rrEvl 7 MivikixttimwrENTs. _ .. . cIEtHSP -:.: :: :. • 1•1 i.... rho assAr WESTSRR FIELD OR have ;ten removed to O. 179 IfitITHSTREET, where tell always be found the most complete assortment gums, piotoisi. Ammunition and 8 Material, dtc., in tee city. Alt kinds Guns Pistols carefuliy repaired. Cash paid for ARMY BLELS,S and ARVOL.VERS. Sena *URN) . (of 'illustrated Circular. Agents ,wanted in every tpOrt in the , United States.- Address, J. 11. JOHN STON. 179 Smithfeld fitreet.pittliburgh. • . .. WTIFIE ~SECOND -METHODIST CHURCH, Rebecca street,, near Gm Works, Allegheny. 8. F. CROWTHER, Pastor.'Preach ingurery tlahh alb. at 104 A.:31..10s x 7. s a b„ . IA School at 51}4 P. 3/.- . . 14,7 lII'S T." - .",C URAS TI AR CRURCIIt, earner 41es:ter street end Mont-'1 gomery avenue, Altegbeny,JOSEPH KING, Pastor. I —t.Preachtn.TozstOßßOW (Lord's Day) at 10)i A. 11. sod )4. P.. au,- The teeing •In; tlits Oanreh. are. tree, at_ . l±:___l nil ire ec_Ln_________UMWl"-ile-il. - 1 PLYMOICTIICONGRE GATIONAL CHURCH will liold seivicts in MOZART ,ILAVL,.Beventli street, TO-100009W. morning, ,7% o'cloc and averting. services , to comMonce_, at 10% and k-OXF= 11. ENSOUT II, ,W Pastor. . , lartlittratigAtlST eintiecit. CORNER OF GR A NT. AND THIRD ST —Pastor,Rev. A. BOSSERILAN. Treachlug Ev - gRy sutivAy At A.-)d. p and Ti4*.st. Sunday School "All% A. Id. • j. • Special subjects for to-morrow morning arid evert dug. Seats tree and welcome iG.A:B . • A STATED BIEETiNOOP POST No. 3; Wtitbehla at Eticampatent, MORRIS HALL, cot. nor Sixth and Wood StrOotp, . I . THEE( EVENLEO. S AT . El O'CLOCK., WGBANT,VOTO P 'VE'ANIV_VIC : - • TORY :— A GRAND , ATISIOATIO'N 31[RETENO. of the Chicegolletelltees be held at - CITY • s. the • list n tonal Bnioto liepuidicany • of Allegheny , •Couty, on : • . .Saturday,. May .23fIlat' - 7 1-2 o'clock.' ; k.• Ex-Gov. lIANLEY, of Connecticut'. DI 43: Gen:' SICKLES,.of New York.. lilaj, Gen. JOHN' A. LO ebai abroadunoia, and other and opeakerai ci trili s bA t tle fat, aln a vess the meet ant; at o'clock. • • be: the order of ItepnbllCati•ExecatiieCommatee. •1. 'WM IL MILLER, Chairman. 111ILACK SILK IiIACQIUESge NIP7VP '.'FOIL ,ir BY ottA US 'fifth" stmet. MEI TO CONTRACTORS: : I ,i I *- - • ," 1 PROPOSALS will be .neel.Ted at the otllce of the .Commlastonersfor the Erehtioa } City t3pii Rio., 461hattteheld street; Pittsburgh, litttit- •-'• • • • ---- , llconday, June I. atr a Weliock P. IL., ~. , . Far tearing down the old buildings - and cleaning off the ground for the new.,. City Hall.Leorner,of Swath field:- street and Virgin' alley: and for excavating .about - font thousand yards of earth, the. work to be -done toy the cubic yard , and the ireutractor to to e. all , old materials.: . • 1.: .. ..- .. . . - T3lOlll/121 STEEL, • ..i Secretary cit :the Board or-Co tritiiiiisioners for the Erection of a City-l.iall. ~. . -.. • . turM:q66 . . J. 138 1, VIIBLISEILEID. - -- . MEM _TRoUBAT & MALY'S MI PENNSYINANIA PRACTICE YOLVME• 2. ALsp voLumr, 1. RECEIVED AT „, KAY & COMPANY'S, 65 WOOD STREET 31172i:Z1 iSPRINW:,:s!.r.pg. '. ',• ,:: : , - ••••• 1 •, i • . ''' CARPETS t, _ HAVEBARE {SHE - ,. moVirE, com plete : .... of CIAIMETB and OIL CLOTHS we ? have ever opened, embracing She newest styles and , designs • or the. best FOREIGN and D 0... 31 E OPTIC •ILLEtTA.CFERINGii - tziaperted • and selected: with • special reference to the Pitts- burgh Warket.-"Rank ist.the - • patterns are Confined (Si . our , • ,honie excliisigalyfer this city: With, the ediawteires,Of Direct, linpoitationi We are now able S4P. ester, 44 1 17.44 e newest and choicest pager:at , of -BRUN* ri 'WM.: hem the MosCcelebra. ."! ted. English loosigi,', and at • priles ossithin the reach of householder. 1 , most every • onsehelder. A special bat' itinitariniportsi tion of Earautintt:lNGltAling , or extra in rare and boanoßil ,deligns, will be ". found' espechiEly and desirable for Chambers. : . .. ,e 4, • 11. Our Stock ` of :oOhatOlt, ALLWOOL OARlM34oiaseilließe 'the Oarpet WOBNed ctltrikko Win AO sold at the same rgal .1 0 r004*. the logt ad' vane, and w).11. banish: CARPETS to the muititi6lifthe Towed prioea•eince the Wm` , good• ; oplr F0A . :25 CENTS A YARIY. I ... , . , . '''P -: 'i, or • ..11,B,aboie,Pa r1 " 11 levbig Somas Soltwoush owe X9l 'Welted to. examine •• • • - Otiianinatally tatewsiuteber et. 11141 ""? * 1149110411ti17 ades,a elf* T i tried TAPILIMIS 3 . 'TAO" ' 31 wail et law , uk k . ciaLttfroax, ' • .:(q..1 . ; , ; W./7U* ':t., 4 . nigiENT A .iptraixisa,T-Cati-, ~,, j ) IL., Wblteos red 'tit tipbreros 4 . lll.ackw_ 0 4 air u sn is d itreAss arts saltaat;rs, JOSS PO sit 1.0..„4.:d u.no —sm.....ter" . J: a sores: . A .unsa* ___L.w II E • • arties wishing any information or advice, in re ga '. KO qigia:o4,4r lAeloAdyilo positions or situa tions as Merchants, Book-keepers, Clerks, Me i ch 'nips , , raplere or Laborers,w;* Loulsvtließ 01 46, si.outs, i relp,pl4. Vfklispvg,uttle it' , NeWbrleansi Hobild,llalvestbn, of dnititaiV , of elms, can receive much voidable, prompt and rel able, piroplko,l,6n,? : From i onn, i geneTal office In .LObisVille; by - eliattetiliOin tde i tif T'VrOMBLLARS to our address. Having an exterlsive business ac-- quaUeggiCiWki oLiirc'otut r ir, 7ftirrjuitiii7 satsesetton. 1-- :-.7, - , z .. - 04..W.. Icings doco.v iv No. 116, 4th St., Louisville, Sys. OF; gi••1 , 1 ti•s Llil MI ENE MO Ew A.DVERTISZ; GEO. SCECLELEr S r , uey Cake Baker:Confectioner,;l• • ' AND DEALER TN • FOREIGN .4 DOMESTIC FRUITS /4 NUTS, • 40,.eorner Federal and Robinsonstreels, xi- Constantly - on- hand, 7 ICE CREAM, of 1 , gas fiIIVOTS. ORDIULTION... - . 131 E I ":1414"56 lirEgti; : dt(0 `1 10 . ) or, Ladies!, Gent's and Children's Wear, I.'s' GREAT VARIETY, • AT .kl-7 4)0Vitt 914 Stand Stocking. Store, • No. 24 FIFTH STREET. Star23:s...;',lZet 84. - /VOW., • Dittzsgrtititineiro'' 'NEW STORE - ' tl , fr igg J BURCHFIELD V_A Sfr CO , C , ..-.lrl N0 ., 52•5t - Clair WE'ARE JUST OPENING A CHOICE LOT or: • - NEW' DRESS DODDS. SELLING CHEAP—ALL"LHE'NEWEST STYLES —ENTIRE STOCK -NEW... • • - . . Viirßeciecatoer the place, No. 52 St. CUM ; Street.: :lit RED. 'Nvitrir. • A. 1415 BLUE FRONT. .r "IMMENSE COLLECTION •-• RARE AND VALUABLE BOORS, A"i HALF PRICE. • CALL AND EXAMINE THE STOCI►. STATIONERY,' OF ALL KINDS, At Eastern Prices, AT THE 3.304011 E aarrn NE W S x Der. SrXTIVTREET , BELOW SMITHFIELD. CITY OF PITTSKIIGII WATER LOAN, PROPOSALS,' FOB ouwx,.icoc.c) OF THE Bonds of the ,wilf . ater,Extenshm LOati," Will be, received et tOe!,rdlice 91 the CITY. CO'*- TROLLER, Irourthstreet:-.., : • •,• , . These are CM:Wog RON* bearing' Interest at the rate of SEVENPnYi bIe serni-annually;at.the. affirm of the City Treasu rer, and theßonds are to be paid off in tWenty-ffve. years from April By Act of Aiiernbls the Revenue of the Witter Works is pledged for the payment of the Itaildsand! Coupons, and the latter are by law made receivable for 'Wstei tents. and the Act authoritingthe ir liosii test two per , • ofllo BD an , per cent. of aillionds whlchmay have been levied itt. pursuance of said 'Act. , The Countlls are boned to appronriste annually p anLlclentsum.,forinterest, and not lees han two per cent. of allbends Which may have leaned to'go Lute the Sinking youd. The proCieds of tt!ese - Bc..ndi can onlyhe used for the extilision and IMProventent of the City Witter Werke, which will increase the revenue, white at present it Is targreater . then is 'required to Insure the payment of interest - and retirement of the The Bonds orb ErkilPT FROM STATE, TY'sild CITY- TAX, whlei; - together with all the foregoing advantages,. mate the Eonds tie most de= sirabls 'security otfeied tbthe pub li c Bids isti4er 'par will not be consldarecl. . By ordeiciiFinanbe &airtime°. THOMAS' STEEL, Controlle 16$ NEW ,GOODS. . . • , - NEW ANPACPAS.:.: • , DIOKAPIL ., • o lift010'; HOSIERY and GLOVES. fir No. :164,, , ir0kr streptejo 16S. • 168:: ' • -(" OTICE. ' " .• - - . . "The andereistkett. has. aaseehited: with tate. its itistnese - dettiiir from Atirll ist,ql96B; , llr.:'At = FRED 8. WALL, his ~K,4 ASA ELOII#I.I3PIE Ind • LOUIS ENOLERT. ;The etyle of the Arm to be J. j..calozzarii; C Co. . J. J. 011./4414.117 Referring t 6 the above. the inderelgied tale' pfepuire in stating that they vollfecintintii the, wi ..... , 4 4 . LO OIINO Olin& AND PIQUE' MINUS At -seioocatotatz,AUtesu i tzret dueeinents to pur tun unAt: o l fit!r .;); s,...t.inisamirgairi, 49 . 4. • " • r ' 120=1,13—Cr. b ei t fai the .3 •• ust PB ' sal": . . 801e.situnderladillsouniy, _SIt R drti • U 111.. NY 2 1444 -1 • __...,.--, , .....ver - s _ , • NEW AZIPVERTI — S'lnmyNTS. 1'.....,..... - ...:;:=4.;;;; TkorENED44 gttiiii millineryti; EVER BROUGHT TOsTHE urry, .`' ExTRENWLY:tt b 0: .1 1 0 k TES% HATS—AII the new shapes.- BONNETS. RIBBONS—a fultane. • • . LACES--Colored, Whit.C . ind Black. DOTTED. IlETS7rßlack and Colorpd GRO DE 1.1.1%.P5..1.0, , BLACK 4111041.411A1K SILKS, AND A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT . .() F t. 14 .! :F. hit N F R , 0.1-1 EL WER S, . F t Which will be sold by the box or bunch, at less than Notrl:olk , Prjewnw ?In '4" 4" . 171 HOSIERY—Ribbed and plain, at much reduced I ra es. GLOVEH;• . , ' XldsClasle;' SefUf, Silk and Cot ton Olov p i. A new and su lor assortment . . . - ".• ." • 1.• 43 ANIII 5 1 4 111114 1 LEMON& EDGINGS t, INSEtrINOb 'AND BANDS., INFANTS I :FAB. WAISTS ,AND HODES COLORED TAU V~ DONAARIA ,EACE•toALAM-AnAutiS AND SETFE4 Heal I Imitation. CORSETS—AII the leading makes. HOOP SKIRTS—Ladles" and Misses. GAITER MERINO UNDERWEAR. -; • GENT'S FURNISHING I GOO I N 3 .. I THE STMT. SHIRT. ;, • •• • • • •• • . PAPER COLLARS AND CUI, ^FS: • "1" 1,11,, ,, 1 /otOrti.)l4tige • • • " I '',llWret4l9l:•thi'AiDS:- • TAPES. SPOOL COTTON' COTTON TRIMAINIGHPANoVNINGES; i • DRESS 'TRIMMINGS; IHlNHES,tusamsas,, ac.ro.spiendid line. sbadLs: •SACQUTiUGLX FRT E TRNGE S: IMMINHS; , 1 AtEltertANTS &" - AtiLt NEWS will And if: to. ibeiritieittitaint kireetin as our 'tuck is unsurpasaelln extent and variety, and LoYvvest Eastern - , Prieesti -c' - '' ° fP7t - citgsate and 31 JOSEPH, -1101tlirE & Co. TT and 19 Market Street. mr.ra; • LA.CE 7 • DrUEIII9I3 BATES - 1,11 'JOHN IL EGAN. EMI . i — ••••••-- ,-----1--- ' ,—, .-----, ,t---1--c',-.7.r;-,,- , -- , -; r•- . ;,::4NN - isv. 4. z 7.- .. -f r . q?: !. . 1.1 : - .. -- r - s -x-. ..... t . - r --,— _ — _ ,,—...,..„..... _ --„--------- --!.,--,-rF7:gy.zf;,;:.:-.st:l-rz7z:=-'7=,7"A-FXaVi:EA-"t'4:..l;.'k:''l4-4'4:IVAPJ-4-x.--Ivfgl•;-x'''''"4"''Ii,IttA'i;'_'Z:'4:;"'-2''"'"'-:',;,t,,-,-':r,-:•:.,:‘tr'—''',,' -<.• .- .k..... z..w..,-... ,, , - .-z, ...i5 , ,. ; ,.- , ... , ,;,7 , ..7.1 , 4,,i=:-.1-ni4isa,-:, , -.4..,..:, - :., , , ,,,,, , ,, .r,..f - - -,-,, z , i..t ..-,,,., ~;ar, ~-rc=t, . .„. '---- - ''''" • • . , An ,-, ..4.• • a . 4 .5 4... .. 4 4 , .-. 4. - ,,, ..-.... 4--r.: ,,,, ,j,. - -- , M•f=t7 , - 9"' , ..-":,- ~ - ;54,.F.T.q. ..kf.,„ .7 . - ~..I", , A4ti- v . . ...4?01- - .', 4 14;•:. . :in 'ft" . . , • ' ' 2 'Z'''' --.. ....- 7 , F 41 •7 141 '. .., _i- now - e- 4 - 4 ' . _ - 1 4.C..•,„' ". 1, " 4.- "' _, . ,-vi]pwgiwggE,; 111140 MEI AND WILL BE SOLD AT ,t 1.2 4 ,EVEITAILIVS, c ..+. , r MI . - ,*;.,.. , ... , 4..',!.:::.',7;:ti,ic... - .. .7 • : _ _ ,w BED'S. =MIM DORT OF PITTSBURGH, • custom Hol;$11, May Of. Iffeff• Notice is hereby given that sealed Proposals. • accompanied by proper guarantees. according to ' forms to be furnished on application at this office, will be received thereat until 1* o'clock meridian, on, the „PHUT 4Tl.l_Effit J TINE NEXT' far thesupplr of the ' Marine HOspttal • With the artteies of provision, medicine, Bc.. enumerated in said forms. The quantities stated are estimated with reference to the usual number of patients in the Hospital: but the United States reserves the right to take more or less of said articles. accordingly as they.may be actually required. /f, the d at hH , o ita ar not In e j ar d t gicmleesn t d e f Ihe Physcianof p th l bes e quality. th nd u adapted o o the Hospital, he will be at liberty to reject the same, to purchase other articles in. their • stead, and to charge the contractor with any excess in cost over the contract prices. • The United States reserves the right to accept the proposals for the whole or any.,portioo,of the aril!. les dpecitied." ,) WU,. C. IIieLLM Surveyor and Agent. . , - 0 • I ghee Lead; • - Bar Lead . . = El ANW • Pfg , Lead, Manufactured and for Mlle by rt' B.AII4I4:EARAM C. 0. , , ,, o. 167 ;Sielthfield Street,. Pittabitigh. myautra Afit IFIJitNAcES • - • • I AND C 0 OKrl4O - RANGES. We atiliowirepaiva kurnlsh snip:lttit Warm Air partied/3 of the latest and most apprOveilltyle, tor Anthracite ov-illtuMlaoue Coal the greatest vili" rietf ant best Formates ever offered-In the ..eltyr Also, (looking Painges of the most I.Sproved styles. Bimetal attention is also bald Ventilating inga , _ - t; ' "XS• IC.,ithir;oo . .” trivie? !Tuft.; . 70 ' 4 H 10Ir it J. Z ta 11 ~f-f.. 1 -'121;111.133k1 , 4 DYER, ARD,O,COURER. • 14 (filly) 3., 0 7 ., f ialakt„, And Nos. 4 11 sand 187 V4F4 Street, • „ Ll+ 4 PITTSBURGII;Pito ~" ifc 7,7,11 r lEEE TN NEW AND DESIBABWISME B lof ;4 OEIVED AT .; . kiiri,4l4lEll l llTOlrt,' ,, J ,l.l 4 ~ 5 ~. , , . ~.....• .. ~, ....i .1 ~ , ~., •J . .. 1 . 1 .,- 1 ,11116. .1 1 7 iniftii - tit. . ai l:4i • oilitiiiiiiiiii 0 , 0 . 144 ar r , :r . thePiaci:l7lu m id . e ii cx v i )11l • '' ' 1 Li p . r%O ' . I ' i ' s ' h it tra c •1' ,R. •., Z. t• t... • Will :1: 11- •:ivtito'":"lo.4l;l,,.': ; 1 ,... ,' •' '' ' 1 co -L.l' ,1. - . ....- I. -y --. -4 !ID -, ~.. -- ---- -. . ky - ' , :.),;45,74_10 . 1,r- -141 K , ) - ,- In churati, PtIA W ati P n s il k• , 0 Clq.PF , Pi r ilY 4.4l7-' sins. it sk e prfOmpanli v-- T coot , '-'' ''' ''' . ' '-- - ' ' - , T 4304351:011ree,bitAlgrft, ,dr.0;401. • • or 11518 ...VA -, s , , sa p e ae 1 . - et On SAMNityiiliyl4olk sk bar [ plete Ittg 40 ,, I = IV It yam { p er , g. ,- 41 , .' • ' irarrfa W. ,EDZB .. eiglieni. WS ~,. , A LARGE AND ' l l - :IV.t,T, ~,1. ::::i ''..": ri 7 dl . 11 7 4 7'`.. 1 ,!2.13.4,,,:-.3,Stra- • ' , -- -- - • 9 ...S'a rAa• - •;:1 , - ,3,1•0 1 1A 0 ATTRACTIVE STOCK' OF . INIII ,0 I~iENl' a `D~t~ I9Ciett.t . › •,9 ENE . BM .P AlettlTY .A''.. - 4.11e,k1 sitilti'h ~1411148101TKETE GKOOR§t-fr 1, ~!:;:. i O-3:,;1i...ii.1....! ; Aii.)- e 110 ;...-..1-114i1.111f.:91.?, 'tt;;••,; , ):4 1)4 -.1.1t02:5 BLACK SILKS; TOWN': QUILTS, &0., =IS Min =1 EIIINANOM4.I - n 178 Feiterii St.; Alleeaf. )7, -4- my 2.1.5 S. 'WEAN - u - aaa DISTRICT. : , 141 COLLECTOR rrritcrAultit/IXFFIriI lon - Dltt. of ra.. l i.. ay 9t Allegheh, 18 ny _ 08. City, NOTICE IS IETERsEBY S WEN ; Oat DteAD.LIUSLI Lists of SPECIAL a', `formerly termed' tl- - CENSES, I.Xuld °rite ziri ENCOMIA CAR RIAGES, WATCHES, SIL 'ER PLATE, au., are now in this oftice.sihere p meat wilt be received ttvtle"oft rtlib — COTlel4 r o "infriffef theVOtlf or May. ums. ?Thise:tities Ii slug become diii, kiust be paid before the 15th da of June. 1808, other wise additional expenses GT We. itictlrre4 ItY the. taxpayer. E. BUFFINGTON, Esq., county of Aitostrong, , Deputy Collector for the ready to , receive after the speed s& conntlea. anilm the thues and places whe prepared to receive the t OFFICE couticronar , Twentyzaltrii conec: .1:o. 67 Water 9 To accommodate taxpl places In Allegheny count Deputy Collector SAMU attend at those placca. r to dayi . iutthed. between tli and 3 o'clock r. x. of sal At Tarcutuna, on Firldp ShXdle's hotel. • At Sewickley . , on Tuesday,. May 36Db at Gaston", Store. ,„ At Bakerstown, on 'Thursday, May ASth, at Taxes xe s bld only . lii:Oies44ka or National VIM Currency. °Mae llounstrom..B 46,11, to 3 r. uc sonar at. istri,LivAii, Collector. P ATENT CODIBINATIOIIi HOU • • - 4 • !Ac • This. HOSE Is, without Cilleeltiol3, the strongest and most durable of any now manufactured". • Cat Inlengths to sultyurehasers, with nozzle and JOHN M. TATt Plumber 247 ii•beAtlelt , • 69 • e• c L i) Feder?"ll4llre2.tit, 11c9therry. my2imsOnrcr-*As' =V uEplEwi D'S STEANCRILGIEERBAKERY, . _ 311 LibertrAtrest. 0., • „. • o:itackera are baked upon the OVEN BOT TO 44 akre, Augertoilirfwa i y 4 bak.,,3.br bPl , Pir.rgrs J it 'LTA *Jr-11 1 1r Tulchtr.lo ! .; IEUS MMI `; ~_f-;_ 1 - 1. it it 1- 4 4 H '2.:Tri.4...:56-,.. 'irrf : ..,•."; Z. , . C.f =EI r 1,14 .7 7 ; • ;./ ~ 111 . 1 ' , Pi s A7'l - g$ GOODS,,, .frli T;.i:J • ; •••,-;• • 'AM =MEM =BIM -4 -11117 i! 51 .1 a .11 „ Fr r_ i . .;•z :1" _ _ ‘, " • ''.l.‘f 11 u L! ',7 0 ) - aT AL REVENUE, S NOTICE. Levity evllector i for the EDWIIMYON; Esq., ounty of Butler. will be 110thinst. for thelr re tied* itethiele iSeelgitAing and where they will be :es collectable by them. 're iii the .vicinity of the -, designated as follows: L IL BAIRD, Esq.. will -toe :Ire the t*Xel. on the hours of 9 o'clock A. is. days. viz: , May 22d, at Brown, & LINDEN, GROVE.!,:. r 4.1. LINDEN GROVE having, been fatted up la the most superb style, With a' large and ele&ant Plat form, beautifully shaded, large-„Diolug 11100112 and two_ excellent .bars; is •norr ready' to rent to PIC NIC% PARTIES, SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRA TIONS,.