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",• ••• ',..- ...... i .1:4„,..3-riTh 4 - ' MI ': r, ~. A . , 1. t• , t O4 tf IMMI IMIE „ IA -4* - : k _.~.~ ~ ^ .~r r 4 , `r, ~~ ♦1...... • :, : ... . . . . : 1 ,•!),i,,, . . . , , .., ~. . , V, , • .; .:: , 1 -,, w O'CLOCI Vii, F, rank-f2OAWIESS tay Telegraph to, the Pittsburgh Gazette. :. , o:Altailil*trzni; BUY 27, /268. t . hil:S MAN gave- Male he_ would, .I.4zu Thisnpxyeetrtsudl.tiplUos- funding ' and endeavor to s haveit dist of. ,- Thbill e e -, • ' ibtant . r ittV • ) ri e , act granting Ihnd .: .:,t • ,• , ~in aid of .tinksascl end _telegraph front:the' ' l l' •, . , central • • '''rlikiltetter. In ' oral to t° li i - , • . portlan* -i * . 4 ,' *r . iiiisd. It extends the l i I, ' . • -••i *Joie alkiti ,‘ : 's,` . aainaydedcm.Of the road. lto ' ; L___"' Irodueed • Mr., • 1 In a concurrent 1 • " " labolutioui ~. egiournment on the 13th of 1 . 1".. . :,= = The . 1 . , 4111 • , iiicolisnitii. the National Life t' ' , ' , ;1 ;,. ,- 'lnsittanCe t••)•• • pinir of the United States c r 's; " .f. . Mr. submitted • an order no i " 'cepting the ' nation of. Mr. FOrnev and stra t autboring_ McDonald to act as /kerb p. o r . tart' of the senate ad interim. = t.' l . , "' - ' , Mesers. DRAKE and. HARLAN objected 1 .1 o . and the ordet. went over. '?,‘ •• t On motion Mr: MORTON, the Secrete. ', ' 2 ' -ry of State - on for copies bt all "enTreepetuf- . •4 . ' ditetiations with the ir: e f• Britian wni e. • ent re lative to t he 'Ale " baxna ()barns. i • Onmotion • f -Mr. DAWES, his resolu ' tlen far a ett,' , ntlttee to invmtizatetis to the '' ' - alleited7 tli - br ' intiirdna against . • Senators ref •• *1) to the 'impeachment, trial' .- was taken up •y a vote of twenty-three to ?.. Mr. DA. ' - ' then offered a sabsiltute,- - animll •ditlerfrig itligh ly, including overtures of fi propease • • by a Senator or any -.- personip the • •• eof °a Senator. At the • ... • • • o f . Mr. CONKLIKG,•he modified •t • e - • lotion by inserting the words ' , or , oth - • • persona". after Senators. He-said he had • • reference to any Senator and urged the • eiessity of an investigation saying it Was n • •riorui that such threats; . andintimidatio •• wore used towards the Senate Alinding to a remark made on a former --' -oecaskm byF, in regard to - . threatamade In this chamber,Mr. FESSEN DEN rejoined It was not:a Senator,. or an •otficef, - that Marla them, but. outsider. After further diicenicsior t he' resolution was amended by providing that the Com , mitten .• t t t,of live. ‘..• , • Mr. R • •:,•: than rosetind made a personal .explatuttlop at,tbe conclusion of which the • sttbeltute ants `adopted..; • " At two o'clock the Senate held an execs 'titre session forSbout ten minutes. • ' linen the . Senate came. out of , executive session; ,the, b to admit Arkansast was i - taken up and by Ur. DRAKE, - who urged thc i & , ety of his wabstituto. ' . lifeturn.Th L a e d•IITON op.; sawed it, add ' ' ted th bill. - 4 , „ Mr. ZUGNALEW RIVES I.2p,i6l___. the ,- - aniendreent,„,whigh.-41t- DItAEFI then • Moditiedirylstrikhignht the objectionable • clause of an unalterable constftutimiso far as concerned the right of putbr u :nd in serting oarialsriplyfoibldding e denial of -' elective Tranchiseon account of" or col -or_, andludian i.not taxed. * _ Mr. FERRY moyed as an amendm ent to the amendment to strike out of the bill -41 but the following: -§ , Be It enacted. tiro., ' that the State of Arkansas is entitled and „admitted to repierientation 'ln' Ocmgiv&sa ., -one of the States of the Union." ,.i?':.A ..., After' frirther dismission Mr. WILSON moved to' 'adjourn, pending which Mr. BUCKA.LEW carded the follbilng resolu- 1 tion Which Was laid over: lisgolved, Aa the•sense of the Senate, that any enforced attendance of a 'member of the Almada Illeffrt theitqclAtnittee of the Rouse of Representatives to be examined 'as a withestio d en,V,s3aostion relating to the ImpcsOtunent •trial , ',mild be, a, flagrant • breach , of 0( 4 0 1 101er:a or, thellenate, and • ..thaVany voluntary. utterance of a SenatoF before a e c i arniiitteeilTatleit'prirpcse wonlct be highly iniplma7.; • . .. ---' Adjourned,' -..,... ,'. -, • 7 W., . MI lila '110178E"Olii E SE , ; , :.'•„mr.r. OAHT offered a resolution, reciting that several bridges are in progress of eon ' atinction - across the Ohio elver, and that that gritslifillaterayfOretimmitirbe should * not be obstmetecj, and instrnetlog the Post ' -• ' - ‘olB6e Committee to obrielder the propriety •kife, Ora hiw-providing- that no bridgm :thou be constructed'nor ihat river with a ?,apart ?,apart l oicarillio•tlignitel' lit °Him than five ~ „hundred feet.. Adopted. . : 311 eliIPHAICE4,prceenteti a 01,113MUniCa 'tion from sheAimettiry' of the ,Treasary, • -with a report Of Geo e 'W. Jkiggo on Vans. • dian tisherichdo3: • • , - -F-:-:,-- 24 TiViiiIiORREAUlprevented a petition of .It ooo wculdnZln, PT:RW*4O and Allot' Anetly with-, : .r. as mina* of duties. litz,, ..it.p: , L , =v i t al:so h, ' Inbuttityrepciita, ,•'•• :. sized. ~, • The. Senate aulteadmenta id ` t he Army , 444;Pro=otkialfa ,_Were;'oori•commrred in ' An% I. - - efferm•e,aikedfcani. , •.. • SCIEL4NON -- reported' back ithe Mut b4ll:atid 'Weak iiik its ;11:021114111tiOtl ill l ....ittatio of the i:WM:As toenorto% /Ind, • NuenY 'thereafter' ardildispodela llTtidibt• inttractietas of the`Coinniittie of Ways and ••••••,liesearl tar reported back the,printed KW' • ; 1 , • 4 1 1 r2F 4 • 21 4 110120 4nenkv. He would haV6. l .._ `Pert* n _ Oni ter'efame4dmeats, mostly -of a verbal cnatiogekii 14 3.1 J i ' dugPelF___. P lagllaneaplutidinkudrttet- - .1` Eng' ' 4 :4•Publo rounds t° trik "F r * d t 4kr ir-tel—fil.the public gar • '•••• Sena to.mon•or ^iv ationid'etremeteriee to be,piaoo or; pldleve gravely with orivate - , . 