El tin 'Vadat Oltaittlt, FACTS AND FANCIES. • - wiLITITZII. TO COLFAX. • Colfax:—well ebo to p e O'er Freedom's Co es, to guide, As one who holds t us Tine, The en toff . Prom one se- cio t' i tre And , vi .0 , l`i-,, Beret 2Zo rn Ti ham s,' ; ' i send tea !my h e 5 ~ , si-,4 , Tor all the n Wh eh borne D,..4%.. I weary tof kuntlatorn, t , il ' la 011 Da arglitrif feed! . "46 :-- f '. ' , 13 wi ready en the scale Hollis Po to make the right prevail; Situ foremost, though Secession's head Be crashed, with scornful heel to tread • The life out from its writhing tail! ---As wise... Arm. friithfaltollus eta-- - --.- __:—.oodbelp thee, prays tity sincere friend; - - - 4411it.„.0. WHITIIER. _,......orslifiewarcsit.matimemz. 1 ilmeri, A iwitictpß ,of cope t idereble,,estate, re i.-1041: in tbn eaalnr4 Wt-id'Xliglande had i l simPeOns. , l The , Ades: „being ; ofr i a, ramPliug. iodhposition, menttsbroad: -.'' After , 'several 1 . years'ldi father died, twheathelyeanger son' i -.3 ?destrotred his , willi. tuidl -'seised epos the es-- . . -itte. , 'alle .gave tut , that his ' bother *mi. ..„ • 'ileff.'ittibk : britied abate 'NW iiritnesdes tiest •, ;test the truth' of it '' In the "conise , r e, .\-iiiieli(e*liiltd+iieo:inied,aiOi* miserable ' tliituns n s. Ms, igunger brother r'e pulsed'him,' WI& icain:-.414'11th "thitt . he • was,lin imp - biter; : asterting that hie brether • waS"dertd Ibng , as6,' aid tiVephld 'frit* iiritlitikisti: to ., . prove, it.; . The poor , fellow, ; laving neither money nor : friends, wait in a most diarnal situation—, He,Went round•the 1 ' =:,:=lnakint ;hitter , cximplaints,•„; And,: at' I . came to &lawyer, who; when-he: had the poor , man's Mournful story; nn-: = dettookt his i - cattsei , and' entered ,•an • action against, the, yOjiger brother, which: was. llgreerd , iirtried at theriext general assizes, ; litttiakitooti,ll4-Pilei. ' '-.. '.. Ishe*Ver - 10 jug eugged ;in the; cause , '.. 61. P4elittn.r ekan, , set:shis wits - to , Woik.ltn . -. , c9xtutOract.: i4Ol -, PowerMl . interest rem:tea . , .. against him., ,At last he hit mpon the happy. , ! thought, that , he.would consult the. first of , all the judges, Lord Chief Justice -Hale., , Accordingly he flew up to London and laid - • lip .ft the cauSe in all its eiretunatantes. The: ' „Ind& heard - the case patiently and attentive.; , .!y• and promised . a the assistance ,lictis - ' ix;w9t... Witli.- 0 40-lect Ike ,eoAttiv ' ed:Plat - : C:te....r 8 ;14 P. 0444 TEPPeri as t 4 h l Vviqfi.iiiihed:all 8 15131181 4 1 40.4 0 -king'B;beitalt, before . the , '..fiselze&fiegannt - ,Chelmsford.;. , Whenhis car- I ‘ , :riage bad: =wrested him taint very I tear , '..othe aeittof the assizes; he disinissed iris man . - =and' equippage; and- sought out a , retired. .--lionselle-forid , one occupied ty,a mil-- ler.. Aft? some conversation, and making-, Th lliiaelf, 4 th.";e#eealile, he prOMe.d. to the • ''S'inilleftet: VP'49Ples,vfith PIP ;Ad, - as: t ! ; :theJtidiiii ihrianapapsnn to object. I *.cotilinely,, the. 11 ,,Tudge & put on complete, suit of - pre miller's -11.1•Ibetto and: armed !with a stick, Away . he .t.lutatelled to , Olielmiford,'• procured' lodging& .•; -to bissilking, said waited for the assizes:that :were. to begin the _next day. - ' 'When g•theltial'eside pit lie Walked like in v iliplor- Pilitteti*ytellOW; backward 44 forward,: ', ' l ig* the. eunntYlud,..and `a;:on fonad,' Out , the toor fellow 'that was plaifitg4;As • soon ; -. iw he coPle-Into th e 111111)1'.the . millex;drew _ up.tnhim : . fair: honest friend," . saidlie "how is your...easey likely- to go today?"-. c_l 1 1 4 4 1 14 31 i 04 PlAkttiff; 411ly cause is in islrery precarious situation, waif ; .i., iose,it I am, . ytuned, Or,littt' . "Well, lien friend," re- i - ' plledlhe for, "will' yeti take rny AdVire? - I dill let you into a'secret; **liich , ;Perhaps '.- yen de'netkieetvl everYEttgllshman has the .....!.rqhfrandiprivilegel toexcept Against , shy. -. inrymaa,ihrough the whole twelve;:-.now., - ,... 1 V - Y.91r41*; upon yolw_p4vhem:N/A4kout. : vine a. i11ai.!9 4 1-11b ,i po_x, do yon all il i3prpe, in, - ,.my , power- -- ceonlingly,-1 ' when the dirk - ore:6 cot:Aired:Calla over , , " , the juryfnitifthepleintili" ei&Pted'a brie of i , = them by ;name. == he . judge •on . the . bench • , ••!.;was '-"blghly'. l offended , 'with this liberty. - :tiliS r liat" . do you' tirean,"' - ' - igerd "bv ... eAOtitri, ,e_agaltnic'that- Ventleinant 4 , l4 , 4 f : - :EtON/IDI prd, t t4l *eft, lit,l' riv,11.6044 ar(_ i . - . zzikusbinan' ; - ,3tithmif, " giving the, raaaohs, - irhy:"" "S'p'ell sir, " said thejudge, who had , -been. deeply . bried, f• "as; .you : claim. Your • • .pririlegeiwholrould yen avishto:i;ttve in:the room of '. ~ : ' -excepted agninst"?" , 'After -'ll, khoit , i , ;‘ - taken into 'consideration;'"My - 1 ' . lord, .