trOfi - EN .4- ,3,..t.i.7.0 ..'.; Lift :: , a..t1:1 ,, ,.--...,' ~,-' • , . , . .. . , ~ , , i.iliel,CtiTOTor fa Vi. & r-l':-" 6 - 111113 ` 11 :d:i . , • , ailooa YficE. - . _: . .. , .Y . ,#,T . arTi . z/a_,_ _ ~..-:,,,. : ~,,.;-, ~..;,-.. _;-t• r :II ~ I- , - ' - -1- - fff.l -,,f- -----‘ . .-- • '-''''.."--- '• . • • ' 11 — - -2 ''''' '. -r 1 ' . .. • ?/ . 4 1:1- -'• 1 - Cl-- "- "V — . l • ' l• i l l! 7- 1/4"..i . I-131-11.1r.rza wrztairp . - - - --,,..-.,"--: -::::;‘' , : - 1 , 1: , -:. --,:-.- - • ; •-:- ••• ic.%.._ ~ "4 ~.:::; ....1 - I,r, .....I' .- .1 1 ,, -,` 1 ..1. . lil -, 3 ' ,-, •-s IC 2 .. ..... 3 /113.3X4 ' I'ITSIC' ' 7I- -.:, L: T2,',z, c15,...4 J. '2 '''-.T., „ 1 ) , 1 . ......./. -, ..t.5.,,,.. ...rx" 9 1"7.1 ? , - + .. ,- " 0 •• 1 ~,,.....,..,.... .. ._ ~...,. .;,.:.... , , , .....„...„ , , n , ~., .. ; - f , ~.:: •:- • • .1 ,, -. !f.,1 ,-..- -Jt-e;"I '-'• ','‘' '" • -*.= ' ';'• • '-, ' i ,:•13 - 4" i',; ... 1.•!..h../.1•0-.••Z„, - \ '• • ' :•.'l - ;•--...•;:•; ;- '' '. • -- - - .1.70r ----- fr.,(1 . ‘, . , . ... ;- ~•,'' ' ' ' ' - . , • _ ,• i .•''. , Vri: " 1117 11 -'• - --7 .40i -,,, ''••;. ' ~ -_,- -Niar • -',..; ir.-14 'I;A ".., ;'• - 11111..', ' - -7 C,AV IfS, - S •., I I ! ii i . 1-, A) ':-: .7. ...3' - i • ) - I 'Or ''- .1 .-.-:. I • i •:, - L ..........g ~.,...6 ._,... , ..,. 1, u.,.\ \ e ' / I. _ _ . - - 7:-....._%- - -i'imw---- la . '` i i .: s . , : ,..L,., , : ,-; -,:4t. , :.., 1 I 1 '...` • .. , ,,T' ~.: . .._ ,: : (7 C., i 0.1 s t'2 . : - . ": ( i 11''' ' , 1 ' r DT ....., 05. k...... - qtr I . : 7- - - ...,.._ ~....: __ _ ; ••• ' • • ,-• it i l N 41. ' I . ; .:•,..,1 :t1 . ----' . ... • 0 : .••.. Tr 'T ...;•_:! i• - 1 :IX -..- - - • ,/ al' - '1• (I R: , ;,,, --, -I -i ,-,,), 4:1.-. - ! , .. -4, .., T. 41.7 ~4tr.r- . . -- g - • --- - - - - • . .. .. _,. . . . _ _.. _ 5 1 9 ,-I FM "s''' , '.l.TO' INEM •"''.'''''- VOLUME LXXXIII. 4 fIIST 1111T101. IrWEIX4I/31; I:PMACIICIE !qr.. r roffprfllol9 l Fols• j j • a I CI, ile•asseitablimp of the Impeacto.• s V ile, Pteatdent --1‘ - 'illevift i avian= ilk e ae i • 1 tiiiniVeilOilinte Second and Third At tifW i nti; lY AWNAß , . 161 2 Afjpewili,vittitorikse lore6eciiiiiiiiel l ifheteVi lb the C4in , - :•tstoniteialiii ,Wlitieg‘-brillight; to i , k...! .thei•;• • Bair dortzepiitestrity • avid , .i. ~:. pi •• 4..,.,,..,,,,- 6:, .•••• ,1 - 0 ) ,I. • • I .0.: : . " 1 ' • • ' 3 891 1 N 10 4 441111 1 .... . e514Ct .P .1 4) - "•.:5 'lO 1. , .V . 1 •.• , 11 liiirksimisti - Eur.; May 241868. •,•:V11:1 .Air. If, 1. k •••••••; , ..e.•••••••••1. , .... • . , s A ; 1 4 11# 4 150,. 1. .0 te : ', 41 4 :All; open session at 1 1don• :se itqatiblican Senators had been- in- c0n .,.; :1111M*11114. 1 sr • Ait i nple. of hairs': e, o beforn the . . . 44t r itmlybether.tiie vote cinimpeachment • ca be takeri.teiday: • The proceedings' _..% 4 34,e 'SWIM preler 'braie ainplato• (..• ' •.:' e"WELEF.;•JUSTICA 'tea' his seat as - • - . ding cillioer , andt • proolamation in•thet ,form - wits',. ' inside bythe Sergeant,-id ;....• n., ''. . :Mar.' ' • ' WILLIAMS Offered the: f0110W...., • . !dor.:__, i • .'- /mg,' nit 'thii resolution heretofore ...aW tol • .Abei. larderOti ritildtbs'i and = - ••zvo iig.'on the articlesof impeachment, be .- . _ caPPMN Pfirell. 411) of the. no ? • -•-• :The ;CHIEF JUSTICE said the question ..i-- •,11114 lu.tche pat Ore opl4late, and debate was not in order then.:__'. .. .•n• .....:_. ' . ~ .- The :itslue'Senatoroalled for the reading . ' of the Calder to'which this orderreferred." • • 'Viler CHIEF...JUSTICE remarked•that the • ,'first ; baldness. in order, was ,to notify:the Ifidise-OrEepieilontatiies that , the Senate '..1 was • ready to receive them at the bar, and - _. that after that- the'• couraewonld bolo read' • . n - the jciurrial of . the. last. day's proceedlngs. G • - ifobjecthins wore made; the order offered ~ :•,, by Senator Williams would not be in order un • • ~ ththese this were done. -••• :. :,.i. .r JOHNSON made the necessary. ooh . on. . • . en, on motitei or SinitieltnitlTlCDS, it as ordered that the . House be netified the; is : now Medi, to, proceed , ••••• -''wit . .iitiptischmenti • '' - :!::!1 ' 1 ' : ~it 1 .., alterl• go Airsi itg•it4trai an no', . eici•tlie ,Mahagera on, thspart of the -- " He ..:' TheytOok. their:6oos; Mt. Stevens v•.. • • am them... The, President was rep. • • . nted :by Messrs: Jitanbery; Farts and ' The House having leen announced at the ' buti'entered iAlComml.ttee: of the : Whole; • headed by • Ifs Chaiiman. The Speaker took his usual. seat beside Senator Morrill, of Maine. . '-• • • • ---• - JisAkittimir evexpleak italtitiquilidjeries was occupied . • EverytkaTer warilnitibr .- •-letz. Si.':f.t ' . - - L',ii• - i.ll.'d •...•••-:.111 - • - , - , .... a journal of the z last;meetrrtg was read • • and. then the' resolution offered; by Sena- . :- • ' ' for WILLIAMS earnettP.. • • • ' - .', ' 'Senator BucrALEve Midi:l6 'resolu tion required unanimous. consent for its oonsideration to -day, he victuld. object. The' CHIEF ICifralEatated his opinion ~ : . did, and that. a , single ob j ection • would laythe resolution over till but.he wpuld submit the 'question' to. the' .. ... A vote was taken whether the resolution be received end litteditti .noislifid' i T, was - .decided in the idermative. • 1. Yeria—Mcissrar. - Cameron Cattell, Chand- •-„ierviktriltlingi -C o -CrioriraDnike, Fre- 1 ••'•lmgitiltyserti'HM Morton, Mor- - *omll M 11, e, o on• bek , Ra l i k sh I ni l ? Ji m t rw iM: ?tee% ' , matt, p gne Arnitims, Iran', Thayer,....llpkm, WeAlei. i W.:Yates-US= i t• _. ti t '6sl.