II 'ffl,.• :s7--77 ` - ‘ ll : 4 °FrotittTifir - iittiegsg - 9Yia : raircricestiit WIN* 111,4114t1t you about gemerabg and big men: • • An interesting scene occurred yesterday. • A little white boy, about twelve years old, with his two - brothers, nice, intelligent looking children as I ever saw, came to my room for shoes. I could not believe they were-very needy, so I refused them. Later in the day they came back with a note from' their aunt, stating, that they were really needy, and that' they had no shoes since Christmas. Upon inquiry z fogind this to be the fact. I also discovered that I had migc taken.their cleanliness of person for comfort: They were really scantily clad. i ques tioned them very closely and further dis covered that they belonged to that chugs of Southern, poor whites, who living amidst the healthful and inspiring industry and intelligence'of a Penneylvania or Ohio lage 'would soon becoine thrifty and inde pendent. 'got one'of these boys could read or write.-' I asked them if they went to school. The oldest one burst into tears, and in 'a sobbing voice said, "I don't know any school to go to." • ' It is quite a . task to distribute the shoes properly. I could soon give them away. I have refused a great many. white and Meek. On Saturday I had to station a guard at the door, and let only one in Oa time. Some went. away "with sour faces, and I shall probably, in some quarters , earn ' the repu tation of a "mean fe ll ow.' If I was certain of coming back in the fall, I should box up the rest of the things and keep them until next :winter. N= SOUTHERN nEEDIEN. . - • .aintribulions From Pittsburgh and i Vicinity—An Interesting Letter. • •Tcar.. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: -A few monthego an appeal was made through , your s:icilumns and through the; other city pane• , s in behalf of the destitute and suffer , ing freed tleople. A few responded. Money came from Mrs. Lydia Irish, New - Castle, and from or throngh Mrs.F. R. Brunot and Mni.l Major Wade, of Allegheny; Mrs. Jas. .1 , Irwin, *of Lawrenceville; Rev. Dr. McKen , tiey;, of Sewickly and others. Clot hing eStna from m the`Ladies' - Aid Society of New tle through • Rev. Mr. Wylie and Mr. Mete; also from Sewickly through Dr. Bit tenger and Mrs. Gazzan. Seeds and little Onions 'of the very best kind came from the ony Society at Economy. A huge • X weighing 320 pounds, in addition to trip ehird or fourth annual • donation of 41,c4f0r our freedmen's schools. Seeds have also been contributed by Messrs. Dr. • tsukritt k Son, of .PhiladelpMa, J. Knox Of this-city and others. A ntunber of boxes Of.shoes have been purchased and for- Warded to different points to the'great corn t and relief of many. I `have Just ,re tr ived a letter from one Of-our teachers at orence, Alabama, alike creditable to hiS theand heart. As the shortest way to let the friends who have done these good deeds -knbw what has become of their donations, I send you a copy of Mr. • Was 's letter. It will be intere sting. es some to knon' that .;Mr. Washis is "a young 'adore& man, of " great promise, one of such pleasant man ners and of so - much worth, that while loved and almost idolized -by the colored people, he. has been uniformly.treated with respect and courtesy , by the leading and most respectable Nrhite citizens,. including such gentlemen as GovernorTatton, Judge Posey, W. McClester and others of the leading men in Northern Alabama. ' J. S. Tasvitaa, General Agent Freedmen's Aid . Conands sion of Western Pennsylvania, &c. FLORENCE, ALA., Atril. 21, 1868. DEAR Ms. TaavEnia—lhave been so pressed for time that, •until now, it has been impossible to write you expressing Thanks to the, friends at iconomy for the seeds. They were distributed among,the poor irre spective of color; but, of course, nearly all went to the freedmen. The Mae onions particularly, were really a precious gift: No more acceptable donation at this time could have been made. They were really fine; the finest I believe I ever saw. There were very few to be had here, even for money; I could have sold all of them for fifty cents per quart., _ I could give many interesting facts con nected with the distribution of these seeds, but scarcely deem it necessary to say more than that they were received by the freed men with many most heartfelt thanks. Here, as elsewhere in the South, there are scores-of old people whose best years were spent in unrequited toil, and whose vitality withered away under the blighting curse of slavery, and who now are not only poor and destitute, but have not the physical Strength to do hard labor. Those of the freedmen who are strong and hearty do work, and, of course, with all • the diseour agements and hard times down here, do make out tO' get enough to eat and some kind of clothes to wear. And here let me say that when I say hard tunes, I mean hard times indeed. The most _industrious _and shrewdest of men find it difficult to live here, so entirely prostrate is the South at this time. A "live Yankee" — ThiiiiTerniont -- would_ need all his wits to thrive'-here;-and 'if-before six months he did not have recourse to the manufacture • of "wooden nutmegs" and "wooden hams," hie...integrity might be regarded as having stooda severe test.- , ManYrecipients of, the ls'te them old onsofm rWtrnetl years of age, walked in from the, country, eight and ten miles, to get tbem.l One old Rheumatic diseases and the '-fellow who goes by the sobriquet bf "uncle GUN" deserves special attention. lie is the most pitiable bundle of deformed human'- ty I ever saw. abuses of Slavery have left him what he is, ' 1 the mere Wreck of a man. He is about. ~ eighty years old and has no kindred in the '.• , . world that he knoWs of. A family almost 1 as pool- as himself, allow him to, stay with them, abOut six miles in the country. It takes uncle Gib two dap to make the jour -4" ney to town' and back, a fact over which the old gentleman sometimes feels merry. 1• Hearing that I had some clothing and seeds, he came to see me. Unfortunately the clothing was all gone, but I gave him some of the seed, and little onions and two dol • lam in money, Upon receiving the gifts his demonstrations of joy were what we might have expected had he drawn "Pike's Opera House." Uncle Gib said to me that they must be mighty good people "up dar" to think "miff of we po or black folks as to tinge." send us all dese mo. He says he is only a •.poor old "broken stick" anyhow and only waits "till de good Lord ails for The him." And thus I might go on mentioning other cases about or quite as sad. One woman whom I aided, claims. to have been born free in Georgetown,. D: U. Prom-her- state ments and from her familiarity with things about Washington, as well as from the fact that two or three cases of kidnapping were exposed here, it is not unlikely that her story is true. There are two Zithers here that tell me they were born free in the bor der Statmi,tind that they were stolen away • while young. . - I am not mire that in me you tette here a wise disposer of your charities. The exhi bition of wretchedness which one is com pelled to seeamong the -freedmen is har rowing:: am by . ' no means sure that I 'have not frequently. a ft er li stening to the sad story and beholding the suffering, given two nandfutr, when a judicious regard for the welfare of all, should have prompted me to give but one. And - here it is in point to say it gives me much pleasure in walking about the vll - mid vicinity to notice the thriving lit- , tie garden patches of the poor, many of which I know to have, been p lanted with the semis sent to us by the friends at Econ. ourrititol elsewhere._ For t . .._.._ . he aid sent during the . past winter and sin_ ing, there is but one feeling among these freed people, and that is earnest, pure 10 4 . 4- P (TEFL' ikkuip„,..„ ~, greatest le ^ 4 —Th gard She a ehoo as their • blessi , and, it makes them sad to think that - tb year may witness its close under tresent auspiees. .- I must confess I share heir sadness. Under any other direction _ the school must ne cessaril y undergo great c ehanges r end in all 'probability changes for the worse, even if , any school at all could be kept up, should out Society withd:raw. In- deed. such is the continued scarcity and • • destitution, that Ido not see the remotest Proeptxt ok ttselmol here ,rtext year unless Providence entail inte'the hearts of north ern friends to continue their aid here. ' I I hardly stop here to say that the continued_ poverty of the freedmen is not surprising when w,q consider the general - description ''• • , a. . f affairs throughout the entire Sotth.. , With the close of the present sehonlyear of, course, I look forward to return North: • or to remove somewhere where I can make , . alicirigi . witt the atartwo new-have to give up ever ything would be sad indeed. By the first of June, 1869, I could send out from this school at least twenty teachers of primary schools. I merely state these , , • %eta, net,jtoovriog .what_ Milueneethey may • have in securing belP . for .another' year. - 1 have already written more than-I intended. Hoping you are well, I remain, . , .V=4 , truly, M., IY ___ 0 0 :1 14 4 1 ' ABISO. ' Here is part of another letter: • ; ' • L . ~::4" , Aprll,3l 4868. , In distributing ithe m. rneeting witt4ectiss, ot i on-Interodblig'ananAtert•:•/ . .. have shod old servanteef GeneraleJaciraea and Cetfee,,-. The Coffeeelivelk It!rw Mll es , 1' , 4, ••• ,4 , ;—,, , t , -.; • ?, ,f • • • • • True Mayor of Cincinnati recommends a large suburban park, saying that relaxation, surrounded by nature in her most beautiful robes, is imperatively neepsuutry to all who are compelled to live in a crowded city. It would make the people happier and better, and materially reduce the custom of the grog shops. He also urges the setting a part of it aside for a free public base-ball and cricket ground, being lUlly satisfied that the more we expend in providing recreations of this Lind for the people, the less will be our bills of mortality and the shorter our records of crime. Such places of free resort would materially thin the ranks of that numerous class of young men who now resort to the many disreputable places with which all great cities' abound. He also wants a free library and city hall, to be used as a free assembly room, large enough to contain 3,000 persons. • Tim latest advices received in England from Australia intimate that the assassina tion of the Duke of Edinburg was atte.mpt ed by O'Farrell in pursuance of messages sent from conspirators in England, which oidered the Prince's death. It is under stood that O'Farrell was selected by lot to perpetrate the crime, and that the attempt would have been made when the Prince landed, but that an opportunity of doing so without risk of injury to others did not oc cur. - The New South Wiles gsivernment offered £l,OOO rewarn for the apprehension of each fkix)mplice and one arrest, consid ered to be 'important, has been made iu Victoria. SIR RoBERT 'NAPIER is lionized in the English papers for his victory in Abyssinia. He has already been honored with, the Grand Cross of the Bath, and is to receive a pension of $5,000 a year. It is supposed that he will be offered a peerage, which he will probably be obliged to decline, having many children and slender fortune. He will receive from. Parliament the usual pen sion for three lives, and will succeed Sir W. Mansfield as commander-in-chief in India. --- arCONGRESS-22d DISTRICT la a candidate for nomination before the 'Union Re publican Convention. mbl7:d&T firCONGRESS--22d DISTRICT. THOMAS HOWARD, Esq., IN a candidate for nomination. by the talon 'Repub lican Congressional Convention. ' inbBl:ditT I:gF . 'FOR DISTRICT . ATTORNEY. Subject to the decision of the Union Republican County Convention. au17:097.-dIT far'FOß DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Subject to the decision of the Tinton Republican County Convention. mh2 4 l:ntA' •d&T FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. WILLIAM C. MORE ND, subject to the decision of the Cnion !Republican County Convention. mb24:n43:d3T 'ASSISTANT DISTRICT: AT TORNEY. . JOHN W, HIDOEI II -. • Will be a candidate for Assistant Distrit Attorney, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. spite diT 'ASSISTANT DISTRICT AT.- TORNEY. Subject to the decision of the Union RepUblican County Convention. .. mh26:n4241T IarFOR ASSEMBLY. Of Scott township, subjectto the decision of the 'Union Republican Convention. InyitpeditT FOR ASSEMBLY, Of North Payette township,' subieet to ' th e decision of the Republic= County Convention. niyo:plo:T 'COUNTY • of Lower St. Clair township, (late of Co. B. 03d P. Y. aubleet to the decision of tho Union Repttb lean County Convention. ap22toiti•daT igg'!'COUNTY COMMISSIONER,, Of Mt—Washington. subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. . myltsdAT af'D . MllJlllTir Of the Borough of, Sherpsburg, Will be a candidate, 'object to to the decision of the' 'Union iteoublican -County C"Teutio . P . • inyiStqlsid&T Iar6II6IUOE TO . :IPILinIIIAGE. Tourig Meti!a Guide to liappy Marriage. sudOoNegal Felicity. Thetumatie views (*benev olent Phracism, on the Errors sad Abuses incident to Youth end Early Manhood sent In sealed letter envelopes tree of °herr ' Asidreaa HOWARD AS. socwrioN, Box F., b'llitclelPhil , pa' ' 31418'412 arIAT.C 1 1 WS. 1411,0 1 g. ..._ TW li A' oplebAld tdr X)ye lith e belt. In' the world; the only true and perfect Dye; bustles,. Tellable. Instantatteotts; no disappointment: tintat telnedles the in effects or bad dye s• invtgo- MIAs,. Ansi leaves the-Hair soft And'besuuntt. block no riltleulose. or proton. Bold by All Druggists and Perfumers; sad ProPerlY ll olaled At Bstabelont Wig Facto , AG Ilona troltt New York.— , , , -: :PAS LaratAlalllAGlll AMID CELIBACY. t ti d,:rAtattavv mato4vhs.o!izitig ,a lee au to , i•Ow.• - wns -soli ale s of. tenor. sent In • eft ZerrietiseelePelo: rree Orelierge. Address V; • BICIT•tan HOUGH.' 'TON, Ticritait4 Ana:Mites, eltatlN'reanta :' : • " . S , ~ , r.c1.41.. . • .- '"E' ~ 'l'Y r ✓~'s..l 'v.~.w.~N JCAa~.. 'MiL~ ^tw.c'. POI'STICAL. Gen. .1. S. NEGLEY LEVI BIRD. DUFF, Gen.' A. L. PEARSON. 6 J. B. FLACK, Cot: WILLIAM ESPY, VINCENT MILLER, } . IOERR, JONATHAN . ,NEICLY, A. MORTON, SPEOL&L NOTICES. PITTSBURGH- GAZETTE : ~,.3.IODAY. MAY. 18., 1868. e......."novovenore.o,ll.Moreinre ;WV J. GILMORE, • .• . , ' .• • MANUFACTURES DEAtfilt. NO. 106 Mood- Ste ) Pittiburgh, Pa. oar Orders - promptly filed- and satisfaction guar anteed. • myl2:mms• KENTUCKY .ST CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE, For Educational Purposes, in the cities of Frank fort and Paducah, Ey. Successfully conducted without Intermission since established In 1831. Wlll be drawn 1n public, by Sworn Commisciouers at Covington. Sy., at 5 o'clock P. If., on SATURDAY, MAT 30, 1868, MURRAY, - EDDY & CO., Managers 1 Prize of 1 Prize of 1 Prize of Prizes of 4 Prizes of ..... ' 10 Prizes of 10 Prizes of ...... 10 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 147 Prizes of 05 Prize of Prizes s of 05 Prizes of 130 Prizes of ..... 4,145 Pries'of...., 1,040 Prizes of 32,396 Prizeß, amounting to $1.103,102 In the above EETRAORDINY LIST OF PRIZES, which surpasses anything cf the kind ever drawn in the United States. there will be 78 k 078 'rickets and 32,398 Prizes: amounting to 0;103,102, making nearly every other ticket a prize. . Whole Tickets, 820 ; -Half Tickets, ; Quarter Tickets. $5; Eighth Tickets, $9.50. Beware of confidential letters, requesting remit tances sent toCincltinath Ohio. Per tickets and in formation; address the State Managers. HURRAY, EDDY . & CO., myts: coviNGToN, FLY. SECURITY AND COMFORT FOR THE TRAVELING COMMUNITY. J, I HARRIS' SAFETY FIRE JACKET Car Heater and Moderator, For SMOKE AND HOT AIR FLUES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires In or about the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to any temperature that may be desired without the possibility of tiring the car or cars to which the Jacket may be attache d _ Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the most intense beat that may be adpiied to it in the position and purpose for which It is intended. It Is a sure protection from accidents by dye, origi nating from defective dues, or where Iron pipes ars used as conductors for smoke or beat. It is appth plicable to all piping that may become overheated. and IS warranted to give perfect satisfaction where wood or other cc mbustible material may be placed in close proximity thereto. I am now ready to ap ply my invention to stores, dwellings, ("aeries, ships, steamboats, railroad cars, Ac, wherever pipes as conductors are made. dangerous by being overheated and security desired. I will sell, on ap plication, rights to manufacture or to use the above invention; also, territorial rights, to such as may wish to engage in settling prieges, either by State or county. J. B. HARBIN. AQI - Orlice at the "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT WORKS," corner of Morris street and the Alleghe ny Valley Railroad, Ninth Ward; Pittsburgh, WARD'S CLOTH LINED PAPER COLLARS CUFFS. TO BE HAD EVERYWHERE. Trade supplied in Pittsburgh by T. A. McKNIGHT & BRO.. 134 Wood street; PATTERSON k BUL LOCK. 77 Wood street: MACRUM & CARLISLE. 19 Fifth street; IfeCANDLE/93, JAMISON & CO., 103 Wood street. Manufactured by 8. W. H. WARD, 387 Broad way. New York. myt:po3 NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, 81c. Notice i „ s hereby given to all owners of Drays, Carts, Carriages. Buggies, Ate., whether resident or non-resident in the City of Pittsburgh. to pay their . Licenses at the TrelslllTer'll Office of the City of Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, in accordance with an Act of Assembly, approved March 30th, 1800, and and an Ordinance of the Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April 10, 1800. • -All Licenses not paid on or before MAY 15 1858, Will be placed in the hands of the Chief of Police for collection, subject to his fee of 50 cents for the collection .thereof Licen s e es persons who neglect or refuse to take out will be subject to a pen- MO% to be recovered before the Mayor, double the amount of the License. The old metal plates of preyious years must be re turned at the time Licenses are taken out, or pay 515 cents therefor. BATES OF LICENSE: Each One Horse 'Vehicle ill 7 50 Each Two Horse. " DI 00 Eoch Four Horse " 15 00 Each Two 'Horse Hack ' 15 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels. drawn by Two Horses,. Eighteen Dollars each. For each addi tional Horse need !n any of the aboye vehicles., Obit Dollar. SAMUEL ALLINDER, • City Treasurer, krrrentratin: Iribruary 18, PP, F. W. C. FELD &CO., . "a;DgAI.EiEB IDI GLUE, CtritP3o. 11:413 0 X9 .I '' Tannerer Sdr4ps; Ceretitil4 'Cattle ' Tans, BONES, NEAP'S FOOT - OIL, &C., °moo and Wareho4o4, No. 333 LIBERTY 3T., 3d doot from Wayne, PITTEBEfIII3II, "c4jar i AT BALE. - • • • . I L A Tremendous Sacrifice In Looking Omni. . , r 2 ., Dars t o ti to toovitiz_l o ff er my elegant stoat of line GILT, PIED. and MANTLE GLASSES, TOR. TRAIT and PICTURE PRAMaS; also, miscellane ous styles of BEDROOM GLASSES. all of wldeS must be sold Sy Rae lot of June, Regardless of Cost. Those-who are In want of One :Parlor Glasses and • first-class article or flue gilt work, will, do well to glre me a call. J. LYONS. 110 Wood street. spB.MWP IVIEST ipommoN . V ' MaChinC 13tOn8 Wet rktt, N or thwest corner af , Weet Common. Allegheny. Have on VRICEPIC A.TVATICK & CO. rtosted ob S T l e y,,,, Pare 2f omD 7 gi avt Orkt i , ra i rrw ar e4 • tr a lut o d rd ar ti . ks,:cmliflexocallna" ifiscra•bie• 09 &FINCH' •1 • moo, bl94' 167918111,1111, 11M mid 195, friBST , STIMXT, PITTILBURGII, • ,11CORMACTOMILB5 py tOlger- DbUlie d Pure /Ye AridskeY4 ‘ J uso, dog etri InT,OBAcefWI imitiartal :~.~L~~STXT~ I~a''N'l's. J OHN D. BAILEY & BRO., . • . _ STOCK AND .REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AIICTIONEERS, . Are prepared to sell at AuCtion STOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES; REAL ESTATE, HOIISVIOLD FURNITURE, &c.. either on the premises or at the Bond of Trade Romqs. Particular attention paid,' as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estatoat private sale. Sales of Real Estate In the count ry Office. No. "115 FOURTH STREET. oc= II , FOR 13 - - pIUNTIL ' - lItEII4pENCE ,' FOR. ALE OR RENT.—A' large two-story double cum, contai ug 10 rooms, including double par lor, with marb e mantles; and all the modern im provemente: 1! acre of round, filled with fruit, grapes, berrieti, &c. Situated near ilinersville, at blie termination the the Wylie location s ssee cars. This is one of the handsomest In Allegheny county, and in a good neighborhood. Apnly at, W: A..IIERRONIS Real Eaten) (nice, 87 Grant FOR SALE Sie TO , LEToi-liouses and Lots for sale in all parts of the city and MI. rbs. Also, several -FA m. 48 in r _good locations. Also, small' WOOLEN FACTORY' with SO acres of land, and good improvements, , , which will sell 'asap and on reasonable terms. Business Houses to let on good streets. -Private Dwelling Houses for rent in both cities. For further partlctUars inquire - • WILLIAM WASH, ja,V LLO Grant street . opposite Cathedral. SEAP - BUILDING LO TS FOR ALE.-100 cheap BMWINO LOTS in the flourishing village Of Allentown, adjoining the Bir minghamllne, ten minutes walk from Carson street or by the Pittsburgh and Brownsville Road: delight , fal and healthy location. During last year 50 build ings were erected on these grounds, besides a large school building. :The above , lots are large sizes, and will close them out at very low prices, say from $2OO to POO, add only requiring the small sum of $lO paid down ;the balance can be paid at the rate of $lO per month (if preferred). all and examine our plots of the ground, at corner of Fourth and Smith lipid streets. • Myr.) B. - IdcLAIR & CO. E LOTTEiai" CHEAP FRAME DWELLINGS. TWO FOUR ROOM DWELLING 'HOUSES. . - SITUATE ON Washington Street. Allegheny City, Will be sold separately , if . desired on the most reasonable terms. LOTS NW by 130 each. . APPLY TO • STEEL & WILSON, Brokers and Real Estate Agents, No. 66 Smithfield street. • myT $OO,OOO l 'l,lB 10,000 5,000 1110 0 3 1,200 s.. 1 112 200 100 80 50 _4O 20 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LEGS FOR SALE, BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, EASTERN DIVISION, • Lying along the line Of titer road, at $l,OO TO $5,00 FER /CBE, And on a CREDIT OF FIVE YEARS. For further particulars, maps, ac. l address JOHN P. DEVEHEIIX, Land Commissioner,,Topeka, Ramat. Or CHAS. B. LAMBORN, Neey, St. Louis, Missouri, IMI _ COAL AND COKE. OSCAR F. LAMM & CO. 0. F. LAMM C DAVIS J..P. SPEEII. COAL AND COKE. ..._ - Office, :No, 347 Liberty gtreot. SUPERIOR Youthiogbeny Coal and Tonnellsville Coke, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. Q Orders promptly attended to. myl4 COAL: COALS! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., REAL ESTATE. Having removed their 019ce to • NO, 567 lAZEIERTIvr STREET, (Lately City Flour Mill) SECOND FLOOR. Are now impart(' to furnish good TOIJOHIOGDE- N'T LUMP, - NUT COAL OR - SLACK, at the lowest" morket price. All orders left at their office, or addressed to them through the mail, will be attended tu promptly. myMitr.,s CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, I= YOUGHIOGLIMY AND OONWELLIWILLE 00M1 And Manufacturers of COAL, SLACK 'AND DEBULPHURIZED COKE Office and Yard—CORNER OF BUTLER AND MORTON STREET'S. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth Ward, and on Second street, near Lock No. 1, Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and Manufacturers supplied with the bert article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash rates. Orders left at any of that. offices will rewire prompt attention. A BMSTRONG & HUTCIIINSON, Successors to ilit..ADziortue. AND TOUOMOGLIENT COAL CO, MINE SKIPPERS AND DEALERS, BY RAIL ROAD AND RIVER., of superior Youghiogheny CAS AND FAMILY COAL. Mice and Yard—FOOT OF TRY STREET, near the Gas Works. • SUPERIOR COAL., C. •CI:LER:WY & CO., Miner:l4nd Shippers of PITTSBURGH GAB, TORGE and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL and SLACK. Coal delivered promptly to all parts of the cities at the lowest market rates. °Mee and yard—CORNER FOURTH AND 'WAT SON (formerly Canal) STREETS, Pittsburgh. P. O. BOH 1511011 . 0e23: WALL PAPER. WALL PAPERS! For HALLS, PARLORS, • CHAHRERS and R.ITCHENS. In GREAT VARIETY, For sala CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, at NiaileiStreetinear , • " • ' ELIGRE.SA BRO. ITIYA virALL IPAPERS.-.1868. Unsurpassed in beauty and gnWq• pravorALT„ No 87 litrood Street; :near: Fourth c. • • .I;q:.' 4 lk : LDEIREL . NPLULAI,I LDICII.I 33 : u; ix - ItR, ~ t ARP,NT,E,R AND , . • . , . . , 0 po i tt ," V hilteerEg irr t i S iA Co 2.1 P 0 I ririalgre , t ir, 4 , . 16 . 'A l ' 2 ': 11 , 111 1: , !.i. .- Job I deltit litt4tesidsi,4dlfreree °Mete romPti , ...t ed 1 d I Cni - MUHL ' • • , C 4 " , i . , . aiWi ;01r i . • • • • . . 'Nsvc BEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGRENT, PA. Office in Franklin Savings Bank Buildings, No. 43 Ohio St., AlleErhetus:*.l A HOME COMPANY, managed by 'Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. '/ HENRY IRWIN.. GEO. D. RIDDLE DIRECTORS: Henry_ Irwin. !IL L. Patterson, (Henry Gerwig, Geo. ft,itiddle, :Jacob Franz, Gottlelb Faas, Simon Drum, IJ. 11. Suilth, Jacob Rust), W. M. Stewart, Ca. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig. Jos. Lautner, IH. J. ZLukand, Jeremiah ap10:035 NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., , or THE OMT or ALLTAKENY. °Mee, in ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY'S BUILDING: . FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. • - , •W. W. 'MARTIN, President. . JAS. B. STEVENSON,.Secretary. . ninacrous:" A. B. Eng,Bel,.' Thompson,, Jno. A. Myler,Jae, Lockhart, IJos.Myers, Jas. L. Vaubn, Robt, Lea, • C. C. Boyle, Jno. Brown, Jr. Geo. Gerst, (Jacob Hopp. mh24s:nitt , . WESTERN 'INSURANCE COM. PANE -OF PITTSBURGH.' EXANDER NMlCE,Tresident. WM: P. HERBERT, Secretary. CAPT. GEORGE NEELD, General Agent. • Office, BSI Water street, Span Co.'s Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. • Will ir.:ure against all kinds of Fire' and Harlin Risks. A home Institution, managed by. Directors who are well known to the community and who are determined by promptness and liberality to main tain the character which they -have assumed, as of fering the bestprotection to those who desire to ,be insured. DIRECTOIist ' • Alexander Nimick. Jona R. McCune, • R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, .. James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Ackleu, . PhilLlp_Reymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Maslen: nair pEIVINEMIL I VANLI • INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, Al FIFTH STREET, BANK BLOCK. This is a Home Company, and insures against 101 l by Fire exclusively. • • • LEONARD WALTER, President. C.C. BOYLE Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH McELHENY, Secretary. DinECTorts: George Wilson, Geo. W. Evans, J. C. Lappe, J. C. Flelner, John Voggtley, A. Ammon. Leonard Walter, C. C. Boyle, Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Josiah King. Jas. H. Hopkins, Henry Spronl, pfDERIBITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE, 435 & 437 CHESTNET BT., NEAR 57Th DIRECTORS. Charles 77 Bancker, Mordecai H. Louis, Tobias Wagner, .David.S. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isiao Lea, Jacob R. Smith, Edward C. Dale, Feorge W. Richards, George Vales. CHARLES G. BANCHER,resident. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE, Secretary,pro tem. J. GARDNER COFFIN, Aairarr, North West corner Third and Wood Streets Uth.M:wlS ALLEGHENY INSURANCE COIN.. PANY OF PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 FIFTH STREET, Blom BLOCK Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. JOHN IRWIN, Ja., President. JOHN D. McCORD, Vice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. Wei. DEAN, General Agent. DIRECTORS: Crpt. Wm. Dean, B. L. FAhnestock, W. H. Everson, Robert H. Davis, Francis Sellers, Capt. J. T. Stockdale. John IrwLn, Jr., John D. McCord, C. U. Hussey, Harvey_Chllds, T. J. Hosktnson, Charles Hays, PEOPLESI INSURANCE COM.. PAN Y. OFFICE, N. E. CORNEIMOOD & FIFTH STB. A Home Company, taking Fire and Marine Risks DIREcTonn: Capt. John L. Rhoads, Samuel P. Shrive; Charies_Arbtiekle, Jared AL Brush, Wm. F. Lang, Samuel McCtickart 'resident. • t President. Secretary. I.N. General Agent. Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John E. Park e Wm.Va n n es Kirk Miller, W, James D. Verner. WM. PHILLIPS, Pi JOHN WATT, _Vice W F. GARDNER. cfrr. JAB. GoErm I=YailiWl 6 iEtse4iUj 51. I , I GROVER & BA.NEWEI ELASTIC STITCH LOCK STITCH SEWING miming Es I WITH LATEST 'IMPROVEMENTS, At the New and Elegant Sales Rooms OF THE 0031:P.,k:.NY, 51 FIFTH STREET. Also, NEEDLES, ATTACHMENTS, MACHINE SILKS antICOTTONZI, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, ote., Ac. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect. fully. invited toad'. • Applicationsfor Agencies solicited. circulars or larazdes by mall on application. Correspondenee to be addressed to • GROVER & BAKER S M CO ., S. • 51 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH. xulainin LUMBER. 'pram LUMBER!' UMBER! ALEXANDER , PATTERSON, YARDS No; 88 Preble Street formerly Manchester, and No. 157 Rebecca. street,opposhe Gas Works, ALLEGHENY CITY. DEALER IN ALL KINDS Cr Rough and Planed Lumber, Flooring, Doors. • ' ' • tejaierboardlng, Sash, lee, Mouldings ' S aw 111 Lumber, ' Cedar and Locust Posta; , 14th and Paltnn, Oak and Yellow Pine AIAO—FIREDRICK,,TILE.and CLAY. allimai FORT PITT LUMBER COMP',INT. Ca yl" SI2S 000 Parstraari—EDWAßD DMIRIDGE.• • Bicarraitv—T. 'WRIGHT. eurzummunrarp--E,DW. DAVISON. , . . , ' DI1iCT0118: . _ Zdwar4Dtilson, IL. 7. Duncan, John Mellon,. _ , ,E.,p. Dittridge, • Geo. W. DithridS.ge, .Johnt .I. bialooe, : • it.ottv - . -• • . , • , ~, . • LIMBER YARD—Corner of RUTLEB AND Al LEOREKT. STREET% Nioth.Werd. . __ ' OFFICE AT FORT FITTOI.ASS:WORKS. Wash. neon Street. , - • • , 1117):1 1 18 . . ~ . . . - . 118.,- PRACTIPX .. lig , FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS ,.. WHOLESALE AND_ 10.91 , , LEMON ' al,' ' WEISE' . ' .•( pro. us - kotorPrZt €vrxtrairk. . Constantly on rand everriariety.of PABLOR and CHAMBER ,FillaaTillusvieketkes, with a ann. P ie " sascalmenl of t0.1*, 14 - 12 , i l lininure: l4, redacted Tkoseinwant of inithrig tei - Our line are Ovals* tninvited to call Detail Iwgchall Us g • , • ' ' ''" ' i '-•-•.'' , Work guaranteed. , • ”... z sidoi - Ak v nt i cg - •••- . Inb2Letii4 '' - ,-- ''''. '"— - ' - ":- _ ~-. 4 7o)o 4lllllle !i rr ea 11100TATOE8 __ cis • 131aati. Pence Thilt.warltstl june In4M/rlylibiw Ar .roSue or_ Mile latiow,„ . n/M • 1 " • - • • lirett: f .( Itgr PITTSBURG) FRED AIMS GEO. B. BARTON Unabated enthusiasm and !tumultuous applause nightly _greet the m triess teMale athietev 31 LLE. Oult. This evening. titst appearance of the charming cantatrice, Mies'l FANNIE DAVEN PORT. Also, 'Wile. ANNIE. ELDRIDGE, BEN WHEELER. an i the mammoth combination. wile IDA HE VERERE Premter'Hanseusz Assoltite. wilumiEuvg . MUSEUM EXHIBITION, comprioinvw9RKB 0 4 , 04 P 1 4' and GREAT NAT.. URAL. Lllll4l. ‘ trAVll lii , r i cs nAlau Fifth et rcet opposite Pittsburgh Theatre. Cards of Admission, $ll5 cert. • Doors open from o'clock A. M. to 10 P. M. I . aptuola Presidelat. .SecreUry. Or - GRAND VOC • L CONCERT IN TH FIFTH U. P CHURCH, ennf, Corner 'Webster and Washington Sts., . On Thursday Ev • ' , May 21st, 1868, Ex Tit ALLEGHENY QUARTET TE ASSOCIATION, . ~ • Composed of the following distinguished vocalists; 11 . Prof. WILLIAM SLACK. Prof. LYMAN JACKSON, Prof. J. DARLING, Prof. HARRY HORNER. PART FIRST I. ActAm 2 ? WHEN JORDAN BuSTlED—Anthem. 3. ONLY WAITING. 4. BE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCS. 5. DEATH OF LITTLEI E. 6. BEHOLD WHAT MANNER OF Lorx—Anthem, T. SACRED QUARTETTE. I 8. LITTLE Bnowx CinTle-cm. PART SECOND. 1. DIY 2. THE OLD SCHOOL HOURIC. 3. FREE AS A BIRD. 4. ROBIN BUFF AND GAFFER GREEN, b. OLD SE:ETON - if By reqUest i l • 8. SoIe—"PASS NDES rut. ork." 7: MUSIC LESSON. - 8. SOLO AND QOARTETTR.. 9. DRE43IB.OF Hams. . • - For the benefit of the Ballbath SchoOl. • Admission 80 cents. children - under 1 years, S D cents. Doors open at 7:o'clock, commencincat e quarter before 8.. . I i . 132116: 1 14 4 , WE. ITIO • '=ik.D = CHROME McCOY'S YER HARRIS Corner of Liberty JSCHOO I ' .& SON, • PlTTE,lrritesn' White' Lead aid Color Works, " WHITE AND RED LEAD . ; ZINC, PUTTY BLUE LEAD; t .° ' WC VS VERDITER GREEN. And all Wore., dry or I • oft. __ _ OFFICE. 110.4571. VETS 'STREET.. Factory, Nos. 4504i152, 45*, 45Oand 458 Rebecca Street, and 4 1 31 and 53 Lacock Street. Allegben.y. Eal EEO ' • 7• 5 in - M=i1 4 77 1 13. MANAOXE. U.STAOE MANAGM AND -COLORS. ' I CHERS, HAM P TER GREEN, 1. - FOR S EWlNtit, DRUGGISTS, .p.nd Wayne Streets, WHOLESALE .Prr'TS:l3 HO ELS 4:F 7 W SEXIER. RESORT. LABE HOUSE, &Oneboro, Pa., (On the line of Jamettown St Franklin . Railroad,. one hour's ride fronii Franklin.) This house is large, _new and comMudiouts, well furnished, has billiard rooms, ten-pin. alleys and covered Prome nades. It is on the :banks or the most charming Fairy Lake in Americid, abounding in fish, and ad mirable for sailing putfroses, surrounded with Sul phur springs, romantita scenery', tte. It is the best summer resort in the State. Ass. S. I'. KENNEDY ddre . Proprietor. HE ItIANSIQ HOUSE. thegne be'g to announce to their friends and public that they haye _purchased this OLD ESTABLISHED and P OPULAR HOUSE, _ll No. 344 M.iitterty Street, :1; And will continue to keep it in the beat style. The MANSION HOUSE hhe over one hundred rooms, all newly furnished in thd best style s and only two min utes' walk from the Railroad Depot. Trayelere will and this house an excellent one to stop at, and will be accommodated any ]our, day or niht. Connected with dial House hi a sp l endid Hall for Concerts. Families or single y,rsons taken to board by the day, week or month, lth or without rooms. • .114. WACNER Nrrsßuittm. zatil7:m37 COZI I I , IFLTER ON THE EUROPE.. ST. JAMES HOTEL, Nos. 405 and 407 "Liberty st., Opposite 'Union' Depot, PITTSBURGH. JAMES K. L/NAHAIsi, Proprietor, • This house is newl .built and splendidly tarnish ed, and convenient tt ,66 all the Railroads coming into the city.. Strangers visiting the city will And this • very convenient - and. economical plan. You secure your room and pay for youcmeals hotel get them. The Restaurant coluected with thi is open at all hours of the day and night. Balls and parties supplied with Suppers at the shortest notice and reasenable.rates.. • -1 sellug&S BANKRUPT No'l'loo3. N THE DI TRICT COURT OF THE UNITED:I STATES, Western District of ennsylvania, as., 'at Pittsburgh, Pa., Hay ad, A. D. 11368. To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of JEF FERSON VARNEY - of Alleghe.ny 'City, in the county of Allegheny' and State of Pennsylvania, within said District who has been adjUdged a Bank % rept upon his ownmetition by the District Court of said District. J.1.21:ES MUR,ItAt., Assignee, mys:ol Attoiliey-as-Lavr,l lB Fifth street. - . ESTEEM DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA. S. ; Pittsburgh, the 11th' day of April; A. 1). 1868. •• TO WHOM IT enigma= 'THE undersigned hereby gives notiecot appOitmeut as Assignee of H. 31.•HERSHBERO, of Pittsburgh, in the coins. ty of Allegheny, slid state of Penntylvanut, witmn said district, who 12as been adjudged is - -bankrupt upon his own. petition, by the District Court of said district. — • 1 - MON W. HAIitiAER, • al(411113)-16•; 13 Eft. Clair street. WESTEU DMITRI Of PERN.. SYLVAN A._SS. ittsburgh, the 5113th day of March. A.D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap =- meat as Assignee JACVB F. DIFFENBAL of Ohio townshin. l ln..the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who him been adjndged a bankrupt npon his own petition by the District Court nf said distt.: JCIEIN H. AI LE wi Assignee, .A .;orper,etogewr 89 Grantreet. LEGAL: FAXECUTOWO ' 114 YriegV 4 etterS teattatien upon'the estate of : _ . • William bhuon, Jr., - deceased • l• Have been gran ,the underslirned". All persons baling claims st the estate will present the same to the nude reed; and all.persons indebted to ;he estate wlll'lnigtlipirMetittottle nnderslgned. - MARX .11 016113td_N r A, • 1 • 'Executrix. •WM. 11. SIIOEKBERGER, JOHN MORRISON, Executors 'Ottle thri.F.stiqo it No. I.llrda4ral street, Alle • eifyorttltsar4 JOHN-D. , ROBINSON. VoOTICE,4• I „ An application will ' (I* mats , tqtbe Governor otTehnsylranla for par!!loa or , A E . ni CORP:, who wu conviciitt at the Marctk,seastons 1888 of ' . V i m : Mg :prooerty for . the - puttoose 'of :.defrauding . Li,.7, 1‘ 41 , .%::::: :. **OREN' `iii. -i`.l^ MI II 11 El II Dila n LOW, 13.."
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