4. I'+' ou ;34_ "F fi " 1- - I fE. • 4 i. .„.. ...,..., i r... , ~ I . ' l t*, ...„.._.ttz...., ,:.,... „., . .;,......,..„, C 7 77 41 1 1 ' - PIRFE II _ I I 3 .O, PAIL -1 ;1g .:- IPZPA II 4- 1 . 1 4 11 40 ) 41k- ak...l"roprietors. :.1.J08 . 113[1.4416 litapmcers:, brifeit:A BUILDING. NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST OFFICIAL PAPER • Simi:Watt/1 TreatiY. • Maki year7Bingle cdP9.—s l . 6o :Vas. taantit; 75181zAtios.. 149, i S aoPyll, l l,2ip. f a it ...s i Msareek, 15,Tb:ea mos ra lad ant to .kgaat. carrier.) TIIEBDAI r , -MAY 26, IEI6B. iim;wisEEPt`fiAzscrr sa4s.ed:64;7ria , - ;sockiyiand &0 1 *Wsi-kgabest_attitt 441aP .as Ansa* 7/ o "PaPer, R9 llll 4fir‘Ylid:: l B • praufits each (loktk fortYlpht Of solid reading matter, It 6rivis the,,fa4lo3‘ as t oey_a the_vsoAt rote *l* WM* iretlY tivril.C.t44l 14: le9 ar wad ex.*. oively by the Civil Courts, of4/4himildoiihtli for reererierriXlMpoi - kthitlialia to determine 114 . 01 7;iflig:Prk10 1 in that 7Therkete at thr time of "thi . busila?tfti4ciatf. 9 4 ill'Ofb r a6. ter t e: itlingloc.opy, one iier, $1.50 ; in clubs °Alive, AtAtq; pt. dubs of ten, sl,ts, and one free to:fhtgattei.:tii7iof . .thit dub. Bpeeintett copies • , , • PRINT - on_the inside pages of this gisernines ilizErni: • igßond page: Poetry, z Rphemeris, Missellaneolts. Thirii , page: I:Wrurgh Markets, Pfnansiai Affairs in New York., River News, Impaits. Rizlh :page: Allegheny r- Cttt, Seventh page: Mis cetiamtous .Reading Hauer, Amusements, fitpxx elosed in New l'ork yesterday at / 4 9€ 1 ~*- 1. ' ' r ; bas t National Union . 441111)11= Exectt . Ahrpr ‘. ..corcuiu:ttee have , otganized_ for the iCainitatO by electing. 4.• en,•*ll3r, of Mass achusetts, 01 1 / 1 171lEU: CRANDLETC, theiteilkqnarters to be in Wash- eonitsi Of..e.renti at Washington :thrs - tieeli will exercisit4 potent influence In dOlding.Congreisional , •legislition in re- Jerence_to_ the r,ecips trtFt.A. ptptcs!,. ‘i lt r is iieitiraly_belinvedibitpOreof them - w ill be restored to , r6 . l4seniitioi,- an .that bama will be remitted to al new election; With jan intermediate piarisiOnal govern This solution of the question - is fully in accordance with :pie popular judg . meat and with the demandi:Of the occasion. IT was stated rin thesncolumns, some weeks ago, that a law bid been passed ex -empting mortgages and other mOney securt- Ales, frUni taxatlon, except •for State put.. %Ts= Unit the law was not gen : era), but special, applying to only a part of the Commonwealth. --- Ills system of legislating for particidar connttes ortownshiPs, on matters of corn concernment; is altogether wrong, and 'ought to - he - abrogated. A law like that just referred to ought to ap?ly to.lllthemmtles, Tie ~edrro kedg legislation i►as beentolerated quite too long already. Pon Diane months past naany office holders = , :tui,der the federal prOxpent have found it Il ititiveli . eittsr, in portiOquenee of the igilialF. situation; to iftaintain, a with the-President and Congress.,lt is now:stated, 'end the statewnitia strongly eorrolOrated by:Prab that the Prade*, if he shall be '`:be acquitted I:rtielesof bnpeach . Win at Oa maim a viaveateat rbich - • . , ,will c ingrease the parpleties of Placemen; app it in alitales where he is not surtiof the ddel- Ity of 'the licipnbentsfto hid person _and policy _ ' Tin attempts' made within the last few .years by the Legialature _t is to re and-PaitiCularly with shad, .the streamo under itsjiiiisdiction which dis ,,..,..cluinto-theAiliuttic oFeHL G hffe, not t - 510tifil4 r ttaid4Avith much succese.n. OninZ . nitah = int r es " r • t SO nearly ideutitalyith !hose uhiolute owner ship ova' ditketreams Ilialsia-water fish are hedged out and' - freshrivutailtiffnnuihilated. At the last session the Legislature made ,a fresh effort to lCmnpCt sucielidaW4ttAnel,it, Of the damemito' 111101V;flattgiputopp; but we doubt if thylew measure wilj be more ifeedia l t&i . the fonneariliVeV-17' TIM DE3tomutr, sorely beset by the, is of any exPreWerkifte among their' Lnomination, 4i*deritixo tiiio,lteuietor. Their witid been faithful YialiWAdde-rdiz for personal purPoses rlitl"unpleatinit paseelawd inlipdeattkigraro I , liksla to be divided from them, has (*.me to rescue them •:z4rlitt qtaf i firgi sititiW.' l 3itdge Pftt a Ft_ 4 1 # lll 1 4.7. 0 .1 1 4, , R 1 9r0 then that, A the r.the timonny tu; u t v •Nt* te i eusms fr o m ,w it O ng o n additional' , rumors r - tii i r -", te w r a.a. s ga*v a . 44 t y, all ion. r': -~llr { sblutton of file 'Democratic tionbiti: - tre print these telegrams in- an IFO4l,O454:WErrs. took ; the ground that senators who voted to put Mr. STANTON haaj,:ina the ,voted to and then resolVed F i reildent of usurping author'. *lke corrupted by ition44ll/392effejitlyei4nslited it • 111.eri:erffaKNA, 4..therp2 Ft--o fai et,ed 41#411.7thattar;atgis not estib • WA10.41144146reer atit e ll i t r §14 1 0 1331 does daceitnipl,,l,cel*lity that n*lne - ,f, Irtyt , ,0 1 1 c.q ) I'l9 , Trl.* v ' a i fir , r amas Win Isutftorawhieh Atwof,the.:Brigaatirili • glYntirthi, 4 ' 1 E4'1406 Hr '44. e ma r altgift , ' • F," pted for =OW i As#41113114141.0441“*"110•X . • . _ - - 1 - vok• • ' - • • ""'-- , • • 47{,-5, ; e..-vr o ...t---- . • • / i t 4 I ter% ry . ;.7.-.l,lfiLkotßlAL' EntiIATINICIi.g, The System of EdneAtion established lin - any 'country, if ixamalifirts deielopinent, must be closely. -related,- ;in .fundfddental principles, to the civil government existing therein: . A theocratic gdverrunent nedestut rily bestows,special care .tipiin the' training of priests; a Military government, upon the productlon,of _Soldiers; Sim oligritchial-tgov emtnent upon the,mental equipment of an -aristoorannand Iteidertiocratic. fgoVetnment upon the eduCation of ail the people fence, the popular criticisms .that the Papal, , Bus elan mid' English governments. have. failed to provide liberally for the education of their respective populatibtisitre l igme find:litint lesB.- .In Mb particular those.goveriunents have each proceeded ,according to its special genius,... o, am i ss i,r.. i awe . r . manner would have been unnatural; nay; +Would have been to pm:O4*AM( lvdyldiftlid subvtr sion of the existing political order. This - is manifest‘irangland; the demand ferpopu lar Education and the aspiration for com plete politiCal liberty advance 'together. Every ,concessin : of sditcAprialiadvlinM ges to the masses speedily producesa al ledge for'an'extelision 'di' the political suf frage; and these two constantly act and-re act upon 9to.4tv, i. :,-?:-.•.% ',V' 4' In Otelleride to popular reinirenient Prinisilagiid Aiietria; sornoYeatit.. '44 hula ,tuted systems of popular iinatruc4,oll, Of course, each of those governMenth , sOught to, hedge about, I? f peCial l s,r3lfq,,Fißsuch sal r eVniids tlinufaiarcgY4ii seetnedvinoit-stilt ed to ensure, - ,the ancient politic:tit, order. But they overlooked the intrirliiic fact that VgY eriii. 4 '_ edWin at i 9 , n ` an 4f PnPe.r.ial, rule are radically incompatible, and cannot • perma nently co-exiet. Out of these educational PyAgraarlpvnzown litexecent . demand - in Prussia for a Parliament, and in; Austria for the secularization of marriage, and other cognate movements. And the end is not TAtlAsi Wilotretr wq.erhe. 3 Will . alinndently The Men who -laid the foundations Of Em ire on - thiscontifient tmilded . accord" , ng r to 'tfieli'lziloiifake; - and toitia : iioV(lo - kr -1 ,wise. , Those of them who came from un tries at once - papal and monarchic b tight with them systems; cf, education ..d geed ininia,My to create and discipline ruling classes in. Church and State; while those of them who came froln countries. ` :fn Width monarchy and dersomoy svere •contetng _ for supremacy, and each more or less d in brought mixed systems; but with a pre- ponderan - ceof aristocratic elements. These were the systems at first established in the Eastern and ItiddleV3tatds Of thli UniOn: It mast farther be observed, in order to 7 re a CoireelTifoditifiiiuliOilif this — Si& ject, that thrrmgh 'tilaitnre called the Dark Ages, pretty much dl-leitniiiiii consisted in. knowledge of mathematics-and _the_ Greek and Latin classics. To be acquainted with these, was to be learned, in the highest sense then 'conceivable . As colleges were o planted, it was n this heals. But when, upon the intrOditetiori of Orintlig, z tlie - spirit of inquiry -broke nut; and forms and sem blances, venerated for ages, were rudely interrogated, to know by what right they stood, enforcing recognition and allegiance, the area of knowledge broadened wonder fully. The itimitiflc era, properly*So named, was introduced. • Not,:thnt- the methoda of investigation reputed peculiar to that era, were unknown or unpracticed before; for w,heiVer thoughtfully reads Socraies, Plato, Pliny, Seneca, and many others ofthe older worthies, will find them habitur&r, dieciird ing the dogmatic for eithel tiie' deductiVe or the inductive -- methods of ' examination. - TrtigrAheYdif4 4eva#cl_earlY _develop either as has he.en. done in modern thins; but they led the way,, and set illustrious examples. But,collfges as at first organized and con ducted wert?.tirlido'cititle, niontirehiC fnpe rial,nr ,papak , :accordirer to - the pains of the. government under ".which they r were created. Hence, they were permeated, through andthrough, by a spirit of intense Conservatispr. Gccasiontilly, In t el' instito- tion, here or there, or in a parilcuiar six[ch, .. , under the leadership of a great' man, or in consequence of a temporary, inspiration-4 frPFlLlA.higher source than usual,." a, sort of meteoric blaze would break out; but this was not the perminenticonditionry On the whole,.-the _great , institutions of learning were stolidly Cenderiatiye. Noi that Con- _ seivatiain `was inherent .is them, It was derived from the systems of government by' which they wegruprodused, andpupplted, and to , w,hich Ilry were made subordifigte. As demOcracy hai been defeloped in the United States have telt a meces sity laid on thent of conforming to the prev alent ideas.- Perhaps justice requires us to, 'go farther and affirm, that the conductors of thlsurestelltunentat hoc fPgo l , ll 92:letki or more, of 003 ‘ 219gzi0550c, senilqnps., At all, events, indicatiOns abinuid; and with in % Ofil*ig PhPalfrAitqlk;lig:YitilkidOgxi. of PresidOya : Vrofessonlip,d;rfulitces of Col, leges, throughout the counlry, to adapttheir courses of instrUcifon - to' ' cgg digiiCtivt. 'eharacior 'of the government pd to the wants Of the pe0p1e . .. 4 came 9f dart of there indications, it is - .dessril g of mention 'that- at 'a - 4eiletit fleeting of the tricsecr_4-. o ;%4 4 37.rtr_d,tel4i9gst,Rre sident Him presenad the votes of the corporation 'iecOnitheirdirik the establishment,' ai 'soon, as thtletelsiitry'llildil l eill iiiiiiiiia, of tpmegi P 4 PAPractiqg Iffitkuliotituit[nest the mutual rela i t l iens l if the interp i ts of capital, and latiii, t ant - the:deveichiment of national, ' - iesOlirciii: ' Tin thoßaknd dahlia waimen... tinned as the iiiii4tietat P i6Edd te !lifted t° ,Pl ind 1.1 0 04p shi p,N,449R0, smaller, sums woui oirreceived for the present; thre lectrireslole bpstn - Ltii alt` connected with &thoUniversity,owith the exceptiog.of t under-. graduates of tlw demrilW-41sSeesytito . be required 9f Awift-Aigtg i tikemselves bf the jeutupudidZi k yitttr! .Mlly4 Contie . ?ted with this binveniiiii . ; . ~. , . - .1 , ..: ;"- * .:, , ;.1 t : .4 1 45.4 4: 44; . _ 1 04 1 ..t bit ilid.* l4 l" . regulOtti l 14*.143.4*-0011400,11, to '49 1 lecttuesbips - 04411;14 ilikititaf,44"?'reln4ol . This action was . Italy sustained bip the *wen nonnicoo CsP/1 Y3MIOTTA ~. N3l.l4,,traffit#Ter eat in * sped' n on tamp monk if sit= WO l fif tififfid ftf PIITSIVO RAE"- GttiMiTTIPESDAY, MAY . 28,- 186 E: multi plicatfa lit rdiiiiiiiekitiEfeibhing young .wci men, „ Until vita rAceti4Y p•plukokera -. itiref'Vere places where , fashionable'im bossment and guilding were imparted ; ele gant mannerism, friyolous superficiality, and , iiiated 'tiOu`si Volldiiinedi• made to stand in place of solid attainments and held to be altogether more desirable.'Now the courife of study in, the lest Female Colleges fairly approximates, if it does, not fully equal, that adopted id the Collea*.i highest in repute fOr Young men. 'Ili:, -notable change, so far as it has progressed:is Aue to the spirit'of deinotracy;mitli wiii4ll it com ports. It will* be completed as fast as de- Acieracy- slinK lboi qlefibetly4 'CobiiiieliendEd ... ,- ,..r., andaccepted as the genuine basis of all in: 81101%16n5. ' , : ' .:', : i:. , ' ~ i .! ~, __ AN INFAmotrs C O ALITI b N. .4.iiiiiM (lint aft:AORMICR al has strucic ' hands_ t ith . his j udge, ~.2yirig, the litter's ambition at the price of i Punity to the forther., And, these twct, tOr the consent ing opinion of all honest men; ate _: charges= ble with inborningn , pOrtion oetliajurors, to ensure the eseape'of a guilty man• from his merited. punishment.:. Chief Justice CHASE is to be repaid by the political alli. : :ea of the man whose iisegLiAittal ha , stands Wittietteith promoting, ANDREW JOHN SON is now foTemost in urging his lenient judge as the. l!zysideptial candidate of PAPi nibe t iti g ;The to. to . owl wi t aated frot4,.the ,White House yesterday, and it is an effectual con. firmation of all the discreditable rumors which havazeuently painekthe public ear We print eiseWhere such details as have ! special bleed' --Th • 8 • " a Cit.3%aiewerage Law.- transpired, and which leave no:i . room , for 4 Districting. he Report Re doubting the filets of tins ititinous negoti- famed Back to the Committee. ation. •.: • ..-. 1 A special meeting of Allegheny Councils A. word or two for this intrigue in its as- was held on Monday evening, May 25th, to : consider the report of the Sewerage Co pects other than political, • The Pre. rn President, mission, appointed by act of Assembly, to who has been arraigned before the Senate:for divide the city into districts for the purpose high : Misdemeanors in Once, who has been -of ien - .erage. adjudged guilty by a . large; majority of that ' Select Council. - gh technically atiplitted through Members present: Messrs. Black, Brown, ....---- 1 "4.4. 1 4-01 4 2 13 Callen-, Eglish, ' Faulkner, Gang; wi an extreme Constitationaltirecaution'adopt- Izi t -, ta lt rs a o l! ; Jr t K r i: l 4 4 3bs, Motheral, bivler, ed by the ,frmnersuf our goyerrurient- i ,this - President who to-day still. stands an im- Riddle, R'eiter,'smith t , n A. E lk, P 'Ph illiPB ' peaclied offender, at the bar. this Chief Jus- - tach and President bfeßrier.. • • Weise; Wet i the motion of Mr. 'Brown the reading of tice who presides at his trial, and whose im- ; h m e in c tit a t r s m wtoi an dispensed atae with. • ' ' maculate purity haS been vaunted all over ' the object of the the land: . some of these Senators .who are ; meetin t ' ' - ' '- i i r h b at lie sewerage ye t r,chai rmaia law wean of the Commission, the sworn jurors to pronounce • upon the : said g,uilt Or innocence of, the accused-all these ' liar one, and that every time he examined Peen lned men, the nighest officers of the government, i i t t h m ei discovered some some , new feature in it. preeminently ,the embodinientbf the* pie whether it was or g ht aa b t nt 41 . : + e did m no i t a l i c a r s i i o o w 6,11 impartial justice of the Republic, stand •had proposed a plan of sewerage for tl:3 at last revealed, confessed, 'shamelessly c a l l t i y tt mla t i , r t ec a directed- u er r att ' law, and Sub avowing their conspiracy, and that its ob- meeting, which report had e geena ast r rd ov in eig, jest is to defeat that justice, to avert -from i and.the present meeting called for the pur. ' s of considering and adopting it if in one criminal the just penalties of his of -conformity with the views of a maority of been reading.the fences, to\ secure Still' , higher ` potter ' . for :-Councils . He had since - ;law and .observed that before • Councils - ' th ' d toadvancethe • -'other er an . - could act upon the report the-law required esta of all the lesser parties to the plot. '' at least five days' notice to be given through From _the President, such developments : the official papers of the city to parties in do not surprise the country, - The peoPle v o rested s , s ia ou nd h - a ig consequence of this the ordinance re know thatheis a bad man; they haye-heen i 'quiringthe said ji:ftice to begin. thankful-in *rCerfiihethaq mrhileThe &also i 'Dir. Hall had not examined leWthor ' bold, the wicked audacity . of a bad Heart o td ujf i l t il t T, h b a r a t i tu a gl r l that the City Solicitor toge ha d s e t r rt ; falls of an equivalent support from a brain 1 tions to 'Councils bow to proceed capable of mischief. But the people had 1 a provision; and point out each progressive ' been led to expect other things from' Mr. tlc r t . olie iy, l is the .CuAsE. _He.' whom' .w.e_loYed,losounnend act which proside. that no sewer section sh o a f li the ie for his clear morn whom .. Irchad adraired haa constructed, td :or a c lan for its construction i for the stairdess..ppfity of an, incorruptible 1 notice shallhaveY. IllioneigNi,veininttil ailparties Judge, whom we upheld ` as ' the brilliant I Interested in its construction. embodiment of a justice too lofty to be i met i %rig : 11 :aid that d Councils had not stained by WiamorV'baifehess; WA too im- i location or purpose of an g y a proposeder; u partial to be swayed from the right line of I. to considerlhe report of- the- Commission , mzusering , i ors appointed- to district the city for•sewer c4o even to save a Repnblicfro . 1 age purposes; for which-the-law did not re this• • . greatJudgedefiles msel with the I , quire noticitobe given., -•- ; , , ' hi . 1••: ' f rt of - meanest tricks Of •a. vulgar , politician, put:- 1 Engineer to .. Mr.-Hall thought the re the.'Co • on - the City ers.had been Ling his high office in the market for votes. ! submitted to Councils as the report of the The Patitsztunktheblack"leg-,luivejpined I Committee. .-•- ' - " bends:the - Minimal alid-bittlntige4tre United; I ' Mr. Myier said that such. Wag .not the the bad heart of the one. is reinforced by 1 • Mr. Riddle moved the adoption of-there large" brtdit of the other',. anti - 'the in- 4 port, which' provides that- the city be di vided into four districts. - ... ' :; '• .-... • famouscoalitimitnakes a mockery of a sol- Mr . . Myler thought a more favorable plan ems trial; GO'ileit eternal ' ri ' dishonor and to. might be adopted. -He objected to having the unspeakable disgrace ot ,the nail t". , • the filth from the sewersdischarged in the , .. •, ; • . . cna. " , -; river t a point_so_ t riear the center , elope . The representatives of the people'zieed no city, and: l thc4i 1 longer overlook the 'plain path of their Own a point Nat:m it t:i t i ch co ta rd :, conducted to. 1 duty... They err grievoiislv dealine- :with the Plan cow proposed: .- • ft ems cmt than' ~.• .' . . - -•in • •-.— Mr ..Riddle e thought the gentleman should smaller Viand more - contemptible • matters - - confine his remarksto the question:under I when events have.a clearly illumbrited the consideration, which he said was' the .dis -4.llglear-respermihilit t y-beftire-thein......let ricti conat n r W a t a hejity for sewerage and not the them rise tostheAtetelPf the occasion and .. Mr. J. C. opposedPatte lle t:s v o e n r. the; plan Posed by the report of the Chairman. grapple } Jivith o the ; } resi t . oifen4ersi. a ,,,Why waste pie upon the wretccied . tuels and go- Brown, T ri ir o d l fiisV• p t i - i lebsite by Messrs.' be 'tit - tens - Of the considiady; i*lien'tkilmas- son, Hall, • - Riddle and -Dtyler n "Mr A. Patter-.. yar .ter- lottery stand,defiantly, more. than _half I.moved to refer the report back'to the Com , t oid ie ssi . on • f a o n r c ir n ec t x a nsideration. and called for revealed• before them 4 4 : 'The House will show - - itself worthy -.of the nation's • confl-', 1 - A. : •vote -was- til '' taken, .' ' ' • en . en, *itch - resulted dence, in its courage and in its capacity_ as follows: - • en . 4.--YasMessmCalie-G : . thecrisis, lip. striking boldly at the leading t man, Jelin, Krebs, „Mother: m arrßart. offelideti.' IR blidtikab tOlvailtetitiOttleDica l i teraoh," 'J. - U.,' VatteitOn`, ' , 4.1. ha r i er, , Let : tet4Smi . 9, A. D., Welee 'slid Virettrlt4.l4. when weightier - matters press; at the 'dolor. I rEnglish; "r 1 0r4 1 ;1 1 ,9h 1 .M is V-nsii the., bOlindq, brit 1 Fari=nni,Mll 4 , -- it rovria &Ile etid‘Presi-' dent Mcirier-8. -'.• • • -r - . . - with the masters of the pack: . ' The criminal ' Cotificils' adjourned. ' -•- Whii;huyii ;Ids 44ellYeribie, the judge ;who l' puts hit own ambition in the scales, the ju- 1 rors who Onlis t ir merchandisetiftheitViiths, and . the .inetinujne.;conspiiiteywiiiick:etn braces them . all i ,these are'equally4 l the.4pro 4 . 0.• ..,• - ~.,.. i pp . i o - 44rntiorkir ip i e p t e l o4 on, .and , 1 . 1)7 none is it more needed: '. ? ' re . - EM1110!=i1 • No. eueenFagemerd serit4nant the South can, be more .potent, than ,that which a thoroughly organized and practical, system for the promotion of Northern 'mai- ArAiOR itctiird. ; :,44ld. we • know of none, among the, $01.19174 'States, ,which` Iwl it to Pm** ifivaiirViosPrr in ,dtlemenis, ,in soil, climate, min nal re -1 sources and in the moral a nd political trn - PoulfMei ner innivn'l l 9PulaiiOn, then does Mennessee• . Tim, mountain , regionsof; her • • eastern counties .particularly lave become already-renowned for leyalism of , their population, • while the wealth' of their natural' resources is becoming ; partially , knoWn. vrnwinithormts bt th t Eltatb lave organized a `Commission tor E the enbotirspitu,. ent of. emigration fromlitiettm,iiiviacid it tuYlStlie , ° l l , ,M9tlt:3Vlres4, l Pt „.., 13 qz". sig et le i : 4l 9 / 7vhf ' 1 1 1 .4.4 1 - #PY. ( l°a l4B4 for 1 'the 1 4 i *f r r t ajOn1"tlitl ,, Ve: niiiiiiiitinaAirt he • is lie* itt::l,"4: city, at the L liPme' Hotel, and- some of our iiidareida e lpaltri ob ietti4bo4oso444MigArAheAlike 'Pli *Nlit'S*4 l lloo;t4.ooo4lo !n lONlANlAWNRl**oohblditgliS ihe dekiNOW l PUttgion With 144424e10. many years hirie &he` by, - we shall find ourselve4, it is_hoped, in a closer communi cation than we at present enjoy.• Washington Topics and Gossip. SpeciaLS of Monday say : Those who have hitherto.. - been slow to believe. that Chief Justice Chase was being seriously pressed for the f)emooratie nomination, have .been , . compe :d to change their minds by the ap pearanc!rn the' telegraphic dispatches fur nished o the various. Democratic papers by the o.'l cial • stenographer ' at . the White Rouse. .f an article commending. Chase to the I•le..• York Convention as the strongest candi e. The.idea put forth, and which is undo bledly . approved, if:not inspired by the P it:lentos that there is a feeling, in consequence of the strength of the Repub lican n minations, that the most available candid tes must beatiosen by the Conser vatives that those most . prominently urged for thenomination unite in this view; .that thereie quite a general concurrence in the idea,th t the Chief, Justice could unite all , lactic? ' among the 2 ConserVativfxi; could I carryseventy Southprn elbetorid.Vetee; and ' would *mend more ConseMdivEicße- Obit s . and disaffected Badicabt . than ( 3 may or er„men 'that could be nominated. It is.ne Mess to Say that the 101.ication 'of this 'r arkable.drspatch, coining from the source it does, excites much comment. - It is regarded as a corroboration of statements which ' have ;hitherto :encountered some doubts, that Chase *anted' the Democratic nomination; rind as throWing light upon his anxiety to procure. President Johnson's ac quittal, aswelras his is : intriguing with the colored clergy.' ''' The Chase party are working very, earn estly and it is growing very rapidly; now it is thought that if he - can secure the ac quittal of Johnarti he will - be the strongest man they can bring. -,, ' ''',:r:;.-: ALLEGHENY COUNCILS. Cemmon council. Members present: :Messrs. Brown, Blair, , Comte's?' , 'Graelsinger - Hanna, Hastings,,E 4 : o3 4 ll lY; Ley, Meirk_ Reynolds,. Reed, Richardson,- Saints, Sob ; dle, ~ Tate- , •l 7 wgtly. White.. -• • • Thew minutes •of the . last meeting; were• rend and approved. Mr. McNeill 'in the chair. • Mr. Cornley , presented 'a petition tor 4 -•fire plug On Perry street, - andJ Red Oak al `ley. - Referred te the Water. Committee Mr. Voegtly‘ presented , - a ; resolution au= , I thorizing.the erection of ages lamp on the. I -corner of °Chestnut and 'Pike -streets: , Re.; , ferred to the Gas Committee. 't ! - 1. • -•• - - 2.lr.;Megraw offered'a resolution author's. Ins a Special Committee to ingnire under . what lathe late election' Was held in 'the Eighth Ward.' In Select 'Connell' the sesta, .for this Ward' are ceidested . : - ' • Mr. Hanna 'opposed the resolution on 'the gronlid "tliat Common` Connell haa no right to interfere with- Select -Council; btisinesi.'"'Vhe rewlutiori wag o in • te4by including: the City Solicitor the' Committee. -- Messrs.•MegrawMte and. Yoently were appointed in 0.'0: • ; BroWn offered a teioluticm atithorie ing the erectiqu of ages lamp onthe eerier ; of Isabelle Court and Riablitseristrifet'. Re fOrtedari. Opaintittee. .. - A* IOIIS XIBK - ' n A taga.* l 44 i4lisat:4t. Pr ligmarsokteii) m , rormatouteilstranrhaimoVirmitinkorlinm or; Leave for Europe . -011r/Wl - t Pini,i.ir_th r•r. "I I e• ' 11141thete' cur aitens, SanthoClurkan, Esq., thet, I r ea " i!!t .i, i , c 14 5!.i 1 4 1 1F4 , k ,, *l, O known saddler and Mr.• Robert Dickey,' Bito be 411041.krjav o s l ," tochis trait Isom fitlLVurieltittyki#tt** native, ' torissmiuliesePasoorsadoalituilhi eititathet lan& - we Inli 015 In•-micuin's fifth 'finniniiiiiOriteils`tiitelset Or' , faellitil r "'Wm voyage and Mr. Dickey's first. The latteu, -rt -.z.) f r, Tio,o la , NY I `. Il f ratozna.to Abe ammo oath*: childhood in; Pe.?M .. . star ~thall•10 ritipiktfa pars ! ! Antrim, Ireland atter an abeeneett "Mom .F e j . Rem 0 ,41 ,0 i tpoii ec ii ii i p l ooosor _mak a than a half WO wish bothi , glivionwAkutt L .e4.is KO* Rs wars nlassanLi Age-4R t° 11 -Mttl",ilmsk *qui: iv.,:. ;Ito ..,, zf , ,,ix see-,--,/idi So Men DB. MBNB,IIi - 141111111iBBAKDre6art ur y.. Mr. K00D116 , 31 will:furnish the fawns( irnstilinUnunli=*mactAstix Ts, wnysidd in a mini qt ddinticelhOliNDOWDOstrawir o lisgmlisL i ' hlal : 6 'ElMPOP 3lol nAllik3irtiSi fratil el.:, t ~ , Minnal. Meeting of, the 'ffllegbetty'Library Association-11nteresting Reports—tlec tioh of officers fer.,thelEnsaing Year. Last night the - flourishing Allegheny Public Library Associatiin held its annual meeting at its rooms in City Building, Fed eral street. The attendance was quite large, and' much interest was manifested in the proceeding. Josiah King; Esq., was called to preside. On assuming the posi tion he made a few remarks pertinent to the occasion after which Mr. A. Leate, Secretary of the Association 'briefly=., ad dressed the meeting. He gave a faithful ex _ position Hof the' state of.' affrdri of the Library,' and heartily urged those present 'to cooperate with the members who had in time past labored zealously for the 'exten sion of the Library, and the greater diffu sion of its advantages. At the • conclusion 'Of, Ids.remarks - he read a carefully, drawn report the transactions of th e 'Association tfiringtheyearlust 'closed." We glean the interesting following fade from!the docu ment: t - There are three hundred and seventy-nine members; the Association, has-,placed on the library shelves, duringg, the - -year, one hundred and fifteen new volumee and have had one hundred . - and eleven. old, ones re bound, together with. twenty-four volemes of % periodicals. - During the year-the Oren ,lation of the,library aggregated, 10,219 vol umes, being an'increase over last „year of 2,379, which goes to show. that c ,the institution 'As emoilfur,- • daily • more powerful - in' the dissemination. .of useful knorirledge:- • The receipts from all sources during theyear,•addedgo $234,- 41. on hand at bit report;smountird to $l,- 485 45,and'expenditures $1,437 $9, leav4wa balance• of $47 86 in the treasury. -The lec tures held.under the auspices of the Assoc'. atiorrnetted clear $B4 65. Although•favor able enongb,the Treasurer's report does not show 'that the full Support, to whiali so no ble an, institution is worthy, has been awarded by our, friends in-Allegheny. The reports were adopted.-- ~ • r, An election for officers to serve the en suing year was then entered upon with the following result: • President, John B. Clark; Vice-President, A. W. Martin; Secretary,' A. Leggate; Treasurer, J. N. Davidson; Dtreetors, J.smes Lockhart,James lii'Brier, E.. M. Still, Jas. E. Stevenson, - R. H. Elton, Henry: Phipps, Jr., Jranes•Caldwell; Auditors,- Wm. Sem ple, R. l ll. Francis, D. Maeferron: After the election, Messrs. Chamberlain and Blair briefly addressed the meeting, and Messrs. Henry' Phipps. Frank Blair and Charley Wattley were, on motion, appoint ed a Committee to take into consideration the advisability of changing the time •of the annual meeting to the third Monday in November, and report. to•the. Board of Directorsovho shall have :power to take action in the matter. • • . On motion,adjourned. Firemen's Assoeiallotk. An adjourned meeting of-the Pittsburgh .. . Firemen's Association was held last - night in their hall, City Building, Premident Cup pies occupying the chair. The ; Chairman announced that the object of the meeting was to take action and de termine whether or - not ,the annual parade will b held by the Fire Department. The e 11,01. gheny, Independence and Relief, delega es reported that their companies had to en no action on the subject, while the D quesne and Vigilant representatives annou ced that their companies had deter mined not to participate in the proposed annual parade. Thus the matter rested. Several motions bearing on the subject were made but not seconded, and ofcourse, no action -resulted. r On riaotion of Mr. Irwin of the Niagara, a committee of three was appointed to call on Insurance Companies for pecuniary aid. Mr. Tatnall of the Relief said. that here tofore all the subscriptions had been re ceised from home companies and the for eign ones who received a full share of pub lic patronage had failed to contribute th....r due share towards the support of the or ganization. • The following..gentlemen were appointed on. the Committee : Messrs. Irwin ' of the Niagara, Torley, of the_ Vigilant, and Tat nail, of Relief. -- Qn motion adiourned. BEWARE Of that remorselps F l/1/10 9 destroyer of the human race.. , , Check and Conyer Its , advances, lest yoniall the victim.. When s tacked with illy biltsprelimlttart sysiptoms, no matter - how slight. he l at e guard antpromptlk nee the remedy ere too DR: - SARGEM COUGH SYRUP Is an old, well tried. certain and' standard remedy • for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, • Croup, Olgiculty :of • Breathing. Pain or Oppression in " the Cheat or Lungs; and:all •Diseases of the Palm:mare Organs.' Itasure and eertaill!effletter _has hem: fullyt tested and endorsed los many years. by numbers at well-. known citizens in our midst,: and their - certificates are on record: Have roast cough: which haa grad ually increased trout, a slight •one to oneotnerma nent standing? Zohe no time. but procure a bottle : of DR. SARGENT'S COUGH SYRUP: which Will surely relieve you orate dangerous premonitory symptoms and effect a• .flissolument , htire. Do you. spend miserable dope and long sleeniess nights of, torture and vein from attacks of Asthma-or Difflcui .ty of Breathing ?Dr, ,SARGENT'S-Cough: Syrup 'will act promptly.. relieve you and gruleslly Ms-- store you to your freedom of pain; and sonfoi, , pleas ant sleep: Are,our lungs sore and .Itritateda ridl-' eating inflammation? Thie la one of the most, den geroui syMptoma, and'should be promptly remoYed. Or. SARtiENT'S Cough Syrup - will hod the sdret. nem, allay the inflanimatioa, and restore the lung to their prestine health and vigor. This Cough., Syrup is pleatant and aglyeable to take, whilfrjpow-, erfui and sure In attion. . For sale by all Drug gists in the country. , . 1 NATURE .18THE GREAT PEYSICTAN: . . . '-This's now admitted, by ; the , Medical profession,; as afiind erne:dal 'Printlige - Of : healing science. It is- wisely_ provided by the hunian 'ecciboiny' that . , , whenever anything is wrong In .th e ,phyd64l.•systeni -the natural inset's:of the ' ady are brought to heir to :expei the disease. -The' great mini, stherefdrei is id' strengthen the natural powers; —This bat been kept' , . . tit view bl , the 'Skillful iciim i eideis `of HOSTET- i k V e t ? fres h S ° vtol , °, ,717.1 be or g a ns .of mrr to ' --e 'effect of ' this medicine- upon the stoMich b Ve .:. :liver and theitidneys, M prompt and decisive.:-.The Patient, who it. wise enough to gelb.drugging and try the BTTTEltd.,soon led' as If he had. tale* a new lease of life, and este continual the ut , lof f the article, he le overjoyed to, lied the streams ealth l -coursing through his .frame. It IL. Pare with; r great' care, '. and its component tr are entirely vegetable, :Itia 'lran f`rorto the o E o bjec tions ,so often , urged against preparations of the di -As a medi. eel agent it has no equal, while itseleashas flavor and healthfni effeetilave made It a neral favorite: It is free from all Properties catguts edlo Impair the' 4 . system, and itcoperatiqns are at onee mild,soc r itall. and' eMelent. 'MI who hate netU 1108 TE STOM &OH lIITTEIid :attest its virtues - god corn= Mend Itle 4/344 • i E'en thilrbo Vein enjoyment of- C r t f t e 4 l 4lil=lVirl ofli e dtelUe l . t 9 #1 , 11C4 too wall armetigidust the abstains& •fthe nil thati , -.nosh is heir t0.”..,1ii hedth;draliski 11 4 1 0•04-) elranbt „he taken' regularly without , vingvt icy, , ' and elasticity to the ardent. '(.• -•-, -,,, ,'. - -• ' -z , • ' . ( -01( 11WL•qt4 n . 8. 0. ,, F .- PF4 F 1 : Ilan. sof hearing ill:44ns :We :last 'year...part of ' atm tints I was totileaf' In 71.in1Ieft6IalisaT finin inssca PlicOinla to Pit..l*§Pat. • burgh: Afterthrrinitried Aritrial4mOtatnet•from. diiiitors;;itPiciutlQ *ll7oo44;ikiie*titif* treio l 4ijrnt 4ll 9 ;l4 ' ...t.entirdynitzleo wilittriWim qati eau ; hear v bOßN•EtipistraiN,. Jar- NO EMS fit': To itgAtt , '.Flo "Lod," "Wants, ,, "Fo4nd,"- ' , Boarding." &c., not em cee:ding FOUR, Li 1 NES each rill be Szserteek in these columns once far TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each adstatona/ line FIVE CENTS..: . . WANTZD---SITUATIONS. _ Tyr AN T U AL TIOL-!-A W young man or eteady habits and good re commendations front former employer. wants a elt. tuition in a wholesale house as Book-keeper.. Ad dress HENRY. e re of Box A; GA2ETTE WANTE)--- . --_. ter man boY,l Speaks English well, wants a situ ation as Clerk 'Wm Trimming Wee, so -as to learn the business: 'Will stay for two or three •e_egrs- if agreement can toe made. - Address ANTHONY, Hoz GAZETTIL OFNUE, and vErANTEB----SITUATION. 7 —A Boy yy yeare,of age, who villl;do 'What 4 you'irant blni; and Is net tqnsid or work, yraaU a situation.bs 'an office or sonic place as .errand boy. Address 11. A.N , IliAzirpirOrnes, care' or uox. - - W.07M:),!--EMI3. ANTE A BOOS•I3INIPER= - Who esigdo ordinary binding, anohrie'rare. jthiet work, /le.; and heavy binding. Boom for nished'artlie !arrest price, and shdletent work guar - antend. '.lle tools to .be furnished br• the. binder. Address El 11...4k GU., ;Lock s Iknc_ 041-: Rittabo nth. E,i-NTEI,, , -GIFIAL.--21Cgootrd Girl, /ELA Dun* of three: persons, that mil keep a aim In,orderi and conic, .w. 11.1 gad a. ate,ady altwa -tion and be mild toodWages.bYttoplying at GAzri'tn ' , CouNTING6I3,4:mmi, (rota 3'W 5 o'clock r•Col*- V T AIWTEDGIIILA good clan • lawllLingito 'do tile , work In la 'or man, Wife and one and understands keeping /*house Olean, can find eteady,eraployment 'and receive _good- wages by ap p lying at 34_ c 01 . 4,- GRESS STREET, . iiy - ANTEttzletit-4 - virerir., in - the Giotery bigness:Ale - 3W) bas bad ex perl 'mein the. hity trade, and speak the Get man isneuage. Apply at ticr.-Iiti,DIAMOND, Pitts burgh, Pa.' 1. rIVIANTEED --SERVANTS= male andYentale. for all kinds of work. Inquire at - TELLIGENCE OFFICE. so.. 2 St. Clair St. WAIVTED--GIRL. Girl, , for general bonin3work.: Apply.at No. /93 Ting ) - B TICEW; • - - •.7 . _ WANTED---BOARDERS. • WANTED --110A111). Desirable board fora small family without children, In a pleasant locatlop on Penn street, may be' had by addresslngld. IX! W., Postoffice Box BtO. • I;I7ANTED "; OA. RDERS.;—Gen tlenien boirdere eau be accommodated with Rood board and ledging at 156.118 ,FERRY ST. • WANTED --BOARDERN.--Geod . board, fine front rooms;-with gas, can be secured at WOO pet week: `Day boarding, $3.50. For single gentleman. At 46 LIBERTY STREET. YANTED 7 -BOALIEDEIIB. -A few respectable yoting men, 'mit be accommo dated with boarding on vent reasonable terms, ..at No. 183 ROBINSON STREol',..Alleghenreity..; :W4NTZ.I;O, AGVNTS. ANTED... AGENTS:-.IGRATET y: THE LIFE'OF.—Anew and standard work, by on. J. T. HEADLEY, the popular Historian. Send for Clreular and see our terms. Address orap tply to A . L. TALCOTT & CO.; OH Market street, ittsburab. Pa. - IiVANTED--AGENTS-_-.11141e FEMALE,: to can:rase 'lee the - PITTS- B OH QUAR'PERLY MAGAZINE...and -DR. ED - DVS great IVOItk on the LIFE Opp . CHRIST. Send for Circulars. WM. 9. DWYER' CO.,ANo. 59 Fourtlistreet. • • - •ap3o:MT-sat -317 mrTnEAGETI'S--To .travel througb Ohio, Michigan; West Virginia, and extern Pennsylvania, for the • sale of SOLAR regularly inspected 'article.' and •camnot be exploded. A liberal. commission will be pald. Will sell any of 'the .above States or - parts there of, and furnish the Light •• •eost. For particu lars cation us or send for circular. DAVIS' BRO S. & CO., °Mee 'No. 8,- Cleveland Ins. Buildings, Cleveland, O. • • - - WANTED--HOUSE. House of or 8 rooms, on a good Street and neighbor boo , within 20 minutes' walk.of AVater.street. Ad dress;: stating location and rent per year, D. D.. this °Mee, Box P. • ' ; - • • - - - - HOUSE.-WANTEW-A House of y v 4or 6 rooms—la Allegheny preferred. Emit must- be moderate:" Address coliposproll, GA- IV"ANTED—TO itlaNT—A HOUSE.; online of Fort Wayne road: Ad dress. stating rent, No. 23 N IXON STREET, Alle &bear City .t WAVVED, - 4.010;14.4 400iii4- -Aland TOP UTlOOY,.'notiiiiiaCh worn. Ad dreie.OUGOL.Bcs.-8, this ottlce. • ' . . - , . WANTIW—TO EXCITANGELse*- . r• exiihuudraureuriummunil. natty ..pertr: Addrdes Alx OiTICX:' . . NoADEMID-r TheiPlittak/ Ealikati . -.Oat the office of i thit,&Allut is at ,'..R90 LIBERTY STREET, over Kantlnn Bank., and that Ale inuttesatttlly treat* -all throttle - tltseauw,atra tactdeetroalcipat Iteremßefortt hied Ist this tlty. Citron Catarrh cured lel.ahrte week a without thelititie.'T'lles_t_uratitytowdaytt Without •mealrlue.: • ` IXTANWED := TrARTNEIg" : Et usb i n r :g g - sil or active; tepurinast ;one , tburtk - ent tumid la a SAW MILL, now doing anon& b s, sitnate 50 mtlesfrowthe. t elty, aura t ralizsgui, , acres of vainable.thaber. The mid la well. - hullr, machinery all CoMgletei • This IS an excellent op .pornanity .any: -one , desirous or engaging ;in a , 1 61171eisibirlasZt.k.lteefl A P'i 14 r s - etioNri• 3 * 'Eludi , hdeld Es t ate .tr . ‘fr• , .17 . 0311-04)G4-11.. iNerptfoundiaad ;A.,‘• PUP. , three months! old:. ,black,- with white teec. The finder will be rewarded hy leading Ithoi at No. 30 OLIFFSTREET - - - _ . r(10 LET-410011114 4 1 , 1treeoefolar furnished roonutVwlth board dr 4littolat;'elli tily_situated on Penn Orret.:,A.Ortflq: Wl' ZETTX OPPW.g. , , . . . . . . O LNIT-11011.16111-A Iwo...story FILAMX" 110176 It, of ISTO ?demi 911 the corner otA boust and Malberry streets.. Sewickley. „Tile house and -premises. live been newly - litterFnp. Ablo, a large.scad excellent. garden. Toussaint' given at-any. time. Inquire At I#4ltD, Broad street. SewlekleY. , - . .• LET-.-THE ; STORE /MOM, '. • No. Phi° avenue, with dating above of A roords, with water; P 4 sod bath. tore roona,lit ted up la = the best notaneri , With' d glassalum _window, and iron !riante , laqutts at *lice ot .REA f/E/LSHW', °1749!4.v.Rmfa,.!..P4fP1ir7q51r!/ItterlivAl- j 1110; HOU E.=Tha t bl noisSig.IJNP../a , /awn] atlFget. containle tea rooms; Kitchell MO littel; r aouse. Enquire 01 JAS. J. GB.AY. No. SIS Sixth et t: rye LET-,asombre,Ak handsomely Outdated FRON'X ityr4l, suitable ism gait t Elam:lin:tat No: at RAND sTREET: • Juvr—Thast tory Front Wail"reirekitt i d,OVAbgt x" . 56 .. • . „ . 1 ek ,, irta' cir-Anitte ritzET.4lo, vievirlEloUse ; • •,1 otrourzorsigiel4riVesichallewitr e dtrent. - ent )11 . - 14 quire• T L11111...111 e • - 9110Za" libo/424,70 MO: Ajtlth pOylth booti, suitable ror:raan osid , Wire,. or loupr lbettfartherltutlentaks , mato. _ .. W. SE PQN.P.#TIAIEr• t: .VOll ' -t o - 11 0 QL - 74; tt 17;i1:244-tltt4E e VlrrOwtaLliaoo:qn!! Witt. 5A744:441121nt").*' 11141111- "....- Acro lot of b alctint of 75 - Teet, 4nunltit baok , "*W Met, iithaud ttleAltiestatreet In Elttiturglt toriat l lataxellilencost. rut; a..rner tot, having a 50 rent street do hant andripie.:„l4lll be ad at a barsaln jp_ any one arlabinkto , bnun on It. lnn pattlcuialyinreee T. If.. ?Ma comics. UAD ,GATT, Qlll tOMPANIIII.4Sitan mid netitieri' Offer -St•aLAA,CAfiLT?r,a atraixtrkeen use bn .ATanor o ;14 ;geed ite)new.•,,' 47an AN, Viiltdagebetiv vu err *AT•S Ni• itrklup elioalnel • IN • v 4.-. I% .It, , t r ..7 It :1 4 WO& Salla.lyr 'AwlMarburg, .11. Si m Stpulltir , 15.0L.414t da:skeet, L u t t A itt r itilai "t I trael on= it -.o4rt fly rum • ircill teadbitltiktre at HUN. -x -' 6 • 00 . , : • .„ .. , . 4. --, Z. '9B 11 41.1UNIP- ALRBl:6ft crane RZY ..,: a 3 79REIT : . id:AT Iff •, — .WII I • .•. • • - F ;•' 41 " • 41.01.;«;'01 Nol WAITS. I LO FOR REM: MEC= D if city. H