El ICt li*b.4.4o:!tiOtt, EFFIESEBIEV; • ,• —Boston luss m 41itate. Last Sunday evening Ristorfplayed in Mu sic Hall in that ex-strong hold of puritanism, for the benefit of a Roman Catholic charity. —A new kind of sleeve is threatened In ParisOtade filgerelabjeltretched over Aka r eamarlaaetAtmne the fir =' theade after the ato§t.,apppived fashion of angers , - ---Peoeral.Kilpatrick is again spoke* of ass 13.kroblican. candidate for. Governor of Newt Jersey. The Democrats fife going to - tip some mysteriously raised up - Chriend by the nairte'of Runyan. -• "—James W. 'WOod has had published In book f a rm the song of HigherWater.,:being a burlesque on LongfellOw7kliditleplieni of Hiawatha. .A little aubeetitent;iiiie would • suggest to 31r. Wood, is pail parody. —Preudee Histories maybe, very Keu rate and profound, but their author is.ner. erthelesklt "snob .4444 OweriSii. Icon& ieeoeiied the Queen :as "condescending to" • palish a book.". Gtreat.damage hasbeeridone by freshets in lowa. a some places - the water rose twenty-thme - itiethours, $20,00 word& not , cover:: the damage done to ;,bridg(lik:whilis lung ier and cattle have been .01/63: —Theorgan house in Bt. „loins Episeo ix(Portgallitiitl4 lie*" HMV _ Aire, wasbnilt. in tork,:gagbuid. Fairfax saved it and thep cathedi'at•organ at the tine ,Roundhelvis 'destroyed - -every other one in the kingdom. • - - • prentiee says that "there is:quite as much' . anabl?laimPa . in . haling 'at ~Idiatiiir ensned men for tne sale of , stotoriety asin cringing and, fawning beforeithel'for' the same objeet., l ! This is Very bard •on : Mr. • Diekens,,who has been guilty of both... , !' ;:•—A Paris telegrain says the Emporer is recovering. It seems, by -puttitig to gether :_the i Paris telegralns and _ : letters, thatliapoleon is in . a constant state of con yalescence from illsAciArldch he seems to be _'as deioted an heft as the West Indianre to earthquakes. —Therels a stratum of carburetted .hy . drogen gas forty feet:below the level of the city of New Orleans. ‘lt is made by the de. coMPOsition, of vegetable matter deposited there in fom times. by. the , Idiasiasimd River. It IS proposed to' tap it and light the 'city With it. , —The'iisreiution : has. a , Oetrespondent who insists . ,tlat.:Mrs. General. Greene vented .the cotton gin, and tlettFli Whitney was only the mechanic who worled °tit her ideas. is the Revolution adirocates 'this. . idea, wesuppose it's editors have no doubt of •Dirs: General , Greene haying been a —A. C. Wilsonis the •manat the other end of the Atlantic cable, who thinks that American taste runs to tinkle races in pre ferenceto.momentous political and histori cal movements. 'We _should now like to know who is the man in Cuba, who thinks - Americans prefer earthquakes to any other sort of light reading. —A pleasant Scotch statistician has been delighting the people of Glasgow by dem-. onstrating the fact that they swallow 1,000 tons of dirt every year with their drinking water. - We don't want any such statisti _clans here. We may, swallow more . dirt :him that, but as there is no immediate help tor it, we would prefer indulging in , the 'bliss of ignorance. The New Orleans Picayune, a rebel news- • .paper, says e'very sensible thing in regard to the choice of a Tresident, and at, the • sametimegivissuchtraitorsasPendletonand Valtandigham a severe poke•in the ribs: ; ;"If •• • a man who was either ; equivocally or plain ly on the side is be chosen; we would much prefer one who fought for' bis'princi- —Flounces haie come in again; •it is not '.'verilong sincetheir, last :innirqs;, a Paris • correspondent si4rs flounces ard-a perfect furore::' cAS many aithirfy,six 84 e to be put on .nnisitins, and all the thirty-iii are to, be of.Valenciennesi This - Valenciennes • display is'alsccfashionable on 'silks and light glares.::: -Pockets, cuffs and epatdets are made of Valenciennes fottne latter 'unite:, rial. , • • • • —Read what Punch-thinks of his -• countrymen:" - • ' Y._ "The truth is, that for all the pluck and Practical good sense; over •Avhfch he is so ready to : hug himself, John Bull is too,often the _most . offensive of snobs-,-Inutsi c , gig ''heftded and 'ldunderi4taiialatto a Mil - ture,'altogethet, as any:. that lives. A bang •to blush, oven' and 'to repgnt ; - in sackcloth ~ • and 'ashea for, ' Only 'Your, - English:snob, ,however. ,i happily, „ there , huour, English geigethell ta,trud-the,scale.-,But then your .`snole •go .•trlghtfully frequent ' in this, blessed country. there sup - other try tinder the sun so'overrtmllwitli*lthobs—t. any:other *item the snob is-to be fdnndl. -r-rampatit; inlat rinks,"dassisOudihigli; and &tee that he often determines - their' • tone aiiffistabliaties their d oubt. •. • —The ; riends otairrYeadleton are going io cry and corrgaWil - Pwith a ;rush attd great show t the coming'• New York udn walk= y t 40111.001100 . Id hil*aliittieo as *iFeR./eacdrt, "W_ ho tiltirdtt Broadway o under ! the largest piece of bunting thOt t •tt4: - .lo:"±aimo-, " 11 * 12. ' l 4 fila *Wei )luntll4 they( prapose'to,ont4lo the Keystonv Guardkv of Bnc l igtial6 'Thet*tinfto),*( l - the Caleb Viiii,kra.Ao do their shoulder-bitting forthent-at Chicago. The Pa!la* l e 041 "i* t be 811 1 ) ** teOla*itlar of th pfliet e forthea ' ngitg chop:Pions l , l lViti the giant Meeticle 'or the a y t~hi~eti I. 3 ' • 4/eowe " .rtr• r modestl744ll, INS abtir,ifi lil ,, KTh is RlOnf t * Mut) ./4* foliftimwtrAttui4l4- - Mon - 4 10 ;g4 4 i$PONioage"" r l lie dlihnitteth a POOlt . friehal**** 4 village, IWO gh‘test editor mid tOreititiod influential otrthei &sealthe globe 3 4128 0 0 kdrit -11 0 rofArtil- great PUN `'posis 'and ligno 4 , 1101 times in. peirr4f!i2A;l4PAVOSiVreFi.4Vig.4:: .44L110C' MEI - N,t:g Recesitly `at' A0:441 dicate thatt ',lied has ras ed.l3!ick Pomeroy to do with a oose quill Whiii-Ittehosts of the; South under their immortalleaders, could ekito--to•,ilaCe civil Bhartrnad goy-. 4hunent o* a Penn! tent raised ji p'ihe; 4 4rat Mee ,treshl9nt‘ d then beside* of the tnited,f•Stat,, - k ner ic a —yes, to be the s a vior tif the coml.- try Washington bettered and Lincoln so nearly destroyed. —An eastern exchange f in iiifashion col umn says: Bonnets are growing smaller in -•R# .krituritiniiKtt.alenl4...eantikqualerOalr slating simply of . a. hand Of delicate fluffy black featheis covered - ith . el:nail - ix:tints of jet two inches wide over the forehesd r and tapering off to one inch over the`ears; on one side.of the biu4, an exquisite, itlmitated wild' 'roe:es:in:lAA , inothera-pearl. and a bunch of ribband; grass.. A pair of black strings? , cottipleted -this "bonnet." There was hteialli,nothing els4' not the faintest trace of tulle, laceovire, or anything but the little "fluffy"• strands of feather, the flower and grass', and , the" pair "of strings. The latter, moreoier Were not "strings" of iband, as in Other days, but simply a nar row strip of Chantilly. intended to be` loose- ly Pinned together, few ineheff below the chin, with %brooch.: • • ---41 r. A. R. Hope has written a book about boys, in which he says some good ihittga• : He begins by elaidffingb o ) l 4 - and here are a_couple of the classes: Young tientlemen:—l2shudder es I 'ten the die- gusting niune. You know • Whet *eaaf— AnviKtitititeall beings whes'iliSh to be ifinight mearand