&c.4 ou.tne•ltioseXessnabe terms. Parties bolding Picnics, ac., will find it to their advantage to secure ther : 44WWw , vd_l' The °rove is easily acceSsible, - neing but efeir steps from the Oakland Hallway Station, whose cars run regulsrlyeveri fifteen minutes, Nir For tennis, - ie..' apply 0ft4(1..,;. , ., +:q 'OFFICE OF T 1 OkEIAN.D RAILWAY CO., ; f4.1 .01 O,IANPoig.,,, . Cft .l 'l k AT t4e. A- V 12/ AT lIEADQVARTERS! 41CIL" i'~-'. New &Oda all...ly,..euYStyles4p, r vERYw I ' rr" - • „ 41ItAlr 'IIO.O4LN; BT. . I 1 !'"t" 16 Altll l 18-laca Shaved and Elavred—estpV-maf7 ORT Y141X)R11"31,740.010, )4. And all kinds of L UMBER, at gi4lo ft)ii 7 , 1"1 o .74MMA r c C t.lt i . %rd, above bnepension Bridge, Allegheny City. mb~go Ifftr I,""tr FOR SALE. TWO. ROUSES- AND LOT-on Carroll,streer, Allegheny. This propertvivill , he stold• - low; as the party is about leaving the - city, and wishes to dispose of the yroperty -before removing,,,,, , SAT' MIT.L; TWO DWELLUIG-HQUSE_ _,S TWO BARNS, with _good FARM. and about SUM acres timberland: -This property will be sold , koWs 422 1 4 - ou tiniettigult buier. FARM OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre.- Improvements oornfortabletrame house and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear, FARM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of milresoll: very well located for raising stock; InsTrOvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow alielltrglM 7 ' CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick house, containing five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would rent for the =Mount in six Tetra. - A LARGE LOT OF GROUND, having a river front. and very convenient-efaeeesa.,- ,n TANNER'I, convenient to the city, and h aving a well established custom or local trade oonnected therewith; a good dweiling-gnillbrtlr riereroTland. FOUR LOTS In Sharps urg, near the railroad; would make agood coalard.", ~ M'S HOTEL FOR SALIL.-31112, - B Ho l tallAkepeity, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary Joutbuildings, with three acres of igarden and - fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold, low, as , tbe_proprie tor wishes to retire from Inthltidsrtgt •"" - I. FOB t'l y Two new Brick Houses, S rooms each. Two new Brick Houses, ll rooms each. One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new EttickitouSe4,- 3One new Frain ittsbarg,, tgillfaidifs rig six rooms and a large lot, well suited fofff gardstpl - Ag_ _ VII! 1 . . nice COVIMcir WOW. of ferny 101300 per tunkgra. Possessi9 given :Vlt ne, or, ,ul , 4bbvw 11.....5m0tt0rn . , 4 , 4 Ilk FOR LEASE OIL BALE,74-Lots on Morton street, Ninth Ward; '7 aorelvtliat cab . lit , divided into acre lots. S Lots tokraltianlal:tkillT:i.r.)."l- i FOR RENT-2 large Houses, suitable for Board- Ing Houses. W ANTED-3,000-4ant Flagging 3 to 4 inches thick. TO 1.0.111i0e4505000r. =EI ,` - i .g M I4I7 M S IM,k s 4s*MAID3AO ,•:•AIPPIAT AT ILIAATCIPS:REAL ESTATLOYFICE, 0h•:.a..! IC ", .r^ t•fl 9t. Giant - St.; riftslbiargh. -• " . • . FOR SALT. ' ' • ' . ._.. ib onast i r tt r n iimntor*.actltts" . vizf i t 0 _low ttsbili, :14 i l tiV in count, Pa., I ;t:o3 l ' ' S t 4 e agn. gli e t ri till:n(7o2 ri ver,nltililt railroad; near %Annette's!, sehOols,-stirres; me,tilifthe flourishing ellagettehßoston'And wean osk..2The Improyements - arpa Awo-etOrff.'briekdzolteretp , six rooms, hall and - cellay, ft:good-Paine,ba nk - ern with atabllng underneath, nhcletljeroutbullengiti, it Veil of good' standing water at the • deer; tineseveral standing springs of water on the farm, and an ot chard of 'WO trees.of selected fruits °Poppies, ent ries, pears, peaches,quinces and grapes.:l This prop erty lacing lticated lICAT. the-line Of the" railroad, within one hoar' s - rideof theetty, Makes nyery cle anable-ler gardening or a dairy farm; it is also ,11. good and beautiful location for country homes near the clty, lying immediately op th e ' river, on the op posite eft-front tlie,nalltoad.. - Thei West , Zietiteni Adeornandatlon end ether trains brilbe vain:Sad ltf-' ford certain and frequent Opportunities' Of, daily, communication to and from the...tity. ' Will be - sold` as a whole or In Rini efoneacre or more, le suitpurr ' , chasers. • ~..,_, ....,.' •........... ... ~.• . Also, A FARM OF 415" AuRSI3I; 'efilialeit Iff•St , :f I I 1 Clan township Westmoreland cotin., Pa,, near. the tine lattielitdriairtiMnia'Nallyosasir •WHouston Stattod,‘"The I forewent! are a tyro-Stort frame house 40 with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bank barn by 00 feet, and other outimlldings. There ills on the,place a 'young apple and peach orchard; 1140 acres Seatedlitnd; divided Integnelds Of Conve- I . Went size, a large portion of which are well set in clover and timothy; the residue of said tract. etr:-, ered With gootitimber. It .Is well watered and. nn-: derlabil with coal and limestone and Is cOnvenient • to churches, schools,. stores, mills and blacksmith aliens. A real good bargain is offered In this ekcel- . lent farm; and with it, will be sold all the personal ' propertyhorses, on the' preMises, ' consisting. of cows. stock cattle, hogs and poultry. harness, gears. wagon, plows. farming, implements rind 'household• and kitchen furniture: 'Together telt be sold very low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser: , Also, a desirable and - very fertile Tt El iz abet h d of 158 ACRES AND 25 PERCHES, in Tp., , Allegheny county, Pa., on the flue of the Hecuptien. ,' railroad. and one and one-lull miles from the Con.' I nellselle railroad at Suter's Station. On this farm arc 40 acres - of superior white oak timber, which alone Is now worth one-list( -the price asked for the Iwhole tract. The improvementa are a log. house, - , frame barn,.good fencing, and an apple- orchard of good fruit. lt la well a sacred and underlaid with: i limestone and flag stone of a superior quality, with ; stone coal for the use of the farm, Also, The best FARM in:Fairfield township, Westmoreland county, Pa.. of 250 ACRES. shoat 1 six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central 'Rail road at Bolivar Stationk,, , The improviestmutaare gm large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest sire best frame. barns ,111. the township; I two appte chards, In good bearing condition; corncrib, s wagon- shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm I under a high state of cultivation; fencing all in first rate order and the land of the best ality of lime stone 3011, about 200 ac;es of which` is cleared and the residue of the tract in good timber, such as white._ oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and. nech., This prdpertricill"besola.very- chekp'andi Am 'toed. terms, as the owner wishes to engage in other bust nessr For part enquire of .. . . ...• , , - -G. IC TOWER. 104 Fourthlitreet. apliu - 42 _____ _ - _ 'COUNTRY ItESIDENCEat ,74--",orit,Tro*zag7inja:velktim Dirough, Alle gheny county, Al miles northeast of Pittsburgh, containing nearly Al ; 4cm.5.,1 Mrs. Mary numesOlecenisid, and ffirMeftttneiskst deuce of the Bon e John M. Porter.Aeceased, 'on which there ht d.diro"-st-pTV con taining eight rooms and cellar, and 'other necessary outOntldinns; srioodlroll- of scift. wiiteri3 also 'Mild lot of bearing grape vines, an orchard of choice ap ples and peaches, and -other frulttrees.'About 15 acres arc underlaid wtth a four foot vein of good, coal."*lthia M1'401061; 7 . This - ls - hAiiretitichttithaW to purchase an,elegant country residence, being located on am eroltdiCe‘ corarnsndlnir sildir - cif the, Allegheny Itlyor. 4.. V. and s :West., Pa. B. B. % and terimluu tee walls of Depo t on the latter road.' • For ihrier 14ofnatolyronlr sdAmofig.. . P 4HMES, Tuni-turn:Pa. yMs - . . - 0 011-- SAL . B.—TO close a Partitierio'i •hlp. •- • • TWO taw= OF VALUABLE LAND. - is 0: L : Satiated, InCnnemiugh .township. CAN.; RUA Co.trawftVing , the renrisylvanla - Fatliroatl, Mulling through a. and within live Miles of,Rditui, town. containing 204 . ,acees: Thore la on this land: two workable seams of bitturdnous coal; 3,1 i and 6 feet thick. .Also la-vein; nf-sulteriorp.revciaif equal to Situate da ' • No. 2. even townsnip, BEATER Co,'" Pa.. contaittiggaliakk SOO] iko o 4:(l>aft' Oder fence. and irnordved, aridTheing Within a tot it distance of Smith's perry. The land ei,,kterlds to the Ohio river, on whirl it bounds over '6Ula feet. It contains two seams of bituminous c0a1.234n and ,one of s cannel mg Ox•et Waal a veIaPtAILSAIs stiltabib. tot lid manufacture of fire brier. - For further information laquire of , . „ • myvggivi 4.3 - TiST 51443. 3funiikatiAititek:Vi • S. M. nitort, *nteir Street Trekertr. for Sale, I..tirgathiee4tdiT I TTRICK DWEL wt LING 110 nd with atom and tw.oittliectoonsa, ltlidi . ilt a in g o ° l ll 6r iB UUTHBEBT & tayithq2B Smithfield street: _ . • titSFICIFX iIatARVENCE A." FOR SAVE-.•=m-liodd- • " T7.PeßairiOStick?Th i fdlill i g lionSel4. Pressed brick front, slate toot, !tide hall, large par lors, ten rooms In all, cellars, etc.; till !Inhaled In the best styld,-VIIIr stoderireoneentenees and In com_plete order; in.gobilt location; lot et feet front on First street. Apply to S. CUTHBERT & SONS,_ my1i310.7 ;t ::.RealMstate'Agents, Smithfield St.'4; Te4OTS FOR SALE--SEFEItAL -BlJganare vYrs On Obs ervatory Allegheny 00: Are; end Cot dale-o May, The location 10 a very desirable :one; commanding/6 fine'vlea of both cities, Is easy. of, Wood, tinti.thae Is abundance of stone on the ground • for baiting BuT,Plei* An t h e r At the pal 4, shop of 211 - e 0 AN & -Allegheny 'Diamond, at THIS OFFICE, or on the premises, near the Ob. servatoty , • • miasmas in cult'. 2175 A va l Fion, E eMeenlent timber, sit u& e nine miles from Freepsd, and withinotte-half„ IMA mite of the route of N.,RallrOh4i. , eitaMo u n VS; be in operation next fall. Will be soppy exeaixt, ed for apptovpljtity, - PrOt V erlirii ft DlV)tik WIIPLP.) NtiMMCL9,4I,4 , .% 01" - •No 4308ri.sTRIBEIN-011410Mr..:1 ,,, %%Anent for thlfnraef.. 4- off: V9•' stowed upon me; rusadre •uVids , b,p4l thc pc • genorplli3OnV the *ter e as falt:PlSf. all undonyar ntly 10 'merit a' cork Mance of e samei.Mt *1 -ben_lwayiknl the shop from 7to 9' A.11t.'19077999113:MT: ""s"-"•9211119114 eact• be Wings NeUtiat paid ettitilttri "):l69iel e ' 4 .14114P,031X 7 ,1CarreS, , the Ohio riven a! wiloomptive any reii=rta. **ion storfaMkeAA. Rs • e • 0 , • • e en ,'r•-1 -'m • -•• , • ri;l - fi r)r • 11V101 ,11A 1 1 3 PLABTSR, CHIMNEY Tops i aatitirrnr igEL lr _ ; ' i$llO7C pALMEIit IHii i a pi,TTI q Attifearthiti - end ConvnaiSsion Merchants, • OPERA, HOUSE AUCTION.ROWS, Na 60 Fitth'BthAVittobWo lo BOOTS,:SHOES . ' C A R PETS;`R Dry Goods and Notionsis WWI MBE =2E=E2=3 1 1; - • , AU 6 * AT PRIVATE SALE DAr T MPAVWPR. Constignmettts Solignia .2 1flia r itle tarns. Irw R E ET cr anneAitt SALE OF "UN ." A ', {STREET AND PANTS OF MUMNING ' ssi Al 4— wurcbd _AND polg 4out - cry: on RATUILDAIT 'MORNING, Dlay 23d, at 11 o'clock, on CITY LOT, corner Fulton and Webster salvo's, unless distilled by owners„propertyproved; 'charges paid and taken.. away, the follirig,propertip f0iv4.31 of city foil s_ One set or Fore-wheels, taken up on Pasture slily April 10,. 1869. One set of Hlndrwheels, with Coupling-Tongue, taken up oh Pasture alley, April 10, OMB. One Furniture Wagon, new, taken up on Cherry alley, Millet, 1868. ' One Wagon., &old, takett up on Cherry applA Stol,o One Cart, broken, taken up on Clierry alley, May Ist, 1868. -- - One Dray, taken up on Cherry idle' Ma let, '69. 10111N.D N, Otte e' Cotntedeittrae n Istrict. PALMER A. PHILLIPS, Auctioneers. Oocra House Auction Rooms, 4 P . VP 2 9 014 .P . ;1 ; !itr. 00,p,f_t.hitr!et,„ B3'b:•Y'lfi~lAffiB gXECUTORS , .. ALE OF PENN STZEET PROPERTY, FI!'TH WARD.— I l tjaMe Un - " 1868. at 10 Ei ll u O ß U si Sp o'clock, *lTEcaold'orf the titteilses t corner of Penn and O'Hara streets, by order, of t e Executors of Mrs. Catharine Kearney; deceased, that valuable city bealagea, property te the Fifth_ward v havingl4o fenteTromf.ilyPennAtteetWltilltlllll7 18t19 :depth .along O'Hara street to Mulberry alley, whereon are the two Frame Buildings, Nos. azo and 443 Penn street,• also, the two Brick Dwellings, Nos. 47 and 490'11;1ra strtt anatltatwoMF4qk Dovings, Noe. as and 40 Mdlberry alley. I . Terms of sale—One-half cash; balance In 'onestid_ two yo,aryilyBtOptvnabili_ raw:l7. mrb-f•- AINE; A DEPlliftkgr 'DOME ;AT. 'inno — u - irns, o. 1 CIIS street, Sixth ward_ On SATURDAY AFTERROON; - May 30th, at 4 o'clock, will be sold on the premlses,' In Sixth ward,.. theterVdeldriblecltyllnarullootiotatiliff_td reai, d next to corner of Fulton street. and the extensive ornamental grounds attaelmd, of Robert Robb, Esq. It is a substantial, large and neat two-story Frame ktansion, surrounded by hstdsome wiArporttcos: the sides of btillditi'gi A p e d'widh Itridkjpiastered and wbather;•bdarded: coatalhitfgli Iry rooms, be side oinlng-room, kitchen and cellar. Marble man tles; 'hot and otdr*lrterandlfds throng, Out. The Lot is OA feet front ea CRT street by'l4l' bait in depth, wltheinadjoinint front of 90 feet on Cltf street, and fell feet In depth' to Bedford cgenue. Any pat 'Or of these 'beatitiful . - grotnidowill ; be sold -with the mansion , andla, as• may be desired. Or if purchasers for the masustonhdfinot Lllff s ybah the full depth of these addltickial grottdrfrotn treet. a sub-division of the 4 lota onlietiferd ayeace..eitc,h 24 feet front and 130 depths , is in 'be sold•Wepa rately. Also, nue lot'on the north side of Cliff street, •5O feet flout by IbB feet In depths whareoate erected a brick stable- , ,•• :. • , • This situation is unsurpassed In its advantages of pure inrr ou and convenient. Tor city'buldness mtn. ' Those - v:lSb inx are invited to examine the premises. Terms,7.onellialf cash:" balance Jo. one year, with Interest.; . .• myM *SICILVIVINE; BY abragsos, *moor. & wainuND:_ LA T ATTP I . I !I Thir/SAWdIaXIW P'4:913117:11:, bXSI2 On the -premised, robt.4.har desirable and well located two-story (new) Brick House of nine rooms, with B.acres of ground attached, located at Laughlin Station, Connellsville Railroad, within Mr.:WY:Marten' dbetstaticrn: ^ Bruit trellar shrtibbery,. it•e.t splendid' sitting ''of Water at - the door. This property, for location, convenience and comfort cannot be surpassed: . Parties destrteg to attend dale taken o'clock tridonnellsvillelf.all 'road. or -Oakiemd•street care, and go down by the run road. .Teril....Cie.eilkdillt6b, balance in 1 undilliears:; - ,• SMITHSON, VAN - HOOK & McCLELLAND. - •- 77.,t1•3.1tfdy rtk)2•1'.41..'11-c•ri my'Zi Auctioneers. = ii -...t • tit tii tkozickkit; il :11j DWEELING -ROUSES 'IN ' ALILE • °DENY AT AUCTION. , On - MONDAY, May 25th • at ' 2 'O'clock, will be • sold o nthipe, FIVE . . Wpinoei HO:MP, on Mihril d street," rifthl i Allegheny. g ushy; theMbuh 'House, 'at the Chiter' DepOt of she Tun -Mayneßailroad The houses are two7storybriekh etfch Containing ~ four.'roOms, kitchen And•firdabea 1 attic;-' are in 'g repair, and . are sitaated on e.: paved street and in a pleasant neighborinScith -, They '- are good renting ,houses, and.verydestrable for pri-_ i Tate dwellingtitor' Men of limited mesas . : .:Visttoret will inquire at Nn. 29.7114M2 P toll Street• Tetnts-i•One-foutth caawbilance in three years. A. LF,OGATE. Auctioneer, . /0343 , f'. : : -I,...lo94.o4lierfa,Weets Alinte,ni.,;:: WHITE LEAH !AHD C9. 1 - 4 M 3 . CalaaNUE _ ' ~ ; : :-•-: y , ~ 11 Vag 1 ! ..-- - . - . .._ 11 , t;r. .--- ~ •., •-• , NeCOY'S TERDITER — GREEN, ' cele.ott I.lii .e. 1 f .1 c.ir FOB tiALE BY • .„?.:,:a.,c , atk aaaTa ' iilr) -44 • • 41/ WHOLESALgv -2 0RUGGISTS -0 ~ 4 .:}1;)11 • • " -litentkiiihrynerStrestir - 11:1ii.7ervil 51 Ka , .E9LIL7 o'l lISTABLISIIID 18110...4..iiiTianoses 1 w estraica. ...., ii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiii „ . . : .. . ..., . Lightnhig . mod . Manufactory. . :. -,- 1. -4,R , r. •-___l'74 - 4,21_ •?'z- - .A ...4'._ I ' - -int Ass rowEIN . 1..vi1z..,..-- - . • ~At i 442cM 0 ~..* nu IRON Ci 0 . . ,:ttor.kKiltittaLATic-rtrigidibithi . .T. - -; Z; THE CELEBRATED, STAR GALVANIZED . il lIIGAITAPERiti .3I / 4 / 11,81 9 , /0 d ' Manufactured at the._ ireall Sold to all parti.. g il li t.tl;llintig EAT t at=irle s e l lnlirtrge% to peddlers and all Vous bnaa , at wholesale. tlatrv l itlrs4o t tlffiVielln ' II Vo Iron Connection Bus; Brzc es .. e t e . 11. 2 Per an phlets and Clrcularsaent fr5et.01.4.1%, , :'• . 9 1 5 ' ' . , . . - antnatlikal if tr‘ , t4ct•tfe: sot' , -• -10 c MMEI v olm y umukt.i - BATantOsitlakit /SHAW ; ,:•• lailbettii istiltbeird b 4 AV t a i z a"o .et .div.ufftrAl.,ixot k bus 11. - Ti •Aa!lr'ad granlariSit , iiM ItP4,34lgMliwysiA_ slop ,?;ViiitrafF*4lWatittieViiitilliiiibßu''-k II ~^~; El 11 gl ...i .. 1 '1,17-18. =1