`fi••3 Netys—Messrs. Anthony, Bayard, Bucks leitilCoiliett, Davis, Dixon, 'Doolittle, Ed munds, Ferry, Fessendiiti; Fowler; Grimes, alindnersoni Hendricks, Johnson, M'Creery, Morrill, Vermont, Norton, Patterson,. New: Hampshire,,,TiptlitivoloWipleaseerrSauls• bury, Trumbull; Van Winkle and \letters I= ME ''''' ' Senator WlWAlifSliiodilied his . mhtion to reschidal/ orders ielating to tie'time of .•"'i MroSHßl.z•rs t.' I:: ,I --t: it i. • if 4.1,.. , 41 ~„ ' Senator TR,1345131.1. made the point of 'order,:that an order could not be , rescinded , • ' . whichhad-abeady-beev partly executed, Atatthit 11,thelliie of the rule could, not be MaditiVitbOut one dap's, notice. ,• . .1151111MEAMMIDIIDS moved the Senate withdraw for consultation. Not agreed to ' ',- ' ' , The 'ClElTEr''AlffriCH ~ aubMiUtd. the ... --• ' question of sustaining the point "cif order ---..07111P1k. •-itlifigt_iolLakEtPAPP.WAV , SW -- 1 1 -,..- ~.. Senator COlPPEalMit,offered.ful ahubsti tute for . , . ..-. ',.! , .749111.1ama0 - - resoin , - - tiOn 04.. 1 0edq, Oak 'o;tgenatesitting , for the : "Is bid of AndnewrJohnsonwPresident -of. the ted' -stope,'• idu,_ tow,: proceed •:in the Ukan'ar-strabed , Withe ruleithiv Shit; be." - - • half to 'dein thelkorder on the remaining slitialoti e rnektc__ , .1! • - • ' , ... ' The v ,on rake , amenomentlreinAedza yftj r gii t ws pa, as follows:. . • . .- lz:V4 4 --Xies iitoii Bayard, 'Buckidew, Cole, uonkling,4lavia,-DittateMoolittle, Few.. I t Fessenden,' 1100bkorijPriings-P-S: Hendricks. Johniihn,- MCC i rilarir Mfil l i r at ' ) bloPfign, •Nortops Pa n, . - towline Tremil-,3 0 Saulabiuy, , , • Tai,F4Bl(49o.l9lteTh ~..41 110n . .. , N;44-4thests..-Auttiorm !Cameron, pit: 3014 4 01ualtilorivilodtiesk`'COrbet,4•Vtagi. of Drake, Edmunds, Prelbruisen,'Hisian; Howard, Howe, Morrilli ineal.NZl7ln" ero3'i Ramsay, Ross, — S erman , " gigue, 1 arklaklatilunneri,*Thotria , ade, i• : e -, PreA7k_ iiiiill (es9Orki A;BiriftlY. Williams, Wibon, Yates-28. •,, ' EniTelcirsPh to the Pittsburgh Gazette. 'Senator itfOßlllLri(Mci.) . thilifindved the RarAlsbEd,rilifsy 28.1;-itt the Presbyter), ~1 ..,, ...coaitturg,,until the 2sd of June. 1/ an General Assembl to-day, the vole -den , •• The`' - CHI E F SUSTICE reaffirmed; hia . , , . , 4, .f s-o ~,, ,a :- s s . » and :x;' , 'Opinioa that - Itfeito'n' l4f at'lla iv: .., ii, 6 . , - itiil . ~. r ."- . .', ' l ''' •.- at,: - Ti li , . -.-, rd - uh it ,tedPADA , d ; ' ; O a 0 tionJwrted, ,cI4 I IPPPIPT gai rh : - -•" - dl4.l F, •- A " r"' tivjil T vg z y stioovo .1, .. ~.,). Ai • , ft „. .• . , reoariedreoplEenatorArr ili g iolo ge , _ kooktllletb e irth 2 i„ . l la untoi . , : - "I‘OSEP - moveli '"`" lnend are., ;1 3 9 9 1e.041/e 4, -§ebrni ' I • ~ , bY oßkettirtgle t ßtliMker'W* " `,'" meMbera, a nd ""9 19 19' Oa tli Schoo id At ~ _:. _ -:litheittn a n *444244 , 11f444; 9 *- • .jusbitk•tiszebboltraserdMr ll " *--- -- Tin:rvoterfauSenator_WWlLs, .!L on re. Pendin g the discumion of 0 mod= to ap. suited laWaidr *Oehler ~ .4 0 0 de- a' bWffitiiittelii4fl'of 'witli`thfreing 4. T2'.:.aulta2: lit) lr: r,/ ' i 4..4.1.. '1". •,Wpbly on Sunday. r ' .11,LiAsm then moved to pro- :: .oo • . eloso — inbly adjourned. ', need - tunretwarthe :eetion4 ‘ertieleivhklio: . ...qi.l , t frinyf 9--.---.—. 777 ,.....1 1, 0 1 ... ‘ -_ lty, 85; not guilty, 19. _ . __l• MT Til rig ' • Pittsburs age l ean tglittEM Chli Ondi et) fil lrrirt 4l"‘ '''''' 4lsll4 Hgen l 4- 1 FM 113111 "sli F"teN-"'ib rinl43B ' CHARLESTON Ma VS.—General. by Henderson, Ber,_Trum_billonif VIII- to .d v i iiwied 4M. Ma rff e v in g. thirteen kle 'voted 'not Wau a t i =glia 'r e ' of `the 'ettilifeen l Xlderrn n _of Marlistorl, ,uallseuvotekowealt 3ake n the.!and appointing personas:lm the vas:snob& third Arno of Impeintent with !pre. Under thesertnargsnisstonsitherewta he cieelktlaWthet i viakig= I seven awes in a Board• 1 - 0 - 1 MrSent *antes 'before two ; the vora on • - *the :third article having been nato f i n ced, • 0 .., i .10 • o ''' gistiatortlNTZlMMlll6oAl thy! ate - -- , " 16 ' CIV•L' EI.:9 - IPSI. IMP ' ta t Vtil ? ,- I11 = 4:11 4 _. 1,..___1 4:Igo • tau •,' alwa—stie+ .4 - re rimA-.1 1 .1..),•., I. __ , , 4211 UMW.' 2'''''j ‘‘ V i ti l tibiblMaggetidgeiNt. - and 'bit a. ' 65 ' Jowl Snif - the day "for, A ~ ........u.,.. jusTicE be• comma noft the trial of JefferscorDavis, ir .. fore announcing the vote he would remind the lcument trial would be finished the Senators that the twenty.eocond rule by that time, it 'a understood to.d a l t that • provided . that if impeachment 'shank:l.4lot the trial will certainly take place then. IRS IN 1120 1 -1 . - - •_.- - . i _, • . . . ,-..• -...----•----,.• - ,-- •-' -'. .'-‘•-•'..•..` ' ,7 ,• ' :. 'l. -• ''. . " • r- • -'!,......-,- :-..."•.,•,.... - • _•_;••• •., .. • ; - .1 2•. c7; - - . .----- ' - 7 - ' .• : - - 7 :', ' ...7. 27 * -7.... ... ••7, g r.. ..i* 1V1tt-3- - - , ,,,....-,-,;t.,,, , , , -... ~.........,.....,, ~.....................-.......;.4.-...,,, - -,..- - , ---,-...-1-; , - ,- j"" 1 77:.'"".., , - -- ...,...