-: ''. • d lirl wish to haVe an hditest - , '.'man elt*,"lit; 'kid ingebted' around' the - :•'ehiirt, " lord, there is ' that miller. in ... ,:thi'eouit, we will have him if Yoh 'please."' ! ..e.ordingly._the' miller `vas chose .in ~As , ikam , tift , the :clerk; :of • the *lit rind : given ~.them: all their oaths, a little ,dexterous fel - low came into the department, andslipsten, golden caroluses into the-handsof the eleven_ • *jurymen n ~but I gave the miller but five,'" He Tobseryed = that they were all bribed att Vieth -, :as Itimietf,T . aull'tu t his next ;.neighbor In a ' sett **kr; be *IV"Tiow much -You: - -- got?" ' - "Ten . .itioets;''',, l 'aild: he: • " He 6oin-`- - cealed what he : , . .At - The cause Was: o Pened.lut Atpa P ; . 04'4 i;e9n,nael, and all .. the Acraps t uf. of,, evidepoe, they,,could fish up i Were ad' ' bed in his' faver,„ ...' _, • ' They .4. ger brother waaprthkded with a 'treat mithhei of - - witnesses,' all bribed' as-. -well 'ifs thifjudgi: :They ; dsposed that theyi •I were' in , the .. self-same. i county-. when the= •:: brother died,: and saw, Jahn: buried; The -:,-COnnftglora'•.artraed • upon *a n''mutat ed ,.. ' • evidence, sell • eveqthing went with : a_full . , tio iii ftWor Cif ;Pie .ypauger lirkitter; The' v -iittdgewia, "Gentlemen are yeifiagieed; and . '" , ttgio thailsOiditilii"yoitr'“Wo•ato agreed. .:*l,lord,ltirplika l orte, r44 o - toremaa she' l ` . irsins: - ! t .;,ltait • *y: ,l ov iteir ....‘- Aleits*iv e, ppwk a gq 'e c . .ro. 10, - . ~,joysi4et‘,ll4&ei I An* , ;v,ery, surly cmpurr,_ 7- ::!,'wititlitithtuatitter , witAtsfAti A'.fliatoAs - - -, onsitsvcr.year•for::disagreeingr '..‘`l.;have - . wend rerstortki]my- lordp i rep lied • the mil-1 7-ler;- . iso,-Titallnkiic.ther &aye; given to' all.. ' 4histeigentlftheitt eirtherjhryftewb'r6adpieces iP' Old; r ail tW•Mii'btit, 110,3 beald%llbt:iVe '2' iny Oble`caolitikkinnlA,t9 hue N 15000.01- • - Ingtethelit*Yeit i tfitd ) the 'esitittOrtibi4ry*- , evidence of the witaeaseanrpon tbfstikiail. ler began a disaatuser, that) discovered such' -43rafit , r:Yelketr.sl o .n.:-)inf.-• - :JP ll OCP. t v: ( M ie k i ::61 4I MPA L laki C *. ; :. W lft f#l Ic i vecal N.l en rge 6 'Cr #. 4. i 'n nee - iii'lcig • i itstintilitiNhe ti t! and the whole exiditr Atileviitligol .. oliDyilth , 'llfs`l,69trirthl ridenWhifildioty . viti k . 1 . di,t, , ,,iatie , Jourptigii : . 'et* - I MAIL. . 1,-011 ,:I IlanOfi f- Wobie . .Trotir gin . c4b•F; are :ii"Pl,ol4lrdif ~,feibif , 1. 7 *4 ,1 4 w r 6 teleti?4ll2PkVilire; rAVOC49.3 .' 1 44 - : Al sw at t •P (4144 1 0. Aot;ca pr,3l4e .:7,lCilleff- ,1 rirbMtitAdifkr,,C 4 _, __ . " - Aero _In!: -I:quay etiyeururoMOMAPn 1113414 ` WY% ' ;W' therefore cdnuf.dowavitecrm rs , sestyon art .r.ennworthy to baldlll , Vcottutre aue;Ofthe tin rtiln;Plirtletivtbir•initutwu Imilness.':: will come up this moment, and try thee:wee ' all over agatu.".--Jtezardipgly, Sir Matthew went ark, wittillieeniiiieflk dress and hat or r ctkgilf ivitimew *la ticktilital ietr Mel ....laircliedi levem,tirduntitantorofotralatiatu 04 ';o4llbehr)o4; ProVlSiitho,4l44onatheClKC; „ilvet• Ntitp, pk il ksigri4llcoPiP e i g t ;# 977' o - o ff - . • - - - 4vt4i y .4, 1 w....... , - , • ••••, _ . I , "" - 7 ( 7 1 s itl i /T X‘po 4 4 ft,iiti •Iffi, , iiego 'I . o, lac % er , ni ,.. a lu rA.9' ; liati4,4 , t; .XXIIIS! i...,1•1*. • , allwV,,gf, -...• • . ~. , i to ' tjc - - 4.:.,:tT10t... • ~ t „„ vi mmatitiggroN„Arrattm , 7o !••, - r - t , t, „tne l tito, win how We • , •_ on tit diethe to owls moo. , , , cf ,.. l q or: . tat ~ , --11611PRI I ID ViCretiOnlhiLlatt lacT , [• 4 4914.1 1 / .., 71 7,!' 'i • - 441 iiik w i e , • , - • : : a• 4 .4 1* f il i I 6 : tir , .1 , . .t , i . p l e i J V i llelb l / 4 . , os k s. , 14, , ~,fr it , eil l." 9 411 0 :11Lif "La:WWW.ACICILIP.(III 4 11451 7 1 7 6 , 7ek-*1 ‘"( : 11 Mani1 ; 0 1:111 O qtli' p l taetitr"T7.B44 :ll .B L A; igaß lfel-.4"4 : ':144142711." 03111A14:1;"egt r a pba .:*: : 9.14 411 'VII: 19 ICITI Of '',-; " .4 . ' " 2 " 1iA 4,4 i...il • .. 1 . ! % 4.231 ' 1. " . ''' li k-t- .1 . 4; .• '' :;1 :: . 41 1 b ' t 4 ; bi;:: : /.5...0":71 ' ': r i ' I .ll ' irrave (14 "' I . 017rXi TO I4 I •Jg 1.. ; 11 ' 7 1' , cptidailillellalliilella tuotr.:o: V: r t"Pl .- t ' Ji_ .}.4,: i ,,,,„, ;4 A ",,, - e t r .,. ..... I -1 , fu• c•••ltts t);..1 ~.tcoli , - • • •,,•, - e'l ; • - • -,.• 1.• !*4 "•• •-',-,.' 4 1 4 , P r 4; , '.ril 1.. -. g-t ~-.. y ' vo z (31 pjgo u() .) .:"' r .. ) , 4, 3g bort , Rud%.:ll ,(t: of ttr,c7l,,, , tD:r •tt : , - . . tc. , : 14 , :rtui ,-, oi . ..A ,1' t i - ' 1 ' T ' .7. `" . I fiv ; . ' ' (1 '' - ' '' ' ' 2" 1 , 1 11 1/ft'qq , :if - ') " f '' ' '''lrl ''"," f ' d "I ' LI " ' 1 :"+ , :) ... r' r • tc• t; '.) i''P IA 14:nimon Iturtr i wr, - ; , ". orf nl—s.! 7. 1 : 14 . , ,,), , c .,.—, A 3 ,,,, ''' .9 u'al -,1 : 11 " , ;; v! , l ,:tl, ~.,tritz.ll7c ~ .p.li•A , ~..„ 1 ' ' ' 9'l e. „' r ''' ' ' " i t 1, .1 1.., ,- -4 d ' i litifiv MO 1,+V.:,-.4V4.4k441 .....479 4.."-J.,.. 17 r f.` , :-',lt.tr• , ) ..,. 4 0 ., .. " .. k t 1 , , fi i 1 - • 1...i5.1",1 . r ,A)! 7 11.3 P.Jilla . l:- 2 71.14 , 1 , - . $ ...INlft i etle.a. ~". 10 . . _ „, . .. 0 , 0 , -. 1 - 7 " , ‘-' ,7,,, ' - 1- - ..u . (4:;' , ' T.l' -' : :,‘ l ' l `. 7,, , t' - '' I'll 1 -... l ' v '' 11. " 0 " , ' 11 14 , 1A1 txh'. r,t it .- ick ;Buil bac 1... , . ; eft; ci, , i.toistirtettu bilitictfc bk. a 1/ 011 , * , 3 , ' - - . : L q.(., a Itc,,i.; +,l., , ti•itt , .q4 .7.4.' ;c li.-1, ...'- ;I'. . 'elf , f,; , l'lncts—ov.H. .4,7' y . l,t i x e r . l ,tl • , ,,k,v0170.10; tatycrl 6 , 1: , 114. t..itto.t ~ * ' 1i .- , :i it Iliti , ir..c,J, .teout .-..1 • •It• glut:lL...pp cli., . ..„. . ~ , . : liM=M FROM TEE HOME JOITRE/L. In a private letter from a distinguished ladycorrespondent, we find the relation.of one of the mi ever met with g npowmSp en. 4 106"'' e • , , f of turn from sel had been ing spent wit— _ Lae pre,A— /1; ing,...the.._day_iixed_for_litt_depadum_fbr -Piymouthi - wherehisfaraNesidekinr had started to return to - his 1 Ingo at an ad anced hoar thezdilk iii tgi bracing; , • rairing 'this plant; for thh L o Catitteit -H. was • walking briskly , - w hen - his - attention was fittfratitettbk the sight tibia% 4 . 11404 firgeeihstantlillgAt4.*A9l .4 `ri9f -a Aw i a elne housq. He was passing on, however; - hen melitietllytfildlibrilatietul 4B il?g Nun nat'qleßt444,"r desired AttiWioldcstep in for a moment ,as she had something to com , qiinkiicateld in TifewifiAtilff s sietiesingt- larly beautiful, her language refined, md her dress extremely _elegant. . Sailors. are not apt to be 'over scrupulous; 'did H. - wianot proof againd the temptatkin. He entered' the house, Asegled....the stairsand followed his rah conductress into what appeared to be, by the lightbf t moon stretunn?g in at the whitlow, ti - large' 'end 'Well" furnished . apartinent: "Pray tielited,"'Stildfshe i ' l , willreturnikamediatelv with a light n 'lathe closed the doori,lL'thoughtlieheard her Ulm' • the Haßeqk little not:m.o,l4%lmm- - ia.gb9wimPg incident, , ?? 1 1 1 •.ase#44.it,te her' I.W of 14 8 ltll d t h? PPE II3 OIKe ~oe, re turned, end himself 'the mean-, while ,nianilning,' 'the: editents of the , apartment Ming -tiff windows stolid a ' French betulstead. He aPpioached %it; and ,mechanleally. threw' open the curtains :that - neatly . cenceded it. ~Tbe _opera Air he-ivaA • ,4tAll/4kgAied ,414340.-w Ar m. Tet curdl ed ble,ve*, itt the sight,that horror-striselF, gaze. ,Tlie bright . 'tenni orthembiiii:slienti fall ea the** Of an *Meer attired' in regimentals,' and; 'Wliesethroat , The 'blood wag: fitOat?g fi'e* -*e _ idaedee'64 B 4(, 44 -1 1 11 4 re ;wide)** gating „ppward.C.:;„ stood . 40-- rifled for a few moments, at length,. snm-- .moningi , resolutionpfhe :'stretched -out his hand,:and touched shelties of the corpseithe body was still warm .t = The truth fiashed'onl hits snin& 7 the girl had locked "and 'Wag geonti for efifeeni of the pollee to arrest hint, for the deed she „'had doubtless herself Committed, ' He rislied to the_ door, and set all thsiire4kkith'44detipej4te Man ;to force; it open; but At : resisted his. efforts., ;What • should he do 2, ; Time was flying fedi-. end ,ths'.next moment, might ~ see himthrown into'prisom and awaiting fl the ignominimis sentence: which:twoold him to the death of a felon. Appearances wouldiriei itably einidennilliMfand as. these thoughts • Wee ups belbre Idm,though a man 'bf , noted - intrepidity; Pits:write - of mind seemed,ter tally fa' blialn Ads „great..eniergeney. ' l2l-1 00..4 mind borde ring on 41 44149 12 2 Withrow Appi:tt‘AWindoWsialiCPcr.44reci ; : the to the grotnt44-:Thecteont.Wee situated in the secoluistoryi anclAtathseeta [ ed - inevitable if:rhe -adopted-diatmoda of escape 4 still; death, and whatwasfirlwarse, I disgrace awaited Kiln if he remained, and goaded by ildadretidfitlidea,lng into 'Um Street belire Stage - to say'he alighted. 004 fe6. unharmed.., **eas ing' th'congratulate himseiron his go r tune,--he dashed fSpwartt with the kireedCf a, deer,• and never.; stopPed te , teke breatit'itn .lll he reached hialodgings. On the follow-. bigday - he started fbr Tlymouth4 •vawing to cobserve More prudtnee in; future, ere be. accepted the'"invitati ons of "unknown' 'women. Some days after he read ',ln the leadtiis papers 'di account of the murder, and; the testimony. of .tile girl, accusing a, Man of. dding ,the. died, who lad ,t3robauly .made his , escape during her absence-• The sequel of the affair never came to his ears, as he again left England ar short time after:- but he , kept his own 'counsel';! and. never mentioned his nairew 'egetipe for 'Some years . when 'lie related it In a relation: of mine, friim'whbAi I# Mtn had the story_ A most remarkable • escape from a posi tion of fearful peril occurred atthe Cli ft on , . Paper Mill, carried on by Messrs. King & liagar;, on Saturday last. the .circum . stances, ae” , wet learn-. them from Colonel David lKi , ',"witte•substantildkr thetie: 4, A boy named Brea: a b out • tOn' Years of:age,. was-engaged in rolling paperluttild a bori-- rant#,Shall, when ths— bla „right area Wes.cattr.kY. A baft,- ;and ,..he Was hurled ar ou nd itv fortunately ,not , with ,es treme veloclth as the shaft Was, turning: at mo derate speed: • Closeto thashaftwas'oberizontal wooden roller r,esting on bearings, and the' bOy's feet, as he Was ' drawn ander' the shaft, . struck,Ais ionec, Itli4,,bilkleft„lt About ten feet,'Noiltrif, 4031,4 Lit struck it-YOung me%wlie 1;e 1 4 4 wAk j ut thd 1 :00n- 1 9u 15he' side the. . 4 i knockingt 411440 t floor' The,fireman - 1N85 , 13.1a0 , :in the: room, and Osastened too piogt to throw it out 's gpar 0 3 pt, RE. l ,4e• iftme Plear , ,ltr the. reettuclielln -0 1 APPg tWa4: and too waef , knocVed , Nut, Amin An =however, be. Immediatelt..gathered. if up and , succeeded. stopping tthe ;shaft.' The boy was , extricated tufa- *as ifbut t dArot" to be datigerottsly s hurt. i''One of bitt inns , Was'badly' *reached, is nitiepte bruised' so tTkitt`he will'donbtless AWlaid, u p r VgeLicatC.,24ne'ettlieother freb were-042.0j441140e4, the escape tliel4 from 010uti9/lileighWt:.rOoWAs taken h frtn ) v.,btch supoed#AtOne M dwas little elto . F(0W710 d (Pe Rd. Jray od3 Irr t Mlr, 4.Y' . 7 „, ; „ ' - • NARROW ESCAPE. op!lwn t 'run e moritiih "gl;Aitr. , lartiii/0iir4431P.: GernPurtiPA' / RA4 115...P0120.,..i1e, the pet eiYr , chiltq a tir l iiii 1 - tr —mr.e. Sgef i t - e,0447A v - : .i " Si li. %RC ,Per - ( .SYMPAPAti '.:otTge , filr 4 , t-c er part of thq „olrff- . ve - uresay quitted: Ha9bprg. 01101 nit. Ihezr, . i .., ' r lirr c4velo'.' the i 4; 16 6n 'Ortlrose h tete' (kir . . taz specially Forigt l rnste4,foT ro)4T n ... voyages. I t t . """-- o- i i r6ll.,sistes,l g P 70 1Boute• la* or D jfre displayed. A - w il l' WY' f i -4C, _ _•!. : i ' PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: SATURDAY. DIirMWITRY EETH EXTRACTED wrrno.crr imarii. i.. s „ ; ~ \ 4 . r .. I . • , \ --' :Z440'6 WREN .All.lthailai Wes,- .01Z ORDledltrD - - ---- 4. stml, IS JOH $B, 4-,1; , &-_-_S ft# , V 1.4.• ', , , - , J. , _ ' • ii. ,-„- - -._ ..-. : z„......„....--,,,..„_-_ • , 0,,.„,, r 7 - r W -7-46FAIRF00 ,o 0 • • 0 V. eNri - 03i - ek - u - eL - erxerssi Or aq'4 4.ka' ' , .""t 4 P "Pu:VMPi*t 05, . dtst received the Ablest &IA aiirgesEamortment 4-yet otened In thri cILV' . • . -" • ,14Pir WOOD ThilytitTiOOD.'''*l444l.l.l4M. DOILIWUttIiATItiGS ,ul, en,3.•71•.• ; I `l l. -1 . 2. • I , lkio. , !6s , Folirth - Street. d i f.CHAIWTM.IIV.I) IN 3.8515. , 1 ' i .: _ ~..- tt,tit t.ttl ft! -t• t , ... itt ;t•si , . 9: 'to 1-2•!ettlittu 1-41•105ET,11.4—.‘i 4..... - ;....)5T,1434,14111.19. , -it: 1 ; •-•: , •-•;•,- t•t't t .. go l i yil daui.ftLO4 fosSc; , slOC.ki so VtiosiiEßt tA. and dif.U.KY" MENU!! . n ote May lit ovember Ist4groiti 7 to Itti , eldekl'emd from ~10.. Actaberdlat to 1 , 1a9 1 / 1 4 from 0..0 *i o'clock.' 1 t, t' -,..... t ' Deposits rece i ved pf air sups,ofnotleaB thanOnr. , 7K)LBAR, Ind' • dividend of tile ' profits declared • twice a lean in June. and , December...lnterest has :been dec/ared semt-annually.in June and December `since the - Hanle was organized; ~9 the Tate of Miler: , /emit: a year. - ' ..-... • , • •.-L ~ 7 "., i ,•• 4 . , .- Daterest.',lfnet drawn out, ,is placed to ilia , Credit . 'of the depositor as principal, and bears the same in- F ; 'terest from the 'lir dayaotJuneand Decemher,4CoM . pounding - twice, isyeartwithotte •.trottblingtbeidepos-: Hoz" to eall,,or„even to 'present ltis ,pass bocilt,' At. this rittemboer will doable in lessthatizwelveyearil.; ,-, Sookeeentaining theCharteri lip , Laar.l. Raletallft, tirlal.l9ritilhralthed sratie, , on'aPidieltilellAttne • ''' ,'"Piiicaitiziß6ROT , '•Atllit. • ',- .t • t: ti.tri: •••.t.,.. •t: t I IriCSI:PRZEIDX.VIB:: . •: ,t !' L.. . ; 1 , John o. ( Backolanfu ....,,, , A. M. Pollock * 14. D., 1 Ilea. D. lelibbestoce; Rob ert Robb. - • ; James Herdman, •.: joidill% Shoetibehrei, , t• - _ , daides3f4Auley; .1 t•itf: Idlnfarehidlev• •.; : i • „..jametp. 11.1Keed5 .. ,,,,, .I.Alo.aaader Swer,... ~, i . .. Illage'ml Pennock, ' Christian . ,Teager. - • 1., • ,1: ~- -,. : yarairar, -- ,.. 1: . C. 1, . • ‘..!.'' i 7 Wai. J.:Andorran,: ,-,.i . ..„ Robert C. Loomis,. . • ' Cidvin'Adama. l' Hems J. Lynda, , '• T Jahn C. Itindiaf,'. , ;., I , Peter -ar.'hfadeira.: - . • :Georrißlacki,.! %.1',..1‘ , .'John Marstiail,t, , • I 11111 flurgwin. ... Waiter ,P,cidarshallf. A. Alonzo A - Cart i er i; ' .. - .'l 4" John Ti. McFadden, : Charles A. Colton, - '•.! 4OrtasbrPhiltipsi" $ • JOhrt folollB. , -1 , 4. t 1 ,HeUrYjAelillhrengt, { - . .. John J. Gillespie., I Wm F.. Etelimerts, ... 'William tl: .11aten, -f ' Alexander Titiolle,: •". Peter H.. Hooker,:: , . . William VairKtru,ir : - Richard 'Hays, ~,,. • lsaac Whittier, i James D. Knelly,L'i t---'a RLIV 1 Wm. P. Weyman. TnEasur,a,.it CLTON. . titcoscsitc.J/01EB. i D d.. DE O EDS. . . WArAI6I;GILICIDDILEy..o. I „ • No. MX 'WO ~_, " ' lljlLcir4Ar•PN;llMUlllie,trazid iettcni gum' ""• • • . mfir avrr , ~;CyBt~+OI~Ty MEE No. 20 FIFTH " STET; A IQTff fli. SLOT •fl' • NEE 310 LANCEi , 1: .1000 "' - ' 2; ! . OVEIV AN* SCOUR* NO. 3 ST. 4:36;lAirr, . ' `f ttf d'r'r , .l,l:!l`.l .1 , 1111 li'lZ l t/:NT 7 ' l ) ti J.AndlikatlB4/andlB77lldalikeeto 4 10 MO '...M'101.`3 ..1.4,;;r:(1 T 4 rffl • 1.16.Magn1eff;.. 4 .4 0 e , t, ! myn:je4 . • sum Aij***.. • 0,0 • . 1 , •0.741.3intizt,.;) '11:i 1:0 i",.'."l:fir.l 1.1 :1•11 . •(; 46; ;tr. , 10 , 1•111 o: 1 .•id, • f : iIIi ecipIEINEVUNNGER V- Va.i.nit : 13 . 1Neareinoirprepateatiifitenaibsail Onthrft Air Furnaces of the latest and_stairts.tanifqtea, Ines I r Also. Cooktnar)llfattPutztlleitnolitaaPlPTpiligyus• Special attention I. itljapala.to Ventilating ullt Ingo. mvla -9' ~ 31; /at' VIM) Writtglf. IL I-al - ~ 0111 , c,. , .. , . mitamnijast. , l i I r. iv-04r 0 ,5;. :. L,,.: 4:7Tri . T7l , 11 .0. 1 I Vit.ilittr .. '11.t..A....M.1. ....sm. .. .4 .. „, q1 =1 • 9 flannt ‘4l ( 4 1 1 '-' . ' eM 41'1 ri sti•litivbf :I ptlo , 4_ •ie ;i g i ' vlklkt M i k f fon4 WO*:' - att . '.grOtto ZMVlrtin itste• -' neti l Q egt al ygollelted. air An EVENIN t_itok. ..,:` ING CLASS tor 31101glapki logo WzOggsguAg 1 WIT .L. , . ~./ r 1 , ..,11k0.0 311 'ln **kw- Dir i = A:44011 7; i, 11 . t 000; 4,' RIME HE MIZE - MEM ENE ME HAS RECEIVED .' ENLOE OF OEM ~•,A7.yT;77 ,7 i2l 19 DRY GOODS. AT WM. . SEMPLE'S, --rqsa& 182 Federaltkilliiiiitu Afi r 1,14115 t. al Ipilers.~ogßD"s.lo , "Cl .-.T.Acatto 13 c -i - in t ,ll• ,, AU4i0.16 _-. des:' 101 IKL• ,PACCAR, WOOL DEL.ALNES; 11111 MlVRlllll3lti‘i'. " kls 1044; .., ... 71 PPPIMith stO 3. F.:lEs it/ OrGRAIN 833210 r/ rr nrr lEEE .1. tyre ti If kqt ; airAtfi' ' ILIQOAUCLOWA I4I IO ' Mk.; : BEM t•-•lkAßGElFrcicat Or IMMIE =I I BONNETS,' stri(iDowNs,uAdst 7 1 . 0 175 8, f*'" ifiiiii,i)iiiCii t :: ti ;? .~~ !•,, • .Whi4l4"'iiiio Lit^. , IFILLWdr. :SEMPLE'S, =I . DTI' i' MIE=EI MI .r± :Tr.,• - ii!r • • ../.1 . ..;;, • 3:01 2: 113319 131'. H. • • • • : -•••• ; n.r :1•. ' :;1: • • ! j 13101tIM ; • • .31EtEtrAL, SO mytiTitsar - . • ' • atOre 87. ..;,; SPRING OPENING , ,r • 111BODOno::-.. „.... . r .• Ocoee' siolie . I.ll.'l3‘iir.litteld A CO.j moo :DRF 64? - OD4 1 OM:Ne i DItt11001K• • 11;!. 81B1101:, DB* 41001 W • watinis 'v46E40110 Aitiotincei'tbit tie lalkirJukiire ayerationa table ; 14. i • j JETA.Er DRY- -GOODS -. ,, EINORE . r • Axe eompletal , antl - We I estetbliehment • la:: ROW' ;0111;14. 4.e. ere au eatliely •-•". Gooda,'" ler Etpriagti3exruaer Wear, attbe`lowestSast ia ant : .''.4 l l::ithrililaitirtfitEl'A'..:B7, 'l'll StiOlitON .6; £O4: • • • VS; `r,11:•,ill••",•!•• r. *.,!••,i . • • . .. " • '!0.1 - 4110t . •,u4,, ,0 , - , • -,:,, i!'"'li•''. ~ , •:',:.i . 3 1 •1;,*1i0T0,94 titiR3? 1 10 1 . 1 4 1 # 4 ;: : ?.V.4 1 .4 :- • •,.., ~•'- ' •- l i::? 1,; - ,r,,i11 ~ :LI .:,., :i; , :•:!!!,..tlfi - .....7. TJ ' , 7- :WI C•fil: i.!..1011 . - i :i.•: , ; .'. "..:.1. ';,4"1 , 24, , .•.•1ii - ,;, ,, ,..“, 7 . " c ;,, , ,. „ ...r, ',...... , , ,, :,...‘-'1:•,,•.•••• i 1.;,,..! ~.) - ..::;;" ', ..i i ii; . :::: : . ;'?'**,. 0 ..f....* 1 4.14: , .. t:;, - ...,• . . ,• ; • AI -,:i 1 ~,: ',:!::114;i.7ty,; , .. , ..') ,11.,. •-•.ti•ftollil'o. fAi: 4 ~. ,,,01 . .;!, . , t ' iiioddi3lW.4l4 - toto - • ...17' , 1• 1 1:y 0, 'l, , r; •MI ti ,ir.W 5 410.,0r0mi l 1111,1; -4114R •.•(.*:\*l',l•Al•f?rf - I..ortft!'gr:rTtol ,,, eo , f•rtr,"'lßrnfriii*.r.mt r; i , ;:ftTert! .!!Ti :241).1(57i. 1517,7 4r ti )S ; F A ti lr 49 : 4 40 4 4(iV Z .' S I /..4:0.1te)916 . " 11 digrwriririX!.f:ri , ,. , i.t s,ofaol it 001: 0k.rc!....74t 4 .70. 1 ii.ea, I flit sPitt +1.91Pi;. , 9+, 11 t917.-Mi4, 1 01,1r , _ La i4Witiffi - ti 07E11 1.‘07 A :1 9.1.1115,;! - 1 . 04 - 4V 13 4/3410),, , b-:if '')' McCANDLEStIiviCe., tgl 0 as4o4ol4,oPtAtitrativcr tt,:j'ef ,'silo 13#410,iiiteitiE plair.ll3 l nr 664164 4, ,an t wipo e t kintglii ii:M} 4 ftriA 7wlrtte:a it , 3" . .ttltrr a TtlfritritAr n, s • , 1 ; 4:4 :14 1412 • .A.! r.4 - W9fliiiii4 - 4irlitirirri;t4e. , ii 1 • . Li pr” , ), Iry?w•fflrAd ntIS : - ~lit i , .. , 41nb MR lo ty,ntistidlitlii (,if ti . :11111*Wi l t i t i lkKAINg114 1 40 0' 1 - i., , , , ~71i .RatimidanynanThol krsi4.s 1 . d, nte i,l r ot ;I_ llid4A4 y-11.111 oVaid , l.lOl .14 ..., . v.i iinni.Old it .7•b I . A 1-... ... 1t.t.,.., ,• ~ ~„ . It4ILA, i •• •,, A •• • ots ••• • of I r . .' •"' .do i ' , ,„i i ....,, • A di4' , ~ - , ..A0 MO - '-' ) _i t ? ..._. . - •• • ••'A-A - ... 7) . _- .2 4( : 17 - ± . ..ati'atqt ,1 1 I "9" - t . 7 1 ". 7 . P . 41-1 Abilottni - -cite) luormort - oVilft Lna :- AflllYyn t Ztak-^C..! I ' 1.93:'.4.1:11 Folthigit ri t ig i u) I tivirly.44T • { A . ,',` t , .)I'dl brit ,ovitatisi la kelqi,lll7q to ttot.ti 1 lityhfq - . ,;tcrol r•ltts i -:- 1. " Vlll4 . (.144)/41(.11! • • tr ra fru": Vol a t ioni juNria. ion 1,1”4 1 .1 I e l ar,l bo a boo - i ,It ,j; ,10!,1 lify)./eJt.:l VI!) tii..l .Lstr ;1 -iw,•l BOrtr Ottilei It titttribtti.tlt.no7,,tuuti,Jrui,l 13A .otutvi:u - 7 um's. ti!oif ,10-101.1....31 .LJ:It. , t mini Its fefew V,IiT ,LFAIT., , Emq mow, lamb I kli but lit vdl :-.; Cy; fl Loo+l4. wilt .I.e.lit ~ 1 , . :. htikiNet , d tro im,11:10a. 'wt. ).r. Itatoclor: Inv I .t. o :acij+r netj4 4 0 , ff . 1k,43,!fa1l 1 0 AY 30. 1868. JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDERYAM AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. 011ice,1516 WYLIE STREET, near Wublugton. PITTSBFRGIL, PA. •eds, Bonds., mortgages, Acknowle ./k tzsitions, Collections, and all other as e executed promptly. ! „ , .„-v.•• lee t B ra • B irßct 0. ID , • it ; • , ons, and al .tom. eon od dLsp ~$~~: EX-OFFICIO .TDSTI CPAGI OP STR TEAETE. PEACE AND POLICE M • çDj D . Deedo, Sonde s; 'Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depdettloiliand , DegolD oslktMrs MI/milted With • progagtoesomot dlcgokb, ; , •," !.••••...“.7qt •. i ! j . . P•C•Vidrll,:tM t1:1 ~;(110.• CONVEIfAIrEIVREAL tpriTEieiNSIAANCE44I% ',IA lot 414)::71,:iiiE j; - • W4{SONATRAX4.:4.Bgt*TO4OIx i Vinto . n 0pee055,91154014:44 promptlya.yoo gond . my . . . -WILKIALM, ; -VT+ ~trv. .T.ft 1 91 1 1,, 1 T, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE; CONVEYAKCEHeaC.; , near o¢pplie the )11*Uwig pgiurganpuium. .11 Iltiittceik,ett*4 . l6'WitYo/ T AP ii fi ii t t ; d. - . . • o a It h , 1,.,..;; a MAME ME MS ININ t Sill MEI PROFESSIONAL. Us ' CE 8. MORROW, ' Tickmd ,xIXOICIAIstnr '• ,f; Tl , , itiirhai r AikkiElfita*C L At .141 , 64-sexcivientf ,414oracm , d»® ! F EB :Gimping - i• t/ • '1" 1 . ' Arreißitirr t4 - ~• G• • : Gr•• •4i • .4 87.CONDFLOint. BOOir.;: - 114.1W73 ": JOHN i-1111DIREIL14 , "'" ;-. ••,. , ,!,, , rlO 111(•=1‘nATTOR r ieET . A 7.1.111ilgin 101insisionallaipeet, f'..11 (Oppoinkittia Cosiitacenie;)r, :!i.f if= ;•.,“ et fe115:t44 PlTTlBlattiff; A. iosEnt u. GAzz.sx - " , "'" - .7 R. BUTIZEFIZ.LSF.' WMLAS r iIi4 r:I tarAri V C ATERnELD'. ATTORNEYS:AIp COP'NSFLOItar LAW; • • t. And SO/iCittOrSll1 7 'BtartrOtOY ' .••`: •••••1.1 , '; '1'3.1"..r, "- ' • orywri ga•GßANT•snel=r- , ,” .• • • ••• .'oppapitf tl•ke jethyrrjrn! ..1 W:. ,:;.•.. .. • . `. l.lf!!' ••• : ,"' l...!! A T r o 4sl . o4 t ;jlAlol":,:•' :::*•//9•:-09:33.4"1A-C";k4 -atreetlin In /65318 - - • rimstritort, 56oEt gikadir • Gni 1 • • PlTTStstatou.rk. 2' AT TORNEVANVCOUNSELOR AT . LAW, No. SO, aionfErtzt4o4 "- mymas 4 'OWN A.IIEI - J' ._, .. .. _, , .-A3 romilar, , ..- , E THE , VII r9Frincio . =BM _, 0_ _TEAM reiL , lz. POLICE 11.T.A.015TRAW.E. -.5. Oties:llE - FIFFE STREET;,e • ppos}te the one- - dial, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds', T -Bcniiiiki Mortgages_. Acknowledgments,ileptiatttons and all Le n gat Bust nes ii aiectite4 with forptujiWukdtrn" . '. ' 0; 11 1CCO , • - - - • .. :t - AT6Rif tii 9 4lllo COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Dra-- 8 7_ • . Pentions, po'unt42l arid Ail-Oa:a, l'ay prqmptli .. • • COMPRMON!': APPACPWITS• tivtix , ' ' ' M STERLII4Is: 7 II.O3y) ,, • 022 R.F44 4 9#.: 2 . 1 A nt B , 4711 Dre4illl4l%. ,k74r."0: 1 1;# , OPA I24 ,4IE V Ci I " : "f *43. , - • ; tie:igffisicpmmon, .; Utstigrot crrraA. image Heine , . 5 ' JOS.:IWO= Nr44.9 : 414 ./(114 4143, • , ' . IP WllltearrA ll4lll3' 1 0 0 tA r tt eCilitlitt - tirratelgrtria - 3salk STRENT,,mippieT: • • Conslgttmliittig iottitttd ItizintitatOgii=4". r ti: - Marti% ciatilei' National Bank; J. B . Dliwortil a, , C,te..,lt:' T. Nen 'tledragAiro.,:t , . ia11:124 r 217.4 10$11.; if itr ElL I crt . nictiSslON - ; . - 349 L 119 4 1 4.1101.%3144.3 0 111 44 : - - -1 1 - , uty2,4947 fil:/144 1 GP4OMNIT Vildegale'dlia / Retttn 41 ) , , e)l4 , 1196 friDNN; STRkET: -,-04,141xWw111),,,v0 Allalliwilinr•••/14 • 01. 14.41,146.0. J. 11,e JOITSZ. Itify 144: A14=16 .1 tr, Id;tlW ;Tit ,ggg. „ • Ai7l%, ' lt le al:Mingr4; l ol.4o_, Y rnal L A N C l6.- Mittifle acrnuaurghL .-,5 .• • • 1901,-A144401111M6 . - 1 It#l4#l 11 51 CP .1 14041 1 11111*°'.41'71111_, I id : AR ;etithet FiWritil Viat:l3ll,tl oftwuinW.) : 0,, • & N.l 0 aale dealers in Ilebarries, 'Mar Grain, Pro' . uee.es..lll4lfrem4 e, Carbon OIL' 6 1 e bergtilbi ll. gerPthK 4l Frio l ln l ad a% olurs.sdanlCS.l.4inee.'4l4)lno6.Lkerst. tr.SlooBn.' OMNI L 1110111615 ,101115110641Nkr 3orinimmitivatuuspito 4 . Avcit "ow Vi weasie ‘-- 1 , 141 t • 'l,allter•-• " .." • 5F!%111 4 AtetaVAtr 4 1 ,.."'" ' ' ' T =WA:at= ft.'.,„ : 11111 " 36111 "..' , t . ..- ... , ~ , t . D X • • tV , .L...4JA ' h i .),,,•,:: , , Ii - - n.trp , . I I : r • . f 1,,, -IL APP.R. I , ' Si • . 1 4 i .lif •itilq.VAPQ•Sftaga".l46 ll 3 l ASUrA l / 8 ' !IWO"- ItiVieltg‘WrOlin,COMDEMON WED C wHINIOIIIII UUDT 15 AND OLAY,&e. WerWr (11; es, and 368 PENN -STROM - 13torage tarnished. Coashrametift,WAlMll4ii oat! IWWWW , NOWNOIVIIPP. zsTATILI sawlB49. v...111X LABGIST IN AIIOCRICA• NORTH ANCEIZICAIf •I Wm. ' *-- • ,RY '•7 l ' 'b -1; WORM ,00 yzart DAILY t THE CELEBRATED t. VANIZED _., eats, innate MI '. , a 4 19 op t e 'a tt en ted wit mble iii 2 of . , tl3-11t,11;neia 1611Le ti tair weireier t i ri;lW Igidl - -- le r e igi us . 4 kale; tv,.., i . o g t z , nerz,, a VIM, s i heer. C n en free '''' = =-&',, -P0.9 v 4 .11!,41.111tf: Nos. 488 nt49Q St. John St.,. ff/7,4,3.tei sodAskiar NWrICE 3O 7: „ .. , :: .: .. „ ,„ -. i W:::;?, ' VAR JRA.CIIB,: -' . ~. .f.i. Notice Is here given tii'ill' tistiers''of lin*, Corte, cariiisteeil, , ,i , e4 whether resident or non-resident in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Lieetuics wit thee reecOhlesnif:ibe'g of Pittsburgh POR HWITH, In accordance wS as t Aet Of Miseittbly4 epronlirettlerthillib. and. an pr ef.,atercisympi ef psi,Ri or q"lttaburgir, pas Abrultlf , ssw: • - pr4:llJ._lepri!A pailk9warPrlbre HA_ ,Y,1% XV& win oe to ifs -the needs of tbe - Clilef of Fillies for collection, subject to his fee of 60 eentliftellbet collection. thereof„ and all persons who neglect or 'beitoteto taker blitideettettliwili be slibjett ton pen eltYs-14- 5 4 reolWertli before tho'Hislerudoat4fr_the amount isi the Cense. • .' , -*ftellifihnhfil l itateii iiii , treiloici , nird4diiiit he , re turned ate e rue, Wren:tee lore UM Qat, (nay y .„,...,. ,il-c.1,..,. ~-,.. ~ • =a .car. L10r.,N,04 , ~.., • ti l atige; °rot -v - enk1e..,.,.;........,..v.i•• .110 , 'Yr/Mb 0 Hold' , .'ls 0 ~, ..-.1. tis 40.: P.:.....1151 00 , • 'Noell , Feer Heree c i A' .l , .C. 444 SiiA ik....: 1 0 00 ';;;. l Agirsti lt lar Itilber. - Wilearqii4W i 0 Cr* y Eiorseao•Eightsisla Dollars: each: , s - . Ear ;mar tgg l it. Hanel Horse .n 111; mi. ,ip , . z.,442isibfais TeffiApre Dollat' -. ~' "i .. ri*AUEL ALLINti ,-,,i 7:4. I. ;:,,14 . a .,„ ? , ~..r.ourTre4sur. r. [ ••:killeißlF4oo. rebniar3lls44s, i • • . ..,:-,,..., 9_-.. ON s . i I IG CO" 5...••;_.,-, .1 1 .11" , ...,t ,', .•.•.:-.-_,.: , ...:e..: . ,..° r tbeld -,,..'...,.,:,-, ~::: , , .:,,,, i liIS;II3ESTItiftIINDE4 - -•-• - ,' - -..:. 1 • i •,!!: .1 , ;:tiri , . ll_, 1;!.+,(1•;0.7. - I;-. - . t_ - _;, :-,: m ..',! .i n. - , •blio . - :. 1, ..J.! , - 11: ,,, T.• ...,..- ~ -, 1 PD)O44. 44 f44W;r6irrili;;.47*lt;ltT 1 , [...111 , 10 I :1'; ....e`.. , ;:t I:L'.,*; - .. "2.•;1 J=.l" ~ i r . F r ; i ..•1+ 1- 4%•••• , ‘rtil(tK.ilt . 1 1 1:. . '; BAIL "r i f iltillltElit it 04 , i • ;.: ~.. :I 1 , 41 ifjpittitrAblinattifttOSl.f.itri *A - t 1 1 ..' '' : -. 7 ' , ' Pii(.9 %.""0'.0'.746-11S1:31; 1":011;i1 2 .:I: ; if, ',,:: , 44 , : ff.i.. , '.'CI" ltiti'4l.l'P ' : . g.:. ": t.. lirtiak .,} PllPllll:tatinoStairE i r ' , LEAD, 111 ,, , ,,1ry-,,,,,---, 7ti ; 113 et ,1ir,1 , 1-2,1' E L.); in'l ~ 7 , ,Nol,67*l44StatittelAtili.t . 1 . , ..• „ i ja 3 , - .2i v i#:j rl_ .. i 14 - ~ .tt, , ~._. ll_ r.„) ~ " . ROVE.; : 71. :1;19 Ala . . I RO,Vteactilog t been fitted, • ugtig..tlke '-utorr aniierle at} gq , *l a large and elnrr i t: lorm,rbonittll oll k;sbadedolarae , Dtolt i g m two seellentLl)arads now ready, to real, _II- I NICS: PAHTIES; , SONDAIf scaoot CM.= MONS,. &e.,'otttbetnost reasonable Lerma': Parties bolding PICIACS &c., ; wilt And It bkibelr advantage to secure the ro ve. • The" , Grove ;Medd* , esedblii.', bang bat a few atOPLItOut the 001kbalikBallwayStallonorbtee tars r"A&Teriar4Y4l74te.nrAvein t!.! Fi" • s. • 7 .. , Tl - 1. - 7 7 f.7.tqf ) OFFICE , ,f , O I tfilliAlt9: KITIMAT CO.? /41AILLANIYESi11101C =.l! rt; EPITTS tIRGIII PAPER , TACTUBOTE OOMPANI:4'74 ,1 1 611 0 , ,. : ,I PRINTING IittfiNRAPPING'PAPERS , CLINTON M11.1,431j. 6 -X S C TP 3I : I 4 rI4747PFAY: 441441T°1i*.P4-/i OFF I OZ ANIS• WABLPG '3 l, a • 110:€4 , k d Ajtreet,rPittsburgh - ,Ta. ,pcpmA T AgGrlyzakirrn% President.B: LIVINGSTON, Treasurer. rtEtANEUEUBIDDLZ;Szttatarr.. ApPticTOßle.:baiMVlEfariate. John *tarell; St H artmanHeathpilgoNitiXiltbenater: 11011".", To CON iii4t4el kd at the,odi keef tie Commtastoridradet , thegrestibe of a‘ City 13"SIn s4o. PnitbAellllrpeti TlRtsbergb; oath , . • 144.14 't i‘irit - Wkti . ii . 3 l loeie4i,i 6 .4Ls . 'For tearing dci4rn the Old htilldlngS irdielticettt§off .the ground for themeirtotr.;u4weorner pfamlth• 'field street "441 r Virgin. Aed, •Tor..;excavatirig fonl-thOeSatryards of hirett, 'the worktd be doattry theet4ll s e.cyaord.ratut thet contractor to , take all oldut 3ttet: h.„ - 7 ASOM#44 PTMEry , il7 • L'_11(.1: AL9s.• ,• ••- 13e0rellir)iVi , ithard :Emotion of is, .-uipZl:4s,B 'llZTtß4?"l"titi*tititr:"lttEl— ____ trpdekkled itteenre e . laL ea er ' thesaLtir o in E or t , t_o±a__ :r...- .71. ,:„ .;:r, rim LAY. ~ -' in itilll Are now propkred 10 , nlslt t .g jxany qoantitiit !Anode lading so rotomthla k perlor article: - ri p zing gl i ßeem P tta or ttilk:C ' l l iti:li.we turret crave at, rudil as is tre-mates article' or an agrin.tbe market, ire ila Seenreasa kMaie stand4l'VX: =kite f MOP -tinware:, 4 „„,„4„...18„ec0vit sa liK p u ti= Iron Fitare, ore ATOM ,Clay n to one - p , 11¢1 1 171 e CM lextedttd and mord :relkmr ler uoulerr. , k , . =-14.:.:::. ~.r.-1,) . .rri: ii i i i v iii-t . , 7,. : .• - :1: , LNltlikrf. , :!_ ' Z' ktrr GE -44 :M. 1 , ' " ',Tett P t Wass yrprkC r• ~; a i',' • -Viiildnetbo dtreetk - Pittimustb. Pe: F.rooks"Lienticam- , ,1C tr, 1.• 110 _Shaved isuLttit•vcrtisqvcattty. ;: • FLOORING BOAIF,DE.4: ?ACdallktdslit,lMllits .4d9t,'ircicikila -:raid.abarfSaspecurkaa34ldie;Witiqitty. 00. .r 1 ;FIDEL'IakU = iCEI 03 .. 1 i3,1,. - - . 1 I ~,•.:,, { ..., '-' /' ft--,,tr i.615n14 . 1 pa ._ , lAt • ij2l 44404b11;1:4**1044/1011410,10a. -' . (*del i / iiiiigie Oriarielit4be • MIN. ' tgistrevrtunpiLart.mt.lNN Nom MN. gal? Inbtist ft 'id T (NSW It MO : IT, 1101p,71.d.r.r8 0 4 - 0 .v.l":•atteiiiZl i t l it."l l4 xlt; lIWIt *ilea (P,; lit:1111rit t ta ' ..to,i?: I 4:P4T 9 4,"*IFINMSIVIatagfiRat ,- -n I :3 rt 4PPGNARPRIEM.I)~IP4cLq':.*4-"Ip pr B. I t iilleptelq Pi F.l:'n'ti . . , ' , 241 hua Fs-litir i al i,4w,. i . Al tb;: ~i.- A ty",,, : if. ...ill: ;iil ~ , 4 .7w , wralmaliaismotat -*tyi p i l -. ,67.0 1,.., g0. , ,,: EH,,,..,,v , -; ~, , 4 .4: 1-tr: ... tr,w-.ill .in,11:1 - tva; i . 4 " 157C 1 r-'-'iltAgelinnOkLibert/Ailldildlt i iiit ti e ti% o aplLlASj i ll .. l . ll , Atlllif''Or , il ~ ...1 1.7 / , ,- - f __..:r '4 s igitrili,gfrt „ .ta ..0. , -. MNtk eiztoo. 1 —w.—ostii . [ID ;1 , Oor.UbsetrAnd itislitt 4iiii 01 bi.191 , ,vi . v...1,P ( 3 mi'l . crib le.: lodutt.lw. s3:lsl.lbiti vii 7.,(1 ,` .... Le. ,. : 1 ' , if ei*:.‘..r,aar.i9;l ~ r 1m14117. ntli ',itir. t..lisit VS tuti4l.lo: l ,riyFiki.e , ltr=c; 5.,; i,4biri;4ll6..ituvx oat , - ,l,l , ld'it , I: " MSC al.-AWN-7.—/i 4 : O T 9JM )I)-114 ii ,:. ~. ~~-_ obsut fug ot I laii