his littsintrgt 6..aitttt. "IN THE TOPS ' .9107 bidding rien-treei.-n • 'Yo wave made a throat; • Ec' . . • And the sweetest thrush in all theNiorld is ening thetWalonet:f.i.' D A raw*ln Hutto tenderbrown atom, Ne' He atilt p up and healngs own— Who can pass him byt "Through the thin leaves thrilling, Goes each glittering note; Hearts of all happy trees are drawn . Into this one bird-throat; And all the growing blooms of morn , (MID Music Is so strong/ ' Are reisoh•d, antl blended, and upborne, ' • And titter ed Into tong. • • TPA' " '`ktpleada, he laughs; be waves, t Ile shouts to sky and earth; • The wild notes trip each other up 111 cestaalerof mirth; Se drinks the azureabo of the air, = C , ---He,tasses song ut; - • Like a girl's tangle of gold hair, i 4 ; opoiymft lold shaken trut:..... • .kitt bedding lastkret, • =• ; • Try to show your power;.. . klake4 leaf foremen garrote I He makes In half an hour! . ~ Wilditherers In the grass,..beta . The mtuda of, Tone parts,• m a kes bud tae.n thought - Be glees to,pluurlng hearts." EPHEDIKBISe • . —Wesmael • has succeeded 33onfanti: at, ' • .• • -=-A:rthpr Sketchley. and hitt Mrs. Brown `did ri.t wake fame or fortune in Ami.rica: —Gov. Bullock, of Massachusetts, is a great 4079 rite with the, people of his State. woman ieventy-two years of age gave birth to' a child not long ago in Berlin. :=-Than'PoPoff,who was recently Russian pnist of Sitka, is now Archbishop of Mos . cow. —Miss Anna Dickinson is, to lecture in England this summer. Poo; poor English people t. r— Tom Brown' Hughes is trying to get Into Parliament without spending any money. . , Sheridan is going to try.and kill Germ. offs few of the Indians in New Mexico this --The present ,Lord' Byron is fifty ye a r s old and anything rather than 'poetical and —New Orleans has seventy miles of street railway, and a man who has ridden over tlient all. - . 7 ,-Strychnlne and oysters are recommend ed as a cure for jealousy or any of the other ills of life. —ln spite of the Yale students, and the townies, New Haven has produced a quad rupedal chicken. • • . Toting woman, an American, from Cleveland, Ohio, has been arrested in Dres den for infanticide. —The English Opera Troirme is playing in New York. Miss Richings is still as ever the life of the troupe. , • • —the corner•stone of 'a Soldiers' Itionu ment is tb be laid in Youngstown on the coming glorious Fourth. —The people in Winona, Minn., had the pleasure of enjoying five separate thunder storms all on one sund4- • —4. - Boston phfios9Pher; after much ser (iiii,attifiy, has discovered that Cupid never at!.o4. on the - wing, brit . just under it. George of Prussia has written a new" pay; of Phaedra; which of course, be ing by a royal author, la highly praised. —British Columbia is said to have the 1:1108t voracious, as well as the most enor mous, and lively musquitoes in the known world. 