710 atin:Pt On l'""a°11013 ' AdeiPted tl 'Ul la L . POMO) bilaktkßiver and r iT I wmeh, with smudinente by meet t e, - .s7 m k n ri "Baker and Van :. by ref •to4nunittee of the a l , 1"- & me m- • portant Mk we :T 1:".• ; 411ab i i sibilliacorti boon • t , o k 4olleetlon falsetto* ,hillheldps • ' 4 blll r , • for the preyontion-;and t- hment of frauds o n the rev_ japneitqf t or oemeo., Lion of =SW — . . i - e - Tcrill • , : -.1147• Sigi PAIMP.9IIIIIII _On Com 'num*, repo a auewatnte fir e q. Paws bill to prounitilAtntirkiatiebiliumirbe by , f „tax,fcr i e 1;94 *tad &calve* a ar. -,- 143 r friah whit& ports. A d whack ~ ~ .eq to .dattsa isadlowedon nude al in ahi ' •••• ; . vides*, iv . 411/211 - c- ~' . • for the jihto ',- ; r othir yttb lt , . ... 7. y ic.... ~ ...n s ee v e e x r . ~1 qathe • - ,§l' 1852 in *in - JO:, „ iwtaasln.tO tbose ' t t _____ _ tigli - - " ••••t i ni t ter 14161 40/#419;4 1 4141 the re -baulton-to on e -powers.' --- • debate the blllraiditAbValunto to. a../.pgaidiiiimemaiiiidpdt of the Whelivlifteillainatin the Chair,' * F a n , on bill. ) ' ' 'Vi l k r gia who reported :thir 01.41041:14 Marks datioymiMod to the wftent system of the a dmi of Indian aftirs, characterizing it as unjust to the Indians.and a source or very general vorrupflan and fraud by Indian agents. _ _ .171' OW a 11... A. 11" it Be thought. tho' Oinunittee on Indian Af fairs unatdmotuilp of the 'opinion the In dian- littiesu should be transfen.ed to'thEs War Department: Messrs. WINDOM snd CHANEER op. mad an Mr'PI~YI~R fivbiathe idea. The bill was then considered Iry detail,' but without conclusion the Cokamitte rose. The bill to promote commerce, reported by Mr. Eliot, was made the - Tspecial order for the second Monday in Jun e . , • • Adjourned. tin • A caucus of Republican members was subsequently announced for to-morrow evening. ' ' ' The Cpburn..llltCoole Pike -Fight--„Battle • - Retween-Datfy Sheppant spd Mike-Co burn--A Ilow—the Fight Declared a Draw—Coburn Arrested -The Great Fi Billeted to Sire' Been Sold. gh t CirroirmAri, O. 27.-, -McCoole was . • arrestd near: _Cold 'Springs, Indiana, at three O'Clock thia - •xiierning, by the Sheriff , of Dearlxvn county and taken to Lawreuce. Partleaitave left here by a special `train to effect his release. This 'may , postpone the fight. COLD' SPDXRCIS, Lid., May 27.—The first exemaion • train • arrived, here at half-past nine, and found , at least a -thoosand people, representing-Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Il linois- and Missouri on the.ground. Before the start from Cincinnati there was an men croWd around. the Olikitand Missis sippi depot, but the number that entered the cars was much snialler than was ex 'limited. The accommodations were.-by..no means first-class. The train was made - Alp 'of cattle, hog and grain cans with rough wooden benches. At a 'point eighteen miles this. side otthe city the train was stopped and the conductor went around andexamiutici the tleltatirolariseveral per •lsone- ivere put'off,-but the signal .was..given,,to start they. leaped aboard - agent; ikithat the conductor was completely . frustrated. • :."The --- ai - rst utiqcOttole at Lawrenceburg, Ind., creates immense excitement. Many were the curses heaped on the head of the . Sheziffianddianyntoie on the Judge, be cause he could not be found to accept bail. "In . * 1 momet4however, we left, and --in a. brief interval were at this point, with Out farther_incident: ;.The region around the Spring is desolate. It is a - sort of hard cle.V. - -JaCkstditt..ta if it could not raise enough to eat to support a mouse With , a sies_pectible family of micelings. Whe place chosen is nearly a mile north of - tbe• station,'on the land of A. P. Cady,- an old citizen. He protests he knew noth. ing of the arrangement; the pioneers of the. tight,had-taken ,i , (3Emszt•sion of the gromid •against , hie Willi' and that he was powerless 1 to prevent _ them. ' . • - He succeeded in dodging admirably. hae Smut frogt '-,plaoe to:place, and thus es caped arrest, although a - large lot of officers were on hit tribk: all -the morning. The F g a nd - . thiSP9efiug Vas , moderatel yßoni' nittJaoCio muchSit° be' fsaveeable• but I at thisliour II;30 a. m., there ia POlkirtli* o "lgit Skiere hag Pl i e z ii - 4 101 " f' 4 , ;y1,4 The - dews of the reletute of Melle,fie. 4!rn .11,000 hail, and that-he was „alibis way to fight and forfeit tho.aame,•oreited a great • sensation and in rejoicing. liicCdole` will btrhere 'in a few minutes, and he has not much time to snare. -.