---. ..,- -..---6--..... -,-, ..- - .1 . ` ..--- ,•"• -,-- -."""."----,^7"--,,`"-tr•-•,----,-.7.-.7,.---..,-,-,-,,,,,,...7....,..t „....... ;77 ,, , , ,, ,. 7 , , ,, ,,. ..... r. „ :.,,::.1, ,,.. ,. . ~.3.1,,,,,,,54,„,:ir ..,,a: .. ....4 , y...„1..,:i4...,•: , 3, 1 4 . 1 , .P41, , "'-''''' . "7 "'"...FC. , /" , V4:4).4 , 44. 7 ... , '" - AIZi.. , P ~-i ; a W,i". -4 t,• -i triA, Z , , ,'...,, ,, ,,, ; .,:, . .., . .,e- ; :i.1);..- . .;,, ,, - ; .,.;,,, : ,, ,V .'•- p :::- . .‘,1 . 'i,7 . ,;:- . ., . ".if,,',:;4- ,4 f.L.- S 5, r .ii,"43:Sat;i:i'::, -4` 1. , );4:,Iri:', % :- : :'.ki:.ry'' '2' - -''•:"; 1 7- , : - .. ---, ;' - '.-' : ::: ''. ,--, ' - ' 7 -'f' -,-,;,---?;":-, i:" - . 0 ' , : 44- ` , ::. ; :r.. z: ' :;4- e - '' '' "' 3 4* -3 * -I' ek ' -' l - : ' , . ---:' '''' '' ' ' *:•'" f ' ' ' '' ' ''''' ' '''v.-- -. , -4,tre,, , :k.z :,- A. , -..,.:.,..r,,,,w,=1:,,, , ,,,-,kv" --. ~ .. 1 - ..,_ , ...,,,Vji. , - , - , ‘„ , p ; : ~, ,..2,,, .1 1 - 6 ,, 4 '. , ..' , .,. , %. , '.c`,..:- 4.'x , 1, ... 7 , ....4 - .. , ~' ~' - 5 „ , , .`• ...4irig . t . '-`' . -- ... t ....- ~.1, ,, ';'afet.o4 ,, ... - ''''% , ....ila 3)ll '` - -,' %' , - -. ... ,- ZA " ~. '- '4.4.,...-- ,4 i..7.,i'iVs- ~_ r.,,,4 ,-,,.,,,, ~-.71, • ; ,.; :p .,,;.:,,,r,9, , ,. .... *,,,f,,,F.:- ci ::`• ~.. t -i,.:4: , -4.- ; k.:":"'Y "• - , , • • , . ,- • , i , -,..A.- - ..._. f.... --i- _-_,".1. t .-,§•• , "440-S., ^,-...: ,-,^r..4-r"..,...g, , E 'VNA - " , '''' ',o . 4, ' ; ' , - . " . " ' - 4 ' 4-4 4 - 3 " - -&.' ''''t, ' " , ` 4.- -4 ' 4 " - , . . • z)Vs.l:bi lA . on anyiluticla pram' ;Utak :. - - . a vets of tWoNtliircht oftliii~atak' - 4 a jud i rent:Qtailtaittill Wald be; red. l e t He_a a dded ' after some interrelation Sen ator:4l6U 'ittliirti , W•blei'"nb Wectlans gle tal 4er etol‘to. nit rie rth lt ud ffr.. 1 11 1 f .i..": t. • ri•-# • t-EifAiato'x. : HUNG ~ .441 1F 2 A rlitiladinfr . the propositiOn of the uniet , suatilieorug. 'Wthat the rule required a vote toll* t 4 iitin"fracli aiticlebakrujiidgittent could Lbe.enterelk L. !, • , 4,4 L --;-a - , - I , J ) 1 -The vinagir JlMlTlONasaented, but sMd. he had reference' eititpljr to those artiam on lutd:beem taken. '1 There being no objection, the CHIEF MT= AiiraiPt6it BatlXlMkiKlol l lllittal to be entered on the seoonu, third and elaverith articlesseritatiesolelds#4-: • The' vote on - adjontrinient'ilial die was :therawnroturedi.ywri - - . 14/ rraYrkleo as rol -1 lows: i Yeas—Messrs. : Antheiti , V.Valheron, Oat ten; • Chandler, Cole;; ; Afrgkliitg," Cor r lN, Cragin, InFkev Edinunibli -Vamp 'Troll - huyinni. "giglpio;tflittArlito , (*e.,) Morriir; (VW 43ifortotti a'atier. son, (NI M.) runkercii9R446trii 8 erman, Sprague, Stewart. Sa'nlner, Thayer. Tiplpn,: Van WinklicAWatto Wilson, Yates. Nays—Meastu, BiT Dav is, Dixon, Doolittle , Fsv ll) ,Xtetreilkn, Hen dricks, Johnson,. - Meeretiiiin - 16 Mien, Pat • tersoh- Crenn.-,) Wok' Sales" Xary;' TrUm bull, Vickers. p; • J - • ,••• •• • • - The CHIEF JUSTlCElthentleolared at ten minutes'befare 2 o'clock, thatilte Sen. -ate, sittlng•as a Court .-oliamessolumiat ifor 'the trlitrof Andrew "Tohnsortni laatreles of , Impeachment. stood -, B4 .l o Azned• There was ao perceptible mantfestatiotii of feeling on the.part of spectators. ' • The inembers•otthe House then retfirned to their, chamber and , the gsUeries_were in a few minutes alnico:if; Sesift&t. , SenatorAMlONy rose ..o_n t„ mt7o,nal ..expinatWn-gad.illgmatizetti sGs in regard to the Chief Justice endeavoring to Mum% hltallnllthti analog '6f: impeach ment as a malignant falsehood. ' - Senator W 1 I.EirAnal, e,a,statze: of Nimilgr'kitad:' • • • •• • Senator JOHNSON contradict t sto ry in regard to dining.w.ltlx the Chief Jus tice in company tither' Sbnators. ~Senator gESSENDEN denied the truth of theln regairdto a consultation; be-• - tween him and the Chief Justine and others' in regard to the formation of a new party, saying the Obief itustietz knew him to be in favor of the preSefit'dlatinguished :min ,. Stress of the Republican party.. At twenty minutes before three O'clock 1 the Senate adjourned., 7 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. ChlANAEß,„offered a resolution di recting thellreisktesititii. - inform the Houle why a competent naval force is, not cruis ing in the neighborhood - of Pert-An-Prince - to ',protect ;the_ deg and citizens, - qf the United States from insult and outrage on thepart of the !'Government of Hayti in the lactrcyoluti_on there. Adopted. ' The ,second ` &vile - of the resolution thanking British 'Admiral Philemon fog extendlwprotectioneferred to Gull Foreign Utdditilttee. ' Tha lrY+d estritssit-Artruf ,iqsstnered ,bet; EltdesireciAtie~pi ask the witness whether hawses now ready to testify fully and fairly. ' Mr. ELDRIDESK insisted that was not the course. The question was whether he bad any excuse to otter. readsame directed the, Clerk 'to' read some proceedings. ' The question was not disposed'of when the House proceeded to the Senate When -this - Mies° rid - raped to "their ball, a- .resolistkmlwess -adopted. equiring Mr. WOoley to appear at the bar and give his reasons for . not answering . the questions. and asking. whittler hifArestsb*tprapared I to answer proper questions. The questions were read to him by the Speaker-ass - ism - he presented a written pro: test, sailisgtibili - wair4prepared to answer proper questions, and asserting that he had' draws' no money to be used in the matter of I impeachment. Mr. ELDRIDGE raised a question, that Abe - Court baying - edjoprned Ade: die, the ftmdtions of the Managers bad ceased. - The SPEAKER icknowletige4 - this, but said the question befotelhe House was ones of conterapt. •. • , Mr. BUTLER - offered a' resolution wit cerning,,the existence-of the-Impeachment Managers. Adoisted . -:90 to 80: Mr-• BOUTWI44IAITered it resolution that Mr. Wooltoy be detained in close cus tody until..he,purges himself of the con tempt. Adopted-81 against 27. Mr. Wooley weathers taken into custody by the Sement-at-Arms. Mrs , BOYM,.offered a'resolution that two members of the House wno Voted against impeachment ot , theltrisident be added by appointment of the Speaker to the Com-- mittee authorized to"investigate 'the al l loged.currtipt meatus • influence the lid ministration 'Of the Senate rtgi6n the im peachment oflthe Pzesidsust. On motion of Mn " BTLER tabled Ye Z:Biiii - 11 5 0 1 1'H resolution reqUesstil ing the President tainformthellowaywhat measures have.been, tithe" to obtainindem `Pities: Tram - ' the SOWS& grivelthrhent for speastilent mrither - Ot Ameri citizens during the late war with Cent .41100/Att any -6' Mins/ 'rmaiet, tftete i s and the . riarnthispidAtteplieldt, The House then went into Committee of the lillablep ad& prtteededllb the consider ation of -thelndian Anproprlathiiillll4 Mr.l3ir itgW V C a *1 :M A1 11%111 ;g °f the hill, w ped h d a nd thi and titt es, be dispened th. Agreed to at ,T.3':ial: .•A Tt.Lit.: ~7.l.:(fiKir.(- 1 :17 .a.l.7as,A•i - -..)'. .11iy.ria?,Tro .-- r .--• PIT 41141.,_ WEI) TSBIT SUB ENVOI .O'CLOCK A. M. THE CAPITAL. • sepr:et,Lyry wanton Ileivipkirli* the War Otifica—The Prated Woalleyi , the Witness--Ana Freakiest -Congratulated. Cir TelegFa , 1 , 14!* M riggith 9a75R461 - *ASRINOTON, May 214 184 SECRETARY wrArrolc AFACIAIIIRS, THE *it OFFICE. The follosiiiigletteiviasioieitifiad by 49 1 Pre Bl 4 o i4 4etweeThilir@ftWAßLl! 0 1 01oekt War Department, Washington, May ISM,. 18813..—Srn: The,resolation of the &adept the United States of the 21st of 'February . 4 6 ifts/ANYI Sec kits' 'power 'tici - remove Abe retary o n° r tar and designate any other officer to' or form the duties of that office 1 ad interim,,--havknjr_ulhis —,cia3t. failed to be supports - d W ulwo4hirds -of the Senate present and voting on the 1p! ticks of impeachment preferred against you by the House or Representatives, . I have relbltiulshed thel , ohergliA of the W Department, and have left the same, and the books, archives, papers and .proPerty in my custody as S ecretary of War in the sate of Brevet Major General Tenvruiend, :".likiiiiildWiidlittatiliCreaelialrattbleitt to your directions. [Signed} • EDW I N M. STANvoie, To the Preeident: Secretary of War. - •1- l'ut.;‘,YgweT.EY's ?notasq, 'ThelbllOWing 'ls tini Written protest of Mr. Woolley, presented to the House be-, fore they, wonftto,the fiernetqCbember: ' To the Honorable House of Repilesenta. tires of the 'United States:—Charles W. Woolkty ~raetfully presents that he was, on the evatMget yesterdays the 25th inst., between the imurs of seven anti nine o'clock, taken in custody the Sergeant-- At-Arms otthejimme4-4 he beano, been ai formed Of. thel Cameo o his artitist. Other wise than by having read to him the reso lution of the House, by direction whereof the warritnt,ferbie arturtntasjelued, and that ---he - * ,4 halF , O*Oen utabliitio obtain a copy of the r_eport .of the Managers to which such rescltiffon refers as containing the specidcAngturies put to him •ln the investigation, the refusal to answer - whiett Isina4AheWs,of thekcharga.of contempt' ofi Vihteit itihalsitliangeflat the bar of the House. The of said resolution in said report- }p:, referred to as containing specifications against him, and irititottp. opportunity to examine he is tumble to answer in the premises. Frotesthiwthere , fore he has in nothing been guilty of con teratir, .6( hottertibLet% body, but that he has demeaned himself in, regard% theretteritti proper itatirtesy • l and he has-ftiliy answered - all • think •kiitaotifoinifttetit I ifr a "t or t 4l l.. ter4 ' 41b'' Vestige churVedivr the Honse, , ittchtmeelf submits that nobs:allowed such l'atutorufble time as the House may 'seem proper and just to ex amine said report andconsult with coon eel, intone* that he mayreport - and, t ret itt a ;t: . dt and eftfplicit:olts' Werarlthe [Signed] C. W. WOOLLEY. The' Sergeant-at-Arms now 'holds Mr. Woolley in.,cloee , vonfineanent in the room 'of thereffirnittee on Foreign Affairs at the Capit?).r • ' I THE PRESIDENT CONGRATULATED. a A isfiellnitint r ai3t 'per s on at 'the jWbite House this afternoon and evening to tongrstrllatelthfPresident;ontis The visitors ineitided Senathrs; Re arisen tatlyes sii..hqsds of departments. 7 The re ' ei,f)tion irtitlo Writinneitnntils latb hobs. COLORED MAN . FOR COUNCIL. The Republicani of the 'Fiivt Ward bare notnimlteitp.tOloyed - nunkfor Mimed, hav ing previously nominated him, for Alder man.* • - ' ' C----- ----- ...... - 4kusuirennial v cingerepse.of the Methodist fditetal aftWch. [By Tpyityso) Joltsvttssamkassette.l CHICAGO May 2d.