The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 26, 1868, Image 6
11 , . • As. vzinuts, Freyt•“- !W t. geSiiinataMliera i•.! 02-i an AND IRON CO" ... ) 9.3. 4 NPAMT11,-P? ..;.;tit t • • ' 1 BIEN AWN c` . '" • Railroad risli.Rars and Bolts; ,jaaoreowt4Car Axles - R9l l /€ 4l kiEfis wißDeeraoitra Frames; „ 'oennloH~e Frame Shapes; Yokes, Straps; '^:114011113414M04 - Steamboat Shafts; Asse,Mboitt Cranks; ; Piston simis, Wrists; pipadn Java, Collars, &e offiCe, No. litEdsiN STiEN,T RArr, BYErtg &: CO., MEI Bar, - Hoop 'and Sinet Iron, WROUGHT mom, Iron Welded Tubes for Gas, Steam, Wator..ite. ALSO, - OIL WELL TUBING. 01119%.98 Water.and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH,. Pa. • u29:e2ii KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. _LLOYD & BLACK; Best common, Refined, . , .BLOJITNIATAOM IRON: . . ME&CHAM_BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON. BOGEN BAND,_T•and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATB and SHE_ETLVSONr MOWER AND REAPER BARB; CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER IRON. RALLS,A_Cla,ndall& z os. to the yar, UeliTieLHAESsiind for am . ... T RAlLS,runrhx.r.slid COuntersnriti COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES. _ , Warehonse and Office at the 'Worls, GREEN ODOR STREET, (acontinuation of First street,) Sid,9rig "apt,' Gas Works, Pittsburgh. t r infigtlNct P litgreArSeCo4 • Pettqlvania Iron. Works. ,Warelionse, Nosill6oand,lo7; IVEST „STREET, opposite Monongahela 'Hauge; aD24:d6 PITTSOIIIIGH. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SThiatk Kg= ca laan74i oeeidiliaciiptlon of CAST. AND CERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY sttmos, ELLIPTIC AND PLATFOR3I SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, Ac., Ac. itirehdpie l 'Bo Water and 100•Fint Sts. P1ir..8.:11"/X' STEEL WORKS. NuERSON, COOK & CO., (317CCZ880E8 TO JONES, C 0.,) lfsonfacturen of tbs . .; 'BEST - REFINED CAST STEEL, ntrAzas, pgas, • ettett.,____,..isittr w &nanny - I n w.CASI: 8 L; CAM W-4t9 1 8 110%1 5 _l-11'11-'i tit • t DIV if C alum ste., &e. Castan 'ConizaimPlow& Spring Steel ei—COrittr IFTBST•ANDMOI3IS STRUM, pre *lecke above the MonoueVela Horrie., MILIAZ4 BARB ag PARKIN. P*Mara • 8: 1511. --- BitTBEN MILLER, d WtiBAIIMA.EA 1 , 4PLAP;_ 7 44 1 4 12 i- s : VESCLA.L FAILTNEIVIS. :DESCENT STEEL WORKS', i IIKU.I...IMEt,ILIatit.*„I".&-VDCXNI I Office, No. 339 Liberty St, " Pr1T8899,911, Y.ACK"INAMQND.:, „e, I:lsAft.epinlEVlMUKlke zsiti,:Jtß(Yrinilt:&•, i ..i! flibinigativersoriallAeseriptionsot-.: • A - , , • Ofeciesiidliratebbeeite‘ , lllo , .ll9;4ll4llooolFD i~d t 2 andlifill • ITIS,- 8, 1•...171 fit ._s . ::r ri1e,.... I ,•• .1 " !let Apleri' ASE - 1 • AciAlliagrairfflw... a t:!:, f. , • 1 10 S E. tltir . BEE IMSEY ITERRIT"k:EIMER • ;:: :• : A • ~ " -'llfigotares's andiMpOrtere of 4.; fLULtilt* 1r!) "El .1.1:1 • 9 • • ,CUTLERY • .:asiaaw.orrou.k !.„, , ,AE47,,,LX.APRTIE r -; , ;..1 7 (. 1 0 `,l toa 1111121=1111 .ragiesgaiiiiie mow liniatkitestot , ;BT3q fi A Op r ipa is tß G ATO 0 G , t enoxior: itnia TIT sr Agent" tot :FAIRBANKS , 130•1=.• . 'GC MUSS , . , , , _ r at jil,f slll 9l.,.lnttlitoil'Fr-z--1 f- , ,,‘,0•4 ' ".."‘,___ F7• ,D " - T " nel tellailfaiittiiiP h i - li ens i n nstontbnakir in Hardware. . 04;i 70,,,ireA ss „..rgixdasi , ; ~ , .-, 410.,, ii. in v iiwtai i., Mop a:: 'G r: 450 PI.Pi Cd bl • .rird -14 , 11 Esti r,fr 4,:st, • rl 11 6101 b ' lll ° l t'; it.: t 0 "1 tit, I 11(1` , t r 12,;.i" ; li n g i tO c ko u r t ii .' 1 f . . ' 117.114,1 .91tiatgir xixtlans24 , tot.o /nmaaelat a triTolftttli: Arig:L , iLealllOlSlMlZo79:aziati .• , ft ".soooisdetutionlk. % I d stilettos egos to tie dodgiest and Own swan sad roan inmutDxWe. - . . . , . _ .....,..,.. ... ...-......,,.........-......... . . ~-,__ . ._ „ ,....„----,.,--," - -,,,-,.,,--,: - . 7 -,-,r - ---,-, , . - x -- z - ' -_, : ":"', 7 - r ;':.7:*'7-a--,: -. ,-.-:, ~•.=..: , --..' - -, ... - '''...7 . . -- .7:' , .`"- --, 7'-;'. ,-- r - -r:77. ,-- ..-.7.-7,-,17,-.--.. - 7- -, --.. , ------,,,--....._._........ . , . , . .?Z::'4,;•-':,1f....C',',..";,Pi..e,;'4ciT7:c":':::;',,41;a,.%-74e4E.:j..,,....yj .0...,.;:Z"1i3 ~..., q 0.i.7•77.- _ '77:T., ' :-77: 1=, _"'.:77'::- -- .'s. , "' et-- ,-,,,,. -....,,,..-,,,,„. %-'-'-'-'-- - ' . -'''''.4 4 2r- d *,,q '"< s . -,3„- & -1 :: , i ,- § , ...V. , '5.:..^.. ,,,, ,,, ,. ...: , , , C , j , l ,, i , ''. ~-,--,,..=, 4,-1,..• ~ . :%,;„ ~....- ..7 , .-• ~:,-,, .- ~.,- ~ , , , k,.'.,;- ,,i ,:•, : - , .1,:?,,,,44, 4 2 ~M373,-.,0:1-;,:,`,,!:V;;571„1-4..;2,:?:..-VV;',':;;;i;:i?i,-;;I.Zi-„,..,.':,,,!-,4,,,,P,i4,:y-,.. ‘,.' ,:. %.::';,.. , --SZ:z e S , *<.' ' l'''''' , % , - _.....„„ , ,, ,... „ ,, , : „, ,,,, , ,..„:.. ., ;,, ,,.,... , , , ,, , , , ,, ,..,.,L, , , _ 64 ,, , ,1N. ,- ,, , ,N , 5_ , , ,, ? -,,,,,, , , .4,1,<V . 7,---,:t ~,, ~,,,Z.T"...,.,-,,,,,, ''.,..i.: ,,, -... , ,, ,, , ,, , ,,,, :‘ , -.. , --.._.,: , ~..... ~...1,•,,,i,41,5.....,,..,A*1,,,Q„:1-,f,' ~,,,,t,,,,,,,..:,:,a,,,,-.f,...,40,4...-2,-;i1,V,....„,4,4F..,A;;;,47-.2.,2e7F-i.7,7;1^;,,,,,,..1;.1,,,t,:i4};;1 , e''''' ' "&" - .4 .4 ?' ... ' r te . . g‹ , 4 :..44..., .. , : 41. A3.. e.,. ..;;;Y "- X . ii .. ....,f" .. .titA.c+. 5 kt.41-;;,-Z1- - .f.,.7.. . Ili ' • ,A7:3-ti ' ''' ''4, 1 •03 Y. 4 .' r . :,, , '''4 4... f ,FAV. 0. .:A• i , - ."%.4 -. . . . .",:- .71:? .. 1P44, -. 't . 1 ,,, ,• ,, , , : .....' ~.".z, , , , ,,,- e-,.., .5. ,, ,, , .. ,,, - , k'• ^-.A' '' '' -j . r."'''`',V l „, 4 \ .. 4 ., .3. - ~ '., ? , .y. . • b. .1.,,,,p, ~, ~,$•,, 5,,,, W 4. " --'''''.. .;: ,- $.1k,,F " 4"t,v...A e :., 47 •:-1;: : ' ' . - ' . - . . . . - . - 3 ,1 4 , 1-4(.. -,,- ..-.""'”. '': I.' '3 ;ticUML., , vo 774 pi'i?rsßUPO's,; p MANUFACTURERS OF - , - NASUP.ACTUREP.S . OF AND STBia, WORKS. PTITSBIIIIGH, PA. MEE , ,mi Fotrwisikals,' A TLAS MOttTON STREET, Ninth Wwil, PITT3BV fIL THOMAS N. MH.L . EB)- President. These Works are among the largest ane most complete establishments 4 the West, and are now prepared to furnish; • t , - I Enitthes; Or evert description. Boilers, 011 Tanaka. Sheet Iron Work. itafirosid*Casligigs. RoUlug 311111 castimis. -Engine Cesitings. Machine General Castilla&' 011.D.Eai SOLICITED nO:wl9 ' , ' STATIONAL FOUNDRY ••• ANCI• PIPE WORKS. CornerVairrop and dinallnian S*(da, (NTI:TEE WARD,) , • PrrrEiStrltGat, PA. i SKIM Manufacturer of • • CAST IRONBOWL PIPE, -L hMt ; sand, j1 8 151M:t le n g ths . c Mo7o.soritaLtrif 6thigraCiiifinis . foi edittiitiViitOk*Orks. I would also call the attention Of Saperinteadeute of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. 1 • fele:tlo • • - • • - .THE - . - OR:1011TIPMF0,1110111'0, CHARLES X3fAP, President. J. X. MNAP. Five President. 0. METCALF, See?g, and Tress's% J. K. WADE, Engineer. • • J. SNAP, General . Manager. ' stszCsoss: , JADES B. KITIMAT,' of Lyon, Shoth & Co. A. E. W.-P-AINTER, of J. Painter. & Sons. C. B. HERRON, of sgang, Chalfant & Co. • THOS .- S. BLAIR, of Shoenberger & CO. WM.' METCALF, of Miller, Barr &Parkin. 3LA...sitTACTIhtTRS or • Bolling Mill and - Blast Machinery. RETORTS and CASTINGS: 'of e ery desealption. EBNEST'S NAIL 'MACHINES. fe24 O. LIVV.PGEITOIT.Tr. 12:1111RT.W A:ROBINSON, 411. LIVINGSTON:46 CO., ..• IRON FOITNDZRS III,ANDPACIDREIL9 OP .. • FINE LIGHT CASTINVS, All descriptions, for Plumbers and Gas Litters: Ag riculturalimplements, Cotton and Woolen Mill Ma chinery, au. All Job Work promptly attended to. Quite 'and WorksWASIIMNIGTOI.7 AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. AORMSON REA & CO., Successors to ROBINSON, MINTS & MILLgitS, WASHINGTON WORKS, POUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSIUNGH, , Manufacturers of Boat and .Stationary Steam En gines 'Blast Engines, Mill 'Machinery, Gearing, Shataigeastings of all descriptions; 011 Tanks and llermsdSheet Iron:Work. ' Once, No. IR,' corner First and SmithlieldStreets. Agents for GIIIEGABD , S PETENT 'ouzo :Mt for feeding Boilers. ' jalint2 MOOT BLANC F(IIINDBY. , Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron MUis, ) PITTSBURGH. Bolting BIM and Bridge Castings, IMBIBLE SKEIBEVAND PIPE BOXES, /14•CiiWERTA129 ,-cA 7 srplps. 9F-ICERALLY. Orders promptly and moray executed. . 1 . Clarges.reuonsble. . . BMW EACiainD. yaitutrif, FetilllllBl. PRICE & 811 a: Office and .Vitiehoise,l9 Wood street. • idgui4iatuie aa keep constantly on hand.' Thimble, Skein ' .;and Pipe BOxest '.':W#GOICESCHCO,HOO SUGAR KE'rTI.ES, HOLLOW WARE, Ind.alistings generkly. apikrd QMAS CARLIN A, CO. • W.aid Foodry and NactOne Lk • SABDBB.4I - ,BT,,,A.T , PBG.BENT CITI, Manniseinieis of 13i4inal.nienehel'Presses,'Pal tittnntabIntetnl.r.CiStgl, Clime il v .ro l lifht g , Wilton Boxes, ttro. ilnii4 to, have on band Engines of sll . unrl4:qs FOVrantir' WORIKer ANg re . • 1400,P'exil $ t et l IL kw' BOYD a BiOiLE mu- ?If- • I Lathes„ 1 Balls, MW castings, 84/ FULTON NIACHINE,MnaItift ESTABLISHED IN 1830. lainiiiicary;or u riatzltelinrds l 'q an elle a and of the mist a roved patterns or stattonta ETi ST ATS and SiliAlit FERRY T le S 3 4 A variety . ilf 10 ; . 19 MO 1 hone power GENES, 'OWL link Ao sold at. MT ,Teduced prices.'. : , 1 , ,r , ; 1..... • ,•,. • . :.• . ~ , .,IP.r,V• utrEUISS. the Ohio Pe q• F niSea_lielow Plttolres,A,_ on the Ohio .nver, sad ;ukase. er.- gRg 't X ) mA VI k.2 - 11g , :Z i ftocb 2 -~ ,: ,littli 721104 7 411 _ 1 : " 4 1 i7r,;l S'AMetii*.WICAPORtAni: ON lEFROKER ' • • • ;,%•• •7 • • • ' - 'loa4ootristAitket l . ;11 OrCe., ,7 d41% % , y, 1 - I , h . o . fit.F, k!IV:7: • t dgent,,ti4di . A&lknitibaltel d wht er bras. e, • en/ POONA C r OL'.g4 o .o4.!E-ii ' PI " • edigiallanOgiaardelert.tillaidatil , „ 'CIOPPE/L ;” 11,041P,P1T1MA1M1CL.,,,,, ;. ,' ~, dorPicriliPa AND WELTING WOLTZ, PIIINEIBIBECINGIEbrt..r -.'"" 1 Praus,rawtivovs. c 44 ~ ' , t'(- ' 'o,pl"'Mpreiiedlttppipogots B ig! :,. -„:..-,t.0.?.mt.r . ' . e . :-' . 1 - •,'. g . I.z • f-.•.. :x . ,. . emdki.. R •--Ptatie,wt 420/,,,- ‘ ' i i. i i. %,. • 6•.•t-s4*Mdai4 - 11 Mill ii ---- 77.- - , 1:0,...,1gmk1,..iy !-, 1 g 4TlMPliliEwarti ', . ,-,#I, I OMA P.O, .'h.fitim,,../,':•!.!fr';.l.,ti tla7r '-• , iftietigo.v. - trailuvrn34rm ur r inzagm • rp w , Ani vs !) . ric ato , • 1 1 hi . i ESTIVIS - AMP W e ans iqi l .. 1 yik ex piiiii i iiirßrown stat,,ii , pi . , ~..... Am actif i tsitmo 4 .14 , ;00 rmicil , siii t_,Oovr MAI MUST WAXISONt Mum , . . . . . • V :Id, ,I , tj 11 I •,,,• , 7 a 11.. n, .. r n.• , , i ..:1 •s : I N ~..T. J. lti, sr f 16 4." figa3 • "r teo r , , . ENGINES; -Bs:Whig, FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AIM TANS WOMCS• CARROLL* SNYDER, XASTZTPACTURZIIf3 OP TUBULAR, POUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, FIRE BOX AN." CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. 15h - t, STILLS AND _,OIL TANKS, 411uNbrm, BREECBINti 40X) A9s ;PANS, : SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS. AND CON- DENSERS: STEAM PIPES, GASOKETERS AND IRON BRIDGES: PRISON DOORS AND COAL.SHDTX3- OWee Mid * Warehange...COr/Oe* Second. . Third, Short sad Liberty. Streets, PITTSBURGH; Va. - `6O Orders sent the stboves sddreie wil .be prompth attended to. inb7:lB9 8. MOBROW,. ! ..TAS. BLAIR. &HASA BOILER WORKS; ritoltilo* ituniKrit - it co mANITAcirunARE OF Bteam Agitators, TANKS;SA.LT PANS, 4ASOKETER9,WRODGHT IKON BRIDGES, SHEET IRON WORK, &c. PITTBRIIRGH,4,Ar. REPAIRING promptly done. jy.l:b2 WM. BARNUILL - &CO.,' BOILER MASERS AND SHEET IRONeIATORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 242.11 D 20 PENN ST. , Haiing seattred a large s snrd And, tarnished it with the most approyed machinery,. ,we are prmared to manufacture every deScription of BOMEUS in the best manner, and warranted egnal tO.any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks,Oil Stills, Agitators, 'Settling Pans, Boiler Iron , Bridges. Sugar Pane, and sole mann falurers Of Barnhill'ePatent Boilers. • • - Repairing done on the shortestnottee. Iss:c2l J AMES M. urripire, Nos.' 55 and 56 Water Street, . PEITI 1117116111, NANCFACTITREIt OF 7 • " IROli OIL - "TANKS, ;‘.l , • :!,:" SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE. ^,T RoJIUNu, MILT. And SHEET IRON WORE, , • _roe Steamboats. JARZD X. BRUSH EDMUND D. }MUSA. j'AlitlW-DL BRUSH & SON, • =I Steam Bei Tanks SHEET IRON WORK, &C. : 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COOK CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO.'S NRITTAx.g.H, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Stove in the Union. 1 ?* 85,-1413eFFf .S wet. . Also on bandand for sale, " PliaLl t ß E MlVe rr i c iz s . GRATE PRONTEb IIENDEBS, fi99 -1 4 /4 & NO E .% ac• CHEAPEST PLACE in tiniraty PrFrilV) l: I , lr ;7 l :jg' l 7, TRIUMEPICCOOKINC STOVE, Is at No. 148 GRANYSTREET. je2 P. C. DUFFY. • • WiILEY WILSON & . • . : !.. C.. _ NATURALLUBRICATING COIL; Settled In tank, and prewed.expresaly_ for RAIL ROADS. and ALL CLAMES Or MACHINERY. Que.= EIITAILATTEED trEIPORN. W Proposals for quantities solicited. IST /Wood Street, "BANK. OF COMMEROZ BIILL" r INO.' Z3:pl9 WARING AND KING, - Comas don litarcants sztViroiiers Petrolettuaud its Products, DALZELL'S DDRYIDID: *AT; r ' pr atiiiE p iitit A iwar ) 'At i lt r e" , 114CICat !-1 r.lf I ; MAI NI I MA I QU -10 4 AND DEALERS Di ' -••:_) ! PittsbasAti (MerDALL,gr,W , 23ITILDING, ear ner of Duquesne isidir4itu streets. Ma d at Z ta gi tte talMti JACOB wEAvicia"fravveriw "' i I liirCtiiiiiitiiii I Ig; I ; : ! • . •• , • I' I VA fitorttrimhit wiu Visikittfdt sad Beau Oils, Lubricating, r i , lionstaa i d egriligek' anzA=l/expeideate 'VAMP". e in enables as to curer imam ark --... tiVra ill irlo t ri a ate, irt ig gid a. lento era makaalt.,, mei ihaytaaoU4,Ro ." are cordlaarltrrttedita "their *WPM: ,a44:094,p , ..—sierr,v_ act or PUB firgrablitt; I ,343n 0 61-0.1517C/ZER." 2. Onieetegne Way, 11148 “. 1111411: s. a sn:nrstfai:::"6: :int.sitide• *I" 'LC ..-- g ini tataMiti 777 .1 r. ---- , isanutheture an d for sale 41 kinds of i .t , l/ f),..,409 res tfedifir et It lentuffq ril fp V, ' - 4 , 1 i 9ifr . 9 a Into m arl 0 1 ' 7l 'itlf, IA JUT 1 4'..() •tFf lictdi -41 • isurnit, MIIIMIW a Oh lEEE OILS kit.o•LlS•mn-u _ FO T PITT BA lii& COME, =_ N 0.169 Wand Street . T •,•• ;•.-• •• ••.,,•:• • t2OO 000 CAPITAL; . • STOCKHOLDERS ;INDIVIDUA • 4LY• LIABLE, DEALERS -IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLO. 4116;:flEPOSITS. Collecitone ninite. on all agceeeltile pnints Lithe 'United States and Canadaa. DIRECTORS D. Hostetter, - James Gordon, D. WsDuce, , E. Fawcett, ~CL, ~B6,F,'ptes't. ite LEFT IiLEY .- STONE . 111111111 i . ~ Y ;" ' *A. • " • CAPITAL, (anthorized,) : : $200,000. Y; ch ;t ffi n; n, ;l Mdoeh, Jr., eilisegC William Espy, I Geo. Van Doren. Samuel Barekley....._ -- &GENERAL BANKING BtJSINESS TRANSACTED, Oollectlona 'made] allanctealble point¢ Lai the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UHITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, President. . , GEO. T. VAN EPOREN.Eashior. - ifirATOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY . LIABLE. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Con of Wood and Sixth Sta. A. PATTERSON Cashier. CAPITAL, : : $500,000. JOS. 11. BILL DIRECTORS: George W. OM. . James McCandless, • Wm. Douglas, - Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, Win. H. Brown, Chas. Lmkbart, Allen Kirkpatrick, .W. S. Haven, DISCOUNTS HAIL HAIIT,CAUGIFEY & BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, pri - rsuratcaff, (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART a C 0..) Exchange, totipons, And part4cular attention paid to tl a purchase and ^.sale o 1 COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight 'JDratts on London. HOLMES & SONS, 33ALIVS.M1=1.1B, ;;(--'1' 65 ,-" Miitket Street, PrI1"1"98UliGli, PAL.: Collections made on aII the principal points of tbd United States and Canadas. Stocks, Bowls and,oftSocurfies BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COXMISSION. • Particular atteuttot -"aid to the purchase and Sale of ,I.TTLited StEttes Securities. lankal WESTERN SAVINGS ELLPIiI • - No.' 69 .troisrth Street. Cll.A.f . t r 'N - 3 , V 4 p, 1866. . r Intereii *aid Deposits .&14445151iit Ftrtiritir4DlPßom Ost DOLLA 11: UPWARD: DEpowfiplingc7 7(o,44lHFcis WITHOUT - -INTEREST. tiro, mtrimili aj W 4 Poler ,, t• President—THOMESON BELL. THOON MAL' Jog, DrvwtrearG. JOS." - sT 4RFE. - J. J. GILLESPIE, Stoekholders,to ertionswe make reference: Wm. Forsythe, - "Joseph Dilworth, Wm. Caldwell, Rev. David Kerr, Willis Dalzell, liesiambert, P. W. Cdwelli - /1.1 , rowatc,,s. E. AV Fulton,/ '-', a' - 2 This Diving( Af 0 - ,„,, -- - NUM . .: x4ilt 6 . in iimit vi- . - .La-T -A 914 1e34 .., „. AVII, s', t k Sr , ' ta C ".' i .' .• QuillritlAv INID , 3 ''.:: • : i .I.tur. ~- 7,1 , • .."u_.9. . -,,i . : , PM:WIMP/11:W , ~...4 1 7 ( ) ) drAtterIIMOVVESNIKNT4ECURI TIE k S. .., .1,„ ~. ••,, ~.. • .:,-. : CI 1 . 1 r• .01, 7140steonvertedriintort-20. ...: ... i . IVOrq. r.O PMet 2111 4 9 W4' ' 1 'A • al kb r , lII I ATIOW wm 4.410y5fr1 m jthlw 3 o OP GOLD ...,AND 0 t , r e tcof Banks and Bank . . 1 W.& 1 31:/ Elblre ' rasa Eti‘ f 106 7: 1 ' 1 / 1 _ TOBACCO AN - ':;- _ „ er"fillibiligia — . 90 ' vAi t eitkollytithank-,) No. 8 BETTS entirre r M L lTA egfcfPfla mu” rirrimatifft.,* trandharierilWAlraMME fo77 t. 7. DEUS— XaBRIMP I WORIiaI i I° ' l . I ,g; sui.igi"" • t .„ i wireastaimammegri U L ' . AriVai l luti" 6lll o4Mt ifirimmat aLL~ Q Jpo7 • U 97 I EtAin-Rik-civil) MY • . - . BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE . TO THE CoTner of Fifth ITlod,,Streets, lavmeraceitipled by the. EATON:AL BA.H . HOF - , PH. R. MERTZ.: JAS T. BithY. &.- CO • Coper Fourth and Wood:Sts.; 33 Al: Mq 32C nrii. fiii BUY AND SELL ALL RINDS OF G9VERNMRTT SECURITIES, GOLD; SILVER . AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TEEMS. ' 730'E; C 0 NVERTED INTO.TItE NEW 5-20 CQVIr'OI ,BOND. Qom' Interest Alloitell . on Deplissip ! , • sa-'3iONED LOANED ON GOVERN - id:ENT BONDS, and other approved collateral, it lowest market rates. , - Orders executed for the 'Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD.. . . . JAMES T. BEADY Sr. CO. gni). C. Risher. Itokt. H. Kung, Annrew James XV.. Batley LSON, t' , ..aa:it.ttf, Gold was very firm to-day, with ,au up ward tendency. The continued heavy shipments are draining tfie' country of specie, and in Elie aliSetreti cOirdifer cial bills in the market, - shipmentg of specie laavp ,to be made _to cover drafts.. The higliviibt:teliefis of lands here will no longer permit to ship to Europe with'any Rr otit. HOW4iverohot* the, premium on gold faricelaitlouni of c gpld would come into market heretofore hoarded. , ;ftriports of dry* goods have been, heavy redentl, and) pain:o34s. haxe to be made for them before our harvest is ready for export; this, together with the general stagnation of business; will keep people watching closely anything that may tend to Ad6ne`e ' President. T . , AT 11 s. 3149:cm FINANCE AND TRADE OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, Iklßy :5,.1865. Government bonds advanced again 3,‘ per. cent. to-day for all old issues, and 1867's were even 34 per cent. above Saturday's quotations. The investment demand for bonds has eutirely ceased, and more offers to sell are made by parties who wish to 'realize or expect to buy cheaper. at-a fu ture day. The demand ,ruus Chieffy, for 1865 and 1867 boas: . t ieing' used for sion of Seven Thirties, otherwise no inquiry- is made ~from pnrchmerp. sigh as the premijimAuty he:43y. ,licaids, ease of the money market may carry them up higher, since money is seeking investment on call at 3 - per cent. per annum. Stocks are higher, and a general im provement of the entire stock list has taken place. Fort Wayne, Cleveland, North .Western. Rock Isbinl, YOritictititral and Erie are up about 3, to % per - cent. Express stocks are weak and 19wer. The exlielsiiirgsitiinffngs - hiiee'dep'rivetinost of these companies;of their surplus and earn- ing ar4 r elthough, !sleeks_ are,..lew, c ppw, people are afraid to risk much; the stock being generally held by cliques of rairroad managers. In local stocks some littie inquiry was made for Columbia. lendffriniaph oil and some Valley bonds, but potations given cannot be relled'riPoiC vytiowee at from S to 10 per cent.; 12 per cent. is the ruling rate for any outeide.paparliot strictly bankable. Busi ness seems to improve a little. Closing quotitions as received by Pit. R. Mertz, were as follows: Affki Agi#4,4,log.t. 11 0 5448, 110%; 1864 d 6, 108%; 1865 do, 108%; Consols, 110%; 10.405,105%; 7-30 s, 108%. • Etdlidadetreland & Itittsbargh, 86%; Fort Wayne,llo,; North Western,common 67%; North Western—preferred, 78%; New York Central,AKUr Obill.pttth eni, 88%; Ohio & Mississippi, 30%; Mer chants Union Express,2B%; Western Union Telegraph,3B%. l‘finbn Shares—Corydon, 25 ; iadikettli ./0. 1 02 99; e iWARALNIVP°36' —The following statement exhibits tht business' \ i cor theXittsbprgli . FiTFing fot the week f ending' Saturday,. May 23di : c -I- 41 11Txolfarites. Balances.:: May 18..: 045,1113 54 09 4 , 929 10 : 0 .1 9 366428.41 , 70,924 St ' 20 ' ' - - - 464,399 23 123,318 59: / 1 21 389,625 95 61,616 0,5, r 44, 370 906 81 525 65. ,t2tY.23TA *- 7-7.V.Mr5:J21).468 81 . 1 . 1t5,844 91 ' • T0ta15...,„ . ..,-..,...A2790,72 20 6495,057 83 --Closing quotations received by Jaines T. Brady & Co.: , ir. 01' rk V. VItYT, el .=1 ' G°l42 JP% -; 11, , S. , 6's, 1881's, 115;. s.iao'B, 1862,•1105;;. 5,26 1 0,, 1664, . /081;14 540 1 k: 1865 . (10854; a O -400, 10k., 5 11 0 'sc AbniligrY • and JuiY, , '65, 110)ii , AWN, •ranu'arY 104,314 y 1 'en,. 1103 i; : Aitillet i t-36 1 /Pr ' JulY 7- 8 0 's , , 18 8 W1:817 Com P.. 18444440. "''''Atvhcamienr emir= mmur t Er. Orinoco, THE PITTSBURGH Gazirrsa, -- - . 1: -.., MONDANi May.2s, 1865. 1 , i .or ~. , 1 3..A.3.1 _,FATAIY-- . ' A The supply of gatidetwas unusually ; large this week, reaching indhp.pggggolgusver six hundred head,but with agood derinind,' several car loads having been sold to 1 ., R t .. t7,4llFi l it e t l Ata --.-.'r ,f` ii 'lB and prices were very we, susta... we stated in our last report, these yards want from 74toVi6 hbialiathattllihrer week, and to-day we have every reason to believe one 44044aud,i1ica41•,0,0414 hPB-.IMPI4I.3P3ded .Of: "-Mete: l l6m . aqinitevininlyer, df dock buyers in attendance many of whom did not getitiliiiMilfotit, iiiitl a r esvi to fact that there were but very`f ~, ..tiac . , iti ;market itisrotaible-tharnfordiers andr 141464 4 04 0 040.3 1 t0.4 .' e 'f , ' 4- "cm # rhundgefirgigi-litty Soltwq ' -- "' p e l - rf l MA "IV tw i r elik7westated ia :altillreVßO. b: f. ildtfrloe ani4vlt le who Ire k . wic istifikt tirb * Cattgartifitil t i "A - : . ii e i t V4i2ggial=a c agt :1. . :,, n tt e T,;: , ialaWn .. 6 : u „ .-: t in i t the next sixty days. Prime iiirr - i-i sold' tic - EisVitol6iii .W.?; auk ineditii,at 8c t0,8%e Stock cattle may be , quoted at 5% to 6%c: 'Trish coiOs Bold it from 150t6§80 per head. •We are quoted: ;the following sales : ‘• • "Quick wholesaled 18' - heiidpf 'good`'lotra steers to McAllister at - R. 0. Campbell Wholesaled. 18 head-Of fairish: Ohio cattle to Reeder at 8 1 4. N. Carr retailed 18 head Chicago cattle for Dolan& Co. at.B to 83;. -}fortsl'y Weint - retailed one ' Car load:of Ohio cattle, but we did not get prices. L. Rothchilds sold-5 head of extra Chi cago steers to F. Beilsteine at 9%; and 17 head at 8 to 8%. Kraus & Haas, 50 head Chicago steers at ay, to 9%. • 'L. Keefer, .18 head ' (ihlcago steers at t% to 9 1 4. • :Hedges ditTaylor, , s4:head Chicago steers at 8% to oy,. .-, Dolan st 0),, 18 head. Chicago steers at 8 McAllister ;11l Co., 28 head - lowa Steers!et • 8% to 9,2. _ Hartman & Sheinberg, 32 thead 'CU:44o steers at 8,40. i tg 9,25. • . • • M: Verner,: 24 head Cnicago steers at, 8,40 to 9,60. “. " Myerii&Needy; 75 head . . e,blcagd. steers at 8% to 9%. Greenvrelik& Kahn, ..,70 head Chicago steers at 8% ,to iYv t . , Hazletiood fiend; 'Chi cago steers at ' 8% to 914; 32 head of ptiie Cherokee, 'Bekaa cattle, unsold when we left the yards; held at 8%. - _ Marks,di•Traurnian 176 ' steers at 8% to 9%; • 2 Holmes,l . • fferty & Co. 54 head Chicago steersat 7% to 914;16 head leftyover,. Shanamental & Flinner sold one pelt of very fine Butler county steers, the two weighing 3,440 pounds, to Fred. Beilsteine at 11. John McAllister bought, 7 head bulls from Marks & Trautmanfor W. Hines at 7. SHEEP AND.LAMBS Tbere „was a very; fair, supply.of Sheep 'to=day; - but' they Were -4nostly-•of att.-in ferior quality, and, as a consequence, while prime fikt:foheen sold readily t at full prices, common and inferior were very fiull, and, if anything, lower than.last week. Lambs ;were in good . supply, but -there seemed to be ddemarid fully equal to' it, and' prices werepretty well maintained, ranging from $2, t0C.53,50 aria g4;)per seems evi dent•that butchers are buying more Sheep -and less Cattle, tro:ra . 1" which it is Talk.,la - sin.c . fer that people are ..buying more mutfon and less beef; -We ire 'quoted - the following sales: - • _ - Rvun dz. Co. sold 25 head of extra Sheep, averaging 110 lbs,;o 8; 20 head-at 7M, and 18 at 7. - .Shanamentaldr,Flinner-501d.40 head But ler,- county Lambs and Slicirip - at $3,50 per head for the former, and siffor the latter, • , Adam Eckert reports 74 head Penna. Shesp at 4 to 6%. Aull & Myers had' 184:ibread' rort sale t ibut when, we left the .y~r~is r they b were , nearly all unsold. ; r.; J. Walter sold 22 . head at $3 to $4 for Sheep, and $2 to $3 ibr Lambs. Jacob Emmill sold 36 head of Butler county . Lambs at $2 to 3$ per head, and 15 wooled Sheep at $4,50. Gamin & Co. , had 115 head; sold Sheep at from $2,50't0 - $5 per head, and" Lambs at $2 to $3,50. Beeler. reports 5 - 9 head Butler county Lambs at $2 to $3,50 per bead. Martin flumes reports 80 head Sheepand Lambs, at an average, of $3,50 per bead for. Sheep;and $2 to $3 for Lambe. , Stakely & Bro. sold 41 head good wooled Sheep at 63413 per lb. _ McMillan & Kerr report 104 head Wash ington e4nWy..,Sheep l at l 434 to e t y, EinerldkWlCo. ,report 98 tead..-Penna atoOi. QM The demand for this class of stock con tinues light, being restricted entirely to supplying the immediate wants of the re tail trade: there was but a single whole sale operation reported, Wernz & Hously sold 1 car load to R' otchilds & Byers at 9% or '9%4;NfrzainriPMliy.:*hidh..l'M a retail way qutootationirpak cond imfeliarli tion y .en at 9to 11, as quality and . PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, I " CRUDRr-Tho crude market was devoid of life of stnimaticin the ageEk.altAd only b. re 4011403040. bbls,.wbicli, ; comparatively speakingoamonnts kanothing, ,Ittis true, the-tririvatatift'in&the , Offerings are irkifterlibiteiihleb. pre- vallitiaki - I,kiehali'eflaygbliii . well, and th ;At* WAN ', • fearer' to,,ta.s.pgvol either buyer, or paller,..,...„Wegickutirm„ps qUote Lr spol.cdtat.,),oo cAredi: alle44ed,with sales Lor two, t ei 10 3 40, bbla — tettuiled.' , - legram Quetta %Ad *.if3 l lo - firTefeil !,,ait 53,50 to e4 a t = m at .: RE.P.1141:1-Thete l Wag 1 ' Vali. aNI single oPeradore irP“ - blinded ) 1- I.oir to-day, at leakt, I there: was butA tine .'reported, 500 bbls eaehf4 , unonthi rnunhlg..from July to-October at 51cri , cBpotnailias . well as the first. half. oft 41Lurif:1104Y '1)04 +quoted at 28 3444 2 9 C., while.all, 3 Jzdy, buyers option, an the last half otIIWPJ.I.B-all optjon, may be quOtOdAt s ..3oa. ,pq,marke was exceed- in Ty ` quiet ' to-day-,-,arf_enrat,Oo, gene rally, reportedit'Veredulf. ' XERIVALS—The arrivals of oil re ported to-day were as follows : Jaa. Wilkins...... - 54 I Mawhinney &E. 70 McCuteh'iil. 3554 11811st:it 8rn.1...3506 - - 171• L CT 141— pro k :nti;fsenurninivilitioltrinatogiNEA,DitioTr 24,i Long 4 t Ee. t. 4o3:bble ref. t(y Nyar. .‘ ' cten,fziw& . ev:, - ..61.Uion43111Co.,Lfittdoickito Warden, & PO.IOII I O 0 3 . 43 2 b 3 1', 'Plextitiiit Co.,` toao - -to -wain& 11.16t4.1514M1- Maa • G. W. Holdshirs do to King & Co., Philadel . ; I% 1;10 - - Brooks, Ballentine & Co., 23 do do to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Union Ref. & St. Co., 342 do do to W. P. a Lagaw& - ißrb-Avidlatielphila—u r: DundahotoWillisuma auto W. Loppricarmollgisielphiniot,.,t v , -t-nit4 totrennorelsinnosAl in It .11k1oldintziFrkw,i4114004tMObtob3 ref. to Warden, , Restil &,oo4tPhikedalphia. 13 aWalforgarra&C , o - 4 - 4004dixdo,ito War den, Fnaritzesr., 1141ndelptdei---- Braun & Wagner, 50 Ao,llo l .o„.tWaring, King & Co., Phibulelphis. . New iron' Cattle Market. Clli Telegraph to the Plttaburgh=_l r , NEW Yous, May 25. ` teethe week, t3,29llkgskpap and lambs, 24,693 swMpi ly animated at a decline o 3,4 c; iir qu of offerings ~. •4flllArkiiillE fi rday, 1,100 extras at 16c, • ' •: s ,o , to to good 183017 c, in erior and ordinary 16a1634c. Sheep and Lambs firm with a moderate supply; extra,./441 1 9104Thlipalftes common to good, 734a830; inferior, (134a7c. Hogs withOUt activity and -1 /c 1 e .• - of 2,218 head at Vommtmlpillk Ga.. • car loads at t rakel_ ette is t k i Xkemyogorn f- , at .119a9,76; litie gh .:6 - will t i - coot i. • • Arc. PlMadelphier ttlet infirket.:ll :14 1 4**Willikifite i l iiiii kfizette+ , - - ;, 4...' '", --r • , • -rp 'Oder , t . - ' • ,i',' : •, ' off of ~ " „Of; ' ` " ..i)**l*. L ' l lOY4 •" • orN a *._Vilma, attd. ; : • ifer tiound :t i)1,114 , - li t napn t „ Sherm in fair -at -- - --- ttiva-la-41i- de. WNW-1W ABRAM iliattidiejaooa i grlifivrojA, "h"7l"l3 : c ors i tie mi. •lii,-. gia l lkili et c e d_ i • n ,.. t Wit g., zg- , g ,is e , at • • "twa, SWAM ull. titt a - ---°a texts 11 1 I