- - T„ The second excursion train which leh Ohl cinnati at nine o'clock, containing, eleven , . earsp Witil,about one thousand passengers, halearrided:.' The crowd:frith Very orderly- in embarking, and in moving off the train was observed with interest and curiosity. Tile 66 M i tlYPeolklifideZrg.ilit mute arrived at Laiirenceburg at half past ten. A big crowd was at thadepoktaleceive IffcCoOle, he having been released on two thousand dollars bail. He was _enthu,slastically „re- 1 celved:by the mietifsfcinists: z Jon Sheen, ' of Lawrenceburg, was his bail: The bail will be forfeited if the fight comes off.; , , tazethetore Aurora, Elliott , Qetielitidlehd= , of New York, two well known_pugilists, got into a dispute and drew revolvers, but no shooting was do• - . -, : J . 'T ' ' ' McCoole looks almost a_ecisely as he did i at his fight withlottet.! Hole having tijol .ly time among his friends, and is conft-, dent of victory. There'fisjittle or no bet= ting. Mime neared,our destination there were 'indications of a rain Storm. The grounds were reached at 11:315., 'Two, thousand pee: - ple await us. McOuole's appearance was greeted with applitute. 4 • • [SECOND DISPATCH,] CoM , Seettles. - May ..--The ring is be ing made, end, thepsincipals in the fight are. in' the" vicinit y, hitt hidden. McCoole Is decidedly,the_favorite, 'the bets running two to one agaitiat Coburn. The St. Louis men. are • betting -three to one one onActi tilde 'The New Yorkers are evidetly , discouraged. •.,.- „ . •,, .._ - • , It is estimated that there, ,are five thou sand -people oh •the ' grounds. A sharp shower, drove many,people to the woods:. The trees In the l viefeity of the grounds are .filled with spectators. Everybody is good -natured. A • party in the woodsl /autos a camPlbee.ting -43'mPr in wideb.hondreds joined. , I ' i - About were repri3sented, inclMin • gthaseef my cork, Philadelphia, -Cittainall"`lSt.-Louls, - LOfilsville, Chicago, reaTiemnielbaitiWt: brother of Joe, - and Patsy Shephark commenced a datelweiglitlifthc*Xlertitm loughs broke the bitter ring and the Wakes,' keeping out all .reporters, au that:nothing lint the final report could be teportiid. The ring was broken into, tti , ti r _ r point and martrVere bait, inil' MO bilt was deo dared a draw. Everything conkeliitt' arAietr„, : -, abaremerally believed that it io k - -:. oh) said fight is off. 2,10 1 v, N.—Coburn was arrested just as htj *ix eoteririgihe ring. The fight is probs. Txri.•...oUhiirik,' with his seconds; :idle' , . e ap,m,o44,tiqa :• •. i a quay, ''-°: , dirtaWeartign r . 1 1 wen *Med On. letween.Pataley:Sheppg&sisdild i . w, DUrn,:hruthekofJoe,amMgreat dobfusion.. Coburn'sseoonds were Dick. lielliviood and : taxrAkitil' eit i ttirtrififirgohnny eY and 6co 0 ell. Rer t John 1621 r. Y. -, There Wavier muehpat Whiffs' pr. 1 yffigt, ej t v impmblp,to d 48 WhO .' ere 6 "iftilt. -- Theld.Ws gene y was ',:rdOdA...tndr,that utmeetodbm ,„....a.trt rt 14 . ii.) . mmtneneed miae - mki.*: vausi•-• t three ro •• ' wore Ae rt . til b d V i ta favor of Pelee,* SA:e . . - w as aline up n ,an iiash and first kno c k , own Wawa! L I N wa n done hove echka h t short 4=tl/fileftlii* ' I lied teeY ,isms 01i his peter* trat h a warm A rally art a close at the !bunt when e ' Fifth:lknuautiati lag I,g`:orls 4341°Z let SY With his ci ,__. ."' P I) , •:,kh;,_,.% Sot in C a and ' treat ing. one wa would nokb e a ,,,,...„ ,__.._ , Shalt's& _ :, a gocrwithA mt zLiz i r t re ":041: • 0 Ple4rWilkii"Wrled togbis I l se :ooknegi.:4 robsuatoreralierio.,,,, the sixth round, when a vibtrat i 7 -7..-1 atosu'and tip fight concluded. c u dr w: D -„,..--- 13, . a • At 110 there was peat conhaton and Much dleastlailiction. nel/lWood canal um. NT aT RING. .P=3 YL 14 • 7-Af 17-?, STEIN; AO ITO fr CraaTl ?rOOD YFt.f. prnsiwwar,'' TfiU ning up fromlowards thedepot and sho • “Coburn is arrested, and in the ha • • ThelSberiff. veer don't resbile him there will be no tight." A few started back with Holliwood, but not many. The general im prision is that it was A sell. _Coburn was arrested, !Innen; and" take n off byi the Sheriff and his posse. Several independ ent fights in different parts of the crowd soon made all generally disgusted. At ten minutes before three o'clock; Mo . ' Coole shied his castor into the ring and ping after, his burly figure appeared within the ropes. He seated himself - in his cornerand 'calmly awaited the coming of his antagonist. At three p. bicCoole, through Lew Clark, of the St. L ouis Times, demanded the battle money, and the'. crowd then dispersed. The question as tb whether outside bets are off, is undecided. CurcitirrArr i May '27.