—The Conference re. atirdol. The Commit tee on Rejigs)" xecxontrinded that the Mis sion Cohifillttee be members of the guar- Orly )Ctinferettoesi - t imit..l The astute of the -Dkosipkille&villph ,makes the Mission ComtitittetrmStsibefirtit the Quarterly Cop., Arent* was then stricken out. . rzErfitnrifile hired Coteinittee dation that the Discipline be so ohlhked as' to make it the duty of tors when they issue) bsttetst ofi MM/tit the pastor. of the thumb' within iirhoSelmuln-,:' liarkis , the !dismissed - pertr may . take up r9f l i rct.,Arli94°Mod• roe'e stieNommittee a. report was, presented to so ' amend'. thediscipline that i divortsyi persona who - marry while the ileba OrAtife..l3,llvieiLepa—nottillr, or txrmatorttzfrittLitty.ealt d 0 . T . 601240 . e cs mit -418 11 ' 4rain Late k s Illew York Items. (By Telegraph t 6 the 1.... A. rntobanth Gazette.] -T.- Ngw YORK, May 26.—The steamers fie& tin and Hammon's, from Europe, arrived iifielW tiiiikiebbert J. Dori; Canal COmmissioner, was commenced by the State Senate_,. at Albany, to-day. Tice; Judges of thh'ehort of, Appeals are sitting with the Senate as part of the Court. • f :thegama,of bow !kall,. yesterday Indiresin Atiantitni ondilkb - fAthietlikerißrook- Irk, resulted in favor gf the Atlantics. Score 26 against 3. A man, gaed Eagan, who ' abused the . family of J. 1 1 . 'Bendon, a mechanic on Forty-second street, last night wets killed by. Benda', Who surrendered. himself to the police. - (~:. ir gr a rldsw. Istriviat ye m av men nam Daley, James rnati ; ATV Peter Gorman. lie will probably die.: ,- -- Mayor Roffman 'has received a letter .ii . it; "n '..l' ' h Carolina , • • ~. . and 4up plies n anticipation o distress, as the de ' V t gAlirflie:=Viit et rrt; Th qie . .. I pur t lgiat i g4 l 4Wil liatersl 7 / M• 1 Mury In•theliu ret4olourt.- - . ; a verdict`of $ 4 - W ei tile Bank ' et "of r, iVgild4o -. ro ..% doolt. - si- - ,WC, " " •' " , **/ d ill: a. arcornis= •.' . •,_ . -:, - iiii . were' : . .. - . . 0. . • , 4 101*Wri t * 140 4 /Ida he :. /' ; •i ; . i t .9 !..iii. -- icknoWl.' edgingthe death of 'livery and expressing aio- fir friendship, harmony and tudgO of the States. ~ - , :saifii;(oo(:) , A dsitiell_kyreetta o c fMlisaent top. isindftion• the laws of England bearing on the sti ' ject of 3kattuallration. sad rights of es.ll Elicrlated subjorts, has been formed of th the, wlag-meitiberalLord Clarendon, Pry t Air Ina& Abbott; Searetaryi' aad Messrs. ticimmdake, Hilmar% Foster and !LIM& _Parhijavaaptrievykatitinir further. lktyisttilanexredition,. an the on the vote of thanks to &mei* liapier t proposed by Mr. D'israeli, is lo be' milliard. 444111,414" urns, - 77 :.• c,F.npuovir. , , 24,11 y;. - ./*Tbe,..tritattufor proteetlon naturalized e4izens, which/ marl= „Bancroft hem Wiwi negothsting With the Bevaricm Cabiriet; has May 28.-Ptnasia has taken the , inttfatiVelitep4i thivropbeed :general dia. armament. command • ef , thetlng one million of a reduction is ' to be orthwith made in Landwehr. FRANCE. •Pwnta, May M.—Marshall Nellin's nfficial report- declares the Chesanot rifle the best fire arm knowtricaLso states those guns are now.being inameactured la thegovertt-• ment arsenal at the rate of 600 a day, and the infantry Of Abe French: army are sup-' plied with them. May. 28. Dispatches from Shanghai state the Chinese rebels have laid. siege to the important non:mm.o4 town of Tien Mien on the Pry' trivet, - seVerdylniles from Pekin,. ttfmkrx. . Vzzsicat,' fonnithble revolt has brpken out in,Bosula. Troops are be ing mpidly pushed, _forward from Constan tinople to quell the disorder. • ./ " FINANCIAL 'AND COSIDIENCIAL. laxDoN, May 2G,Et'eniag-,The blotting prices of consuls for money 95;,i'; fur ac.: count Wahl. U. S. bonds 713;. Illinois Central MM. 'Erie 45,i, bonds at Frank- Ltvgartini,, 114:28.—?:rentre' !ILL, Cotton closed dull and heavy; sale.* of 4,000 - bales of middling upland* at 1114 c, Orleans 11 1 ,4 c, D.,./deltertester market for yarns and !lib.. Has dhll. Breadstuff* unchanged. Pro -1444ms quiet and 'neatly.' _Produce,' tamed' liellPietuP. 19 3d.11m ; ettitalard while. Lannon, Miy 26.-411tOr dull at 275. Cid. AU" :WS IT. —At Springfield, Mass., yesterday, John ,Shea- , was.sentenced to el,ght ;eats in the state prison for killing his mother I last winter. , „ —Mfatt ;Ellen Casetand , Horatio Knight: were drowned on Monday eveningin Black River, at Cavendish, Vermont, .b2i. being. carried over a darrf while boating: -:-A 'meeting has been held at New York %titbit' B for days to advance the interests of Chase and Pendleton for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency, and of Charles Francis Mil= : ;:that .pt Vice President. r 7-4 PaVY'ri/fletilig Hehrew.Christians was held n , c °flier Institute, New York, Sunday evening, for the purpose of pre senting-the-elating of hiessiab to their en quiring friends. Addressee were, made and steps taken towards ,holding an am*, versary meeting at a future day. Commodore -Goldsboro, of. the Asiatic to the htavja ` , RePartment that no act of piracy has been committed -within the T year, and ,that this is owing principally:, to the small gunboats of dif ferent nationalities that havedoeenactively employed in cruising the' Mitiestcoast. ployed at the West Rutland 2.larble!Qufw. ries, struck fair higher wages Swine time ago. Their employers refused to accede - to the demand,) and pent to Canada,, ; from whence they obtosined Abe stapes pt. about - Ifliwhtnidred - F*nch - Vane MASI* 1111 the places of the., strikem Tbbt Already I ex cited the laborervand crested much ill feelin• ~and. threats have been made to destroy the cputrries i The authotities have necessary pre parations; and will 'promptly suppress any demonstration. - • fDy esisiae to the bizetteA CixerstrATT, _' May 20,i-The excitement over tkvecetatk, quid _ Coburn prize fight; v increases. Mitts are offered . of; $l,OOO • owl McCoOle to /400agtinst Coburn. Abe: HicisMiaNa _blOW.o.lllgfictwedghte of-Xm_ land, and. Jem Donovan i of ChlitagO, tyi,4 figttkin,tbeAsm,e ir Liig.t k-logoole. and Co, _. burn; far im.