~: ..- .~~, err/ . .StAnarciteilk The .report of ..the regular ade e u ng - vf City coun e m ai , held .yesterday, was ;. unarm iddably. erowded out, .ttloralt*, d wiii .a ppe ar in our nest issue. Dally. PraXerDICOI4O6, 12 if. 'to ItBo i ceploCkiitthipi4ithosibit Church, Fifth street, next-door toGiOn im Office our wiwkw " Unite filLv a :vppici...., day vreeriy can at o ur counting counting *Aft, iiittippeioettily for mailing' 18 liontaAls ttl;lpitbi e llip ig te,of the Chicago m Clezi4ntiiin;itti fi t .411 ftm WaShill0)11, batittik zawild " juag iau:_aaricuitDrA and Commerciab4qmaqtl choice selee lions of reading,reatter. It is , the jarge s t, quarto 41 westate; krty-,eitt columns of readiPg WM: 44.4 1 ..3er51 adierlisements. , It is just the l lpaper ,to send 'your friends to 4 . pep thee( posted. .I)rice fi ve Ceniviln Irrappersi or "I ii. 54) ' I : General synod of the 'Refarnied ,Prestmi l • . • , tian:Cttitretwx . • ' X . R T lVllP l9s cl;l'. ? Wfwificifi Synod met at half pa nine •o'Ciock, auld was Orkiailad'%?itii-intityer isindera tol, Minutes ,of last session read and ap• - u t; it- the r l e orc. Wire read %he repEnt 'ef the Re ibivf3d .Tresbyteri 'ctiPfilladelpilia. tin ' 91499 i 14 P 413 PqrlAr9Rer was referred to the' toniatitteii Prbsbytbrial 'Reports, ancl ao much pr it refers to the complaint; stkitinsi;•the Second Refbrmed Presbytery el-Philadelpitia,an receiving ander its care I theliefbrtued — Prealiyierien: Church of that city, withoalettriegularlyalalissedlW the constitutional steps being taken, to thti gown:Mee tin Discipß.ne. Dr. Steele read the report of, the.Seoond Reformed Presbytery of Philadelphia. ,The report proper - was reibried tathe • Cerldrnit tee• on Preabyteri4 Reports, the portion. which refers to the reception of the Third . Reibrtned Presbyterian congregation, Phil; atlelphia, to the Committee on Discipline,:. and that which refers to union, tb he on the fable to be taken up with the' other papers on the same subject. - • • • • The mill lit4Treittniror of Foreign MiBEliQnS•Vie ' • th Assistant Clerk. Pending the consideration of, thi,s, rvort, Syikia`pitookwitleitte thtideffStfofist e'rtirefies3 Rev. Dr. McMaster, presiding.- • • The follow-Anglgentlemen tookipartiathe devotkinal blercisew:' Rem A. G: Wylie. VAlrOtarrettal. D,llobert McMillan and 'Archibald Thompson. Proceeded' to the consideration of the Treasurer's.report; was referred to the, Board of PoreigaMfselons.. The following paper was presented to SYnod: • ,___ - " • Prirrsannon,, May 25, 1568., - .Wileimaa'George H. Stuart has for a loos time been ,pursuing divisive' conmes, • WI whereas , he did; on ' -the 25tIt instant. o y and defiantly avow on the floor of ha had vtulattsiT die StandaidaWlWOduabled Paididoiljrland Commuplon, and would continue to do so; therefore, ; __. , , . ... Besotted, That;George Hi Stuart be, and ha beteby it ittetelideTd froitilhetidteithlto and Membership of the Reformed Presby terian Church, and his seat - In the Synod consequently_ Vacated. :i Jamul SAJenz: Mr. stuart said he had sung hymns, and he hoped the matter would be 'decided_ , without any delay. :: ,He 'cluirged*Mr. Sam ple the author of • the paper, with h av ing: stizhytrins. _ f Dfr._ SamplebitterlY n deied the charge i . he had ever Niolated the laws of the church he was willing te express his sorrow for it. - • • - - • • Mr. Stuart said there was only one Min in the Synod that carried out the law of the Church. • Dr. Clarke, Mr. Bretton and others stated positively that they observed the law of the Club*. ••1 s aid d ; 4 , 4'l - Mi. Stuart aif 'they would- go onand exercise discipline on all who bad violated the law, they, would have to exercise it on a great - lA=l)er: ` Dr. lkfcLeteri congregation having been referred to, Dr..- - Ideod said that no hymns had been sfing in his church' under the sanction Of the Pastor or. Session. His Sabbath &hoot was connected :with:the Sabbath School,,Union; on one `occasio n' when thellnieti met in his - Church, hymns may hare:been sung in the lecture room, but those who 'did it were inibrmed that hymn's 'could not be sung,in that place on the Lord's day. George H. Stuart, Ego:, had endetwored to do all the injury to him and his on in his power. He had said in apit lie compaiavthakit would only t a";G r ancrgs ,Chain t7+ and _Dr. Jphii Hall / one - year -. to', iiriVe '', Pr, : A figt , 3o4 out of Neil .Yorkl "_•" - -' Mr. Stuart denied that he had ever said any sibit'thim. •'• • - •ri'A 1 - -.-.. i'' ', " Dr. hose. d said he was prepared to prove it. _ S. B. W.• McLeod; M. D.; said it would seem that Mi. - Sttiarttirati intoxicated ivitli hymn ein., He had, perhaps, met with the 'foll em owMg" brim :• , ' • -, • , 1 lieu tmliki the Pilgrim, -- ! . , ; maltilli* roe down, , • , - Fight lllPhatd as ever v. -1 Ser. - Mr. l'htrtqtain said' kcliftdc4ixtovd, that Mr. Stuarthadiaid there was bet one honeat•man in the Sto& •• ' •- • Ma lid ihat'lladild ;lasted ifoi vnuziti such hems believed there only one congregation in 'which merribera were prohibited using , hvranii;•- . . Mr. Thompsonexcepted the exlanation. T:Pre s Mr-'Woodaide Ts the char, admitted theremight , be some - in his con gregation wbti caxxisiotiaTly "Stin a hymn But elder„nor member in his congrega . Lion had deeliwkipubliely be bad violated the lawl`Of Ildrehtlrall Mid Iterildfteitindel to do so. - The .