El VI 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CHEAP SUNS riaeAtiFOßtf TUE k P n EOPLE iM .••• Fatflfiri i soiLl always befound the stoet,cosspide aeartasest Pistols, Ammunition Mad Sparta. Matesial,dte.. (steer city. A itlinde qr Gun* ; ,41 Pistol* carefully repaired. Oaak paid- for MR/1F RIFLES and A'EVOLVERB. Send Amu) /Mt l in us t t larn 'V i a% ' 4 l'en t. . 4 l, "'e d . ELSOW dproN. 119 drnitageld Street. Pittsburgh. fitar"PUBLIC lug of the citizens of the Ninth t • OPPOSED TO THE VACATION OF SPRUCE tj • ALLEY.- - Is to be held at the PUBLIC SCHOOL HOUSE, in maid War& on FRIDAY. the %Sd Inst.. at 7.!•5 io'clock - te_fat ?COUNTY COMMISSIONER. •.! of McKee's Rocks, Chartiers Township.-subject tes the decision of the Union Republican County Con. 'aention. • myilaill-der JAMES McGUNNEGLE; OPENING. MRS, s. WRODDART .Wlll open a handsome assortment of BONNETS. FIATS. 4SCAN • • , On SATURDAY, Msai, at her - store, No. 46 FEDISBALBT.. Alleagheny. , mY2I. :i BALTIMORE HERRING AND BRAIN In barrels :tad bail' barrels, at WATT, LAX A'COr nystt 31. WA and 174*00d street. iltisburib., .i.WILL. S. TAIILOI4, .• ' . :: ; PAINTER, . . v No. is OHIO STREET, Allegheny. I, . Thankful for the former:very liberal Patronage be, plowed upon me, I usure my Mends and the ipublle generally that, In the future as In the past; I shall :endeavor diligently, to merit a contlnumsee.of the 4 `4, ame, awl .wLOI. bit always at the shop_ from 7 to 9 x. and from Ito 3 P. • :ql4. . 7. ... THE DISTRICT cotair OF. , 2 THE UNITED STATES,_FOU THE WEST ON- DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. • EDMUAD W. CRITTENDEN, a bankrupt under :•Ihe Act of Congress of March Ad '1867, baying up- W:plied for a discharge hum all his debts, and other aims provable under said act, by order of the • v...ourt, notice is hereby given to all creditors who 41ave roved their debts, and other persona inter fBB, at At i eg e t l o o xipL . tr .gr e t t le ip A tia t tit of du ne . ißegiajer..at his office. No. 93 Diamond street; 'Pittsburgh, Pa., to show cause, If any they have, • !why a discharge should not be granted, to the said . {bankrupt: • S. C. MeCANDLESS, Clerk -m of District Court for said District. myr-':qs3t nt4iSSIGNEE 9 I3 NOTICE OF, • AF-- ~, POINTISENT. EAthe Dlitrict Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In th Metter of 3IMEON RUMBAUGH, of Perri township, Arm- Atrong county, Pa., Bankrupt. ;so. 205,, in Bank. Western-District of Pennsylvania. ss..-At Pitts purgh, Pa., the 10th of May, A.-D. 1808. ' Ii ) Y To WHOM re MAY coxCgas.--The undersigned ereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee • heLUECIK 111321EBAUGH, of township, In tcounty ,oe Armstrong, and State of Pennsylva- , 1 -. l, ll rilt ." Zi l t it it;rc a t i ti l k;lV: ' , l 4:l ITAltitts, b ri i ttrevizi .1 . ',court 0 mid District. WIG BLAKELY, Attorne mrZuVIG-'ti r OR Gmnt streel 8. 3t W A.u. L IEt..k . I, p 'S OFFICE. t • • PirrsatruCar, MaP n A i tati v s igilli. EUSTIS TO GIVE NOTICE that ' on the 19th day of May. A. D. mat, aWar ant in Bankruptcy was Issued against the . ' ESTATE OF EDWARD S. BAENA, , . 10f Pittsburgh, l In the county of Allegheny. and .}State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of •; a ny debts and delivery of any property belonging to ..,. uch bankrupt, , to him or for Manse, and the trans ' ' er of any property byhim are fOrbidden bylaw:Drat ia meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to 'prove their debts and to choose one or more .As . C l s l i a m up y, h o b e e s h ta o t de w at l b .93Diam a n C street. f Z.n the City of Pittsburgh, before SAMUEL HAR -" TER, En., Register, on the 10th day of June, D. ISBN. at 1 10 O'CIOCk A. M. 1 , THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. my21:q5.1 an Qiia . .NEAR CRACKER BAKERY - , . fill Liberty Street. ' s •, 41„ • Our. Crackers are baked upon the OVEN MOT s24lSktg.ir are superior to any baked by hot air pt' .. . : .. 'sir Tity THEM.' #SPR,ING STOCK ' • 1 .CARPEW E HALVE •IN STORE THE W most, complete assortment of •_ CARPET and OIL CLOTHS we • hare ever opened, embracing 'the newest styles - and designs • of the best FOREIGN Man !M. • NE STIC ILINIIPACTURERS, Imported and selected. with t+ special . reference 'to the Pitte burgh Market. • Many of _the patterns are emailised to our , house excicusiyely for this city. - With the edvantages of Direct IntP•rtailons.We are now. able .• to offer early...the newest and • ehoicest patterns of BRCS. GELS, ikons the most eellebra.' ted English • looms, .and at prices within the reach of al most every householder.' ,A special but . limited linporta. Um or Erfausit of extra , utiality, and; lli rare and bea utiful, designs, will be found especially' choice and . desirable for Chambers. MB M BEM 1121 11 our Stock' crf COMMON JILDWOOL GAB.PFRS, warclised. beffore Via met Weavers' *flea, will be add at the same rates 88 prevlona_to w i t 't vane, and will tarnish , MMus to the multi.tads at the lowest glow shy* the war. A gooli CARPET FOl3. 25 CENTS A 8.--Throe havincraapro Thelnirpolc Immo flotturalia ore opoolany hooked too d iii tkosionsindtrUngotiaufterjr patterns Pardiaablod7 lad Oded to Unit puripteatiklek no ones in "WLIX O 3 I , and TAlPEddikr VELVETS mkt 11111711**In at • - olaviat : mool aoxir - -001eArf s•-•,,i;!C;IL 4. .•.. —-- - - .• - -, - - : , , ' ' f' . : ''''''''t" - f •.- a , —tag bargalliatt —.; .• , , to —. ,i',a• • i 40 , AIM% 46 ....L.. .../ / itr4X V • ~. , ,Ifecatg WM* . ~, r„: . • • _ sputa Taboorls4Ml,l4 l) 1 e. :age , N., VII A ••<,/ ;pm. . .. 4.•,. • - • VOA .... • ,t/ 4 1 , f ..., - •l.,: z. 0 , i ,, • • • 4; C b f.,,b ar"f. ..C.7 -.z , : 11.14 " -:",..., ' - ^ (1 , * l ° • ' ' - ` 4t ' 7 ' n 'l " 4 rti; :k, :. 1 it`. , if , f, , ,iiiri ..toD A *4 - -vvi i"bli . / 7, 0 ' :/ ' .41(44:: f1i1t)......ti, .„,b,, , 5 ,,._ .„ .71 t).l 0, ,A oty CI ,evlroil 1, noneXtN ! l i4 ..li - .30; r 4.1 3- 4 Nu a , 4.,,j,i....0.14Z.t0 :i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ENTRY RESIDENCE at PRI ' • gheny .county, Al miles northeast of Pittsburgh; containing nearly Al acres, lately the residence of Mrs. Mary Humes, deceased, and formerly the rest-. 'deuce of the Hon. john M. Porten', deceased, on which there, is a two-story BRICK HOUSE, con taining eight rooms and cellar. aud.other outbuildines; dgoodwell of soft -water:Also hint , ' lot of bearing grape vines, an orchard of choice ail plea and peacues, and other fruit" trees. About 15' acres are underlaid with a four foot vein of good coal, witha pit opened. This is 'rare opportunity to purchase an elegant country residence, being Itocated on an eminence commanding Ane view of the Allegheny River, A. V. and West. Pa. R. IL's, w and within ten minutes walk of De pot on the latter road. For further information call on or address R. I) HITMES -TargiltumiPa. mynuire Crri , OP tLYOtt=lPl.Xi7 211, wit EALED PROPOSALS will be received at tilts 015teetiatkliValnlatikKr, Aeitr t.: .at 3 o'clock 'v.' ttA Itir? • • .• • • FULTON' STREET, from Ohio avenue to Wash In on avenue ; - - SAM ni Ohtd,tennele Western atienne. • ' BUR 'ALLEY, from Washington street ' to Liberty street. GEYER ALLEY; liens ,Ilesifei street to Webster _ street. 'Aliso; for Grading HIGH STREET, lnthe Seventh. WarcL__from_Eaton to Angle streets; and HENDEE SON.STREET, from Federal street to Sandusky MOO. GRARIN6 and FLYINCOS. strip of ground ten feet In width on the. northern sloe of .street. extending front Federalstreet to Limisars alley. Profiles and specifications can be seen insthe office bt the City Engineer.. " •- • • R. B. FRANCIS. my, Controller., ATENT COMBINATI9N and most durable any now manuraetnied: Cut in lengths to suit'purehisess, NriptAbuiciand JOHN M. TATS, Plumber 421 Liberty St., Pitabargh, . . • • AND 59 Federal Street s Allegheny. .rnsamsovru-Taia • CITY OF PITTSBURGH WATER LOAN, -at-Le.w. Assignee. OF BM ME IGMADIANV—NaI) _ Tie following Streets and Alleys, viz nornui44 PROPOSAL FOR 5201 a,4 OF •THE Bonds of the 4 Water Extension Loan," Will be received c at the office of the CITY CON TRorifiLER, Fourth street. These are COUPON BONDS., bearing Interest at the rate of SEVEN' PEE CY:NT, per annum paya ble semi-annually,at the office of the City Treasu rer, and the Bonds are to he paid off in twenty-flve years from April 1, 11968. By Act of Assembly the Revenue of the Water Works is pledged for the payment Of the Bonds 'and Coupons, and the latter are by law made receivable fpr Water Rents. and the Act authoriting the Loan creates a SINKING FUND of not less than two per cent.. of all bonds which may have been issned in pursuance of said Act. Tile Councils arc bound to appropriate annually a sufficient sum ibr interest, and not less than two per cent. of all bonds which may have tinted to go into the Sinking and. The proceeds of these Bonds can only be used for the extension and' Improvement of the City Water . Woiki, which will increase the revendt, while at present it is far greater than is required to insure the payment . of Interest and retirement of the The Bondrare EXEMPT PROM STATE, COUN TY and CITY TAX, which, together with all the foreiroing advantages, make the Banda the most de eirable security offered to the public. under par will not be considered. . By order of Finance Committee. * TIIOI[A9 . 811E4 Controllen;: M t :WM _ LANCE, • • _ . , • DYER AND SCOURER. o. 3 f3l". CLAXEt fFr'irnmmrr, • 'And Nos. 186 and 187 Third Street, papTeßbßon, myl9:j&l WAIL! '-- AiftV,ITi!NACFS AND COOKING RANGES. . . We are 11011 prepared to fornisli and Pet up Warm Air Yarnaoss of toe latest and moat approved styles f o r Aushreeiteor Bituminous Copt the greatest vs, riety and best. FUMUIC(IB ever offered in the " city. Also. Cooking Ranges of the most Improved styles. Special attention 15 - 111R0 paid to Ventilatlng.Band . fi s * 3 X 45-1 4- 4 ,* ' c 'e 4 . ” f. . 14V WOOD'iTICEZT. mvla PdR4!LS : AND SUN .IMI3I*LLA.S, LN NEW AlkiD DZS ' IE4BLE STYLES. JUST RE. CEIVED, A ~ EATON%; •..,. • ,-;t; t- Xoo.l,r,rii*:,Sfe, - ; POOlf.h . !PAT; AN - Li:CASH BOOB:4 •, •COUITTir .AND COLIFIT:DOCKETEI, • ' ' W:•• S.' 'HAVEN; rioter and Orikitf , *P 72 : =L. Co erWood and 'Third iftreetsi m. p RU C 'XVIICE. • .4, *, ,„ ( ct. •VO Tint bw:molit by , 110y1t% 111 d, tikple Ru uli 4' W rot,. grebr sivet to_alLegnieerntiVibit an • .11 8, 180 ES and Otsclar, Mond runctsj i l tiff al fa the IMF litiVen the o th. diettt or rittsbusght awanded* " a i t re l iMgM, nensttles, costa sun chars thereon, It SOAP 1 731. Intention to enforce strict 'tine city ordinances rclatios-tbartto. • • 7.• - • • ' • • PITISBUR I / 4 111 GAZETTE : THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1868. NEW ADVIERTUEBTEENTS. R~Tw3l.` 180 , A.lB2l.Feaerat!'Bti,z Altegbeni.. AT ISNC.'-'I3EBfiIfAKE2SF AT MCSc.—LIGHT DELAISTS. AT Illitc.—YAßD WIDE ELEJECiIIEDI3IIISLIN AT f 2: liFk'VY'.U.FSLItAQHSD~7BLi27 AT 12,10.--430013 o 75c.—KW oLovzs. tcoLoRED3., • • . 44. WHITE Slilittti. at a bargain. AT 30c. each-500 LADIES' STRAW HATS. F-~+ A Large Assoilme4 ef DIES GOODS. 17. c"... 4 BLACK AND COLORED ALPACCAS.. BLACK & COf..ORED WOOL IDELAINES: IRISH POPLINS, •1; . 1 - 7 FANCY TOPLINIA ' GROS 1 • : : SILK PAKASOLS, ..SILK SUN UMIIIiELL&S, ' COTTON B 1 N UMBRELLAS, &c. ''''''''' ' ' /.;' , H" , `.1 ., "' la , i-I_'/:1..i , 1: 1-.' - ‘: - _;.• - • 1 i - ..': 14. A Large and )Vell.iSelectet:Stock, i:7; • AT OW PRICES(Noi•,!-r, WlO/4sate Rettifl `f . A.T gEttPiEll; • 180./k . lB2 Federal St., Alleghen7.l LAVE 31:03EL331019 Girc•conga 13.A.rriEs 33•=T , T A'S. UB. INTERNAL REVENUE, • 53D DISTRICT. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. OFFICE: Coal:Clot .Twenty-thirdCollectlon Dist. of Pa., N0..61 Water St., Allegheny City, ,• May Mb, 1808. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Amami Lists of SPECIAL TAXES, formerly termed LI CENSES, and of the Taxes on INCOMES, CAR RIAGES, WATegge, O IBLINERA,PLAXE,4O., Ate. nowln thil once, where payment wilt be received thmon by the Collector on and after the 110th of 1868. These taxes having become due; must be paid before the 15th day of June. 1868, other wise- additional expenses will be Incurred by the taxpayer. R. BUFFINGTON, Esq., Deputy Collector for the county of Armstrong,; and . EDWIN ,LYON Deputy Collector for the county of Butler, will bo ready to receive after the 510th Inst. for their re epeetive counties. eitd,ssill post itotiees deal . eating . ; the times and plices tiben mid - where - fhev wllf be 'prepared to receive the taxes collectable by them. To accommodate ,taxpayers in •tho vtelnitiof.this plagestu Allegheny county, designated as follows: . Deputy Collector BAAIITEL Tl. BAIRU, Esq.: will attend at those pines to"rOceiVelini taxis, on the days named. betwomr:tbettoura , of.94:stelook.A.: , tt: and *o'clock P. f. of . said days, viz:. AtGarentum, on Friday,May %Rd, at Breen Shadle's Hotel. , c , At Sewickley,'ild Tuesday, Miiy Ittith; - at Gaston't Store. „ : - .• At BakerseOwn, on Thursday,. May 38th, at White"s Hotel. Taxes payable only in Greenbacks' . or 'National Currency. . °Mee homek from 9 A. it. to 3 .iiOllOCANti titridati3;• Collector. LINDEN .GROVE. — .. ~ LINDEN GROVE having been iltteii•up to the' most:superb stale, with a largo and elegant Plat Corm. bointifu y shaded, lance Bluing Boom and two excellent bands now read" to rent to RIC. .lIIOS, PARTIES, iiiIUNDAT SCHOOL CELEBRA TIONS, Re., on tile most reaSOnable terms. - • • Parties holding PlenteS, ao.„ will Slid •It to their' advantage to secure the Grove.. The Grove le easily accessibleh being but a few . 11 he04 4rom the Oakland erityptlen, whop cars Itsti rt run regularly every fi fteen n .. :, .- "I ~ sir Tor termsqcc.;ippi _sil ,ft , 1 '..1 . ,,,e t 1e 4- .4_,_ _r.,•• . "..410-: '' • ;,,,,,, OFFICEOtpIi 01114R1141L)VAY,Ari "'scilaiLetto hiPo l itlikt 0 a myB;po4 • ;The set#isitglre ussottatofrielth bba_ptp , hushwss, detllll MAWI,6II4*, ?Bev fit,"WALL. his softiAJA IrjtatlkaliPTlO and tOM EMMERT. Tho style of the arm to be J. .4..I3ILLESPIE & CO. • ti'VIASIVIXEMSE. Relt:lring to the above. the undersleicd take Ptesfure IstatPEAMAYS39O,I4OAPAIfebbe , WOKING GLASS AND PICT URE BUSINESS, • ) i ;O:fT r_r , rcf‘;i. fta i rroed 100,4 itstend tb'nfer u nts to purchasers seems to no house in the Ilnlind finites. •J.3llCHNUMMar3lrallt. WM BMW EE ~~1 ~( 'NOTICE Aso Valpiatillf.• gra i rlaii, • 41, " f CI by INCr f • . - exiiALED PROODSAI6% • • 41.thla' office until noon on Tit ts • niek i lbr Inccity with ft AM PS re . ern! the The• Lampe tn be e = of OW/ dlifyikee diet taaim. to la with two coati or et quid cd• vdet, , and to be delivered City Halle re ulift o So thit at tlanaktilivii Four dozen w -.0:.7/.1 • Lllik REPO* • , • - sist2l2li4i - City Controller. rg1:14.1 •in tf " izt.e.E.l4V; l l rit4it>4). .910ddilt • cncr.c,o .6011 Y rakul • - I 4", - REM ME PEI ME MEI CIIBTAINI4, =IBM lIMEIE InEg _ . .. , .. ..., NIL , 1., .. , .. . ~ nom i 77, ~..# 7 .7; ps wa a1....?.1.0 1 1 , ..r , PLASTME, C 5 11 Vrina'ali•P , ;; , ,":711:n1. , -•Thlr ~,,,,....-, . _ ___ _t4 f2.l..l(Vel'r ii ICKNlneliti iiiiiitli r...' Z.. f.:44 I N I .01 11 "Mi. ~. rye,:„:L-?F`”>~L'~`. CARPETS, OLL OW' • .... . _ A very superior quality of Whitep 7 . ' pik Fancy Stri , -- - *-- - ndCheick 1 MATTIN S, , ~. - J ST IMPORTED. ALL7WOOLIIipRAINS, IN BRIG ITEST,CQLOUS., Zricefi the Low_cist in, thi4 mar,ygeti, Nee:Wilgg illBOS4„ 1 :2 1114 0 ET: K : 188 "4"611 7 1 .,,.. t..sit . • ' • ':/"A . JUST °FETING; , I i; YARC.i•E ASSORTMENT, .Qualities _ _ IoWEST:PRICES IN THE CITY: - • si:: . BPECy4T. INDIVIRAIr e r f r WHOSE WHO BUT BOVARD ROSE k .1 21 Pf t l Street, , rnlo.o:day;7/ . OVER, BATES tsiLL.S. apV i 11TX Rime Saw ILECEIVgI), BY STEAMER COLORADO., Of our own Direct - Importation, A PT DE NEWEST AND CDOICEST V TTRRNS OF-THE CELEBRATED JOHN : : -_CHOSEILEY is ,BON'S ENGLISH TAPESTRY BODY' BRUSSELS, FOR PARLORS 'AND- nAlim WITH STAIR CARPETS TO 1111eFARLAND .& COLLINS, 71 AND 7* . 7 1 1F711....5T, (Second 1-160i.)' J. & H. PRIMPS. 1868 . PRING . G0 . 0p5. 1 868 We are ifow receivlni . .frOri our owe aniLotber manufactories & \ E\%STOCK of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, FURNITURE. TABLE AND "WINDOW SHADE - OIL j CLOTHS, ? c l OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Also; a tialline of iiraSsparent Ihindow Shades, '• . Holliuds. Shade rbctur•s• Coeds. ae.; i iref ' g iNDLESALE AR,D RETAIL.B_MERS 1011 And our prices AS Luw..lx NOT LOWE %T IAN CAN BE TURCHASED-RESZWEERE.Aind.,ot. quality and styles second to none. I ' - _ at7nB4 SIS AND SS ST. CLAIR ST. STEAM, CARPETS ESTABLISHMENT. 10 Which TEN^Tg TA n ew It and of er *astern cities bas proved a complete 'fleece!. , iTIS ADVANTAGES: • I.sltlFadh6g fill'=No ripphig.apart necessary : . - ad—When freed from. dust, moths or their larvae, the Carpet looks nearly assood'as now,; saytt.ttwk.: natural fading from 'wear• 4th—When perfectly clean, *a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter ma mere pollit.of economy, to say nothinrofloOtti , `ALL ORDERS LEFT AT TrIEOFFICE, & 179 Liber r tl , Street I:4aotionddresseil r.0..80x 4111 3 , Will rece i ve prompt on.`l: - )temEmmi, mIIIO X/(ARHLE & 811LATF._ lii • AT THE PITTSBURGH !STEAM mgeLa sap MATE Office arid Warvroom-319 and 3SII LIBERTY STREET.R Mantle Warerooin on seoond floor._ Persons wanting Marble or State Mantles will and ISO their latmit - Wodtmanstap not . ex-, celled In &AID "a ;prices at low .Eittften, cities. Marble ant es or Furniture Mats winch hays become dlactlareabu smoke, :.oils or acids, caa. . be Marbleized sna nusae-in latok towel' sur.nesr.. , There Is no other place In Western Pennsylvania 'where mate Mantle]; aratatrudattated.? All kinds or Marble Work done in the best manner. Marble Cutters supplied vylth Barred Marble•et•Esat., ern prices, carriage added. lbw W. WALLACE,. , I V' New hoods and Xetb Style BOIS' • • cquir do LOGIIN ;- . Noe*, ta,.CIALR Batt T, $64) REWAlRD.,beiapald by the subscriber v to any person 're 'brings bertha b of her husband,„ AttaLtitei tit molest Sunday eveulus w as probably dronrked in the Obi° river; onlibis via SivenUY reliable LUMM 4 atst‘M""ib?li.l4llo:l Alleslieny. '‘X4r) ' • ,• . t )- .r yl 1 M•* PETTY. I .ilyw Estste Agent, 601tiLittileiSitajb *boil nENT A ,_ x pTwiiilsitiiii46l444 - 4116 1 i 3 Z (..r.=. • &did gym °` 1 1 rAtlVlTquiLeg s *"'o____, • sly° Itr itivrata,,u 01.110 OfiirTAolllB l l utemw - : 113.4* .I', 3 4 ' .04 . Vii(1111111.41CITIKICE [!11 , . • .•zqr. '•• - • ' , _ r '. 7 0 . FOR SALE. - TWO nowiES AND, LOTIOn Carrell rect ., ;11 - lleglieny. ?Fall property ims- sold low, ae the party is about leaving the city, and wishes to dispose otalwproperty before removing.;,k -SAW MILL, TWO DWELLINa TWO BARNS, with good FARM , and about 800 acre"' timber land. This property will be sold low , Cult *mbalenceon time to suit buyer. • op 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn: 50 newt Grate land dear: FARM Ur' 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well located for raising stock;l=rovementit are good andialbstitatlal; 100 acres onlezladd lli ,meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.rWiIIseII a good brick homey ; containinf tve rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollard, and would - tent fbr the amount in six years.' , A LARGE LOT OF GROUND, ;having a river tront,and very convenient of access. - TANNERS , constatinat to -the city, andhavinn well established custom or local trade connected -therewith; a gopd dwelling and forty urea oiland. POITH LOTS in Sharpsburg, near rthe railroad; Mould make a goad coal yard. 'HOTEL FOR SALE.—That tine Rotel. properq, situated at the Blairsville Junctiat, containing fteirteen rooms and the necessary -outbnildin with , three acres of garden and trait'trees. Thin well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprle • for wishes to retire from business. • - • triffl ME , ESE FOR RENT. • Tiro new Brick Houses, 8 rooms each. • i , -, Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. One new Frame House, 4 rooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms cult.; 7 One new Frame House Ini Wilkineburg, having six rooms and a large lot, well' suited for sr • ye garden. Attlee COUNTRY HOME for rent; for . OW per annum. Possession given lirst of June, or sooner itrequired. FOR LEASE OR SALK-!31;ot! otiMbrtOttstreett f irk:Word; 7 acres that can be divided Into acre sLois in Oaklane ';;". 0 t - , ;goR RENT—% large Houses, suitable for Board- ANTE 46 0 t" - —3, fee o FSoggin g 3 to f Inches thick. TO LOAN-7550,009 c • ix SUMS OF $3,000 ANI3 vylvAnD. _ " APPLI ' Ait 11 P. HATOJESJEA TE, I .1 c 4 * No. 91 Grant St" Pittsburgh. spV:plB a SALE. , ..- .. A RIVER'BOTIO3I FARM OF 78 ACRES. 19 tulles from the city, in Elizabeth township, Alle gheny coaxal, Pa., on theT-oughlosheny river, one half mile from EirotPst3tinlon, on the Connellaville railroad; near Lhurches, schools, stores, ac.. In the ;flourishing villas w i of Boston and Green Oak. The ro impvements' si thirvietery;lirkk house 'of • elk rooms, halt and ,* It ood *AMC bank barn with stabling underneath, And - othernntbUildings; a Well of good standing water at the door, and several standing springs of water on the faxmot an trr _chard of 700 trees of-selected fruits of ap s. cher ries, pears, peaches, quinces and grapes. ,Thul ig ; m ug i erty :being - located *eat the line of th e ,-, within one hour's ride of the city, makeslt eery e-; likable for gardening 'er vt , dairy farm; it IN almtrA , good and beautiful location for country homes near the city, lying immediately on the river, on the Op posite side from the-railroad. The West Renton' -.Atcommodation and other trains on the railroad af- , ford •rieertain and frequent opportunities - of daily" communication to and from the city. Will- he sold . as a whole or in lots of one acre or more, to, suit pur e, hasers. bo - -- Also, A FARM 0E123 ACRES, situated •in St. Clair township, Westraorelener - unty, 'Pa., near the line of this Pennsylvania Railroad 'at -11oUston Station. The improvements are a two-story frame house. with six rooms and good cellar, a frame bank trans 40 by 80 feet, and other onthuddinga..,There Is oil the place a young apple end , peitOreltarill ILlCracres caviar red land. divided into lields of conve nient size, geporthrttolfyhdolksrewell set in clover and timotbffthe - realdne of said- treat east ered with good timber. It la well watered and un vlerlaid with coal and limestiane, and Is convenient to churches, schools, stores, mills and blacksmith • shop. A roil goodbargaln lkoffered Millis excel; - I lent farm; arid with it - will be told all - the personal property on the premises, consisting of - horses, cows, stock cattle, hags andpourtry, harness, gears, wagon: plows. fanning linplements arid household and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very 'low rend on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser: Also.' a desirable arid very fertile Tract of Laud of 158 ACRES AND 28 PERCHES, In Elizabeth Tp., ,Alleglitiny county . Pa., on the line of the Hempfield -r a ilroad. and one and one-half miles from the Con nellsville railroad at Suter's Station.' On this rarm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber which alone is now worth one-half the • price asked' house whole tract. 'the Improvements are a log frame barn, good rowing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. lit ls well a atered and underlaid with limestone and flag stone of a superior quality, with 'oue coal for the use of the farm. Also. The 'best: FARM in Fairfield township,' Westmoreisnd counre, ra.. of 250 ACRES, about six mlies south of the Pennsylvania• Central rtail road at Bolivar Station. The improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns in the township; two apple or chards, in good bearing condition; corncrib , waion• shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm is under a high state of cultivation: fencing all in first rate order, abo u the land of the bestquality of lime- Mane soll, 2OO aatea of whith IS Cleared and i f i. the residue f the tract in good timber such as white oak, r .k. oat, hickory, walnut and .beech. This proper; will be sold very cheap and on good terms, as. he owner wishes to engage in other basi -1 nessr For particulars enquire of G. U. TOWER. 164 Fourth Street. atint:on _ "EIIUST.•CLASS _ , Allegheny City itesidenbe Located on the corner of Westernjivenbe and Si-' well street, lately owned and occupied by J. P. Lyon, Esq., one hundred-feet on Westerly JiMettbe, by two , hundred and twenty.weverrfeet on.BldWell street. Bentsocatlos theigronud, as well known prover mthereon;this Residence Is wel To Bank Amoins the very First-and Most • - - . Destrp.ble In the two cities. Possession immediately. For particulars, as to description, price, terms, icf , iloFPIT GEO; HOLTZMAN, WS WOOD STREET. Plttsbnisti. MOB SALE—Tockisi ,J 11: sldp. TWO TRACTS 'Oft' VALI:WUXI . 'LAND. 244. Situated In Conemangh township. -CAM BRIA Co., Pa. having the Pennsylvania Railroad running t h rou gh it, and within five miles of Johns town. containing 204 acres: There Is on this land two workable Beaune. of bituminous coal, 3' and 0' feet thick.. Also. a vein of superior lire clay, fully , equal to the BOSVAT. . . • No. S. Sltnated in Green township, BEAVER Co., Pa., containing about RiNrgerelkaaatt :Ander ihrlCe: and In:moved, and being within a short distance of Smith's Ferry. Thajand.c.Atands thek.Ohio river, ou which it bounds over 11101, rtkt.•atcontalinetwo seams of bituminous coal, St% and 43.: ft., and one of cannel coal of feet thick: .Alsoi &veils of fire clay, eultable to the manufacture , of lire brick. For furtbcr , information inintire. of M. lir:mon; No. 350 Liberty street. PROPRIETOR._ : V IV ALAIWPF•:‘ ' '6 , t ',•ivater.street rroperty Or, Sate.' Loigo three-itaiT.BRICK DWZLLINe uotrsE, with ntore and two ohlocroonis, all well built and in good otdec,•und e.x.col t rtt i l T oc i ttko z n ii . r • . t ; I ; BD.9mlthileldttrect. TIE9ID4IItE CITY RESIDENCE • F9V-S4Lr.t-$5.8a0d.... ' Three• Story Belot weUIsg,HOuS 1 • Preised brick fro4t.plote.roof, pldehW , l argelkar!. lots, ten rooms Id ntl, 4 bellars, nit Midsized In the best style, with modern conveniences and in complete order; In good location; lot 27 feet front , on First street. Apply •-- - 013.1115 - 68:L . &ROSS FOGIa27 Real Estate Agents, 85 Smithile.ht t : f;Ting ;11ALZ--rflEVELiikiti BUILDING LOTS on Observatory 13111, Second •Ward; Allegheny Citf, are offered for sale--cheap. The location is a. verydeeirable • :ma, commanding nne view ofboth citles;le easy c sud there Is abundausepof atone, n the. ground r building EFT dt A LTRA m rt, at irgh l e a trilia,L,ls • ; 3l ll; trOYFICB, or on the, pranflae, near- the °b eery:dory Building. ~.inh20..08 !Q 1 FOR SALE, THAT FINE MANSION, ThYPPS 9 70 UttESlll,A . ' Okes.lllaktuttb... vatlon, rein* der_excellerit tbnber, jiltt o n ne miles trom Irree_pgrroplr4 mithla one-halt mile or the route-ot N. w,_ itatiroad. expected to 'be trioperatlon next tall; Will /resold ormeWilt7 . : e 4 Air approved city ou t ßßE v ra , property. -k irretv , to s li 40244. ).;10111ii PECK '„ HAIR-WORliMn AND Varre" ` 11:6 `"7 alb etreet, a orlatortak m ood. e * Al k ljt o : sc iiti f lee' u Xl : Gentle en„; ll W e lG E t t a, ' cesh ,be 'alven' for Ladies , andnUemen;* Cdr Dotting done ,the mate, nor.- , , , mbgto Fa -17 „No t p POUR= BTRIALL' SI4-.1. ' 41 ' Q Orderi pro*• 4041644 to . I, ' ‘,l that 4ll6l 44 l Ze N.l tS 4ll i s Ma th • ita NITS liPaStin it./ NOTICES. OFIROMIGE.-niimeeting , of the UNION REPUBLICAN COUNTY-! EXEC UTIVE COMMITTEE wilt be. held at` the!olliee of C. C. TAYLOR, 98 Grant street. on TRULUIDAY, the 913 t Inst., at 3 o'clock r. 11. A full - attend- . &nee is requested.. By order of J. 11. MILLBR. Chairman. /LT. REED, Secretary. • U 173) WDEDICATION OF MOZART HALL, BY PITiSBURGII DIVISION, No. SONS OF TEMPERANCE, ThlusdaY EvPhig , - BUY Mgt, < 1868. ADDRESSESWIT..U.BE. DELIVERED BY 'I Rive. ALES. CLARX4uO AJD • THol4s - sTEBL, EN. „.1. 'Music by REAP'S BATTERY Gi t 'RE:.tl.ol3 l l4 , the DIVISION CHOIrS: ; . 5t . 5 1 Tickets of Admission -41E myTh-qas OFFICE WI t 1 41 ; BACII I a IA g sb. 180 IPIVIDENI/.-- TUE , ' -1! OF DIRECTORS [of thls:Company 3E44 11 declared a DIVIDEND of • FOIIIt DOI ?pot each share of the capital stock, EARNED_. ,Wetsof the ', I 4 I EPI , C 'PPP; Government and State taxes, payable to $ era on and after the I.9th inst. 1 11 3 1 :1 0 G WM. , . P. llERilEillTii34, AUCTION SALEM ~,,,,, arinentsoN, VANHOWE , r PIANOS, Carpets and 'New Iliattre. AT AVCTION.I • .. thiaIIUBSDAY MaY - SlLit, at 10 al t. and r. 31., at Masonic Halt Auction Rooms, OP and 57 .Fifth street, will be sold, new and - second-hand FURNITURE. embracing' Dressing and Main Bu reaus. Wardrobes_, Washstands': Parlory-Dlning room and Wood Chairs and..-Rockers; several Em. tension 'rabies; High 'and Low Post, Cottage and ',French Bcdsteadst-trair, Cotton sind .7lusk Mat 'tresses; Card, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables; Tete-a-tetes, Wardrobes, Book Case and:Necretary, new Secretary Desks, Sewing Machines, Queens ware 'Kitchen Utensils, Parlor and Cook Btoves, CARPETS AND wiNDow snADEK•i'm 2 .at. large line of new Carpets, without restve; fancy Window Shades, with Trimmings. 1. Housekeepers should attend this sale. 43 bargains can be bad-the goods being sold without reserve. At private sale,. A large French Plate Gilt Frame Mirrors, at one-third their value. 11 20 eaddles good Tea. • . • -. Also, 10 boxes prime Cheese. - 8311TIPON, VANTIOOIC 3.IcCLELLAND, • mile • BY PALMER ir, 111aXES9 .. PALMER & PHILLIPS, il AUCTIONEERS ii l .. .. . And Commission 3terc ants, • ! OPERA HOUSE AUCTION E ! ROOMS, No. 60 Fifth Street, Fittsbtaih,Pa. BOOTS, SHOES, 9ABPETS, Dry .Gioods and Not:ions, p AT PRIVATE. SALE DAY AND E i F;ING. .. Coßsignillienta SOliel 'lid. i, mr-ite. earns. ICSTABLI811:61) 1849 THE I,AIIGESTAcr ADIEIIICA. NORTH- 4LIVIMILICAIf Lightning Rod - Manufactory, tit BRASS FOUNDBX IRON °ALVAN - IRM OVOIHER: 30,000 FEET 31ASNITFACTUREB DAILY, THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED . . 'I • 1.11[0111.T .fil ifirG Maiiiiiktured at these works, ands to all 'pots of the continent. are admittedto be illlerlor Waal Lightning 801 in use. ; Break inducerds offered td - peddlers and all persons buying? at wholesale. Also. line Plating Points, of all kind*: and patterns. I.otether with Insulators . .l Fasteninol, Capper anti Iron - Connection Burs, Braces, etc. Samples, Pam phlets and Circulars sent tree:' - • REYBITRN"HUNTI3WITE 00.,' • - I Eirtnerl 'Nos. 488 and 4 ar10:03-41&F 168: ,Now, GOODS.. NEW ALPACCAS. ) NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS " !. HOSIERY and w_Jay.gsj„, fee 16 ' 84 ' ran,; 41103 II NOTICE.' AA' Fifth Street Sidewalhi Eiteision: " . . 014 - CURIiiitIaiSIDEVAUC 1 ....... ~- , i =._ I e We desire to call the attention Of parties about to" - widetheir sidernslkii, aCcordhilt ttl Orditgeegei to,q , oar stent Iron Curb and Parise:it. - The same will laid i n front of the ore Rouse this week and will speak for itself. The licirrlng is an ex tract from a letter of the City,,EUlneer and Item:- _ lator : "I cottShier W 413pOrlOr tostenc; and Ulna - . in Fifth street; will add grestlrto lb:beauty; and 1 would recommend It to property owners. i "1/ . . J. .11_007., I T Ity Engincer. '1 -Address ~ TEE ATLAS WOES. :i. TRonits:i4r,titßirregint. • _ -- DRESS GOODS, su. ry.otr! tat.' • •••• t.t FOR SALE AT Low.ritteE.-. , BY OBRA &' CO., EEO , . . .. • pritcgrAir4„ ) Welk*W.,..,,,. ~. . A. - ',autcagatamiu. Eiiionpapil.: , ~-•-, ..y__ (L ae ot P. F. W. AC. T. pinwarq. , 'No. TO PitinfaLkiiiihiliT' Dninn iky. it, g . . iB 6 6l ll*lt i rAntri bl atAVZl kt : T li A and Li. s G ......Dsr.n.,. W l i , er,„--,,,• ..,-... • ~ - ,, . .4 „ .„,,c Fn i 5ic - t l a .... - - — / Wl l P 4 '. ff t l i . 4'141: lanS 3 7.. tyte,,co„ 611 It ENTA ztt 1 - 171 - >•: t:Vgipt. +he% neap% put tip by t roue f Blackwah late ocnnpoutid of sweet" Ptift WM /titre , e and Ibt gm% at the ramlnt (ocean wore ot I{lb`,lo i t ~Tu 1071 0 coinef tThen i ttaalat'Uvewii. t.,ya D ird La.t. ,FA.1%.-14.1.1.ikt • 8 ARD t of the freer • ockhold • 332 7:121 An.tioneers 0 - St. J . 9111 St., , - Ent.",4llllPlaft. 'I 168 Mr= =WM EEC • • Fltth Strilet II FIE MI EEO