—The excursion trains from the prize ring reached the city about half-past six. o'clock. The.. excur sionists are generally not ,in a very good 'humor, the impression prevailpag that the fight had been sold. Coburn, after his ar. rest, was taken to Lawrenceburg, where hb and McCoole remain tonight. The excite inentln'the city toldAY ;was intense, but everything is quiet tonight, owing to the fact that a drenching rain has been falling since five o'clock ; and grog shops are all closed. BRIEF NEWS ITEMS. -r-Professor. Meech, of Belfast, Ireton - 4i, has accepted the Presidency of Princeton College, N. J. —The jury in the Callicott and Allen case, at New York are.yet,unableto agree-on a —Capt. Staples and mate of the Bark - Helen Angier, have been arrested at New. YOrk, charged with the murder at sea of Then= Holland, a seaman. Anson' Burli n ga me _ '• —Ron: Anson: Burlingame and Chief Wondering of the Chinese Embassy, will review the 7th N. Y. rlinetit, which pa ranks, te.day in a new - tinilbriP: • —Several mem bens of Congresa endeavor- • ed to persuade Mr. Stanton not to vacate the_WarOffice, bet7tie maintained it. was the'proptif course fbr him to take. —Democratic "wire pullers" recommend the_ National,Democratic Executive Com •ndttee to eitendaninvitatton to, the "Con. , servetive" - eoldiers and ashore throughout the country to attend the Convention at New York.on the 4thef Jnly and partici./ _ • - —voiney Winchell, the absconding, bro., ker, of Springfield, Mass., has made propo- - sitions to his creditors, through his attor ney, for settlement. He offers to give his notes for one yenr for, the_ full amount of lifirialiebtedness.‘ Hit whereabouts is still unknown. officers who were appointed to in vestigate the late robbery of the 'Ada the rep o e near Seymour, Indiana, report total lose to be 49 , 5,0e0 ;e• pert of which was in _Government bonds. There were tiled UMW in greenbacks of large denomi- Ind- lb& nations. The numbers of both tpe. bond& suesisy v hiseetti aariaLiz, .~.to the siompany, anilsirculars con . istningthh asrhaiik bolo sent)* clistribti ! . Von among the banks and Woken. .None r of the thieves have been arrested.• •i~astkV,* fOleilll'aikeded that We oak o ;the Haws Democratic State Convention,.reguiring the delegates t 9 votefor pendletfuhlrill prove to be of no nee to that spentielplea, Mader of the thlit:4lr6 Megan,' thews *majority -who are opposed to Pendleton personally, end to his platform, and who, ' relieving them selyea.oti lite first and second ballot of the obligation - et their instructions, will vote thereaster r COT spy man who will be satis factory to Weir York and New EnglOad:- Press says that An drew Johnson has been oonvicted before the people, and by thirty Ave Senators,' re presenting all of the great ' States of the Union, but latiMabeenaclluitted in parlor No. S bit Willatdre /Hotel: He sits in his ,chair without honor and without influence, 'save in the distrlbution.of public plunder. The duty of our party is now to drop the whole afikir, leave the'recteant Senators to their constituencies, , and work fof Grant and' Colfax:' —The grand ,jury of New Orleaes, on 'Theadarr in a bad I.lNetrict Attoih Yr aritomiianied by the ey., II ha t`• the Chief of Police had avowed-Min self in possession of knowledge as to the whereabouts, within the State, of a noted burglar. named. Wtitson,..who he agreed to • arrest it compensated idr so"'noing, and re fusing to give the necessary Informationle the Sheriff, Watson having forfeited his bond. Thexharge-ki. supported baflidaf vita of ilia Sheri ff end his deputi es. Tho grand jury state that the offense is not eov ered by any law of the State. They ask an• action oflnyestigatlea, €4 7 4.5190,tt1E!,,R/40;11h, np'i#f*ff.tethF4osl4 . ...! y.:111 General' Conference of the Methodist EN": copal Church. thyffelearaph ie-th• Plito,srsba 4 ll4ette•J Cniciwo,May - 21.--The aficassion of the report on lay delegation was resumed: by Rev. Dr. Inrw3 , , of Clnclimati.•Confenuteere• • who spoke earnestly in &vent ithe diof the, '44iviittee*,:con.the ground of expe ency. e was followed by ,Ray. Yir,heeler, vfoXoratrAbio Conference, who ma - de a 'strong argument in reply to Mr. • 4 1' "4 , !' •i .1 " • Rev. Mr. Hunter of Illinois, offered a substitiltellbelluguiltjbrity report, inolud ing thoplan of its submission to a vote of. t4p, pourdrenoes „tiebbke. (Adjourned. 1-- mytilikausampatßauficoo n .. my Teminiph to tiso Pittsburgh Gazette.] .Ig4sirvox.iffirelm.,..i4iya.—.7. L. Hill, eon a of lder! book keeper fßAtailyttord waY Co., Was killed to-day acaldentialv a4g7rx.f4448 on glum litrt.' Ho at. n . Climb otpinter which tweet, r fttli nio(),ri him, and broke hie neck. tenthualaatio 'W o g .ratlOcation meet, took , Pliaithat'th talk tatikht. The ab speaker wita:lifto. Langston, the' OM, colored otator.f .- 1 ,, T • v. 604114061} Witilitilszette. sVitaitigt,Aneettng , , of the , tiineks Conical** ,r w e rtalAt o hold, la thle city to-clay:l4PM oek l ,.a AVOW. mattd. 7-Jonathan Merge,,, A. IV liewittp (WilLten uTretoiW,3l.l3Qkpmiandl George BlialrorPftel 4,4l , matogs. 64 Tbe contract rVUI Vtiti . o ,mitualmat,viti LcomPs _pt Wa B agreed SO and irstook - dividend of ° piehirsea • 40 I: . XII ' 4 letWlßr'' M. -1eW14% t e rittsbura i) etta.i 1 ' -''' '': chstyntorkraiimarati , fttrge - Dorii4l;=: toutheiteesoirommt 7 ( .. • .) manic .m. t t landar kw :! . dt,c0 , 414 , . ~ . ... p i llthe Pa ducah • n ) 6. e as, from it i gSMiticieftiWlA o S Of KW kr , k4rillii. t A . - • , •-I si ' 1 of :of . its iiiikayi, • ~, ld Cl o l l bottOthirli rah usaatte.l 'l l ':' .. 4a Thiedtatirw*Mtie/7:- l i - or .. _ivfeitgilik boys confined In the Hotta bf - Rafuire =V. tinted on Saturday and' znaucceeaftUly at tempted to muxder two overmans. Mater. rMan attempt to burn one work-hquae frtatrated. FIMCSaI - 18-6 r , COW ff 2 dm= 64=666x:it. - CiPiTAL. 