The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 28, 1868, Image 8

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dere] 'Spied of the:l46= mi Prei"Site
" ' ries Church.
~. 8/31r2N2"814A....-promrrso sassrox.
~,, ~,,., „cgried list at hag,pset nine O'clock, and..
c ''''' Via 1.-Oliliel witie prayer by the:Modem ... .
, •.: l'ln., Minutes read and approved.
,?'^ v, r- to a personal ex.
'.•'l,llnition. Rev. ' Mr. Arman had called '.his'
attention to a
remark that Ms (Mr. A.,! .
--- - -•••r-y7ether - Vad:ni - Saildielation to the
-;-`, el:4l.l'ller 'of Mr. Francis Rouse. Mr., 41.=
tlllair did not , think she wh attponsible for
the remark as he did not eit on hie
own authority. - ,r, -.-
Dr. MeMaster read the ; rook ~ -` •
on Presby
terial repqrts.. Adopted, • . .. _
- • ' nr. Ikeisaas read thenrefssit of the boni
mittee on Discipline inxelation to the recap.
tion under its care by the Seoond Presby
tery' of Philadelphia, the Third Reformed
Prey congregatiOn of Philadelphia,:
which Mid not been rrly dismissed by
the :Rearmed Presb ry Of Philadelphia,
under Whose sdie on ItWas; The com
mittee decla redthat the reception,* the
congregation by the Second Presbytery was
irregular, but inasmuch as the present rela
tionship does not 'work any detriment to
any of the parties, it reoommended that the
existing relations be
a b le disturbe The
report was laia'on the t Mr the present.
-. Pralonalas read the retart of the Com
, 'miffed' on the Signs of the Times. It recom
' mends the last Thursday of November, or
such other day Bs the' %venters of the re
8, ReC tiVe t4atela rniWesignate, to be observ
. as a day of thabivitig. It also recent
mends that the Thursday of the week of
Prayer, in January, 1: m, or sueh other day
'as may be conve nient be observed as a day
of fasting. ''The reporewas adopted.
Proofs:dealt,' 'the - OOP bribe day, the
-:::: Contilderatiiiii of the :resolution in relation
- • to George H. Stewart.
i' • Dr. McLeod wished to say a 7 few . things
in relation to the paper. And -Graf in re
gard to , the jurisdiction of the Synod in the
case. The Synod possesses
and appellate jurisdiction, • both
and is, thoriginalere
fore, competent to pass such a resolution as
that before the hotme, if .it see fit. It has
nnive rlialjurisditttion as a court of review.
rHe said these things for the information of
the legal gentlemen who he understood
were present taking notes of what was go
ing on. All that is being done is done
in the face three times wi of tthin he San. He had been told
the"last two days thatlf
he would go on and sign as stated clerk the
Pa pers presented to Spied in the cate r a I
.writ 'weed la issued ,A-aingt him. He
• feared no such t h mats. ale threw hhaself
on _the COrlait1113011;_of his country. The
civil :courts of the country will sustain the
. ecclesiastical courts in the exercise of their
rights. The first principle of Erastianism_
is cominz back upon us. There is a com
bined effOrt to break down our o...aniza
cHon, by alienating her property. will we
rinit men of wealth and influence to do
• - Pfoceeded to devotional exercises, Rev.
Dr. Clarket:presiding. The followinge
tlemen led in the exercises;- Dr. The_gophin
s: e, lir: Me.T.Ake- tiiid,,rilr. T. W. J.
W zlie. Wyli -
' • '
fturrierilthe consideration of the rttsolu-
Mr. James Sample did not offer the reso
lution •to consign the gentleman ingum,_
tion to destruction, but for his benefit. He
Windd extend no sympathy or privilege to
the Jpintleniark,tbat_he.yithluilds from the
wife Of itis truitom. 4 Llle does this and them
is no distort in his family.' •
- . Item , Samna Wy/le sa i d if it was wrong
for thorn to ittlig hyrons,'it'was wreiiklix
all to ‘ • sing. Be believed the reformation
principles were impertant. Fifty yeant aim
when ordained hi th is church, be embraced
theme principles. There was then a prohi
bition against“oco'casional hearings” and
.-.6seltt illgeiiirtries.' . _
Soll itniournediten: con..
chtwArbY PraTerr
• arrnite . assaros,
Synodwi met rayer bat three o'clock - and was
. al es th / D ythekoderator. Min
read and approved., •
.. Bev.. Samuel, Young read the reporroir
records of the Pittsburgh Preeq'tory.
which were "neatly and correctly kept.'
It was moved that the speeches of those
who have•teady spoken on this subJect,
be, iimited to ten minute:4 and all othere
shall have as much time as they desire.
Rev. A. •G. Wylie had good ground for
• • his faith that •they were a church, tta*
organize d separate from ail s ' other
churches/a the land. Being, an organized
body• they_ had o laws. -AI long as.
the standards remainunrepealed theymturt
• be governed by them. The had endeav
orw time and again to the laws, but
they lied T not been amended or ri3pealed.
was an evidence of his
. . , pr..Wylieliirnott, thfitrits unworthy.'
Mr. -,- • . iminataudni_
.• • . . -
Mr. A. G. Wylie proceeded. He wanted
the Betbnnedf.Preseyterhia Church
.. o de
,-. eaielnieraVie,'Stood..
each one 46 go away after thaadjourbent
el a imi nkthirvictory, and everything la left
so lodedirlte that -each ape' may - de as the
..,: •pleases. If , this. matter br :to-go into;the,"
- - ' civil min* theY Mat take thole 'atendards.
and, de t h y '
the question` on thenfrj_e
• did notwish to
,“alide" lir the.a they hid
ku bm i jih t 4r I'cuoyeSra,": They bad been ehal
len tot ake up thia matter, by those whO
,viblated the ` la*: Be wanted to show
,-• i, he Wail ;not ',,ApPl:l.' Om, law. „Nr•
Wylie p
et suoiaitute for tne•waoli:
•, - , matter boreß 7; It brai follows:
Whereas,' -Syilod anginal
• as % a m as ' , appellate j ' °Hon ' over all (
- ' pecans and all, atturs sCooting thO gOnsrr
, -al interests idtbookureh andeeltseupen4=,
sdon•andearo•4lhd i rlierear,:there are leen
known, mid--; od .lawe o r ',regard to,
the subject!, of Psalmody an_d coral:flunk*
in th e r, !, 0r,,,0f which arrmspnad •piralm
~. - ;; l ti n t A' ' ot,' "' ' uc c li ti a4 ' ° Th, and
.. ,•• •• 11t. lusild)bt
the moor s '•
• • ;and * in the, her cks
, : ' eb uing•oonnnunon- in Imilliag OLdingiiieei'
to ' be citended'to': theac ' astir wawa:m et
•, .• wouldraoblve to' ooruitanf fellowagdp-•and
becoti2e, 'rpgdect to; the 'authority of this
•' Ohtirob4•64lll, **reds: o . 3 9*,`Pt ',Striarir•ho
openly antidadantd,y I/soured 0n,301
°magma' pitjthettoor - ,bf 'this r• oa,
•` . . T tliet he his: .the woreldp*CirOod:Wie ird
•- ••• ' tiatioite eirdlnlinagred bump:Wilt:apt called
• , a*mnai;anittliithe US .tionuntined with,
ioffiormsnd &abet chime/lel in sealing:lose..
- ' Outsets' : 1 4 S11 ;ba- 4PL/Srefi #O l ;II ri/A °cut
till '
tessolue tH AUl l'at , ' --A.aatir " .4 b7 thia'sv.'' tlz;n;of:
eoaduet j 'iti. .7 U. Stnart;:betil•Tklitted.t4e
leaser tar•thurelk 1111148 4 emir " • - '• •
- ivrovlded. • . , •••I . ; ; ‘'i
• .. 4 0 , 21 .,., ) ,A ii.- G. tr: 9N ag he and hale
hereby iTtaie,m4-'lred,jitag„hkralis antygnm
'' ineinberehrpTn this - Church Until' oPi
ku ,,, ci slekgar hisc error 1W the,M`miSob
wucgo l two s bonmaft Avgty! of
ChoroN and.._thal, hiiraeit itrkilied Al eon"
iftnen 00 ' be '4lroroiratriaeiaiti.',. "e i
, I , : j yr
_..-semairlty VellreoXCnnOneithe ex
•• pwseton that ,
M. itattasit , onis a t ms e/f.' ? 4r.- Stuark desired 'ost •'
...ty ki have'llts nistu r tfia,i,
••• withrhiLudurbig get H e m ad oiala,n6ht;
!•,,,/#4,!4pro :AdiniFit it p n gtilliviroXidellear:4l
e r t tbS • ssbtionst,4
fiklW. we1,44, 1).td . :
'l l lurfolleiring gendea m a i 1t..1
V II ex:embalm , Item aluniurzfohrati
,'.L &Scott and Rescgdz,fi tet y ou " 0
Dr. -mcikuley resumed. bg*
nsedhlaihhig ON iliNgft e d
fifty psal m s in rusneni knallinc, Onad- n ever .
a l laii i i- EL,
now the dax9IPEWAIII *0 had sus* lai.7.
Redid not believe in an unissmtat,.
'byilitilit /V belie in a Scripture
014,44,,,, the ,WO pf other Pottbhui'
t-latitiptive'ln he - wallet:pc-o f G od.
Be thought something was need.
ed. Something should tie : donA egad
done now, but not to this fbrM. JlM**.
- • ,
.L 1. 1 . a .- ;";*. - 0 , '',,;*• • A, •
,• • • •
• _
• I
,17,X175 •• •.:4,0,41-:-;', -' , •
• ' .
. , .
err-Y.-Asp stratits"..
Daily prayer. lifeethig—From 12 tef. to
12:30 o'cloakat thelifethodio Church, MITA
street, next !hiors, Guirrin Mee.
~.,- • -•—• 1.7 A 'e, ri§the Eolltng •
1 r ti rige ,.......;...i.,:rTn iv *b . urw . , go ; t.
r that ''WiNal er Mr Y tite • eiliOUDerel
toe Barker.
ali rtita t tt r kt i eg
rir. Rarfla with
was arrested
!ape clittloe_, where the
-111114XtZtarsetPruil, t" "used I
44441 6nutP1imix.m04 7 ,r,!" b°lh 1
ow 1.47. , -4 ..., • -.+-.4.-,....4.A. ft )
Iftilillditee 4.4tititiuorthe
•iNstati Itinnkeban
p r .
1/4, ~,ilit,'Jnattoe
AtkplCharunon wile - "Amman and
Mut - mem,- .. - _ - 0 ,,,,,...,_
offloaCtsmonveft .t 7 "r--. , -- Thidi
nageleetlonmeturds. . 7.. . 7 l id
A Plcwi) 'and John
P a I f riu till Cal liPbell rand J.
~...1 i
i .
v. , 0-4 1 :0- .
,-- . , 7. ri • -ht ,
race tide day it W,
Rome for Dauttato Women, r. "
I.o ao. 45
Chatham street, All the Visitors areurged
to attend promptly.
- :
T-'.:: . - . ..•.i,:
~.,. J : , , ,-, , r •,..,.
____,........ m.i
1 /4lleill..te bOt 4 4e. eVilledyit Hired be exer
allied OA `s rminbeforthe members Of
the Refarmed PresPyterian Chureb; , Tligb
cllissaudons "dr Synod are circulated over
the country. He read them in the dispatch
es of the . rand lied ereenifi l t ..,
reports i the] press in this :city:
thu the,
honewandlitiriathin planfi
He thought not.
• 731.r.--Sampleolltniled tbritrfith of the 'Stale:,
meree rmidelkeia',,sirgrWhintt McAuley
frinit in
ee - of New York
the effect tit Tatr,7lErkpTe) 'had first
- introduced h ' intb the bbath School.
/le. knew:l2olldog about it. He netar did
Dr. Wylie rose to a <median . of privilege.
.He hada letter from Geerge: H. Stuart, in
Aiblek, he :stated • that it-: fabrication:
that he was absenting hhnself from Synod
Ouleeeerectilyli r 1,.41. ' -,---
Vi r . Wy e said the letter 'didnot seem to
oomnftinti Wotan isialelvas he la said to be.
The inference' Js xeasenable, that his ab-
Bencels allartuttlie prograrrune.
Mr. William Early said he saw Mr. Stu
urtln t earkfage ythiteiraik wi:ming in Alle
gheny. He was in company with-these
whoni Mr:Btriart characterises, lulls. let. .1
ter, as "libeller*" and he was free to say
"there wait minting dor done by those
:men 'that;' was improper," as Mr. Stuart i
'charged unjustly in his letter.
' Dr. S. 11. - W. McLeod said _no friend of
Mr. Stuart had carried , the uows to Min of 1
- *hat tra l At Said hfrelatlen to libesicknem on - 1
the, floor of Synod. His,phyreciane shordd
'protect him from such messengers.
.. Dr. Wylie wished, to 'know if Mr. Wylie
Withdrewhis charge after hearing the letter
of Mr. Stuart? ,' --1
Mr. A. G .Wylie said he hada right to draw
the inference
stateof at the time. As regards thestiltirs now he admitted that they
were as stated, but: he'conld n ut withdraw
the inference that he made before. He had a
right to make the inference in the circum
stances that Mr. Stuart was absenting him
self designedly. • - • - •
Dr. - Sterrett did not believe that the best
way to settle this'matter Uras the passage
of the paper, bekore the house.- -
Adjourned tcemeet-in.the evening at half
past seven .o'clock BtWiWi 8. &intim Con
cluding by prayer, : 1 ., .
Synod .met at halt- past seven o'clock and
On mo option-the ened witk . prayer by the Moderator.
readitigaf- the tes wee
dispensed With. minu -
:Proceeded to tke, discuss ion guts.
of the gu.
tion pending at the adjournment is the ofßev, Thomas Johnston would like if the .
