\6• lOW*, IRON Ntisidn3:- Vzs.priat, Presq W. P. Poursa, &mit. pITTSBIIIRGH FORGI AND 'IRON CO., I Ilan• Iron' Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; Railroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Primes; Locomotive Frame Shapes; aids • Yokes Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, Office;''Nci. `l."7'i ' PEN : * STREET, PITTSBURGH. P • GRAFF, BYERS & CO., 3.A.',.. - UFACTURERS OF Bar, ,Roop and Sheet Iron, wßoucifripoN, Iron Welded Takes for Gm, Steam, , Water, &c. ALSO, OIL WELL. TUBING. Offloe ) 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa ti2o:e26 KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BL9011 1 '• ` MANUFACTURERS OF Best Common, Retined,hareoal • JUNIATA BLOOM IRON., MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP, - BAND, fit and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET. IRON. MOWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or. FINGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS AO and MI tbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. NAILSCREEN IRON. AND SPIKES. • Warehouse and (Race at the Wotos, GREEN °UGH STREET, . (a continuation of First street, adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. EVERSON, PRESTON :& CO., Pennsylvazia Iron Works. Warehouse, N 05.166 and IS7 FIRST STREET opposite Monongahela House, sual:dB PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGEA, NDITICK & CO., PITTSBIIRGH, PAL, Manufacturers of every description of CAST 'AND GERMAN STEEL, ,RAILWAY SPRINGS, _ ____ ELLIPTIC AND FL ANFORRSPRINGS, Jori.vsi, STEEL TIRE, dc., &.C. 'Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sts. ap1e,:067 FITTSBIIRGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK & (SEECESSOBB TO JONES, BOYD a co:,) Manufacturers of the BEST REFINED. CAST„ STEEL, sQUARE, FLAT and OCTAGON ,of SAW pLAITSIQE FORK and CART STEEL; CAST STLF.d, itAtaping and Mowing' Machines, - Steel Plow Wings, t Axles, CUrculors, Itc, Cast and Common Plow &Spring Steel. Office—Corner FIRST AND INNO3: STREETS, two blocks abovotbe bbnioosabelo - liottse. - • 0c23:d9,_ . IVIII.MII I BABA & CaLNERAL PAESTUM: M. METCALF,REUBEN MILLER, I GEO. W. BARR, ORAL PARKIN. SPECIAL PASTNER — S. M. BIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, wrirrAr.'vlß, - BARB, PARICILN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA fel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARIE, BROTHER & CO., Xanutecturers of all descriptions of - our • - Office and Wirehouse,l2_,_o 122 , 124 SECOND iad 119 and 121 112151 5T222T2. HARDWARE. I\TEW HAItDWARE HOUSE, LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUWER, Ilfostoracturere and Importens of I-I Et, I:kW A_ RAE , CU'OERY, &C. • 'BB7 LIBERTY STREET, 7 `.COUIPEE:QT 'YNE; One itioinrn Oelovi; Onion Depot, - PITTSBURGH. jar Agents for FAIRBANKS , SCALES. ISIVSSILINN, at/IFTII BT., bet:gtilnel & Cf.OulP Its GUMMI* Snd•Deider IiardIVIITC , , Tint 414 liroi desc ri ptimi _always on - Itsadsncl/619t „.••=pairbAgiderone, caretuurOirer. rt! . - An --- ciEETT - E O T B T BABB !IIP:111911034:I ^ : 7 .3°1 .1 " ': • T Al l " :"134:474" ninT ROMI4IIIII9I4MON SIIIWINSS, Nos. sad SU Clalilirisi; Pritto4u 2 lo4 -2 L MINIM sasation gissatAN thitdssiNstiesill ME • MST BOUM at ruin BUILDINGS. • . . • - m p-o, ,1 0 ; , Wit'. l !` l :o%," ll ' i1e:..W,;%;:,k,„ ~.'4..°V7-0;5":1u,:,.1,5:;,-;145,,,NA:1--,A4,3-.:.,.;_,..:'4%,-1 • 1 { ',.. , 4e ^4l • - .1 2 44201,,,..14,5~ 744 T'& - • " qr. , • • • - - " - ' ' • - - ' -%*s: ..,*ag•kr4rep 9 sx';A:vu"..": 3 . - - • s"%Mrigg*-:' POUNDERS, MACHINISTS. 1710T1 ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N., MILLER, President. These Works are among the largest atm Most complete establishments in the West, and art now prepared to furnish. EniFizaelu every deseription; Bonewt, 011Tsinks. Sheet Iron Work. natbroast tasting's. Rolling NUI Castings. Engine Castings. Maehlne Castings. Castings.' • ORDERS SOLICITED nog!nB9 - , NATIONAL AND- 1 3 1 - 0 E WORKS. Corker Carroll and SIEIA111111111) Streets, , (NINTH WARD,) 0rTurt3331111 ,4 0 - 1 : 1, _PAS • Vt. SMITE 3faxtufact - urer of CAST EROBEEOWL PIPE, FOR GAB AND WATER WORKS. sall, P 2S B l.9 ". f e eg i le c n a ;r t .h i s n . va lrldf i ggil ' a r c y .f Genqal casttags pt' Gas and Water Works ?. I would also call the attention of Superintendents of Gas Works to my mate, of RETORTS. - • felG:tlO THE KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO. CHARLES lINAP, President. - J. M. HRAP Yiee President. O. METCALF Seel' and Treas'r. J. K. WADE, Engineer. J. G. SNAP, General Hinager. DIRICTORB: JAMES B. MURRAY, of Lyon, Shotb & Co. A. E. W. PAINTER, of J. Painter & Sons. C. B. 'HERRON, of-Spang, Chalfant & Co. THOS. 8. BLAIR, of Shoenberger & Co. WM. METCALF, of Miller, Barr & Parktn. XASIS7FAtTIIVSBI3 or Belling Mill and Blast Machinery. RETORTS NA I LAST of every deeealption. ERNEST'S 3LACHINES. fe7A L. 0. LITINGISTON.I7.4I. BIIRT.W. A. ROBINSON, :It. LCO., ' IVINGSTON & CO IRON 1 1 0IINIIERA, BLANDPACTITHERS OF FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, - All descriptions, for, gnMbers andas Pitt ra• Ag. riculturailmplements, Cotton and Woolen ch !k n lt7Ontork promptly attended to. Office and Works—WASHINGTON — AVENUE, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City. Pa. ROBINSON, REAL & CO., Successors to Ito&INBON, MINIS & IittLLZ&S, WASHINGTON WORKS; FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH Manufacturers bf Boat and Stationary Steam En gines. Blast Engines, Mill Machinery , . Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. IR. corner First and MmithtleldStreets. Agents for GIFGARD'S PETENT U(JEC .-)R for feeding Boilers. j 11:112 MONT BLANC FOIINDRY. - Butler Street, Ninth Ward, Bolling Mill and Bridge Castings, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EBBEBT & MACKLIND. 0c15:129 BERLIN FOUNDRY. - PRICE & SIMS • . • °Mee and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble, Shein and Pipe Boxes, • WAGON BOXES, DOG IRONS, SUGAR NETTLES, HOLLOW WARE, And Casting/ generally. • THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works SANDIISEY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., , . Manufacturers of Steam Fmgines, Oil Presses, Pul leys, Shafting Grist and Saw Mill Work Bolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, .te. Build to order and: have on hand Engines of all sizes. , . - ' , t0ut14:95 CENTRAL FOIINDRY AND. ROLL WORKS, 880 Penn Street. ,1301111LiN, BOYD & BAGALEY Chill Rolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, ito. FULTON MACHINE WORKS: • ESTABLISILED IN 1830. Manufactory of STEAM ENGIN:ES, • all sleek and of the most approved pattern for stationary purposes ; STEAMBOATS • and STEAM FERRY BOATS. A.varlety sr 10, 12 and 18 hone power ENGINES, which will be sold at very reduced prices. P. F. GEISSE. Wellsville. 0. Tiny miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio liver, and line of C. G P. It. noinha , PITTSBURGH. svitrym N. WICIEEMBAN, IRON 'BRONEII4' 124 First Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Agent for the sale of Corny's% DOnglialhOra,o sephine, Isabella, Duncannon, !Stanhope, Gl en do n, And other brands of Anthracite, roughlogheny -Coke and C. B. Charcoal . . PI( Consignmeits and orders respectfully solicited, DililiSiPEllloll. COPPS!, MI 1111 pH) 811431aMf G WOLII3, IPIWTSI3I7ROII. Matinfacturers 'OriTheathibg, , Braziers , and 80l Copper, Prested Copper Bottoms, Babied Still „Dot toms Spatter Solder. Also, Importers and' Dealers. in Metal, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Vi ae otee 00n atantly on hand 'Planers? Machines ac Toole. Wurehonso, No, 140 TIBET 13TM/a and L9O EgpOND STREET„Pitteburgh. r • • OPeCial orders of Copper out to any disked Val torsi. tunteilialw'r MEM 71211(ENEIL STEAM MiEwrarty.. • *to, agiscisF..„*. Lyn!itz.L. br i pygGEß; iir,„ 11111 I.4TERS.AND: , BREWERS • .411EIMINIMIN , ';• " f)fi•La te , k A DOUBT WATOONOtasager.. soli IMMO prrrsuultorr. (Opposite 17nicu Iron PITTSBURGH THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, IRON BROILERS. COPPER PARK, McCURDY & CO., I 41 ;1 t,- MAY LBl 1868:.- ENGINES, BOILERS; &c. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, I . IIA , SUFAoTI3ftIitItS•OF TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PM:TED TUBULAR. FIRE- GS BOY. ANJ CYLINDER STEAM 1301LEB.S. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND. ASH! PANS, ` • 4f i si SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS - ND CON ii, , DENSER'S; • In STEAM pins,. GASOMETERS A.. - D IRON BRIDGES; . 1 C. PRISON DOORS eTin COAL ELUTES Unt ~ . . Ocoee and liraelionse. eornea seeond. , . T hi rd , Silo and Liberty Streets, D i 1 . _ D PITT BURGH, Pa.l. E xi" Orders sent the above address will be promnth attended tb. mh7:193. 11011.110W....JA8. B. akamuLL - ...tres. Itcam O , IIAR - A BOILER WORKS.- MOAROW BAB,NBILL & CO. ILIOMFACTIMEIIS OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET LEON-WORE, ac. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts., PITTSBURGH, I'.Al. REPAIRING promptly done M BARNHILL & CO., `BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 20, 22, 24 AND 26 PENN ST. Raving secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery, we are _prepared to manufacture every description of BOILERS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys,Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron,•Bridges• Sugar Pans, and sole, manu facturers of Barnhill , 's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on the shortest notice. laI:c21 JAMES M. BITER . . . , Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, • PITTSBURGH, PA., ANITFACTUIIEIL OF IRON' OIL TANKS, SETTLING PAD'S, COFFER STEAM PIPE, • ROLLING MILL STACKS, • Antlsnr-tr IRON WORK. For Steamboats. JARKD n. sntsit EDMUND D. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, lIIANCFACTURIMS Or Steani Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IRON WORK, &C. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL et CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB BI2'CMIYOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, - Bake or Roast as well as any other Stove In the UnlOn. BISSELL &' CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for aale, PARLORS ATIM GE TOVES, ORATE FRONTS, _FENDERS, _ • COOKING RANGES, Ac. CHEAPEST PLACE in the city . TO BUY Talc TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 146 GRANT STREET. Je2 . OILS. WESLEY WILSON & CO., • i NATURAL ;LUBRICATING O pph • lecttAisl.nrgykittdctranietd3 OW MACI~INERY QUALITY GUARANTEED 17111FORIL 'Proposals for titian titles solicited. No. 167 1 ,W00d Street, ' "BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING." sp'2B:pl9 WARING AND KING, Commission 3ferebante and Brokers to Petroleum and Its Products DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING', KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TACK BROTHERS, • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Predicts. Pittsburgh OfiICI3—DALZELL , BUILDING, cor ner of Duquesne Way and tints streets. :Philadelphia Odice-1117 WALNUT ST. api:w23 TACOS WEAVER, Jrific CO., v . Oil, Commission clobbers No. 3 DIIIITiEIiIIiE.WAY, will-buy and sell Crude and Refined* Olis t Lubricating,' Tar, - Benzine and Cooperage. Our tong_experlence In the retroleum trade enables us to offer rumenal lac ll itiesond'llll ducements to opqraters. - As heretofore, - we - are terrnlned to mac, it the Interest of buyers and,sel -lees to give us a call. Parties having Oils for sale are cordially invited to bring their samples. ,apflin94 SS_ M. LONG b. C 0.,, • NA.I4I7FA&FOI ZEB OF PURE WIn'KE ± RURI4NI3I , Braysdff, , i , from . l EB.” (Wee, No. 2 Thoineine *ay, Pittsburgh. sat warnaz,AL SOHO OIL WORKS. l. .4.-. ff.. k NallaiCtUntindbalre fer all Ithieb or • . . j . J: LuDJUGATING MLitt .Iriil Fkl, OLAPit STREET. AMP/ .?I,X 14. ti lir strrum, suraisw a ea. BT PITT BANKING COMPANY, o. 169 Wooa Street. ' AL, : : : : $200;000. ICKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS , 1 i , . , I ' ; RNMENT SECURMES, AND COLD. ST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. ons made on all accessible points in the Eates and Canada'. gtetter, Gordon, Eg Ince, cett, I=2 D. LEFT . ySICONE, 2 BANK, o. 293 LIBERTY, STRUT, . EITTNBITRORE, CAPITAL, (authorised ' ) : : : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. H. J. n r T tog n. ! illoch,.Jr., reiTlOat. William Espyy Geo. T. Van Doren.' Samuel Batckley, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Collections made on all acceielble);4lnts In the 'United States ind Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H. J. LYNCH, Prisident. GED. T. VAN DOREN. Cashlor. ,STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIAELE. jy4:b2 NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of Wood. and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON JOS. H. HILL CAPIrA.L, , : : : $500,000. K. Patterson, Brown, Chas. Lockhart, . Alien Kirkpatrick, W. S. Haven, DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. N. ap9:0?..." HART, CAUGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PITTS33I7IIOII, rA., (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DEALERS IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention toad to U e purchase and sale 01 COVERNMENT BONDS.' _ Sight Drafts on London. mv:o2 NHOLMES & SONS, .1.1 • 33.41,—N - JECMPLI3, 57 Market Street, . prrorrssuncyff, Collections made on all the principal points of the 'United States and Canadas. ' • I Stocks, Bonds and other Securities SODOM AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. - jabi;:al - P. C. DtrFFY WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTETI-EP 1866. , Interest paid exerlrne Deposits ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Dlscoynta Pally at IA o'cloCk. President—THOMPSON BELL, " • Vice President--A. N. MARSHALL. DIRECTORS: THOMPSON BELL, I A. N. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. - gOS.-ALAREE. J. J. GILLESPIE, • Stockholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell, Willis Dolma% D. W. C. Bldwelt, E. 31. Fulton. • ,AVOARK4 BANKERS. °0 ESTABLISHED IN .1831. 14"? 35 SOU 110° Sr TH DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. 7 3-10 s Converted Into 6-20 ht andbold on commfulon ; here . and 1451411, or . TIME PAPER NEOOTIA'TED: INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS OF GOLD AND CURRENCY. Accounts of Banks and Zara ps received on favorable terms. - ALL CLASSES OP SECURITIER TAICZN IN EXCHANGE AT MAZE= RAZE& MEC/WillqP WINGS 8411.111 N 0.14 Sml.i24Uold'etreet; INTEREST PAID. pgrobyrs. , AFlr- 8U usOzreEDFßommtzottAsTrEFAßP. "e"" posits received subject to check t without interest. ; • fraßLAQ_Kliwuc, T e at, DLN eft% writscuir: ' B°P/Otill) i.O tor ••'• • • _ .'.1. 1 44W 1 NOC•1 tti amen r .1.r.• t •tei v i. • 4ramoi . Uorkliuk e r t . _ :al . daMilV W. • BribliahaWy ca • • iiers wrav, Job* nal. turAtqcmx.. DIRECTORS: Jno. C. Rbther. Robt. Andrew Miller, James M. Batley. KA Ao;es't. Lswi, i castoier, President. ....Cashier. DIRECTORS: George W. Cass. James McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. ANY SUM RECEIVED FROM make reference: Joseph'Dllworth, Rev. n' David Kerr, A. - . M. Brownen Lambert,. , Thomas Ewing. - PHILADELPIIIA, STOW AND "I'D =II PITTSEITitteti, . _ • REMOVAL. I HAVE REStOVED MY .• , • BANKING AND EXCHANGE OFFICE TO THE Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, E c :r6rmera t c c l ! pled by . the .NATIc%NAI, HAN7H ; OF MM• PH. H.:IVIERTZ. Jas T. BA Y & CO., Corner Fourth - and Wood ,Sts., 33..E1L1V33..MPLAS BUT AND SELL ALL N1N0.% OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, Rom, SILVER AND CROONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. 7 - 30's CONVERTED INTO THE . • NEW 6-00 COUPON BOND.' far Interest Allowed on Deposit's: Imo' MOWED LOANED. ON GorgurtmEwr. BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest market rates. Orders exeeuted for; tbei - Puieluisie Sad Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD., JAMES T. ,BRADY '& CO. littsburgij Gairtts. FINANCE AND TRADE. OFFICE OF THE I'ITTSBUROH GAZETTE, . SATURDAY, May 16, 1868. The acquittal of the, President on, the . I eleventh article of impeachment. and the impression that he will be acquitted alto gether, is given as the cause of the decline of gold to-day to 13934. The market open ed at 138%, advanced to 139%, and closed at 13934. Gold may be said to be now about equally distant from the extremist of a rise, 143 being admitted as the limit in the upward course, and 1371 as the lowest: point to which it is likely to decline in case public opinion should judge favorably of the disposition the impeachment court will make of the President's case. The worst that might happen would be the acquittal of the President and a continues smi:m of Congress until next .March: Government bonds are firm, and the'dis bursements for compound interest notes is likely to stimulate investments, and will ultimately adiitnce prices of Govern ents. , The great advantage our national sec 'ties I'offer in Europe are the convenient si of 1 small bonds; a one hundred dollar bo d re presents 250 florins, or about 522 francs, which 'is a capital for those who seek small investments for their savings. If the Pa cific Railroad bonds were of such a cone ' nient size, no doubt Europeon bankers would take the whole issue of them at once for distribution, but they are going out fast enough to the disadvantage of our monied men. •-- - • , The depression in the Express stocks seems to be at an end, and the discouraging articles in the New York Herald] have served the bears very well. The Herald has worked wonders lately for the bears, but its predictions are not to be relied upon. Money easy at 8 to 9 per cent.;. some in quiry Is made for local stocks at heap , dis, counts, but little is either offered nor re ally wanted; a ftvl L Shares of either will stop the Inquiry for then. : • Closing'quotations as received by Ph. B. Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 139%; 1881 bonds, 113; 18625205, 109; 1864 do, 107; .1865 do, 107%; Consols, 109% 10-10 s, 103%; 7405, 107%. Railroads—Cleveland dt, Pittsburgh, 84%; Fort Wayne,lo7%;Nerth..Western,common 67; North Western—prefarreol,;77%;:' New, York Central, 128%. ' Erie; 69%?01d'. &Intl? ern, 86%; Ohio ik Mississippi, 29%; Mer chants Union Express,2B%; Western Union Telegraph,3B%. Minini3 Shares—Corydon, 25; Quartz Hill, 95; Quicksilver, 315 x. —The Cincinnati Commercial, of . Friday, says : It is about time for the New York money market to show signs of prepara tion for the Chicago convention, and ex hibit how very necessary it, is that party caucuses shall declare in favor of, some clever device by wkich. to get up a little financial exhilaration as a part of the pre gramme for a political campaign. There have already been rumors that Congress is to do what it can in that way, but there is no evidence that such a measure has any living shape in that quarter yet, and it is certainly to be hoped that it will not. The story has doubtless been fabricated Merely to have a temporary influence on the mar ket, or was thrown ont as a straw to catch the drift of the popular breeze. Movements of Grain at Tide Water. The Albany Argus, of May .9th, says: The quantity of grain which.has passed down the river this week is larger than that of,the week previous. The aggregate of the two weeks which embrace probably all that was detained on the canal, is of 'wheat, 1,960,000 bushels; corn, 539,400 bushels; rye, 378,600 bushels; oats, 889,300 bushels; barley, 378,600 bushls; malt, 50,- bushels. Shipped by tows from Albany and Troy since the opening of navigation to May 10; this year and last: 186& . _ 1887. Wheat, bushels 1,991,300 . .Corn 547,600 ' 144,900 Oats 908,400 , 99,500 Bailey 493,500 - 1 9, 000 R ye -121,900 i . 4 Malt \ 110,100 84,800 . Feed, tuns ' ' 1,739 1,207 Receipts of Flour and Grain at Western. Lake Ports. • The following will show the comparative receipts of flour and grain at the ports of :3111iVaukee, Chlesge, - Toled 6, D Detroit 'arid Cleveland, fitoM .fariuury , to *ay g," three years, '" • " " —4 " 1888: ' 1867. '1866. = 3,17,9748 991,615 --":"."4;016;515" Flour 4,1813,90.5 s - 2,805,395 z -'4;350;1171c .. 9,807,856"'` 14913,780 5,035462. ... 2,504,794 , 1,632,540 2,487,047, .. 365,618 462,268 247,621 .. 168,024 360,693 301,266 Wheat COrn••• Oath .... Barley Rye.... EMI Total grain. 17,034,597 12 , 178 ,668 /2144,447 Chicago Cattle Market. (Er Tele g mph to Pltteb fith, 'joie b , l3e CmcAoo, May 16.—Live Hogs;. 'there was nd o etp4nfiww*. tshAe bettei grades; ondinftwlotinll andllOaltio " ; sales at 88,60490f0r medium to fair; , • ,85 for good to extra choice assorted. •k ttle,dullandxstirdziallylotikrissles at16,50a7,40 for light, and .7,55103,60 for fair to good steers. „• PITTSBURGH MARKETS. I ' PITTSBURGH OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ) SAT RDAY, May 16, 1888. i The general arkets have been rather . quiet during th 'past week and •devoiiof excitement,andivhile the tendency general l •:. ” j ~ ly has been towrird lower prices, there halve been no able changes, one way or ' the other. remark, APPLES-4,4CA apples are scarce and t firm but unchanked; regular sales at 06 to Is 7 per barrel, aiqto quality. APPLE BUTTER—hIay be: quoted .at -'i 80c to $1 per gallon, according to quality-- 1 the great propogtion of the sales being at 80' to 90c. ti : , ' ASHES—Quiet and unchanged, though, , there is - a steady, demand. - - ' • -.1. 1 . BUTTER—lsisteady, with a demand ' t full , up to the; supply; sales of prime to choice Roll at "55 to 37c, ,auct print at r3c 1 4 „. to 40c. - , ''-'- li . ' - - - ..- • ' i . 4,. • EGGS--Werel nn better demand to-day, .: and under the influence of diminished Itir rivals, prices welre•ashade Idgher; - 19c - war - 1 -- was regarded aslthe ruling pilea. , • GRADET—Whiter Wheat is scarce rind in good? millinpri demand;' salei of -prime 1r Red at $2,70. • hite maybe quoted at 5. 1 t l Sc higher. ' Cor is very dull, with a 13 1 1 , :i- I ply largelY in f acess of the demand; e now quo at $4OO to 81,05, on Wharf and track. . (fats; steady And inlight suppiyf sales on wharf and track 80c 4 and 86 to 85c, in store. Rye is quiet and nominal at $1,95 , to $2. Last sale of Barley . , reported was ' at, . $2,43. - ._,:, _____-, 11 -' ' ' •' ' POTATOES—P. each Blows are in lim ited supply. andimay be quoted steady at: . $1,50 to sl,bs-pea bushel. CHEESE—NeW Western Reserve•is quo ted at 15 te16c,.!1 , DRIED FRUIT- - -There is an improved demand: for Aimles but prices are un- Changed at 7to 7;4c. Peaches scarce and steady at 13;4 t 14c. SALT-Sde 4t 100 bbls, to the trade, at' $l,BO. Small sales store at $2. SEEDS--Flax ecl is in demand at $2,55 and but little offering - . No demand what ever for Timotiry or Clover. , • - . • HAY-13aled Hay is very dull, and pri ces cannot fairly . quoted above S2O to $2B per ton. Wag - Hay is selling- at.s2o to ti $27 per ton. ; • - MILL FEED 9t sales were. at $1,65 to. $1,70 for Bran , $2,15 to $2,20. for Mid dlings. A 'PROVISIONSFBacon Is quiet. and un changed at 14,14 e for- Shoulders; 16% to 17c forßibbed , and ;118;40 to 19e, -for Clear: Sides; 19% to 20c Zr - Plain, and. 2034 to 21c for Canvasiied Sugar Cured! Hams. Lard, 1934 c to j• Mess Pork,. $29,50 to $3 0 . 00 . LARD OLE.--- nchanged at $1,23't0.51,25 for N0.,2, and 1g,55.ti051,55 for lro, 1. FLOUR—Is quiet but steads, with a fair loeal demand,. and prices are- main tained; we qua's). atsll,oo. Ur. 511..75. fer Spring Wheat ; $ 12;50 to sl3,oofor Winter Wheat, and sl4' p 0.536 for fancybrarids. Rye Flourfirmat $lO t 0.510,25, , pirrsi:witplimor.E OFFICTSOF THI - PITTSBURGEGAZE2TE, j SA'ATILDAY, May 16,.1868. • CRUDE—ThoI Crude market was con siderably excited- during the early part of ti the week, but sesterday anitto-dny it has been quiet an&, a little weak,.and, - cont-- pared with Islotitlaeiy, Tuesday and Wedner3.;. , . day, prices area shade lower. -On these days spot oil soldreadily at 12e, while yes. terday, it was dgered and "sold' at ilc; to. day, however, there was a stronger feeling in consequencelof the fact that there was but very' little` islxot oil in market, and we are cognizant or eleven centehaving been ' l. offered and reed. The sales were as follows: 2,00 s for May sellers's op lion at 11c; 5,1,000 eaehfrom August to. December, a 12c, and 3;000 to be de-. livered betweejt now and October, buyer's option, at *1,501 per bbl at Oil City. The demand.is manly for spot oil, and it is somewhat scarte at present, this accounts for the firmnesS noticeable to-day. REFINED-4'he market for bonded oil has also been Very much. excited aad un settled darin•the past week, and at one time May., oil sold up to 33 and 340, but.. since then, botliever, it hes receded to 31% and 32c, with little or nothing doing. June may be quoted at 293 to 30c, and July at 30 1 4 e. All the year, buyer's option, is. nominal at 32%c, .the last sale reported having _been if made at, that figure. . There are no new deirelepinents in regard to the exci "corner ;" the shipments were not as as usual to-cloy, but this was ow ing -doubtless to a want of cars; it is be lieved, howeter,: that sufficient oil; with what has already gone, will be , got tar ward within the next few days •to prevent a b'' as if so the roovemeak, of course, will, a failuit4 and may - be , pro-- ductive of pleasant consequences to those cpucerised. There are thosekhow ever, who allege that a ' , corner" is, inevi table; that there are some thirty-five thous and barrels of oil to be elivered in • delphia between this a • d the 22d and 23d. and that , it is impossibl to deliver that amount of oilthere in e time above spe cified. The situation is very interesting to outsiders, wad IS -being etched closely by many who are not enga ed in the business. ARRIV 4 isi—The or ivals oil_ by rivar and rail reported to-cloy were as ibl 'lows: ;, Leech & odel Ref. C0...1560 Fisher it Bre- 1000 .M. Edgerton 650 Ciark d Scanner. 640 I Total c 6090.; Total Receips for the we k 76,470 Total receipts since Jan. 1 450,574 OIL SVPMEN. TS R A. V. R. R. WormseroMyers & 208 bbla'reilned to Warden, Frew& Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth,'Dro. & CO., do do to Warden,. Frew & Co.,iphiladelphia. Montzheireer ' Koehler & Co., 500 do do to Waring; King& Co., Philadelphia.. Livingston. Bro., 500 do do to Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. - B, W. Dlotgan & C0.,200d0 do to Warden Frew do C0.,1! Philadelphia. Lockhart Frew & Co., 56 bbla ref. to . Warden, Fiew & Co., Philadelphia. E. Jtigeiniin, 164 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Nat. Ref. Co., 400 do benzole to F. A. Dil worth & Co., Philadelphia. J. CeKirkpatriek & Bro., 201 tibia 'ref. to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPMENTS PROM DUQUESNE DEPOT H. M. Long & Co., 168 do do to Waring, King & Co.t. Philadelphia. - Brooks, Ballentine & Co., 338 do do to Warden i Vew &Co., Philadelphia: (1. W. Holdahlo, do to Waring, King &Co4-Philadelphia. - • - -Hutehinsbn Oil Co„:, - 7.d. do'to Warden, Frew & Col, Philadelphia. - 'llutehins'on Oil Co.; 125 do .do to Waring, .Frew & Co. Philadelphia. Net York Dry Goods Market. - • iny'relograv i p. to the D ry Gazette.l NEW YORK, May 16.-The doivnward tendency. in cotton goods .has been arrested by the aolVance in raw material and there is now mord steadiness :apparent, but the market is still devoid of anirdation. Heavy Brown Sheetings, like At'antics, and Indian Head A, are 1734; Amoskeag A and Pacific extra, 1 . 4.0ab0t, -18 r Athintio V, 1513;' , • E,1434c0ma and,Tremont; 15;. Amoskeag A Bleached Muslin unsteady ILAtuiro . . seroggin- and Lonsdale 20 ;. 'B, r, 18; Boots 13; 171 do 0,14 H; ' Kersargd A 22%; Waltharn,Ae; liew.York Mills-27; 1 49pesOale Cambria" MAO., All • staildaid. printiv. range in pric6frany,l234alBX, the latter for.. ,KeFrimito and•Paellic extra. Styles in 4110 madder eolors.arebeld at 14a14%. All ItYles selling at one shilling now are gen erally effetea7 Standard styleittf Gingbanui are 17aI8, bntpoOr Styles can bdhad at 14% a/ 53 4** El i a '**taad3r..' at and 1%0146' Barapaimu.: 111day.,16t4:NY*qattliaci,M04..k!: dull; white stead is y; Western ego; rlour anaL , wroylai lona unoluOged. L'" t Lel EMI UM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers