U 6. IRON WORKS. 45. VXBVIII. -- - P 6 04 113 1 1 0Wt• pITTSI3IIRGR_IFORGE . . , AND IRON CO • 11LILTrirrACTIMZES Or • - Bar. Iron; BalLroad Fish Bars and Bolts; NM'Pima Car Axles Boiled; - Railroad Car Axles Ilammerad; IGacomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side. Rods; yokes, Straws; Piston Heads; ;;, . • ; Steamboat Shafts; „. Stealphoat.Crasilmk, , < o piston ILods , Wrists; ' Fithian Jaws, Collars, Cie. Office, No.I7II II V.NN STR ET, . yrrratsUgoa,.x,;:. GRAFF;IiIF..IIB Si. - - IiAItitrFACTIIIIERB OF Bor s Hoop and Shoot ,Irotr, WROUCHT IPON, Iron Welded Tates for Gas, Steam, Water, &e. OIL. WELL. TUBING. Onke l 98 Watet and• 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. KENSINGTON IRth WOltp; LLOYD & BLMJK MANUFACTURERS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal A.D - ',SIINIATA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT EAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. BROILERAND, T and ANGLE IRON. PLATE-and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BASS, CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER rrtoS.'. SMALL T RAILS, SO and 18 tbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAMP-it and SPIKES for same. . FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPINES. - Warehouse and Office at the WOlas, GREEN OUGH STREET. (a contin P it tsbur gh t street ) adjoining the City ass Wo rks,. EVERSON, PRESTON & co., Pennsylvania Iron Works, Warehouse, Fos. 166 and 167 FIRST STREET, opposite Monongahela Rouse, ap24:d6 PITTOBVIOIII.- STEEL WQlqBB. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMICK & 'CO., • .11=Mg1G11, 3fanufacturer.s of every description of CAST AND CERNIAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS ,_ - ELLIPTIC AND PLATIFON'a EMENDS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, &c., &c Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. ap16:067 prproppuGs STEEL WORKS. 1 ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD £ C 0.,) 31i;;Idacturen Otthe • BEST BEENED CAST STEFL, late__,___F F liitt, T lPaKnn r eelakPr r t il Agt i air; CAST =cal, zor • . • Nicpbscancylitewles_ff Nee*ccept Bteel Ple". Whirigers £e • ' • Axles, Cre • •• • Cast and 'Car : amen Plow !tr. Spring Steel. Ositee-corn' er HEST AND BOSS STREETS, two blocks above the Monongahets House. , be2l:d9 • 9r UILLEI4, BARR & PARKENT. , . • • GENEILLT. PAST2MRS: METCALF,W)f. A REUBEN MILLER, 0R0.,W. BARR, I..CHAS. PARKIN. • Erscies. PARTBAR—S. M. SERB. CRESCENT STEEL NVORKS, 151:EUX.E.1%, MIAMI& P.A.11 - KINI, Office, 'No. 339 Libertir St, PA. . • felli:d4B BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, - BROTHER & . $ ifuLubotUrers of all descripUons of ' eirTalENIEr-ii. • _ . • Oflee antiliareboAliA: no, jai. -124 SZOOND and 119 and 121 FWM:I3TREETS • . • HARDWARII. N EW IiAiDWARE SOUSE. MOSEY, STEBBIT 8c EUWY, = ELA.tzpv•A.tt, - • Boy &C. ctiTt I 887 LIBERTY. STREET, iioBi7B OY WATNE, One igql‘eell /%4. 111WIR!10.0*-4 ~~ ;PI'i~BURGH~';°. aar'Atati ore icartenamcst scADmi.: 1111418° • ' 1111.411.1M4: erurrn BT., bet. Tested & Chatham Ste., end Dealer in G ware.- -e t rtiftlinv Soca , or asientitioar eireji tos d end sold 5t40918.10.41W the leweet price,. _ Weill AP.: 'A/2 t ~us /1; a,o4i 118111 T ROI= ASSOCIATION BUILDINGI, Nos. 111 and St. Mote Street. l'lttextrsh, - Ps. thoogoi Wad gloom to the assigning sad tiondlai of 11/91=1 WTOSZIi awl MUM 31W/Will. • i*N-Wlf4A"r '• _ „ FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. ATLiii WORKS,. MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MILLER, President. • , These Works are among the' 'largest atm most complete establishments in the 'West, and are now prepared to furnish., . , Baginediriiaserr•dellarliaark•--- ' 6.."