IEI vimuro ,akft. PIMBIEED . DAILY, tit...% .1 •i, .1 pENNEKAII, CO:, PrOpleletol4. - r. E. praritrickw, • jograr ka r cw, T. T. HOUSTON, ..:‘ - Editors - a:lid Minaitem • . , . . . OFFICE • . GAZETTE . BUILDING, ND& 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST OFFICIAL PAPER O[ pjWDsrgh~ : Al ec kt Vim y _ Termor—Dativ: semi- weektv. , • Wiekly. • • , Otui year.... 1113.0) One Single copy .. : :$1.50 One month. 75 Six /2103.. 1.50 5 copjet, each. '1.25 Bi thaweek, 15, Three inos 75 1.0 j. , •• .. 1.15. (Vont carrier. )j . • • • ;- . and one tO * Agent,. • SATIJADAY,IIA.Y 23, 1568. ranir on' OIL inedd . pages :of this, Inotningis GAZETTS : Socond r yipiei :Inter esting lieatling Matter. Thiwp as i A z- 24anr . , eial Matters in New York, River:Nem I'm= porta,- Railway Time •Tables. Siztk page `. . Home Marken, .I?!qinbe ahi7 Triall`?iiiiiiith pagiY 2 :Miseellanecnto Readi4 :Vatter.' Qo r 1 closeh in Nevi York yesterday at 1.39/: , : - • • • RATIFICATION MEETING. Tile friends of 'Outtrvi, COLFAX and the Ural* are:reminded that ,a ma s s meeting will;belield this evening at the City Hall. Distinguished speakers , will-lia present, and also our delegates to the Convention, who' will address the meeting. We alio remind' them that Allegheny county has been iv I. • pledged, by Major Bnowa, to the Yter' iblr cans Of the Union to give ten thousand ma jority for the ticket in November, and the pledge can be made good, if _Allegheny countk:wi, Ils it. No ticket could have been selected more acceptable to Itepublicans here, and it should not be forgotten that the promptitude of our own delegation con. trilink Most effectively to secure the choice of the.C :