` ng t bdtween-Ciibohi: and McCoole will come off near Cold Spring'. Station:lip Indiana, tin the fints of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, about forty-Aye ' mile* froM Cincinnati. ~r, , -) ~.:411,6 ' )ff- - -4 . chi nt ..comm statification Meeting. ... ..<._ CEly frotertat to Oto,l , 'lttsburgS _ 41. gazette4 : n " igftwAnnti,,Many4/ ,:flrant.Ccdfici.' ratification meeting was held in this 444 , last night'at% MusiceiHall. Hon. ; Matthew R. Carpenter - was chosen Chairman, and. introduced,* Orst.spr_cisneral Daifiet E. &Alia; who was toffliith mnohlinw -thusifs: an 4 p , he Meeting feel-' ingly_ '''Oli Waft . .... none , matidv Orlon . ga m , .44/Sats,ovrkigi tlq, l 9;4e N p platfortit . liil nitiiiiiii:ir giiii4 6 l lol6 l,) : • i , Jll, ,3!*f4riii4140404 1- AtiOilik - 44444, 1 1 j,\ i : '..:1 1. ; 1, Dummy-Ks MAY 26,-. , 4 :en - n 4 imitie . ' ..,' t'. lonlanliro r g i uMspair l r! .., t i t- 1? ; 1 ~ \, 0 State . . , - - -. 4 ht./Cony - . , °mfg., lined '"_. • - ..... Me State of lowa tßegpfgr, , gitiggoolgraugratitt Gent*: Erma' in ' e aggressive .. movement. • . , 1 0 /1014***ofigiotiar i pal.. ,:„,.40.w 1„;,„.,._ „„.1 .pelf-, '',' - an d i 1: VI . .11',DEW.4 i : ' ''• 3 . 11.14ii s . • .. ~• • / an t I GT nt, .1. , i f i g „,,, , , ear tifitt244oot Iffted4 lri. .nvw .. Ft e lime meekest Whe the • - , ' ... - gthreFek - while tro T -2 . -' - . .9.: " ..„.„,„ t „, il• . • 4.4.-. i ' , .ii- 1-; , -• ••• " - • •••—•&.,.•-• h ',. - witness, received I' . •-• WI; tog letter With drawings of on and pls.' tom, and reharks tW_4sl, was :not forgot? i l ten sail Fontana innwe did:things by halves:- CHINA. :~-~r, IBM IMSM ME 3 ~~'ll i nBAN. Jnit_ : • ;, f1;.;+ . 4.) 111V3 7.4 • , LI Flo 4 outriate— % ra t Wal e ne l litat,TriiTcl4Z, Thetiptlieinntgravelnzd iu the Seventh 4164 Ainvittg olnise , 114) be s soriran of re! f;.• iikkeiOt4 67 c B :4 o *ilf4 bT4ldch itiaas cow :4'941:44.4.40014Vicg ( 04*, ,1 4 # au*vtag ;been.illipened , Ofine*therdtvielng contented- `bsittelatir* 64 !tgi l i ttilfi g a l ll i lt 'ft kt. 4 1 0- atum!At •cT , 0 0 561 Kr iber. O r P lizuve ' ibOrbitilitaJA*44o;4l4 ll o*Neeinglb Athfulalda lait,obtatqact an act lkasserft, r ly f rehtkiild. ottifir . deit4 tht:,potinty: 40f/bating flitse C4ikttbilikaikls .to .earrY:,out: tit* *wrialoakr.: The- law ,atapalates , ithik" that the dead are to be removed- and uet{tlyh i telii Whicespc•rated bnOtt. crhich the I#P • Ptapr!;• liiildetiVinid- Atte? 44. ! irityttielheAxpetteee' this Atiatined- end , aillfaatatanctiiik ,the grppetty, ;mike -;eturit, of there. nialedef °Me . p r o c ee ds to "the ciiiporatiop to which the 'p beldege4.- PursPant t to Able witi thetlOentinistionertt -cotuuteuelid:OPeratio4a hist ~telli but; it 'aP-. 'Pears,; inst ea d of *giving • 4fr*Pt .laterment tutbe bod ies . taken taken up ; ground Arita par; Cliasediathe:hrinersvrne cemetery aria hole, thirty-tiro by fort,y-two feet: was dug- in which abat live thousand bodies were deposited.' The la-afters: -very naturally protested against' this unchristian" like proceeding and insisted upon:the ,Conimis sioners actingln conformity to.tie*, and to order to take isetionxelatiVe. the .-.mats ter an indignation, Meeting qt, lot hold ers was, held. same two -weeks since, at which hii...l: D. Girdinet „presided and Ames IdalCalu acted luillecrbtaq. - The so. tianpf the - Commissioners' was fully can vassed at the"meeting and a Oimmittee of three, consisting 'of Messrs . 11 -Gardiner, George Wilson ! and W. H. Chapman was appointed to conlbr :with , the COramiltion. era, and makesome amicable arrangement with them with Fegard . to removing the bodies yet remaining there, and compro mising with the lot owners;afteiWhfch the meet at the Seventh ward school house, Tuesday evening, the 26th inst., at 73.4 o'clock, - to hear the report of the Committee. • 'Pune:met to`adjournmenithe lot holders and others interested met at the time and place tuunal,'and was called to order by the chairman. The Secretary - then read the minutes of the preceding meeting, which were ap. Mr. Gardiner, Chairtitan of the Commit :tee appointed to.confer with the'Conntui e . sionerk. made a vetilial keport. He' stated'- ' that'tfietommitteehave Maddseveral Prop °onions, /which to Ahem seemed:-fair, but th*Vthey have boa pantile to receive atlyi.,' ,thhigxtehaitelkonathei)othininetoners. i Add 41 1 M .teriL, to making' ay, 4e507 7 . , some way, bus personally re sponsible to the corpora ri;or partitia*taW,M mid. hake to paymono*: 'h oat of their