11 • U El I . „ . As. ViaINEE, Prefot ..... _WPoarza, PITTSBURGH FORGE I. 4 Bar Iron; Railroad Pis* Bars and BoRIF, Railroad Car Axle% Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Loeomotiye Frames; Lorain4llPo Irraine . !shape*: Side Rods; Yokes, Straps; Piston Reads; •• ; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; I Phdon Beds, WrloiN Pitman Jaws, Collars. de." i a ' Office, No. /77 PENN .STREET on Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT Iron Welded Tntkig for 9ait, Stein), Water, - - OIL WELL TUBING. OMee, 98 Water and '132 First Streets. ti..1):011 ENSUNTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BIACK MAIsiI7FACTIT OF WI Best Cpmtpon, Chatveal AND . . JIINIA.TA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT B HOUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP_,JUND T e a nd ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. • • CYLINDER and GUARD or eINGER IRON. SMALL 'l' RAII.,_S 20 and 10 Iba . to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIR'S and SPfl for same. PLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON.' NAILS AND SPINES. ..• Warehouse and Office at the Woecs, GREE.N. °UGH STREET, (a continuation of First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh: • EVERSON, PRESTON & CO. Pennsylvank Iron Works, Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 107 FIRST STREET, opposite 3lonougahela houseaD24:d6, PITTSIII7IIGri. STEEL ' WORKS. I=l SIIEFFIELD STEEL R' Rp i UNDER, & ca, PITTSBIIRGII, PAL. Itanufacturers or every description or . MAN , _ , ~ .... CAST ANDtERSTEEL; RAILWAY SPRINGS,ELLIPTIC AND-PLATFORAISPRINGS. - , ; -.. AXLES. STEEL TIRE, &c..,:-&c: , Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sts. ap16:087 pITTSIIII7II6II STEEL WORIiCS. ANDERSON, COW( (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD & C 0.,) Manufactunrs of the BEST BERNET *CAST STEEL, SQUABEEAT and OOTAGONI,of A ll sizerSA PLATES, OE. PORK aAd WIEST CAST W CAST ST L_lor • ST kessphsic a ms2 Slotziw • •, - ex!e., " c l i r rtniais, ace., &a Cast and Common Plow & Spring-Steel.. Oftice—orner FIRST AND ROSS STREETS, ilea blocks above the Monongahela House. • 0c23:d9 I&,P.f GIMBAL Pt.I3.T2TEES: , • WM. METCALF, f REUBEN MILLER,' ezo. W. BARR, I CHAS. PARKIN. SruniiPasTNAß--S. M. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, - , BARB a C Pig,talikr, Office, No.-339 Libertt St;-9 fe13:44:9 PITTt3BLIEGII, LACK DLUPIOND ItTEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO 5 Manufacturers of all descriptions of ISTMEME.. °Mee and Warehouse, 120. 122, 124. SECOND and 110 and 121 FLESTSTREETS, NE'IFI"IWID r rMtie govsE. LINDSEY, STERRIT :Bum; Manufacturers and Importers of A- 3Eit _ CUTLERY, &C. 887 LIBERTY STREET, coamtn or WAYNZ, 4 One Square Below Eldon Depot, PITS • 5. 1 t iirAgents for Pmenort e , • • swam! , 1,A1.; 11111USSRFASS . ; 'imnlf ST., bet. Tininet s • ' - • - Gunsmith at Dealer inli --- mtatoarti Tint clans toodr doter! • ' hand andaojtistthelowestptines. tannin, on snot notion,' - 4 ,• $ ; :11.! gailfgrbgai 43 [UNIENks 6 .„,!-771.77,71‘-----, BARR* , simmr Bovsz Assomenom strgztures. se& • and • 80. Clair. Stied, Pltteberio, Pe. Beeelil sttesitioe gins to the desicalag sad ballollhe OOTIST HOMO and rvazawmansee. ^ • - • - - • " ~. " ,ARc,ft. ,;„ - „ • ''":4.1411 4Vg 1 „pz,,.3.,, , k. • " . - • • • AND IRON CO., =I DI ARATFACTIIIIIiRS OF` ;-; PITTSBURG/3:i P • :1! ERS & CO" MANWACTUR.ERS:r AtSO, =I PITTSBURGH, Pa. -, iii pf'TjflyßQa ' MEI . :... T AKE surraion.' teOOFTEB Mit& anfinnadnil worze, PARK, MCCUHDY _rwmuigiumais,..„l do Manatee torero Jot Ofie4th _l4 ''ls4 , if 44 - , in c oPrek P ft e at l iourg"Plißl= A"Lw.l l , nt i t a c iP lLV l Tl ler rieni al taginizi e 3i7e4t lll "_ l 74l Warehouse, No. 1 !0;!1882 EiTMEAT owe/1111 ,szooND 4TREET,Pittobursh. speptalordero orCopper ant to 447 414144(441-1 .11111. 4 ;e 'd ES 1a (MK STEMILBIZEICEIgi iIfOIOIPNCEIUkio/AS. it'EAT,m110111111t.iIIII„, tr=innimm ail s o juk Ili N ii 014 Vii.tll# I a - r.t ATT 1 ) 4.11** , :lf Ale, r and . SW: ATLAS 3"?;::; ~ MORTON STREETt Ninth virgr c i, THOMAS N. MILLER, ihiestaent 'These Works are amang_tlie'laries complete establishment! la the Weal, sad 4 son Engines, of evet42iiese rlptlom ~, 10 0 115 9144, On l'aisks.' I Sheet-tetnricoik: ' "' Rallioad Cennizsga:. ••• Rolling Mill Castlagi; ..4 I Engine Castings.; • • '". • . . Gea . • foRDERB aNacrizt) +'3~ NATIONA!,.. pplillig)HT:. -• l' - , AND PIPE WORKS. NA, Corner Carroll and aniedirnan l!lf,reeta, (NINTH WARD) \ •,- -, . i —...-, .)._'''.ii):•ft: .Prirsiitilti '4.lx, 'l"..a:ii")lltq,' - ' pl 2,':-t; WM. SMITH' ,-) •v:i ........,...,..„. ... • . ~...,... ;,.. 1,,, • , li IR 2:i )1 • Maztufamturer of, L.} Ar, "CA ST - litaßt'l3o • .. • ~,, ,••••,,,rilp, ron pee: Want& UN:WM : ',.? ,AI4P , L. 11,910 My Pipes are all east lurarlablz in Pits 1 .1 1 ,9 . sand, and 12 feet lengths. Also, full asso, pig tot % i General Castings far Gas and Waterlaikr.4:l I would also onitthe attention , of Soerlitdridentai' of Gas Works to myrnake of $E r • ~, ,-, ; i ~ feig:tle • ~ • •• UM XNAPIFORT PIII FOUNDfireo CHARLES }MAP, IPre J.IL }MAP. 'Plea President. ' O. JR. WADE,, dee s yl Enginilet lumi Trene'rq..r . t 6. !MAP, General sta M nsiger. it F : ira brilECTOnSt JAMES B. RAY, of Lvon, Sttot & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER. of J. Painter d Sons. ti C• B. aER RO.N.or pina: Chalfant a Co. n, THOS. S. BLAIrt, of hoehberger & Co. Wit. METCALF, of Miller, Barr it Parkin. itAxtrrAeirsrazs Or Gs. Rolling Mill and Blast llldehineky. REToSTS and lOASTINGSof every descalplon. ER NEST'S NAIL MACHINES. fe24 L/IL. O. LiVilcOBTor.Nr. 11. Inint.W. A. sosrssorqS. FINGSTON & CO., IRON POMIDEELS, Pi' H ANITFACTOREILS OF 11 PINE LIGHT CASTINGS,"O All descriptions, for Plumbers and Oa* Fitters: AR. rloultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen MW chlnety, All JoblVork promptly attended to. t Ofilee and Worka—WASHINGTON near Outer Depot. Allegheny City. Pa.AVENUE,. 801112180111', REA & CO., , succes.ora to RoamsOs, 3lrms NriLEILS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH, fMainfacturers of Boat and Stationary ' Steam Zn hlnaertin Bustt, tfugints,u3llll .11achin.ery Gearing, Stine. IfallearBarillg= "ort. Tail" "11 Once. No. 1.511, corner Fleet and Smithfield Streets. feeding Bolters. GAUD'S YETENT JECiigtrAbr lifoNTAlliC FOUNDRY. Butter Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Unica iron 3.(lLiao ' 111.2.SEVAGE. Roll,ing Mill and Biridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, lILAciLLYEILT AND CASTINGS orxr.B.ALLT. err Yells promptly and careiutly executed. Charges reasonable. .7.1 EBBERT & MAMMA _cK . 13:1.28 BE R Mum a; sots. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Ifsoufactpse,N4 keep copitaptlroa basyl Thimble, Skein and Npe Boxes, WAGON BOXEs, DOG MONS. SUGAR ICILITLES,, HOLLOW WARE, And 6ustln ut T HOBIAs .X A RLILai. , CO.3, Fourth Ward, Foundry,aud jliactquo 4Varb, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. PA.. Presses, or Steam Engines. -Oil Presses, Pul leys, Shafting. Grist and haw Mill Worl;• Haling Mill and Machine Castings; Grate Ball, Weights. Wagon Boxes, dc. Sulfa- to order and have on hand Engines at all sizes. invl44s CENTIEW. FOIIIXINRIF AND ROLL' WORKS, 880 Penn Street. BotuAN, ..sQlra RiGALEY ==m1!!!!ImI FULTON MACHINE WOBITC EeTA/0.001.10 IN /838. , -Iffebfee STEA.II rzrorsEt, e sze/ ; V and olseth!. mo st 84.liarS paatut3rll4oAliranital? p&NO4 1 :17/13. 5 A variety. of 10, 111 are Whores power INES, will be fold a t very reduced prices; • P. F. GILISSE: Wellevlllo. 0. Fifty Wales & B be/ow f',4telromb, 911.40)0o2trerrowd: line of C. mega& ip) 3 4 2: ;TAU SAIRrEL WICKERSHAM =on BROKER 124 Flrit'Stireet, Plttanurgh,Pa.- . . Agent for the sale of Cornstalk _'Dongbilnitre,-...T0..c sephlne. Isabelita. Dancannon btantite,' Glendon, and saber brands of Antbr:olte, 2' rpagbibllbellY Coke and C. B. Charcoal '•' ' ' '... ' • 1.. . . ' PIO XRCl2iffik, ' ' , Consign/Resits! bbiktVera.XePPeelltalY icillAted• COPPE B.MIMEm,O PITISBUESH, aosigo 'Swam Mum I , _ 2tlC. .4* DIE WDL HAIINHILL & CO., -BOILER MAKERS AND 'SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 2104 - 113, 34 AND 36BENNAT4 Having secured a large yard and furnlithedit with the moarapproved machinery, we are_nrepared to Manufacture every deacrintiOn of , IIOMENS ad the beet manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country . . Chimneys, Breechinjf. Fire Beds, i slem Locomotive Boners, ndensers_, Salt Pans, Tauk,s,,oll,BLUls, Ireton...Settling Pens, Boller Iron o_Bridgea, Bo Paint,And ioleassan faclurera ofßarnhlll's Pa ent Boilers. Repairing done on the aborted notice. 1a.5:c21 MANUFACTURER OF - iRON SETTLING PANS, COPPER sTKAU PIPE, I JAM.= X. BRIM( ................. S.D.IMND D. BIICSII. . JARED M. BRUSH & SOIV, • . 114, N0r 1 CT0R4163 OP. Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. MEET IRON WORE; 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, eitkOK BISSELL it CO.'S POB BITUMINOUS COAL . Warranted to Cook Bake or Boast as well as any., ogler , Store En the talon. • • BISSELL di . CO., • No. 235 s X.4ibeNy Strtac4. hind and ibr site,• • _ • , PARLOR STOVES, • • HEATING STOVES GRATE PRONTB,PENDERK ~ COOKING AANGEG. !C. • .--.. CUJEALPEST. PEACE ln the city • •TO BOX IF W . d, TRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, list No. 146 OKANT STREET. I=l LEY ngSON & NATURAL LUBRICATING 4 PaCia l •„ . . , . : Settled In tank, and prppared expresslLpgr RAIL. ROADS, azd ALL' CLASSES . OP 3tAon/DIERY. 9ueurz c,133.443rTEEp 1,41110R1L., sa-Proposals 1o; quaailtles enitcited. . . No. IST. Wood Street, rcotndEnbt Elli/1.6124b04" ap.ll:pld OF WARTA* ALMIIi KING; ,' comilithiaton me r raanti aid Brokenta Petroleum and Its Products, CIALZELL'S BUILDINGi DUQUESNE WAY, prmistratas, PA. - PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, • 'WARING KING & CO., 127 Widnitt Street. TACK HA°7ll/"18, tiOMMERON, =WW I % ";.. • : AND DEALERS IN Petroleum. and Its Products: pit..buigh OthecoLDIEEE'LL'i EMLDING, car- Afki i3rDthluesnt I WarAnd /mitt istitets. . 8913103 . ; JACOB wzAvse,„ 6 jr..14,4"., I g.) I oiCteithitieif* traittifriey " :: ' :: t ievNo,IOI7III74IINIF.AKAT; wilr..beriad sell Ornde ' e tite ci A l kotr e rti l ur,LVp 4 l4 . petett ita d enabler us to area Zap a- 411 u d f ...ents to operators. As hermit.) ed to mate it th e interest of bnyele rind s e i= 174M/rive Inv i t ed all. Parties twins Mister sale Are coratally t o bring their siiies. - ! L ONG & • , MANITPACPUBERB OP All PIIBE f Attlyij:4l .4 . .. { irdari*.iiholiour i p alfmmi az!: 3.1 IE4II ,ag W4TiltiAl . 14 .torsuvankbaidt IJ-0 LUBRICATING OILS. Na laT. MAIM Mrpx. , 7-1 ' PITT§BuR,G.n. GAZ . , • T.YEURSDAY. MAI2I 18 • ;IPA 13 FIRT piTT . . , `BOILER, STILL AND TANK ...c.),„; ,____,.._ : .. 'CARROLL & SNYDER, • , . ~A sftrpAcidmikiliciii. l ' A V 7.o3listAa, DOUBLE-PLUED TUBULAR, FIRE , BOX' AN CYLINDER, STEAM 80/LEES. etc STILTS AND • OIL TANIO3 0/014WEYBIblE,x_if,CAM.-40 mir4 , l4 - 4, ,:i. IBETTLING Az/mi . -SAL r •Pkbrei: - AND ' tom* ' . DEMBERS; f Int •BRLD E PIP M . •tif ES, GAEOIidTEE9 - AND 1r lEON • ! ; ~ • . ' . nusosi toobillAinrco.lL`silittitio-1 - it i *pee and =root cU.str74gibdoud.ll! ~ Third, S 'did be ---- wintwa,.) - 7 7 - • PITTSBURGH,' 1:ra: ARP. OrdearimitoT ttni *Po,* MAP:n*4, Promptly a 277. MORItOW....JAB. B. . 11 . 1 . 11 ZPLUZZ... . ..14.8. BLAIR. ty IIURAIAOK EICTIOILS4 ,MORROW BARNA:ELL & CO., •, , autlitm,ibrotiowttr,, , Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TARES, GASOIIkETERANitROUGHi IRON BRIDGE, SHEET IRON WORE, &a. Cr.io Liberty and Seeptad Rte., PITTSBURGH, PA. iEPAlß fNpiptomplardone. JAMES M. RITER, 55 - cend SC *ater &rid PrITSBITROH, PA., BOLLING MILL STACKS, and MEET IRON WORK'. For. Steamboats. STOVES. CET THE BEST. TRILTAIPH., ' asiumwasmair *oft MI FORT N. BANIiING No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000. ollections made on all accessible taints in the tad Butes andEsnadais.- • - DIRECTORSL.,„--- -- P . Hostetter, - duo. C. Risher. amen Gorgon., •-. ~, ratobt, 1 1,4,g, , ~. . ~,-. waibtogo - ,,t ,)r , .. .t.Sitadrear-amer- - Fawcett, 4amesift Batley. , r SAM . 7,Mt, __ eC- X. " 14; !-IL"r , 91Pires . 'S. D. LEE* w1L15014 Cashier, i i • . I . I EYIIIITON.IE No. 203 ÜBE* :Simi ICAPPUL, (authorised,) : : ; : $200,000. DIRECTORS. R. J. I..ynch, Wm. H. D'andlton John Murdoch, Jr., lienryllocketoce: William Espy, Geo. T . Van Doren. Samuel Darealey, T, • - A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS EMI o DenfteildeeStitallsz i a d de czi n a a d l a. l acceseible points in the Interest Allowed okyline *posits. ~... .UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H.J. LYNCH, President. - GEO. T:: 'Alp ' DpllElll bU r . '!?STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, NATION&RAF town Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sta. . CAPITAL, DIRECTORS: lA,:liatierson, George W. Cass, Wm. H. Brown, ; James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart. ; Win. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick,. . Bee. liyteate, ; "04 • DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT H A. HART, CACGREY & CO., BANKERS AND 8R(4.,--; Corner Third and Wood Streets, pri . irsi3rrnGrt: (SUCCESSORS Ti) HANNA, HART & C 0..) MUER& IX • Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to tl e ,purchnee. and sale of GOVERNMENT ,BONDS Sight Drafts on London. _ . N HOLMES & SONS, , f . 57 Market Street, pigmts.uvrtitimi, Collections made oh - ali the principal pointa of the United States and Canadaa. - • Stoehs, Bonds and other Securities BOUOHT AND SOLD ON COXIMSiON. salPeacrllculor:sttentioa pittd to the porch ate and Vxkited States Securities ja3:l:al - NVmw z • _ -- igN BAY rg-s RANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTEn. ED 1886. Interest paid on Time Deposits ANY . SUB RECEIVED PROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT • •• • •INTEREBT. • • Discounts Daily at 12 o'clock. I *.iildent—THOlM;ON_ BELL, ~ia~ , e.uu.- , . DI7ICTOD.B: _ THOMPSON BELL,. A. 14-.11/103MALL: .1•08. DILWORTH.,JOS. ALAREE. J. ‘T. GILLUM. I, . . StockholileM to 'ikon we, make retbrenee:_ Wm. Forsythe,. . Joseph i Wm. Caldwell, ~ t e 'Rev. IDavld. Kerr, Willis Damell —, . eery Lambert.. D. 39. O. Bldwello, : ; A. Al, Broom; . • E. gr. Fultn. Thomas .Ewlar. , ~At, A ßkd t t. ~ f.-' 'l4i.iitiii.to ESTABLISHED IN 1837 W 3 s "U T H "11%° p ~E~BLI, DEALERS INPOOVERNMENT' SECURITIES. - • 7/...;1 • g'lB4•loB:oollVerted.liiitiO 5401 = ,_• • . I " I633 UNDAIOLD!: Boinitii and sold on g_onushokm. *n o t , 2r York. TIME PAPER NEGlorpr' INTEREST Awrlp mem A • • - D 0)1 nyr • • DyEEEN kin : OP GOLD . , ved on Ihroratil ' telt • • A131A1811584'.° -433431481771121 t- 411311 " 1914 41'11°1; • :188 - • ,mill M E4P : 1,1 9r.:1 11 - 1, .' *0.14 eiraitaiguelaiStatiiiitif:°.... ~~~':r : c~- _e LEI E g li . , INTEREsT PAID 001 k i o n t , gium, :11/KICTXD Pito)! 921 g POLCOttri,WAlri. '141.41 riceked inmelt,Ao cbeek ? wllhour lattwita ;Nita /41.4.g1.41.+ tr=4lLAClllXOWPresldezit. 4. 7; 7 . 7 11"e're i guila gel= 1311411"7111. .:1111101Ware, Jarman. Booklas I Jamas sown ~ 1 416 . -Tdr. Bradshaw. . Oa= maws Wm, I Jolla . 1.,.., ....rtr , vpm.- - • ,, 0w . m,mmtm,1. 7 .•:.,, • FRNANCL:IL STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS TN . ME . . VERNMENT. SECURITIES, AND COLD.' 'REST ALLOWED O TESE DEPOSITS. prrranustimr, VROCILICTED. , , JFFICE OFTI#H PITTEiaIfiiGIC GAItEYTE, WEDNESDAY, May 20, 1868. .The gold market,was arm today, arid_ hid Vouched I$9X, but 'became weaker, and sold down to 139% to 1393{. The con tinued herny eldfftitelitaitlf.:l3PO4,o: Eu rope havirredueed-ther amount floating on the market to a mere trifle, and so soon as the Trealury disbursements and sales are below the amounts := ricitilred Thr shipment than a demand is made on the stock held for speculation,a nkconsequently,,,a . rise, of the preminrit.lislihre Government securities were very firm, and had 'advanced 1,( per cent. on last night's prices, but at the advance, there were some large sales to realize, and a re action °reboot per cent. took place. The girl lisues, available in Europe, and Ten Forties • are sought after in preference to - the new issues. It is quite likely that 1864 bonds will be'regalarly quoted in Europe, and to that end foreign bankers have been - free buyers of them for some time; the - small amount, about fifty millions of cou pon bonds and a like amount of registered, comprises the whole issue, will make them better available for apeculation, and a lively traffic may be carried on in thern. Goyernments have now reached such- a high'nriceihat_the investment demandfor them must be confined to the money cen tres of the country, where money can be had on call. In stocks the market is remarkably quiet for this season of-the year, where prices generally advanced before the regu lar patrons of Wall street go to the country. • Money is easy of/ call or first claas secures -ties, but tong paper is not wanted, ex c./44 accompanied by bond and mort gage. In local.securitaes but, little iadoing,.ex.: cept some inquiry that is made for Colum bia and Triumph oil stock at 103 i, and 750, respectively. Business is improving, and a better feel ing pervades : all : cl aaani; ; espeetailv those Who had been out of employment nearly all winter. - With good crops, toff:Which' the prospects are good, a good fall busi ness is likely to be done and by larger ex ports of cotton;-'a 41i10141173 now estimated at 2;4 million bales, our foreign balauct ;against us .may ,be ma terially reduced, and prices bPought back to the old standard, pre_ enormous emi gration west increase the pro' ducts of the soil, and relieve the eastern towns of a population which they can well spare. Closing quotation's{ 'received fly - Ph. Mertz, were as follows:' Cold, 139 N; 1881 bonds, 1143 g; 1862 5- 109%; 1864 do, - 10ft /865 do. 1083);; Cons2oB/ Consols, 110 X; 10•40 s, 104 y,; 7-30 s, 107 N. Bailr oadOlevelsuid & Pittsburgh, 84k; Fort Wayrie,lo7%; North Western,conamon 66g; North Wes teria"-preferred, 76N; New York Central, 128 N;-Brie, 438%; Old South ern 86%; as &-hlissirssippi, 29 3‘; Mer - Clialo lJniotiExpreas;2lNf Western-Unioa Telegraphrx -Mining Shares—Corydon, 25; Quartz Hill, 95; Quicksilver, 29g. --The SeVen Thirties now eutsfandliag amount to about one hundred and sixty three millions, and the Flye Twenties are so much aboveiiari- hat there Is no longer any danger whatever of that "Seven Thirty dead-lode(' which • lias so long been the great;danger of the financial situation. The Compound notes were a,reduce a cilast month by only about a millionand a half. On ,the 15th of this month, heowever, twenty *VViiiillionarnOre,Wilfliecome due, and in their payment will be issued the remain ing tiienty-two millionscif `thee cent. " eerti ficates•authorized 2d -March, 1887. The' twenty-twe millions of maturing Maycorn pounds will carry about four and a half millions of accumulated interest, so that sacral millions ' the Compounds will have to be paid in cash'. 'Those 'persona ,PlioNish to se cureAlgtvoprtqleatep shOUld therefore make ilarly : application, as _it IS reported that`'"trit/' 4trbashry le - lainitrik the' - seerttseatea in pa • ' thainteresz. Hence the holder of one lion of compounds, if he 41/IfeiliiirtillieN will: , receive about 111,200,000.0 thr:es!per9onts. An,estlori hs 'the new uk y raised td whether thtVtitiyikilk` mead 4 i!ese tiPetifteldepshE*l -010144040441****40 Nl*. le * : Ilrady •j bold 113814. S. fl'e, iBMie, 114* -s•2oii" "MN it" 14314.- /865. ,„ / - VaimVey and " • * ,"'l.tvrlt**4o'll,_*Tautiary and July,. 11930 -740114-107 AdY -301; 107 X; Pomp? qat 4. 7:i1; i fM PAW CB/ Telegragr to the Pittsburgh Gazette- • iletter • Naw Yon; May 20 .—Cattle about' He COMM to pris with fet* Wel at 15)(015X thr • : sicoo,ooo. E:2l t'w a:'~'.e~;a.~asca-pia. 68 REmovAu BANKING AND' XCHANGE OFFICE Corner of Fifth and Woo Streets, Egrl t iikr z i6ol . upl e d , . t B 1 0 .. it Js 1 ,RADy - 06 Uo ~.,,, 11; -,- ~z ik,,,,.=-,%fl (1.1.. V Corner Fo urth and Wood Sts.,, r.. 13 AL: ilgrißLE Vtlii7 , ___. ; 3 ..,, I . BUY AND SELL ALL RINDS OB _:. . . GOVERNMENT ,SEOURITIES. ~, . GoLD, , savEtt AND COUPONS, , ON apsT are,iortiolix !rims. . . . -30 , s CON VERTED VC . / a'HE . • ; NEW 840 COUPON BOND. vor Interest Allowed on Depoatts. • • MONEDLOANED DN. GOVERNKEN'T' itarket rates. BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest _-,7 Orders exeeigeo lftik,the Tisatialgia AWI Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. glJe littobiliffY kEtts. AND TRADE President. • ' - -II :. ;*-- ME ! I TSIBPR.GH. • PIiAILIEPTS. OFIF OF THE PITTELBTJAGE GAZETTE, ii NVEDNF.BDAY. May 20, 1868. I There, °ems tobd a slight improvement in the gekeral markets ,: there being a per ceptible Alereese in-the 3.3luniCkof huffiness, whilti - eo liar as values are e d • concrne,' tliere ~• , . are no iml-peftant changes. The weather ointinueiti clear and pleasant, and very fa vorable Or. outdoor' operations, and allthat . could pcssibly be de,sired for the growing drc. S. gI., 7 , • F : 7 , ; / : .; i" (I . GROC s ugars are very'fiim and `higher, which is owing mainly to the very fltvtitablelimdicationa for: a' heavy crop of fruit. Coffee is quiet and rather dull though f An§bangeci. In other articles there hii-; ,i4nges - Worthy of •special notice, one Way or the:ether. The following are 'the rulingilinotations: f .StroAms= l ,o34,,, 1.2.49 for . good grocery; , 12% to 13e for prititeend . /.33443-' fork eiteice; Porto RiccoLL good 13c; prime, 13,; choice, 13% to 140 Oariied Cuba'', to 14,35 c. Re -1 fined--Sta Hera; =l7 c; . .A ,10 35 . c; BP ' ' ''' 16y,c; Extra C, 16c; Sugar ouse, 11 to 12c. • • C l 3•Ft.in— l .Rio ranges all the way from ' 22 to 25Mc Or common to strictly pricun. l - , Java 37 to 38e. • , S ranis- 7 ±,overing's,sl; Silver Drips, $l4 White Dripg, 81,10; medium brands, 70 to 430 c; common, 50 to 60e. • Rum—Ratigoon, ,good s 10e; prime to choice, 11 to B ' c; Caroluia, 12 to 12Mc. 435 ilionsasin4-New New Orleans, 90 tt...sl; Cuba, to 70c; Porto Rico, 70 to 75e,, ~,- , ~ ... _,,.,„-• :.• ', SPreEs—CAssia, 80 to `85,3; '''. Crofei, WC; '' Pepper, 38c; Allspice; 85c;-Nuttnegs,•sl;6o. I.' .78tratterr—Madison,8e; Silver GlosS, 12Me, and Corn Staish;l3Me. : :•: t • - -•-: =• - .Fnurre—Liyer Rosins, 84,75 per box; Valentia, 20,3 i k)er lb; Prunes, 17c; Qu'rants, 14c for new. 14 . . , . BAR LEsn-al2ci Shot, 83,50 per bag. SospsiL4Olibbitt's p ," 12c; "Oakley's 11Mc; Rosin, AM to 43c; “Dobbiais,7 .1.5 c. ," .. - CaNDLiris'— 1 ohld,;16e; Etat' 23e. . - • Cortemivittiren Lys—s7,so per caSe. BI CAR/3 20 k 0 A.--48,50 . Pett. lOW • - • ' Pisa—White Fish, - $8,00; Lake Herring, 84; Mackerel No, 1 :o. 2;818,00; No. 3, $2•4,50; in half bls, 5043 inore. ; •• . - Tonsoc.o.£l ck- ss; 10s, 3 4 /s, and. Louis-. ville Navy, 72 ' 75c; 'Wm. IC Grant's 101 i. and Navy, 80c;'C. dc D . . Tobacco, 22c to 2543 • for best. ••• I i • ' . i TEA—The market is firm and prices are higher for nel crop. Choice Young Ely son, e. 1,75;• fair s ; 81,50; common to good . 01 to $1,35; Oolong4 75c, &lc, 90c, $l, $1,25 And „,, _ 81,35; 1 g04341. 1- POitco Rico, $1 to 81,85, ifs= to. -. 4 q,uality. Impe4al, $1 to 81,85. • Japtin-H , 4 ' uh'olce, $1,30., fair $l. .• . • • GRAINWh* is :quiet, but as the sup. • ' ply is very light'prices are maintained; .... sales of prime d Winter at $2,70, though . = some of the mi Is - quote at $2,65. There- - seems to beret r more inquiry for Corn, and the market''il e n consequence is a shade . 7, firmer; sale of ,00 bushels mixed Ten '.-nessee Corn at 1,05; 2ear— loadslef prime "'Yellow at sl,lo,lond smaller` sales at $1,05 to 81,10, as to quAlity. Oats very firm and 110 higher; sales mill Wharf 'at 830, and 1 car load at 850. Ryeds Atill . quoted at 81,95 to - . Nc: movement in- Barley, and little or none in market.,l,l, • , , • . • HA.Y4Thcf demand rather better, arid, ' • , prices coinparedi with a week since, are higher; we can 'report sales of baled on . wharf at $2O to 825, and wagon Hay at 824 . ' to $2B, and even $4:14). BUTTEIs he to arrive ,quite freely, and the Market is dull and weak 1 with a drooping tOulency. We are cogni- ; rant of prime Rolllhaving been sold to-day at 30c, though thls,,we'suppose, it a little lunder the GGS--noarkett EUnchan ecl at 20c. •• --. PROVISIONS— con is - unchanged at 14;ic for'Shoialde4; 16e for Ribbed,' and. , 18M43 for Clear ,51d0s; 19mc for Piain -Sugar Cured Hams; and ;034 to 21c for Canvassed • - do. Lard, 10mc. Mess Pork, $29. :Dried .""; ,-- .._ ,Beef, 22c for Plain;iand 23e for canvassed. ' SEEDS---Flaxseed is in demand and scarce but uncliangpd at 82,50 to, $2,55. No ~, . ---; demand , whatever;. for Clover' Or:Timothy • t Seeds. 1 • ' - POTATOES—Prithe Peach Blows are in steady demand, and we can report regular sales at 81,50 per bushel - . APP LES - : —.4 reenliipples are scarce and , firm but unchanged} regular sales at $6 to • $7 per bhrrel, as to quality; DRIED FRUTr-'4, irm hut unchanged; sales of Peaches at 12 to A4c; and 4pplea at - I 7to No. I=' ' . • q LA. RD .olll 4—Ullanged at 81,24 for T No s r i ••• .. -.. 2,-and 81,50 fbAzi J ,. ' -...., _....1, IA ~, 4 5 , .. !."1 F.L0u1t441 3 .- rietlS quiet'and,pricefe., 2, ~-; areunchanged. We continue to quote at ' $ll to $11,75 for Spying Wheat; $l2 toBl3 J. for Winter Wheat: iihd $l4 to $l6 for fancy brands. Rye Flour is unchanged at $lO to 1 $10,25. PITT isBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. ' •••- .. .•" 4 , ? , ~;..=•--. 4-, :4--,,, Q2*.icE ovnErn-Wihira t4OE ' va .. 7472ll 4 i - 1 ‘. WAutrtso:;iv,/"May.2o,-1868. CRUDE—The Crude market continues i :very quiet and duniand devoid of any 1 new characteristics , orthv of special no- 1 lice.,.Thera was bails , single sale and it. • - . 4 was a small one, and ai it was sold a little i below the market; thdpriee-was withheld. •.-.' Spot oiLis still-quoted. at el eveh::oenti,riihi 4 though there seems 40: be. no: bers above - • 4 10;§c, at which. figure,lit cis .said, somelif- . teen thousand barrelakxaddbuiva been dis-: i posed of.- Notwithst:4, ding the :market is• - i ' tchdl and weak", ,Andithe .dernand. ,very .... , mach restricted, the li net ,mach oil 1 i offering, and;aa age eifil thing, holders ~' • I are not disposed to rr Adio"coticessions. The' `', 1 arrivals continue light iisotwitlifitiluding it ' 'was expected-that tlitfilteeelifte'ori the last - ' ' i freshet would be large; andit-Waa-alsopre- 4 dieted that a larger antotint of oil woUldbei f 4, thrown upon. the .market Shan, there' was 5 o - ri any of thepreceding. freshets.- ~ REFINED__The zruifiket,for bonded oil Z • was also very ,weak .tcklay, end., early de- , 4 liveries hare still ;further, declined. We can report two lots of 3 0 0 each,•for the last; .. half of May, buyer's option, at 2Ai; and 300 . - • 1 bblis'Hbor same ,d ellYerfr;at - ,25c,. free on ' ' board cars here. ' This„ compared With the early part of last week; 'bhows a deeline of tto Sc, when' May sold'at 33 to ; Std.' - June 1 ' • I 'is nominal at 29e and , ".Xuly at 23.34 t. `The' `'' ' shipments east were again large yesterday,-...- the Valley Road alone reporting over 3500 ~„9 bbla in the aggregate. There are no new 1 'developments in regard to the expected I "corner;V the exciter:Ont. ha spretty,weli ,•,.• ;,-.7 subsided, since /glts NOW. discovered that . .. - J'' - nearly a Urifehnt.ail, of- Our refiners will lids:7 - k,- . . able to.come . dp to the seistph aiiit 'aeli ver - ":,,, t should be X heir oil promptly-On,' iihne,...4 This fills it .l- -- . ...-) 1 ' , clitElAiMr&ria I. A; N ' it, '. 4 Loekharti & 0dq".565 ll:hit - Asia° -- ."1• f Warden,. groW &Co • Phidadelptaii. - '.' • P. Weisenberger;' 23o7 do'l4? to'' Warden; --- ` ' ' - Frew & po.,`P.h.VarelPhiit:- Mcßee & Heckett, 309 do do ,to 4. P. :.: .., Logan & Bro, Philadelphia. -' ."' ''''' Fawcett, Logan dc Stockdale, W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia do do to Logan ' • an &B vy & Bro., 278 !bbls ref. to W. P. Bra req'Philadelpfiki„ Ring---..... ..7 = u CO n & NyttesE,i43so4xio, do t . to-W,aringr li ,1 It ~ MUMWeilkhiai 1 J., J.' ~ . • IV Nat. Ref. & 84.014 Q 1:001:1•4(71° 1°41 . 4 " .:: ' Dilworth & Co.P/11.1,adei a. , 1 - - • --r-t - f '.,Richar,.._dat it, -49., 494 4 1,. .*%Aiiti*ii; 7 a 4. oh, .....,,, .ura... .. 1 4. ..• --; .. - ..,, ; ,dForsyth, Biett-:04;*-149.`dd'0(*irizr- .., ' en,,Prew it Co., ' `2 ''' '" -1 _. -,L C. Kirkpatrick & Co., 148 der '0:416' - • , Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. • . r. l Livingston &Bro., 350 do do to Warden, Flom& Co., -. Philadelnhia. • • _ l _,L. •-.,-- • 1 .. Livingston Bro., 300 do do to Wunnit -f v ult.,' Itirkeit Co., Philadelphia ..., • 1 oit..amPatErcra Ancqt- MI riarcor• • -H:' M. Long dCo q, den,Frew & Co, P adelfdda.• n ct 7 Kirk I . 101, 1. .. fl 1 r 0 wo o di z to W. P. ,• . , • , filV _._, . . can-it ..miainii,.:43B liro.,'PhiladelPhho arty & Wartkorn di4!ilikfol,`Witritit, swig & Co. Philadelphia. 14 - Brooke, fidi en u ne - a Q 4,4 =do do "to Warden, Prow a Co . , ThiladalPhia• - McKenna & Roza% 1000- do to W. P. Logan ct Bro.;magalphia,:l I HAVE REMOVED MT TO THE 1: PIC R. MERTZ JAMES T. BRADY & CO • MRiM 11 i ; -i 1 . ,