Finan lCial ISreW, Gold Cl*4l . at 130Xd1493‘; [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette XElv I ' o1 44 Man 2 2, ,11,368. MONEY AND _GOLD. Isfoliey easy at 41@6 per cont. on call. The continued activity in governments . tails to effect the'money market, as the demand is , largely for investment. Sterling firm at 93i®10x. Gold,guiet and firm at. 139X® 139%; all business of the day was at these clovzieritnirrs. Governments wntinue active and have advanceff, closing strong. It is stated a knowledge in advance of the tenor /of the finance resolutions of the Chicago platform is the cause of the recent activity. Hen Clewe,it£94furniskthe anneXedtptOtatiOh: Couponi"Sf, - 1150115 R; '64 1103@11O3; '64,. -PBX@I OB % - f -, ' 65 0._5 1 0 6 %@/0 8 X; AeW. nogglioxt 1'67, 110.14%11(1%; Ten-forties; 1043®105; Seven-thirties, 1087,@10£3X.' STOCKS E ailway xuarket ; oonllnueil Arm amp active, and though" the full advance of the day was not maintained, it closed strorig.', Border State bonds Arm.' Expresi and, Miscellaneous shares steady. _ 510' *icett—Oatitobi t 64458 4 R a' tiriti land, 34344g36; Wells . Express, 24®243V American 56X1g)56,4; 573 4 ®57,0. UniteciStateso 66,4 ®67,sft. .W©29,‘; QuicltMnr,-81143130Plirfaiposa, 5@514; Padlle - Mitil, 9249254; Atlantic,- 33M 33 N,Far'g mtrnitn iVINOW,Ttlii on, ®1244 e, 68 ~Eindsoilt, 138@ln; Harlem 122; gv: 02pm (4r93m; Ohio mid ' , ldiesslssippl, 30%430%1 Wabaeb, 49,41§493,4 St; rata; A,40065 ::7 1 prefmr6d, 076,147814.1111ch1erbi' 11854,' Michigan Southern. 87 ,0037,4;“ note Central, 147,4®147N• Pittsburgh ,85, 1 1 @ Glatt* Toledo, -105,1€)108;7fthCierslang,,4 9 . sl 4 9 i prthwestern, 66,04)87; do. pre: fern, 721;a—Fart..---/69(4. 42rd ipid ; 111016,0-.Mhta bula, 108; m...mis; - 91g,;"Terinesh4:93, 67X. - : 4a)tillift PEPLREs.: Mining shares dull; Gregory, 290; Ede Hill, 38. .7 1 5EVIEwiJitMTTBriS.: Receipts at the itubTreasnry, $1,493,050V paYments, $2,927,734; ,balance ' 8101,199,019. The Assistant_Trctpirer noid • anitibit, The texpeceetr jihitintent to. Europe to-morrow will reach two millions. The treasury to-day redeemed 4890,000 worttref - eonrpormds-with 8 perr - :Ednt — Ct' tificates, which **(Batista the suirplyibl the latter. The conversion of seven-thirties amtinfttbdltd ftitt , l,ls9s:‘ - ' .1" New york Produce Market. EBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NT:v. Yong., May AZ—Cotton is a shade fail:ter, 6600 bales" 30Xmiddlingg uplands.t Flour, receipts 3378 bbls, $1.0a15 for the low er common grades and firm; medium and good bituudS with more doing 'for export; 11800 . bbls, $13,25a8 _for superfine state and western;. $9;20a9;95f0r extra state; $9,t55114-: 50 for extra western; $11,65313,12 for extra' white wheat; $9,75a13,50 for Round hoop Ohio; $10a12;25 'for extra St. Louis; g 0,50 for good to choice do. closing steady; Cali fornia more active, 3200 sacks at g11,15a13,- 50 via the Horn; $12,75a13,65 via the Isth mus..._34/3.....ft0ur-more-. steady, -300- bins at $&110. -qMeal steadat C5,50a560 for city, and $6 f ir or n ILsrelfirCal y brie ' Whiskey dull. . -Wheat 2a4c kxwer; 31,200 bush at $2,28 kir NO. 2 spring, and $2,29a2,32 for' No. 1 do, closing, at the inside price. Rye a shade firmer auglqi,deti 2,so 4 lbllatLat $2,07 a2fo for 'estern, and $4lO for Canada Bar ley quiet. Barley Malt quiet; 10,000 bush State at $2,35.. Corn heavy ) and new . 2a3e lower; 185;000 bush at $1;10a1,12M for new mixed western afloat, closing at the inside price; $1,16 far old dO in store which is scarce, and Ind. 7 fore white southern and western 'yellow. Oats opened firm and closed heavy; receipts 51,830; sales 2,200 bn at 86a8634 for western in store. Rice quiet; Coffeejaulet. Sugar steady; sales of 1,200 hhds, at 113a13e for Cnba and 1 202%0 for Porto Rico. Molasses dull. 110138 quiet, at $10a19,45 for American, Petroleum; 13a r 13 1 0:for erudearidTNe. forrefinedbended., Pork;steady and quiet; sales of 2,250 bbls, at $28,70a28,85 for . new mess, closing at $28,70 cash; 127,7547,87 for olddo closing at $27,75 cash; 4425a23,75 for prime! mess; also 500 bbls new mess for the last half of June at128,87a28,95a• Bee!stetso,74 B alOg of 210 Ulla; at /15826,50 for new pia u €20,50a24,75 for new extra mess; also 20 tierces, -- - - $30;5007750 -- -fer — thlui i and $30,00a41,00 for. -TAMIL mess. Beef Hams dull and heavy; sales of 25 !bleat , 32a115:ohletifir hakes:rid 'heavy, 'with sales of 185 pirga• at 13Y.A131,fe for . Should.; ern, ll t z,galBc for Hams; Middles quiet and steady. Lard a shade firmer, with eales of 1,050 bbls at 1734a18Xe, and small lots at 1830119Xm also - 02 , 50Mbi,selleri-litst half of June, at 18yc. Butter dull at 25a30e for Ohio and3oa92c for, tate. Cheese quiet at L2alfic. Freights to Liverpool without de cided. change; 40,000 wheat at' .5d per sail and 6; 4 d per steam: • . , - - Lexam---Flour -eloaed-steady -for-medi um and good grades - abutiheavy for low grades, with something - doing for export. Wheat dull and haavy':at .1112,27 - a418: for No: " 2, and $2,28a2,29 for No 1 spring. Rye quiet:- and Very. firm, at' 12,0.06 ' for western afloat. • Corn dull and heavy, at $1,0981,10 for new mixed western afloat; $145a1,16f0r, old do in store. Pork quiet and steady, at $24/15e3,75 lot itkesa; , eaah Mad rigida*, $29a29,75 buyers for June: Beef steady with a moderate'demand. Cut Meats dull and heaVy. Bacon nominally lower. Lied a shade firmer, at 18 1 alB 'for fair to prime steam; _lB}4al9c for kettle rendered. t , Eg.gedtdi at :20a21d. Chiekthiti Market. C.* Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. .3 CINCIINSATI, May 22--Flotti dull.bfit not, lower. Wheat 5c lower; No. 1 winter f 2,45 . 4. Corn firm; ear 95c; supply light., -Oats ad vanced to 81c. Rye •se-ar_cnapd sold at2Par No:denial& for barley.. rindttolii quiet - at f°r thiddiblite, Tobacco in. demand; 'sale& 214 hhds lugs at 8 8 , 25 4 80 •Jeaf 0 91 25.1 42A91 and hhds fancy bold af.7oaV?ipei hn urcw lbs.. Mess pork quiet' at . ., , “•:.410; Bulk meats held firmly at 13a156 for Shonlciers and Plat, and clear. *ddee.i 113acofi it.14c1134 shoulders and :17a17' for clearz..rib 'mut clear , sides, but there Is hardly' any de molt; a mall:/oret.filladltiera.aild Lard dull at 11330, but In order to seli leas would ha ve to be softie& Butter In supply' _and dull, and prices are still, d .on. - 0. fresh • -Ralph:lint at 18c. cigar firm but quiet st llali3c fof ra w. Coffee steady at WaUe for Rio. Lin seed oil steady at 51,Pa1 i 22. Petroleaul t gym reftiked'edwpaid; ; 'lrOgEt. and heel' cattle firm at prcr t u u j i Gold 13934 ; • (By Telegraph to thti - PfaitAirgliVidaette.l cwrEdjani3O•l,y,y4.- r .. *our market AWL bitretiladedemamli &dee XX ai4ink citymade at .11,60a14 courWdo. :810A 11e 3r 60* X X r ejty made amber 'sl4; x c ; white .$15.56;.1C country made .12,60212,7 W • Wheat, deMandmoder- , ate, t , 44/01012ift,,for Ne.afrad.).aylo.s ter.'s294slotNlL , Plo;MAial4lo for - Ns:o 1 spring. Corn eteadr,atut d 43.... yaw, MO at Iglo forNO.'l ' on spot. Oatd, there ikuo change In prktea but -mar ket • Wet and dull at 760 far No. 1 State; Rye • c's-rettP4h) *eat „ .4: in' Ato anokaoBo . refined inland; 358 . 870. for. do; crude 8445.1143FbP1r,:.; '• Toledo Ilynrtet. "a iv? t,elbibigitiAii l / 4 66144f#141 ItiT fi Torarsoi,!Mii "r4V-1/011r* artielitk:t bl*q tudeal,g r aw,Wat;ll.4l,oo,,wit., 2c l Inisrtir; te, l 4ll4.:biasg,,Salet Michigan at, " Aliculiolownno ave s tpui 0 9 I • ‘rlielle „ nolip I..ei; . , A pti , sew 04, r ri11ac1,514440/111*-441Af `; ' IWO ,a :.5 ty'3..~.,a...u?-:,.._..__......_.......~~..;a„~ _ a ,s ..,~i ~.,., ~.... cT.Citgu f __ , 3 ”et• [By Telegrayktollia raiteunlin G asette..] . _ 'citycAdii,'ltaT22.-L-Frotir - qitiet; srang extras $9a10,75. ' Wheat fairly active ;antlz 2 wa3y,c lower sales N0..1 at P.,03a2,04, and No. 2 at $1,21t1, 95 . clatiPS-at $1,933 3 4 1 104, for No. 2. Co in fair demand - and 1 ,ya 110 limey; sales No. 1 in store at 911s91? 4;e:' No. at 8911,90 e, and rejected; at 139118934 closing at 903.(0 for No. 1.- ,Oats, in re- , quest and stead 7 • . at. 70 3Selieti-el At, 70,(C. Rye stead and quiet-At In tor: 013 r. No. 1: 11,83 for No. 2cin atereqc in. ,Bar/ey there is nothing doing and- nornixid, pm. visions firmer. • Mesa; pork 21i 5P o,:higher:• salesst t 2 8 . 25 a28.60... Uirdihmas,riaisge.. Live hop fairly, actiiie on shipphrgaccotuit; ' sales at 1F4 9 0a7,9E for inferior -to Amoy lots. Freighta , firm, and active attio. on oats. 4c on corn'and be on wheat . ;to: , Baffido. , Re eeiPtii---6M6 bbls deer,' 42,310 bn-Avbeat, , 97000 kin corn; 38 408•bulonkh ~Shipments; -3,670 blihi Sour, KOOS bu wheat,- 122,893 b 4: Olt -1 4 , 6/90 iivalioga.;,' " ' ' - -I - • . _ hiliwatatee Iburltet tEy welegnion to the Plum:inn °motto.] MiLwAMCM'lttir 22.L-Flotirdrillland lower, choice Wisconsin- and lowa $2.25a 9.50, medium 0W5400, cointiOn 88,5N8, Wheat:,7s. unsettled and lower at s2,o3foriNd. lotad 11,93 for 2. Oats steady at 700 for No. 2: Corn dulrsit'.9oolc for NN 2. Receipts-L.1,600 bblit litioni,U3,ooolunwlieat, 12,000 bus oats, 2,000 bus corn.'l` Shipments -4.700 Ws „Sour, 20,000 bus wheat, 52 , 0 00 bus oats, 300. bus corn. ,• • , - Lott lUe . [By ielegr . sph to th e Pitteeeriti Gazette.] • LODWV/LLB, '1110 . .22.6i-Raleg :HU hhdii to lugs s6,lsa9 . !‘oemmob. - leaf 184 tine! 89,50a17. Wheat ..6,4.5a2,60. - 0,75 a 9. , :Corn 9 4a9.5e. - .. , 0ata'88a8.5e.: Malt - 82,85 a - 1 2 4 90. ..Bye ~ 82;10a2615. • Lard , :.lB34e.' Mess pork $28,80. , , , Bacon—shoulders 145/ 4 e; clear rib, sides 17,lricn.elear aides 18e. Bulk shout dere ..( 113 yeepeleavaides1.7a1750. • ~ Memphis Market. y Telegraptito ttie - PittibargtiGazeite.l /4E311431S • May and nominal; 'receipts, - 188 bales; 'export, '24 bales. • Flour unclutnked. Bomb,: should ers,_ 14c; clear sides, lftiMard, 18a19c. Corn $l. 12!ay, S2O. • Cads, 85c. Bran, 133. • • Philadelphia Market.. Env Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garette.l Pnir.kmf.extra, May. 22—Petroleum - is feveristrand unsettled, crude 1734 c; refined 35c. •Flour dull andveak.• • Wheat is very uiet. Corn• dull,.mixedvmternsl,23al,2s. Oats steady, *estern 92c.., • • . Baltimore Market; CBT Telegraph to . the Plttibergh Gazette.) • Bammuonn,'Flotuianiet, spring declined. 