Owhpfkkets: The, Committee e 'stated 'had - agreed •td take thwgiontal ofr'the hands-of thif Com misslonetV, and pay all legalebdtetti against it, including the expenses incurred:in the romovid'of the hie thousand bedittit to the ,Mitreravillo, :Cemetery, -. which. , pota tion had, been rejected , hp:the aimless.; The only proposiiion n o, the A nts. Commissioners was that lot owners might proctre lots in any of the incorporated cemeteries adjacent to the Pity, and they would Pay tor-them; provider they ''could be purchased upon termethat 'woaldsneet the apProval of a ;majority of the „Com- In order to effect: an: arrangment of this the Committee visited -13111dele.memetery' and the Lutheran, cemetery. , In the former he stated they could procure 'lots of the sause,dimentuous es those of the old 'bury ing 'grOundfor thirty-five 'dollars; and in= the litter far twenty-eeveu dollars,•bY tak ing Afty,,Pr one Unwired 'lots. Several other propositions' had; been' made tiy the ComMittee, but none of them were accept ed by the Comtaittev • : • •,. The report-was accepted and the Com mittee retained. - :,, J Mr. Gardner tendered his resignation itt. ra member of the ICOrnixdttio,'Whichwas at,- eepted. and- CaPtiiin- Andrew Miller nE).! pointed* his,place. , :I • , Mr, Pitt son wished to know w ha t right that co r ation had ` to dispose of:ground Which , d not 'belong•to Chem.- The bury:. ing ground, 3 he , said;,,heimiged tin the lob' ownere.•-• ' :,t ), , ..:—: ,-: ...11 -1- ~• ) ~•"' • mr Itinongd, one 'Heinof,this_,„,nery? g presept, m i risonto•expbutatione, in whichhe stated his 4104 noVaPprove of the:*Mena M i . aklfer, d al 'Mosier,, Whd'ir appears " has eltappi , Of,thcWOrk Of j'ellibeilV, htki*idi ••• , 4 , ,„ -4 Mr: W te4novektAhat'iherCeimisissitin.' ens be. enjoined' from ft:tither opertitiOnit until:smishi tither eanzatiatectory arranged' Orient email, be • blade' With ittolet, , Owner6. Adopted. is 0• . •-,, ,, i`).)141,,?•,..; Int , ' • - '' , Mr...fchtiliMerilicitrkthift tat, pt oYdneiii 4 4.,reci le VS° fro fgroptieftllrt anit Ch.- they inotn, L l4r;so)ve ,*:, ,: The Optlq , ~i t t: ~. ~ ....', :f '','„ i" ' c ga rtk Pirin Ovect suit - When the Meeting ia ' tAie tonitiet 'Tueoday; Jane 2d, at 7 , l94dttitpto,bear the ;anomie!•the, Com mitt"... i ,;a. : : i• , 1 ,•11);. : 41 - 1) , ..vU - .I % Vhe I motion. was,', ainended )by tadding "Mid ANS VOMMlMionerit 'be xequeeted.tto: .' !UM?. , _Able ,fileflAione,,,tintil,,Aiikk ;urne.w ..mauß vh ruz inuar . 4ll4l 9Flan4stal , ~, I ..i:;...: t : . an a at die ptiolotui 'inicalbilttlott * adopted *Onset- , 'fog Vie jildrilos4it'!"4 - tmir dill* eaelity the , :list . hot sir VP defrayex, and that it I 'nonlll- n ow 'b 6 l the gecretary *la& meted satitinTreasinw;d i , alp) 4 , 41 ' ~ i ,,, ylittentheshbnwhatibeettpaiditaltheets . 11 11 4 41cIfiritedli.Vtd i:iti not 1: *).,rnaqz ) ' :', .. 1 1:4 :;:v e ctere ct tLI A. 4 01 i. ; ftd l -met oii i iiititell ..:Vt on r %IA!, Airideli &I iii lieradefite * ib Wits that. whim ompoititti lei Ana snout* Mana, bysiunsPftierivituhelleihiW&l , •.ttit) Cep: II Simiftt In three N I Wiedtten• ii 4ll Ifitei 3 Otteiltdeit ',101051r./ia_coolt, atom widen - e h e to the Mercy How) .0.4 1 •4111 •) 11" „-,), `fate, , `" ,- -ri • L /at I i ! l i N .,, - - tiet' . -alum' sicottueswicalli* i counter= 'at TOPtilwanilitni.fdepot isedkiln.ll,4lb/tepiffli 'o4l:tetteee,MentlintitaffilattiPoPl l l,l= 1 1 1 1 -tho IMettn j efel ' • _r Th e ; MA ' '''' ' 'ilnt gia ' 7: 1 7b, ' O l e gigit 40, I It ky olwi 1 0 1 / 5 • "' ''' kftlifi .. 0 Iddi :sklk t t pelog i irt ens l til ~' id iIX fir ;li, 03711/ Bali , .:___,. `r?lll4soo4lll4Pikeiirft#l4ll. 71411•1141/1" antittor , easi(natalk•ids * hittzt Mitt J.:WassitiOsiltdilWirCr . ' s 4. e T MY, e ,S l3 Zgat ' MAW t n - a r— awes H. light. e rn "' p. Corwin. Board—lames georetary—D• Er Wrig t Voltsril riart, Venter, James H . J. IV Jones, Alexander. . iNITNBEW .- 125 , `' itilnaikabie *IMMO at 4uleide r ; A • dm9eityt e ;Aliittlipel4 iteif-,fietthi 4ion 'MOs made Yeateidayikinitifiikb'V:ii Man *aiiidd 101*,-Y;.:l.#44figen./Pii*V4Awn tittle% Penn tiireet i Viltit itt ' IVAI *On Ume of his rash deed, Little•wae rchdovarrest for false • pretenbeN ali4 kicif*Ei-i p to the paWn broker's shop calgiiiillfit*iotgot ,,, . - , ... 1 tint; money to settle the claim seakinettbiln- Yesetrtiay morning the; pkotteitotothit!Were inil,staed that raltithrlittiliheeitiOr'uOgrand they "atiMa to Aiaeii,iliill44S*ltee to : attend the hearing.. :after ; a _ osumfraa tion with the prisoner they to with-. draW their milts, Troylded'Ae., jjfisoner wank& pay nit tPf4r;Anlnn6,. 41,...,tameed_,,t 0 . do-paiiirana,obta*wwmozAimgvz ,nn Oka t . a . lal ) oura Plal4 3 o3aalc; - PailY,,With 'Pincer iis9o4 he went . hi., ng ,er spasheptixtmerof.lienn , gutWattra ', 4 gavais•'r_. . 4. ,_ s! 'tisg ts 4 he 'bed'rri*d a Itair•lts ,, ,.. there, 94' W,bioft- T•otlid ; 1 104 hecessau Imply*. ,Chileor non ' imp taiii,yitent With-him to the.pli44, Wiring 1 1 two cOmmltinenta •io,t OM rtORI -htildnite* Arityell it , tito pawn er's, Mtge told Th. ir,,Ggilinger that ;he,' • dto sea 'thOle-igatolat'ahcaPiadilliat to .the :_baele; 'remit Where ; Atmwpipo,, .IThe 043 014 atoo4 fat: ti4a 4 5 0 iir•tiltit.-F*m• . ..I,l?ga ;ha ropriet.4 ,o fak - 4074 1 0a1P 10 . ,Little: Said he , w ishe l a'f . to , modgre,,,more Money on those plitols: He was infmd that lte could,get no Attare,..twonex t Nen he ,attatehed" one, of tbe_ ii.tfkfteigt y ,,Gal- Ungar a "haimin glia'.; -i the other side of, the rottsp,:;en A .) ow, shoot:Me'prilllelioot.ggyhlf t ,,;,„, , the pistol priirt ',vs: Am -po 4 A I C 4 I I. V eil the officers Mato= sPriMkto` it= 4 isit before their i Wai r ,iiitld and they caught - 1414'4)* Niainkin,4:7. As they' took hold.: of him , .I . M`, gal Li ' •ts. •is whit r. came here to ; 0, , and : '',Ate it." He, was iEnri*ttatiq laid t and, Drs....lehm Diektpdand 8... H e - were called in. • Vastinittatioif Ailiowecr,ithat,:. the ball had exterod the right Unapt, a bout am Inc - hal:love-the itiP pletohdValiseatOns versely throughate;. ' body , gins ig the muscles near the spine. , Ltttlepeod. towed externallY, but the Internet ",bloadlng ;was very,profuse„.and the physiehati; immedi ately decided that there was nd,POsilbilitY of., the, patient snrviiirtg. , The weapon with Wtuolb - the shooting_wis done was one `of the smallest of ~,S,rnith,:&- . Weaseres re -1 volvers. The deedwas done at. about hai past 'ten o'clock, and a little before noon the sufferer was conveyed to - ,the.Homeo- Ipathic hospital on Second ' . street: t He finally expressed regret for.-vtintV - 4 had done, but said 110 telt im :,,reinertut,' He !‘ivished he wedAo kw e , butotil4tr . a^ • S. . - . _ . . . . triateii saw piia - co - " " 4' . 4 1 -' es. . arc ti ge, me- Candltalli. ~ 11141"e , •5111-.11.1 The , ealsoor.Jadmon I E. atollacini indicted , ifor •Palsofht- eittryttetfeitt Monet,: erhtoil has. linen ott_tital 11Si -iialiedkinitas4 - ii , i),- alib - . e. 1 . '4ll. :It **l; 7* thi"juzy yfrAextle l y laftex the :charge 4 . :i.f theiDonrt.' IThelnrroillie .raturm n venitet thlainorningi.,..- . --,.. f It The next case taken ups van that: of the United &elite :W. Ehnen GeibieLz The de ,fendant is: alreakient of LOokala ?Bt., and, ltontimilated thrAtasah:telvitenn t inoney/... ,Tite jaw Amid a iverdielli not. _.,, , ~ , - defmgent omia,iiiselnined ~....-_-.., - -. _ . Benjiunin- Rusin -Beajeada, Bi were arraigned Ma and n indietwient. ebas pley &g theinwith naming counterfeit =bey.? 711+.0 parties were nsidentale l3eßefonte, Center county. The easels still ontriaL vDistriet Attorney Carnahan; appeszelor the .United States and W. 8.-. Moore,, Estp, for-the do in.the beinitrititeibraii Anal Ailecher gee were granted , and. etirddm- tft- awarded toilenry Atwood;; Pittsburgh; .-Daniel Bushnell, Pittsburgh; Sweet bi.-Klrby, Al legheny. it: petition for final discharge was filed by Alvin Z. Ruidall, otErie county: The usu al orders :were made, to; Apetition-*as , tiled, -by Jolla-Phillips do Co., asklng.that Willfara - Shea,.• of•Lurarne county; be declared a bankrupt; for reasons set forth atiengtb. _An cprdes.waa,granted on , the•debtor f returnable June f•th,:toshow cause 'why theirequest should !mfr.:be-gran ted: • Z'",7ell .;:li,'''ater.74oin.,—.The,:ii*er ,load :Wilds of the elO,Otlitialidrgh are,:iow,,,faiody for delivery, sit"th4tolfo of;Conimillertiteel, on r t .re!ortiA street . , raiti4,N 3 WM? Itira , Sula,scribed torpite.logn,*lll ;pleas!? , . andlake out theg :bends. and. thoao.. *Vona od.;#vest iiitsdn.,B4-idmirabiO :qui latu,ol4l4 t ufnurity ittl l ,;e o fit_tlii< 00 bonds :16TPL-TiNtiLPRAIIIPII -0449n0r ;--. E, : , iii-; , -i i - iari --;ri I al ~.:,:. • -;•, . ..,/ 21 ,, W 514,: . ..talr,- . o fWt , TifiAll who - 1 4". voted on Abel eievenur, - elli% impeach iiiiiit;'t6Olt ad*antage'of tote r '' • pub-. ,119,httaineas,t§:vjaii, ;Nat' IVaitOiet4 7 ~ Organ- - A(4n, on:the.2otir. 74111itplras vserenitled by h!a,RePAllaFt neighbors fftt 10,10itillated .11PO4 bia, Ulna l etn4:,for f the •law-- awl them De w e y ....The pm' sip : i hgIP:-.,,rroi' , : :: . I"Tlitillad44,,gifOilleora Ot.his fklerid i e:anii.eftefthanWhal,o4l for thahViliku4feitatici4ol 4l o 4 o/ ., theal' ha .11 : brief :bV1V.94011814 , 8 0 0e047iAt trekried to -theimpuolauent trial 4mipfisybut - earnestly, andlove his , fellow-Citizens ,:tor I..tnidnrstand ,•• that he*otild vote 'for Itaa lear aa& i liir the right, let ootne what Nitiitjlitli le , aspeke of th4. 8 11# 0 4 OA - sold*, 476 V Grant, ".; it ll o wunligigo kkiet .1: "., , *Si hosts it°,l,,_*Wft?Ohjk',.o;•i i P i i i rehel liwg "Of4Pcit ,, Paw 6 9! 7 I i i i i .P 'I al, rat , c4o,4o i ft - V A * • ‘: .. , .. ~. la e*,. dot in , thgr titTlo.4l.l4Eil the gooidtinge sat L;py .: .I.l:Wilkey would occupy sommnsiA t :s; 1;003 ,1LD:g.f10.,.-: is , statedbn'thciantbbte ,letter tbindl tionstorniir ielerk ofitheMank 'miller. Wady WNW ProrMluitt•the Ju klidszygonftittee vita OA tsPort thoffouso . •Ibdi szbaddbmpthbAtheristdstddrilishose iisssur ariu,idoeseitrZfteesr•adt debts Ifr-111e-postitiotiitilialomiltertin the J Er tr4ll Law: oi•ft 411411 0. 1 ) 1 71 •)I:l .. 'l fs • fittsiurikeuiiieo -nftwrie '1 414"--44112:ra.Whimiti,E,104,7Nbluth"hest 911114t ' " . 141 7tia. 4° ' 1 tiniest.* Orkul: Flour ; . sigm a 1441:0 1 K d 2, 10 . c or n lan ning; es 10,0011 b us hels in lots at $l. Lam, buyers and sel lenvrt, 7111s78)4. ;Other articles as last ( p o t and general* dull. I - r - .1 ft, iv-- , , ‘4 , ) ME MEI MS FZE EH OE .4. f' , <
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers