El PITTIMMGII . IWIFIE'M Oita di! Tan pirrsattaou GAZh-rAt, Moritita, Mar - 2N 186 8 . The general market's are quiet and dull, a n ( t. 4 init MATif>ne,lri. e .... tua t e O sties worthy- of special. notice. T h e best iart• of Aheattritig - bnicitiels lir-0464i drat dtellt• not look to see any material improvement nn t9. ;after Harvest. - • APPLE 922, let :but steads, Vith - re i gura ty. ti'dalea 13(1i twin per'galllni as to'gU aI DRIED • FRUlT—Bales of •two thnusand 'pounds of Peaches'at - , 13% to 14c. Apples quiet and unchanged at - 6% to 7W. as; to z9nality. tavii ^ cs . POTATOES-;Continue dull t but n • changed; we continue to quote prime Peach Slows. - irk store, at $1,50 per per bushel. —}l,a,T—Beled•Rayls-soelling on.edulif,-at $2O to 526,t0r-Att_tei .priniq.NNVagon Hay may be quoted at Wrial...T per ton, al to --VggitYd r , i - tiOZI FEED—Sales of „Bran at sl,w to 1,65, and Middlings at!12,15 to $2,20. 'GBATIC-=Winter Wheat is scarce and in lair milling demand with - sales br Red 4 ,nt $2,65 to 42,68; White 5 to Sc higher. Oatb .ifirtntvdthaalde- dmiatiof-anti:ttnoki,at to Corn is Ism active and a shade eft4er; "Xi) continue to quote at:o,os'; to $l,lO for . mixed and prime Yellow.- Ayala in steady demand at $2., No movement whatever ' TIMW.R--vouunues • very.dutl, a supply largely in exoesa'of .the deMand; _Ulq•ot' good to strictly prime 'Boll it 20 to ,;_.4 .1 : - ; .,5,. de,!p t tt (leer •": r fl . 1 8' 1 EtEDg 4 FlaW , 0 , fn 'demand end scarce ' but unchanged at .f 12,60 to -.-;2;45. --No- demand' t whatever for.Olover or Thno• thy. 9 41r.DT-;4l4loll„df.l.ldieghenirßitsirt l3l l l ritis to the ~de at 11,75 to--1).80 1 - and rifor •_'rintall kits ' aa oxiggai-Arnifisifrastakau grptr ,Ibbl 4 according to : HOMINY—Is dull and UndharigSdf Sales - Pk avisidiciawßae,i64 g -' excited, and while the market is easier, prices tArefillinchingrid:=Milisanthirdito 'to/ quiite at, - 14 1 ,ic V 1. for Shoulders 4 3;4' to 18x0 for Ribbed aria . Clear 'Sides; 20to 2k for Plain and,Ctirivamed_.,§lagag...Agred - Lard: 1_,9 1 .1zt0 19 e: 'MeV - Fbfti VA c't „TARP Olit:4ls' iinoted by - manufac turers at;,51,25 for NO. 2 and $l,OO for 1%• e. a j" •-., FLOUR The market is .011 and some w hat 'neglected but unchanged. We ,rion ,tinne 'W quote,po .to. c 014 7: - 3, for Vaat't 4 tit,* - 1- $l3 fbr *inter : Wbeat; andotli to $l6 for fancy brands. Rye Flour, $lO to 410,25; • J.-46444i . _ ; EtikrTclogrUb.t rl ik e ,PAPPVIMPf t i t l 4 :`' 7 -.NEw:Youtc, May 25.-?Cotton•nomitrilly %itichilbged; sales 250 bales' at 30%a31e for middling uplands, closing: With, no buyers at over 30Mc. Flour dull and s;4htly'in ,buyer:3 AWo_rweceipts,3,s69 Milt; es S,SO O fit: s B;2sa9;oo:fer supS - trine S atri Ind -WesternE39,2ou9, l3s for extra State; $9,25a iio 50 for extra We5ternr,311,699.13,00,f0r *bits' wheat 59,7 5 a 13 , 50 ; for :ro und hoop , Ohio; ,311,00a12,25 „for ,43Litra, St. I..ouiii• ,IrsDifilPY . `fai• - good t cficace • do.; Ca li fornia dtill _and, - , declining; sales of • $11,25a13,75. .Rye Flour quiet, with 'sales of 250 bbis at 38,00210,10.: Corn - Meal . steady, with sales of 750 bbls at $5,50 for city and $3,35 for Brandywins. Wheat; no receipts; We - better witli - a moderate ex rt-asidliome-triule!demand;4oes--4VOO bus at _32,Pa2,2 s ._fOr 7 Nnifl sPrPrkg. $ 2 4 2 46 for NOS:1 - arid2 milted 'do, 1 ,2,31 for No. 1 40,•42;70 for winterl Cad - Cartsda"nd 1P476 - for white Canada. Rye favors buysrsEvtith - •daltis"lo,soo buS at 32,05a2,98 ftir State. 'Rye Malt at $2,05 for Canada. Barley quiet and firm ; sales 4,500 pa Canada q 4 .3 at, 2 44. Taller eat- seafee' Jib& &tin es -10,900.1 m at 32,30. Corti—r 52, bu and opened a shade firmer and closed with . opt.decided olguige; :Ales 144000 bu at $1,09 ° `51:11Tof new mixed Western afloat; elOsing -_at $1,09a1,10 and ill,lB for southern yellow. Oats—i . eceipts none and hyl_34. e . better, niff - enta7r3s• - or . 1:10(r7b - dth - els - lerlirle for Western tit itare-iid ti7%aBB afloat. ito* in Warehoust,-,_Wheat,441.2,503. ihth ist'• Cern;-1;0;478 Ofitt 5 72 59 - ,359 ) bilabials; Barley 575 bushtds;.,Maushels; 4. 23,472 bushels; rea5,,19,841 itity€o. , 4oelelitt Varl,l.? - gore! __ _ _ notiiinidl3r.nitchtmged. : Stigar stes..y and very qblet,;. sales 50 hhds. Cuba' at pyi. ;matelot; fbbil ktdiftlidleit:4lleferlitieUar 10 MS.' :., • .fane#lcart-,P)P Wier= ;.,;,quietc at ' -13 ti far crudix' 806foi rifintidla NoiTi,, , Jiro , visions... ksteadysind;:qpiett aaleall7so '428 , bills:it ST fOr new! Mtifie,sclosi at ,80 regular ; 827,75803' for old do;;clng titfft4rtwixt* •, .: r : Velattit.• lit !.. - r 10r50a24,02 for Prids.mess; ''t .115Flills • :•''new mesa sellers for the- last bait of:June - 1 4,11* 0 9..,„; Most arititd,Y4Aii3g 800 atils - 41 19 .• s20,50•••-tor new fo plain ‘• Mess; .420,50,324,75 : 4: ' , 10 f . ' tuitc.'",extra.:. Mails; ~.AbflV. , '32orithiergeg '.- ....Vtp4:32,00/4114rinie m05;q137,50140,00 t --Mons.drdlitsedes -2 . 0 • -. 1 bbls at IPL,OOaS4,,;WCR,gt Meats dull; sales. .1 140 packages at 151t1 . 30 for shoulders; 17a ~1. is WM6 liras clittursir.mOdiell 'latiinitral4 9 141,rd firmer; sales 1,150 Mils:at 18a10gefor,c6m , 12,Rib , = .. , me El i L r '• r4 ra"34c; for ket !:s ..22a30a-for_ , 1 Ohio, and 30.1314-faq Statirts - Cheese steady. at 10x17 e . 'Freights eti'Liverpool firmer;; ' : - a 1.7(40€19 Not srita-PfsrofteomOr- 444 30 9041 on.• -..-oorn, antloy,_donwheat..: . , •,_ , _L - - - laerEer...;-FlOur closed dull Itindbahade -1 ••• lower, the supply pressing the ' demand of ' v r, the-locaitttade. - .: 'Whitt arnfitaxithc.iirittod .- i - • erste demand , for export mad horde tete, at: • y :, $2,294,4*f.0r.N5t0.A and:l43llAP for No. 1 -: 74 I, spring . Rye ~ dull- •at : #2.05x2,06 < Oats .: .. .` -*evil - find' at - '88e : for .Western,,. aflOat. ~,. .. r , Corn steali x t4, _l n i, d o9da t i,,i o l r ' f ig oi s n it er a inix wm„ ed • .7 I`a, :. tern in fitore. , , , , Pork Vather'bdier," at 128 1 65 a A , ~ Z;ro-tir.mess;oswaid. 'rekulgirii , wad- 42 9 -4 1 •-. seller for July: ' 'Beef dull and unchanged; Cut'meattidtill and aheaty. 'Bacon neml• , ' nal. Lord fairly active and firm at isai.N. .* . tu.glie.fOr to tiffin t ailltdrid IlaiUtigial6roi tor, • ketty rufffir«?l ! fr Bos, 4p ll , ati4:tiang - . ____ E 4 i li f.ti.or list .A; I ilittep46olllllefA . 3 '" . 4 „, 1 iflikosiiA tc:iiieffliitiOxi 4 Azet ie j axiom:l9 .f YX4l t i t r r og i l li o..p . " 7- i eat tifiges_of . .• e " .0! i4d, MP 4"' ia fair de •,' -. ' Stift ._ Id _ ,41 it v ming de mod 4a4 e Iles le i ti z. , Ta ki vothtikv2,--ah et . ___,\",,... : 4- v ant ,- ciodilicurtoofe,i i ?..;col 7 ,7 l:o. ,, •ga sales . it i j ,,,,, k y tha los., 1...72 firtjtite . 4 tbrlen—" in /re d W - r i - i - t, i i „Aw n i n g. fitliage ismer; ' iltilea AL 111 68g a gy °th3 A , a o atit i tler4=s,4llYl l. e f t '3 4 -1411111213 1 4 - !•i 134 r ,tatid.' V•ACTIOP:•: ,- • cir aci f 2 64 Bo . , a v i. m. , ,, / ..., 21112 8tead ani° an g d " a gli sha m eth '-v ore L att 4. -I licilefs in o s t --wi t crorylW almost nom 6 for c ountry and r , ~, • mit e n ,4 1 5- itiokt o pitd ,$: ./..,,4 ,x, , MI , bbi • „ 7 4rbl i . , ) 1; 413 4 l'. , 1 11 1 , 0,1 ! • t 2•• • • , " -.. ••• .tita n f1a• 07 2/.. ' ' :14 g liv gg i tth - if //5' 0 1 1 ~. - It t ' .. t , ' •' 7, Ida aatoatstliesii• Axel' " , rAntaeordi '--- 44 t ipiftotiltoriitCh , I , TroglOokfinnArilMllAe ;if 7 , ~. ~, r t .l / 1 0•= 1 : 9C:' 'r - C ". .. 19tri A t d -4 11 6*110''' i bus; U . J.G.1 . 11..11 ~,.., r i tto olio . teoi p i, - ' r t 137 'X'Sleigi r• L yg lit4 l . 415'-4 11 141/ri 4 4:01 1 bie' l 'ilW ' ' ar w p at - -.03,10604,3i.001u1l '— '.;. lI C t'Aell tial* Joublit Itaber - try do, 4 11,60 P rlt 9 I 'ffebourt k4, • cit made ___.,•lll4;•.•d° wn =ird o t oira i d et c i • „), is34 -- tit i lttifi Y4 9 ,144.tua • • - 4: 1 ” - ^P aohleatat.3;,OAtiaonkr , ~.1 luge ovi t . - 1 4 2;%. at logrzwar MA, , 'P.- 7 t oic illiffickt noiii#l4,l2l .-- -,- 11. _II .- - - .-i i. ; El ;t, ~~~• ' ~': ~.4: ~ . /i~ ;.;, ~~; ^~:;~ Mil .; El MEE >, '.''-.., 1 IhistielaPlifitterg- to Nil* -York. •GO •Claied at 146 - - , Telegraph to tie Tittsbunth, Gszetto.l NEW Yonx,lfay 25,'1868. Money easy at 4@5 p9r•cOnt:on call, with some business at 3 per cent.'Sterling ; quiet • at 111:kw1101, Gold firmer closing at 140. The'Assistant Treasurer sold none. ouyElixpturms Higher, wi th, an: actige enoral demand, c iosipg strong. Henry Views- d; Co:: Air *n ish the annexed 4:80 quotationsz.Coupons 1.$81;-11514@1/536; ,do,, L 7A 110s@110%;_,do. 108x4W08V, do,„ 108%@109; do. Dew, .1.105;e1.10;ti; db.. '1103A.1.1.034; 10-41)s, 105%©105;4; 7408,2 vsx@ioBN,. lt is c 41862 5.20 if end 10-40 X will soon be in trdditclia an the Patti' labuiSe, ' • . The eonyergenti - of 7-30S' is expected to reach thirt7llliorus :the balance -of this month, - whit leave less than one ; hun dred 'tl' i to"lie retired bet*een JUpe it. aitcl4lllY,lsth: • ' itoca • , Attiveziand •butryant'throughout the day Jeloidngistrong at , 11 slightireaction front the - " " s• • ;Following are the 5:30 priceit: 'Canton' 500 WWI - Hof:ton ;Watei Povrer - 20;4@21; Onm ,berfand3syi@ss3/4; Veils Express 24 @24 ; AMerican 54N@55; Adaths 5 M(45734.;1Gni. 4 :ed 'States' 64%@9%'• Merchants :0 ®29y; Quicksilver 'BO l / l A3o%;f!NittriPosit •9@515: "Pacific - Mall- , 95®9514r- Atlantic 33®35; =New Yokk:•Ceritrabli3o@)lBoqtlErle 69 , ,, " @)69 3 / 4 ;"• preferred 763;€)78%; Hud son, 188 ®138%; • Iteadint 94®94 yea 'Ohio and' -Mississippi; •••• 30% 30..3 -, '•Wabash, •50@50 1 411 , Pahl' :65 •, referral at 773i0)77;(4; : , IKiehigan:::Southern:•BB@ BB x; Illinois Central 14TV4148;Pitbsburgssq@ • *t4; ,- _ Toledo: 109 -l A®lo9X;tt Reek:. Island -961495% yliorthwestern67,46(o%; preferred 'at 77%1JaV79: 1 Fort Wsryhel.olaloo}o Hart foraanddEria 15%155f; Terre- Haute 45k.; prefetred 67:' , Chicago and! Alton , preferred 129; Hannibal and St, JoSeph preferred es}.(.; Prairie Duchien fast prelfeired'ao4l do- sec-. `and preferred 97; Misseurii 9134; new Ten !lessees e 7, y•••:. ; • • ••_• • ; SWIMS • • Steady;‘Smith & Perm al t' , 4o;.9uartz Hill, 9 5, Gi'sgce, 3 - - _ ,ITlWtistcaY 31 A 1- RII: 4 _••• Isub-Treasnry, receipts,. 88,0 . 60,495; -pay ments,: $9,72d,491; ',balance, e 1,000,991,749. The Assistant Treasurer ,converted to-day '2.440,000 Seven-thirties. , • - • - • • . . , • - • - - ; _ • 'Toledo Inprket. trir Telegraph to the Pittsburgh CI are tie] - Tomno,llar • 25.' - ,, Flour--Receipts 1,872 bbls; sales fuse at. es. Wheat—Receipts 8 1 . 750 bush and 20 better; sales white ..I%lioi gan at 0:48&12,90; - amberi. to arrivd,;*2,l3l. , Corn--Reoeitts B,s3olbush. "arid .-la • better; sales No. 1 at 94%a95%q 'to Ballets for all June, 95c. Oats-Receipts 2,300 bush and better: sales Nool-at 73%c. Rye scarce. Lake freights unchaugs& Reoeipts for the week, ending . lkloyf 23,. 9,337 bbls flour; 10,927 bush Igiheaf; 80,808 do corn; 15,430 do 'oats; 550 do - rtS: Shipments-4,592 bbls flour; 22,g70 Isish 'wheatril2s,l3s do 'corn: 16,823 do oats. Milwaukee 'Market. CUT Telegraph to the Plttstittuth Gazette • 3 • 'lW2Lw.taTKEE;litty quiet and unchanged:. Wheat 'active anding , her, at .$2,06% for. No.. J. and sl,96}i for No. Oats steady, at 60e. for N 0...." Corn ,active, at 89c No. Iteceipts--3,000 bbls flour; 53.- 000 bush wheat; 10,000 bush oats; 6,000 bush corn Shipments-4,500 bbla sour; 30,000 bush, Wheat; 3,000 bush oats;; G 0) bush corn. PhUadelphfi Market. CET Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Giuette.l PHILADELFIHIA, May 25,—Wheat dull. Petroleum feverish and" unsettled.. Flour inactive. Corn declining; mixed western 11,20. Oats steady at-920 tor western. Pro visions unchanged. ..Fruits; a cargo of 'Pa lermo fruits sold as •• followw.. t,BOO boxes Oranges at $5,25A,5,75,:and 2,000 bxs ‘Lem one at 1,4,05a5,35. icnikmue Market (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette., _ LOIIIIPiILI2., 1%4•; 2.s.:l=Tobacem salee of 94 Mae at 86,95a15,00: for Common lugs to `fair • leaf... Flours' fait , imgertine Wheat 92,50a2,55. Corn 93a9.5c: - Oats-83a 135 c. Lard 183fal9c.;'• ;liitess 'Pork 128,50. Bacon; Shoulligra e 130,1314c, clear. Sides 16gal7c. Cottou 441,a 1 u1l nominal. • • Memphla Market: 113 y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guette : 21 3'1E0404 his 126.40:003 ~,receipts 149 bales; exports 43 bales; stock on hand 969 Flonf:fittri and lit Bork; sales 14".0,51:630. Shoulders, 14. Clear Sides 1& 1 Lard 19,;a21: ; 'Eggs 20. : Batter 35.99)PA'in'fOt:____21.11:131*. 22 .."4 1 .I ran 35' _ Baltimore Market. • City FilleatAph to the •Plttbitimitt G!if otte.l . 2114447 1 9or'' , Zrieuditid. Corn steady; white, 110;12a!,15.. vats dull;" western Bsu Pork gelet at $23,50. Itagon gale , ribbed aides , %ci dear do, 1734 e; etiohlders, ••14}ie;• • hams,: - ••glaMme: Lard lull at - , , ... --....-- . • . .------- ThIPOIIIII - 113Y 4 RAILROAD/ .;' , - . i., , , -krrisiMitenxv P Wiarri•lrrO: Cirrosoo lia.mitoAD: May f - 25:--15 cars - metal, Nlinlek & CO; 7, do, do, Br yan do Ca iey; 4 do do Moorhead & Co; pi do do i ,l'as Wood, Stm'&00;1 _ do 1:10,!, Reim, 'Graft & Dull; 250' pigs lead, Vry; , 6emple & , Reynoldsr 700 bbis flour, owner; 100 do: doi Kirkpatrick, Herron iSt k •Co; 100 do ' do, ..Tas Gregg; 3 cars' scrap iron, Mullins t A Maloney; _, 3 cars wheat, Liggett t Co; 1 • oar ' middlings, It ; Ktiox.lrrl,carihintberi ti twaneall; 5 bxs cheese, J B Canfield &,, Son; 13s .. aka „rags, McCullough, Braith , 4v-,C0;..-5 bxs cheese, r tub .butter, N J Braden; 81 sks no, Pittai Paper, Co; 13,5 ball window glass, C Ihmsen ..t Son;;112 bbls .green Apples, aa eke pots- . [ toes, 'Volt, Mahood & Co; 7 bdls vinegar,. W lillirktrick it Do ; Ido do, HaWorth McDonald &•,,C0;,7 do, do,Carter, McGrew ,--,-ft•-• • i „ , fut-z, ' B u .11,t, 74fi, .c„ gaNflit d ilifettolifft, 111ler" . , 1. 1 21 44 7 44 i . :erivit;01: 441 / 4 14. • ED I.* STEELE iii.Bo3ll Commission llfere an t • -: AND DEALZRB I PIAOI3 - 11p . 431-11A.M, .FUEEFA), AGO. • No. 95 OHIO STREV,I.• near .r. 04 COIIIIQOII. ALLtGIIENY CITt. Pk. Commander. Clerk. JAItKKBS. arz Axon Jos:itsainth MEANOR &KASPER"( --FLOUR, GRAIN. AND PRObtfiCE ,C 0 .31:40 0 .N .151.1alieg-lANMEI Conilguthents solicited. RLYERltirclts--j.O. Cashlei Mechanics' National Bardt;J. DAlworth Co.,- R. T. ,Rett nedy St Bro. • •• • • ja31:124 EWER Emu.. ' K m tic RICLIART, bIE4CI-IANTS, LtID•DfiALSAB IN FIOIfII3,GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL Fir,D, &c _S &c., 349" Liberty eit.PittSbUrghi' L J. AJAX • wsmrs.,, .. ,•.,•••• ••••••• • . . . . ..T• B. AN JIIR. l i reßANE . a , Alli A, • CO*4ISS- I V I4 , xuArzy;,; No. 1417. , WATER STREET,. . Above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. • . . FETZER & ARMSTRONG, - YORNT4RD3O.-AID,OOI4:N/MI4A7EW 3 WiTS , Tor theoadeonfloar, Gralo, pagon, , Pird, Butd,eyi Seeds:Dried TrOit. and ' Pr duce gendfally, No. 10, M.PAKuSTABTISEET,. corner of nnot,;Kitfiburgh , f . dc Whole- LAND,J lesTe:deitlelte In •Grideeries, , Finur, Ur In, Pro duce. Provisions. Fish. Cbees ,e Balt. Carbon Oil, • ite.,-Nos.:'ll2.and 1L74 , •W00D STREET; near Libertyetr•et.•Pittsburgb;Pa. ..noS:. swinort, Master, 1213 Mil JOHarr, HOUSE Bow. HOUSE. HOUSE. 1110111 S E -&. ' AMOS j ." en C .:cesscira to ..10)1N.I..‘11011SE.lis 00,, - .Wholesale racers and Commisalon Merchants "Corner of Bardthaeld.and Water Streets! Plttsbtotitu Pa..; A. Ditiiro, Mseter I .:earners will leave ling at Chietunati qtsville. Louis. Also to the rivers. d through either by dere and Way pus! SLETT. menus. SEEDS. • El/ S N ANT . SSS 9 .IM,CifCII , 6ItD; -ITholesale• and Retail Grocers, pia: 898 PEN STREET 11- lIo." , 1138 'LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.:, Comm an c t and 'Wholesale Dealer in' Country' Produce, Urocerlei and PittahurglOiannfactures. Cash ad vanced en'Cdnslgnients, and paid for 'Produce gan ROBT. KNOX.. ANDRSW KNOI -4 - KNOX: St. SON, COMMISSIOD ERCRANTS and deslerg In FLOUR, GRAY!' Oi 19L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No , DLAMOND, opposite City Ball; Allegheny City. jat7;r37 - . , . . , . . • . I;IA**CRAWFOIIO,3 COMMISSION 1 ' NEROHANT IN -. 1 , 16 -XETAI, 2 ,_ - BLOOII2, E. WROUGHT SCRAP 160,N, FildE BRICK AND 'CLAY &a. Warehouse and Offted. NOs: - 366 and 368 PE STREET,, B;oratf, e14140ed." . Conshruni ClrseDotted". - , - oe3 Tirrtit; - lamp sg;'-' . P4 Wholesale Gnocchi; Consinistlon Nenenatibianii eaters ln 2xoduce flour, Bacon, Cheeoe. Fish, Titrixitr Ind Lana Bu rg h; Wills, Grass,' s Cotton -Yarns and all .Pitt Manufactures generally, ;1L111 , an& 114 SECOND - STREET, .Pittsburgh; • - t IVVANFIEW - . S011:i'VO!11 Una MISSION dr, FO6IFARDINOM66O6AhTS , and' le Dealers In WeaternDeierve Cheese Butter, T, e Vel . ., Pork. '6:won, Flour, Flab: Pot rnd - Pearl As hes.r and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce gesierally,aiop.l44and 146 'front street: Pitts burgh JOIMSWPTON..I • , ' • i . . .. J.. 'WALLACE. §liAr "f riuli WALLACE, WHOLE. 9.n:LE G 110 C F.ll:g .AND PRODUCE DEALERS. O..O.IRSTUATREET. Patsbutith. 12112:r5s PB.OFESSI JOS. A• 111MoVity - • • ALDERMAN AND'PdLICE MAGISTRATE. ' . . Olhce, 1.18 Lir STREET, near Washing to n, PITTSBrRGH, PA. , : Deeds Bonds, ; Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions, Colleetlons, find' all other legitimate business executed • romptly: - . ash2O:n9. sAmum PcNASTERS, • - A2a[mrat.7)!Esffi, Er•trill - do Justice of the Peace-and-Pollee Masts trate. OBle ,_ • e GRANT STREET, oppoeite...ol Cs thedral. PITTSBURGH. PA: - • • • • • Deeds Bon4s, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and' MI Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. , VVSTACE S. MORROW, -1:4 • AtiI)MII.IS2A.N, . •. • zx.opyrcp -atrwrici TMIL PEACE 'AND rOLICA ,MAGIBT4I4TE.: OFFICE, tio.73.PENNAAVENUE, PITTSBURGH, FA. Deeds, - 'Bondi, Mortgages, Acknowledginents, Depositions and all -Legallgustness executed : pith promptness and dispatek. -m303) 4mm°7l , justice of the . Peace, CONVEYANCER,'REAL - ESTATE A. iSSIJRASCE ; AST. ' •• CARS . OIS STREET BIRVITNIMASI: CollOction of Bents /solicited had p.roteptly attend ed to. . my3ty6o WILLIAM' H. 'WIWI, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C, A.11901 , i STREET, riearti on - plisite- the B 4ll Wrig DePat, SOUTH prrTsrar Bork • . Volum entnisted to his care .pronintly attend myl.r3l. tO"MI L . Pli OFFICE AND RESIDENCE; No. 59 Orsint St..; rieur Mtn: S. FERGIU.SON, , J. 'ATI ; CiRNEY•?AT - LAWi 140. 87, Rifth.atreet, SECOND noon, Yuma' ROOM - •:roniv w. RIDDEILL, A.TTORNEY.:,Ai:-LAW: Oftlee,ll6 Diampud ,Stref : c!PM.kte 'ln Conrt 13°,1'8,2 feIISA44 49 " 411 : /6 9 # 42 l 3 !CiL m• tO , 411LiSTE1411AZZAllik: : : 4: 1 )‘ I . : . . 111110hOitOrAilliankraptey a 5F;I: . ; • ifels; ~,OPPoStf4Ple 00,41.r.31, • 1,, Itt d s coot ' , f • mb5:uL.,?..7.1 7, ~. .P 11361310311,. PA: • AItqWWWWW..... I -14101PW.). ,- - , ".;ol 6 l , 4lll;.*PiErk l FA?r=tilVar; • • . P.ITTBBIJUGII. PA. i11,,,FT,4 11 749940+: 9 . "" AiiittritY Anti 1 1 t';) so oropt , 4 46 1: , I LL' iti lQB Lc - y1 • .1 Luarittlaiiriii)eirri3" rt / POLICE MAUISWTRium, < then, 441 1 1 7 1 1 4Pffeija,Vr I. I:l2irreBrtCBil dampr ma Wt. • Kei ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR . AtilkW I t'Ai tzi Artv,l4,[w.lgiiolll46i4AX 1 r 651 7107 , 72/7M 9 Ski/. Attret-I%unrt3OEOMIPPOF Pfflragritli • In R4IL,ROADS,_ pCONNELLSIALEur siinr.LE On and after THURSDAY. March sth, 1868 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cot ner of Grant andlVater streets; as follows: Antos, Miilittaindfidte tridoni•ti: 6:0 McKeesport Accommoilt'n.ll:oo A. ak. 51:95r. M. Fa. to andlrom Uniont , n. 3:10'p..m.11.01,5*. Y. West Newton ACeOmmod , n 4:30 r.oat'. - 11:115•A. M. g ra ddocre Accommodat'so 6:1511. 51. 7:50 P. Y. Night Ace. to BlOXeesport.lo:3o P. 6:40 A. M. Sunday Church Train toMist fronlliVeS Nev#V4•••••••t•I 10i99".* - rortleltet's lippl • J. R. SUM, Agent.' W. B. BTO teodent.. • • mtA lA44 4E I SFA Vi.- E x -' AIL MIMI. DIRECT ROUTE:Au AIL REGIONS. s ai l / 4 Running through to yeno,OgoAlt ~y4theatlze of c ars...Aotmecting: with Mint ,IlFd .Iy. litn Vie Warta:: 4- rri_nkitrt` . /tfiro i* Allan di Great -Weston •Rallwart:, 4 4 , l!drtest . a :;.ttukkest route to Oltclttind Frank/La; adlphyr2StMla.lhe °. i Sn ite a gi ndla mta ft ' O - April 516th i j toss: - Passenger Warns will leave from-and solve] at thdPittsborr Depot. corner Chiral and 11*,1 Scs. 113 Lid Ot4i.i ...., .• .. .:' Mall to and f'm Ven." CItY• I, 7:6;-6:. N. - .'•...`". P.- N. EX press " iiO:4O..x.ISIVAIS - A. M. Bradrs Bend Accountmurn Bgo-p.da.11041.4. Y. Soda Works Accora , n-:::: ' 3:30 - r.lit. 7:88.1. X. ? First Halton Accomod'n..iAowm m. f vog.rtxr. ' SecOnd - Holton Aecomod•nlaxloo -N. 3:5, P. W. Sunday. Church "train.. leaves c tiodsmittgietams t A u . rai ln' t,g ; , a , rf ea lv v i e nir p l i n tsi `P b i n tt rg 'sb 4 u t e t ei .4 74 r o , lB a • Imol okr ianB 1 , : 4 1; Soda . 7orks dt."2:55 P., i• r , ificm - ' it.% ::___W. P. EOpeTleket Agent. .- y - - ajeZr - - 1 T T S a .113 , Irt"l' iti l M§§ l. PtChVOINNATI ANINST. LOUIS RAILWAY. . 1- , ,•. , ~.. .‘ , t;• •-, ,- .s, JAS. P. lIICHAIV/t CHANGE 2'llfE.L4rC and s itter-S MaylOth, ,1887; trains will .1C4 , 74 andtsfsdvA atitiuS • Union Depot, as folloirs, Plttsbltrith time: Mail - Express • • 2: oa. m. /-. 4014; m. Fat Past - Line 940 a. m.. press • 1:00 Van: /11 :20h.1a., Mixed Way 6:10 a. In., 7:050.m. McDonald , a „Ace'n, N0..V. - .1.1:41,04,..M. , . 3:05 In M. Steubenville Acco p.m.._9:30 a. tn. McDonald's Acen77 4 l. o. 'Z.. "0:25 p. in. 5:20A. M. 1 % . t e le ' `XI - a" P.' - SPIttLAL. art . ,un ay zpress leaves at 1:50 =4arriving in Chitinttattat.oloo a.tni..thenett tuorrting. -' • • The 9:49 u;, Sraln - leafint Sunda? cad Monday e nted xce s. F. „ W. W. Suplt.. dtenbetiy9 e. . . . lki Teat irtGEIS*O -:. R.T ..7. _ ''''''''''''''''''' B. W. AND CLEaLAND A PITTSBURGH R. 11,...., From May it, 18643::- traits will' lealre 'ROM and arrive at the Union l2epot, north . .side, city time, as followsr-4.:- : 4 -4 Legre. - , 1- • - Arrloe..,: Chicago Ex..... --PI aa a Chicago• EX::: A 3 a m Cleveland Ex.. 2:13 am ;Cleveland Ex. 2:23UM Erie It Tga3Pl 7_:21 . § aEa 1 c'hica go Ex . .. 11:23"ain CI. to Wh•g3l•l - 16 - %M. It m: Whaling Ek. ltiOd_ am Chicago MAIL: -6:35 a, m 15t. Mitts Er y ...l 3133 p m ChleariTx„ • ' 0:43 distill. a Wlt'g Lx 43 3 P M Cl. & id' h:'A.r...i.. 4:43 pm Eile 4 , YitmEx - B:13 p m ' Chicago Ex,. .. 11.:53 Et to Chicago Ex.— 4:23 p m Nntla grie.Ex , 4ISSAItt.SI: & Wleg Ex 7:00p m Delfatt fronl,4llere,ny. Arrive T 73 Attar4 . enir. N. BragrgA ,.. 8, s. &DI N. Brlgt'n AG: : ' 4:03 L m . L • e ll - a ; 1 -C " : 14:331:1 1 We1. 3 dCW :"' `Tatra ROOn'ester " 2:23 pmNew Castle " 10;13 am \ WelLsv'e Ace.. 3:43 p 112 Leetsdale " .0:13s m Leetsdale Acc. -4-110 p m ---•-"- - " - 1:0S pm N. Brigvn `• . 3:33 pm N. Erlgt'n " 2:43 p m .N: Ilrirs'ii - Afr . '4l:illityvm,Leeßoraid 'l' . 4 4013 p m LeetseEtle " • 10:43 .1 6 11 . 1 1. i s ' ''. :'.7e 8 Pm • .1:59 p. lll.4Chidapo •f • • ' /1: a.' la. illmlllO press leaves daily. .__ s iExpress arrives daily._ , amin - •P. it: 311a2rew . 7 .; General •Tieket'Airent. VENNSItLV — AII — L - cEN7eRAt, n and after May 10th. 1867, Trains will Ar rive at and depart from Vie Galen 'Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets. as follows: drrlre Mail Train.... 1:20 a m Lily Express- 2:20 am Fast Line. • ... 1:50 a m Wail s So. 1., 0:20 a.'m Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a m Traln..,“ 7:W &An Latrobe Ace ' n 7:50 a m "Cincinnati Ex 11:59 a'm No. 2 .. • 8:50 ain Wall's- Nu .:.. /1:51a m Cincinnati E. 9:10 am Johnstown 'Ac. ' 3:05 pin Johnstown Ac. 10:85 am Bra ddocksNo 1 4:00 pm Baltimore Ex. 1":00 pm PIMA. Expres. 4550 p m Phila. Express --.1.410•pm Walt.s-No. 3- - 5:00 pm Wall's No. 3. .. 2:05 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:05 p m Brad:locks Noll 5:50 pna East /line ✓'7:3o p m Wall's No. 4. 7135 pm Latrobe Ann.'s 8:50 p Altoona ACc'n: _ SwissvilleAeri'lo:so p m and Emigrant . , Train . p ; • : - • ‘• 1 The Church Train leaves. Station eve ly Sunday at 9.45 a...st.';reacislilePlttsburgli at 10:05 a. m. Returning, Wages Pittsburgh at 12:59,p.m. and arriv - _s at A all , sBtation 31:00", p.Am. • *Clileinnatt Expressleavea • daily., All other,trants dilly except Sunday . : , • -: • For further information apply to., -; . • • - W. li. BECICWIT11; Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad company.will net as tatine any risk for-Baggage, except for wearing ap pare}, and limit their, res,ponsibilts logine Hundred "D'ollars in value. 'All Baggage exceeding that amount, in-value willtie at the risk ofthe owner, nn legataten bTspeclal contract. • , EDWARD.WWILLT.A3I3, General Superintendent, Altoona, Fa.' myll NrESTEditilt tiSYLTAIIIA; ttiri 1 ' -.._ BAIL BO .-Vll and After. May. 40thi.100733the a*. -, senger Truing on the 'Western Pennsylvania Rall. road will arrive-atz-lmd deport - from tire - Federal 13tr cg -Df 3 i o t- -4/ 084 en i CitYW all,r o / 1 9*, ,, - :I‘..)] riles. lloringcre Net , ; 3 0:30a arMa11.r...,....); , 0:11Stm , 'Freeport No: 1 B:ls'a relFreePert No, 1 ' 9:10 a m Expreas,..2,,i.e• 1A:15 arm Ireittstat **am • • Sbarpb'g No:1 2:9.5,p m i nresr.,, ..... Me pm FteePtitt No. tilikbm ringd'eNo 1, :50pm Mall ... t .,..„,,,.. woo p m reeport N 0.2 8:05 p m Springd'e NO2 1119 . m Stningd'e NO r orao pm L . Aboye trains run da ily except Blindly. , , :':The Churett.Trallr;leaves: egheny :Juliet. /every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching, Alle g heny City tit 9;00 h; m. :Retorting; leaves 'Allegheny- 1 0;745t 11510 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Jaunt. ; at 9:45 . _ l;6 "Comiscri Allow tuarra Allegheny saltM packages of • TWoUty t . ..between - ' Allegheny left Cli • - teen= street, Herr .9entlett.,&ine Creelc,,Y4na awl Stuarpstairg, ired v r&l'only ere e tram stopping at Stations ope- The train Qui ll e eti ts ;in ' ... gr 'r liligb`en . y r. City if : fiiiii ii.. : - in. and.-1:50.A.,9. make- direct eonneetion,at,Wreeport with WilYere lint'tages fair Maier and Hannah a .mwn. r--, _Through•liekete J o * -2,4o , o9tautne4`et.. the Mice; No. 3 Stt: Van' street, near Suspension Aridge-Pittsburgh,: and!At!the:ll>epot. , Allegheny. For Anther information apply to - JANES - LEFFERTS, Ag_ento• Federal Street Depot. The Western - Peimsylvstllt Railroad will not as-. sumo any•risk-for Baggageif except los weariag ap parel, and limit thel. respoosibllity to One, Hundred Dollars: In value: • lax' ' Pulme ')exceedlng .1 11111 anaountin value will be at tin flak of the towaeT. jlm- Pete taken by special CM:anat.: •., , F.DWARD,H. WILLIAMS _ 3 , 1.-dyjx, . Ch i t' .l Imperinttadent,./IltomM:ra. ' i 00 Kir fa ROUTE* ''.l:r In: , IINIONI 1111AILSIY MI •PII'TSBURGEIi , PA i'AN - tLl t Nikalltol3TE: tuwlumjs • . • - eastern - . • ttie fittqATIV3T4.I.III moo ItELTABLE• - 110= tram the Easkte all,pointl , • • ~ 1111!!1.,:, .:,,; !1,01f;",1a) Utah as gtoji, , • ' Newiteridtew -Idaho, ,•• .. - ::, -: ..'.. i1' ,, . ,T" . , .<' :. ~(11,..: (.1 .:13.1 - ' - ,F +(keg M il l.s . 7. ; " I " .1.. . ~.. i.:: Two ' Tr ' ains tear, Statt' o Ltrie "ond Leavenworth deft; Moods** eretKed. o n t the Orival ottithos of rwne Rlitlrol4tanorit. Ws, an 4 limmibel and hri do - Rallma 'Dom lati try; -conneetroltrat taw- Witiret'aPi e ttiikt t intl g °l ii gtk it Valnits il worth with t h e DritTHEHaLPREEWL `PANT'S - DAILY %UM' OP' uvERLAND' .4 1 ‘igkPFA 41-11 A e r A 4 9# IES PA I r -- .' - • q . ,yilikir" VIECRi . , feitam 1 - tisEim , . . ~ , .... , -,,,,•,: 41:ri:ic.1 e.f:' , Q` ii .L,,11 I.o.43iViii ' /44 R44.:Ti0A 3 0.4 A* thie,TergAttOes , 'AnfitrithTifitinigiiintii4ritineiticimrittnt of csAtlE)l 3 fOslort Vart a irettli o bu i oelttie, Scan , Yet an „ , .P', 3 ,1 ll i 3 O r. Al an Wittig : lle. e ‘ i'lt.' t i,ii i iiit'ns of rola 444 and Rectaagralpmeatt. e atransamenvenautae.itattb re. sportsitile,or rbind .Transoortatton Lines from Its women' this- rdi amoir,attuttivie4attted fteuttle - a for Die me wl= of bkriAht_t i o the Viz weitoki .v.',, ,v- -- c , t:_ ‘ ,-, ".'. O -. Si TU.) Wickets Itlr. utast 0 5 413 -P r !P l ii i* ° I??Po t f! the tinned States an Cahadam , , .r Ite sure mot ask for tickets iii, TBlL_Agglilf HILL ROr 4,__ItHION PACIWIDRHAMWAY, B.ASTERN ktatiPuli• -"----.----- -- - - r k, A it t r uem iii. , () :.'d,rr p a 5..-isitial .. utoo uperinten elo , is 'lti .111:sial;.•171. c'sl.TV . .7 1 +. IrreißAt •' '7 • - Pt ' ' t. r zr ::-)I- - -r-ns .. -t, .1.. pa. ,viwarr I firtit*W*l 6 #47 ,tO 1 44,._ TIESNSTC): liniklirititalk _ST li Az a r. isise oat -- t a tv ,s9 . l. ,tr.rt i al' i itth , g) . )a ul tak be ' de w e11 '911.1 1 nt,,,,,' r1i 0 1 1 , 2lr :!aid•ripWCl:reitiviravy437.:,,,,.:Tl;2 g m . . tale roeatt , rn ?T ato.. i f a rat Ali t .ii t a r k 'PA anal I a ' einlialk sl:t 15811 71:6001.411% rposlidt , IY)10 J..- - - tuic g ensa . t d,,.. liiisairk ' 4 11160146's0 12 00 1 00tai kp 040 . ii ikiA il. II t _ . ~. i 4 ,~}: 11111R1 U 11 kI HEM