115 c, winter 'midi= Wheat, dull. Corn steady, yellow ' fl, 1,24. Oats fictive at 90a95. Rye steady. PrOviSiona quiet, steady and tmehanged. • , • • RIVER NEWS. The Monongahela continues . to recede a owly with six feet six inches In the than . n -1, and the. Allegheny, also, , is lalling steadily with seven and-a half feet in the . _ , e annel. The 'weather yesterday was c oudy and 'unsettled, with' every appear; ce last 'evening of rain. The St. Charles arrived on Thursday night with a fair trip, and departed again 1 last night. The Robt. Moore, from Ports month, arrived and departed, as did also the Bayard, from Parkersburg. The Grey, Eagle, Capt. C. L. Brennan, is the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day,. leaving inomptlyat noon. A latmer named Patrick Cook was drowned off the St. Charles yesterday mor ning, between eight and nine o'clock. His body has not yet been recovered. He was 26 years old; resided at the Point, and leaves a wife and one child. The towboat Coal Valley left yesterday forenoon for Cincinnati. having in tow eight barges and 75,000 bushels of coal. Capt. John Woodburn, who has been running the W. A. Caldwell in the Arkan sas River trade, for,jome nicuiths Past, was in the city yesterday,: He looks quite na tural. The Kenton • cleared for St. Louis last evening, and the Emma No. 3, Cap. J. H. Marrattta, is now. loading, and will be the - first boat out. • ; : ' ' The R. C. Gray, Capt. Anderson, leaves for Cincinnati and Louisville to-day with out fait She will receipt freight through to Memphis and New Orleans, with the pri vilege of reshipping. We ativirroodiveda IOW& i from'a Pitts burgh steamboat captain at St. Louis, In Which he complains bitterly', and. as we think, with: good reason, too, in regard to some of the tricks practised. by Missouri River boats, Which, to say the least, are very mean and +shabby. We extract the following: "I want yen to enllghteri our Pittsburgh boatmen in regard-to A( nri Riverboats, and the way they take advantage of Pitts -burgh boats. They advertise cheap rates of passage, say fl 2 to, Omaha, but that without meals;•which, when addod, brings 'it up to s2l; , then, win, they will not give you a clear bill of lading for through freights.' As ,a consequence, Pittsburgh boats have been sadly taken in lately, as . there Is not much competition." The St. Louis Democrat, of Thursday, says: - 'Glendale, for Pittsburgh George .Burk and Wm. Ealy pilots, is loaded to her guards, having 410 bbls flour,- 1,840 aka do, and '520 do cornme al for reshipment at Parkersburg; one 'hundred tons pig metal for Pittsburgh, and takes a barge of sand in tow belOw here. A St. Louis telegram, under date of Wed nesday, has the following items: The renewed, attempts to navigate the Osage, a tributary of the Missouri, have not proved very , suecessful. The , Last Chance succeeded , only. after weeks of de lay In making.; a trip 'from the mouth to Osceola and back. The,Selrna„ lately a Mobile packet•ilitd infanothing to do, has been towed to the The'declina in the river here is steady, and general in:the -upper 'rivers • excepting the Upper Missouri. There is a fine stage to. St. - Paul, deep water in the Illinois, and an • arrivaLlrom the MisseUrr yesterday, , was draWinfedVp talfl4balt foot. Amazing quantitlea of produce are found along the banks of theMisiouri: Every, boat la leaded fu the water, and every boat refulesfreighL Arrived—Silver, _tad from Pittsburgh. leave - 'tcklay-+Tictelniatle:: and, . The 'Meanie* Ruccesa, WidOh reached Fort Benton'ou the 15th, le ft seventy-five tuns Of-4're= Dauphin's Aapichh , She re ports. oruenqWeie`.lalled 10 thOln diens near . Fort Rice, and two, others at Round Butts # The Cbra reached Fort' Be n to n`at 7 p. m. on the 15th. The river is rising. and:. The, steamer Jpoobs was snagged, an sunk yesterdsy in lowa }lend, Missouri . A cineinnati paper of ' Thoredon Borg The Nara /Porter, from -Nov Orleans; ze-, °h ated .her PleSbargh freiiiliton44 Wawa ; 1 a and lays up here for the pesent. c aPtainPorter 'intends having her `upper guards c t 60;16 intneolge libt capacity for ec) , ( tea ea ng,•and will: place her in Bed river n tba faL . , , ~ t , t. r 1 Ad 00 from Waiiiniton , say Governer, vtica k xvis himton 'to can'tip fbr - tonsideiatiOn. In the nets the subjcret of 'bridgesbger the Ohio river, lile has been investigitZ the matler at co Milderahle iengthr , mid oppgse *sifting the ocmat ru ai on of, any, bridge Wnh a less Spare tharfsoo feet. The bills Ihr bri , • 9 ,, rat Newport, and Tadditali aro still. . . a . _1 lultheg.Seastevand4will , peeps .r tiast fs9 Ar reo. 4oo, its to„require A. lb - _rite* 'of the"AllitiS Bea 1:1 i iiirtiir' Way here 'm New el Orkomrtralifikrtideti of . . • • . • -. " . , .. • atitairgenidig; 'Thivmdfer • welikarilesna lists 4,ll"aVau s tig numi , tie I 1111 \ ti m .9 C •Al `1. 3 .te .4. 4/ If. .:11'.1,,,,A .1 r, NM fr T "'''" PIMPFREPJ rP44.74P - FrsNrqtrt4XJ MAX, 18 68 i F, 81,000. - her husband'stiarat _wg e Thc. ` 4 lea ii,gthatthe.pairiWere passengers on the elite Dean, took the cars and intercepted theta at Memphis. Boarding the boat at a very early hour in the g. morning,, he discovered the couple ly in on the Root' of the deck, locked in each other's arms, fastasleep. Several persons had gathered aronni to witness the grand finale. Some etormmg, some expostula tier:, and some tiara and entreaties,resulted in the 'three" persons most interested ad )Aurning to, hotel to talk the matter over. e matter was finally . compromised by , the' husband bearing his. lawful partner back to New Orleans, on condition that the Young man should retain the jewels; but _keepout of sight - of 'the now loving, spouse hereafter. These are.the facts as we gather them from the Memphis papers. The Government txmtract for ttansporta- Ling six or seven' hundred tone of freight to' fortit lon the Upper Missuri has been awarded to Capt. _ Kountx, though not asy_et'itsykitofficially announced. The :Meinphis tas zug of, the 16th says The Rubicon up Yesterday with .a good trip.' She several amities bound nithe fifi• West. Prom Mr. Alf. 'Grissom; her clerk, we learn the particulars' of a' horrid double murder, perpetrated at Greenville on' Tuesday l ast. It seems that Major Byrne and Mt; Ibm Polk got into a difficulty in a ber-reqin. After the usual in troductory such affairs, they. came to • blows ' when 'Doctor Blanton . rushed up to Mr. ` Byrne, and draw.: ing s knife stabbed him once in the back' andseveral times In the 'tight - Ride. • C,ol. Hinds,' an old gentlemen sixty years of age attratkpted pittthe excited men, When. menden taiifed tipon and ` with one sweep of Ida-knife. completely ' diseMbow eled- the Colonel ,; who _died in a few mo ments."' Major Byrne; at lest accounts , was. still'alive; but no hopes were entertained of hiir recovery. Blandon, it is said, made. his'escape. ' '• ' • • Rlveraud Weather. • - CBs Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Guette.) LOUISVILLE, May.. Xr -t i The, River is fall. Ing with 1214 feet fn the Canal. Weather cloudy and warm. • imponTs in RAILROAD. ' CLEVELAND . AND .PITTGAinum RAIL ROAD, May 22 7 ..2 cars pig metal, Nnnick it Co;11 do do, Coleman, Rehm &Co; 1 do do, Everson, Preston & Ow I do do. Chess, Smyth it Co; Ido do, McKnight, Porter it Co; 3do do, Hussey, Wells de Co;" 2do do, Lloyd & Black, Ido lumber, DIIWOrth, Porter it Co; I dodo, .1 M MeMasters; I do stone, Bingham & Co; 1 do turnings, J L L Knox; 9 bars iron, 15 do blooms, - William Stewart; 6 slabs marble, 1 pc do C. E & J Marshall; 20 bxs cheese, Arbuek ies dr Co; 12 bilis paper, F Woods; I , bx wales, 1 box scalp trimming*, I kg do, Fairbanks,Mome it ith , -.14 caddies ibbacco, I bbl do, 'McGin nis it Co; 20 aka oar 3, 9 do rye, Scott & G ; 4 bbla-eggs, Voight, Mahood it Co; 6 do apples. Knox & Co; 23- eks potatoes, Ido nue, Kirkpatrick & Co; 4 cars pig iron, Lewis,. Oliver :. Phillips; 9do do, Cam ria Iron Co; 1 do do. Wtn'' Smith; 50 bbls il, Wm McCutcheon; 25 bxs cheese. Gr at Reiter. - • • - PI intorf, FT. WATNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, May 22. 4 ears metal, Bryan it Caughey; 1 do ' do, S Wood, Son & , Co; 71db do, .Nimick it. Co; 1 do do, Park, 8 ! Bro Co; 1 car potatoes, A Taylor; Ido rye sks do, W J Meek; 4 hhds tobacco, In II v 1; 1 do do, Boyle it Co; 1 car lumber J Heiciphill; 75 bblit flour, W II Kirkpat rick ii• Co; 5 ears iron ore, Shoenberger t Blain 12 bxs cheese, N J Braden; 30 sacks rags., Pitts Paper & Co. 16 half bbls toba, E Megraw; 2 tubs liutter, T C Jenkins; 7 sks rags, Markle it Co; 1 bbl butter, Caner McGrew & Co; 50 ski; oats, II Rea it Co; 12 bxs cheese, R Robison it Co; 250 pigs lead, Bailey. Farrell & Co: 100 bbls flour, ell it •Riteliart. PITTSBUROH;CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS ItAritiodio, May 22.-9 lihda tobacco, Ibx samples ; J Murphy; 3 cars bulk meat, R Robinson it Co ; 1 car staves, .1 1 Painter it Son; 9 bars iron, McKnight it Co; 4 bales tow, Kemple, Totsman & Co; 8 dress bu reaoous,d 1 bx, G ry lass it Standera ;eggs 3 bxs hhd ga, Hen Price; 5 , W If Graff: 40 hf bbls fish. S Pbbls Shriver; 0) do do, R Robinson 14 sks wheat, Liggett - it Co; 1 car corn, ' it Steel it Son; 1 car staves, M P Adams & Bro; I car scrap and old boilers,'M Kelly. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, May V. 25 bgs rye, ban Wallacie; 5 ban butter, 7 tibia eggs, A W- Bear; 6 pkgs butter and 4e.g. J - 1) Strottse; 2do do, L j Blanchard; 83 bgs oats, Scott ,t Gisal; 6 cars limestone; Shoen'bernr it Illair;-.1 do metal"' Moor head; 55 - eke oats, 6do corn, C Peeples; 84 bbls oil, Lockhart, ram it Co, 9 bpi seed, . Knox- , ft Orr. • Ax.ploffitur •Sztrion, May 22. —1 car barley, J Rhodes & Co; 4 bales wool, -S Eradley do Son; 4 sks potatoes ,. Et & A Cal.- so ,n• 15 sks rye, 1 car potatoes, J Kennedy; boils /eatheri Seibert & Berg;' 10 bbis, 40 sks flour, 8 0 Mahlastenu 80do do, J BMo. Kee; 150 pigs lead:a > B ,Francis; 200 bbla flour, Stewart dc lan ge nheim ; / - car mid dthllls. Rose Ewing; 20 boxes, 2 tubs cheese, C 1 • car lumber, Taggart & Wilson; 1 do do, WY Richardson. PITTSBURGH . AND CONIELLEWILL/1 RAILROAD.' •May 21.-11 - bdls sheet iron, It Stevenson; 21 sks hair, 7 do tanner's tieraps, L J Stimple; 98 pkgs rope, 10 bales oakum, Fulton,Bolin:law& Co; 40 pkgs 'sheet iron, W.E.Anistrang. , P.ENIVIYI#VANLA, CENTRAL RAILROAD, May 2L--2 pkgs °niter, S Ewart &Co; 30 kgs 'E Heazieten; SO bdis wrapping paper, A' W Henhouse; 12 sks wheat, Hitchcock, McCreery & Co, • • • NOTICE TO OWNERS OF • . DRAYS HACKS, &e: Notice is hereb:g given to• all owners :of Drays, Carts, Carriages, eagles, dc., whether resident,or next-resident In the 'City ofPlttsburgh, to pay their . Lleenees stihp letnes . IL °Bice_ ot. the , oity of .Pittiburgh eV wiT,ln accordance with an. Act of Assemb y, approver! moron 30tt4' 'SOO, and and, an Ordinance .of !the Counclicof the. City 'of Pittfturgef Peeeed 101 10, 3-8 ?°'• '' • ' A Menses not donor be ore Styr 15, - will be viscid' In • the halide of the Ch of or oolien for , collection, subject to his fee 01'50 cents for the collection,thereof. and all persons who, neglect dr . refuges to take out Licenses wilt. be' aubjectto a pen.: alty, to be recovered before Ibb Mayor, doable the amount of the License. The old metal plates of treytous years must be re turned at the time: Llee lam are taken out, or pay AS! cents therefor.,, ,„ . • BATES pr LICEBBE: raid', One -Hone' ......... 