¢:r'.~+9l~:*s,~.max..,-_:.+aaY.;:pr_F~r'r,.:.3l~ _>^,.°:~r,CYt=::s':7lrY Financial Matters In — New YoTk. Gold Closed at 139%@139% (By Telegraph to the PittstairaltGaibtte.l Nirw YORK, May 16, 1888. 310ittle AND 17.10LD The ease in the Money market this after ternoon has been greater than any previous I day since the opening of the year. - Early 1 in the day 6 per , cent. was the general rate • for call loans, but towards the close money' was offered at 5 per cent. on stock collet- I orals,• while Government bankers get sup- I Plied at 4 per cent. Primepaper is 6' to 7_% Der cent. The: Assistant • Treasurer to if bought 41,000,000 in Seven-Thirties anti -, sold 8500,000 gold compound interest notes, redeemed to extent of $2,100,0c50 with 3 per cent. certificates, and 15760,000 currency; the balance to-night; is 8101,378,876; the heavy decrease is owing to the cancellation , of compound notes. ; ,•The conversion ofSeven- Thirties were .1,3241,950. Sterling nominal. p. at 110@l101/ x . Gold lower, closing at 139% 1395!,„ Loans made at 6 per cent. 'lir carry • ing to Vat. Exports to-day, 81,804,000; for , week,-43,150,458. - • r - WEEKLY DANE STATEMENT. 4 - Yesterday's Bank statement is favorable. Loans, • 8267,724,7 n—increase, 11,968,900;- ' specie, 820,339,142 e—decrease, 8147,768; cir s34,lB3,249—decrease; 812,160'; de-: posits, ' 13201,313,305—increase, 82,836,737 ; t. legal tenders, 857,613,095—increase, 174258: H • GOVERNMENTS advanced during the dayb-but closed easy . with few sales. Henry_Clews&Corfuraish 11 the annexed 4:30 quotations:.' Coupons of 1881—L14®114%; do 1862, JAN; .do 1864, 107®107%; do 1865, 107%®107%; do new, 109%®109%; 'do 1867, 109%®109%; ten-for ties, /A3%®103%; seven-thirties, 109%® 109%,, Itaihroad , ,maiket quiet and firm. Expreati shares active and closed at a de 'l, cline from the extreme rates.. , , Border State bonds higher.' :Miscellaneous shares firm. The following were the 5:301.. M. prices: 0 eumberland, 34 1 A,®35%; Wells, 65 ®65%; Adams, '73%®73%;• 'United States, 57y-@ .57%; Merchants 'Union, 2834029; Quicksil ver, 2934 ®2a%; Mariposa, 5®6; Cantos, 50 ®50%; Pacific Mail, 91%, ®91%; Atlantic, 33®3.5%; Western TJnion Telegraph, 38%® 38%; New York Central, 128,%®128%; Erie, t,4@6934; Hudson 137%©137%; Reading, 903;@)00v Wabash, 50%®51; do preferred, 60; St:Paul, 6,3%®63%; do preferred 76%4® 76%; Fort Wayne, 107% ®lo7t/,; Ohio and Mississippi, 2954 ®29%; Hartford and Erie, 15%; Michigan Central, 118%®119; Michi gan Stmthern, 86%®86%; Illinois Central, 1453,0147; Pittsburgh, 845;®843;; Toledo, 105%®106; Rock Lsiand 94,.e,(a)95; North western, 67%®68; do preferred, 77%®78; St. Joseph preferred, 83; Chlcag,o and Al ton, 128;nrlington and. Quincy, .149%; Terre Haute preferred, 66; Ashtabula, 103; Missouris, 61; old Tennessees, 6834; new do 66%. • • II MINING SHARES Dull: Gregory 275. Imports of the week: dry goods, $1,332,005; general merchandise, $4,441,216. New York Produce Market. . • Me Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) New "lona, May 16.—Cotton is, better, with sales of 3,600 bales at 32c for middling uplands. Flou - receipts of 1,000 barrels; the market is dull and declining, with sales of 6,800 barrels at $8,40a9,25 fora superfine State and western; $9,50a10,05 for extra State; $9,45a10,50 for extra western; $11,75a 13,25 for white wheat extra; $9,80a12,60 for Round Hoop Ohio; $10,75a12" for extra St. L0ui5; 1 112,25a16 for good to choice do.; clos ing heavy. California flour is dull and drooping, with sales of 450 sacks, at $11,60a 13,50. Rye floor is witliout any decided change, and sales were made of 350 barrels at 138,25a10. Corn Meal is in moderate re qUest, and sales were made of 145 barrels at $5,85a6 for western. Whisky is nominal. Wheat; receipts of 14,390 bushels; the mar ket is dull, unsettled and. lc lower, with sales of 51,000 bushels ak52,27a2,28 for No. .3 spring; $2,32a2,33 for No. 2 do.; $2,43 for 'No. 1 db". Rye is , quiet., Barley is a shade firmer,with sales of 16,000 bushels Canada West at $2,20. Barley Malt is firmer, at $2.20 for State. Corn;. receipts, of 29,430 bushels; the market opened a efiade better, and closed dull and declining, with sales of 69,000 bushels at 11,14a1,17 • for new mix ed, 51,16 for old do., $1,14a1,16 for old afloat and in store, closing at the latter price; $1,22 , for southern yellow. Oats; , there were' no ' receipts; the market is dull and heavy with small sales at 87a87y,c for western afloat and in store. Rice is quiet. , Coffee is firm and quiet.' Sugar is firm, and .ales were made of 100 hogsheads at 1134a1l'ic. Mo -1 lasses is firm. Eons; the market is quite' steady. Petroleum is steady at 1336a14e for / crude; 30830360 for • refined bonded. Coal unchanged: Leather . quiet- at .previous prices. Wool more activeL sales 530,000 The at 45a54c for -domestic fleece; 44a47c for pulled: Pork- firmer; .sales 3,250 bbls at, $28,62a27 for new mess, closing at 528,87 for regular; $27,50a27,85 for old do, closing at $26,75 tor regular; 523,50 for prime ' $24, 50a24,75 for prime Mess. Beef steady; sales 660 bbls at 530 for tierce. Beef hams dull; sales - 80 bbls at $35a36,50.• Cut meats firm; sales 290 pkgs at 1314a14c for shoul ders; 17a1814e for hams. Middlings quiet. Lard heavy and a shade lower; sales 600 bbls at 17X818y,c; sales small lots at 1831 a 19c. Butter lower at 30a360; for Ohio. Cheese steady at 12e17c. Freights to LiV erpool quiet, •with 85,000 burgh grain per steam at 53,rd. for corn, and 53Rd. for wheat. LATEsr.—Flour closed slightly in buyers' favor. Wheat dull and , la2c lower; , No. 2 spring $2,30a2,32, No. 1 spring $2,4022,42. Rye nominal at 12,00a2,08. Oats 87a873yc for western. Corn dull and heavy at $1,14a a1,1534e, for new and old mixed western float afictin store. Pork quiet and steady at $28,75a28,87 for new mess, - cash and regu lar, and 022,0049,25, buyer, June. I Beef steady, with a fair demand. Cut Meats quiet and steady. Bacon nominal. !lard dull and heavy at 183'a183.0 for fair to Prime. Eggs steady at •V•a OE 01113 Mill I= MB ME ME MI M ISEI EiMI • , , . MIES 4, 'li4 Cincinnati Market. , . , EBy Telegraph to the Tlctaburgh casette.) 