•-two things • W.Ore., entirely l diffeientl 2 It t mighe be expected ther,ivtiert some are endeavoring to break down the lacm of the church' same._ Might be influ enced by t hdr'Pel'AlNlPus'-'eXiimple_. : He, hurled back the , sl'ittement that - ha d been Made. - . .''' ''V " " "'"- ' lifri _.. _Stied ;denitid',;thist.be bad; laid`he w0u1..• He had said thatche of abymn was not a violation of the Dr. Steele beitPretebettatUitpelitity,thel~rf3be! corierseatimilimmont the nymna, and Dr.l sreeNoliiii-i-inve4edt4o'kcf-000- dii Dr. Steele-Mid:he • • nOtask the - blessing of God onangthing . '• did not think was a propor.matter for • ; sometimes we ask amis.; he'llay" have asked amias,•words aomethneellnlagirp_3lld T., te .• ~I :Mayo Mb, .iri - or. morns , Wail *feat* 4 1 1 1 =thst: mmitivii 1 We onlywori was tem:Med. IWe • 'miter wieltbatedri SO mipstotog4 a dig caskie;Tat keit be Aa.:.ecoMMlfti,sastinig bi t i od tgila;•• i - -••.11, •,-rit : ‘•• 7 , r4' i t w3jourited.to meet at threir4. 4 ofick lath ey4rtt,63, I.s oolSAMiredMhKinie ^4. , prayer . +.•• -I , • .• Lo 1 I,l' 9 ~,, .71i' re ,et. /1 ? Tin ilf 00 7 1 01.1/02i0 • 't : I ! t" ' '''' synoiL inec4; weiviiiiiiiiaiiii.iiii opened ' with:3,l% 3 , m . bi tho-ia tt ordr;• , Mid_Ptill • Of-3-MM;a% - g a i d - a . -, , d aili provolw' -- '' ''' •- - i • 1 yin , •••••- 'IT-1i. , ,,, . 'pi IMIVALUPCP01010,110=1„ , planaikm. , tin to ;1 . 1. f, . • SOWlS i fe*ltsPd thoveNfa_ a,efilthitt=ittit pialre".im4ol.l3dZlOAtir taw As . singntxwelaraball-Peen,retadveditaz to OL__„ Mtrmtojytar, sung sun g "WWI 7?4.Wonid .. . ~i b,it.ttreeit a n d ,j o t aretAlUtelettOt inina l h 1.14 M 1,1;. - - •_lll ,-. -- -;:i14 , 'Mr. Shag ktmei i'd'igonv . HO had introdynnthalematioriirre (mug:. , the cue in hand in the morning. He was gamtedato itrixtrbsm **A.Wittita* ma bad Ing rowans AMP memb•ltr rif tlitiqfilibia l k, Ala airrer. • aiontrad tp Mr. Charabo*W • Dr. Hall as hbo e tittstr difvo= Dr. McLeod from his church in, dew, , y He . • 5, been excited, and apologised for anything that he had that was effern&e. 'lrr%sit.“..3ll Mr. James Stewart ` to ' Know if it was stated that if the, ortberrayesbytery should refuse to ordai Chanibers it would divide D,r. Mc'a towegation. He would like 'to kb w - If he. Was- rt&p.,' red to. Mr George IleSt dift fer to Mr. Jetties Stewart _ Mr. James Stewart - wi4its IL Stuart to take back• the, . .statemialt- that there were not ten men ,11,:xrit" Chat'Philhat did not sing ,h o f 'Mr. George H. Stuart ri he did not say "ten" men. Hevaldll l :they would sus pend- in - for singing hymns, they wouldwould hv-t za o suspend a large number of Dr. Mc.; Leod's church. ss s I 4 ,, ' • 'Mr. =Hunter (Elditi) was astounded to hear a man like Geo eH. Stuart say on this fitiOrttliat telllithirlirohOff the church, or_ at Jeast.that_heAld sing hymns whetilie - ktie*-It=wat hi - opposition to the law of the Rhurch. • • r Dr. T. W. 3. Wylie said Synod Mei p er: sistenttly, ,teftisell,„to alsit gonsure, u n the*, whe had shine thtng 't,...t Mr!..tuart. chargedwith. He (Dr. W.) blot sung hYMas himself., He had com maned in other churches. He had done the somethings thatldr. Stuart had done: Dr. Wylie quoted from James Renwick tut the subject of Communion.' ' • Reit .T. F. Morton wished Co knOW what thequestion,wastier ,thequpt,.:.,TAfar were not inquirit let of 3*. Church is, but shal we • out the law. Rev. W. S. Bratton. I.itiatake,fhaf the sayings of the reformers :weretnot- the laws of the Church: ,Let. Dr. Wylie tome to the law of the Reformed PrOtbyterlani Church. Dr. Wylie read the second term of Col.:! rapnion, will', there is reference to"ttai: "great principles "of the Reformation. Dr, Bretton would seethed'Why it was he ,(Dr. W.) referred tellitisayingtrofthe refOrmerti. Dr. Wylie hada word to say OGlNidmody. He dicrucitittio* Whether the Estan"dards of the Church allowatbe use Of other; than the one hundred and 'fiftypsalutiror not. The action does not stelp...tp in.judtPrtmliirar this subject. The resolutions ed aIL Xerliksayitirst, that only!trne &cid and fifty palmier° to be sung, and then again that something else , may , be 'sung if dnly, authorized. Authorized, .of 'tettrae, ,by those who were lxurtjteteitt itutholize.' Synod suspended business to- hear. Rev. Mr,....Phroner, delegate from the Old School 'Presbyterian Assembly. - Mr. Phrener 2 4 gratt glad to have the honer of bearing to General Synod the congrotti lotions and fraternal regards of the Old School Presbyterian church. ECis. church hada - special sympathy with those churches that bear the Presbyterian pun% -11Khey,- had a common history, boininbndoctrizA and he, hoped a common , destin37, He deemed it unnecessary to refer to the statis tics of his church. She had a . larger number of ministers on her roll, and last year contributed more to rengforts`and be nevolent causes than sho had ever done in any previotts year of her history, Your Church and mine are one in sympathy and doctrine. It is:devoutly to be wished that a union may take;place among the different Presbyterian bodies, Whether the union shall take place or not, we soon shall be one—eternally one—one with-our common Master forevermore. On motion of Dr. Douglas, seconded by I tar. , Thclt:_)Tabnigetw.: 1.,' '1 - • Resolved That -Synod.