A. _. - . atarrt- UDE meeting will be 4elcll4.pity Hall this evening, for Vie 'impose of iiitifirlitethe .action of 'the , Nationitl:Tteraibliean Con vention at Cbieag9.:,p*ing'fgabed'apealters are ex pect;miio addi - esiiikter meeting. General Synod of IlketilfferamileresbYte -. Man etarreli: tgo of -s.V.r..zl4V,PftieTtlepop on,aesTesolution irt re fled , tylriPAPOyAllie*formod Tres- Vtenan said it would .wos to be done . . . _ _ Mr. Stuart said-i-Witts - present at the Protesttag,Fpal,,Conventioalast week when Abaft read, - and itavaasalta mediately don theaahler matetfiat contained such:refl&rtions - M - our cam - day and Goverimmt should not be hastily prp. stinted Atter some further disctussion • the' Apses , traa was put on the' question ,of Sneeptiag the paper for coissiderationi. :This • motion 'was agreed to. It was then moiled 4. - tit , ie. fervid te'n speclaJeti'a tt Aftef eblaiidgfallle , . id it motion was made to lay 4 the paper qa the tahle-ftd lost hYsa voieV-2,4102k ' The question recurred on, the_ motion to rears' it to'a corianiittee, which was agreed Ir - ,r,r. Zti" THIRD DAY—NORM:NG SESSION. "SYllOd met at nine ` .o ' clock and spent half an hour in devotional exercises, Rey. J. H. t~opii presiding. kAetliebtineltitaish-01 the devotional exercases t ,the ,Moderator took the Chair and:opened therCourt with praVer• The minutes of, the last session were read approved. „. -Proceeded to erder of the day . , hear ing the delegalaaksprittmlieformed,Church (formerly Dutch Reformed) of North America. • , ' 'Rev. .I[Ohn Steele cism:oEld this platform and spoke in substance as follows : Moder ator and Brethren of the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church—l have been honored in being made the bearer of the cordial greetings and. Christian saluta tions of the Refermed Church of North Ainerica. Circumstances, he was sorry to sey, , pretrented Dr. Gregory, the principal delegate, from , being present. Neverthe - less, he was glad to have the opportunity'of beintliriplidntraihe meetings of this van , orable•tiody.. Your time is preeirous and natters of Tvrillijas . hp:ought Before 'you. not therefore oc . copy much of their time. Ittli Alt; f 'torn thehin& Uenerous treatment and cordial riot reception he had re- CeTyrid; that he was a stranger-firming the members of the Court, although he had never met any of them before but oneii He was convinced einbe entered the vener able Assembly, that, like themselves, they belonged to , the chureh Murilitant." They had their warm, discussione, ; but, although warm, they were conducted in a Christian He was happy to say that the Shorter Catechism was taught in ' their Sabbath sehnra alms! ~tas.xtusattstatimir.ownEWUlelb urg-Catelawsp,afidtbahe minutes of he Re formed Sy for bait `adist'he - found an overturefrom the Chtsais -of Greene "that the Catechisms of the Westminster A.asem bly. be ' rmegniied 'by tbe :phurch-l', His earn ClidWaindAttilb Ifo a'ddrestsed were Me 'on all doctrhail points. - In regard to organic union, his chinch had ticitleakedEttithate - mach favor es' oth , era on the subject. They sent no delegates ;:`to the National Union Convention at-Ph-de - alelphia. Some of their ministers were 'there, but they 'were there without author -46r:, They did not think organic union a ..-thing so greatly to be desired. They felt there. was Substantial anion now. He coin= eided with the views of his own church on this subject: E , • , Up to a recent date his church was known as the Protestant - Reformed Dutch Church of North America. Daring the past year the . kireism appellation had been dropped. They were "no loager known as the "Dutch" ': chile* - rwas•oppos,ed strongly. at- first, but waWfmally adopted with great unan imity. It was said they could not succeed in the. West so long - ,as tlusy,retained the appellation `"Dutch." The' General Synod , voted almost unanimously for the change of name. It was sent down to the Classes, .. and they voted almost, as unanimously in , favor of the change. -As to statistics. They had the College and Seminary at New Brunswick, which ;: Was now fully endowed. They had also the Hope'College in Holland City, Michigan. , i.They. had a General Synod, three particular - Synods„ thirty-two Classes, four hundred and forty churches, fifty ministers and fifty -eight,. thousand members. In Conclusion, he thanked the Synod for their Christian 'courtesy, and he woulclever 634 plisaisant nasollettfona of hie visit Rs' this Venerable body. _ On motion of Rev. Thomas Johnston the SynOdtsedicoctated the cordial, salutations expressed the delegate, and the. Mod ' erator t e name, of Synod expresaed 1. their high satisfaationavith the salutations ":which the delegate had conveyed frotn'the respected body , which , he represented:, • Dr. , Steele,-the Moderator, addressing the delegate, d.' It atrordeme great pleasure to present to you and:the body yyou repre sent, the kind and, cordial greetings of, the General Synod Of the Reformfld Presbyte• lien Church. He had listened , with , ldgh satisfaction t 6 'the address ' he delivered, and watt glad t o hear of the , pre t r y_ of binned. till:L*oi ties .11)4111r 4 aDifittla or • FeeemblanPe , nataire* 'Moth were cradled amid sterns% I Both had been • honored ,with'bethg 'permitted •to-occupy lilithlalvuna' carrying on the Work of Reibrmation. The one originated in Con-, • tinental =lath e - other in - Insular Europe. Bothcante Sulfites. the water, and are now engaged in a good work. The : Is t w eEue not rfrit .o , nuflittaA (el c The' dur recognizes The two churches,. asyou remarked, are one in doctrine. When many tiViiiihad fen tered Into:covenant bonds mßoothind had cast off-their bonds, the yoathhil Renwick lefud'ldaceept.'Ortilliatien from the back own;:linida • At Ws time the desalts of Cronin n, through great 'condo scenriltrii, eel SiNat ita-the ministetha. office, -41bilastostaltfulaesvantof-Godr-Thiaisanin teresting remi t Both church - ea; as you remarked, are one iii dAnSi D.f Tlertiefandleyriadi, deed tot take the Clonfessionof Fbith hi its matildett has been Peen ..nnnanted country . On molten . , theniterindefelliyited '""Seatiiiie Consultative membirtS. ' . :Dr. McLeod read the action of the tit ferciitt 'PrieslaYterian churches tin the subject .Idie refaikT r waa adopted. 4-r c Tive:committee appointed to examine Dir. Tixii 4 o 3/4 : 11 . 3 rrt e d 'Oat' thoo3utd 'die ' charged their nty; and thi- examination wastltatielfactory; Dr: Wylie reported t h at 'ln accordance twithilitibuitnzetleisliegyned;aothiebr ,.ganized the tilec*lld PreatTterar ofPhiladel phis' ' The '*.e 1 lioffartstadopted., .IThe OetuMittee",ou Foreign , Correspond-'j reported that-alidy. had ,lecalved: no .j P9o4Millentin4t6Orkint:Aeilbe;equod , &fcMister re • • that'll& had been ks• t “ MbVirl i A r ai l ertia tal # l 9 atatenla, ohlO, last year. • Rev. Mr. , BrittaidttAreikilied that he had fulfilled his appointment as a delegate to o,Tined]PretthYterian 'Synod which "Met in k llegheny lad - year. 'Ha West well • neceived- brseine of the membet4;3lo;waa • re edpaly reoei t vd ll by ii Moderator - ino J.V 33 etV4539w3!0 ti n . II Mr.' : !TM netisiest that Ity:rite his opinion I that' the aelheki u idatgal ceeMad t! seiegstiet Presoysteriati • , -lityrtod.t silertltereghtFalitAnd, 4 44 13 _ v A td , 1 Alaixidtitine_the correSpondenae;' - s ;-'4oe At " e lnele . ais, of r , 1,31 ~N TA Mil .1i ,t. # , Y:111:. • 1/.4 kr, 1 siRA --- - - ^ .- - , - .... - . _ , ~.,,, . •., .- ..... -Jr:Z-2 - ,-, ' , :.;:-.,...,i' , .. 5 ,, ,,.-' , 4....,.":, '..7-,,,,. ~-.,-,,.5,t1._.,:,...,..- _ , ,... , ..,-,, , ,,?.: , .:.4 - ,1- -. , - ,- r,' , •-•••,i - --./.: *7- :.•:;',f , , - - -; - :::.,.-- 7:.:J: . ...'77... - -,.:, - ,:'; - • ---: -.".:.• ''',.--,-,: :. :5-- - -.v, ~.--c - . ....., - -, •:„. - A - .....-:._:.;=•:: , . ~;;-.....,:- ~......;i z p.:, , : r . ~ .siA- r , . ::-1-.....,, . „-.., , --.:-., i - ., - -,-,,...,...,..i.,/,..., ,,, ,,,....-„,;,-..; : !,: ; ,,,,,, 4 ......, ~-., ....,..,--..;,.....;... ~---- .., ...... ~.7:.,;., ,:...y„..:,<-'':.:.'r'--:.%%.,--3'.2:-.!-,'-•4 -'''',`. _ `-`,e',.4.:,i,' ; ',T:.4 ' -`, .'` ' ' '' ‘ ,A .Y. ,, ..4 7, '''..?-':l,,:if^:l.'4 - ` , F . ' 21, 4.-'"'''''''''' ''' '-''''''' '-' ' ''''. ' -. .....: , '; , ..1.4,:''' . -.: ..:..--:...'•..,.- ,- .f' ' .'` .. .. , •4-- ... --2 `t''' ' - n .i'''‘''''.';`,"::' :%,.;: -:','':'':,:4: "l -i f .. .4k = -4 1.1 :D 1 ;:it.' , ..:V''Ve"-" '''' ''''' '''' '- 4 ' - ' . ..LZ.ic - rie , '-- -i7 2..i-i1.4,.:.: '7, '1i,...,,„..„,_, , 1 „ :„..1.,,„ , .' ~ ..1 -- ", ' ..,..›..',,,z5g.772U.n..;; C, 1: 2 icit,.. 4 ,1 , 139:? - 47,,,:::,Z;f:'..:7:%'''''''''. 3klWlV .;W: Ci t '4.AC'^ ' ' '''' : i ' : 4 t . ' , ' , ..147:4- ,- .1 ‘ :"..1Y:\ ,..7.- ' 1 ' , 11 , ,5, r': " ' - ' , if , ..7` , ,,,L . .•-t.7 ,-, '! , .. ',., i , _ the Reforiale,d_rresbAerian,„ Church be dis continued...l 4. - l Ax-t This motion was discussed at great lei z igth by Dr. McMaster, Ditltferir. I. l iti . n, Mr. Bratton, Mr. Morton, G. H. Stuart'-alid James Stawarts- •-sa » ey s . -Alljiirtrried,Rer:Dr.luematterttrocinding by prayer. • Artkluvoes -- Stisto.i. Synod- /net, at,three, 'cleeli And : was opened with'Pray ;o r by Rei'."Dr. lkiinutes read and approve d. - ReV:Mrchael Htirsbay,efeurfaitti of the Committee on .DevotioriaL,Xxercises, pre sentelitheirrePort. • It ittestollows: 6 The Committee"' Would '-respectftilly s ornmeud,that half an hour pagh +NtieliOnite -spent'an devotional' exereliser4 under the charge of the Moderator ,or his alternate; and that the half 'hcitu" be , from half-past ten'tkedeverro f elo,ck: during the • morning . sesaiori, and froiri four. to half...met four o'oloelt,'during the aftere6o • Segfflob ' 1 " "Piobeededlo the disetisaitt Of the res . Oin tion „pending_ at _the„adjeurrunent, of, the mornieggeggion;:hitillitimit6V.:•..rrgisporid ence with the Syrricalof.tte Reformed Pres byterianthnrch.- Dr. McMaster moveitthe following as a substitute for the resolution: A' ' 441swts, After..the a , reception, ,of our delegate‘ - 'by the • Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian •Church, at the suggestion of some of the members after the delegate had retired, our ,Synod was spoken of in diarfspeptful ternis,'•andthe lettere appended to the name ortheChurch; arid WlT..unsas; it is evident front the etatement of our delegate they do not wish'the 4 inter .99l.lSe „by delegation-continuedptherefore, - .Peso/ear:That•for the: present we appoint no more delegates to thakiXitlV. 4 ' After some desattssiOntl.r.Aclßod'mov ed that the whole euinect be indefinitely postßoned. On tide the ayes aitArtaysNere called. It was ' deCided in, the ,affirtriative. - The Mocieraixirannotinced the .tbilowing additional ;committees On Presbyterial Records.- 1•• : Eastern-Presbytery-Revs. J. F. Hill; and Thos. Johnston. " ' • .. , Northern Presbytery—Reis.3.ll:CoOer, and•Robert:Matthews. Phitaddphial"resbytery—RAM: S. Wylie, and Williamt - MTernac. • Swami Philadelphia Presbytery-ReVg. A. It. Dailey, and JamerviSterrmarit.... , Pitt burgh Presbytery—llev. Samuel Young:• • • ;" -Presbytery Rev. A. G. M'Auley, d David Fieldv.. • Western Presbyteryßey. and William Reid: ~ • ' Re rts of , several Presbyterieg vele read •nd referred' to the Committee on Fresh.. terial Reports. . , • Spu. • then spent half an hour in devo tional exercises, Rev. Michael Harshaw presid • The Mllowing gentlemen 'took part i . the devotional exercises: Rev. S•sm uel lie. Rev. J. F. Hill and Rev: . John Steele. f ; E r. Y Syn.• then proceeded to bUsiness. On motio , the order of „the day; the discussion of the subject of union, was postponed to Mon.. y morning. " • • Itep rts of several Presbyteries were read and a ..ropriately referred. By .. mmon consent the business was . suspe ded, to hear Judge Williams, of this •city, NS ho could not appear yesterday with the other members of the Committee ap pointed by the PhiladelPhiaConvention to present the action of that Convention. Judge Williams said he did not come to day with the vievfof addressing the Synod. The 'members of the Committee had done all that was necessary yesterday. He° was -Mit at the Cciu`siention, hitt hadl'ead 'the proceedings with the greakst interest': He -would have no objectionlotinite with this body. Ile could sing the one hundred and fifty psalms with them. He Would ask the privilege of singing the 'hymns 'rase. In his judicial experienee he had tried a case in which the title of the very church prop erty in which the Synod is assembled was involved.. No trifles should be allowed to keep the churches apart. We should pre sent a united front to the common' ene my. There is no church in which all WWI, think t . alike. , He, -.J.would- .-not like 'to 'be' a `rrierriber - of such' a Church. There must be some concession and lib erty if we are to have union. • At•the conclusion of the address of Judge Williams Synod proceeded to business. The report of the Pittsburgh Presbytery was referred to the appropriate Committee. The papers containing reasons of protest and answers thereto were laid on the table for the present. A communication was read covering the action of missionaries , in Saharanpur, India, on the subject of union. The paper A remonstrance " from-members,. elders, and 'othera of the First 'Reformed Presby terian Church, 'Philadelphia, asking for a redress of certain grievances, was read by the stated clerk. The reading of the memorials, protests and appeals, .gleclinatures, connected with this case occupied considerable time. It was moved .• that' the - papers bo re- i ceived. Dr. Wylie said that these papers were in troduced in a very,disorderly way. They were introduced very adroitly at the time when all were anxious t 6 adjourn. Dr. McLeod said the papers had been lying'on the table since yesterday and came up in regular order. .. Dr. Wylie thought it was unfair to pre sent ,the papers,. which ,had. not ; /east Most of thembeen made 'known to the parties concerned. Mr. Geo. H Stuart endorsed all that had been said by Dr;ffirylle.. 'All the objection he had to his 'remarks was that' they were not strong onough. :He confessed he had sung' hymns,'l44:lie had not 'done it in a corner. The whole'betirse II irregular, in .asmuch as the libels halknot •been read in -the session. He was not afraid to meet the question. But he hoped the Matter' would tre comlucted in "Atn ortier/y . warmer:, • 'Adjourned 'to - tneet & this Morning if g% o'clock,. Rev. Dr.• Donglas.porieluding by prayer. Appointments., Air 4FieriMildsters of the Re. formed Presbyterian Synod to the Pal. -7 :idtt;Towniolli6lCl: . L.-4- • 'A FITT, / IF,R9H.F. I, .t First Reformed Presbyterian Church (Dr. Danglate.). — Rev.StnnuelYontig,lo%'n'. - Rev.' J". It.; Rev. W. J. McDdivell,l3‘' v: : . .Firat U. P. Church, (Rev. W. J. Reid's). Rev; r W.. T. ' - ehato,l.lW 'AO m.f.itein John McMaster D.D. 1 3 r. M. Fifth U. P. church, (Rev, S. Rev. Arcbibald ThemPsoni'l P. X• Central , n Churdl, jacd bns')-Rev. ( Jo 'lifeMaster t y.lk'D4 lOX A. M. r7iti 7 dtt: —Rey,. Robert ft 1 x 4 Nev. Wlil:l3tetrett; .D. 11).; 3 P. 3f: - c0unty..144 7 .14T.,-,140 . 4t, 1 214,3411 an, Third "Preabijfeka, (Rev ffir Rev. J. Y. Boioa t 1.14 i A.. id. AIiTiEGHENY. Arai U. P. Church, (Dr.,, Rev. J. V. . Second U. P. ChurcJ, (Dr. Clark'p) ; --li,ev. 'Archibald Thompson, 10XX. H. 4' • • Third M.P. 'C'hirK-'(•R:i.lft.' J.lf.,Ho#/s) .4tey::.T. H. C001ier; 4 1634 4fir-g4tMartferekeVerian4asx...l.Mo an) , vl-.4l . *Epi - Ntskley, D. D., 10% A. M.; ReV. .7:Wylloi, D. 11,74 P.M. iCiliteraktlSay.lll f—Mrl. Dr. Ide,Ailley;7Wp. Mr. ,ey,s) • A wk4gmott , filfr ti' tl oggite , iiisfemmßev. beef 1 4 0 ivelason ) 103i• • ~-4-m A. WinflittliNrobanriAlfigaig Gorman PladVAFOrmation.bcfore Aldernian St lelderdar, crutiginofrh:Shltitcrifirltli'dis- Atrelakr , 9 conduct. ~ .Tinsothy•E r elddew on chantstrestgia.' th.W. Ategi,iyhtti alleges that , . Shinn came ;eh .0 few eveningaslnce and- ~abused his fiunflY cant* t At it o4: l oPlte'of .11 aplegy l andilhat she used oliscielay.rlan e. He further alleges that she threat 10134111litp. uaa qv , Reate titr. !Ativ!foriiliftt&t.,l ENE il.rrganyiw i p. SATTJAPA.Y. y 1868. iircor„vmss av , ,PARMus•-.Groad. --011en -14 ftplitase-.1f..u0.44 -79 slid 79 Market .//t s r 71 Yestel&i•Wo referred to'the Tact that ~lifestsrs,...Toseph,M,orne 4; 9p. AwkrrkavO, a f'll4gfi;bicihlistoiee•of-rieW, 4111M ming and, gesetaksTtaw t . goods.. The recent addition to the stock of goods is particular- I • • • rlylage and varied, embracing bumber less variety of articles ref 'the use of,lietth , ladies and gents . . The 'gentlemen among our readers will lfere large assert . of , the, artie - .14 spite. offtheAlscuuraging Weather this season, the time for straw hats tsitdelly. bald a Wit, and tifbsiatieles -eV head "gear weirdo now an 'object of-510 emailint ftaternity.' Those wishingentbe sotisfactiori as to style, qual ity and price,shOUld not failtogive Messrs. Horne& Ma Cali. .The ladles will find an satisfactory worth:tent of straw botitietet„ all the fashions'and Ishluies of fash iatit beifiktePtbillipbeliT t TittyvilialW—ftd in infiniteNwiety,!cOlored laces, crapes, &a- Jetts, millitetYleme, edgingti'and other a lleles of that line, The assortment ofrich'and beautiful ifttlfiejal 'Hewers; is particularly large; ' atilt eotabitieff 'all '..the • latest :noSel ties, ,Itibbons of all the most desirable va tietiet - and ithadeS are offered fri abundance. The straw trimmings and bonnet Oiffa, frpru - a StbelcAifit im rted." "There is tilt() end". 'ofMillineilg ! ; •Com Prising :ceraPefh rich 'assortment- of . dress trimmings, :fringes, , head fringes, • )gimps,; 'braid head lrigs. t. The; stock. also _comprises parasols 'arid sun umbrellas, Of the Most,- ficepptable 'OY/es: E mbrolder*4 l stan 2 Ped• 0601 viihtegoods, . neck ties, , gloves; ho 01100;and'flarhing goods in gclifiral;'exe Offered for'saßS, as also hoop skirts, corsets, baba:buts, •:beitlfigs;ttravidling.ititelf els and fancy goods. We trust that noneiff our readerst,Anll the cpperTufid •typreienfed Tor tare- selection' ihd choice bargains. A Great Agrieultut'al AchAyemept.. 7 At the extensive and favorably known • , . agricultural implement end, seed-,depot of Messrs: Beckham & Long, 121 Liberty streetorearthe mouth-of Fifth street, there is on exhibition one of the most marvelons pieces of Anlerican ingenuity we have eyer teed iialleifOrt to e:FaketipS. Ft Kt* dill pion self-raking reaper and mower com bined, whick is cpristructed ,on such.oar `•Mt, akivillerishre fie iiiivtreal adoption by our agricultural friends. The great difficulty hitherto experienced in self reapers is to place the arms in the control of the driver so that he may regulate the size of the sheaf, providing for the lighter 'heavy grain.'This`has beenfully 'accom plished in the Champion, which is light, simple and durable, and the rake is entirely under the control of the operator, and can be changed to rake any sized bundles in , the most perfect, manner while the ma chine is in motion. As a grain cutter this machine has no equal ; while as a grass cutter;.it• .to "'any single mower in the market. It accomplishes its work and precision and nicety. and is destined to receive universal approval and adoption. Messrs Beckham & Long will have none Of these machines for sale this year, as:the' manufacturers cannot supply them, there being such a demand for them, so that those wishing to examine this, one should call early before it is shipped to-tbe purchaser. This firm are the exclusive agents for Western Pennsylvania for the - ErrekeyeSrld - Rtissaiitilf — te - apyfs, — MiT4Teal wholesale and:* retailarr.:agrieultural ma chinery of all kinds,, such. as_Mowers and Reapers,' Thiisherr, SGkahr Cider Mills, Sulky Corn Plows, Dog Powers, Coin Shellers, Plows,Harrows, Cultivators, and a general: areferj;nript 51(Linridreth's Field and Garden Seeds, Fruit Trees, 'Vines and islyergreens,--. - . u e .- We= are much pleased to learn that.the tittsbnigli Female College, one of the lareest and most influential institutions in the State, has lately made such additions to its department of music. as, require not . , leas than seven additional pianos, the con tract for which has'just been awarded to Messrs. Wm. Knabe dt Co., of 13altimore, through their enterprising agent here,' Charlotte Blume, No, 45 Fifth street,, _The' Carbiriittee, after a lengthy and careful ex amination of all the first-class pianos in the market. decided the "Knabe' piano to bo debidedly 'the' best instrument, combining great power, purity and swestness of tone; and easy and elastic touch, with the great est possible durability, and we congratu late the institution theiracqujiiition. The following letter from tho chairman of the Committee speaks for itself : Ptrrs.ounon, May 18, 1868. Cn. MO rrP: Br.tistg--Dear Madam:--The Committee appointed by the Trustees of the Pittsburgh Female College, to purchase pianos; after carefully examining all the bids, have awarded to you the contract for furnishing seven William- Knnbo St Co. pianos, as per bid submitted by Mr. Knabe and yourself. , Jos. PLumstne.,4 eti fj; e A mg4f. l FatfPW*"!tt-• • One of the • many • improvements which tnark's the prbgress "df our 'city is the ele ,gantly' futinished 'and well;itpOinted . . res taurant at 105 Fifth street over which Mr. B.jii. Fir went is a perfect • modal, in its line, and is just such an one as we have long needed in this city. It is . - couirenltirdlV:attiiigad, with a' separate Apartment for ladies, furnished`" iif magnifiwitt Style' which, taken in connection , with its veri.pleasant i and ,convenient 'location will"doubtiess 'make it 'the most poPularrestaUrant in the .city.! !MO tables are always ! supplied' 'with the bind of everything l in 't.he =artist, fn , lltdizig...oll..tha-dulicacies , ofseason. Mr. magpAr,e(Aswell ituomtrin the city, baying .beedinthoi. litaillthai tor ,a. number of years, and the, puhltoinusy ,(9.9.l.,ammred that the establishment will be con4tufted so as to give general satisfaction to its patrons. ' • • • • Plumbing and "du Fitting • -' At' this` season of the year, when all are engaged in repairing, it- is sometimes diffi cult to obtain competent and experienced sy9fluapp., This h3ithe ...cAsopartiaularly• as to plumbing hnd gas fitting, and it is doubt less a great annoyance to those wanting workEdone promptly.: anff, in...,g, ood style. IC3 all desiring work in that line, and at Alce short no .. an4..reiumnableAgliaes i .-• :we would say Ear at N0.`165" Wood - efreht; at the establishment of T. T. Ewensi pluniber and gaefitter. Mr. Ewens employs none but the hest experienced workinen, and uses thet;beltonatirial;*nsequently his w0r1e*, ,, ,• ":•,o,*atiotitattn7. His charges are i•O`. - Mtble, -- aticrtielti:a pleasant and agrftliMe , man to AntiOth:%, Remember thelaet? 11 Tv T.:E,wo , 843 Wood street. r TiOs Y 11 1:1:4'0111Sr:eff astaiite sale, at the -iii on: salPsrOdifis tit Sthpri, Van hoOklot Igi;Zighlatt; '•: - Ookltwstatka'57 Fifth streutlk4l--: 4 44 - .4. • -r; 1 -- ;: , ; otro • ; on-made boots a b • •••!,- - ` 4 :•; ,I.;;• . *OM .;".:iinff child retw-A" ; 1. met. - . ?: :- a l oof" . Ot t ble, being of tirst-elasa wOrkmanship and ,;11illiabiona latest.sty... The, t prices, are much lower than the cost of MannfaCture. Fin decided rib _ - .Ite:MlA'T.oo4*e urge ojitreaders to „Oho Masonic Mall Auction House a . ti -7,- . ,I 0 :-.! d •:?.. !i:: I,;‘)< ~..7 Y 8 .0 '4,l' ,A , Conmaittitab-Mirilliant , Turner, rafite4COß &We - 1i in ; - ,y evening., and when he came out of a oie.Tdoilli atiiicf„o - as so much hnox,..fmted that lie fell tigolitgh a shirri4itdoWate Sinihnet-COnfectionary. 4MgdaY PorAlifig %Ana idrunkepna; t9and diso e • conduct., ,indc4;fl)+liirmii • 1 001 1 ,'. -jvlrr: I -Afflreft. - OPERA - lEfoirsk="Tnalpeld - Threads," sensational drama :of considerable Pe*, was unraveled to a mere shadow of audience at ,this place last evening, and. the "unknowing few who were in. attendance expressed decided dissatisfaction with the entertail.ment afforded. We do net know what combined to keep away the amuses inentlov*rs, but : l the Aerriblynannototione array of empty lienches in dress find the sickly appearance of the galleries old that the measure of the Pantiles' wrath as not yet been fully visited on an unsuc cessful and unpopular management which is being mercilessly crushed beneath the weight of public opinion. The downward courset'of•Shie Placeis no very remarkable instance of the people's temper, for we have hitherto seen ithietind organ grinders and broken down showmen who came hither to cater to the wants of the intellectual and refined . portions • the' conimunity; 'put throtigh stung t trying-itiaeal as that which is mow crippling :the. energies of the management and sealing,thedOom of the ill-fated, • establialiment.• I,That first . class stars, = Mich: as Miss =Price. for instance, shoidd be enticed fritn'iteeetotinit EurclAgage merit at a place of such low, or.derias thid of the Opera House, ,is.not only an act of personal injustice; dutrage on geniuS and anunwarranted inaulitutbose who fill the higher.walkS- of the histtionfe profess But anottiermeek . rerdainsifitile. season when the green curtain - 111 1 iVto`. hide; we' truitt,, , foreteti.llo", ' al'-acertes, which-have , character ;past' the',.theatri car btfardir airing fhb' agliisernOnt term at Opera douse. -If the manage= ment will show an desire , to reform 'the character and elevate the tone 'of the place ,thopqm.r. be the first to laud air ••=proVe"-aiiii , tateofirigoi stile atihitif those directions, butonitil ,Pittsburgh r has &re spectable' first-class 'pltien'of liniusement, which ; her ,pepplc ,can amply. afford to keep , tifyi7irit tnannnt be 'ibotitlitAldoVredi hit sustaining that which is unworthy coun tenance, much, ess praise and support. I'firt•;-•:Ariiiiier; over flowing house was in attendance at this place Of. amusement last 'might: •A l , - great Satarday night'S bilris offered.. • ' -Btrlttta.'s MusEuM- 1-- The attractions at this permanently located-musen to at Frank lin Hall 'are being daily increased • • •` 1 Where to Purchase. • The old and well established Tea Mart of . • Joseph Robinson, 21 Fifth' street,.is 'orie, of the pilneipal houses in the city, and buyers will find an excellent stock of Teas, Coffees, and ' Sppices 'Spices from whic hmake their purchases:4 Robinson buys direct flom the importim instead, of "purchaSing 'from jobbers, and thereby saves the •jebber's profits, in consequence of which he, is -en abledlo sell•his , goods at a much lower rate than those who do not purchase in this N4a7. Ue'keeps constantly on hand a large assort ment of every variety of Teas Cqffees, and Spices, of the very best quality, and sells them at reasonable rates. Mr.,-Robinson enjoys high FeptitatiOn' lutiong: . the busi ness men of the city, and we have not the i slightest hesitancy n recommending him to the public as worthy of their patro • age. Still Another Prosecutions for keeping bawdy houses ._ are becoluingalmost its common 'ils,surity of the peace cases. Scarcely a day passes during which some poor erring female is required to answer a charge of that char acter. What the result of this raid on the erring creatures may be we are unable to say, but so far • we fail to I perceive any marked change in the morals of this wicked city. The last is an information before Alderman, McMasters by Mannus Gallaher, itharglnkFiatik Fortter, a resident of Poplar alley, -in the Sixth ward, with keeping a house of ill repute. Frank is said to be a hardened sinner, and it is scarcely probable that she will be at all benefitted,b,y the. prosecution. _ Shwas held toluill•fer her appearanceitt , Court; in default,of..which.zhe-rwcorionitted to . , • Preachtn• It Pill be see*finth the scajo or appoint manta given felseldkerci;!; that tbikt, sliatin guislied and iloqUetit ATirine, , Ai*.,AoliT t N. McLeod, rt. b.:. -6 f.. 2 Litv , l r Orki.Skill'Preach therirst: t rnied Preibis Church (Dr Dchkgigs! ta=tittmkioa , af wpoon=,ak ipast two boloek Dr.TM e hha beekoteogrilzetl:nikilead- , ing member of the formedresbyterian -Church an& an ableTreacher. sermon' to Morrow Afternoon will richly repay all who may find it convenient to attend. Rev. Samuel Young; of Illinois, and Rev. W. J. McDowell, of New York, will preach in Dr. Douglas' church at ten and a half o'clock-,a. at.' and: wan .anct. a half These are both excellent preachers, 'and stand high as pulpit orators. • Anistell for . Foistalllifg: Mrs. W. G. Wamheff, a grocer on Wylie street, was arrested yesterday by officer Wrigley. market constable, on a charge of forestalling the 'market. It 'appears that the accused purchased a large quantity of vegetables, :which led to the arrest. He taken to Alderman Humbert's office where, upon a hearing, it was shown by a telegram that the 'articles purchased were for the proprietor of the,. Petroleum House' at 011 City, and were to be forwarded to him by railroad. The Alderman discharged Mr. Wainhoff. The constable did right in nuk ing the arrest, as it was quite reasonable to suppose that the articles purchased:by 4 the grocer would be exposed to Sale'aghin.; Attcntiqn litigetiPi ,l . l eavY• 4l tiklerY;-1 All the members of this organization are ii9ikeiiiiiO4tii9et,aiihk:Mair6es office this afterAoon at four o'clock, to. make .arrangements for attending the funeral to morrnwrof our late. 'comrade, Captain R. The funeral will take plaCe frOm limes 'Hotel, at . ' ' Muj Geq. M ': lrvin, J Capt. Al fr ed Pearl , , Capt. J. B. Zeigler; Lt. William E. Stewart, Lt. Edward 'Whit more, t Lt. , Yetipsonr:.-Lt. Hiram 12. Wlll 151:Hartzell. mi. Cc 46 7 :Me nor& monthlyroeet 7 14 of "thetaingliee' ',UltriiitialiAmda tion will be lialkiat'the room's; No. 23 Fifth '3141114. dg' NlVeig.44l,W*7, l ii iiffe a ce o reque fed, as business °timer:mice is to botrusacted. George' IL Stuart; Esgqi of Philadelphia, and other preMinent ,cluistian workers are expected to be present. Larceny.—John Lewis made information before VdtitirainAlionias yeeterday; chtirg leiWW lslll MuliWitti:JeXCOM• Lewis is , a zairpeater and s w e s Pegage 4-111 .baildiag a house in the Eighth-Iyard,, ewhere he 'kites the accused catiiiild"aeet t liht and on leaving carried o f f_al pl raesilvA3 l s 4 at $l, IEO wiel'aViestaidlina' he ld ibi Iffyir ing. I ! .; ..1 • Liquor , Licentec : -.Parties who have not Yet.oEoititVt liebtiewi,'_Agn*' the office of County Clerk :.Brown, are: notified that they VIII be revoked. unlesiCtilion'out by the, This thaely nOtlect'ahjibld be acted upon at oneei- ••• • I Forupts , _ukcet,s , —, Alderman Strain issued a viarrant - yesterdai for the arrest of Mary J.- , Needs, on oath of 'Emma I: Munson with fornicatiol4,}o, ? ,. , Council X Ori/.,Will,bea meet ing of Pitiabuightflinitiellacrn !Monday next R t iP*o, - *c ( 44 . o*••• , ' , 55 z.74l6lP*4llolll4talkihrtirtairaiiinp 10 4 ?-A u l l Ogarritvulf IX. An 15. ' • i•• r.l l3;t o:lftt , Gardner & StewarCs Spring Sale of New Dry Goads, llegitining bit 'Monday, 25th inst., on West Corner of Market and Fourth Streets, Nr. 69.. . Two cases of beautifµl prlwts 10434 cents, reduced froml6 denta; : r • Two eases 'bleached musllns at 10,1234 and 15 .e.ents, _reduced. : • .1 Two bales unialeaelted muslins at 1234 and 15 , 3ents, all redneed. • • - One ease;xtra ginghium 41234 cents, re daced.fioin 15 cents._ . -• • '25 toieteslicklrig finn at a rednition. ' " ' '5O piactim crash eitra'at 1234f5, hers SO dezen linen doy/es.:=good-at• - 1,25= , -all I - Others chea.p.. • ' • . • , . :50 dozen linen toWels at special bargains, extra cheap. - - e • 100 newt/Wits, all gradcs, spomCgia.low: 4116', . - i• - • - „, s - zoo. pieces ,white buff, p: k., cheapest ;in the city t tot 'Ludin's black wool detaine - at 35 cents, ,worth T 25.1,1 •bliiek alpaca poplins; best. bar gains' of the Season; all. at a reducticu, be ginning at 31 cents. • . , One special !lot of colored alpacas at :50 ; cents,; SU, new , shades; • reduced from. ; 62 cents, .expressly for thil'sfile• . • - 50 'pieces assorted „ chene.,mid'iltrilAd,dri*Ao9do; in o', 25 to 64iA ' centiN i tiiotittoqraorry lobar. : - • Dtesi,goddiglifst ptirelifised in NelciYork - at a great' ri(idnetioli, will be *sold accordihg -ly'otteaw.-ie • •• 7.1 . Gros • grain .• silk slor ••situiques,..sin ,:all grades, good quality•for 42, , others. special iy, low.- •• • ' • , *1 -,"!' New 111 ahawlS at verrb~' Oisla -allgoods ra e prices, now, • Ne!, styles in`cackings,at a great, reduc tion:: Kid gloves at 85 cenii, all'Colots, table linens, white goodS, shirt , fronts, and Irish linen at low prices. "". 4000 hoot? skirts at 50-cciitSrbtliisi•grades • T.. Lips points much la,Wer than Iluitseason. Our goOds are all new; selected hvitle care and- purchased at a reduction :freeze; SOFnuir prices, „and- correspondingly IcitV,im west eoFnernf garket and. Fourth "streets„ 69.„ GinpliErt &SisEwA:nr. the'Btylea which' have thus far, made theft aPpearance On . our fashionable oughfares, ~,,the • only : , promenaders we haVe; display a marked improvement over .. • those in vogue last year; WO 'were much , pleased ' with -the charmingmillretty noveltlea in the the Way . of* lace gooda, , , em broideries and trimmings, which- have just been introduced at the fashionable :retail trimming and-motion 'house of W. W. Moorhead, No. 81 Market:street. These . , to gether - with the full line of strait-o:pda on hand are-very pretty,:and when :more! gen erally introduced will materially .pluiage the prevailing . styles. Mr. Moorhead de rives much ,lust Pride in . being ,always 'amongst the very ktratto introduce the new style 4 in this Community and . hisatoie *is already favorably knoWn by all' the ladies. His goods are chbsen'with much Cafe and judgment, and ' his prices are'always reasonable. , . • •- Ltouq Fall to See IL—To all those seek ing homes or investments, we "knoiv'of no better medium.througloyich to obtain in ..rirrti formation than - the - Real . Estate . . Register, published-by . Croft dt Phillips, 139 Fourth street. It contains suCh a variety of farms,mills, stores hoWls; tanneries, houses, lots, city and suburban p,roperty that the 'most fastidious cannot fail to, get suited. The Messrs Croft & Phillips 'have extensive Western and Southern connections, and to esmontemplating-ernigraftWthe-Rto leer is invaluable. ' . .Cikli at-their office and obtain a copy, or send them your ad.dress, and they will fbrWitrd'lt Ififf rettird Irian. The Marblelzeil.-Marble Mantles manu factured at W: W. Wallace'a extensive steam marble works. Nos. 335 and 337 Lib ertv street, are coming into very; general use, being vastly superior and. mgch More beautiful than the , regillar‘n:taible hitherto used. Persons building new houses should not fail to examine-into the merits of these artistic productions. They are cheap in comparison with marble and will grove much more durable, retaining, for all time their marvellous lustretandi beruity.- Only a Star.--It is a fact that stars do in fluence otie'adestiny. -We mean, of course. the "Star Shirts" made by Cree Brothers, 26 Fifth street; for a comfortably fitting shirt is necessary for a . man's happiness, andlliey . warrant a fiti -Mt& 'ie..-- They_ are slaughtering Half Dose, selling genuine Frence Brown and real English super, three pairs fortfl,oo, worth 50 cents a pair. Bis marck Paper Collars at 22 cts. Give them a call for, furnishing goods. • To Whom It may Concern.—The public are hereby cautioned against purchasing scales Made according to the specifications contained in a patent granted to Forsyth & Tramc, March 3d, 1868, as that construction is substantially covered,„by prior invention, arid a patent graiited to'tlieVibahiber Sep tember 11, 1866, and cannot lawfully be used without his consont.,- - 3'. F. KEELER, Pittsburgh, Pa. At Bates dic Be, nc •No. 21 Filth street, the ladies,.will find a superb. assortment of bleth and silk wiilkinig coats, jack ets for spring promenade. — The - selection of dress goods is likewise admirable, while the lines of housekeeping goods arefull and complete. For any and everytlung in this line we( advise a purchasing tidt tolhis establishment.,' .ThcFprietni thittliPerY -rea sonable throughout. . _ Sale of Real Estate- - Leggate, auc tioneer, "sold, on Wednesday last, a. lot ,of ground at Homewood, containing 1.4 acre, for the sum of •#4,200.r At the artmetime the beautiful suliurbiiii'reSideace of Dr.M. S. Aborn was.offered at-sale by , Mr. Leggate, but inasmuch as only ?14,000 was' bid the sale was not made. 41 takshatitifil bank:49 l MM- atliers . dealring to have meals served at their places of busi ness will do .well to confer. heir orders on Holtzheinter -of the' Continental Dining Roome, Fifth street, neat door to the Post iface farne as a caterer licanivertally recognized, while his prices are very Tea sNlahle:ix 1.1) We have received from the publishers, Prank ..Lesiies:,Lady's Magazine and Lip pincott's Magazine for June. The latter contains an original poem '11.5 "Swinburue. Mr. - Gildenfenny street; has sent XtifilthteMiriteAr(vatid Young Folks for June. • How Can grala be OtheTiset—li elicate, rich and delicious in Azice, laating and du rable, WOtxlmirth's, PT/or..ael SantOp the now Spanish•perfarne,'bids fair tololattlitathettlOStnOtedtEtisrattperfames in popularity,. ReVinuilieW.LThe PentikVlVaniaSinte Convention of Univerealista will meet in 'the Uniseinslist- :.Chureh irr: this eity,Pen thtrd of Jinni Mixt: "Re . t. C. Ighlmtinti. 8ern24.31 1q:7.';: - 4 1 - 1'5.3.?, riarip 419411411Pre.. 'ceOtt-,vpillan TroodiClTlftli iitteet;!,:iieW oo ' The Post Cornea, mealaaio - aervedsgakall ho uitaln 'the b eat atjle; ; aid 'At; meet ! , reaseeldile Prb*lt .' > ' .;• ' R• ,, t:'.. 1 .. .1 , '..i. ~ 1.-, ) 'R I: , 1 ,-,' • , k r•fr-s-- , 4 101 , ~Z ., - 7.. ~., 1 1. ~,, ,tef The place to get. White ~.Take,rilalahuidi -13aliteri IlltoilithlidlVenrilibitiblllt—dr,...2t./ i .,, EeklYr: l 4 , l67 First- street', -//t T: nt,..`l ~ .. ; '' . ‘; . r^1!... 4 1 1144.4: 117 . ,.`' '. `'.''.. ' L f /111 . 41111; ilkalitteillfaidlairial 'ilicitistio Tileibill rekl #44 4 oi . :at:P/' •PA4 ea l .. , .1 . ci,. / , 4el73 , rir , -1 ~ ~.., , •; 1 Gothic =and Tillth Chittuiey pe, Irrain rattelligelibiat:o/:.a.;*latie/ I°l ' Mr l t' waiver, /ill -:.i: , V ~ .11.10C:43 . ..,,, ''5.4 . .. 4 ~fn ~‘, 0 toad ' , .. , 44. , .• • - 'I" :" 1 .-, v4 ' 114001* 046**404401048iiiiilini I,llf itrOXit Eakt ehae r t el* illatf"` i t ..,z, arti ' - = • , „.„ r ; µ),-• ' ' • Trunks, Trunks, Trunks, You 14)1,8nd Lieblees pro ~ Trunk Factory:: I. . 1 4 Trim it for trat , ellers. Trun it that will stand rough nse, - and ~ Istanttstly. , ,m Beautlinl Saratoits . Ilandliorne valises. Well-thade satchels" , • . - Dura br e =po i fla w , pa. EverVhody shotddltteilehiler's. • • . • His workmen titre superior. , •a, t•- - His prices arevery lo'w. LITT!. • . ,Call at 1 .1.04,W00d street, r! . , • the best apdPrigh*Ton lo l9faent Jolioius fitna Callsapad;lttiowrtbts. Caswell, ;tick o 'CaliSayn, :ILO" Iron reistortitiTeOlot - to the hlood, The P4ostihorns ikotee 4 of irgste of . the neiie tissue, ,and the 'Oali t Aapiivilt nemirel'ilifiantifill , tette to - the d%,•ef vs) or g!uw , thiprebtfeyriffig dyepepiti-in noun fortns;wakantheisi,GetientlDebiltty •axid!lDegression Syktrite. :Manufactured - s onlY-bk,*ftswellvriaPar4 ft PP. 4 7 .W.Y0i1E• 0.057: 1 44, 4 4 1 :400- - 1 - : TA: E Stiluilßate: bonnetsatalitaw_gooda for inen,-Aronien;• bdyi afld girls pill be offered at prliatilsaleitolibty 'at the - eatenisive auo tion hoUSe ludesrobmtror t.limithson;. Van look and MoCiellandAlasontitHalk, Ur and 57 Fifth 4reet4t,.ThtSe gOode.er.e fteeketout the maniasetusetalnbands, andwg.l,.be of fered, at!b a,,tgeat writice.tc? Wholesalsk;uld retail' pUtvbasep. i - VIA, 0 1: 1 , 0 0t 112 4 for-sP' leetlon - .fa lintunima;, 's. Ant,Ptiou* ~.9111 Waco it c' • --..,.,,„., ...... ;,, , , ... i ii'..: , , r.z.:=4:;.:4 Ai ,-- r .,== r.c , • - - 1 f.._', r!:A We ' "of . Caution 10=:Callf . : for Dir Ken nedy's Ad anent. Ourefor, Catarrhek and see that 'sfa4,Bimitejp,- ur thelraPPer- Sold by-' druggists, ...,,It ..the. anty:xem rterm edy that: gives 'sidfre r e ,e,,t• , ::,7l;bure are ii , orthZeil UniqaPlA B f or . sale , Get none' but the geitdne: , rt• - : 1 ~ `.' ' ''';' ea: Hotelcfail to Supply 4s:tempting! bills of fare as those' which :ft,lrtgraee the:. tables of the, Suet-class Contitionta diming 'mains off, B ilialtzheiruer,,FAfth :t atnpety l peat door to the Post, le. ; - - GOO IPtik riiiiaN4r n etablei:siad eirery lidag fresh la , •thci:niarkbbi , caorited- up in first astir stile at'lEibltzheintie'r'ic:Centnett tEdurdik litooma, Mir Val:Al:text door to the. FestiOfficei: 7701.1 - fy nts rz To-metchipatoexi.-Fcir every thing azantliethe tilnittdfikc #lll3- ;we refer rOtr to-Joseph lion* ,adtrer tiaethetit oritfth page. " "'" -Ttid vat, r 43clifroni'ther attrirU are , well'aatMed with the Ltmklnitlabt they get at Pitkteleg4 Po trouble fo ehow era z c ie, wa trial of, role Y's Pen, Pittobk-does: ' Fngßah and I+reneh'Xide Taper for' the Udlesst - ." • . . , . . _ Base' Ball Gobds r 4;nirstook'is OOrrjrtlete. Serid' t'o Pittriek. , ' • ' Hutii:Tscoile Views etTittack'EL • efollitglyv v e iff HARM-41ii 'Fos hie;latetrestdebee; Hare , ciplotel,-Lieerty street, Capt. ItOpRT ,ELARE; ,the year of Pia. r" , , 1 -The: funeral wilt , deice - item fouiSrmiiky- Arrzn sporr,,at .21 ffherdetiOlii of the 11 1 211 7.0 e . respectfully inytte4to:attentl.-; - . . . . May 221 d ,, at.l2 ilo'clock, at the residence of her' son4n-law - :, Wm. J. kfeldit len. eorner Shelby mall Webster streets; Idly: JANE 31e311LLEN., aged 54, years 9 0 dalA• • The • funeral will take niece .Mi l lin.rDa t if. Xr;r4l - 'Mai:, at Ig'o , etc ! ck; 14e..4: F lenil l Of thnlOtelly are invited to attend- - • • '• • , - lINDEIRTAUMUII • N:FiX.AkilirattfilEßTAKVan o.,IO3O.FOUIgTE rittainiggh.: Ps. SNSof&Siklade,'CßAPES,"oLoVEkatictev lery description of Yunerni Pnrnishinirtioods 112 r. niabcd. Zooms open ciay,nrul: Wont. ..tienrse•and Carrniges tarnished: .- - A , A A - 213.EY.CEILISOB8—licy.Dxvid Nerr,l3 Rev M. w. Jaconns,l3o;D n rliorruni '841..,,1at0t0 5Q11..1E61.03 t&iiMEItLEB t IITIEDEIIEtw- TAKERS AND LIVERY STA S ES corner of DUSKY STREET. AND, HURCH AVENUE. Allegheny City, where their COFFIN ROOMS are constantly supplied with , read.tnd ItatIOSOEL BOW. wood Mahogany and Walnut rOodhas. ht prices,va rying from s 4 to . 100. 'Bodies prepared for iner ment, -Hearses and-earrla t:,futpiehed••aiv ali rinds of Moarning,lioodS, if required. , Office op= at all-houns.. day and night. -=.- - R TAKE • IC, LEHHALME' . r4o . . 45 OHIO R• , J.ltEHT„:legit* mid: yoimitc)DIELVOND SQUARE, (by John Wnson &, Bros.,llt±seisa ;alma on hands- the' hest- Metal; • litabstood, • Walnut . 1101 Imitatlop Hosewooil_COOlos. -.WalnuA Molting from $25 upwards. .Boseyrood.,Coltlus 114 U Upwards. other Coffins ' , proportlaft. Carriages And Hearses throbbed at low. rates: ,Crape , Oloreti. Ple y a. and En raving famished 901c4, open a, and :: D 40 . . " , • "•., - warm:rm.( TIM: . . • rnl2 pi; FISEATI4 TkiittiEßS • -;•,' I ,6sfitT o,l),POSPili4iCiNft.HtilL; . . """"AP r ELWOOTTr e9 l : ; :qia ".. tri3 4. :kirigit;,. Ez s rtivi t i e -- jirAEE i s ‘ Litt; W. Ofienn i 4' '; a l lit tifibbidi' • (Wit t,"!..!,!, ,•1; tj ,t_po f, frry ' O4O • • Osifil lei& ItahleAOCAPOthve4oo#lrPz cr. =.l ;.1. a 'DM -- paw St. m t r" . .t. , ,eiroitapak q n, i pt am i k .,t 3. :l;t7tl. t;" • eetwlttiout swan, - '7=1741446 T-444kt.2.‘,'.! • eaDN , , 1•";:;t: ;71Y-It . L • t ii)a Wl` VitING ,Alipi; SO SO- GO !..4. a- Cl . ' I xrtu. co. :1 isTAT*:ll,pyririi4 j-ra, IttglaPtlm r. akbit 2 4#4o4 (.- 'on , 1 / 4 riritaniglitirneirajETC, •<, !a -Nil 'to \jam' , rou F-• • 1 1001* - 111His./iIIOIIOKEINTAIN ,i JJLI: balittiatokbaesiddialitlitaUtA's""S" 1' . 'ettirtizia Sale, mutisistrastedastriala °Uatilla* sites would do milli* makes stilastiiiito, alielliallet. is locate 4 on'siblogibbaaillialiamsPot. ism suds i i f .1 1 1arintig SIN, sunimaom AO 0 , ,prelp: zoo= , ,lil ti l t s r a ' l4o °l4 . 4r - ~ S R A - ,kt^_!! -II 01*Ciags" la Oe e• Arvattyntsiaztr4 .00.. - "o! i 4 ooku ~a oivoinkaorgas }tailif-ermar " Ltitetatiliciots at !MS Tilisilligila:lskairatoPiiiutesidwWteatiiiiitia raaWAI74I. it I :Egeffli til iat Ribal 3911tifitlatitili , nninge Muth raineawlllitl 1 =I