50 • Heehaw° Horse U p p‘cebiyout•lferte • , •• lb 00 • Each Two Hors Hack... ... 15 00 onntionoes • and' Tiinbe ',14M4:1 Hones, Eighteens Diollarlii each,' Bor, pack. addl.. tional Horse.,used in,any_or.the abOye Nebieles, One Dollar. •"•'' - deli • - ti t. AIICED 'ALLINDER, • ` • • .• • iioity Treisuren! . MARBLE &'• - . MATE AMOVIGEFOi 11,7.1 ...• • , , • sT.Tifs.. . •••±•;•..,•? L i PITTSBURGHNITEAM IMARBLEAND , SLATE- 3 /141Rn. eth'itiiii"' 4 o 7 iclttiiil=aitit4 Willi OFF:LI , STM ET. Mantle' nrerooni" beoend 04'd Persons wanting 'dungeon Slate Mantles will It to thelelfitertst to 'call: Workmaniblp not °X-- celled In any place, and prices as low, as to Easters ottics.7.Msebill Mantles or Furniture Slabs. Man baye become auk: Miami bu smoke, MIS orAcids,el2l: be Marbleised and made tolnck as well ak nen,. , There Is no otberplaceirrwe tern Pennsylvania where Slate Mantles are red. MI kinds of Marble • Work none In the befit Maa_ner. Marble Cutters suPPII/ciwitti Sawed Mbrine at zast en)*Fe' S ' 941111". • 4". 'VI ar:•ar'AitAct. 7 1? f (Wietnifiti &lodate .Orboldtar e 0 eeffeent „ !ti tbeilyeV- , , Olabt , ;l o + u lt P o 0 Araurth .rgipt , f' , . ,, . ~ i • : -,. •i ~, „, ~ ~. , , 2 1; 4:6 ft mai:end enacted. 4474 a a Omen Aati du nraw Vita re. 4 rt,a . a t . ulf foiPerazded'br the authority , . -the vane. , 4) T ertigrAmNilliViriZM t i tt":#., b Eina.:2 ,, f "tbatilla aarordlinutee al ysr cotitv: latirAa e 8 ta: '' Pi114,1:888.044gt:M the! M= ordifted 1 / 1 10,0001 - 01 in:q 41010 vac USA 14th filky I •-1 onliwt M P. 4, 1 1111 'fl " "-'' ... , - - r' , .• _ c r e ir icits r -- -r eve.... i.; , - ., .. : !: I. . rresident,protseneyet i niumon Council. ' A V WiiiikaMeitiOt ' ls i t tieiei;ill4. A l 7 ',' .... ..'' - 1.,, i1 : • 1 4 a it inm t ro - - ---- - ;ft. ~,, _n *Al t _ 4.ol.taltiatgl e it• Cr "v 714 001100 Malik .7.4-1 0 BOATS. F°R-CIIICINNATL . aggr o t • , • THURSDAY PACKET-AT 11 B. The new and Splendid side-wheel steamer J• Pi• M'CULLOUCH , G. D. MOORE ' Commander. D. MOOSE " Clerk. The above legant side-wheel Steamer will leave r i lgitr,Zi e llt s 4 need,- connecting at Cincinnati l L II 34 :1 0g alirci s and St. Zonir. e 'Aisto l to the' uRPer IPPland Missouri rivers. —' rreight or sengers reeelpted through either by raltorrlver. • . . _ • • -,. Especial ttention given to Orders and Way Business. . • . - For free' Or passag_e apply on board or to - JAS. COLLINS • I. a t s atai cuss. amaris, ( - 6 • New watamsT & 4.4.sumr, si ga i t Forwardino . and Commission Merchants, • . AND GENERAL STEAMBOAT. AGENTS Car. Market. kid Water' tits,- Pittsburgh. We are the antliorired agents for the "NORTH WESTERN UNION PACKET COMPANY," be. tween Bt. Louis an PACKET ; also for the "ST: L01:1113•& IgitieNCY COMPANY." Freights EIPTED THROUGH by , either or theabove 11 es at the LOWEST RATES. ' Shippers entrusting: goods "to our are eau • rely on having them handled with care and delivered with d Lripateh. We are also agents for steamers to Cincinnati, Louisville. Memphis, New Orleans, and a ll other pointsowthe Western waters. . CINCINNATI agr i e l • PACKET LINE. Fiii"Wheellat, Marietta, Parkersburg, • - komieroy, Galliepolls, Big Handy, Irantosv.iPottorinoutb; Maysville and ST. MARYS • SWEENY, Master. MiIINDATFi f 5 P. N. _ . . ST. CHARLES - C. A. DRAVO, Master. FRIDAYS,. 5 P. N. The above elegant side-wheel steamers will leave tia l g l jggs and un ce tidrt i ct n l e gallt, Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis. .Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight or passengers reecipted through either by rail or river.. . • Especial attention given to Orders and Way Busi ness., • BARNES A COLLINS._ . ao2o GARIEST RASLETT. Agents. pITTEIBICAGH, WHEELINO, Marietta . and Parkersburg , Line. Leave Company's Wharfboat, foiat of Wood street. DAILY, at df. - • MONDAYS AND TRURSDAYt3. J. N. McOULLOUGH Gr. 0.11. Moons, Master._ TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, BAYARD A. S. Smurnittin. Matter.' WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, GREY.EAOLE • O. L. BUICTICAN, Master. Freight will be received at all hours by - _and JAMES coLLnis. Asent. FOR j amb L - PAU.—Tbe An° steamer E.1131A No. 3 - Capt. Jae. MA,ILATTA. Will leave as above, in connection with the North ern Line Packet CompanY. on • MONDAY, 35tb instant.. For freight or passage apply on board or to JOHN FLACK. rum , Or. J. D. COLLINGWOOD...Akents. VOR LOl6-fie ISVILLE.--The fine ,Jeamer B. C. GRAY Capt. Wsi. B. AiirriEnSOF. Will lease as above.. giving through receipts to Memphis and New Orleans, on TIM DAY-4 r. v. For freight or passage apply on hoard or to JOHN ntyln - J. I). COi.I..INGWOOD. Agents. A A EGULAR WEDNES DAY= PACKET FOR I.—The tine skewer ARGOSY Capt. VANDZIIGBIPT, W. 11. Scott, Clerk. leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin nati every WE DNESDAY at noon. , C. HAIINE'S,_ JAB. COLLINS, Agents JOHN FLACK. vib2l FERTILIZERS. TO WHEAT GROWERS. EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE, SUPER-PHOSPHATE- OF LIME, MANUFACTURED BY The. Allegheny Fertilizer Co. SEW WARD (C. CAMPBELL, PitoP.TIIFITORS; °Mee, 11543 Penn Street, Pittsbnigh, Pi. The best Rertatzer In use, and recognized .by Farmers who have given h a 114 to ne the ataxy!, i t r •c d , rzt r i l / 4 11 " I Te le . git Vie W h eat,tb ledle e r ' SY:a and itillta:l° 4 "Vegiincirrultiditt_ ,l:14°11:11 which will he sent free to, any- Fertilise r, no flair ad- SEEDS: JOHN H.& A* mwepocu,-.; Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmea., • t r Tx D STREET, *PPG. ac l l39lrn ibio a enhouses ai Oakland: Nu:aeries on l P m " 97 ClT T.littggr. , 47911,TieW a i NOTICE TO CONTRICTOES. SEALED PROPOSALS FOR Gradtqg,Qurbing CRAWFORD. STREET, from Centre nvenne to Reed. Area . ; VINE STREET, from I'enneylvento avenue to Reedit.; MILTENBERGER STREET, from Penn:Wm:di avontmio Muff etreati ,, ' i. • Wlll be received at this ottlee.until TEIEBDAY t May 100,i spedigicitpus aFid blaulut for, ppipeg eaiitio had by &wile al VII! 'arnce: eirtiptiti ,'" Er. f f.)StoonEi Cie: WEBSTER:VI: rIk'II9BEIII,TECSTEI:' rikupersolas htteretted are hereby notified that the ReporttetVlewerajai sacaltiled by the tfoura of Quitter'aeselose,'StlThia: 13 anill3'oi Jut; Terre, 1860,;totehiett ilnally Otintirteed; and that the segareenta era Inm hand. A r coitection troleati paynteet Linaae tie pr before Jeep 1001, 1608, jai yt1 1 1 1 4). ale4 4 it Yetis ,OfPilecteg PY‘PT9ceits, of low. jr; 314401.74, City A*toiiley: Pittsburgh, May Stb, 1008. Ati • .; WYLIEII6DJUBLCAN STS, • Ail persons Inteletted ate hire* hiuttledllist the Itilort '6l:9ltrierei , - inoltieffi "byltbe Court of Quarter' Sesslonef at Not, •toternber Teon,)lllloo44lsi , bcen confkrated, and that. the Assessineets are I,4cer Inftey. heeds lot. celiac-. tiou. ; xrnt.s.:P,MOnt,ll nutske on er !wawa June 111!(1 . 8.,t 4 110 FlifOle!!111. ." ho es eztd corr e cte d !l'P r9 PP ll9 fl,7*.„ • ' •. • 44)!004, Meteor .h Efs St IL see, • • ElMARkkliklirffifaiM.l , -• • , 11;'1,‘, . , • . . tie liiiiiititkiedifeirbri.slneiiiiidimaged Awl tleuentit to lIPIRMIT.k4 ,treed Thil a waiMo eft It ri au 412 041 nitirovrt.!,l?kft:' A 1114„33& At OM, /41,21Monta ti •- •• • :,!- ,ti:tfi; ;1 , , JiWeiaNNTICTOHAU, my111:49 • THOMAS SHITH._L,,, illeglEDOWl4, . ._ . 1 1 / 4 7 - aluf a .13:44 vra , Hat IT-oritr. .3 ti, it,v , t , ‘ . At tu } , ‘, , fIN s 4edMtW, ; ...I, 4 • e I " t 1 0 • 1: ' ' 411 4 e dr atail 1M V.i." _ 1 9 11 0 4 1, , 4 tiMPPATI i I. T';'7 , s tit' tt i-4, , ,-, ik;ro. , ,,j nyl2:5lU • Min GRAHAM. .n,gr COMMISSION. MERCHANTS. Y. srasts A. STEEL?. M STEELE AL SOX, Commission .411erahants, AND DEALERS 13. • mmtiourc. GatAxs, FEED.. ezo No. 95 OHIO STREE'I. near Hut, Common, ALLEGHENY CM. A. JAWS B. NEJLNOII 40S. ILABITSI ME ALIVOR & }WIPER, - FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE CO2IELMUEIfEMON MW LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited • Ittyzniorcts—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics National Bank; - J. S. Dilworth & Co., R. T. Ken nedy & Bra:. . • isat:l24 PETER KEIL JAS. F. RICHAIII• E'L & ItICHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN 'FLOUR,`QBAIN, SEEDS, KILL FEED, itc., /to., 1149 ILdberty Utz; Plitabargh, 5ny24:1:137 - Jr; BLANcimin•,. iitOlesale and Retail (grocers, No..Ein PENN STREET ALES.' WHANE_ McILINE ANJEIti CO . ItittEl'ic#AlittS, leve In 4%01714 41ItAiN - lid' 'PRODUCE GEN , ESALLY, wevrea. ,ST#SET,. above Smithfield, Pletabergh." • - ' les FETZFM & roAlci4taiktuplciwpgalf . il t , For the sale Lard, Batter A Seeds, Dried Srult..and: ProiloceVendrally; No. 11.6 MARKET BTEEE'r, earner ol:.Flrtd, SHOMAKEIIe' &- LAFG;- •Whole. sale dealers- la Oroceries, ' -Pro. dote Provisions, Fish,: Cheese, Salt. Carboa - 011, &a., Nos. 172 and , 174 "WOl9O. - STBArrs.near Liberty street, Plttsbilrah,l'a. nod :nss JOUR T. NOME; ItOUSB:' JOHN I. .1111 1 IISE:la.BROSiffluo. cessors to JOHN L MOUSE °lassie rocers and Ckunmitslim Merchants,- orner of Smithfield and Water Street*, Pittsburgh, Pa: . eII., RIDDLE, No. • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Coniudesitni Mer ant and Wholesale Dealer, in Country Produce,. Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cabh ad vanced on Consignments; and paid Pthduce vas erally. . sun ROBT. ICNOS ... ANDREW KNOJ ;kt_ SNOB:& SON, COINIUSSIOD .IfERCHANTS and dealers hi FLOUR, GRADE L FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No 79 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. CRAWIPOIIII, CONIMUSION MERCHANT IN PIG METAL,: ,BLOOK%. ORE, WROUGHT'SCRA.P IRON, G'I'BE BRICK AND - CLAY,' &a. Warehouse and Ofilge• NOB. :WO and 388 ,PENN STREET. .Storage tarnished: Consignments waiter*. , f . r < : eaten :.BAIRD--i-& -PATTON:4- . NV/mimic Grocers, Canandiabmlkrcluulta and eiders in Produce; Flour.' Bacon Caeca% nth, Carbon awl lard. 011,' boa t Nalla:-.4111m, Cotton Yams and all - Tittab h Manufactures gen erhily; 112 and 1.1.4 SECOND T;.Plttabargb. B. :CANFIELD -I& ty .311SSION & FORWARDING KEBC,IIA.NTB, and Wholesale Dealers te Western Reserve Cheese, Butter Lard, : Pork, Bacon, flex*, Fish, Pot and Pearl •1 1 11 hes- and (JDs;Dried-rrnit and Prtxtuee generally, Noe. 1.!1- and 115 _Fron t s t ree t , Pitts _ _ .7011N' WALLACE. HWTOIITZ WALLACE, 'WHOLE SALE ROCERS ARD PRODUCE DEALERS, o. OIXTII P:TREET. Pittsburgh. - I a12:r58 PROFESSIONAL. JOS. A. • ALDERMAN in pouor. MAGISTRATE. - Office, 126 WYLIE STREET, near Wallington; PITTSBFROH. PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages,Acknowledgments, Depositions.:Collectlons, an all other legitimate business executed promptly. mhaeng SAMUEL MCMASTERS, AiLIIIOERNLAZT, - Ex-Ciddeto Justice of the Peace and Pollee. Mas ts: trate. Otßoe GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca tsearsz.rirksitußeir, Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Ackncrsiledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. EIISTACE S. MORROW , AXAMERATALItr. E.X.OFFICIO JI3BTI6P 9g THE YEAOR AND POLICE .MAGpTBATE. . • . . . OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bendel' Mortgages, Aeltnairlediments, Depositions and all Legalliusineas executed with promptness and dispatch: tiara. A. AMMON tfitatice of the Peace,, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE ART,: CARSON' sTatEr JsAfirr nrarthirottmit. Collection °Clients solicited suid promptly attend ed to. • zny3:76o WLl.l44ol:iioElAitlitit;" JUSTiCEOF THE PEACEi•CONVEYANCERvdac.,: °Mee,. CARSON. 'STREET, nearly ofposite,th Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSEpERR. entrusted. to bterviore PiotOptly attend ed to. ' ". n13'1:10 DANIEL' PR ACTIgING OFFICE AND re.risAßENcp, • No. 69 Giant ISt. ;' near Mini. ap.,1:1:x71 S.FERGEIRIV, ATTOR'NEYLAT-LAW, SECOND FLOOR, FRONT Room JOHN W. lUDDELL, • 'ATTORNEY-AT:4LAW OUtee 1111 Diamond fitreet (Opposite the Court ) MED JOWL' 3i. OAZZAM J. E. I/ 1=17137F1Z1.5. - - 61. 41...11:NASTER, - • BEILWITIO, GAZZAM & iltl ENFLUAD,' ATTORNEYS AND COONSELORS`AT LAW, And .Solicitors in 4Bankruptcyt, Engineer leia:rrs f.A. t .• No. 'o9 . l)laitilii el 4 6' - mns:na: PiTTBBYJitG PA . . . , Anglin , Ao .niAKslitimr,-‘.. _r: Awronriney6:Ari. . wioq . ‘ . 4 -... 1 `ATTORNEY: AND COONiELOW 1 1 1 . . 1.1 1 4 1 ' J- iO[,..)L ,:.0 4 ; P - P- 4 141 1. r' t o ..PlTTelneo-- Jonainif "1 .-10 71t - !:lls . ;;!.:.€4trt- ' WM i -- "wkihiv4„PAlsmuL, ommiti ff STraS7C; dridoalttaburgb ine.l Aeknowledzineu Kt ► ;4 44,,3 neggettimmitwi and r J OHN C. mocona% ,11) , .I. it ' , II q' I , L , 4 ' 13 ''' . -- i 7 'fl trill itiet.:;,.. - •., 3.:: 11: -.;', • ' 4 ...:.%; - II Ic"OI4IRNEMAND,COUNSELLORAT4LAWII-s":t -' 3 , .‘ • -', 4j '''"•24l6os l 7o:"Pittti Oftikkai.' ' • '•-• ate} , . 1-aviai2ire,l .f.10 , 617.-,-;, -,,,,•;:,:, 110 .,,, 9 , 1 4iVrt. 42 %Fit , M.! a fttLiSWIP t k PI F0 01 ,41( . UM= XII NO. W 7 Fifth street. 0P4M73 PITTSB rma • , OppostieOle'clii4dr. ' H1~A: ` At/ .AND PAILROADS. 11001 c Trin Gllaildlitealmg -a. olisztaavicua On and atter Tlying7F—rAY, March stb, 1868 trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot, cor nee of Grant and Water streets, as follows: Depart. Arrive. Mall to and from trulont'm. L 7:00 - 6:00 P MaKeesPOltAcconlMadf`ll /1:00 A. M. • ; 5 Ex. to and from Ihilont , n n : 34400:.: K. 11:801 Y. Braddock's Aceammodavn West Newton Accommod, : r. 8135 A. Y. Night Acc . to Mclieespere.l o: ls 30 M. 750 r. Y. Sunday Chinch Train to and 11. 6.40 A. M. from West Newt0n........ 1:00 r. m 10- For tickets apply t I. .00 A. it W. B. BTOIIT Su rintendentn.• lil\G Agent" .VLEtEtilerT AI ILIWAiP. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO TEEix! u Running through to Venango City Without cilantro of cars—Connecting with trains East and l‘"est on the Wane. Franklin BILIIIVAd, and Atlantic & , Great Western Railways. Shortest and quickest route to Oil Cltyand Franklin, and ally:aints in the OilSegfons. :, On anteater April 26th, 1888. Passenger Trains will leave from and vilve at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal and Me Sts. as follows: , ,Depart.l T.Artive. Mail to and Pin Ven. City: 7:00 A. 0:13r. Y. Express " " 10:40 P. m.10:513 M. Bradr_s Rend Accommod , n 3:00 r. 10:90 A. Y. Soda-works Accown 5;30 r. M. .7,05 A. M. First Hutton Accemod , n.. 8:50 A. 11:40 A. It. Second Hutton Accomod'zil2:oo - 3:35 r. , ls. Sunday Church, Train leaves Soda Works at 8:03 A. M., arrivlng 111 Pittsburgh at 9:50 A. Y. Re. turning,. leaves Pittsburgh at MO P. 3f., arriving at Soda Works at 2:55 r. _ H. BLACIaSTONE, sun% W. F. HOPE..TIcket Agent. _ - riTTSSIIIRGH,ammigg Ii CINCINNATI AND T. PAN ILINDLTIOVIT,. MaHANGE OF TIME.—On leave after 511: 14 .. - DAY, y nth, 1887, tral il i l u znc u i r :Vre at. the Onion Depot, as foLio nH aa , man -- re 1:100.1.t r % A o rt i c r,x-p SS 21'15 a m 435 • Fast Line , 0 1 4.0 Fast Eaprese.., " 1:54. zn": WaT, gap : , McDonald a AceM, No. 11.-1.1:40 a In. '3% 1E115 5 D P : 13 1 46 1 Steubenville Aceommod`n. 3:50 9 : :30 McDcoiald`a Aoe , n, N 0.2.. 5:25 p. m, 8:20 11' • in. syleter. Noyes.-Sunday impre ss veiat 1:50 il i;o nt rn .i t Tivlng in Cincinnati at 0:00 a. tti. the next The 9:40 9. In. Train leaves ' dalig, -- 3un'day and Monday excepted. B. P. SCULL. Genf al Ticket Agen t: W. W. CARD, Nowt., StenbenvllLo. , . _ . t" 8.11 FORT ANB O CLEVELA.I7D_ From May 11th, 1868 ' and arrive at the Bnion "as Leave. • . Chim a goEx...: 9:13 • Cleveland Ex .51:13 a m Ede & YgalkEn 11:28'a'm CI. & Wh , g31 , 1 .6:13 am. 1 ( 1 c 11 110 . KW. ; 6:58 ant Chicago - Ex..: 9:43 a m Cl. & 1:43p m Chicagex_ 'l ... Erie "Ma' ~ .4.ileveltengt; '1 , 17 rdit , n Ac. 8:58 a in 10113sm 11:58 am • ; 9:23 - pm 4W e e r Acc".. 3:43 p m lAttedale Ace. 4:13 pm, N. Bilgt , rl " . 5:33 p Brigt , n " . 6:518 pm Lee .9 e.'"'(•/o:43„piti 1:58 p. m, Chicago Ex press leayea (I • F. IL MYERS .. -a , ;.P.I t A ra YNETTB4I6:II Iral gilinsnyrtngit°llll°lffea°lr B. Depot..trotth:. able r oity . - Arriee.• IChicagd Ex... 91:23`a Cleveland Ex, r111:93 a Chicago Bi—:: '11:913n Wheeling Ex. 11:013a 13t. Louis •Ettil: • 3:33 pitt Cl. & Wil , g Ex 4.:38 pat Erie &It"g2n Ex ;0:13 pat- . Chicago Ex.... 4:93 p m Cl. &Wh , g .Ex' O:00 pus • Arrive In 'A Ike:env. N. Brigttn Af., 7:03 a - • 0:20 a m ' Wellsville " 8:53 stn., New Castle.:".lo:l3 a in ," Leetsdale " 9:13 a m ; ' I " 1:09p ire " 2: 43 pm ; 11:23 a.,.M. Ch ia icago Express artiVes • •• General Ticket Agent. , , kE firS if LTA. ..CENTRAIieRAILROI and after Hay . 10th rive at add departfroarthi Washington and Liberty a . Arrive. Mall' Train."... 1:20 a mr Fast Line .. . .. Wallis - 6:90 a m Latrobe Acc'n 7:80 a m No. 2... 8:50 ain .Cinciimati Ex. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac:10:35 a dt Baltimore Ex: 1:00 p m Phila. Express /:20 p m Wail's No. 21:0S5pm Braddocks No 1 5:50p m Wall's No. 4. 7:03 pm Altoona Acc'n e and Emigrant • „ Train 10:30 ltr. The Church Train leaved' Wall"s .Station every Sunday at 915 a. m.,reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. m. Returning. leavearittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and amt's at Nt all's Station at 2:00 p. m. 'Cincinnati Express leavesdalky. ; -.All other trairm. daily except Sunday. For furtner informatmn apply to - W.II..BECKWITH,-Agent. The. Pennsylvania Railroad, Company will- net as:, aurae Any risk far' Baggage, -eXeept for. wearing ap: panel, and limit their-responsibUlt to One Hundred, < ,Dollars itt , value: '-All--Baggage exceeding that amountin value will be at the rhak._ oftite ownef.d_.lßt. less taken by special contract. ' . EDWARD 11..WILLTAHS aeneral Superintendent,' Altoo' : iLtaximga lAD. h, Trains ar toUnlonDeVY.',*icoreet of dreets. as follows: Deport. . - Day Express.. 2:20 aln Wall's. , 6:30 a la - Mall Train ' 7:50 a M. Cinch - ti Ex 11:40 Wall's- den: 2—'11:51 am Johnstown .&c. 3:05 pm Braddocks'No 1 4:00 p Expres. 4:50 p m 5:00 p Wall's No: 4.:" 6:05 par Fast Line 7:30 pm Latrobe /men 0:50p m Swissvale Ac'n 10:50 p m ; myll • Rly:OSTEll.lllPtimaimag • • • • fIfYINANLI• :On and • atter . 1 Iss ,, 100,71807„ the Pass „ . senger 'Trellis on the 'Western Fe=sytianialtall= road: will Arrive at and depart. from; ths : A,"'ederal ; ,-,. :Street 1:1g Allegheny City, At Mows; ' - tiedika M MdiY '• • • oils Freeport E0.'17.•13:115.4 ro Freeport No;i_ns ts ginellt , r. Express .* :10:15 a Sherphvg . No. si a sharplegNo.i . l. :1:05 pm Express..J,l.4•,-Alibegtor Freeport - No. 2 4:I0 pm ilpring. d'e Nol 3:50 pm . l lallpin Freeport N0.'2. , s:ospnt ; Sptingd7e 21019 p miSnringd , e No 2 7:30p m. Aboye train" rim eau3rexcept medal:3l, The Church Tralh leaves Allegheny . June:. eve rr Sunday at-V:4O is. rru,': reaching .I.llreny AMty: ah 9:50 a. re. Returning , leaves All egheny, -1.1.00p.M. turd irrive- at.Allegieny• it9:11•11 ,, • W3br upAtto i reiTienern=i - Foi4Xlele• r PiektO g r 'TwentyDetWeenL'Allegheny,.Gity. Chesmnt et.. : ett4Fineereekg'Etna find Sharp . • and e rod only on the treble stopping at.litations spe; ' n tleketd. The trams leaving:Allegheny City at 43:13's `and' 1:50 e.' M: make - direct' connection at *Freeport 'ith:Walker:l LineorStagesiotlersind Ra tr oalts-,• :town: 'Twougletleketly may' be' nne parthsied' at the Mon -No. _3 61: street. ricer,the /Suspension' • f - 1 1 ridge - Pittabtirgh, and at 'the Depot,*Allegheay. Forftntheginporniation:annlvto • Jard74 - tgprEiris; -- Au e nt. _ • Federal - Street pot,* • The Weitern Fennsyliania Railroad , ill not as sume any risk ibr Baggage:: except Tor Wearing. als..`l • (Mand limit thel. responsibility toOne }Wafted. s ln,:value.a.± ;...baggage. •etceeding amonnt in value will be atthesisk of the, olyiker, up• teas taken ny special contract: • , 1 • • • • '?* - EDWARDIt,. witurAnis, Ota .i tarEinlierillteedellt Altoettai M IE-X - 1144.14„ataggil 11.0IITEe. ?;- - ' 111110N1ACIFICI " tAILWAt , Eastern. Division., . , The SHORTEST Alai hiliST 'RELIABLE no - lyric from Um Mut to alt polpts 1q , iVevafia, • , CalifOifila, • ' . , , f: • . • . . _ 1`..• 4TILF 4 b , nitIL • -, :i'Vtall 4 4 l l#oll,. • - , hew MeslCo,' , Ida • Orepia. - Two '"1 . rides leaye State Line ` and, LeiVeeirbith' 1 daily, (Sundays excepted; lo n the arrival of trains ci f:;: Pacific Railroad from St. Louis, and Bantiltial 4 juim..toneettOls ranee, ToNka Waniego With stages f om n al d l all " :Points inahalia. owl_ of ~t raek west. of Elle • worth with the UNITED STATES REfaS COM - .PANY._43 DAU.,T •LUIgnOP OV ,: 'AND - EICDPREINi e OAC yoe, ; !:10 4.1 ; .71;• .1 = etAial W T. ; '‘ l7 . And• all tilts' the Terrtto rier c: , , And with BANDEBBOIVS,TRI - -WEBICI L T LUCE toti• COACIMB ter Fort Uglou Benve Tort, ram Alhh luiScreWrlh, AntuMe mut') With'the, :reeenoidditions of:tolling' stock and equipteent and th e - ereingenienta made with re ' liPlii/siMe`-45v4tille4,:Tnnispattation lanes roar EMI western terminus, this 1'44 now offers unesittalled Ultipe ftw the transtal4slois cif freight. hiAnls Ear 7r west - . Tlek . ete far sale at all Me prinelpfil, • C 5 ttsth.. Halted Mates and Hansa'. Be sure -and- ask- fofe+tletketsPehr THE SHONE HILL ROT.".___IIIIO I 4 EASTEIm.I,i runt) •• • A sn 034 , )ereneralBnperiptendel , - ;!• 1 1X. WFBArnals y: ME MEE t:g.A r : l 4lq r AfArifit ) .94.*s.4 o AtitinV 2 iL.v.ictirjEjEN*Towiekirv , sh=t,ed 5.7:-.;,..2. 2 , 1i 1 . 0 T IT gie DON reg • - Br2fl 4l AuF iog il . • .•hittrlkw. .:.:11,, , T;;irt0 • • : 2 51111111311011 64 1 4 4 701 Adifivirge liiifilettr TT rifolnNiiiifitkAhif 11 -- , e......41. ' !I EE