11 11 H N .lEr ifermrsr-tirimitztvailWgitTeunaist—:' 4 v l a Waldo," "Found," "Boarding,"not , ex t-^eedinti 'FOUR LINES each tettl be inserted in these Eentumnsones for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each tiladittonat Mu: FIVE CENTS.. WANTED---SITU A TIO N S. gIATANTED--SITUATIONA Boy, aged 14 years, who speaks English bud juerman fluently, wishes a situation. Not particular Sus to employment or wages. Address LOU'S, GA. 'AETTE OFFICE. iIVirANTED—SITUATION—As SALESMAN. Ina dry goods hone; by an •aux experiO r, eneed AZETTE man. Alleheny preferred. Address G OFFICE. AVANTED—llituation as Sales :" MAN. in either wholesale or retail business, tby a man of fifteen years' caerience In the Grocery taud Dry Goods business. The best city reference ltriven. Address 8,, GAZETTE Once. iMITANTED--Situation as Growl, twllungrT•lrdrwl e tutt„ bi . t Zd f r r e o s n s, AZWITZ OFFICE. ANTED--Sitnation as Book- KEEPER, by sinian_of twenty years,.exm . Address BOOK-KEEPER, Gararra Or- trience Fie& WANTEZ-HELP. TANTRiV—COOPER—To work at an Oil Reloer7.,a short distance in the :country; Steady employment guaranteed. harried : Ennui preferred. Good house furnished st loir rent. tApply at 'No. 3 PF.RHY'S BLOCK, corner Duquesne. War and Hancock street. , • IW - ANTELS--COOR. — A good cook for Hotel, some three miles from the city: ••, !Wages. 'll3 per week. Apply at THIS OFFICE, !from lA to 1 - o'clock. • - • 51VAIITED SERVANTS Male and Female, for all kinds of work. at L'TELLIGENCE OFFICE. No. 3 St. Clair IWANTED-411tL.—Fair - wages and good treatment to ...girl of twelve or fourteen, who will do the light work for a small family. Apply it 1169 WEBSTER STREET. ' . ~TANTED--IRON F. IL—A good IRONER, far a Rotel. Address A. S., Box :R, GAZETTE OFFICE. • • Germim ) 11 GIRL, to do general housework In a family dime. Protestant preferred. Address R, GA orncs. 'WMIEII--GlltL,-A good Girl, ifirr fa•f t vgalhousework. Apply at No. 193 WANTED-AGENTS ANTED AGENTS.-'—' G . RA-NT; THE atiirdt"l7l rk :b 7 al;i,pg.r. tiend.for Circular and see our terms. Address or ap ply Co A. L. TALCOTT k CO., OW Market street, Plttsburah. Pa. WANTED—AGENTS--To travel through Ohio, Michigan, West Virginia, and . %esbern Rentisylvarda,, for the sale of SOLAR LIORT, a regularly inspected article, and cannot • sbe exploded. A liberal commission will be paid. IWill sell any of the above States or parts there, of, and furnish the Light accost. For purlieu . slare call on us or send fur circular. DAVIS BROS. -... & CO., Office No. & Cleveland Ins. .Iluildings., , • • Cleveland, O. . WANTED--BOARDERS - -iWANTED—BOARDERS. -A few : •:diTt7d wTtehsl=able young men can be acconuno rd ua on very reasonable terms, at Az' . f ..-. 1.0 . 183 R 0111348- STREET , Allegheny- City. • . 1 .' . .TirANT'ED--BOARDEREL- -- Three Furnished Rooms, with good boarding, In '''..' I-a pleasant location , within live minutes' walk of •1,-the PostAillce, Allegheny City. Address Mrs. 31. :‘,l A. RQL3IEB. Darragh street, between Robinson , a nd Ldcock, Allegheny City. - . ( •. • < ANTED —HOARDERS.— Tar— nished roams and good board, _in aprivate fa can be had by addressing BOARD', at this office, giving full name and occupation. • WANTED-HOUSE. ANTED. TOItENT7--A small • HOUSE, on line of Fort Wayne raid. , Ad, dress, stating rent, N0..513 NIXON toTREET, Alle gheny City. WANTS. WANTED --TO EXCHANGE, sev eral hundred acres good lowa land, for city property. Address F, tiAzErrn OFFICE. WANTED — PARTNER-Either silent or active, to purchase one-fourth in terest in a SAW MILL, now dolug need hustness, situate 30 miles from the city, on a railroad. 800 acres of.valuable timber. The milt_ is well built,, machinery all complete. This is an excellent op portunity for any one - desirous or engaging in a profitable business. For particulars apply to S. CUTHBERT & SONS, Beal Estate Agents,lco. Sri Smithfield street. ANTA.NTED--The public to lutour that the office of the Arabian Physician Is at o. A 93 LIBERTY STREET, over 'Keystone Bank, and that be successfully treats - all chronic diseases, by a mode of treatment never before used in this city. Chronic Catarrh cared in three weeks without medicine. Piles cured In ten days without medicine. myls:ww vrANTED--BAss AND uartette TENOR I to form part of a Q in a new Choir. • Goo d salaries to Men with the required voices and ability toresd•musie. Address LENOX, Pittsburgh P. 0. . • , WAINTEIKALES AND ; FE-. MALES.—Bverybody.. male and female. is wanted to buy TRUE. Try. it and you will buy it. Best thing out to puritgthe breath. 1. WANTED--MON EIG--$5OO or. $1 000 is wanted on first cleat; mortgage on city property. Address Y. TEN OFFICE. - 1-J OSII-- BBACELET.—On Sitar day might, between Lawrenceville and East Linorty, a BOLD BRACELET. -The tinder will be liberally_rewarded by leaving the same at the office of BHOENBERGER A CO. 1 LOST -SLEEVE tial baringlt. Finder will be liberally re warded by elt at THIS OFFICE. F°UND---KEIG -- A large 1)0011 K.EY was found on Cengress street yesterday, which the owner can have by calling at 111113 oryiun and paying for this advertisement. • FOR RENT. • 0 LET-ROOM.--A handsomely tarnished FRONT ROOM, suitable for gen t emen. Enquire at No. 31 HAND STREET.. E 1110 LET—Third Story . Front ROOld, large and well lighted, at :No. 56 SMITHFIELD STREET, corner Fourth. 0 LET —BO 31.---One Front ROOM,_well famished for one or more. ND 'STREET. • ' nl•_ p y at \o. 331iA\ ER LET-=BOOllllB.--The Fourth. J STORY of GAZETTE Office. front and trick bu ding. Splendid rooms,' suitable for work sbeps if desired. Call at GAZETTE COUNTING-BOOM. EN =I . 'XI 0 LET--HOUSE.--A new House of four rooms and cellar, on Peach alley, near ride street. pent 111150 a month.' Inquire NEXT DOOR.. . TO LET w-hßorolitl[Bu-.PLEASANT Room, quiet street of this city. Arldresslitas. C., VICE, for terms and Particulars. MEE 0 LET.....lllooMfile...Tviiro Large r og FRONT ROOMS, welt furnished, with or with board, suitable for man and wWe, or young gentlemen. For farther particulars apply at, lip. 1519 SECOND STREET. ..4 - 8 8ALE...1000 ][lolllldg of o ld K . ti TYPE. Apply at the GAZETTE COUNTING 1t211z_...------_______ tioxt BALE - Several ' line Bond- a 'LNG LOTS: ill a pleasant part of thecity. A dre 5,TS 3" ti,_i_ . .his o ffi ce. It VOR SALE --TO RAILROAD and ti ijalio alA b ca l iftv N igta l, ll s 4 °,l,Bl72 :z. new. , 4 use n I , :t h ;glays.bhlitp"nr e l.l i i.l. l7 4 g rki ta k a ;jk v NINSON. Railway tiuppl es. Cincinnati, O. . - ti y1.5:1132F . , , 'ttl VOS SALE --Lot in shano burg i ,t 1 j: es feet front by 200 deep,_ on 3fik, watt; N'.l near resldence• of J. C. Lewis. deep,_ building lot, ..IN,. and planted with choice fruit. Street on front ana - ' 7 c rear. and alley onside. For terms inquire of DUN .I tjA3l, SAINT & CO., SharPsburn. . myl2:nB . ti rdoweal,k.--lioitsEs.—Amow. ARDIS LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, online 11:1 'nousr, tart three DAPPLE. GREY l'\,=./ HORSES: one LANG RAUGHT HORSE, ._. three' , ~.. siAOK MARES; two GILEY MARES. • 1 1 1100 if -1 STREET. Dear Monongahela House... . 41,11, liorwil_i bonialsaispn. • 0 gog SALLII--Tbat very desirable .....,,4 two -story o:3llTraitgi44-I,?usvon. _ s . tate the ''l, seegf=3.3ll.lsltreny, NO. 31 Monterey street The lot is No feet front by 110 feet in depth ~ i poi, he atAd on favorable terms. to facilitate settlement •,'..', of the estate of John 04111betra. ad . pi If not -V'. • sold before TEDTRSDA.Y, may 1434 Ulla, lit t 1 01 l 1.CF,',., oe offered aiiraWAWNMtlist day. —, - ... satio=ltio,.l)&&;4_3• No.ll9ltocktga A. nue -Ao enty.:oY___.ra 81. We ti/Lal, Imeluak with :1t‘=„;,...1 imed, ga. ti t, -, .•. .. •.:: , ... .• .•• - ' =I EM r'~'A~~R'PIBE~EN't'B:..... 1.. --- - - CHEAP GIINS FO : THE PEOPLE.... The GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have beta removed to N 0.179 SHITHFIRED STREET, where will always be found the most complete assortment of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport. 'nu Material, Le.. to tee city. All kinds of Gun* anZ Pistols carefu ll y rered• Cash Paid& AR3f Y RIFLES and RE OLYERS. Send et y for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted in every town in the United States. Address, J. H. JOHN STON. 179 Bmithaeld Street. Pittsburgh. g'grDEDICATION. OF MOZART HALL, By PITISBURGH DIVISION, No. 42, SONS OF TEMPERANCE, Thursday - Evening, Aar ,21st 1868. ADDRESSES WILL BE DELIVERED BY Revs. ALEX. CLARK and R. t.SCOVILL, Music by KNAI"S BATTERY GLEE CLUB and the DIVISION. CLIOIB. • Tickets of,Adinitsion—,ONE. DOLLAR. LOST. FOUND. FOR SALE TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. FOR THE WEST- N DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. JACOB ABRAHAMS, a Bankrupt tinder the Act of Congress of March Ad, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said act, by order of the Court, no tice is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts, andeother persons interested, to appear on the Bth dm/ of dune. MI6& at 10 o'clock A. x., before SAMUEL HARPER, Ewa" Register, at his otlice, No. 93 Diamond street, Pittsburgh, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to tint said bankrupt. S. C. McCANDLESS. • Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. =Viva LEDGERS, JOURNALS, - DAY AND CASH Books, • COUNTY AND COURT DOCKETS ' CTrECK; - NOTE. AICD DRAFT BOORS FOR SA LE BY W. S. HAVEN. _ Printer I and Stationer, Corner Wooil - and Third Streets. my18:04 WARM AIR FURNACES IMEM COOKING RANGES We are now prepared to furnish and put up Warm Air Furnaces of the latest and most approved styles for Anthracite or Bituminous Coal: the greatest Va riety and best Furnaces ever offered in the city. Also, Cooking Ranges of the most Improved styles. Special attention lir also paid to Ventilating Build ings. R. R. et CO., IMEI NEw DRESS GOODS, ; , 'OR SALE AT LOW PRICES, E'T WHITE, ORR & 25 Fifth Street. mylB VST OF LETTERS REMAINING uncalled for at BUCHANAN POSTOFFICE. ay 18th, MOS: . A F 'Phillips .111.5 - Anderson :Tito I Foster Wrn 1 R Alderson Mary I Fritz J .1 ;Roberts Susan Arthur James I Fullard Thos . ;Risley .1 S Bi Forster Ruin ',Right John Bell Nancy . Fulton &Co ;Rich rico Bovard Thos . 6 I Bow Geo ; Ole nnan Jas • Sorters John 'ft I C ' !Grindy Jas :Shook Virginia Cassidy Ellzbsh turner E - Snyder Geo II Culbert Patrick ; J 'Smith John B Campbell J 0 C 'Jenkins David ;Sheering Chas Carlin James I M ;Sullivan 3t J Owner Hester iMorgan Thos !Swearer TJ Cardwlll Joseph Murroy Wm ;Shuck Miss Calor Jacob' ;11elhorn J J ,Stlver Jas P Croner D Andw 'Mill Morg erC an yrus Mary G. J I Trott J T no Donnelly Edw . Martin Wm J Taylor Chas Duel! Mary J ' I MeHee Alex W Dean Weston McVoy John Walker Jno Deane Michael 'McDowell Wm 'White Daniel Dean Z W o Walters W D it E Orrison Robt Watt Robert J Email James P ; Winters Jennie Evans Hannah Pool Peter Ir Evans Samuel ' Pugh David Taney H M Evans Mary .1 ;Pifer J B __l - ERNEST G. SRBIJA N, P. 31. SPRING STOCK 'CARPETSI -- ' WE HAVE IN STORE THE most complete assortment of CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS we have ever (opened, eminniging the newest style* and designs of the best FOREIGN and DO. if E STIC MANUFACTURERS, • imported and seleeted with special 'reference to the Pitts. burgh Market. Many of the patterns are confined to our house exclusively for this city. With the advantages of- Direct imPorfatinfl, we are now able to offer early the newest and choicest patterns of BRUS SELS, from the most celebra ted English looms, and'. at prices within the ,reach of al. most every householder. A special but limited importa tion of ENGISSII INGRAINS, of extra quality, and in rare and beautiful designs, will be found especially 'choice and desirable for Chambers. Our Stock of COMMON ALLrWOOL CARPET'S,, purchased before the Carpet Weavers' strike, will be sold at the same rates as previous to , the last ad 'Mee, and will furnish CARPETS to the multitude at the lowest prices since the war. A good CARPET FOR 25 CENTS A YARD. N 4 16-Those having parlors or Drawing Rooms to Runtish are B Peetally Invited to eitunine the unusually large number of patteints particularly allnPbo" to that purpose, whieh we offer In and TAPESTRY VELVETS and BRUSSELS at low prlees. • • . off. MoMMM MRS , ,fitr,ett ";.1:! PIT'. ppitvil ,111.P.N I)AY AAN, 18. ]s6B _ .~. N EIWG°4 A M/ AT THE NEW DRY GOODS STORE, No. 52 St. Clair Street. J. M. BURCHEIMB & CO. lied, White and i lilue Front. WHITE GROUND SPOTTED GRENADINES. BLACK '• FIGURED BLACK HERNANIES. WHITE NAINSOOK MUSLIMS. WHITE CAMBRIC. -PLAID NAINSOOKS. FRENCH SWISS MULLS. WHITE AND BUFF P. K.'S. STRIPED CHINTZ. A full assortaninn of every desCription of DRY' GOODS iBLOCK ENTIRELY NEW. my 18: 100 pa. BIILLION. PARASOLS, FRINGED, BEADED, SATIN AND PLAIN PAPER COLLARS tE CUFFS, UNDE.RGAIREIENTS.-CIIEM ISE, DRAWERS, DOWNS ANE WAISTS. OUR WkilTE GOODS DEPARTMENT MA.CELI7)I GLYDE & CO., IS and SO Market Street. 147 WOOD STREET CITY OF PITTSBURGH WATER IiOAN, OF & aCilirti — A . wile - V -- i'l: ---- ItEAT - • 7l 4, ooor . b lilikebtike : alyz jam x. 'V V Milwantep., l lo.4 o %ipale_F.l t ssr soap by _ •F "s"`' .6 ''' 'r•v'u.r./CH.Y i co, . . pf:. • ae Veep . / . ,: pp Aiatori Otinge, sewing Silk Fringe, I.* ALT. ool.oitS AND SHADES GLOVES, IN SILK, LISLE AND COTTON HOSIERY, FOR GENTS, LADIES AND CHILDREN FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HOOP SKIRTS, IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IS COMPLETE Fine assortment of DOTTED NETS, GRENADINE, TISSUE, ETC New Gmbrit;r Arriving Daily. PROPOSALS FOR 02100,0c0 I=3 Bonds of the "Water Extension Loan," Will be received at the (Mee of the CITY CON- TROLLER, Fourth atrtet These are COUPON BONDS. bearing bionics% at the rate of SEVEN PER CENT. per annum, paya ble semi-annually, at the ofllce of the City Treasu rer, and the Bonds are to he paldolT In twentv-tive years from April 1, 1868. . By Act of Assembli the • Revenue of. the Water Works is pledged for the payment of the Bonds and Coupons, and Ile latter aye by law made' reeel4able for Water Rents, and the Act authorizing the Loan creates ei SINKThG FUND of not less than two per cent. pf all bonds whichinay have been issued In pursuance of said Act,. The Councils are bound to appronriate annually a sufficient sum for Interest, and not less than two - percent. of all bonds which may have Issued to go Into the Sinking Fund. The proceeds of these Bonds can only be used for the extension:and improvemezit of the City Water Works, which will Increase' the revenue, while. at, present it is far greater titan is required to insure 4e payment Of'lnterest and retirement of the Bonds. • .)The Bonds arc EXEMPT FROM STATE., COUN •%TY and CITY TAX, which, together with all the foregoing advantages; make the Bonds the most de sirable security offered to the public. Bids under par will not be considered. Ey order of Mance Committee. THOMAS STEM, Coiltrollef. mylCto= PARASOLS .-. AND SUN,UMBRELLAS,. - IN IVED NEW , AND DESIRABLE sTyLgs, _JUST RE=CE F. H. EATON'S, No. 17 iiitl St. PY B REWARD Paid $5O by the subscriber to -any be y person brings her the body of her PU8132.11a, arAcoxs Who last Sunday evening Was probably droWned In the Ohio river; or who can give any reliable inform ation about him.. MRS. LIES. my15:08 Ohio street, Allegheny $10•000TO° LOAN, • , ON BOND ANT! MORTGAGE. PEWIr. tnyls Bell Estate Agent, 60 Smithfield street. IS • 'HEREBY 'GIVEN' that , Mt the Rd day of Nevelt lan FR . A.NIi Ak'll'and ALEX. J. CASSATT Sold /SIA• HON their interest In fhitlleM of. J. MA.HON , •.k: And that their connection wlol49,,liitid ceased from that date. r FRANK J. FIRTH.' inytssqlo ALEX. J. CASSATT._ FOR -RENT, Two of the Most Elegant Parlors • in the city, (unturnißlied,) near Chrint Methodlit Ch em o sy r imf h ami ;otit locatlon: s4 Ithe PENN gity forSTßEET.apllifn. HYDRAULIC CEMENT. Scir STONE, , • • PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS,WATER. PIPES. HENRY tOLLINS, solOzon Ab woad street. -- 11kb' APPLESO , Apples,tvi st i ptpr wilc o IE, lic tEERY .4 00., .."" • 34 Liberty street, _ M etAirB.-3,000 bush. prime Ohio kr Oats, In store. for sitlel3y HITCHCOCK, IIeCREERY & CO., 349 Liberty street r m Cotton Bagslle"lndta:'' ar re ' l°l:labl r ii HTuiCOeE. BfcO:EERY a CO. CLOTHES WA S/SEIH I - . ly the therketi.anoto Yuu . ren gin, 'w, J. la a, re. • a Tor Ws county; , . - 14 - Evr - "ArArmensEritENTs. ~ NI, 111 . 1 GE STOCK OF GROli GRA IRISH POP WOOL 12271 EM AT 1234c.—G00D FA AT 1234c.—YAILD WI 4101'151)4c.711EAVY 1.71 I .t.T 16c.-13EAUTITU t ALT TSc.—COLORED AT 62;.0--2UNDQW r . TABLE LINE sHIUTING CH LIGHT ANDriARK CASSIMEIIES, LADIES' SACKING' CLOTH, lione4Y; • 'NOTIONS, &c TO POILI=NERS. BONNETS, BATS, SIINDOWNS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c., IN LARGE VARIETIES, AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, AT WILLLtlid SMPLE'S, 180 A: 182 Federal St., Allegheny. _ . U9s-INTERNAL.RE . 51136 DISTRICT. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. OFFICE COLLECTOR OF INTZTLNAL RE, I VENCE. . Twenty-third Collection Dist. of Pa., . No. 67 Water St., Allegheny City, May 9tii, , 1866. , • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that !termed Annual Lists of SPECIAL TAXES, formerly !termed LI CEN'SES. and of the Taxes on INCO - , CAR , WAGES, WATCIIES, SILVER PLAT, &c.,"are T now In this office, where payment will received I th'rreon by the Collector op and after he 20th of May, 1.868. These taxes - having become due, must be paid before the 15th day of ,Tune. 168, 'other wise additional expenses will be incurred by the taxpayer. . E. BUFFINGTON, Esq.. Deputy Collector for the county of Armstrong. and EDWIN LYON, Esq., Deputy Collector for the county of Butler, will be ready to receive r after the 20th Inst. for their re spective counties, and will post noticesAcsignating the times and place's when and - where they will be prepared to receive the taxes col' table by them. To accommodate . taxpayers in the vicinity of the places in Allegheny '. county. des gusted as follows: Deputy Collector SAMUEL 11. AIRD, Esq..-will c attend at those places to noels. the taxes, on the days named. between the hour of 9 o'clock A. N. I and 3 o'clock F. 2. of said days, viz: AtTarentum, on Friday. May 22d, at Brown & Shadlc's Hotel. At Sewickley, on Tuesday, May 26th, at Gaston's Store. At Bakerstown, on Thursday, May 28th, - at White's Hotel. Taxes payable only in Greenbacks or National Currency. I' Office Office hours from 9 A. N. to 3 r. at. JOHN H. StILIJNAN, Collector. ttip:poo xsTABLI anal 1849 TUE LARGEST IN AMERICA, NORTH AMERICAN Lighftbg ManuftwUn, IRON GALVANIZING WORKS. *0,06 FEET 311‘141i4ACTI.TiEti PAILY THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED LIGHTNING. RODS, Mann!lectured at these works, and sold to all parts of the continent, are admitted to be iraperlor to any Lightning Rod in use.. Great inducements offered k to peddlers and all prsons bu ing at 'wholesale. Also, tine Platina Points, of all ds and patterns, together with Insulators, nate Inge, Copper and iron Connection Burs, Braces, et . Samples, Pam phlets an , / Circulars sent free. . ' . REYBURN, MUM & CO., Nos. 488 and 490 St. John St., PEELADELPIILL ar10:08-d&F L INDEN GROVE. . • LINDEN GROVE having been fitted up in the most superb stile, with a large and elegant Plat form, beautiful y. shaded, large Dining Room and two excellent bars, Ls - now ready to rent to PIC NICS, PARTIES' M SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEBRA TIONS, &c., on C most reasonable terms. Parties holding Picnics, & c., will find it to their G advantage to secure the rove. The Grove Is easily accessible, being but a few stops from the Oakland Railway Station, whose cars rurrrt.gWarly every fifteen minutes. yor For terms, &0., apply at the OFFICE 'OF TEE OAKLAND It/111,111r CO' myB:p64 NOTICE. The r undersigned has associated ,vsltti blot business; 'dating , lroui April Ist; 18438,- kr. iL.• FEED 8. 'WALL, his . son ASA S. GILLISPIE and LOUIS ENGLERT. The, style of the Arm to be J. • GILLESPIE & CO: J. J. GILLESPIE. - ffeferring to the above, the undersigned take pleasure„r In stating that they will continue the OOHING GLASS .kND ,PIcTIIRE ,BEDINESS, At 118 Wood street, Where , they intend to offer tu, ducginents to purenneers second to no house in the United States. L GILLESPIE! & CO. • AT -HEADIWARTERS Died VERY LAO* PRICE§ T . L. NEEL V a Ha/ Ma day beta adaduad fate Otte 4 PUM(II4 Bonaono. , • •itjt,ta i ßtr g b, May Ist, 1908 , . , • igivitiof .1 Is. Iv , • 34,1. MiMI M:1131 SIII AMID3,o • ' • 1 COLORED PRINTS. E BLEACHED MusLIN. BLEACHED MUSLIN. ARMURE DELAIIPES. EAL GLoVEs IRISH cx, CRASH, I ENIJE, BRASS FOUNDRY AND OAKLAND ST4.TION; , New Goods atul New Styles of 'BOYS' CMMI'BG. Omer & zoo&ri, 47 BT. CLAIR STREET _ . EUVERE FOR SALE FOR SALE. ' Near to the Allegheny Wirer. SAW MILL, TWO DWELLING MCIMBES. TWO. 'MANS, with good FARM, and about 800 acres Wilber land. This property will be sold low. Cash 80,500 balance ou time to snit buyer.' FAItSt OF 120 ACRES, will he sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house, and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear. NAM OF 180 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well located for raising stock; improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land In meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick house,' Containing five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and would - rent for the amount In six years. A LAHHIt LOT OF GROUND, bating a river frout,and very convenient of access. TANNER] , convenient to the city, and having a well established custom or local trade connected therewith; a good dwelling and forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharpsuurg, near the railroad; Would make a good coal yard. HOTEL FOR SALE.—That flue Hotel property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from business.. , FOR RENT. Two new Brick Houses, 8 rooms each. • , Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. One new Frame House,4 rooms. Two new Back House,•arocrateemh. Que new Frame House in Wliklosburg, having six MOMS and large Jot, _well suited for a A nice F o ie fIOHE for rent; for 4800 per annum, FoSSCSSIOn. given .first .of June, or sooner If reignited. FOE LEASE Oft SALE-3 Lots on 3forton street, Ninth Ward; 7 agree that can be dlyided Into; acre lots, 5 Lots in Oakla i nd. , FOR BENT—I large flottles, , .-for, Board ing Houses. • WANTED-3,000 feet of ;Flagging 3 to 4 iniles " • thick. .•V0 : 1•41601%.450;( 46 , ' : IN SUMS 0110,000 AND UPWARD APPLY AT D. P. HATCIPS REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 91 Grant St., Pittsburgh. apV:plB FOR SALE. , . A RIVER IPDTSOM. FARM OF TO ACRES. 19 miles from the city, in Elizabeth township, Alley gheny county, Pa., on the Youghloghen_y river, one half mile from Elrod's Station, on the Celineßavine railroad; near thurches. schools, stores, ft.. in the flourishing villages two-sto ry and Green Oak. The improvements are a brick house of• six rooms, hall and cellar, a good frame bank barn with stabling underneath, and otheroutbuildings; n well of good standing water at the door, and several standing springs of water on the farm, and an or chard of IVO trees of selected fruits of apples, cher ries, pears, peaches, ninces and grapes. This prop erty being located near the line of the railroad, within one hour's ride of the city, makes it very de , sirable for gardening or a dairy farm; home s also a good and beautiful location for country near the city, lying immediately on the river, on the op posite side from the railroad. The West Newton Accommodation and other trains on the railroad af ford certain and frequent opportunities of daily communication to and from the city. Will be sold as a whole or in lots of one acre or more, to suit pur- Chasers. . , . Also, A FARM OF 113 AORES.;- 'iltuated ' In St. , Clair township, Westmoreland county, Pa., near the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston Station. The Improvements are a two-story frame house, with six rooms and good cellar, a 7auie bank barn 40 by 60 feet, and other outbuildin s. There is on the place a young apple and peat 1 orchard; 120 acres cleared land, divided Into fields of conve nient size, a large portion of which are well set in clover and timothy; the residue of said tract cov ered with good timber. It is well watered and nn- I deriftid with coal and limestone, and Is convenient to churches, schools, stores, mills and blacksmith shops. A real good bargain Is offered In this excel lent farm; and with it will be bold all the personal property on the premises. consisting. of horses, cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, harness, gears, wagon, plows, farming implements and household and kitchen furniture. Together will be sold very low and on easy terms, to a responsible purchaser. Also, a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land of 158 ACRES AND 25 PERCHES, i lizabeth Tp., Allegheny county, Pa., on the line ofhe Ilempficid railroad. anti one and one-half miles from the Con nellsville railroad at Sutees Station. On this farm are 40 acres of superior white oak timber, which alone is now worth one-half the price asked for the whole tract. The improvements are a log house Ibarn, , frame good fencing, and an apple orchard of good fruit. It is well sr atered and underlaid with limestone and flag stone of a superior quality, with stone coal for the use of the farm eAlso, The best FARM iu Fairfield township, WestinorelAnd county. Pa., of 250 ACRES. about six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road at Bolivar Station. The improvements are two large hewed log dwellings; one of the largest and best frame barns in the township; two apple or chards, in good bearing condition: corn crib, wagon-. shed and other outbuildings. The whole farm is under a high state of 'cultivation; fencing all in first rate order, and the land of the best quality of lime stone soil, about 900 notes of which is cleared and the residue of the tract in good timber, such as 1 white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and beech. ' This property will be sold very cheap and on good terms a. the owner wishes to engage in other bust ne stir ' For particulars enquire of • G. H. TOWER. 184 Fourth Street apl4:nC - - FIRST-CLASS Allegheny City Residence FOR SALE. THAT FINE MANSION, Located on the corner of Western Avenue and Bid well street, lately owned and, occupied by J. P. 'Lyon, Esq., one hundred feet on Western Avenue by two hundred and twenty-seven feet on Bidwel street. Fr lti f manta thereon, o fthhieß gerou dednc a e s I sw w e el ask tnhoew Inmpove To Rank ..kniont i tr i e r zrz First and moat 1 In the two cities. Possession immediately. For porticolars, As to description, price, terms Re., apply tO GEO. 11. HOLTZMAN, 146 WOOD STREET. Pittsburgh 1ny5:072 LE—To close a Partner FOR S. ship. TWO riaors OF VALUABLE LAND, .o. I. Sitimted in Conernaugh township. 'exmr• sItIA Co., Ps.,having ;the Pennsylvania Railroad running throuth it. and:within tire .Miles of Johns-. town, containing 204 acres. There is on this land two workable seams .of bituminous coal, 31.1 and 0 feet thick. (Also, a vein of superior fire clay. fully equal to this Bolivar. - No. 2. Sithated in Green township, BRAVED. Co:, Pa. - ; containing about 200 acres, part under fence and improved, and being within a short distance of Smith's Ferry. The land extends to the Ohio river, on which itibounda over 000 feet. It contains two seams of bituminous coal, 2 and 4t ft., and one Of cannel coal kif 0 feet thick. • Also, &vein of lire clay, suitab furthere manufactur inquiree brick. For information of S. M. "ICIER, No. 359 Liberty street. rny7ll9 VALUABLE Water Street Property for Sale. Large three-story BRICE DWELLING HOUSE, with store and two °Mee roolils, all Well built and in good order, and.in excellent location. . . . B, CUTHBERT &BONS, timithUeld street. 1ny16315 DESIRABLE. CITY ; RESIDENCE FOR SALEo—kgood . - •-•• !Three-Story Brick Dwelling House Preised brick front, slato roof, 'tide hall, lart par. lore, ten rooms In all, cellars, etc.; all finis 4.1 In the best style, with modern conveniences a d in complete order; in good location; lot 27 feet i out on /Irst street. Ar T I7 I3 ° ..OBTRBERT &SON:— mylB:q27 Real Estate Agents, 85 Smithfield ;A ILIRE OPPORTIUIIIITY is is w offered to persons in' starch of a good blend trot, at low price, and on easy terms of payment. Ten dollars will secure a - lot, the purehaSer can build at once and cease to pay rent, and payfor the lot in Monthly Installments, seareely.exceeding his present rent. These lots are in a very desirable °cation; near Temperancoville., Prices from 00 to 111-00. Call and see the plan It our office.' 8. CLUHBEIBT & SONS EM TTOTSFOR SALE , -,-:SEVE AL BUILDING LOTS on 'Observatory HIil„ - = • and rd, Allegheny City, are offered for vale—c erip. The location Is a very desirable one, commanding a tine view of both cities, is easy of access, and:there is abundance of atone on the ground for building. purposes.: Apply soon at the !plat shop or Mc- COWANbiNYDLII, Allegheny Diamondat THIS 01rFICE, or on the .premises, ne.ar the . Otr. servatorymhzum STREET. otice is hereby given that the Viewere*.liepert in the matter of opening LOCUST STREET, 1.11.7 6 1 11 2 . 7 4111 h T e gm n , 71(11;11diAtriel iFor "4 at exCeptlolls Man iii_pemeer time. - -, • - J - 0111Nr'City Att4rneY. ap17:o80 CTOPOSAL_ ,ii n ADDRESSED TO - HE UNDERBIGNED; ortli be received mall NESDAY..IBth Inst., for the BRICK about to be removeo from the floor of the Western Market -noose ... • T 4 litail SaSlit. —,r r • grajoilt ", ' r'' , "^•-• t'i .". - 4 t• -, '4 , BAISIIIIII• ::. Bumrintendent of Markel,. " Pnuburet,..lla7 B. IV. , • . ' Dr°-IPr alot DIELTEMN AND IM A cß i pa cw w,uanitretati. sub, *pm u'll""Tra. • NOTICES.. 1,, N REPUBLICAN wirNio -I CITY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. A 'MEETING OF THEI ' I I i Z Union Republican City ExecutiVe Committee I ; Wll be at the office of G. TITLOR.'Esq.; N . OS GRANT STREET, ON EIAnrUnDA:Y, 16th, A.T Id O'CLOCK 1"....314. er.V.A • LA. prompt attendance of the members 0 vie cam- , tnittee is desired. JOS. A. Byrum, iitiairpw. A. L. PEARSON, SeciCtary WPITTSBURGH & CONII*LIPh: VILLE R. R. CO. - • . .I;TOCEMOLDERS' 117.EETING. A general, meeting of the Stock Holders of the Pittsburgh k Celine - 11,3%111e ItallroadiCompany will be held at their office. In the City of Pittsburgh, on Friday, film 15th dos - of 12 ifr, prOxlntih. At 11 o'clock A. M. accept or rbject -the ordl names lately. passed by-the -blayoralad City Coun cils of Baltimore, .and.for•.the trittOsettort of such • other business as may be brought before the meet ing, IBy order of the Board, I•• • RIO. 11. PAGE, Jr. Seeretary. • Plttsbuygh, Alirn 28th. 18613.. Mi2D:isiO-wrat • 770111 , 1 CF. WERTERN INSURAN,C - COIMANY, ( ---- - . 1 Ptrrsucnon, May ...415165. 1 .itgrp7IDENDI • THO °BOARD OF DIRECTORS ,of this Comp a ny have this day declared a EGVIDEBO of, 1: . - ' • . COTTIC. T t ICOTL4.II£S .F, upon eac h share of .the capital tftock, out of the EARNED rofits of the last six linonths. 'free of Government and State taxes,paynlfle to Stockhold ers on and i.fter the 12th Inst. ' my6:o4 WH. F. HERB. AUCTION:SALES - • BY SMITHSON, VANHOOr 6r, .IPIAIIIMAND:' THREE-STORY EAST BIRMINCI L HAMI Tuesday ! , May 19th, at 21-Zo'cleick. IL, • On the prelses. will be Cold by adetlon, that three story (new) Brick House, Of ten rdems, arranged as a store and dwelling, situated on the corner of 011- -ver and. Sidney streets. near Wharton's Mill. The lot fronts on Oliver street .24 fedt, and extending back 80 feet in depth along Sidney street. The building is arranged In good tylo, embe-lished front, with a • ilue store room. The location of be inga street pAtiyanlsoz•ieer-Kadlefssgiraubaireeaosi I C= ig a d n in the immediate vicinity of mills d manufactories. Sale positive. No reserve. Tertas at sale. _. SIHTHSON, VANHOOK MCCLELLAIiD, yI4 I Auctioneers. BY 'A. LBGOATB. 'l. • " B EAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE at - HOMEWOOD STATION •AUCTION. Yfli be sold on the premises. du WEDNESDAY. May 20th, at 33.1: o'clock, that certain lot of ground containing one and one-eighth acre, situated at Homewood Station, on the re nsylvania Central Railroad. fronting on the Greens Turg turnpike, and - surrounded bv the magnificent rekAdenceS of Messrs. - Falmestock, iiriffeth, Stewart, Canfield, Coleman, and Miller. On thegrounds are; 15 years' growth of beautiful shade and fruit itrees. ornamental shrubbery, S:c.: a good pump of Obver failing water, • cistern carriage house and stable. • The situation is - • exceedingly tine, commanding views of East Liber ty, Wilkinsburg and adjacent country. This Is a rare opportunity to secure improved grounds with • - so many advantages of railroad,igood driving road, - - healthy country and good neighborhood.. The toll keeper man near Homewood Station will show the grounds to visitors prior to the cay of sale. Special public attention is invited to this'highly attractive sale. LEGGA.TE:.Auctionecr, in 14 . 150 Federal street. Allegheny. BY BALIEBB sk, Pp:RUM pALMER & AtrenON*l tS And Commissionl:lllfrchattB, OPERA HOUSE AUUTRiN ROOM, It . No. 60 Fi ft h Street, Tttsburgh, Pa. BOOTS SHOES`; CARPETS, 1 g Dry Goods andrNotioiss - . . I . AT PRIVATE SALE DAY‘A,ND EVENING. _ : , Constgnmentir ISolielked. Prompt Re turns. H WORT PITT COAL CO'" PITTS BURGH AND KEYSTONE SAVINGS. BANKS. NATIONAL STURING , - TUESDAY EVENING, 3fay 10th, at 8 o'clock. will be sold, on second floqr of Commercial Sales Rooms. 100 Smithfield street.: 10 shares Fort Pitt Coal Cq 50 shares Pittsburgh Savings Bank. 5 shares Keystone SaYlnics Bank. • SO shares National Refining & Storing Co. 45000 Pittsburgh I Connellsyllle R. R. Bonds. • IS A. 31 , 1LUAINE, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO BANkS AND BANK ERS,—The•followinechecks have lmen lose or mislaid, and all partied; are hereby cautioned against negotiating said checks,. as payment has - been stopped: • • Cheek No. 1569, on Citizens National Bank, from F. Sellers & Co., favor El. H. Myers & CO., for 01,125 01. _ No. 9, on Lawrenceville Savings Bank, from Mitchel & Siter, favor E. 1•11: Myers '&. Co., for $ Check ck on Farmers' DepoSlt National Bank, from 3. B.: Meziep, to order D..l4.,Myers &_ Co., for $3OO 00. Check on Franklin Savinkßank, Allegheny,trom J. F. Grubbs, favor E. U.Myers & Co., for $5lOO. Check No. 91, on First] atlonal Bank of Hun tingdon,- Fa., favor E. - Myers & Co., from D. Africa. for $l4 00. 1; .1. E. 11. MYERS k Wholesale Grocers, Corner of IrWin and Liberty streets. Pittsburgh, May 13th; 1808; my15:420 168....... - :NEW AErACCAS. - ' NEW XfolLtlß. BLACK srLasi xosiEßY nnd GLOVES. 39' - • 9 No.. 163 ifylle Street...go 1651. 6.. _.,_ _ rap,,...403 _ NOTICE. , -:••,,- 1 , • -..,- r Fifth Street Siiiewilk„fx„topiton. --. # - t. ..... ' ' IRON CURB AND SIDE W ALK. ourdesire to call thes4antion offMrtlestabont to Widen their sidowalks,:accordivg to ordinance, to our Watent Iron Curb rd Pavement. The Same will be laid in. front o the OPers Hou se this week and will apeak i for its f. The following is an ex tract from a letter of the CIO' Engineer and kern. lator : "I consider it, s perior to stone, and . if raid in Fifth street, will ad , flTeslil Witt DemW, and -', I would recommend it to " property owners. H. J. MORE, City Engineer." FA; indtbileid at: Address AiSAS WORKS. TilaAl3 Presldent." ' WILL. S. TAYLOR, ;„ 71iinkinl for th e formir very . liberal patronage be stowed upon ine, I assure my friends and rho ontdlo, inahet . orgt — I ...natin same, and. wtii"iijstwitlrittife°:o4 rivli +st i r; frOtr. +' rOrn:ql4 SI.FO SALE, rig = WITH OR was try T Oi n ivould rent fora to r si df pars > } ng nl~e s:vir*-40.10 ss= Aga 13t4 Aliogheor ;,. :Ll.' ' • T •~as~: m ;6:q% Mffil BY A. NEW fA:#t)DS. PAINTER, 3141. P' 9l " 10:114Fr* SM 1112=INI Mil • ...168.
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