . . , 1t 1 q . ~ . :411110......1, ,1,,,, ,
etkreAV Ms WHIN
1441:417441467743116 e,
, bldnaßtaliktraarraill
404 ,_ adlitp f l#
~ ;:.: 1, - 4, - ..., . .f.....
.m it f olicu il - " k4:lll,l ''
. ~. SU .
Oigniii,P*9olll '':;thei 4
. 4 ildit aye;
. , ~.
gyel t ualudtonoontlit ha t „, .
minaewetemookorluntitlat* be -- , , 0, -.q. , .',
411.11itiokfitel.-rtt , ne , r 1. 2 .,. .7 ,,,,
1,4 g,..4,.! , .. ;, .24 '=„ - . ".,,,,.:' 17j , %.•`;. -,:-,, t J3
• ''''' '
At )Gait.
, , ~:.: -,13 , :,i:,1, , ,,,%. :1 114. j, t-,.
:= ~ ~~~
.''Nljtit-BER -130'
The Prawn ElleetiO ns: ) 1 "
^ ,
Agreeably totheyublishitd call pfi the
RaPllblicigi County tx effSiivs COPM II test
_ • ..
primary elections for, he selection_ of dele
gates to the Congressro i n e Sstairdeotintv Con
ventiong whichassernb r•morrow. in this
, .o- m orrow. „
city,!. vivre 'held on Sattuday •afterrtoon.
Mush interest was manifested' and in some
districts the contest was quite spirited. The . , •
vote out was quite larg e.
are_the returns, so tar asl itcre have received
them , ,
Congressional Delegates-2M District.
First Ward-James RCes, Geo'. Wilson.
Second-Edward Houtle, John Wilson.
Third-Joseph Hastings, J. M. Facts.
Fourth-John . Earle, Thomas A. • Cain.
Fifth-First Precinct-4LDavid Thompson
Wm. Brown. SecondL-Wm. J. ;.Friday ,
David Rees. - -
Sixth-First Precln t-John 'Wallace,
(contested,) Joseph Moore. Second-Chas.
Jeremey, Jos. A. Butler.
Seventh-Martin Frederick , , Wil liam B.
• Ha2s, Jr.
- ghth-John Richar l dson, RichardE v
erson. .
Ninth-T. W. Welsh ;Robert Herren.
Tenth-Jacob F. El le, E. •A. biontooth.
Lawrenceville - Fi rst Precinct-Robert
Bell, Henry Whiteman. - Second Precinct
-George Garrison. Lewis Winter.
Collins-First •Preeinet-John H. Stew
art, John •,M. Berlin. II Second Precinct—
David Kirk, John B. Bell. .___.
Liberty-Joseph Dilworth, William B.
Negley. ' ' „ , h , •
Peebles---George Ifi 4 Andt)rion, James B.
Palmer. ,
Oakland-James • C. Gray, William Har
rison. i
Pitt-Robertlnder;•• ohn S. Lambie.
. 1 . DcmcsliMM•
Temperanceville-T. W. Jones, J. S. Hol
rl i g aid
Monongahela Bore h-HoW Little,
Geo:W. Jope., • 1, , ',lir _ ...,
Mt. Washington-CJ B. M. Snilth - , - Jacob
Stein. I r .
South Pittsburgh Henry Moorhead; Da
vid Jones. ,•.- . IL,. •'- - _ _,, -
East Birmingham-peorge ruttier; john
Black. • I. • • .: • ...
West Pittsburgh•t-EdwardtinrattgrPhilliP
Vierheller.l •
McKeesport- 4 McK S nodgrass, - D.
Woods. - - :••••• if - - , •
Birmingham-ist pnreinet---D. Jenkins,
F. Vogeli. 2d precin c t - Wm. Gralatni; M.
M. Felker. • -
Braddooks-Isaac Mills, Jr. - . •
• - Towner:ups. _
Lower St. C
- r-Lewis Knecht, John A.
Lo Cr:tiers- o res Chess, Robert Reese.
Robinson-•-• - c Walker, Alex: Logan.
Union-F• • ICIN I P.Y. Jno. B. Neal.. •
Wilkins -I-J McKelty; Itobt. Finney.
U r St. Clair-WSW:ter; Jas. Espy. _ _
, . C.,Risluir, Alex. McClure-
Baldwin-11. B. Whitmore, Rat Wilson-
Penn=David Collins, DJ Balaton. - -
Versailles-S. Steviart, J. Dive. - _
South Fayette-I*u Gregg, J. M. Boyce. (,
'Of the delegates chosen' to the Congres
sicinal Convention,' is large =Preponderance
have been instructed to vote tor ; peneral
Kegley,, His friend already ()aunt up 87
votes certaln, nod - Many districts - yet to
hear from are expectecl to go almost solid
for him. Is re q uires- but 87 - votes to nom
inate. 1 - • - • Jr - . ' ' -
'TIP/ 0 4 4 = 1 i •' " (SWigil - sOits ' il, MEOSAFF•
• - Ara.e.te - irtitC-- ••!-- ,, 14.•_»
Firet ward--.Abixanderur, l t 7 ohnjertose
t•-rt - ii. ,c it,
-,,. Second ward•T-S. er J.Ff.. Brown.
Third'irard.-lst;: ein k , cTlJars: - Mcßrier,
Arthur Hobson; Sici - ct-1051. Gee. Gent,
Chas. Schleifer. .; ,„1., • .• . .
- Fourth ward'-;lstiprecinct=A;', C.-Patter
son, W. I.'Meirray. l - :--t , * ‘,, • . :! .
F ifth - mar .d:f' 24 I V. :fiestbi, Alai.: Patter
.son.l •
, _I
Shaler-1 4 / 1 1sottISIttiw - , George - Kiel.
•"; ' ,' : ) County Ciniventlan. • ~ 1
: • , :. , PITri9BI3B.OII. - ,_ ~ , .
First Ward -Henry ' Itise, Julius
Franke.. ..;,_ . I
_• .... _ . •'' •
- Second Wa'sd.TJ 11.-kwin ;TJW - . - Davis.
Third Ward-A. I ;W. Sml elect. Glass.
' Fe4 r t.h ViFd'":" Ti i s !, YP rh r itß' /IL 'e'Ph
ard:" - ' - - -
Fifth Ward-lstlprecine as. • Weand
lecti„ David ;: Beck. ~, 2d . _ ecitnA-.4 - osepb.
Biehardson,, Jamett Scott. . ~ ~
t3Wh Nrard-=-Iserprecin l'Fr- votit be
tweinej; M,...Brnsbip - 11. <Tic unnioutt, arid
Thos. Kerr, Jne. N. Cirrigler• Second pre
c einctrW. H. Glenn HenryWibienr,
Seventh War d x K.lMorelni, Stew
-art DalrelL :-", ;;" 7 ~),.i ,2 • u , - ~ ~....
Eighth- Ward-- Wrt, Houston , Chris
'•l Ninth Win' ;;I: B. Noris,l Clark ) Mc-
• Tenth Ward-4)4 l dd Sims? Willissi SimP
son. ' I i
. LawitinteVillci-.4Firsti /rEsiiirret- ,J: S.
IWainsfltB l 4‘ •
_ , W__4. itioicte.k.: end .Pre
'einct--Stunuel W. ReYnctlds;Sirmuhr Mc-
Mahon. - -, -, lyr • :-:,..0.7 :0 ,1.”._: ••:is•
Collins---EdsranL C....•Nct11034. .Si fuel
crawinrd. • „.•[ 11 • ..,,,
LibeitY-4Ohn If.'ltati,____,ln titivid Aiken.
'Oallint&-T, .7. l ,Craila;fitavtleininiy.
)?:•Pitt-tWzn..DbMa.T 4,011.UT1A,
-,Yeilhi.„sti--74.0M.Cf 4Palnierr amati *Kin.
, ....„ .... •; ', ' , ,JUE.,
t . ':','2CiliElOni . wit •ctitr." :• - •,p.; - -.):: '
- First 1 . 1. i ti , 1 4 -449 ?(.04....X913.hitt` am
D. Bela: t ,
'' Swine VrikiditibliiiMebonaid;lN 4lll hun
.Tatb,,,fr. Iv-s aw. 'I , rdi. , ;,t 4) z isms 7r,tt i:
•r• TlOrd.Wlo.4o.PreCatigtTerbOlf.,7 l rown.
tirinner . , Hastinotii - ' 2act . Precidna-Ctisper. •
G ang , Red , ,
.. 41). , .,.. - m IM;ILII fiot7
it.'XlAliTib t `' , 3K IRvg d. no. , Williant
D. 4 mautti, ciialiv-`' 1 .• : -4 (
nvgift&War4.44.brailawitatterlow cieo..T.
M.. - - , ;•,-... 1 ; ,. 1 :•••I: , •:=•• , ~ C hanel, •••••,;.,... .
1 18. Wtrai• , 4JAMOS H. sttP• A . •
• - 1-q-1, ' , 4 tutu'-, tul,tilf:t 4: ',; - " 2 "
ESIMIktk-W,t-"Atii4ArrFTl4lF-41- 'Thhp
4 1 'pl'h• '-
;it . ' -_,,, - • r• rr
,n n iiin t nin.4 - ; 1......;:•., , ~ _
A I ,annt•••••WnkDo3fle.
MO, ,
)^. -
aintry geint,efirliela., ,2A,r/w I " cs '"lr 1. "
Krehan, T. D. l'iterAish:"
P. Brown. .i::iliik4 em .
Monongababr 330rotr-:- . , ~
Mattheit B?ok*W. - ' l ' r) " . • -* •.,
:TferlpellMoo7#lo-W' 0-4ThitOr.Aiinnp
el di._
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