SiT• NOTICES—`!To Lel," ••For Sale," "Lost, ,, "Wants, ,, 'k'Fbund, ,, "Efoarding," &e., not ex ceeding YOUR LINES each tots be inserted in there eniuntne ones for rwssrr-Flvs - CENTS; each additional Use FIVE CENTS. /TUATiONS4 WANTED-411TUATIONA, Boy 14 years of age,who dowha tuition nt him, and Is not arraid - ofirork, multi a sin an °Mee or stone place . as errand boy.6 , Addreaa FRANK, GAZALTIT. OPPIC.e. care of Box W. virANTEDITITATION,--An. ex• agel perienced and competent Farmer andMan truh aimall family., 'wants a position on some gentleman!, estate.2.nqulrs? o 4 J. KING, at the, trAzWiTS OTFICS.• ' • • ' • WANTED--HELP. _ _ WANICED , A - IBOOK-lIINDER;—. who cam do ordleary bludlna. Ouch as ram - Valet• work. Se., and bear"' bindlog. /loom tur. Jibbed at the turrets prke, and tallteleat work guar satee.d...The tools to be Am/Wed by the bluder. Address Z. A. & CO.. Loth hex 317, Vlttsburgbi . • 1917ANTED--CLEEtili.-44. Clerk in v_ the Greeerrbealneir; one' who has had ex perience ha the car trade Land can, speak the Ger man Wpm Apply at ito.ISDIAMOND,XIita- , _ --- WANTED --SERVANTS -- Male at'il - ysTitatlVTic f BS , fric ki nE.disc'"aork . Inquire o. Clair t. WANTED --11 0ARD.---Desikable board for a small family without children: & pleasant location on, Penn stroet, An bad lb. addressing M. W. W., PustoP/F4 119x,04,YA WANTED—BOAADERgri:Gen tiemeil tmrlers cFli.rlßoj!csnjuodated wi th ana Fa 3 _ Ne MIRY 81% w A NTED -11 0.4 3 / 1 1EIRS. iii ..thw i l board c tine front naOme, *kb ii..oandm secured at { b.oo per week.. Lay boatolitur, For single gentleman. At - 1 1 161.184ETT tiTitEET. igirAllifTlOD-10ARI` REIRS-...&;few v reapectabhi young men, caa ,be, socommo• dated with boardlon on very •reasonable tenni, at 183 BOBINSON STREIVT4 Allegheny City. IWiiNVIEIGENTS: ' NyAmiTED. , AvrENTS:- - ; - THE' LIFE- OF.Z.:2 l l.liiii and standard work, by on. J. T.._l3.assuarx. Ake popular Historian. Send for Cirroiar and see our terms. Address or ap ply to -A. TALCOTT.tpO., BQ Market street, ratisburch..Pa.t • -. • „ • ' ' . _ • •.. . . WANTE II - -, AGENTSd-hTei travel throligh•Ohlo, Michigan, West:Vire:ll3la, and Ntrextern Pennsylvania,,.• for the sale at tiOLAB: LlfillT, a regolarly-inspeeted article. and cannot be exploded.. A liberal, Commission-will be paid. Will Sell any of the above States or as there of, and furnish the Light at coot. , F(.o. rum. Lars call on us or send for circular. 'lr BROS. & CO.. Office No. 8, Cleveland , tn.. Balldings f CO . O. WANT : ROUSE . . . . hWANTED , 4ltlUfillir.::—A Houser of .. Bor g moms, Alailp gond strieetrind neighbor , within 510 minutes walk gr Water atret 4 .- Ad- . dress; stating- loeatlon and - rent per.year, LP. 41.. r l / 1 5 office, Box - P., , ::: , . - , ANTED—HOUR,,, -A House of 4 or 6 loo ms - 7 11 /..A.l.kgkepxjareferred :l Bp* macs, 150 • modehite.l- Actargess , OOMPOSITOR, zETT OFFICE. uri3O.rws Airrts=mm-tuid, to kiiOw , the-ABAILAN rfint TAN,' No. 203 L berty street, has eared Borneo( tho most obstl• nate eases Or - Ch roti disease. that were In' the city. and that 14 a, gnamatee of his willingness Co do what is fair, he will' take Datlents with the p roviso —NO CUBE NO LAY . • TUS WARtnamo:—TO'LIECHANGE3Se it hundred Rerea good !Med land, for city' property. Address F. GAZiaTE UFFICB.• • W • • ANTED — PAltniflEß—_, Either v 'silent or active, to purchase one-fourth in terest Ina SAW ?411.14 now doing's atied bushes situate 50 miles from the ; city, on a railroad. 0300 acres-of valuable; timber: The Mill is - well built., machinery all complete. This an excellent opt portunity for- any one desirous of engaging in profitable business. For par:lonises .annly to S. CUTHBERT & SONS; Real Estate Agents, - No. 55 Smithfield street.. • , • • LOST. O S A.T C Tnesday inornlng,2oth InstatiL, between Artburg anti SILVER between , Logan an Webster streets, a WATCH,I3 esrats_ane, • A liberal reward will be , paid if left at the IGAzET'rE OFFICE.. - - . ihe Alleiheny Xartek•_yeaterday 70011141gi a LET 'BOOK, emtratiatur Ilftten dollars—three levee, and some poets* , aurnenev: llberal-reward will be paid for the return of the same to the ALES- . OHENY lif.A.YOWB.o.l",supE. , . . - , FOR LET-11011er,:46 itewitkley, neatly-new, aLx•roOmi;'iritb mindere attaelied, St eri at essanion. tlrleest acitil et re or wit D. N..hhal flyeWitiquhlute4 6 - walk'or the M • To ttir-L,A in good re p id t l iMii=nTi ". Tirgre'rs; fro: tEit-0110 01111V—jlivo -MONT ROOM. socanil irtoiy; in'ipleasaa part of the ity., 'aultahlo.for•maa ! _and wife. Est... qulreard 4 hl c AMMFIEVID STBEET.. . , • Ptit e r= -404j106 Three orrour situ ill onitstied rooms, wi th board or wlthoutoellft ated on Penn street. Address H. 31,,,,P1A. fr,c).LLffir-AElolThir..4:: ftrirkvioiiir FRAME HOUSE, of live•rokens, : t.n.theeerner• o tun andrlllnlberrratreet4.-bewlckleyv %The; house' and - ptetnises have been ..newly -fitted up.,,, Also. a large and excellent garden:• Possession, jlme..: Inotdre oft W. All. :-LAIRD * ". Broad street. newielki • ~, :.:• i - , , ~.,: ... • • TLEZr 101 USE.-A flee o>nse; 1 —I with Iron frontsituated: at NO:. 151 Beiierz street, Allegheny— The souse is *good difellitiCof _.". sad' has a' splendid ! tOte /Nom 85 feet Inquirels well situated foe , any , hind of. business. of SEAHOUISE dt_HEttr&NHELD, ! next door above. irt No. 1850H10•STNEET. ' • low „ No. 160'Ohlo avenue, wittrtliiethngibcrre • • rooms, wlthmstar, [Stand bath.; &Ors room • • d up In the ;bett manne r r with plated glass , alio lndows and Iron front: Inquire - at omce of IRA lER. °skeane and Sedgwlelc sapet~ AP; egheiv. . ~LET 1101LTSE That; d eal ble Dwell g House No., Liberty street:. containing. ten 'rooms , kitchen end _wash-house.. Enquire or .1,1184 - Ji 'GRAY, 25131xtb street. LET— 1A handsom e l y t rfarnlshed • PRONTIIOO___ M,;)sultibre Risk emen. Enquire at 110.433113HAJ0D STIMICT, LET—Third .-IgtelFront BOOM, large. itud'%l4llllligha _ _ No. 58, HFIELD. BUIE= corner,Fouttbe RO One,Frant: BO9M_.:ofelaarnifbed,lofiptrO Of Z00T0. , 14 , 5 D y at No. pot HAmpIiTREET. - „; - ‘02 "to on qtr 4INVO Large r RObitik "ran Intrilehed ,, witb ai nista on board; minable- for -nittr• atld' tonnit' nottemen. lror_fortber paella:lam op* a flito. , 199 9 X, 001 .1P 1 1 5- T 9 E;.; f RAW/BE "Ir.Ets PETROL AOLICP Silir erty stivitt. W' W., Wr& -1-71 . , FVela . i i * Aitg4ll“) - .a: uof ground, boirttillikfrpnOnt fool. running backed,' fret, alturated 6n the ilnest roe In Pittsburgh forprirate residences. la la a corner lot, having a5O feet moot/nit fmt and side. Will be sold at a bargain to aorttne ohlttit to build on. it. . For partiCauirs address wins•mrlar..--• no ocia-coemr-MkEto,, Inni.itcrctr *bort Stmestriiskregitior,63lo Can be v cheap * vesting* be 71140 C cintebinaKvi -1271/31117/:.:t1 , . . . 11 14 4.1 4. 4 : 4 1 11 I 44 I, by- If ou t ells MI: afar tater orJ: C. LatiOlc -- rho 'borldindlOct sad ledirlth eitoltw' fruit. , Butiett osi front and MITA. ate' sa Sidszlrdr inas lavers istislndri T 00 • • - rally SALEr-1101111111d11.-7W• ARO% LIVERTAND NO.LAITAIIIe one One Y 110 SSE i Ban; • 114{EX• HORSIOU one LARGE ,D g 0 A'rtnfte ~BitftSlK MAilath:twOk --G Yt - • - .9, /IMO? "1 '... n1Vd M° 74 1 4 14111 4jt n VAI4I3-41 1011W0/He 1301111. 6. tort I,o2lpciauesdast: tws, th e x • ‘l4- 110 !te'• r < . , __.. .. •iniEIIIENTAI.,..PLUILLEPter , .A., .Whlties recipe. nit stg.i)rsk .T.,4 1 111.0m . 1h , Eollit Th I,t: - . - f , , -, , ~. - . , fiallEigllll4%.:Nlllavi t tl i t or swe i •Asil i ros te gis ........ t tagar . ' i. j., r Pr illitta rime z e ltg a iNTAk. i ' ..Lx. - /a r M. - •'- --- 0- , . - eu , -.1 i,, ,-1.4-1,7( ..1.. , 2 4::: . t'.- '' itiaellk" —4-41(11111" rahellY d ' ila 'Eli. . u a _ _._ , ...__ -- • nALKIMAIMEMEIDLICAMINER BELT 4. Enna 11-41 N., I IN% quiralty wareaati the loinsiit 1 LIP& -Iri)ailiactaliliTi,sA ttripiargaii., ?Meg. FiqurifiVAVlallquimit. • 'ipta ' ' 1 7'..P1:1",":"•1-1,1 ni.5.f. , .-, i-- -, , II: 1; , ; ~,... ?:, , i 1.-.,;.t),--.:i rl.:•.,•: -,, :.04 ... , %1 41 V,0,1. - .-...1 21 .11 . i 7 :v..r -qc:,.' , ' , ..t n , .D . :;••F - (~: ,- - 4 .- i.. '.... , 2:. It: . .;c 1:v. b:0 Ilirm 1c, , i1/...- , ./2'2. - I) I/ .. , :' , .'l'v/ / •;. 1 . 1 . 1 7. ' .' li3 1 1 1/ '' ,. ' l .Z::? , ''Vtrre*.l ",....13 // 1, V ' ,7,i':.f. , ,1it 'MC , 071/' :: /-;:,/ 11 • ( f!ir': ( :“: 11 ' 1 ' i: .'','' - ` --1 . • • • L i . :° , - v 4 1 . ,,r .'e.!.-..f.: - ;; 'r..!lti-ii ~. ( -! ; !. ":-.'7 , '- ' 1 - 7i 41 -I,iti ;Ate:, 1. , :v. Farb 1 , 51 - a1 - ~.1 1,:. ' ' :;F : "' - ' 1°9: `'''''' 4417 ... , : ,- ;'-j'f L l 4l. .'. 7 1: , : , ..i- , 1 -! - ; 4 :) . 4.1..,- -; . - 1111 c: aluiCont -I{l en,:::,.t,r. , , -,4 :IL ....,', .I 1 it , blit 1:;151:> . tt 1.1, 11)!Ilud'e. .It. ,o; uin: l o -fit il" ci.-.0(1 C . 4 brig bcfiii 10 - r ;' ~ - , AiLth LIU' ba - _ , rt.illior: u elho:n . - ,Lirlll I 5,,] • •-•',IL•..••••--.,,' .,.4•:•-•••:.", .."--.••ri,---,-,-: •••-•,-,....... , ' . ---- ' 4 l:;'''''''' , •'''''' , "' . -'''''' ''''-'• , - -, ?- t7- ~ '•,'"A':', W , * - - '-.7 : `- ' , rr'.'-',7Z,1,7-',--,-."M`?...,.••••-••••••,,-.,....,..,---.........---t.......--,-,,,-.,•-,--,,.......,....._-_„.„. _____„.„ .... • — ,- . .. - ''''''.l4-‘45,;••.,1..•5a,,;:trAr-t•-44..•5Y,t,t1P•.5,-o',•-!-'-',i,•%-7..*:7-1r:;:'-7;',1:;.Z:.-•.•;,•,..;•%,,,,t-M".1.,.,1.,,` t-;,".,,,: ; , i• - ...,:'..- , •• , ' P‘tt ,,, ,l , ,';•'-`,..''-'',...„,„,,,,..- , 6x,:.. - , •,..;,,.p%,,,, , ,, , t , ..! .., "::::,,,,,,•-•-,-.... •'.• - -..r. :.. . 1.. -,- ' ;:.. rtt-•*` ~,-•••••................, ••; --•-• ....,, , ...•-•*........,..;,:..,-....,..... 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(I. l '-*;. , &<.4 - 41,;'..7 ,,,, V.:1741p.r . 4" - ; ,, 5 r ea.1ki2 , 4 1 '2 . 1 , .. 4, , . : - ''''''' .te,An-,l;rgicT , '''. - A t',s.s.treA*P' - "C•j:•i* - • ::-" , ••-` , 4''S:Pit•ttgegt.r..-',T,T ,, ' 1 •L - ..- . 494 - A% - 1: 0 4f.;;11:'' - e 3 / 4 1 - ,)14FtetrA>h tal-,,,,Zi'••^7:44:i`•-:.65:---4-e,"="Cß''9,l-"A',PIO•9---,,,W,-;',V.,v1W;;<..Mf••44:.•:-•••4,1%,kt44,-,,, :•••••4;...? ,-. N4..:3 , ' ' - , • ' -- " . " l.* '-''.'t'LYS:k'Z'' , 4 --- i l. t `-- :ff•'''),'"V•ayWWA•.l,•a4.:•rzt,N'6l.•''-t'*",e.f.t''-'t's•'.4N4T-''X'i''-*W.,t`f:•FWt''A.,rqtt*t'..-'':'Vjk•-,,•Z-14':'A r!T vr•.lrtti•-'4'rj,..••4fer•VO''"'"'•' ''' ill' ''‘ .4 '"- - - • ~,. .'-' - r• ''' 1 / 4 4. --'.- ''''.-.- .-- ..* '' . . ." . ''''''''''' ". ''`A ~.." ..1 ~.., ..`;'.....,.4 . 4-A- w it.., 2 -4aw 4,,,,....„ ^ .:)e• -- • i• . . CHEAP GUNS FOR THE PEOPLE.... The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have been removed to 50.1.7 Ni 9 SMITHFIELD gffil STREE where in k 4 S e gViereliNA T. V'f • Material, in tee city. All hilullsgee a Pistol:- earefuny repaired. Cali*, ARMY RIFLES and REVOLVERS. Send for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in town in the United States. Address. J. 11.JOIl e g. STUN. 179 Smithfield Sired. Pittsburgh: TORN N. PUBVIAM9E, Register in Bankruptcyfor,2lll District.' , Office, 1/ 8 /*DEM SET; ikihr:,#faß474 aro- Office honrs-9 A. Y. to 3 P. Y. WFIRST`' :- C : II . RISTILLIV CHURCH, corner Beaver street and Mont tronicry afinti,&,,Mbrmt.lol6yei D ay ) at —Freed; I.:ll‘mtt (thz ( Day) at log A. Si- an Pi P. e seats tido CUM.& are tree, and all are cordially Invited. EIZILY4I GRE* • .• •• L Oil 11 hold sefileei In MOZART MALL, Seventh street, TO-MORROW. morning and,eveninic es to ambience at 10 • and IrXrcotipc,k7,N.RY.. , Iti 4NBWORTIIi ..,1111,-)111EST. . igil l atteees steasknear Gas Warts, Aliegbeny. 8.• P.-• CROWTHER, Pastor. Preach ing every t fabbstAL st MEd St:and P. X. !Sab bath School at 51,‘ Y. Buniceilo o, ttoorrolcrn lair"; '..Thn. Believer' • Be latiaaraetahritt add Insportance.t7 Evening, ”BilieateEtil and EMU. - • • ' OARDERS: Icgr EntO2IJUST - OF GRANT AND THIRD STB'. -.l . aster,Rev. A. BOSSERILAN. Fr.e-achIng,EVERY SUNDAY at 10g and TM P.M. .Bnliday SC2IOOI Altil34. u. Speo subjects for totnrorrowmornlna and even lug, in a welcome-to sal who Come snd-bear.- .ga-roR ASSEMBLY. Of Liberty toarnsb p, subTcct to the 'decision orthe ,tuion Republican Convention. m)10:q79 ' ' 1 05.E 111131 41.. GUNAN r • f: T - i.` _ttEleV47,lll:;,..tterlZTLllll?'"amygtehr -...:=4-"Spk ---arPesT-licria-wltt-tretretelorflES-EVElqw IND. at W. B. Cook's office, No. 93 Diamond St., for the parpose of making arrangements to assist in the Comnremorktion , CeremOnV 9f dead cow , tll- . • Wholesale and - .Retail, at i•tu' t.r? , -: . iflrrEtlVat&te'S . L• . . 178"Fedetar k - - • n o t) , biti; 1,211;i lEiiill OS 'l4'OOD STRELW,