-have heard -with. greatpletisurethe addressof the respected delegate, and cordially reciprc•eate the fra ternal sentiments expressed.' Dr. Steele, the Moderator, couveyed • the fraternal greetings of theS34tod to the del egate and through him to the church he represented. We are one, Sir, in doctrine. It is to be hoped that it shall soon be dem onstrated that the orthodoxyWe hold is im mortal. 'lt can scarcely be expected that our differotries can be removed in a day. But whether orgenie.unien 5ha11,44 / , cis ,plage or not, the ()hinds ieSetitiallYo&',- Synod Rev.. engaged Wylie, D. D.. a in devotionLL. D. , l exeres, Theophihis -4 in the Chair. The following gentlemen led in the devotional 'exercises : Rev. W. S. Bretton, Rev. Mr. Phraner, Dr. William Wilson and Elder James C. McMillan. On motion of Dr. Douglas, Synod agreed to hear Rev. G. C. Vincent, D. D., delegate Mini the United Presbyterian Assembly, to-morrow morning. • The resolutioncontemplating the suspen sion of Mr. Stuart was read. • ' , under t .Itatyrfasohition - to discnas, what the standarte - Chtticti - ' Dr. Wylie resumed the discussion. He believed if this church prohibits any thing that Christ has authorized, he had a righto to, do:tut his convictions dictated. He ,did not to be misunderstood. He did not think it would be right• for him'te go into a pulpit of the ,Reforinud . Presbyterian Church and Use hnYthing not authorized by the Synod. He thought something had been nut on tho Reformed Presbyterian Church she would 'tee '''t'ter without. Laws in course, of time bovine obsolete. He illustrated by the case of the old Scotch school-masters who, if they vacated their school on certain days .they were suspended. Lowe on Psalmo i dd . and Communion are becoming a dead letter veryllud.' Heffixtif two portiods• froth' the Bible illustrating the case in hand. The first was from 2. Sam. 14,-'43: "Jonathan told him,.andaald,l did but Aosta st.little honey-ttith tlie end of the bid tha% *rut in mine hand, and, 10, .I mast die." .The sec ond Perlion,was froniAlie Acts of the Apos •les referring to-Peter'iiilidon of .the sheet let down from heaven. , ' Mr; Alexr,..-Kerr . Oldeiky was , rejoiced. that this subject had been brought up. , He believed Abet every ttine,h_rang,a--. hyihn he.Was vielattbfp hit iscrati Mr. Xttrr tread-, the law of the church - and said if it did not exclude thekied Of hymns Thef did rirkun z quittsgaljntallugurnguage4-,114/1.41 1 04,4 the church wouT4, ye itytileeisive answer. He did not believe the'rdadLef the psalms would Alava eff,Ato said it'Voultll- "If properlbtidnhaffbeent` taken eigellasn:yparsuge, wß wpaldmot here wrangling to-day. Synod adjourned to meet in the evening at hair tarten 0'01°,44 liev. Mr. Phraner • • by yer EVENING 9EEVI2ON. Synod met Whaltpifst sloven sit& Was opened with prayer hythe Moderator. Minutes read and apliroved. The Committee tore the Records of the' Philadelphia Presbytery reported that the ed y ham been•MaintietlYund beautifully,. Print blaiiil44iiittliil•Tvgnirriirti;Nß va Scotiii tbere_.wigt• only one pEtahn... , •—" the oneheliedhfdiself—fn the ocifigi • • ' ion he addressed. ge :hatitakim went r 'or psalm be.oks with illitn..when .he went to preach 4 1W rthe Methodist churehea. He did not consider, time, practice "mean and contemptible." They had no psalm books when ba i lment - there first. Thew aril thousands there .now:i.lle:fironld not watch a man's lips to,bring a charge against vim. but PilWeNfil? obUreh;l:L ,' , r -• • We' ldattitinl- . lusi `behitt With: ME ENE , mace tthp east—the um-11.---anner nl6 . west—the "pi • • .91pitriiipip when there' w • . _forty t ousand people in ti ii arAN he sag i #ir • Mainttettr a Ve n • n thing but theawsbompfaVarbly j Ant there should • • f•rbearaiice In th rna r where ininlste lairs' Site • Re., it= . , - 4-etiarf 4someol ,IniplareNNl,zniht fai ll tMitiftV*# o ;lo 4 *.M i ' Wel a ThetttinusedloOy 7 . 4q1 7 4 1 execute the law PidbilYhettoi it shwa notruKtil be en - timed: , was Statedlutheefternoon that_ the law.was be. Ot aki ' lthan IRA rt; t i t Rifira; 0 PaPer Mkt ••r• . • - 7 (T 1 1;2 4 ;110 AUVIA St I A ;NAY' 28-484. A to - 11341gir, but amltiiiwo r &S ' . not convezitmwAldPit, I T t e tiktla iPridth the paper reads noes not zest the la is not to be tested by a thrust at aperson: - respond. fibs mail's moral enaracter Id in: volved. • P Rev. John McMaster, D. D., said the mat tei bef , 4e us is W matter of life or death with ,We must vindicate thkflaW:ar: our Churh will golinplecem not, concern: us what waswaone'-inThe, dr Second ,Reformation. He the. Testimonyof th° Church; - bmax. 'Sec.' 4. tiretrmm e t s ", fmr . : communion, to which every:member Rives thwilt men Shall think'alike, about eveiy. object ; of thoughtibut;cfirusthum -canesat..coliper? ate, unless they are of,onemind aboutthe gen,ATl4, rinciples of Clnistia of:Chri Communion ''Should embrace. nothitig,but Which tgth andlre- Jed' nothing- fie whieh the ehfirch bath ZoliteruriV s 3fi article on psalmody:-"ThOpookbfrtalms,"; which Is of divine irstarittOix, Is well.adap ted to the state of the churcir r and of 'every; Menibittr, in all age's Mid iiirctunatatee s: t ui d ; these Psalnia to file exigusfou tions and uningired.corhpositiongore Gabe" succubi the social tiot'ships.l'' - - ks° testimordes, he said,,haut been nP'- Ifeld ' , Unfit : %bid tch'bittpvTicds 4reivaA guilt° hear . from the deletcattilYoin.the-01( School. Aaseiably,,that addressed the-aftmpoil; that/there = was affiVosition In many: .pis Of 'his' Chinfah;t4 'return to worship on the ..“Old brazen altar"..-to re-. turn to the goodi.old: McMaster spoke at ten' gth,b - ut; we'are unablmte give -anything like an tint.; lift 4 etmclndeC ' specimen of the Sabbath taboolhymnol74 of •tlii nounced by the New York Observer, from ,!,bActo„,:tN,Aiirf,4iltts-f.,e1143Wm; 9 r "ikitow a 'gig With tieth of pearl Aud shoulders.whit mustno She lives -ahl well I not tell. But wouldn't you like to know?' ' ZatVed song!" litacieWV*hid,' we would like to know. "But this," says 'the Observereggs all;of a' pieee with.the ligious buffoonery' of which we have seen so 9,10h-„ofllito,'a '1144D DT., Ste°Th (m f, cod de in the chair) ga La Iditdry of the Church her rela tion tp pezffnlocry---The tivat t ic Vect, th en gag4fiVie'- a rif lteiltiah thei rdha 'Assembly was Psalniody.: e‘W.' that psalms should be the matter of the ChtirelVtk, praise.-- That -isAthe 3ptlitl slia o,zro through her Commissioners in the West minster Assembly. Dr. ,Steele continued at great length. At the; conclusion of his speech a catechetical debate took place be tween hini and Geo. H. Stuart, each party, `siipTiose =heti:le-fully' satisfied that' h.° was the victor. At half-past ten o'clock Synod adlourned to meet at haltpait'nlne this morning, Dr. Theophilus Wylie concluding by prayer. THE COURTS. ' ; ' . rt. , • Unitedigtates \ District Court Candless. The case of the 'United States ve....fackson E. Roneh, indicted for baying in his_ pos. session , eckuaterfaiLiiidted States obliga . itens, with intent to utter, publish and sell the same, was 'resumed.' • Gen: F. H. Col lier; of counsel for the defendant % concluded ; his argnMent, commenced' on Baturday, and was -renewed by Hon. P. C. Shannon, ahfcribrftrimmartotanseturthyd .4 and a half inlii4iiistShiiinhsL.;and?'tiloquent effort. R. B. Carnahan, Bsq,„ Djatrict At torney, made -the dosing aVblit. spoke less than an hour and in that thrie presented the law and_the strong points of the case venrelrlyritilly answering the arguments of the - defense. When lie had coricludecL, the jury were ,distuissed, until ten o'clock this morning, when the Cenrt will charge them. ' ' • • tolatrici James Gordon and others vs. the Penn sylvania Railrriad Com'Pany. This Was an action in ejectment for a certain piece of property in the Pitth ward., The jury was subsequently • withilrawn, arid thd • case: stated for the opinion of.the .Court. - A. J. ]Hark s va. 'the. Boroughlof 'Law renceville. This was an action to recover three hundred dollars bounty, offered by the borough autboritlea, in IM,, for.volon tears: The plaintiff was drafted and put substitute, into the service and cradling him to the, quota of the boronigh. The beoutity'ttioney,'waa.not paid anal "the netbDu Was brought to recover the amount. On Common Pleas...-Judge Mellon. John' lieckfleld 'is.'harles P. iirdston. This was an action to recover damages for trespass, In closing up an alley in the Third. wardi Alleghenyi thronglitwhich- plaintiff claimed an easement to his. property abut ting on Sandusky' , street. On. trial. _ - - • Ponce News. yoildwing came up beibre J'ustice Ammon, of East •Itinninghturi I; - Lindwig Minehart : -.made information charging John Agnew- with assault - and. bat for ter7 &Bearin ne , # 4f 4 rert 4 . ,4- 15 4: 44 - 114 he / 4 g. ' ' John Agnew madelth - Ormation chargin'g' Ludwig Minehart with the larceny, .pf, twinti i ; ll Veceats Werth of ac, cused was held for a hearing. ctuisst 74&nV1443MtgarleCUITilueUfigti ney 'N;r ^ ith obtaining Raids under Ealse pre tence. - The prosecutor Is a grocer on of, Brownsville Pike, in Baldwin tewnifik The accused was arrested hinfirktvila tied., , Riehatditeinzle tificit:litthiritiatiok-leharg hig.M.ChaelHogliialid)Caspet !Umbra, - as:, loon keep* in. Lower'St:,.Clitix township; with selling liquor on Sunday. Warrants' worn lestacd.for theitarreat. , John 'Lehner "m tide' formation ;against Jameaitabefeharging-hum conduct. Altrgrant,vtuillqu'Atio r his ar , John Stein charged DAM Sfflektri..gabb,/ Smoker and John Wolf with assault add' battery. He alleges that they, laid t in wait for him and beat' him in a brutal manner. *Warrants were issued-for their arrest. The following _cases were before Alder mari Taylor: Hobert Reed, -charged suL,oath of Losta Grimes; with assault with intent to commit rape, was arrested and held for a hearing. .Jbhti S'ebibler badOintbrinatkhEVEFErgj lug Henry and James Pox with assault and battery. Warrants were issued for • .. r)).. The following was before Alderman Masters: .ro li *-2 4 Joseph Patterson charged on oath ti Thomas E - Vr o l e with forcible entr y and detainer, sr , - " " l i ttjen an has t 00 ef.41 9 09 1 1 VALLII i nergitga -- Alt 4 , 7 3 111041 P=; /44diekin hA* w . 