7ir 4 7g 11 M..1 7 PIrill411.14tIo'it lip Sena. , - , ~;. --:: for -lltiae-_He : tic k 'nice That. He Was Briiii424 i`ii(i44c the lilt? ness,.swi incliptp l iy, s&c.,.&e. - (By-Teleiria-fikbe ithiburrh Gazette.]••; WASHINGTON, May 27, 1888.: • PERSONAL • EXPLANATION BY . SENATOR. ROSS, ',.The following krtlleperoual laXplanation by Senator Ross : :!. -- Mr.cyresddeqh-filstee the vote taken in this Chamber on the 16th inst., which re suited in, the acquittal of the .of the charge of? Pigh misdemeanor in cake,. set out 'in thileleitenth Valid. of impeach ment, the Whale country heti been . filled. with' rufnortior trelbery and COrruption on the part of members cif•-thlti J hody, ... Were these runners :confine te the street or bar.' TocartrainplhorMight-nothirworthr Of iiisdo4 e- lint tifiV:Tibtliselefltepresentatives . . . have deemed them ofwafficient4mportance" to redicate . official action_ohem and since the date or' that' 'Vote the Board of Managers havakeea ladailYtossion prose cuting Inrstigationi on: this stibject - Thew charges tire, calculatedte affect „the honor of the Senate,. and as they - have r eceived from the House of Representativeashch . marked .and protracted attention, it is becoming in ihe . Senate to , take notice of ,them.- An, investigation, it it due from • 'the Senate, from its high character, to its accused 'mem lora and.to the American people. /f there be on this floor a Senator who has _offered Cr agreed' to: a bribe, of any nature, to convict or acquit the Preiddent; let him be proven guilty, : before a ooramitadon- of his peers and expelled. 'lf there be one who. has yielded his .convictions to ' threata let ns expose the coward to the merited Con- , te,mot,icorn_courageous people. It there- 'eerie who hes attempted to bully_ or bribe a fellow Senator, let us-know the fact and determine whether hais a fit asso , elate for'tiain„ this high conned chamber. But if none °titles. offenses ,haVe Marred ' the digrdtY of :ithis great trial, lot • the calumnies which the tongues. and pens . of tee thouspiadelanderers have:nattered over . the land -be dispelled, and let the purity and dignit3r of the American Senate, ; and the • humblest as well as the highest E mbers. be vindieited tritatwnitsts: 1: I p e borne in silencatiitil-now 'amanita 'on_ . y• Vitt` character and; motives as a mesiontriqrat Ooqrt; such ta.fewlf any of •my itocisiata. tutie e med. JO qtatick 6 4 4 ,o .ffiliffin which; befit over tha ' ...of the seven: :Republica who voted not guilty, for that Wes anticipa.,, ted, and I was pre ps 4br it:-. l •The' I pelt: ing of that storm have rne ,with :40qui'' nitnitY,-consoions. had-Performed a j u stand , wortity,neaoandetrofldent that the developinents of lime:Would bring en 'tun-" PIP ••-aledieation gorMy i ,tity t ;tct against the charges of Wide ,to •my J party and the country. .I. 'allude 1 to the chargea of..bribery ,in its variona forms now - being examined by the Manes j gars of Impeachment in secret session. ~I , ,allude to the scandahtivhich have been' de= liberately circulated by those urging the Course of impeachment and repeated threats classaissinstlomall brought . I tagether with a view of affecting my action in faVor of the .conviction of the President. Believing the trial Would aeon end, I have thus ;fur sub .mitted lu silence to these accusations of ae , sault rather than provoke a controversy in the Senate as Wit:atter:, then pending be fore the Court. But the trial's nowended„ land / have something:to sayin vindication of my conduct during it, which is my right and duty, to say.., At . the, beginning- of , the "cause -1 -. was aviorn by the Chief Justice of :the Supreme. Court . - of the United Statei as a member of the', Court of Impeachment, to do impartial justice An rAndrewl Johnsoni; President of , lie United Stasis; ticeording tithe .COnsti- 1 tution and law*. I had been and still was , .an earnest opponent . of . the. reconstruction ' polioy.•cff his. administration.' • I thenght;'j as I still tphlki that w illey 'mime:7, most'' important partibulars 'unmet firthe'bee i ! Inlereett Of 311firctinatity. I longed;7and - 1 still long,,for such change:kin the adminiestj linden of•tht; 'oeiernmetit he r woultl'oon- • , .formit Loth° views. of the dominant. party ' of the country, e nd. he rooonstruction poi.,; Joy of Gong. rittss. - lint I.cottid not, with the, light"bSforStrideolkihri3 thelliet—sidentgniity . of high crituceand inisdeunesnots on mere 'difference , - ner:)o' Dovernibent policy. •- I', sou ht to . ivert My mind of alkparty tore- ' judices,, ' hear:the aceusationa and .. svi-1 sleeted,- lend , endsaVori. to' cast my. Note:, in the cause with the =coutitgeand nindor: 'Of an honest jitittti .; rn' this . splrit ; il., die- • 3; l lllYged'myliritYais a'ffiiiiiberi 45f the:Court of Imnintehmente qv viottid , to admit all the. evidence offered by„the prosecution and de4' Tense ; so that the Senete,,:dtting as a Court - add July; neJtidtres ittlaW aPd facit,ftnight sift it all and determine the case: with no' fa t g 4 ,b u s„, ,out,,, which.