dandies, and to that end smoke, **F4ralf4siiaggft; with more oi. leas im • pnnitvy. If you go out into the streets on _a f3atterdayafternoon yon• Will see hundreds 'of thorn, whoncyou would like' to' take be tsveen your, finger and t h t unb, _ and draP quietly into the gutter 2. Msnim. ' Dar lings: large' and increasing class, I grieve to SaY; the would soealc tender lY of them, that thett : degradatien is often caused by circumstances over which neither they' nor; the:wisest of writers and.teachers have any. Dent:ink viz: fond- and. foolish mothees, who will make them' wear` com forters and goloshes, and keep them In the house when it is cold, and. encourage them to cry when they are hurt." A Few Inatforal for the Democratic Party. Ma Spirit` has a leader in . which Fes , senden, Trumbull & Co.'s treachery is termed a iawyer's conspiracy for the de struction of the youthful Republican party, by the reconstruction of the rotten old thing that styles itself a Democratic party. Wilkes says We know of _wlaitowe speak, and we say authoritatively that the Democratic plat _form will lie so , amended as to recognize the national progress of the lasf seven years, and to suit . the progressive temper of the On the Fourth. f July next the pro kpranune :Will be . "enunciated , in' Tammany ntl, in thoeity of 'New Terk. Its • main planks will be a dentinciation of human slavery, and an acceptance of all the legs ' lation of the period on that subject; the re pudiation and extinction of the Confederate debt; the . equality of all men before the law; and traparhafiintrage. ' !O i s shrewdlY cal culated that, n view of such a programe, the alienated - Democratic element, which , now constitutes the Republican majority, have become disgusted with a party which is incapable of government, or even of de fending its' own life, and perceiving, more over, in other and vigorous hands, a plat form covering their old principles, Will at once flock to the new standard, and leave the Republican party to sink to rain. This is a plausible conception, and will In fair to win if Andrew Johnson is acquitted; though it is not so certain that the Demo ciatic party, after having profited by the treachery of -;-----Fessenden & Co., will choose to win with Republican traitors at Old Prices of Living. In these days of high prices it will be re freshing or tantalizing, as the case may be, to know the prices English forefathers, paid for 'Melt meats, bread and butter. In , 1130 bread enough to feed a, hundred men one diy, cost twenty-five cents.; and a sheep sold for eight Cents. In 1%10 the price of the best wines was raised to twelve centS a quart, toenable the dealers tolive by them. One-cent loaves of Wheat bre:wive:led from sixteen to ninety-six! minces is . weight, ac cording to the price-of grain. Wheat was three cents a bushel in 1286." The law fixed the price or two pallOs at three cents; and a fat:lamb • froth, twelve JO =sight cents, , ac 'cording to the season of the Yeth,11390.. In 11118 Parliinient red the ! pribonf a' fat ox atnnout . ttielve llare;:i iroorpAd,' at 'eighteen dolliere't*honc sheep ' at one dol-, lartwenty-fiVa'Onts iindAggs , af - 3 cents a doien and other artrfies of..breadattiffs;l6M. , continuing at the prices gyou - above, 1307 the- beat tv„ina.,cost Ste dollars., a tun. Wheatwas cents,a ,bushel in a 1890, and this Was deemed a' famine-Trice by the historians of =that period, whodesig nate that year stp “the dearth year." In the time of Henry -tile:Eighth, beef, 'and:Pork 'Settled down. to .!t Out a pound, and veal at - a °Mt, and a' 4nif. 'Thee pints of milk were sold for a chit: " The best of it was that thesp,prices werfiri fixed by law, and so placed_ out of ~:t he . reach of ,epeculatora, thoughp,eoplagrarabled at these, enormous ratesi ttioYA o . l3 Bkt , tri.eineaathey do now. , m anoWPPnes:ate. teollooo,.for r convenience, • from sterling to federal anoney.• • •:. i rtucanroacorr.e.—:There is now boieg soltlitf Paris 'a small A:Telt : it-lens which is ueUed'Arhipiniouxipe,- ON, you imagine fa'''''fbrit'it fideltdPd V:: I : 011 P1+9 0 , Y° ll heard of cei deadly wonmt4damdl' as bud* trine.Mllo-- :Which ififeskr•iiiic Y , 4;4040114d by means of the trieliinompo that if you haves sau: sage or ham placekbefore _you at the table, you should bettluiPpolyttlen to ascertain, by ocular .demonstation;s•whether or net • it' is , pefvededib3i , Surely if la better la'adfurellinnicleartlntast"altoi4heithan 40 ) 1 4 4 11 10 -4 Mildoll4lht*Of the hhu," I saw a dis thlstlfp, 'clisinh!tithb-011ik 4 .4!4 . 7;=be8 1 4 his IP* ll- #: 'S•004: Viiks.lefuJei9ripPelue, , Whiffitrk th#S,cui -Itifige'l WAS Pilln wereteUdetitir,exablel.bhue,rttkAligest .the huge dumer , which he hadvawedietenur. --Onee a Week. • 43' ' ita -: "` '' ' -...... e - Ross; f'" i1th5 4 4 1 0, ~do# lir. Wedeln the Vice f*Tdetirstro 3 9 o4l V:" l 'llk took wheatteitOnVhitibrtiSN AzAidittgb toW ****4 l l4*.fPte,!, be .00._ft.,-00,feiestlint ' eieftWi hie acoton - eilmikeechment,ANle 1 listened in MAW- enWlintii Haw began to W ry ' WS* - b . ; 49/;444M Awe r•Ok, i t s. ,llv "I*IT O bk. .(KM)rox go* :14 0 1 . f .irillaC4iliedignantty ,told the I Oenetog , that lu:l4oBi:red to heat nOPOtagbg,iftirthalevand Nvisheitt blmto bovei sayistglthittizeibpped gat be vitietil4 never ;v0k.40 4flrafti.:!' asilig'lift:Lr Washington l o ttoill "am .c,'* - 1 lon -.9-) iltni 1 . . ; ,.....,,, z , „ : „ .„ . *--- ,- .?-0.• r - -- -, ' ,.. .. , •, ,,,,,,,,, .---,....." ,, -,- , ~., ,,--r..1.-,1 •" "-M . : - .7 , . , -. .70.; .-, 74 1 43 .7 ,'Srt;:t •- 7,771; 4 ,---i,11 . r . ,Z.7'..r- '_:::: ~ .A - 7 .- .r. , ..4 ~.: , . -,., .. , ,:1 --, v07.-, ; - 2,-- , ..,,,..-...-.1:-. ; 3 .. . .'l.''''''l:TEVr'?4V-G:';'-'-''-''E''''rjZ'Aj::r-ki-:'*ON'''33l:t';lW44,l4'':b''N''4''C:'ftrftt:;'"':',-n"':4:'.4V-:r4':'l3*i'l''''i-l'ri''''%',.'k.i.T'g6T:'7:':gti ":''*k'4::*'2,,‘"Vit.%'C'rl'hq:f:?i',":'j..:°' 4-iirk.4lB6lYAirg".''..g-3115tiik.414;11'.4:i6h,%?..40451ii.;:i':i.:At'L:;ti1ki1i'1,..”4:Ta:40'4';;1T.:;:%::.2';',4",:',.,.".'-11',..,Vt`77...:14.:':"51:iiiggt:171,4777%-i7,47.7.::4,5,',1%Z',14311,M;-*' ,:.fit. --c.':', "*"44- ' -' -' ' '- ' ''''' ''#:ki ' d ;W>.7.4'''' ' A.*'''' ' -'. "'4'..4'.' '''''''''4:s'4 !. - X*14 . 4 1 Z)04 1 ,..4&V 4' 1 :4*' -- ' 4 7 k ''''' 9 '' ; W . ' l tf.ll. 1.*,01V 1 .... 1. 1:4LY*__,44._ ...,,,,,.*l.ilivA„v74 ,- ji - el.-.41azi.'a , *,tf..x.;%,041,wy.i;:.pii.+04".i . 4% ',`:= , ;•;'•3-ik - .2.e.r . ,g,iV:.Z:-3.t4 ,1 14 , it'i •' - ' , . - ..,- . w , rws - s-6 ,— -sW43..l.t.AV,lisiVesc.,.-..;*q..tv..,,,7:-. 7 - . i i,.„ ; . v .i....413 , ,...4- ~,,,.,-g5i.T.,,,,,,,zw4 Fm .4 - ! : .., ,, t.b.... , A. . g. 6 . 4 , ,) , ..#: - ,-. ..4.N,- , ~ - Z -1--- . 'W. -, '41..e,. tf..,,,F4,' 0- M A-Z A'` :fr ;if ,-.4 X - 1 14 .74' - ' , *' -, ' iT : MTr . , . . . . . . - d'ar.,, , ,.. -,, .1., 4 ,,,,--- - , V , r ,- .; , ~.:Sp.,-, - 4 -.4 ,, ,,A5eq. ' , ' ' ''• ' • ' • • - - %A,_;4 ..,' . . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: SATURDAY. MAY 23. 1868: KOl MM3TRY VETtriCOCTIMMD - ' lisrianaoll7l7._*A.lll4;e =• Br? csARGE BLi• A lkwEr . • Aiota.eETTot • " AT Dll. - -SOMPIL::": 2T PLNN STREET. _ 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. _ . . _ ALL WORK WARRANTEb. CALLAND EX Arnim. SPECIMENS or OENDINE IULOAN4 GAS +. r: 3 : 3 - • omit Witx.lp Olt 4/ AND a, xt .. e , 4.1 Just received, the finest and largest assortment _ever welled in tarthAlMl I: t t,4 . ' WELDON. if 341 Wooi. mh24:n241 HATE AND 'CAPS smilir4monst , ; IIiTS OP . , nz °Mier' VARIETY. SELLING LOW, AT mi • coup . inv7 • rat wboD writtrr. pIritiIiIIIIGILSTIELL • WORM W.A. K11.1011RN,; . , ;and , Alikinde'ot steak kept made to oriler 'in the latest stylecol'i. ; •, • •.• HAtirs iusw nowis '111600,, ALTENnsr6,. BERAIRIN'3EiNG and •DYEING • ,done promptly. Gil BEAVERS- and YELTS finished in the latest styles. DEALERS and MILLINERS done promptly. -.No ax pease will be tireft•to• Ruske It a thorough EAST ERN STRAW •SZIOP. - • • ' ' Your PstconSice! is resDeetiOßY solicited. , • * * mirth Street, near Market. PITTSBURGH. PA_ IVIARTIN LIEKLEII4 n 4114:69,14? vrieli h re or a . e li vi&er u s f a Me T i YIELD STREET, Pittstuntr, .st. • - Orders promptly filed sad satisfaction guaranteed. t 3-;:fzirs) : ft) 3-:111 JL. NEAL - • ass tbls dip been admi tt ed into our arm. FaTON, 1301 ERAN ,kco. Pittsburgh, May lat. 1868:, L. _rnyl3:4l7 LessoLuntoN. • The partnership .heretofore existing between the undersigned, underthe style of - Knitn i ATRICK, BROett co., Was dissoffed on the eighteenth day of April, 1868, tkmutual, con Sent. The huitneas of the late Min velikbe settled by JOSEPH HIREPATPICK: at aloe eptner.Slith and Woo4etreeta.to.whomall payment/ will be teed° and all`elians presented for WILLIAM SUULPATMCE. JOSEPWRIEHPATRICE. 'JAMES PERSON. t.; Hay= 11611. •iIrvidin ptIISSOLUTIOIL—THE TEEM OF ATWELL, LEE &C was dissolved on , the of February. MS, by mutual consent. Either partner may slim the name of the Grin In settlement. JOHN ATWELL. CHARLES ATWELL. A. J. LEE. The underslp_ned will continue the WHOLESA LE GROCERY 131.T141-Ifh — ba, underthe name and style of ATWELL 3 LEE, at the oldplace, No. 131 Second street. A continuance of the patronage of their friends and the public IS reepectrolly solklted. - CHABLEO3 ATWELL. mhTnnS3 " A. J. LEE. ME MERCHANT TAILORS:, 1 McARDLX, • . • MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 93i smrrurtELDSTIMET, PIT'r9BURGII, Keeps coastaatZy on band a One aatortareat of CLOTHS,'I.CASSIMERES st.VESTINGS Also. GENT'S. SURNISHING GOODS. GENT'S' CLOTHING MADE TOORDER. the tateekstre.,. traMmEll • mumaitant. rezum, No.! 13 EIMPTEtt/ELD STlLEET..Pitlatairat, 'a. ' Gou:l4ly on'fiauCtt A! spokr..ent 0tar,01415, CASOXIBRIGS. igSTINGS,tc. . 11130:088 rn ' & CO" - .Merchant No. 34 Federal St; Allegheny Haim Just rcaeiteds lirgis sod well iteinfof stock of • 'TN* lorentrirsi GRI - "Ops; • SultOble fori first plan cu t otozit trade.'ooloo.ll44o . mock of Gzitr , s Ftrifffll3llMo MOODS. islfc LZ.i..:.l:Mii:..A.Mik• 4 100 WOCID-MUUCT. C1E1PA04901 4 .0 . AND . 77' QUEEPIIIWARE , 11111SES P LAM); k • • PARIAN.STATUETTE42 - -.- ` • • . tot h it o rtitis ip u 01 . 1 1 f, 7 3 .5 ,i• , • ~T • • E And other STAPLE AND rll,llol' „Slot/DN. : least:4*i vAlletr• 10# N 6- kkii) .'• = , , 1 ,..1„,11;; azokuk.Ro lama* co. LEX 1111110110INSILIBINv 3 1, . — ll 4 'i ti ;ii i ii , AlLL.:l2Lie2_r• : I Iln: IR, (Fourth Glash China Ware& AT a TIc.RN PRlQUirtanseridU 1 , -"' lint' Milt store ou naudv-acrium goods. " . , ORA,OBIR AIIVIPOS IP ttiosititiF. - t. wietratii chAb /I • p .;•, 4 I -10 1 4 8, 1• V tqi, • rA*II9IiI SR MAX i gh" -'' i n'' • inaraletrm tigv i t i . 2 I'7 •1 t ii , AVI- 4 .4" , • t,11.0" it !. .i 7l- 4, lo MLOACiinaf , rl 'zoo rs'x 1.1 • 114.0 I ' 'I , ;40. 4 M 1 11.7.Pr1T f t.t; Ltildttc,`) tg;,, 1,111-it , wtitt;t . ' If,,TV.P4 . :4 OI V • P%*.pg-gftSi . „11!).!" h .41LIER ftzta , :lbttnr "s?.OFtil BM =ME A'4 ( ' 4-46 • • AT-LiNcerBEST MARK-OF PRINTS TAT ISMe.-14GE.IT AT LAgc.— AT 1230. ESE= = AT.300. A Luge A. Large and Well Selected ,Steck, F r 1 myl4:o 87 MARKET STREET. 87 . IfIEDDORO-.1.-PIRLIP.S7, DitY GOODEI:: ~,,,, 180 & 182 - federal St., Allegheny: . Tit illitsfAliztam MUSLIN OOD GINGUAMS ,GLOVES,•(COLOIM;D3, ~~ LADIES , . STRAW ! Wait Of DRESS , GOODS: =MEE 4)Lci.itz' p, Ai,rAcCks. RE! LOBED WA:10Ir DELAINFS; ME :a :POPLINS; Cy pOpLINe, S GRAIN SILK, tc. 1 4 t . SILK PARASOLS. SILItI3IIN '•• , - COTTON SUN UMBRELLAS, Aitc • i ' a AT LOW'PRICES; IMiMsaie and Retail, IMUMM'S, 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. M .4 a -0.) C:. - ri2 . g. 4 ICO ' I IN r 4 0 Z spuiNG - OPENING ! M. Ittuctilletd. & C 4.1 (Successor to J GOODS, SPRING DRY GOODS. _stioAit,GOODS. 11111: PHILLIPS' iespeettelly attneetetes Shit the extetuitve alterettotte to hts • - BETAII4 7-DRY' GIOODS STORE Are completed. and: hit establishment 'Ls NOW OPEN. He offereartentlrety„ „ . 2(eut Sk;c7c of Dry Goods Yor Sprint arid linsdnele W`itse, it'the lowest East ernVase:rricee.a At 4 t. 4 " ' ; ' ,•••••••,8,7, CAIIIII4 - 311c0AtiblASSIsi Sys (LateWilsou, Carr &C 0.,) NUOLZEA,TAIINCALICIII3 ACK:- • reteliti:lol3 , olfiestk - ',l l O No.-“WOOD,STIIEWV- Third door above Diamond e:- i' , '-;IMPTEIBUIIGH, PA. ONSMITIZOBERUBS • .EUES*II: - 2110 "I; ",, • NT, u,: t4iiiectlonerrandatkin 900SittritihEilkirktit , Bet*i6o. Seienthl4o E~LAD `6B tothizaiiktikotr:attsciked= GEORGE RE*11116114,;1 " 0 11 .* 3 . 111 04400016 And dealer In FOUZIeN & AXBRICIAN ineurrii„ P/OKLIZ, NUTS --- 11110002:11hillsatit Sec o 4, 4 .r. fir, frP*..,COlrkinNsillout.i4nl4 s .7 t. 17 P° Aralefilailll 4 46kitilii ""4, Erg C4O, PENA M N 440 rei .T:31.1. .3 4 .1J.2•V 0! 3 i - n I.et '• • • 'I ••3 (1 i" • .P.'. i..f . t -. e ;011,1 'in! 7,1 ~ 1.-.1• 1..- flo-K: f) , 01 i !I tit. ALRFPNIMIErAig, .4 •.,Y o .l' t ' .2":- . A . r3f3 • i 3'.. il7i iftt,P , f 4.3 14,1 ' i , ti4A - ND7. , . .1.-impotki • ; 1111 I I:II - Ital.-inn+) •:u. .illis, Ant e .... .... 16 . 4m iliallailighOnbraMg* :sgAstrweitaa ~ • , -- 7 .1- 1.-- . - ‘ it, iiii‘ L "ll -4:!- - F-7- , ' *OM rkithOg i t i ginitatoo4 .; .„ '—• SHMALN. . - -- : , % - vPitti Jlikiiil4l.ll,4,ltrovirwrn r_Atrsoti 1 - NelliTt,r,,, . . .....1.4 v..: - e- 1 , ... , r - I - •- a..-. 1. 104-tt l fr,A 1 + os' 1. . 2 , ) , . ••••• i..... , " , '''', , 10 • : . ' -- : ; ; -4 :7 1." -• • , b' " ' 1 •fi co:it, t ~ •-ii., ~ 14 - '1 , ~ :171r+- 4 -1!/$.7.-.4- ~.t rrm,, prr-P.m - itoo •.. :- . .... •, • - sour • ~. .- . .- : - ' Fg. -, = - • - - - - CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS &O. 101 1113 # 2 1 11 4Tr X 7,, 9 aettaiIVISIITSI Aiverr4.oertlq= LiPti 0; 7.4 White 4 3rancy Striped And Check • • - • JTJEr4 - 11.1.PORTED. ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, ~• •• -..IIO , BItIGHTEST COl:tad; • "':' 'Pries -tha,Lotrest in We Market. irk " mos • • ...4111FEPTHErrliZET. above Wood. PRIII If36t?; giraPiinkr°K 68. 18 -:•:i • (I. ••••• LARGE '.•ASSORTMENT, Atlvutaitfti•' LOWEST,VRICEB.IN-TircCITY SPECIAL INDTIONNERNTS TO THOSE, WHO BU ~j 21 'Fifth 'SbidiseA mhShd&w7 'OVER RATES & BOLL'S. .. WE HAVE Ju ST RECEIVED, • ---iretyrgraten- • Of our • own Direa Impoitation, LATHE' NEvrEst •AND OHOIOEFF PATTERN OF THE CELEBHATED -•. , JOHN OR01381•Eir ENGLISH TAPESTRY • , BODY BRUSSELS, FOE PARLOUS • AHO HALLS • . _ . . , • , -WEIN IieFAII,LASD . & COLLINS Ti AND 73 FIFTH ST, (Second Flo Or.) an7riTs&T • , Ei 0 c:s 4 M 1f36f3. 1111. :. R!!!!. We are now " re_ misdn,reson - oat own snxtedher lastunlieUryles s W,tlY9.q/4 4!4' . . FLoQrt. . CLOTH S , • CARRIAGE; TIIIINITITIM TABLM'AIIR WINDOW SHADE OIL.. mom& Of EVERY DESCRIPTION. Also, a full ltne of , Tzar sparest lksindowr Shades, • Stiade ' • Tassieliii . COrrlay, &e..- WOLESALE AND' AIL BUYERS will find i n d PURCHASED lAS LOW C D .k1.11Z&II.F 1 1 4 11E, WER; THAffi.CAN and styles second to none: , 2is3:aB6 • '4B AlliG RR ST.-CLAIR o `. g 34' CARPET BEATING • - ESTABLISHMENT . ' Which TEN YEARS , TRIAL in New-Ybtt end etl er Euteratitles Ann pared &complets'aucceas. . • • /*IS Itsi-dreding end Stankaie" - ireeedeldetetie4.old ed. • Stdi t o t iggn=rlecel,"7 moths or their larvae, ~ . .8 4. . I ' . Licooksmataritv, 6111,1 Oil , " !WWl,' ila ... 7,;t l l i e ~ natural an DeVetpacrta,iLaidiiiit il:ial *l "i 4 - th ArM —Wll- , - 'I ta& zostter'tOor -mere' point 0 . long -11 a "U lu 'of looks.. • f - ,,1 -... ,-, p., ;t. economy. to eaf a° if,l ' - Lbllniiti Lii'eitt T OE ( 10 i1 c4. t -.. A.r., .... . Liberty Sheet' ; Or Addreflettd . R. , o , li4.l.474 Mill Melva prompt igtention., - • • I . 1 `-`' 10 11 $ 1 04 1: :1" , ;;1 1 ;f” ti.'noturcicoit' mh10: 0 1 .-0 . St' 1, • ,- • .__ ._ .... •• _ . -Btrlfollff "EsLeg), - -PPao,,, ~ :41- 1:: ..Yl,!':^j'i:li.. , •! •'I (Eli i." VLV' I , 7 C . - • - 7 . - Bthoinatiker t if 4 43iiill - iflitedat'iPlafio s . _ -• - •11••': k- .. 11.51r1 .4,/ , i; " , .t. 11 1 ,. . -::;101.i. AND Meer eintAeg ORGAN - Th e e 130HOXIL0KIIR iTANCI eiehtdiiile 4 aIY - ilie •isteSS.;:i n dDtinore .i,tiseana_ An; the , eon.' fir 54404.9 • okra ..1 41 6, azer tow always p a it s ' the hi ' dhereyer 'ex•• Id tad: ate tastily lb Irifessik.lTlte woriPluallslatorrdurraWlinuipase • all eers; ces then scso vi Vp° style and I, vites : ' re , ed" And Ctedijaditi;4l.•,--;: , - N . tit; ! :it 3tiiiiii ' iiiiittlilitlatZW Maile r f i lf r i., 1 : duelnehe mese pennon pl.po ' -idle ,Wet minter budrr ake-mit i .••dt Is plia- „ It a Mid torepaCtin eedd'iroeudrk. linii,il,l:l l 4.&!? *et oat or cede . . ' ' - - ' Ch 4n: _l n VaIreIIUKILNA 0 Is Is only_ to, he . fauadJaAhls ; Organ. ' ea . Itldetto ig: All - ggentatoodlorrtrol , i , .7.g , 4BARkINAKIhfir a , z-, iiitdV:w .11- , io If 7: irtg Vii St. Vida eninef. ! Opp' Utiilliiika . -M .'t• i'• ,z0.1113.6.,1e , , _ 1 rrAysollsos l al/sT moi.!•; , - I.FF 1 1 ,114 , , , ni4infilinintrtlifffitlallitertipt. , V.5:1:1 .. ..7./1 1 17% .. 71 " 7 -T .'t In perfect order, tromps to 1111430. - - r !3( . 1•t trA27 - i3ivti.. , sl . lt p.<“ ,., c4•.. 4.1•.•,,, - . !, • ' c BLMIM,. WM': ''' l -" , ‘ '4WlPlrtii at' door above Wood. 1.. ..._ 122 oprl,-,-1..- ; t -.-i 4.. , 'l ~ 0 .30n4, !' • NVPIT I C, I I i rti Pcw hiill9 Fii: SE' F{F Ft t Ci Vir , i'.lllfitaMber f fitiedillrOlkiii:'''' 5 . -) 1 15 ofrPlaftir .': , et ' c.cf..;- Itsie 3 4 'it' i1e6 46. ' ' l. - i t* and Step Stones, s for 81 - .'" Irsulte.seBi.flisug 11 Orders rircullitlr executed. VAM - 7 , - 1 - 11111, :-.:- - ' • SIOOCKYMIOAItif -gm ri , ql • oNA:wow% iggliftuaz. i : ' '''r ,6l l3llEolit:sl , lo # vir. " 0 ' : x:1 k• - ;ql.l:tiqvilf; eta-, f.'f• vgi tivro T .-re, ' lat tratPall);. Wat i Nliik_ ol 4o4 1 4 1 4fArAilt• 1 yA -,i liffiggoletogiymoa iiu041 4 ;1., 1 ..„. . r ~ . , . 4 - o.lllp.tpc:liill-rj: f 411 Zig U k 44,11-14- itinVelliatilkiteW 9 'l ) ) =At/ Lravao ni. - ilift ~.'A.) It Innel ibithi .1 4114‘ , , 140.4044 11 N741k4ha151* ion. ilinistimad. ileedsien. jig i ll iti t i t iq ' TRwisuicks jiw ---NpnoNs. .. i a s tkes:lll 1 I• ' ., Pi +-T = l . l ..0 , k . - t., ,';' _.l . t,.., ,;: 4 J „.„.... * - : C 1 ir ti ‹ , :..., sew ~ ng ..: k •?,1 ~. -,,,.. 4 Silk Fringe. ..r. - ii4-ik.L .- -Auilla A 'itats. ii 1 - A PARASO --I v ji FIIINGEII,-BEADEThi SATIN - clUp PLAIN. ~ ir ..._ . ,TC4Fro t litlci I:1 ;7 . r, ..., ti 1 0- 1...., . pownorge, 1-,. , AND evmplimf. 1„ .... , -PAPER COZIARS & CUFFS ' l 7 Faiiliiii sl6i * ri : liz i sTr.i t scirc. :t 1 LADILIEJef Itt*DMARGII3.--CHE3I- ISE, Dtil.ANZa;Daq'AMltl AZIOVW.A..MTS. Ic 1.100X11:15KIRT8,.. 's.• "I . 4f,lit....,iii irt ie t iiiiii: c 1.... 1 Qtra . ... 4 2.3aP , 1, /5 11631 r1.,4 1 7111 t, • , Fine ascprticleut. pc FOMEI ) ITEM--,. .`: cc , " 2 ' 144iNkintiYA - TISSITE, ETC: New GoodglArritAng.Daily. 'J.._ - . .1.7:..17,7- - 'l-?T11.1 1:31: 'I: ,111.:',.:t MUMEOn*CILYI)2),&;CO I' ' ' r3 fir itnet*ltspitteiptree, ' opievNi4=. ..,t, - rre'r - .1 r •, tip • s .' ig4/I' 24 P , t' , • 4 46 1 1 47 8 .1. canna_ s4h T4I2II3ELS. "ORN.A.MENTS, acv - • - • = • - - ;) --;743t.; Ribbimas, - 1 of :all .!deborlidianir,f -444/0 4, Ficmfer!,- ••:1 Ekitinet ':Grap6.9311.u•E10p57...• • Siilss and'Satitis - ; I,- • . Velvet4 , all4 -Lades; ParMpp, Sun Umbrellas. &LSO,. a Flay,llle of .. Whiter Goods; EifnbroidetiO,' :Hosiery dad Gloves, j { • - ..FreholkliVavonfCci , skirts, LINEN AND RAYED, COLLARS, CUFFS, c. , I x RIEIENBAUM;SITINTWIT:4_CO PBELLADELPIEV EMPORIUM'. . 78,34174CFM STREET., - -- pErurror*.rtinsG.;:; c 7 KID GUM= - "A. C. ”11- is) 4-• - , -4 4 . • • : - :;,. 7: 4 ICIII . OVE IV Which is now eeniplete with every color and etude. In addition to oar ownspecial importation of the Celebrated A. C - C. (detain) KIDS, We have secured the exclusive sale of the "flaring' 180t,finttleehli 3Fraiiii;olC' The beet Glow-loa* pawl, MACRUM & (W 11.12141; 19 FIFTS STREET.' apil M4CRIUTIA 86 . , C4,IWVALF, 19 , ,iVifth.;Street Row offer the most elegaiii :IWO et S,AII~~ttRE~S • • • Ever:opened tn•itittahursh,..to which thereekedollY Invite the attention their 'testae:Lem ihe de alms are neaTly_all new and ortalatid about 0,47111211.15 z TIL&N , fREG EMCEES. ACRID]," Aw CARLIIILEk - ' ' • .:,lq WTI/STREET. • Have just olthie l, fit s4isdes of 11,137,V10N AIM ;EDITOR" FAINGES; , • Quito AzuwaiNass. !IT ;.1 . , .. -. trtlaVANl*ol ~1 i - :, ___.; . ' T he meters ed kkauln - iltiove. , - d 414 sole ALgou or r the sale of e warmed' , ,•-• •• • COPLICY,POT CUM : f. ~ , t >l-! , ....., Are Wired Ir a j oe turolatt it, :twang „wont • theta g to be 'severity article ...: 1 4 ring years ;use oft is Ca we lost , o,aret • , lik i. at raeti Meet aeirti- **yes malieeit evltitte article pots . triariitii_Ktae market ., we ring ; saluteregeHtte _ :ad - at' trix,stgirr - And molegul.: : Vie ••IdaterMeutteeelpits the `•p r tlon of the mixture ankle crag to r pa lag. ,Trie, , civ grotuittapk id - n lump lb delivery— , • Au; ii• • -,•-- ',-; - : .-1 -- :, •:./ ; - I t. -,, AMIGI4ID G 2; ilt, 130 N... ••• 1 ~ ... ~• , 1 , i Yort Vitt Giatelrorkk • : .. • , .:-, , svi - . tixte:..,, if street. PI tsbiustli, . . 44,0000 , - 1i —7r ~x i'4 - 1r41 1 0t47c*,) , - , vmee, p. 10 lai t earautt_t. _Room Iroi ta3/Al ta Mm Or zura4Y lorry. ass, Jai ittagitmnv dened . Mtioa d enipasolieltiedigAir o rgy 0 DRAW. for lll.ft crgy 4 . :{ Wutir IVAN :I i •.'• . I IMILIWir;i: / 1• • ..-:- ,t ~ L ILELT. I - -,t ll • W ABBUTeT U N EV F P X 3 4 I % I , ~1, „I. • ... itoickvitainhatoraii i t idevsp r 4; IC 7 fl:Witl iiir 4toicuisartemorir, A atilipliriiit e tUt t _ giblOnercit r ' tees,aaluirse4l' zumea'ailL kinikrUtgied, anti , 1 0 01 3 1, " Alt 0 'tootle°. -,.. ,, ,, , , - t ,-, J,.., , TOE: CAvsyziJvvo 7 11.,( cr;, 411;„1 :1:i siwszsunuisim-•auswritilsbkatt s b. Litz: ;sl - ... L ASUIPBAIttreat Bridge wIIL re- InultblinstitilaZg li t , rtePf; e rff4 2l ,LlA FRU' :ti..a.,".‘ , r.t. -:•' ' 4ti l ' ~ 1 -,.„ I : ')4 • ~ 4 . 1 -, ..•;1.1 itrA i • •i IV PT' , --A. 0 , ~.. . - . „.„.„ ' *tab — Wel.corlVAt 414 -,T,ia ~....a. ~• _.,.. ~,., t .1 .4-:...:-.',--7. - ~.,i 1.-- ••?-0' a r=r3 tiotatiesiiittertkitidietti Orvieto promptlYattented to. i spl8:t!• ib*flwrGES, BE I Mil IMIEM =UM =EI