71 ; dal} 1. W . , 114 .1411.1. itsrot 1/441 4 4 4Mitetr b uteedol, azut.l "h i plaMil cm [ltitit.- - :‘-i,iii. -4 1a l t t lklautteitIv 1 449, Aftftrta. .4,ha . , ot o „, ....),-, •, , t .4 - 1 . [Communicated.] He Acknowledges his Political Errors—De -7ZOll7lCed the Religiiidi %Intolerance of Prot estantism—Refiects Severely Upon the Policy of the C'kurcle of England—Eulo gises the -. .Pe--Speaks in Complimentary 1 renal:a:l;44T_ M o f acre lE , z,•4;i:,te s the Democratic; Tickett - ffecause "lie Belie ves the Democratic Party to be the Most Progres sive. ~ I e` 4 _ tEor the Morning Post.] "NATIVISM FORSAKEN. , I f Li 74 :gilliesc;ilifitiiiOrktifiSCl ha ? " - ' ' s Y , "All who know me are aware that I have heretofore advocated the principles of , Nativis it publicly; therefore, I consider it due to yself, to my former political also- elates, dmy friends and enemies gener ally, to give my reasons publicly for with drawiri my_sey from the Native party. /-40 - Zi al6l o l l7l l rAlt ENV , 1 1! concl ion that at titan was wrong, spirit, nwise and anti-Democratic in the ory, a would be extremely unjust in its Dracti -opentioll. Onc u e_ ..,. vineed of this, I 444004 fa ikTp•i•-' , - believing there s no one so foolish an. stupid as he that p rsists in a course after he is satisfied of iti - nor:,. I -, ;must izconfesti..l.ltat - I.em.ii barks in the Native cause without a due and reful examination of the subject in all its /*stings nut appliezdillEntaaa peo ple so eculiarly.circumstanced as those of the United States. 1 , 2)115 1 etithfhlttetunidatliWthatthe, very en I had been. in thg l iable , of con- , 1 demning, 4 ereittlntellfgikt; as honest and as ,jed,4 B Kolni '4 4 O 4 ;l ll4reAY, IPRbliCill. al4o .4tgatiPlP '.: ',' ' l 9lPliti• / 1 04 1 1 4 41f°, 1 .1z 1 d , thatt , e rwas'i . ttimpanyb inte lig.ent adopted-citizens I was ashamed (Experto . credcW”,:a9.110441:24, ~ ,r vyti•- , 7f %:: "In vie* or this o ght not a free-born American to hide liis eadatick blualt Nthati he would advocate p nelples so PF9ser/P-, Alves* Atnerleattisnif ' ' •---, '-'-.- , - ,-• • ' • -MVliat"Aitie we to f ilpi fieeilarn4heri we find the Pope, - the • ead ,, of the ,Churoh, form*. tn.:_the,giea Informs; mat' have shaken European des . turn to itevery con- - tre't 'lnit hate iyeto poor, while Plus IX' - bar iititte.riotestant • gni , Cathollei, te , hailed as the Leserator 'otEu et , 4 1412y,nliptild,*e ;e when our'own Ms.:, l is, toriinfornis ui.that t :Catholic colony ar-1 Idary.land,undet Lord Ealtltri*,"was, the I find ;to proclaim religious .-llhert* In Amer..i "ReiVbn is employ d'hEguit creel J cy.of England to effeo her. iiiirpose. She gives one portion: a' butter -horn to' Ilek, 1 while] iqhessijis-thkrest. "Aro the. Catiaid.tes faithful to our &qt. Our army, ,,, in Mexico' has testified to their ' fidelity and bra Very. ' ': • ' "If the Catholic Church, in any period of her history, has abused her power, what has theOilurelinfaEngl4d4Greilt Initain, the Presbyterians in Scotland, the Luth&- ans in Sweden and Norway, the Puritans in New England, the Episcopalians in Vir ginia? “During the past year I have voted with the Democratic party, believing the princi ples of that party to be in accordance with the preirreafite.ipiii6. hi sdge.t 'lf the pulAfef: are satisfied with statement, I am, and - if not, I am, for I have satisfied my own conscience. , Satis suporque ." "T. HOWARD." Residence and ' Growith(' on Ohio Avenue, . ; Allegheny City, at Auction—Sale on the Premises. at Two O'clock, on Friday, May 29th. The spacivus.apdfinelySituateitgrounds, with a commodious dwelling house, the present residence of Mr. Jonathan Gallaher, on Ohio avenue, Allegheny, near the new Mathodist church, will be sold at auction on arlday'llftezernao d:~ 14 : , j6 29thZ HO , so'cloek The 1) -freaoAfe,9o.levenAi-BMe ai4,„, •fiftettdtattes IO A> Et s wit4liwn,.treep p givilal,:" •;1.'.. drife, fanattdatlituk4o-ab 4 '' ni and.gattlisi 1 ,T.; tt..ht! '- • • ' 1•- ' tee, 't;. spa4uteetal r ,dou ,i . .l, freaeoedctitor • . 44 . 5 44 rat di. lagi room,. k#9104:! tylgi r - tAng hn t4eo finislitaratuCtiTbtF,Aol *toi l et all 8 P aa1° 4 1 4, 41 . Eb3ti4K 4-#4/04.fr:1V.1 ceilinmow ,-,- , ; ; . 1 / 4i .„.....z.5.... The-Yiefirsiltiji %waft :. „ 0, and , - exceedingill tre..es „, river, and surrounding hi! as. far ; ss Dia-, ruont, to the *eat.; The passenger cars pass in front bf the lOC.' ' ebutidiesof nearly all denomination* in the vicinity. .- . Terme, one-third cash, balance in three annual payments. Possession giyeßiasuil. the purchaser. ..,, A. LEGGATE, Auctioneer, -- , '4' 159 ,Federalitilt. •Allegheny •* ". riP 4 ol , L!ituo.t'. Yesterday Afteendon, at: ''aboat "three o'clock, a very heavy , casting was made at thi)• foundry of Messrs. Bollniau, Boyd J Bagehly. . It was a chilled • . iron roll, five feet long in the body ' and twenty-eight' inches •In diameter., The, -.as • the: molten iron ran into the moulds fillirg the air with sparks, was n beautiful one, The whole weight of the roll, when finished; will be something tionfltiglitriltitl a half tons. It is the second of a pair, the first of which was cast'last'week and whic h` are the ilialefit cWll4l'Vleilveiniati ke • - .1 In this - or any otner.country.• -.chase rol are to IFifipppyllgkAleA; ,Terdan,, of, the Jeliftli Votilt) 1 1 1 ) Ykkdre ahei be nse for rollingcopper. it is an excel ent evidence„Of•thif.,enterpriiii of .Pitte, burgh founders,dila' of the superiority of their work, whenthey receive orders from manpfactorieq wlfich are so much nearer to the largtildi*.tril loundrieff,„ IMited,el while waiting for the castin d g4o take Place heavy-,lron Ulm; t - ir *da y ro ; 8_ hipment, to. Sichmond, infer north as Milwaukee,. which were • only • further evb. demo of the high repute 'of. • Pittsburghl foundings. leatatantieht4;4 l . ) 1 70 ' Y Misses. , Enrrons :, The 'contest for Di trict Attorney, lit , to '0.4 1 ,4 ,41 #, /aft bea4 Very,i9itingtbetween Will twacaadhiates, but the people have. iOtl•et aancludeil,te take either of thool, 4 04 i t lid tl iii i i raba - . ble that one of the other c andidates may be selected by the couVetitioll. a : , The friends of It. D. Parkinson, Esq., are A work i n illietWyetditerminedly, and are confidentthat at the proper time they will exhibit a' degree of strength not expected by some nob fall, puliteiti ite.dellrimenW ‘ r by his friends upon the same grounds and for the same reason", urged in favor of the Other candidates: legal ability, experience and military IlierAlNNi to is 0-o flntrY. ge Claimsin/thing. himaelf -for haidng served his ,pountry„ !)ut ,his friends see proper to dO sO , for hi, 'ThekelaiMlbr 'biol4ll,that , Can be 'claimecl for any yet named fiw the b o ra , staffice, 44 1 k1Oftg"-AP: ,O," `, ' too IvarlAll for'. xxsai l 1 Whey an! : , , o„ oo...Without un derrating ,or dls , ..ng OW qther candies. dates; - Any offes- of :Celt Wortlid doubtless AU thoPtnoe7ttioir lief* with abili C ty. iz , ,„, ,2 5 , w 1 —.1.41,..4 41 1'47.r11 - .4 : Weed Sewk4Ofteirdite 4'4147 medal!' I It'l will , lxveeen brew official notice in nether „9:l l 4lmtkiktr .40.. D,upprtpwit of *OW tp 1a . 7 theAlver, ~ I *le, Irret* galaing,- ins, lay OW*, i mp the Paris Expo:di:lout 16167: = T hl made is the first iMalialtilkiiintridelM awark TOP ta. American reaching; ime • • ti belt . , ents. H . r. , Amy. areabamo n d of the ..altion at 'I ~ , Wield , Ina sewing , , , ek.,/tatineeessfirttupludlidegt,:The .. ” , magb . to 4170:1311, /11141 mouthhtgat the actitadyAkAllank. sw3 ines a —ties last uiLe month ~,hotitii iit igh torg large t incr Taft Druly 001011 A. . IMPW " r i l tft il l , • It is welliabbirthilittlkt nireetllttaihine is well as a iglesilistterlagnittArristie Agent's.t Idailleft tlik 4 / 4 14,41moklatirmat Skeet. LI The 1110ehinfif Manulketurers Chile: Weltfkavit • -Ipriiit,e#,llte necessity of a: CoMplefe, - ; BusinPas Reis' t vf the grest V:eif. W. S. . _ Divine of New York-, has. undertaken the. difficult task-of _bringing ;before tihe'bPBl- nesiventritnunityyt na near -ail possible, a complete - work. Tile boolrmill be a corn- Wok: regjifter of the following cities Pitt& burgh, Cleveland; Chifiago # : citmati, :Columbusi:Lanisvilleibiliwan,kee r memPrds, Indianapolis, Devei Wedo and • Nastrville• also arpgister e 7Afteich a iitli aiid-Mamifietureribrltew - YOrk 9 : 13difoia, PhiladelPhla And TOiltintoke. afatkoil;ed asthitts re in the city and have' commenced. the' MINIMS. We hope bur" . ;Meieliants - -'will- 'offer sheik assistanee'' bff giiring-neceifekry• information for tids ivork,"- as , it 'is' no ernlkll, nndertakingyand thus! supply the great: demand for a- book of this, 7There is also in the- advertising de partmenta ,limited amormt of :pages for ' a rtift h -c9gfeA airing business anLergpts. flf• Pties ! . e .t - t) na ri uenve eg retply neo m :all parts offor the ,it city' us' c ents _per • -1,1: (finial; n - DAVAirriliNV oP STATE, ',Washington, Arai Oth,' lila—To the Weed:Satving chin e'Comi 3 ar;' . . l Tartford - etninictictit 't The ' DUpartmant.. has. received ' thS' Silver Medal and llfiplortia Atvaided to yoursinpany tre'SlivffneltThelifites at the Paris V idiretsal• Explsitiod of 186 . 7. • f • Tour obedient , SeiVant; " '; . 1 -• • WILMARt EL SawASDc She abofe medal is thefi'rstiti publicatimr of awards Made , AixiCricant Sewing Ida shineshindeltenderit-Of extra at- ; titAblnents• NYVeA•:Selvlng , Machine parry,.239 Main, strpet,:tiartfurd,.Connecti:-1 ; Plttandirgh ATce; 112 grant st,Teeit., *el"' Rea q 44, 4 , ven . 1 . 0 a.spiov. o sr . p.p -aitipliciol4-pappr- Chit evsatr - • ' • • ' -We earnestly advise our readers to 'call and examine-Singer's ikitilly SeWin,g Machinee-Whirthei desitingl pun , . I chase or not. It is very remarkable for its quietnesarspeede.lightnesioaf-r u n n i ng of managemen t trapdvipililicit7 and perfec tion of constriiation. nbrergirely different fropigftgertougdgggclattleaka.)zo:)—.z- -; The tension is really self-adjusting mi. the feed is, perfect that the, operator does not halo& to hold-the good.9'stretched to prevent puckering , even when sewing a. Single 'thickness of SWIM - Namsook. The hemmer is a marvel of perfection; hemaking y,,:widtif_kenloffla-felllgi: 'MOW beditlfiir manner, requiring rag' little skill to manage it as is require d to sew a straight Seam on any tither machine. Prices and terms to suit all. Straw tk Morton, No. - 40: SL . Clair street, corner of Penn, are the general agents. it wilt bEf deed by'aii advertisement else where that the Young Men's Christian As sociation have determined:to continue the 12 o'clockprayer meetings during the sum tiler months,asr usual, at. the Methodist Church.; Ito:CU-door to the GAZETTE Otlide.' The %04.21,4:kirrt;c:Pldiall.yinvitptito, aftEin these meetings, Nir 'eh will doubt less continue, as heretofore, very inter esting, ediNing .iiiid - Useftil, and that the many Yonng ladies and gentlemen wb have atte - ridedthes4:l religions assemblage will usetheir influence to bring, others join &dui iiiirelse's" 614:laity ? L praye and meditation. • The .Everrin9Maft will succeed the Even ing Advocate on Saturday next. • Suburban- Residence.- 7 • Thursday, May 6iieloteldeVt;i diftfie'lfretidsee, at Laughlin station, on the Connellsville Railroad, will be sqld by auction that very desirable twO'story (new)'brickhonse, con_ 'wining : eight largeand comfortable rooms,, together with•three acres of ground, within three minutes walk of the station. 'this is indeed a'rutia'hatice to..ptittlfase•a' both& See advertisement of Smithson, :Vantiook McClelland. Auditing Committee Appointed.—At the request of the chairman; Mr. E. T. Cook, Mayor Blackmore this morning appointed a committee, consisting'of :Wm. R.'Browi J. P. Pears, and Samuel Rea, taaudit the accounts of the-Distributing Committee of the funds' raised` for the - benefit of the suf ferers from the terrible explosion of Messrs. Rees, Graff& Dull's mi 11.,• ' . - , Erratum.--Yeite` t i diticfietite Ot puti lished officers of the ,Allegheny .Prison As sociation, timi - name of 'Mr. D,-Carlisle was printed as Vice Preside nt . instead of that of Rev. T Clark.:. - Mr, Carlisle was elect e 4 Treaswer as, i staied, initeune item. Republican Voters.--The attention of the Republican voteritis called; to' the Execu tive Committee's card in to-day's paper, giving the time of voting -and . how the same _shall be- done. •Be carailil note' what , wardtkpfil i .dAdirtels'A tic and by4rliammv. k 7 ." It is now ttiouklit ;that:the committee having chirge of the Soldier's Monument hand will rescind -theix • choice of }design and 'select instead of marble a , bronze' mon mmtviotterntepsuldolpfifrome i tt l e Seal • Removing tholies4:—• 'Parties interested hi removing the dead from the Methodist abtianurY,thafroacztauenedttinngttieiSev, anthivazd should e'venliV; tO, hi! held et sevenih w siveloek.- 2 * 7177 '"' . 115 APe n r r d• ?- n619 ft 73f The body, of-Peter (iirnd , f,:whn was re pently droWned at li3Vritiult3, • AE that,nlty, and, Chief . of P,ollee Green has been ilotified,.that• IA (will at - once. bei' , for.l inardedl to pittabur! h. - Rich ano t , '"trieWetil.,4 3 l7.Bo. , :: ,tramp ell & Warm rro rtetars. • .sirlilii...u,' " 2114 ,#.2t i - 7 , .171ttl71"4nr e 7fl141; ill;gl= intaneiefer you toloph.,erne-&iiw-!eater -11194ent34 calk., Stqlen itenrol;e7s,AttettieWll.o -to: Artradv.itibilAttitliti ttizoikiy's 'r Or Ste.-. 1 0 0 •Volle b V i leniPe te the 4fie.Y/Y*, Pia Ballrood pawl , . •., , ~,, •• ~,,..! 4;., .The Ofalkieet 'Wed' scare' r9ePeetiV •illliii at, ea early ' loiter. A.' Is fern e deli/miff:in - 41 - mi' bibitilif hi s :iiiim illoki'Ms - 41 IePPY• .. . -- I - - CUs Preaboied '• to sis;len. tite ritth, street P4'0 1 4 1 0110 ttbeve l*rtittitleld.-113qe tifirdt f.Va! 3 y . -li'o4askty P34:34 Itl*titreniehg., The••- liiying,of the Nieftolibii -blocks iiili • mmence on Fifth atreek4tSitlrdwr. -,-- re. t• - ••• • ••• - • • - • Brimful of. local and telegraphic ne ,•• ,•• ' hetaiZ igae : 4o44...47 ~3 —At a meeting of the American Baptist • blication Society, in New York, : yeeter . , •• IhilliattlialzreportafttElatreasurar n.mitted showing the receipts to be ;34,8 a large increase on last year. / 3 ranebbo . - , . are tfPlatric/ibligffiel.sta Iltehypiarif Yorg the piesent . slimmer Oita . - .1.f1e Ivor of the SeeletY is large and higNelibitive. 1 fiver two inindiWd . thillibri• - ' Of were dietrib,nted two -ban and ' "... ' seliffilibuil. : , „. p l :ri ak tr=7;. „. u . . ...,....., ...,,,. a . •?...7 - 0 . . fr7...1.-!tt•lLtilo•iiu ~, ,, ,k1 izuz...... ~., }.slit tit' J - I,M ` i -;,;:.1 -ntl.llqctutn.r: - 11,. , ..''.! - ', BBST.l.4llrej ar igia nor i% i lai ki i . ,. . Icik.tiln§,lo tirgribikOr4oll, IVA.).*14411111111il 07.41' . t-111 Itllpft). - 4g (I 74., W I -,. z,U$4lO-441itir tirkitie** *OP „to )!lIIPMESkt 4'o. 1-44 L ' Ifiii;'/..Y11 ' ,1 ‘ll -' : f "Ta ll te fill i nrktiliWiiitAirriliS • • :'''' Tag ~, ..: di . ,- • • ..• a bia mmati ' • • . ciaW a. , 44. il• I attellaii.Lim ,„1,1 - 1 9, ,1„ PIK —, T 4I4 = Mhtlr is i ii , . • . • " •-•- • i. 114 MISSOURI,. • - • - 2 Resolierr fcal Rditers; (By Te)egra l ph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ST. Louis.. May 25,..