` '• •• C"'4' Boilers, Ott Aitigur ; Sheet - Iron Work. Itaftmad casting*. Boning Bin, CasibliZe =1 liffsehtme calobw• GelleiridCastings. ODDERS SOLICITED NATIONAL FOUNDIA . AND PIPE WORKS. Coiner Carroll and SmallniillEC Streets, " - (NINTH WARD.) • • prx w r6alryn 4 u,.3p.a...; SMITH 3.laxiiiractul4=,or CAST IRON BOWL_ PIPE, , • FOR GAS AND WATER . WORKS.' DI Pipes are ell cast lnVarlabl > ln' Plts, ln' dry sand, and lA feet lengths . Also, ffull assortment of General Castingifer Gas and *nter*Orks. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. re 16310 - THE KNAP.FORT Plff FOUNDRY CO, CHABLENI.KNAP, - Pinsident; J. M. KNAP, Vine President. 0. METCALF Fiee'y ant Treas'r. J. K. WADE, Engineer. J. G. KNAP,,GesteraliKitnager. • ,a ntazerosst,, , , JAMES B. 31111111/tir, I,yon?Sho'td Co. A. E. W. PAINTET or J. - reinter Si Sons.' of pang C. B. HERRON, . Chalfant .1 Co. THOS. S. BLAIR,fO Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF; or Miller, Birra putts. r MANDTACTIIIIMRS or Belling Mill and Blast Machinery RETORT" 3 and CASTINGS. of every deacalptlon ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. tett L. 0. trrittosromw. 1317RT.W. A. nontasoit, Jll. LIVINGSTON & CO., IRON TOTINXIEREI MANUFACTURERS OF ' PINE LIGHT CASTINGS, Alt descriptions, f ricnitnral gtVuenoatull and N e tt s jet t i t li e li g li 24q: ch A t il i Ndbli C Ork promptly attended to. Office and Worka—WASITINGTON AVENUE, near Outer Depot, AllegLeny City. l' a. ROIBINSON, REA,&. CO., Successors te ROMNSO3, Ml' S a Mti.tiren, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSiURGH, Manufacturers of Bost and Stationary Steam En. eines Blast Engines. Mi ll Machinery, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions tril Tanks end Boller and Sheet Iron Work. °lnce, No. 121,c:or:ler - Ft - stand Smithfield Streets. Agents for UTFGARD•B PETENT for feeding Boilers. ,iall:rs2 MONT 111 LINC, FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Oaten Iron Mills.) Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, NACHINEILY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY. Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & 3LiCELIND. oc1.5:128 BEWILIN FOIINDIrr.. . PRICE & Nice and Waiehonse, 29 Wood. Street. YAW/tante and imp constantly on hand .• Thimble, Skein and Pipe linnets, WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, BHGAB NETTLES; HOLLOW WARE. Andeastinge generally,„ .a: • pIIOBILLS clitia3r Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Worts, - §ANistriKY ST.; ALLEGHENY CITY. PA.. , Mninfictirersotetennt ltusilnes. 011 Presses, Pal- leis. tlhattlnir arlst. and Saw Mill Work. Bolling Milland Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, • kn. Build to order and have on hand Engines Of all sixes. invit:qa eititiCALIOUNDRY AND ROll4. WORKS, • 8130 Penn. Street.. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BACIALEYi Chlllßolls, Mill Oaetings, goilL s titee, ' &e. .. .. . VILTON MACHINE WORKS. _ Eirrentmateri nt 1838. ~ 'infector, of STEAK ENGINES, all sues and of the most approved patterns, Jor stationed purposes ; STEAMBOATS and STEAM - FERRIC BOATS. A. variety or 10, 1S and 18 horse power ENGINES, erttleh will >be sold At very. reduced prices. 4 . • P. V. 011188 E. Wellsville 0. - . ~ Fifty tnneeboow rittibargh; on the Ohlo alter, and line of C. &P. It. • , -• stoe:h2 - PITTSBIIR6III. GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JDHW It. ' COOPala. - Jos. SATZ UZNUT Bum. rOIIIN M. C OOPER & co.' BRASS romtzrzlits GAS' AND STEAM, FITTERS, ? t PUMPS AND BR W0211 4 ..0 exm , deacript on; dealers lU . YLXL .FD TUBING, or au 'dada. • ' Corner of Pike and Walnut 66 1 4 4 4 .PI.TTSBURGEr. - i50f1134: 3 0 , . MEI SALlinniM n MLitt isuoirmit 12,4. First Atreet, Pittsburgh ) Pa. igeat for the sileof Carticall;Donshimore, J6 l . a t a r n b i Will ic a t riga il hMa l d °D ia Coke And C. B. Charcotti "PIG , 113 Ne. couilicrixiente lad orders respeetitilly solicited. ir A tEr,811):119001404. ::, •'r• ' L 4 W.i=7r-o , 7 IL iiiiintrise wozzo,-, '. 1.. . -- ' ' ' 1 ti nt ie . 4......,: , ... - - , •:" . 1 M ViT‘TO . Aittpt7o , Coi4l st 1 ~- . .; o l 6 6. 4 leti t ia ill i t 4 Pag,W-111.1i1 - tait i al . sna ir re .. i u sh inipme__ 4 (: .,l4,tat ra sad Death?" B u n d Tlanits' g ria , A7'and UG 160 b. ~ I ST I.__ p ritTa t up asiMila ordsts or vvp ittuiskilir ... , , = prr-rsinrittaiL ...it:. ,.. :..4.‘,.? , . • , PTCTSBURGH IRON ,BROILERS. 1 . 1;1 , _,:,.:00ppiffEt;(! , ..1...'4 , ..ti:...-.:r...-, j or: Eni , I , • - • I*P-.0•:t;c1 - •t' I • n .-4Wre1.rw.""1,..7.4,44,..W.ne5,r%1.M1..V*1...0r+Arc-Z,411V • ^ rvre.salvtize.r,icrzarYt.vvi.N.r.. ~, Vat P....PAY GAXETrE - FRIDAY. ]SAT, 29, 1868 ENGINEB 4~Rs &C. VORT PM a " BOILER, STILL ANt TAlit CARROLL'& !NYDER, , , siA-vcrgacropraso; , TURlngat, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, BOX ANJ CYLINDER - MAM SOMERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANEN, EnEECHINHAND ASH PANS.; !SETTLING PANS,„ SALT • PANS AND CON. - DENSEESI - STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS .earti IRON • BRIDGES; •- • I -• • • , PRISON DOORS AND COAL STIIITES , Wlles and, Warehouse corner Second, Third, ShOA and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. air Orders seat •to': the above: address. will be roloollv attedded to. mh7:189 Z. A. M0880W.; , ...r.e8.11. BASNEXLi.,:—.JAI3. BLAIR. 0 9 11LAR.& BOILER WORKS... . .MORROW 8.A./11411a.L - . - KA.3rcrACTEMZES. - • . , • gt431 4 4 .4 4 1 11 P .1:8, 011 Su*, A 01 0 9 1 1 3, TAXES, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS. WROUGHT IBM( BRIDGES, SERET IRONWORK, &c. Cor. Liberty and Second Sa,. PriTSBURCIH, PA. REPAIRING promptly done. jy4:b2 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS NOS. AO, 22, 24 AND 2SPENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and thrulshed It with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS in the bes k taanner,'.add ,, warninted equal to any =dein the Country. Chimneys, Breeching Fire BedS, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Co'ndensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agitators, Settling Fans, Boiler Iron Bridges, Sugar Pans, and Ede manu facturers Barnhill•s Patent Boilers. , Repairing done on the shortest notice. ias:c2l JAMES 31. RITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITI I BIIII7BO* - PA., • IRON - OIL • - SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE. ROLLING MILL STA&S, ' Astd SHEET IRON WORE, - For Steamboats. ;JAR= M. BRUSH EDMUND D. BRUSH, JARED M. MUDD' & SON, xit.nr7Actuttlcas. OF Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Turks. SHEET IRON ` WORE. &O. 6.1 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. cooK.Errovs. CET THE BEST. BISS;VtaI dz TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as well many' other Store In the Union. 1311 * 00' •- 1 No: 285 Liberty Street. Also on band and tor Nth ".0 i • 7 4 PARLOR STOVES, SEATING nTOPES. GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS - 4114OOKIRG RANGES, to CELEAIPES `PLACEV th the city TO Dui ; THE - TRIUMPH COOK!NC STOVE, Is at No. 114 GRANT STREET. 34' • P. C. ntrvirr. OILS. WESLEY WILSON & CO., - NATURAL LUBRICATING • - " Cl3May. ligilti s tn:.Al itdotreAgrAl OF MACRERY. •QULIIITT GUARANTEED UNIFORM. ,proposals for quantities solicited. i 0.1 6 1 1 Wood Street, "BA.NS OF COMMERCE BUILDING." spVl:pl9 - • WARING AND Commission Mrchants and Brokers In Petrolenmand its Product* DALZELL'ibuiLDING, 21kIlt1Ntii.AY, ' • PIIILADELPULL ADpRESS, . • KING & Co;, 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROlrltfitili COMMISSION KIKERCLIANTS, • . . --AND DICADEV3 Petroleumanditst'iOduets. • ^:^l, 4 44 ' ner of. Duquesne Way usult-Dwpa utreett.. Philadelphia Offlee—Lll7 WALIDIT Sit api:w3o A t ritOn IWELVEIit) IN: 66 OM; Oil Commission Jobbers, ....,..-. t . t c. irb isidilb No. 3 DIM 3 E WA • wl ~,u Bind sod Banned MU, Lubrt4iting, ...ar t e . r t mum =rage. Our lonc e experlened in oil o n in. t otiobli to a rip or deceenentirt W. 4 pi. *ermined to iii,ltert the interest of blyel or e d. leis to give as a eag:i Parties haling . are ooroinnY lirinileft t 9 bring Wininl l ,lV z r' . . a • sn94 —i--i ei.i:l M . fi A 0- k irr al N. LONG & CO" mAntiwartialis PUKE ATE BpBNING, 0 BrOnArtrifiNlVET omee, No. 2 * Anquainte 4 ay' k Won** '42.IIMMTMV. IO ;`/L: 14011194PA:NRIPAIN LiCt X&IIMIUMIn Ina kin for sale Mikis* LIPORICATING OILII. Ito. 1 IL MAUI mom. • aronvu s wait' i We. DIN/LNCIAIa, foilit7imaiW 7 towny, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, ; : .$200,000. iio STOCKHOLDERS I N DIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN . 1 VERNMENt , MO:FRITES, ,11 cot.. =ANDA :t ::_' P ...:". piTERF ! ST ALLOWEDuN iniffu, DEPOSITS...._ Collections made: on all accessibla, points in the United States and Canada'. DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter - . t James Gordon, D. Wallnee, M=E MA.WL. M D. LEET I r YSTONE BANK, N0..293 LIBERTY 1311 MT, M 215131111 1 16111, PA. cAPITA4 (putholizedo $200,000. DIRECTORS. • Hamilton, Henryßockstoce, Geo. •.r.. Van Doren. H. J. Lynch, John Murdoch, Jr., William Espy, !Samuel Barckley, - A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Collections made on all accessible•nolnts ln the United States and Canada• • Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD H. J. LYNCH, President. OEO. T. VAN - DOREN. Cashier. SirSTOC }MOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. • A. PATTERSOR President. JOS. H.RILL• Cashier. •CAPITAL, :: • $500,000. A. Paiienott; -•• • • GeorgeW. Cur; %-• • Win. H. Brown, I James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, Wm. Douglas, •• Allen Kirkpatrick,' I Wm. Reed. W. S. Haven,. DIACOIINTS DAILY. AT 71.1 LA. ap9 or= HART, CAUGHET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, • Corner Third and Wood Streets, • 3PITTEMIETIMII..II , 4 I ., (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART & C 0..) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention pa i d to a nu:clime and sale - GOVERNMENT BONDS. ' Sight Drafts on Lon long HOLMES & SONS, - • . 57 1 Market Street, IMMO PITTTSHTJUG}H. PA. . Colleettons made on all the principal points Of the United States end Canada... • • . , : Stocks, Bonds, and other•Secnrities Botrarcr AND SOLD ON coriasstoir; Particular attention paid to the purchase and Wear • - United States Securities. ja3o:al WEEIMERN SAVDMIS !BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTEItED 1.866. Interest paid onrrlino Deposits ANT Bps RE,9xxvim '$ ONE: DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS. BUXOM Td },OII KOKOW/Trit ol # RWV . ,-- 4. ,Tx • 't t - ~,4 , v, Dl.soounti DART li Iti e'olo4 i. . ~ . :4 ---"" ~, r. PretidoltmalliniP 6 4o%; BILL. .ii' Fide Presidexi—A. IL IllUil.,' 4,1 ;',,,,-, -_--- A%i ßz ek ivi sr , . , ,-.,,,,,,,, ~ - &--j Tl3O ON BELL.. -1 . A. M. MARSHALT..., I .JOB: D ORM i ........ - 40$.„,,ALASSE: .. ..5 - . 1-, J. J. G WU, . . .. z. : Stoekhol it:it:o . 4lMM we Mikeeirelisioet Wm. Fo 711Le ‘ .. , 1... ~ Josenl2,,D ll yinrDic • • Win. dwell; • • ' • -Rev. - mild Herr, - ' - WDUAD sell, . . . Heou Lambert, D. W. C. Bldwtll,' ' ' A. M.' Ettoitit, Ift M. Man, Thomas %whir. S••, • ESTP.BI I ISIIED 1N,:1831 tt e '7• 5 'B o(trii .I,kl‘*l‘lCl 'DEA TS. Os'4iiverit luta 5-20. IMO SUM AND, GOLD . Nr r i itik it' ' Rt r iftit end sold on eommtiolot itiS tt . 05. INIZROBriIifi C a r DiPMEMP GOLD AND CURRENCY. Acooanto of Banks and. Bank ers received on Iliv if rlo_tregbt • . . 4:4L BAT azio IN Ciardr. AT ... Arecitsracr &MIMI 094 # No. 14 si*thffiel.d etw#, PITTBBIIBa~i; ~ PA. ~ `;~ ~". a . EtiTimatirr PAW - fililtAllg ,•••.0 1 1P;•IkiAnzlint antErrEDlFßoXONzvrsarripao . lo6 VOWS essebataolollllofailpriAmuseregt4 - Joirmsatiork 0 tb er e isiase • golada4 - , PleEwa* ; ; - 111% Ws • 3 OlNlP. JaM: ftatt REMOVAL.- Eu t az REMOVER MY BANKING KND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE . Corner of Fifth " andd Wood Streets, trerli t aupted by thy3.Ii.k.TIONAL MO . * OP' . PH: It: MERTZ_ JAMES - BRADY Bc. ' Corner Fourth and Wood Sts; .33 -A. 33C. Si BUY AND SELL ALL RINDS OF GOVERNMENT ~' SEGURITIEB; GOLD, MINED AND COUPONS,. • ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. • 7-30's CONVERTED INTO THE - . . NEW 5-20 COUPON BOND. • Ur Interest Allowed on Deposits. MONED LOANED ON GOVERNMENT BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest market rates. • - Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS lad GOLD. JAMES T:" BRADY Jan: C. Risher. Andr Itobt. . ew Miller, Jame.slll. Bailey. LVBiLikwrrenvt. ON, !Cashier, rb I itt UT rtt OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, May 28, 1868. poldlcv:l6,A-44ivE« to.day f fluci ! gating, between' ngn Said 137k 3 . The Weakness Of the market seems to be due to a rise in government bonds in the European mar kets, which caused shipments .04 = bonds to be macie instead o 1 gold. E. 2 isr - Mil = -177 I _ 4 ' : . 0...7 4 .3 2g;Nf 414,41-,-0 04:0?-1% • ME BE FINANCE AND TRADE. Government bonds were in the morning dillt,asid , y; to ,'/:per. centililf , lrcTer last nights quotations, but *towards noon fresh demand set in, and prices were ear. rigid higher than any :yet reached during the 'greenback reign. SeVen" Thirties have . toncled 1094, but fell off at the close. These, with the Five Twenties of 1865 and 1867, are now the cheapest securities on the market, when compared with bonds of 1865, old: The offers to sell at present high.quo tations are increasing, and it has alto. gather the appearance as if the highest point was reached, at least, for the present. The rise in bonds was so steady but rapid that speculators are tempted to. realize. The facility'of borrowing money on these securities, and the cheapness of money it, self, has brought out the full 'force of, the Wall street speculative element, and, all seem .to have combined to carry bonds up beyond precedenL It will soon. ,turn out that thOse who buy for investment will turn themselves by force of circumstances. It is evident that capitalists will not retain an article when a handilome profit can be made by sale, and se-bought at lower rates. In stocks little can be said of the market, but a farther rise in Fort Wayne, New York Central and Erie; the balance of the ist remained unchanged, with a decline in. ExPreas and miscellaneous stocks. Mining shares are firer end Mihail ki r d Were id 4' probability theta .11r:0y...time ..naly set is these'stocks, which is -alvraViitte-caliedur ing the Summer season, when the large operators are away. - I ~ e." t 1 ; --.,:, . Money is easier here, with but litlle de mand for legitimate business; long paper and,second - grade iwAll not pass at even; ,a high discount. , Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. , . Merti, were as follows: •. . , • Gold, 1.39%; 1881 b0nd5,.115%;. 18825-20 s, 111%; 1884 do, 109%; 1865 d0..1.09,%; t ,nris Ca, 111%; 10.405, 105%; 7-3113,109 q. ' Railroads—Cleveland A: Pittsburgh, 88,1 Fert , Wayno,l l 4,irNerb7rtemePinin4' 69At'litortli"Western—fire e red,Bo%; Near York CentraLlB2%- Erie, 71%; Old :South erp, 88; Ohio dc iiississippi, 31%,; Mer chants Union Express 28%; Western - Union . ' Telegraph,3B,g. Min6 u f Shares — Corydon, 28; Quartz Mil, 100; Q ckealver, 50%. after June TreasuryDe partment-Mwand after June 1, the „ will be prepared to receive Seven. Thirty Treasury notes fallinz due June 15 and July 15, 1868, for conversion into bonds, dated either J'uly 1, 1867, or JulY 1. 1868, as parties May'desire. The terms of. converson will betas follows: The interest on both series'of notes will be allowed up to July 1, and the bonds issued iner.otaings will bear interest frcim that date.' V, , . —The State Bank of Missouri has bought zi;goo,000 St. Louie city: bands,payable . twenty - yma.ufter datookt six per pent., for eighty cents.: These bonds are issued un,d9r recntly granted „i‘nthority-41,00,- 00 to pi 4 onritent experittes: and otio;dob 0 4. .• build sewers. • • ' ' - - - - -. The Boston itdvertiaer thus Ofers roan Aarierfcan banking firm in London: . . The Slims of 'the 'fillnie of Messrs. Beld ing, Keith 4 .4)9;4 -- ItlrieTtcanj fispir t eri. I:ci London, which has been vaguely reportett for . aome;days, was received .In this city by ti'ilispateh'to Messrs. Page, Richardson at, Co: ~.3 0:iltfilth' silk , Itil this city at the iron 0 thin ? and" iiti .rweivipg the sera iff drasly Amid l o ot tanddlif it is, ni4r;) stood that Mr. Belding, hasdhiakaareil, taking- with him all Atte available ads' of the • hotse. , The , - probable' extent : of - they fidlure.is not ascrtained. , 1 .c:1 1- . If Eti-,. 5 - —Says the Philadelphia Ledger, of_Wed nesdayl- Walleye 'no.oliiinget toLitpoit in the money nirket,which is easy . at sto 8 per. cent. . Dersaud" loash: 04 i - Olobeadoey, collateral are as low as 5 per.oerit.; bathe be nothingilaskthand por_centii , but discount all tthe-Ngoodtpeetedithedi at this_rate.' ; Outside ,paperYtauges at all r a te l i from ~,, , 'to 2 ; per cent: PeimoUthdis ngth ~ , t f• -. ~,: :,-- - - ,i_ -ti -A -il 1- - - "'The atiosigc; - Triblawit.oe ,Wed,itesdiii says: 'Three- • pritielpal, muses have also; entnbindd toilet up: , )Chetsikue . at NOVI meat lieeluille_lN;hriP • sbutidance of cauttal; it it; it; Aistruat of 111 comnier-' chinduloUteritheMittlibibibitigelitasi aldt i fastlyis ; t.liCuu • l tdicballetand , takeribir tne Itepublkian *in,the adoption of apiat= flolitP_Vgik ii itible Ape kv.ttlital .p...ylivrir .Am p ct . bus deof.-04 13 ' 3 E ,vo.d,:6l.4.th;th!k all ftiiiiia ,l of r . gt: . Oh lire tt iai that the later- P 11/I,f 1146aLlia.8 1 * .3 Mtkild its tredlikAwshell not besot& 3r atm sophistry to• defraud the creditors of their equitable rights. This being the declaration of the .perty in its platform adopted at the lite convention„ the precontimproved condition of the na. ==l rtional credit is to " some extent` due to the Republizatt.party l ... . • ' • —Closing quotations received by Tames 'T.' " Brady &Co.: Gold,'l39%;•tr. 8. 6's, 1881's, 115%; 5-20 's, 1862, 111%; 5-20's, 1861, 109%; 5-20's; 109%; 10 4 40'5, 105)4;`5.201vaatluary f and July, '65, 11114; 5-20's, January and July, '67, 111;4; June 740's, 109; July 740's, 109; May Comp., 1865, 119,40. prrrsisußoli MARKET 4. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i t THrthltiA.Y. 'MO 2N. 186 V The general markets are devoid of any nelefeaturea worthyof special notice; there Is no improvement to note in the demand,, and while the operatipris, are mainly of an' .„• unimportant character. there is, neverthe less, a fair v01c. 4, r ......4* finsinelie ag-- gregate. -In values, there are noimportszt, changes- •-- •,\ GkA holWitlistnad iing the offering-and supply is light, is dull; 'and prices are drooping; we have a sale of prime Red reported to-day at 52,52. Oats dull but firm and scarce; we continue to , quote at 83 to 75c. corals du but changed at $1,05 to $l,lO-tthe latter figure 1 for prime• Yellow. Rye cannot be quoted ' above $1,95 t 041 221 -.119 Barley t in xnar.ket., HAY--"Ballact Hakis ''fal-derrianii; 'and. we can report sales onwharf at $2O to 525, as to quality. , BUTTER—Opliiinhes :very - duil, with a supply largely in excess of the demand; sales of go9d to strictly prime Roll at 20 to 21c o- • EGGS—Steady at 22c. • DRIED - FRUM—ls_fittliand weak but uri, changed; sales at 6%c to 7%c 'for Apples, and 12• to 14c for Peache& _POTATOES--Thq .market,, is very dull ' under the influence of eiticteatied receipts, and prices, are _weak — and drpopprig.,.., no* quote atsl;3s PrlncOAlbert's,'atid . prime Peach Biows at $1,40 to $1,45. PROV,ISIONS—Bacon is quiet and prices are unchanged.' We continue to quote at 14 to -1.4%c• for Shoulders; 16 to 18c for Ribbed and Clear Sides; 19% to 20c for - Plain and Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams. Lard. Isy, to 19%c. Mess Pork, U 9. FlSH—Lake Herring are very scarce and _ higher; we now quote at $4,75 to $5 per half ; bbl: - -White Fish firm at $8,50. Baltimore Herring, $lO tp:- $11450; Raltin;tore $15,50 per bbl. and $8,501n halves. MILL FEED-- Ie quiet and _x'wehluted; Bran, 81,6'0 t4411&65,,,4,xiddp,n5 t 52„r5 to LARD OIL-Is_ Ampliangel,at $1,25 for NO. _Z - and $1,50 for NO :l. tior4u 2 utkly lower; we quote at 411,00 to 811,50 for Spring Wheat; $l2 to $12,00 for Winter Wheat; and $l4 .to $lB for fancy': brands. Sales of ."City Mills of Springfield" at 811,50; "Mad River," $12,50; "White Star," $11,50; "Monticello, " $11,50; "Clark di Sear" 111,25, and" Beaver Dam" at sil. Ryeltour is Auotiid 'firm kti $10,50; 1 ' PirTSRURGH PETROLEUM MARIMT. „,.. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH. t*AZETTE,. 1 1 . THURSDAY, May 28, 18138. CRUDE—The market for Crdde presents . i , no'new features worthy of special 'notice. There is some little inquiry both for spot and June delivery, and while the offerings arirathera light, prices are pretty well sus tained. We can report 2,000 bbls for June, .• , J seller's option, at 10 1 4 c, and 2,000 to be de livered between. now „and c December Ist, seller's option, at 10e. Spot oil may be - quoted at 10 to 1034 c, and but little offer- legrtif ing. Oil city, to report the market dull and drooping; 3. , oto $3,75 are given as the the nominal quota ' ns. , ..,•. , -,,,-...1 .--• REFINED—The m ar ket for - boiided oil is quiet and unchang d. Bale of 1000 Mats , for first half of June a 28Mc; and 500 bbls 4 for last half. at 28Me. Spot oil is quoted at 28c;1..i1y at . 283 i to 29c, and AuFlust at v% to 29 3; c. The failure of a prominent east- 4! ern operator is reported, and this, as al- i ways is the case, ,has.a tartdeney to depress and weaken the trade,tioth here 'and there. Upon inquiry we ascertained that this ru- mor has no other foundation than the en, - ' 1 tering up of two Judgment notes, given aft security for loans, and that these dream- 1 stances do not amount to more than athird of the value 44tber;feallogate4i..l 7,f; • 1 ARRIVALS-LBut-a'sirigle`ifival'Atoor-' 4 1 ted to-day, 2480 bbls for ; John B. Bell. .. . ~ OIL SHIPMENTS PER A. V. B. R. Lockhart2Fro* , de'Co., 511 Nils Ter.; to. Warfien, Frew it INT.; Philidelphis: - • • • . i Nat. Ref. it St. Co., 50 do do to F. A. Dilworth Co., PhilWelphia. - ', - ' Braun dr, Wagner, 350 do, do ~ to Waring, I, .King it Co , Philadelphia. . • Livings n fit Bro., 200 do :,- do to Warden, Frew it Co , Philadelphia. P. Weis berger, 300 do do to Warden, Frew dr. Co., Philadelphia. . 1, McKee. dr, Hackett, • 300” do do to War. ing, King 4 Co., Philadelphia. • filontzhTer,.Koelkler & Co., 200 do 80"" to Waring, King & Co.; Philadelphia. - °, • Buflatu, ebew Co., 147, do do to,liV. P. Logan & Bre", Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 152 do do to Waring, King 45t Co., Philadelphia. • t OIL striraßtir,vltßrit,,DUSlipltlNF,DEPOT. H. M.. Long & 'i•tse lb Emil Schalk, Philadelphia. . , Hutchinson Oil Co., 167 do do to Warden, Frew & • ' Brooks, Ballentine & Co., 33 dodo- to- Warden,,Fre* Co., Philadelphia. Lafferty dr. Waring, 417 do do to Waring, King &. Co., Philadelphia. H. M. Long & Co., 53 do do to. Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Chas. Eeky, 50 do crude to L. DiSaxton, Philadelphia - - - Cincinnati Market. • [Bp Telegraph' to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • CINCINNATI. May 28:—Flour dull andlr regular, and neglected; fresh made in limi ted demand at '"510,25a10,50 for "family. Wheat irregular; No. 2 sold at $2;30 to _the extent Of offerings; No. I held at's2,4o and unsaleable at better than $2,3.5. Corn dull at 95e. Oats 79c 'and in but limited demand. Eye in light demand and firmer; No. Lheld at $2. . Cotton held more firmly but the de • -', mand is light; middling We. Tobacco is firm and the deniand good; - sales 204' hhdg lugs at sBa,Bo, und leaf $10,751#2. Mesa pork dull and can be bought, at $23. Bulk meats_ dull, no,Alemand and Can be bought at 12340 for shoxdders,. and 1434n145c fir sides. Bacon dull;, shouldenkan be bought at 1234c4,01ear sides 1814 c, and clear 170; but the offerings aware not large at these rates, especially of bulk meats. Lars ' neglected* and. can ;be:had at 1814 c. Groceriesun changedand • _ steady.. Butter, firm #44 In light supply at 288280. Eggs firm at 18c. Hav dull and $L per ton 'lower; tight Pro' ledil3al4; loose slsalB. Gold -buying and. /*selling. Money-market:essy.at fkt 1054 per.= cent. ,Exchange, steady at par. p Linseed oil dull and resaingly offered :at 111,16a1,17 lit , the-smill way, and-sellera at $l,lB. Petroleum dull at 862 Q^ HOWS In better supply and dull. „at $7,80e9i 51 1: gros s ; receipts ampler z-Cattle.dull , at $5a8,50,, file latter rab3 for eXtra: . ..'lVhicag% Market. C/33 . Telegraph to'the l'Attaburph Gazette., CIIICAGO May 2 8 -Flour more '. active; aPring , /845210,75.1 g00d.,419909- lative and, shlpplugl demands s,l..a9 c ti o gi higher: sales of - No 2 st,ll l ,.32lfahvvi - at 111,0M8490.1; sales ; of No $ 52,1X10 Corn fairly. tiktrye,arid steady; of •1* at 88 a : AT 110 . 2 -88)(a87; retisitedik l3so 88 %1 9 10 rittikti3adpat ,98488%0 tfor Nd Ckits - norrilhelly abtfte•atn: lower; Nam 10,1:81q9371)tefeldsIng 1411. Bye.dull: Uarttll,3oo Barley melee maL Provisionsiusorles tudYslnmattoso into:--71dees - Lard, 18418)( 0 . , Shoulders, 120. Reoelpft-4,4so:bbßa okr; 51,518 Mash wheat, 74,545 bush corn, 56, 328 bush oats. Stdpments-10;444- bbls Sour, • 31,032 bush wheat, 90,578 bush corn, /M IX oats. ~ r ~r.~ U