- l bore on the . guilt orlinlOcbfaCetif the aoccutfeffi And when I voted on several articles of itnPeaCkMeriti• 0.1 - cast out ofithet settlecUlar as I was able, all mere party considerations end tret t ipetV the _cause. lis tha - ConadttatiCti; and,- we, iind.ray oath ditulanticid.''' I do; not . aim,. the attention of the Senate to-day in Order, to vindicate ihelladom of my - vet e,"''''The' laW and evidence applicable tortha several articles have been ably discussed by the' Managers en - thelaut of the HOuse, by the" counsel teethe 'Pruldent and lawyers. cff theSenate, and any arlameati trent' Me. would be 'egotisticl, superductut and : .newt out of time. I ask the attention of •:110,- Sonata taitesert lee ;Into g rity l of -my, 9" , , duct as one of the judgety and dintoillithe the thisahoOdletaftost affeating my honor U 7 8 teeitenz Of Ifdelhatd :Ott the! Semite' that alt °hinge" of . intptoperlinfitietioe Ptetight Jail i llhalr"blir SeEetors ditring . :theist. trtal : bitepenly . find thomghlya Itv sigtigital lilt. O SttleteAutdOtt bikotatai. mitted , to ,, seoreVittiestigatitin And publii7 erittettithof It whit ortimmi344oo IPPOIO ed by the Horse . -• I cludien - any matt or 4 1 / 4 board ridllOilatialtupe till itiltik,a4r*,. hibit acottsationa . or evidence :Peg.. or that when: Shit, IA - .. ,tet.). kW li e ' MO' ': ' " 'cm ' °4 . Wftrr all he Us i 19 1 9M,,...1 011E .A n t. u till t atoard.f.At t ian rat dew ' imour , kturIYEMIIK . I ctik o s legh,-bi 4O , :it t y ,lirt_tV.itaktltpt APS* -foray' lowarnal'illy. , ~,wnethet., el have those voting Cierfteti nt:be-itt' 12"19..4.....14012,n0wt00tk,-, --4, 4 ,,,,, imoo f: of' ,, ....! o, weliiii., , -.Pfeilli ' plog'i ribrdhardl=t belbsrs'ibiciugh ~ meegitlao 14 seamed uty , Ot?: IldlPOlkilie delairF .0.• A! rria M ig9F,Triotic%Rn ha 111 Ite mytllitigeto teffetk . togethet with that of thirty-five other Sen ators, And that I Suddenly. alld imaccOttnta! bly,.exespt•on the- suppoehloa of beiber34 . ..berated - blrdedekoditatfon in a itinMe night: # , ,the eptivettetf of (h trees the Wu- , . _ ONONC•=it.'Atlb4l3l:,..,`S, MILVOW: elide irdzsimmatittutititmfidr: .- Who among . yu d i i3 enateeminzioturtp - keepshis eathand to do impartial juatioe s was stall times free of doubtt This gentleman - o°m West Vir giniti; (Mr. Villey)-in a card ptiblisheil on 1142,6 th the.papers of this city,says he:anal/1a odleatrue,were in doubt aa•to the 'lltitUtticle Until tholVerek ofthisjudgudent, and that he;')Wai led by. theitnnouneeci op it of ) tbal.ginot ;Justice on • the manner Of taking, _the mote on that article; fd. %hi:lFr =' conviction *Jule :ca n, the . 3tame.< opinion, to vote tor ; acquittal.. , confetia, as lam sure a large part of Senate truth. , 'hilly do, tn. hating 1 41 - utititairied doubts about that and.othorztartkatte r -and I then resolved the que,atinti,4l4 -ttly„mind by giv ing to mY 'country therrientitit oftity doubts.: " I: intilixlixtv4ryttUOritathilialte, was taken, donl ot denyit,had bean.,mr.lutentlim tor P *PPart Poriinn , ot the ;Articles. of l peachment. -Nor do - I . '4Eoy havErgiVen numbers, of those- who , ajtkromehed me on that subject, to' understand:that such - teas my Intention': 'Thit,f'sir; 'dime' 'that' debir me from changing: ;that' piarpoae when I :become opnyinced,, • that, • - ,wrong is' to, be `;pe r by carrying it outt. la. it an 'ttifemtnitow 4 liting for men's minds, be.charged with% the lapse of time and 'further develppment of of he qtwitkiki at Mane? 13ut no Mau ever had a positive tusatumlce that %:1 would vote for conviction or . acquittal, on that article, or either of the ether articled' voted, nn prior to Thursday the 14th inst. That my colleague had no such assurance, but was fully informed of my position on those ar tides, will be amply - shown in the investi gation contemplated: by :the testimony of , Senators on both sides of the question of inipeachment. Mr. President, I have been no summer. soldier annakina: patriot., l was baptised , in politics in the old Abolition party of 1844, when but 7,000 men l b; the; United States dared to 'say they were the friends of the slave * , and borwray 'share of the'whips and acorn whiCh fell to tholet of .its members before anti-alaveryism became a. popular and', ,- lucrative profession. I led a colony to I,tamata, in 1856, ' and . `there struggled with succeed - to cheek the spread of davery. And again; when on thred e natioresilfe, I rebel-,,lhe ranka"t n he h Union arnymin priv te soldier and 'carried the. ittig until slavery was destroyed and - the authority of the National Isioveroutent raleatablished. I have never labored or fought for plunder.- My hands'have no dishonorable stain upon them. No man: can point to a singlein stances where have waveredin the main tenance Of my convictions, whether in the battle's 'front or the Talitics of the forum. Always poor in this•world's goods,•l have been contented in my_ work and taught tor the estalblLshment of principles which I • believe , •• be' benefickint to m fe/low-putn and:to-my court y try :And Id*. out egotism may, chttilotitik ! ahono L . ttnnito .1 f lit o; Herta 114' 00 a frontal e is stain ntastalmosaa-'" lEEE ~.. ... 44 - ....._...........„ 7 wrirpratouy ook " IntetkVber Mid riall twin. `:?/ 12 . - PresIdent,ri fee '.thlit o=l charge ls heralded, over the land antevidenee oaten tat/ousty'nought to 'adsteiri it to make rpe a edge -gost tome: A.g,! one blunders ; weak: names and hetet 'rm. have characterized this whole .1m . ~. , , ~ ent movement, itself a 'stupefy:lens blander from- have.-been incept, don to , '•the present time. I singled, out as . the object of- assault, doubdesi, because .I am a new mem ber here, . untfained -In debate. un., known to politics, and oornparatively With out the means of aelf-defense possessed by abler and more experienced members, 'I am, conscioue of these disadvanta g es, is • well gala the strength and malignity: of my accusers. They have to 7 clay at. their back a large majority cif thagreat patriotic.party to which they and I belong,' with 'nearly all ' its machinery of vengtanoe. while I have but a feeble voice_ here, backed, however, by to ad " never failing source of strength. ~ my own consciousness 'of rectitude and. .honest purpose. Let:them do their worst. There is a just pe e pleibehind us all, who constitute the Court of last resort, in which all'our acts are tried and judged. Dearly ' as I value my-hard-earned reputation, , the, chief, property of myself, my wife, my children, profoundly - as:l appreciate my weakness, and the strength of my accusers, I age upheld by a consciousness of rectitude, whibh no power pan shake, and I bid de fiance to,them and the ir calumnies. „ , soznxEss, as• VOTERS, ° An application. hatrbeen.. - made to the Supreme Court:-of this. District for a num :damps commanding tbeJudgaP9r elections to , sppear a n show. cause,- - why the names of' enlisted ,seldiers • stationed here shofild not be'erased from the registry nets.' The Judges' decided they would re tattt the names of•those claltned to have been • on • duty- Washington : : One • year prior to the • day of election, while the petitioners , charge' that the • soldiers have not:and wilr not have been at: the day of ,the. election .residents or the Dlitrict one year, but were, enlisted - in a foreign State and. had been located in the district a few. 'months, and much lent than' ne year; smiths redordi of the War Department will such to • , be the fact. The Court' directed' a rule 'returnable te- TUE WAR )I Y 2 I'AITMEZrr. , Nothing had been dbrie by the . President 'up to one tOchickthis'afternoon concerning the War Depertinent, 'but s e ine of ' his friends It is probable that he will order .Adiutant General Thomas to take control of it:until the Senate:shall have acted 'on the nomination of' Gen. Schofield; Gen, ,T)tOnaasy It. Ii understood,' is , not, to.. ;wog nize Stanton,' but will turn over the War De pertinent to the'Assistant -Adjutant denor:.' al, inasmuch as.,,lut. distant acting 'in' 'the capacity Of monitory of war ad interiin Hellas not made ahrigremand on Gerierai' Townsend. ' arconritn.reaivnXiiwertOrt orituarr. , . , " The Secretitry of, State learns that a not - uralisitiorr r tree , has' been ~negotiated b3r Mr. 'Bincioft th the King, of Bavaria, eqcially ,. libeial' With' the "North German 'Treaty; •It la cinderattioci the ` Secretary still holies to r ne gatate ',,lk . . isatiefaCtory, treaty with that Belinda Government upoit 'the :rights ofilaturalised, citizens: Information' ad''hoon yeeeiYed• at the , Departnukat. 51, Exchange at Berlin on tbellth Aust., of the roihmigou of,tha tresty.,l3,et, ,wn the lin!- ' tdd "SFatea a 4 4. the *ort4:'4R i fttmaP Von" ' 'fbdeintiOli. f r f ~.,. stAlref VitoP4E*B,zoK*4l7o4. : - , e: :A atwoo, shoe anotivoi% is.Exaiiiitrva session took up t 0 uomipatiq u , q r General Elehollatoipe eta*. of. War. 1 nni p tZ jfaitioit*, ma ct too its ,catuddertL l PP'„, ' fk It'tent'-oVer-Antio-ge :a1a5!,.., -. 17" • t r , p,40 1 it yOlf `l36tAftri , ' :,,- -, i .* 1i 4140 1i4 1 4.tifF* 01 ,..,": o r ~ ,- . - ..*44014 °A 441a 4 4111t V,r„; ii t sir , 1# '. - liet,ot .. , 41 16, y r is k ` t o "I' h;4 . 1 I li . dr am :, th '., • innilvelrgn „!... 1 f1" .. , X l, . i • f ~ . c l c, . , ifileattalilt. c;,' ASi k , :it, .6 t ildi i ~,, ..[ nsthl Tvolift&w. —tired '• th e O i irai,:' &Olio e ilaThslenate 41; Aicaraflkkisallituntet as r L __ _ i l a V naval officer at ew Orleans. wens w tion retains Mr- Salli Tan in tha 4 POOftkon• INMAN' COMMIBILION. Oil Commission kr the Osage. Indhgae will loon oomlade the tasty for their re• moiral from sonthernHansas to the Italian THE CONTIERACIOVS WITNESS., Mr. Woolley was broaget bttfore the Itn• pottehinent Cornmitiee but, as here_ torero, faired to give satatoty(respozses. 'WRITE 130IISE CAELERB. A rlirrge trcunber o r visitorslled at the Vi i itiltelieuse this morning, man • simpl to ,pay their respects' to the : ' out. y . RATIFICATION. are. - rnaki g arrange ments; furl and Colfa* ratification meeting . 'Pricitiy idght. Rational :Illassfacturerst 01,svendon. . 03 i;eciiiiibastea to the rittaismos tfazett6.3 • CLEVELAND, 0; May 27.:-Latie neat annn alineeting is appointed , fortheL3d i Wednes day et December M.. :New ~IFork. }Casein time were adopted dealicrineffic necessity, fcr the purpose of obtaining Aar and wise ,14.5.1a4t1,..4 the asseelatimg__ Ing main. taed permanently; commen g the ae tion of the present Congress • • .g rtrenehment And economy an: I urging ra therfur- efforts in fhe same. direc •n; reduc tion of !Wipers „and "clarkii,J*ll2o. army 'and navy to - ''•tiiinlitunr advising inquiry as to tbe of trans ferring- the, }adieu .13ureau tb the War 'Deliartnient; 'deprecating giving of public posts to -politichintoMa ikartizans; approving „Jauck's , ,ClyliAgryfee bill, no tion of Congress in_redneing fates on man ufactures, and hop ing -for" eritire,rillef from taxation: f -useful indttictridif;-referring to iniports of iron, steel, eotten,-4., for 1867, as increasing the debt and deferring the re turn to sperie payment, and T denianding ad equate protection to home indusfty: endors ing the national banking systemi; declaring it dietild be continued and extended; re commending the lasneaf long Sdifiv per cent. gold bonds, for thntling the -.public debt, to be made the basil of bankmg !under the national bankinglaw.- 'After sorne s hes and' resohdions of thanits,:' adjr.i December neat. , _ • - - Presbyterian General . „. fl TetairsuSa toibe PilUil:iliattp,Ciaielik i ALBAmr, May 27..r-The fe/law-M• reßFe sentatives from correspondi n g "bodies were fiverablyreceived find 'addressed the Assembly upon the subJect---dt the con dition of their respective. chues, viz: Rev. Alex R. Thompson, of the Reformed DetchCharcis, Dr. Henry N. - Pohlman, of the Evangelical Luthent Chnich, Rev. Geo. Apple, of Waldensian X tale, and Rev. R. Clarke, of. the' Unitea Presby terian Church. , :" - '.-- • n p I . - The, Moderator ; welcomed. the severally in expreission'of flair& forthelinion of all I? reil*terlan - Chtuulles:- • = up The report-. of the Board QUlDomestio lantU t zwal!.. , 7 .13,560f.hig tt 3, ) follow s • •f•W$ /09,69 , 11, s to4ll;iloB;oll#disburse -46,60.% number ot t zakZaries in, on 619 - 160 • 3.6111 V Arate . tlian suing ave the -• es h I keen organized,persoft admitted to communion, 542 Sabbath Schou founded, .4,155 teachers, and 31,917 ischola dded. - The report wis coasiderabl • - and Dr. T. Backus,: of Bel 0 e, from and Committee appointed by the last as sembly. re commended an entire change of rtumageznent. / • - FROM Etatom , ' it' PoIAND. - s r xxrEcritn nssunuserio • LosmoN, May 27 .—Despasrihestipm War= saw report that bands of Polialk exiles, said to have been recruited in France, }speared on the frontier of Galicia,' and-wmirelnaking riotous demonstrations.". It is belleired that Lanziewiz, the leader of the lastrolish in surrection, is at the head of theie bands. FINANCIAL AND7COMMBACIAL. , LozipPrfp May- 2 7--Oonsols_94g; for mon ey 9434; account bonds 71 46. X; Ill.MolS96; Erie FRANKFORT, May 27.-17. S. Bonds closed ;at 76%., • _ LirkerobL, May gi.:-Cottonclosed quiet at 11X, for uplands, and 112X'zfor7 Orleans; f sales 4,000 bales, Corn steady at 38s. 3d. Wheat—Ted western declined to '22.5. 9d. Sieger weaker and closed at t7s.-6d., _ Arrrwmtp, May 27.—FetioleuM unchan ged.. . . . Rhode Island General Ailiern cny , T*fitraph' to the inttiteirgh Galette.l PROVIDENCE, 118.1727.—The General As ,senably, of Representatives : mgt at New fart, yesterday. After organizing, the' votes for general officers were equated and declared. Governor Burnside and his as-. sociates ere, inducted into office tor the ensuing year. Ron. 'Chas.' M . - Van I Zandt• was elected !Speaker of /the ; nit*, and John Turner and JoshunAddmou clerks of the Senate ? , To-morrow the elect** for civil 6fficerslif the State Will be com pleted ' and the assembly probably ' journ for two weeka th. 114,4 elect it IN 'States Senatbr. t Card trom.. natrloWNWood. Tilearamtate JitUhgriD,Rasette.l N.Ew May 27.-4'hurfoti Weed, in a earit published in the Clintatefoial Adver tiser, over his: wn aigfieture; charges Son atarrorneroy with either having‘ intended tnditipckee of three wren- on,impeaoliment, 'or ronsenting to hie friends wing Manama to. make. ramp". BeAuellti:entlhe }lames of genatize And . Tipton, and Others which and ' 'Gaidord, Th in Poekey's triemds,nit ertook to influeneecalthotigh he does not behave they authorized the ar rangement, nor that 'either vote against' the oonvietion'of the President. ttai , , Conveltion i .: Telegraph to the Plttstniigh Gazette.] 1J "May 27.:—The alinuali Con. vention of the Protestant Episoop4Chnroh, of the Diocese of Kentucky, met to-day. The Convention sermon was ;preached !and ICev„ aßleher Smith adminhiered OnilrikuldOn• 'ho leXtelelt daYs• - - I 1, 0 , s. lthide Ora,r(eikan• 1 iiioe-iStr*l°the i 1 it ,7 1 4 :51.1.1 • • tEmpfp_st..—,atif,, !!7 - , 8 § tp,Gra der, late of Deassurit' Qcr on' t 'lti relatives here, committed. anields'iliett qeStaning by tr i r Pg 'aurrPtYprk:xickering into Pan% -,l3l iii eft 0104 allying she' was i tirei reno,. r; ; :Jr ;:. 7• • . ,li ;' , 4 1.7(17 c .t.. EU Collector Convicted-A(.OW r. RLIV‘IgrfRIIIIMRPAI'I, Mlle al 'rrsieroal,,mAyrt...... 1100itAlieW **entail aZll,li 1 1 1 MW.TectIf‘litetilkit atrilt vaiueott andof stoquitYga, 1, ti(10 frAiovithi l a t ii? sancet. Telegnotaraterftlesstanifoasiefttl j. al; ,JoWahalat MiirtWag•t+gation gatee Llf.Mffibeles;lie. eeipts; I bales; exPPrtkr 4 formilBB. 1#81"-i. z iog „imam) _Ner olfor fiatiot x pre. ' Vca ll. tiarria' l4lB 47,FOe g h ttr e g 8,87, and imoloe sl 2 2mk riGO. Odra at $1,07a1,10. Oats firmer at 80.43: B 31. Pork nominal at *1 1 1,28a28,50. • dull; Shoulders 140, clear Sides /3.• quiet st-/N220)48. _ 44 . adill _ Assei_ail