-&-A meeting j. radical editors of this State, was , on Friday and Saturday last. s resolutions was passed, - declaring advocate 'these principle§ and g which they , believe to be- for ' (, 0 . good i rrespective of any man, se 3r any party, and strive - to act as of lagging,'aies and ler • bebind, them; that t tat no:Prieeil4ea PI/glad beiFiret people are•P,TePare'Vrek it, as - 14 refuse to go into' the , water - : iid learned:toAwlin,,iir not tit 'it ?ad' independent:editors, but ortl; nod cowardly darts of politicians tint stiffinge is the ileeessar pmt of thefunental Idea of rem. a Mont; viz: •• That :;the w • t : can. _ govern more-.wiselyTtliar ,y,- or chum, oP" , leaste:•!:, That the • best: sense ex pedle it.' . lifts ,fo, personal: Judi dtnesi • for reSpenißtyand t 4"thede, who • mrist • Otherwise ifs and ` r peonii, and thatit Is -who' faithfully -'stiPpert' goltrerrtruent• are 'ea-Y titled - 'to protection through the ballot againat • infustitxt.; That the .prejudice of color, which denies a just.equality of civil: , and political rightikis the Main'obsteele to. a. safe reconstruction, the source- of a thousand • firma ,er injustice and.. intollerance, the ' blot: Upina.„ our,' nation, , and the fruitful 'soil from which' Demo. crate votes are, spontinebbsly prodncedr it" is, therefore, the. duty' of every radical • editor to "lab or, to' break'doWn that- prefu-c: dite, at once the 'shame lancr- peril of-she Republic.. That as 'editors we .30fii - strive to influence theßadical party togiveopen . - and vigorous support to •Im pa rtial suffrage anctto, secure the adoption of,thy Censtitu-. tien44, arneildmertt 095 Pendink• very 1 at: the - national" • honor, ',hi the verYt soul of natitinalbeittg,'§ined'Withont credi the'exititence - orthenat#in cannot be Main taiiied;lind. it istherefore our dutY, while seeking•inbehelf of these people , every re' licit from taxation which`-can be • honestly obtained to resist sternly: every form of re; •- pUdiation. „That, in•Lthe advocacy_" of ear Principles ;Tre will strive to observe the • I in,- inessential unity, non-essential.; free.,., dom. We Will not denounce as traitors men men who may differ from be ireany, detail of"policy,, nor read bift Of the, party men. whose attrichinent toits''PritiCiPle§may be ag.slne'cre -as -;otir thotigh upciifsidt. frage er other questions:they think a dif ferentpnlicry expedient.•:That thosewho del liberately betray those:principles, whether ; in .the White Rouse, Senate or else- • where, shall receive -Iron; us -no countenance or Support for any ppsition of trust or. infliience;but putting , the 'brand of treachery' upon them We will warn all men that they are not 'to be. trusted. ' The' man who selbi his principles, or sacrifices for ambition,' revenge, . ' or gain, the party" upon which the safety- of the nation. de- , ponds, deserves - !only , ...the : scorn which: decent soldiers and honest men give_ to the sceundrel who eurrendera, for an: enemy's gold the fortress of his cOuntry. That we heartily approve the nominations. made and the platform adopted by the bra- ' tional Republican Cetiventiorr bhibego, and will labor fcistiell the glorious triumph ' which such a platform and such candi dates insure. • • •,*: 1122 -The statue or Hon. 'Tho s• as Hart Et.en ton will be unveiled at St.' .uisto-rohriow. The MayOr of the city has • :Mid a prOelit. motion recommending tb - suspension of 1 I 11.4 1 I 1 I 40119i011; : • • AIR ITNII4 A r LEX' /68 FOURTH STREET; ' INS DRAPES,' ery desarlialon 'or' Funeral Funds nlsbed. Dooms open' day and Carriages itirrdshed. ' IDlFEnimousr-Rev. David Kerr, W. Jacobus, D. D., normal( BuLlny miner. Esq. . , VIIARLES &PEE* Ei t IUNDERO, TAKERS AND LIVERY STA : LES, corner of NDUSKY STREET AND CHU , CH • AVENUE, Allegheny City, where their. COFF If ROOMS are constantly supplied with • real and ~ tattoo .Roge..- wood, Mahogany and Walnut CMS prices- ye-.. rying.from 44 to •/00.. Bodies pr -pared for Inter- 4 ment., Hearses and:Carriages fur tilted; also, all Inds of Mourning,43oodS, t requ Office open at all hours, day and night. AOBERT, T. ROHN ,11 • • TAKER AND EMBALM No. 45 OHIO ' REET_, Allegheny, and - 0 DIAMOND , SQUARE, (by J ohn Wilson & Etol4;ikkOn always oribituld We beat 'Metal( "ItesewoOdi imitation Rosewood Collins. , Walnut -Citaila o - uprrards. itosewbod Vnl oas $2O ,timinanis T M other Coffin:lL pthpueuem, , carringes: and Hearses- tarnished at low rates. Crape, Wane% /nate , Pt Entraving ,furnlstied gratis. Offi ce apes' itiet WzAitEW:o HNOmpwi.To' . . • ct IPAsir.ruitc4: .A.43.14R8 LEBEUAL liirlitTDlthtri s S""- Fortheni td, btry, anyt lag we - ave Ire wtoekle the line or,' WATCHES, CLOCHE,. --- - zarr; - silvtitzw Sik ; Chif tit:ona'and tieo oniitesati : - .1 f_.:,; ., , DUNSEATHik4IA , ISLETT, if . :MW.F.PIai i) 4. a FIFT Ar..oF,Tostit ' .311: 11 r "I; SP l ltrOete 9/06 0 " •• 1; i.") ns : I I• .N ;.; • •',, /Nl* Adifited tAss HERCgANYT4II:OII' •„;-, ••,-• • ••• ./ ; Lit 'JOST OrkNED; H . .„ f , 7 . 41 i.Tsf. lj " _ 1 irytt . i *lk • - .;.tii 0 0 11 , 1 tISOWSEEtaf Tgtirlit • ,_. ~,,w Axii44.1.17•1!4-.F1%.(0)..111rA.1;r1 ':.., t4iniiiiittit i ttl iimiiiiiii*"., j 'elif' l 4*li i i' , iontalit tneth w n. 6. e nt o . !i ;110 ~ .k % ' 1 • A ii(ii ' - - . 1 41 ! !:•.!! ",.. .'i