Matter could be - indefinitely postPoried.
laid on the table or under the tab l e. The
effect of adopting thhpaper *rill' be the sus
pension of, a member of this oburt for his
candid avowal that- he had used human
composition in the worship of God. He
did not think it would - do any good. It
would never bring back the gentleman-re
fer to to e use of the practices of the
Rev. .L.F. Hill would vote against the
resolution. But he would disset from the
extreme Views exp ressed by the 'g entleman
who had taken neat. He was t
ed with the State of things in the church at
the present time. Two ministers have gone
during the . past year. On next \ Monday
another -o ongregation in addition 1 to those'
Wren' genet Will ,talre such a c ts
as will
bin: t- beyond- the `Arrbidietion of this
' : Them was isreat dense -in the
spirit 'and teMPer a lxie 'Synod since last
year. A similar paperxwaspresented last
year mid It was hurled. back with Indigna
tion in the face of the Welber who present
ed it: ' A Paper osi Unkur -With the United
Preelkyterim Church was also presented
end met with a Similar fate. "raareve tol
erant/a" he'believed was, the device of the
&MI.:, Either this resolution or something
liiredft•ahould be- passed; or. else I liberty
Airtishould be granted mon:there 'to
.use their.
oltr.3ov:Z -`i ilii . .‘,..--- '1
V. Dr. Douglas said , th e: question was
not, what the jaw migbtl; .w ha t the law
should" ber nor wt ought to
question is, what is the hait
law? Thebe. The
a law
-upon the subject which says the psalms of
scripture "to the exclusion of all imitations,
and uninspired comixoltimui, are to be used
in 11101 =vorship." - It was said, pla,yfully,
that who are , contending for the exe
uution of the law are executioners, Or hang
men. It is Strange that those who contend
ter liberality itithis matter did not stand up
In defence of Rev: D.'Rennedy when hew
etreppl"Vittrirlfillillar—Onnte in 1833.
Viiisa'auWitetttlardstgfirere members at
the :S.vzooLtils chteaceil that gentleman
wit 14groistr.v/ohiffile the f eitabllahed
Jaw and order of the Church,"- but not one
of them raktedavitilee in his defence.- He
Well. 9 fluff SA ligollrlp fp the Pittsburgh
Presoytery to oe dealt with according to
-the laws of the Chop:thin such eases made
and provided. Now these men think-they
are hardlydealt with, and yet they them
-Be/VesrarlYl4 40
_ALV94' in the. case referred'
to.l-INdt one"ot mete 'lifted a ' voice In
defence in that matter. Certainly - they
"will 'not-t h ink hard :of those who do
the same thing now, Dr. Do read the
roll: .of §ynod of 1853 ad 1 in proof of
hie . poSiti6h that the 16rh " npw on the
defenalye t were mem of, the Court and
atipraved of el- 'that was done.
was it more a elation of the law , then
, than it= is nowt - Was if more a groas.vio-
It ir.°UlgrObilh9dcAdflr#4ooo4tireb'
I h then 'I the lair *as Opprondire
...:.illt wasfact in aecordruare with the light
crthe age in which we , live or the genius
end,' Spirit ;.; 'pr . the liosPet, dispensation,
hit 'it be repealed. : lie ~ would not
protest 'against , 'that if ned in her
superior' wisdom' sho ul d; =see:, fit' to d t he ifitts:so4eobVieditthiryalL.
be inflicted. , He would deter tolhe many,
disti red arises present, and he wouj4
Midi . '
Rev on.taithelitolitt of law.
. bort Atclifi lla n made a short ad.
dregs, alter' hlo_l2 kynod adjourned tom*
1.," id nalf.paafninun'olook, Rev.
i lin Mr
~ i 1., t, - ,- .- -1 -- Sh p t .--........____... 1 :i v
,Ed7iiiiiiiiiiii;made Ilitbiliiiiiien before
ttilliimpiiilif„Reilif4unczesteed4, o,4tigrAW
William Morgan with iarciaty "by bailee.
lifemadik Llteridofiftmotkeralitoil hotel on
Roan- WOO; Wlnite It APPOsra•tihilefedlint
boardedfer a short time. Monday Morittpt
,:baR I;4,t,tr-vicitti oiti lto r Alg board ~mod ' mmmectatat • vas - ire de '
: rtivitir PrarldtPlakwether.'
2thange hhiglyarcunglioulft hypaid hi e b i ll ,
and asked for hie trttak.'" 'Thelatitilocttn..,
formed hinithlit . heittiedtkiiijltgA boo b.k'
,gip 11 he paid.
~i2!ll,AflirpcdowilsOfor Whit:
Y wall inroad
red' and reftuied t o
",ICY Ipiranic` mtuttnitts is val..
arreeticet 14enlitMitlitie.tir:11"114%,Itztr.
mAi1iti.c0ute.,,:.:,,.:_.„7:,,,,,.."e'-',';'"., , ..i`
United 'States District Court—audge Du.
Candice,. • •
jury in the case. of Jackson. E.
Bon ßausch, indicted for having in his' Posses- '
counterfeit :
with intent Government currency,
~ rettimed a verdict of not'
guilty, and the defendant was discharged.
The Court remarked that it would have
been satisfied with a different verdict • .
The case. of. Breen and Ripley, indicted
for attempting to peat cpunterfeit Govern
ment rr.laney, was concluded, but
ment. the ury?
had not agreed j
on a verdict at adjourn-
The jurors in the Distric til ,
Pour& we:
charged until Mollifier • next :Th re e
mainder of the week will be devoted to Or
cult Court business.
In the;bankruptcy branch -final discharge
was.iam gran
Willted• and certlfteste-:Awarded le-
Swisehn,- of Wilkins township,
Allegheny coun h y.
The -following petitions ,
for final Ilia
charge were filed: Robert it. PeeplerJne.
Patterson, Samuel Spicer of New catitro;
- Lawrence count ; W. B. Standen, West
burgh;Pitts Ellis Sheppler, Clinton county;
Wm. .usser ,Center •oounty; Danl.)!
Seal. Northumber eanntY; Philip R.
,Rahn, Pittsbur gh - ~ .• -
The following pet i ti o ns ' for adjudication
were filed: M. Dora_ley, Allsgbeny City:
Jamea J. William`.. Erie; Drafel J. Curly,
Danville; Jacob Hendricks, Snyder. coun
ty; James T. McGreggor, Northumberland
county; John IN. Ohnstead, Vettange conn
-177; Jas. S. Steele, 011 City; Thomas E. Cur
-tualtuavilleg. Solomon L.Ullmany.Prank.
ln; 'Wm. H. Carle; 011 City; G. U. Ellen.;
berger, -Zooming conoty; Levi Censer
Nimble, Potte ,
Clinten ty; M. Balitird,zr;oipt; Abram
Allegheny City; r county; Charles H. Super,
Jacob Patterson Butler
The Agri` -
/cultural Board ;.fie of IlstflUitii
the Fair.
The, Board of Managers of the County
Agricultural Society held a meetiniLyeam
_ .
ternay, at No. /0 St. Choir street, Capt. John
Young; Jr., in the chair: Present, Messrs.
Parke, John Jr.,Chess, Jennings,
bioNelvy and Anderien. '
The PribthifrOommitteererted that the
Premium List fbr the next nil. had been
ananged in form for publication. ' The re
port wasiompted.
On tbeaddress to accompany the
Premium List, and 'the rules and regula
tions for the information of exhibitors and
Yieitora, were referred_to the PrintineCketn:
mittee, to report at't he next 'meeting.
The time fbr holding the Fair was fixed
for Tuctsdit,) Wednelshit Thiirsday . and - :+.
Friday . , j
_October Bth, 7th, Bth allid , 9th. . j qm.
1.. The Board then adjciurned, Posed,
:. , ,,i I' o .- •
'Sacred Concert ,
The grand Sacred COnCert tebo given at
, ,
St. Paul's- Cathedral thls • eveniug, under
the direction of Prof. .T. , H. Sehennit whr
doobt set In
it exeelleet erlterililn4
t best musical tabiiit in the citf4l
boil button:tents! ' and "repal, will particf-'7l
gate in it, .and all lovers 7 of , good musio,j
should attend, as it Is seidont It/favorale
iim optinkunfty is afforded-our citizen' of
enjoying meth a rich musical treat. Hig:
teen:pieces of olioloo music' have
iartua for, - ,the occasion,' contisiting -all
bhortisesi quartettes, trios, duet and solos with a hill . „ orchestra . acoompattiment.
Tickets of aumbektri, 11,50; single tickets,'
8400. " We expect to see a crowded housee,
5r • t
5.4 lir t la saydoe H oll ow . -,,.. : 1 .
About teitt66tl64skYiriiiiiteritoy month)
Are :was discovered-issuing froth thee
49 PPROP 3 x , w O 9I9PY, i lf,
.Pimy.,.•,:zmik iiitt
dwelling and grocervf. stinatiosn Sutter.
, Hollow. •The fiamilehilagaiiialsuoh head
way before•beingdisoovered,that, although
•the,.. residents ;in •.the :lotmedtato vicinity
311rxted 'outiptcmtptlyand labtfred:energeti
alllY. t o entliw-buildiag's.wss destroyed.
-.l2..e_Alropurpire.Departtnent Was also
ailed et,L and , the Atenton ,aildceeded in
preventing heSamesfrom spreading to the
ot , tkfacent • b nildliti*.,,nif . .etiltio of the are
, loot not been-aseinea.r' , -
t' '''' . ' .` - -.- 4 - ,, -4 •5t0..,:-.1.-..-
tering Areciolitit:..Aa ageldene
at 'Watson's old occurred
,breWem•oomer of
i3 gri
alley atia,pethru. stre4Lycister'' da
. lag, by, WhiOhilfr. Paul Wilmot , engineer
at the esteNtehtnent'mieriotio
-Jitqual cleloorided into a well on the prem.
,hiss f'some purpose to, p dept
,m th of.twenty
feet, he-swami', 714,hen- on** ,of the
et heavy
4411Vtv- Vtrill thetstadile
ere . 'BB
12/3. A VeigPpidliale nit
house. PlAr 'emotes th 6 It "'NOW
are not of a d angerolui char .•' c''
.: - .A.: . +4 - .,4;:-„,......... 74 ,, ,
C Ale 0.41
at ,H9n.: ef• •
is on . 'r gpitital %title reoord the- hat
bis 'moat*: r s. ll ;Ziplanadts ittreat toi kile
astir - • , , Ile•
1 kali Sabbath School Convention.
" Virblie'plesied 'to. leatti'that the km'
~oaetii: ;foi a isizige *itheiyie:* the' kiwis
named Cc:invention the °aiming week, are.
erthetzto..filng Wild. Mt, coithnitw'
havin g . the matter in head,- have' been - 4'
little elowlin giving th e publi c t rift - t i mt:
oft they were deleg,.tint frorn thelbit '
names shown ma of.
,digangaishei f Ri.,
daYSateetflie,i4.Whil ezi*et ,
_to tithe •Partin*
the Convention, we may eontiden*"ptom
,, ise thaithe Convention Will be the !Ist. Yet
*he/cl in the State. ,• . .., ;, , ;
Its sessions continence en TFlLitsdai limn
, ing next In the Ekicond P resbyterian Church
on Penn street. We are ermitteCtcCetts-.
flounce that Theodore F. rerklos, or.W.e.,
York, theocunixeer and publisher of muck
of our btiet Sunday, &hob]. music, will be
present and take °halve of the music et'
ingthe Couvention and th-e children's meet
. 2
giVe. ev
some G..A. P ty, of Phlbidelphletic
almaiff, blackboard lessons for infant
b> -
- Rev. Ai 5...05!.n,, Liti. D 4 will deliVer
a lecture up on b?
-Geography, Il
lustrated by the bead "
ps of Palestine yet
published: ' -' ' •
Andrew A. Smith, of Brooklyn, N. Y.., .
Rev. T. A. Pierson, of Waterford, N. Y.
•and,:kaMea H. 'Renew of Troy, N:y.. - all'
14-the front rank 88 Suliday School worker's
amktalkers, have given assurance of their
.presence at the Convention. '' '' 1
Prof. Wickershamt eSuperineet
or Comnumn Schools, h i
ssope o be with us.
- BOY: S. B. Barra; of Wheeling, and
other live . Sunday- School men from 'the
West, have sent
Present. word that they will be
Other names will Probably be annoitneed
ance soon as the Committee receive assur
tend. that the parties-have concluded to at-
Teachers and friends of Sabbath Scliools
in the two cities rev :expect a real treat,
and should'inae evey' progaration to re
ceive our visit-ors with true Pittsburgh
hospitalliy. Persons willing to entertain
members or the Convention; .are requested
to send their mam,wittiout,-.delay,•to Mr;
.T. If. 1111 1erman, 75 Wood street.
'igigto T ;---....11.111111111.1
:. , :'. *ea raugkrik_. ,
, At° 'Ol/ospirlig litiedg Were ileg Of r •
. ,
beftlte H. -ffilivelYV Esq., , Recorcil; BUJ'
li4rela tieciaold toieonariliechtolti, 31Uy it, • 1566;
lot In John lirewn'S PLISII 11l b orough or Bit-,
. mlngbaltt, cathelresterriside of Hitertiony strset,
'D kV 73 t.; :... 5'...-• .... •Iss . • .... •-•••I
Bernard Nebular to JOhn bilasby,_ aistysl, j 868; : loft.
Wral and et the phut lu ploonuield; Peebles
` I/Ist/let, et the corner oftlM and First street:3, 25
Mr,1.2) feet. with..„bplldings ..... ..- ....... 1-$450
iJohnZerchltiebata gahaL'arisy, March 21 IS; lot
In Wilkinsburg, 36 by 354 feet to ItOSIs street; with
• be tidings..., - . 74- ....t.....ti.... . . ............ a 1,5611
Helms ofJoseph Allentmeassitner Walden. Septem
p 19, Unit lots Nolo 54 and 115,-lallyAllen's
n la Lower St. Clair towaship.ron,Loenst alley.
_- 00 7125 feet...a.......50..... ... . .... ......J.••.1,.... .. gTho
i josep Lantenti Trustee. to It lit Kaufman. April
164018; three lots 111 Collins to Nos. lac.
0 '_ .............ukmk0 Ru and Mire tbs. lan of tt.Easeo4.4oLrplbeharturallavat
Au° of akfect andtSdepth r of MI feet...... ...... .370
I7ooeph Lbutesit, tailiMe tst LoMs.Vtauttnan, Aril .
;18, /6, mai; lot No. bland part No. 651 n the sattleplan.:
64illethr k a hlEafilnon WA/1B aVentlO,Orett
• feet dad g depta of Tel met '-•- .. . . ... .: . .0166
Elisabeth F. Denny to Augustus Hos ter , December ,
M 0566: lot in plit township, containing sixty-olm.
1 P 0r6 M 4 4/ 80 /11 ;In MibitrtY lOwnahlia contain-
ingtWo hundred ltd rwenty-wSsepterefeet...94oi9
Robert McAdams toe. Hanson Love, May V, 7 : lit the tligtbastrit Pittsburgh, on the weStern
ingside of Townsend street, 48 by SO feet, with;build
/ .. . ..... . . .... . ... ..„ „., .... i .: .
a n d
1 Joseph went. trustee, tO Adam Hanfamn, April.
le, jugs; wo 'otitis; Maas towbstittr, No. fitt and
Part of No. 56 In the plan of the liauverein, on Or,
phial's avenge, •ft byll4 feet." ...„.4 ~4:,....0763
G. Davidlo Augu2.:lleldlhlti,'Augustso, 1866: Lots
Nos. 3, 4, 6, Ott 4L - 45 411, 47, 48 and 49, now In
the Orchard addition tsEtust -Liberk.:•••••...-82,629
58. Craft to Thornatliarrett, march 21, 1564,
...ertutirlirengsr_,_ ptsurall_ int,Troli:lnd 17, In
• - f t t t r . Pa l tt"- ‘ 4l- 4 3 fqifili Plitults74s by/19 feet:.
.... ........ " ...... .. ... .. : ...... ... . ...... . ....... aft
St ritY Cuthbert, ELtecuter of.m. Johston, de=
- aled. ttrAtigast kilelefeld, ilaijittist iota Nos.
o 6 uthde7ll3ll6reeersbbettrarrnlapillkere,l63ol6byl63)oZlafeteLit, bbet13171..3:
In . .. .... . . Chili
....... $1,480
WM• :t•• . ..... to Orne, aepte....iii;er . 4 1
. 1 . ,. ! . t0 . w . ...... .........
......... .
.e .
. 5 6
........... .
Ed and illitinit it, VaiWaßitt; /air. May : 7, Yeas; lots
Nos. iv and Mi in Wilkins' plan In Liberty town
ship. each bat having *front of 35feet and a depth
Wm: 'Alt to .gilsobiiristrrtiobi, ........... 21. 111.17;
acntstrapt *nand In Versal s township, tontainlng 10'
.......... , ..... '.. . . . goo
Marton Otlerson to Janie's' feliaiit, Ili.r 'B. ire;; all
the coal underlying a . certain tract of, land In
Baldwin township, containing' 115 tares, together
with all rights. liberties. privileges, itc ..• '..03,650
Ann Maria bul to Nicholas Meyer, April ... 1565:
lot In Collins t wnsbip, with a front of is feet on
• /run street, de th not mentioned"-, •-..-. . 437 u
Quitclaim deed of Marion Grlerstm. Widow of John .
arierson, deceased, to James H. Hays, May I n
;pus; her estAtt rit qta., - 10 , pleee of land In
iteldrrin toWbsitlx ntamtne r Situate perehes.ol
cult claim deed, A. . Doetnan tol. U. Kautz,
path, li nk lot In Tenth Nerd, Pittsburgh.
,frouting 34 feet On Strawberry alley, depth atibet.
.. . ..... . .$573
William iiii;a..i; y,;ine. •iiwr;, ................
lags: lot In LI y township, holding Z. feet on
100fethe :lot
and Pittsburgh Torntdke, depth
et. . . ... :. .. ....... .. " . .. • . ..- .. ... .. ....Ski
lisinnel Kidd mid wife to Wilitint tiutiligs ifurrh
24th, 1866: tract in Pine township, contaitdng 101
acres. more or I with bulidinga..... ... .43,672 SO
Christopher Veit rto Phillip Rutin). p. co
1865; tract of la dln Robinson t o contain-
Uttigriflrltniii 1/6A71686.1f1t1t 6"21f4i —liar
ftw, . er. y 9th, 1 ;
tract of land ... Pine township, comet ing let acres
and St perches with buildings . ...... .... ... .. 01.060
Widow Lemont er to Robert 19trarstdge, April
Ist, Ugh tradt of land in McCandless township,
containing ii acres, more or less, with buildings.
...... . ......... „ .................. , ...................
David ilusb to I)avid A. Lewis march sant" lot
isi Pi tssburgb.lsito PIM krunship„ Shang Zereet
on Quarry alley, depth to Harrison street 7eet.
............................................... ~ . 41.500
William b. Haven to David I)._ Thomas. May tn.
R 165; lot in Bngham, heating on " Ormsby street
321 feet. 113 feet depth ........ . Ad, 100
0.. E. Warug to Vrancis lielii;;l4ll.lelier, 76:piir Z.
- ugs; km isstrrial ward, Allegheny City, milling
cribe2o feet cus Liberty street, depth to alley not des
d. ................... $347 50
Julio rite io ii • ni.t::ifiweii. Jr... liirii 2, iiss; tract
- of tang in
l yvist. civr,,tm,iohtli< contionhsg 49
sett% Irtt mugs.. ‘...., ...... ~
heir , .........
Robert E. IS ac la Jacob s abil l ose 4-M. „March
11, 1614; h eat In 31 anchester, cityof liesy, front
beliding 24 n She Meld street, depth 61 feet, with
ie55 e5..f.:.1...,.... .. -..1:...1 . ....000
Loretto, Pater.ep ai. to klitiattr E. 1;0;41, Na ag 11,
1808: rot hi COIIIns townse7N containing 15 litres.
subject to certain conditions described ... ... 41,700
Wm. A. lierrou to Richard E. Breed. May . Ist, 1858;
the unuistdoo three -rounhs of • tract of laud in
Collins township, on the line of the Pennsylvania
Railroad, containing fifteen acres, subject to dowry
m described. with buildings.- ................. so,lr:
Same day there were lett In the Mike for record
thirteen mortgages and two In
of attorney.
Alleged ll,r•
Mrs. Madrid& Pal er,' residing on Dia
mond alley, was ar ted yesterday on a
charge of lareeuy!, Rapier keeps a,
stand in th e market, d yesterday morn
ing on leaving it in charge of his wife
placed his pocket book, containing eigh
teen dollars, under some vegetables and
called her attention to the fact. Shortly
afterwanLs Mrs. K. left the stand to speak,
with pne of her neighbcu:4l,..wheu, ft is al. c
lived, Mrs * : Palmer -came alOng, and in
turning over the vestt tblas distovered the
Ix!pktpbook, ' , pleb eke appropriated. • The
Proprieali 'af a *Laird 'on the opposition side
of tne street-141 C 0681 transact/Of and told
Mrs. g., pointing out the wortfan wham he
stated had taken the pocket book. Officer
Draftier was called and arrested Mrs. P.
who denied • having the pocket book, and
the officer_ to the Mayor's °Moe
with her. 'He had proceeded some distant*
..when another woman, who was Walking,
behind them, called to huh] and said she
had found the pocket book on the side:.
walk. 1 Mrs: ort- , q
stolen $llB from a lady in the market some
time since, and a search warrant Wag
suedebnt no =twiner- was found. :A Urge I I
quantity of notions and drigoodso erap)
Peeled, to, /rave, been slyly& war found in
the liaise and 'removed tio the Mayor's
office, After a hearing the accused was
herdlp bail for Jicr appearance at Court, In
deduilt of witichshe was comtnitted.,,,k;
portlbri of the goods, consisting of ribboris,-1
totheVidge-14.. c $3O, have sincelAnid
`f.dentilled,'by 4 Eakm as haviallll
Dean Iron frokf sitrre, and ha made ,;
Aortae n',chargl bnith larceny, mien '
Itilikei commitment 4was lodged: against
AP/Y .)
; ri ll o o 4lllarifilid 0 rautd.—The, Pan,ii
.ftnilail -, : , 'Will be exhibited
thisats ~ . _ , LK% lea V. P. Church,.
Laoriter bf :.. . .Id aid Stocton ave.
rue, and on N -7iiy-idlarSaturday sivenings.
at Davis Han. Wider ftrect, betwee* PedeW
al and Sanuusky strata'.
.-1- Ae,-,41x wnertmildelfver 4 leeit tre
---e t
in ootineetiereVitil the eSthibition. Mr.
s uns JOB trilV/i/ed thrDllgitthenofr Land
and t and his lectur e` be
to - csammin aid af
thIPISTAIOhOOIII\ illad itigifersaVths m om . ,
;-,... -.-
, p-..... -4 r 4 , t k .
_,. , - 4 t.
4 'llrealate Putiltkar.air Lucas and
Sarah Clale te, a pair of saddle colored
females, Iv o are somewhat notorious in
the neigh td4bd In which they reside, nu,
aboount of their frequent quarrels.! gaVe d
pugilistic e ntertainment on Wide Alley in
.tl2O Sixth ward,yester ay °ruing, Malin
:driftalteaiiflut -dto be eve*
with her antagonist made inibrmation be
fore, Alderman Strain' charging 14 . ,_ er with
„ assault turd 'battery. Sarah was anee,o4-
and held to , bail for a hearing. ' .
0 97T1411446ark1i50R470014
&Incas Gaxarrx,:ill You be re kind
as to call t hsstbmtlint of the klayot tO . a .
outraghOuSproode_di carried on Wall .-
on Sixth streetf , n ight, a whilst 'on 4'
way home, I was forced to defehd two
young ladies whom i plahllY seen re-ein
amilitt utict them
Can It be that iilllll/11111d
the . wire'lff"
ttbe ZaW? / hope not.
.1 .
... o i-i . .
,9 the a noon of lib
, , ,
• ",
4 1412
, , the - - tine-
P, - ''- vull
T. 3
f .
y 48.
Residence and Grounds on. Ohio Avenue,
Allegheny City at Auction-Ade et the
May 29thises, .
At Two O'clock, on Friday,
' • - , ,••''
The spacious and finely situated grounds,
with 'a commodious dwelling .
house,' the
present •residence of Mr. Jonathan (Sidle
her, on Ohio avenue, Allegheny, near
, ~
the mew Methodist Church,.. :will : , be
. ,
sold at auction on Friday afternoon, May
29th, at two o'clock. The lot fronts 122 feet
on Ohio avenue,' and extends 800 feet to ,
• •
lotus; a fifty feet street. , It •Ii finely em
-bellished with lawn, trees, gravel path
carriage drive, fountain,. sitnuner -house,
iron fences and gatea: . The househaa , three -
porches, spacious a ll
large double par-
lore, • finely.frescoed, four ' bed-roomar
library, dining-rooms, kitchen with-rager
and three finished attic rooms. The . apart,
=arts are all spacious, well ventilated and.
have high ceilings; gas throughout. • ,
The.views from- the house are ex tensi l e
and exceedingly fine einbrautrgg city, river
and surrounding knit - as far us Dixmont,
to the west. The passenger Cars pass in
front of the lot. churehes of nearly all
denominations in the vicinity. cash, ;balance in three
theannual payments. 'PoasetUdon given•tosult
Per Chaser.: ,', ": • ; .-- z • :
...,,, . ,
A. LEaaavie. Auctioneer
3 9 ,Pesieral St., Allegh'e4.
That deafness Giant I -
, eari-be c ar e d -is vented bY
follnwing cards: - _
aliPlieff to Dr at 134 Einiithileld
street, Pittabtir*h, two -weeks ago,, having
been ibi-dve years." The Doctor gate'
ma instant P 3 lief; and I have oontinticid to-
Improve ever ainoe his first operation. .
tiTs-PPoKizi ndles of Pitts--
nigh who , is, se Ailifewilimate =as to be de
prived of hearing, should make the effort
tn visit Pittsburgh -and Consult Dr. Aborri.
W •„
eat Va., sia_y_itad;
pOn the 11th of Obtober;slo66;:ranDllo
-A,Pozot. #3r ins - And
tizzing in the ears, and °Miff' wit initint
relief. Nearly two years have elapsed sine°
the Abet foperatitm,,,whidli was performed
withont the. slightest' pain. I sineereayreo.
%Ornmend him as **luta and ',arteoesaftil
operator. it, 4,Cognumx.,i
5 .,, ~ • - i tlt.nta klyll4llett• f ,
Ai a • meeting of the Street Corrunittee.
held last evening, the *it:owing contract*
ft iimdtiftinkyAgmi,i3 a wardud .l f
'i Milieo at'rhol, - born .I , *cimisylv ini he
avenue to bur atreet, to W. aP. Cathy,
Vine and CraWford streets froni-na I.
my/vents avenue to Reedl street, 'te .1.-
eat kCemp li elee V' °bait ,the ,
order of a flambel%ola eete
Wale'W % to
to avoid the confoalon neinV corilaquence of names be., ,
!! 1 8,du r P, 1 , 1 , Fat . , I - ,
ittibeiiienebiiiieh made
‘1241Z14- iit tltierntsur-Strviin ,, yes=.l
ter y, c g,_ lava. Thofbas with'
emb ezzlement. The prosecutor is
eral Ihtitituncie agent .from Philadelphia,
and the accused was a Weal pout L iclotthek.
,- teniisYlvanla llaili,elat, ~ 7 17,44 '113 alleged
tnat Minima l had 4,eceivedmdeppr9pritt
to his 6WII tfsti 182, tvhat be' au= Wivie.
turned over to the general agent. Mt Was'
Arreated and takenibeffte the Aideriiinni'
when the affair was compromised, Thom
d lziferging , the $62 and psytus. thelzsgs„ n'.!
Bill, Padartatiraver.-LuaneezOnlokery
-made informatign before Alder Strain!
f,beilittikvi‘bhargialgthailea whittcui 494 11 ,
hqmpa9n and John Pit,,..t.htwilviqt:ruet.
; hAnus nthohlet:„The values 114, YOUtaide
plipa,!aad-4141pepla, that the ac-.
°used puitat gigabit the proseeittoesbniik
tin boards, Monday_ night, covering aud"de.,
f achwitelsprevionslypnsted by Libra, 3var,
rants wore issued for the arrest !Of . they
aceusecL qi,i. , ,..-) ~,/,-.; 4 • !.....-4 1 li-, L ' l l .. 't +.
• 1 ,- 1 OIL 1,2 .0, t
~.4..,-...-4...m.,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,..,..., .t . ...fitti44Cl
Caved lin.—Thirrobwttiiktionift u s
dawdbute+VddefitteavlAlN itwan
feet of it has fidleti , in and y r , Re 1ah ...1
110 tArtlF.,fio. Alftc,it wi ll 4 2 -4,17- 4 ,
...., ~ , 4, , .—,-,-7-,--.,,,,,.,,,,
str 4. 1 .. a ?'" -'•'.
t,; 4 froiiiii :41ezirelerfeaatultaib44,.44:i
ighteassangranodipalle coanthe
moot. •
tion, having been Wooed for orgioree/Obr•
ren°" Vtor this day, ft °I'"?
ivoimai . . - pea
4 ''''‘ThetZliarli.l6/44/(Fattare'lieeta
#: 41111 44' 613044t0M01; ISOM ' UP
a I;l:64gl i nt i liClir""li"le'
ql.e4.)`' uncial ok:14;
4rttCr WM ,-,erffiaßat itt_Alte.,.4hret YeSert
4310augaigi,,in i consequent,. 'or I lett
See a dvertiaement of pocket-book lee!, in
Allegheny merket; on the '4th page of to.'
dsop's paper.
Fa -------------,-----.....
allaide /Ilene%
_ •
At present day it is extremely rare to
find a female wboisentirolyfrexi from some
one or other' of the dieeues.*rinar to' her
sex. - Go Where yottwill,brf the m ountain
valley, . .• , _,
top or in the in die hamlet Orin the .
city, aulonif: the 'rich- or tfid 10w1y,,, ere
Will be,found but very ibtr females who are
tot laboring tinder physical affliction peen-
Hark/ woinanbood. ~ :‘l, . L.: •;- .; , ,
The eausevf , this we will ' not undertake
Lto explain2bare. ,The numesons applica
tions ;ciao ; to As, for; reliefduring bur
ara'..practlocas loug lance in
dtice,d ,ns te make especial Study 'and. irt
vestigatiOn of these diseases, and their best
method of ewe: They are maladies• ITa'
Pecunthatbrit*Firo 'mil as a general thing'
they require df treatment entire
ly unlike that'adopted far those corm:eon:
.to •hotksexiiit. ,du nietihe verv' frequecy,
ntexteritbf, female incssees.luour.mids;
is goodrevideriee that. the,, “cominon treat.
went" his not met with suceess, and shows
adthat Stile ,more effleient_ coarse should be
opted.' ' — - • •• .
` We weielotiiiiiitca c o n
ih 2 3 l eed . that loeid
remedies and external e a fiances, tan.
'deg.'s, • • .Ite.,' were Mere. atives- for ',the
time, and of no permanent Value whatever,
but ofttimesinjurions; and that an efficient,
;course of medi enre cation wits the: enly hope o f
• For the benefit of tboae who • may be 'af
flicted with any disease fumy
the sex,
whether from a Hiighi cold, folloWed by a :
derangenumt and irreggroi-ityof the general
systenkwhich marittthreslitpdgces bough,
toffießirktroTiaihtn'estiiireliest, difficult
breathing, littlPitation, deo., with all the
- F lYMPtoros ,of -"going Auk! a dline,P orl
from ant orate 'very'inany Ot he r. causes
NvhiPli :Produce such) terrible suffering
among women, as to make life a burden tp
them, we would, say, that our Temedlearare
selected and prepared with l .ile
:towards these ands, and will givespec r ia elie re f in
all these kinds of caites vrithent, needless'
exposure to indelicate e xamin ations, or
the wearingof disagreeable instruments or: 1
cumbersome a ppliance:S. , -':' •
We have ciired hundreds, Yes, thousands.
ot cases, by medical treatment alone; ,buu
, ,
dreds of ;whom ,we have never seen,. but
who on obtained their.mediaines after.
oilyPll f4 u#. their essPs AV exaalizia.
Mon. -
~, ,
Our remedies the min, enemies are mild
but /Acton/. and are such as we havefonad
out to act in cbnformity. with. the lints•ef-•
nett:re in regulating health; and from•the
success whidh has althost invariably crown—
ed our efforts in these cases, we-can prom
ise, and do promise, a speedy mirsinevery
ease where a reasonable hope can be enter-
Especial attention Is directed to tbealx•Ve.
L. Orassaus.:N. AD
.12i2 Grant street,' Pittsbur g9
Btra. ll I.lan. biner gaa , Pbystelart and Mee*
i .. Weise.
Gives speehd attention io the treatment of k r .
Chronic Diseasesand the diseases of Women
and bhildren. ` ' • • •-•
Her vegetable 'pills irnproVe the general;
condi on by giving tone and energy to the
dignEole organs, and will relieve headache
alma* inunedtately. The hundreds who
have been - mow by her give.evidence that f
her remedies are safe and 'etileacious, and
that her 4•Electrieal treatment" isjudiclons.
ly e rroyed.V °Mee hours from 9a. k
p. O l t, her residenae, $3ll NoXille street,
naar I:PtlßMint 131*MinigNIFIL •
. -
Aftal ----....----,.....
.. ~.-1
olinisk-r-TW linthorities of A I I
sto4. rare.an9tAwt,coisty, 1
It ap • rokefail. in Hitter:ming about
tionthir -q.noi,. having been - cOmmitted 1
- ansWer a =age of4asUltimd.hatery wi ;
intent tAatitorrunit 'tape: lie ' was recent i
einnirdwd tojail fn. this obturty;bs. May1;11 /
Drum on:a charrytif , Jenne 'Malta& Emil
yesterday, ,
.5 •-imems ~ *Da:lod agates I
him frotn..Arn,troug co.unty.'`ged
. • I
• r
A IP rinent Welters PhAtelan 5ay5....4
"PillBoo3 Pills are the only oontblitationl I
Lace ever met • willpwout eorirse tlf i
practice that reallY
_anYthing ear*
five ore p'edfle for Sok Headache:" All tho
drnalitt ' 'sell then], i , ,;., i
I a
matt tPeetrdgmao2;l.llliFeterneygit Con 'i
ells wilt be held thli (Tenaday) evettinsj I
the 28 thiiristant; lif TR o v elook.- .
To Blertanto mid buffintlia,
thins youlvant Jr
-refer you '
(By Telt,.
i =,
1 i
= BILVFAU„ -.ay —27.—Reoellits—wheaki
50,000 bus*, ,c0rn,'60,400 bush';::flour,
bbls: Shiptd*iata—whetit, 25,000 bush; °ern, I
40,000 husk; I.flatite, l .25,000 bush.- Fre!Wits ,
dull , und ;unchanged—, , Flour „quiet and:
,WhEed nqrleeted; No:
t Chicago skiing, $2,0? No 1 do, $2,15. Co ;
,4un; buyers' won!: pa
,Tates; offers . F:
rnade'at 09alforqbat sales of 16,000
bush In small and asr lots'at 98(nil. Oats ..
dull and :lower; sales, 87,500 ,bush western t;
at 78e, ta arrive.. a Barley - ant! Rye nowt-
nal, Wes perk,'lM, -wrd+loSo•
: . e ,
~ .0..._,_..........
- fi Albany Ittaxiltet.
CBy Telegraph to i
the Pittiburgh Gazette.] gi
- . ALll.4.let, May 27.-The demind for Bacoi I
is h good to-de* at prices Me higher than Taal -:-
.ITursday; renelpts tott 3 ooolbe;, sales 25001 b
at Salo3i. tiheep dull; dropped %c; receipti:
,6000; sales of 300 Q at, 6308 c. Hogs mouuni
allY at 3 5/ 9 3,1 1 ; receipts spoo. :
--.1,,,1 bait.RIED:
.D.E.tit.Boxer7.7l3zmmAir,.-71n Ghtlat ,
Allege ” Cit. -
' BteGl
• The .
~..1 n. ..
28th_ .
~ o
, _.03 place..llllB A rr antt9dtf. •';
brother-lu, at.B r ^ _.03
from fro the 'realoeace of heiV;
law; Eioirall McChtre, corzier of Reuel
etreet'and Thiene:We' Way... The friend/ of the ram..
are reapeCifullYikwytted. Serrliea at 23i o'clock..
ALEXANDE.7Oii 'Wednesday' ail ruing, kfa
24th, at hja latelreeldence, N0..218 E.ip i !ensue 8i Y !
_... ALEXANDER. In the Oath year of hla az "
"No.'lBB FOURTR-o.stszAT Plttiburg, pa.
S grail Idndn. CRApRii, 13 1.0VES; and ev
-17 description of furnishing.goods ter, ,
dished. ltobtos *pelt day and night. Hearse and t
Carriages hernished. iL . I • • • •
Ritrzusztoas—Rev David Reitz D, Rev. Ikt .I.'
IV. Jaeobusi-Di D.', otnaa Ewing Eau " Jae la li .
1111116 r, Zap, , II i ' '. ,'.
." --°
- r t
?Litt:tawA 11, Eießrant,c% traiDER.-I''.
____rueo e_r ot
aalegbeny,City, wbetbeir COll7/N 'W.Kitil vat
constiartl yell d ' it rest And.'imitation Ro
1711 wood, San d, alunt, Cotailegt priest tag
front' to IDIOM: 'rteedies re d tor inte
teen • .11 and alert pmt aV,
aincis Ol'Apterning a reignite
jsta l zo
pen, - .
, atoll hour* day and '"
,' '
Ointlitir .
ats:EivAN D Nie , VVIIMIt. :
amuntß„ ito, 45 OHIGs
..J - ; __...... 7 , 4 c Ittv; 81); DLLMOND -
SQUaltn.. y Julia a .11.1tais..akeeps elevate .
•on hands tne best 3te ` RceuiwoOd; 1% , slant and' •
Imitation Rosewood Cntans. Walatit Comes trozw4
'SAM upwards, „R ese r wodd.Coillns VW eitowardr. ait'i
otriereoflnst' prportio.' varriages. and Reanoi l
,' tarnished at low Crepe, :Elloveni Plate and 4
I,.Eur ring Itarnisbed: gratis.. - ogee open day and
.. virr .
. W '
~ ~
OFF*36 'ARE mAjitura
i . 1 ..,:,-, ~,,, •,.,,„•., 4,
' . 0
~, ,...,, , ....r . .*
altataXTS 1
ifor clam to buy anyttintiterie knee lk:stock in th e .-
~ 1 0.1 , - ..; 3,r0 f - tP , 1.:1 ::•111 ' -
.. erositts; to 6 o,o4uhr-a„:. , ::: ,-,,t
) .......,.. , :..,:, p, :,t.
•". L .1041117GPL4T*IAILEs 1;
21A3/4•140411C4:900D5. !
Aar- Call St ant:tin:l44e spick .1 1: . . ..:.:1
"b 43PTIs
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4, ziro4l(#o, QM,
---;..!•17.91 .rllf_l'i
idApwiidipniownekaist-rertaa• s
.xisrm Utowfi ~..oi,:7 ; ir •
. 4- ? . .3i i , )::: ,!!1.; .1 t.
mi: ;i:,...• , i, , ..1P,.4!51 7;,,- 1e.17,i..,1i.
.. , : -, ii r
and -.
!.. - ‘f:,? ,, ,'..,-;!/ :i4IIST UPS:N/I)H;ATIV:r it!
, ...f...; i'.4 "1,1 i;.•:,..ri 'l 0 1,,..,........i 4,.` ....1.1.1.i.T,"; j
,1...(i,...ti,:1‘;.: ~.:1".......:T1.,:,,,,7 till!;::::1 : , .. , •. , 1 . 2 ' :.:
footeroffintitS 1141kOtreetsi'
4,,, dit.611'0,7 ~,iln .:,;' -,,,,.. v,;,...4 • , i
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.t;.: i 111.4 .177ntu_,O,ZMWAIVat'iPiclh .NLIg• • -:. v
410ineibbii ileintitir4•iingli ," agi j Zolly be ob 'E.
7 1
tithettotuleinvezztor.,:;-- I' -qr)l
-.....,,i,:,-.:.;., ..:-.4,:jitemsx, 111,04 tan st '4
1te—_,,:.,.,,,,,,c_--..:i., .
~4, ; 11 L - d Alir.,,..4l lT lll2CUrelf*JtElil: Jura.
7 ) . •••mfi,.3l;.'! '.1 , 1 (.1 .rfni,)' , l °MS :3 i
VOIALIA/ kitiVAtiteititsd- . 1,: r.
ir; ~ L iir. 7 1‘,1 IGI ',...,:trrz 7.,inj.,4•x,:t1 -. '. • 4 - , .
;J iiiiiiiitiiezif.t.
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iIPPINGAND)' SiMaltd-1300,
~,,, ~,, • -,,,, '‘,n:ol-I',;+/.',1 Cla ' , 4
,L,-,,,,c NA.II-1(i-, ~4,1t,,,i.,- id ,l 4 - 34 1 415,v- , 4 • d .
; Juno MlUTROsiranodag palliameatt„„ ',
n'i •::4r lez,zpza ;16'w) bie
.............___rY“ '. l i.- 4 - • -sh
.‘4fit,-.:;ZT :I:Ap.:11 ..
I, air
~,y.O niti.,,
~,., -I,..ll;oo.sraitlitor7!4.
edema ti_
. r: ,
4 ditliatimp-111011101SX/C--
is* pound f -
itL, vittsiii•Aati im
aitaidemiebetirtliike bltUdiße
fttooooommdoe_ tift6euhlto eehleetildpiThe 'tge 1
'.liqcwologokodimussnomwthodlthweseti 1,00114 a
104441 florgeeee4Ilindlome e watt
Pam. 4 ,
I ,
.. 14.46 PP/W(44 WI 40 09111 .4.1.._.
.Isakinir lit,
i.mmitto44lla.,„NApabila 4411,•4111,1056.14...miure ,
Bre nil oro now suiVoir o amber
*Ulu houses , which will intivie tto the It
town. Tha remainder at these Lou win be sold as f- 4
yery redsoaable 'rates sad ea terms azeeedber l'''
easy. BILL AI llinrriTax,_ Y. Beal ratio add la ..
sumo" Airealat weirrine.
3 •
) wi i
• Drit