1 —Mrs. Stove considers Jean Ingelow one of the men of- the times; at least she in cludes her in a new edition of her work by that name, —The petroleum business seems to be _ again looking up, within the past two weeks 17 leases haie been giien on the. Benning __ hoff farm. ' —A Philadelphia periodical is publishing what is called Evangeline in prose, an arti cle which Is quite as prosey as its author is presOmptious. _ -•-The Atlantic Base Ball Club of Brook lyn is going on a Western trip this year, and has engagements to play as far out as Jackson l Michigan. _ —Boston, always jealots of New York, bias become anxious for a woman's club, after the newly inaugurated, which holds • forth at Delmonico's., • -Theship yards in Portsmouth, N. H., are dbing nothing. ' An'exchange, who has an aptness for camparisons, says they are as „quiet aa grave yards. , The suicidal' Anderson, the - magician, . isin Cmcinnatl playing his trick& The - whereabouts , of the thoroughly adverthaid Mrs. 4:, l lEft. Joseph,Missouri has; grt&ShOill • ' Pere. /ire "Fite. ta!klivelY," • says excruingtt., litt,re ourselves seen #' o ll B woman se . grasshoppers. —The Chicago Post = says : Gen. Of Reed,Olit*gt4shed as h!iifig one of the two rDen ' l, gria; Rag IV I 6 , are.xxtot Candidates ,for Congress,' has an Income of $lB4 882 •,dame Kinard is to loslar.llktides) was to • Badatia, t-iMlf(itOiet MaVadr : Wm:di:1110 ifiroinelither` as well as tke rise of the fascinat- .• 7 .T7Wlo.ll42iiiiit6d thatt Mts ars. Lockhart ; I # l 3lli t if c ,t9 l l; *NO struck . retroltirun-bompanz's ;; tact and which is now , pumping 100`bar . diem. = • • •„: -54.k,f t 4r , and binutiftd !• :* 111 ,q.. 0 4, : 404 44..SiddianViCcirs the tiiher, dal;nor= thirty-Ilve ~d ollars.. After! the. moneyiese scent ehe bacon sorry that she. Rattedwith her hair +~~Ce ot ; Weiltngton ~been ap ; • pointed Lord Lieutenant of Middlesex. 111 spite 2.ft l / 9 .lrdtiry reinerlra of an exchapgb " I°l4 ' ' l6t4iti kt s itailcici, l Bcc., this is-not ithlor.D.Ake builttiother. * ' —Plush 'breaches of various brilliant hues, and crelifn - Polpred gold laced coats - are th e • '-latept Coafnnyisinf been P idiar• who:Alia been 'fivisltl ha E ll huid; , where the - iiit'sotee - -„ , g Niera i wive; ;WU d Mac Gnaws ilaringthe• whit er And has A ° 401 1 1 11 0*14 0 P.141 °l nOntlat/444 Chi :;tstiklfsolrll4,lll6:4ooo- - ibCnit: loqip e ;: x iirßeetonJlA'LlOirome-,:r*, ; g :4 , l'A 3;',.! .o.,lirvei •,'7.4 r , vr,:;',tf'; ,:.J. t• - - , . • • , ~ 1 • i' ,-• . . . 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I' -•- i ''',.. ^ 1 • - . 44 1 31 -, ,, ...,,, ..i , ~,.. .r. 6 , - , ... 4 ,.... ~i Se 0 ^4 , , ~. . .P . V.,. ' - ' " • '';'` ,Pnkiaki•W*"'" 1 0: 0 4 , 414 4- '' " 'lc' , li- F4' '... ~ . • ` - '1 , ..'l , . , Helene and .L;i Grande Duchene de Gerol- stein, —lt is stated that.Pawison the eminent tragedian, has deferMincd* emigrate i h?: this corMtrY: He Las peen Ofla, tivateil with AMerfea tfpin he dianot4tmkeignite . _4o3,autifer otitalitaa - andi4Nitt of Head,"it gild to be :the editor of Every Baturdag. His selections are very judicious, and show an evident knowl edge of the diversity of the popular taste. —One of. the last things an American or Epaphm.learns7ll„9lAn_Ecirppe . , , Aß , o 7 7ift, Tut- otieWiniailfitiiirtifi; and until ,h idge Ij it he fa never *tea with I .4 l Wreal4t'itnd riarif• doublw-prices-for 4hitt he bilys: _a 4 , OM Bateman v is going ,to play Leah 'tigaiit' LOilddit. * this - tanA at the Hay parketthe4re , Her unprecedeAted engage mentin'torOpi. where She played' Leah" more than ayettir to'crowded houses, was at the Nett Adelphl. -.. -- I Gen; the 'Fenian, IS said to have 'ordered'a large number of "various' sorts of sitperior:fire t ertus from, the Colt;Manufac laring Company.. Wonder what the Gen- Viral wants with them ? Perhais he will sell - them for old iron. maivnained Pierce, livingM Jamiaca; Vermont, has a child four months old which he says has been able to talk for some time. The little dear'must have remarkable apt ness to learn a language as ! difficult as Eng. lish, in so short a time. ' —The British Government Is beginning to take measures for the preservation of for est trees in Australia. The' Goiernment of the United States could not do better than to follow this excellent example s in regard to our own forest trees. —Somebody is troubling hiinself to write a life of Andrew johnaon. If he can pub lish it soon, and end' it up wfth something in this style : "The illustrious and honored subject of our remarks died . 1868," we can insure him a good'sale. —The `people of Indiana are surprised and pleased because a silver wedding took place in that State' recently. Divorces are so easy there that it is quite a novelty to meet people who have ,not taken advantage of the law within twenty-five years. —Hon. Charles Biddle, son of the late Nicholas of that ilke, has been nominated for President by the Universe (a philadel phia Roman Catholic paper.) It all the Biddies in Philadelphia were to pledge themselves to support him , he would stand a fair chance enough. —Louisville has forty-eight churches. No one would ever imagine it if he never got any better acquainted with the town than he can through its papers. The readers of the Journcd might well be pardoned for be lieving that there is no church within miles of where it is published. —Democratic papers are sailing into Gen. Meade in first slags style. Democrats haven't a single first class general to set up as a candidate, unless liiincock finally makes up his mind to stand aloof asthe only prom inent military man in ta party opposed to war, and bolstered by rebels. —During the last six months, in New York, twenty-two people have dis appeared from among their friends, and never been heard of again. Gone, suddenly, mysteriously, awfully; and no tidings can be found although de tectives have been out all the time, in vain. —All of those persorus who are going thioagh the agonies of suspense, caused by waiting for those very much "sought after" persons the white washeis and paper hang ers, iteed all of the anticipated delights of the approaching strawberry season to repay them for the strain on 'nerves and tempera which they will have endured. —The winter has been so severe that in Kansas very many people have found it very difficult to keep the wolf from the door. One man living near Leavenworth seems to have been especially unfortunate in this re spect, as one morning not long ago he found eight wolves at . his door. and it was with the utmost difficulty, and a rifle, that he per suaded them to leave. —When the late Marquis of Salisbury died he left behind him a garter. Mr. D'ls rae4 fixed his longing eyes upon it, and -many of the. preiniers enemies' feared he should get it. - Ent the Queen has seen fit to ; bestow it on the Duke of Marlborough, and so Mr. ;D'lsraeli must wait, in hopes that some other Knight of the Garter, will "hand in his checks" before long. . 4 :When one becomei disgusted with his fellownien by reading of the buying and selling'going on mining our highest public men, iittint r.!..ad'thiti noble act of a noble *lnl l 4/4" Cecl ' Feit 36 , 4 3; „"on.tasturdig., , last as a train on . 4hi New York Central Railroad was nearing 'a mile post, on Green 'Blend, Stephen He ff ernan, the. fireman, saw a little child sitting on the. ttack-InieL apparently paralyzed by fear. Heffernan,' O''pec r iskef, his,uWta (A -of& tlifi*Ogtortivoii*llitcoflrf It e;.ciTinb. WO *l4l' gil atCh P d'hit ' lo Wo:4o ,l iicltialtd lilted hex itjitioWlipOtt etlerie• ' . —On Sattirday_we • hea r d some young la diMtitliElPfr ahildhook and 'one said that of-all thingsshe loved best to roll down Itql, • and that she - wished • 'she could t dd:itiaiii4 nbw. To this ahaiMing. young wOrnfui the }deg /IdftYe: t* sny dap,that she ) 1 4 , a min d tq•ArYtlffi,ishalido- 44ir .I ;' 4! lo naveß.PPc!PoliCenten; • Weal. :4,!1e ;wagons pie ice. ,street, , from. Grant to geld and .. What itiintfre;:we- will with 'the giistest Vt, - ,01(1400#44 114 ticln the ; • 1! ./ : 1,, -An odd genus lit fistaiituth ?lissourti gei,,..# l o4#:f revenge; litol‘loB:;tifialk:itiO 1 ether: daps tied , couldn't :get it, oat again.: Ile rnt;!°, . the Iti./'<fi,t 4 lik' lirseill whom he looked :upon as an inimy, and finding ntworia ray home dashed around a .gocid,deal;-not Aoingtaly harmrliht prome 'fifth* Piiiugh.4lo:Polisil4o.**44;ol-; 4ilW,4l44l.l4l,iiiivilii beast, secathi g sorne ,thlnt or^othertodowoui , • At isst f a!firillizuit' idea flashed .3 ."; : ' lli,' iieiffinfiip took Aff,". '..:P. I 9PP , lea te , the 4 *IC: wttfi , E m 7 ilthil e if*, l uie pz:au l ts, 0404.9 c, ., Alt's, able lifirit*olid 0 ke 04and hilimv. In 311.1 iv 1 o•_, ' , ill, , trT,,;4 C.l•fifkut, , ~. ,„ NM PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: MONDAY, MAY 18. 1868 ~,,.J)ENTD3TRY : , .11):STRACTED vy,ri7kloll7T lay! AO EmitADEORDE ABTIFTCIAL EED 3YULI. SET E °/ 1 8 8 ; AT DR' SI7B PEA 00E ABOVE HAND STR LL WOREWARRANTED. CALL ANDES . • INE srEcimmis-OF 7 GENVINE vutoex- ITE. _ _ zais:d&T 0 - 4 II !, _ _ GAS Jr4A.TlairOES r, i~ND 13. - .0AX4 1 0 letriO, I • - . . AM:ALtS IND One Just recettOed, - this'gnat and largest iseortment ever opened in this city: • - - • .W.EIL!NOti ti'KELLY.. . 141-aroots COB. YERGIN'ALEY, mb24:a22 DRY GOODS. 87 ....B i ARKE T fitTIEtEIE T . SPRING OPENING ! THEODORE: F PHILLIPS?. (Saciessoi to J. H. Burchfield & Co.) . SPRING' DRY GOODS, • SPRING DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. • MB. PHILLIPS respectfully announces ihat ,the extensive alterations to his RETAIL' • DRY GOODS STORE' tra m t t g. ., :g e n r , e e l Vabllshm tut 'lli NOW . New Stock,of Dry GOods,. For 11.%1 umnier *ear, at the loVest Bast rBll4 and: B7....MAR.KE T M P 4 11 o g R C) H E-I , c - 1 E: i I 4 1 W P clt, g r. 4 g 0 M &C 11 A o 0 E.' i P g 2 -44 ' It 2 ho ~4 - g .. Al. 1 t 6 Z CURB, McCANDLESS & CO., I Taj (Late Wllaoa, Carr it C 0.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET. Third door above Maroon/ 'WI?. I BUBO H, PA PIANOS, ORGANS, &O. 150 PUT THE BEST AND CHEAP. .1.) EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomacker's Gold Medal Plano , AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN.. The SCHOMACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known In the con struction of 'a first class Instrument, and has alwayil been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone Is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship,. for durability and beauty, surpass In others. Prices from $5O to $l5O, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than ,all other so-caned brat clam Plano. ESTEY'S OOTTAfiE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed Instruments, In ro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone orany similar Instrument in the United States. It Is sim ple and eotnpact in construction, andliot liable to get out of order. - CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX . HUMANA. TREMOLO" is only , to be Ibund in this Organ.. Price Dom $lOO to (1550. • All guaranteed for dye BARB, SNAKE & BBMISR, mh9 • Na. is ST. CLAIR STREET; IiaIECONID HAND• • MELCIDEONS• AND ORGANS, In peifcet order,. ftom *Mt to sloop,. _ CHARLOTTE BLIIMZ, sum,. *5l Fifth it.; Ad door above-W(o9d. GLASS; CHINA. OUTLEIRY. /00 WOOD STREET. CHINA, 'GLASS AND • . , QUE PARIAH ' ,- STATUIgTTES, '•-• • :; • . • 1•••• • Ant othererrAtitiVAlrwite#lr GOODS, sgresSirlittleltro • •' /Qoll l ioOrilifiarAT.•!;', 1 • RxeltAlLlMt: stficic.i r di CO. idsirtitki*Ptl44- • Cluilluounkilamalanam - . watt uatha"ware.a.re &wry AT 31 TE i tN Ra[4o 2i3. an & nra"., • P 1 ?). 15 ,5ad• 0kr,11314F. ore 0 HENRY W. HORSIACI4 14, - ,, v , ContbritiOder3ki Imdllakery tpt No. ?Apo 81114$1M1 h,I t t; , t`4l , `Zi; PosTi*OCYPAOVAYARID•I7#n" 4101.1.0 4 .03 t , a :TER BALOMtiitahfretc tth MtoLleyzei • 4 : ' ~7; ) 1 41 ailiiiCS nr l ,l r. P/OPAA-2• 11 : 10 eim&11 1 11 - tir , tQw. 3141,40IfeasInd lityest ! .Becoa b Ariatitilikkelgiiiank4 , Jailer #7l ll T w riClp r '7, , , , fi)1 1 31 1 1 I;;CP)P WAIL! • TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS. (4.4 BAND opraittliG: `A•- i . , A tpflr•liDlD I.5OFiniMT-61, -T RA W GOOD S; k. Such as BONNETS, RATS, CORDS and TASSELS, ORNAMENTS, &c. Ribbons, of all descriptions; Az flClal Fioxifersy = Agnnet and Hat Frames; ALSO, a fall Hue of Wliite Goirilsi , Ethbipideries Hosiery . And Gloves; ~1 SHIRTS . HANDKERCHIEFS, " LINEN AND: rArEre Vot,L.tuts, cupps, to . WHOLEIRAL.E AND RETAIL. ROSENBAUM, STEINHART & CO'S PiIILABELPHIA EMPORIUM, No: 18 MARKET STREET. I WHOLFSALE AND. RETA.U. Will find if to their. Advantage to Call at 11 and 19 Market Street, - *HERE THEY WILL FIND A LINE OF GOODS UNSURPASSED! AND AT.THE LOWEST WHET RATE DRESS TRIMMINGS, E FRINGES, GIMPS, ORNAMENTS STRAW HATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS MILLINERY LA GS MILLINERY SILKS, MILLINERY GOODS, EMBROIDERIES and HANDKERCHIEFS; HAMBUBGEDGINGS AND INSERTING'S, LADIES , & GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS ALEXANDRE DUCHESS KID GLOVES HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SUMMER "NOVELTY" SKIRT, ' "NOVELTY" SKIRT, HOOP SKlRTS—lateat. shape EMBROIDERED AND PLAIN CORSETS, 1317 4 1 VP...*M2 I IWATS, NECK AND SCARPS, . SHAKER HOODS, SUNDOWN% And Everything in Notions. CALL EXAMINE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO mytl:mwie PERFECT FITTING . . /LED GLOVES. • - .• "A. C. C."---"H. kg.. K." We invite attention to our Km GLOVE DEPARTMENT, Which is now complete with every color and shade. In addition to our own special importation of the Celebrated A. C. C. (dentin) KIDS, We have secured the exclusive sale of the "Harris Seamless .Itlds t " ,The best Glove and most perfect tit; BUM= at. CIMIUMELE, spit ' 191117.H STREET. MACHUM bay CAItLISLE, 19 Filth Street, • . . New offer the most elegant line of. EUMMURGS Ever:opened In Pittsburgh, to which they especially Jura° the attention of their customers. The de signs are nearly all new andorliginaand about 'ONE-FIPTH LEM THAN REGULAR' PRICES. MACHU!'" & CARLISLE, - 19 FIFTH STREET, Nave Just opened all shades of BULLION AND RISTORI PRINGES. . BUGLE GIMPS. AE.UrIrIUNGES, At yery low prices. - . TOBACCO AND CIGAR& JULIAN; ALLOW, DZALEII3S4I.I. KENDS Or • LEAF Toncco AND soups; No. 8 BECTESTRECT; (National 'Bank of Com. men° Building' •' ' iTrreßerxiciti, PA. Erroch or 17A Water apil:o77. • ;•• • ; DANIEL F. DINAN. EXCELSIOIt WORKS. _ n. v. ricnkrsox. Manufacturers and Dealersln -Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipea c tic., NA a airmzum. ST.. Azdarelpr i trvi , Maas _ DgmutsAvnices ; BANli i No. '65 i"O4itiz 'Stioet: c3x4 RTElrtmxib IN, 3.855. Asszors Open da SATURDAYi}sIock Leis° an WEDNEB - and ,, FiNINIati, 'front May F 1 to November Ist, frouittO tto'elobit, and from No vember lst to May Ist; front 0 to elolotk Deposits received of all' sena Onto les t t h a n ONE 'DOLLAR,and,ss fdlvidend , Of the profits declared Melee al ye er. , io Juno Ansil • Decembee.-;lnten3st has been declared seint-a ng 7l , l? iti June and, December since the Dank wail 0 dd, ht' the rate of six per octd. A year.,”.- ; ... l 1 , : f: Z . 1. •." interest, If v lloi - drAwßOUttAff. acfa to the, credit thei otthe depositor as prpal and bears the same in terest from the LW ilaser canna and December, cam- Fogillogaolosa yearwithobt` troubling : the elopes to money esen la present, th an e ;took. At Is rat wilt 4Ouble in lestwelve years. Docks containing .thoOltartat,./tPrmoui Bole. and .latiansidnrManad Pane, en aPPUration at the -:••• ' .. i'trstiDxXV.;.OEORGE; A.l.l3itEE. - ' • • . 9. •.. .Inkatikrsts: ;,• -;' ; • . I it tatti . ,....:wire4dr, ,I . , kt i ti l at c , l4 . a L 3 ' P " . . ;Jainee ...e sari; ;• • • • John; 11."Shoe.....urimr 0; ' diunef39,447,-, , I; •• ; 11./ausell Shldle, r• , IT it Jalngsli..u. esidit v • ; ; Aleaantleggcr, 'Dome a. 'Ped Oem ‘' • • Vbristian'y er. -0 • ; Ji , • .., 0' t•ttanurar ,;,••• : ;;,..; :, ... .. • : gillrliarr. 4-4 , , , ,- , .ißatv:F. l rme.__ , ,,, 1. !Jo 110/ 11 Mit, "I.' , c I ;Peter A: ade.a, IrrAtielgi ; r -;- . .:. John Marlhail. , i l itarrliVe. . , .., , W e s ter 1 1 .2darshalt; . -• g u a 'A, varrier; .• • • • . Johall.'Maradden, ; •.- i , lA. Colton, tf; 1 ' Deut4Phfillge• •• ,;I • hilF l 4ll4 k: t • i i', •l••.. t He • ghspralt, '.. Ins .. ples Id . Wtd. ._ sB chmerts,, .- • l' WiIROIM' oils ;`).' l ' . Alexander Ttlittle,-;•,' r-, Peter 11. Hunker, ;;Ito ; ; ••. WlllhtuoVan , Alrls, . ,• 4Wit a e Y.A ‘ rimp „ ..i. - 'all! '4W VOL Ni ..t..oitiCarr ____ , AkkllltD. 4., IILUIDB, - ; , 1 , ~;.t itihtz. . ,, ' ;." '...(l4llPat"'lNtagirglitif4ll,449l4,` ti tt itri f it 03 ,t) , iir,:a ever lailituomitutihyli'll ,c:41 1 1011ti W 6.!trv.11 414111011111/101.4241011100)1.17 %=(',....—0t 1. 4 0 - 51Z.:41F/1," 11 ~ • =1, . 111 1.1'4 ':e) ! iv , ;:r , , NEW"! Jilt- MEM Crapes, liluskins; Silks and Saitins; Velvets and Laces; Parasols, Sun Umbrellas. 7 • French , Woven Corset.s, BUYERS IN EXTENT' AND VARIETY, 70,10/,780 19 CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. &C. CHINA MATTING _l7' 1 .0 i mrhite, • t SM.Peu NIE MATTINGS, '(v -1.17€07L ALL - WOOL INGMIIOI IN BRIGHTEST COLORS Prices the Lotvest in this Market. NeCALLUX BROS., 114. 17TH STREET. aboli Wood ap7t IEO3 @MII STOCKIB6B • c,,Ait - 13kiErrs; JUST OPENINGI, *.' LARGE ASSORTMENT, . - aufliutlities LOWEST PHICES IN THE CITY SPECIAL nfmrezit, r tiat t c. ) niclyn WHO inn . . BOVARD, - ROSE CO., 21 Fifth Street, tahlo:d&wF OVER BATES & &ELL'S. 71. McFARLAND & COLLINS ARE NOW OPENINGV TEEM NEW SPRING STOCK, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN GOODS, MlthiAl= LAST IQliTiCitill 'CASH. IN MANY INSTANCES AT Actual Cost to Manufacture. nese same cos Goods could. not nowbe re_placed for, be t and are offered FOR CASH at 1 I:011841E' AND RETAIL, Far Below Their Present Value ' AT TEE PLACE WHERE BARGAINS CAN AL • W.AYS BE IN T D HS HA ON M THE-B ESTARRTT STOCK Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street, ' SECOND FLOOR.felOaswr&T J. & IL PHILLIPS. 1868 . SPRIN61- GOODS.IB 6B • We are now receiving from our own and other manufactories a NEW STOCK of FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, CARRIAGE, PWINITURE, TABLE AND • WINDOW BRAN OIL -Gums, 'OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. • Also, a Lill line of, Transparent Mandan Shades, Holland., Shade Fixtures, - . - Teasels; Cords, *e., `WOLESALE AND RETAIL BUYERS will And BE tritmadiSAED LOWElS3,:flt?(iTuCia ty tl and styles second to none. • _J & PHILLIPB,I‘ ~ .apaniss• . ,•sis AND 5$ ST. CLAIR ST.T apll STWII . . , . CARPET BEATING t. ESTABLISHMENT.-- Whiali , TELll YEARS' TRIAL In New York'and er Eastern cities has a complete success. .. • ITS APV - .4 , IITAGES:( . - ede Iste. , -Pading, and 'Shrinkage are completely avoid . _ Std.-NU ripping awl, necessary. . 3d—Whenneed Mem dust, moths or their la rvae, the Carpet looks nearly se good as new, save the, natural Lading from wear. • 4th—When perfectly. clean, a easpet will wear as. long again, a desirable matter ass mere point of economy, to shy nothing otlooks. ALL ORDERS. LEFT AT THE . 07710 E NC).- 179' Liberty Street''' . Or addressed to P. o.Ro* 473, wilt receive prompt attention. s • • - • - Ogoili - 11/COLINTInc 1- ;.•-- • .:; ‘• . VASS'S STREET GATOIV 41141571..:: . : WASHINGTON t, • IferPttiabuigliGnilaNterstor -Ntheltecui6o-14400HN it yi VIIOAVAD WEGlN..orOtirt_leisykred either ca dr Sail Iv ) 1 4 1 4‘ Et ,:.•:,.."::. -,, y,1941...„ , der, : . , c' , .,i - t -1 4031113 , /b6l)e ; 'Maar MlLlMll lVAttai * Olifittlibeuestret , ,k ricr ii. ~ 4 7 Trt #ll4.tnC t 114 !:jp,.},lt wuz r ' Pitt& sum A ti P i tii lir f .P; rt. pow e, 144..1 .. i"P t,...- ,- T P.:11 I:: 0 .47:11 4 'eeit" , • i:c•T waro And' Check 152 AND "VSTABLIIIIIED IN 1840. SHOPHARD'S, Steam Cracket and Bincalt Factory, 817 LIBILB , TIITIBEIT•IITTIB*111. Manufacturer and dealer-in an rids of cobrziOcitioirmuar, tomex 4,14 x. ,Doarseno yam. NUTS. &o. GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JOHX M COOXXL, .1408.'XIATIL ' .111LIRT BIXR. SOHN M. 1 6 49PER & kik! 13RASS i'otrzrinztu3 GAS; STEAM:.- FITA.RS, AlvliVb .1147 'ielieriptt 24 tie ere zatl.•Tl3 AND TUBINGiv - orallkinds: , z . - tamer' PITTSBUEt ET. ~ ‘l' my15:273 - • •;•-•;; ; 1(11 H. J , LALN ; lioB. 185 *(1117 'lldrd Fitree, DYER 'AND: S OUBEE4 KID GLOVES: AND LAD a ED AD DYED • '• • 111.1fUltar 4 itiL l ? CLu B. sima 3 nruff...ciApis, successon to :11r...afruill :LW • • - • .L.1.11:1 I Fir Tar • I ,s: °&.* t . 4;4 ° 4 /11* • • ; Anicrell •iFfr C , V 0 I I' " I • HATS AND CAPS. RTRAW Gifif!f"DlS! . 01 .; • , "..'; A • • .a.viv CAPS, I j r BEAT VARIETY, 0, E;l_, t G W, .AT 11 SSE MAR; & my 7 131 WOOD STREET. r- ITTSBIJRGR-STILILW WORKS. ...,;'.; 4, !:mAtedciifiAdel kept ' Mildf,;:t6 ;Order In the /a.,ig eg i,P4 ';"- ' 'l'' E i a 'l3 ''. ND Ts ........, - ". - • r Alsg , ALTzwate.. BEIWRIAG, • FINISBING and 'DYEING done' rkrolyt — 'BEAVERS and FELTS finished ill tllelatest styles.. DEALERS and ,Aiii.LIN . MBATAng, j,N 4 4.I,9KRETaktIY: No ex leitrajniVWVreitsl.a.; ....., gn EAI37- Your patronairets respectfully solicited. 1. 11 r0, 3 / 1 WOurt.n.atreetiv*ear Market. TSBUBeIt.. l' DEALZII,IIC. F . ' - A . ...1.. . -. ....i k -. r . ' 3 X-za- - -Le" i IV AND PIJItS, . : Also____Mani.l4,t 1 1 Oaf tlialY Ana Itatall Dealer !n TRur , m.L, 1 I ike., No. In WITH FIELD EiTil,F,DlVPlttaborgbf D.*, ... , , 1 Orderaprotarlyttnetitersatlethemon guaranteed. r -21 ;44/MWic44AIREs• PARTNEIMBIEP):NOTICE. tTHE rAitrirEnsulp itEßETo fore °slitting 4etweett the •underal et!, under name of ! ' SCHOMAKER & LA C,- , Was dasolved •Consent.,_ on . Ist, or the retirement o VILLPI3I 13CHOMMIER, who has sold his nit:credit In the firm to the remalnlng partners, who wfilleentlnue the bustnesd at the same place, the name of • I WA*: T; 'LAN . GO, CO. , • t. . • 'WM. 80110 MAKER, WM. F. LANG, JOHN; WATT.- Having sold my *Wrest in the firm' of SCHOMA— KER do LANG toi"my• late associates -11 cheerfully solicit forthere a. Continuance of the 'patronage of my old friends aneNthe pnblic_genera UMO llyr I WM. S WATT ANG & WHOLESALE DEALERS LN Groceries, Flom, Grnin, Prorislons„ _ • Cheese, Fish. Carbon WI, belt, ,4e. 172 /4174'W00d Streit; myß:p73 , s1)ISSOLIPIIION.--TRE FIRM OF , ATWELL, LEE & CO. vas dlssoired on the , tof 'February, 1868, by mistual consent: Either i partner may sign the name of the firm In settlement. , .JOHN ATWELL. 5 ,;• CHARLES ATWELL. 4 A. J. LEE. I , i The undersign°will continue the. WHOLESALE. i GROCERY BUSItESS, under the name arid style of ATWELL & LEE:: at the old place, No. 131 Second I street. A continuance of the patronage of their - 'friends and the pupils is reepectn i uyy solicited. I q;HARLES ATWELL. i A..J. LEE. I mh7:m63 MERCHANT TAILORS. A.,E4 1 P. Picminim , mzealp : 3-,Lzr-r p xt 1 ' I No. 9335 dipTIidInLDdTREST, PITTSBURGH, Keeps Conslantlir .. on binds die iisnartment of •-• ; • CLOTI(S, CAISI!AERES & VESTINGS Also. GENT'S EXTENIBEING GOODS. GENT'S CLOTHING MADE TO OBDEA. the latest style. HENRY DIPTEII., nnacOnwr TATLOII, No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Constantly on bait], a full assortment of CLOTHS, CASSLAIERES, VESTpiGI3, &b. ap3hoB6 DUFF & CO., Itleffhant Talton, No: 34 Federal St, Allegheny,' 13ave just received f a large Ind well selected stock of FINE eirxtriva. GOODS, ~ Suitable for a first Oasis custom trade. Also. a large stock of GENT'S lIRNISHING GOODS.' apls CRACKER BAKERIES IVIARVDP/MATENfr • , FRENCH CRACKERS. FRENCH CRACEERS.. • FRENCH CRACKERS. FREiCH CRACKERS. FRENCH CRACKERS. FREiSCH CRACKER& •.; , , And every variety of • SUPERIOR CAA , C.TKERS. 91 Liberty 9124191, 1411103 4 1 111 1 . TRY THEM. i imh2.ll DYERS • 9 Si: Innwooozia myl4 OR M3M, PLI7MES OLEA.N- t West Heads. Indite street. r. I•tt r
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