1 Cixoncrirest, May -16.—Fidur unchanged, Wheat firmer; buyers. offered 1 52,45a2,60, but holders asked 5c higher. Corn ad vanced to 05c; the, wet -weather"is being regarded serionsly;*6 it bas been raining raw for ten days t thhibeing-the season for planting comp and Soule apprehensions are , being entertained. regarding crops. Oats quiet it 800 for No. l; 'Rye starce and ad vance 4 _to -$2,05.' ', Bailey unchanged'arid'. dull. Cotten firmer; -Middling herd at 50c,. but the demand% light, as emulators are not buying: Tobacco firm but unchanged. Whisky nominal;' some trado confined to the "ring." Mess Pork hold more firmly. at $2B. Bulk meats held" rather higher ifi i the m orning, but closed:weak at 12%a12y, for. shoulders, and .1454a14X for sides. • Bacon firmer, but clos, dull, at 13% for - " shoulders and 16%a1634 for °Mar rib and,l7 . • al7" for clear -sides-4ri:fskie notes repre ' , senting,the views of buyers. -Lard dull,at 18Na18Nc. Butter dull and , drooping; f r esh 85a40c. Eggs IBe and firm, the sup ly being light. Grocerielf firm, especially ' 4 gugarrwhich 'is higher; with sales 'oil il 860 hhds and 4,21 .bbis refined. Linseed • - 4 oil at $1,20a1,22. Iletroletun firm at 343a37c for refined. u Lard oil steady at $1,45a1, 50. --e„,tateee Chamber Per bbl. Gold lnt, i,iii- i -- n - ..ite •of Commerce ha"- ,_ day e me ted four delegates to the Board of ~,T.l Trildeov blob is to meet in. Philadelphia ,A next Month' __.:..6.------ 14:1 _--Buffalo Market. 1,11 car Taws e h vrft eo th v er o. tta_l tece allet i eas pts_ et w taiL at:3l3. il ,t l 050 B u b v a tk_ w ee ; o — i§ QOO b, ; oats, - 48.000 bus. Mc BhipMent6-41ea' t 0 _ .... te,.,i . irres'bolgrhtcommv!h- ea u eeato '''i bur oitiel Bsol:4•l2p. '.." ' - v• 14c. .-Elour very •dulh Wisest New -. 4 " 1 0f car lots No. 1 lanbas at„ M inactive; sa leB , 1 . - Corn- all, .i:ZI 42• 30 P en ". :I* . . . 1 •,‘ - eed ,4o -. gi with„ d r" 0 .i, ...,r 4 ,4-,7 Inritl to aliti(46#l4lF 1.-.2 A 94was voio, . , - , •.-:, figures. ~..,7„1 , 7 BE .. '.K =I NZ . . . ._ . . . , . .. . . - -------- • •ra: , lti.--- - ,-2-z•..:,.-• ~ ,m •., ; •.- , ~..-7 - . . Fc5....,,,,i.,,-.6--ot, ,va1.,,;,: t , .....--...-- , .. r.„A.:TA.,-,:-...•... •?..:,..,.. •_,. ~ ~-•,.,- .. - .. •, . ~- ....,.- . .....„-... .... A.,.., t , ,r. __,.. ..---• ,---,- - ,:77.7!:::••g.,.77., . -- -.;7.7.;;Y : .-;,:-..,., I,,..,....,-;-,T4....4 1 .,;.•.,4,;,.„,-1v;„,,„:.,4,ztl.v4„xg,i. 1 / 4 ........4t4v41,..iic••44,„;.- . „,f,•1?,:•:-. i .•.... , ,, , ,,.. , •,....• , ...,_.. , ..:....,.. - .. _ - _, - ...4. ."., :„... ~,,,.,,, .„....,.,-4....„--.....,5-,...,--,v0.,;,-...-7:,:.q.7..T"-:ii7,..7,:]';',,,,.'::--..-c', ' ? ' .;,-.:-..• . ,-1.?,-, ; ,-..f.,,,:• ' - ' ,.,;? ' 1 ' . ;' ,:-Tr '''' ,:, ‘ 4, ' ,-, , - ! % ''': ,-,l: " .: ' ,o7 : l ' l "l'""''''V -2.4 ' i.l ' ..' ' ''' ''''' ' '''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''' . . '''''' -''''r''l''.4;::-.PUTEW.74,:g'''..:S-44-\'''.:N.,,'-,"',-1-?".7;.,,5' :rf-,-...,,...4_,,'.',7^,,,,,:.-.1,V.:.4..;..,":.411,,,: . ~, • ..-,..! , V 1 =6.,:.*:, - ; 5, ,,.-. a. : 'l4-li. , ';' , :. - i4 sy - 4., •• E •_,.• ',., ‘. ,• ..` , 1".;...'.:...4 . 4 .“,,,L.Y . . r7r-!: 5 ;04.,..-.,.....„..... , :1..J., ,,, ...p.,.......,.., C. , ...z-,...!;..-.: '&..r, ~, , t.., ‘1,7.,..-,0,04,,,,, fi: - ---, 71.1'T'' ,- ......t-i -, ..-.- ,`,4 ~ ...A. 4 ,... A. , ....., *k.„„*.„.._ , ~. ,:si - t, ~, , ..--••••'' ...;? -- 'V • f•i r. VWWP:'4 45'-' 4 ° '"A , gts* . PAV ‘ -••••%• 10 ri:Vt t k.' •- ' . ''. •' '•.'' 1,- , ....v4p,, iN,, , . .± t . 4 1:7 4- +: •. + . : .•,- F,Dt.. 4 . , - . • • : . . , . -. - ' • . • - ".",',Z`i,-..t1A04';'.4,-..-;t4=-,Pkip-' •k• a,, '-',,,-, ' . 74 I• r •1 • • t , • A k„,;, oltt Eng• l AiSl.4j, Chicago Market. [By Telegraphic the Plttaburgh Gazette.] Curcmao, May 16.—Flour; little doing, and, prices almost entirely nominal. Wheat in fair inquiry and 1a13.4c lower; sales No. 1 at 82,06%a2,10; No. 2 at 82,00a2, 02, closhig quiet and steady at 82,01% for No. 2. • Corp active and 114a13 ; c higher; sules at 91Xa, 9334 c for No. i; 91%c for new and - No. 2,, and 89a90c for rejected, closing quiet at 9111 91Nc for No. 1. Rye a shade firmer; sales at 81,82a1,83 for 2io. 1; No. 2at 81,78a1,80. • Barley dull and nominal." There was no life in the Provision market; prices entirely.' nom i na l. Mess Pork, i)128. • Lard, 18c. Dry salted shoulders, .12a12Xc. Lake Freights quiet and steady: ReCeipts-4,12V bbls flour, 38,829 bus wheat, 52,595 hue' corn, 22,914 bus oats, 6,271 live hogs. 'Shipments -4,816 bbls flour, 3,20,6 bus wheat, 165,493 bus corn, 28,393 bus oats . 10,859 live hogs.'" _ St. Louis Market •. . , city Telegraph to the PittsbUrgh Gazette. ST. LOuis, May 'l6.—Toliacco active and Strong but unclutriged, Cotton higher, 30 . forimiddtirig He l inti stiff, sales undressed at $1,05 mid.dressod , at $2,60. Flour, quiet, ,unchanged. Wheat-,--winter =changed; spring dull and heavy, buyers stood off. Corn heaty and easier, 90893 c. Oats heavy and easier, 130a82%c. Rye firmer at $1,85. Provisions dull but holders unwilling to sell, recent quotations small sales. Pork, 28c, loose dry salt: shoulders . held 'at la g s 13)ic; clear sides 17a17c. Lard, sales of choice kettle at 190, but that price refused for nominal lots. • Cattle in good demand at 5a63y for commonto medium; 74,83 y for thif to choice. Sheep, 6a634ross. Receipts of flour, 1250 bbls; wheat, 2800 bus; corn, 10600 bus; oats, 4200 btis. ClevelandMaiket. [By Telegraph to the Plttaburgh Gazette., - I or.,EvELAwo, May 15—Plohr Market 1111- changed and quiet, XX 'spring, city made q1,50a12,00, country 'do slosoall 50: XX ty made amber at $14.00; XXX city made White $15,50; XX. red coUntrymade $11.50a 15,75. Wheat dull but steady, No. 1 red Winter held at $2,63a2,75; No. 2 do at $2,50a 2,51,N0. 1 spring at $2,40. Corn dull open ing at 28c and closing) quiet at 97c for shelled. Oats dull and lower for parcels on spot, 7634 c offered and 77e asked. Petro leum market quiet and steady at 25a26c for refined in bond, and 35a37c for do free. New Orleans Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6azette.l NEW ORLEANS; May 16.—Cotton firmer; iddluags, 30;4c; sales I,loo.bales; receipts, $B6 do; exports, 316. Sterling, 153a155. New York sight exchange, % per cent. pre um: Gold, 141. Sugar and molasses firm and nominally unchanged. - Flour, $9,12 for superfine; choice, $l4. Corn easier at $1,61a1,05. Oats, 75c. Hay,' $19a21. Mess pork firmer at $28,50a28.85. Bacon dull; shoulders, 13.14 c; cleir sides, 1714 c. Lard, 1834a20Mc. , 1 Milwaukee 'Market. CE! Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garette.3 MitwArice.E, May 16. 1 ,—Flour dull, choice Wisconsin and lowa $ 9;50@)10;\ medium s9a 9,20; c0mm0n,?8.75a9. Wheat # l irregular at, $2,12% for No. 1 spring; $2,044 for No. 2. Oats stronger at 70c f 0 1 .., No. 2. Corn quiet at 92c for No. Receipts 1300 bbls flour; 63000 bus wheat; 8000 bus oats; 5000 bus corn. Shipments, 3500 bbls flour; 57000 bus wheat; 200 bus oats: 1300 bus corn. Toledo Market 1.133 , Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette] TOLEDO; May 16.—Flour—Receipts 1,623 bbls and quiet. Wheat—Receipts 3.50 bush and steady; sales white Michigan at *2,87; amber, 82,65. Corn—Receipts 3,076 bush andlc better; sales No. 1 at 97Ve; to buyer for this month at 98c. " Oats—Rpts 1,140 bush and steady; sales No. 1 Michigan at 74c. Rye scarce. Seeds' dull. Lake freights dull and unchanged. Phtladelphla Market. (Be Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l PHILADELPHIA, May 16. Petroleum dull; crude 18c; relined Blanc. FlOur in light demand. Wheat dull. Rye scarce at $2,51. Corn in good demand; sales of 3,000 bush at $1,28; 3,00 0 bush mixed west ern at $1,25, andl3,ooo bush on secret terms. Provisions dull and drooping. Memphis (By Telegraph to the PittsbutgliTiasette.) 'MEMPECIS, May 16.--Cotton firm at 31c; receipts, 20 bales;. exports, 42 bales. Flour unchanged. Pork $29. Bacon; Shoulders 14c, clear Sides 18c. Bulk Meats; Should era 13c, clear Sides 17e. „Lard 19a21c. Bay $l9. Oats'B9c. Corn $1,05. Bran $34. • IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH, PT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, May 16.—S care metal, Nim ick & Co; 4 do do, J Wood, Son & Co; 14 do' do, Bryan & Caugheyr 33 blO middlings, J S Finch; 100 bbls' flour, Meanor & Harper; 100 do do, C B Leech;' 400 sks do, owner; 100 do do, McClure & McKee; 100 do,do, J. B Doe; 1 car potatoes, J W Simpson; 1 car bulk meat, E H Myers & Co; 83 bdls green hides, Scott it. Anderson; 2 .kgs apple but , ter,•7 pkgs bacon, Woodworth &D; 3 cars '-old raibi Jones 4:c Laughlin ; 9 eke bags, J &W Falrley; 4 cans- iron ore, Shoenberger ' & Blair; 20 bxs cheese, J B Canfield & Son; ',lO do hops, John While Jr; 30 do cheese, H Riddle; 14 bxs oil, It E Sellers;„_lo.sks rags, McCullough, Smith &Cci; 5 bits candles, 15 do soap, ki - W C Feld; 2 bbls bacon, Voight, 1 Mahood & Co; 1 do do, 7 pkgs apple butter, H Rea Jr; 2 eke coffee, 1 box tobacco, Weaver & Sprinkle; 215 - sks oats, Bricker & Co; 10'13gs rye, Dan Wallace; 1 carstaves, M P Adams; 48 bags rve, 34 do oats, W 3 Meek; 15 bbls potatoes, J K Smith. CLEVELAND - AND •_ PITTSBURGH RAIL .ROAD, May 16-2 cars lumber, A A Baker, 9 do iron ore, Snoenberger & Blair; 6 dq do, Bryan & Caughey; 31 bits scales,Fairbanke, Morse &p,o; 10 bxs starch, R Peet; 48 sks rags, CP' arkle & Co; 4 bbls scrap iron, J Jones;,2 cars lumber, B Sclunidt; 2 d do, E Allah; 28.bbls scrap, J Moorhilitd; 1 o bbl axes, S. , draft' & Co; 25 bbls paints, D B Rodgers & Son; 10 kegs nuts, Lewis, Oliver & Philli; 13 sks hair, 4 bbls scraps, 2 sks tails, F Y C Feld; .50 has starch, Win Has lege & Co; 9 bbls dry apples, 2 do peaches, W H Graff & Co; 6 coils rope, Godfrey & Clark; 12 sks potatoes, Thicker-it Co; 28 sks rye,265 -do ;oats, McHenry &Hood; BO bbls ch apples,L FL Voir, & Co; 92 sks rye , 15 do oats, 7 do --harlo.b.if graham it Co; 40 bibs c4airs,LetrumA Weise. • , I . PITTSBUBOH,CINCINNAT/ AND, ST. Loyal Rim:main May 16.-2 bbls sig.gs, Ido but - ter, 2 brlle * hides, 6' sks rags, Smith; 25.' aka corn, :F Shields ; 6 ski; ". tanners' scraps, ",I F W -C Feld; 2 bxs 'litirdivare,'M MoWliat- ney &,Co; 2 bbls' lainp ChLmneya, - Excelslor' Flint: Co; 4 do eggs, lOr Kyle; 5 bx stone, J ' Brown; 21 irks oats, Meanor & Harper; 2 cram, M Steel & Son; 1 do do, W S Meek; I do milifeed, Stewart &Labgerafelm; 3 do staves; JS; Carey & Co; I Oar - scrap iron; , Mullin &Maloney; 1 car 'staves, 0 C ElUdth; i 30 hf bids herring , Kirkpatrick: 'Herron dr,' Co; 20 doltaf.' .1 1, Bravo; *do- do, ThomaS & Bro; 50, do do, W fa(Gorstaey.. Amur:must VALLEY RAILROAD, May 16. —640 bills 0 11,Clark & Sumner.2.carsstone, Forester•& McGraw; 4 care liinestone,.Sho-. enberger & Blair; 5 bbls . glue s crape , ylao. cue &Sour"; picks eggs,i'do butter, LS 1 Bkatchard; 18 sks oats,`Binghain ar, Liang; '2 sits wool, Wm Barkez(Jr & Co: 21 Sacks oats, 14 do rye, 1 do seed 'Small Johnston' 1 .5; Colvin. -- - 1- -. - 1- - A LL F 93 / 02 nr STATION, .:ikiAl 111....1. Car wheat, - W' :Motes & Co; 'I,- bbl " eggs,M Laughlin & "Co i ido d'o " '&4 Carson, `2 ,-, , ,d i u - ai lr er S i T7 7 s h : b7 o D in " ll so l iki pp ti li ' llitil ' lc H ' ', l ! I ls — I: ea ff r .: huge: Heck dr.filebrell;Bobbtro Gat' thii bran ' : %Myatt& Lingenbslan4"-1 - ' ' - • ' .... . vAshoviONsrrivan • Banns " AD; . 311:401) sks:haluiD 410 4 1 uellisapii. •Et lit tilitx• 1: \ 11 ii, . FAi P rgie; Clender 1 bhl.244lleire•glaalnis &Son; a " / X dng. 1111 Louisville Market. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] LOUISVILLE, May 16.—Tobacco; sales 140 hh'ds; lugs ss3;aB; common leaf to manufac turing. Va 38,50. Flour; ' super *8,75a9. Wheat $2,55a2,60. Oats 80c. Corn 91a93c. Rye 152,10. Barley malt $2.85a3,00. Cotton 2954 c. Lard 19c. Mess Pork $2B. Bacon; shoulders-14c; clear sides, 17Mc. Bulk shoulders 13a135(,c; clear sides 16 1 4 c. Whis ky nominal and very dull; it $2,20 for raw RIVER NMM. BothTivers were again receding slowly at`this point, with eleven feet in the lkfo notigahelii, and eleven feet four inches in the Allegheny. The weather continues cloudy and:unsettled,. and ,at • • this w ritin gi the indicationS are favorable for l iaore rain. The Delaware, from Nashville, arrived on Saturday, and will reload for that point` The Maggie Hays, fiem sp ( Lou*, reach ed the landing last evening; previous to thls, however, she put off a considerable quantity of metal'on the opposite side of the river. The Julia No. 2 arrived' from Zanesville yesterday 'afternoon being considerably ahead. of time. She ;Till leave as usual to- morrow at 4 p. in. There has not been a single departure aside from the daily D tickets sine ° Friday. The St.., Marys, Capt. T. C. Siiteeny, is the regular packet to-day for ancinnati, leaving promptly at sp. in., and "passen _gins -and shippers should = bear this in mind. The towboat Sam Brownsunk three barges, containing 42,000 •bnalielisor coal, about sixty-five miles below Louisville on Friday last. The coal belonged to W. H. Brown, of this city. The Lorena left St Louis for. Pittsburgh on Friday, and the Ezra Porter, from New Orleans, passed Memphis, en route for this port on the same day. The Charleston left Louisville for this port on Friday. The towboats Simpson Horner, Dick Ful ton, Grand Lake and Sam Brown, passed Evansville on Friday, going down stream. The Antelope, from St, Louis to Pittsburgh, and the Diamond, from Pittsburgh to New Orleans, were at Cairo the same day. The Alice V. and Glendale- were loading at St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Friday last. The Argosy Was i advertised tit,. leave Cin cinnati for Pittsburgh on Friday. The Glasgow left there for this port on Thurs day. The Kate Robinson was at Cairo on Thursday enroute for St. Louis. Capt. Ben. Howard has secured the con tract for carrying the mails on the odd daos, Tuesdays and Fridays, between Evansville and Cairo, making a daily mail. The new United States sntig-boat J. J. II Abert, up the 9th instant had removed ninety-three snags from the Mississippi river, between Cairo and St. Louis: They are all doing good service. A Louisville s peony. says: Passengers to Memphis, from New Orleans, who came through by rail, report the Lower Missis sippi falling slowly below . Napoleon, but rising above, with the low lands all sub merged, and serious fears sae entertained of an overflow. If the Southern Streams should rise, disaster IS certain, and it will prove far more damaging -to the crops and people than ever before experienced.. The Pargond made the run to Memphis in less than three days, distancing all competi- tors, and making 7 landings. Freights along the Lower Ohio are very scarce, and boats for New Orleans are taking tobacco, at $3,25 to $3,59 per hhd, and corn at 20e per bag. We copy the following from the Chicago Post: The fact that parties from the North are building capacious evocators at New Orleans to store western. corn, and the • other fact, that - machinery is now being made for use in that city by the aid of which !grain can be cheaply lifted out of barges into the holds of European vessels, are . proofs that somebody is in earnest in in the endeavor to divert the trade in cereals from Chicago and the lakes to the Wisississippi and the Gulf. Chicago can hardly afford to see this endeavor without inquiring into the probabilities of zuccess, and such prompt action as that inquiry may compel. A St. Louis telegram, under date of Thursday, says: The river is steadily-ris ing here; stationary at Dubuque, and fall ing at Keokuk. The Missouri is rising at Omaha and St. Joseph, with abundance of water for the largest boatii- Freight plenty and business brisk on the upper rivers. The. Illinois still rising all the way down from Lasalle, covering,the low lands, and threatening warehouss and towns with inundation. A Dubuque special reports freight to St. Louts, 6c six cents per sack, yesterday. The Leni Leoti left yesterday for the mountains, and Wauanita, fcr Pittsburgh. • River and Weather. [Special Dispitch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.. LoIIISTILLE, May 16.—River falling, with 15% feet of water in the canal. Weath er clear and warm. ( ST. Louie Mak 16.—Weather cloudy and warm with indications of rain. PROFESSIONAL OS. A. BIUTLER • . ALDERMAN AND POLIOE MAGISTRATE. • Office, 128 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFRGII, PA. . Deeds Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections, an d . ail other legitimate business executed promptly. ' mhZutie sAmveL MCMASTERS, t 7 ILTADERM.A.N, Ex-011ialo Justice of the Pence and Police Magis trate. Of GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. - _ Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed With Promptness and dispatch. - mhif3 VUSTACE S. MORROW, jL ' A ALDERMAN, EX-OFFICIO JIISTIOF OF THE PEACE AHD POLICE MAGISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, - Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Bushnell executed with promptness and dtspateh. . myl9 A AMMON', Justice of the-Peace, . , CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AUT. - CARSON STREET ,EAST Collection of Bents solicited and promptly attend. -ed to. , , • . ~mya:yee WILLIAIII . II. BARKER) , JUSTICE OF" THE' PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Office: CATISpI; STREET; nearly 'Oppaette the Itallway'Dopot; SOUTH InTTSBURtiII. Ilnetness entrusted , to hie care promptly attend myl:3ll • ed to DAN/FAI MIC/1/4L, M. D 9, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFTOE Affb . IItSiDENbE, Dio: 1 51) Giant et., near 136.1g1i, or .8: FERGUSON, ' ATiOriN it-AT-LAW, IRE No.-87 N'Uth Streeto 81. corm Htmolt HBONR RooYi aptw73 LTollilit :ATTORNEX-ATLAW. • ;.:.01111eot iii,llollacrtet Street, • ; • . • • ~(OpposSe theNourt Houso,) • :ieisttiC PtTiBDURt3B. PA. -10141:74"E5* : rim lisrAlluirei for storoinza.„ JOHN „ s ilo opok. • , 4 1046,. of the durerectiendtbilaor eels at NOV ' : Ter seta • 11. A. MIIBDOOIL --u----- and AB Bt. BMW Marin. 1 spa .7. &H. PIIELLIPI3. men, Firgiall and Beadsmen, 11$18mItt0eld Street' Fon. CIN CUINATI. THURSDAY PACKET-AT The new and splendid elde-wheel steamer J. N. M'CULLOUCH, • G. D. MOORE Commander. D. MOORE Clerk. The above elegant side-whe 1 steamer will leave regularly as announced, con ecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Railroads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight or passengers recelpted through either by Especial attention given .to Orders and ,Way Business. For freight or passage ap . ly on board or to JAS. I OLLINS ants. au= CHAS .BARNES, -e GRICIEST &- : LETT, ;Ar l ie Forwarding and . Commission Merchants,' • .ANb: GENERAL • STEAMBOAT ACENTS, Coi. Matta and Vatei stg., ratsbuigh . We are the authorised agents for the ''''S_ORT/1- WESTERN UNION PACKET . COMPANY,” be tween St. Louis and St."R.sal; also los lbe -, 113T. .LOUIS Sc QUINCY PACKET COMPANY," Freights RECEIPTED THROUGH by - either • of the above lines at the LOWEST RATES. Shippers entrusting goods to our care. can rely on having them handled with care and delivered with dispatch. We are 'also agents for steamers to Cincinnati. Louisville. Memphis, .New `Orleans, said alt other points on the Western waters. . • apZi CINCINCINNATI • • ff.. 2 4=110_ ■•••••• PACKET LINE. For Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg, Pomeroy, -Galliopolis, fig Bandy, Ironton, Portsmouth, Maysville and ( Cincinnati. • ST. MARTS T. 0. iIVILICITY, Meister. MONDAYS, 5 P. M. ST. CIIARLES FRIDAYS, 5 P. M. The above elegant side-wheel steamers. will leave regularly as announced, connecting at Cincinnati with Packets and Railroads to Louisville, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Freight or passengers reecipted through either by rail or river. Especial attention given to Orders and Way Busi ness. BARNES & COLLINS. ~anM ORRIEST & HASLETT. Agents. PITTSBURGH, . , j a dr o t WHEELING, Marietta and Parkersburg Line. Leave Company's Wharfboat, foot of Wood street, DAILY, at 1.2 M. . MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. J. N. McCULLOUGH..... Gs°. D. Moons, Master. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, BAYARD A. S. SHEPHERD, Mailer. WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS._ GREY EAGLE C. L. BRENNAN, Master. Freight will be received at all hours by &DS JAMES COLLINS. Anent. FOR MADISON & LOU- j a rag ISVILLE.—The tine steamer R. C. GRAY . .... ....Capt. Wu. R. ANDERSON, Will leave as above. giving through receipts to Memphis and 7 , .fevr Orleans, on WEDNESDAY, 20th Inst. For freight or paHssage FLAC apply on board or to JON K. J. D. COLIANGWOOD. Agents. mys AEGULAR WEDNES DAY FACKET FOR L—The tine steamer ARGOSY • Capt. VANDERGIIIIFT, W. H. Scott. Clerk. leaves Pittsburgh for Cincin nati every WEDNESDAY at noon. C. BARNES, _ JJ OHN AS. FLAC K .CNS }Agents. m h2l NoTICE PLUM]ERS. - . At a meeting of the Water Committee, held May 4. 1865, the following Instructions were adopted and notice thereof directsd to be given in the olnclal papers of the city as follows. viz.: On after the Hay 15th, Inst., * no LEAD PIPE lighter than that known as EXTRA STRONG will be allowed in making the connections bet een the ferrule and the stop cock at the curb line and the ferrule driver is instructed not to drive an ferrule having a lighter pipe than the above attached to it. BV order of the V. ater Committee. - • m . y7:psa JOSEPH FRENCH. Superintendent. OFFICE OF CUT ENGINE.= AND S ?Wit MIMI, c Pittsburgh. th. ISSS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • I SEALED PROPOSALS FOR Grading, Paving and Curbing CRAWFORD STREET, from Centre , avenue to Reed street: VINE STREET, from Pennsylvania avenue to Reed st.; MILTENBEROER STREET, from Pennsylvania avenue - to Bluff street; Will be received at this once until TUESDAY, May loth, 1868: Specifications and' blanks for bidding can be baktby calling at this office. my9:p9e. 11. J. MOORE, City Engineer. WYLEE AND DUNCAN STS. AU persons Interested are hereby notified that the Rport of Viewers, as modified by the Court of Quarter Sessions. at Iron. 11 and lA, . December Term, 1886, has been finally confirmed, and that the assessments are now in my hands for cones- tlon. Unless payment le made on or before June 10th, MS, the claims will be tiled' as liens, and collected by process of law. • 7. F. SLAGLE, City Attorney, May Bth, 1885. my9hp9s Pittsburg WEBSTER AND ROBERTS STS. Alt persons interested are hereby notified that the Reportof Viewers, as modified, by the Qourt of Quarter Sessions, at Nos.lgl and 13 of June Term, MO, has been finally confirmed, and that the as.: seisments are in my hands for collection. Unless payment is made on or before June 10th, 1865, the claims will be filed as liens and collected by process of law. 3. F. FILA.COLF, City Attorney.' Pittsburgh, litty.fith,lB6B. myO:p9l MAN1100D: HOW LOST 110 W RESTORED! lug published in sealed eneet ova. Price, six cents. A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREATMENT, and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhces, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility and'lmpedlments to Mar riage generally Nervousness Consumption, Epi lepsy and lilts; Mental.and P4sibal Incapacity, re sulting from Belt Abuse, Etc., itobt. J. Culver well. M. D. author of the "Omen Book," de. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS," sent under senl, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid,on recelpEof six cents, or two Rcista_ge stamps, to CHAS. _1.7. C. KLINE & C 0..„. Mll7 MOWERY, NEW YORK, POSTOFFICE BOX 4586. Also Dr, Cul ve rwell's "Marriage ti '' price A death. mys:orarT _ ______ Fr GLASS DIANUFACTURE.RS. - The 'undersigned hailing secured. the sole Agen cy Or the 11810 of the celeb*ted ' _ • COPLEY POT CLAY. s Are now prepared to furnish it in any quantity_ to those wishing to procure title superior article. Dui ring fifteen years , use of this Cluu,s we have arrived at Push proportions as we belleye . makes It a 'better article ibr pots than any In the market. wo having secured an auerage stand af atx, EIGHT and TIN MONTHS. We Will furnish recelpes fr the propor- / denten% . tion of the mixture at this Cla moulded p ohs purchas ing, The oar Is ground and in lumps for EITHRIDGE ci * BON. ' • • Wort Pitt Glass Woritb• • VaShington Street, Pittsburgh,•ra. - - - §IL • ER' 1111NESe—We , shall, in a . tow days, send anlagent to Oilver-illountaid , oligadO, to derelope ten different Lodes of Sliver Ore, discovered and located by experienced nOners. and pituited In an unusually rich mining district. It le Intended, to hive them fully developed before going, to the expense of, erecting -buildings, ma - chinery,'&C. - rim this development, the Company have determined to sell a limited amount or the spa so otinge Which will pimm gurchimers on the same to as.the proprietors themselvee, yor full pastleadarstipplyto •,'-. 11..htelAIN it CO.. Mh2B - • • • 422 Fourth street. ____- =II ) L l r/ C S, • ANCHOR,,COTTON - . kfanurabtur ere of TiRASI4 irEbiltri d ".."-- ANCHOB , AND MAGNOLIA?..B.B.EZTI NGB:AND BATTING. • atdMt C. A: tiaAvO, Master ma 120 EEC 1= MSTEELE & SON, . Commission Merchants, 'AND DEALERS IN GrxtArN,Aato. aro. No. 95 OHIO STREE'I near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. JAMES B. Id • SOIL MEANOR 'B4 HARPER . , FLOUR, GRAIN ANT) PRODUCE r .Loo Allto ; 329 LIBERTY. STREET, I'ITTSBUIWff - Consignments solicited. RILFEMiNCES—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics' National Bank; J. S. Dilworth & Co., It. T. Ken nedy & BrO. ' ' Ja31:124 PST= KEIL & • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED,, &c., . &c., 349 liberty St., Pittsburgh, my24:blr7 :r • ' J. BLANCHARD, • Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No -39 e PENN STREET aplB:xPa ALEX NICI&I - BW4 & WEB ? COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealer's QRAIN and PRO_ UCE GEN ERALLY,. No., 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh:, , . ,les , , FETZER , ARMSTRONG, • . • • FORWARDING AND CONZERIONNIZROBANTB, Foltite sale of Flour, Grain. Bacon, Lard, Rutter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 16 MARKET ISTREET,'coruir of First, Pittabargli. fe=tua . Ssal ° o dealers in Greceri L es, Grainl e ro: du c e, l'royisions.' Fish,: Cheese. Salt. Carbon Oil, de., Nos. 172 and 17.1 ;WOOD STREET,. near Liberty street, Pittsburgh. a. notun36 Jour; I. lIOVRE EDW. DOUSE WM. H. HOUSE. TORN L ROUSE & BROS.,,___ Stie eessors to-JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale rocera and Commission. Verchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets,,Pittaborgh, Pa. • RIDDLE, NO. 183 LIBERTY *STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Commission Mer c ant and Wholesale Dealer ; in 'Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce n ga erally. au2l- ROST. KNOX ANDREW . KNOT KNOX & SON, COMMISSIO3 *MERCHANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN ILL FEED and PRODUCE - GENERALLY, No 70 DIAMOND, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City. Ja17:117 V.CRAWORD,COMMISSION Ti.A FORD, IN PIG METAL BLOOMS, 0 F, WROUGHT SCRAP. IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY,_&c. Warehouse and Office, Nos. 366 and 365 . PENN. STREET. Storage furnished. Consignments solicited. ocl 14nitim, BAUID is' PA.TI'ON, Wholesale Grocers, Commtssion'Merchants and beaters, in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. B. CANFIELD & SO N , COM- E" • MISSION it FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, Lard, Poll; Bacon. Flour,Fish. Pot and Pearl Ashes, and Oils, Dried Fruit. and Produce generally, N 05.1.41 and 146 Front street, -Pitts burgh. JOHN MI (PTO?: QHIITON&WALLACE2 WHOLE KY 6 ROPERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, a. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburah. . 1112:08 OWNERS OF DRAYS, WAG CARTS, lIA.CKS, OMNIBUSES, And every description of CARRIAGES. nre required to call at the OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER and TAKE OUT THEIR LICENSES, on or before the Ist day of May next. For each and every Wagon., Cart, Car, Dray, Buggy or Carriage,,,,drawn by one horse. the sum of • t 5 00 For each and every one. of the above named vehicles, dmwirtly, two horses. the awn of. 8 00 For each and every one of the ale:renamed vehicles, drawn by font - horses, the sum of 10 00 For each acd every Hack drawn by. two horses, the sum of I 0 00 For each and every Omnibus and Timber Wheels, denwn by two horses, the sum of. 151 00 1 For each additional horse attached to any of the above named vehicles, the sum of 1 00 SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of all Livery Stable keepers in said city to make a return to the City Treasurer, within twenty days after:the passage of this ordinance, and annually thereafter on or before the lit day of May of each and every year, of the number of vehicles of every description, owned and used by them in their business, and the kind there of, and the same return shall be made under oath. Sr.C. 4. All owners of Carts. Drays, Wagons and other vehicles, who shall neglect or refuse to pro cure a license as aforesaid, shall be subject to a pen alty of not less than ten per cent. for every thirty days the same remains unpaid after the Ist day of May of each year. All Livery Stable keepers failing to make the return requirdd in the 3d Section of thli subject to penalty addition to the foregoing, be subject to a of not exceeding fifty dollars, all of which penalty shall be recovered before the Mayor, or oneof the Aldermen of said city, by sum teary conviction ; and it shall be the duty of the 'Chief of Police to seek out all persons who have failed to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance and report the same to the City Treasu urer, for which service he shall receive the sum of fifty cents in each case, to be taxed and collected as ' part of the costs, upon conviction as aforesaid. - • The penalties 'for non-compliance with the ordi ' nonce will be strictly enforced after the above date. D. MACFERRON. City Treasurer. Allegheny City, April Ist, 1888. myl:pso ROBINSON, No. 20 FIFTH STREET, HAS RECEIVED • AbrorrirEn , LOT PURE MAPLE SYRUP. ITTSBURGH PAPER MANE., P FACTURING COMPANY, Manufacturers of PRINTING AND WRAPPING PAPERS. CLINTON MILL—STEUBENVILLE, Onto. BRIGHTON MILL—NEW BRIGHTON, A. OFFICE-AND WAREHOUSE, No. 82 Third Street, Pittsburgh, ra. orrIcRita—A JN II O GS B ST L II rv A I R N T O ,I 9 E T , O .Fr N es , Tress rer. SAMUEL RIDDLE, Recretary. DIRECTORB—Angrat Hartle, John Atwell, S. I Hartman, John B. Llvlngton. Cult paid for Paver Stock. ja29:02 pomicEvAL BECKETT IKEICBANICAL :ENGINEER. , (Late of Y. P. W. , & :C. Beltway.) 'Office, No:19 PEDERAL.STREET. Remo No. 2, up stairs. P. o. Box SO, ALLEGHENY CITY. 3IACHINERY, of all descriptions. designed. _ BL AST FURNACE and ROLLINGMILL DRAW INOS farnlshed. Particular attention paid to do, signing COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES, Patents con fidentially solicited. air Ail EVENING DRAW -1103 CLASS for ntechanica every WEDNESDAY • apil:nBB VERRY OTREET... • , .•. . . ... We, the undersigned viewers, to 11+1 seas damages and benenti In opening of Perry street, Third wrd, Allegheny, will meet on the pre= Lees, on THOR& DAY, May Allth, 1868, toSul- MI the duties of their nproolntment.• • , • • JAMEIi GRAHAM„ ,' 'JOIIN CUNNINGHAM, TlTOldi El MI T 1.............. myl2:q9 • . . SEDGMICK STREET, f;; . .. ,;ST R, •- , • . The .ntidoesigned,;yofill appointed' vlowers,th wi : asse St ss damages and benefits for opening of tiedgek .s Sixth ward,Alleithen ineet aLthe prandaes. on 'fIEILIRSDA.Y, the 95th day of Diagel999, at 535 O•olockl!.; 9,10 fulfill the dUtled of Wl._ dr aPPoint ment. .* WM. C11019E19'1; • - ' ' s• •• -• -JOHN T., JENNir 4OS . 4./015: 5 (Illik_iifif•• WM MwID!!) OpiALD - ',,,.,• e , , ; , .. .., - •'"' . „" :to auesidame 4AtjaittilaiderntUra.oeftnaktsiloy., e to , r o n SlTOSitllgrtyYlihi%lo la t ovterei r •Ift , to attead fa theauttalt ebeisiaPPGMPatlit. • ' ,. . . IL , m.RATi tAm ' ' VI Crimurls. - mTl2:qlO RaiGRCiAS • ; pITTSBURGH andaMMINE • COSNELLSVILLE R. R. J. A. STIMLIC, On and after THURSDAY, March Sib, /WS trains will arrive at and departfrom,the Dtxnx.-cor ner of Grant and 'Water streets. as follows Depart. Arrive. Mall to and from trnlontM. 7:00 A. M. 6:00 McKeesport Accommodyn.ll:oo A. M. 5i1K13 P. M. Ex. to and Chun Uniont'n. 3:00 P. M. /MOO A. M. West Newton Accommod'n 4:30 r. w. tR3S, A. W. Braddock's Accommodat'n 6:1.5 P. M. Tiso P. 11. Night Ace. to 31clieesport.10:30 P. ste. 040 A. M. Sunda,' Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. M. 10:00 A. N. For tickets apply t.): • 4. R. HMG; Agent. W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. taus JOS. ItilLPZit ALLEGHENY • . laggitim VALLEY RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE'OIL REGIONS.. Running through to Venaugo City without change of ears—Connecting with trains EAU ail West on the Warre.. & Railwa ys.. road, and Atlantic & Great Western Shortest and quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points In the Oil Regions. On andlifter April S 6 -01, I,l36l4oqadeNSeernatu will leave from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. corner Canal and Pike Ste. meows: . De . Arrive. Mail to and Pm Ven. City. .7: 4... X - • 54 5 F.M. ,' '.' I Express " - " 10:40 I. N. NSA. X. Brady' ti Bend Aecommoillt 3:00 a . ..x. 1 :20 - A:. , N. ~ 4 Soda Works Accorn'n 5:30 P. Si. : :33A. M. First linitoma.cenrnod , n.. -, _SIES/ A. S . _AI. A.; 31 . •‘. Second MUM Actomod'n'l2:UG w. . .'ille r. ' Sunday Church Train leave.s 13oda.WOrks at 8: 00 A. al., arriving in rittalmrgil,at 9:30 A. M... BO- • turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 110 P. E., Arrivingat Soda Works at 2:55 P. M. " _l_ _ H. BLACKSTONE, Supt. ' W. F. HOPE, Ticket Agent. ' ----. =I M=! VITTSBURGII, CMCINNATI 'ANT) ST. LIS RAILWAY. CHANGE OF TIME.—On and after' 6IINDAY, Uy 10th, 1867. trains will 'leave and arriveht the nion Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh tin ' .Deport : Arrioe. Mail Express 3:15 a. , m. 1 54:36 p. m. Fast Line 9:40 a. In. '.1:15 p. m... Fast Express 1:50p. M. 11:20 a. in. Mixed Way ' 6:10 a..m.J7:05 p. m. McDonald , s Acc'u, No. 1.. 11:40 a. m. ;13:05 p. m. Steubenville Accommod'u• 3:50 p. in. .9:30 a. m. McDonald' s Acc'n, No. 2.. 5:25 p. m.. : 8:90 a. M. ' I sexciAL Noncz.—Sunday Express ieves at 1:50 p. m. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. 4 ta. the next ' morning„. T . . _,.. The 9:4 a. m. Train leaves 'daily, 6unday and L - - Monday excepted. , • I S. F. SCULL. General Tiellet Agent. W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. i• . . 1 LT ~ r aBTJHGH, FORT WAYNE CHICAGO W. A CLEVELAND le PITTSBURGH It. R. From May 11th, 1868, train* {leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north aide, city time, as follows: • Leave. lo 1 Chicago Ex.... .2:13 am; Cleveland Ex 2:13 am' Erie & Ygn 7:2S a ut Cl. &Wh'gbPl 6:13.am, Chicago Mail— 6:58 am: Chicago Ex..... 9:43 a mi Cl. & Wh'g Ex. 1:43 prn Chicago Ex,— I:sBpm Wh. & Erie Ex • 4:49p n. Depart' from -Allegheny. N. Brl_gt'n A c: 8:58 a m Leetsdale • 10:13 am , 11:58 a m Rochester " 2:23 pmi Wellsv'e Ace.. 3:43 p m Leetsdale Act. 4:13 pm N. Brigt'n " . 5:33 p m N e ßr d gn "" • 16:43 ppm 1:58 p. m. Chicago Ex press leaves daily. simyll F. R. MYERS. EN N 8 Y LYANIA tlllaltiEME CENTRAL RAILROAD. n and after May 10th, 1867, Tfains will ar rive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive.. , Depart. • Mail Train.... 1:20 a m Day Express.. 2:20 a m Fast Line 1:50 a mWall's Novl.. 6:30 a m Wall's No. 1.. 6:20 a m 'Mail Train ii. . 7:50 a m - Latrobe Ace' u 7:50 arh *CincinnatEx 11:40 a m Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 aml Wall's Noi , 2.. 11:5.1. am Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m JohnstowitAe. 3:05 pm Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m , BraddocksiNo 1 9:00 pm p Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Exiires: 4:50 pm i„, Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's Nei:3.. , 5:00 pm . Wall's No. 3... 2:05 pm Well's No: , 4.. 6:05 pm Braddocks No 1 5:50 prlll Fast Linea. . ... . 7:30 p m- Wall's No. 4. 7:05 pm Latrobe Ard'a 8:50 pm Altoona Acc'n Swissvale ilert /0:50 pm . Trainor b • :..10:30 p w. 1: Sundayhh Train leaves Wall's!: Station _glen' at 9:15 a. s k i„ reaching Pittsburgh at'ly: a. m. Returning leaves Pittsourghlat 12 : 50 p.m. and tort% Is at Wall's Station at 11:00,1 in. Cincinnati Express leaves daily. il. other trains daily except Sunday. For former information apply to _,___. - W. FL BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing_ ap parel, and limit their responsibilit ' to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage "exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk'or the owner, =- less taken by special contract. .i v.Th • •• , , - • EDWARD H. LIA/P3_, General SuperintendenAltoona, Pit. .. l , EMDM ONS, myll • - kSTERN PENN : a i llallega SYLVANIA RAIL ROAD.-On and after May 10th } :1867, the Pas senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ralf-: road will arrive at and depart from the Federal . Street De Am pot, Allegheny City, as follows: •, • os. Pepart. • SOringd"e No 1 6:35 a .l. 645 ain Freeport No. 1 2:15 a nil Freeport No. 1 9:10.a m Express 10:15 a m Sharpb'g No.111:90 am Sharpliog No.l 1:25 p m Express , -1:50 pm Freeport No. 2 4:10 p m Sprlngee No 1 3:50 pm 5:50 p m Freeport No. 2 6:05 p m Springd'e Not 7:10 p m Soringcre No 2 7:30 p m Aboyertrslns run daily except Sunday. • The Church Tralh leaves Allegheny Junct. every',_ Sunday at '1:40 reaching Allegheny City at 0:60 a. ro. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:60 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny innet. at 9:45 p. m. COMMUTATION TICKETS—For sale In packages of Twenty, between, Allegheny City, Chestnut street; Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, and'good only on the trains stopping at Stations spe cified on tickets. The train leaving Allegheny, City at 6:15 a.',131. makes direct connection at Freephrt with Walker's ticket Stages for Butler and Hannabstown. Through mai be purchased at theiollice,__No. 3 at. Clair street, near Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Dewt. Allegheny City.t For further Mformation apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, • • Federal Street Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Baggage. exce,pt for wearing ap parel, and valuent. responsibility' tolitte Hundred Dollars in . All baggage exceeding this amount in value will be at the risk of the owner; un less taken by speclalanwtprib H. WILLIAM finnerintendenk. Altoona. ra. S MOKY 1.7 ROUTE. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY Eastern Dirision. =ill I= PAN HANDLE 11013ETE4 . Amite. 'Chicago Ex. I. 2:23 a M ,Cleveland a m I c:hicago Ex..:. 11.23 a m Wheeling EX, 11:08 a m St. Louis Ek.. 3:33 pm Cl A. Wh'g Ek 4:38 pm Erie & Tg2n F,x 6:13 pm Chicago p n 1 ma wire Ex 7 :2 :08 pm Arrive frt lleghim_y. N. Brigt`n Ai:. 7:03 a m N. Brigrn •• 8:28 a m Wellsville " • 8:53 a m . New Castlel ",10:13 a m Leetsdale I'''. 0:13 ant .1: 0 8 p m N. Brigt•n' ," A:43 p m Leetsdale '• 4:53 pm 'h" 7•28 pm 11:23, 'Chicago Express arrives daily. General Tteket Agent. m3ll The SELORTEST AND MOST RELIABLE EOM% Qom the East to all points In - Colorado, Nevada, California, Via*, Arizona, Witshingion, New Mexico, ' 4daho, Oregon. ~ Two Trains leaye State Line and Leavenworth P (Sundays exceptedo on the arrival ars and , St. Railroa d from St. Louis,' and Hann' 1 and St. do Railroad from Quincy*, 'Connecting t Law.:, rence, Topeka and Wamego With stages for all , points In Kansas. At end of _track west 6[104 worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESSgO3d _._ . PANT'S DAILY LINE, OF. OVERLANDS Amu. AND En'RESS COACHES FOR . 2).E.1141,VE11t 13/...t. It T 4ZEC44 , . And aLI Points in the Terrptt?ries And with SA.NDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY LINE of - • COACHES for 'Fort Hya t tUghipu,-Be rt, rass. Albu- ' anerone, Santa Fe, mien 1;411 n A.risane tint New Mexico. - With the recen. additions of - rolling eguipment, and the arrangements mane with re sponsible Overland • Transportation Lines m western terininus, this road now offers tin Called. !gentile]; for the transmission o 1 freight to e Eat West. Tickets for sale at all the principal °al I.lniLed States and Cauadas. , Be sure and ask for Haas I'll 7. SMOKY HILL UNION PACIFIQ EASTERN aVISION. • a -1"""zmaIRIP Fee"talEuPeain fleet • • .E. WX • . , General: Iregglii and 13,MMIS}XML • r ro LITERPOAMABIDM. - .QUEENS TOWN:' TUE INMAN "111114t1011416,13ifirs, •:„ ilainbe g n g MirL ie ll ' a r 4 . 7 l4* TePPOst , antra .9 1 . 3 . 2 4 • the cot toted - - , - OITY.OF EARN WoFrilarvcri MY OF OSTO OF AL gator s from nor ortb ijorfirork. tor Or fttib It inf r tt lll 9 , 11.1" :1 3W3 1 InN s affiltiaci7l kl) " I r . ); I to virrn STRUTS NbroHttileililidfai r4 3 ;;')7 Neall 7 roPortto PoOt °See, ilttibarsti. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers